1 00:00:45,353 --> 00:00:48,802 Alright y'all, keep yer eyes peeled and yer guns ready. 2 00:00:49,887 --> 00:00:51,136 There's a heap of Mexicans out 3 00:00:51,137 --> 00:00:53,577 there who want nothing more than to sneak past our border, 4 00:00:53,578 --> 00:00:54,741 and we gotta stop 'em! 5 00:00:54,742 --> 00:00:56,674 Eric, you wanna say hi to grandpa? 6 00:00:56,743 --> 00:00:57,374 Not now, Mom, we're playing 7 00:00:57,443 --> 00:00:59,710 Texans versus Mexicans, God! 8 00:01:00,030 --> 00:01:02,698 Alright patrol - y'all know the drill. 9 00:01:02,699 --> 00:01:04,432 Not one Mexican is to get past this border! 10 00:01:04,501 --> 00:01:06,509 Not a single one! Yee-haw! 11 00:01:06,510 --> 00:01:07,910 Yee-haw. 12 00:01:08,796 --> 00:01:10,361 Fellow Mehicans! 13 00:01:10,362 --> 00:01:13,872 This time, we're gonna try rushing the Texans from the left side! 14 00:01:13,873 --> 00:01:16,772 Do not give up hope, for I - am Mantequilla! 15 00:01:16,773 --> 00:01:18,840 Viva la Mehico!!! 16 00:01:18,909 --> 00:01:21,185 Uh, Butters, I think we're gonna go back to Kyle being team leader. 17 00:01:21,186 --> 00:01:23,132 Aw, I'm not a good Mehican? 18 00:01:23,133 --> 00:01:24,099 You're a great Mehican, 19 00:01:24,168 --> 00:01:26,301 Butters, but maybe just not a leader of Mehico. 20 00:01:26,370 --> 00:01:26,907 Look guys, 21 00:01:26,908 --> 00:01:30,217 all we need to do is split up and apply good diversion tactics. 22 00:01:30,218 --> 00:01:33,988 We'll use the Texans emotions against them... 23 00:01:36,875 --> 00:01:38,443 Scanning for Mexicans... 24 00:01:42,560 --> 00:01:44,245 We've got a Mexican! 25 00:01:44,787 --> 00:01:45,704 Hey Texans! 26 00:01:45,705 --> 00:01:47,416 Let me through, we wanna treaty! 27 00:01:47,417 --> 00:01:50,324 He's trying a simple diversion tactic. Thinks we're stupid. 28 00:01:50,325 --> 00:01:52,510 You're gonna have to do better than that, Mexican! 29 00:01:52,511 --> 00:01:54,531 Better than being a fat ass Texan! 30 00:01:55,185 --> 00:01:57,698 Just because I'm Texan doesn't mean I'm fat! 31 00:01:57,699 --> 00:02:01,266 No, you're fat to begin with, chubby. Now you're Texan too. 32 00:02:01,335 --> 00:02:02,463 Oh yeah?! 33 00:02:02,464 --> 00:02:04,102 Well you're a fucking Jew, Kyle! 34 00:02:04,103 --> 00:02:07,083 And now you're a Mexican Jew! A dirty no good Mexi-Jew! 35 00:02:07,084 --> 00:02:10,793 - And let's just see you try and... - Base! 36 00:02:10,794 --> 00:02:12,255 Clyde?!?! 37 00:02:12,323 --> 00:02:14,557 What the fuck are you doing?! You just let a Mexican through! 38 00:02:14,626 --> 00:02:16,926 I was enthralled with the dialogue exchange. 39 00:02:16,995 --> 00:02:19,007 Yeah well, you all need to stay focused, Goddammit! 40 00:02:19,008 --> 00:02:21,140 If you let yourselves get distracted for even one minute, 41 00:02:21,141 --> 00:02:23,505 - we're gonna be overrun with these jobless, no good- - Base! 42 00:02:23,574 --> 00:02:24,706 Dude! 43 00:02:25,698 --> 00:02:27,192 How did he get past the fence, Craig?! 44 00:02:27,193 --> 00:02:28,927 I didn't hear him coming with all your screaming. 45 00:02:28,996 --> 00:02:31,774 Nobody's fucking screaming, Craig. Wake the fuck up! 46 00:02:32,063 --> 00:02:32,925 B-base! 47 00:02:32,926 --> 00:02:34,205 Aw God! 48 00:02:37,653 --> 00:02:40,358 So then the Pope says 'Maybe you should go check the toilet!' 49 00:02:43,603 --> 00:02:44,220 I got one. 50 00:02:44,221 --> 00:02:46,854 - Why do girls wear make up and perfume? - Why? 51 00:02:46,855 --> 00:02:48,768 Cuz they're ugly and they stink. 52 00:02:51,339 --> 00:02:52,983 Cartman stop pouting that you lost the game. 53 00:02:52,984 --> 00:02:55,704 I'm not pouting! I've just heard all these jokes before. 54 00:02:55,705 --> 00:02:58,211 So then don't have a slumber party if you're gonna be an asshole all night. 55 00:02:58,212 --> 00:03:00,029 At least I have an asshole, Kyle. 56 00:03:17,725 --> 00:03:19,977 Boy, I've really done it this time. 57 00:03:20,693 --> 00:03:23,846 I had one simple direction, go that way. 58 00:03:23,847 --> 00:03:26,448 How did I end up getting lost? 59 00:03:26,517 --> 00:03:30,029 My amigos were right, I am a lousy Mexican. 60 00:03:30,030 --> 00:03:31,363 They're all livin' the good life 61 00:03:31,364 --> 00:03:33,698 while I'm still stuck out here in Mehico. 62 00:03:33,699 --> 00:03:37,622 I am... the last of the Meheecans. 63 00:03:42,554 --> 00:03:44,968 Hello? Anybody? 64 00:03:44,969 --> 00:03:48,308 Come on, Mantequilla! You have to find that border! 65 00:03:52,183 --> 00:03:54,351 Work Mexican work! 66 00:03:57,188 --> 00:03:59,460 Work Mexican work! 67 00:04:00,919 --> 00:04:03,342 Oh, careful, darling. This storm is getting worse. 68 00:04:03,343 --> 00:04:06,576 It sure is. I can barely see... 69 00:04:07,079 --> 00:04:09,403 Oh my God, look out it's a Mexican! 70 00:04:14,571 --> 00:04:16,740 Oh my God, are you alright? 71 00:04:17,756 --> 00:04:20,640 Por favor... I have to get across the border... 72 00:04:20,641 --> 00:04:23,692 My amigos... my amigos are waiting... 73 00:04:24,708 --> 00:04:26,691 Poor thing must have snuck across the border 74 00:04:26,692 --> 00:04:28,554 and then lost track of his family! 75 00:04:29,102 --> 00:04:33,143 I am Mantequilla. The last of the Mehicans... 76 00:04:38,887 --> 00:04:41,684 Guest room. Guest room. 77 00:04:42,338 --> 00:04:44,282 Bed. Bed. 78 00:04:44,283 --> 00:04:45,281 Pillow. 79 00:04:45,282 --> 00:04:46,581 You're going to be okay? 80 00:04:46,650 --> 00:04:48,583 Do you understand? 81 00:04:48,651 --> 00:04:50,367 Darling, I don't know if we can keep him. 82 00:04:50,368 --> 00:04:52,228 What're we supposed to do, call the police 83 00:04:52,229 --> 00:04:54,888 and have him shipped back to Mexico like some animal? 84 00:04:54,957 --> 00:04:57,924 Window. Window. 85 00:04:57,993 --> 00:04:59,116 Yep, window. 86 00:04:59,117 --> 00:05:00,339 Bueno. 87 00:05:00,340 --> 00:05:03,901 He'll have so much more opportunity here than he ever would in Mexico. 88 00:05:03,902 --> 00:05:06,416 window. 89 00:05:06,417 --> 00:05:09,492 Windex. 90 00:05:10,722 --> 00:05:12,364 Paper towel. 91 00:05:17,682 --> 00:05:19,270 Ahp, be sure to get the edges. 92 00:05:19,271 --> 00:05:21,302 Oh, darling, it's wonderful. 93 00:05:38,214 --> 00:05:38,926 Clyde. 94 00:05:38,927 --> 00:05:40,067 We're losing. 95 00:05:40,541 --> 00:05:41,835 Kyle got through. 96 00:05:41,836 --> 00:05:44,735 Oh, no. Now Stan's through. Jimmy, it's over. 97 00:05:44,804 --> 00:05:46,237 Only Mexican left is Butters. We got-- 98 00:05:46,306 --> 00:05:49,039 Butters! 99 00:05:51,012 --> 00:05:52,288 Hey, wake up you guys. 100 00:05:53,714 --> 00:05:55,045 Wake up losers! 101 00:05:55,046 --> 00:05:56,482 What are you talking about? 102 00:05:56,483 --> 00:05:57,504 Where is Butters? 103 00:05:59,232 --> 00:06:00,682 He was with us at dinner. 104 00:06:00,683 --> 00:06:02,900 Wait, was he with us at dinner? 105 00:06:02,901 --> 00:06:04,034 Yeah, I think he was. 106 00:06:04,805 --> 00:06:05,931 Butters is one of those people 107 00:06:05,932 --> 00:06:08,419 who you can never remember if he was there or not. 108 00:06:10,588 --> 00:06:11,431 Butters? 109 00:06:13,409 --> 00:06:14,430 Butters? 110 00:06:14,431 --> 00:06:15,772 Jesus, it's freezing out here. 111 00:06:15,773 --> 00:06:17,014 He could be dead. 112 00:06:17,015 --> 00:06:18,739 All right, men, rally up. 113 00:06:18,740 --> 00:06:21,994 There's still a Mexican out there and he ain't gettin' through! 114 00:06:21,995 --> 00:06:23,453 You haven't won yet! 115 00:06:23,454 --> 00:06:25,535 Game on! 116 00:06:27,447 --> 00:06:28,787 Game on. 117 00:06:31,565 --> 00:06:33,042 Work Mehican work... 118 00:06:34,622 --> 00:06:36,606 Work Mehican work... 119 00:06:36,607 --> 00:06:37,739 Mantequilla! 120 00:06:37,808 --> 00:06:39,250 Mantequilla, come to the living room! 121 00:06:39,251 --> 00:06:42,084 We have a surprise for you! 122 00:06:42,153 --> 00:06:43,685 Surprise! 123 00:06:43,754 --> 00:06:44,386 We scraped some money together 124 00:06:44,454 --> 00:06:46,254 and got you something! 125 00:06:46,323 --> 00:06:47,154 It's a present, Mantequilla! 126 00:06:47,223 --> 00:06:48,256 Un presente. 127 00:06:48,324 --> 00:06:49,690 Wow! 128 00:06:49,759 --> 00:06:51,125 A present just for me?! 129 00:06:51,194 --> 00:06:54,995 Oh, he's such a happy little Mexican. 130 00:06:55,064 --> 00:06:55,863 How do you like that, 131 00:06:55,932 --> 00:06:56,730 Mantequilla?! 132 00:06:56,799 --> 00:06:59,901 Your very own leaf blower! 133 00:06:59,969 --> 00:07:02,003 I have no idea how it works, but I'm sure you do. 134 00:07:02,072 --> 00:07:05,319 Say, how'd you like to go in the backyard and play? 135 00:07:13,085 --> 00:07:15,119 Oh, look at him darling, he's so happy. 136 00:07:16,005 --> 00:07:17,532 No, no, Mantequilla. 137 00:07:17,533 --> 00:07:19,811 You're just blowing the leaves from one side to the other. 138 00:07:19,846 --> 00:07:23,662 Get them in one pile so you can use the garbage bags we loaned you. 139 00:07:23,848 --> 00:07:25,044 Si, senor. 140 00:07:25,699 --> 00:07:27,526 Oh, he's so adorable. 141 00:07:33,258 --> 00:07:37,919 All week long, bossman say, 142 00:07:37,920 --> 00:07:40,665 "Work Mexican, work." 143 00:08:15,149 --> 00:08:16,114 Honey? 144 00:08:16,183 --> 00:08:17,916 Honey, what's wrong? 145 00:08:17,985 --> 00:08:20,318 It's Mantequilla. 146 00:08:20,387 --> 00:08:23,922 We've tried giving him everything but I don't think he's happy. 147 00:08:23,991 --> 00:08:25,857 Tonight I told him he could do whatever he wanted before bed, 148 00:08:25,926 --> 00:08:31,565 wash the windows, mop up our bathroom... but you know what he said? 149 00:08:31,600 --> 00:08:34,733 He said 'I need to go home'. 150 00:08:34,801 --> 00:08:36,000 I tried telling him 'your home 151 00:08:36,069 --> 00:08:36,968 is here, Mantequilla! 152 00:08:37,037 --> 00:08:39,463 Tu casa es aqui! 153 00:08:39,498 --> 00:08:40,764 But I don't think he feels it. 154 00:08:40,833 --> 00:08:41,498 Maybe if we let him paint the 155 00:08:41,567 --> 00:08:44,367 garage he'll feel more like family and... 156 00:08:44,436 --> 00:08:48,839 No, Brian, in my heart I know it's true... 157 00:08:48,840 --> 00:08:54,662 He belongs with his own kind, Brian. He belongs with his own kind... 158 00:09:07,066 --> 00:09:08,255 Come on, honey. 159 00:09:08,256 --> 00:09:09,385 Where are you going? 160 00:09:09,386 --> 00:09:11,588 No. Mantequilla, bad. 161 00:09:11,838 --> 00:09:12,504 Go now! 162 00:09:12,836 --> 00:09:14,642 Ma'am, could I just use your phone? 163 00:09:35,253 --> 00:09:37,066 So there I was! 164 00:09:37,067 --> 00:09:40,148 Just yards away from the American border all my amigos 165 00:09:40,149 --> 00:09:42,865 made it across, but I become lost in the woods! 166 00:09:42,866 --> 00:09:45,529 If the ripples hadn't a come along, I might have froze to death. 167 00:09:45,530 --> 00:09:46,712 But I'm not giving up! 168 00:09:46,713 --> 00:09:49,163 For I... am Mantequilla! 169 00:09:49,164 --> 00:09:51,321 Mantequilla? 170 00:09:51,322 --> 00:09:52,514 Mantequilla? 171 00:09:58,529 --> 00:10:02,069 Nothing can stop me and my pride in mother Mehico!!! 172 00:10:16,630 --> 00:10:19,206 Hey! You fellas think you can help me get across that 173 00:10:24,830 --> 00:10:26,282 all my amigos are there. 174 00:10:26,283 --> 00:10:27,467 Waitin' for me. 175 00:10:34,225 --> 00:10:36,183 Viva la Mehico! 176 00:10:36,184 --> 00:10:38,638 Alright, let's get him into er... 177 00:10:38,639 --> 00:10:39,932 Careful my foot! 178 00:10:48,090 --> 00:10:49,247 We're crossin' the border! 179 00:11:08,920 --> 00:11:10,173 Pretty quiet out there. 180 00:11:10,852 --> 00:11:13,213 Yup, a bit too quiet if you ask me. 181 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:13,995 Gimme those. 182 00:11:14,141 --> 00:11:16,662 Just seems like Mexicans don't try to cross in to the U.S. 183 00:11:16,663 --> 00:11:18,276 As much as they used to, you know? 184 00:11:18,370 --> 00:11:20,313 No, they're out there, Charlie. 185 00:11:20,690 --> 00:11:21,933 Plottin' their next move. 186 00:11:22,754 --> 00:11:26,340 They'll do anything they can to get into the land of opportunity. 187 00:11:27,288 --> 00:11:28,743 And as long as this country 188 00:11:28,744 --> 00:11:30,265 offers everyone a better life, 189 00:11:30,266 --> 00:11:32,712 there's gonna be people clamoring to get in. 190 00:11:32,967 --> 00:11:34,714 It's the curse of success, Charlie. 191 00:11:34,777 --> 00:11:37,957 A great and wealthy nation will always be plagued by the needy 192 00:11:37,958 --> 00:11:39,361 trying to... what the hell? 193 00:11:42,001 --> 00:11:44,863 Uh, sir, aren't them Mexicans 194 00:11:45,078 --> 00:11:46,803 running into Mexico? 195 00:11:47,132 --> 00:11:48,519 That don't make sense. 196 00:11:51,059 --> 00:11:53,167 You're going the wrong way! 197 00:11:54,954 --> 00:11:57,009 You've heard of Mexican salsa, 198 00:11:57,010 --> 00:11:58,684 but Mexican pride? 199 00:11:58,864 --> 00:12:02,135 The phenomenon is called 'Orgullo de Mantequilla', 200 00:12:02,193 --> 00:12:03,650 where Mexicans are realizing it 201 00:12:03,651 --> 00:12:06,236 actually is starting to suck more here is the U.S. 202 00:12:06,851 --> 00:12:08,038 The borders are being flooded 203 00:12:08,039 --> 00:12:09,218 with Latin Americans trying to 204 00:12:09,219 --> 00:12:11,010 get back to their own country. 205 00:12:11,047 --> 00:12:12,216 Well, I think it's good. 206 00:12:12,520 --> 00:12:15,145 If the Mexican people feel, inspired good for them. 207 00:12:15,168 --> 00:12:16,983 People have a right to go and be happy. 208 00:12:20,912 --> 00:12:21,945 Nooo! 209 00:12:25,037 --> 00:12:29,605 But just what has sparked the Mexican desire to live in Mexico? 210 00:12:29,824 --> 00:12:32,410 Joining us now is analyst Mark Gieger and Mark, 211 00:12:32,411 --> 00:12:36,038 we've heard of Mexican ice cream but Mexican patriotism? 212 00:12:36,143 --> 00:12:38,389 Yes, it's a very odd phenomenon, Chris. 213 00:12:38,390 --> 00:12:39,090 I think that... 214 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:40,333 Cartman, what the hell is this? 215 00:12:41,265 --> 00:12:42,765 Ou guys the game is over. 216 00:12:42,840 --> 00:12:44,501 Clearly, I won. Give it up. 217 00:12:44,660 --> 00:12:46,910 Wanted by the us border patrol. 218 00:12:46,911 --> 00:12:48,783 Permission to shoot on sight?! 219 00:12:49,063 --> 00:12:51,433 You guys are putting out flyers I had to put some out, too. 220 00:12:51,536 --> 00:12:52,981 Buskers has been missing nor a week. 221 00:12:52,982 --> 00:12:55,134 You might have inadvertently gotten him killed! 222 00:12:56,115 --> 00:12:58,831 Well then I inadvertently won the game, didn't I? 223 00:12:59,433 --> 00:13:01,027 Do you have what it takes to 224 00:13:01,028 --> 00:13:02,450 join the border patrol? 225 00:13:02,721 --> 00:13:03,971 Border patrol officers are 226 00:13:03,972 --> 00:13:05,542 looking for volunteers to help 227 00:13:05,543 --> 00:13:08,099 with the reverse immigration crisis. 228 00:13:08,694 --> 00:13:09,905 Oh, dude. 229 00:13:10,085 --> 00:13:10,995 Sweet. 230 00:13:34,399 --> 00:13:35,960 Vamos Mantequilla! 231 00:13:37,260 --> 00:13:38,824 Vamos Mantequilla! 232 00:13:44,784 --> 00:13:46,609 Oh, I'm sorry, I don't really... 233 00:13:59,907 --> 00:14:00,861 Orgullo! 234 00:14:07,275 --> 00:14:09,307 Welcome to the U.S. border patrol. 235 00:14:09,545 --> 00:14:11,013 You volunteers are the key to 236 00:14:11,014 --> 00:14:13,282 keeping this country safe and prosperous. 237 00:14:13,651 --> 00:14:15,814 Every day more and more Mexicans 238 00:14:15,815 --> 00:14:17,486 are trying to get past this fence 239 00:14:17,496 --> 00:14:19,575 and go back to their homes in Mexico. 240 00:14:19,873 --> 00:14:21,679 As border patrol officers, our duty 241 00:14:21,714 --> 00:14:24,429 is to stop Mexicans from crossing the border. 242 00:14:24,919 --> 00:14:25,847 We don't need to worry about the 243 00:14:25,848 --> 00:14:27,140 semantics of which direction 244 00:14:27,141 --> 00:14:28,072 they're going. 245 00:14:28,470 --> 00:14:29,840 We're just supposed to stop em! 246 00:14:29,973 --> 00:14:30,721 Marcus? 247 00:14:30,817 --> 00:14:35,202 The standard issue border patrol weapon is the P-29 stun Baton. 248 00:14:35,581 --> 00:14:37,566 It carries a 4000 watt charge 249 00:14:37,567 --> 00:14:40,846 and is your best option for enforcing border patrol law. 250 00:14:41,418 --> 00:14:43,240 This is gonna be so fucking sweet. 251 00:14:43,314 --> 00:14:45,683 The baton is non-lethal, but powerful... 252 00:14:45,684 --> 00:14:48,494 Hey- we got some! Mexicans at two o'clock! 253 00:14:48,868 --> 00:14:49,957 Let's get ready, recruits. 254 00:14:49,958 --> 00:14:51,384 Must be a couple dozen of 'em. 255 00:14:56,210 --> 00:14:58,160 This is the U.S. border patrol. 256 00:14:58,422 --> 00:14:59,548 Stop where you are. 257 00:14:59,871 --> 00:15:01,888 Turn around and get back to work. 258 00:15:02,096 --> 00:15:04,497 There's two many of 'em we're gonna need back up! 259 00:15:18,201 --> 00:15:20,542 You're pretty good at stoppin' Mexicans, son. 260 00:15:20,601 --> 00:15:21,678 What's your name? 261 00:15:21,679 --> 00:15:22,553 Cartman. 262 00:15:23,010 --> 00:15:24,332 Eric T. Cartman. 263 00:15:30,198 --> 00:15:32,894 Dedicated. Patriotic. Tireless. 264 00:15:33,195 --> 00:15:35,709 These are the men and women of the U.S. Border patrol. 265 00:15:36,624 --> 00:15:37,871 They work around the clock, 266 00:15:37,872 --> 00:15:39,759 protecting America's prosperity. 267 00:15:40,140 --> 00:15:41,112 They are the front line in 268 00:15:41,113 --> 00:15:43,411 making sure Mexicans stay here and work. 269 00:15:44,520 --> 00:15:45,396 The border patrol is 270 00:15:45,397 --> 00:15:47,645 uncompromising, diligent and cool. 271 00:15:49,079 --> 00:15:50,369 They will defend, arrest and 272 00:15:50,370 --> 00:15:52,762 most importantly, let the Mexicans know that 273 00:15:52,763 --> 00:15:55,314 they are way better off here in United States. 274 00:16:27,489 --> 00:16:28,466 Thanks everyone! 275 00:16:28,583 --> 00:16:29,812 It sure has been great getting 276 00:16:29,813 --> 00:16:30,717 to know you all. 277 00:16:30,773 --> 00:16:32,657 You've been really great amigos! 278 00:16:34,969 --> 00:16:36,242 It's really kind of made me... 279 00:16:36,334 --> 00:16:38,035 Appreciate my amigos back home. 280 00:16:38,927 --> 00:16:40,470 I know they're waiting for me... 281 00:16:40,806 --> 00:16:42,457 And I'm sure they're all worried sick. 282 00:17:19,039 --> 00:17:19,938 What did he say? 283 00:17:19,939 --> 00:17:21,152 I actually don't speak Spanish. 284 00:17:30,044 --> 00:17:31,424 No Mexicans detected. 285 00:17:32,121 --> 00:17:33,264 Huh, nothing. 286 00:17:33,266 --> 00:17:34,218 Let's face it. 287 00:17:34,362 --> 00:17:36,597 They've just about all gotten back across. 288 00:17:36,765 --> 00:17:38,714 No matter how hard we tried 289 00:17:38,784 --> 00:17:40,872 the Mexicans all got across the border. 290 00:17:41,090 --> 00:17:43,854 When we asked Obama to stop illegal immigrants... 291 00:17:43,878 --> 00:17:45,230 we didn't mean to make the U.S. 292 00:17:45,231 --> 00:17:46,963 so shitty they wouldn't wanna come any more. 293 00:17:50,297 --> 00:17:52,017 Hey, hey, wait a minute! 294 00:17:52,419 --> 00:17:53,294 It's a Mexican. 295 00:17:58,019 --> 00:17:59,481 I think he wants to come back in! 296 00:18:02,991 --> 00:18:04,040 Oh, my, God, it is! 297 00:18:06,498 --> 00:18:07,368 Hey! 298 00:18:09,223 --> 00:18:10,566 Come on in! 299 00:18:12,513 --> 00:18:13,694 Come on! 300 00:18:13,697 --> 00:18:14,955 Come on, it's okay! 301 00:18:17,032 --> 00:18:18,105 Fuck are you doin'? 302 00:18:18,106 --> 00:18:19,167 Get that gate open! 303 00:18:21,049 --> 00:18:22,044 Come on, buddy! 304 00:18:22,131 --> 00:18:24,112 Come on! Over here! You got it! 305 00:18:25,587 --> 00:18:26,686 Wait a minute, isn't that... 306 00:18:27,924 --> 00:18:29,037 Game on! 307 00:18:32,307 --> 00:18:33,380 Oh, no, you don't! 308 00:18:36,337 --> 00:18:37,631 Fuck are you doin?! 309 00:18:38,042 --> 00:18:40,673 That asshole is not getting across my border! 310 00:18:53,059 --> 00:18:53,959 I'll get over! 311 00:18:54,459 --> 00:18:55,572 No, you won't, Butters. 312 00:19:47,840 --> 00:19:49,002 Where the fuck did he go? 313 00:20:13,455 --> 00:20:14,487 Game over, Butters! 314 00:20:14,528 --> 00:20:15,368 You lose! 315 00:20:16,020 --> 00:20:17,045 What the fuck is this? 316 00:20:19,548 --> 00:20:20,195 No. 317 00:20:24,631 --> 00:20:26,612 Noooooooooo! 318 00:20:28,632 --> 00:20:29,383 Base! 319 00:20:33,879 --> 00:20:34,935 El ba-so! 320 00:20:35,277 --> 00:20:36,536 Base-ooooo! 321 00:20:46,256 --> 00:20:47,972 So then, so then the fireman says 322 00:20:47,973 --> 00:20:49,767 'That won't even fit in my scrotum! 323 00:20:52,271 --> 00:20:54,734 Stop being a pouty little bitch cuz you lost, Cartman. 324 00:20:54,764 --> 00:20:55,660 I'm not pouting! 325 00:20:55,760 --> 00:20:59,014 I'm just... sensitive to firemen jokes cuz of 911 and the... 326 00:20:59,254 --> 00:21:00,166 Fuck you, Kyle. 327 00:21:00,297 --> 00:21:02,785 Boy I'm so glad I proved I'm a good Mexican! 328 00:21:02,958 --> 00:21:05,796 Hey maybe next time I can be team leader! 329 00:21:05,896 --> 00:21:07,692 Uhhh, I think we'll stick with Kyle, dude. 330 00:21:07,693 --> 00:21:08,528 You made it across the border 331 00:21:08,529 --> 00:21:09,317 but it did take you 332 00:21:09,318 --> 00:21:10,518 two and a half weeks. 333 00:21:10,534 --> 00:21:11,825 Yeah, you're a great Mehican, Butters, 334 00:21:11,826 --> 00:21:13,808 just not a great leader, of Mehico. 335 00:21:51,794 --> 00:21:55,380 WEB-DL Sync and Minor Corrections: VeRdiKT [Addic7ed.com]