1 00:02:13,039 --> 00:02:16,439 Ok children it's Friday and you know what that means for PE class. 2 00:02:16,440 --> 00:02:19,193 We're gonna play dodgeball! 3 00:02:20,520 --> 00:02:22,049 - We don't wanna play dodgeball. It hurts. 4 00:02:22,050 --> 00:02:26,750 So let's have half of the children on this side, and half the children on that side. 5 00:02:26,880 --> 00:02:29,440 Excuse me a moment gentlemen, I don't believe I know how to play dodgeball. 6 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:33,189 - What? Don't you have dodgeball in France? - Well no. And actually I'm not from France. 7 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:34,520 Look Pip the rules are simple. 8 00:02:34,521 --> 00:02:37,621 The kid from that team is gonna try to beam the kid on our team with a big red ball. 9 00:02:37,760 --> 00:02:41,036 - Oh dear. - If the ball hits you, you're out. But if you catch the ball, he's out. 10 00:02:41,160 --> 00:02:44,516 - And the last team to still have anybody standing wins. - Oh what jolly good fun! 11 00:02:44,640 --> 00:02:47,393 No it isn't it hurts! I can't believe they let us play this in school. 12 00:02:48,160 --> 00:02:49,639 Play ball! 13 00:02:51,920 --> 00:02:55,754 - Damn it, we lost one already. - You're out Clyde. 14 00:02:55,880 --> 00:02:58,519 Jordan, Swatson, pull forward! We need backup! 15 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:02,595 We're loosing men fast out here! 16 00:03:02,720 --> 00:03:05,996 Concentrate on your game. Be the ball. 17 00:03:07,560 --> 00:03:11,678 - I caught it! I caught it! - Great catch Kyle. Now your team's on offense. 18 00:03:11,800 --> 00:03:13,916 - Here Pip, you throw it. - Uh, oh no I couldn't. 19 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:15,380 - Come on limey. Don't be a wuss! 20 00:03:15,381 --> 00:03:17,919 Are you just gonna be a French pansy your whole life? - I'm not French... 21 00:03:17,920 --> 00:03:19,356 Throw the ball you stupid frog. 22 00:03:19,400 --> 00:03:22,819 God damn maybe if you didn't eat all those crossaints be able to get... 23 00:03:22,960 --> 00:03:26,794 Ok, that was pretty good Pip, but you're supposed to hit the kids on the other team. 24 00:03:26,920 --> 00:03:28,797 Ow my nose! You broke my nose! 25 00:03:28,920 --> 00:03:32,117 - Damn Pip, I didn't know you had it in you. - Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry! 26 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:38,190 That nose is bleeding pretty bad Kyle. I think you might have to go to the nurse's office. 27 00:03:39,160 --> 00:03:43,551 - No! No it'll be ok. - Sorry son, you'll have to let the nurse look at it. 28 00:03:43,680 --> 00:03:45,159 Come on! 29 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:48,512 Dude. He's going to the nurse's office. 30 00:03:48,640 --> 00:03:51,374 - I heard the school nurse is heidiously deformed. 31 00:03:51,375 --> 00:03:53,875 I heard she has tentacles and eats children for lunch. 32 00:03:53,920 --> 00:03:59,119 Stan? Has anybody actually seen the nurse, and come back to tell about it? 33 00:03:59,240 --> 00:04:01,754 No Cartman. Nobody ever has. 34 00:04:15,320 --> 00:04:20,474 Are you Kyle Broslofski? - Ye.. Yes. - I'm the school nurse, did you hurt your nose? 35 00:04:20,600 --> 00:04:23,478 Young man, why do you have your eyes closed? I'm not gonna hurt you. 36 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:26,114 - I know. - So open them. 37 00:04:30,760 --> 00:04:33,797 - Now, what seems to be the problem? - Oh, I just hit my nose playing dodgeball. 38 00:04:33,920 --> 00:04:36,036 Oh, well I'll get you an ice-pack. 39 00:04:39,840 --> 00:04:45,793 Oh, I see you've noticed my disorder. I have a still born fetus growth attached to my head. 40 00:04:47,960 --> 00:04:51,430 And when she moved up and down, the little fetus jiggled. 41 00:04:51,560 --> 00:04:55,189 - Did it talk? The little fetus, did it talk? - No! No it looked dead! 42 00:04:56,200 --> 00:05:00,113 - Was it wearing clothes? - Dude! Where's she gonna get fetus clothes? 43 00:05:02,640 --> 00:05:05,074 - And then she walked over... - Kyle! That is enough! 44 00:05:05,200 --> 00:05:09,432 I've been reading up on your poor nurse's condition, and it is nothing to be made fun of. 45 00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:13,300 - It's called conjoined twin myslexia. - Who the hell cares what it's called! 46 00:05:13,301 --> 00:05:14,401 As long as she doesn't touch me! 47 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:19,150 Now that's just the kind of unawairness that we need to fight against. Sit down boys. 48 00:05:19,880 --> 00:05:23,793 You see boys, sometimes when babies are born, they're born as twins. 49 00:05:23,920 --> 00:05:28,869 But sometimes the twins get hooked together and they're born as Siamese twins. 50 00:05:29,720 --> 00:05:34,874 Sometimes, after the Siamese twins are joined together, one of the twins dies before birth. 51 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:38,072 The living baby is born, with the dead baby still attached. 52 00:05:38,200 --> 00:05:41,397 Sometimes, the dead twin is inside the living person, 53 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:45,229 so even you could have a dead twin inside you and not even know it! 54 00:05:47,320 --> 00:05:49,927 So now that you're edjucated about her disease, 55 00:05:49,928 --> 00:05:52,228 you won't need to make fun of her, right boobie? 56 00:05:52,380 --> 00:05:53,500 Uhh... yeah. 57 00:05:59,240 --> 00:06:02,232 Can you imagine that poor, poor woman. 58 00:06:02,360 --> 00:06:05,158 Feeling like an outcast, being ridiculed every day. 59 00:06:08,360 --> 00:06:11,955 - Hello Sheila? It's Sharon. Stan's mother? - Oh yes, hello Sharon. 60 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:15,072 Sheila, I was just wondering if you might know why my son 61 00:06:15,200 --> 00:06:18,795 is trying to split his head open with an icepick? - No! I have to get it out! 62 00:06:18,880 --> 00:06:23,237 Well Sharon, I was just trying to edjucate them about conjoined twin myslexia. 63 00:06:23,360 --> 00:06:26,033 So this is your fault! 64 00:06:26,160 --> 00:06:28,444 Would you do me a favor? Next time you wanna scare the hell out of my child, 65 00:06:28,445 --> 00:06:32,045 just go outside and sit in the road till a truck runs you over instead. 66 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:37,188 That does it! I must edjucate the entire town about this awful disease. 67 00:06:39,560 --> 00:06:41,856 Dude, I don't get it. Why are we playing dodgeball again? 68 00:06:41,857 --> 00:06:43,757 Yeah. I thought we only played on Fridays. 69 00:06:43,800 --> 00:06:48,590 Children! Great news! We've been asked to play in the state finals for dodgeball! 70 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:52,957 - Do we have to? - Can't we just play with that big parachute again or something? 71 00:06:53,080 --> 00:06:54,694 You don't understand children. 72 00:06:54,695 --> 00:06:58,395 If we can win state, we can play in the nationals in Washington DC. 73 00:06:58,400 --> 00:07:00,619 - Hey! They have a zoo there! - That's right. 74 00:07:00,620 --> 00:07:03,820 Now come on, we have a lot of practicing to do. 75 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:06,620 Aren't we supposed to have won something in order to go to state finals? 76 00:07:06,621 --> 00:07:07,621 Hey Pip? You wanna be on my team again? 77 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:08,965 Oh I'd love to! 78 00:07:08,966 --> 00:07:12,266 Oh, just try not to send anybody to that monster nurse this time, Frenchie. 79 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,688 Hey! I get quite disturbed when you call me that. 80 00:07:14,689 --> 00:07:17,229 You shouldn't make fun of foreigners. And besides I hate French people. 81 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:26,560 Well Mrs.Broslofski, it certainly is a thrill seeing you cheery face again. 82 00:07:26,561 --> 00:07:28,061 What seems to be pissing you off today? 83 00:07:28,120 --> 00:07:31,599 Nothing is pissing me off. I just want to start a movement. 84 00:07:31,600 --> 00:07:32,900 Ahh, of course you do. 85 00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:35,758 I wanna talk to you all about your school nurse. 86 00:07:36,480 --> 00:07:41,474 - Nurse Gulemn is absolutely qualified to be... - No, no, no. I'm not upset about her. 87 00:07:41,600 --> 00:07:44,230 I want to make the public aware of her. 88 00:07:44,231 --> 00:07:48,331 Her disease should be brought to light so that it can be understood rather than made fun of. 89 00:07:48,480 --> 00:07:50,356 Ooh, and now what disease it that? 90 00:07:50,357 --> 00:07:55,357 Principal Victoria, Nurse Gollum has conjoined twin myslexia. 91 00:07:55,440 --> 00:07:58,477 - What's that? - She has a dead fetus attached to her head. 92 00:07:58,600 --> 00:08:01,910 - Gasp! She does?? - You uh, you never noticed that? 93 00:08:02,080 --> 00:08:05,868 - No, I never did. - Well that's exactly what I'm talking about. 94 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:10,312 This poor woman is forced to live in the shadows because she feels like an outcast. 95 00:08:10,440 --> 00:08:14,319 It is up to us to make her feel comfortable and welcome in out town. 96 00:08:14,440 --> 00:08:17,637 Did you say a fetus? Sticking out from her head? 97 00:08:17,760 --> 00:08:21,355 I want to invite your nurse to a dinner party at my house this evening. 98 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:24,556 I'd appreciate if both you and Mr.Mackey would attend. 99 00:08:24,557 --> 00:08:26,557 Do we have to eat Kosher stuff? 100 00:08:26,600 --> 00:08:30,275 I'll talk to nurse Gollum, but I'm sure she'd be delighted. Say around 8? 101 00:08:30,400 --> 00:08:34,154 - Wonderful! - Now you did say she has a fetus, on her head? 102 00:08:37,040 --> 00:08:41,033 Ok children, now who's gonna win the state finals? 103 00:08:42,160 --> 00:08:45,789 - Denver? - Here we go cows, here we go, uh-uh. 104 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:47,951 Here we go cows here we go, uh-uh. 105 00:08:52,120 --> 00:08:55,271 - I think we need to get off on this exit. - Sit down kid!!! 106 00:08:55,400 --> 00:09:00,428 - But it's quicker to get to the Denver school that way! - Do you want an office referal? 107 00:09:00,560 --> 00:09:03,482 How many times do I have to explain this to you, I'm not a student. 108 00:09:03,483 --> 00:09:04,783 You can't give me an office referal. 109 00:09:04,840 --> 00:09:08,037 - I said sit down!!!! - Yes ma'am. 110 00:09:11,980 --> 00:09:13,652 Whoa dude! This is the school? 111 00:09:15,740 --> 00:09:18,857 Hello there. I'm Bob Thomas, the coach for the Denver Cougars. 112 00:09:18,980 --> 00:09:20,937 I'm Chef, coach of the South Park cows. 113 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:23,850 Well I certainly wanna thank you for bringing your team down. 114 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:27,177 Apparently nobody else would play us, because they knew we'd just beat 'em silly. 115 00:09:27,300 --> 00:09:30,569 So I told the school board to find me some hick school from the mountains, 116 00:09:30,570 --> 00:09:33,649 and here you are. You're from South Park, yeah? - Yeah. 117 00:09:33,780 --> 00:09:36,055 My god, amazing where people can live nowadays. 118 00:09:36,300 --> 00:09:39,707 Well we might as well get this overwith, we gotta start thinking about D.C. 119 00:09:39,708 --> 00:09:41,708 Promise we won't make it too painful. 120 00:09:42,580 --> 00:09:44,059 Play ball! 121 00:09:52,700 --> 00:09:56,932 - So where did you get your degree, Nurse Gollum? - Colorado State. 122 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:05,848 Sheila, could you pass me the dead fetus? I mean gravy! 123 00:10:13,580 --> 00:10:16,538 Damn it! Come on! Somebody catch the ball. 124 00:10:16,660 --> 00:10:19,936 Alright boys, just 5 more of the little bastards to go. 125 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:26,054 - I caught it! I caught it! - That's not fair! He's so fat, it stuck in his belly! 126 00:10:26,180 --> 00:10:30,332 - South Park on offense! - Great job children! Just stay focused now. 127 00:10:30,460 --> 00:10:32,576 - Go for it, Pip. - Oh bother. 128 00:10:32,700 --> 00:10:34,497 Come on you Frenchie little frog! 129 00:10:36,180 --> 00:10:37,659 Great shot Pip! 130 00:10:39,780 --> 00:10:44,615 So I heard that the South Park cows are playing for the State Finals in dodgeball tonight. 131 00:10:44,740 --> 00:10:49,256 Yeah, but it doesn't matter. The Denver team always wins, mmkay. 132 00:10:49,860 --> 00:10:53,694 Oh I don't know. I think our boys just might have the dead fetus to win. Heart! 133 00:10:53,820 --> 00:10:57,859 - Gerald! Keep your damn mouth shut! - It's ok Mrs.Broslofski, really. 134 00:10:57,980 --> 00:11:02,098 - Please, forgive us, I'm terribly sorry Nurse Gollum. - No, I'm quite secure with it. 135 00:11:02,220 --> 00:11:05,690 I have felt so bad ever since I heard the boys making fun of you. 136 00:11:05,820 --> 00:11:06,770 They're just young boys. 137 00:11:06,771 --> 00:11:10,171 Joking is a way for them to come to terms with what they don't understand. 138 00:11:10,260 --> 00:11:11,820 Could I get some more pork? 139 00:11:11,821 --> 00:11:14,221 So did you ever think of you just you know, having it cut off? 140 00:11:14,300 --> 00:11:18,532 Yes, Principal Victoria, the thought had occured to me, unfortunately it would mean my death. 141 00:11:18,660 --> 00:11:22,335 - Oh! So I suppose that's out. How about a hat then? - No, really I don't need... 142 00:11:22,460 --> 00:11:26,578 Yes! We could get you a few hats, and you could wear a different one every day. 143 00:11:26,700 --> 00:11:29,699 I really appreciate what you're trying to do here, but it's not necessary. 144 00:11:29,700 --> 00:11:30,900 I'm a pretty happy person. 145 00:11:30,980 --> 00:11:36,418 Got it! We could set aside a whole week to make the public aware of folks just like you! 146 00:11:36,540 --> 00:11:40,897 Oh yes, a conjoined twin myslexia awareness week. You know that has a nice ring. 147 00:11:41,020 --> 00:11:44,410 - I really don't think... - The school could put out pamphlets, mmkay. 148 00:11:44,540 --> 00:11:47,338 And we could have seminars to edjucate, mmkay. 149 00:11:47,460 --> 00:11:51,658 Oh this is so exciting! I'm gonna get the mayor on the phone right now! 150 00:11:59,700 --> 00:12:04,091 You got just one more Pip. You get this kid, and we are state champions. 151 00:12:04,220 --> 00:12:07,769 Yeah, and if you don't you're a big dumbass European hippie piece of crap. 152 00:12:08,820 --> 00:12:10,458 Get 'em, Frenchie! 153 00:12:12,340 --> 00:12:17,937 - South Park wins! - We did it children! We did it! We're going to Washington DC! 154 00:12:18,540 --> 00:12:24,456 It hurts! Mommie it hurts! 155 00:12:31,380 --> 00:12:34,770 Oh sorry about wooping yo ass there, coach. 156 00:12:34,900 --> 00:12:38,734 Oooh baby come on, just woop give it ass. 157 00:12:38,860 --> 00:12:43,570 Gonna need some creme on yo ass, it's all swollen and red. 158 00:12:43,700 --> 00:12:47,773 Ladies and gentlemen this is indeed a great week for South Park. 159 00:12:47,900 --> 00:12:50,573 Mrs. Herman has opened the east wing of the library, 160 00:12:50,700 --> 00:12:56,491 and our own South Park cows elementary school dodgeball team is going to the national finals. 161 00:12:56,620 --> 00:12:59,930 Where they will undoubtly be beaten senseless by the Washington team. 162 00:13:01,380 --> 00:13:06,738 But most importantly this week has brought to my attention a very serious and dreaded disease. 163 00:13:06,860 --> 00:13:09,296 Conjoined twin myslexia. 164 00:13:09,297 --> 00:13:13,897 And so it is in honor of this that I declare this exciting week as... 165 00:13:13,900 --> 00:13:17,177 "Conjoined Twin Myslexia Week". 166 00:13:17,300 --> 00:13:24,138 And now let's kick off our week long festivities with the first anual grand conjoined parade! 167 00:13:24,260 --> 00:13:27,570 Let's hear it for these brave souls! 168 00:13:36,020 --> 00:13:41,299 What a glorious parade that was. Let's hear it for the parade coordinators! 169 00:13:43,620 --> 00:13:45,994 You know Mayor, I really should be accompanying those kids to 170 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:48,054 Washington incase hey get hurt. That is my job. 171 00:13:48,460 --> 00:13:51,657 Nonsense. This is your week, you aren't going anywhere. 172 00:13:51,780 --> 00:13:54,738 - How much further is Washington DC? - Sit down, kid!!! 173 00:13:54,860 --> 00:13:58,455 - I need to know how far it is, lady. - I said SIT DOWN!!!!! 174 00:13:58,580 --> 00:14:02,209 - Yeah, whatever you old dried up fat hog. - What did you say?? 175 00:14:02,340 --> 00:14:06,049 - I said, I've always wanted to visit Prague. - Oh, me too. 176 00:14:07,060 --> 00:14:10,257 - Ok, what've you got? - Some gefilte fish, some gafaga. 177 00:14:10,380 --> 00:14:13,292 - I got a jelly roll! I got a jelly roll! - Sweet! Jelly roll's perfect! 178 00:14:13,580 --> 00:14:15,650 Places. 179 00:14:23,340 --> 00:14:26,377 Damn man. This is the bigtime alright. 180 00:14:26,500 --> 00:14:28,811 - Chef, we're hungry. - You can eat after the game. 181 00:14:28,812 --> 00:14:31,412 You children win this one and you're national champions. 182 00:14:31,540 --> 00:14:33,355 Then you can go on and play the Chinese. 183 00:14:33,356 --> 00:14:35,756 My mom says there's a lot of black people in China. 184 00:14:35,820 --> 00:14:37,697 - What? - Are you Chef? 185 00:14:37,820 --> 00:14:41,699 The Washington team has forfitted the game. Congradulations, you're national champions. 186 00:14:41,820 --> 00:14:44,698 What? We did it! Children we won! 187 00:14:44,820 --> 00:14:48,495 - That was easy. - Ladies and gentlemen let's hear a round of applause for the new 188 00:14:48,620 --> 00:14:53,057 national champions of dodgeball, The South Park Cows! 189 00:14:54,820 --> 00:14:57,493 - Hey, why did you guys forfit? - You mean you don't know? 190 00:14:57,620 --> 00:15:00,499 Last year's national champions were the Austin Pirates. 191 00:15:00,500 --> 00:15:02,700 They played China for the world championship. 192 00:15:02,860 --> 00:15:07,251 Only 4 of them came back alive. Chinese dodgeball players aren't like us. 193 00:15:12,780 --> 00:15:15,374 They do nothing but dodgeball. Day in and day out. 194 00:15:15,500 --> 00:15:20,369 They use steroids and training equipment to make them not kids, but animals. 195 00:15:23,220 --> 00:15:27,577 - Well good luck, we've got our futures to think about. - Ok, children, back in the bus. 196 00:15:30,020 --> 00:15:34,745 And so as we have this honorary dinner, we take a look back at Nurse Gollum, 197 00:15:34,746 --> 00:15:36,446 and the brave life she has lived. 198 00:15:36,580 --> 00:15:39,299 - Roll the tape please Mr.Garrison. - Oh no! 199 00:15:40,580 --> 00:15:44,255 You've got the strength, you've got the courage. 200 00:15:44,380 --> 00:15:48,259 Even with a dead fetus on your head. 201 00:15:48,460 --> 00:15:53,534 Carry on! You fight for tomorrow! 202 00:15:53,660 --> 00:15:58,415 Dead fetus you know, you never let go. 203 00:15:58,540 --> 00:16:05,013 You're my conjoined twin dead thing hanging off your head woman. 204 00:16:05,140 --> 00:16:07,370 Oh, that was so touching. 205 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:12,654 And now friends, it's time to present lifetime conjoined twin achievement award. 206 00:16:12,780 --> 00:16:17,251 This award goes to outstanding conjoined twins who have made a mark on society. 207 00:16:17,380 --> 00:16:21,055 - And the winner is... - Nurse Gollum. 208 00:16:21,180 --> 00:16:23,296 Nurse Gollum! 209 00:16:24,700 --> 00:16:29,137 - Oh boy. - Excuse me Mayor, but I just received some news that you might all be interested in. 210 00:16:29,260 --> 00:16:32,526 Our South Park cows have just beaten the Washington dodgeball team, 211 00:16:32,527 --> 00:16:36,927 and are on their way to the world championship in China. 212 00:16:37,140 --> 00:16:42,339 Now we're almost to China. I want you all to try and focus on the game. 213 00:16:42,460 --> 00:16:44,272 - But Chef we don't wanna play the Chinese! 214 00:16:44,273 --> 00:16:47,173 Nonsense! If we win this one, we're world champions. 215 00:16:47,220 --> 00:16:50,849 - But we could get killed! - And just what price would you pay for you trying to blow it. 216 00:16:50,980 --> 00:16:56,213 Just imagine and big yellow dodgeball champions bear hanging in the cafeteria. Imagine it! 217 00:16:56,340 --> 00:16:59,013 - Dude, Chef has lost it. - You'll be on the news all over the world. 218 00:16:59,140 --> 00:17:04,373 South Park will finally have a sport that it's good at. Ooh children, it'll be glorious. 219 00:17:04,500 --> 00:17:08,618 So, Captain Ahab has to get his whale, huh? 220 00:17:08,740 --> 00:17:10,651 - Dude, what does that mean? - I don't know. 221 00:17:10,780 --> 00:17:14,455 - Hey isn't that kid Kevin Chinese? - Yeah, you're from China. 222 00:17:14,580 --> 00:17:18,493 - No, I'm from America. My parents are Chinese. - Tell us how the Chinese play dodgeball! 223 00:17:18,620 --> 00:17:21,293 - I have no idea dude. - Come on rice picker! 224 00:17:21,740 --> 00:17:23,983 Hey, hey, hey! Children, that's not cool. 225 00:17:23,984 --> 00:17:26,884 You don't make fun of somebody because of their ethnicity. 226 00:17:26,980 --> 00:17:29,540 - You don't? - But Chef, you just ripped on Chinese people. 227 00:17:29,660 --> 00:17:34,051 No, no, no, no ,no, that's different. I made fun of them because they are from China. 228 00:17:34,180 --> 00:17:38,014 You see it's not ok to make fun of an American because they're black brown or whatever. 229 00:17:38,140 --> 00:17:42,213 But it is ok to make fun of foreigners because they're from another country. 230 00:17:52,220 --> 00:17:55,974 Let the world champion of dodgeball be decided. 231 00:18:01,420 --> 00:18:02,899 Damn dude, China's fucked up. 232 00:18:03,020 --> 00:18:06,774 - Take places. - Alright, lets go cows. Let's show em what we got! 233 00:18:06,900 --> 00:18:11,052 Ok, Tom, looks like the Americans are getting ready to play. 234 00:18:11,180 --> 00:18:16,971 I don't supposed they'll have any problem seeing the ball with their BIG American eyes. 235 00:18:18,460 --> 00:18:21,197 Yeah good thing they have those big eyes so they 236 00:18:21,198 --> 00:18:24,998 don't have to rely on that amazing American intellect 237 00:18:28,180 --> 00:18:30,136 Pray bra! 238 00:18:33,220 --> 00:18:34,812 Holy crap. 239 00:18:37,060 --> 00:18:38,539 God damn! 240 00:18:38,660 --> 00:18:44,018 Hey, hey, what do you call a white American person with a PHD in physics and math? 241 00:18:44,140 --> 00:18:47,576 - I don't know, wrat? - Stupid American! 242 00:18:52,500 --> 00:18:55,060 Oh, another American is down. 243 00:18:55,180 --> 00:18:59,776 It's number, oh I don't know. All Americans look alike. 244 00:19:05,100 --> 00:19:08,331 - Oh my god! They killed Kenny. - You... bastards... 245 00:19:08,460 --> 00:19:14,899 Oh my, I haven't seen an American die like that since Abraham Lincoln! 246 00:19:15,020 --> 00:19:18,410 Dude that is not cool. You're gonna get us into trouble again. 247 00:19:19,020 --> 00:19:23,093 Ladies and gentlemen on this 4th day of cojoined twin myslexia week 248 00:19:23,220 --> 00:19:27,611 all our prayers are with our little South Park cows now playing their hearts out in China. 249 00:19:28,180 --> 00:19:33,095 Now join me in saluting our cows and help make Nurse Gollum not feel like an outcast 250 00:19:33,220 --> 00:19:36,929 with our first official conjoined twin myslexia hats! 251 00:19:43,660 --> 00:19:46,697 And there is only one more South Park player left. 252 00:19:46,820 --> 00:19:51,496 Still all Chinese players. This simply all is very sorry. 253 00:19:52,780 --> 00:19:57,410 - Come on! Throw ball! - Hey you want to head my impersonation of American? 254 00:19:59,540 --> 00:20:03,135 Hey, I really, really want that. That hurts good. 255 00:20:05,580 --> 00:20:07,536 Hey hey hey. Let me try, let me try. 256 00:20:08,660 --> 00:20:11,493 I'll use my credit card. 257 00:20:14,660 --> 00:20:16,776 Do you have any non dairy creamer? 258 00:20:19,100 --> 00:20:21,250 You all come back now, you hear? 259 00:20:23,780 --> 00:20:25,498 Oh, what have I done? 260 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:32,815 You know Eric, I just realized something. I've been obsessed, and an obsession isn't good. 261 00:20:33,620 --> 00:20:36,311 If we had won the world championship, what then? 262 00:20:36,312 --> 00:20:40,312 It would only be a bigger let down next year if we didn't win. 263 00:20:40,700 --> 00:20:45,091 Our lives would have to revolve around dodgeball. Our lives were fine before. 264 00:20:45,980 --> 00:20:50,258 Oh I'm sorry children, I let it all go to my head. Can you ever forgive me? 265 00:20:51,580 --> 00:20:54,055 Come on. Forget this stupid game. Let's go home. 266 00:20:55,300 --> 00:20:59,532 - Come on, throw ball! - Hey if you want to make him throw the ball, say this. 267 00:21:00,620 --> 00:21:05,011 Hey you American dumbass, you French piece of crap, throw ball. 268 00:21:05,140 --> 00:21:09,975 What's the matter Frenchie, you got crepes in your ears? 269 00:21:23,620 --> 00:21:26,657 And the winner is South Park cows. 270 00:21:27,780 --> 00:21:30,897 Everyone, everyone look! I won the game! We're world champions! 271 00:21:31,020 --> 00:21:35,491 Mr.Chef, Mr.Chef, South Park is the world champion in dodgeball. Oh glorious day! 272 00:21:35,620 --> 00:21:38,180 - Shut up, Pip. - Yeah, shut up Pip. Can we go home now? 273 00:21:38,300 --> 00:21:42,737 - Did you all see? I can't believe I threw such a ball with my own arm. It was... - SHUT UP PIP! 274 00:21:43,860 --> 00:21:47,489 As our myslexia awareness week draws to a close, 275 00:21:47,620 --> 00:21:52,489 I would like to personally thank all of you for your enthusiastic cooperation. 276 00:21:52,620 --> 00:21:58,968 Now let's head it one more time for our world champions South Park Cows! 277 00:21:59,100 --> 00:22:04,094 - What the hell is everyone wearing on their heads? - And now, let's hear from the woman of the week, 278 00:22:04,220 --> 00:22:07,849 the incredible, courageous, Nurse Gollum! 279 00:22:08,500 --> 00:22:10,456 - Dude it's the freak nurse! - Holy crap! 280 00:22:10,580 --> 00:22:14,459 Damn it Kyle. We've been working all week against that kind of behavior. 281 00:22:14,580 --> 00:22:17,697 - Well sorry dude, we weren't here. - Thank you mayor. 282 00:22:17,820 --> 00:22:20,732 I ah, well I don't know what to say. This has been quite a week. 283 00:22:20,860 --> 00:22:24,899 - She's really touched. - What I really wanna say is, 284 00:22:25,020 --> 00:22:29,138 well this may sound off coming from woman with a fetus sticking out of her head, 285 00:22:29,260 --> 00:22:32,650 but you're all a bunch of freaks! 286 00:22:34,620 --> 00:22:37,339 Uh, freaks with big hearts! And now.. 287 00:22:37,460 --> 00:22:41,612 Don't you realize that the last thing I ever wanted was to be singled out? 288 00:22:41,720 --> 00:22:45,554 I just wanted to do my job, and live my life like any normal person, 289 00:22:45,680 --> 00:22:49,958 but instead you've made everybody focus on my handycap all week long. 290 00:22:50,080 --> 00:22:55,313 Look I don't wanna be treated different. I don't wanna be treated special or treated gingerly, 291 00:22:55,440 --> 00:22:59,638 I just wanna be ridiculed, shouted at and made fun of like all the rest of you do to each other. 292 00:23:00,240 --> 00:23:03,073 And take those stupid things off your heads! 293 00:23:05,640 --> 00:23:09,679 - Oh my what an ungrateful bitch. - Yeh, the nerve of some people. 294 00:23:09,800 --> 00:23:11,871 - Hey you know that nurse is actually pretty cool. 295 00:23:11,872 --> 00:23:14,372 Yeah, maybe that dead fetus makes her smarter. 296 00:23:14,440 --> 00:23:16,351 I love you, guys. 297 00:23:18,600 --> 00:23:20,079 Ah, screw you guys.