1 00:00:35,472 --> 00:00:37,194 Dude! What's your little brother doing here? 2 00:00:37,229 --> 00:00:38,891 Ike is starting his first day of kindergarten 3 00:00:38,926 --> 00:00:40,469 But isn't he only three years old? 4 00:00:40,504 --> 00:00:43,258 Yeah, but he's some kind of genius, so he's getting advanced placement in kindergarten. 5 00:00:43,293 --> 00:00:44,675 Ah poobed my pants. 6 00:00:44,710 --> 00:00:46,979 But dude, check out my new Trapper Keeper! 7 00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:49,452 It has five different compartments for each subject in school. 8 00:00:49,453 --> 00:00:51,244 And it's all covered with pictures from Dawson's Creek. 9 00:00:51,245 --> 00:00:52,077 Cool! 10 00:00:52,112 --> 00:00:55,829 Hey, dudes, check out my sweet Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper Ultrakeeper Futura 2000! 11 00:00:57,131 --> 00:01:01,174 Yeah, well , it's got ten different compartments for every subject in school, an electronic pencil sharpener, 12 00:01:01,175 --> 00:01:03,078 four plastic bags with electronic zippers, 13 00:01:03,079 --> 00:01:06,032 copy machine, fax, a better picture of Dawson's Creek on the back than Kyle's, 14 00:01:06,033 --> 00:01:08,116 flat-screen TV, and of course, On-Star. 15 00:01:08,117 --> 00:01:09,224 Wow, cool! 16 00:01:09,234 --> 00:01:12,028 God-damnit, you only got that because you knew my mom would buy it for me! 17 00:01:12,063 --> 00:01:13,490 Oh, but you have a Trapper Keepeh - Oh, 18 00:01:13,491 --> 00:01:15,560 you got the little Crapper Keeper, didn't you? 19 00:01:15,561 --> 00:01:17,338 Well, at least your stupid brother got a briefcase. 20 00:01:17,398 --> 00:01:19,098 He's going to kindergarten because he's a genius! 21 00:01:19,133 --> 00:01:20,997 He's not a genius, he's a little douche bag. 22 00:01:21,032 --> 00:01:22,619 Ah pooped my pants!!! 23 00:01:22,654 --> 00:01:24,009 He's smarter than you, fatboy!! 24 00:01:24,010 --> 00:01:25,010 I don't even know how you made it into fourth grade! I thought- 25 00:01:25,715 --> 00:01:27,766 Trapper Keeper, I need to drown out my annoying friend. 26 00:01:27,767 --> 00:01:30,089 Please initiate music, country, high volume. 27 00:01:34,342 --> 00:01:36,255 Nobody gives a crap about your Trapper Keeper, Cartman! 28 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:46,818 Ms. Crabtree, there's another creepy homeless guy on the bus. 29 00:01:46,853 --> 00:01:48,332 SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! 30 00:01:48,367 --> 00:01:49,842 But they smell like pee. 31 00:01:49,877 --> 00:01:52,729 I am not a homeless personne. I am a new fourth-grade studant. 32 00:01:52,764 --> 00:01:53,482 You are? 33 00:01:53,517 --> 00:01:56,219 Yes! My name is Bill. Bill Cosby. 34 00:01:56,254 --> 00:01:57,932 Aren't you a little old to be in grade school? 35 00:01:57,967 --> 00:02:01,828 I was held back ten humon grades. I mean, grades. 36 00:02:02,266 --> 00:02:04,712 Do you companion-friends know Eric Cartman? 37 00:02:04,747 --> 00:02:05,755 Yeah, that's me. 38 00:02:05,790 --> 00:02:10,024 Eric Cartman?! And you have a Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper Futura S2000 39 00:02:10,059 --> 00:02:11,808 Yeahhh, you already know about it?? 40 00:02:11,843 --> 00:02:13,629 Yes. Yes I do. 41 00:02:14,047 --> 00:02:17,446 Well! "Nobody gives a crap about your Trapper Keeper, Cartman!" 42 00:02:17,481 --> 00:02:18,945 I'm gonna shove that thing up your ass! 43 00:02:18,980 --> 00:02:21,198 Dude, do you really care if Cartman has something that's better than yours? 44 00:02:21,233 --> 00:02:22,646 No I don't! I don't care! 45 00:02:22,681 --> 00:02:24,126 Here, Kyle. 46 00:02:32,578 --> 00:02:36,635 Hey, there he is. That's the kid that's s'posed to be some kind of genius. 47 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:39,974 Yeah, he's only three and he's already in kindergarten. 48 00:02:40,009 --> 00:02:41,139 Come on. 49 00:02:42,164 --> 00:02:44,988 So, you think you're smarter than the rest of us? 50 00:02:44,989 --> 00:02:50,081 Do you think you know more about the world just because you are only 3 and we're 5? 51 00:02:50,116 --> 00:02:51,361 Unkoo baba. 52 00:02:52,388 --> 00:02:54,805 Okay, children, let's take our seats. 53 00:02:55,235 --> 00:02:59,737 My name is Mr. Garrison. And I'm the new kindergarten teacher. 54 00:02:59,738 --> 00:03:02,005 I used to be the third grade teacher, 55 00:03:02,006 --> 00:03:04,830 but I had a little "nervous breakdown" 56 00:03:04,831 --> 00:03:08,917 and went into the mountains where I lived off of "rat carcasses" 57 00:03:08,918 --> 00:03:12,979 But I'm all better now, and the school was nice enough to let me go on teaching, 58 00:03:12,980 --> 00:03:15,241 as long as it was for kindergarten. 59 00:03:15,242 --> 00:03:17,075 But it's not a demotion. 60 00:03:17,076 --> 00:03:21,190 No. I mean, just because a teacher was teaching third grade and now is teaching kindergarten, 61 00:03:21,191 --> 00:03:22,768 that's not a demotion, is it? 62 00:03:22,769 --> 00:03:24,864 No, that's right, it's not. 63 00:03:24,865 --> 00:03:29,292 Well, let's start with role call. Uh, let's see. Filmore Anderson? 64 00:03:29,327 --> 00:03:30,002 Heoh. 65 00:03:30,037 --> 00:03:30,910 Sally Bands? 66 00:03:30,945 --> 00:03:31,558 Here. 67 00:03:31,593 --> 00:03:33,752 Alright, Ike Broflovski. 68 00:03:33,787 --> 00:03:34,782 Cookah Monster. 69 00:03:34,817 --> 00:03:38,606 Broflovski --- I had your older brother Kyle in my third-grade class. 70 00:03:38,607 --> 00:03:41,435 He's a very smart kid. I'm sure you are, too. 71 00:03:41,436 --> 00:03:45,516 Well that's bad news for everybody else, because I will be grading you all on a curve. 72 00:03:50,559 --> 00:03:53,679 And so the other thing that makes my Trapper Keeper cooler than Kyle's 73 00:03:53,680 --> 00:03:56,564 is that it can add any peripheral device to itself automatically. 74 00:03:56,599 --> 00:04:00,236 I can take something as simple as this calculator and… Trapper Keeper? 75 00:04:00,271 --> 00:04:01,393 Trapper Keeper active. 76 00:04:01,428 --> 00:04:03,004 Hybrid with Wellington Bear Calculator. 77 00:04:03,039 --> 00:04:04,020 Ready for hybrid. 78 00:04:04,055 --> 00:04:06,439 And now it can use Wellington Bear Calculator, too. 79 00:04:07,710 --> 00:04:09,982 May I hold your Trapper Keeper? 80 00:04:10,017 --> 00:04:12,253 Uh, n-no, I'm afraid not, Bill Cosby, 81 00:04:12,254 --> 00:04:14,273 because it is coded to the prints on my fingers. 82 00:04:14,274 --> 00:04:17,824 If anybody but me tries to hold it, big metal spikes come out and pierce through their hands. 83 00:04:17,859 --> 00:04:20,771 Oh, you are so full of crap, Cartman! Metal spikes will not come out! 84 00:04:20,806 --> 00:04:23,133 Oh really? Then, why don't you hold it? 85 00:04:24,643 --> 00:04:29,057 Well, go on, Kyle. If it doesn't have metal spikes, then hold it. 86 00:04:29,058 --> 00:04:30,623 Hold it. 87 00:04:30,658 --> 00:04:31,206 I'm gonna! 88 00:04:31,241 --> 00:04:31,982 Hold it. 89 00:04:32,017 --> 00:04:32,481 I will! 90 00:04:32,516 --> 00:04:35,588 Aaand that's how the relationship with my father sort of ended. 91 00:04:35,589 --> 00:04:39,939 There's still some sort of skeletons in the closet, but things between us are a little better. 92 00:04:40,477 --> 00:04:44,075 Okay, children, well now it's time for us to elect a class president, 93 00:04:44,076 --> 00:04:47,889 so first we must pick nominees. Who would like to nominate someone? 94 00:04:47,924 --> 00:04:52,510 I nominate Filmore, because he's the smartest kid in the class. 95 00:04:52,545 --> 00:04:58,533 Okay, Filmore. You'll be our first nominee. And who else? Yes, Jenny. 96 00:04:58,568 --> 00:04:59,989 I gotta go doodie. 97 00:05:00,024 --> 00:05:03,762 In a minute, Jenny. Who else wants to nominate a class presdient? 98 00:05:04,422 --> 00:05:08,012 Oh, come on! You can't have an election with just one person running! What's the fun in that? 99 00:05:08,013 --> 00:05:09,891 Ike? How about you? You're a genius. 100 00:05:11,009 --> 00:05:11,650 No. 101 00:05:11,685 --> 00:05:16,302 Okay, our second nominee is Ike The Genius. 102 00:05:16,765 --> 00:05:19,851 Okay, children, now we'll hear briefly from each nominee. 103 00:05:19,852 --> 00:05:21,380 Filmore, why don't you go first? 104 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:27,066 If I'm elected class president, I'll call for big ol' chairs. 105 00:05:27,067 --> 00:05:31,593 And on Fridays, I'll add two minutes to nap time. Thank you. 106 00:05:31,606 --> 00:05:34,936 Very enthralling. Okay, Ike? How about you? 107 00:05:36,310 --> 00:05:38,430 Cookeh Monsta. Oight 108 00:05:38,465 --> 00:05:42,098 …Well, this is gonna be a tough one, kids. 109 00:05:43,830 --> 00:05:45,568 Oh, dude, here comes that weird new kid. 110 00:05:45,603 --> 00:05:49,607 Aaahhh, hello Eric. Can I be your humon friend? I mean, friend? 111 00:05:49,642 --> 00:05:52,698 I don't know, dude. I'm not supposed to have any male friends that are over 30. 112 00:05:52,699 --> 00:05:54,001 I kind of screwed on that once. 113 00:05:54,077 --> 00:05:59,446 Please. We can have fun and play games, like humon four square I mean, four square. 114 00:05:59,481 --> 00:06:03,212 Dude, you can't just ask to be somebody's friend and be their friend, It doesn't work that way. 115 00:06:03,213 --> 00:06:05,405 If you want to be my friend, you'll have to pay me. 116 00:06:05,744 --> 00:06:08,862 Oh, I see. Alright, I'll pay 100 geliga stones --- 117 00:06:08,863 --> 00:06:11,824 uh, I mean, human dollars! --- eugh, I mean dollars! 118 00:06:12,002 --> 00:06:13,010 Okay, that's cool. 119 00:06:13,045 --> 00:06:15,052 Can we play some humon tetherball? 120 00:06:15,087 --> 00:06:19,614 Ah- alright. Pretty sweet, you guys, getting a hundred bucks to play tetherball with some- 121 00:06:19,649 --> 00:06:20,307 Serve! 122 00:06:21,297 --> 00:06:21,993 Got it! 123 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:23,358 Dude! He's running off with your Trapper Keeper! 124 00:06:25,353 --> 00:06:26,739 You son of a bitch! 125 00:06:26,740 --> 00:06:29,963 Wait a minute. Lucky for me, I have my Trapper Keeper homing device. 126 00:06:30,522 --> 00:06:31,686 What the hell just happened? 127 00:06:31,721 --> 00:06:33,453 Damn! I thought fourth grade was gonna be different. 128 00:06:35,597 --> 00:06:40,175 So that's six votes for Filmore and six votes for Ike. 129 00:06:40,176 --> 00:06:42,722 And the last vote is for... 130 00:06:43,254 --> 00:06:47,007 uh, let's see. Flora, I can't tell who you voted for. 131 00:06:48,592 --> 00:06:50,915 You've got the winning vote, Flora. Who d'you pick? 132 00:06:50,950 --> 00:06:52,046 I don't know... 133 00:06:52,081 --> 00:06:53,848 Flora, you have to pick one: Filmore or Ike. 134 00:06:53,883 --> 00:06:57,616 Um, I vote for... I don't know. 135 00:06:57,651 --> 00:06:59,297 Oh, great! Flora's undecided! 136 00:06:59,298 --> 00:07:03,155 Well, you're just gonna have to sit there, Flora, and think about it until you come up with an answer. 137 00:07:03,193 --> 00:07:04,085 Okay. 138 00:07:04,120 --> 00:07:08,077 Flora, just say you vote for Filmore so we can all go home. 139 00:07:09,536 --> 00:07:11,454 No! You want Ike to be president. 140 00:07:11,489 --> 00:07:15,330 We're gonna be here all night! Why don't you guys just concede?! 141 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:17,507 Why don't you just concede?! 142 00:07:17,542 --> 00:07:18,222 Yeah! 143 00:07:20,994 --> 00:07:23,768 Oh, for Christ's sakes, you're all acting like a bunch o' kids! 144 00:07:26,044 --> 00:07:28,527 Turn left here! We're getting close! Get your gun ready! 145 00:07:28,562 --> 00:07:31,961 Eric, I'm not gonna shoot anybody for taking your school folder! 146 00:07:31,996 --> 00:07:35,709 It was NOT a school folder, it was a Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper Futura S2000! 147 00:07:35,710 --> 00:07:37,204 And if -! There he is! 148 00:07:38,016 --> 00:07:38,561 Got ya! 149 00:07:38,596 --> 00:07:39,195 Hey! 150 00:07:49,248 --> 00:07:50,196 Whoa, dude! 151 00:07:55,073 --> 00:07:57,077 Aah, try to take my Trapper Keeper, will you? 152 00:07:57,112 --> 00:07:59,284 Please. You do not understand. 153 00:07:59,319 --> 00:08:01,177 Book him, Barbrady. Another job well done. 154 00:08:01,212 --> 00:08:03,462 That Trapper Keeper has to be destroyed! 155 00:08:03,497 --> 00:08:05,817 Why are you so obsessed with Cartman's Trapper Keeper, Bill Cosby? 156 00:08:05,852 --> 00:08:07,065 Bill Cosby?? 157 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:11,192 Nooo! Listen to me! I am not really Bill Cosby. 158 00:08:12,048 --> 00:08:14,137 My name is VSM471. 159 00:08:14,138 --> 00:08:17,660 I am a cyborg engineered by humons from the year 2034. 160 00:08:17,732 --> 00:08:19,559 Well, I knew you weren't Bill Cosby! 161 00:08:19,594 --> 00:08:21,491 I have come to destroy that Trapper Keeper, 162 00:08:21,492 --> 00:08:26,129 because it was the Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper that belongs to an Eric Cartman in South Park 163 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:29,583 which three years from now manifests itself into an omnipotent superbeing, 164 00:08:29,584 --> 00:08:31,384 and destroys all of humonity. 165 00:08:31,385 --> 00:08:37,602 In the year two thousand and four a hybrid-assimilating computer linked with a satellite uplink computer. 166 00:08:37,603 --> 00:08:40,875 From there it was able to slowly take over every computer in the world. 167 00:08:40,876 --> 00:08:43,044 It became stronger and stronger! 168 00:08:43,045 --> 00:08:46,700 Until, by the year 2018 it broke away from mankind 169 00:08:46,701 --> 00:08:49,108 and there was nothing the humons could do. 170 00:08:49,109 --> 00:08:54,649 It wasn't long before Mighty Trapper Keeper started to destroy everything as useless, 171 00:08:54,650 --> 00:08:57,026 including humons. 172 00:08:57,027 --> 00:09:01,115 The nations tried everything to stop it. Nuclear devices, seismic missiles. 173 00:09:01,116 --> 00:09:05,877 But nothng worked. The humons built robots of their own, whole armies of them 174 00:09:05,878 --> 00:09:09,086 But nothing was strong enough to stop Trapper Keeper. 175 00:09:10,734 --> 00:09:12,180 And so finally, 176 00:09:12,181 --> 00:09:18,536 the humons decided to send one of their robots into the past to destroy the Trapper Keeper before it even got started. 177 00:09:18,669 --> 00:09:19,848 Wow, that's amazing 178 00:09:19,883 --> 00:09:23,184 Man, I guess sometimes we let our technology and stuff grow too fast. 179 00:09:23,219 --> 00:09:24,585 What do you think, Officer Barbrady? 180 00:09:24,620 --> 00:09:26,250 Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. 181 00:09:26,285 --> 00:09:30,906 And so, Eric. Now you see why we must destroooyy your Trapper Keeper. 182 00:09:32,051 --> 00:09:35,843 …You guys. Did I mention that it has a pencil sharpener and a crayon sharpener? 183 00:09:35,878 --> 00:09:37,866 Cartman, it takes over the world and destroy all of humanity! 184 00:09:37,901 --> 00:09:39,422 What would you guys have me do, huh?! 185 00:09:39,423 --> 00:09:41,703 Walk around with just a plain old Trapper Keeper like Kyle's?! 186 00:09:41,704 --> 00:09:42,644 Is that what you want?! 187 00:09:42,679 --> 00:09:43,403 Yes! 188 00:09:43,438 --> 00:09:45,189 Aw, damnit! Here! Take it! 189 00:09:45,190 --> 00:09:48,602 You want my heart as well?! You'll find it on the bottom of your shoes! 190 00:09:53,879 --> 00:09:55,122 I decided. 191 00:09:55,157 --> 00:09:58,394 Oh, thank God, Flora! Alright, who do you vote for? 192 00:09:58,429 --> 00:10:00,165 Uumm, Ike. 193 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:00,897 YAY! 194 00:10:01,351 --> 00:10:05,909 Okay, so then the total is six for Filmore and now seven votes for Ike. 195 00:10:05,910 --> 00:10:07,542 Ike is the new class persident. 196 00:10:07,790 --> 00:10:09,117 We want a recount. 197 00:10:09,152 --> 00:10:09,774 What? 198 00:10:09,809 --> 00:10:12,213 Recount! Recount! Recount! Recount! 199 00:10:12,248 --> 00:10:14,140 Oh, of all the juvenile things I've ever heard! 200 00:10:14,141 --> 00:10:16,598 You LOST, Filmore! Don't be such a baby! 201 00:10:18,551 --> 00:10:21,155 Alright, alright, I'll count up the ballots again. 202 00:10:21,156 --> 00:10:24,168 Okay, we had one vote for Filmore… 203 00:10:24,169 --> 00:10:29,231 …And this time, I again get six votes for Filmore and seven votes for Ike! 204 00:10:29,266 --> 00:10:30,189 Count them again. 205 00:10:30,224 --> 00:10:30,868 Yeh! 206 00:10:30,903 --> 00:10:35,847 NO, children! I've recounted 106 times now and I keep coming up with seven to six! 207 00:10:35,848 --> 00:10:40,034 Except in the one instance where it came out seven to five, and one where it came out twelve to fourteen. 208 00:10:40,035 --> 00:10:42,585 IT'S OVER! IKE IS CLASS PRESIDENT! 209 00:10:42,684 --> 00:10:45,220 Wait, there's still that absent kid. 210 00:10:45,255 --> 00:10:47,668 Yeah. If Carlos is absent, we have to wait for his vote. 211 00:10:47,703 --> 00:10:49,096 Oh, will you grow up?! 212 00:10:49,131 --> 00:10:51,690 Absent kids count! Absent kids count! 213 00:10:52,325 --> 00:10:57,661 Jesus! Alright, we'll wait for tomorrow so the absent kid can cast his vote! Now go home! 214 00:11:01,218 --> 00:11:02,219 Good morning, humons. 215 00:11:02,254 --> 00:11:03,510 Hey, Bill Cosby. 216 00:11:03,545 --> 00:11:06,498 I have successfully destroyed Eric Cartman's Trapper Keeper. 217 00:11:06,499 --> 00:11:11,930 I broke it apart, dipped the motherboards in acid, burned the memory chips, and sent the wiring to the four corners of Canada. 218 00:11:11,994 --> 00:11:12,849 That should do it. 219 00:11:12,884 --> 00:11:14,996 So what are you going to do with your crappy robot life now, Bill Cosby? 220 00:11:15,031 --> 00:11:17,926 Well, that is a problem that is causing me some disconcernment. 221 00:11:17,927 --> 00:11:20,171 I am still here, but I shouldn't be here. 222 00:11:20,172 --> 00:11:22,555 If Trapper Keeper has been stopped, then I should not exist. 223 00:11:22,556 --> 00:11:24,933 But here I am. Something is still not right. 224 00:11:24,968 --> 00:11:25,825 Hey, dudes. 225 00:11:25,860 --> 00:11:27,408 Cartman! You still got a Trapper Keeper! 226 00:11:27,443 --> 00:11:28,669 Yeah, I'm a genius! 227 00:11:28,670 --> 00:11:31,433 Last night I went home and told my mom that I lost the last one. 228 00:11:31,434 --> 00:11:35,428 Then I cried and I cried, and finally she felt so bad that she took me to the store and bought me a NEW one! 229 00:11:35,429 --> 00:11:36,671 So everything worked out. 230 00:11:36,676 --> 00:11:37,457 Oh no! 231 00:11:37,492 --> 00:11:39,853 Cartman, you dumbass! You can't get a new one! 232 00:11:39,888 --> 00:11:40,726 Why the hell not?! 233 00:11:40,761 --> 00:11:44,495 Because if your Trapper Keeper takes over the world, then maybe it was THIS Trapper Keeper and not the one before! 234 00:11:44,530 --> 00:11:47,287 Wait… sso then you guys burned my last one for no reason! 235 00:11:47,322 --> 00:11:48,886 We will have to destroy this Trapper Keeper. 236 00:11:48,921 --> 00:11:51,458 But I don't think I can get my mom to buy me another one. 237 00:11:51,493 --> 00:11:54,223 Don't you get it?! You can't have ANY Trapper Keeper, fatass! 238 00:11:54,258 --> 00:11:56,820 Oh, that is bullcrap! And you know what I think?! 239 00:11:56,821 --> 00:11:58,890 I think this whole thing is a SETUP! 240 00:11:58,891 --> 00:12:03,536 That's right! Kyle got this guy to say that he's a robot from the future just because he's jealous of my Trapper Keeper! 241 00:12:03,537 --> 00:12:06,798 And you know what else?! Screw you guys, I'm going home! 242 00:12:07,303 --> 00:12:08,029 Cartman! 243 00:12:08,064 --> 00:12:08,987 Ech! Screw you guys, home! 244 00:12:09,022 --> 00:12:10,285 Well, that does it! 245 00:12:10,320 --> 00:12:11,116 Hey! What are you doing? 246 00:12:11,151 --> 00:12:14,131 I'm afraid I have no other choice! For the sake of humanity I have to kill him. 247 00:12:14,166 --> 00:12:15,462 Oh. Okay. 248 00:12:15,463 --> 00:12:17,583 Yeah, that's fine… No, wait! 249 00:12:17,618 --> 00:12:18,083 What?! 250 00:12:18,118 --> 00:12:18,752 Can I do it? 251 00:12:18,787 --> 00:12:20,202 Oh, well, I suppose… 252 00:12:20,237 --> 00:12:22,175 Sweet! Kiss your ass goodbye, fatboy! 253 00:12:22,210 --> 00:12:24,017 Wait! Perhaps there is another way. 254 00:12:24,018 --> 00:12:27,895 If you could take me to where Eric Cartman lives, I could try reasoning with his human mother. 255 00:12:27,930 --> 00:12:29,514 Whoa. Yeah, or we could just kill him. 256 00:12:29,549 --> 00:12:30,512 Yeah, that'd be faster. 257 00:12:30,547 --> 00:12:31,102 He's right there. 258 00:12:31,137 --> 00:12:32,268 I'm afraid I can't. 259 00:12:32,269 --> 00:12:35,675 I think I'm actually starting to feel what you humons call "compassion." 260 00:12:35,676 --> 00:12:37,110 It is an amazing feeling! 261 00:12:38,134 --> 00:12:42,749 Alright children, as you know, we've been waiting for the absent kid's ballot to come in. 262 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:47,601 Well, his mother was nice enough to bring him in from the hospital so that he could cast his vote. 263 00:12:47,602 --> 00:12:48,786 Ms. Harris? 264 00:12:52,115 --> 00:12:52,726 Here. 265 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:56,258 Thank you very much, Billy. Don't forget to pick up your lung. 266 00:12:56,259 --> 00:13:00,906 Alright, the absent kid's ballot is for… Fillmore. 267 00:13:00,941 --> 00:13:01,992 Yay, hooray. 268 00:13:03,517 --> 00:13:04,534 Wait one minute! 269 00:13:04,569 --> 00:13:06,511 Oh, Jesus Tapdancing Christ! 270 00:13:06,546 --> 00:13:07,977 I think the ballot were misleading. 271 00:13:07,978 --> 00:13:10,417 Some kids didn't understand whom they were voting for. 272 00:13:10,452 --> 00:13:14,648 There's a box next to Filmore's name and a box next to Ike's! What's not to understand?! 273 00:13:14,683 --> 00:13:17,703 You're just saying that, 'cause you know you're gonna lose now! 274 00:13:17,738 --> 00:13:20,062 No, I'm saying that because you are a boogerface! 275 00:13:20,097 --> 00:13:24,744 Well, just you wait, 'cause myuh famous aunt is on huh way wight now. 276 00:13:25,075 --> 00:13:26,470 Who's your famous aunt? 277 00:13:26,505 --> 00:13:28,695 My aunt Wosie, Wosie O'Donnell 278 00:13:28,730 --> 00:13:31,393 Your aunt Rosie O'Donnell is coming here? 279 00:13:31,428 --> 00:13:35,809 Yeah, she's vewy active in politics. So she's gonna set all this straight. 280 00:13:35,844 --> 00:13:36,932 Oh no! 281 00:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,824 Recharging. 282 00:13:42,893 --> 00:13:45,084 Sweet. You're so cool, Trapper Keeper. 283 00:13:45,085 --> 00:13:46,996 I would never let those assholes take you away. 284 00:13:47,031 --> 00:13:50,755 I don't wanna wait for my Trapper Keeper forever 285 00:13:50,790 --> 00:13:51,999 The ways of my Trap- 286 00:13:52,034 --> 00:13:53,425 Trapper Keeper, ready to ensorb. 287 00:13:54,923 --> 00:13:55,693 Oh! Cool. 288 00:13:55,728 --> 00:13:57,003 Trapper Keeper, merging. 289 00:14:02,823 --> 00:14:07,010 And so you see, Ms. Cartman, you cannot buy your son Eric another Trapper Keeper. 290 00:14:07,011 --> 00:14:08,480 Not now! Not ever! 291 00:14:08,515 --> 00:14:13,269 Right, because it will hybrid with all those other processors and generate a whole new era of technological darkness. 292 00:14:13,304 --> 00:14:14,098 Correct. 293 00:14:14,133 --> 00:14:16,785 Well, I certainly won't buy him anymore, then… Bill 294 00:14:16,820 --> 00:14:20,863 Good. Now all that is left to do is destroy the Trapper Keeper Eric has now. 295 00:14:20,864 --> 00:14:21,529 Where is he? 296 00:14:21,530 --> 00:14:25,142 In his room. But, why don't I show you the rest of the house first? 297 00:14:25,177 --> 00:14:26,234 Uh oh. 298 00:14:26,269 --> 00:14:27,119 Here we go again. 299 00:14:27,154 --> 00:14:28,490 Come this way, Billy. 300 00:14:28,525 --> 00:14:30,828 Well, come on. Let's go upstairs and get Cartman's Trapper Keeper ourselves. 301 00:14:31,600 --> 00:14:34,823 …Kyle is just jealous of you, Trapper Keeper. You kick ass! 302 00:14:34,824 --> 00:14:35,824 I don't wanna let my Trapper Keeper get- 303 00:14:38,105 --> 00:14:39,717 Open up, Cartman! We're taking your Trapper Keeper! 304 00:14:42,481 --> 00:14:45,175 Screw you guys, screw you guys. Screw you guys, scr- 305 00:14:45,210 --> 00:14:47,178 Trapper Keeper, ready to ensorb. 306 00:14:48,800 --> 00:14:50,290 Damnit Cartman, open up! 307 00:14:51,299 --> 00:14:52,869 Trapper Keeper, ready for hybrid. 308 00:14:52,904 --> 00:14:54,610 Oh, sweet. What's it gonna hybrid with now? 309 00:14:57,212 --> 00:14:58,453 Cartman, you might as well open up! 310 00:14:58,454 --> 00:15:01,557 We're just gonna have Bill Cosby bust the door down after he finishes having sex with your mom! 311 00:15:03,199 --> 00:15:09,123 Cartman?? He's not gonna open it! Break it down! 312 00:15:09,158 --> 00:15:09,839 You break it down! 313 00:15:09,874 --> 00:15:12,297 Okay. Ready? One Two Three, Not it! 314 00:15:12,332 --> 00:15:13,172 Not it! You lose, Kenny. 315 00:15:13,207 --> 00:15:13,981 (Damn!) 316 00:15:18,993 --> 00:15:20,675 …Oh my God, they've killed Kenny! 317 00:15:20,710 --> 00:15:21,962 You ba- 318 00:15:32,856 --> 00:15:39,277 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah! 319 00:15:37,917 --> 00:15:39,639 What the hell is that? 320 00:15:40,613 --> 00:15:42,462 Oh my God! What is that thing?! 321 00:15:42,463 --> 00:15:46,236 Children, there's some huge bulbous monstrosity heading for the classroom! 322 00:15:46,237 --> 00:15:48,799 Oh my God, it's awful! It's coming for the door. 323 00:15:51,274 --> 00:15:52,124 Hello, kids! 324 00:15:52,488 --> 00:15:53,672 Aunt Wosie! 325 00:15:53,707 --> 00:15:56,340 Run for your lives, children! I'll try to fight it off! 326 00:15:56,375 --> 00:15:58,371 That's my aunt, Wosie O'Donnell. 327 00:15:58,406 --> 00:16:04,300 Oh. Oh, um. Pleasure to meet you, Miss O'Donnell. You're looking… well. 328 00:16:04,335 --> 00:16:07,261 Don't worry kids. Everythng's gonna be fine. What's the problem? 329 00:16:07,296 --> 00:16:11,001 Aunt Wosie. We think I won for class president. 330 00:16:11,036 --> 00:16:12,128 No, Ike won. 331 00:16:12,163 --> 00:16:14,947 Look, it's very simple. We took a vote and the vote tied, 332 00:16:14,948 --> 00:16:16,543 so now we gotta come up with a way- 333 00:16:16,674 --> 00:16:18,979 Well it obviously isn't that simple, is it?! 334 00:16:18,980 --> 00:16:22,213 I mean, you'd think a little kindergarten teacher could've handled this, 335 00:16:22,214 --> 00:16:24,224 but now we're gonna do it my way! 336 00:16:31,174 --> 00:16:33,299 We are Trapper Keeper. 337 00:16:34,788 --> 00:16:37,448 Oh no! It is heading for Cheyenne Mountain! 338 00:16:37,483 --> 00:16:38,591 Why is that bad? 339 00:16:38,626 --> 00:16:43,299 It was when the Trapper Keeper assimilated with the supercomputer at Cheyenne Mountain 340 00:16:43,300 --> 00:16:46,635 that it was able to fuse into all defensive computors! 341 00:16:46,670 --> 00:16:48,392 Then we have to stop it before it gets there! 342 00:16:49,299 --> 00:16:50,963 Step on it, Bill Cosby! 343 00:16:53,836 --> 00:16:55,458 Hey Mark, look. 344 00:16:57,839 --> 00:17:00,815 Wow. That is about the nicest Trapper Keeper I've ever seen. 345 00:17:02,685 --> 00:17:03,877 Cartman, you have to stop! 346 00:17:05,277 --> 00:17:08,090 We are Trapper Keeper. We are one. 347 00:17:08,125 --> 00:17:10,934 A part of your friend must still be alive in there. 348 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:16,123 He is in there. 349 00:17:16,158 --> 00:17:19,088 That must be what Trapper Keeper is using for ventilation. 350 00:17:19,089 --> 00:17:21,669 If one of you could get in there, you could reach the CPU 351 00:17:21,704 --> 00:17:22,557 One-two-three not it! 352 00:17:22,592 --> 00:17:24,196 Not - Aw, Damnit! 353 00:17:35,658 --> 00:17:37,341 What are you doing, Kyle? 354 00:17:37,376 --> 00:17:39,990 I'm going to try and break you away from the computer, Cartman. 355 00:17:39,991 --> 00:17:41,427 I need to remove the CPU. 356 00:17:41,619 --> 00:17:43,796 I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Kyle. 357 00:17:43,831 --> 00:17:45,011 Screw you, fatass! 358 00:17:45,046 --> 00:17:46,112 Hey-eh, screw you. 359 00:17:46,675 --> 00:17:47,195 Cartman! 360 00:17:48,980 --> 00:17:49,271 No! 361 00:17:53,029 --> 00:17:56,712 Okay, so then what we're going to do is count everybody's vote by hand, 362 00:17:56,713 --> 00:17:59,904 and after that, we're gonna go over the votes again manually, and then- 363 00:17:59,939 --> 00:18:02,931 Oh, STOP IT, STOP STOP IHIHIHIHIT! 364 00:18:03,521 --> 00:18:06,532 Look kids, we're all in this kindergarten class together. 365 00:18:06,533 --> 00:18:10,041 We have to respect one another or else we're in for a terrible school year. 366 00:18:10,076 --> 00:18:14,842 We're just making sure that the kids that voted for my nephew don't get cheated. 367 00:18:14,877 --> 00:18:18,420 Half the kids in the class didn't vote for your nephew, so what about them? 368 00:18:18,421 --> 00:18:21,322 You don't give a crap about them because they're not on your side! 369 00:18:21,323 --> 00:18:25,255 People like you preach tolerance and open-mindedness all the time, but when it comes to Middle America, 370 00:18:25,256 --> 00:18:29,107 you think we're all evil and stupid country yokels who need your political enlightenment!! 371 00:18:29,108 --> 00:18:32,297 WELL, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE ON TV DOESN'T MEAN YOU KNOW CRAP ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT!!! 372 00:18:32,298 --> 00:18:37,877 NOW GET YOUR ASS BACK ON FIRST CLASS AND RESPECT THIS CLASS'S RIGHT TO MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS!!! 373 00:18:39,531 --> 00:18:42,255 …Oh, sorry I got a little off the subject, kids. 374 00:18:42,256 --> 00:18:43,757 How dare you?! 375 00:18:43,758 --> 00:18:46,607 I will not be preached at by a country bumpkin! 376 00:18:46,608 --> 00:18:48,413 I'm leaving this podunk town, 377 00:18:48,414 --> 00:18:53,963 but in my place I'm gonna send more lawyers, statesmen and press than you have ever SEEN! 378 00:18:54,528 --> 00:18:58,442 Oh no, children, I think I've just made this a whole lot worse. 379 00:19:14,237 --> 00:19:16,785 Well that does it! I'm gonna have to report this! 380 00:19:16,786 --> 00:19:18,209 Cargo on to base- 381 00:19:19,683 --> 00:19:22,790 It is infusing with everything. It is already too powerful to stop! 382 00:19:22,825 --> 00:19:24,897 Kyle's got to succeed. He's just got to. 383 00:19:26,032 --> 00:19:27,939 I can't reach the CPU. 384 00:19:29,937 --> 00:19:32,378 What are you doin'?! Get out of my way! 385 00:19:32,413 --> 00:19:34,865 Oh no! Now there's two of those things! 386 00:19:34,900 --> 00:19:37,029 No, I think that other thing is Rosie O'Donnell. 387 00:19:37,064 --> 00:19:40,159 Huh? Which one? I - It's just like I'm seeing double. 388 00:19:40,194 --> 00:19:43,009 I said, get out of my way! 389 00:19:52,544 --> 00:19:56,583 Look! I think that infusing with Rosie O'Donnell has made Trapper Keeper sick. 390 00:19:56,618 --> 00:20:01,283 Oohh. Bad pie. Bad pie. 391 00:20:01,318 --> 00:20:03,208 This is your chance, Kyle! Cartman has weakened! 392 00:20:06,158 --> 00:20:07,078 Got 'em! 393 00:20:12,572 --> 00:20:13,376 He did it! 394 00:20:19,039 --> 00:20:21,742 Okay, children, the lawyers for Ike's side 395 00:20:21,743 --> 00:20:27,211 have agreed with the lawyers on Filmore's side to hold another meeting regarding Form 22F. 396 00:20:27,212 --> 00:20:28,721 Do we all have that form? 397 00:20:28,756 --> 00:20:30,230 Is this the Kindergarten classroom? 398 00:20:30,265 --> 00:20:31,633 Jesse Jackson? 399 00:20:31,668 --> 00:20:35,955 That's right! I believe the African-American in your class were misrepresented! 400 00:20:35,990 --> 00:20:38,634 We don't have any African-Americans in our class! 401 00:20:38,669 --> 00:20:40,307 Oh. Bye. 402 00:20:41,816 --> 00:20:45,952 Alright, so apparently what we're gonna do now is hand-count each person's ballot- 403 00:20:45,987 --> 00:20:48,293 Mistoreh Garrison, I concede. 404 00:20:50,756 --> 00:20:52,278 You… yuh, you what? 405 00:20:52,313 --> 00:20:54,913 I don't wanna play anymore, 'cause this game is stupid! 406 00:20:54,948 --> 00:20:56,515 Yeah. It doesn't make any sense. 407 00:20:56,550 --> 00:20:58,878 Ike, you could be class president. 408 00:20:58,913 --> 00:21:00,690 I pooped my pants! 409 00:21:00,725 --> 00:21:02,272 Can we fingerpaint now? 410 00:21:02,307 --> 00:21:05,435 Fingerpaint! Fingerpaint! 411 00:21:06,182 --> 00:21:08,794 Ohuh. Yes. Yes! Let's fingerpaint! 412 00:21:09,763 --> 00:21:12,326 You did it, Kyle! Kyle saved your life, fatass! 413 00:21:12,361 --> 00:21:16,842 Look! I'm fading! It must have worked! I don't exist! 414 00:21:17,156 --> 00:21:18,884 Oh, that's a bitch. 415 00:21:18,919 --> 00:21:22,165 Ogh. Well, I guess everything's fine now. So let's go home. 416 00:21:22,200 --> 00:21:23,729 Hey! Whoa whoa whoa, Cartman! 417 00:21:23,730 --> 00:21:26,266 All you've been doing is making fun of Kyle and now he's saved your life! 418 00:21:26,267 --> 00:21:27,730 You at least owe him a thank you! 419 00:21:27,765 --> 00:21:28,982 Awww man. 420 00:21:29,017 --> 00:21:29,751 Cartman! 421 00:21:29,786 --> 00:21:31,479 Alright, alright. 422 00:21:32,617 --> 00:21:34,607 Kyle,-