1 00:00:35,410 --> 00:00:36,995 Dude, I wonder where Kyle is. 2 00:00:36,995 --> 00:00:39,206 Maybe he caught a disease and died. That'd be so awesome. 3 00:00:39,206 --> 00:00:40,916 Dude that's not funny. You shouldn't joke about that. 4 00:00:41,416 --> 00:00:42,709 -(Yeah.) -Who's joking? 5 00:00:43,919 --> 00:00:45,712 You guys! You guys! I have awesome news! 6 00:00:46,088 --> 00:00:46,797 You have AIDS? 7 00:00:47,005 --> 00:00:51,385 No. This Saturday, for my birthday, my Mom says she's takin' me to Casa Bonita, in Denver, 8 00:00:51,385 --> 00:00:53,011 ...and I get to invite three friends!. 9 00:00:53,011 --> 00:00:54,388 Wow! Casa Bonita?! 10 00:00:54,388 --> 00:00:55,013 (Woohoo!) 11 00:00:55,097 --> 00:00:56,098 What's Casa Bonita? 12 00:00:56,098 --> 00:00:57,599 Dude, haven't you ever been there?! 13 00:00:57,808 --> 00:01:02,187 It's a big Mexican restaurant where they have, like, cliff jumpers and Black Bart's Cave and all kinds of stuff! 14 00:01:02,312 --> 00:01:04,106 It's like the Disneyland of Mexican restaurants. 15 00:01:04,106 --> 00:01:05,691 This Saturday! Awesone! 16 00:01:05,691 --> 00:01:10,696 Casa Bonita! Casa Bonita! Food and fun in a festive atmosphere. Casa Bonita! 17 00:01:10,821 --> 00:01:11,613 Who said I'm inviting you? 18 00:01:13,782 --> 00:01:16,493 You... your Mom said you could take three friends. 19 00:01:16,493 --> 00:01:18,704 Yes. Three friends. You're not my friend. 20 00:01:18,704 --> 00:01:21,999 Wuh ih uh... Weh come on, Kyle, who the hell else are you gonna take besides Stan and Kenny? 21 00:01:22,207 --> 00:01:25,294 I'm gonna take Butters. He invited me to his birthday party last month, so I owe him one. 22 00:01:25,419 --> 00:01:28,088 Butters?! You're gonna take THAT butthole?! Why?! 23 00:01:28,088 --> 00:01:29,798 Because Butters isn't a total dick to me! 24 00:01:29,882 --> 00:01:31,383 I have never been a dick to you. 25 00:01:32,217 --> 00:01:35,095 Oh please! All you ever do is call me names and rip on me for being Jewish! 26 00:01:35,095 --> 00:01:37,514 Kyle, when have I ever ripped on you for being a Jew? 27 00:01:37,514 --> 00:01:39,391 Oh yeah?! Well you're a stupid Jew! 28 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:40,100 You're a Jew! 29 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:41,393 Shut your God-damned Jew mouth! 30 00:01:41,393 --> 00:01:42,311 Good job, Jew! 31 00:01:42,394 --> 00:01:43,103 Jew... 32 00:01:43,103 --> 00:01:43,896 Shutup Jew! 33 00:01:44,021 --> 00:01:44,813 You're Jewish!! 34 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:45,397 Dude, he's Jewish! 35 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:45,981 Jew! 36 00:01:45,981 --> 00:01:46,398 Jew! 37 00:01:46,481 --> 00:01:46,815 Jew! 38 00:01:46,815 --> 00:01:47,191 Jew! 39 00:01:47,316 --> 00:01:47,691 Jew! 40 00:01:47,691 --> 00:01:48,108 Jew! 41 00:01:48,108 --> 00:01:48,483 Jew?! 42 00:01:48,483 --> 00:01:50,819 -I told you Jewish people don't have rhythm. -Fuck off, Cartman 43 00:01:52,779 --> 00:01:54,615 Okay, except maybe for that one time. 44 00:01:54,615 --> 00:01:56,783 You've always been a dick to me, Cartman, and I'm not inviting you. 45 00:01:56,783 --> 00:02:01,079 Kyle, you don't understand! Casa Bonita is my most favorite place in the whole world. 46 00:02:01,079 --> 00:02:03,207 I'll just, I'll just die if you don't take me! Please! 47 00:02:03,207 --> 00:02:04,499 Sorry, my mind's made up. 48 00:02:06,084 --> 00:02:09,296 Well fuck you, Kyle!! I don't wanna go to your faggy birthday party anyway! 49 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:12,382 I'd much rather hang out at home than have to be around you and your Jew mom for a day! 50 00:02:12,382 --> 00:02:14,301 Kiss my ball, asshole!! 51 00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:20,015 Dude, I totally didn't mean that, Kyle. 52 00:02:20,015 --> 00:02:22,184 Ah I really really wanna go to Casa Bonita. 53 00:02:22,184 --> 00:02:23,810 I'm sorry we had that fight just now. 54 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:27,689 You know, I mean, I said some things, you said some things, but, I think it was good and we we've moved past it. 55 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:28,982 I'm not inviting you to Casa Bonita. 56 00:02:29,816 --> 00:02:33,987 Well fuck you, Kyle!! I hope you die! I hope you fucking die! 57 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:45,082 Casa Bonita! Come on, you guys! 58 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,085 Oh, awesome!! 59 00:02:48,710 --> 00:02:50,879 Come on, you guys! Black Bart's Cave! 60 00:02:52,297 --> 00:02:54,591 Wow, cliff divers! 61 00:02:56,093 --> 00:02:58,095 More sopapillas, please! 62 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:03,392 I'm not inviting you, Cartman. You can't go. 63 00:03:03,517 --> 00:03:09,606 No! Noooo! Casa Bonita! Noooo! 64 00:03:11,817 --> 00:03:17,614 Oh... God-damnit, I have to get invited to go! I'm just gonna have to start being nice to Kyle! 65 00:03:21,493 --> 00:03:22,286 Hi Kyle. 66 00:03:23,996 --> 00:03:25,289 That isn't it, Cartman. 67 00:03:25,581 --> 00:03:26,415 What isn't it? 68 00:03:26,498 --> 00:03:29,585 That's not being nice! That's just putting on a nice sweater! 69 00:03:31,420 --> 00:03:32,588 ...I don't understand the difference. 70 00:03:33,380 --> 00:03:34,381 I know you don't. 71 00:03:39,511 --> 00:03:41,096 Jimmy! Hey Jimmy, wait up! 72 00:03:41,388 --> 00:03:43,015 Dude, uh I need your help on something. 73 00:03:43,015 --> 00:03:46,310 Well, sure, Eric. W-w-waht seems to be the p-p-p-prrroblem? 74 00:03:46,310 --> 00:03:49,313 Well, everybody likes you, Jimmy, a-and you seem to be really good with people, so, 75 00:03:49,313 --> 00:03:52,191 I was wondering if you could tell me, how "do" you act nice to people? 76 00:03:52,316 --> 00:03:56,486 Well, the best thing is not to act nice, Eric. Uh, the best thing is to be genuinely nice. 77 00:03:56,486 --> 00:03:58,697 Okay, so how do you act genuinely nice to people? 78 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:01,909 Well, Eric, pah part of being nice is just making people smile and laugh. 79 00:04:01,909 --> 00:04:08,707 The best way to do that is by telling a fan-tastic joke or a humorius anti-d- ant'duhh ...antecdote. 80 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:09,708 Like what? 81 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:12,294 Well, like, try this one on for size: Knock knock. 82 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:13,212 Who's there? 83 00:04:13,212 --> 00:04:15,297 Ing-mar ...Bergman. 84 00:04:18,008 --> 00:04:20,385 Now you say, "Ingmar Bergman who?" 85 00:04:21,386 --> 00:04:25,098 Take that, Jimmy! And that! And don't you ever talk bad about Kyle again! 86 00:04:25,098 --> 00:04:28,519 Kyle is my friend! And if you say you had sex with his mom one more time, 87 00:04:28,519 --> 00:04:30,604 I'm gonna really let you have it! You hear me?! 88 00:04:31,104 --> 00:04:33,190 Oh, Kyle. Hey. 89 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:37,319 Do you really think that beating up a handicapped kid is being nice? 90 00:04:41,615 --> 00:04:44,618 Uh... He-hey Kyle! Knock knock. Knock knock, Kyle! 91 00:04:53,418 --> 00:04:55,087 Yeah, Casa Bonita, this Saturday! 92 00:04:55,087 --> 00:04:56,797 Wow, that's gonna be so fun! 93 00:04:56,797 --> 00:04:58,882 Yeah, it'll be awesome. Just the four of us. 94 00:04:58,882 --> 00:04:59,591 (Yeah!) 95 00:05:07,182 --> 00:05:08,016 Hey Kyle. 96 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:08,684 Well? 97 00:05:08,684 --> 00:05:09,393 Well what? 98 00:05:09,393 --> 00:05:11,520 How are you going to try to get invited to Casa Bonita this time? 99 00:05:12,020 --> 00:05:14,189 I'm not, Kyle. I know you already told Butters he could go. 100 00:05:14,606 --> 00:05:16,692 Oh. Well... yeah. I, I did. 101 00:05:16,692 --> 00:05:21,280 So, fine, Kyle, but honestly, I never meant to make you feel like you didn't matter at all to me. 102 00:05:21,280 --> 00:05:26,118 I know we argue all the time and I give you tons of crap, but we've also been through a, a lot together, and... 103 00:05:26,410 --> 00:05:29,913 maybe that alone doesn't make us friends, but it makes us something. 104 00:05:29,913 --> 00:05:34,001 So, ...whatever, you know, just... ah I hope... things will be cool. 105 00:05:37,504 --> 00:05:39,089 I'm still not inviting you to Casa Bonita. 106 00:05:39,214 --> 00:05:41,592 I know, Kyle. I'll see ya later. 107 00:05:44,094 --> 00:05:45,387 Eh... hey, Cartman? 108 00:05:45,387 --> 00:05:48,599 You really don't care that you can't go? 109 00:05:48,599 --> 00:05:52,811 I care, sure, but I hope it doesn't mean you and me and Stan and Kenny can't hang out anymore. 110 00:05:52,895 --> 00:05:55,314 That's exactly what I wanted to hear from you all along. 111 00:05:55,314 --> 00:05:58,483 Ah uh I still have to take Butters, but... I hope things can be cool too. 112 00:05:58,692 --> 00:05:59,401 Good. 113 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:03,697 And, and hey, if for some reason Butters can't go to Casa Bonita, you can take his place. 114 00:06:03,697 --> 00:06:04,781 Sweet, whatever. 115 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:07,618 Bingo! 116 00:06:09,494 --> 00:06:11,079 What's this all about, Eric? 117 00:06:11,079 --> 00:06:12,414 Butters, can you keep a secret? 118 00:06:12,414 --> 00:06:13,498 Well, sure I can! 119 00:06:13,582 --> 00:06:16,710 For the past five days I've been looking out into space for a school project. 120 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:20,714 This morning, at 3:45 a.m. I... caught first sight of something terrible. 121 00:06:20,797 --> 00:06:21,798 Nnn-how terrible? 122 00:06:22,299 --> 00:06:25,886 A meteor. A meteor the size of Wyoming, heading right for earth. 123 00:06:26,011 --> 00:06:26,720 What?? 124 00:06:26,803 --> 00:06:29,515 Now look, ah I could be wrong. I ...pray that I'm wrong, but, 125 00:06:29,515 --> 00:06:32,100 I just want you to take a look and... see what you think. 126 00:06:34,019 --> 00:06:35,312 Do you see anything? 127 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:36,605 I just see stars. 128 00:06:36,605 --> 00:06:39,399 Keep looking. Sometimes it takes your eyes a minute to adjust. 129 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:40,817 Nope, uh I don't see any... 130 00:06:40,817 --> 00:06:45,614 Oh wait. Oh my God! I see it. I see it! It's a meteor! Oh my God! 131 00:06:45,614 --> 00:06:47,783 Oh my God! Does it look like it's getting closer? 132 00:06:49,993 --> 00:06:52,913 It is! It is getting clsoer! Oh my God! 133 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:56,416 Oh my God! That meteor is the size of Wyoming and it's on a collision course for Earth. 134 00:06:56,500 --> 00:06:57,793 When do you think uh it'll get here? 135 00:06:57,793 --> 00:07:00,587 I, I don't know, I, have to do some calculations. 136 00:07:00,587 --> 00:07:06,802 10 to the power of 1 base 9 divided by pi plus 5 minus 3. 137 00:07:07,302 --> 00:07:08,512 -Oh Jesus. -What?? 138 00:07:08,512 --> 00:07:11,682 According to my calculations, that meteor is going to hit Earth in less than four hours. 139 00:07:11,682 --> 00:07:13,100 Oh, you mean we're gonna die?! 140 00:07:13,100 --> 00:07:16,395 No! No, Butters, we are going to live! Do you hear me?! We are going to live! 141 00:07:16,395 --> 00:07:18,480 We just... We've gotta find a bomb shelter! 142 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:20,607 Wha...? Where is there a bomb shelter?? 143 00:07:20,607 --> 00:07:23,902 Stan's Uncle Jimbo! He has a bomb shelter in his back yard! Come on, Butters! Hurry! 144 00:07:25,988 --> 00:07:29,408 -Here we go! The bomb shelter's down here! -Oh God! Oh Jesus! 145 00:07:31,118 --> 00:07:32,911 All right, we should be safe in here. 146 00:07:32,911 --> 00:07:34,997 This dried food and water should last us for weeks. 147 00:07:35,581 --> 00:07:38,292 But what about everyone else? I have to tell my parents so they can come here, too. 148 00:07:38,292 --> 00:07:41,420 No! Butters! I can't let you risk it. I'll go up and get the others. 149 00:07:41,420 --> 00:07:42,212 Are you sure? 150 00:07:42,504 --> 00:07:43,881 I'm not sure of anythng anymore. 151 00:07:47,718 --> 00:07:51,597 Now Butters, listen: No matter what happens, no matter what you hear, do not come out! 152 00:07:51,597 --> 00:07:55,893 If I don't make it back in time with the others, then it will be up to you to repopulate the Earth. 153 00:07:55,893 --> 00:07:58,687 But I'm the only one down here. What am I supposed to repopulate with? 154 00:07:58,687 --> 00:08:01,106 Well, you know, with your wiener. 155 00:08:02,691 --> 00:08:04,818 Just stay down here until you hear word from me. 156 00:08:04,818 --> 00:08:07,779 And... pray, Butters... pray for all mankind. 157 00:08:11,992 --> 00:08:13,493 Oh God, oh God! 158 00:08:16,205 --> 00:08:18,582 Where is Butters? We were supposed to leave here forty minutes ago. 159 00:08:18,582 --> 00:08:21,710 Well I think we better just go without him, Kyle. It's getting late. 160 00:08:21,793 --> 00:08:25,297 Yeah, screw him. Let's go. Oh, finally! 161 00:08:27,299 --> 00:08:30,093 Happy Birthday, Kyle. I just wanted to stop by and give you your present. 162 00:08:30,219 --> 00:08:31,803 Oh. Thanks, dude. 163 00:08:31,803 --> 00:08:33,305 Hope you have a good one. See you later. 164 00:08:34,515 --> 00:08:35,307 Oh wait. Cartman. 165 00:08:35,891 --> 00:08:36,683 Yes? 166 00:08:37,601 --> 00:08:40,020 Uh Butters didn't show. You wanna go to Casa Bonita with us? 167 00:08:40,604 --> 00:08:41,396 Butters didn't show? 168 00:08:41,897 --> 00:08:44,816 I I can't believe it. Uh are you sure you told him the right time and everything? 169 00:08:44,816 --> 00:08:46,693 I told him 5:30 and we gotta get going. You in? 170 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:48,987 Well I... really would need to go home first and get my... 171 00:08:48,987 --> 00:08:51,406 Weh no no, I guess I have everything I need. Oh, okay, sure. 172 00:08:51,406 --> 00:08:52,282 All right, let's go. 173 00:08:52,282 --> 00:08:53,909 Okay, boys. Get in the car. 174 00:08:53,909 --> 00:08:55,410 Casa Bonita, here we come! 175 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:57,996 Oh, hello Chris, Linda. 176 00:08:57,996 --> 00:09:01,416 Hello everyone. Have any of you seen our son? 177 00:09:03,001 --> 00:09:04,795 Butters was supposed to go with us to Casa Bonita tonight. 178 00:09:04,920 --> 00:09:08,382 We know, but... he hasn't been home since last night. 179 00:09:08,382 --> 00:09:10,592 The police have been looking everywhere, but... 180 00:09:12,219 --> 00:09:16,598 Well, thank you. Uh, please, let us know if you find out anything. 181 00:09:20,102 --> 00:09:20,894 Aw dude, weak. 182 00:09:21,311 --> 00:09:24,314 Yeah. Man, that sucks about Butters. Well, let's get going, shall we? 183 00:09:24,314 --> 00:09:27,985 Nah. Dude, I c-I can't go to have a birthday party while Butters is missing. 184 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:29,111 Yeah, it's kinda weird. 185 00:09:29,987 --> 00:09:32,990 Ee-yeah yeah. I think you're right, but, on the other hand, 186 00:09:32,990 --> 00:09:35,617 I think Butters would want us to go. You know Butters... 187 00:09:35,701 --> 00:09:37,786 Nah, I can't. We should help look for him. 188 00:09:37,911 --> 00:09:38,495 Yeah. 189 00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:42,416 That's very good of you, boys. We can postpone Casa Bonita until next Saturday. 190 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:45,294 Next Saturday?? I'll never be able to keep Butters in the... 191 00:09:46,003 --> 00:09:48,380 In the... depths of my heart for that long. 192 00:09:48,505 --> 00:09:50,716 I sure hope he... turns up before then. 193 00:09:50,716 --> 00:09:52,593 Dude, we should check over at Stark's Pond. Butters always hangs out over there. 194 00:09:52,718 --> 00:09:54,303 Yeah. And then we can try the football field. 195 00:09:54,303 --> 00:09:55,512 I'll drive you boys. 196 00:09:57,598 --> 00:10:01,393 Oh, God-damnit! How am I gonna keep Butters down in that bomb shelter for a whole week?! 197 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:09,109 All right, folks, this is the little boy we're looking for: 198 00:10:09,109 --> 00:10:12,321 Leopold Stotch, also known as Butters. 199 00:10:12,321 --> 00:10:16,909 He's been missing for two days and was last seen at the school. Let's go find him. 200 00:10:21,914 --> 00:10:25,918 "Dried food rations. Add water to feed flavored square..." 201 00:10:26,793 --> 00:10:29,004 Hello? Hello?? 202 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:31,798 Butters! 203 00:10:32,591 --> 00:10:35,385 Butters! Oh God, it was... It was horrible! 204 00:10:35,385 --> 00:10:37,095 Wuh, wait, well, what happened?? 205 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:42,017 The meteor... struck the Earth sooner than I predicted. There was no time... no time... 206 00:10:42,893 --> 00:10:44,603 What about my parents. Did you see them? 207 00:10:44,686 --> 00:10:46,605 There was mass confusion! Pa... panic! 208 00:10:46,605 --> 00:10:49,191 People were crawling all over each other in the streets! It was... awful! 209 00:10:49,191 --> 00:10:52,319 When it hit, millions were evaporated instantly. 210 00:10:52,319 --> 00:10:55,781 The rest of us... walking around in a... cloud of... toxic... radiation. 211 00:10:56,907 --> 00:10:58,116 Oh my God, let me see! 212 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:00,702 No Butters!! If you come up, you'll get infected too! 213 00:11:00,702 --> 00:11:02,996 You best wait for the radiatino level to go down. 214 00:11:02,996 --> 00:11:06,500 Probably... next week sometime. After Saturday. Ugh... 215 00:11:07,084 --> 00:11:09,419 How many survivors are there? You should all come down here. 216 00:11:09,419 --> 00:11:12,089 We can't come down there, or else, we'll contaminate you, Butters. 217 00:11:12,089 --> 00:11:15,217 No... we just have to survive the best we can. 218 00:11:16,510 --> 00:11:21,014 Wow... Eric, I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. 219 00:11:21,515 --> 00:11:25,811 Thank me by living, Butters. Live. And... rebuild. 220 00:11:27,020 --> 00:11:31,608 I've got to go. Remember, wait one week for the toxic levels to go down. On Saturday. 221 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:32,985 G-goodbye! 222 00:11:35,404 --> 00:11:38,282 All right. Just six days, Butters. Sit tight. 223 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:43,620 Tom, it has now been three days since the Stotch child has gone missing. 224 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:46,790 Townspeople continue to search, but hope... is dwindling. 225 00:11:46,915 --> 00:11:49,585 All right, folks. I wanna thank you for all your efforts. 226 00:11:49,585 --> 00:11:53,505 Three days is a long time, but we've got to keep going if we're gonna find him. 227 00:11:53,505 --> 00:11:59,011 Heh you're not going to find him. Not until after Saturday when I go to Casa Bonita. 228 00:12:05,517 --> 00:12:08,812 Many times in cases like these a child can trap themselves. 229 00:12:08,812 --> 00:12:12,691 It is important that we spread our search to duct pipes, wells, and bomb shelters. 230 00:12:15,194 --> 00:12:16,195 What what what? 231 00:12:17,196 --> 00:12:20,282 I say we need to move the search to ducts, wells, and bomb shelters. 232 00:12:20,282 --> 00:12:23,202 Let's move out, people! Every second counts! 233 00:12:26,914 --> 00:12:31,502 But if you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me. 234 00:12:31,502 --> 00:12:35,714 Oo-oo-ooooo-oo girl, baby please don't go. Eh, 235 00:12:35,797 --> 00:12:37,716 Oo-oo-ooooo-oo girl- 236 00:12:38,800 --> 00:12:40,594 Eric? Eric, is that you? 237 00:12:40,719 --> 00:12:43,514 Oh God! They're coming! They're coming! 238 00:12:43,514 --> 00:12:45,307 We'be gotta get out of here! They're coming this way! 239 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:46,183 Who's coming this way? 240 00:12:46,183 --> 00:12:48,101 The cannibals! Don't you know? 241 00:12:48,101 --> 00:12:52,397 The meteor destroyed all of society, Butters. Now Earth is ruled by packs of wild humans gone mad! 242 00:12:52,397 --> 00:12:55,609 Those of us who survived are now being hunted by flesh-starved cannibals! 243 00:12:55,609 --> 00:12:56,985 Oh God! I hate cannibals! 244 00:12:56,985 --> 00:12:59,279 They're coming this way! I can hear them. 245 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:02,699 They'll find you down here for sure. And when they do, they'll eat you alive. 246 00:13:02,699 --> 00:13:03,116 Noooo! 247 00:13:03,116 --> 00:13:04,701 We've gotta get you out of here! Come on! 248 00:13:04,701 --> 00:13:07,412 Oh oh no wait, I forgot! The toxic radiation! 249 00:13:07,412 --> 00:13:10,207 Hey wait! We can use this box! There we go. 250 00:13:10,207 --> 00:13:12,000 This should keep you protected from the toxins. 251 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,502 But I can't see nothin'. 252 00:13:13,502 --> 00:13:16,004 Believe me, Butters, you don't wanna see what's up there. 253 00:13:16,004 --> 00:13:18,507 Now come on. I'll guide you to a safer location. 254 00:13:19,716 --> 00:13:22,010 There you go. Two more steps and you're at the top. 255 00:13:22,594 --> 00:13:23,387 Good. 256 00:13:23,387 --> 00:13:24,680 Are we out in the destruction? 257 00:13:24,805 --> 00:13:27,683 Yes. There's nothing but smoldering bodies all around you. 258 00:13:27,683 --> 00:13:30,018 Burnt out buildings, and what used to be our town. 259 00:13:30,102 --> 00:13:30,602 Aw man. 260 00:13:30,686 --> 00:13:33,105 All right, this way, Butters. Just follow the sound of my voice. 261 00:13:34,690 --> 00:13:36,817 Right now we're walking by what used to be people's houses, 262 00:13:36,817 --> 00:13:38,610 ...now just smoldering burnt piles of rubble. 263 00:13:38,610 --> 00:13:40,612 Huh... Oh, it's terrible. 264 00:13:40,696 --> 00:13:42,781 We're coming now to the crater where the meteor hit. 265 00:13:42,781 --> 00:13:44,783 A hole in the Earth over two miles in diameter. 266 00:13:44,908 --> 00:13:47,995 Whoa! 267 00:13:47,995 --> 00:13:51,290 Here we are at the old gas station. It survived a lot of the impact. We might be safe here. 268 00:13:53,417 --> 00:13:54,293 Oh my God! 269 00:13:54,293 --> 00:13:54,710 Whaaat?? 270 00:13:54,710 --> 00:13:57,087 It's a cannibal! Stay back, cannibal! 271 00:14:00,299 --> 00:14:01,216 We've got to fight them off! 272 00:14:02,384 --> 00:14:04,720 Stay away from Butters! He's humanity's last hope! 273 00:14:06,597 --> 00:14:09,099 Awww! He bit me! He bit off my hand!! 274 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:13,604 Aw man, he's eating my hand like a piece of chicken! Can you hear the bones crack? 275 00:14:17,399 --> 00:14:19,902 Wait! Look here! There's a dead body with an axe in the back. 276 00:14:19,902 --> 00:14:22,487 I'll pull out the axe and use it to chop off the cannibal's head. Hunh! 277 00:14:23,906 --> 00:14:25,115 Die! 278 00:14:26,491 --> 00:14:28,285 Ooooh, what happened? What happened?! 279 00:14:29,411 --> 00:14:31,997 The cannibal! The cannibal's dead, Butters! 280 00:14:31,997 --> 00:14:35,209 But he bit me, which means soon I will have a taste for human flesh as well. 281 00:14:35,292 --> 00:14:36,084 Oh no! 282 00:14:36,210 --> 00:14:38,795 We have no choice, Butters! We have to lock you away somewhere where even I can't get to you! 283 00:14:38,795 --> 00:14:39,588 Uh w-where?? 284 00:14:40,214 --> 00:14:41,507 Look! There's an old refrigerator! 285 00:14:42,591 --> 00:14:45,219 Get inside, Butters! I'll break off the handle so nobody can get to you! 286 00:14:45,302 --> 00:14:46,220 Aren't you coming? 287 00:14:46,220 --> 00:14:49,598 Too late for me. I can already feel my... body start to... change. 288 00:14:49,598 --> 00:14:51,892 No! Must... fight... it... 289 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:57,981 Don't open this door for anybody, Butters! No matter what you hear, stay inside for four days! 290 00:14:57,981 --> 00:14:59,983 Here's some water and food from the shelter. 291 00:14:59,983 --> 00:15:04,905 Eric, you're the ...best friend in the whole world. I... I love you. 292 00:15:04,905 --> 00:15:06,907 I love you too, man. 293 00:15:07,908 --> 00:15:10,994 I just You look so delicious! Must eat your brains! 294 00:15:32,307 --> 00:15:34,601 It's Wednesday! It's Wednesday! 295 00:15:35,310 --> 00:15:38,313 Only three more days till Casa Bonita. 296 00:15:38,313 --> 00:15:41,984 I'm gonna go through Black Bart's Cave first. No! I'm gonna watch the cliff divers first! 297 00:15:41,984 --> 00:15:45,112 Maybe if I tell them it's my birthday, they'll let me cliff-dive in the pool! 298 00:15:45,112 --> 00:15:46,989 Oh, that would be so bad-ass! 299 00:15:58,917 --> 00:16:00,419 Finally I can breathe a- 300 00:16:00,919 --> 00:16:02,004 Oh my God. 301 00:16:03,297 --> 00:16:05,716 Oh my God, the meteor took out everything! 302 00:16:07,509 --> 00:16:10,012 It's all destroyed. Nothingn left. 303 00:16:11,180 --> 00:16:14,892 Hello? Are there any, are there any other survivors? 304 00:16:16,101 --> 00:16:21,481 Hello? Oh. That must have been where the library was. And that was probably the school. 305 00:16:21,481 --> 00:16:22,482 Hello? 306 00:16:23,483 --> 00:16:26,695 Oh. I forgot, I gotta watch out for readioactive cannibals. 307 00:16:28,697 --> 00:16:32,117 Is that a cannibal? Sir? Ma'am? 308 00:16:35,287 --> 00:16:39,791 Oh. Aww, it's a little dog. Well, hello there, Mr. Dog. 309 00:16:39,791 --> 00:16:44,004 Looks like you and me are the only ones who survive the meteor, heh. We should stick together, huh, Mr. Dog? 310 00:16:44,004 --> 00:16:48,509 Well come on, we gotta start cleanin' up this mess, and rebuild this civilization. 311 00:16:48,509 --> 00:16:51,595 Boy, that meteor sure did make everything stinky. 312 00:16:55,891 --> 00:16:59,394 We're on our way to Casa Bonita! We're gonna be there very soon. 313 00:16:59,394 --> 00:17:01,313 You're gonna love Casa Bonita, Stan. 314 00:17:01,313 --> 00:17:05,692 There, there's this one part where you can dress up in Old Western clothes and get your photo taken in a fake jail. 315 00:17:05,692 --> 00:17:06,693 Really? 316 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:08,695 -Yeah, it's pretty cool. -"Pretty cool." 317 00:17:08,695 --> 00:17:11,114 So, um, should we go to Black Bart's Cave first or watch the puppet show? 318 00:17:11,114 --> 00:17:14,409 I think we should go through Black Bart's Cave right away 'cause, we're gonna wanna do it seven or eight times. 319 00:17:14,409 --> 00:17:16,620 And then we'll watch the cliff divers before the puppet show. 320 00:17:16,620 --> 00:17:18,497 Dude, it's Kyle's birthday. We should do whatever he wants to do. 321 00:17:18,914 --> 00:17:20,207 What? Fuck Kyle. 322 00:17:23,085 --> 00:17:25,796 Ha ha, j-just kidding, birthday joke. 323 00:17:25,796 --> 00:17:28,799 Of course we'll do whatever Kyle wants, uh. Happy Birthday, Kyle. 324 00:17:28,882 --> 00:17:31,718 Happy Birthday to you. Happy- 325 00:17:31,718 --> 00:17:39,309 Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Kyle. Happy Birthday to you. . 326 00:17:44,690 --> 00:17:50,612 You take away the biggest part of me. Woo-oo-ooooo-oo-oo, uh baby please don't go. 327 00:17:52,406 --> 00:17:56,201 Woo-oo-ooooo-oo-oo, I just had to find my say to you tan... 328 00:17:56,285 --> 00:17:56,618 Hello? 329 00:17:56,618 --> 00:17:59,204 HAAAAGH! Who are you? Are you infected? 330 00:17:59,705 --> 00:18:00,289 With what? 331 00:18:00,414 --> 00:18:01,707 You're not a cannibal, are you? 332 00:18:02,916 --> 00:18:03,500 No 333 00:18:03,584 --> 00:18:06,712 Oh. Oh good. You're a survivor, like me. 334 00:18:06,712 --> 00:18:09,506 Look, Mr. Dog, another survivor. And it's a lady, too. 335 00:18:09,506 --> 00:18:11,884 That means we can repopulate the earth. Yippee! 336 00:18:13,510 --> 00:18:14,720 Kid, what are you doin' here? 337 00:18:14,720 --> 00:18:17,681 I'm rebuilding society. Here, take a look. 338 00:18:18,891 --> 00:18:21,101 This is the library, and over here is the bank. 339 00:18:21,101 --> 00:18:24,479 That over there I'm thinking into a P.F. Chang's or a Bennigan's. 340 00:18:24,479 --> 00:18:29,902 And this is a memorial to Eric Cartman, the person who gave his life so that I could rebuild society. 341 00:18:29,902 --> 00:18:32,988 Well ma'am, I guess we should start repopulatin' the earth, huh? 342 00:18:35,282 --> 00:18:37,117 I'm ready whenever you are. 343 00:18:37,993 --> 00:18:42,206 Kid, I don't know what you think is going on, but this place is a dump. 344 00:18:42,206 --> 00:18:46,084 Hey, that's not very nice! This is my first society! I'm doin' my best! 345 00:18:46,084 --> 00:18:49,004 No, I mean you're at the garbage dump. 346 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:54,510 The town is right over there, everybody is fine, and I think they've been looking for you for over a week. 347 00:19:04,019 --> 00:19:06,897 Oh... Ma'am, can I use your phone? 348 00:19:07,689 --> 00:19:10,317 We're here! We're here! Casa Bonita! 349 00:19:11,401 --> 00:19:13,320 Aw man, this is gonna be so great! 350 00:19:13,320 --> 00:19:15,781 Wait up, Eric. We need to stay together. 351 00:19:15,781 --> 00:19:18,116 Uh, hold on boys, that's my cell phone. 352 00:19:19,117 --> 00:19:21,495 Hello? Yes. 353 00:19:22,120 --> 00:19:23,497 Oh, that's great! 354 00:19:23,497 --> 00:19:25,791 Boys, they found Butters. He's okay. 355 00:19:25,791 --> 00:19:26,500 Oh, awesome. 356 00:19:26,792 --> 00:19:27,501 I knew he'd turn up. 357 00:19:27,584 --> 00:19:33,090 Yes, Eric Cartman is with us. Why? Oh really? 358 00:19:33,090 --> 00:19:34,007 What? 359 00:19:34,007 --> 00:19:36,802 Yes, I will certainly let him know. Thank you. 360 00:19:37,886 --> 00:19:43,392 Well, it appears that Eric here is responsible for Butters missing, because he wanted to go to Casa Bonita. 361 00:19:43,392 --> 00:19:44,101 What? 362 00:19:44,101 --> 00:19:48,188 Eric, the South Park Police are already on their way here to have a little talk with you! 363 00:19:48,188 --> 00:19:49,690 But... Casa Bonita. 364 00:19:49,815 --> 00:19:52,901 I should have known better! You never cared about my birthday at all! 365 00:19:53,110 --> 00:19:54,486 But I... but... 366 00:19:54,820 --> 00:19:55,821 Stand back! 367 00:19:56,196 --> 00:19:56,780 Cartman, stop it! 368 00:19:56,905 --> 00:20:00,200 I... am going... to Casa... Bonita! 369 00:20:01,285 --> 00:20:03,495 It's too late, fatass. They'll be here in less than a minute. 370 00:20:06,582 --> 00:20:08,083 Less than a minute! Less than a minute! 371 00:20:08,792 --> 00:20:09,293 Cartman! 372 00:20:12,212 --> 00:20:13,589 Oh, awesome!! 373 00:20:13,589 --> 00:20:17,718 Excuse me, excuse me? Can I get to eat some of your- Thank you. Thank you. 374 00:20:19,511 --> 00:20:21,180 Oh, I've got to get to Black Bart's Cave! 375 00:20:21,180 --> 00:20:24,016 Ah! Excuse me? Excuse me! Coming through to Black Bart's Cave! 376 00:20:24,016 --> 00:20:27,811 Oh! Oh, scary! Look, a skeleton! Oh man, I'm so scared! 377 00:20:28,687 --> 00:20:31,899 Oh! Oh! Oh, that was awesome! Oh! Oh! Cliff divers! 378 00:20:36,904 --> 00:20:38,488 Come on! Come on, dive! 379 00:20:39,615 --> 00:20:41,200 Dive, asshole! 380 00:20:41,783 --> 00:20:44,494 Oh, awesome! That was cool, huh? 381 00:20:56,089 --> 00:20:59,384 Sopapillas! Can I get some sopapillas please?! Sweeet! 382 00:20:59,384 --> 00:21:02,304 Oh! Booth! Puppet show! Puppet show! 383 00:21:04,014 --> 00:21:04,389 Cartman! 384 00:21:07,184 --> 00:21:08,393 All right, kid! End of the line! 385 00:21:12,105 --> 00:21:14,107 Yeeeesss! 386 00:21:14,107 --> 00:21:14,900 Jesus Christ! 387 00:21:23,992 --> 00:21:30,415 Well kid, you made an entire town panic, you lost all your friends, and now you're going to Juvenile Hall for a week! Huh, 388 00:21:30,415 --> 00:21:32,501 ...was it wirth it?