1 00:00:32,853 --> 00:00:35,227 School days, school days, teacher's golden rule day… 2 00:00:35,228 --> 00:00:36,702 -Ah, damn it! -What? 3 00:00:36,954 --> 00:00:38,922 My God-damned little brother's trying to follow me to school, again! 4 00:00:39,079 --> 00:00:40,214 Suck my balls. 5 00:00:40,466 --> 00:00:42,429 No, Ike! You can't come to school with me. 6 00:00:42,464 --> 00:00:43,661 Yeah! Go home, you little dildo! 7 00:00:43,891 --> 00:00:46,037 Dude, for the last time, don't call my brother a dildo! 8 00:00:46,250 --> 00:00:48,761 Alright, go home, you little semen-puking asshole dickhead! 9 00:00:50,277 --> 00:00:51,216 Dude, sweet! 10 00:00:51,644 --> 00:00:53,750 Yeah. Check it out. Ready Ike? Kick the baby! 11 00:00:54,481 --> 00:00:56,679 Don't hit the God-damned baby! 12 00:00:56,682 --> 00:00:58,013 Kick it! 13 00:00:59,820 --> 00:01:02,080 Whoa Cartman. Looks like you didn't get much sleep last night. 14 00:01:02,375 --> 00:01:04,731 That's because I was having these bogus nightmares all night long. 15 00:01:05,388 --> 00:01:06,044 Really? What about? 16 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:09,072 Well, I dreamt that I was lying in my bed… in the dark. 17 00:01:09,850 --> 00:01:12,135 When all of a sudden this bright blue light filled the room. 18 00:01:12,752 --> 00:01:17,691 Then slowly my bedroom door begin to open and the next thing I remember I was being drug through a hallway. 19 00:01:19,545 --> 00:01:24,276 Then these scary hands wanted to operate on me. And they had big heads and big black eyes… 20 00:01:24,450 --> 00:01:25,227 Dude! Visitors! 21 00:01:25,547 --> 00:01:26,681 -Totally! -What? 22 00:01:26,925 --> 00:01:28,399 That wasn't a dream Cartman, those were visitors! 23 00:01:28,777 --> 00:01:29,957 No, it was just a dream, my mom said so. 24 00:01:30,451 --> 00:01:34,294 Visitors are real. They... Wait a minute. This has all happened before. 25 00:01:34,656 --> 00:01:36,233 Yeah. This does seem really familiar. 26 00:01:36,781 --> 00:01:38,583 What the Funk & Wagnalls are you talkin' about? 27 00:01:38,999 --> 00:01:40,935 Cartman, don't you remember the last time you had this dream? 28 00:01:41,536 --> 00:01:43,322 Eh-ih... shut up you guys, you're just tryin' to scare me. 29 00:01:43,890 --> 00:01:44,731 No, dude, this happened before! 30 00:01:44,732 --> 00:01:48,677 Aliens put some device in you and then we tied you up to a tree and you went up on their ship! You don't remember that? 31 00:01:49,054 --> 00:01:49,761 No I don't remember that! 32 00:01:50,191 --> 00:01:50,922 You don't? 33 00:01:51,012 --> 00:01:52,686 No, because the aliens erased my memory! 34 00:01:53,696 --> 00:01:56,252 I remember this whole thing. Ike tried to follow you to school. 35 00:01:56,253 --> 00:01:58,273 You kicked him, then Cartman told us about his alien dream. 36 00:01:58,618 --> 00:02:00,112 Yeah, and then Chef pulled up in his car. 37 00:02:02,534 --> 00:02:03,646 Hello there, children! 38 00:02:05,805 --> 00:02:06,846 And then you said 39 00:02:07,007 --> 00:02:08,805 What's gonna be for lunch today, Chef? 40 00:02:08,966 --> 00:02:11,271 Well, today it's Salisbury steak with hot buttered noodles 41 00:02:11,523 --> 00:02:13,972 and a choice of green bean salad or vegetable medley. 42 00:02:14,076 --> 00:02:14,787 Weird 43 00:02:15,007 --> 00:02:16,216 Say, did any of you children 44 00:02:16,216 --> 00:02:18,010 see the alien space ship last night? 45 00:02:19,061 --> 00:02:19,739 What the? 46 00:02:20,116 --> 00:02:21,599 Chef, we're in a repeat. 47 00:02:21,762 --> 00:02:22,673 A repeat?? 48 00:02:22,692 --> 00:02:26,699 Cartman was visited by aliens again last night. And now it's like we're living a repeat of a previous day. 49 00:02:27,047 --> 00:02:28,290 Aw dude, I hate repeats! 50 00:02:28,439 --> 00:02:32,616 I've been feelin' déjà vu all mornin', children. I knew somethin' strange was goin' on! 51 00:02:33,027 --> 00:02:34,754 It all started when Cartman got an anal probe. 52 00:02:35,002 --> 00:02:37,455 We have to get Eric to a proctologist right away. 53 00:02:40,945 --> 00:02:42,411 What is a proc-tologist, Chef? 54 00:02:42,492 --> 00:02:45,246 He's a doctor that specializes in your asshole, children. 55 00:02:45,283 --> 00:02:48,882 You mean, at some point in this doctor's life he decided he wanted to work on people's buttholes. 56 00:02:49,059 --> 00:02:49,830 That's right. 57 00:02:50,105 --> 00:02:50,879 What a dick! 58 00:02:51,176 --> 00:02:52,700 Hello everyone! 59 00:02:52,847 --> 00:02:55,191 Hello Doctor. Thanks for seein' Eric on such short notice. 60 00:02:55,353 --> 00:02:56,526 What seems to be the problem? 61 00:02:56,770 --> 00:02:59,351 We just want you to take a look and tell us if you see anything abnormal. 62 00:02:59,866 --> 00:03:00,944 Other than his monstrous size. 63 00:03:01,216 --> 00:03:03,523 SHUT UP, KYLE! SHUT YOUR GOD-DAMNED MOUTH! 64 00:03:07,902 --> 00:03:08,233 All right, let's see here. Oh my God!! 65 00:03:08,268 --> 00:03:08,403 What? 66 00:03:08,404 --> 00:03:10,789 Why, there's a huge crack goin' right down the middle! 67 00:03:13,004 --> 00:03:14,303 Haha, very funny. 68 00:03:14,414 --> 00:03:15,850 Yeah, like we haven't heard that one a zillion times. 69 00:03:16,009 --> 00:03:17,271 All right, let's take a look. 70 00:03:19,805 --> 00:03:21,263 Heey, just what the hell do you think you're doing? 71 00:03:21,536 --> 00:03:23,930 Eric, the doctor has to feel inside your rectum. 72 00:03:24,048 --> 00:03:26,351 And afterwards, he'll probably have to burn his hand and bury it. 73 00:03:26,923 --> 00:03:29,020 Kyle, I swear, if I didn't have a guy's hand up my ass right now, 74 00:03:29,021 --> 00:03:30,721 I'd leap across the room and kick you in the nuts. 75 00:03:33,838 --> 00:03:34,998 Well the prostate seems to be normal. 76 00:03:36,076 --> 00:03:37,551 No swelling of the hemorrhoidal gland... 77 00:03:38,420 --> 00:03:39,202 Wait, what's this? 78 00:03:44,690 --> 00:03:45,397 Are you okay? 79 00:03:45,615 --> 00:03:49,851 Dude. You know that feeling when you take a huuuge dump? Awesome! 80 00:03:50,091 --> 00:03:51,159 Well, doctor? 81 00:03:51,159 --> 00:03:56,145 I've never quite seen this before, uh... Perhaps he just needs some hemorrhoid cream. 82 00:03:59,310 --> 00:04:00,387 You all right? 83 00:04:00,806 --> 00:04:03,196 You know the feeling when the huge dump you just took shoots back up inside your ass? 84 00:04:03,197 --> 00:04:04,453 NO I""M NOT ALL RIGHT!!" 85 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:06,790 I've never seen a hemorrhoid react this way. 86 00:04:07,272 --> 00:04:09,966 That wasn't no hemorrhoid, it was an alien hoobajoob! 87 00:04:09,967 --> 00:04:12,542 Come on, children! We've got to get Eric to some real help! 88 00:04:13,167 --> 00:04:14,130 Where to now, Chef? 89 00:04:14,225 --> 00:04:17,236 That thing inside Eric's asshole looked like some kinda alien satellite dish. 90 00:04:17,613 --> 00:04:19,754 We need to see my friend down at the Space Center now! 91 00:04:29,873 --> 00:04:32,768 And you're the only person I could think of who might be able to help us, Jeff. 92 00:04:33,083 --> 00:04:35,058 How do we uh, make it come out? 93 00:04:35,058 --> 00:04:37,565 Someone just has to activate it like the proctologist did. 94 00:04:37,782 --> 00:04:42,516 Ohhh no no nonono! Nobody is putting their finger in my ass again! Unless it's Kyle. 95 00:04:42,769 --> 00:04:45,275 What? No way! You do it, Kenny! 96 00:04:45,540 --> 00:04:46,833 Nope! It has to be Kyle! 97 00:04:47,035 --> 00:04:47,624 Go on. 98 00:04:47,624 --> 00:04:49,259 I'm not putting my finger up Cartman's butt! 99 00:04:49,608 --> 00:04:51,609 Kyle, the fate of the world may be at stake. 100 00:04:52,557 --> 00:04:53,917 Come, Kyle. Do hurry. 101 00:04:58,534 --> 00:04:59,970 Go ahead, it won't bite. 102 00:05:03,633 --> 00:05:04,613 God-damnit Cartman! 103 00:05:05,082 --> 00:05:06,479 I couldn't resist. I'm sorry. 104 00:05:09,911 --> 00:05:10,797 Stop it Cartman! 105 00:05:11,086 --> 00:05:12,090 Okay. Okay okay. 106 00:05:14,119 --> 00:05:15,032 (Gaaahaha, he got you again!) 107 00:05:15,033 --> 00:05:17,981 God Damnit! 108 00:05:17,982 --> 00:05:18,042 Haha. Oh man, that was great. 109 00:05:18,477 --> 00:05:20,571 Okay, go ahead. I'm all out of farts now. 110 00:05:25,134 --> 00:05:26,946 Okaay, okay. It's not funny anymore. 111 00:05:29,331 --> 00:05:30,097 Oh yes it is! 112 00:05:31,816 --> 00:05:32,980 Eric, that's enough! 113 00:05:33,073 --> 00:05:36,223 Okay, okay. 114 00:05:36,224 --> 00:05:37,336 Ohh, double psych! 115 00:05:39,444 --> 00:05:42,289 That's it! I don't care about the fate of the world! Screw it! 116 00:05:42,440 --> 00:05:43,447 Oh, nice going, Cartman! 117 00:05:43,562 --> 00:05:45,579 All right, all right, I'm sorry. Go ahead, Kyle. 118 00:05:45,875 --> 00:05:46,880 No! 119 00:05:46,883 --> 00:05:47,563 No, go ahead. I'm dry. 120 00:05:47,825 --> 00:05:48,354 You're lying! 121 00:05:48,654 --> 00:05:51,810 It stopped being funny forty seconds ago, boy! Let's just get this over with! 122 00:05:52,204 --> 00:05:53,681 But it was one of the best times I've ever had. 123 00:05:54,133 --> 00:05:55,298 Can I see this thing, please? 124 00:05:56,059 --> 00:05:56,685 Okay. 125 00:05:58,352 --> 00:05:59,371 Ohhh! God-damnit! 126 00:06:00,333 --> 00:06:01,727 Okay. Now it's funny again. 127 00:06:02,089 --> 00:06:05,490 This is so awesome. I don't think I made it out of that proctologist's office, guys. 128 00:06:05,491 --> 00:06:06,938 I think I died and went to heaven. 129 00:06:07,031 --> 00:06:08,625 That does it! CHARGE! 130 00:06:15,038 --> 00:06:15,936 What's it doing? 131 00:06:16,822 --> 00:06:18,164 It, it's sending a transmission of some kind. 132 00:06:20,437 --> 00:06:21,078 Got it! 133 00:06:23,652 --> 00:06:25,654 It's just sending images of cities and people and stuff. 134 00:06:26,064 --> 00:06:27,730 Where is the signal being sent to? 135 00:06:31,903 --> 00:06:33,921 Ugh. I don't wanna play anymore, you guys. 136 00:06:34,261 --> 00:06:37,001 We went through all that just for some gay video of Earth? 137 00:06:37,370 --> 00:06:38,723 We wanted to see an alien planet or something. 138 00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:42,768 Whoever they are, if they're receiving messages, they might be sending them, too. 139 00:06:43,491 --> 00:06:45,076 Wait a minute. c-candy bars. 140 00:06:46,008 --> 00:06:46,685 Candy bars? 141 00:06:46,820 --> 00:06:51,258 Yu-you know. Candy bars. They usually come in a wrapper. Just like you... wrap a Christmas present. 142 00:06:51,978 --> 00:06:56,101 Christmas happens when it's cold. Cold, as in Alaska - that's... with polar bears. 143 00:06:56,575 --> 00:06:58,716 Polar bears... pola... polarity! 144 00:06:59,357 --> 00:07:04,478 I can switch the polarity to see what transmissions are coming from the location this one is being sent to! 145 00:07:08,520 --> 00:07:09,209 What the heck? 146 00:07:15,325 --> 00:07:16,405 They're coming in! 147 00:07:22,666 --> 00:07:23,423 What do we do??? 148 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:26,593 It's that guy you want! He's trying to reverse your polarities! 149 00:07:26,969 --> 00:07:27,412 What?? 150 00:07:28,787 --> 00:07:29,627 Help! 151 00:07:30,662 --> 00:07:32,031 Get in the car, children! Get in the car! 152 00:07:37,634 --> 00:07:38,341 What is that? 153 00:07:38,342 --> 00:07:39,649 Can you see anything, children? 154 00:07:40,427 --> 00:07:41,653 The aliens are chasing us! 155 00:07:49,112 --> 00:07:50,165 God damned aliens! 156 00:07:53,008 --> 00:07:53,956 Chef! End of the road! 157 00:07:55,491 --> 00:07:57,276 Hold on, children! We have to ditch them! 158 00:07:58,434 --> 00:07:59,493 What are you doing, man?! 159 00:08:02,083 --> 00:08:03,964 Looks like them boys are gettin' a little fresh air. 160 00:08:12,154 --> 00:08:13,095 I think we ditched them. 161 00:08:13,255 --> 00:08:14,649 I don't think we're outta the woods yet. 162 00:08:20,634 --> 00:08:21,597 It's the police! 163 00:08:21,597 --> 00:08:22,554 That ain't no police! 164 00:08:28,566 --> 00:08:30,406 When do we get to eat. I'm hungry. 165 00:08:30,924 --> 00:08:31,231 Chef!! 166 00:08:44,832 --> 00:08:47,150 HA! God-damned aliens! I beat you! 167 00:08:48,598 --> 00:08:51,368 Where'd you learn to drive, aliens?! Chinese auto school?! 168 00:08:52,106 --> 00:08:53,668 Chef! Chef! They've got us! 169 00:08:53,669 --> 00:08:57,278 You're lucky I didn't just turn around and beat your white skinny alien asses anyway! 170 00:08:57,959 --> 00:08:59,301 Maybe next time you'll remember to... 171 00:09:00,053 --> 00:09:04,020 Huh? Aw crap! Children! 172 00:09:04,797 --> 00:09:06,721 Cheeeeeeef! 173 00:09:07,019 --> 00:09:09,981 Well, it looks like the boys are in more trouble than a June bug in molasses. 174 00:09:10,559 --> 00:09:12,082 And it's pretty thick molasses, too. 175 00:09:15,425 --> 00:09:18,418 Uh. Wugh. You guys. Wake up! 176 00:09:19,608 --> 00:09:21,007 What the? Where are, where are we? 177 00:09:21,592 --> 00:09:22,891 We're in the alien ship. 178 00:09:23,937 --> 00:09:28,087 Ah. Uh! I'm trapped inside Helen Hunt's ass! Oh God, help me you guys! 179 00:09:28,189 --> 00:09:30,116 It's not Helen Hunt's ass. It's an alien space ship. 180 00:09:31,289 --> 00:09:33,625 ...Oh, thank God! Well then, thank you Lord. 181 00:09:33,948 --> 00:09:35,241 Guys. Look. 182 00:09:42,684 --> 00:09:46,845 My God, do you guys realize? This is only the second time we've ever been in outer space. 183 00:09:48,285 --> 00:09:48,632 (Awesome) 184 00:09:49,255 --> 00:09:50,629 This is like my fifth time. 185 00:09:56,606 --> 00:09:58,462 Uh oh. This must be the head alien guy. 186 00:09:58,497 --> 00:09:59,372 (Oh no!) 187 00:10:01,886 --> 00:10:02,680 Hello boys. 188 00:10:03,743 --> 00:10:04,503 Dad? 189 00:10:05,135 --> 00:10:09,317 No, not really. I just read your mind and thought this form might be more pleasing to you. 190 00:10:10,378 --> 00:10:11,854 Aw dude, don't do that. That's gay. 191 00:10:12,096 --> 00:10:13,568 Yeah, that's like that stupid movie, Contact. 192 00:10:13,653 --> 00:10:15,022 Aw God, that movie pissed me off. 193 00:10:15,587 --> 00:10:19,964 Very well, I shall show my true form. 194 00:10:20,018 --> 00:10:21,403 Okay okay, take the form of something else! 195 00:10:21,631 --> 00:10:22,558 How's this? 196 00:10:24,182 --> 00:10:25,092 Santa! 197 00:10:25,478 --> 00:10:26,286 Nno, that's stupid too. 198 00:10:26,287 --> 00:10:28,087 How about this? 199 00:10:29,095 --> 00:10:29,777 No 200 00:10:31,496 --> 00:10:32,252 No! 201 00:10:34,064 --> 00:10:35,240 Oooo, very nice. 202 00:10:35,459 --> 00:10:36,294 No! 203 00:10:37,578 --> 00:10:38,157 No! 204 00:10:39,525 --> 00:10:40,353 Dy-no-mite! 205 00:10:40,354 --> 00:10:40,718 No! 206 00:10:43,755 --> 00:10:46,613 Jeff!! The aliens took the children up on their ship. 207 00:10:46,744 --> 00:10:47,700 Oh no! 208 00:10:47,701 --> 00:10:49,030 Did you find out what the aliens were up to? 209 00:10:49,328 --> 00:10:50,886 When I reversed the polarities, I found this: 210 00:10:52,871 --> 00:10:55,549 It's a message that the aliens are broadcasting throughout the entire universe. 211 00:10:56,147 --> 00:10:57,395 But I have no idea what it says. 212 00:10:57,500 --> 00:11:00,703 They took the children, Jeff! I have to know what those aliens are up to! 213 00:11:01,109 --> 00:11:03,124 Wait a minute! Butt sex! 214 00:11:04,230 --> 00:11:04,595 Butt sex? 215 00:11:05,018 --> 00:11:06,984 Butt sex requires a lot of lubrication, right? 216 00:11:07,449 --> 00:11:13,160 Lubrication. Lubruh... Chupuh... Chupacabra 's the, the goat killer of Mexican folklore. 217 00:11:13,796 --> 00:11:18,323 Folklore is stories from the past that are often fictionalized. Fictionalized to heighten drama. 218 00:11:18,689 --> 00:11:23,737 Drama students! Students at colleges usally have bicycles! Bi, bian, binary. It's binary code! 219 00:11:25,027 --> 00:11:26,059 Who's havin' butt sex? 220 00:11:27,856 --> 00:11:31,009 Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime gal! 221 00:11:32,336 --> 00:11:32,813 No! 222 00:11:33,962 --> 00:11:37,497 Lemme search ya, gonna work ya, hepsunudupunubuh huh. 223 00:11:37,750 --> 00:11:38,157 No! 224 00:11:38,775 --> 00:11:40,640 Don't piss on the moon, babe. 225 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:41,285 NO! 226 00:11:41,412 --> 00:11:43,564 All right, earthlings, what form do you want me to take? 227 00:11:45,637 --> 00:11:48,385 How about a taco, that craps ice cream? 228 00:11:53,553 --> 00:11:54,219 Guys? 229 00:11:54,800 --> 00:11:56,242 -I like it. -(Me too.) 230 00:11:57,287 --> 00:12:01,103 All right, then we can get back to business. Follow me this way, earthlings. 231 00:12:04,164 --> 00:12:07,542 I want to apologize to you boys for all the spooky, scary stuff. 232 00:12:07,757 --> 00:12:09,941 We just needed to get to the malfunctioning uplink relay. 233 00:12:10,107 --> 00:12:11,571 You mean, the thing in Cartman's ass? 234 00:12:11,907 --> 00:12:15,139 That's right. See, there are dishes in over fifty thousand earthlings' rectums. 235 00:12:15,533 --> 00:12:17,144 Your friend's has been malfunctioning. 236 00:12:17,244 --> 00:12:20,158 Why do you put them into people's asses? Are you planning some kind of alien takeover? 237 00:12:20,158 --> 00:12:22,476 Oh, heavens no! We're a production company. 238 00:12:23,320 --> 00:12:26,073 We make intergalactic television programs that the whole universe watches. 239 00:12:27,860 --> 00:12:28,566 Television? 240 00:12:28,892 --> 00:12:32,546 "We at Nerzod Productions started twenty billion years ago with one philosophy: 241 00:12:33,086 --> 00:12:35,983 the best universal television isn't scripted, it's real. 242 00:12:36,411 --> 00:12:40,798 We started with great shows like, "Who Wants To Marry A Gelgamek?" and "Antares 6 Millionaire". 243 00:12:41,288 --> 00:12:44,421 And then we had a big hit with "Get Me Outta Here, I'm a Klingnanian". 244 00:12:54,258 --> 00:12:55,509 Earth? 245 00:12:55,816 --> 00:12:57,393 A few billion years ago we realized, 246 00:12:57,962 --> 00:13:00,389 "what if we took species from all different planets in the universe, 247 00:13:00,875 --> 00:13:03,070 and put them together, on the same planet?" 248 00:13:03,262 --> 00:13:07,185 Great TV, right? Asians, bears, ducks, Jews, deer and Hispanics, 249 00:13:07,186 --> 00:13:10,650 all trying to live side by side on one planet! It's great!" 250 00:13:11,365 --> 00:13:13,447 Our planet is just a reality-TV show? 251 00:13:13,448 --> 00:13:16,219 Well, you don't think the whole universe works the way Earth does, do you? 252 00:13:16,609 --> 00:13:21,012 No! One species, one planet! There's a planet of deer, a planet of Asians, and so on! 253 00:13:21,447 --> 00:13:24,524 We put them all together on Earth and the whole universe tunes in to watch the fun! 254 00:13:26,092 --> 00:13:29,584 You mean that you aliens actually enjoy sitting around and watching us fight and kill each other? 255 00:13:29,585 --> 00:13:30,839 Dude, that's messed up. 256 00:13:31,060 --> 00:13:31,504 Why? 257 00:13:31,631 --> 00:13:33,315 Why?? Because you're playing with people's lives! 258 00:13:33,316 --> 00:13:35,302 You're turning people's problems into entertainment! 259 00:13:35,632 --> 00:13:36,934 Yeah! We'd never do that on Earth! 260 00:13:41,057 --> 00:13:47,254 Ladies and Gentleman, we have recently come across an alien transmission that is being beamed throughout the entire universe. 261 00:13:49,568 --> 00:13:51,570 When decoded, it looks like this. 262 00:14:04,302 --> 00:14:05,266 What does it mean? 263 00:14:05,648 --> 00:14:08,760 Ih it's simple mathematical language that can be understood throughout the solar system. 264 00:14:09,150 --> 00:14:12,328 Translated into our language, it looks like this. 265 00:14:12,886 --> 00:14:16,633 This jannemon at eight o'clock, it's everyone's favorite show! 266 00:14:17,037 --> 00:14:20,732 Earth! It's been one hundred Gelganighs since we first took species from 267 00:14:20,733 --> 00:14:24,588 seventeen different planets and put them all together, on the same planet! 268 00:14:24,805 --> 00:14:29,511 Oo-derp! They've fought and fallen in love! What will happen this Galgamog? 269 00:14:30,038 --> 00:14:34,394 Tune in jannemon at eight to find out. It's... Earth! On Fognl! 270 00:14:38,393 --> 00:14:44,533 I'm afraid that Earth, a-all of Earth, is nothing but an intergalactic reality-TV show. 271 00:14:47,659 --> 00:14:49,696 My God. We're famous! 272 00:14:53,379 --> 00:14:54,514 Waaaait, you don't understand! 273 00:14:54,663 --> 00:14:56,949 I'm on TV! I'm on TV! 274 00:14:58,016 --> 00:14:58,644 This is so awesome! 275 00:15:05,880 --> 00:15:07,867 That should get the relay working again. 276 00:15:08,181 --> 00:15:11,808 All right, Earthlings, if you'll step over this way we'll erase your memories and get you back to Earth. 277 00:15:11,809 --> 00:15:19,156 Oh, excuse me. This is Nagix. Uh huh. Oh no. Oh no, really? 278 00:15:20,116 --> 00:15:26,336 And it's, it's for sure? All right, I'll break the news to everyone. No, no I, I understand. Thanks. 279 00:15:27,963 --> 00:15:29,637 Well, you kids can go back to Earth if you want, 280 00:15:29,638 --> 00:15:32,221 but I'm afraid it won't be there for long. The show's been cancelled. 281 00:15:32,661 --> 00:15:34,204 What?? Who cancelled us? 282 00:15:34,204 --> 00:15:35,316 The universal network heads. 283 00:15:35,317 --> 00:15:38,259 They say the Earthlings have become aware of the show, so it won't be fuinny anymore. 284 00:15:38,892 --> 00:15:40,014 Oh shit, did we do that? 285 00:15:40,014 --> 00:15:41,638 Everyone, can I have your attention real quick? 286 00:15:42,104 --> 00:15:45,619 Uuh, look, I just got a call from the network and I'm afraid Earth has been cancelled 287 00:15:47,152 --> 00:15:50,577 Now, now, it was a great run and I think we should all be really proud. 288 00:15:53,462 --> 00:15:55,905 Let's call in a demolition crew to strike the Earth for resources. 289 00:15:56,608 --> 00:15:59,307 Wait! Wait, they they can't do this! Uh, let us talk to the network heads! 290 00:15:59,428 --> 00:16:00,254 Wouldn't do any good. 291 00:16:00,458 --> 00:16:01,507 Dude, we have to try! 292 00:16:01,876 --> 00:16:03,186 Please, take us to them! Please! 293 00:16:03,413 --> 00:16:05,403 All right, kids, we'll take you to the network heads. 294 00:16:05,802 --> 00:16:08,375 But I warn you: nobody has ever gotten the executives 295 00:16:08,376 --> 00:16:12,176 to uncancel a show once the call has been made. Nobody. 296 00:16:35,884 --> 00:16:36,907 What the hell is that?! 297 00:16:37,135 --> 00:16:39,304 There's a huge ship of some kind in Earth's orbit! 298 00:16:40,370 --> 00:16:42,993 But why? Wait a minute! Chaos theory! 299 00:16:43,627 --> 00:16:44,371 Chaos theory?? 300 00:16:44,522 --> 00:16:46,619 Chaos theory, ih wah, it was first thought of in the sixties. 301 00:16:47,363 --> 00:16:50,981 Sixty. That's the number of episodes they made of Punky Brewster before it was cancelled. 302 00:16:51,795 --> 00:16:53,220 -Cancelled... -Huh? 303 00:16:53,607 --> 00:16:57,220 Don't you see? The show is over! The aliens are cancelling Earth! 304 00:16:57,220 --> 00:16:59,264 Oh my God! We have to stop them! 305 00:17:01,467 --> 00:17:07,527 Welcome to Planet Fognl, home of the Joozians, who control all media in the universe. 306 00:17:11,179 --> 00:17:12,090 Can I help you? 307 00:17:12,759 --> 00:17:15,550 Oh, uh... we have a three o'clock meeting with the network heads? 308 00:17:16,052 --> 00:17:17,078 Where are you visiting from? 309 00:17:17,109 --> 00:17:18,171 Uh, Earth? 310 00:17:18,406 --> 00:17:20,675 Oooo, I watch that show all the time. 311 00:17:22,071 --> 00:17:25,420 Oh, sure, come on in, Earthlings. We're just checking out our new show. 312 00:17:26,003 --> 00:17:27,976 We took a hundred beings from the planet Marklar 313 00:17:28,294 --> 00:17:32,608 and put them on an asteroid with sentient beings from the Horsehead Nebula. Ih-it's a riot! 314 00:17:32,608 --> 00:17:33,724 They hate each other! 315 00:17:34,254 --> 00:17:35,222 Gah, why? 316 00:17:37,040 --> 00:17:39,008 Mighty powerful network executives, 317 00:17:39,543 --> 00:17:41,430 We have come a great distance in order to ha- 318 00:17:41,431 --> 00:17:43,649 Oooo, I'm starving! You Earthlings have haglar yet? 319 00:17:43,694 --> 00:17:45,046 Oh yeah, let's do haglar. 320 00:17:45,153 --> 00:17:46,409 Where do you wanna go? Meroni's? 321 00:17:46,424 --> 00:17:49,635 Not on a Flakmar. Too crowded. Ohhh, Blackafelch! 322 00:17:49,888 --> 00:17:51,497 Oh, Blackafelch. Perfect. 323 00:17:53,575 --> 00:17:54,702 This place is fantastic! 324 00:17:55,021 --> 00:17:56,915 Look, we just want to talk to you about the show. 325 00:17:57,130 --> 00:17:59,023 Please don't cancel us. Please. 326 00:17:59,150 --> 00:18:02,537 Oh I'm sorry, Earthlings, but you have to realize the universe is a business. 327 00:18:03,093 --> 00:18:05,420 You've made it to a hundred episodes, you should be proud! 328 00:18:05,631 --> 00:18:07,759 Yeah, a show should never go past a hundred episodes, 329 00:18:07,760 --> 00:18:12,315 or else it starts to get stale with ridiculously stupid plotlines and settings. 330 00:18:13,065 --> 00:18:16,126 Here's yoiur order of gespahtgaplachfenachenblah. 331 00:18:17,824 --> 00:18:20,026 But sirs, we think our show is just getting good. 332 00:18:20,454 --> 00:18:23,766 I mean, we're just now starting to see people get really pissed off at each other. 333 00:18:24,077 --> 00:18:25,445 Oh my God, this is great! 334 00:18:25,673 --> 00:18:27,650 You must have some Joozian ancestry. 335 00:18:27,857 --> 00:18:28,763 Tell us about it! 336 00:18:28,823 --> 00:18:31,972 Look, there's five billion people on our show. You just can't up and cancel on us. 337 00:18:32,306 --> 00:18:34,813 Oh my God! Would you look at the heglars on that joozinek? 338 00:18:35,099 --> 00:18:36,640 Dude, we're trying to save our planet here?! 339 00:18:36,640 --> 00:18:38,322 Let's take the Earthlings to a hekmubah! 340 00:18:38,857 --> 00:18:39,226 Oh, yeah! 341 00:18:43,808 --> 00:18:45,181 Oh yeah, let's see those heglars! 342 00:18:46,027 --> 00:18:47,240 Sirs, uh, if you'll just let- 343 00:18:47,241 --> 00:18:48,811 Oh, man, I am so wasted! 344 00:18:49,637 --> 00:18:51,307 Hey, do you Earthlings wanna try a little glach? 345 00:18:57,154 --> 00:18:59,347 Agh-oh yeah!! Oh, gluck yeah!! 346 00:19:01,197 --> 00:19:01,967 Kenny! 347 00:19:02,304 --> 00:19:05,079 Meeh, screw this place! Let's go get a hotel room and a hooker! 348 00:19:05,318 --> 00:19:06,088 Oh yeah! 349 00:19:06,173 --> 00:19:06,895 Yeah! 350 00:19:08,854 --> 00:19:10,588 We have to find a way to stop those aliens! 351 00:19:10,611 --> 00:19:14,626 Oh, their ship is massive! There's no way to stop it! Wait a minute, jackets! 352 00:19:14,990 --> 00:19:15,334 Oh no. 353 00:19:15,458 --> 00:19:17,295 If people don't wear jackets they could get cold. 354 00:19:17,731 --> 00:19:18,907 A cold is caused by a virus. 355 00:19:19,454 --> 00:19:21,107 A viru- a computer virus! 356 00:19:21,682 --> 00:19:24,874 We could make a computer virus and send it to their ships to disable their computers! 357 00:19:26,692 --> 00:19:28,568 That doesn't make any God-damned sense! 358 00:19:36,044 --> 00:19:38,390 Booyagh! Boy, Earthlings, is this a party or what?? 359 00:19:39,640 --> 00:19:42,041 Oh! Oh, that's it baby! You're getting my jagon hard! 360 00:19:42,527 --> 00:19:44,297 Wohh. Yeah, let's party! 361 00:19:45,509 --> 00:19:46,740 Yeah, suck my jagon! 362 00:19:47,047 --> 00:19:48,825 Yeah! Now you suck on my jagon! 363 00:19:49,668 --> 00:19:51,909 Oh yeah!! Stick your finger in my thrusher! 364 00:19:52,290 --> 00:19:54,069 Oh yeah, suck it. Suck that jagon! 365 00:19:55,246 --> 00:19:59,335 Dude, I have no idea what we're seeing right now, but I have a feeling it's really, really wrong. 366 00:20:05,422 --> 00:20:09,554 Oh, God. Eh eh, my head. What did we do? 367 00:20:09,697 --> 00:20:12,338 Oh man, I can't believe I sucked your jagon. 368 00:20:13,274 --> 00:20:17,309 Oh God, we did suck each other's jagons! You kids won't tell anybody about this, right?? 369 00:20:17,607 --> 00:20:18,046 No. 370 00:20:19,011 --> 00:20:21,931 No, wait. We won't tell anybody, if you don't cancel our show! 371 00:20:22,491 --> 00:20:23,947 Oooo, I knew that was coming. 372 00:20:24,069 --> 00:20:25,610 They really got us by the nezmins 373 00:20:25,636 --> 00:20:29,743 The Earth show can still be good. Just erase everyone's memory so we don't know we're a show. 374 00:20:30,021 --> 00:20:33,852 I'm sure you'll see that if you give our world time, it will become even more outrageous and violent. 375 00:20:34,104 --> 00:20:35,999 There's even World War Three to look forward to. 376 00:20:36,142 --> 00:20:39,091 And then we won't have to show anybody the picture Kenny has of you guys sucking each other's jagons. 377 00:20:39,213 --> 00:20:43,653 He-all right, all right Earthlings! Ya, you win! The show can stay on. 378 00:20:44,077 --> 00:20:44,762 All right! 379 00:20:45,140 --> 00:20:47,392 Just be sure to keep up the wars and violence. 380 00:20:47,785 --> 00:20:51,671 Well, we've got a five o'clock with the Yurka producers. Nice meeting you Earthlings. Bye! 381 00:20:55,108 --> 00:20:56,961 Whoa Cartman. Looks like you didn't get much sleep last night. 382 00:20:57,155 --> 00:20:59,299 That's because I was having these bogus nightmares all night long. 383 00:21:00,064 --> 00:21:01,041 (Hey you guys, look.) 384 00:21:01,051 --> 00:21:01,982 What the hell is that? 385 00:21:02,126 --> 00:21:02,762 (I don't know.) 386 00:21:03,611 --> 00:21:04,939 Hello there, children! 387 00:21:05,058 --> 00:21:05,681 Hey Chef. 388 00:21:06,060 --> 00:21:08,532 Chef, Kenny has a picture of two green things sucking each other's shoulders. 389 00:21:10,826 --> 00:21:11,686 What is it, Chef? 390 00:21:12,184 --> 00:21:15,650 I don't know. But something tells me this picture might be very important, children. 391 00:21:16,001 --> 00:21:17,238 You should hang on to it. 392 00:21:18,444 --> 00:21:23,366 Attention universe! Be sure to tune in next week for another exciting episode of... Earth! 393 00:21:23,404 --> 00:21:25,441 The Asians are reeeally steamed at the Russians. 394 00:21:25,843 --> 00:21:27,633 The zebras try to get along with the buffalo. 395 00:21:28,075 --> 00:21:30,768 And Americans and Iraqis have an all-out brawl. 396 00:21:31,073 --> 00:21:35,032 It's outrageous fun and it's all new! Earth! On Fognl.