1 00:01:43,350 --> 00:01:46,315 Ok children I know that today is the last day of school, 2 00:01:46,350 --> 00:01:51,350 and that the last day of school involves pranks, but this is going too far! 3 00:01:51,385 --> 00:01:55,315 Now what've you done with Mr. Hat? 4 00:01:55,350 --> 00:02:00,350 Children, I want Mr. Hat back right now, the prank is over! 5 00:02:00,385 --> 00:02:03,350 You think I can't get along without Mr. Hat don't you? 6 00:02:03,385 --> 00:02:05,614 You think I can't live without him. Well I can. 7 00:02:05,702 --> 00:02:08,970 He's just a puppet. I don't need him. See? Watch. 8 00:02:15,911 --> 00:02:21,315 GOD DAMN IT, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT MR.HAT!?!?! 9 00:02:21,350 --> 00:02:25,350 Oh no you don't. The school year's over, but summer vacation doesn't start for you 10 00:02:25,385 --> 00:02:29,315 little bastards, until Mr. Hat is back on my desk. 11 00:02:29,350 --> 00:02:34,327 Now I'm gonna turn around. And when I turn back, I expect to see Mr. Hat lying right here. 12 00:02:35,385 --> 00:02:41,367 Ok, I'm gonna turn around now. 13 00:02:41,402 --> 00:02:47,350 Shit! Where did everybody go? 14 00:02:47,385 --> 00:02:49,315 Oh golly! Kevin honey! 15 00:02:49,350 --> 00:02:55,315 Good to see you again, son. 16 00:02:55,350 --> 00:02:57,350 Looks like winter's right around the corner. 17 00:02:57,385 --> 00:03:01,367 Better get some firewood ready. 18 00:03:01,402 --> 00:03:05,315 Oh happy summer gentelemen. 19 00:03:05,350 --> 00:03:08,350 Shut up Pip. Right-o. Enjoy summer this summer for me, would you? 20 00:03:08,385 --> 00:03:09,315 What do you mean? 21 00:03:09,350 --> 00:03:12,350 Well I have to spend my summer in summer school, because I can't be left alone. 22 00:03:12,385 --> 00:03:14,315 You see my parents are dead. 23 00:03:14,350 --> 00:03:17,523 Your parents are dead? God damn you suck Pip. 24 00:03:21,350 --> 00:03:23,850 Oh yeah it's summer. That means we gotta buy fireworks. 25 00:03:23,885 --> 00:03:26,315 I've picked up enough money to buy M-80s this year. 26 00:03:26,350 --> 00:03:30,350 I saw in this movie once, where this guy stuck a firecracker up a cat's butt. 27 00:03:30,385 --> 00:03:32,315 Cool! Maybe we can do that to Cartman's cat. 28 00:03:32,350 --> 00:03:36,350 If you so much as touch Kitty's ass, I'll put firecrackers in your nut sack, 29 00:03:36,385 --> 00:03:38,350 and blow your balls all over your pants! 30 00:03:38,385 --> 00:03:39,315 Geeze Cartman! 31 00:03:39,350 --> 00:03:43,350 Well I'm just saying you know don't make my Kitty, you know. 32 00:03:43,385 --> 00:03:45,315 Hi fellas. Hi Stu. 33 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:47,315 What can I do for you? We wanna buy M-80s. 34 00:03:47,350 --> 00:03:50,350 The kind that fit in Cartman's cat's ass. Ok that's it. 35 00:03:50,385 --> 00:03:53,315 Screw you guys! I'm going home. 36 00:03:53,350 --> 00:03:55,315 What a baby. So we'll have 10 M-80s please. 37 00:03:55,350 --> 00:03:58,315 I'm sorry fellas, haven't you heard? Heard what? 38 00:03:58,350 --> 00:04:00,350 All fireworks have been banned in Colorado. What do you mean? 39 00:04:00,385 --> 00:04:02,315 It was in the paper this morning. 40 00:04:02,350 --> 00:04:06,350 Dude just cause some stupid North Park kid blew his hands off, we don't get to buy M-80s? 41 00:04:06,385 --> 00:04:07,315 Right. 42 00:04:07,350 --> 00:04:09,350 How can they do this to us? Doesn't anyone believe in tradition anymore? 43 00:04:09,385 --> 00:04:12,171 Yeah! We've been playing with firecrackers our whole lives! 44 00:04:17,385 --> 00:04:19,350 Udas kill Kenny. 45 00:04:19,385 --> 00:04:22,315 U bastards. 46 00:04:22,350 --> 00:04:26,350 A summer without fireworks is like.. I don't know, but it's like... it sucks ass. 47 00:04:26,385 --> 00:04:29,350 Yeah now what are we supposed to do? 48 00:04:29,385 --> 00:04:35,315 I can still sell snakes. 49 00:04:35,350 --> 00:04:39,350 This is absurd. We need fireworks for our 4th of July celebration at the lake. 50 00:04:39,385 --> 00:04:41,867 I don't care that some twirp blew his hands off. 51 00:04:41,902 --> 00:04:44,350 We've got to have fireworks for our picknick! 52 00:04:44,385 --> 00:04:46,315 Hold on I've got another call. 53 00:04:46,350 --> 00:04:50,350 Hello? No I don't know where Mr. Hat is! Geeze Garrison, I've got bigger problems! 54 00:04:50,385 --> 00:04:54,350 Hello yes. Now what am I supposed to do about our 4th of July show at the lake? 55 00:04:54,385 --> 00:04:58,315 No I don't want snakes! This is an outrage! 56 00:04:58,350 --> 00:05:02,350 Get me the Mayor... I know that smartass, I was being ironic. 57 00:05:02,385 --> 00:05:06,350 I'm sorry Mayor but I couldn't find the little man in the boat. 58 00:05:06,385 --> 00:05:09,315 Well keep looking. This is ridiculous. 59 00:05:09,350 --> 00:05:11,315 We can't have a celebration without fireworks. 60 00:05:11,350 --> 00:05:14,850 Who ever heard of a 4th of July picknick with snakes? 61 00:05:14,885 --> 00:05:18,350 Oh I like snakes. You light em and they grow and grow. 62 00:05:18,385 --> 00:05:21,315 Wait a minute. That's it! I've got it! 63 00:05:21,350 --> 00:05:25,350 This 4th of July, South Park will make history by having the largest 64 00:05:25,385 --> 00:05:27,315 snake in the world! 65 00:05:27,350 --> 00:05:30,350 The press will love it! I'll be on the front pa... ooooh! 66 00:05:30,385 --> 00:05:34,315 I found him. 67 00:05:34,350 --> 00:05:36,315 Man it's hot out here. 68 00:05:36,350 --> 00:05:38,315 What do you guys wanna do, we have the whole summer to play. 69 00:05:38,350 --> 00:05:41,350 Dude, what are we supposed to do? We always just play with fireworks. 70 00:05:41,385 --> 00:05:43,867 I know, let's go sledding. Yeah! 71 00:05:43,902 --> 00:05:46,315 Come on Cartman get on. Stan... 72 00:05:46,350 --> 00:05:48,350 Let's go dude, we're ready. What the hell you waiting for Cartman? 73 00:05:48,385 --> 00:05:51,350 Guys, don't you notice anything wrong with this picture? 74 00:05:51,385 --> 00:05:53,350 Yeah. Your fat ass isn't on the sled. 75 00:05:53,385 --> 00:05:56,315 Whatever. 76 00:05:56,350 --> 00:05:59,315 What the hell's going on? 77 00:05:59,350 --> 00:06:01,315 Hey there boys! Hey uncle Jimbo. 78 00:06:01,350 --> 00:06:03,315 How come you're not blowing things up? It's summer! 79 00:06:03,350 --> 00:06:06,350 Didn't you hear? They outlawed fireworks, because a little boy blew off his hands. 80 00:06:06,385 --> 00:06:09,867 What?!? Yeah, they're not even having them at the lake this year. 81 00:06:09,902 --> 00:06:13,350 Oh my god! Well don't worry boys. Uncle Jimbo is on the case. 82 00:06:13,385 --> 00:06:15,315 Buckle your seat belt Ned. 83 00:06:15,350 --> 00:06:17,350 Mmmwhere are we going? Mexico my amigo 84 00:06:17,385 --> 00:06:19,315 Why are we going to Mexico? 85 00:06:19,350 --> 00:06:21,850 To buy fireworks. Just cause some kid blew off his hands, 86 00:06:21,885 --> 00:06:24,350 doesn't mean the rest of us have to suffer now does it? 87 00:06:24,385 --> 00:06:26,315 Are fireworks legal in Mexico? 88 00:06:26,350 --> 00:06:31,315 Hell, everything's legal in Mexico. It's the American way. 89 00:06:31,350 --> 00:06:35,315 At the dynomite firework company, we have a commitment to excellence. 90 00:06:35,350 --> 00:06:39,512 Our focus is on safety while... Just cut to the chase and tell us about the snake! 91 00:06:43,385 --> 00:06:47,350 Now the disk that we're making is aproximately 5000 times 92 00:06:47,385 --> 00:06:49,315 bigger than the average snake. 93 00:06:49,350 --> 00:06:55,350 We'll have to fly it in with 3 comanchi helecopters, and lower it on to the ground at the lake. 94 00:06:55,385 --> 00:06:59,350 Then we'll need 57 flame throwers all set up around the perimeter of the disk, 95 00:06:59,385 --> 00:07:01,867 all triggered to fire at the same time. 96 00:07:01,902 --> 00:07:04,350 Flame throwers triggered at the same time 97 00:07:04,385 --> 00:07:06,867 Once lit, the snake will... grow. 98 00:07:06,902 --> 00:07:09,350 And good times will be had by all. 99 00:07:09,385 --> 00:07:11,315 Wonderful, spectacular! 100 00:07:11,350 --> 00:07:15,350 Well you see, fireworks at the lake will not only go on, but perhaps be the best ever. 101 00:07:15,385 --> 00:07:17,350 Wait a minute, we're gonna need an orchestra to play the starts and stripes. 102 00:07:17,385 --> 00:07:19,315 Hey how about the elementary school orchestra. 103 00:07:19,350 --> 00:07:22,315 They did a great version of Mary Had a Little Lamb at their last concert. 104 00:07:22,350 --> 00:07:26,350 Yes get the school principal on the phone. And we need somebody to dress up like uncle Raymus. 105 00:07:26,385 --> 00:07:29,867 Uh Mayor I think you mean uncle Sam. 106 00:07:29,902 --> 00:07:33,350 Oh course I do you fucking asshole! 107 00:07:33,385 --> 00:07:35,315 Dusty the dirtball! 108 00:07:35,350 --> 00:07:37,315 Why does everything have to suck so bad in summer. 109 00:07:37,350 --> 00:07:42,350 Hey look it's Mr. Garrison. Hello children. How is your summer going? 110 00:07:42,385 --> 00:07:44,350 Summer sucks ass Mr. Garrison. Hey, have you found Mr. Hat yet? 111 00:07:44,385 --> 00:07:49,350 Oh, oh that old thing? Why I almost forgot he was gone. 112 00:07:49,385 --> 00:07:53,350 I don't need Mr. Hat. That's good. 113 00:07:53,385 --> 00:07:59,350 Mr. Hat is just a puppet. Yep. 114 00:07:59,385 --> 00:08:04,315 Mr. Hat isn't real. Right. 115 00:08:04,350 --> 00:08:09,350 Hey guys, my mom signed me up for swimming lessons at the community pool, you wanna come? 116 00:08:09,385 --> 00:08:11,350 Swimming lessons dude? That is the lamest thing I've ever heard. 117 00:08:11,385 --> 00:08:12,315 It is not. 118 00:08:12,350 --> 00:08:14,350 Everyone knows that the first graders pee in the community pool. 119 00:08:14,385 --> 00:08:17,350 Yeah Cartman, you're swimming around in 1st grader pee! 120 00:08:17,385 --> 00:08:19,315 I'm not swimming around in pee! Whatever dude. 121 00:08:19,350 --> 00:08:22,350 My mom says if I take swimming lessons, I can be in the Olympics some day. 122 00:08:22,385 --> 00:08:23,315 Yeah, the fatass Olympics. 123 00:08:23,350 --> 00:08:26,315 I'm trying to make the best of a bad situation! 124 00:08:26,350 --> 00:08:29,350 I don't need to hear crap, from a bunch of hippie freaks living in denial! 125 00:08:29,385 --> 00:08:32,315 Screw you guys, I'm going home. 126 00:08:32,350 --> 00:08:36,315 But Cartman we're trying to... Screw you guys... home. 127 00:08:36,350 --> 00:08:41,350 What does he mean "living in denial"? Dude it's Cartman. He's just being a dumbass like always. 128 00:08:41,385 --> 00:08:42,315 There how does that look? 129 00:08:42,350 --> 00:08:44,350 Like a big hunk of dirt with a carrot sticking out of it. 130 00:08:44,385 --> 00:08:46,315 Ah crap. 131 00:08:49,350 --> 00:08:53,315 Ok kids everyone in the pool. 132 00:08:53,350 --> 00:08:54,350 Come on Eric. We're gonna start now. 133 00:08:54,385 --> 00:08:56,315 Na-uh. Just jump in! 134 00:08:56,350 --> 00:09:00,781 I don't wanna. It's not gonna hurt you hon. Just do it! 135 00:09:03,385 --> 00:09:04,315 There you go! 136 00:09:04,350 --> 00:09:07,350 Now just let the 1st graders swim by you and then head towards us. 137 00:09:07,385 --> 00:09:11,315 Huh? First graders! 138 00:09:11,350 --> 00:09:16,108 Awww weak! Weak! Aww you sons of bitches! 139 00:09:20,350 --> 00:09:23,350 Where the is our fireworks. We only have 24 hours! 140 00:09:23,385 --> 00:09:25,350 I'm sure it'll be here any second. Shut up! 141 00:09:25,385 --> 00:09:27,315 Copy that. 142 00:09:27,350 --> 00:09:30,350 Ok children, I'm sure we're a little rusty. Where is Eric Cartman? 143 00:09:30,385 --> 00:09:32,315 He's taking swimming lessons. 144 00:09:32,350 --> 00:09:35,350 Oh dear. How are we supposed to sound good without our french horn section? 145 00:09:35,385 --> 00:09:39,195 Oh, let's try some scales first. C scale first. And... 146 00:09:44,350 --> 00:09:48,591 Oh ok, that was pretty good. Let's play Mozart Symphony #5. 147 00:09:51,350 --> 00:09:54,315 Oh we're doomed. Our 4th of July celebration is going to have no fireworks 148 00:09:54,350 --> 00:09:58,781 and a bunch of tonedeaf little shits playing... wait a minute.. it's the snake! 149 00:10:03,385 --> 00:10:06,350 Let's move along people, if you see one giant snake 150 00:10:06,385 --> 00:10:09,315 thingy firework, you're seen 'em all. 151 00:10:09,350 --> 00:10:15,350 Call everybody, the show's back on! Come one we've only go 1 day to prepare! 152 00:10:15,385 --> 00:10:17,315 Buenas dias mi amigo. [Good day my friend] 153 00:10:17,350 --> 00:10:19,350 Yo soy uno Americano spectacularr! [I am a spectacular American!] 154 00:10:19,385 --> 00:10:20,315 Que? [What?] 155 00:10:20,350 --> 00:10:24,350 Yo necessito el fireworko spectacularr! [I need the spectacular firework!] 156 00:10:24,385 --> 00:10:26,315 Necessito que usted grande? [Do you need that big?] 157 00:10:26,350 --> 00:10:30,350 No, moleste el gato spectacular. [No, to molest a cat spectacular. ] 158 00:10:30,385 --> 00:10:33,315 Would you look at that Ned. Now that's a Tijuna bottle rocket. 159 00:10:33,350 --> 00:10:36,350 These babies have the power to blast a firehole right through the ozone. 160 00:10:36,385 --> 00:10:38,315 They're spectacular. 161 00:10:38,350 --> 00:10:43,350 It's our job to get these to children all over America for the 4th of July. 162 00:10:43,385 --> 00:10:45,350 We'll be like Santa Claus on Christmas morning. 163 00:10:45,385 --> 00:10:51,315 Bueno. [Good] 164 00:10:51,350 --> 00:10:54,315 Hello is Mr. Hat there? 165 00:10:54,350 --> 00:10:56,315 Is this some kind of joke? Huh-huh yes! 166 00:10:56,350 --> 00:11:01,350 You go to hell, you go to hell and you die! I'm gonna find out who you are! 167 00:11:01,385 --> 00:11:03,350 Uh, I don't think you can, mmkay. 168 00:11:03,385 --> 00:11:05,315 God damn it! 169 00:11:05,350 --> 00:11:08,350 Oh Lamb Chop. What would you like to do today? 170 00:11:08,385 --> 00:11:10,350 Well I'd like to sing you a song. 171 00:11:10,385 --> 00:11:12,771 Hey let's sing one together. 172 00:11:28,385 --> 00:11:31,315 No lamb chop no! 173 00:11:31,350 --> 00:11:35,150 Judy help me! It burns, it burns! 174 00:11:39,350 --> 00:11:41,350 Eric, you have to get in the deep end sooner or later. 175 00:11:41,385 --> 00:11:43,867 Later's fine. Just do your side stroke. 176 00:11:43,902 --> 00:11:46,315 I only know how to do it doggy style. 177 00:11:46,350 --> 00:11:49,350 That's doggie paddle Eric. Now come over here. 178 00:11:49,385 --> 00:11:54,315 Can I do it doggy style? Ok. 179 00:11:54,350 --> 00:11:58,350 That's it, that's it you can do it! 180 00:11:58,385 --> 00:12:00,315 Oh damn it! Ah not again! 181 00:12:00,350 --> 00:12:05,315 Come on Eric! No way! These sons of bitches! I'm going home. 182 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:08,350 Well 4th of July is finally here, and with the state wide ban on fireworks, 183 00:12:08,385 --> 00:12:11,315 people from all over Colorado are flocking to South Park. 184 00:12:11,350 --> 00:12:14,350 Here with a special report is a normal looking guy with a funny name. 185 00:12:14,385 --> 00:12:16,867 Thanks Tom, looks like the firework bad won't be 186 00:12:16,902 --> 00:12:19,315 putting a damper on one town's festivities tonight. 187 00:12:19,350 --> 00:12:21,315 I'm here at Stark's Pond in South Park where the crowd of residents 188 00:12:21,350 --> 00:12:25,350 and scores of tourists anctiously await the lighting of the largest snake, 189 00:12:25,385 --> 00:12:26,315 in human history. 190 00:12:26,350 --> 00:12:28,315 Now as most of you will probably remember, 191 00:12:28,350 --> 00:12:31,350 snakes are these little round disks that you light and they spew out 192 00:12:31,385 --> 00:12:33,315 a little snake of black ash. 193 00:12:33,350 --> 00:12:36,350 Well the South Park snake, is over half a mile in diameter, 194 00:12:36,385 --> 00:12:39,315 and 20 stories high. 195 00:12:39,350 --> 00:12:43,350 I'm told that this even won't begin until the sun goes down and night is upon us. 196 00:12:43,385 --> 00:12:45,315 Alrighty then. Looks like we're ready. 197 00:12:45,350 --> 00:12:47,315 How are your swimming lessons going Cartman? Fine. 198 00:12:47,350 --> 00:12:50,350 I heard you won't even get in the deep end. Well you heard wrong hippy! 199 00:12:50,385 --> 00:12:52,315 Ladies and gentlemen, good citizens of Colorado, 200 00:12:52,350 --> 00:12:55,350 it's my pleasure to be the first person to wish you all a Happy 4th of July! 201 00:12:55,385 --> 00:12:59,350 Let's start with our school band playing the stars and stripes. 202 00:12:59,385 --> 00:13:00,315 This is it. 203 00:13:00,350 --> 00:13:02,683 And a one, and a two, and a... 204 00:13:07,385 --> 00:13:08,315 What the fuck is that? 205 00:13:08,350 --> 00:13:10,350 I think it's the stars and stripes. 206 00:13:10,385 --> 00:13:12,274 Oh hell, light the snake. 207 00:13:29,350 --> 00:13:32,315 Alright Ned. Now we're coming up to the American border. 208 00:13:32,350 --> 00:13:36,041 They can't know that we have fireworks in the trunk. Just let me do the talking. 209 00:13:39,385 --> 00:13:44,350 I guess that goes without saying, doesn't it? 210 00:13:44,385 --> 00:13:45,315 Good evening gentlemen. 211 00:13:45,350 --> 00:13:47,315 Hello there fellow American. 212 00:13:47,350 --> 00:13:49,350 We're just anxious to get back to our homeland. 213 00:13:49,385 --> 00:13:51,350 Alright, I just need to ask you a few questions. 214 00:13:51,385 --> 00:13:53,315 Fire away, we have nothing to hide. 215 00:13:53,350 --> 00:13:56,350 Is anyone other than the 2 of you traveling in this vehicle? 216 00:13:56,385 --> 00:13:59,350 No sir. Do you have any firearms or explosives in the car? 217 00:13:59,385 --> 00:14:01,315 Yeah... I mean no. 218 00:14:01,350 --> 00:14:03,315 Open your trunk please sir. 219 00:14:03,350 --> 00:14:06,392 Damn, damn! I always get that question wrong! 220 00:14:12,350 --> 00:14:16,631 My god it's beautiful. It never fails to amaze me how I managed to overcome adversity. 221 00:14:19,385 --> 00:14:21,350 Say uh Charlie, when does that thing die out? 222 00:14:21,385 --> 00:14:22,315 Die out? 223 00:14:22,350 --> 00:14:27,315 Yes you know, expire, end. 224 00:14:27,350 --> 00:14:30,850 Hello?!? I'm asking you when it stops! 225 00:14:30,885 --> 00:14:34,315 I'm not sure, I never made one this big. 226 00:14:34,350 --> 00:14:36,350 I guess we didn't quite think this through did we. 227 00:14:36,385 --> 00:14:37,315 WHAT!?!?! 228 00:14:37,350 --> 00:14:40,350 Dude, that thing is huge! Yeah, maybe they should shut it off. 229 00:14:40,385 --> 00:14:43,350 Ay, you guys are screwing up the song. 230 00:14:43,385 --> 00:14:45,640 Stop it! It's out of control! 231 00:14:50,385 --> 00:14:54,315 Kenny watch out! 232 00:14:54,350 --> 00:14:57,350 Hey guys, I dodged the thing, and it missed me... ah! 233 00:14:57,385 --> 00:14:58,350 Oh my god! They killed Kenny! 234 00:14:58,385 --> 00:15:01,315 You... bastards! 235 00:15:01,350 --> 00:15:05,350 Oh my god. You tell me how much longer this thing is gonna last! 236 00:15:05,385 --> 00:15:09,315 let's see. A normal snake lasts 3 sec 237 00:15:09,350 --> 00:15:12,350 So when does it run out? November... of next year. 238 00:15:12,385 --> 00:15:13,515 Oh hell! 239 00:15:27,350 --> 00:15:29,315 Coming up for 9 hours, 240 00:15:29,350 --> 00:15:32,350 and the giant snake shows no signs of stopping. 241 00:15:32,385 --> 00:15:35,350 Residents have tried everything, from firehoses, 242 00:15:35,385 --> 00:15:37,367 to yelling at it to make the snake stop. 243 00:15:37,402 --> 00:15:39,315 But nothing seems to work. Thanks Creamy. 244 00:15:39,350 --> 00:15:43,350 Police are advising all citizens to stay indoors, not breath the ash and air, 245 00:15:43,385 --> 00:15:49,350 and not ever light any giant snakes in the near future. 246 00:15:49,385 --> 00:15:50,315 Man this sucks. 247 00:15:50,350 --> 00:15:53,350 What should we do dude? That big snake keeps growing. It's gonna demolish the whole state soon. 248 00:15:53,385 --> 00:15:55,350 We should do what we always do. Ask Chef for help. 249 00:15:55,385 --> 00:15:57,195 Where is Chef? 250 00:16:27,350 --> 00:16:31,350 Hello? What? Oh hello children. It's a what? 251 00:16:31,385 --> 00:16:35,350 A giant snake! Killing everybody! 252 00:16:35,385 --> 00:16:37,315 Growing bigger?!? 253 00:16:37,350 --> 00:16:41,943 Children... you know I rarely say this but... well fudge ya. 254 00:16:52,155 --> 00:16:54,350 What'd he say? Dude I think he told us to go fuck ourselves. 255 00:16:54,385 --> 00:16:56,315 Wow! How's that gonna help? 256 00:16:56,350 --> 00:17:01,902 All over America, the effects of the giant ash snake can be seen. 257 00:17:05,385 --> 00:17:09,350 Yay, let the spirit of heavenly father be blessed upon you. 258 00:17:09,385 --> 00:17:12,315 From this day on, all will be well. 259 00:17:12,350 --> 00:17:15,297 I already feel like things are getting better. 260 00:17:19,350 --> 00:17:23,850 And I can't sleep or think. Where would he have gone, why would he leave? 261 00:17:23,885 --> 00:17:28,315 Well, um let me ask you this. Why, where where do you think... Mr. Hat went? 262 00:17:28,350 --> 00:17:32,350 How the fuck should I know? If I knew that I wouldn't be seeing a fucking psychiatrist, would I? 263 00:17:32,385 --> 00:17:35,315 Well I guess, I see what you're saying. 264 00:17:35,350 --> 00:17:37,315 At first I was sure one of the children took him, 265 00:17:37,350 --> 00:17:42,350 but then I remembered that Mr. Hat and I actually had a fight that morning. 266 00:17:42,385 --> 00:17:43,315 Are you gay? 267 00:17:43,350 --> 00:17:45,850 What? It's it's just a question. 268 00:17:45,885 --> 00:17:48,315 Are you propositioning me? No. 269 00:17:48,350 --> 00:17:51,350 Well I can tell you that I'm 100% not gay. 270 00:17:51,385 --> 00:17:54,350 Well I believe you. I absolutely believe you. 271 00:17:54,385 --> 00:17:56,350 Mr. Hat on the other hand. 272 00:17:56,385 --> 00:17:57,315 Mr. Hat was gay? 273 00:17:57,350 --> 00:18:00,315 Sometimes he fanatsizes about same sexualations. 274 00:18:00,350 --> 00:18:04,350 I see. Sometimes Mr. Hat liked to pretend he was in a sona with Brett Far, 275 00:18:04,385 --> 00:18:06,350 in a bottle of a Thousand Apple dressing. 276 00:18:06,385 --> 00:18:08,350 That I did not need to know. 277 00:18:08,385 --> 00:18:09,315 Well I'm just saying. 278 00:18:09,350 --> 00:18:13,350 Mr. Garrison, I think that Mr. Hat was actually your gay side trying to come out. 279 00:18:13,385 --> 00:18:17,315 You see it's you that's gay, but you're in denial, 280 00:18:17,350 --> 00:18:23,350 so you act out your gay persona with a homosexual puppet. 281 00:18:23,385 --> 00:18:25,315 What do you think about that? 282 00:18:25,350 --> 00:18:31,350 I think you're the loony one in this room. 283 00:18:31,385 --> 00:18:35,315 Serves you right you gay bashing homo! 284 00:18:35,350 --> 00:18:40,315 Well Ned, looks like we missed 4th of July again. 285 00:18:40,350 --> 00:18:43,350 Damn it. Those poor kids must've been so disapointed having nothing but them 286 00:18:43,385 --> 00:18:45,367 stupid woossie snakes to light. 287 00:18:45,402 --> 00:18:47,315 MMwell better luck next year. 288 00:18:47,350 --> 00:18:50,315 Yeah you're right. Ok let's try again. 289 00:18:50,350 --> 00:18:54,350 Is anyone other than the 2 of you traveling in this vehicle? 290 00:18:54,385 --> 00:18:55,315 No. 291 00:18:55,350 --> 00:18:58,350 Do you have any firearms or explosives in the car? 292 00:18:58,385 --> 00:19:00,315 Yes? 293 00:19:00,350 --> 00:19:05,350 Damn it, I got it wrong again! What's the answer again? 294 00:19:05,385 --> 00:19:08,350 Holy smokes, what the hell is that? 295 00:19:08,385 --> 00:19:10,315 It looks like my ex-wife! 296 00:19:10,350 --> 00:19:12,567 Quick Ned, this is our chance. The hummer's outside. 297 00:19:21,385 --> 00:19:24,315 Hey I haven't seen you in here before. 298 00:19:24,350 --> 00:19:28,315 As more and more cities are effected by the growing ash and the death toll rises 299 00:19:28,350 --> 00:19:33,350 to 3000, people from all over the country are looking to the Mayor of South Park for answers. 300 00:19:33,385 --> 00:19:37,315 And it appears as if thought the mayor is going to explain matters now. 301 00:19:37,350 --> 00:19:41,350 Ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of South Park regrets that she can not be here herself. 302 00:19:41,385 --> 00:19:44,315 But she is sick. 303 00:19:44,350 --> 00:19:47,350 Sick? What kind of lame excuse is that? You gotta be kidding me! 304 00:19:47,385 --> 00:19:51,350 Aw this is ridicoulous. Come on we want answers! 305 00:19:51,385 --> 00:19:54,315 She's having her period. 306 00:19:54,350 --> 00:19:58,350 We do however have an official statement for all the concerned citites 307 00:19:58,385 --> 00:20:02,350 about the matter with the giant snake that we can't seem to put out. 308 00:20:02,385 --> 00:20:06,330 "We're sorry, our bad. " Thank you that is all. 309 00:20:12,385 --> 00:20:16,367 Ook. No first graders around. 310 00:20:16,402 --> 00:20:20,315 I can swim to the deep end. 311 00:20:20,350 --> 00:20:22,350 I can do it. I can do it. I can... 312 00:20:22,385 --> 00:20:28,315 I'm gonna make it. 313 00:20:28,350 --> 00:20:30,350 How many days left in summer. A lot I think. 314 00:20:30,385 --> 00:20:32,315 Damn it! I just want it to snow again! 315 00:20:32,350 --> 00:20:36,350 I don't think it matters dude. This giant snake is gonna kill everone soon. 316 00:20:36,385 --> 00:20:37,350 Buenas Gracias boys! [Good thanks boys] 317 00:20:37,385 --> 00:20:39,315 Hi uncle Jimbo. 318 00:20:39,350 --> 00:20:40,315 Aww now, why the long faces. 319 00:20:40,350 --> 00:20:42,315 We're bored. There's nothing to do. 320 00:20:42,350 --> 00:20:47,350 Well I don't think that's a problem that some Tijuana rockets can't solve. 321 00:20:47,385 --> 00:20:49,315 Hooray! 322 00:20:49,350 --> 00:20:54,350 Careful with those now. Those are dangerous. 323 00:20:54,385 --> 00:20:58,315 Point them away from your eyes now. 324 00:20:58,350 --> 00:21:03,550 Aww look at em Ned. Look how much happiness a little firepower can bring to a child. 325 00:21:09,385 --> 00:21:11,315 Hey look! We blew up the snake! 326 00:21:11,350 --> 00:21:14,315 All the ash from the snake is putting the flame out. 327 00:21:14,350 --> 00:21:19,016 Well how do you like that. Bottle rockets saved the 4th of July. 328 00:21:22,385 --> 00:21:26,315 I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it to the deep end! 329 00:21:26,350 --> 00:21:31,350 I made it! I made it! I made it to the deep end! Hooray for me! 330 00:21:31,385 --> 00:21:34,485 The snake's been destroyed, the pool's open! 331 00:21:38,385 --> 00:21:42,350 Oh no! You sons of bitches! 332 00:21:42,385 --> 00:21:45,315 Aww sons of bitches! 333 00:21:45,350 --> 00:21:49,315 Look they put out the snake! 334 00:21:49,350 --> 00:21:54,350 Yes apparently my plan to blow up the snake worked perfectly. 335 00:21:54,385 --> 00:21:56,315 Hey look it's snowing! 336 00:21:56,350 --> 00:21:59,561 Well it's snowing black ash, but what the hell? 337 00:22:05,385 --> 00:22:06,315 Winter's back! 338 00:22:06,350 --> 00:22:08,350 Wow, it's a black blizzard! 339 00:22:08,385 --> 00:22:10,315 Mr. Garrison: Where's Mr. Hat? 340 00:22:10,350 --> 00:22:13,315 Oh I'm through with Mr. Hat. He's a two-timing whore. 341 00:22:13,350 --> 00:22:17,350 From now on children, you're all gonna be learning from Mr. Twig. 342 00:22:17,385 --> 00:22:20,350 That's right children. I'll see you in the fall! 343 00:22:20,385 --> 00:22:25,315 Oh I can hardly wait. 344 00:22:25,350 --> 00:22:29,350 Hey children! Everybody! I'm back! I'm back from Aruba! 345 00:22:29,385 --> 00:22:32,315 What the... 346 00:22:32,350 --> 00:22:35,315 Hey Chef. How's it going? 347 00:22:35,350 --> 00:22:39,315 Howdy Chef, how was your summer vacation? 348 00:22:39,350 --> 00:22:41,350 Ok, everybody get in a line, so I can woop all yo asses.