1 00:00:08,107 --> 00:00:11,385 I'm going out to South Park gonna have myself a time 2 00:00:11,443 --> 00:00:14,737 Friendly faces everywhere humble folks without temptation 3 00:00:14,780 --> 00:00:18,074 I'm goin out to south park gonna leave my woes behind 4 00:00:18,117 --> 00:00:21,411 Ample parking day or night people spouting howdy neighbor 5 00:00:21,453 --> 00:00:24,555 I'm heading out to south park to see if i cant unwind 6 00:00:24,581 --> 00:00:27,875 I like girls with big fat titties really big fat titties 7 00:00:27,918 --> 00:00:31,057 So come on out to south park and meet some friends of mine 8 00:00:31,152 --> 00:00:32,758 Episode 10x14 "Stanley's Cup" 9 00:00:35,633 --> 00:00:40,121 Being a delivery boy for the South Park Gazette is a noble privilege. 10 00:00:40,196 --> 00:00:41,740 I'm sorry, Mr. Jarvis, it's just that... 11 00:00:41,743 --> 00:00:44,885 I have to get up at 4 a.m. to deliver your paper and then I go to school all day. 12 00:00:46,578 --> 00:00:49,099 We've all got problems, pussy! Get used to it! 13 00:00:49,159 --> 00:00:51,411 You aren't delivering the papers on time! 14 00:00:51,489 --> 00:00:55,362 My bike had a busted pedal, but I got it fixed, so there won't be a problem anymore. 15 00:00:55,485 --> 00:00:58,130 Is that your bike out there? - Yeah. Why? 16 00:00:58,235 --> 00:01:00,993 'Cause it's being towed. - What? 17 00:01:02,957 --> 00:01:04,131 What are you doing?! 18 00:01:04,136 --> 00:01:05,822 This your bike? - Yes! 19 00:01:05,886 --> 00:01:09,391 It's on the impound list. You owe the county for tickets. 20 00:01:11,586 --> 00:01:13,393 No-dude, I need my bike to do my job! 21 00:01:13,446 --> 00:01:18,150 Yeah? Well my job is to tow this bike. You want it back? You talk to the county. 22 00:01:18,605 --> 00:01:21,222 No, no. Do not tow my bike! 23 00:01:21,768 --> 00:01:23,810 Stop, asshole! 24 00:01:32,857 --> 00:01:34,553 Park County Government Center 25 00:01:36,095 --> 00:01:38,022 Yes? Come in. 26 00:01:38,218 --> 00:01:41,030 Hi, my name is Stan Marsh. I was told to come down here and try to- 27 00:01:41,038 --> 00:01:44,512 Yes! Come on, Mr. Marsh. I've been told all about your case. 28 00:01:44,635 --> 00:01:49,533 Impounded bicycle, $83 owed to the county. Maybe you should get a job. 29 00:01:49,597 --> 00:01:54,821 I got a job, but without my bike to do my paper route, I can't make the money! See? 30 00:01:57,696 --> 00:02:00,203 Stan Marsh is a bright young man. 31 00:02:00,205 --> 00:02:05,011 He's got a great family, a promising paper route, only problem is... 32 00:02:05,016 --> 00:02:07,880 his bike's been impounded! 33 00:02:08,137 --> 00:02:15,283 But now, he's about to find out that getting his bike back isn't so easy. 34 00:02:18,058 --> 00:02:20,351 Look, I really need my bike. 35 00:02:20,456 --> 00:02:24,413 Well, I'm afraid I can't give it to you, because then you wouldn't learn anything. 36 00:02:24,427 --> 00:02:26,201 What do I have to learn? This isn't fair! 37 00:02:26,256 --> 00:02:27,773 Whoa whoa, hold on. 38 00:02:27,777 --> 00:02:31,832 I've looked your case over and I think maybe we can cut a little deal here. 39 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:33,683 According to your background check 40 00:02:33,687 --> 00:02:39,153 when you were in kindergarten, you played on the Park County Pee Wee Hockey Team. 41 00:02:39,907 --> 00:02:40,510 Yeah? 42 00:02:40,517 --> 00:02:45,631 Well it just so happens that the pee wee hockey team this year needs a coach. 43 00:02:45,767 --> 00:02:46,973 Me? 44 00:02:47,518 --> 00:02:50,302 Stan Marsh is a washed-up fourth grader. 45 00:02:50,308 --> 00:02:55,813 He's got no job, no bicycle. And his only way out is to coach... 46 00:02:55,818 --> 00:02:57,900 a pee wee hockey team! 47 00:02:58,148 --> 00:03:04,712 And now, he's about to find out that to coach, you've got to grow. 48 00:03:14,985 --> 00:03:19,350 Oh boy. Uh, all right, guys, over here? Come over here. 49 00:03:23,145 --> 00:03:26,440 We've got a lot of work to do and not much time to do it in. 50 00:03:27,026 --> 00:03:28,750 Who are you? 51 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:30,561 My name is Stan and I'm your new coach. 52 00:03:30,648 --> 00:03:32,912 Now we just need to kind of organize a little bit and practice our- 53 00:03:32,918 --> 00:03:36,061 Coach, I have to go potty. 54 00:03:36,346 --> 00:03:38,121 All right, fine, go ahead. 55 00:03:38,247 --> 00:03:40,313 By myself? 56 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:44,413 Hold it a while, okay? - What does "passing" mean? 57 00:03:44,487 --> 00:03:49,670 When you shoot the puck to another player. - My mommy said I'm as big as the sky. 58 00:03:49,805 --> 00:03:53,600 Coach, Wooden spit on my forehead! - I did not! 59 00:03:53,645 --> 00:03:55,983 All right, all right, shut up! We're gonna practice! 60 00:03:55,987 --> 00:03:58,940 You two guys play defense and you play goalie. 61 00:03:59,317 --> 00:04:02,582 I can't play goalie. - Why not? 62 00:04:02,746 --> 00:04:07,343 My doctor says I'm not supposed to. - What, you got asthma or something? 63 00:04:07,417 --> 00:04:10,623 No, he has cancer. 64 00:04:11,055 --> 00:04:12,180 What? 65 00:04:12,237 --> 00:04:16,080 Nelson has leukemia. It's already spread to his bone marrow. 66 00:04:16,148 --> 00:04:19,710 I don't wanna have cancer! 67 00:04:22,036 --> 00:04:26,340 Ah, it's okay. Don't cry. - But why me, coach? Why? 68 00:04:26,488 --> 00:04:30,210 Coach, why do people get cancer? 69 00:04:30,306 --> 00:04:32,191 Oh Jesus, can we just practice? 70 00:04:32,286 --> 00:04:35,231 Are we gonna get cancer if we play with Nelson, Coach? 71 00:04:35,237 --> 00:04:36,901 No! 72 00:04:37,636 --> 00:04:41,332 Well well well! If it isn't the Park County Losers! 73 00:04:43,648 --> 00:04:45,962 Oh no! Adams County! 74 00:04:45,995 --> 00:04:48,741 We just thought we'd come check out the ice for the game tomorrow. 75 00:04:48,807 --> 00:04:52,111 Gavin Throttle, coach of the Adams County team. - Hey. 76 00:04:52,216 --> 00:04:55,122 Look, why don't you just give up? You can't beat us. 77 00:04:55,125 --> 00:04:57,093 You really want to embarass your players? 78 00:04:57,135 --> 00:05:00,922 Our coach isn't gonna let us lose! - Yeah! 79 00:05:01,016 --> 00:05:04,550 Fine, if that's the way you want it. See ya tomorrow, coach! 80 00:05:04,555 --> 00:05:07,793 Adams Team! - Right! Follow! 81 00:05:09,585 --> 00:05:16,082 Coach, please don't let us lose to Adams County. My daddy will beat me again. 82 00:05:20,355 --> 00:05:21,533 Jesus Christ. 83 00:05:21,587 --> 00:05:24,180 Stanley, where have you been?! It's almost bedtime! 84 00:05:24,188 --> 00:05:27,762 Your mother's been worried sick and I've been watching TV! 85 00:05:27,835 --> 00:05:31,581 I got a new job. I'm finally gonna be able to pay off all the money I owe. 86 00:05:31,646 --> 00:05:34,112 Oh, well that's good. - What kind of job? 87 00:05:34,177 --> 00:05:36,041 I'm working with the Pee Wee Hockey League. 88 00:05:36,836 --> 00:05:39,672 What? With the-? What whoa wait, Stan. 89 00:05:39,718 --> 00:05:44,280 You gave up playing hockey a long time ago. - I'm not playing, I'm coaching. 90 00:05:44,366 --> 00:05:47,520 Have you forgotten what happened all those years ago? 91 00:05:47,648 --> 00:05:50,072 Or are you just trying to make up for it? 92 00:05:50,157 --> 00:05:53,001 What are you talking about? - Your Pee Wee hockey game! 93 00:05:53,067 --> 00:05:56,950 The Pepsi Center?! In between periods of the Colorado Avalanche? 94 00:05:57,018 --> 00:05:58,703 I remember going to Shakey's afterwards. 95 00:05:58,748 --> 00:06:00,910 Stan, you can't put your family through this again! 96 00:06:00,916 --> 00:06:02,583 Whatever your reasons are! 97 00:06:02,647 --> 00:06:05,650 I'm tired. I'm goin' to bed. 98 00:06:06,986 --> 00:06:08,402 What are we goin' to do, Sharon? 99 00:06:08,448 --> 00:06:10,153 What? - Don't you get it? 100 00:06:10,155 --> 00:06:13,133 He's getting back into hockey to prove something to himself. 101 00:06:13,266 --> 00:06:16,311 So he can forget what happened in that Pee Wee skirmish. 102 00:06:16,366 --> 00:06:18,822 Maybe he doesn't remember. He was only 4. 103 00:06:18,907 --> 00:06:24,701 Oho, he remembers. I'm sure it eats at him every single day. 104 00:06:28,666 --> 00:06:33,231 And we're about out of time here in another scoreless Pee Wee hockey game. 105 00:06:33,428 --> 00:06:37,072 That's # 7, Stan Marsh, skeating towards the goal, sort of 106 00:06:37,075 --> 00:06:39,842 but he doesn't have the puck. 107 00:06:43,137 --> 00:06:46,952 I crapped 'em! Oh me I crapped 'em! 108 00:06:47,108 --> 00:06:51,133 Oh, it appears the goalie has pooped his pants. 109 00:06:53,866 --> 00:06:58,112 Oh and look at this! Little Stan Marsh actually has a shot at the goal! 110 00:07:00,078 --> 00:07:02,811 Stan? Shoot it! 111 00:07:03,267 --> 00:07:06,091 Time is running out. Stan Marsh with a chance to win! 112 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:08,072 You got it, Stan! 113 00:07:08,157 --> 00:07:13,092 Take the shot! 114 00:07:22,756 --> 00:07:25,972 Nooo! 115 00:07:26,145 --> 00:07:31,252 Ohoooo, that's the end of the game! How disappointing. 116 00:07:34,605 --> 00:07:37,182 Randy, what's wrong? 117 00:07:38,278 --> 00:07:39,921 Oh Sharon, it was horrible! 118 00:07:39,957 --> 00:07:42,833 It was like I was living ti all over again. 119 00:07:46,208 --> 00:07:49,401 All right, guys. Tonight is our big game against Adams County. 120 00:07:49,437 --> 00:07:53,513 We still have all day to practice. - Coach? Hey coach. 121 00:07:53,575 --> 00:07:56,600 Could we talk to you, please? 122 00:07:57,086 --> 00:07:59,640 We are the Browns. Nelson's parents? 123 00:08:00,135 --> 00:08:02,172 Our little Nelson, he's... 124 00:08:02,176 --> 00:08:05,892 taken a turn for the worse, I'm afraid! His cancer is... 125 00:08:05,896 --> 00:08:07,521 real bad. 126 00:08:08,037 --> 00:08:10,672 Ohhh. - Yeah. Oh. 127 00:08:10,737 --> 00:08:14,053 Doctors say this could be it. How am I supposed to do it, coach? 128 00:08:14,106 --> 00:08:17,680 How do I look a five year old child in the eye and tell him he's not gonna live? 129 00:08:17,687 --> 00:08:20,311 You tell me, coach! You tell me how! 130 00:08:20,317 --> 00:08:23,463 Stop it, Jack! He doesn't mean to take it out on you, coach. 131 00:08:23,507 --> 00:08:25,331 No, I don't mean to take it out on you, coach. 132 00:08:25,367 --> 00:08:28,431 It's just... I don't know what to say to him, coach. 133 00:08:28,495 --> 00:08:29,921 Neither of us do. 134 00:08:29,986 --> 00:08:34,153 What do you say to somebody who's dying, huh? 135 00:08:35,478 --> 00:08:36,782 I don't know. 136 00:08:36,906 --> 00:08:40,662 Will you talk to him, coach? He looks up to you. 137 00:08:41,197 --> 00:08:44,852 No, I think you oughta. - Nah, I'm just his father. 138 00:08:45,107 --> 00:08:48,203 But you're his coach! You're like a father to him. 139 00:08:48,277 --> 00:08:50,681 Please, coach, he's... he's counting on you! 140 00:08:50,695 --> 00:08:53,443 Please, coach, he's counting on you! 141 00:08:58,448 --> 00:09:00,363 Oh uh, hey Nelson. 142 00:09:01,927 --> 00:09:02,942 Hi, coach. 143 00:09:02,997 --> 00:09:05,120 Dude, I can come back later. Is this a bad time for you? 144 00:09:05,173 --> 00:09:12,005 Yeah, it's a pretty bad time for me, coach. I'm only five and I'm dying. 145 00:09:13,628 --> 00:09:16,869 Coach, what's it like when you die? 146 00:09:17,519 --> 00:09:19,401 I'm not sure. 147 00:09:19,439 --> 00:09:23,231 I would think that it's a lot like it was before you were born? 148 00:09:23,316 --> 00:09:26,291 How come I have to die now? 149 00:09:26,858 --> 00:09:29,852 I mean, how come I don't get to grow up? 150 00:09:29,897 --> 00:09:33,393 Goddamnit, dude, I don't know. - I'm sorry. 151 00:09:33,468 --> 00:09:35,870 No, what I mean is, nobody really knows, see? 152 00:09:35,936 --> 00:09:38,263 But everyonen does it. I mean, it's not like everyone else gets to live 153 00:09:38,268 --> 00:09:41,080 and only you have to die. Everyone's gonna die. 154 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:44,262 You feel better now? - I think so. 155 00:09:44,377 --> 00:09:47,363 Okay, great. Look, I gotta get to the stadium, but uh... 156 00:09:47,376 --> 00:09:49,190 hang in there? All right? 157 00:09:49,287 --> 00:09:51,660 Thanks, coach. 158 00:09:52,025 --> 00:09:55,602 Will you do me just one favor, Coach? 159 00:09:55,847 --> 00:09:59,363 That game tonight? I'm gonna be watching, so... 160 00:09:59,368 --> 00:10:03,861 could you make it so I don't have cancer? 161 00:10:04,585 --> 00:10:06,890 No- dude, I told you I can't do that. 162 00:10:06,937 --> 00:10:10,961 Well then, will you just win for me? 163 00:10:11,077 --> 00:10:13,073 Okay. 164 00:10:18,396 --> 00:10:22,270 Stan Marsh has always lived a carefree life. 165 00:10:22,347 --> 00:10:26,291 But in the blink of an eye, what seemed important before 166 00:10:26,295 --> 00:10:28,712 can all be put in perspective. 167 00:10:28,836 --> 00:10:33,912 Stan Marsh is... "Bummin' on Cancer." 168 00:10:38,915 --> 00:10:44,883 Welcome, parents, to this Pee Wee hockey match between Park County and Adams County. 169 00:10:44,935 --> 00:10:49,151 Win! 170 00:10:51,507 --> 00:10:55,240 Coach, can I talk to you for a second? - Come to surrender, coach? 171 00:10:55,838 --> 00:10:58,170 Look, there's a kid in my team who's got cancer 172 00:10:58,176 --> 00:11:02,791 and he wants us to win this game really bad, so could you just give us kind of a break? 173 00:11:03,325 --> 00:11:04,992 I don't think so, Coach. 174 00:11:05,046 --> 00:11:08,042 We're gonna beat you into the ground, cancer or no! 175 00:11:08,087 --> 00:11:10,932 Win! 176 00:11:13,407 --> 00:11:18,133 All right, guys, listen. I saw Nelson in the hospital and he asked me one thing: 177 00:11:18,175 --> 00:11:21,821 He said he wanted us to win this game for him. 178 00:11:23,097 --> 00:11:27,102 So, if we lose we're gonna kill Nelson? 179 00:11:27,197 --> 00:11:31,243 Oh Jesus, no! - I don't wanna be a murderer! 180 00:11:31,306 --> 00:11:34,112 Relax! If we lose we're not gonna be murderers. 181 00:11:34,316 --> 00:11:36,740 If we lose are we gonna get cancer? 182 00:11:36,777 --> 00:11:38,662 Oh no! 183 00:11:38,887 --> 00:11:41,733 I don't want cancer. 184 00:11:51,057 --> 00:11:56,160 They look pretty strong, coach. I think Nelson's gonna die for sure. 185 00:11:58,936 --> 00:12:02,220 Good luck, Coach! You're gonna need it! 186 00:12:06,896 --> 00:12:09,400 Yeah! Let's go Adams! 187 00:12:23,126 --> 00:12:25,851 Let's go, Park! Come on! 188 00:12:38,567 --> 00:12:41,043 That's it, Brian! Kill him! 189 00:12:44,975 --> 00:12:47,312 Get near the puck! 190 00:13:10,088 --> 00:13:13,912 And that's the end of the game. The result is a tie. 191 00:13:14,077 --> 00:13:17,380 Tie? Well, what does that mean? 192 00:13:18,125 --> 00:13:20,733 Stan Marsh was supposed to win it all. 193 00:13:20,735 --> 00:13:23,203 The big game. A dying boy's hope. 194 00:13:23,207 --> 00:13:25,393 Only problem is... 195 00:13:25,396 --> 00:13:27,101 he tied! 196 00:13:27,197 --> 00:13:33,713 And now, he's about to find out that tying isn't the same as winning. 197 00:13:34,745 --> 00:13:37,931 So did we kill Nelson or not? 198 00:13:39,345 --> 00:13:40,583 Hello? 199 00:13:40,685 --> 00:13:42,333 Coach. 200 00:13:42,426 --> 00:13:43,981 How are you feeling? 201 00:13:44,078 --> 00:13:48,543 I feel pretty good, except for the cancer. 202 00:13:48,797 --> 00:13:52,441 Coach? Does God hate me? 203 00:13:52,508 --> 00:13:55,693 Oh, hello Coach. - Hi Doc. How's he doing? 204 00:13:55,758 --> 00:13:58,963 Well, he isn't worse, but he isn't getting better. 205 00:13:59,055 --> 00:14:02,991 It's almost as if his cancer were tied. 206 00:14:03,076 --> 00:14:05,320 Oh boy. 207 00:14:06,525 --> 00:14:08,593 My cancer hurts. 208 00:14:08,675 --> 00:14:11,743 He seems to have put all his hope into you winning that game. 209 00:14:11,817 --> 00:14:15,323 And with a tie, he's in a kind of cancer limbo. 210 00:14:15,367 --> 00:14:18,712 But what can I do? - Stan Marsh! 211 00:14:18,786 --> 00:14:19,800 Great news! 212 00:14:19,808 --> 00:14:23,913 Our hockey team has just been invited to play against Denver County 213 00:14:23,916 --> 00:14:26,313 during a Colorado Avalanche game! 214 00:14:26,378 --> 00:14:29,283 Wow. At the Pepsi Center? 215 00:14:29,385 --> 00:14:33,861 Look! He's coming around again. - That's our biggest game ever. 216 00:14:33,918 --> 00:14:36,723 Do you think we can win, Coach? 217 00:14:36,788 --> 00:14:39,470 Well, ah, I mean... 218 00:14:41,386 --> 00:14:43,992 Imagine. If there was one game. 219 00:14:43,997 --> 00:14:46,710 One chance, to make everything right. 220 00:14:46,715 --> 00:14:49,933 Stan Marsh is being given that chance. 221 00:14:49,995 --> 00:14:54,263 But to win, he's gonna have to pull out all the stops in... 222 00:14:54,267 --> 00:14:57,801 "Stanley's Cup"! Rated R. 223 00:15:01,558 --> 00:15:03,272 Yeah... yeah, we'll beat 'em. 224 00:15:03,305 --> 00:15:07,482 All right! Maybe there is hope for me. 225 00:15:08,317 --> 00:15:10,283 Just be aware of this, Coach. 226 00:15:10,337 --> 00:15:12,442 If you lose the Big Game 227 00:15:12,448 --> 00:15:18,101 that little boy is going to die faster than Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays. 228 00:15:19,187 --> 00:15:22,252 Coach! What the hell were you thinking? 229 00:15:22,366 --> 00:15:26,102 We can't beat Denver County. - Well, sure we can. 230 00:15:26,146 --> 00:15:30,852 Last time we played Denver they scored seven times. 231 00:15:31,027 --> 00:15:32,783 Look, guys. I believe in you. 232 00:15:32,787 --> 00:15:35,342 Nelson believes in you. Doesn't that count for anything? 233 00:15:35,407 --> 00:15:39,313 No, 'cause they're gonna kill us. - They're not gonna kill us. 234 00:15:39,377 --> 00:15:43,283 That's what Steve Irwin said about those stingrays. 235 00:15:46,287 --> 00:15:48,072 Haven't you guys ever seen these movies? 236 00:15:48,117 --> 00:15:51,381 We're just supposed to rally together, believe in ourselves and we win in the end. 237 00:15:51,455 --> 00:15:58,292 No. In the movies, they always go out and find a kid who's really good to join the team. 238 00:15:58,888 --> 00:16:01,533 Hey that's right. We need a ringer. 239 00:16:01,628 --> 00:16:04,542 We need a Canadian. 240 00:16:14,686 --> 00:16:17,710 Wow, he's good. - Yeah! 241 00:16:17,757 --> 00:16:21,670 Stan, I told you. My mom doesn't want Ike playing hockey. She thinks it's dangerous. 242 00:16:21,718 --> 00:16:25,270 It's just for one game. He won't get hurt, I promise. 243 00:16:26,335 --> 00:16:27,792 Yeah! 244 00:16:27,858 --> 00:16:31,133 All right, but it's gonna take more than one good player to beat the champions, Stan. 245 00:16:31,198 --> 00:16:34,431 You'd better have a really good game plan. 246 00:16:42,555 --> 00:16:44,393 Can you believe it, Stan? 247 00:16:44,485 --> 00:16:46,121 The Pepsi Center. 248 00:16:46,196 --> 00:16:49,440 You're going back to the place where it all happened. 249 00:16:49,606 --> 00:16:52,372 Same place where you missed that shot all those years ago. 250 00:16:52,417 --> 00:16:54,051 Dad, I'm working on my game plan right now. 251 00:16:54,138 --> 00:16:56,073 Ya have to understand why I can't go. 252 00:16:56,115 --> 00:17:01,360 I can't... sit there in that same crowd and watch you destroy yourself again. 253 00:17:02,056 --> 00:17:03,920 Oh, Stan. 254 00:17:04,106 --> 00:17:08,050 Of all the places, why does it have to be the Pepsi Center? 255 00:17:08,585 --> 00:17:11,491 All right, all right, I'll go. 256 00:17:11,656 --> 00:17:13,470 No, no I want to go. 257 00:17:13,586 --> 00:17:17,710 I'm gonna be there for you and... I'll be rooting louder than anybody, saying: 258 00:17:17,717 --> 00:17:20,423 "That's my son!" 259 00:17:20,856 --> 00:17:22,941 And just remember, Stan. 260 00:17:22,997 --> 00:17:25,113 Win or lose. 261 00:17:25,186 --> 00:17:27,120 Those are your two options. 262 00:17:27,195 --> 00:17:31,011 Win or lose. 263 00:17:45,056 --> 00:17:48,310 His shot is blocked! What a great save! 264 00:17:49,876 --> 00:17:54,232 And that's the end of the second period. The score is tied 2-all. 265 00:17:55,955 --> 00:17:59,163 And now please put your hands together for three minutes of exhibition play 266 00:17:59,165 --> 00:18:02,313 from some of our state's finest Pee Wee hockey players. 267 00:18:02,417 --> 00:18:05,732 All right, you guys, this is it. The moment is here. 268 00:18:05,797 --> 00:18:09,021 We've been through a lot together and according to every movie ever made 269 00:18:09,026 --> 00:18:11,371 we're going to win this game. 270 00:18:12,446 --> 00:18:16,543 Just don't forget: there's a little boy in the hospital who's really counting on us. 271 00:18:16,648 --> 00:18:19,103 So let's not let him down. Are you with me?! 272 00:18:19,146 --> 00:18:22,412 Allright! - Let's do it for Nelson! 273 00:18:22,525 --> 00:18:24,563 All right, let's go win! 274 00:18:24,717 --> 00:18:27,283 Sorry boys, you aren't playing tonight. 275 00:18:28,265 --> 00:18:29,952 The other Pee Wee hockey team didn't show up. 276 00:18:29,955 --> 00:18:33,352 There's nobody for you to play. Thanks for makin' the trip though. 277 00:18:33,505 --> 00:18:35,983 We came to play. 278 00:18:36,146 --> 00:18:37,830 So then we win? 279 00:18:37,916 --> 00:18:39,982 No. Nobody wins. 280 00:18:40,067 --> 00:18:43,852 Hey. Hey, you can't do this. We've been through all this stupid emotional crap! 281 00:18:43,937 --> 00:18:46,151 Well, you've got nobody to play, there's nothing we can do. 282 00:18:46,196 --> 00:18:47,920 But it isn't supposed to end like this! 283 00:18:47,998 --> 00:18:49,590 Hey, hold on a second. 284 00:18:49,597 --> 00:18:52,703 If these kids have been through a lot of emotional changes, then they have to play. 285 00:18:52,765 --> 00:18:53,733 Yeah. 286 00:18:53,798 --> 00:18:56,713 Well, who are they gonna play? - They can take our place. 287 00:18:56,768 --> 00:18:59,082 Yeah. Let 'em play the Red Wings. 288 00:18:59,137 --> 00:19:00,422 Play the Red Wings? 289 00:19:00,575 --> 00:19:03,923 Stan Marsh coaches a Pee Wee hockey team. 290 00:19:03,977 --> 00:19:09,080 But now they're going to play in the big leagues. 291 00:19:09,175 --> 00:19:15,181 They've got small bodies but big hearts. Stan Marsh is... going professional. 292 00:19:15,817 --> 00:19:18,480 All right! - Give 'em hell, boys! 293 00:19:18,606 --> 00:19:22,341 It's a tie game here in Colorado as we get set to start the final period. 294 00:19:22,396 --> 00:19:25,852 Your attention, please: for this third and final period 295 00:19:25,858 --> 00:19:31,701 the Detroit Red Wings will be playing the Park County Pee Wee Hockey Team. 296 00:19:42,505 --> 00:19:44,791 Jesus Christ! 297 00:19:46,358 --> 00:19:48,101 Stop! Stop this! 298 00:19:48,165 --> 00:19:53,083 Let them play! - Let them play! 299 00:20:00,867 --> 00:20:02,450 Hey, can they do that? 300 00:20:02,517 --> 00:20:05,242 Ow, no. Oh! 301 00:20:21,135 --> 00:20:25,321 Yeah! We did it! We did it! 302 00:20:46,236 --> 00:20:50,563 No! Not again! No! 303 00:20:53,845 --> 00:20:57,501 I hate you, Coach. I hate you. 304 00:21:06,226 --> 00:21:08,313 Thank you, Dad. 305 00:21:08,378 --> 00:21:11,643 I'm proud of you, Warren. 306 00:21:29,016 --> 00:21:33,390 No hope. No hope. 307 00:21:42,106 --> 00:21:43,490 Transcipt: spscriptorium Sync: muter for www.forom.com 308 00:21:43,506 --> 00:21:45,400 See ya, next season starts at 7 march 2007!