1 00:00:08,555 --> 00:00:11,988 I'm going down to South Park, gonna have myself a time. 2 00:00:11,989 --> 00:00:15,314 Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation. 3 00:00:15,315 --> 00:00:18,566 Going down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind. 4 00:00:18,567 --> 00:00:21,964 Ample parking day or night, people spouting, "Howdy neighbor!" 5 00:00:21,965 --> 00:00:25,333 Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind. 6 00:00:25,334 --> 00:00:28,525 "I like girls with big ol' titties, I like girls with big vaginas." 7 00:00:28,526 --> 00:00:32,656 Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine. 8 00:00:37,069 --> 00:00:40,972 Stinky britches, you've got stinky britches Stinky stinky britches, you've got stinky- 9 00:00:40,973 --> 00:00:43,725 — What the hell are you singin', Cartman? — This new song by Alanis Morissette. 10 00:00:43,726 --> 00:00:46,586 I can't get it out of my head. Stinky britches, you've got stinky britches! 11 00:00:46,587 --> 00:00:50,171 — Hello children. Ready for lunch? — Stinky britches, you've got stinky-! 12 00:00:50,172 --> 00:00:51,236 Eric, is there a problem? 13 00:00:51,237 --> 00:00:53,604 Yeah, I can't get this stupid song out of my head! 14 00:00:53,605 --> 00:00:57,202 — "Stinky Britches," by Alanis Morissette? — Yeah. You stinky stinky britches! 15 00:00:57,203 --> 00:01:00,613 — Children, did you say 'hi' to Mr. Twig? — Hi, boys. How are you? 16 00:01:00,614 --> 00:01:02,644 When is Mr. Hat coming back? 17 00:01:02,846 --> 00:01:05,484 I told you never to say his name in my presence! 18 00:01:05,485 --> 00:01:08,762 — But we hate Mr. Twig. Mr. Twig sucks. — Yeah. 19 00:01:08,763 --> 00:01:10,597 Stinky britches, you've got stinky br- 20 00:01:10,598 --> 00:01:14,510 It just so happens that Mr. Twig is far more stable than Mr. Hat could ever be! 21 00:01:14,511 --> 00:01:18,653 — So he's the better puppet! — He'd be better used as a coat rack. 22 00:01:18,654 --> 00:01:21,034 How dare you! Come on, Mr. Twig. 23 00:01:21,761 --> 00:01:23,889 — Hello there, children. — Hey, Chef. 24 00:01:23,890 --> 00:01:25,611 You've got stinky britches. Stinky sti- 25 00:01:25,612 --> 00:01:27,713 — What did you say? — He's singin' some new hit song. 26 00:01:27,714 --> 00:01:29,755 Eric? Where did you hear that song? 27 00:01:29,756 --> 00:01:32,265 It's all over the place: on the radio, MTV, everywhere. 28 00:01:32,266 --> 00:01:34,635 — Well, I'll be sodomized on Christmas. — What, dude? 29 00:01:34,636 --> 00:01:37,125 Children, I wrote that song twenty years ago! 30 00:01:37,126 --> 00:01:38,129 You wrote it? 31 00:01:38,130 --> 00:01:40,395 Yeah! Back when I used to be in the rock business. 32 00:01:40,396 --> 00:01:43,765 And now it looks like some big record company has published one of my songs. 33 00:01:43,766 --> 00:01:45,321 Wow, then you should get money for it! 34 00:01:45,322 --> 00:01:49,166 Aw, I don't want any money. I'd just like to see my name on the credits, that's all. 35 00:01:49,167 --> 00:01:50,553 Then we should go to the record company. 36 00:01:50,554 --> 00:01:53,557 My dad's a lawyer, dude; he tells me about this stuff all the time. 37 00:01:53,558 --> 00:01:58,160 Well all right. Maybe I will go. I'll play them my version of the song. 38 00:01:58,161 --> 00:02:01,290 Stinky britches, you've got those stinky britches 39 00:02:01,291 --> 00:02:04,527 Well, you see, Mr. Big Record Producer, "Stinky Britches" was something... 40 00:02:04,528 --> 00:02:06,161 ...I wrote several years ago. 41 00:02:06,162 --> 00:02:09,003 Hmmm. I really see no resemblance between that song... 42 00:02:09,004 --> 00:02:12,003 ...and "Stinky Britches" by our artist, Alanis Morissette. 43 00:02:12,004 --> 00:02:14,072 — Huh? — It's the same goddamned song! 44 00:02:14,073 --> 00:02:15,990 Now, look. I'm tryin' to be cool about this! 45 00:02:15,991 --> 00:02:18,962 But you just can't rip people's music off! It's against the law! 46 00:02:18,963 --> 00:02:20,463 I am above the law! 47 00:02:22,328 --> 00:02:26,178 Mr. Chef, I'm afraid you leave me no alternative. We're going to sue you. 48 00:02:26,179 --> 00:02:30,255 Sue me?! You stole one of my songs, and you are going to sue me?! 49 00:02:30,256 --> 00:02:34,791 Yes. I suggest you get a real good lawyer. We'll have the best in the business. 50 00:02:34,792 --> 00:02:39,492 — We'll get my dad to be Chef's lawyer! — Yeah, and he's Jewish! 51 00:02:40,300 --> 00:02:42,940 Stinky stinky britches, stinky britches 52 00:02:44,523 --> 00:02:46,143 Mr. Twig, is that you? 53 00:02:48,638 --> 00:02:50,138 Mi, Mr. Twig? 54 00:02:54,716 --> 00:02:56,216 AAAAA! Mr. Twig! No! 55 00:02:57,880 --> 00:03:00,550 Who did this to you, Mr. Twig?! Who?! 56 00:03:02,675 --> 00:03:06,341 Now, just let me do all the talking, Chef. We're going to bring these bastards down! 57 00:03:06,342 --> 00:03:06,991 Right. 58 00:03:06,992 --> 00:03:09,768 This court is now in session. Who is representing the defense? 59 00:03:09,769 --> 00:03:11,845 I am, your honor. Gerald Broflovski. 60 00:03:11,846 --> 00:03:16,406 — And representing the prosecution? — I am, your honor. Johnny Cochran. 61 00:03:16,407 --> 00:03:18,147 — Uh oh. — Why 'Oh oh'? 62 00:03:18,255 --> 00:03:21,350 Chef, that's Johnny Cochran. Huh, he's the one that got O.J. off. 63 00:03:21,351 --> 00:03:22,851 Oh oh. 64 00:03:24,375 --> 00:03:28,337 I need some help over here! Please help! I think he's got third-degree burns! 65 00:03:28,338 --> 00:03:29,898 Give the child to me. 66 00:03:32,008 --> 00:03:34,678 Is he goin' to be all right, doctor?! 67 00:03:34,710 --> 00:03:36,270 Is he goin' to live?! 68 00:03:36,696 --> 00:03:38,196 It's a stick. 69 00:03:39,031 --> 00:03:42,191 Damn it! Don't give me that medical jargon, just tell me straight! 70 00:03:42,192 --> 00:03:43,712 Is he goin' to be okay?! 71 00:03:43,713 --> 00:03:47,351 And so, on this fifteenth day of what is considered to be the most important... 72 00:03:47,352 --> 00:03:51,732 ...trial of the...day, Johnny Cochran has appeared to defend Capitalist Records. 73 00:03:51,733 --> 00:03:55,975 The question now is, will Cochran use his famous "Chewbacca" defense? 74 00:03:55,976 --> 00:03:57,796 — What's a Chewbacca defense? — I don't know. 75 00:03:57,797 --> 00:03:59,637 That's what Cochran used in the O.J. Simpson trial. 76 00:03:59,638 --> 00:04:03,054 God-damned, I hate that Cochran guy. If he was here in front of me, I'd be like, 77 00:04:03,055 --> 00:04:09,195 "Ay! You stupid son of a bitch, you d-. I b-. I'ma I'm gonna kick you in the nuts!" 78 00:04:09,284 --> 00:04:11,045 I'm sure that would scare the hell out of him, Cartman. 79 00:04:11,046 --> 00:04:14,482 And so, in summation, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you've heard... 80 00:04:14,483 --> 00:04:17,643 ...the version of my client's song recorded over twenty years ago. 81 00:04:17,644 --> 00:04:22,041 You've heard the EXACT SAME song produced by these cheats in the past month. 82 00:04:22,042 --> 00:04:28,032 I'd say it's pretty much an open-and-shut case. Make the right decision. Thank you. 83 00:04:29,020 --> 00:04:30,520 I've got 'em. 84 00:04:30,719 --> 00:04:33,133 Mr. Johnny Cochran, your closing arguments. 85 00:04:33,134 --> 00:04:36,774 Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, Chef's attorney would certainly want you... 86 00:04:36,775 --> 00:04:39,932 ...to believe that his client wrote "Stinky Britches" ten years ago. 87 00:04:39,933 --> 00:04:42,635 And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself. 88 00:04:42,636 --> 00:04:44,797 But ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, 89 00:04:44,798 --> 00:04:47,362 ...I have one, final, thing I want you to consider. 90 00:04:47,363 --> 00:04:50,283 Ladies and gentleman, this is Chew bacca. 91 00:04:50,307 --> 00:04:52,897 Chewbacca is a Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk, 92 00:04:52,898 --> 00:04:55,938 ...but Chewbacca LIVES on the planet Endor. 93 00:04:55,955 --> 00:04:59,335 Now think about that. That does NOT MAKE SENSE. 94 00:05:00,048 --> 00:05:00,789 — Damn it! — What? 95 00:05:00,790 --> 00:05:02,189 He's using the Chewbacca defense! 96 00:05:02,190 --> 00:05:06,125 Why would a Wookie, an eight-foot tall Wookie, want to live on Endor, 97 00:05:06,126 --> 00:05:10,023 ...with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does NOT MAKE SENSE! 98 00:05:10,024 --> 00:05:16,172 But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? 99 00:05:16,173 --> 00:05:17,046 Nothing. 100 00:05:17,047 --> 00:05:21,572 Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does NOT MAKE SENSE! 101 00:05:21,573 --> 00:05:24,203 Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, 102 00:05:24,204 --> 00:05:27,426 ...and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? 103 00:05:27,427 --> 00:05:30,816 Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! 104 00:05:30,817 --> 00:05:33,900 And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and... 105 00:05:33,901 --> 00:05:38,601 ...conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! 106 00:05:39,369 --> 00:05:43,033 Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does NOT MAKE SENSE! 107 00:05:43,034 --> 00:05:47,534 If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests. 108 00:05:48,792 --> 00:05:50,292 Oh-kay then. 109 00:05:50,876 --> 00:05:52,350 Wow, he's good. 110 00:05:52,351 --> 00:05:55,879 In a teary-eyed courtroom, Johnny Cochran has just finished his closing arguments, 111 00:05:55,880 --> 00:05:59,166 ...and, as was anticipated, he did use the Chewbacca defense. 112 00:05:59,167 --> 00:06:02,027 Whether or not it worked, is up to the jury to decide. 113 00:06:02,028 --> 00:06:03,382 How find you, the jury? 114 00:06:03,383 --> 00:06:07,833 We find the defendant, Jerome "Chef" McElroy, guilty as charged. 115 00:06:08,841 --> 00:06:10,245 — Woops. — Woops?! 116 00:06:10,246 --> 00:06:13,111 Mr. Chef, you've been found guilty of harassing a major record label. 117 00:06:13,112 --> 00:06:16,418 The full fee of $2 million will be handed over within twenty-four hours. 118 00:06:16,419 --> 00:06:18,543 Do I look like I have $2 million? 119 00:06:18,544 --> 00:06:21,590 Well, you have twenty-four hours to find it, or else you'll have to go to jail. 120 00:06:21,591 --> 00:06:23,281 For eight million years! 121 00:06:25,614 --> 00:06:27,048 Uh, sir, it's for four years. 122 00:06:27,049 --> 00:06:30,299 Oh. Sorry. You'll go to jail for four years. 123 00:06:30,549 --> 00:06:32,289 This can't be happening! 124 00:06:33,092 --> 00:06:35,812 Oh no, dude. Chef's gonna go to jail. 125 00:06:39,245 --> 00:06:42,848 — And that chair, too. I want that chair. — Ey, that's my favorite chair! 126 00:06:42,849 --> 00:06:45,980 You heard the judge: since you lost the case, I can seize whatever I want... 127 00:06:45,981 --> 00:06:49,449 ...to pay my legal fees. Yeah, take that water cooler, too. 128 00:06:49,450 --> 00:06:51,473 — Hello there, Chef. — Hey, children. 129 00:06:51,474 --> 00:06:52,321 What's goin' on? 130 00:06:52,322 --> 00:06:54,577 Children, that record company guy is takin' all my belongings. 131 00:06:54,578 --> 00:06:57,100 And if I don't come up with $2 million, I'm goin' to jail. 132 00:06:57,101 --> 00:06:59,062 Well, don't worry. We came over to cheer you up. 133 00:06:59,063 --> 00:07:01,293 — Yeah. Ready, Cartman? — Ready! 134 00:07:01,688 --> 00:07:04,992 I will do the German daunce for you. It's fun and gay and tra-la-la 135 00:07:04,993 --> 00:07:08,391 I hope you will enjoy my daunce Feedly-I feedly-I ay. 136 00:07:08,392 --> 00:07:11,478 "Would you like some sauerkraut German boy, German boy?" 137 00:07:11,479 --> 00:07:12,763 "Yes I'd like some sauerkraut." 138 00:07:12,764 --> 00:07:15,441 Okay okay, children, thank you very much. I feel much better. 139 00:07:15,442 --> 00:07:17,361 — You do? — Sure, sure. Just please, stop. 140 00:07:17,362 --> 00:07:19,542 — See? I told you guys it would work. — What's that, dude? 141 00:07:19,543 --> 00:07:23,340 This? This is my photo album of all my times in the rock business. 142 00:07:23,341 --> 00:07:25,674 — Did you ever know any famous people? — Did I? 143 00:07:25,675 --> 00:07:30,476 Janis Joplin, the Beatles, Elton John. I got to travel all around the world, 144 00:07:30,477 --> 00:07:35,394 ...hangin' out with bands, goin' to lavish parties, lovin' many, many women. 145 00:07:35,395 --> 00:07:36,515 — What's that? — Nothin' 146 00:07:36,516 --> 00:07:36,935 Anyway- 147 00:07:36,936 --> 00:07:37,852 Take that, too. 148 00:07:37,853 --> 00:07:41,119 Heeyy! That has no monetary value! What the hell are you takin' that for? 149 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:42,607 I can take whatever I want. 150 00:07:42,608 --> 00:07:45,668 Well, I have twenty-four hours to come up with your money! That's the law! 151 00:07:45,669 --> 00:07:47,169 I AM ABOVE THE LAW! 152 00:07:48,491 --> 00:07:50,087 I told you not to mess with me! 153 00:07:50,088 --> 00:07:54,102 That does it! You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna raise that $2 million, but I'm... 154 00:07:54,103 --> 00:07:57,544 ...NOT gonna use it to pay you back! I'm goin' to use it to hire... 155 00:07:57,545 --> 00:08:00,295 ...Johnny Cochran myself, and sue you! 156 00:08:01,042 --> 00:08:02,016 You wouldn't. 157 00:08:02,017 --> 00:08:05,327 Watch me! Now, GET THE FUDGE OUT OF MY HOUSE! 158 00:08:08,017 --> 00:08:11,743 I brought you some more juice, Mr. Twig. Are you feeling any better? 159 00:08:11,744 --> 00:08:14,536 I don't know who would want to hurt you like this, but I promise nobody... 160 00:08:14,537 --> 00:08:16,927 ...will ever hurt you again, ever. 161 00:08:17,120 --> 00:08:20,260 Mr. Twig? Are you okay? Mr. Twig? 162 00:08:21,140 --> 00:08:23,640 AAAAA! MR. TWIG IS BROKEN IN HALF! 163 00:08:25,093 --> 00:08:29,343 WHO DID THIS?! YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS, YOU BASTARDS! 164 00:08:29,669 --> 00:08:31,652 Okay. Thank you, Mr. Cochran. 165 00:08:31,653 --> 00:08:36,076 Well, Johnny Cochran will take my case if I can pay his legal fee: $2 million. 166 00:08:36,077 --> 00:08:39,159 Why don't you ask all those famous people you used to know for money? They're rich. 167 00:08:39,160 --> 00:08:41,968 Oh, they wouldn't remember me. All I did was cook for them. 168 00:08:41,969 --> 00:08:43,915 You can raise $2 million, dude. We'll help you. 169 00:08:43,916 --> 00:08:48,115 I appreciate that, children, but raisin' $2 million is not an easy thing to do. 170 00:08:48,116 --> 00:08:52,126 My only hope is to whore myself to every woman in town. 171 00:08:52,342 --> 00:08:53,972 Wish me luck, children. 172 00:08:54,893 --> 00:08:56,992 — We've gotta help him, dude. — Yeah but, but how? 173 00:08:56,993 --> 00:09:02,583 Come on. Maybe those rock stars will remember Chef. Let's go pay them a visit! 174 00:09:05,489 --> 00:09:08,634 — Whoa, dude, this house is huge! — Yeah, it's bigger than Cartman's ass! 175 00:09:08,635 --> 00:09:10,305 No it isn't, you guys. 176 00:09:10,712 --> 00:09:11,606 Can I help you? 177 00:09:11,607 --> 00:09:13,864 We've come to raise money for our friend, Chef. 178 00:09:13,865 --> 00:09:17,002 Would you like a Nilla Crunchy, or a Snacky Cake? 179 00:09:17,003 --> 00:09:19,404 — Are you Elton John? — No, I'm one of his butlers. 180 00:09:19,405 --> 00:09:22,832 Then what the hell are we talking to you for?! Come on, guys. 181 00:09:22,833 --> 00:09:25,719 — Hi. Are you Elton John? — Sir Elton John. I was knighted, you know. 182 00:09:25,720 --> 00:09:27,510 We're trying to raise money for our school chef. 183 00:09:27,511 --> 00:09:30,791 We have Chocolate Noogies, and Nilla Crunchies- 184 00:09:31,166 --> 00:09:32,833 I'm sorry. Bu' I'm not a big candy bar fan. 185 00:09:32,834 --> 00:09:33,454 What?! 186 00:09:33,455 --> 00:09:35,325 Could you buy a couple anyway? Our friend, Chef is really- 187 00:09:35,326 --> 00:09:37,560 — Chef! You mean, 'Chef' Chef? — Yeah, dude. 188 00:09:37,561 --> 00:09:39,249 — Wow, do you remember him? — Of course! 189 00:09:39,250 --> 00:09:42,264 I haven't seen him in so long. I remember when I first met him. 190 00:09:42,265 --> 00:09:47,681 It was about 25 years ago. I was just a struggling musician, and couldn't get a break. 191 00:09:47,682 --> 00:09:53,043 Oh oh, you're my cheddar cheese girl You're soft but firm, and you go well with wine 192 00:09:53,044 --> 00:09:56,904 Oh oh, cheddar cheese girl Cheddar, cheddar cheese girl 193 00:09:59,840 --> 00:10:03,171 Hey, Elton. Don't feel so down, baby. Have some of my Scottish haggis. 194 00:10:03,172 --> 00:10:04,576 — It'll cheer you up. — Thanks, Chef. 195 00:10:04,577 --> 00:10:06,804 I just don't understand what my music is missing. 196 00:10:06,805 --> 00:10:12,281 Look, Elton. You are a great singer, but a retarded monkey could write better lyrics. 197 00:10:12,282 --> 00:10:14,465 I really thought I had it this time with "Cheddar Cheese Girl." 198 00:10:14,466 --> 00:10:18,051 What you need is a guy to write realy good lyrics for you. I know a guy named... 199 00:10:18,052 --> 00:10:21,043 ...Bernie Taupin who's workin' at Moth Burger right now. I'll give him a call. 200 00:10:21,044 --> 00:10:22,351 That's a great idea! 201 00:10:22,352 --> 00:10:25,544 And Elton. Why don't you get yourself some new threads? You know. 202 00:10:25,545 --> 00:10:27,585 Some slick trousers and shit. 203 00:10:27,887 --> 00:10:29,536 And so I got Bernie to write my lyrics. 204 00:10:29,537 --> 00:10:32,374 And if it wasn't for Chef, I would never've had a career in music. 205 00:10:32,375 --> 00:10:34,221 So will you buy some of our candy bars to help him out? 206 00:10:34,222 --> 00:10:36,917 Yes, of course. I'll buy three Crispy Yum-Yums. 207 00:10:36,918 --> 00:10:38,414 Three Crispy Yum-Yums. 208 00:10:38,415 --> 00:10:41,967 Hey, Elton, if I give you these lyrics, will you write a song for my girlfriend, Wendy? 209 00:10:41,968 --> 00:10:45,165 Sure, kid. But I would retain exclusive worldwide rights, 210 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:47,971 ...including but not limited to Asian territories, with a 20% commission from... 211 00:10:47,972 --> 00:10:50,540 ...all domestic sales, and sole ownership of any and all publishing. 212 00:10:50,541 --> 00:10:51,358 'Kay. 213 00:10:51,359 --> 00:10:53,625 — Tell Chef I said 'hi.' — Thanks, dude. 214 00:10:53,626 --> 00:10:57,046 Dude, we'll have Chef's $2 million in no time! 215 00:10:57,777 --> 00:10:58,692 Oh, thank you, Chef. 216 00:10:58,693 --> 00:11:02,375 No problem, Mrs. Broflovski. Now, about that hundred bucks? 217 00:11:02,376 --> 00:11:05,538 Eh, of course! Here you go. Leaving so soon? 218 00:11:05,539 --> 00:11:08,744 I've got a looong way to go to raise the kind of money I need. 219 00:11:08,745 --> 00:11:11,005 Well, best of luck to you then. 220 00:11:11,091 --> 00:11:14,711 — How was it, honey? — Pretty much what I expected. 221 00:11:15,044 --> 00:11:17,310 — Hello? Are you Meatloaf? — Yeah. What the hell do you want? 222 00:11:17,311 --> 00:11:20,355 Mr. Loaf, we are selling candy bars for our dying friend. 223 00:11:20,356 --> 00:11:21,717 He's not dying, Cartman! 224 00:11:21,718 --> 00:11:24,996 Shut your goddamned mouth! We have Nilla Crunchies, Berry Bars. 225 00:11:24,997 --> 00:11:25,886 What's this for? 226 00:11:25,887 --> 00:11:27,926 — Our friend, Chef. — Chef's in trouble? 227 00:11:27,927 --> 00:11:30,307 — Yeah. Do you know him? — Do I? 228 00:11:32,282 --> 00:11:33,759 Nobody came again. 229 00:11:33,760 --> 00:11:37,576 There, there, Cous-Cous. It'll be all right. Maybe you just need to change your image. 230 00:11:37,577 --> 00:11:38,372 What do you mean? 231 00:11:38,373 --> 00:11:42,443 Nobody wants to see a guy called Cous-Cous. You need a big, strong, beefy name. 232 00:11:42,444 --> 00:11:43,944 Beefy, like Tri-tip! 233 00:11:45,743 --> 00:11:48,332 Aw, that's not bad. Here, have some meatloaf. 234 00:11:48,333 --> 00:11:51,567 — I owe eveything to Chef. — Wow. So you'll help him? 235 00:11:51,568 --> 00:11:54,972 You bet. Give me a box of Nilla Yum-Yum's and a couple of Berry Bars. 236 00:11:54,973 --> 00:11:56,473 Cool! 237 00:11:56,817 --> 00:11:59,845 All right, let's get this show on the road! Come 'ere, puppy! 238 00:11:59,846 --> 00:12:03,449 Hold on a second, Ms. Crabtree. How would you like to use some sex toys? 239 00:12:03,450 --> 00:12:06,473 — Sex toys? Like what? — Like this very special device. 240 00:12:06,474 --> 00:12:08,968 — I call it "Chef's Pleasure Bag." — How does it work? 241 00:12:08,969 --> 00:12:13,201 All you do is put this paper bag over your head, and it increases your sexual pleasure. 242 00:12:13,202 --> 00:12:15,887 Really? Well, hell, let's give it a shot. 243 00:12:15,888 --> 00:12:18,098 Aaah, yeah. That's much better. 244 00:12:18,229 --> 00:12:21,485 Sure. I'll do anything for Chef. Give me a box of those Choco-Numbers. 245 00:12:21,486 --> 00:12:23,511 — Gosh. Thanks, Rick James. — Yeah, thanks. 246 00:12:23,512 --> 00:12:28,674 That's $35 dollars. Come on, you guys. We've gotta hurry and give this money to Chef! 247 00:12:28,675 --> 00:12:34,505 — That was wonderful, Chef. Good show! — I can't keep doin' this. It's killin' me! 248 00:12:34,836 --> 00:12:38,643 — Come on, buck up, little fella. — I'm serious! I'm not gonna make it. 249 00:12:38,644 --> 00:12:43,414 Sure you are, Chef. I'll give you a hundred more for another romp! 250 00:12:44,191 --> 00:12:45,691 Aw, hell! 251 00:12:46,182 --> 00:12:49,090 — Thanks for coming, Officer Barbrady! — What's this all about? 252 00:12:49,091 --> 00:12:52,202 These pictures just arrived. I set up a camera, and caught... 253 00:12:52,203 --> 00:12:56,113 ...Mr. Twig's assailant red-handed! Now, go arrest 'im! 254 00:12:59,330 --> 00:13:02,400 — Can I go now? — Yes. Yes, uh-I'm sorry. 255 00:13:03,601 --> 00:13:04,618 Weirdo. 256 00:13:04,619 --> 00:13:07,159 It can't be. These can't be right. 257 00:13:12,341 --> 00:13:13,841 Mr. Hat! 258 00:13:17,261 --> 00:13:19,663 — Wait, wait. What are you doing? — It's over, children. 259 00:13:19,664 --> 00:13:23,480 I couldn't raise the $2 million to hire Johnny Cochran, and now I have to go to jail. 260 00:13:23,481 --> 00:13:24,909 — No you don't. — Huh? 261 00:13:24,910 --> 00:13:28,078 We went to a bunch of rock stars'n sold them candy bars to raise the money you needed. 262 00:13:28,079 --> 00:13:31,422 — Did what?! Wow! How much did you make? — Cartman? 263 00:13:31,423 --> 00:13:35,207 Well, you can see here that we raised approximately $95, 264 00:13:35,208 --> 00:13:39,431 ...falling well short of our $2 million goal illustrated here. 265 00:13:39,432 --> 00:13:41,241 But we can put our money together with the money you made... 266 00:13:41,242 --> 00:13:43,079 ...whoring yourself to all the women. How much did you make? 267 00:13:43,080 --> 00:13:45,050 I made about $410,300, but- 268 00:13:46,513 --> 00:13:48,887 That doesn't matter, because that money belongs to me! 269 00:13:48,888 --> 00:13:50,383 You can't take Chef's money! That illeg-! 270 00:13:50,384 --> 00:13:51,884 I AM ABOVE THE LAW! 271 00:13:53,148 --> 00:13:57,070 — All right, you. It's time to go! — Bye, children. Thanks for all your help. 272 00:13:57,071 --> 00:14:00,302 — Let's go. — Ow! What the hell did you do that for?! 273 00:14:00,303 --> 00:14:05,273 I don't tell you how to do your job, don't tell me how to do mine! 274 00:14:05,727 --> 00:14:08,407 — Dude, Chef is gone. — No more Chef. 275 00:14:08,592 --> 00:14:11,272 No more Salisbury steak and pecan pie. 276 00:14:13,306 --> 00:14:15,730 — We can't let him down, you guys. — Dude, it's over. He's gone. 277 00:14:15,731 --> 00:14:19,557 No! Chef wouldn't give up on us. How many times has Chef gotten us out of trouble? 278 00:14:19,558 --> 00:14:20,404 Four. 279 00:14:20,405 --> 00:14:23,454 — But what are we gonna do? — It's easy, dude. Chef Aid. 280 00:14:23,455 --> 00:14:24,865 — Chef Aid? — Yeah. 281 00:14:24,866 --> 00:14:28,694 We set up a stage, and have Cartman do the German Dance. And we charge people for tickets. 282 00:14:28,695 --> 00:14:31,255 — Hey, that's a great idea! — Yeah! 283 00:14:33,869 --> 00:14:37,471 Did you think I would just take you back? Like you can just, walk out and then, 284 00:14:37,472 --> 00:14:41,781 ...come back like nothing happened? Oh, don't look at me like that, Mr. Hat. 285 00:14:41,782 --> 00:14:45,111 Remember, you're the one that left! And I'm NOT goin' to take you back! 286 00:14:45,112 --> 00:14:48,962 You can just go to hell! You go to hell and you die! 287 00:14:48,963 --> 00:14:51,765 You are a lying ball of turd, Mr. Hat! 288 00:14:51,766 --> 00:14:55,076 I hope you starve, you lousy son of a bitch! 289 00:14:55,513 --> 00:14:58,583 What are you all looking at? This is just between me and Mr. Hat. 290 00:14:58,584 --> 00:15:01,756 It's over, Mr. Garrison. This is it. We've had enough. 291 00:15:01,757 --> 00:15:02,973 What do you mean? 292 00:15:02,974 --> 00:15:05,845 I'm afraid it's the big house for you, fruitcake. 293 00:15:05,846 --> 00:15:07,346 What?! Jail? 294 00:15:08,945 --> 00:15:12,478 I will do the German daunce for you. It's fun and gay and tra-la-la 295 00:15:12,479 --> 00:15:15,591 I hope you will enjoy my daunce Feedly-I feedly-I ay. 296 00:15:15,592 --> 00:15:17,095 Hmm. This isn't going over so well. 297 00:15:17,096 --> 00:15:19,496 Cartman just needs to put more into it. Dance better, Cartman! 298 00:15:19,497 --> 00:15:21,654 "Would you like some sauerkraut German boy, German boy?" 299 00:15:21,655 --> 00:15:24,953 "Yes I'd like some sauerkraut. Boy, I'm hungry!" 300 00:15:24,954 --> 00:15:27,798 — Howdy ho, boys! — Elton John. What are you doing here? 301 00:15:27,799 --> 00:15:30,206 It occured to me that you might need some more help raising money for Chef. 302 00:15:30,207 --> 00:15:31,119 Boy, do we! 303 00:15:31,120 --> 00:15:34,785 So I called a few friends, and we all decided to come over. 304 00:15:34,786 --> 00:15:35,651 Wow, cool! 305 00:15:35,652 --> 00:15:38,840 — I see you've got a stage all set up for us. — Yeah, dude. It's all yours! 306 00:15:38,841 --> 00:15:41,492 Then, let's rock and roll! Or something similar. 307 00:15:41,493 --> 00:15:42,993 Hooray! 308 00:15:44,075 --> 00:15:47,224 And Mr. Twig is at home; he has no idea Mr. Hat is even back. 309 00:15:47,225 --> 00:15:50,993 I mean, I care a lot about Mr. Twig, but Mr. Hat and I have so much history. 310 00:15:50,994 --> 00:15:53,235 — You've finally snapped, huh, Garrison? — What? 311 00:15:53,236 --> 00:15:57,688 Don't you get it, Garrison? It's all you! You're Mr. Hat and Mr. Twig! 312 00:15:57,689 --> 00:16:01,329 You've got split personalities schizophrenic jeebies. 313 00:16:01,552 --> 00:16:05,466 I warn you, Chef! Don't even think of taking advantage of me in this prison cell! 314 00:16:05,467 --> 00:16:06,218 What? 315 00:16:06,219 --> 00:16:11,879 Okay. Thanks for coming to Chef Aid, everybody! Are you ready to rock and roll?! 316 00:16:15,094 --> 00:16:18,474 All right, let's get things going with Rancid! 317 00:16:19,028 --> 00:16:19,706 Rancid! 318 00:16:19,707 --> 00:16:24,027 California sun has sunk But Amana mailed, she'll come tonight 319 00:16:31,098 --> 00:16:34,928 You still aren't entertaining any ideas of raping me in this prison cell, are you, Chef? 320 00:16:34,929 --> 00:16:38,134 — No, Garrison! Shut the hell up! — Well that's good. 321 00:16:38,135 --> 00:16:40,414 — What the?! — Oh boy, we're free! 322 00:16:40,415 --> 00:16:42,275 Wow, what a daring rescue! 323 00:16:42,947 --> 00:16:44,447 Mr. Hat! 324 00:16:44,975 --> 00:16:48,911 Mr. Hat saved us, Chef! Come on, let's get in the truck! 325 00:16:48,912 --> 00:16:51,112 I'll drive from here, Mr. Hat. 326 00:16:51,450 --> 00:16:54,350 How the hell did he reach the gas pedal? 327 00:16:56,946 --> 00:17:00,053 — Rick James, ladies and gentlemen! — God bless you, Chef! 328 00:17:00,054 --> 00:17:03,084 And now here's your favorite band, Primus! 329 00:17:03,268 --> 00:17:07,405 We're damned proud to be here to support our good buddy, Chef. It was Chef who... 330 00:17:07,406 --> 00:17:11,078 ...told us in the early days, to keep trying and to keep pursuing our dreams, 331 00:17:11,079 --> 00:17:14,629 ...no matter how much we sucked. I love that man. 332 00:17:17,709 --> 00:17:19,145 What are you bastards doing? 333 00:17:19,146 --> 00:17:21,994 We are raising money so that Chef can hire Johnny Cochran to sue you! 334 00:17:21,995 --> 00:17:24,538 Yeah, now get out of here before I kick you in the nuts! 335 00:17:24,539 --> 00:17:26,887 Oh yeah? We'll just see about this! 336 00:17:26,888 --> 00:17:28,628 Now here's Joe Strummer! 337 00:17:29,899 --> 00:17:31,776 You know, in the Classroom Tour, we lost a beat. 338 00:17:31,777 --> 00:17:36,873 Chef would be like it was so offstage going, "Don't forget. Pump your loins, children." 339 00:17:36,874 --> 00:17:40,184 You know, it was like his mo'o, or something. 340 00:17:41,078 --> 00:17:44,798 Well it's a rockin' world, make no mistake about it 341 00:17:45,137 --> 00:17:48,039 It's a shockin' world, could be what's so great about it 342 00:17:48,040 --> 00:17:49,225 It's a rockin' world, there ain't nothing fake abou- 343 00:17:49,226 --> 00:17:50,846 What the hell is this? 344 00:17:51,709 --> 00:17:55,783 — Welcome to Chef Aid, Chef. — Wow, how'd you get out of jail, Chef? 345 00:17:55,784 --> 00:17:58,863 Mr. Hat busted me out. Children, did you do this? 346 00:17:58,864 --> 00:18:01,247 — Well, we helped. — We're gonna raise your money, Chef. 347 00:18:01,248 --> 00:18:02,748 I don't believe it! 348 00:18:03,715 --> 00:18:07,375 We'll just see how long this Chef Aid thing lasts! 349 00:18:08,194 --> 00:18:11,094 And now, here he is. TV's Ozzy Osbourne! 350 00:18:12,141 --> 00:18:16,606 We're all here to help our good friend, Chef, who has touched our lives in the past. 351 00:18:16,607 --> 00:18:21,455 I remember when I was just starting out. Chef suggested I buy a pompadour hat. 352 00:18:21,456 --> 00:18:24,923 I thought he said, "bite the head off a bat," so I did. 353 00:18:24,924 --> 00:18:29,344 And the rest, oh, it's just history. Now, let's go freakeeee! 354 00:18:32,103 --> 00:18:35,243 Ain't nowhere to run (come everybody let's) 355 00:18:35,818 --> 00:18:38,138 Ain't nowhere to hide (come on!) 356 00:18:38,442 --> 00:18:40,702 (All right dude, let me go now) 357 00:18:40,899 --> 00:18:43,396 Oh my God, Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny's head off! 358 00:18:43,397 --> 00:18:44,786 You bastard! 359 00:18:44,787 --> 00:18:46,287 And now here's Ween! 360 00:18:47,110 --> 00:18:48,916 We're proud to be a part of Chef Aid. 361 00:18:48,917 --> 00:18:51,039 Chef is the guy who told us to do a country album. 362 00:18:51,040 --> 00:18:54,206 — Whoa, dude, that was Steve's idea. — Oh, then. Who's Chef? 363 00:18:54,207 --> 00:18:59,205 — I don't know, dude. I though you knew him. — Oh, well. Anyways, here's our song! 364 00:18:59,206 --> 00:19:04,326 Many colors in my homo rainbow Don't be afraid to let your colors shine 365 00:19:07,051 --> 00:19:10,351 Don't worry, Mr. Twig. Even though Mr. Hat rescued me from prison, 366 00:19:10,352 --> 00:19:12,365 ...I'm still gonna stick with you. 367 00:19:12,366 --> 00:19:16,086 — Do you love him? — It doesn't matter. He left me. 368 00:19:16,459 --> 00:19:17,959 Do you love him? 369 00:19:18,322 --> 00:19:20,182 — Yes. — Then run to him. 370 00:19:20,931 --> 00:19:23,449 But I feel like I'd be making the wrong decision. 371 00:19:23,450 --> 00:19:28,560 Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. If we could decide who we love, 372 00:19:28,723 --> 00:19:32,343 ...it would be much simpler, but much less magical. 373 00:19:33,222 --> 00:19:36,362 I'll never forget you, Mr. Twig. Thank you. 374 00:19:37,468 --> 00:19:40,738 And now, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Elton John! 375 00:19:42,297 --> 00:19:45,570 Thank you all for coming to help Chef. This is a song written by... 376 00:19:45,571 --> 00:19:49,956 ...a very special little boy. I have no idea what his name is. 377 00:19:49,957 --> 00:19:53,748 Well, who the hell cares? Anyway, he wrote it for his girlfriend. 378 00:19:53,749 --> 00:19:57,179 Wake up, Wendy. Smell the coffee. 379 00:19:58,080 --> 00:20:01,276 — Dude, that's your song for Wendy! — Ha haa, you're a wuss. 380 00:20:01,277 --> 00:20:05,587 You know I do want you Your flavors smell of peanuts peanuts 381 00:20:09,719 --> 00:20:14,479 Ha ha. I win. You lose! Chef Aid is over, and you didn't raise... 382 00:20:15,115 --> 00:20:19,595 ...near enough money to pay Cochran's legal fees. Ha ha I win! 383 00:20:20,909 --> 00:20:24,819 And what happened then? Well, in South Park they say... 384 00:20:24,991 --> 00:20:28,671 ...Johnny Cochran's heart grew three sizes that day. 385 00:20:29,171 --> 00:20:32,671 Wait! Mr. Chef, this music has really touched me. 386 00:20:33,274 --> 00:20:35,983 I'd like to take up your case, free of charge! 387 00:20:35,984 --> 00:20:37,554 — You will? — I will. 388 00:20:41,154 --> 00:20:43,488 We'll see you in court, Mr. Record Producer. 389 00:20:43,489 --> 00:20:44,989 Nooooooooooo! 390 00:20:47,457 --> 00:20:50,492 Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, you must now decide... 391 00:20:50,493 --> 00:20:53,457 ...whether or not to reverse the decision for my client, Chef. 392 00:20:53,458 --> 00:20:58,308 I know he seeems guilty, but ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. 393 00:20:58,461 --> 00:21:01,451 Now think about that for one minute: that does NOT MAKE SENSE! 394 00:21:01,452 --> 00:21:03,980 Why am I talkin' about Chewbacca when a man's life is on the line? 395 00:21:03,981 --> 00:21:07,806 Why? I tell you why. I don't know. It doesn't make sense. 396 00:21:07,807 --> 00:21:10,835 If Chewbacca does not make sense, you must acquit! 397 00:21:10,836 --> 00:21:14,506 Here, look at the monkey. Look at the silly monkey. 398 00:21:16,208 --> 00:21:19,210 Chef? How does it feel to be a free man and finally have... 399 00:21:19,211 --> 00:21:21,963 ...your name credited on the song, "Stinky Britches"? 400 00:21:21,964 --> 00:21:26,165 It feels great! I just can't find the words to thank all the artists who... 401 00:21:26,166 --> 00:21:30,149 ...put on Chef Aid. And most of all, I want to thank the children. 402 00:21:30,150 --> 00:21:31,876 So, what are you gonna do now? 403 00:21:31,877 --> 00:21:34,197 Get back to what's important. It's Tuesday! 404 00:21:34,198 --> 00:21:36,983 And that means tomorrow is Tuna Casserole Day. 405 00:21:36,984 --> 00:21:37,921 Hooray! 406 00:21:37,922 --> 00:21:43,272 Stinky britches, you've got those stinky britches 407 00:21:44,101 --> 00:21:45,851 subs prepared by delikedi