1 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:37,955 "Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for JIMMY! 2 00:00:38,539 --> 00:00:40,666 Thank you! Wow. What a terrific audience. 3 00:00:40,832 --> 00:00:44,211 I know what most of you are thinking. "Hey, uh-that guy stole my show..." 4 00:00:46,547 --> 00:00:49,675 Wow, what a great audience. And how about this Michael Jackson guy, huh? 5 00:00:49,842 --> 00:00:56,598 I mean, come on... Wow, what a great audience. Uh... l... lights, please? 6 00:00:59,601 --> 00:01:00,561 Hey Jimmy. 7 00:01:01,186 --> 00:01:03,105 Butters, w-where is everybody? 8 00:01:03,272 --> 00:01:04,940 Oh yeah, well, about that... 9 00:01:05,399 --> 00:01:09,278 Christopher Reeve came to town to do some kind of show, and everyone went to see him. 10 00:01:09,653 --> 00:01:12,281 Christopher Reeve? Christopher Reeve?! 11 00:01:12,322 --> 00:01:14,241 You know, Christopher Reeve, the guy who played Superman. 12 00:01:14,241 --> 00:01:17,286 I know who he is! But why is everyone ditching my comedy show to see him?! 13 00:01:17,536 --> 00:01:20,539 Ww-well, because he got crippled, but now he can move his finger. 14 00:01:20,539 --> 00:01:24,126 He is an inspiration to us all. That's why everyone ditched on your show. 15 00:01:24,793 --> 00:01:26,086 So then, how come you came? 16 00:01:26,837 --> 00:01:31,091 Well, because I said I would. Oh, I'm a dork, huh? 17 00:01:33,468 --> 00:01:36,054 And so without further ado, here's the most courageous, 18 00:01:36,054 --> 00:01:39,057 most amazing man on the planet, Christopher Reeve. 19 00:01:44,605 --> 00:01:46,857 Thank you, thank you, wow, what a great audience. 20 00:01:49,026 --> 00:01:50,819 I just flew into South Park. 21 00:01:52,821 --> 00:01:54,281 Used to be I didn't need an airplane. 22 00:01:57,075 --> 00:01:58,160 As most of you know, 23 00:02:00,704 --> 00:02:03,081 I am a strong supporter of stem-cell research. 24 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:06,043 Say, fellas! Thanks a lot for goin' to my ...c-comedy show! 25 00:02:06,752 --> 00:02:07,920 We didn't go to your comedy show. 26 00:02:08,045 --> 00:02:11,048 I know that, I was being f-f-f-fa...cetious! 27 00:02:11,632 --> 00:02:13,300 Look, dude. Christopher Reeve, dude. 28 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:15,594 Ooh, Christopher Reeve! Whoop-de-freakin-do! 29 00:02:15,844 --> 00:02:17,930 Dude, that's not cool. You shouldn't make fun of Christopher Reeve. 30 00:02:18,096 --> 00:02:19,097 Yeah dude, not cool. 31 00:02:19,097 --> 00:02:20,641 Though it is controversial, 32 00:02:22,518 --> 00:02:24,853 ...stem cell research is critical... 33 00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:28,524 ...in the quest for helping... 34 00:02:30,859 --> 00:02:32,152 ...the disabled. 35 00:02:32,444 --> 00:02:34,863 I put together a comedy show and I was crippled from BIRTH! 36 00:02:36,823 --> 00:02:38,992 Uh, hoo. Guys, I think we'd better stay out of this one. 37 00:02:39,034 --> 00:02:41,411 Yeah, this is starting to look like something we shouldn't be any part of. 38 00:02:41,411 --> 00:02:42,788 Let's go play with trucks or something. 39 00:02:43,247 --> 00:02:44,915 Can you believe this asswipe, Timmy? 40 00:02:45,249 --> 00:02:46,124 Timmeh!! 41 00:02:46,166 --> 00:02:50,504 Why is a celebrity who became crippled more important than us that were born that way, very much. 42 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:51,713 Rrruh Timmeh! 43 00:02:52,339 --> 00:02:53,382 In the coming days... 44 00:02:54,800 --> 00:02:56,260 I will prove to the world... 45 00:02:57,177 --> 00:02:59,721 ...that stem-cell research is a miracle. 46 00:03:00,681 --> 00:03:05,227 Beep beep beep. Move it, Kenny! Beep. 47 00:03:05,269 --> 00:03:06,019 Hey there fellas. 48 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:07,062 Oh hey Jimmy, hey Timmy. 49 00:03:07,104 --> 00:03:07,604 Timmih! 50 00:03:07,855 --> 00:03:11,441 Say, would you guys like to join our club? Oh, I'm sorry. You can't. You aren't crippled. 51 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:14,444 What? 52 00:03:14,486 --> 00:03:16,321 To be in our club, not only do you have to be c-c-crippled, 53 00:03:16,697 --> 00:03:19,283 but you have to have been born that way. Do you know what that means? 54 00:03:19,408 --> 00:03:21,869 No butthole Superman asswipe Christopher Reeve! 55 00:03:22,536 --> 00:03:24,413 That's nice, guys. We're just gonna stay out of this one. 56 00:03:25,873 --> 00:03:28,750 Hey, wait a minute! You guys can't just start a club and tell me I can't be in it! 57 00:03:28,792 --> 00:03:30,460 Sorry, able-bodied, you can't join. 58 00:03:30,836 --> 00:03:31,461 Can too! 59 00:03:35,174 --> 00:03:36,008 One. 60 00:03:37,885 --> 00:03:40,220 You know what you call an able-bodied guy on the doorstep? 61 00:03:40,721 --> 00:03:41,972 Whatever his name is. 62 00:03:43,807 --> 00:03:45,142 Oh God-damnit!! 63 00:03:45,225 --> 00:03:46,518 Cartman, just stay out of it. 64 00:03:46,518 --> 00:03:47,853 But they say I can't be in their club!! 65 00:03:48,145 --> 00:03:49,980 Cartman, trust me. We don't want any part in this one. 66 00:03:52,649 --> 00:03:55,360 Hello, Mr. McGillicuuhuhuhh... Mr. McGillicuddy. 67 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:57,321 Hello, boys. What can I do for you? 68 00:03:57,696 --> 00:03:59,781 Timmy and I made a ...T-shirt design for our new club. 69 00:04:00,032 --> 00:04:01,617 We just came up with a name this morning. 70 00:04:04,286 --> 00:04:08,290 Uh... boys, I don't think you wanna wear these shirts 71 00:04:08,874 --> 00:04:09,750 Why not? 72 00:04:09,833 --> 00:04:15,047 Well, because there already is a group that calls themselves the Crips, and I don't think they'd like it too much. 73 00:04:16,131 --> 00:04:17,466 ...There's already a Crips?! 74 00:04:18,091 --> 00:04:21,845 Well, sure, they're all over at Five Points area in Denver. You've never heard of them? 75 00:04:21,845 --> 00:04:26,183 No, we never have. Are they crippled from birth or are they cripple wannabes like Christopher Reeve? 76 00:04:27,809 --> 00:04:29,686 ...Oh, I am stayin' out of this one. 77 00:04:31,146 --> 00:04:35,359 Can you believe it, Timmy? All this time there was a group for truly crippled people like ourselves, and we didn't know it. 78 00:04:35,651 --> 00:04:36,360 Timmmeh! 79 00:04:36,777 --> 00:04:39,279 Come on. We have to take the bus to Five Points in Denver. 80 00:04:40,030 --> 00:04:43,784 My guest tonight is the brilliant star of stage and screen, Mr. Christopher Reeve, 81 00:04:43,784 --> 00:04:47,287 who,. with the help of stem-cell research, is now able to move his arms. 82 00:04:47,663 --> 00:04:49,373 Thanks for having me on again, Larry. 83 00:04:49,373 --> 00:04:53,627 All right. Chris, the whole world is waiting. Why don't you show us what stem-cell research has done for you. 84 00:04:57,422 --> 00:04:59,341 Amazing. Isn't that amazing, folks? 85 00:04:59,341 --> 00:05:02,261 Now, Chris, there're some people who say stem-cell research is wrong, 86 00:05:02,261 --> 00:05:05,264 that takling cells from a fetus is... unethical. 87 00:05:05,305 --> 00:05:07,850 Well, it just proves that the public needs to be educated 88 00:05:10,185 --> 00:05:14,731 ...about stem-cell research. See, the stem cells from a fetus like this one... 89 00:05:15,107 --> 00:05:17,568 can form into whatever cells of the body are damaged. 90 00:05:17,693 --> 00:05:20,153 They are the most powerful thing on the planet. 91 00:05:20,153 --> 00:05:23,240 And how does someone like yourself make use of the stem cells, Chris? 92 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:24,533 Well, it's very simple. 93 00:05:36,837 --> 00:05:39,590 And now you can see, my arms have better movement. 94 00:05:40,924 --> 00:05:42,759 Wow. Wow. 95 00:05:50,142 --> 00:05:53,437 Excuse me, sir. We're looking for a group of people called the Crips. 96 00:05:54,938 --> 00:05:56,148 You are? 97 00:05:56,148 --> 00:05:59,067 Do you know where they meet? We've already tried the rec center and the library. 98 00:05:59,818 --> 00:06:04,406 The Crips hang out at that old warehouse down there, but ...nobody goes in there. 99 00:06:04,823 --> 00:06:07,326 Oh, it's okay. We're Crips ourselves. Come on, Tim-Tim. 100 00:06:07,326 --> 00:06:08,160 Timmmih! 101 00:06:17,211 --> 00:06:18,545 Well hello everyone. 102 00:06:20,172 --> 00:06:22,466 I'm Jim Swanson, and this is my friend Timmy. 103 00:06:22,466 --> 00:06:27,554 Timmmih! Tih... ti-timmih. 104 00:06:28,847 --> 00:06:30,557 Well, let us tell you a little bit about ourselves. 105 00:06:31,058 --> 00:06:33,185 Timmy and I are both true Crips, born and raised. 106 00:06:33,185 --> 00:06:35,062 We're the only Crips in South Park, where we live, 107 00:06:35,062 --> 00:06:37,940 and we would love to join your fa-fa-fabtasitc Denver chapter. 108 00:06:41,527 --> 00:06:42,653 Is they for real, manh? 109 00:06:42,861 --> 00:06:45,656 We just have one question before we join your c-club. 110 00:06:45,656 --> 00:06:49,117 Do you think it's better to be born a Crip, or to become a Crip later by accident? 111 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:52,454 The only real Crips is born Crips, dawg. 112 00:06:52,746 --> 00:06:55,499 Yeah, you can't become a Crip by accident, fool! 113 00:06:55,791 --> 00:06:57,626 I agree. I mean, it's like "come on"! 114 00:06:58,168 --> 00:07:01,630 Why do these people who become crippled later in life think they're such great pot-potatuhs?" 115 00:07:02,256 --> 00:07:03,048 Timmih! 116 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:07,636 Well, we're glad you see it our way, fellas. So can we join your g... group? 117 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:10,472 All right, you wanna thug with the Five Point Crips? 118 00:07:11,014 --> 00:07:13,267 Bitches, all you gotta do is pop some punk-ass Bloods. 119 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:18,063 Well, sure. Tim and I would love to pop some punk-ass Bloods. We're terrific at it. 120 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:19,189 Timmih? 121 00:07:19,481 --> 00:07:20,983 I don't know, Timmy, just play along. 122 00:07:21,692 --> 00:07:22,609 Uh-tu-Timmih! 123 00:07:22,860 --> 00:07:24,236 So you sayin' yuh down? 124 00:07:24,319 --> 00:07:26,029 Down like a clown, Charlie Br... 125 00:07:26,405 --> 00:07:28,240 Down like a clown, Charlie B-broooowww... 126 00:07:28,824 --> 00:07:32,494 Down like a clown, Charlie Browh... Bro-uh-own. 127 00:07:32,494 --> 00:07:34,955 Down like a clown, Charlie Br-Brown. 128 00:07:49,094 --> 00:07:52,139 Say Timmy, did you notice that all the crippled people in that club are negros? 129 00:07:52,431 --> 00:07:53,056 Timmih! 130 00:07:53,056 --> 00:07:57,060 That's an amm-mmazing coincidence. I mean, there's not one crippled colored person in South Park. 131 00:08:00,564 --> 00:08:01,315 Hey you kids. 132 00:08:02,065 --> 00:08:03,025 Well hello, officers. 133 00:08:04,026 --> 00:08:05,652 What the hell do you think you're doin'? 134 00:08:06,653 --> 00:08:08,447 We're goin' to pop some punk-ass Bloods. 135 00:08:09,198 --> 00:08:10,115 Timmih! 136 00:08:18,707 --> 00:08:20,292 Look, Timmy. There's a convenience store. 137 00:08:20,584 --> 00:08:22,961 That must be what the fellas meant by "pop some punk-ass Bloods." 138 00:08:23,170 --> 00:08:25,047 They want us to get them some soda pop and treats. 139 00:08:25,339 --> 00:08:26,089 Oh, Timmih. 140 00:08:29,801 --> 00:08:32,971 Let's buy them ginger ale and marshmallows. Then they'll let us in the club for sure." 141 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:36,517 Oh shit! 142 00:08:42,898 --> 00:08:46,026 Suh, suh, suh, suh, Sssunday driver! 143 00:08:48,862 --> 00:08:52,991 Yo yo, listen up y'all! Let me tell you about my little Gs, Roller and 4 Legs here. 144 00:08:52,991 --> 00:08:55,536 They just smoked thirteen Bloods in one night! 145 00:08:55,827 --> 00:08:56,662 One night? 146 00:08:57,871 --> 00:08:59,665 That ain't never been done before! 147 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:02,209 And they got us marshmallows and ginger ale. 148 00:09:03,043 --> 00:09:04,336 Uh huh. Cool. He's right. 149 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:06,630 So does that mean we can join the c-c...club? 150 00:09:06,713 --> 00:09:09,883 You're not just in, you're the baddest mofo Crips in town! 151 00:09:10,509 --> 00:09:14,221 Cipac! Turn up the beat so we can celebrate our new Gs Five-Points style! 152 00:09:14,471 --> 00:09:15,639 All right. 153 00:09:18,016 --> 00:09:19,476 Wow, these guys really are crippled. 154 00:09:23,146 --> 00:09:27,776 Timmy, I have a feeling that this is the start of something b-b-b-b...b-b-brilliant. 155 00:09:27,776 --> 00:09:29,027 Timmih! 156 00:09:36,118 --> 00:09:38,495 Thanks for the ride home, fellas. We sure had a ...terrific time. 157 00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:40,414 Alrighty. Keep it real though, dawg. 158 00:09:40,581 --> 00:09:42,207 You dawgs keep it real, too. 159 00:09:47,796 --> 00:09:48,714 Timmih! 160 00:09:50,090 --> 00:09:51,717 Well, that sure was a terrific time. 161 00:09:52,217 --> 00:09:54,511 Let's go all around tomorrow and show everyone our new outfits, Timmy. 162 00:09:54,511 --> 00:09:55,596 Timmih! 163 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:58,307 There you are, Jimmy! 164 00:09:58,307 --> 00:10:00,309 Whatup, Mazie? Ye-yo, Pops? 165 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:01,810 Jimmy, you rmother was gettin' worried about you. 166 00:10:02,019 --> 00:10:05,814 No need to worry about me. I'm cool like a fool in a swimming ppp-ppp-pp-pp-pool. 167 00:10:08,817 --> 00:10:12,905 Tom, I'm standing out front of the Stem Cell Research Facility with terrific news. 168 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:17,409 Christopher Reeve, who was once paralyzed, claims that he can now stand. 169 00:10:17,784 --> 00:10:18,619 Thank you everyone. 170 00:10:18,619 --> 00:10:21,496 To most people, this is just an ordinary fetus. 171 00:10:21,496 --> 00:10:24,208 But to people like me, it's hope. 172 00:10:38,096 --> 00:10:39,306 What an inspiration. 173 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:43,393 Tom, many celebrities have spoken out in protest of stem-cell research, 174 00:10:43,393 --> 00:10:47,105 but, after seeing this, how can they protest now? 175 00:10:50,817 --> 00:10:52,194 Stay clear, guys, stay clear. 176 00:10:52,236 --> 00:10:53,487 Yup. I'm not seeing anything. 177 00:11:00,410 --> 00:11:02,788 Hey Hey, I don't want no trouber! 178 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:05,916 Hello. We'd like two orders of Kung ...Pao Chicken, please. 179 00:11:05,999 --> 00:11:08,794 I don't want no trouble! You jus... take what you want and reave! 180 00:11:09,086 --> 00:11:09,795 Timmih! 181 00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:12,381 OH! Okay, okay! I opening register 182 00:11:12,589 --> 00:11:13,215 Timmh. 183 00:11:13,215 --> 00:11:15,717 What's that? Oh, and one medium lemonade, please. 184 00:11:16,218 --> 00:11:19,680 Here. Here one hundred twelve dorrar! It's all I have. Yeh take! 185 00:11:21,807 --> 00:11:23,684 You take! Uh one hundred twelve dorrar! 186 00:11:25,602 --> 00:11:26,687 Ah- are you sure? 187 00:11:26,728 --> 00:11:28,897 I no want no trouble. Just take it and reave! 188 00:11:29,314 --> 00:11:31,400 Well gee, that's really nice of you, Mr. ...Chinese person. 189 00:11:31,400 --> 00:11:32,985 Look Tim-Tim, we got a cash prize. 190 00:11:32,985 --> 00:11:35,612 We must be the ...one hundredth customer or something. 191 00:11:35,696 --> 00:11:38,907 Here! Here two order of Kung Pao Chicken, and small ice tea! 192 00:11:38,991 --> 00:11:40,617 Actually, it was a regular lemonade. 193 00:11:41,118 --> 00:11:47,207 AAAAAGH-agh!! I sorry! I sorry! I no want no trouble. Here. Remonade. Now go, just go! 194 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:49,585 Gee, thanks a lot. See you next time. 195 00:11:49,793 --> 00:11:50,502 Timmih! 196 00:11:54,089 --> 00:11:57,885 Hello! Police? I've just been robbed by two gang members! 197 00:11:59,511 --> 00:12:02,514 Jimmy? Jimmy, could you come into the kitchen please? 198 00:12:03,807 --> 00:12:05,309 Yo, Mamsie. What's up, Pops? 199 00:12:05,309 --> 00:12:07,811 Uh have a seat, Jim. Your mother and I need to talk to you. 200 00:12:18,614 --> 00:12:21,909 Son, your mother and I have noticed a change in your behavior. 201 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:25,913 And... we're worried that you might be involved in a gang. 202 00:12:25,996 --> 00:12:27,497 A what? Oh, you mean the fellas. 203 00:12:27,998 --> 00:12:31,418 Well sure. But I can't talk about the club on account of it's sssuper secret, dawg. 204 00:12:31,418 --> 00:12:33,795 Then it's true! Oh, Ryan, it's true! 205 00:12:35,005 --> 00:12:38,717 Why you be trippin', Mom? I mean come on. I'm finally a part of something, very much. 206 00:12:39,009 --> 00:12:41,303 Jimmy, those people you're hanging out with are no good. 207 00:12:41,595 --> 00:12:45,098 Yo, don't be dissing my niggaz, dawg. They're my f... friends. 208 00:12:45,390 --> 00:12:49,186 And what about your standup comedy, Jim, huh? Are you just giving up on that, too? 209 00:12:49,603 --> 00:12:55,192 Nobody cared about my standup comedy! All that hard work just to be outshined by C-Christopher Reeve the super b-butthole! 210 00:12:55,400 --> 00:12:58,820 Uh Jimmy, we've told you before. God made you the way he did for a reason! 211 00:12:58,987 --> 00:13:01,698 Right. Because you and Mom used to make fun of crippled kids in high school. 212 00:13:02,199 --> 00:13:06,286 That's right. You were sent here through the vengeful and angry hand of God to teach your mother and I a lesson. 213 00:13:06,787 --> 00:13:08,497 And that's a big responsibility, son. 214 00:13:08,580 --> 00:13:11,500 Look! My gang, which I can't talk about because it's super secret, 215 00:13:11,792 --> 00:13:16,213 is the most important thing to me now! And if you two don't like it, you can just pass the blunt to the nigga on your left. 216 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:25,681 Where's that delivery of new fetuses?! Feeling weak again. 217 00:13:26,098 --> 00:13:27,307 Here's the new shipment, sir. 218 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:34,690 Hello there, Christopher. 219 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:39,319 Well, well, Gene Hackman, my nemesis from the movies. How are you? 220 00:13:40,112 --> 00:13:41,405 I'm good. You? 221 00:13:42,114 --> 00:13:45,117 I am better with each passing day. Stronger and more agile. 222 00:13:47,119 --> 00:13:50,289 Christopher, I've come to ask you to stop what you're doing? 223 00:13:51,999 --> 00:13:52,708 What? 224 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:57,087 Using stem cells is like playing God. You should leave nature alone. 225 00:13:58,088 --> 00:14:01,717 And go back to the way I was? Is that what you're saying, Hackman? 226 00:14:02,009 --> 00:14:05,804 I'm saying that sometimes you need to just live with the cards you're dealt, Christopher. 227 00:14:05,804 --> 00:14:09,183 Stop calling me Christopher! That name no longer has meaning to me! 228 00:14:09,183 --> 00:14:13,604 Christopher was someone who lived in a wheelchair! Always being pushed around by others! 229 00:14:13,604 --> 00:14:15,814 The old Christopher Reeve is dead! 230 00:14:15,814 --> 00:14:18,108 From now on, I am... 231 00:14:19,610 --> 00:14:21,320 Chris! 232 00:14:22,404 --> 00:14:26,116 Sixty-five... bottles of... beer on the wall. Six- 233 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,413 Payback time, mothafucka! 234 00:14:32,789 --> 00:14:33,790 Jesus Christ! 235 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:39,213 Holy G...guacamole! 236 00:14:42,716 --> 00:14:43,800 Freakin' Frijoles! 237 00:14:48,180 --> 00:14:50,015 Leapin' L-langosta. 238 00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:52,601 East Side Bloods! 239 00:14:56,813 --> 00:14:59,608 We're Detectives Hyde and Richardson from the Special Gang unit in Denver. 240 00:14:59,608 --> 00:15:01,693 Any word on who shot up me and Timmy's houses, officer? 241 00:15:01,985 --> 00:15:04,488 Word on the street is it was a retaliation hit by the Bloods. 242 00:15:04,988 --> 00:15:06,698 The... B-Bloods? 243 00:15:06,740 --> 00:15:08,784 You know, smart-mouth! Your rival gang! 244 00:15:08,784 --> 00:15:12,120 The Bloods are at war with the Crips, they kill each other all the time! 245 00:15:12,162 --> 00:15:12,788 The-they do?? 246 00:15:12,788 --> 00:15:14,581 Don't act like you don't know, you lil punk! 247 00:15:14,998 --> 00:15:17,292 The Crips and Bloods hate each other, and if you stay in that gang, 248 00:15:17,709 --> 00:15:19,002 you're gonna end up dead too. 249 00:15:19,002 --> 00:15:20,295 But... but why do they hate each other? 250 00:15:20,504 --> 00:15:23,507 Look kid, I used to be a Crip myself, but I'm not anymore! 251 00:15:24,591 --> 00:15:26,593 Oh, so you used ssstemm cells like Christopher Reeve? 252 00:15:27,094 --> 00:15:30,597 Come on. The only way these kids are gonna get out of their gang is get killed. 253 00:15:32,015 --> 00:15:33,183 Sarah! 254 00:15:34,017 --> 00:15:37,020 Oh boy, Timmy, we should have never started a gang for people crippled from birth. 255 00:15:37,020 --> 00:15:39,189 Now they're at war with the people who are crippled from an accident. 256 00:15:39,398 --> 00:15:40,482 Boy were we wrong. 257 00:15:41,108 --> 00:15:42,401 Tim-mih. 258 00:15:42,693 --> 00:15:43,986 Wow, w-we've got to do something, Timmy. 259 00:15:43,986 --> 00:15:46,613 We've gotta get the Crips and Bloods to sstop fighting. 260 00:15:46,613 --> 00:15:49,116 I bet if we could just get them together... but how? 261 00:15:49,992 --> 00:15:52,494 Wu-wait a minute! I've got it! A lock-in at the rec center! 262 00:15:52,619 --> 00:15:55,914 We did it for our church once. All we do is rent out the rec center overnight. 263 00:15:55,914 --> 00:15:57,207 They lock the doors so nobody can leave, 264 00:15:57,207 --> 00:15:59,710 and then everyone has the whole night to play in the swimming pool and laugh and talk. 265 00:15:59,710 --> 00:16:00,586 Timmih!! 266 00:16:00,711 --> 00:16:02,713 You get all the Crips you can to the rec center tomorrow night, Timmy. 267 00:16:03,088 --> 00:16:04,298 And I'll try to get all the ...Bloods there. 268 00:16:04,298 --> 00:16:05,090 Timmih!! 269 00:16:05,215 --> 00:16:07,301 This is gonna be t-terrific! 270 00:16:09,011 --> 00:16:12,806 Tom, several years ago, actor Christopher Reeve had a horrible accident and was paralyzed. 271 00:16:13,515 --> 00:16:17,019 The irony, of course, is that the man who played Superman could no longer walk. 272 00:16:17,394 --> 00:16:20,981 America watched in wonder as he managed to move one of his fingers, then his arms. 273 00:16:21,315 --> 00:16:26,820 And now, seen for the first time on HBC, Christopher Reeve is going to lift a truck up over his head. 274 00:16:32,784 --> 00:16:33,911 Oh, what a fighter. 275 00:16:33,994 --> 00:16:35,412 That brave, brave man. 276 00:16:35,412 --> 00:16:36,997 He's an imspration to us all. 277 00:16:37,706 --> 00:16:44,004 Tom, the irony is even more irony-y as it appears that the stem cells have given Christopher Reeve almost superhuman strength. 278 00:16:44,796 --> 00:16:46,089 Chris, that's enough! 279 00:16:47,090 --> 00:16:48,800 Hello, Gene! So good to see you! 280 00:16:49,009 --> 00:16:51,720 You're cured, Chris. It's time to stop using stem cells. 281 00:16:52,012 --> 00:16:55,807 Stem-cell research has made me stronger than I ever thought possible! Why stop now?! 282 00:16:56,016 --> 00:17:00,103 Uh Tom, apparently, Gene Hackman, the man who played Superman's enemy Lex Luthor in the movies, 283 00:17:00,521 --> 00:17:03,398 has now shown up as a celebrity protester of stem-cell research. 284 00:17:03,690 --> 00:17:06,109 If that isn't ironic, Tom, I don't know what is. 285 00:17:06,318 --> 00:17:11,615 They're affecting your mind, Chris. If you won't stop using stem cells, then we'll stop you! 286 00:17:12,199 --> 00:17:14,993 Stop me?! Stop me?! HA!! 287 00:17:21,083 --> 00:17:23,001 You won't stop me, Hack Man! 288 00:17:27,589 --> 00:17:32,219 Tom, if irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now. 289 00:17:36,014 --> 00:17:38,600 Come on in, everybody. Lots of su-surprises and t-treats inside. 290 00:17:40,018 --> 00:17:41,895 Great to see you all. What a terrific audience. 291 00:17:43,188 --> 00:17:45,482 Are you sure you got everything you need, young man? 292 00:17:45,691 --> 00:17:47,484 We sure do. Thanks, Mr. Apple...b-by. 293 00:17:47,609 --> 00:17:50,988 Just remember to make sure the kids play safe in the pool area. 294 00:17:51,113 --> 00:17:51,905 You bet. 295 00:17:51,989 --> 00:17:55,117 I'll be back at seven to let you out. You kids have a good time. 296 00:17:55,492 --> 00:17:56,410 Oh, we will. 297 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:03,917 The Bloods! 298 00:18:04,209 --> 00:18:05,586 Oh shit! It's a trap! 299 00:18:05,586 --> 00:18:07,504 Muthafucka Crips tryin' to smoke us all out! 300 00:18:07,713 --> 00:18:09,590 What the hell is goin' on here? 301 00:18:09,882 --> 00:18:11,008 It's called a lock-in at the rec center. 302 00:18:11,717 --> 00:18:13,218 We can use all the rec center facilities. 303 00:18:13,218 --> 00:18:17,389 We can play basketball, go swimming, or even just kick it in the lounge area with some games and ...p-puzzles. 304 00:18:17,598 --> 00:18:18,515 Timmih! 305 00:18:18,599 --> 00:18:20,601 But nobody can leave until it's seven a.m., 306 00:18:20,809 --> 00:18:23,103 so if you wanna have a good time, you're all just gonna have to learn to get along. 307 00:18:31,987 --> 00:18:33,906 Theeerrre's pizzaaa. 308 00:18:35,282 --> 00:18:39,494 Tom, over five years ago, doctors told Christopher Reeve that he would never walk again, 309 00:18:39,494 --> 00:18:42,289 but the resilient actor fought back, struggled against all odds, 310 00:18:42,289 --> 00:18:45,501 and has now built his very own Legion of Doom! 311 00:18:46,210 --> 00:18:51,215 The once immobile Mr. Reeve's new organization will be commited to world domination and evil. 312 00:18:51,298 --> 00:18:53,300 What an inspirational story, Tom. 313 00:18:54,092 --> 00:18:59,306 I have chosen each member of this elite group of supervillains for their outstanding treachery, 314 00:18:59,306 --> 00:19:03,602 Their desire for world conquest, and their hatred of all things good! 315 00:19:03,602 --> 00:19:06,480 And I've assembled this group for one purpose! 316 00:19:06,480 --> 00:19:09,983 To once and for all find a way to... 317 00:19:10,609 --> 00:19:15,906 ...get rid of Hack Man!! 318 00:19:15,989 --> 00:19:18,617 Uhhh, how about domination of the world? 319 00:19:18,992 --> 00:19:21,203 Yeah. Or uh, death to the infidels? 320 00:19:21,411 --> 00:19:26,083 Silence! OUR job is to see to it that Hack Man is put out of commission. 321 00:19:26,416 --> 00:19:29,711 Oh boy, General Disarray, muh maybe we just oughtta stay outta this one. 322 00:19:30,796 --> 00:19:32,005 Not so fast, Chris! 323 00:19:32,381 --> 00:19:33,590 Hack Man! 324 00:19:33,799 --> 00:19:38,595 We just helped pass a ban on stem-cell research. Your fetus-sucking days are over! 325 00:19:38,804 --> 00:19:40,681 No... NOOOO! 326 00:19:40,806 --> 00:19:44,601 And now we're goingn to put you somewhere where you can never touch another fetus again! 327 00:19:46,103 --> 00:19:47,688 You stupid mofos are dead! 328 00:19:47,980 --> 00:19:49,189 Make the first shot, punk! 329 00:19:49,398 --> 00:19:56,113 Hold it! Don't you see? It doesn't matter if we were crippled from birth, or crippled in an accident. We're all brothers. 330 00:19:56,613 --> 00:19:58,907 Save it, fool! Crips ain't our brothers! 331 00:19:58,991 --> 00:20:02,911 Look: we hve the whole rec room to ourselves. Can't we all just try having some fun together? 332 00:20:02,911 --> 00:20:04,288 You talkin' crazy, dawg. 333 00:20:04,413 --> 00:20:05,998 Yeah, we ain't playin', sucka! 334 00:20:06,081 --> 00:20:08,917 Why don't we at least give it a chance? I mean, Come on! 335 00:20:11,211 --> 00:20:13,714 Wait a minute. What did you say? 336 00:20:14,089 --> 00:20:16,091 I said, "I mean, Come on!" 337 00:20:18,093 --> 00:20:21,680 You know, maybe he's right. I mean, Come on! 338 00:20:22,181 --> 00:20:23,307 Come on. 339 00:20:23,807 --> 00:20:28,187 I guess we could at least give havin' fun together a try. It's like Come on. 340 00:20:28,187 --> 00:20:29,479 Yeah. Come on. 341 00:20:29,813 --> 00:20:30,981 Yeah, that's right. Come on. 342 00:20:30,981 --> 00:20:31,815 Come on. 343 00:20:31,815 --> 00:20:32,399 Come on. 344 00:20:32,399 --> 00:20:34,484 Yeah, that's right. Come on. 345 00:20:43,285 --> 00:20:46,288 I've gotta give you two dawgs props for puttin' an end to all this hate. 346 00:20:46,413 --> 00:20:48,415 I told you, lock-ins at the rec center always work. 347 00:20:48,790 --> 00:20:50,292 And you know, I've learned something, too. 348 00:20:50,417 --> 00:20:53,504 I was player-hatin' Christopher Butthole Reeve because he got more attention than me. 349 00:20:53,795 --> 00:20:57,508 But just like... y-you guys, I need to learn to control my a... anger. 350 00:20:58,091 --> 00:20:58,509 Right on! 351 00:20:59,009 --> 00:21:01,512 Hey little Roller, try some of this chronic shit. 352 00:21:01,595 --> 00:21:02,513 Timmih! 353 00:21:05,307 --> 00:21:08,685 I guess we all learned that trying to get along is way better than p... player hatin'. 354 00:21:09,019 --> 00:21:11,104 The gang wrote a song about it. Why don't we listen in? 355 00:21:11,480 --> 00:21:13,398 It used to be that Crips and Bloods didn't get along, 356 00:21:13,607 --> 00:21:15,692 But now we're all a family, so we wrote this song. 357 00:21:16,193 --> 00:21:20,405 Naaa na naaa, Crips and Bloods. Naaa na naaa, hope and love. 358 00:21:20,989 --> 00:21:23,116 Naaa na naaa, friendly thugs. 359 00:21:24,409 --> 00:21:31,291 You haven't seen the last of me, Hack Man! I will be back!! 360 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:34,002 Dude, I am so glad we stayed out of that one.