1 00:00:05,256 --> 00:00:07,966 SouthParkNews.net La Fabrique 2 00:00:42,083 --> 00:00:44,294 {\pub}Saigon is a hell of a place. 3 00:00:45,920 --> 00:00:48,673 I've seen a lot of death, a lot of suffering. 4 00:00:49,424 --> 00:00:51,676 Darkness that most people couldn't stand to see. 5 00:00:53,553 --> 00:00:55,472 I tried to sit it out as much as I could. 6 00:00:55,597 --> 00:00:58,140 What's the matter, Conner? Don't like a little blood? 7 00:00:59,350 --> 00:01:00,769 I don't like a little blood. 8 00:01:01,269 --> 00:01:03,855 Blood ain't the stuff for 18-year-old boys from Sheboygan. 9 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:06,566 Blood ain't the stuff for Mitch Conner. 10 00:01:07,735 --> 00:01:08,693 Incoming! 11 00:01:12,614 --> 00:01:15,241 Conner, Mitchell. You're discharged{\*, son}. 12 00:01:17,660 --> 00:01:20,455 And that's that. Pack your bags, you're headed home. 13 00:01:20,580 --> 00:01:22,248 Hugs and kisses from Uncle Sam. 14 00:01:23,750 --> 00:01:25,085 So how do I end up here, 15 00:01:25,210 --> 00:01:27,754 with a 9-year-old kid who {\*just }wants to know who his father is? 16 00:01:28,129 --> 00:01:29,381 Life is funny{\* like that}. 17 00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:31,716 One day you're sifting through the guts of some gook{\* in Vietnam} 18 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:34,636 and the next you're playing Dr. Phil with some kid and his teacher. 19 00:01:37,472 --> 00:01:39,933 I'm really sorry that you were put through all this. 20 00:01:40,101 --> 00:01:42,477 Sorry is a four letter-word with a Y on the end. 21 00:01:42,602 --> 00:01:44,646 That doesn't mean anything to this poor kid. 22 00:01:44,771 --> 00:01:47,523 That's right. Tell me the truth, now! 23 00:01:48,274 --> 00:01:51,820 All I can tell you{\*, Eric,} is {\*that }we were {\*all }told to stick to the story, 24 00:01:51,945 --> 00:01:54,030 to protect someone very important. 25 00:01:54,322 --> 00:01:55,990 I can't say more. I won't! 26 00:01:56,574 --> 00:01:57,575 But... 27 00:01:57,951 --> 00:01:59,869 I'll tell you who has the answer. 28 00:02:01,663 --> 00:02:02,872 Look, gingers. 29 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:05,416 You said you wanted Muhammad. We got him for you. 30 00:02:05,750 --> 00:02:09,462 {\*We have no way of knowing if Muhammad is}We can't know if he's really in there. It could be a trick! 31 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:12,590 {\*It's no trick, dude! My friend and I}We went to the Super Best Friends and brought him here. 32 00:02:12,715 --> 00:02:16,302 {\*Then }Have him step out of the {\*bear }costume! You have until the count of ten. 33 00:02:17,929 --> 00:02:19,055 Don't do it{\*, Randy}. 34 00:02:19,180 --> 00:02:21,182 If Muhammad is seen, we could get bombed! 35 00:02:21,350 --> 00:02:24,310 Idiot! If he isn't seen, we're about to definitely get bombed! 36 00:02:25,562 --> 00:02:28,148 All right, stop! We'll do what you say. 37 00:02:28,982 --> 00:02:30,191 I'm sorry{\*, Muhammad}. 38 00:02:30,775 --> 00:02:33,069 Will you please step out of the bear costume? 39 00:02:46,082 --> 00:02:47,834 So, see? Muhammad. 40 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:51,087 That isn't Muhammad, that's Santa Claus. 41 00:02:51,462 --> 00:02:54,507 - Sorry{\*, boys}, I tried. - Crap. 42 00:02:54,632 --> 00:02:56,718 {\*Boys, }You got Santa to be Muhammad? When? 43 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:59,470 When you {\*all }said you were gonna hand Muhammad over to Tom Cruise. 44 00:02:59,888 --> 00:03:02,974 We promised Jesus that Muhammad would stay safely in the U-Haul! 45 00:03:03,391 --> 00:03:04,642 I'm sorry{\*, Kyle}. 46 00:03:04,767 --> 00:03:07,353 I really thought my idea would work for you. 47 00:03:07,604 --> 00:03:09,814 If we were gonna have someone in a bear costume, 48 00:03:09,939 --> 00:03:12,734 why would we actually have it be Muhammad, you fucking idiot? 49 00:03:12,984 --> 00:03:14,485 So where is he? 50 00:03:18,698 --> 00:03:22,118 Meanwhile, at the hall of the Super Best Friends... 51 00:03:25,038 --> 00:03:28,583 Will you lay off that stuff already? It's getting to be a problem. 52 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:31,669 And you're one to talk. With all your Internet porn. 53 00:03:31,794 --> 00:03:33,755 Watching porn isn't like doing coke, fag! 54 00:03:33,880 --> 00:03:34,881 Jesus Christ! 55 00:03:35,006 --> 00:03:37,467 - What? - We've got a distress signal coming in. 56 00:03:38,384 --> 00:03:39,844 On the Super Best Screen! 57 00:03:41,221 --> 00:03:43,598 Super Best Friends, you've got to help us! 58 00:03:43,973 --> 00:03:45,558 The Casa Bonita is under attack! 59 00:03:51,064 --> 00:03:53,400 Great Scott! It's Barbra Streisand! 60 00:03:56,820 --> 00:04:00,198 I thought Barbra Streisand had been destroyed by Robert Smith. 61 00:04:01,157 --> 00:04:04,202 - Who would have activated her again? - I don't know, Semen. 62 00:04:06,537 --> 00:04:07,872 It's Seaman! 63 00:04:10,959 --> 00:04:12,543 The Casa Bonita is gone! 64 00:04:12,835 --> 00:04:14,421 Jesus, help us! 65 00:04:15,505 --> 00:04:17,340 That's where those boys took Muhammad. 66 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:18,967 We have to stop her! 67 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:22,053 On the Super Best Friends power cycles! 68 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:44,659 There, there, my little mouse friend. 69 00:04:44,784 --> 00:04:47,620 Soon you will have more asses than you ever dreamed of. 70 00:04:50,456 --> 00:04:53,084 You brought me my Fonseca. That's a good boy. 71 00:04:55,628 --> 00:04:56,629 What's this? 72 00:04:56,963 --> 00:04:58,423 Someone is at the door{\*, Kevin}. 73 00:04:59,257 --> 00:05:00,925 We've tried to be left alone{\*, Kevin}. 74 00:05:01,259 --> 00:05:04,304 Who would disturb us at this hour? We must be careful. 75 00:05:04,846 --> 00:05:07,056 Why, it's an African American man{\*, Kevin}. 76 00:05:07,390 --> 00:05:08,725 Yes? What do you want? 77 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:12,645 Sorry to bother ya, but there's been an accident down the street{\*, man}! 78 00:05:12,770 --> 00:05:14,021 Can I use your {\*tele}phone? 79 00:05:14,564 --> 00:05:17,525 I'm terribly sorry, but I don't let strangers in. 80 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:20,612 I understand, {\*man, }but this is real bad. 81 00:05:20,737 --> 00:05:22,655 My lady's legs is all busted up and shit. 82 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:25,700 She's all crawling around on the road lookin' like a crippled crab{\*, man}. 83 00:05:25,825 --> 00:05:27,535 I just need an ambulance{\*, dawg}. 84 00:05:27,827 --> 00:05:31,372 There's a gas station {\*about half a mile }down the road. They have a phone there. 85 00:05:32,373 --> 00:05:34,500 I see. I guess I understand. 86 00:05:34,625 --> 00:05:36,503 You {\*just }don't want {\*to let }a black man in your house. 87 00:05:36,878 --> 00:05:38,254 {\*No, }Please, it isn't that at all! 88 00:05:38,629 --> 00:05:41,090 I gets it{\*, man}. Thought things had changed though. 89 00:05:41,424 --> 00:05:44,010 Thought {\*when we got}with a black president, things would be different. 90 00:05:44,135 --> 00:05:47,805 We gots a black president, but whitey still don't trust me use his {\*motherfucking }phone. 91 00:05:48,514 --> 00:05:51,601 {\*Wait, I'm }Sorry, you're right. We do have a black president. 92 00:05:51,726 --> 00:05:52,769 Please, come in. 93 00:05:58,024 --> 00:05:59,025 Nice work{\*, Conner}. 94 00:05:59,650 --> 00:06:01,527 The old "hasn't anything changed" speech. 95 00:06:02,028 --> 00:06:03,613 Works on white people all the time. 96 00:06:05,406 --> 00:06:06,991 Surprised to see me, asshole? 97 00:06:07,367 --> 00:06:08,534 Close the door. 98 00:06:09,827 --> 00:06:10,953 Holy crap! 99 00:06:14,832 --> 00:06:16,042 Cheery ho! 100 00:06:16,709 --> 00:06:18,086 My name is Pip. 101 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:21,964 I would like to see if you wouldn't mind not smashing our little town to bits. 102 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:29,264 Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom, 103 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:31,057 which is Tom Cruise's house... 104 00:06:31,225 --> 00:06:34,477 How do you like that? Celebrities can get violent too! 105 00:06:35,478 --> 00:06:37,313 Please call Barbra Streisand off! 106 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:39,356 She's destroying everything! 107 00:06:39,607 --> 00:06:41,859 We will call her off when you give us Muhammad. 108 00:06:42,151 --> 00:06:44,904 We don't have Muhammad. We aren't sure where he is. 109 00:06:45,072 --> 00:06:46,406 That's your problem! 110 00:06:46,531 --> 00:06:49,241 Get him back or Babs will kill you all! 111 00:06:49,659 --> 00:06:50,660 Oh boy! 112 00:06:55,289 --> 00:06:57,792 {\*Kenny, dude, }What the hell? You should be watching Muhammad! 113 00:06:58,126 --> 00:06:59,961 I am! He's right here. 114 00:07:03,923 --> 00:07:05,508 Thank God. Hey, Muhammad. 115 00:07:05,633 --> 00:07:07,260 Really sorry about all this{\*, dude}. 116 00:07:07,844 --> 00:07:10,555 So what the heck are we gonna do{\* now}? Muhammad isn't safe here. 117 00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:13,724 The gingers and celebrities {\*all }want {\*a piece of }him. I don't know where we can go. 118 00:07:14,225 --> 00:07:16,019 Wait. Wait a minute. 119 00:07:16,144 --> 00:07:18,187 - I've got it. I've totally got it! - What? 120 00:07:18,312 --> 00:07:20,773 Remember the time we got an elephant to make love to a pig? 121 00:07:22,525 --> 00:07:25,403 I {\*totally }know how {\*we can}to give the gingers and the celebrities what they want, 122 00:07:25,528 --> 00:07:27,488 but keep Muhammad safe. Come on! 123 00:07:42,629 --> 00:07:44,880 She's going to get our coffee store next. 124 00:07:46,841 --> 00:07:48,217 Jesus Christ! 125 00:07:55,308 --> 00:07:57,268 That's enough, Barbra Streisand! 126 00:08:05,067 --> 00:08:06,235 Try your ice breath! 127 00:08:13,034 --> 00:08:14,952 - No good! - Look out! 128 00:08:15,077 --> 00:08:17,496 Barbra Streisand's using her toxic stink ray! 129 00:08:24,921 --> 00:08:27,215 Your father never wanted this to happen. 130 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:30,510 - He was protecting you {\*as well as}and them. - Them who? 131 00:08:31,135 --> 00:08:34,013 {\*Eric, }You have to understand, it's all very complicated. 132 00:08:34,181 --> 00:08:35,681 Then start explaining{\* it to me}. 133 00:08:37,475 --> 00:08:38,559 Very well. 134 00:08:38,935 --> 00:08:40,311 Come on,{\* Muhammad.} the door is open. 135 00:08:41,312 --> 00:08:42,813 Dr. Mephisto, we need {\*your help}you! 136 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:46,400 For crying out loud! Now everybody's letting themselves in. 137 00:08:48,486 --> 00:08:51,572 Doctor, this is Muhammad. We want you to clone him. 138 00:08:51,697 --> 00:08:54,700 So we can give his copies to gingers and Barbra Streisand. 139 00:08:56,077 --> 00:08:56,911 All right. 140 00:08:58,663 --> 00:09:01,749 He's not doing anything except explaining who my father is. 141 00:09:01,874 --> 00:09:04,752 - {\*Dude, }That doesn't matter {\*to people }right now. - It's all that matters! 142 00:09:04,877 --> 00:09:07,255 {\*Dude, }Nobody gives a crap about who your stupid father is! 143 00:09:07,380 --> 00:09:10,675 Muhammad is an important issue with actual ethical ramifications! 144 00:09:10,843 --> 00:09:13,761 I guarantee you people care way more about who my father is. 145 00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:18,975 {\pub}In the small mountain town of South Park, 146 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:21,060 the holy prophet of the Mormon religion 147 00:09:21,185 --> 00:09:24,230 is trying to fly up the nose of a deadly female singer. 148 00:09:29,318 --> 00:09:31,112 Our powers aren't working, Swallow! 149 00:09:31,654 --> 00:09:34,115 We can't attack Streisand's nose. It's just too big! 150 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:36,617 We have to find another weak spot. Moses! 151 00:09:37,952 --> 00:09:38,870 What? 152 00:09:38,995 --> 00:09:42,081 We need to know any weakness Barbra Streisand might have. 153 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:46,002 Let me think. 154 00:09:48,629 --> 00:09:49,672 I know. 155 00:09:50,131 --> 00:09:53,759 Barbra Streisand can't resist singing duets with Neil Diamond. 156 00:09:56,470 --> 00:09:57,972 All right, I'll build a stage. 157 00:09:58,097 --> 00:10:00,349 Lao Tsu, use mind control to get a huge audience. 158 00:10:00,474 --> 00:10:02,560 Buddha and Smith use powers to find a band. 159 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:05,479 Semen, you and Swallow go get us sushi for dinner. 160 00:10:07,023 --> 00:10:09,066 It's Seaman and Swallow! 161 00:10:09,234 --> 00:10:11,527 - Okay, {\*Semen, }you guys head off. - Fine! 162 00:10:11,652 --> 00:10:13,112 Swallow, come! 163 00:10:16,574 --> 00:10:18,242 No way he just said that! 164 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:22,287 {\*All right, all right. Look, just}Tell Cartman who his dad is real quick so we can clone Muhammad. 165 00:10:22,872 --> 00:10:25,750 It's a complicated story. I just can't tell him quickly. 166 00:10:25,918 --> 00:10:28,377 Then we'll wait. {\*because }We have to clone Muhammad now. 167 00:10:28,502 --> 00:10:31,172 Is {\*Muhammad}he more important than a little boy's broken heart? 168 00:10:31,631 --> 00:10:33,132 You are not doing that again! 169 00:10:33,257 --> 00:10:36,177 {\*Look, Mephisto, }You tell this kid who his father is and you do it now! 170 00:10:36,302 --> 00:10:38,429 Stop talking with your stupid hand. 171 00:10:38,554 --> 00:10:41,932 - Who you calling stupid, Jew? - Come on{\* you guys}, we are running out of time! 172 00:10:44,644 --> 00:10:45,728 {\*Hey, I'm }Sorry to bother you. 173 00:10:45,853 --> 00:10:47,771 There's been an accident, {\* and}I need a phone! 174 00:10:48,189 --> 00:10:51,025 {\*Yeah, right. }Let me guess. You're an African American. 175 00:10:52,526 --> 00:10:55,279 {\*Well, yes, }I am, but I don't know what that has to do with anything. 176 00:10:55,447 --> 00:10:56,906 Beat it! I'm not helping you! 177 00:10:57,031 --> 00:10:58,365 - Dude! - That's not cool! 178 00:10:58,533 --> 00:11:00,034 {\*No, no, }You don't understand. 179 00:11:00,159 --> 00:11:02,578 We understand you just sounded like a freaking racist! 180 00:11:02,703 --> 00:11:05,289 We don't live in the 60s any more{\*, you know}. We have a black president! 181 00:11:05,457 --> 00:11:07,083 All right{\*, all right}. Jeez! 182 00:11:12,464 --> 00:11:13,673 Crap. The gingers! 183 00:11:13,964 --> 00:11:14,965 Gingers?{\* No!} 184 00:11:15,841 --> 00:11:18,511 Later, at the Legion of Doom... 185 00:11:20,429 --> 00:11:23,391 The gingers are claiming they have Muhammad! 186 00:11:23,516 --> 00:11:25,268 What? Impossible! 187 00:11:25,393 --> 00:11:27,478 They are sending a message now! 188 00:11:27,603 --> 00:11:28,437 On screen! 189 00:11:32,233 --> 00:11:33,401 We got Muhammad! 190 00:11:33,526 --> 00:11:34,776 We got Muhammad! 191 00:11:35,152 --> 00:11:36,612 He's useless to you! 192 00:11:36,737 --> 00:11:39,574 You can't get Muhammad's power to not be made fun of, 193 00:11:39,699 --> 00:11:42,702 without the Rob Reiner goo transfer machine! 194 00:11:43,369 --> 00:11:44,870 Why do you think we're calling? 195 00:11:44,995 --> 00:11:47,039 Our boss is willing to share Muhammad with you, 196 00:11:47,164 --> 00:11:49,625 if you're willing to share the goo machine with us. 197 00:11:51,043 --> 00:11:52,253 Your boss? 198 00:11:53,421 --> 00:11:54,547 What's going on? 199 00:11:54,672 --> 00:11:57,049 You got what you wanted,{\* gingers,} so let us go! 200 00:11:58,217 --> 00:12:00,261 The head ginger has plans for you. 201 00:12:00,429 --> 00:12:02,263 What head ginger? And where is Cartman? 202 00:12:03,013 --> 00:12:06,267 The head ginger has something really special planned for him. 203 00:12:10,104 --> 00:12:11,522 What {\*the hell }is this? Where am I? 204 00:12:11,647 --> 00:12:13,441 You really got yourself in a mess{\* this time, kid}. 205 00:12:13,566 --> 00:12:15,943 Shut up{\*, Conner}. How about I shove this flashlight in your mouth. 206 00:12:16,068 --> 00:12:17,069 You... 207 00:12:20,030 --> 00:12:21,699 I'm here, whoever you are. 208 00:12:26,203 --> 00:12:28,247 I've waited a long time for this. 209 00:12:29,165 --> 00:12:30,166 Daddy? 210 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:32,710 Guess again. 211 00:12:39,633 --> 00:12:42,595 Welcome to my Chili Con Carnival! 212 00:12:44,013 --> 00:12:45,431 Chili Con Carnival? 213 00:12:46,182 --> 00:12:47,183 Wait a minute. 214 00:12:47,767 --> 00:12:48,893 It can't be. 215 00:12:49,310 --> 00:12:50,436 But it can! 216 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:53,856 Revenge is a dish best served... 217 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:55,858 chili! 218 00:12:56,859 --> 00:12:58,110 Scott Tenorman? 219 00:13:01,572 --> 00:13:03,699 Meanwhile, at the concert stage 220 00:13:03,867 --> 00:13:06,202 Jesus built with his power of super carpentry... 221 00:13:07,328 --> 00:13:08,579 That's it{\*, Jesus}! 222 00:13:08,704 --> 00:13:11,540 The band has been paid and the PA system is working. 223 00:13:11,832 --> 00:13:14,293 All right, Krishna, the rest is up to you. 224 00:13:15,252 --> 00:13:17,087 Form of... Neil Diamond! 225 00:13:22,176 --> 00:13:23,803 If you all wouldn't mind, 226 00:13:24,345 --> 00:13:27,389 I'd like to invite a special friend to join me on stage. 227 00:13:28,057 --> 00:13:30,351 Miss Barbra Streisand! 228 00:13:36,775 --> 00:13:38,734 Let's hope to Christ this works. 229 00:13:43,280 --> 00:13:45,282 Hello, gorgeous. What do you say? 230 00:13:45,407 --> 00:13:47,785 Shall we sing together again like the ol' times? 231 00:13:59,421 --> 00:14:02,174 Well, that's because I loved you girl 232 00:14:02,591 --> 00:14:04,051 And I still love you now 233 00:14:04,176 --> 00:14:06,220 What have you got to say? 234 00:14:10,015 --> 00:14:11,809 That might be true 235 00:14:12,560 --> 00:14:15,020 But I still miss you at night 236 00:14:19,525 --> 00:14:23,279 When you roll over by my side 237 00:14:23,737 --> 00:14:26,866 And you kiss me goodnight 238 00:14:30,077 --> 00:14:31,078 It worked{\*, Jesus}! 239 00:14:31,662 --> 00:14:34,372 {\*and }Now to find Muhammad and take down Tom Cruise! 240 00:14:35,499 --> 00:14:37,710 Do you remember when you had my parents killed 241 00:14:37,835 --> 00:14:39,378 and fed them to me as chili? 242 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:41,630 I spent {\*quite }a while in a mental institution. 243 00:14:42,965 --> 00:14:44,926 A lot of time for me to learn everything 244 00:14:45,259 --> 00:14:46,343 about you. 245 00:14:46,719 --> 00:14:48,721 So that one day, I could take you down. 246 00:14:49,471 --> 00:14:51,724 I even learned the name of your father. 247 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:55,477 I know you're confused, who wouldn't be? 248 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:57,646 You've been lied to everyone. 249 00:14:58,190 --> 00:15:00,065 Even by your own mother. 250 00:15:02,192 --> 00:15:03,360 What do you know? 251 00:15:03,944 --> 00:15:06,864 I wanted to torment you with your father's identity. 252 00:15:07,573 --> 00:15:11,535 But what I found was more shocking than I could have possibly guessed! 253 00:15:12,828 --> 00:15:15,873 Meanwhile, at the gingers' lair... 254 00:15:16,498 --> 00:15:18,167 All right, Muhammad is secure. 255 00:15:18,500 --> 00:15:19,710 Let's do this. 256 00:15:20,252 --> 00:15:21,754 Throw the switch.{\*, Rob!} 257 00:15:32,139 --> 00:15:33,265 I can feel it! 258 00:15:33,682 --> 00:15:36,476 I can feel the power to not be ridiculed flowing through my veins! 259 00:15:47,488 --> 00:15:49,073 OMG! It worked! 260 00:15:50,866 --> 00:15:52,493 I've done it! 261 00:15:52,910 --> 00:15:55,663 Look at me. I'm not okay to make fun of anymore! 262 00:15:56,121 --> 00:15:57,498 You lucky fucker! 263 00:16:01,627 --> 00:16:02,878 {\pub}Welcome, everyone, 264 00:16:03,003 --> 00:16:06,173 to the final act of my fabulous Chili Carnival! 265 00:16:06,590 --> 00:16:08,676 Please! Leave my boy alone! 266 00:16:08,801 --> 00:16:11,136 - Mom? - I got them all here for you{\*, Eric}, 267 00:16:11,261 --> 00:16:13,930 to listen while you got told the truth! 268 00:16:14,264 --> 00:16:16,517 Please, don't! We have to protect 'em. 269 00:16:16,767 --> 00:16:19,478 - Protect who? - Yes, protect who? 270 00:16:19,770 --> 00:16:20,854 Tell him. 271 00:16:21,146 --> 00:16:23,357 Mister... Jimbo! 272 00:16:24,775 --> 00:16:25,776 Protect... 273 00:16:26,276 --> 00:16:27,862 the Denver Broncos. 274 00:16:29,613 --> 00:16:30,948 Meanwhile... 275 00:16:31,073 --> 00:16:33,075 This is incredible! Who wants to go next? 276 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:35,536 - I want to be next! - No gingers go next! 277 00:16:35,704 --> 00:16:37,705 Gingers can suck it. I'm next. 278 00:16:37,955 --> 00:16:39,748 It's my goo machine. I'm next. 279 00:16:39,873 --> 00:16:41,375 Nobody is going next! 280 00:16:42,710 --> 00:16:45,796 Muhammad is our super best friend. Let him go! 281 00:16:45,964 --> 00:16:47,715 They can't stop all of us! Get 'em! 282 00:16:54,972 --> 00:16:56,557 The Denver Broncos. 283 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:58,309 There was a right tackle,{\* see,} 284 00:16:58,434 --> 00:17:01,103 who had an illegitimate child with your slut of a mom! 285 00:17:01,228 --> 00:17:03,105 And everyone here covered it up, 286 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:04,857 to protect the Bronco name! 287 00:17:05,107 --> 00:17:08,027 They were having a really good year. There couldn't be any distractions. 288 00:17:08,694 --> 00:17:11,864 - My dad was a Denver Bronco? - Would you like to meet him? 289 00:17:12,698 --> 00:17:14,241 You can't. Ever. 290 00:17:14,575 --> 00:17:15,784 'cause you see,{\* Eric,} 291 00:17:16,035 --> 00:17:17,703 we have something in common. 292 00:17:17,828 --> 00:17:19,872 Did I ever tell you that my father... 293 00:17:20,414 --> 00:17:22,249 played for the Denver Broncos? 294 00:17:25,879 --> 00:17:27,922 The only Bronco who lived in South Park. 295 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:31,592 He got a little bored{\* one week} and had an affair with a slut named Liane Cartman. 296 00:17:31,967 --> 00:17:32,885 No, please! 297 00:17:33,010 --> 00:17:33,928 Tell him! 298 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:37,514 You almost did before but you got shot by your brother who was a Bronco fan.{\* tell him!} 299 00:17:38,015 --> 00:17:39,058 It's true. 300 00:17:39,933 --> 00:17:41,685 Jack Tenorman was your father. 301 00:17:42,394 --> 00:17:44,605 You killed your own father 302 00:17:44,730 --> 00:17:48,150 and then you fed him to your half brother! 303 00:17:53,405 --> 00:17:55,115 Now, eat your chili! 304 00:17:59,329 --> 00:18:00,788 The Super Best Friends? 305 00:18:04,291 --> 00:18:06,043 I'll get you, Tom Cruise! 306 00:18:09,588 --> 00:18:11,423 Look! Tom Cruise has Seaman on his back. 307 00:18:13,967 --> 00:18:15,469 What did you say? 308 00:18:16,804 --> 00:18:18,722 Tom Cruise does have Seaman on his back. 309 00:18:20,307 --> 00:18:22,101 I guess maybe Tom Cruise likes Seaman. 310 00:18:25,187 --> 00:18:27,106 You're not supposed {\*to be able }to make fun of me anymore! 311 00:18:27,231 --> 00:18:28,231 What's{\*the hell is} going on? 312 00:18:28,399 --> 00:18:30,317 I'll be back, Super Best Friends! 313 00:18:32,945 --> 00:18:34,655 Who's the creepy ginger kid? 314 00:18:35,364 --> 00:18:38,242 {\*Reiner! }You said the goo machine would work, but I got made fun of! 315 00:18:38,534 --> 00:18:40,952 That's because there is no goo{\*, Mr Cruise}! 316 00:18:42,371 --> 00:18:44,665 You see, I learned something today. 317 00:19:01,932 --> 00:19:04,434 That's right. Don't you see, gingers. 318 00:19:10,774 --> 00:19:12,151 That's right, friends. 319 00:19:28,375 --> 00:19:31,795 All right{\*, people}. Let's start rebuilding our town, 320 00:19:32,212 --> 00:19:34,047 for the 39th time. 321 00:19:36,008 --> 00:19:37,009 Dude, look. 322 00:19:46,185 --> 00:19:49,229 {\*Look, man. }We know what you learned would pretty tough to hear. 323 00:19:50,731 --> 00:19:51,982 Tough to hear? 324 00:19:52,399 --> 00:19:54,484 My dad was Scott Tenorman's dad! 325 00:19:54,902 --> 00:19:57,070 Don't you guys realize what that means? 326 00:19:57,529 --> 00:19:59,281 Yeah,{\* dude,} we know what it means. 327 00:20:00,240 --> 00:20:02,117 My dad was a ginger! 328 00:20:04,411 --> 00:20:05,495 Wait! What? 329 00:20:05,913 --> 00:20:08,373 I mean, obviously I take after my mom, 330 00:20:08,498 --> 00:20:10,959 but I have the ginger gene inside of me! 331 00:20:11,877 --> 00:20:14,754 {\*Dude, }You killed your own dad and you're worried about that? 332 00:20:18,592 --> 00:20:19,593 What? 333 00:20:19,718 --> 00:20:22,763 - Come on, cheer up. - Cheer up? I'm half ginger! 334 00:20:23,722 --> 00:20:26,934 {\*Yeah, }But you're forgetting. You're also half Denver Bronco. 335 00:20:27,309 --> 00:20:29,144 That makes you pretty cool. 336 00:20:30,896 --> 00:20:32,064 You're right. 337 00:20:32,481 --> 00:20:34,274 That does make me pretty cool. 338 00:20:34,524 --> 00:20:35,984 You gotta be kidding me! 339 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:38,111 Shut up{\*, Kyle}. You dumb Jew. 340 00:20:38,612 --> 00:20:41,573 You've got Bronco blood in you{\*, kid}. That makes you awesome. 341 00:20:41,823 --> 00:20:43,575 Me? I should be moving on. 342 00:20:43,743 --> 00:20:45,327 Really,{\* Mitch,} you gotta go? 343 00:20:45,452 --> 00:20:48,497 There's a bounty on my head. {\*and }I can't {\*afford to }stay in one place for too long. 344 00:20:48,956 --> 00:20:50,082 So long, 345 00:20:50,207 --> 00:20:51,458 Denver Bronco. 346 00:20:52,459 --> 00:20:53,669 Take it easy{\*, Conner}. 347 00:21:00,384 --> 00:21:01,593 Look,{\* Mr Cruise,} 348 00:21:02,052 --> 00:21:05,681 I'm sorry I said you were a fudge packer and that you had Seaman on your back. 349 00:21:06,223 --> 00:21:08,475 I just can't do it anymore. 350 00:21:08,892 --> 00:21:10,352 I wanna go away. 351 00:21:10,894 --> 00:21:14,231 But there's nowhere on earth that people aren't around to rip on me. 352 00:21:16,817 --> 00:21:17,901 We know a place. 353 00:21:18,026 --> 00:21:20,362 {\*We know }A place where everything is just happiness and joy. 354 00:21:20,487 --> 00:21:22,239 And no humans are there to mess it up. 355 00:21:22,364 --> 00:21:23,407 We do? 356 00:21:24,574 --> 00:21:25,450 We do! 357 00:21:25,575 --> 00:21:26,577 Really? 358 00:21:26,702 --> 00:21:29,579 Somewhere where I can live out my days in peace and quiet? 359 00:21:30,789 --> 00:21:32,082 Can you show me where? 360 00:21:32,749 --> 00:21:35,377 We'll do better than that. We'll help you to get there.