1 00:00:23,231 --> 00:00:27,194 Sync and correction by Mlmlte www.addic7ed.com 2 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:34,353 The holiday season is here. 3 00:00:34,606 --> 00:00:37,684 And Black Friday is upon us. 4 00:00:38,278 --> 00:00:41,144 As you know, Black Friday is the day 5 00:00:41,269 --> 00:00:44,136 shoppers go berserk for holiday deals. 6 00:00:44,261 --> 00:00:50,221 Last year, 26 people died and 461 were seriously injured. 7 00:00:51,843 --> 00:00:55,656 This winter, the mall is offering 80% off 8 00:00:55,781 --> 00:00:57,641 to the first 20 people in the store. 9 00:00:57,807 --> 00:00:59,434 - It'll be a bloodbath! - Are you crazy? 10 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:00,778 For you new recruits, 11 00:01:00,903 --> 00:01:04,656 perhaps you took this job to see just what the violence was like, 12 00:01:05,022 --> 00:01:07,287 or perhaps you thought working Black Friday 13 00:01:07,412 --> 00:01:09,403 wouldn't be a big deal. 14 00:01:10,631 --> 00:01:13,115 I'm just trying to earn some extra holiday cash. 15 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:15,656 Or maybe you're just too stupid to realize 16 00:01:15,781 --> 00:01:17,160 what you've gotten yourselves into. 17 00:01:17,326 --> 00:01:18,328 That's enough! 18 00:01:19,292 --> 00:01:21,656 Our only chance of surviving this year's sale 19 00:01:21,781 --> 00:01:23,452 is by sticking together. 20 00:01:23,577 --> 00:01:26,420 Those of you who signed up are to be commended. 21 00:01:26,781 --> 00:01:28,345 But I warn you, 22 00:01:28,952 --> 00:01:32,656 do not underestimate the battle that's about to take place 23 00:01:32,781 --> 00:01:34,428 outside those doors. 24 00:01:38,290 --> 00:01:39,942 Winter is coming. 25 00:01:54,989 --> 00:01:56,089 Good evening, sir. 26 00:01:56,214 --> 00:01:58,503 I'm calling together all the Fighters of Zaron. 27 00:01:58,628 --> 00:02:00,495 I need to speak with Lady McKormick. 28 00:02:01,793 --> 00:02:03,040 She's not here right now. 29 00:02:03,206 --> 00:02:05,656 Please tell her there's to be a meeting in the great hall. 30 00:02:05,781 --> 00:02:08,009 I have found a way to get Xbox Ones 31 00:02:08,134 --> 00:02:10,523 and the Fair Lady McKormick will want to hear about it. 32 00:02:10,963 --> 00:02:13,615 [Overlapping chatter] 33 00:02:14,490 --> 00:02:15,747 [Banging] 34 00:02:16,510 --> 00:02:17,724 Thank you all for coming. 35 00:02:17,849 --> 00:02:20,656 Prince Token, Sir Timmy Of Blacklake, 36 00:02:21,620 --> 00:02:22,684 Lady McKormick. 37 00:02:22,850 --> 00:02:24,796 [Giggles] 38 00:02:25,347 --> 00:02:28,106 Warriors, we have fought many great battles together 39 00:02:28,272 --> 00:02:30,901 at Claude's house, at Scott Malkinson's house. 40 00:02:31,067 --> 00:02:32,656 But soon we will be fighting the greatest battle 41 00:02:32,781 --> 00:02:34,196 of our young, hot lives. 42 00:02:34,645 --> 00:02:36,114 Winter is coming. 43 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:38,658 And the next gen gaming devices are hitting the shelves. 44 00:02:38,824 --> 00:02:40,285 Which nobody can afford. 45 00:02:40,451 --> 00:02:42,829 What if I were to tell you that if we all work together 46 00:02:42,995 --> 00:02:45,207 there's a way we can get the new gaming systems? 47 00:02:46,173 --> 00:02:48,043 If you know of a way Wizard, then speak. 48 00:02:48,391 --> 00:02:50,480 I've learned of a dark magic at work. 49 00:02:50,781 --> 00:02:52,297 The day after Thanksgiving, 50 00:02:52,422 --> 00:02:53,837 the first 20 people inside the mall 51 00:02:53,962 --> 00:02:55,803 get 80% of whatever they want. 52 00:02:56,126 --> 00:02:59,359 They're calling it "Black Friday". 53 00:03:01,566 --> 00:03:03,006 Whoa! Spooky! 54 00:03:03,420 --> 00:03:06,645 Black Friday? Come on, that can't be real. 55 00:03:06,811 --> 00:03:08,772 It is real, Craig. I saw it on the news, butthole. 56 00:03:08,938 --> 00:03:11,217 It is real. They do it every year. 57 00:03:11,342 --> 00:03:13,311 But everyone in town tries to be the first inside the mall 58 00:03:13,436 --> 00:03:14,212 on Black Friday. 59 00:03:14,337 --> 00:03:16,438 - What chance do we have? - On our own, none. 60 00:03:16,563 --> 00:03:19,404 But if we plan, strategize, and fight together, 61 00:03:19,529 --> 00:03:21,656 we can be the first people inside on Black Friday 62 00:03:21,781 --> 00:03:23,891 and use the 60% to get the gaming systems 63 00:03:24,016 --> 00:03:25,580 we need to survive. 64 00:03:26,170 --> 00:03:28,048 Well, it's almost Thanksgiving, 65 00:03:28,173 --> 00:03:29,656 and we all know what that means. 66 00:03:29,781 --> 00:03:32,446 That's right, Black Friday is just around the corner. 67 00:03:32,571 --> 00:03:33,152 Ouch. 68 00:03:33,277 --> 00:03:35,215 And people are already gearing up. 69 00:03:35,381 --> 00:03:38,656 We usually start lining up around 3:00 a.m. 70 00:03:38,781 --> 00:03:41,249 We, uh, douse ourselves in pig blood, 71 00:03:41,374 --> 00:03:43,437 because it does help us slip through the crowd 72 00:03:43,562 --> 00:03:44,766 when the doors open. 73 00:03:44,932 --> 00:03:47,494 We do it every year, part of the family tradition. 74 00:03:47,619 --> 00:03:49,656 Last year we lost our youngest daughter. 75 00:03:49,781 --> 00:03:51,043 Her head was stepped on and crushed. 76 00:03:51,168 --> 00:03:51,989 But in her memory, 77 00:03:52,114 --> 00:03:55,068 we're going to find a young girl and step on her head this year. 78 00:03:55,234 --> 00:03:59,287 If anyone thinks they're gonna beat me inside that mall 79 00:03:59,412 --> 00:04:02,656 and keep me from getting my kids' Christmas presents, 80 00:04:02,781 --> 00:04:05,495 they can kiss my fat vagina, 81 00:04:05,661 --> 00:04:08,498 'cause I'm bringing the motherfucking pain. 82 00:04:08,664 --> 00:04:11,362 Tom, the South park mall says they've beefed up security 83 00:04:11,487 --> 00:04:12,378 in an effort to reduce 84 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:14,453 the number of fatalities this year. 85 00:04:14,578 --> 00:04:15,780 One thing's for sure, 86 00:04:15,905 --> 00:04:19,464 people take Black Friday very seriously. 87 00:04:30,061 --> 00:04:32,827 Yes. Yes, very nice. Good. 88 00:04:32,952 --> 00:04:35,656 Wizard Cartman, I have news from the Internet, Milord. 89 00:04:35,781 --> 00:04:37,859 They don't salute in Game Of Thrones, Butters. 90 00:04:37,984 --> 00:04:39,656 Sorry, I haven't watched it yet. 91 00:04:39,781 --> 00:04:40,859 Okay, well, you need to start immediately, please. 92 00:04:40,984 --> 00:04:42,782 [Clears throat] Ah, very good! 93 00:04:42,948 --> 00:04:45,118 The House of Greyhawk has agreed to join our fight. 94 00:04:45,781 --> 00:04:48,121 - The House of Greyhawk? - Larry and Brad stolsky. 95 00:04:48,287 --> 00:04:49,855 But, my friends, we must still find others 96 00:04:49,980 --> 00:04:50,959 who will fight by our side. 97 00:04:51,084 --> 00:04:53,418 Are there no other factions we can call to our aid? 98 00:04:53,584 --> 00:04:54,463 Yeah, I know. 99 00:04:54,588 --> 00:04:56,546 How about we ask those kids who play Star Trek? 100 00:04:56,947 --> 00:04:58,825 Uh, no, screw those guys. 101 00:04:58,950 --> 00:05:00,967 They're dorks and I'm not playing with them. 102 00:05:03,552 --> 00:05:05,509 Hey, that's what I'm talking about. 103 00:05:05,634 --> 00:05:07,005 Got any extra of that? 104 00:05:08,238 --> 00:05:09,288 Oh, thanks. 105 00:05:09,876 --> 00:05:11,739 Gets a little boring around here, you know? 106 00:05:12,671 --> 00:05:14,656 Enjoy the boredom while you can. 107 00:05:15,456 --> 00:05:17,023 So you worked here last winter? 108 00:05:17,148 --> 00:05:18,998 You worked on Black Friday? 109 00:05:19,536 --> 00:05:20,537 I did. 110 00:05:21,061 --> 00:05:23,362 Is it really as bad as they say it is? 111 00:05:24,781 --> 00:05:26,057 [Dramatic music] 112 00:05:26,182 --> 00:05:27,432 The shoppers... 113 00:05:29,233 --> 00:05:31,393 Started showing up at midnight on Thursday. 114 00:05:32,932 --> 00:05:34,781 They didn't line up, 115 00:05:34,906 --> 00:05:37,308 they just crammed themselves near the main entrance. 116 00:05:37,859 --> 00:05:39,948 I can see their faces smushed up against the glass, 117 00:05:40,073 --> 00:05:42,136 licking their lips, waiting to get in. 118 00:05:42,716 --> 00:05:45,095 God, the sounds that they made. 119 00:05:45,820 --> 00:05:47,627 It was 5:00 a.m. when they opened they doors. 120 00:05:48,502 --> 00:05:50,732 There was screaming, blood, 121 00:05:51,989 --> 00:05:54,939 people tearing each other's faces off 122 00:05:55,064 --> 00:05:57,440 while holiday music played in the background. 123 00:05:58,511 --> 00:06:01,476 I saw a woman pick up her daughter by the ankle 124 00:06:01,601 --> 00:06:03,424 and swing her into some old guy's head. 125 00:06:04,363 --> 00:06:07,660 Before I knew it, they were all around me fighting, clawing. 126 00:06:08,367 --> 00:06:10,045 Then a hand reached in and pulled me out. 127 00:06:10,540 --> 00:06:13,942 Old cap. He saved us all that day. 128 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:16,399 When it was over, 129 00:06:16,978 --> 00:06:19,279 the front of the mall was covered in red, 130 00:06:19,781 --> 00:06:22,090 bodies, shopping bags. 131 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:26,340 And now winter comes again. 132 00:06:29,399 --> 00:06:30,317 Wizard Cartman, 133 00:06:30,442 --> 00:06:32,128 I've watched some more Game Of Thrones. 134 00:06:32,253 --> 00:06:33,993 Ah, yes, paladin Butters. Are you enjoying it? 135 00:06:34,118 --> 00:06:35,656 Well, it's pretty good, I guess. 136 00:06:35,781 --> 00:06:37,071 But have you ever noticed that almost every time 137 00:06:37,196 --> 00:06:40,149 they show a guy's wiener that guy's character is gay? 138 00:06:40,274 --> 00:06:40,996 What do you mean? 139 00:06:41,121 --> 00:06:42,845 Well, it's just that they have a lot of girls' boobs 140 00:06:42,970 --> 00:06:44,053 and vaginas and stuff, 141 00:06:44,178 --> 00:06:45,656 but most times they show a man's wiener, 142 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:48,093 it's because that guy's in a love scene with another guy. 143 00:06:48,218 --> 00:06:49,878 You think it's because gay wieners are less threatening 144 00:06:50,003 --> 00:06:51,080 to women viewers? 145 00:06:51,205 --> 00:06:53,057 I believe you might be missing the greater point of show, 146 00:06:53,182 --> 00:06:53,944 Paladin Butters. 147 00:06:54,069 --> 00:06:54,791 Yeah, I know. 148 00:06:54,916 --> 00:06:57,373 Winter is coming, and there's dragons and zombies on the way. 149 00:06:57,498 --> 00:06:58,672 I'm pretty excited for that. 150 00:06:58,797 --> 00:07:00,790 Just can do with a little less gay wiener is all. 151 00:07:04,970 --> 00:07:06,656 We have word from the Kindergartners. 152 00:07:06,781 --> 00:07:07,656 They've agreed to join us. 153 00:07:07,781 --> 00:07:09,014 [All cheering] 154 00:07:09,139 --> 00:07:11,146 Those Xbox Ones are as good as ours. 155 00:07:11,271 --> 00:07:12,974 - Yeah! - Wait, wait. 156 00:07:13,278 --> 00:07:15,143 What are you talking about, Xbox Ones? 157 00:07:16,167 --> 00:07:17,656 That's what this is all about, Craig. 158 00:07:17,781 --> 00:07:19,564 We're all trying to get Xbox Ones on Black Friday. 159 00:07:19,781 --> 00:07:21,691 I thought we were getting Playstation 4s. 160 00:07:21,857 --> 00:07:24,736 - What? - Uh, me too. 161 00:07:25,257 --> 00:07:26,245 No, guys, 162 00:07:26,370 --> 00:07:28,165 when I said we're gonna get the next gen gaming systems, 163 00:07:28,290 --> 00:07:30,742 - I was obviously talking about Xboxes. - Yeah. 164 00:07:30,908 --> 00:07:32,535 But I want a PS4, not a crappy Xbox. 165 00:07:32,701 --> 00:07:33,656 Look, guys. 166 00:07:33,781 --> 00:07:36,172 - We all have to agree on one system. - That's right. 167 00:07:36,297 --> 00:07:39,192 If some of us are on PS4s, but the rest of us are on Xboxes 168 00:07:39,317 --> 00:07:40,845 then we all can't play together online. 169 00:07:40,970 --> 00:07:43,656 See? This is all about committing to one machine. 170 00:07:43,963 --> 00:07:45,590 Right. Let's all get PS4s. 171 00:07:46,170 --> 00:07:47,788 No, the Xboxes are gonna be better. 172 00:07:47,913 --> 00:07:49,476 They're not better, they're just more expensive. 173 00:07:49,601 --> 00:07:53,056 We are getting Xbox Ones, guys, and that is final. 174 00:07:53,222 --> 00:07:55,100 That's exactly how Xbox people are. 175 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:56,690 - Yeah! - Fine! 176 00:07:56,815 --> 00:07:58,327 If you guys don't wanna join us on Black Friday 177 00:07:58,452 --> 00:07:59,896 to get Xboxes, then that's fine! 178 00:08:00,062 --> 00:08:01,529 We're still going to fight on Black Friday, 179 00:08:01,654 --> 00:08:02,757 just not with you. 180 00:08:05,371 --> 00:08:06,910 Oh, it's going to be like that, is it? 181 00:08:07,035 --> 00:08:09,634 Everyone who wants to get PS4s, join with us. 182 00:08:10,375 --> 00:08:12,507 No, we can't divide like this. 183 00:08:18,371 --> 00:08:20,875 Stan, you're on our side, right? 184 00:08:22,823 --> 00:08:24,781 I like the PS4's controller better. 185 00:08:26,905 --> 00:08:29,263 Stan, the PS4 doesn't have the seamless transition 186 00:08:29,388 --> 00:08:31,970 between games, movies, and TV offered by Xbox One. 187 00:08:32,496 --> 00:08:35,361 The PS4 controller has a touchpad interface. 188 00:08:35,486 --> 00:08:36,886 You never listen. 189 00:08:37,182 --> 00:08:38,726 I told you I thought the PS4 was better, 190 00:08:38,892 --> 00:08:40,909 but you never wanted to listen to me, Kyle. 191 00:08:41,306 --> 00:08:43,314 You just had your head so set because... 192 00:08:44,821 --> 00:08:47,121 Because that's how Xbox people are. 193 00:08:49,377 --> 00:08:51,382 Then I guess I'll see you on Black Friday. 194 00:08:52,666 --> 00:08:54,656 If I see you at the mall, Kyle, 195 00:08:54,781 --> 00:08:56,703 I will have to try to beat you inside. 196 00:08:56,869 --> 00:08:57,870 I know. 197 00:08:59,246 --> 00:09:00,446 Come on, Kyle. 198 00:09:00,571 --> 00:09:01,508 Let these Sony fucks wallow 199 00:09:01,633 --> 00:09:03,793 in their limited voice control functionality. 200 00:09:12,468 --> 00:09:15,369 ♪ Christmas is coming, goose is getting fat♪ 201 00:09:17,574 --> 00:09:19,788 ♪ Please do put a penny in the old man's...♪ 202 00:09:19,913 --> 00:09:20,982 What the hell are you doing? 203 00:09:21,107 --> 00:09:22,944 Oh, hey, Sharon. You're up, huh? 204 00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:25,872 I, uh... all right, look. 205 00:09:25,997 --> 00:09:27,785 I took a temp job at the mall. 206 00:09:27,910 --> 00:09:30,158 I just wanted to make some extra holiday cash. 207 00:09:30,283 --> 00:09:31,284 Bullshit. 208 00:09:32,083 --> 00:09:33,212 I did, Sharon! 209 00:09:33,337 --> 00:09:35,019 I saw they were hiring extra security, 210 00:09:35,144 --> 00:09:36,576 and I thought it'd be a good way to make money. 211 00:09:36,742 --> 00:09:38,656 You're doing this to try and get to the front of line 212 00:09:38,781 --> 00:09:40,663 on Black Friday, aren't you? 213 00:09:42,706 --> 00:09:44,523 Nobody else has thought of it, Sharon. 214 00:09:44,648 --> 00:09:45,949 I won't even be out in the crowd. 215 00:09:46,074 --> 00:09:48,087 I'll be on the inside when the doors open. 216 00:09:48,253 --> 00:09:50,507 While everyone is trying to run over each other, 217 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:52,656 I'll turn around and run right into the stores. 218 00:09:52,781 --> 00:09:55,011 I'll be the first to get whatever I want. 219 00:09:55,177 --> 00:09:56,424 Isn't Black Friday supposed 220 00:09:56,549 --> 00:09:58,723 to be about buying things for other people? 221 00:09:58,889 --> 00:10:00,724 Winter's coming, Sharon, 222 00:10:01,020 --> 00:10:04,366 and I'm a sneaky little bee. Buzz, buzz. 223 00:10:08,311 --> 00:10:10,110 {pub}Thrusters are at 20%, Captain. 224 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:12,237 Engage, Ensign, warp factor one. 225 00:10:12,403 --> 00:10:15,490 Captain, we have an incoming Facetime request from Eric Cartman. 226 00:10:15,656 --> 00:10:16,708 On screen. 227 00:10:16,833 --> 00:10:18,076 Oh, hey, guys. What's up? 228 00:10:18,242 --> 00:10:18,725 Nothing much. 229 00:10:18,850 --> 00:10:20,482 We're just about to check out a class "M" planet 230 00:10:20,607 --> 00:10:22,413 that might have new sources of tririllium. 231 00:10:22,762 --> 00:10:24,274 God, these guys are such dorks. 232 00:10:24,399 --> 00:10:25,918 Just find out who they're loyal to. 233 00:10:26,043 --> 00:10:27,518 Uh, yeah, big dong and prosper. 234 00:10:27,643 --> 00:10:29,879 Um, listen, guys. You're Xbox people, right? 235 00:10:30,904 --> 00:10:32,567 Given the Xbox's faster frame rate, 236 00:10:32,692 --> 00:10:33,878 we have no choice but to declare it 237 00:10:34,003 --> 00:10:36,135 the most technologically fit for Starfleet. 238 00:10:36,301 --> 00:10:37,878 Oh, my God, they're so gay. 239 00:10:38,003 --> 00:10:38,993 Um, cool. 240 00:10:39,118 --> 00:10:40,110 What if I were to tell you 241 00:10:40,235 --> 00:10:41,725 that we have a way for you to join us 242 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:44,060 in getting Xbox Ones super cheap? 243 00:10:44,226 --> 00:10:46,271 Cheap Xbox Ones? For reals? 244 00:10:47,815 --> 00:10:49,357 The Federation has agreed to fight with us. 245 00:10:49,523 --> 00:10:52,819 With them and the Kindergartners, our army has just doubled in size. 246 00:10:54,903 --> 00:10:56,389 You still think you can convince Stan 247 00:10:56,514 --> 00:10:58,546 to come back to our side, don't you, Sir Kyle? 248 00:10:59,452 --> 00:11:00,602 I don't know. 249 00:11:01,273 --> 00:11:02,996 You can't change his mind, Sir Kyle. 250 00:11:03,235 --> 00:11:05,110 Sony people don't think with logic. 251 00:11:05,235 --> 00:11:08,285 He betrayed us and now we must out-Game-Of-Thrones him 252 00:11:08,410 --> 00:11:09,836 by making powerful alliances. 253 00:11:10,002 --> 00:11:11,337 Oh, don't even get me started! 254 00:11:11,503 --> 00:11:13,272 I keep watching that show and I'm still waiting 255 00:11:13,397 --> 00:11:16,110 for the darn dragons to show up and kick everyone's butts. 256 00:11:16,235 --> 00:11:18,110 But all I get is wiener, wiener, wiener. 257 00:11:18,235 --> 00:11:19,610 It's not all gay wiener, 258 00:11:19,735 --> 00:11:21,110 but when they do show a straight guy's wiener, 259 00:11:21,235 --> 00:11:22,511 it's all soft and floppy, 260 00:11:22,636 --> 00:11:24,511 even though he just got done humping a pretty girl. 261 00:11:24,636 --> 00:11:25,472 Why is that? 262 00:11:25,597 --> 00:11:27,409 Because a soft wiener isn't threatening, 263 00:11:27,534 --> 00:11:29,200 just like a gay wiener. 264 00:11:32,404 --> 00:11:34,694 Butters, you seem to be somewhat obsessed with wieners. 265 00:11:34,860 --> 00:11:37,655 I'm obsessed with wieners? What about HBO? 266 00:11:37,821 --> 00:11:39,198 This isn't helping us, Butters. 267 00:11:39,364 --> 00:11:41,284 The Sony people might not be our biggest problem. 268 00:11:41,450 --> 00:11:42,195 [Muffled] 269 00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:44,110 Twitter says they're introducing a new Elmo doll 270 00:11:44,235 --> 00:11:44,829 this Christmas. 271 00:11:45,307 --> 00:11:46,757 What new Elmo doll? 272 00:11:47,164 --> 00:11:48,916 [Giggles] Who, me? 273 00:11:49,082 --> 00:11:50,559 Just in time for the holidays, 274 00:11:50,684 --> 00:11:52,514 it's "Stop Touching Me Elmo". 275 00:11:52,639 --> 00:11:53,799 When you press his back, 276 00:11:53,924 --> 00:11:56,467 Elmo puts his hand on your knee and says fun things. 277 00:11:56,592 --> 00:11:58,948 Have you ever been tickled on the inside? 278 00:11:59,802 --> 00:12:01,871 I'm lonely. Are you lonely? 279 00:12:02,471 --> 00:12:05,141 Can I watch you go potty? 280 00:12:05,307 --> 00:12:07,708 You wanna kiss the guy who does Elmo's voice? 281 00:12:08,910 --> 00:12:10,110 Stop touching me, Elmo! 282 00:12:10,235 --> 00:12:12,398 Elmo also helps kids brush their teeth 283 00:12:12,564 --> 00:12:14,110 with his toothpaste dispenser. 284 00:12:14,235 --> 00:12:15,793 More, more, more, ohhh! 285 00:12:16,245 --> 00:12:18,673 Don't miss out on this holiday season's biggest gift. 286 00:12:18,798 --> 00:12:20,110 Stop Touching Me Elmo. 287 00:12:20,235 --> 00:12:23,409 Available at South park Mall, starting Black Friday. 288 00:12:23,960 --> 00:12:25,645 Good morning, Joe, Marcus. 289 00:12:25,770 --> 00:12:29,101 - Morning, Randy. - What madness is this? 290 00:12:30,332 --> 00:12:31,632 What is it, sir? 291 00:12:32,222 --> 00:12:33,878 A new Elmo doll. 292 00:12:34,044 --> 00:12:35,839 They're releasing a new Elmo doll 293 00:12:35,964 --> 00:12:37,882 just in time for Black Friday. 294 00:12:38,048 --> 00:12:39,175 Oh, Christ, no. 295 00:12:39,731 --> 00:12:43,429 You've murdered us, you soulless monsters. 296 00:12:43,595 --> 00:12:44,824 You've killed us all. 297 00:12:46,056 --> 00:12:47,817 [Banging on doors] 298 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:51,229 Oh, God, they're already lining up. 299 00:12:52,504 --> 00:12:55,110 Elmoooo. 300 00:12:55,607 --> 00:12:56,951 No, they can't line up this soon. 301 00:12:57,076 --> 00:13:00,381 - This is crazy. - I'll deal with these demons. 302 00:13:02,353 --> 00:13:04,110 If you're here for Black Friday, 303 00:13:04,235 --> 00:13:06,285 the line starts on that side of the rope. 304 00:13:06,451 --> 00:13:08,110 This rope right here? 305 00:13:08,235 --> 00:13:09,680 That's the line for Black Friday 306 00:13:09,805 --> 00:13:11,840 so other people can do normal shopping today. 307 00:13:11,965 --> 00:13:13,280 Oh, okay, thanks. 308 00:13:15,341 --> 00:13:17,110 Elmoooo. 309 00:13:17,235 --> 00:13:19,716 Give me Elmo. 310 00:13:19,882 --> 00:13:21,426 We come seeking your help. 311 00:13:21,793 --> 00:13:23,797 Do you side with those wanting Xboxes, 312 00:13:24,052 --> 00:13:25,591 or will you join us on Black Friday 313 00:13:25,716 --> 00:13:27,482 and fight for PS4s? 314 00:13:29,290 --> 00:13:30,560 Are you for real? 315 00:13:30,726 --> 00:13:32,110 You know that the PS4 is a better choice. 316 00:13:32,235 --> 00:13:33,438 I mean, come on. 317 00:13:33,604 --> 00:13:35,110 Of course we're going to go with the PS4. 318 00:13:35,235 --> 00:13:37,321 - They're blacker. - Then join us. 319 00:13:37,446 --> 00:13:40,236 We need people to help us be the first 20 inside the mall. 320 00:13:40,402 --> 00:13:41,383 Uh, we're just gonna wait 321 00:13:41,508 --> 00:13:43,823 until the PS4s become cheaper and more available. 322 00:13:43,989 --> 00:13:46,110 - No, you can't do that. - You can't do that. 323 00:13:46,235 --> 00:13:46,841 Don't you see? 324 00:13:46,966 --> 00:13:48,536 This is about more than Black Friday. 325 00:13:48,661 --> 00:13:50,110 Battle lines are being drawn. 326 00:13:50,235 --> 00:13:51,401 If you wait it out 327 00:13:51,526 --> 00:13:53,440 but everyone else has already decided to go with Xbox, 328 00:13:53,565 --> 00:13:55,458 then that will become the standard. 329 00:13:55,768 --> 00:13:58,421 The PS4 would be like what Betamax was to VHS. 330 00:13:59,426 --> 00:14:02,008 - What's Betamax? - Exactly. 331 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:03,509 What's VHS? 332 00:14:04,520 --> 00:14:07,699 Look, we're just asking people who want to play on PS4s 333 00:14:07,824 --> 00:14:09,432 to fight for what they believe in. 334 00:14:10,517 --> 00:14:12,643 Sorry, I guess we just don't care enough. 335 00:14:13,388 --> 00:14:14,574 Come on, Sir Stan. 336 00:14:14,699 --> 00:14:16,939 There must be kids somewhere who will join us. 337 00:14:22,317 --> 00:14:25,110 Lady McKormick, I was hoping I could talk to you about Kyle. 338 00:14:25,235 --> 00:14:26,741 [Muffled] 339 00:14:27,235 --> 00:14:29,110 I'm not sure if his heart is in the right place. 340 00:14:29,235 --> 00:14:32,683 If he were to ever switch sides, 341 00:14:33,235 --> 00:14:35,110 it could make Stan's army problematic for us. 342 00:14:35,235 --> 00:14:37,168 [Muffled] 343 00:14:37,334 --> 00:14:38,267 True, but we can't let Kyle 344 00:14:38,392 --> 00:14:40,171 come in the way of what's rightfully ours. 345 00:14:40,337 --> 00:14:42,110 Let's face it, Lady McKormick, 346 00:14:42,235 --> 00:14:44,674 this is really about you and me getting Xbox Ones. 347 00:14:44,799 --> 00:14:46,110 The others are simply there 348 00:14:46,235 --> 00:14:47,762 to help us get inside those doors. 349 00:14:48,235 --> 00:14:51,015 [Muffled] 350 00:14:51,235 --> 00:14:52,963 You have a strong influence over the rest of the men, 351 00:14:53,088 --> 00:14:54,110 Lady McKormick. 352 00:14:54,768 --> 00:14:56,547 All I'm saying is that when the time comes, 353 00:14:56,672 --> 00:14:59,110 I might need you to use that influence 354 00:14:59,235 --> 00:15:01,087 to have Kyle taken care of. 355 00:15:02,092 --> 00:15:03,602 Do we understand each other? 356 00:15:03,927 --> 00:15:05,339 [Muffled] 357 00:15:05,464 --> 00:15:08,866 Hey, you damn kids! Get the hell out of my yard. 358 00:15:09,032 --> 00:15:11,077 Fuck you, dude. This is the Garden of Andros. 359 00:15:11,243 --> 00:15:12,694 No, it's my damn garden, 360 00:15:12,819 --> 00:15:14,233 and I'm sick of you kids dressing up 361 00:15:14,358 --> 00:15:16,666 and having talks of betrayal in it. 362 00:15:16,832 --> 00:15:17,785 ? Buzz, buzz, buzz 363 00:15:17,910 --> 00:15:20,127 ? Buzz, buzz, buzz 364 00:15:20,692 --> 00:15:22,110 70-inch television. 365 00:15:22,235 --> 00:15:23,638 That would be good. 366 00:15:23,763 --> 00:15:26,025 Ooh, but 80% off a computer. 367 00:15:26,150 --> 00:15:28,344 Maybe I'll be able to snag both. 368 00:15:28,510 --> 00:15:29,929 - Doing all right there, rookie? - Oh! Yes, sir. 369 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:31,110 Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. 370 00:15:31,235 --> 00:15:33,110 No, I was just looking at all these great things 371 00:15:33,235 --> 00:15:34,652 I can't afford. 372 00:15:35,450 --> 00:15:39,355 Listen, I know why you took this part-time job. 373 00:15:40,221 --> 00:15:41,482 Youyou do? 374 00:15:41,939 --> 00:15:45,110 I see it in you. You care about people. 375 00:15:45,698 --> 00:15:47,613 Same reason I do it every year. 376 00:15:48,472 --> 00:15:50,172 You remind me of my son. 377 00:15:50,814 --> 00:15:53,115 He died on Black Friday in '89. 378 00:15:53,539 --> 00:15:55,502 Guess I'm still trying to save him. 379 00:15:56,410 --> 00:15:58,040 Look, I just want to say I... 380 00:15:58,206 --> 00:16:00,685 I really appreciate what you're doing. 381 00:16:01,097 --> 00:16:04,640 I promised my wife this would be the last Black Friday I worked. 382 00:16:04,765 --> 00:16:06,941 When I see folks like you, 383 00:16:07,359 --> 00:16:10,110 it makes me hopeful that people will still be okay. 384 00:16:10,684 --> 00:16:12,763 Yeah, awesome. 385 00:16:12,929 --> 00:16:15,604 Aw, damn it, no lining up behind the velvet rope. 386 00:16:15,729 --> 00:16:17,792 They just don't listen. 387 00:16:19,127 --> 00:16:20,128 &[Sighs] 388 00:16:20,610 --> 00:16:22,233 Buzz, buzz. 389 00:16:27,644 --> 00:16:29,780 {pub}Cartman's army is getting bigger every day. 390 00:16:29,946 --> 00:16:32,113 In addition to the Federation and the Kindergartners, 391 00:16:32,238 --> 00:16:33,956 the Xbox Army now also has the kids 392 00:16:34,081 --> 00:16:35,457 who play Harry Potter, the Jocks, 393 00:16:35,582 --> 00:16:37,113 the Swim Team, and the Glee Club. 394 00:16:37,687 --> 00:16:40,207 Word is that the sixth graders all prefer Xbox too 395 00:16:40,373 --> 00:16:42,113 and will team up with Cartman as well. 396 00:16:42,238 --> 00:16:43,514 And who do we have on our side? 397 00:16:43,639 --> 00:16:46,182 Besides us, it's the Book Club and Janice Pinkerton. 398 00:16:47,128 --> 00:16:50,428 - Did you ask the Vamp Kids? - They're still undecided. 399 00:16:51,150 --> 00:16:53,471 There has to be a way to get people on the fence to join our side. 400 00:16:54,639 --> 00:16:56,113 Playstation. 401 00:16:56,640 --> 00:16:59,583 Look, sir Stan, it's probably time to give this up. 402 00:16:59,708 --> 00:17:01,515 We're just a dying breed, Stan. 403 00:17:01,640 --> 00:17:03,564 Xbox is going to win this whole thing. 404 00:17:03,730 --> 00:17:07,318 So we're just going to let other kids decide which game system we all play on? 405 00:17:08,389 --> 00:17:10,154 What would they do on Game Of Thrones? 406 00:17:11,052 --> 00:17:14,003 What would they do when things look their darkest? 407 00:17:18,245 --> 00:17:21,965 [Moaning] 408 00:17:23,208 --> 00:17:24,752 [Clears throat] 409 00:17:25,238 --> 00:17:26,239 Huh? 410 00:17:27,238 --> 00:17:28,214 [Speaking japanese] 411 00:17:28,380 --> 00:17:30,113 Sorry, to disturb you, sir, 412 00:17:30,238 --> 00:17:32,218 but we thought you should see this. 413 00:17:32,384 --> 00:17:34,238 [Speaking japanese] 414 00:17:39,144 --> 00:17:41,530 "Winter is coming. 415 00:17:42,238 --> 00:17:44,113 Choose side." 416 00:17:44,780 --> 00:17:45,815 [Speaking japanese] 417 00:17:45,981 --> 00:17:48,113 Just a small town in middle America, 418 00:17:48,238 --> 00:17:50,717 but apparently a war's escalating. 419 00:17:50,842 --> 00:17:53,113 Sir, if this were to become a news story, 420 00:17:53,238 --> 00:17:56,487 and if the first people inside that mall all got Xboxes, 421 00:17:57,238 --> 00:17:59,161 it clearly looks bad for our image. 422 00:18:01,238 --> 00:18:03,839 [Speaking japanese] 423 00:18:05,540 --> 00:18:09,113 What's going to be the big item everyone goes for this Black Friday? 424 00:18:09,238 --> 00:18:11,903 It just might be the Playstation 4. 425 00:18:12,028 --> 00:18:16,276 Sony has just announced they're offering a special Black Friday bundle 426 00:18:16,401 --> 00:18:18,844 called the "Brack Friday Bunduru", 427 00:18:18,969 --> 00:18:20,877 which will include four controllers, 428 00:18:21,002 --> 00:18:23,251 a map of Japan, $100 rebate, 429 00:18:23,376 --> 00:18:26,022 and allow you to automatically preorder 430 00:18:26,147 --> 00:18:27,980 for Metal Gear Solid 5. 431 00:18:28,238 --> 00:18:31,349 No doubt Sony has just raised the stakes. 432 00:18:32,714 --> 00:18:34,170 Yes. Good, Federation Kids. 433 00:18:34,295 --> 00:18:35,794 You're learning to fight with your hands. 434 00:18:35,919 --> 00:18:37,408 Keep pushing, Kindergartners. 435 00:18:39,729 --> 00:18:42,330 Sir Kyle, I know that Sony's offering 436 00:18:42,455 --> 00:18:44,113 a special Black Friday Bunduru. 437 00:18:44,238 --> 00:18:46,113 You know the Xbox is still better, right? 438 00:18:46,238 --> 00:18:48,250 Yeah, but why can't Xbox 439 00:18:48,375 --> 00:18:50,383 automatically let you preorder Metal Gear Solid 5? 440 00:18:50,623 --> 00:18:53,729 Sir Kyle, preorder doesn't mean shit, okay? 441 00:18:54,299 --> 00:18:56,514 When you preorder a game, you're just committing to paying for something 442 00:18:56,639 --> 00:18:59,346 that some assholes in California haven't even finished working on yet. 443 00:18:59,512 --> 00:19:01,113 You know what you get for preordering a game? 444 00:19:01,238 --> 00:19:02,933 A big dick in your mouth. 445 00:19:03,099 --> 00:19:05,102 [All shouting] 446 00:19:07,231 --> 00:19:08,471 All right, listen up. 447 00:19:08,596 --> 00:19:10,350 The mall's no longer allowing people 448 00:19:10,475 --> 00:19:13,402 to line up for Black Friday until Thanksgiving night. 449 00:19:13,568 --> 00:19:15,113 [All protesting] 450 00:19:15,737 --> 00:19:16,951 It's okay. 451 00:19:17,076 --> 00:19:20,113 To hold places in line, we're handing out wristbands. 452 00:19:20,238 --> 00:19:20,993 [All shouting] 453 00:19:21,159 --> 00:19:23,113 Ahh! Oh, God! Oh, my God! 454 00:19:23,238 --> 00:19:25,206 Wristbands! 455 00:19:25,372 --> 00:19:27,966 Back! Back all of you! 456 00:19:28,917 --> 00:19:31,113 If that's how you are, there'll be no wristbands. 457 00:19:31,238 --> 00:19:32,421 - Now go! - Ow! 458 00:19:32,546 --> 00:19:33,881 Back away. 459 00:19:35,215 --> 00:19:37,676 I'm getting my son that Elmo doll, you fuck! 460 00:19:38,238 --> 00:19:39,113 [Groaning] 461 00:19:39,719 --> 00:19:40,720 No! 462 00:19:43,801 --> 00:19:48,020 You did good. The watch is yours now. 463 00:19:48,446 --> 00:19:53,113 No, you can't die. Everybody really likes you. 464 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:55,942 This is what we signed up for, 465 00:19:56,384 --> 00:19:57,988 right, my friend? 466 00:19:58,238 --> 00:20:00,113 No, I was lying to you. 467 00:20:00,238 --> 00:20:04,563 I took this job to be at the front of the line on Black Friday. 468 00:20:05,227 --> 00:20:08,728 Ha. Now you know how serious this is. 469 00:20:10,238 --> 00:20:13,530 Whatever your intentions before, protect this town. 470 00:20:13,954 --> 00:20:16,396 You are in charge now. 471 00:20:16,989 --> 00:20:18,302 Take this. 472 00:20:20,332 --> 00:20:24,807 Don't let Black Friday be the end. 473 00:20:42,836 --> 00:20:46,619 Get back inside. We have work to do. 474 00:20:53,340 --> 00:20:55,113 When we started this fight, 475 00:20:55,429 --> 00:20:57,330 it was because we were tired of Xbox people 476 00:20:57,455 --> 00:20:59,113 telling us Playstation sucked. 477 00:20:59,475 --> 00:21:02,428 Now we're an army of our own. 478 00:21:02,594 --> 00:21:04,238 [All shouting] 479 00:21:07,182 --> 00:21:09,018 I can't guarantee you will live, 480 00:21:09,687 --> 00:21:12,188 but I can guarantee that before this is over 481 00:21:12,354 --> 00:21:15,065 the winner of the console wars will be decided. 482 00:21:15,231 --> 00:21:17,113 [All shouting] 483 00:21:17,942 --> 00:21:19,778 Our new leader has joined us 484 00:21:19,944 --> 00:21:23,032 to help make sure that system is the PS4. 485 00:21:23,905 --> 00:21:26,333 All hail the Princess! 486 00:21:30,121 --> 00:21:31,874 The Princess! 487 00:21:32,040 --> 00:21:36,545 Sync and correction by Mlmlte www.addic7ed.com