1 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:34,921 Hey fellas. 2 00:00:35,312 --> 00:00:36,272 Oh hey Jimmy, hey Timmy. 3 00:00:36,560 --> 00:00:37,028 Timmy!!! 4 00:00:37,954 --> 00:00:41,920 Say fellas, Jlmmy and I were wondering if maybe you would come and cheer for us next Sssaturday. 5 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:44,381 We're both competing in the Special Olympics down in Denver. 6 00:00:44,405 --> 00:00:46,051 The Special Olympics? What's so special about them? 7 00:00:46,701 --> 00:00:48,079 They're Olympic games for handicapped people. 8 00:00:48,961 --> 00:00:49,681 Dude, what? 9 00:00:50,128 --> 00:00:51,976 Timmy and I are competing in a variety of events. 10 00:00:52,503 --> 00:00:53,872 Yeah sure, we'll come cheer you and Timmy on. 11 00:00:54,237 --> 00:00:54,988 Yeah, that'd be cool. 12 00:00:55,210 --> 00:00:58,419 Thanks a lot, fellas. Well, we gotta get down to the training center and start working out. 13 00:00:58,475 --> 00:01:00,868 Word is we have a lot of ssstiff competition this year. 14 00:01:00,892 --> 00:01:02,083 Well all right, we'll see you on Saturday, guys. 15 00:01:02,597 --> 00:01:03,220 Timmy!!! 16 00:01:05,222 --> 00:01:07,687 Dude. I can't believe they exploit handicapped people like this. 17 00:01:07,722 --> 00:01:11,034 I mean making them compete against each other just for our amusement. 18 00:01:11,636 --> 00:01:12,617 ...You're an asshole, Cartman. 19 00:01:13,453 --> 00:01:13,995 What? What did I do? 20 00:01:19,210 --> 00:01:19,818 ...six!... 21 00:01:20,626 --> 00:01:20,838 Timmih. 22 00:01:21,618 --> 00:01:23,045 Usss-usss-seven! 23 00:01:23,544 --> 00:01:24,635 Timmih. Timmih! 24 00:01:25,300 --> 00:01:26,708 Usss-usss-seven! 25 00:01:27,212 --> 00:01:28,307 Timmih! Timmiiih! 26 00:01:29,879 --> 00:01:30,391 Ni-I can'- I can't! 27 00:01:32,004 --> 00:01:32,499 Huff. Oh man. 28 00:01:33,322 --> 00:01:36,286 Gee whiz, Timmy. It looks like we have some ppppretty stiff competition this year. 29 00:01:39,328 --> 00:01:44,042 All of the special athletes seem to be in tip-top condition, and I can't even get past seven ru-reps 30 00:01:44,104 --> 00:01:48,527 Huhh oh well, that's it for me, Timmy. I'm p-p... p-pooped. I'll see you in the locker room. 31 00:01:48,551 --> 00:01:48,835 Otimmih. 32 00:01:50,051 --> 00:01:51,831 Hey Jimmy, g-good luck on Saturday. 33 00:01:52,270 --> 00:01:53,121 You too, Francis. 34 00:01:55,048 --> 00:01:55,975 Hey Jimmy. 35 00:01:56,562 --> 00:01:57,731 Oh hey hey, n-Nathan. 36 00:01:58,299 --> 00:02:00,826 So uh, I see you train pretty hard. 37 00:02:01,469 --> 00:02:02,595 Yeah, it sure is tough. 38 00:02:02,630 --> 00:02:06,714 I'm training really hard, but I'm not improvingfast enough, and the Special Olympics are a... week away. 39 00:02:06,738 --> 00:02:11,307 Wellll, maybe I can- help you out You know, there are shortcuts. 40 00:02:13,266 --> 00:02:14,174 What kind of shortcuts? 41 00:02:14,769 --> 00:02:17,325 You know. Steroids. 42 00:02:19,557 --> 00:02:21,569 S- s... ss-s-s-steroids? 43 00:02:27,082 --> 00:02:28,271 ...But aren't those illegal? 44 00:02:28,908 --> 00:02:33,084 Yeah, sure, but these are new. They don't show up in our urine tests. 45 00:02:34,435 --> 00:02:36,354 So uh, ha-how do they... w-wwork? 46 00:02:36,861 --> 00:02:39,444 You just take one of these little blue babies 47 00:02:39,493 --> 00:02:40,439 three times a day 48 00:02:41,070 --> 00:02:44,373 and inject this directly into your bloodstream 49 00:02:44,629 --> 00:02:45,980 twice a day before meals. 50 00:02:47,438 --> 00:02:48,426 How much would this cost me? 51 00:02:49,193 --> 00:02:54,849 Ahhh it isn't cheap. I've gotta keep vice off my back and secure shipments from overseas. 52 00:02:57,806 --> 00:03:02,430 Well... then maybe I'll just use them a-al-little bit. You know, as a per-formance en... hancer. 53 00:03:02,897 --> 00:03:05,360 Oh, whatever you say, Jimmy my friend. 54 00:03:06,014 --> 00:03:07,320 Whatever you say. 55 00:03:11,455 --> 00:03:15,712 YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! I have the best idea ever! I'm gonna be rich! 56 00:03:16,257 --> 00:03:16,582 What? 57 00:03:16,983 --> 00:03:20,485 Dude, I was just looking at the Special Olympics brochure, and check this shit out: 58 00:03:20,520 --> 00:03:27,901 "At the end of the Special Olympics, a Grand Champion Special Athlete is crowned and given a cash prize of $1000" 59 00:03:29,914 --> 00:03:30,413 So? 60 00:03:30,814 --> 00:03:32,828 So?? So dude, think about it. 61 00:03:32,863 --> 00:03:38,166 If somebody just pretended to be mentally handicapped they could easily win the competition and get the thousand bucks! 62 00:03:38,190 --> 00:03:39,558 Oh no. Cartman, no! 63 00:03:40,272 --> 00:03:44,961 It's flawless! I'll act like I have a disability, and when the time come to compete I'll kick ass against all the handicappeds! 64 00:03:45,531 --> 00:03:47,250 That's really, really terrible, dude. 65 00:03:47,699 --> 00:03:52,189 Terrible?? Whatever! You guys's brains just can't compute complex plans like mine can! It'll work, you'll see. 66 00:03:53,302 --> 00:03:56,926 Cartman! I will not stand by and let you cheat your way to winning the Special Olympics! 67 00:03:57,766 --> 00:03:58,186 Why? 68 00:03:58,637 --> 00:03:59,349 Because. 69 00:03:59,457 --> 00:04:00,984 What are you gonna do, Kyle? Tell on me? 70 00:04:01,227 --> 00:04:03,362 Then you'll be a great big no-good double-faced poopy-pants tattle-tale! 71 00:04:03,700 --> 00:04:06,457 Is that really how you deal with your problems?! Grow up, Kyle! 72 00:04:09,580 --> 00:04:13,184 All I have to do is make people think I'm handicapped, and I get a thousand dollars. 73 00:04:13,219 --> 00:04:15,994 It won't be easy, but nothing worth having ever is. 74 00:05:30,555 --> 00:05:34,312 Darrrr. Durrrr. I wanna be in the Special Olympics. 75 00:05:36,058 --> 00:05:36,980 Bull's eye! 76 00:05:54,173 --> 00:05:55,931 Oh! Agh! Just, just a second! 77 00:05:59,813 --> 00:06:01,352 Hang on, I'm I'm, coming. 78 00:06:04,795 --> 00:06:05,667 Jim, it's your father! 79 00:06:06,362 --> 00:06:08,443 I said I'm coming! Give me a Goddamned s-second! 80 00:06:14,479 --> 00:06:16,491 Jimmy, were you masturbating? 81 00:06:17,552 --> 00:06:18,231 Nn-no, Dad. 82 00:06:18,561 --> 00:06:20,293 Okay. Well, you have a visitor. 83 00:06:21,224 --> 00:06:22,072 Hi Jimmy. 84 00:06:22,380 --> 00:06:23,954 Oh. Hi, N-N-Nancy. 85 00:06:24,606 --> 00:06:26,377 I was hoping we would study for the spelling test tomorrow. 86 00:06:26,830 --> 00:06:27,801 Oh. Sure thing. Come on in. 87 00:06:28,478 --> 00:06:29,832 I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Jim. 88 00:06:30,201 --> 00:06:32,413 Yeah, Dad. We've been going out since we met in Free Period last week. 89 00:06:33,024 --> 00:06:34,108 I'll leave you two alone. 90 00:06:35,188 --> 00:06:38,524 Y- you sure you weren't masturbating Jim? It's okay if you were. 91 00:06:38,623 --> 00:06:39,562 Dad, Jesus C-Christ! 92 00:06:40,103 --> 00:06:40,784 Okay then. 93 00:06:46,625 --> 00:06:48,894 Drrrrrrey drrrrrrrey. 94 00:06:49,799 --> 00:06:52,451 Hey guys, what's going on? Drrrrrt. 95 00:06:53,889 --> 00:06:54,853 God damn you! 96 00:06:56,168 --> 00:07:00,185 You see, gentlemen? The Special Olympics Championship and my one thousand dollars is just four days away. 97 00:07:00,481 --> 00:07:01,681 I'm going to go sign up now. 98 00:07:02,081 --> 00:07:02,688 No you're not! 99 00:07:03,137 --> 00:07:05,562 I read the brochure, Cartman! If you're under eighteen, 100 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:08,018 you have to have a parent with you to sign up for the Special Olympics. 101 00:07:08,387 --> 00:07:08,731 What?? 102 00:07:09,686 --> 00:07:12,833 It says right there "a parent has to be with you to sign up," 103 00:07:12,891 --> 00:07:16,030 and you'll never get your mom to agree to something so horrible, so HA! 104 00:07:21,308 --> 00:07:22,488 Moooommmmm? 105 00:07:23,223 --> 00:07:23,808 Yes, hon? 106 00:07:24,185 --> 00:07:26,952 Um, could I get you to do something for me? 107 00:07:27,563 --> 00:07:28,639 What's that, hon? 108 00:07:29,197 --> 00:07:36,338 Um, okay. This is goin' ta sound a little strange. Um, but, stick with me. Um, moommm? 109 00:07:36,373 --> 00:07:39,551 Would you mind coming with me to sign up for the Special Olympics 110 00:07:39,586 --> 00:07:42,730 so I can beat all the handicapped kids and win a thousand dollars? 111 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:49,032 Oh... Nno, sweetie. I believe those Olympics are just for... "special" children. 112 00:07:49,531 --> 00:07:52,087 I'm not special? I thoght you always said I was special. 113 00:07:52,598 --> 00:07:56,001 You are, hon, but... I don't think that's a very good idea. 114 00:07:59,709 --> 00:08:00,132 ...I'll split the money with you. 115 00:08:01,214 --> 00:08:03,808 ...I'm sorry, Eric. The answer is No. 116 00:08:09,620 --> 00:08:12,447 All right, Mom, look. Here's... the truth. 117 00:08:13,490 --> 00:08:15,038 God, this is gonna be hard to say. 118 00:08:16,192 --> 00:08:19,940 I think, Mom, that I've been hard on some of the handicapped kids at school in the past. 119 00:08:20,689 --> 00:08:24,528 I've sometimes looked at people with disabilities as people God put here on earth for my amusement, but... 120 00:08:25,175 --> 00:08:29,000 now I'm starting to think... that if I could just spend one day in their shoes, 121 00:08:29,387 --> 00:08:33,944 ...if I could just see the challenges they face every day, ... mauye I wouldn't be so cold. 122 00:08:34,981 --> 00:08:36,429 I just want a chance to change. 123 00:08:37,708 --> 00:08:39,201 Help me change? 124 00:08:40,934 --> 00:08:44,111 Oh, a-a-all right, sweetie, I, I'll take you tomorrow. 125 00:08:44,783 --> 00:08:45,701 Awesome. 126 00:08:47,947 --> 00:08:51,428 You did a great job in the 500, Timmy You really im-... p-p-proved. 127 00:08:51,780 --> 00:08:52,438 Timmih!!! 128 00:08:52,977 --> 00:08:57,214 I think I really got a shot at the gold in the swimming competition. Coach says I'm the fastest he's ever seen. 129 00:08:57,246 --> 00:09:01,052 Well, I'll see you nice and early for p-practice, Tim-tim. Oh, uh, can you hand me my bag? 130 00:09:01,340 --> 00:09:02,175 Timmih! 131 00:09:11,259 --> 00:09:11,893 Tim-Tim? 132 00:09:13,092 --> 00:09:16,540 Oh, uh, so... hey Timmy... uh hu-how about we go out for a d-d-ddoughnut later? 133 00:09:21,156 --> 00:09:22,524 I'll uh, I-I'll see you later, Tim-Tim. 134 00:09:23,302 --> 00:09:24,021 Timmih... 135 00:09:25,983 --> 00:09:28,990 Look it's really none of your b... b-b... beeswax, Timmy! 136 00:09:29,608 --> 00:09:31,598 Timmih. Timmih! 137 00:09:32,122 --> 00:09:34,937 Because I, maybe I don't have what it takes to win with uhwithout them! 138 00:09:37,430 --> 00:09:38,098 Timmih. 139 00:09:38,996 --> 00:09:40,740 T... T-Timmih. 140 00:09:41,178 --> 00:09:43,235 You you aren't gonna... tell anybody, are you? 141 00:09:43,808 --> 00:09:45,423 Huh! Timmih! T-Timmih! 142 00:09:45,914 --> 00:09:48,456 Look, it's my body and it's my choice what I put in it! 143 00:09:48,757 --> 00:09:50,934 Timmih! Timmih, Jimmih. 144 00:09:51,192 --> 00:09:51,634 Arrrh Timmih! 145 00:09:52,019 --> 00:09:52,768 Jimmih! 146 00:09:53,150 --> 00:09:55,327 Don't lecture me on the complexities of sportsmanship. 147 00:09:55,387 --> 00:09:58,503 You know as well as I do most of the kids in Special Olympics aren't shooting up to compete. 148 00:09:58,538 --> 00:09:59,902 I'm just trying to k-keep up. 149 00:10:01,040 --> 00:10:02,739 Huh... Timmih... 150 00:10:03,651 --> 00:10:04,466 Timmih. 151 00:10:04,903 --> 00:10:08,521 Sssso what are you gonna do now, huh?! You gonna be a fuckin' narc and show that bbottle to the... coaches?! 152 00:10:16,975 --> 00:10:20,401 Don't think you're any better than me, Timmy I'm just living in the real world! 153 00:10:27,543 --> 00:10:28,307 Timmih! 154 00:10:30,543 --> 00:10:31,751 Aaagyaaaaah Timmih! 155 00:10:33,131 --> 00:10:35,409 All right, thirty yards, Timmy! Keep it up! 156 00:10:36,038 --> 00:10:37,293 Oowrrr! Timmih! Livilaye! 157 00:10:38,703 --> 00:10:39,953 Yyyeess! 158 00:10:41,365 --> 00:10:41,769 Grrrr! 159 00:10:42,164 --> 00:10:47,529 Wohuhow, Jimmy, I can't believe how much you've improved You're bigger and stronger than I've ever seen you! 160 00:10:47,841 --> 00:10:49,672 Yeah, I've been working out... r-r-really hard. 161 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:53,243 You keep going like this and you'll break Special Olympics records on Saturday! 162 00:10:56,054 --> 00:10:58,223 Okay, so this is all the stuff we need to sign Michael in? 163 00:11:00,237 --> 00:11:01,750 Yup. Just take the sign-up sheet down to the next table and we'll get it all finalized. 164 00:11:02,092 --> 00:11:03,047 Thank you very much. 165 00:11:03,367 --> 00:11:04,770 Thank you! Good luck, Michael. 166 00:11:05,433 --> 00:11:05,916 Thanks. 167 00:11:05,958 --> 00:11:07,529 Okay, next in line please? 168 00:11:07,768 --> 00:11:09,721 Naaaa! Daaaaa! 169 00:11:09,956 --> 00:11:10,774 Hello there. 170 00:11:11,379 --> 00:11:15,092 Hello. Um, I would like to... sign my son up, please. 171 00:11:15,786 --> 00:11:16,420 Naaaa! 172 00:11:17,521 --> 00:11:18,639 Oh, great! What's his name? 173 00:11:19,106 --> 00:11:20,593 Eric Cartman. 174 00:11:20,986 --> 00:11:23,499 Caaartmaaan! Daaaaa! 175 00:11:24,677 --> 00:11:25,889 Okay. Age? 176 00:11:26,413 --> 00:11:27,031 He's nine. 177 00:11:27,621 --> 00:11:29,110 O- kay, and what's his disability? 178 00:11:30,231 --> 00:11:32,052 ...Um, he's retarded. 179 00:11:34,737 --> 00:11:38,266 ...Nno, I'm asking what his specific condition is. Down's Syndrome? Cerebral palsy? 180 00:11:39,245 --> 00:11:41,313 Ohhh, oh. I'm not sure. 181 00:11:41,875 --> 00:11:44,131 Sweetie, what is yoru condition? 182 00:11:45,581 --> 00:11:47,954 ...How should I know? I'm retarded. Daaaaa! 183 00:11:49,850 --> 00:11:51,531 I'll just leave that blank for now. 184 00:12:09,689 --> 00:12:11,568 Oh, hi Timmy. Come on in. 185 00:12:12,817 --> 00:12:16,134 I understand you have somethin' important you wanna talk to me about, m'kay? 186 00:12:17,914 --> 00:12:18,552 Timmy. 187 00:12:20,105 --> 00:12:24,582 Well, Timmy, as your counselor, I want you to know that you can tell me anything hm'kay? 188 00:12:24,620 --> 00:12:27,869 And whatever's troublin' you, I wanna try and, and help you with it. 189 00:12:30,921 --> 00:12:31,348 N, Timmy. 190 00:12:33,403 --> 00:12:37,870 Mhm'kay, right, you're Timmy. ... You, you have a problem? 191 00:12:38,324 --> 00:12:40,127 No Timmy, Jimmy. 192 00:12:40,994 --> 00:12:42,433 Ji-Jimmy? 193 00:12:42,992 --> 00:12:43,709 Haaa! 194 00:12:44,683 --> 00:12:45,338 Oh, oh! 195 00:12:48,596 --> 00:12:49,058 Jimmy. 196 00:12:49,880 --> 00:12:52,307 Oh, Jimmy Valmer! Oh, okay, what about him? 197 00:12:52,862 --> 00:12:54,745 Timmih! Timmih, uh, Jimmih. 198 00:12:55,562 --> 00:12:57,615 In Timmy, Timmih Tim-oh! Tim-Timmih! 199 00:12:58,379 --> 00:13:01,545 Timmmih? Jimmih! Jimmih. 200 00:13:01,949 --> 00:13:06,635 Jimmih Timmih Timmih? Timmih, Timmih Jimmih... Jimmih! Jimmih! Timmih! 201 00:13:06,996 --> 00:13:07,925 Timmih! 202 00:13:10,747 --> 00:13:16,254 Mmmmm'kaaay. I don't quite follow, Timmy. 203 00:13:17,143 --> 00:13:18,968 Argh. Jimmy... 204 00:13:19,733 --> 00:13:20,740 Right, Jimmy Valmer. 205 00:13:21,507 --> 00:13:22,002 Uh. 206 00:13:22,341 --> 00:13:23,692 , Timmih Jimmih Jimmih Jim- 207 00:13:25,249 --> 00:13:27,352 Jimmh Timmih Timmih Jimmih! 208 00:13:28,372 --> 00:13:30,135 Right. He's Jimmy, yeah. 209 00:13:30,612 --> 00:13:31,577 HAAAAAAAH! 210 00:13:34,126 --> 00:13:35,252 How I Will Spend My 211 00:13:35,461 --> 00:13:36,533 One Thousand Dollars 212 00:13:36,810 --> 00:13:37,880 By Eric Cartman 213 00:13:39,852 --> 00:13:40,336 Enter! 214 00:13:51,138 --> 00:13:57,634 Cartman, I really, really have a problem with what you're doing I object to it morally, and I find it grossly offensive. 215 00:14:03,468 --> 00:14:04,177 Go on, Kyle. 216 00:14:05,199 --> 00:14:08,315 I know that I often have serious moral objections to the things that you do, but... 217 00:14:08,348 --> 00:14:13,832 this time I think you really need to reconsider, because if you do this, I believe you will go to hell. 218 00:14:13,854 --> 00:14:19,214 So I feel it is my responsibility, as your friend, to tell people what you're doing, and to put a stop to it! 219 00:14:21,005 --> 00:14:24,830 Well, Kyle, I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate you being so direct. 220 00:14:24,865 --> 00:14:29,236 Um, the thing is, you really have kind a warped view on morality because you're Jewish. 221 00:14:29,271 --> 00:14:32,724 Now, Kyle, you haven't gone to see Mel Gibson's film, The Passion but- 222 00:14:32,789 --> 00:14:34,447 I didn't come here to talk about The Passion, Cartman! 223 00:14:34,773 --> 00:14:38,931 Let me finish. If you had seen The Passion you would know that Hell is reserved for the Jews, 224 00:14:38,966 --> 00:14:40,324 and all those who don't accept Christ. 225 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:43,594 That being the case, it is actually me who is worried about your soul. 226 00:14:43,618 --> 00:14:44,826 I came here to talk about you! 227 00:14:45,150 --> 00:14:45,788 Yes. 228 00:14:46,379 --> 00:14:50,888 And instead you had to break through yourself. This is really the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life, Kyle. 229 00:14:51,252 --> 00:14:52,459 Good luck. 230 00:15:11,031 --> 00:15:12,270 Come on, push it! Push it! 231 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:19,971 Yeah. Nice p-pecs. Sweet b-biceps. 232 00:15:22,126 --> 00:15:24,620 Jimmy, I thought we were meeting at the doughnut shop. 233 00:15:24,975 --> 00:15:27,394 The Games are in two days, Nancy I can't be w-wasting my time. 234 00:15:27,951 --> 00:15:30,677 I guess I didn't realize I was a waste of time. 235 00:15:31,225 --> 00:15:31,789 Oh Jeez! 236 00:15:32,062 --> 00:15:33,621 Are you gonna start running your mouth off again? 237 00:15:34,143 --> 00:15:35,443 P- push it! Push it!! 238 00:15:36,105 --> 00:15:39,197 Jimmy, everyone's worried about you. You seem... different. 239 00:15:39,586 --> 00:15:40,821 Theh-they're all just.. jealous. 240 00:15:41,361 --> 00:15:45,110 You're not the boy I fell in love with last week during Free Period. I'm leaving you. 241 00:15:46,746 --> 00:15:49,404 You're not leaving me! You try to leave me and I'll kill you, bitch! 242 00:15:49,728 --> 00:15:50,990 You can't treat people like this! 243 00:15:52,941 --> 00:15:56,122 I said, shut your mouth, bitch! Why did you make me do it, huh?! 244 00:15:59,255 --> 00:16:00,136 You're not leavin' anybody!! 245 00:16:00,171 --> 00:16:03,789 You just keep your G-Goddamned mouth shut and do what you're t-t-t-uh-tol-told! 246 00:16:04,148 --> 00:16:04,712 What the? 247 00:16:05,307 --> 00:16:06,343 Jimmy, oh my God! 248 00:16:07,207 --> 00:16:09,862 Stay away from me, you stupid bbbbitches! 249 00:16:11,711 --> 00:16:12,101 No! God! 250 00:16:23,116 --> 00:16:26,531 Welcome, everyone, to the 2004 Special Olympics! 251 00:16:28,879 --> 00:16:33,895 We will be holding various throughout the day, and at the end of it all we will have some 252 00:16:33,930 --> 00:16:38,740 very special celebrity athletes here to present the trophy for top athlete, 253 00:16:38,775 --> 00:16:41,865 along with the cash prize of one thousand dollars. 254 00:16:42,528 --> 00:16:43,730 Top athlete, yeah! 255 00:16:44,394 --> 00:16:45,986 One thousand dollars, yeah! 256 00:16:46,572 --> 00:16:52,428 So let's have all our athletes report to their first assigned events and... Let the Games begin! 257 00:16:54,697 --> 00:16:59,487 Will those athletes in heat 1 of the hundred-meter dash please report to Track Aread B. 258 00:16:59,522 --> 00:17:00,602 Okay, racers, are we ready? 259 00:17:00,947 --> 00:17:01,591 Take your marks. 260 00:17:02,342 --> 00:17:04,441 Daaaa! Daaaa! 261 00:17:04,949 --> 00:17:07,701 On your marks! Get set! Go! 262 00:17:10,941 --> 00:17:12,051 Whoa. What the hell?? 263 00:17:21,627 --> 00:17:22,916 Great job, everyone. 264 00:17:23,174 --> 00:17:24,567 You three advance to the next heat. 265 00:17:25,352 --> 00:17:25,689 All right! 266 00:17:25,724 --> 00:17:26,138 Good Job. 267 00:17:26,173 --> 00:17:26,553 We did it! 268 00:17:27,675 --> 00:17:29,708 Well, guess I'll, guess I'll just have to kick ass in the other events. 269 00:17:42,015 --> 00:17:42,453 Y eeessss! 270 00:17:44,592 --> 00:17:45,764 Yes! Yes! 271 00:17:46,127 --> 00:17:48,717 He's got it! That's a new Special Olympics record, folks! 272 00:17:56,490 --> 00:17:56,874 God-damnit!! 273 00:18:03,181 --> 00:18:04,528 Winner, Jimmy Valmer! 274 00:18:12,355 --> 00:18:13,328 All right, this one I can win! 275 00:18:13,807 --> 00:18:14,340 Here, hold this! 276 00:18:14,591 --> 00:18:15,740 I'll show you Goddamned retards! 277 00:18:28,571 --> 00:18:29,502 God-damnit!! 278 00:18:35,540 --> 00:18:37,538 That's another Special Olympics record! 279 00:18:38,115 --> 00:18:39,196 Yeah! Yeah! 280 00:18:40,083 --> 00:18:40,846 Yeah, I did it! 281 00:18:41,138 --> 00:18:42,628 Yeah! Yeah! 282 00:18:44,698 --> 00:18:48,240 Ladies and Gentlemen, our day of competition has come to an end, 283 00:18:48,275 --> 00:18:51,898 and we have an ultimate grand special champion for 2004! 284 00:18:51,924 --> 00:18:58,750 Here to present the award are baseball legends Mark McGuire, Jason Giambi, and Barry Bonds. 285 00:19:01,725 --> 00:19:04,729 The two thousand and four special athlete is... Jimmy Valmer. 286 00:19:05,538 --> 00:19:07,206 Yeah! Fuck yeah! 287 00:19:08,602 --> 00:19:10,878 Yeah, I did it! I'm the bbub-best! 288 00:19:11,699 --> 00:19:16,510 Congratulations, Jimmy. But we all know that the Special Olympics isn't just about winning. 289 00:19:16,545 --> 00:19:23,278 And so, we will now give out the Spirit Award, to the handicapped person who came in very last. Eric Cartman! 290 00:19:26,190 --> 00:19:27,273 Ah, screw you hippie! 291 00:19:28,573 --> 00:19:34,336 For winning the Spirit Award, Eric will receive this gift certificate to Shakey's for fifty dollars! Come on up, Eric! 292 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:38,067 ...I could pile at Shakey's, heck. 293 00:19:38,449 --> 00:19:39,479 Uh, Drrrr! Drrrr! 294 00:19:42,798 --> 00:19:45,538 Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing, Eric?! 295 00:19:46,078 --> 00:19:47,884 Uhh, hehe. Uh de-duhhhh. 296 00:19:48,451 --> 00:19:50,237 You ffffaked being handicapped to win?! 297 00:19:50,961 --> 00:19:53,903 I should k-kick your ass right here, you lousy no-good ch-ch-ch... cheater! 298 00:19:55,567 --> 00:19:56,277 Timmih! 299 00:19:57,219 --> 00:19:57,854 What? 300 00:20:01,192 --> 00:20:05,149 Oh my God. You, you're right, Timmy. You're totally right. 301 00:20:08,018 --> 00:20:09,925 Everyone, can I have your attention, please? 302 00:20:11,788 --> 00:20:16,633 I'm afraid I have to give back my medal. The truth is, I haven't been playing fair either. 303 00:20:16,675 --> 00:20:22,852 I've been using st-steroids I was willing to do anything to be the best, 304 00:20:22,887 --> 00:20:25,203 and the steroids made me blind to the people I was hurting. 305 00:20:25,365 --> 00:20:27,711 A good friend even tried to talk me out of it, and I wouldn't listen to him. 306 00:20:30,865 --> 00:20:34,103 Taking steroids is just like pretending to be handicapped at the Special Olympics. 307 00:20:34,721 --> 00:20:39,449 Because you're taking all the fairness out of the game. But I know now that even if you do win on steroids, 308 00:20:39,484 --> 00:20:42,534 you're really not a winner. You're just a p-pussy. You're just a 309 00:20:42,585 --> 00:20:48,310 big fat p-p... p... pussy, and if you take steroids, the only decent thing to do is come forward and say, 310 00:20:48,653 --> 00:20:52,583 "Remove me from the record books, because I am a big, stinky p-pussy-" 311 00:20:52,875 --> 00:20:54,541 "- steroid-taking jackass. " 312 00:20:56,144 --> 00:21:00,344 That's how I feel about myself, and why I must decline this medal and my place in the history books. 313 00:21:00,427 --> 00:21:03,834 And if you'll let me, I'll be back next year. To compete with honor. 314 00:21:09,224 --> 00:21:11,488 Hey kid. Good for you for being honest. 315 00:21:12,672 --> 00:21:16,535 Well guys, I guess now you see what I was up to all along. 316 00:21:16,570 --> 00:21:20,669 I dressed up like a handicapped person and lost the Special Olympics on purpose, 317 00:21:20,704 --> 00:21:23,557 so that Jimmy could learn his lesson about steroids. 318 00:21:27,091 --> 00:21:30,034 Eh, oh yeah?! Well, well you guys are assholes! 319 00:21:30,576 --> 00:21:31,230 Grow up! 320 00:21:35,576 --> 00:21:37,230 WilLoW:...) 2005 Jan. 23rd