1 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:04,953 South Park 901 512x384 Xvid 141MB 2 00:00:30,036 --> 00:00:32,500 3 00:00:38,769 --> 00:00:43,679 Hello, Mr. Garrison, I'm Dr. Biber. I'll be performing your surgery today. 4 00:00:44,014 --> 00:00:47,479 God bless you, Doctor. I know you'll make me well again. 5 00:00:47,795 --> 00:00:52,207 Now, you're absolutely sure you want a vaginoplasty? 6 00:00:52,364 --> 00:00:58,492 My whole life I've been a woman trapped in a man's body. A sex-change operation is my last chance at happiness. 7 00:00:58,615 --> 00:01:00,332 All right, then let's begin. 8 00:01:01,436 --> 00:01:02,709 Just relax, Mr. Garrison. 9 00:01:03,092 --> 00:01:08,663 I think if more people could just see a sex-change operation, they would know how perfectly natural it is. 10 00:01:09,328 --> 00:01:13,001 The first thing I'm going to do is slice your balls. 11 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:21,134 With the scrotum open, I can now discard of your testicles. 12 00:01:21,671 --> 00:01:23,099 So long, balls. 13 00:01:25,571 --> 00:01:29,789 Now, I'll just continue the incision up the shaft of the penis. 14 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:31,269 Oh, that stings. 15 00:01:31,408 --> 00:01:36,238 Now I'll just... turn your... penis inside out. 16 00:01:36,262 --> 00:01:38,278 OH! Oh jeez. 17 00:01:38,557 --> 00:01:44,422 All we need to do now is ...stuff the ...unskinned penis inside your... pelvis... 18 00:01:44,810 --> 00:01:49,507 And now I'll use the skin from your penis to make vaginal lips. 19 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:51,555 Do I look like a woman? 20 00:01:53,697 --> 00:01:54,835 Pretty much. 21 00:02:02,568 --> 00:02:03,696 Dude, don't be nervous. 22 00:02:03,862 --> 00:02:07,560 How can I not be nervous? Trying out for the All-State team has been my dream for years. 23 00:02:07,763 --> 00:02:09,883 You're the best player at our school, dude. You'll make the team for sure. 24 00:02:09,883 --> 00:02:12,365 This is ridiculous. Jews can't play basketball. 25 00:02:12,552 --> 00:02:14,178 I beat out YOUR fat ass, Cartman! 26 00:02:14,401 --> 00:02:17,108 All students trying out for the All-State team to center court! 27 00:02:17,655 --> 00:02:18,372 Good luck. 28 00:02:23,831 --> 00:02:27,331 All right boys, now you're all here because you're the best of the best. 29 00:02:27,355 --> 00:02:32,611 I know that you've all worked really hard to make it this far, so let's get out there and SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT! 30 00:02:49,000 --> 00:02:51,226 Excuse me, Brof-Broflovski, is it? 31 00:02:51,713 --> 00:02:52,182 Yeah? 32 00:02:52,655 --> 00:02:54,241 Can we talk to you for a minute? 33 00:02:55,779 --> 00:02:58,697 You uh... You're the best player in your school, are ya? 34 00:02:58,697 --> 00:03:01,900 Yep! I love basketball. I wanna play for the Denver Nuggets one day. 35 00:03:02,066 --> 00:03:10,625 Yeah. Uh, look, kid, you've got great skills and a great attitude. But you're just not physically ...built for the game. 36 00:03:11,545 --> 00:03:12,408 Oo whataya mean? 37 00:03:12,595 --> 00:03:16,429 Well, it's just that... Jew's can't play basketball. 38 00:03:17,114 --> 00:03:19,585 Awwright, kids, we've gotta work on that shooting! Come on! 39 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:30,531 Dude, you were awesome, Kyle. 40 00:03:33,463 --> 00:03:34,985 Look, y-you gave it your best shot, right? 41 00:03:34,985 --> 00:03:36,204 That's all you could do. 42 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:54,780 Nyanyanyanyanyaaanyaaa! You-hoo-hoo-hoo loh-ost! Hahahahahaaahaaa! 43 00:03:58,000 --> 00:04:02,147 Kyle, I'm totally ripping on you at a totally inappropriate time. 44 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:05,348 I know. I deserve it. 45 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:09,277 Yeah, you know why? Because Jews can't play basketball! 46 00:04:09,505 --> 00:04:10,132 You're right. 47 00:04:12,000 --> 00:04:13,738 Jesus, that was fun... 48 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:21,551 Hey everybody, you're not gonna believe it! 49 00:04:22,084 --> 00:04:22,981 Believe what? 50 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:27,731 It's Mr. Garrison! Only it ISN'T Mr. Garrison! He- He's a woman now! 51 00:04:29,924 --> 00:04:31,592 Hello everybody! 52 00:04:34,691 --> 00:04:37,561 Can you believe it ladies? I'm one of YOU now! 53 00:04:37,987 --> 00:04:40,338 Wow, just look at all these tampons! 54 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:44,925 Regular, heave flow- Oh boy, I can't wait till I get my first period! 55 00:04:49,469 --> 00:04:53,715 Hi gals! Oh boy, can you believe the sales they're havin' out there? 56 00:04:53,919 --> 00:04:56,641 Well, I'm about to pee out my vagina for the first time. 57 00:04:56,672 --> 00:04:58,482 Give us a hug. Girls' Club! 58 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:05,000 Oh wow! This is great. 59 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:08,503 Look at that, I'm peeing sittin' down like a dainty dignified little woman. 60 00:05:10,936 --> 00:05:13,649 Sany, any of you ladies wanna go see a sad movie together? 61 00:05:19,903 --> 00:05:23,218 You guys try those new wings tampons? Do those work well? 62 00:05:32,187 --> 00:05:35,326 Kyle, you have to cheer up, dude. So you aren't built right for basketball. 63 00:05:35,524 --> 00:05:38,745 But I feel like a basketball player. That's all I wanna do. 64 00:05:39,106 --> 00:05:43,386 Hello, boys! It's me, your teacher! Mrs. Garrison! 65 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:47,067 You guys, Mr. Garrison has titties. 66 00:05:47,472 --> 00:05:49,304 I had a sex-chamge operation. 67 00:05:49,304 --> 00:05:53,930 My penis is now a vagina and I'm experiencing womanhood for the first time in my life! 68 00:05:53,930 --> 00:05:55,324 See ya in class! 69 00:06:01,373 --> 00:06:03,878 Mom? Dad? What's a sex-change operation? 70 00:06:04,688 --> 00:06:08,458 What? Th'um, nuh-nothing. I- I'll explain it to you when you're a little older. 71 00:06:08,677 --> 00:06:12,738 But our teacher, Mr. Garrison? He just had his penis made into a vagina. How come? 72 00:06:13,007 --> 00:06:13,720 Penis! 73 00:06:14,066 --> 00:06:17,194 Your teacher had a sex change?? Oh my God! 74 00:06:17,194 --> 00:06:18,353 Vagina! 75 00:06:18,538 --> 00:06:21,267 That does it! I'm taking you boys OUT OF THAT SCHOOL! 76 00:06:21,291 --> 00:06:26,542 Gerald, that is very closed-minded of you! You shouldn't judge people who want to change. 77 00:06:26,566 --> 00:06:30,104 He's a teacher! How are we supposed to explain this to our children?! 78 00:06:30,191 --> 00:06:31,677 It's very simple. 79 00:06:31,938 --> 00:06:38,073 You see, Kyle, sometimes a person' outside doesn't reflect who they are on the inside. 80 00:06:38,457 --> 00:06:39,788 Yeah. That's right. 81 00:06:40,000 --> 00:06:43,382 They feel like they're somebody trapped in another person's body. 82 00:06:43,617 --> 00:06:49,940 And so, they can have a surgery that makes them more into the person they see themselves as. 83 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:53,377 - Do you understand??? - Totally! I totally understand! 84 00:06:53,814 --> 00:06:56,756 There. You see, Gerald? He totally understands. 85 00:06:58,836 --> 00:07:01,968 So, I hear you're interested in reconstructive surgery. 86 00:07:02,965 --> 00:07:05,676 Yeah. My school teacher wanted to be a woman, and you made him into one. 87 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:10,233 Oh yes, Mr. Garrison. Uh yes, he had a vaginoplasty. Mhm. 88 00:07:10,342 --> 00:07:12,501 Well, do you also do other surgeries like that? 89 00:07:12,631 --> 00:07:18,297 Sure. You see sometimes a woman wants to be a man. That procedure is called a peniplasty. 90 00:07:18,455 --> 00:07:20,577 No, no, uh I wanna be tall and black. 91 00:07:22,714 --> 00:07:23,347 ...You what? 92 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:27,200 I hate being small and Jewish. I feel like a tall black man. 93 00:07:30,920 --> 00:07:32,844 Ohhhhh! You want a negroplasty! 94 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:34,937 - Yeah! - Wha-a-a negroplasty?? 95 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:40,503 It's a fairly common procedure, really, just the reverse of a caucasioplasty just like Michael Jackson had. 96 00:07:40,503 --> 00:07:41,354 Let's take a look here. 97 00:07:42,280 --> 00:07:48,058 What we do is slice your face and peel it back so we can insert now pig-ment producing cells inside. 98 00:07:48,677 --> 00:07:52,608 We break the arm bones in several places and put braces to make them longer. 99 00:07:53,019 --> 00:07:58,528 Now, the knees we need to snap off and fill with small round objects that can cause better movement. 100 00:07:58,729 --> 00:08:02,502 And we finish it off with a nice peniplasty to enhance the genitalia. 101 00:08:02,900 --> 00:08:06,959 Negroplasty takes about seven hours and costs roughly 3000$. 102 00:08:07,289 --> 00:08:09,594 Uh excuse me, is this really a good idea? 103 00:08:10,536 --> 00:08:15,110 Well, it's a good idea if you wanna be tall and black. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it. 104 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:24,098 Hello, Mr. Slave. Boy have I been busy. A woman's work is never done. 105 00:08:24,598 --> 00:08:28,123 I got some tampons. I should be getting my period really soon. 106 00:08:28,175 --> 00:08:31,710 I hope I don't get too emotional and drive you crazy with my PMS. 107 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,235 Mr. Slave, I got somethin' for us, too. 108 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:41,746 Would you like to take this beautiful woman to bed? 109 00:08:42,506 --> 00:08:45,588 - No thanks. - Nu- no thanks? 110 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:48,621 Come on, Mr. Slave, I wanna try out my new snootch. 111 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:53,665 I can't believe you just went ahead and had that surgery without even asking me what I thought. 112 00:08:54,280 --> 00:08:59,758 Well, I ASSUMED you supported me. It's still me; I just have a vagina instead of a penis. 113 00:09:00,039 --> 00:09:03,034 But I'm gay! I don't like vaginas! 114 00:09:03,242 --> 00:09:07,393 Don't you even care that I was suffering? I wasn't happy the way I was! 115 00:09:07,417 --> 00:09:12,318 It's great that you feel better, but you never stopped to think about how other people around you would feel! 116 00:09:12,499 --> 00:09:16,530 Look, we can still be together. All you have to do is stop being gay! 117 00:09:16,530 --> 00:09:22,336 - How can you say that?! You're gay too! - I'm not gay! I'm a woman! 118 00:09:22,437 --> 00:09:24,129 Oh, Jezuth Christh! 119 00:09:24,303 --> 00:09:28,246 Oh, so is that it?! You're just gonna walk out?! You men are all alike! 120 00:09:28,636 --> 00:09:32,700 Go ahead and find somebody who doesn't have a vagina, you fag! 121 00:09:35,742 --> 00:09:37,689 Mom! Dad! I have awesome news! 122 00:09:37,689 --> 00:09:41,185 The doctor who gave Mr. Garrison his sex change said he can make me tall and black. 123 00:09:42,505 --> 00:09:42,972 What?? 124 00:09:43,342 --> 00:09:47,176 Dr. Biber said he can give me a negroplasty so I can finally look the way I've always wanted. 125 00:09:47,176 --> 00:09:51,521 He even took my picture and then did computer imaging to show what I would look like after the surgery. 126 00:09:54,459 --> 00:09:56,397 Oh, just great! You see, Sheila?! 127 00:09:56,397 --> 00:10:01,125 This is what your transgender progressive thinking gets you! Now your son wants to be transracial! 128 00:10:01,149 --> 00:10:03,438 Can I have 3000$ ? Mom and Dad, huh?? Can I?? 129 00:10:03,790 --> 00:10:06,710 - Absolutely not, Kyle! - But why not? 130 00:10:06,829 --> 00:10:09,776 You said sometimes people need surgery to make them feel better about themselves. 131 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:10,737 Yes, but Kyle... 132 00:10:10,737 --> 00:10:15,230 Well, all my life I felt I was black! I've listened to hip-hop, I watch UPN and I love playing basketball! 133 00:10:15,230 --> 00:10:17,188 My body doesn't reflect who I am inside. 134 00:10:17,414 --> 00:10:19,786 Kyle, you have to accept your body the way it is. 135 00:10:20,015 --> 00:10:25,000 - Why? Why do I have to accept it when I can change it? - The answer is NO, Kyle! You're NOT going to have negroplasty! 136 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:28,962 - But Jews can't play basketball! - Kyle, you'd better stop being anti-Semitic right now, mister!! 137 00:10:30,862 --> 00:10:32,873 I'm never speaking to either of you ever again! 138 00:10:35,000 --> 00:10:37,191 - Oh, that does it! - Where are you going?! 139 00:10:37,221 --> 00:10:39,283 That Dr. Biber is about to get his ass bitten off! 140 00:10:47,000 --> 00:10:49,120 Who the hell do you think you are?! 141 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:51,080 Dr. Biber. 142 00:10:51,572 --> 00:10:56,000 What kind of nutjob would agree to surgically alter my son into a tall African-American?! 143 00:10:56,024 --> 00:11:00,915 - Oh, you're Kyle's father. - Huh that's right! And I also happen to be a lawyer! 144 00:11:00,994 --> 00:11:04,523 And I'm gonna have you sued for malpractice, and your clinic shut down!! 145 00:11:05,179 --> 00:11:06,507 What is that on your shirt? 146 00:11:07,264 --> 00:11:10,437 What th- Look, they're- They're dolphins. Why? 147 00:11:10,628 --> 00:11:12,429 Ahhh you like dolphins, hm? 148 00:11:12,650 --> 00:11:19,268 I love dolphins, Ever since I was a child I dreamt of... But that has hardly any bearing on what I'm hear to- 149 00:11:19,434 --> 00:11:20,630 I can make you one. 150 00:11:21,807 --> 00:11:22,358 ...What? 151 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:25,588 Invert the back, move the esophagus to the top of the head. 152 00:11:25,588 --> 00:11:29,201 Yes, a full dolphinoplasty could be achieved relatively simply... 153 00:11:29,616 --> 00:11:31,822 Make me a... dolphin? 154 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:47,633 If I could swim with the dolphins, the soft and gentle dolphins... Why can't I swim with the dolphins? 155 00:11:50,046 --> 00:11:52,256 No, no, it's crazy. 156 00:11:52,443 --> 00:11:57,899 There's nothing crazy about a person wanting to look on the outside the way they feel on ths inside. 157 00:11:59,803 --> 00:12:01,856 It's Girls Gone Wild! 158 00:12:04,808 --> 00:12:07,254 These gilrs will do anything! 159 00:12:11,000 --> 00:12:15,046 Oh jeez, should I do it?! Should I do it?! Oh what the hell! 160 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:20,453 Look, I'll giggle and make them bounce up and down! 161 00:12:23,744 --> 00:12:28,028 Boy, men will do just about anything to get a look at our tits, won't they? 162 00:12:28,290 --> 00:12:33,051 Men are all the same. My boyfriend walked out on me! Turns out he was a fag. 163 00:12:33,051 --> 00:12:37,121 But I've been livin' it up ever since, havin' sex with all kinds of different guys! 164 00:12:37,121 --> 00:12:38,216 Girl power! 165 00:12:38,595 --> 00:12:41,841 You know, the strange thing is, I haven't gotten my period yet. 166 00:12:41,841 --> 00:12:44,513 Is there a reason a woman might miss her period? 167 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:50,370 Well, normally, if a woman misses her period, it means she's pregnant. 168 00:12:51,465 --> 00:12:56,317 ...Pregnant? Oh my God. Of course. 169 00:12:56,341 --> 00:13:01,505 I haven't gotten to experience a period because... one of those truckers I slept with got me knocked up. 170 00:13:02,407 --> 00:13:06,923 I'm pregnant, everybody! Hoh boy, now I can have an abortion! 171 00:13:14,655 --> 00:13:16,587 Gerald! What happened to you?! 172 00:13:16,697 --> 00:13:20,615 That doctor is a miracle worker, Sheila. Iiii'm the happiest I've ever been. 173 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:23,358 Look, Ike! You're daddy's a dolphin! 174 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:27,860 A dolphin?!?! 175 00:13:27,860 --> 00:13:31,199 Sheila, ih-it was wrong of us to be so judgmental of Kyle. 176 00:13:31,199 --> 00:13:37,567 If he isn't happy with who he is, then who are we to deny hm surgery that will make him feel better about himself? 177 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:42,913 - Gerald, this is crazy!... - I used to think I was crazy. 178 00:13:43,206 --> 00:13:47,102 But Dr, Biber told me that there are a lot of other people out there who are transpecies. 179 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:53,853 All I did is change my appearance to look the way I felt... here. 180 00:13:54,012 --> 00:13:59,176 And I'm telling you now that if we don't let Kyle do the same, he may never be happy. Ever! 181 00:13:59,423 --> 00:14:04,077 We owe him more than that, Sheila. We owe him understanding! 182 00:14:08,456 --> 00:14:10,404 Fellas! Hey fellas, you gotta come see! 183 00:14:10,681 --> 00:14:13,255 - What? - Uhh, it's Kyle! Huh, he's a Negro! 184 00:14:17,289 --> 00:14:18,833 - Can't believe it. - Did it hurt? 185 00:14:18,859 --> 00:14:20,632 Yeah, but it was totally worth it. 186 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:25,057 - Jesus Christ, dude! - Look, Stan, I'm finally whole! 187 00:14:25,057 --> 00:14:28,395 My dad is even gonna take me back down to the all-star game to see if I can try out for the team again! 188 00:14:28,869 --> 00:14:31,217 - Come on, Kyle, we should get going! - All right, Dad! 189 00:14:33,450 --> 00:14:39,606 - Dude, is Kyle's- dad a- dolphin? - He's a Jewish dolphin. A Jewphin. 190 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:51,226 You here for an abortion too? Yeah, I discovered a few days ago I wasn't bleedin' out my coo, so I guess I'm knocked up. 191 00:14:51,226 --> 00:14:52,299 Is this doctor any good? 192 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:57,523 - Mrs... Garrison? - Oh, that's me. 193 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:01,017 Hello doctor, looks like I need an abortion. 194 00:15:03,000 --> 00:15:05,948 - ...an abortion? - Yeah, I've got one growing inside me. 195 00:15:05,967 --> 00:15:08,735 Now, are you gonna scramble its brains or just vacuum it out? 196 00:15:10,786 --> 00:15:13,554 If you want you can just scramble it and I'll queef it out myself. 197 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:17,300 - Mmister Garrison - Mrs. Garrison. 198 00:15:17,725 --> 00:15:21,114 Mmrs. Garrison, you can't have an abortion. 199 00:15:21,138 --> 00:15:25,657 Don't you tell me what I can and can't do with my body! A woman has a right to choose! 200 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:31,596 No, I mean you're physically unable to have an abortion, because you can't get pergnant. 201 00:15:31,620 --> 00:15:35,613 - But I missed my period. - You can't have periods either. 202 00:15:35,613 --> 00:15:42,175 You had a sex change, Mr. Garrison, but you don't have ovaries or a womb. You don't produce eggs. 203 00:15:42,516 --> 00:15:49,002 You mean, I'll never know what it feels like to have a baby growing inside me and then scramble its brains and vacuum it out? 204 00:15:49,026 --> 00:15:50,179 N-that's right. 205 00:15:50,534 --> 00:15:55,907 But I paid five thousand dollars to be a woman. This would mean I I'm not really a woman. 206 00:15:55,907 --> 00:15:59,349 Ih, I'm just a... a I'm just a guy with a mutilated penis! 207 00:15:59,373 --> 00:16:01,011 Basically, yes. 208 00:16:02,509 --> 00:16:04,927 ...Oh boy, do I feel like a jackass. 209 00:16:09,873 --> 00:16:13,309 - Hey asshole! - Excuse me, I'm performing an operation here! 210 00:16:13,309 --> 00:16:17,224 - You told me you were going to make me into a woman! - I gave you a sex change. 211 00:16:17,248 --> 00:16:21,905 Yeah?! Well what kind of woman can't have abortions and bleed out her snatch once a month?! 212 00:16:21,905 --> 00:16:26,184 You made me into a FREAK is what you did! And I want you to change me back! 213 00:16:26,469 --> 00:16:27,498 Am I a man yet? 214 00:16:27,675 --> 00:16:31,630 - Mr. Garrison, I can't reattach your organs. - Why the hell not?! 215 00:16:31,654 --> 00:16:37,477 Because I've already used your testicles to fashion new knees for a little boy who wanted to be tall and black. 216 00:16:37,651 --> 00:16:38,622 You WHAT?! 217 00:16:38,622 --> 00:16:44,000 And your scrotum has been made into a dorsal fin for a man who wanted to look more like a dolphin. 218 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:49,261 Oh you! You're comin' with me right now to find my ball and scrotum right now, Mr. Man! 219 00:16:54,890 --> 00:17:00,704 Welcome to the All-State Basketball Playoffs between the best fourth-grade players from Colorado 220 00:17:00,704 --> 00:17:03,863 and the best fourth-grade players from Wyoming. 221 00:17:05,527 --> 00:17:07,907 Coach! Coach, I'm all better. I'm ready to play. 222 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:11,596 - Who are you? - Ih it's me, Kyle Broflovski. 223 00:17:11,700 --> 00:17:14,360 I had a negroplasty. Can I play in the All-State team now? 224 00:17:15,226 --> 00:17:18,737 Well, you're tall and black enough. All right, Broflovski, suit up! 225 00:17:18,885 --> 00:17:22,977 - All right! Dad, I can play! - All right Kyle! 226 00:17:26,842 --> 00:17:29,144 Excuse me, where do you have special seating for dolphins? 227 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:40,325 - Boys, have you seen Kyle?! He's not at home. - Kyle went down to play in the basketball game, Mrs. Garrison. 228 00:17:40,644 --> 00:17:44,542 - He's going to play basketball? Oh my God. - What? 229 00:17:44,566 --> 00:17:47,892 Well, ah I only made him look like he could play basketball. 230 00:17:47,892 --> 00:17:52,132 If he actually does it, the testicle in his knees will explode! 231 00:17:52,264 --> 00:17:54,298 What?! But you made him into a basketball player. 232 00:17:54,322 --> 00:17:58,308 No, I just made him look more like one. We have to stop him from playing! 233 00:17:58,308 --> 00:18:01,108 Those testicles in his knees are ticking time balls! 234 00:18:01,132 --> 00:18:06,136 Oh Jesus! We've gotta get to my balls before Kyle hurts himself! 235 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:22,064 Broflovski, be ready to take over for Owens. 236 00:18:22,403 --> 00:18:23,721 I'm a hundred percent ready, coach! 237 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:32,473 Excuse me, where, where is the bathroom for dolphins? 238 00:18:33,204 --> 00:18:35,217 We don't... have one. 239 00:18:35,241 --> 00:18:39,206 Well where the hell am I supposed to go to the bathroom? I I need a large tank with salt water. 240 00:18:40,976 --> 00:18:42,012 Too bad? 241 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:46,760 Damnit you people have to make special arrangements for transpecies people like me! 242 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:51,512 - I may be a dolphin, but I'm also a lawyer! - You're a lawphin? 243 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:55,975 - Tickets please. - We don't have tickets! 244 00:18:56,226 --> 00:19:01,450 - Sorry ma'am, no tickets, no entry. - Look, there's a boy with my balls in his knees and he's in serious danger! 245 00:19:02,231 --> 00:19:07,656 - What? - That dolphin has my scrotum! 246 00:19:07,656 --> 00:19:09,633 - Now let us in! - You can't go in, ma'am! 247 00:19:12,736 --> 00:19:14,475 We have unauthorized entry on level one! 248 00:19:16,824 --> 00:19:20,163 - All right. Broflovski, you're going in next possession. - All right! 249 00:19:24,522 --> 00:19:26,701 - Gerald, where's Kyle?! - What? Why?? 250 00:19:26,772 --> 00:19:29,851 My balls are in his knees. If he jumps with them they'll explode! 251 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:30,802 Oh my God! 252 00:19:31,755 --> 00:19:35,165 - There they are, next to that dolphin! - Come on, we've gotta get to those balls! 253 00:19:37,401 --> 00:19:40,045 Stop them! They didn't pay the two-dollar entry fee! 254 00:19:40,707 --> 00:19:44,233 Now substituting for Colorado, number 8, Kyle Broflovski. 255 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,544 Oh Jesus, he's about to play! 256 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:52,912 Mrs. Garrison, grab Kyle! 257 00:19:53,636 --> 00:19:54,793 Which one is he?? 258 00:20:02,293 --> 00:20:04,386 - Hey, what the hell?! - Stop the game! 259 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:13,431 I got it! I got the ball. 260 00:20:14,067 --> 00:20:16,767 - Kyle, NO! - Broflovski goes for the dunk! 261 00:20:17,240 --> 00:20:26,155 NO! My baaaallllssss. 262 00:20:43,160 --> 00:20:45,139 So let me get this straight. 263 00:20:45,139 --> 00:20:52,656 That woman over there was trying to get to her balls which were in the knees of a black child whose father is a dolphin. 264 00:20:53,408 --> 00:20:54,543 Yeah, that's basically it. 265 00:20:55,000 --> 00:20:57,655 Sounds like an open and shut case. All right, let's head 'em out! 266 00:20:57,714 --> 00:21:02,226 I'm sorry, Kyle, I should have told you the surgery was cosmetic only. 267 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:05,957 So, does this mean I'm not really a dolphin? 268 00:21:06,332 --> 00:21:10,087 Let's get you two up to the clinic and I'll change you back, for a nominal fee. 269 00:21:10,896 --> 00:21:13,465 But what about Mr. Garrison? He can't go back. 270 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:23,020 You know what? I'm okay. Even though I'm not truly a woman, I think I still like the new me. 271 00:21:23,020 --> 00:21:26,408 I'd rather be a woman who can't have periods than a fag. 272 00:21:26,720 --> 00:21:32,543 Hey guys! This girl is staying a woman! Who wants to pound my vadge! Girl power!