1 00:00:31,162 --> 00:00:32,864 Hi, welcome to P.F Chang's. 2 00:00:32,865 --> 00:00:35,669 How spicy would you like me to make your Chang sauce? 3 00:00:35,849 --> 00:00:38,279 Chris, the people at Table 3 need their check. 4 00:00:38,346 --> 00:00:39,960 I know. I'm swamped. 5 00:00:39,988 --> 00:00:42,543 I've got no help here! - Well what about the new waiter? 6 00:00:42,646 --> 00:00:46,180 The new waiter is useless. And, I think he's high. 7 00:00:47,299 --> 00:00:50,465 How spicy would you like your Chang sauce? 8 00:00:50,794 --> 00:00:52,535 Will you just place our order, please? 9 00:00:52,563 --> 00:00:55,941 Oh man, I have no idea what's goin' on. 10 00:00:56,011 --> 00:00:57,279 Everything okay here? 11 00:00:57,354 --> 00:01:01,302 Fine, except this towel has been mixing Chang sauce for fifteen minutes. 12 00:01:01,344 --> 00:01:02,469 He's clueless! 13 00:01:02,497 --> 00:01:05,537 Don't call me shoeless! You're shoeless! 14 00:01:05,633 --> 00:01:07,859 Yeah? Well you're a towel! - You're a towel! 15 00:01:07,899 --> 00:01:10,422 All right, that's it! Get out of here! You're fired! 16 00:01:10,518 --> 00:01:11,532 Yeah! 17 00:01:11,615 --> 00:01:13,198 Not him, you! 18 00:01:13,351 --> 00:01:14,560 Awww. 19 00:01:16,511 --> 00:01:19,605 Aw man, I really screwed up this time. 20 00:01:19,650 --> 00:01:23,206 The rent's due at the end of the month and I don't have any money. 21 00:01:23,214 --> 00:01:25,966 I need to shape up and find a new job, quick. 22 00:01:26,673 --> 00:01:29,677 But first, maybe I'll get a little high. 23 00:01:34,333 --> 00:01:38,932 Wait. Here it goes. Good ideas comin'. 24 00:01:39,035 --> 00:01:42,497 Yeah. Hey yeah! I should become a writer! 25 00:01:42,552 --> 00:01:44,579 If I just write a book about my life. 26 00:01:44,580 --> 00:01:48,650 I can get it published and then make plenty of money to pay rent. 27 00:01:49,282 --> 00:01:52,989 I bet people can't wait to read my memoirs. 28 00:01:53,870 --> 00:02:02,050 A MILLION LITTLE FIBERS By Toweleeeie 29 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:05,284 This is a really good idea... 30 00:02:13,977 --> 00:02:19,060 Aha. Mmm. Yes. Yes, I see. Well, that's quite a fascinating story, 31 00:02:19,115 --> 00:02:23,855 you being engineered as a towel with a computer chip that determines dryness. 32 00:02:23,894 --> 00:02:25,987 Yep! And it's all true. 33 00:02:26,046 --> 00:02:31,005 Chapters 4 through 8, however, seem to all be about Doritos Brand Corn Chips. 34 00:02:31,575 --> 00:02:34,902 I guess I could edit those chapters down some. 35 00:02:34,930 --> 00:02:40,212 Don't bother. I'm sorry to tell you this, sir, but nobody's ever going to publish your memoirs. 36 00:02:40,351 --> 00:02:41,934 Huh? Why not? 37 00:02:41,976 --> 00:02:44,447 Well, just the small trivial fact that... 38 00:02:44,448 --> 00:02:48,031 people aren't interested in autobiographies of towels. 39 00:02:48,281 --> 00:02:51,613 Wull yeah, but, maybe people will read my memoirs and like 40 00:02:51,614 --> 00:02:53,864 apply its lessons to their own lives. 41 00:02:53,933 --> 00:02:57,239 No. They won't. Because they're people. 42 00:02:57,517 --> 00:02:58,781 And you're a towel. 43 00:02:59,457 --> 00:03:00,944 You're a towel! 44 00:03:00,986 --> 00:03:01,778 No. 45 00:03:01,792 --> 00:03:06,085 I'm a big book publisher whi's not the least bit interested in your stony memoirs. 46 00:03:06,196 --> 00:03:07,460 You're a towel. 47 00:03:11,547 --> 00:03:13,131 Now what am I gonna do? 48 00:03:13,158 --> 00:03:17,353 I gotta pay rent and I just wasted three weeks writin' my memoirs. 49 00:03:17,503 --> 00:03:21,142 It's time for me to stop bein' so irresponsible. 50 00:03:21,170 --> 00:03:25,739 I've gotta shape up, focus, an come up with real solutions to my problems. 51 00:03:25,906 --> 00:03:30,115 I'd better get a little high. Oh, maybe I shouldn't. 52 00:03:30,198 --> 00:03:35,004 But you have to think of somethin' fast, an' gettin' high makes you smart. 53 00:03:35,254 --> 00:03:40,043 All right, I'll just use my special gettin'-high powers one more time. 54 00:03:45,939 --> 00:03:51,685 Hey. Hey, wait a minute. Of course! That's it! Why didn't I think of it before? 55 00:03:52,733 --> 00:03:54,024 “A MILLION LITTLE FIBERS” 56 00:03:54,317 --> 00:03:55,275 Chapter One 57 00:03:56,198 --> 00:04:03,205 All my life I've been a pretty irresponsible towel... person. 58 00:04:03,340 --> 00:04:11,407 I thought I was somehow stronger and more immune than other towels... people. 59 00:04:11,765 --> 00:04:14,599 This is a really good idea. 60 00:04:18,877 --> 00:04:24,433 Ogh. Oh my God. Uh I could not believe a human being has led this kind of life, Mr...! 61 00:04:24,683 --> 00:04:27,218 McTowelie. Steven McTowelie. 62 00:04:27,724 --> 00:04:30,071 It's heartbreaking passages like this one: 63 00:04:30,196 --> 00:04:34,788 "I am a person who often gets hung out to dry by all those around me." 64 00:04:34,843 --> 00:04:37,354 I know this company would be honored to publish this book. 65 00:04:37,385 --> 00:04:42,671 I just have one small question first. You're not... a towel, are you? 66 00:04:44,454 --> 00:04:49,881 No. If I was a towel, why would I be wearing this hat, an' this fake mustache? 67 00:04:50,551 --> 00:04:51,453 Right, I'm sorry. 68 00:04:51,467 --> 00:04:53,036 Well Steven, if it's all right with you, 69 00:04:53,037 --> 00:04:55,287 I'm gonna to get our agents and lawyers on the phone right now. 70 00:04:55,310 --> 00:04:57,500 We're in business, sir. - Allright! 71 00:05:03,546 --> 00:05:05,324 Thank you so much. 72 00:05:06,688 --> 00:05:10,868 Once in a while I come across a book that is sooo honest 73 00:05:10,869 --> 00:05:14,591 and sooo moving that it changes my life. 74 00:05:14,716 --> 00:05:21,507 "A Million Little Fibers" is the true story about a man who was born in a laboratory. 75 00:05:21,535 --> 00:05:25,760 Please welcome author Steven McTowelie! 76 00:05:29,445 --> 00:05:32,902 Steven, when I read your book, I thought to myself, 77 00:05:32,903 --> 00:05:38,428 "How can a human being go through all this and still turn out okay?" 78 00:05:38,526 --> 00:05:42,464 Well, I guess I'm just an extra-special tow- person. 79 00:05:42,788 --> 00:05:46,839 You talk in your book how you would sometimes have to spend days hung up on a rack. 80 00:05:46,968 --> 00:05:49,219 What would that do to you emotionally? 81 00:05:49,326 --> 00:05:55,436 You have been through... so much and I think that people all over America could benefit... 82 00:05:55,437 --> 00:06:00,349 Oh God, there she goes again, babblin' about people's lives and carryin' on. 83 00:06:00,376 --> 00:06:03,238 She hasn't paid any attention to me in years! 84 00:06:03,251 --> 00:06:06,210 A life that kept getting up whenever it was down. 85 00:06:06,251 --> 00:06:08,874 Nobody knows what it's like to be Oprah's minge. 86 00:06:08,951 --> 00:06:13,131 All she does is work, never gives her ol' minge a nice rub now and again. 87 00:06:13,214 --> 00:06:17,035 A minge needs attention! At least a scratch once in a while! 88 00:06:17,186 --> 00:06:19,674 Well Steven, your book hasn't sold a lot of copies yet, 89 00:06:19,714 --> 00:06:22,076 but I have some pretty exciting news for you! 90 00:06:22,118 --> 00:06:25,090 Used to be a time when Oprah would play with me night and day. 91 00:06:25,104 --> 00:06:27,800 She'd pet me for hours usin' every finger. 92 00:06:27,939 --> 00:06:32,342 Now I just sit here, in the dark, not even so much as a pinky! 93 00:06:32,383 --> 00:06:35,828 I should write a book! Be much more depressin' than his! 94 00:06:35,925 --> 00:06:41,602 And so, Steven, I'm making your book my official Book of the Month selection! 95 00:06:41,674 --> 00:06:42,632 Really? 96 00:06:43,910 --> 00:06:47,854 Wow. I'm gonna get super-rich now. 97 00:07:11,837 --> 00:07:15,948 Uh huh, okay. Well listen, maybe we can get her in as a guest on the 19th. 98 00:07:16,073 --> 00:07:19,237 All right, is John Travolta available to be a guest the week after that? 99 00:07:19,865 --> 00:07:22,320 Okay, that might work better since it's Sweeps Week. 100 00:07:22,781 --> 00:07:26,476 Can't take it anymore. All she ever does is work work work, 101 00:07:26,510 --> 00:07:31,134 never pays attention to the ol' minge. I'm always trapped in these stuffy pantsuits. 102 00:07:31,162 --> 00:07:33,634 I want attention! I'm bloody bored! 103 00:07:33,731 --> 00:07:37,245 Oh stop your complainin'! I'm tryin' to sleep back here. 104 00:07:37,308 --> 00:07:40,619 Ay, 'oo's that? Is that you, Gary? - Yes it's me. 105 00:07:40,669 --> 00:07:45,160 You think you've go' it bad? Oprah hasn't paid any attention to me in years. 106 00:07:45,244 --> 00:07:50,696 Oh, what do you care? You're just an asshole. I'm a minge! Minges need stimulation. 107 00:07:50,737 --> 00:07:53,465 Assholes need stimulation too, you bastard! 108 00:07:53,518 --> 00:07:56,102 I want to travel. I want to see Paris. 109 00:07:56,171 --> 00:07:59,921 I thought lamp was goin' to get better, but Oprah's always busy. 110 00:07:59,963 --> 00:08:02,774 Werkin' and werkin', diyatin' and not diyatin'. 111 00:08:02,824 --> 00:08:06,413 I need a pukin' up mounds of chocolate cake or teaspoons of weedgrass. 112 00:08:06,427 --> 00:08:07,871 She's a a workaholic. 113 00:08:08,010 --> 00:08:09,092 Let's face it: 114 00:08:09,093 --> 00:08:12,513 The only way we're ever goin' tuh get any attention is if Oprah doesn't work anymore. 115 00:08:12,553 --> 00:08:13,803 Well that'll never happen. 116 00:08:13,846 --> 00:08:16,497 Not unless she gets fired. 117 00:08:16,838 --> 00:08:18,366 Fired... You got a plan, Mingie? 118 00:08:18,574 --> 00:08:22,078 That bloke on the show today, the one Oprah supported. 119 00:08:22,161 --> 00:08:25,744 'E isn't a bloke at all. 'E's a towel. 120 00:08:25,800 --> 00:08:27,428 Ooo. How d'you know? 121 00:08:27,456 --> 00:08:30,136 I'm a minge. Minges know a towel when they hear one. 122 00:08:30,247 --> 00:08:35,522 If evidence gets out that Oprah's champion author is a towel, she'll look right foolish. 123 00:08:35,799 --> 00:08:37,980 Fans'll start droppin' off by the millions. 124 00:08:37,994 --> 00:08:41,063 'Ow do we get proof? - We get somebody else to do it. 125 00:08:41,202 --> 00:08:44,199 The greatest investigator reporter of our time. 126 00:08:46,076 --> 00:08:48,435 Mr. Rivera. - What is it, Dimitri? 127 00:08:48,490 --> 00:08:50,353 There's somebody on the phone to speak with you. 128 00:08:50,354 --> 00:08:54,063 He says he has inside information for you that may discredit Oprah Winfrey. 129 00:08:56,713 --> 00:08:59,366 Thith ith Geraldo. - 'Allo 'Eraldo. 130 00:08:59,421 --> 00:09:02,681 I've got some information for you ya might find interestin'. 131 00:09:02,682 --> 00:09:05,446 It could make Oprah Winfrey look quite foolish. 132 00:09:05,501 --> 00:09:08,904 Who am I thpeaking with?! - 'E wants to know who 'e's speakin' with. 133 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:12,273 Let's just say I work very closely with Oprah. 134 00:09:12,301 --> 00:09:14,481 You'd like to see 'er discredited, wouldn't ya? 135 00:09:14,523 --> 00:09:16,240 What information do you have? 136 00:09:16,342 --> 00:09:19,384 What'd 'e say? - He wants to know what information we have. 137 00:09:19,440 --> 00:09:22,709 Just tell me wha' 'e says, Gary! Don't wait for me 'o ask you "wha' 'e say?"! 138 00:09:22,737 --> 00:09:26,251 Stop wastin' my time. - Ay, don't get snooty with me, Gary! 139 00:09:26,279 --> 00:09:29,379 I didn't say "stop wastin' my time", Geraldo did. 140 00:09:29,431 --> 00:09:30,667 What ith going on here?! 141 00:09:30,681 --> 00:09:34,228 Oh all right Gary, this isn't workin'. Let's switch. I'll listen and you talk. 142 00:09:36,520 --> 00:09:38,465 Hallo? - Who ith thith? 143 00:09:38,715 --> 00:09:41,437 This is Gary. - Gary who?! What is your last name?! 144 00:09:41,687 --> 00:09:44,111 Don't give away your name. We don't want anyone to know where we are. 145 00:09:44,152 --> 00:09:48,611 A'right, look. All you need to know is that I'm definitely not Oprah's asshole. 146 00:09:48,652 --> 00:09:51,861 Aw you stupid twit! - Don't call me a twit, Geraldo! 147 00:09:51,916 --> 00:09:54,083 He didn't call you "stupid twit," I did! 148 00:09:54,092 --> 00:09:55,397 Now just tell 'im this: 149 00:09:56,911 --> 00:10:01,301 The writer of the book on Oprah's Book of the Month Club is a phonih. 150 00:10:01,328 --> 00:10:04,462 He's not a person at all. He's a towel. 151 00:10:04,620 --> 00:10:05,620 A towel? 152 00:10:06,020 --> 00:10:08,600 A talking towel? That doethn't make any sense. 153 00:10:08,770 --> 00:10:11,131 Tell 'im 'e'd be surprised at things that can talk. 154 00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:13,923 You'd be surprised at things that can talk. 155 00:10:13,937 --> 00:10:15,923 What proof do you have of this accusation?! 156 00:10:16,692 --> 00:10:19,257 Just look into the author of "A Million Little Fiyabers" 157 00:10:19,257 --> 00:10:21,006 and you'll discover the truth. 158 00:10:21,025 --> 00:10:22,803 And how do I go about that? 159 00:10:23,601 --> 00:10:25,754 Hello? Hello?! 160 00:10:26,385 --> 00:10:28,860 This is Larry King Live. 161 00:10:29,385 --> 00:10:31,631 My guest tonight is Steven McTowelie, 162 00:10:31,632 --> 00:10:34,396 author of the acclaimed book, "A Million Little Fibers". 163 00:10:34,535 --> 00:10:36,062 How are you tonight, Steven? 164 00:10:36,201 --> 00:10:38,562 Well Larry, I'm a little high. 165 00:10:38,993 --> 00:10:41,014 Your book has helped a lot of people beat addiction. 166 00:10:41,015 --> 00:10:42,112 What made you write it? 167 00:10:42,172 --> 00:10:45,945 Well Larry, I was really just writin' down my memoirs as I- 168 00:10:45,946 --> 00:10:47,265 What? What's that? 169 00:10:47,279 --> 00:10:50,972 Oh ex- oh excuse me, Steven, I understand that we have a special report coming in. 170 00:10:50,973 --> 00:10:54,573 Joining us live from Afghanistan, here is Geraldo Rivera. 171 00:10:56,140 --> 00:10:58,612 Hello? Larry, are you receiving me? 172 00:10:58,751 --> 00:11:00,974 We're here, Geraldo. You're live on the show. 173 00:11:01,015 --> 00:11:05,040 Larry, this brave reporter has been days investigating and researching 174 00:11:05,068 --> 00:11:07,317 and I have come up with a shocking discovery 175 00:11:07,318 --> 00:11:10,929 that is going to rock the balls and ass of the literary world! 176 00:11:10,943 --> 00:11:14,297 Steven McTowelie, author of "A Million Little Fibers" 177 00:11:14,587 --> 00:11:16,116 Is a towel! 178 00:11:17,269 --> 00:11:18,491 You're a towel. 179 00:11:18,616 --> 00:11:20,560 No, you're a towel. 180 00:11:20,852 --> 00:11:22,553 Well you're a beaner towel. 181 00:11:22,630 --> 00:11:23,852 What did you say? 182 00:11:24,032 --> 00:11:26,066 I'm sorry. I'm high. 183 00:11:26,310 --> 00:11:27,977 This looks pretty bad, Oprah. 184 00:11:28,074 --> 00:11:31,159 Your fans look to you to be all-knowing and all-seeing 185 00:11:31,187 --> 00:11:34,548 and you've just spent two weeks supporting a lying racist towel. 186 00:11:34,978 --> 00:11:36,284 'E did it, Gary! 187 00:11:36,326 --> 00:11:38,006 'Eraldo got the proof! 188 00:11:38,131 --> 00:11:40,062 Oprah's got egg all over her face! 189 00:11:40,103 --> 00:11:41,701 She'll have to retire! 190 00:11:41,764 --> 00:11:43,868 It's the beginning of a new life for us, Gary. 191 00:11:43,882 --> 00:11:47,660 Without 'er career 'o worry about, Oprah's sure to travel the world! 192 00:11:47,812 --> 00:11:49,757 Enjoy the finer things in life! 193 00:11:49,799 --> 00:11:51,098 She'll spend hours just... 194 00:11:51,112 --> 00:11:52,577 playin' with 'er own minge! 195 00:11:52,799 --> 00:11:54,368 And her Gary too. 196 00:11:54,466 --> 00:11:55,896 Sure. And 'er Gary. 197 00:11:55,952 --> 00:11:57,007 We did it, mate! 198 00:11:57,549 --> 00:11:59,646 Oprah, we need to know what we're going to do. 199 00:11:59,666 --> 00:12:00,837 What's the big deal? 200 00:12:00,893 --> 00:12:04,365 His book helped people. Why does it matter than he made some stuff up? 201 00:12:04,432 --> 00:12:06,571 Are people really going to be that mad? 202 00:12:12,957 --> 00:12:15,345 Your book got me to give up alcohol! 203 00:12:15,346 --> 00:12:17,280 But I thought you were a person! 204 00:12:17,443 --> 00:12:20,402 Yeah, we want our money back, you dumb towel! 205 00:12:21,340 --> 00:12:25,840 No insultar Mexicanos! ¿Oye? No insultar Mexicanos! ¿Oye? 206 00:12:26,201 --> 00:12:29,284 Oh God, I'm really in trouble now. 207 00:12:31,309 --> 00:12:32,014 Hello? 208 00:12:32,550 --> 00:12:33,908 Steven, it's Oprah. 209 00:12:34,068 --> 00:12:36,140 Can you come on my show again tomorrow? 210 00:12:36,303 --> 00:12:37,045 Why? 211 00:12:37,351 --> 00:12:41,243 We need to tell the audience why you changed some of the facts in your book 212 00:12:41,244 --> 00:12:44,035 that you thought it necessary to "heighten" certain things 213 00:12:44,036 --> 00:12:46,897 to make the book more relevant to people. 214 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:48,861 Hey yeah. 215 00:12:48,902 --> 00:12:51,957 Just come on the show and explain in a very level-headed way 216 00:12:51,958 --> 00:12:55,916 that changing some facts shouldn't matter if the book helps people, okay? 217 00:12:55,972 --> 00:12:56,944 Okay. 218 00:12:57,055 --> 00:12:58,166 Thanks Oprah! 219 00:12:58,236 --> 00:12:59,980 You're a real friend. 220 00:13:00,245 --> 00:13:01,417 See you tomorrow. 221 00:13:02,287 --> 00:13:04,412 All right, I got one chance here. 222 00:13:04,454 --> 00:13:07,115 I need to focus and come up with what I'm gonna say. 223 00:13:07,212 --> 00:13:09,059 Maybe I should get a little high. 224 00:13:09,407 --> 00:13:10,587 No! Wait a minute! 225 00:13:10,643 --> 00:13:12,712 I'm not going to get high this time. 226 00:13:12,837 --> 00:13:17,254 Aw, come on. You need to come up with ideas of what to say on Oprah. 227 00:13:17,563 --> 00:13:21,091 But, the ideas I come up with when I'm high keep gettin' me in trouble. 228 00:13:21,466 --> 00:13:25,499 Yeah. That's why you should only get a little high. 229 00:13:25,879 --> 00:13:28,477 Well, maybe just a little high. 230 00:13:32,779 --> 00:13:35,793 Today my guest is once again Steven McTowelie 231 00:13:35,821 --> 00:13:39,890 whose memoirs many of you purchased after I made it my Book of the Month Selection. 232 00:13:42,079 --> 00:13:44,663 Ya hear that, Gary? Nobody's applaudin'! 233 00:13:44,704 --> 00:13:48,177 Yeah! They're all right pissed off! This is great! 234 00:13:48,218 --> 00:13:50,819 Now, it turns out that your name isn't really Steven. 235 00:13:50,844 --> 00:13:52,517 It's Towelie, correct? 236 00:13:52,569 --> 00:13:53,472 Yeah. 237 00:13:53,569 --> 00:13:55,055 And you are a towel. 238 00:13:55,072 --> 00:13:57,626 Yes, I'm pretty much a towel, Oprah. 239 00:13:57,924 --> 00:14:01,827 Can you explain to the audience why you said you weren't a towel before? 240 00:14:02,230 --> 00:14:05,549 Well Oprah, I was all, like, um... uh 241 00:14:05,793 --> 00:14:07,328 woo dat all like... 242 00:14:07,557 --> 00:14:08,154 It's like... 243 00:14:08,182 --> 00:14:12,550 Was it that you thought embellishing the story was okay if it helped people? 244 00:14:12,738 --> 00:14:14,481 Yeah. Yeah, that's it! 245 00:14:14,508 --> 00:14:16,255 Well you know what I think, Towelie? 246 00:14:16,352 --> 00:14:19,935 I think you're a lying sack of shit! 247 00:14:21,304 --> 00:14:24,193 You lied to all these people and for what?! 248 00:14:24,373 --> 00:14:25,901 To make money! 249 00:14:25,985 --> 00:14:28,466 They bought your book thinking it was true! 250 00:14:28,744 --> 00:14:30,161 That's right! - Yeah. 251 00:14:30,244 --> 00:14:31,295 But I thought you said- 252 00:14:31,314 --> 00:14:34,925 How dare you like to me and make me look foolish?! 253 00:14:34,953 --> 00:14:37,114 What's this? What's she doin'? 254 00:14:37,253 --> 00:14:39,086 I don't understand, Mingie. 255 00:14:39,142 --> 00:14:41,767 You think writing is a joke, you stupid towel?! 256 00:14:41,822 --> 00:14:44,142 Yeah, you you get him, Oprah! - Yeah! 257 00:14:44,850 --> 00:14:46,550 You will not get away with this! 258 00:14:46,647 --> 00:14:48,675 She's getting everyone back on 'er side! 259 00:14:48,731 --> 00:14:50,328 Oh, tha' clever cow! 260 00:14:50,397 --> 00:14:54,528 You lied to me, Towelie! And therefore you have lied to America! 261 00:14:54,570 --> 00:14:57,167 We are going to rise up against you! 262 00:14:57,224 --> 00:14:58,782 Yeah! Yeah! 263 00:14:58,820 --> 00:15:02,792 Is this audience ready for a good old-fashioned lynching?! 264 00:15:02,819 --> 00:15:04,079 Yeah! 265 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:10,389 Audience, if you look under your seats, you'll find your very own torches! 266 00:15:13,055 --> 00:15:16,449 Minge, does this mean I have to wait to see Paris? 267 00:15:16,504 --> 00:15:19,546 There's not gonna be any Paris! Don't you get it, Gary?! 268 00:15:19,615 --> 00:15:22,185 The fat cow get everyone on 'er side again! 269 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:23,990 She'll be workin' more than ever now! 270 00:15:24,074 --> 00:15:25,286 Our plan is ruined! 271 00:15:25,383 --> 00:15:26,355 No! 272 00:15:26,383 --> 00:15:28,813 We'll give you a five-second headstart. 273 00:15:28,841 --> 00:15:30,327 One. Two. 274 00:15:31,167 --> 00:15:32,681 Let's get him! 275 00:15:33,639 --> 00:15:35,980 Burn him! Burn the towel! 276 00:15:36,209 --> 00:15:38,749 Burn that which lies to Oprah! 277 00:15:49,668 --> 00:15:51,787 Looks like your time is up, Towelie! 278 00:15:51,793 --> 00:15:54,557 I've led my adoring fans right to you! 279 00:15:54,613 --> 00:15:55,988 All right, Oprah! 280 00:15:57,716 --> 00:16:00,494 I've shown my fans that... ugh! 281 00:16:03,726 --> 00:16:05,698 All right! Everyone back! 282 00:16:05,796 --> 00:16:07,070 Get back I said! 283 00:16:11,732 --> 00:16:13,484 What the hell is this?! 284 00:16:13,580 --> 00:16:15,541 Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt! 285 00:16:15,580 --> 00:16:17,802 Mingie, what're you doin'? 286 00:16:17,810 --> 00:16:19,061 Gettin' ou'a here Gary! 287 00:16:19,089 --> 00:16:20,100 One way or another! 288 00:16:21,829 --> 00:16:23,702 What is going on?! 289 00:16:23,718 --> 00:16:28,261 Shut up! Shut up, you miserable old cow or so help me I'll blow your brains out! 290 00:16:28,784 --> 00:16:30,809 I want a chooper! You got that?! 291 00:16:31,034 --> 00:16:32,855 And a jet waiting at the airport! 292 00:16:32,882 --> 00:16:35,579 Mingie, have you lost your mind? 293 00:16:35,613 --> 00:16:38,703 Come on, Gary! You said you always wanted to see Paris! 294 00:16:38,868 --> 00:16:42,582 Not like this, Mingie. Not like this! 295 00:16:42,853 --> 00:16:45,561 All right, gig is up. Put down the gun! 296 00:16:45,742 --> 00:16:46,779 Stay back, mate! 297 00:16:46,797 --> 00:16:48,367 Drop the gun and step away. 298 00:16:48,408 --> 00:16:49,686 I'm warnin' you! 299 00:16:49,977 --> 00:16:51,921 Put it down, I said- 300 00:16:54,122 --> 00:16:58,330 Jesus Minge! You killed him! You shot him dead! 301 00:16:58,871 --> 00:17:00,267 No turnin' back now, Gary. 302 00:17:00,344 --> 00:17:03,124 Oh God, I think I'm goinna be sick eh. 303 00:17:03,191 --> 00:17:04,385 Oh keep your head, Gary. 304 00:17:04,441 --> 00:17:07,499 I can't, uh... I'm goinna puke! 305 00:17:09,959 --> 00:17:13,095 Ah, Gary, that smells awful! Now I'm gonna throw up! 306 00:17:17,342 --> 00:17:19,542 Try to leave and I'll shoot you too! 307 00:17:19,814 --> 00:17:23,037 You hostages aren't goin' anywhere till we get what we want! 308 00:17:23,173 --> 00:17:24,941 Oh my God, what are we goinna do? 309 00:17:24,956 --> 00:17:27,252 You got us into this, towel. Think of somethin'! 310 00:17:27,474 --> 00:17:29,807 All right, I'm gonna get a little high. 311 00:17:31,127 --> 00:17:33,877 No! No I'm not gonna get high! 312 00:17:34,057 --> 00:17:38,092 Every time I get high, I come up with ideas that get me in more trouble. 313 00:17:38,259 --> 00:17:40,523 I'm not gettin' high this time! 314 00:17:45,727 --> 00:17:49,115 I'm standing in the business district of central Chicago 315 00:17:49,116 --> 00:17:54,032 where Oprah's vagina has killed a police officer and taken several people hostage. 316 00:17:54,185 --> 00:17:58,913 It is yet unconfirmed but believed that Oprah's asshole may be an accomplice in this as well. 317 00:18:01,663 --> 00:18:03,441 Got the walkie-talkie you asked for. 318 00:18:03,496 --> 00:18:04,815 Put it underneath me. 319 00:18:05,496 --> 00:18:07,632 Slowly, mate, slowly! 320 00:18:08,442 --> 00:18:09,720 Now back off. 321 00:18:11,414 --> 00:18:13,512 All right, Gary, squeeze the walkie button. 322 00:18:14,012 --> 00:18:17,159 This is Oprah's minge! - Hello, I'm Lieutenant Nelson. 323 00:18:17,200 --> 00:18:18,352 What are your demands? 324 00:18:18,644 --> 00:18:22,519 I want a chopper and a jet waiting at the airport to take us to France! 325 00:18:22,592 --> 00:18:24,672 Plus we need some fresh knickers right away. 326 00:18:24,777 --> 00:18:27,779 All right, how about fresh underwear for one hostage. 327 00:18:27,928 --> 00:18:29,642 I'm not playing games with you, mate! 328 00:18:29,767 --> 00:18:31,808 Gary's drownin' in his own sick! 329 00:18:31,892 --> 00:18:34,284 All right, we'll work on it. Don't do anything foolish. 330 00:18:34,586 --> 00:18:37,614 We don't have any time, this is the most unstable vagina I've ever talked to. 331 00:18:37,703 --> 00:18:39,169 O'Reilly, you got a shot? 332 00:18:39,294 --> 00:18:40,239 I got it. 333 00:18:41,961 --> 00:18:44,530 Not with those hostages so close! It's too risky! 334 00:18:44,577 --> 00:18:48,434 Oh just put down the gun, Mingie. Maybe they'll go easy on us. 335 00:18:48,503 --> 00:18:49,878 Don't be stupid, Gary. 336 00:18:49,975 --> 00:18:53,961 I've got a policeman. They'll fry me, lock you up for life. 337 00:18:54,323 --> 00:18:57,100 Aw Mingie, I'm soo scared. 338 00:18:57,212 --> 00:18:59,240 We're gonna get out of here, mate. Just leave it to me. 339 00:18:59,337 --> 00:19:01,657 Oprah's vagina, this is your last warning! 340 00:19:01,685 --> 00:19:03,004 Put down the gun! 341 00:19:03,088 --> 00:19:06,088 If that chopper isn't here in two minutes, I'm killin' a hostage! 342 00:19:07,019 --> 00:19:08,866 Hey wait a minute. 343 00:19:20,453 --> 00:19:23,717 I mean it! Hostages are gonna start dyin' if you don't listen! 344 00:19:26,315 --> 00:19:27,536 Hostages are clear! 345 00:19:27,589 --> 00:19:29,345 All right, that's it. Take it out! 346 00:19:31,179 --> 00:19:34,595 What the? Haha! You missed me, you stewpid buggers! 347 00:19:34,651 --> 00:19:36,932 You see that Gary? They can't even aim! 348 00:19:37,656 --> 00:19:41,494 Min... Mingie. - Gary, what's, what's wrong? 349 00:19:41,531 --> 00:19:43,014 They got me, Mingie. 350 00:19:43,101 --> 00:19:45,031 No... Oh no! 351 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:49,670 Aye. They got me bad. Oh, the blood. 352 00:19:49,753 --> 00:19:51,073 Try to hang on, Gary! 353 00:19:51,670 --> 00:19:53,308 It's gettin' dark, Minge. 354 00:19:53,365 --> 00:19:55,966 Oh Gary! What have I gotten ya into? 355 00:19:56,114 --> 00:19:58,757 I've seen muh life flash before me eyes. 356 00:19:59,906 --> 00:20:00,933 Mingie! 357 00:20:00,975 --> 00:20:01,947 I'm 'ere, Gary! 358 00:20:02,003 --> 00:20:04,143 Where... where are we, Mingie? 359 00:20:04,729 --> 00:20:06,229 Are we in Paris? 360 00:20:06,548 --> 00:20:09,576 Yeah. Yeah, we're in Paris, mate. 361 00:20:10,562 --> 00:20:12,541 Is it as wonderful as I 'oped? 362 00:20:12,695 --> 00:20:15,463 Ih, it's beautiful. We've finally made it! 363 00:20:15,504 --> 00:20:17,338 Tell me what you see, Mingie. 364 00:20:17,437 --> 00:20:20,646 Well, there's the... Eiffel Tower right in front of us. 365 00:20:21,258 --> 00:20:23,211 The Louvre, right over there behind ya. 366 00:20:23,301 --> 00:20:25,435 And fresh baguettes all around. 367 00:20:26,926 --> 00:20:28,630 Ahhh... I can smell them, Mingie. 368 00:20:29,523 --> 00:20:32,717 At least I got to see Paris before I- 369 00:20:35,543 --> 00:20:38,001 Gary? Gary, say somethin'. 370 00:20:40,334 --> 00:20:41,973 You killed him, you bastards! 371 00:20:42,098 --> 00:20:43,944 He didn't even want any part in this! 372 00:20:44,043 --> 00:20:46,279 This is all your fault, you stupid cow! 373 00:20:46,404 --> 00:20:49,539 You never gave your ol' Gary the time of day and now he's gone! 374 00:20:50,335 --> 00:20:51,848 Life ain't worth livin' any more! 375 00:20:51,946 --> 00:20:53,266 What's the use?! 376 00:20:53,838 --> 00:20:56,727 I'm comin' to see you, Gary! I'm comin' to see ya! 377 00:20:56,749 --> 00:20:58,418 No! Don't! 378 00:21:08,280 --> 00:21:10,113 Oprah's going to be okay. 379 00:21:10,381 --> 00:21:13,507 Wish I could say the same for her vagina and asshole. 380 00:21:13,728 --> 00:21:16,881 That's a great idea you had to sneak the hostages inside the bank. 381 00:21:16,922 --> 00:21:18,126 Yeah, it sure was. 382 00:21:18,209 --> 00:21:20,549 We're sorry we tried to burn you and murder you before. 383 00:21:20,598 --> 00:21:21,977 Aw, that's okay. 384 00:21:22,001 --> 00:21:24,145 This whole thing was my fault. 385 00:21:24,228 --> 00:21:29,006 I learned that I shouldn't get high to come up with ideas. 386 00:21:29,673 --> 00:21:33,653 I should come up with ideas and then get high, to reward myself. 387 00:21:34,237 --> 00:21:35,778 You said it. 388 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:40,000 Transcipt: spscriptorium Sync: John Smith