1 00:00:39,067 --> 00:00:41,501 Sargent Stanley Marsh is trapped behind enemy lines. 2 00:00:41,627 --> 00:00:46,542 His only chance of survival is to sneak past the Bosnian guard who stands watch. 3 00:00:46,907 --> 00:00:51,503 Sargent Marsh knows it's now or never. He must make a run for it. 4 00:00:52,267 --> 00:00:54,542 The American Base is only a few feet away. 5 00:00:55,107 --> 00:00:56,859 Marsh assist halt! 6 00:01:00,747 --> 00:01:04,740 It will take more than your weak America weapons to destroy me. 7 00:01:04,867 --> 00:01:07,904 - Cartman! We shot your Bosnian fat ass! - Yeah you're dead! 8 00:01:08,027 --> 00:01:11,986 - I have class 4 armor on, that uh uh it it... - No, you don't! 9 00:01:12,107 --> 00:01:15,543 Special armor that's imperitable to American bulets. 10 00:01:15,667 --> 00:01:18,340 Dude, every time we play American vs Bosnian you cheat. 11 00:01:18,467 --> 00:01:21,350 Yeah Cartman you suck. If you wanna play Americans vs Bosnians anymore 12 00:01:21,351 --> 00:01:23,951 you can just play with yourself. 13 00:01:24,467 --> 00:01:29,063 That's fine. I like playing with myself. I play with myself all day long! 14 00:01:31,067 --> 00:01:32,978 - Well, now what are we gonna do? - I don't know. 15 00:01:33,107 --> 00:01:35,063 - Hi, Stan. - Hi, Wendy. 16 00:01:35,187 --> 00:01:38,338 - Kyle, doesn't Bebe look pretty today? - I don't know. 17 00:01:38,467 --> 00:01:40,935 - She does! She looks very pretty! - Ok. 18 00:01:41,067 --> 00:01:43,262 Stan can I talk to you for a second? 19 00:01:49,107 --> 00:01:53,066 Stan, wouldn't it be fun if we fixed Kyle up with Bebe? - No. 20 00:01:53,187 --> 00:01:57,021 If Bebe and Kyle were a couple, then we could invite them over to your clubhouse for dinner, 21 00:01:57,147 --> 00:02:00,776 and play parmegen, and have meaningful conversations, and sip Konyak by the fireplace. 22 00:02:00,907 --> 00:02:02,181 - We could? - Yes, Stan. 23 00:02:02,307 --> 00:02:06,585 - But dude, I don't have a clubhouse. - You don't? I thought all guys had clubhouses. 24 00:02:06,707 --> 00:02:13,021 - Just how many guys' clubhouses have you been in? - Ah Cartman has ways of making you talk! 25 00:02:13,667 --> 00:02:18,297 You have to build a clubhouse! So all four of us can sit in it and play truth or dare! 26 00:02:19,707 --> 00:02:21,186 Truth or dare? 27 00:02:21,707 --> 00:02:23,584 - Wow! Come on Kyle, we've got work to do! - We do? 28 00:02:23,707 --> 00:02:26,744 We're gonna build a clubhouse. I have to ask my dad for help. 29 00:02:26,867 --> 00:02:28,983 - Did it work? - I think it did, Bebe. 30 00:02:29,107 --> 00:02:31,581 If all goes as planned Kyle will be your new boyfriend. 31 00:02:31,582 --> 00:02:34,582 I hope so Wendy. He's got such a hot ass! 32 00:02:37,827 --> 00:02:41,502 - Hey Phillip! Pull my finger! - Alright Terrance! 33 00:02:41,627 --> 00:02:45,176 - Oh wait wait wait. Pull harder. - Alright. 34 00:02:46,387 --> 00:02:49,299 - Damn it. Pull really hard Phillip. - Okay! 35 00:02:49,427 --> 00:02:51,338 Wait, Wait. 36 00:02:52,587 --> 00:02:54,782 Oh, my... 37 00:02:56,627 --> 00:02:58,583 Wait, wait. 38 00:03:03,747 --> 00:03:07,057 - Oh you got me Terrance! - Sure I do. 39 00:03:07,507 --> 00:03:09,864 Whoa dude! Your dad is watching Terrance and Phillip! 40 00:03:09,865 --> 00:03:12,265 No I was just flipping through the channels. 41 00:03:12,347 --> 00:03:14,338 - Hey dad, we need to build a clubhouse. - Ok. 42 00:03:14,467 --> 00:03:17,265 - How do we do it? - You just get a hammer and some wood. 43 00:03:17,387 --> 00:03:19,343 What, some girls wanna play truth or dare or something? 44 00:03:19,467 --> 00:03:22,027 - Yeah dude how'd you know? - How do you think I met your mother? 45 00:03:22,147 --> 00:03:25,264 Randy, my wedding ring! I lost it down the garbage disposal! 46 00:03:25,387 --> 00:03:27,423 Oh brother. 47 00:03:28,907 --> 00:03:32,786 Stanley, I thought I told you not to watch this horrible cartoon! 48 00:03:32,907 --> 00:03:35,023 Yeah Stanley, you should know better. 49 00:03:35,147 --> 00:03:39,425 Here Stanley you watch nice cartoons, like Fat Abbot. 50 00:03:40,187 --> 00:03:44,066 Randy, will you please come get my wedding ring out of the sink! 51 00:03:45,667 --> 00:03:49,023 - Hey hey hey. What's goin on Rudy? - Man Fat Abbot, you need to loose weight. 52 00:03:49,147 --> 00:03:51,422 I loose weight when I feel like it bitch! 53 00:03:51,547 --> 00:03:54,857 - Shut your bitch ass mouth hoe! - Bitch I'll kick yo ass! 54 00:03:54,987 --> 00:03:56,056 - Whoa dude! - Sweet! 55 00:03:56,187 --> 00:03:59,975 You think you slick you punk ass blassemous dopefeed bitch. 56 00:04:00,107 --> 00:04:05,101 I had my Jimmy waxed 7 times last week. I busta copin yo nigga ass shit. 57 00:04:05,227 --> 00:04:06,979 Wow cartoons are getting really dirty. 58 00:04:08,027 --> 00:04:09,858 - Did you find it? - Give me a second would you? 59 00:04:09,987 --> 00:04:12,182 - Don't snap at me! - I didn't snap at you. 60 00:04:12,307 --> 00:04:14,025 - You snapped at me! - Whatever. 61 00:04:14,147 --> 00:04:17,856 Whatever?? In 15 years you've never said what ever to me. 62 00:04:17,987 --> 00:04:20,455 - I don't wanna fight, I'm sorry. - I'm sorry too. 63 00:04:20,587 --> 00:04:22,066 I think I found it. 64 00:04:22,187 --> 00:04:25,020 - That's not it you idiot! - Hey back off cunt! 65 00:04:26,467 --> 00:04:29,106 - You just said the C-word! - Did I? 66 00:04:30,227 --> 00:04:31,763 This is a sweet spot for a clubhouse. 67 00:04:31,764 --> 00:04:35,264 Yeah. Hey Stan, what did your dad mean, when he said we were gonna play truth or dare? 68 00:04:35,387 --> 00:04:39,744 Just that maybe when we're finished, Wendy and Bebe can come over and play. 69 00:04:39,867 --> 00:04:43,860 - Dude, what kind of sick joke is that? Girls suck ass. - Oh well of course they do, 70 00:04:43,987 --> 00:04:47,263 - but uh wouldn't it be sweet to play truth or dare with them? - What? Why? 71 00:04:47,387 --> 00:04:50,341 Because dude we could make em do really gross stuff like eat bugs. 72 00:04:50,342 --> 00:04:54,242 Hey yeah, that'd be sweet. We could totally ruin their lives. 73 00:04:54,387 --> 00:04:56,537 - What are you guys doing? - We're building a clubhouse. 74 00:04:56,667 --> 00:05:00,455 Ahahahha! Clubhouse! That's the lamest thing I've ever heard. 75 00:05:00,587 --> 00:05:02,689 It's not lame, it's sweet! After we build this clubhouse 76 00:05:02,690 --> 00:05:05,690 we're gonna get girls to play truth or dare. 77 00:05:05,707 --> 00:05:09,780 - Why? - Because dumbass, we can make em do gross stuff and make them cry. 78 00:05:09,907 --> 00:05:12,819 - What were you born yesterday? - Yeah now beat it you guys. This clubhouse is private. 79 00:05:12,947 --> 00:05:15,905 - That's fine, we'll build our own clubhouse. - Fine! 80 00:05:16,027 --> 00:05:18,177 Fine, and then we'll get girls to play truth or dare too! 81 00:05:18,307 --> 00:05:20,218 - Fine! - Fine! 82 00:05:20,347 --> 00:05:23,066 - Fine! - Fine that's fine! 83 00:05:28,227 --> 00:05:30,345 No Kenny, you can't look. I'm the forman. 84 00:05:30,346 --> 00:05:32,466 Well why the fuck do I have to do all the work while you stand around? 85 00:05:32,467 --> 00:05:36,096 Because Kenny, your family's poor, you have to be the worker. No Kenny! 86 00:05:36,227 --> 00:05:40,698 - How's the treehouse coming along hon? - Mom! It's not a treehouse! It's a clubhouse! 87 00:05:40,827 --> 00:05:42,624 - Sorry hon. - Mom, 88 00:05:42,747 --> 00:05:46,865 - can we pull out the carpeting in the living room? - Well I don't know Eric. 89 00:05:46,987 --> 00:05:49,413 If you did that, then the floors would be bare. 90 00:05:49,414 --> 00:05:54,114 But moooom! The blueprint says we need carpeting in the clubhooouussseee!!!!!!! 91 00:05:54,227 --> 00:05:58,106 - Well alright. - Kenny my mom says you can go get carpeting in the living room now. 92 00:05:58,107 --> 00:05:59,807 You're such a little suckup! 93 00:05:59,827 --> 00:06:01,306 And stop your bitchin! 94 00:06:03,467 --> 00:06:06,823 - What are you doing hon? - Trying to get a cookie. We're building a clubhouse and then... 95 00:06:06,947 --> 00:06:10,018 You men are all alike! First you get a cookie and then you critisize 96 00:06:10,019 --> 00:06:13,343 the way I dress. Then its the way I cook! Suppose next you'll be telling me 97 00:06:13,344 --> 00:06:16,844 you'll be telling me that you need your space, and that I'm sabotaging your creativity. 98 00:06:16,907 --> 00:06:21,742 - Go ahead Stanley! Get your god damn cookie! - Ok. 99 00:06:24,067 --> 00:06:28,663 And so children, today we're gonna focus on American History. Right Mr.Twigg? 100 00:06:28,787 --> 00:06:32,416 - That's right Mr.Garrison. American history... - When's Mr.Hat coming back? 101 00:06:33,147 --> 00:06:35,820 - What did you say???? - When is Mr.Hat coming back? 102 00:06:35,947 --> 00:06:40,498 I told you never to mention that name in my classroom again! Mr.Hat is a two-timin whore! 103 00:06:40,627 --> 00:06:43,380 - And now we all learn from Mr.Twigg! - But Mr.Twigg sucks! 104 00:06:44,267 --> 00:06:49,182 That's enough. Mr.Hat is gone, and he isn't coming back, and I don't wanna hear it! 105 00:06:49,307 --> 00:06:52,498 Anyway children, let's turn our history text books to page 105. 106 00:06:52,499 --> 00:06:53,899 Which would be right after page 104. 107 00:06:53,907 --> 00:06:55,943 So how is your lame ass clubhouse Stan? 108 00:06:56,067 --> 00:06:58,376 - Better than yours fatboy. - We'll see about that. 109 00:06:58,507 --> 00:07:02,056 Don't forget you need to cut school early and wait for the hottub Ken. - Fucker. 110 00:07:02,187 --> 00:07:03,939 - Is your clubhouse ready? - Almost. 111 00:07:04,067 --> 00:07:06,661 - Stan, are you paying attention? - Yes, Mr.Garrison. 112 00:07:06,787 --> 00:07:09,096 Well then Stanley, what did I just say? 113 00:07:11,827 --> 00:07:15,342 Um, you said that even though Charle appeared 12 times on the love boat, 114 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:19,142 the episode with captain and Tenile got higher ratings. 115 00:07:19,787 --> 00:07:24,907 - Well ok, I suppose you were paying attention. - Good guess dude! 116 00:07:26,067 --> 00:07:28,023 Pass this up. 117 00:07:28,147 --> 00:07:30,103 - Pass this up. - Pass this up. 118 00:07:30,227 --> 00:07:31,785 Pass this up. 119 00:07:32,307 --> 00:07:35,060 - Stanley are you passing notes to Kyle?!? - No I just... 120 00:07:35,187 --> 00:07:38,623 - Don't lie Stan. Lying makes you sterile. - I'm not lying someone just handed me. 121 00:07:38,747 --> 00:07:41,444 Stanley, if you think it's so important to keep interrupting my class, 122 00:07:41,445 --> 00:07:45,145 then why don't you come up to the front and read your note to Kyle for everyone to hear. 123 00:07:45,227 --> 00:07:47,183 - But I didn't write the note! - Mr.Garrison, 124 00:07:47,307 --> 00:07:51,300 - Stan's behavior is having an adverse affect on my education. - Shut up, Cartman. 125 00:07:51,427 --> 00:07:55,215 - Stanley Marsh, you come up here right now and read your note! - Oh man! 126 00:07:58,547 --> 00:08:02,017 Dear Kyle, you have got such a great ass. 127 00:08:02,147 --> 00:08:04,820 I could sleep for days on those perk cheeks let me tell you. 128 00:08:04,947 --> 00:08:09,760 I'd like to live with you and use your ass as a hat for all eternity. 129 00:08:10,161 --> 00:08:10,861 Whoa dude! 130 00:08:14,127 --> 00:08:20,127 Young man, school is a time for learning, mmkay. Not for immature skylarkings. 131 00:08:20,127 --> 00:08:22,766 - What's sky larkings? - You know like, Tom Fooleries. 132 00:08:22,887 --> 00:08:25,196 - Who? - Oh your parents are here. 133 00:08:26,287 --> 00:08:31,156 Thank you for coming on such short notice. I was just disceplining your son for his skylarkings. 134 00:08:31,287 --> 00:08:35,599 - Stanley, I... skylarkings? - Mmkay. 135 00:08:35,727 --> 00:08:39,003 Stanley I want you to explain to me why you were passing notes in school. 136 00:08:39,127 --> 00:08:41,746 Randy, let me handle this. Now Stanley, I want you to explain 137 00:08:41,747 --> 00:08:43,947 to me why you were passing notes in school. 138 00:08:44,087 --> 00:08:45,521 It wasn't my note dude! It was some girl's! 139 00:08:45,522 --> 00:08:49,222 Ok Stanley, we're all here to get to the root of your behavior disorder. 140 00:08:49,367 --> 00:08:52,279 - You really should know better, Stanley. - You need to shape up, mister. 141 00:08:52,407 --> 00:08:55,638 Don't interrupt me, you always interrupt me when I talk. Can't you see that I.. 142 00:08:55,767 --> 00:08:57,997 - I don't interrupt you! - There you did it again! 143 00:08:58,127 --> 00:08:59,279 He interrupted me again. 144 00:08:59,280 --> 00:09:02,880 Mmkay, uh perhaps you should let your wife finish talking Mr.Marsh. 145 00:09:02,927 --> 00:09:04,212 Now Stan I want... 146 00:09:04,213 --> 00:09:08,113 Oh well I'm sorry to interrupt but she always takes over any conversation. 147 00:09:08,287 --> 00:09:11,882 - Uh, taking over any conversation's bad. - What? You're one to talk! 148 00:09:12,007 --> 00:09:15,956 When was the last time you really listened to what I had to say? 149 00:09:17,087 --> 00:09:19,030 When was the last time you had anything interesting to say? 150 00:09:19,031 --> 00:09:21,131 It's always gossip, stupid crap. 151 00:09:21,207 --> 00:09:26,327 Apparently we have a communication problem here. Mr.Marsh tell me how you're feeling. 152 00:09:26,447 --> 00:09:30,076 I feel like everything I do is wrong. Doesn't matter what I say. 153 00:09:30,207 --> 00:09:34,200 - Mmkay, that's valid. Now uh Mrs. Marsh... - Excuse me. - ...how do you feel? 154 00:09:34,327 --> 00:09:38,286 - Like I'm a ghost! Like he sees right through me! - Oh please! - Hello? 155 00:09:38,407 --> 00:09:42,559 - Oh please yourself! - Who tries to control the marrige? 156 00:09:42,687 --> 00:09:45,599 And by that I mean who's dominating the aspects of the relationship? 157 00:09:45,727 --> 00:09:47,285 - He is! - No, she is! 158 00:09:47,407 --> 00:09:49,883 Well I guess I'm wrong AGAIN! 159 00:09:51,167 --> 00:09:54,541 Look at it Kenny. It is the greatest clubhouse ever built! 160 00:09:55,242 --> 00:09:57,542 And we built it with our own hands! 161 00:09:57,607 --> 00:09:59,802 Now all we need is chics, Kenny. 162 00:09:59,927 --> 00:10:03,124 - Aright, you go find chics Kenny. - Why do I always have to go find chics? 163 00:10:03,247 --> 00:10:05,553 Because I have to stay here and work. I still gotta shingle the roof, 164 00:10:05,554 --> 00:10:08,054 test the foundation, run all kind of extentions, 165 00:10:08,127 --> 00:10:13,485 I got way to much to do, and all you have to do is go find chics. Now stop your bitchin. 166 00:10:15,287 --> 00:10:18,006 Mom, can I watch American Gladiators? 167 00:10:18,407 --> 00:10:20,624 Dude where have you been? I've been waiting all afternoon. 168 00:10:20,625 --> 00:10:22,725 I got in trouble for that note Bebe was trying to pass to you. 169 00:10:22,887 --> 00:10:24,957 - To me? - I mean no, not to you. Forget it. 170 00:10:25,087 --> 00:10:26,535 Come on dude, we have to finish our clubhouse quick, 171 00:10:26,536 --> 00:10:28,536 the girls want to play truth or dare tomorrow. 172 00:10:31,247 --> 00:10:33,397 - We should use nails, dude. - My mom won't let us. 173 00:10:33,527 --> 00:10:37,645 - Hi guys! How's the clubhouse coming? - Pretty good we're almost done! 174 00:10:37,767 --> 00:10:40,076 Well hurry! We wanna play truth or dare! 175 00:10:40,207 --> 00:10:44,883 - I'm going as fast as we can! - Kyle, could you turn around for a second? 176 00:10:47,967 --> 00:10:49,719 Thank you! 177 00:10:50,007 --> 00:10:51,294 Come on dude, we have to hammer faster! 178 00:10:52,390 --> 00:10:55,395 Hey Stan, do you know how to play truth or dare? - No! 179 00:10:55,487 --> 00:10:58,763 - Well dude, how are we supposed to play it then? - I didn't even think about that! 180 00:10:59,407 --> 00:11:02,922 -And then, they'll ask truth or dare. - And I say, dare! 181 00:11:03,047 --> 00:11:07,438 - No no! You say truth. - Truth? But that's boring! I wanna get dared to kiss her! 182 00:11:07,567 --> 00:11:11,526 You have to say truth the first few times, or else you'll seem too eager. 183 00:11:11,647 --> 00:11:16,357 You can't seem to eager, you got to play it cool. Like you don't even care what happens. 184 00:11:16,487 --> 00:11:19,923 - Then after a few truths, you finally answer dare. - Dare! 185 00:11:20,047 --> 00:11:23,278 But not like that, son. Like this: 186 00:11:23,407 --> 00:11:25,159 Daaaareaah. 187 00:11:26,007 --> 00:11:29,363 - And then her little friend will dare you to kiss Wendy. - You really think so? 188 00:11:29,487 --> 00:11:34,800 Of course she will. They're women, they had this whole thing planned out months ahead of time. 189 00:11:38,207 --> 00:11:41,659 Hey hey hey. What's goin down ya'll? 190 00:11:41,660 --> 00:11:44,160 Hey Fat Abbot, what are you doing on this side of the hood? 191 00:11:44,207 --> 00:11:45,628 You know something Rudy? 192 00:11:45,629 --> 00:11:49,229 - You're like school in summertime. - School in summertime? 193 00:11:49,367 --> 00:11:54,521 Yeah bitch! School in summer time! Open your fucking ass nigga hole or I'll pop your bitch ass! 194 00:11:54,647 --> 00:11:59,916 - I'll a poppa yo a bitcha assa tuba. Bitcher. - What the hell is going on in this cartoon? 195 00:12:01,647 --> 00:12:04,115 Oh hey Kenny, did you find any chics to come to the clubhouse? 196 00:12:05,887 --> 00:12:07,445 Hi we ran away from home. 197 00:12:07,567 --> 00:12:10,764 Like this kid told us we might be able to crash at your clubhouse for a couple of days. 198 00:12:11,327 --> 00:12:12,999 Holy crap! 199 00:12:13,487 --> 00:12:16,320 Behold, E-wak Village 2000! 200 00:12:16,447 --> 00:12:17,999 Oh well I guess it beats living at home. 201 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:21,300 Can I offer you ladies a cool beverage or a tasty snack? 202 00:12:25,407 --> 00:12:27,967 - How's the clubhouse coming Stan? - We're working on it! 203 00:12:28,047 --> 00:12:31,705 Well I just thought I'd tell you that me and Kenny have finished our clubhouse, 204 00:12:31,706 --> 00:12:33,306 and we already have chics over. 205 00:12:33,487 --> 00:12:35,284 No you don't! 206 00:12:36,567 --> 00:12:39,843 - Dude! - Only a matter of time before we're playing truth or dare with them. 207 00:12:39,967 --> 00:12:43,403 Goodluck with your piece of crap clubhouse asshole! 208 00:12:43,527 --> 00:12:46,016 Mom, will you please ask dad to come help me build my clubhosue? 209 00:12:46,017 --> 00:12:49,317 Stanley, I think you should know that your father has moved out. 210 00:12:49,367 --> 00:12:52,643 - What? Why? - Because, we're divorced Stanley. 211 00:12:52,767 --> 00:12:56,476 Divorced? Oh no! Does that mean you and dad don't love me anymore? 212 00:12:56,607 --> 00:12:58,404 This is all my fault isn't it? 213 00:12:58,767 --> 00:13:01,918 - Yeah, kind of. - Dude! You're not supposed to say that! 214 00:13:02,047 --> 00:13:05,835 - But I would like you to meet your new stepfather Roy. - Hello son! 215 00:13:05,967 --> 00:13:08,242 - What? - I'll leave you two alone to get aquented. 216 00:13:08,367 --> 00:13:11,962 Hello Stanley! I know this must be a very difficult period for you right now, 217 00:13:12,087 --> 00:13:15,204 and the adjustment is going to take some time. But I'd like to be your friend, 218 00:13:15,327 --> 00:13:19,286 So when you're ready I want you to feel free to come to me with anything you might need. 219 00:13:19,407 --> 00:13:22,956 Whether it's advice or just someone to play catch with. You can count on me. 220 00:13:23,087 --> 00:13:27,080 - This is happening way to fast. - Oh geezes when are you gonna cut me some slack huh!?! 221 00:13:27,207 --> 00:13:31,246 I have taken you under my wing and done my best, and all you ever do is whine and moan about it. 222 00:13:31,367 --> 00:13:34,484 Now for the last time go cut some firewood!!! 223 00:13:36,367 --> 00:13:39,962 So I'm on my way out the door. And she goes make sure you're home before midnight. 224 00:13:40,087 --> 00:13:44,000 - Oh that's weak. - And I go listen bitch, I don't need my mother giving me no curfew. 225 00:13:44,127 --> 00:13:47,316 - That's killer. - Yeah, well if you're not home before midnight 226 00:13:47,317 --> 00:13:48,477 don't bother coming home at all. 227 00:13:48,487 --> 00:13:51,399 - That's totally weak. - So I go, fine! I won't come home! 228 00:13:51,527 --> 00:13:53,836 - Sweet. - And then she goes fine don't come home. 229 00:13:53,967 --> 00:13:57,118 - Gettin all in my face and crap, and acting all tough and crap. - Killery sweet. 230 00:13:57,247 --> 00:14:00,080 I'm 16. I should be able to do what I want, when I want. 231 00:14:00,207 --> 00:14:02,351 I don't need her breathing down my neck every two seconds 232 00:14:02,352 --> 00:14:03,852 telling me what I can and cannot do. 233 00:14:03,967 --> 00:14:07,403 I had the same thing with my mom yesterday. I'm all like: 234 00:14:07,527 --> 00:14:10,633 AY! I'm not a little kid anymore, ma. I'm 8 years old! 235 00:14:10,634 --> 00:14:14,634 And if I wanna finger paint, then I'm gonna finger paint! 236 00:14:16,607 --> 00:14:19,679 - Ok, we're done. - Dude, I don't think this is very sturdy. 237 00:14:20,607 --> 00:14:23,171 Doesn't matter dude. It only has to last long enough to play truth or dare. 238 00:14:23,172 --> 00:14:25,472 - I'm gonna go get the girls. - Ok. 239 00:14:29,047 --> 00:14:31,880 - Stanley it's time to go! - Go where? 240 00:14:32,007 --> 00:14:35,295 Your bastard father has visitation rights, and this is his time with you. 241 00:14:35,296 --> 00:14:36,596 But ma, I have to go get the girls to... 242 00:14:36,647 --> 00:14:38,126 - Come on Stanley! - Weak! 243 00:14:38,647 --> 00:14:41,286 - Dad? - Hey Stanley. Eh, hop in. 244 00:14:42,087 --> 00:14:44,891 Listen Stanley, I know all this change must be tough on you, 245 00:14:44,892 --> 00:14:48,192 but you know your mother and I thought it would be best for all of us if we split up. 246 00:14:48,207 --> 00:14:51,119 - But I don't understand why we have to... - Well hello ladies. 247 00:14:51,247 --> 00:14:55,559 - High Handsome. We're gonna be at Larry's bar tonight. - I'm already there. 248 00:14:56,647 --> 00:15:01,084 What were we talking about? Oh yeah. See your mother and I still care about you and your sister. 249 00:15:01,207 --> 00:15:03,141 But we just don't like being around each other anymore. 250 00:15:03,142 --> 00:15:06,442 But I don't like being around my sister anymore, does that mean I can leave her too? 251 00:15:06,527 --> 00:15:09,130 Well no, because you're family. You can't just leave family, 252 00:15:09,131 --> 00:15:11,031 you have to stick with family no matter what. 253 00:15:11,087 --> 00:15:13,363 But you and mom are family, how you can just split up? 254 00:15:14,487 --> 00:15:16,714 You know what I think? I think that when you and mom got married, 255 00:15:16,715 --> 00:15:18,615 you became family. And now that you are you shouldn't be able 256 00:15:18,767 --> 00:15:20,708 to leave her anymore than I can leave my sister. 257 00:15:20,709 --> 00:15:24,509 Oh Stan. You're so young you just don't get it. 258 00:15:24,647 --> 00:15:26,638 - Well anyway, have a nice day. - What that's it? 259 00:15:26,767 --> 00:15:29,600 Yeah but I loved our time together. I hate to see it end. Go on, get out. 260 00:15:29,727 --> 00:15:33,117 You know there's nothing more important to me then you right Stan? 261 00:15:33,247 --> 00:15:35,397 I guess, but... 262 00:15:39,927 --> 00:15:42,282 The girls are gonna be here any minute. 263 00:15:42,487 --> 00:15:43,487 Stan if I didn't know any better, 264 00:15:43,488 --> 00:15:45,788 I would think you're doing this because you WANNA play with girls. 265 00:15:45,887 --> 00:15:47,684 - No way dude, don't be silly. - Come on Wendy. 266 00:15:47,807 --> 00:15:51,197 - We have to say truth a couple of times before we say dare. Right? - Right. 267 00:15:51,327 --> 00:15:53,522 - Cause if we don't we'll seem to eager. - To eager to what? 268 00:15:53,647 --> 00:15:56,719 - To say dare dumbass! Sheez! - Hi guys! 269 00:15:57,247 --> 00:15:59,966 - Oh hi Wendy. What's up? - Don't you guys still wanna play truth or dare? 270 00:16:00,087 --> 00:16:02,999 - Yeah, I mean, sure whatever. - Then come on. 271 00:16:03,127 --> 00:16:05,322 - Remember, truth the first couple of times. - Ok. 272 00:16:05,447 --> 00:16:07,085 - Who wants to go first? - I will! 273 00:16:07,207 --> 00:16:09,767 Kyle? Truth or dare? 274 00:16:10,767 --> 00:16:12,439 - Umm, dare? - Dude! - What? 275 00:16:13,767 --> 00:16:17,476 - Kiss Bebe on the lips! - What?! Sick dude! I'm not kissing a girl! 276 00:16:17,607 --> 00:16:19,996 - Whatsa matter Kyle? - It's just wrong that's all! 277 00:16:20,127 --> 00:16:22,561 - Don't be a chicken dude, just close your eyes. - What the hell have you gotten me into? 278 00:16:22,687 --> 00:16:27,203 Dude, Cartman is in his clubhouse playing trugh or dare right now, you want him to beat us? 279 00:16:28,607 --> 00:16:31,280 Oh boy. 280 00:16:33,967 --> 00:16:39,439 - Sick!!! Ahhhh! Fucking sickening! - Wow, look at that ass! Shake it baby! 281 00:16:39,567 --> 00:16:43,196 - Your turn Bebe. - Ok Stan. Truth or dare? 282 00:16:47,047 --> 00:16:49,607 Stan, truth or dare? 283 00:16:49,727 --> 00:16:53,163 - Dare... - Son could you please come help me with the firewood? 284 00:16:54,087 --> 00:16:56,816 Dude, we cut firewood all day yesterday. We have enough to last 12 years! 285 00:16:56,817 --> 00:16:59,587 When will you let me in? Let me love you? 286 00:16:59,687 --> 00:17:02,679 - Now get your ass out here and help me. - Bye Stan. 287 00:17:02,807 --> 00:17:05,367 - Hopefully we can play truth or dare tomorrow! - Crap! 288 00:17:05,967 --> 00:17:08,572 I think you should be able to move out legally when you're 14. 289 00:17:08,573 --> 00:17:10,473 Our moms won't even let us smoke. 290 00:17:10,527 --> 00:17:14,343 Yeah, it's my body. My mom always gives me shit for smoking, but it's my body, 291 00:17:14,344 --> 00:17:16,044 I should be able to do whatever I want with it. 292 00:17:16,167 --> 00:17:19,210 Totally. My mom gives me shit sometimes. 293 00:17:19,211 --> 00:17:22,011 And I told her to shut her hole before I kick her in the nuts. 294 00:17:22,127 --> 00:17:26,484 Eric! Pookums! It's time for mommy to tuck you into your snugglebolt for night night! 295 00:17:26,607 --> 00:17:31,681 - Eric are you up there in your clubhouse? - Coooming moom. 296 00:17:31,807 --> 00:17:34,526 - Ok we have to play truth or dare quick! - Hey girls. What's up? 297 00:17:34,647 --> 00:17:36,638 - Oh hey Scott! - Who the hell are you? 298 00:17:36,807 --> 00:17:40,641 - Oh we invited some people over. Hope you don't mind. - How many people? 299 00:17:40,767 --> 00:17:42,485 - Kyle, can I talk to you? - Ok. 300 00:17:42,607 --> 00:17:46,646 Kyle, this is very difficult for me. I think we need time apart. 301 00:17:46,767 --> 00:17:49,759 I'm just feeling really trapped, I can't go on with this co-dependency. 302 00:17:49,887 --> 00:17:53,357 - Ok, that's fine... - No no. Don't speak. Just try and understand. 303 00:17:53,487 --> 00:17:55,682 - It has to be this way. - But I don't care. 304 00:17:55,807 --> 00:18:00,039 Please, just remember the good times we had. I'll never forget you. Never. 305 00:18:00,447 --> 00:18:02,722 - Ok Clyde, we can go now! - Bitchin'. 306 00:18:03,687 --> 00:18:07,441 These are cafe curtains, that require no sewing and I know you all love that. 307 00:18:08,567 --> 00:18:11,604 Do you mind if I watch cartoons? I've had a rough day. 308 00:18:11,727 --> 00:18:13,399 - What? - Ehh... chores. Do chores. 309 00:18:13,527 --> 00:18:16,803 - My dad let's me watch cartoons. - Well I'm not your dad, ok? 310 00:18:16,927 --> 00:18:21,318 I'm NOT YOUR DAD!!!! You can't just go around playing games with my emotions!!! 311 00:18:22,207 --> 00:18:25,119 - Stanley? What did you do to Roy? - Roy's a dick! 312 00:18:25,247 --> 00:18:27,602 He ruined my chances with Wendy at the clubhouse! 313 00:18:27,727 --> 00:18:30,252 Stanley, you know you're the most important thing to me right? 314 00:18:30,253 --> 00:18:32,553 If that's true, then get back together with dad for me! 315 00:18:32,687 --> 00:18:34,930 Now, Stanley you have to understand how divorce works. 316 00:18:34,931 --> 00:18:37,831 When I say you're the most important thing to me, what I mean is 317 00:18:37,887 --> 00:18:41,846 you're the most important thing after me and my happiness and my new romances. 318 00:18:41,967 --> 00:18:44,481 - Bye now. Roy! - Divorce is stupid. 319 00:18:44,607 --> 00:18:49,727 Hey hey hey. Hey Alonda, why's your eye all black and blue and shit? 320 00:18:49,847 --> 00:18:55,365 - Man Fat Abbot! My stepdad popped me in mah eye! - Stepdad! You gotta off his ass! 321 00:18:55,487 --> 00:19:01,881 Yeah bitch! Snatch his ass in a bear trap. Leave that nigga swingin from a tree so high, 322 00:19:02,007 --> 00:19:05,682 nobody finds him for days. Clock Clock, you know what I'm sayin? 323 00:19:05,807 --> 00:19:09,925 - Dumbass nigga pullin shit damn! - Alright Fat Abbot, thanks. 324 00:19:10,047 --> 00:19:14,996 No problem hoe. Maybe later you can suck my nigga dick bitch hoe shit. 325 00:19:15,127 --> 00:19:18,358 Well Fat Abbot and the gang sure did learn something today. 326 00:19:18,487 --> 00:19:24,039 If you have a stepdad riding your ass, just snatch his ass in a bear trap. Grind! No more stepdad. 327 00:19:24,167 --> 00:19:29,764 - See you next time eating the pudding. - Yeah I think I'll write a little note for Roy. 328 00:19:34,767 --> 00:19:37,122 Hey kid give me some of those! 329 00:19:38,087 --> 00:19:41,841 - Hey when are we gonna play truth or dare? - What? That game's for kids. 330 00:19:41,967 --> 00:19:46,085 - This is bullcrap! - Oh boy it's gettin late. I'm gonna have to leave this party. 331 00:19:46,207 --> 00:19:48,846 This sucks Kenny. I wish we'd never built a clubhouse. 332 00:19:49,967 --> 00:19:51,923 Mash pit! 333 00:19:56,087 --> 00:19:58,157 Oh my god! They killed Kenny! 334 00:19:59,087 --> 00:20:01,760 You bastards! 335 00:20:02,287 --> 00:20:06,360 Stanley? Your father's coming over for visitations. Stan? 336 00:20:07,087 --> 00:20:09,123 Meet me in the clubhouse. 337 00:20:11,487 --> 00:20:14,957 Sharon, sharon have you seen my copy of harpers? 338 00:20:15,407 --> 00:20:17,523 Meet me at the clubhouse. 339 00:20:20,207 --> 00:20:22,326 Oh Randy! What are you doing here? 340 00:20:22,327 --> 00:20:25,727 I got a note from Stanley to come out to the clubhouse. 341 00:20:25,847 --> 00:20:29,123 - Oh I thought that note was for me. - Oh maybe it was. 342 00:20:29,247 --> 00:20:33,320 Well it looks like our little Stanley has built himself quite a clubhouse here. 343 00:20:33,447 --> 00:20:37,076 I remember not too long ago, we were just kids playing kissing games in my clubhouse. 344 00:20:39,527 --> 00:20:41,836 - Good night. - Sharon? 345 00:20:41,967 --> 00:20:43,719 - Truth or dare? - It’s too late for games. 346 00:20:43,847 --> 00:20:46,566 - No I’m serious. Please. Truth or dare. - Truth. 347 00:20:46,687 --> 00:20:50,680 - Do you still love me? - Oh Randy, I do love you. Now I’m so confused. 348 00:20:50,807 --> 00:20:55,278 I’m living with Roy, and I don’t know how to break it off with him. 349 00:20:56,207 --> 00:21:00,883 - Well you never know. Maybe things will work out. - Maybe. I guess it’s my turn. 350 00:21:01,007 --> 00:21:03,680 - Truth or dare. - Daaareeeh. 351 00:21:03,807 --> 00:21:06,605 Do me. Right here in the clubhouse! 352 00:21:08,967 --> 00:21:13,199 - Hello? Hello? Could somebody come and… hello? - Wow, clubhouses are magical. 353 00:21:16,047 --> 00:21:19,164 Ok my turn! Stan, truth or dare? 354 00:21:22,647 --> 00:21:23,966 Daaareee. 355 00:21:26,527 --> 00:21:30,156 Take this stick, and jam it up your pee hole. 356 00:21:31,647 --> 00:21:34,559 - What!!?!? - Wow, that sucks. - Do you think it’ll hurt? 357 00:21:37,367 --> 00:21:40,279 I sure am hungry. 358 00:21:40,687 --> 00:21:42,917 Anybody? 359 00:21:43,367 --> 00:21:47,804 This certainly does suck right here. 360 00:21:48,287 --> 00:21:52,678 Hello? Sh.. sh… Sharon? Sharon, hello?