1 00:00:34,047 --> 00:00:37,403 As we steer out boats, looking for these dangerous predators. 2 00:00:38,927 --> 00:00:44,160 There's a king croc right there. He must be 4 meters. 12, 13 feet long at least. 3 00:00:44,287 --> 00:00:48,246 This croc has enough power in his jaws to rip my head right off. - Oh no! 4 00:00:48,367 --> 00:00:49,804 I've got to be careful. 5 00:00:49,805 --> 00:00:52,995 So what I'm gonna do is sneak up on him and jam my thumb in his butthole. 6 00:00:53,167 --> 00:00:57,126 Holy crap, dude! - If I get bit out here, I'm 200 km from the nearest hospital. 7 00:00:57,247 --> 00:01:00,762 I better be real careful jamming my thumb in his butthole. 8 00:01:01,847 --> 00:01:04,759 - Oh boy he's pissed of now! - Go dude go! 9 00:01:04,887 --> 00:01:09,881 I'm gonna jam my thumb in his butthole now. This should really piss him off. 10 00:01:10,007 --> 00:01:13,443 Oh yeah that pissed him off alright! I've got to be careful! 11 00:01:13,567 --> 00:01:15,319 This guy rules! 12 00:01:15,447 --> 00:01:18,723 - I told you guys. - Well, that was quite an angry croc, 13 00:01:18,847 --> 00:01:22,601 but I managed to escape with only a few bruises and a shattered left testicle. 14 00:01:22,727 --> 00:01:25,309 Next week, we'll look for more of these beautiful creatures 15 00:01:25,310 --> 00:01:28,010 so we can learn more about them by pissing them off in their sleep. 16 00:01:28,047 --> 00:01:31,126 - Thanks for watching. - Dude, let's go look for crocodiles! 17 00:01:33,807 --> 00:01:38,164 There's bound to be some crocs out here. I'll use my croc-call and try and bring them in. 18 00:01:40,247 --> 00:01:42,920 That's not how a croc sounds you fatass penis! 19 00:01:43,047 --> 00:01:46,960 Now I'm gonna kick my friend Kyle in the bean-bag and see what happens, boy crocky 20 00:01:47,087 --> 00:01:48,998 - Get away from me, Cartman! - Come here, crocky. 21 00:01:52,527 --> 00:01:54,802 - Dude! - Help! 22 00:01:56,087 --> 00:01:58,647 Good job Cartman! You killed Kyle! - You bastard! 23 00:01:58,767 --> 00:01:59,824 Well he shouldn't called me fat. 24 00:01:59,825 --> 00:02:01,925 Why the hell not?! That's like calling the sky blue! 25 00:02:02,007 --> 00:02:05,044 Well screw him, he's dead! Let's go look for crocodiles. - You guys! 26 00:02:05,167 --> 00:02:07,283 Hey, he's still alive. Kyle, are you okay? 27 00:02:07,407 --> 00:02:10,763 - I think so. I Cartman out there? - I'm right here, Kyle. 28 00:02:10,887 --> 00:02:14,386 Cartman, you fuckin hunk of fat rat fuckin hunk of pig fuckin ass fat! 29 00:02:14,387 --> 00:02:16,787 Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Say that to my face, pussy! 30 00:02:16,887 --> 00:02:18,957 - Can you climb back up, dude? - I don't think so. 31 00:02:19,087 --> 00:02:23,205 Dammit! I guess I'll have to go get him. - No, come on you guys, let's go look for crocodiles. 32 00:02:26,847 --> 00:02:29,600 Whoa, dude! This is making me sick! 33 00:02:29,727 --> 00:02:31,843 - Sick dude! - Sorry! 34 00:02:31,967 --> 00:02:34,845 - What the hell are you doing, fat boy?! - Screw you, hippie! 35 00:02:34,967 --> 00:02:36,305 Come on dude! I wanna get out of here. 36 00:02:36,306 --> 00:02:39,306 Alright, just grab the rope. Wait a minute. What's this? 37 00:02:44,647 --> 00:02:46,763 Dude! It's a dude! 38 00:02:46,887 --> 00:02:50,766 - He's like some frozen guy! - Come on you guys, it's getting cold up myah! 39 00:02:50,887 --> 00:02:52,923 Shut up Cartman! Dude, I saw this in a movie once. 40 00:02:53,047 --> 00:02:54,224 The old cavemen get frozen, 41 00:02:54,225 --> 00:02:57,225 and then people discover them and make them their caveman friend. - Wow! Cool! 42 00:02:57,327 --> 00:03:01,161 You guys, there's a frozen ape man from the past down here! Send some more rope! 43 00:03:01,287 --> 00:03:04,677 - Really! Hey, there's a frozen guy down there! - Help me chip some of the ice away. 44 00:03:04,807 --> 00:03:09,039 Hey you guys! This was just like that one movie, um, Jon Travolta... 45 00:03:09,167 --> 00:03:11,402 and that French chick were doing it all summer long, 46 00:03:11,403 --> 00:03:14,903 and they went back to school and sang songs about grease lightning. 47 00:03:15,047 --> 00:03:18,440 You know, the movie is Sandra Dee checking out Prissy 48 00:03:18,441 --> 00:03:20,591 and the Italian chick gets an abortion but she... 49 00:03:20,607 --> 00:03:24,646 Cartman will you shut the hell up and get some more rope! - Screw you guys anyway! 50 00:03:24,767 --> 00:03:26,700 Hey remember when that kid found a wallet and he get a reward? 51 00:03:26,701 --> 00:03:29,301 Yeah, sweet! Maybe we can get a reward for the frozen guy! 52 00:03:29,487 --> 00:03:31,717 - Hooray! - Hooray! 53 00:03:36,887 --> 00:03:37,818 Where should we bring it? 54 00:03:37,819 --> 00:03:40,919 I don't know. We just have to get it to town and then let them figure out what to do with it. 55 00:03:40,967 --> 00:03:43,606 - I think I'm gonna name it Gorak. - No dude, we have to name it Steve. 56 00:03:43,727 --> 00:03:47,037 Steve? What the hell kind of caveman name is Steve? - It's my name. And I found him! 57 00:03:47,167 --> 00:03:49,522 - You didn't find him. I found him. - What are you talking about dude? 58 00:03:49,647 --> 00:03:51,600 I fell down that abyss and there it was. 59 00:03:51,601 --> 00:03:53,101 You wouldn't have even noticed it if I hadn't pointed it out. 60 00:03:53,247 --> 00:03:56,159 Kenny, who found the ice man? - - Yeah, I think you ought to name him Steve. 61 00:03:56,160 --> 00:03:58,160 I think we're almost there you guys. 62 00:03:59,007 --> 00:04:02,761 Alright people, the next order of business is a very serious matter. 63 00:04:02,887 --> 00:04:06,766 We need to vote on whether South Park should reinstate the death penalty or not. 64 00:04:06,887 --> 00:04:09,526 - All those in favor say yippie! - Yippie! 65 00:04:09,647 --> 00:04:12,081 Wait what was that? I missed the question. Yippie! 66 00:04:12,207 --> 00:04:14,721 - All those opposed say nay! - Nay! 67 00:04:14,847 --> 00:04:17,236 - Screw you! - Hey! Screw you! 68 00:04:17,367 --> 00:04:19,005 Hi! Excuse me! 69 00:04:19,127 --> 00:04:23,245 Not now, kids! The town is having a very important debate on capital punishment! 70 00:04:24,247 --> 00:04:26,920 But we found a frozen ice man from the past! 71 00:04:28,047 --> 00:04:29,791 I found this frozen guy in the woods today. 72 00:04:29,792 --> 00:04:31,792 No! I found this frozen guy in the woods today! 73 00:04:31,887 --> 00:04:34,447 - What the hell is going on here?! - We came for our reward. 74 00:04:34,567 --> 00:04:37,206 - Yeah, like a kid with a wallet. - Reward? What reward? 75 00:04:37,327 --> 00:04:39,784 Mayor, I think the boys may have stumbled on to something here. 76 00:04:39,785 --> 00:04:43,085 You see mayor, frozen links are often found, dinosaur eggs, woolly mammoths. 77 00:04:43,127 --> 00:04:47,280 This specimen could be a missing link in our evolution. If I could unfreeze the body, 78 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:51,006 and perform an autopsy, I could learn much about this creature's people and it's time. 79 00:04:51,127 --> 00:04:53,846 - Sure sure sure, be my guest, knock your socks off! - Thank you mayor. 80 00:04:53,967 --> 00:04:56,604 Oh! And boys, I can't give you a reward for finding this creature, 81 00:04:56,605 --> 00:04:58,405 but if you'd like, I'll let you name him. 82 00:04:58,527 --> 00:05:00,199 - Really? - Sweet! How 'bout Steve? 83 00:05:00,327 --> 00:05:02,363 - Steve it is. - Wait a minute! His name is Gorak! 84 00:05:02,487 --> 00:05:04,717 Come on, Steve, we've got work to do. 85 00:05:04,847 --> 00:05:07,001 Unfreezing this body will be quite delicate work. 86 00:05:07,002 --> 00:05:09,902 We'll have to use the most advanced methods available. 87 00:05:12,847 --> 00:05:15,649 This is very exciting! He could be a Neanderthal, 88 00:05:15,650 --> 00:05:18,650 or an australapithocus from the paleolithic era. 89 00:05:20,127 --> 00:05:23,085 Do you see that Kevin? These clothes are from Eddie Bauer! 90 00:05:23,207 --> 00:05:28,884 I haven't seen anybody wear clothes from Eddie Bauer since 1996. 91 00:05:30,727 --> 00:05:34,481 This is incredible! Think of all we can learn from this body! All that it teach us! 92 00:05:34,607 --> 00:05:36,723 Let's hope the press doesn't get wind of this right away. 93 00:05:36,724 --> 00:05:40,324 Stand back people, there's nothing to see here. 94 00:05:40,447 --> 00:05:44,201 - What about the prehistoric ice man? - Oh yeah, there is that. 95 00:05:44,327 --> 00:05:46,803 Dr. Mephesto, could you please tell us what's going on? 96 00:05:46,804 --> 00:05:48,704 Ladies and gentlemen, we still have a lot of work to do. 97 00:05:48,847 --> 00:05:54,604 But it is my opinion that this man has been frozen in time for over 32 months. 98 00:05:55,407 --> 00:05:57,825 Yes it's true, although at this early stage 99 00:05:57,826 --> 00:06:00,526 we know very little about this man or the time from which he comes. 100 00:06:00,687 --> 00:06:02,618 Fascinating news tonight from South Park! 101 00:06:02,619 --> 00:06:05,819 An ancient discovery of a prehistoric man actually frozen in ice! 102 00:06:05,967 --> 00:06:08,872 A team of scientists continues to try and unfreeze the body 103 00:06:08,873 --> 00:06:10,973 so that it can be autopsied and studied. 104 00:06:11,007 --> 00:06:14,716 The caveman was discovered by Kyle Brovlofsky, who had this to say: 105 00:06:14,847 --> 00:06:20,046 Well, I fell down this ice cavern and I saw this block of ice... 106 00:06:20,167 --> 00:06:24,160 The prehistoric ice man is thought to be from the late neo-post-Jurassic era, 107 00:06:24,287 --> 00:06:26,494 where he was probably a part of a hunting and gathering 108 00:06:26,495 --> 00:06:29,995 tribe that lived on Waterston street. 109 00:06:30,407 --> 00:06:33,717 That's it Kevin! We can begin the autopsy. 110 00:06:33,847 --> 00:06:36,281 What's this?! 111 00:06:36,407 --> 00:06:40,559 - Holy crap! He's alive?! - That's impossible! Do an EKG on him. 112 00:06:40,687 --> 00:06:44,566 - My God he really is alive! The ice must've preserved him. - Well, quick, do something! 113 00:06:44,687 --> 00:06:46,177 No no! We've got to think this through! 114 00:06:46,178 --> 00:06:48,528 Mayor, this man has not been conscious for almost three years! 115 00:06:48,607 --> 00:06:51,289 He won't understand what he sees! He'll be frightened and confused! 116 00:06:51,290 --> 00:06:52,990 Well, you can't just let him die! 117 00:06:53,047 --> 00:06:56,164 Perhaps death is better than the shock he will take trying to adapt to our time. 118 00:06:57,167 --> 00:07:01,843 - Oh my goodness! It looks as if he's about to speak! - Where... where am I? 119 00:07:01,967 --> 00:07:03,480 - What? - What's he saying? - Is that English? 120 00:07:03,607 --> 00:07:06,246 - What? You're hungry? - Where am I? 121 00:07:06,367 --> 00:07:08,562 - You're hungry? - What's going on? 122 00:07:08,687 --> 00:07:14,603 Me friend... friend. Me friend... Mephesto. 123 00:07:14,727 --> 00:07:17,400 Me-phes-to. 124 00:07:17,527 --> 00:07:20,200 If we could understand what he's saying, then maybe we could get some answers. 125 00:07:20,327 --> 00:07:22,797 If only there was someone who could communicate with him on a level 126 00:07:22,798 --> 00:07:25,498 as primitive as his own. A mind like a child. 127 00:07:25,567 --> 00:07:28,161 - Dude, I wanted to call him Gorak. - Gorak's a gay name. 128 00:07:28,287 --> 00:07:30,005 - No it isn't! - Why you being such a dick? 129 00:07:30,127 --> 00:07:32,561 I'm not being a dick, you're being a dick! 130 00:07:32,687 --> 00:07:34,554 Hello children. Dr. Mephesto needs one of you 131 00:07:34,555 --> 00:07:37,255 to help him out in his lab with the prehistoric ice man. 132 00:07:37,367 --> 00:07:39,119 - I'll go! - No I'll go! I found him! 133 00:07:39,247 --> 00:07:43,035 Damn, I've never seen you guys fight like this. - Alright, there's only one fair way to do this. 134 00:07:43,167 --> 00:07:45,317 Everyone stick out their potatoes. 135 00:07:45,447 --> 00:07:48,250 My mother and your mother were out hanging clothes. 136 00:07:48,251 --> 00:07:52,523 My mother punched your mother in the nose. What color blood came out? 137 00:07:52,647 --> 00:07:56,196 B-L-O-O... uh... O spells blue... 138 00:07:56,327 --> 00:07:59,683 and that means that you will go to the lab and help out Mephesto, 139 00:07:59,807 --> 00:08:02,844 and then we could all go home and watch Murphy Brown. 140 00:08:04,247 --> 00:08:06,966 - Steve! You! - Where am I? 141 00:08:07,087 --> 00:08:10,363 Steve, Steve. 142 00:08:13,007 --> 00:08:16,443 - Oh good, your here. - Oh my God! They revived Gorak! 143 00:08:16,567 --> 00:08:19,206 You bastards! - Yes, and I need you to communicate with him. 144 00:08:19,327 --> 00:08:21,795 See if you can understand what he's saying. 145 00:08:21,927 --> 00:08:23,758 - Uh, hi! - Hi. 146 00:08:23,887 --> 00:08:25,366 - What'd he say? - He said hi. 147 00:08:25,487 --> 00:08:27,284 - Very interesting. - Where am I? - What? 148 00:08:27,407 --> 00:08:30,843 - He wants to know where he is. - Tell him... tell him he's home. 149 00:08:30,967 --> 00:08:32,798 You're home. 150 00:08:32,927 --> 00:08:35,441 - In the year 1999. - It's 1999?! 151 00:08:35,567 --> 00:08:38,764 - He's been frozen for the past 32 months. - Dude, you've been frozen for 32 months. 152 00:08:38,887 --> 00:08:41,606 - And we found you... - What?! 32 months?! 153 00:08:41,727 --> 00:08:43,718 Alright alright! Calm down. I think that's enough for today. 154 00:08:43,719 --> 00:08:45,119 Good job, dude, you freaked him out! 155 00:08:45,287 --> 00:08:47,881 Shut up assmaster! You're just jealous that they had me talk to him! 156 00:08:48,007 --> 00:08:52,239 Guess what! You're not my best friend anymore! Cartman's my new best friend! 157 00:08:52,367 --> 00:08:54,577 Oh yeah! Well you're not my best friend anymore either! 158 00:08:54,578 --> 00:08:57,286 Cartman in now my best friend! - Killer! - Fine! 159 00:08:57,407 --> 00:08:59,443 - Fine! - Fine! 160 00:09:03,567 --> 00:09:06,035 - Are you Alphonse Mephesto? - The same. 161 00:09:06,167 --> 00:09:07,612 We understand that you are currently in 162 00:09:07,613 --> 00:09:09,913 possession of the prehistoric ice man from 1996? 163 00:09:10,087 --> 00:09:12,760 - That's right. - We would like to... 164 00:09:15,247 --> 00:09:19,399 We would like to offer our services in your experiments. - Where are you gents from? 165 00:09:19,527 --> 00:09:25,457 From the University... of America. - Well, there's not a lot to see, but come on in. 166 00:09:26,167 --> 00:09:29,272 He's still not responding much to us. The shock is still settling in, 167 00:09:29,273 --> 00:09:31,873 but we've made great progress now that he's in the habitat. 168 00:09:31,927 --> 00:09:35,124 - Habitat? - Yes, Kevin and I designed a habitat for Steve to live 169 00:09:35,247 --> 00:09:39,001 in that is completely like his own world. Everything is 1996 oriented. 170 00:09:45,007 --> 00:09:47,680 Amazing! He looks so much like us! 171 00:09:47,807 --> 00:09:50,765 Yes! Well Kevin has done a lot of work in figuring out how related to us 172 00:09:50,766 --> 00:09:53,966 Steve really is. He came up with this drawing. 173 00:09:54,287 --> 00:09:57,279 Dr. Mephesto, we realize that scientific study is expensive. 174 00:09:57,407 --> 00:10:01,400 - We wanna help you make this project more lucrative. - How would we do that? 175 00:10:01,527 --> 00:10:03,006 It's easy. 176 00:10:11,367 --> 00:10:15,121 As you can see, the ice man is listening to Ace of Bass, 177 00:10:15,247 --> 00:10:17,788 which was a very popular group during his era. 178 00:10:17,789 --> 00:10:19,889 Their primite drumming soothes people's tempers. 179 00:10:20,007 --> 00:10:21,963 - He doesn't look very happy in there. - No, he sure doesn't. 180 00:10:22,087 --> 00:10:23,972 I wasn't talking to you, buttpipe! I was talking to Cartman! 181 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:25,173 Well I was talking to Cartman too! 182 00:10:25,207 --> 00:10:27,118 Oh! I'm pretty friggen cool all of a sudden. 183 00:10:27,247 --> 00:10:31,035 Here we see the ice man trying to gain internet access on the computer. 184 00:10:31,167 --> 00:10:35,763 The internet was not very big at his time, so the web frightens and confuses him. 185 00:10:37,247 --> 00:10:39,850 It's okay! He can't hurt you! It's one-way glass. 186 00:10:39,851 --> 00:10:43,051 He can't even see us. And now, the ice man watches television. 187 00:10:43,167 --> 00:10:46,637 This grizzly bear has the strength of over ten Morgan Freemans. 188 00:10:46,767 --> 00:10:49,884 - I'm really pissing him off right now - Wait! This could be dangerous. 189 00:10:50,007 --> 00:10:51,645 - How so? - He's changing the channel. 190 00:10:51,767 --> 00:10:54,235 Something on the television could frighten and confuse him. 191 00:10:54,367 --> 00:10:58,326 And they've done it! The Atlanta Falcons are going to the Superbowl! 192 00:10:58,447 --> 00:10:59,644 What?! 193 00:11:05,087 --> 00:11:07,555 - You guys aren't being very nice to my creature. - He's my creature! 194 00:11:07,687 --> 00:11:11,236 He's fine boys, and we're learning so much from him. - Let him out dude, he's scared. 195 00:11:11,367 --> 00:11:14,803 He would be more scared on the outside. You think this stuff freaks him out? 196 00:11:14,927 --> 00:11:17,316 How would you think he'd react to what's happening in the government right now? 197 00:11:17,447 --> 00:11:18,501 But it isn't right! 198 00:11:18,502 --> 00:11:22,502 Little boy, sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable. 199 00:11:33,367 --> 00:11:36,359 Oh my God! They killed Kenny! 200 00:11:38,127 --> 00:11:40,482 What?! I'm not talking to you. 201 00:11:47,607 --> 00:11:49,086 Gorak? 202 00:11:49,207 --> 00:11:52,517 - Gorak, are you there? - Oh hi! What are you doing here? 203 00:11:52,647 --> 00:11:54,190 Viewing hours are 10 to 18. 204 00:11:54,191 --> 00:11:56,091 I don't think it's fair for them to keep you captive like this, Gorak. 205 00:11:56,167 --> 00:11:59,557 - I came to bust you out. - Wow! That's really nice of you kid! Thanks! 206 00:12:01,367 --> 00:12:04,165 - What are you doing here? - I'm here to bust out Steve! 207 00:12:04,287 --> 00:12:07,040 - What? You can't! I'm here to bust out Gorak! - His name is Steve! 208 00:12:07,167 --> 00:12:08,839 - His name is Gorak! - My name is Larry. 209 00:12:08,967 --> 00:12:10,480 - Steve! - Gorak! 210 00:12:10,607 --> 00:12:12,199 What kind of stupid-ass name is Steve? 211 00:12:12,327 --> 00:12:16,036 Because he kind of looks like Steve Austen, the Six Million Dollar Man! 212 00:12:17,087 --> 00:12:18,645 - No he doesn't! - Does so! 213 00:12:18,767 --> 00:12:21,804 Uh, hey kids, could you just open the door so I could get back to my family. 214 00:12:21,927 --> 00:12:24,157 - I found him! I'm rescuing him! - Thanks! 215 00:12:24,287 --> 00:12:25,686 - You're a dick! - You're a dick! 216 00:12:25,807 --> 00:12:28,401 You're a dick, and I've had it with your dicketry! I choose you! 217 00:12:28,527 --> 00:12:30,978 You wanna fight?! That's fine with me! 218 00:12:30,979 --> 00:12:32,679 Tomorrow afternoon at the bus stop! 4 o'clock! 219 00:12:32,727 --> 00:12:35,844 - Why don't we make it 3 o'clock?! - Dude, Terrence and Phillip's on at 3? 220 00:12:35,967 --> 00:12:39,357 - Fine! I'll kick your ass tomorrow, dick! - I'll kick your ass so bad... 221 00:12:39,487 --> 00:12:44,436 you'll wish you never had it to begin with! Your ass I mean... wait. 222 00:13:04,727 --> 00:13:08,800 - He's gone! The ice man has broken out! - No, that's impossible! How could he have?! 223 00:13:08,927 --> 00:13:12,158 - He must have used this door. - Dammit! Dammit! 224 00:13:12,287 --> 00:13:14,881 We have to find him! He won't survive long out in the world. 225 00:13:15,007 --> 00:13:18,386 Yes, and if he isn't found, we won't be able to use him for our military war... 226 00:13:18,407 --> 00:13:20,486 - Right! - What?! - What? - Nothing. 227 00:13:20,607 --> 00:13:23,360 No! What did you say? Use him for what? 228 00:13:25,047 --> 00:13:28,005 - Dr. Mephesto, where could the creature have gone? - I have no idea! 229 00:13:28,127 --> 00:13:32,518 We'll never track him down on our own. This calls for some special assistance. 230 00:13:35,527 --> 00:13:38,917 - Can I help you? - Leslie, it's me, Larry. 231 00:13:41,127 --> 00:13:44,756 - Your husband. - Husband? You're not my husband. 232 00:13:44,887 --> 00:13:48,562 Think hard Leslie! We used to be together for over eight years. 233 00:13:49,647 --> 00:13:55,040 I seem to remember a husband, but I think he was lost and never found on Kanosha pass. 234 00:13:55,167 --> 00:13:57,123 That was me! 235 00:13:57,247 --> 00:13:59,203 Who is it, lover? 236 00:13:59,367 --> 00:14:02,560 It's my former husband who I forgotten all about. 237 00:14:07,487 --> 00:14:10,691 Well sir, let me shake your hand. I'm proud to meet the man 238 00:14:10,692 --> 00:14:12,992 who's wife I'm currently sticking it to every night. 239 00:14:14,927 --> 00:14:17,805 - So you remarried? - Yes, Laurie... 240 00:14:17,927 --> 00:14:19,406 - Larry. - Larry. 241 00:14:19,527 --> 00:14:24,157 Larry, you disappeared! I waited for you to come home for over three days! 242 00:14:24,287 --> 00:14:26,840 I remember how cold and lonely the nights got. 243 00:14:26,841 --> 00:14:30,241 By the fourth day I knew I had to move on. 244 00:14:30,327 --> 00:14:33,218 Didn't anybody send out a search party for me? 245 00:14:33,219 --> 00:14:37,239 We did Larry! We looked all afternoon! But we found nothing, no trace. 246 00:14:37,367 --> 00:14:40,643 Please! Leslie, I don't know where else to go! I'm confused! 247 00:14:40,767 --> 00:14:43,042 - Leslie, I'm with Buck now. - You're Leslie! 248 00:14:43,167 --> 00:14:46,079 Right. I'm with Buck now. We have children together. 249 00:14:46,207 --> 00:14:50,519 Calvin is eight, and little Buck is thirteen. I can't just up and leave them! 250 00:14:50,687 --> 00:14:53,645 - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry too. 251 00:14:53,767 --> 00:14:55,997 I'll leave you alone. 252 00:14:57,687 --> 00:14:59,803 Eight and thirteen?! 253 00:14:59,927 --> 00:15:02,157 Well, I don't see any crocs out myah... - Dammit, Cartman! 254 00:15:02,287 --> 00:15:04,212 You're supposed to be helping me get ready to fight Kyle, 255 00:15:04,213 --> 00:15:05,913 not playing Australian Outback Guy. 256 00:15:06,127 --> 00:15:09,961 Oh, now I'm gonna let this jaguar butt me in the face and see if it hurts. 257 00:15:10,087 --> 00:15:12,760 Come on jaguar, let's see what you got... 258 00:15:12,887 --> 00:15:15,560 - Ah, sonofabitch! - You suck as a best friend, Cartman! 259 00:15:15,687 --> 00:15:17,721 You sonofabitch cat! 260 00:15:21,847 --> 00:15:24,281 - What are you doing, Gorak? - I can't live in your time. 261 00:15:24,407 --> 00:15:27,558 - I'm freezing myself again. - Whoa, that sucks, dude. 262 00:15:27,687 --> 00:15:30,348 Tell me about it! I've been doing this for three and a half hours now, 263 00:15:30,349 --> 00:15:31,949 and only my toes are starting to ice over. 264 00:15:32,087 --> 00:15:33,896 Steve! Wait! - What are you doing here, dick? 265 00:15:33,897 --> 00:15:35,597 We're not supposed to fight until 4 o'clock. 266 00:15:35,607 --> 00:15:39,885 - I've got something to show Steve, dick. - Gorak is busy freezing himself again, dick. 267 00:15:40,007 --> 00:15:42,919 - Steve, you don't have to freeze yourself, look. - What is that? 268 00:15:43,047 --> 00:15:45,959 It's this place called Des Moines. It's like lost in time, see. 269 00:15:46,087 --> 00:15:49,435 Everybody looks like you do. Fashion is two years behind. 270 00:15:49,440 --> 00:15:54,322 Technology is two years behind. Fads are two years behind. Just like you. 271 00:15:55,687 --> 00:15:58,963 - Home! - Come on, Steve, you're going to Des Moines! 272 00:15:59,087 --> 00:16:02,875 Oh no you don't glory-monger! Gorak is my responsibility! I'll take him to Des Moines! 273 00:16:03,007 --> 00:16:05,475 No you won't, butthole! 274 00:16:06,887 --> 00:16:09,162 - They're coming for me! - Come on! 275 00:16:09,287 --> 00:16:13,200 These jaguars can be real mean. I'm gonna have to smack it in the face. 276 00:16:13,327 --> 00:16:15,602 - Was the ice man here? - He might've been, boy crocky. 277 00:16:15,727 --> 00:16:19,561 - We have to get him back. Well, can you do it? - Sure I can! 278 00:16:19,687 --> 00:16:23,680 - I can hunt down anything! - Wow! Kick ass! 279 00:16:26,807 --> 00:16:30,322 We need a one-way ticket to Des Moines please. - Des Moines? What the hell for? 280 00:16:30,447 --> 00:16:32,438 - We have to get our friend Steve... - My friend Gorak... 281 00:16:32,567 --> 00:16:34,305 To Des Moines or else he's gonna melt away. 282 00:16:34,306 --> 00:16:37,106 No! He's not gonna melt away! That's Frosty, you stupid butthole! 283 00:16:37,247 --> 00:16:40,683 - Frosty, Steve, whatever. - Well, okay. I'll find him a seat. 284 00:16:42,127 --> 00:16:43,255 Dude! Look, it's 4 o'clock. 285 00:16:43,256 --> 00:16:45,456 Oh, we'll wait for you over there, Steve. We have to start fighting now. 286 00:16:45,567 --> 00:16:47,637 Okay, boys. Thanks! 287 00:16:47,767 --> 00:16:51,157 - Okay, first one to die loses. - Okay. 288 00:16:51,287 --> 00:16:53,323 - Okay. - Okay. 289 00:16:53,447 --> 00:16:55,961 - So here we go. - Okay. 290 00:16:56,967 --> 00:16:58,446 Go! 291 00:17:06,487 --> 00:17:08,682 Wait a second! 292 00:17:11,327 --> 00:17:14,956 - I think he came through here recently. - Yeah, I think the same thing. 293 00:17:15,087 --> 00:17:17,576 Well where the hell is he?! We gotta get him back to the lab. 294 00:17:17,577 --> 00:17:19,277 He can't function out here in our time! 295 00:17:19,367 --> 00:17:22,837 - Calm down! Calm down! - Yeah! Calm down! Calm down! You sons of bitches! 296 00:17:22,967 --> 00:17:25,162 - Wait! Look! - Is it him? 297 00:17:25,287 --> 00:17:27,840 No! It's a Rocky Mountain rattlesnake. 298 00:17:27,841 --> 00:17:31,241 This is the most poisonous snake in this entire region. 299 00:17:31,367 --> 00:17:36,600 So what I'm gonna do is carefully sneak up on it, and jam my thumb in it's butthole. 300 00:17:36,727 --> 00:17:42,518 Cracky! This snake is really pissed! Well I'm gonna jam my thumb in it's butthole now. 301 00:17:42,647 --> 00:17:46,765 - Oh yeah, that pissed it off alright! - Does he always do this? - Yeah. 302 00:17:46,887 --> 00:17:49,959 I'm gonna go jam my thumb in something's butthole now. 303 00:17:54,847 --> 00:17:58,283 - Watch my toes, dude! - I got my ticket. 304 00:17:58,407 --> 00:18:02,764 - I have to go to platform B. - Oh! Okay, it's over this way. 305 00:18:08,007 --> 00:18:12,444 The trail ends here. - The train station? Then he's trying to go somewhere. 306 00:18:12,567 --> 00:18:16,037 Have you seen a man who looks similar to us, but with a thicker brow and an apish nose? 307 00:18:16,167 --> 00:18:19,443 - What the hell are you talking about? - An ice man, a man from the past. 308 00:18:19,567 --> 00:18:22,001 We must find him! Now where is he?! 309 00:18:23,687 --> 00:18:27,202 Well this is it. I'm going back to my time. Thanks again boys. 310 00:18:28,247 --> 00:18:30,078 - No problem, Gorak. - Later. 311 00:18:30,207 --> 00:18:32,844 You boys have shown me the true meaning of friendship. 312 00:18:32,845 --> 00:18:34,945 You didn't care about anything but my happiness. 313 00:18:35,047 --> 00:18:40,326 You put me in front of yourselves, and that's what real friendship is all about. 314 00:18:40,447 --> 00:18:44,565 After being frozen, I've learned that all a person has in life is family and friends. 315 00:18:44,687 --> 00:18:46,688 If you lose those, you have nothing. 316 00:18:46,689 --> 00:18:49,889 So friends are to be treasured more than anything else in the world. 317 00:18:50,087 --> 00:18:51,600 - Right on. - Cool. 318 00:18:51,727 --> 00:18:54,764 Good bye, boys! Good bye, friends! 319 00:18:57,807 --> 00:18:59,286 Where is he? Where's Steve? 320 00:18:59,407 --> 00:19:03,241 - His name is Gorak! - His name is Steve! 321 00:19:03,367 --> 00:19:05,835 - The train! - We've got to stop it! 322 00:19:05,967 --> 00:19:07,844 No worry! 323 00:19:07,967 --> 00:19:10,356 - Let's get him! - No! 324 00:19:11,327 --> 00:19:15,081 - We've gotta stop that train! - Come back here, you. 325 00:19:15,647 --> 00:19:18,286 - Steve! Steve! Look out! - They're after you! 326 00:19:20,007 --> 00:19:22,521 Oh, he's a wiley one. 327 00:19:22,647 --> 00:19:24,444 - Oh poo! - Steve! Look out! 328 00:19:26,127 --> 00:19:30,996 Notice the dilated pupils of this prehistoric man, a sure sign the prey is frightened. 329 00:19:31,127 --> 00:19:34,961 As well as he should be as I will now jam my thumb in his butthole. 330 00:19:35,087 --> 00:19:37,920 - Stop the train! - Hey, who are you? 331 00:19:38,047 --> 00:19:41,562 - I said stop the train! - Yes, hello! I see you. 332 00:19:41,687 --> 00:19:45,157 They're all moving pretty fast, but I'll catch up to them, boy crocky. 333 00:19:47,247 --> 00:19:50,842 - I got you pinned. I win. - Now I've got you pinned. I win. 334 00:19:55,687 --> 00:19:58,804 Hey! It's okay! The chopper is here! Go get him boy! 335 00:19:58,927 --> 00:20:00,246 Cut him off! 336 00:20:00,367 --> 00:20:04,326 Now for the coup de gras. I'll just get my thumb in there. 337 00:20:12,647 --> 00:20:16,640 Uh, the train's not stopping! It's not stopping! 338 00:20:19,641 --> 00:20:20,641 Holy butt... 339 00:20:21,607 --> 00:20:23,086 Where's Gorak? 340 00:20:24,247 --> 00:20:27,523 Wow! That is the god damnedest thing I've ever seen! 341 00:20:28,927 --> 00:20:32,044 - Where's the ice man? - He has to be around here somewhere! 342 00:20:34,447 --> 00:20:38,520 - I can't believe he's gone. - Wait, look, the helicopter! 343 00:20:38,647 --> 00:20:42,117 - Steve! - He's alive! - Goodbye again! I'm off to Des Moines! 344 00:20:42,247 --> 00:20:45,717 No! Come back! You can't adapt! You'll never live! 345 00:20:45,847 --> 00:20:50,079 I'm not living here! Living in having ups and downs and sharing them with friends! 346 00:20:51,007 --> 00:20:54,079 Thank you Stan and Kyle! See ya! 347 00:20:54,207 --> 00:20:57,404 Well, so much for our plan to use the ice man to take over Sweden. 348 00:20:57,527 --> 00:20:58,846 - What?! - What? Nothing. 349 00:20:58,967 --> 00:21:01,442 Kyle, Steve is a pretty good name for that guy. 350 00:21:01,443 --> 00:21:03,543 No, dude, Gorak is cool, because it's original. 351 00:21:03,647 --> 00:21:05,200 And besides you found him. 352 00:21:06,527 --> 00:21:10,805 Be very, very quiet. I'm hunting crocodiles. 353 00:21:10,927 --> 00:21:13,760 Can we be best friends again? I hate having Cartman as a best friend. 354 00:21:13,887 --> 00:21:16,355 - Me too, he sucks! - Oh yeah!? 355 00:21:16,487 --> 00:21:19,638 Well I don't need you guys anyway! You guys can kiss my... 356 00:21:19,767 --> 00:21:22,962 There's a king croc right there! 357 00:21:23,487 --> 00:21:27,366 And what I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna sneak up on it, and jam my thumb in it... 358 00:21:28,727 --> 00:21:31,685 Hey! Hey get me out of here! Goddam it! 359 00:21:33,007 --> 00:21:35,475 It smells like Kenny's house in here!