1 00:00:38,300 --> 00:00:43,460 洛 城 機 密 2 00:00:27,070 --> 00:00:28,940 到洛杉磯來吧! Come to Los Angeles. 3 00:00:28,950 --> 00:00:30,870 這兒陽光普照 The sun shines bright. 4 00:00:31,040 --> 00:00:33,370 海灘寬廣迷人 The beaches are wide and inviting. 5 00:00:33,480 --> 00:00:37,710 橘子園一望無際 And the orange groves stretch as far as the eye can see. 6 00:00:37,820 --> 00:00:39,540 就業機會多多 There are jobs aplenty. 7 00:00:39,650 --> 00:00:41,240 土地價格低 Land is cheap. 8 00:00:41,390 --> 00:00:43,820 每個人都可以擁有自己的房子 Every workingman can have his own house. 9 00:00:44,020 --> 00:00:48,520 每棟房子都住著快樂的一家人 And inside every house, a happy all-American family. 10 00:00:48,660 --> 00:00:50,350 你可以享有這一切 You can have all this. 11 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:51,860 更棒是 And who knows? 12 00:00:52,030 --> 00:00:53,960 或許你會被星探挖掘 You could even be discovered 13 00:00:54,100 --> 00:00:55,570 一舉成為大明星 become a movie star, 14 00:00:55,700 --> 00:00:57,560 或碰上大明星 or at least see one. 15 00:00:57,670 --> 00:01:00,360 洛杉磯一切都很好 Life is good in Los Angeles. 16 00:01:00,470 --> 00:01:03,240 有如人間天堂一般 It's paradise on earth. 17 00:01:04,580 --> 00:01:06,870 以上說法純屬推銷廣告 That's what they tell you, anyway. 18 00:01:06,980 --> 00:01:08,970 透過影視媒體 Because they're selling an image. 19 00:01:09,110 --> 00:01:12,880 加強這種好印象 They're selling it through movies, radio and television. 20 00:01:13,050 --> 00:01:14,780 就像是熱門連續劇《警網群英》 In the hit show, Badge of Honor, 21 00:01:14,890 --> 00:01:16,910 洛城警探個個神勇非凡 the L.A. cops walk on water 22 00:01:17,090 --> 00:01:19,520 所有歹徒聞風喪膽 as they keep the city clean of crooks. 23 00:01:19,660 --> 00:01:23,130 沒錯 你會覺得這兒簡直是伊甸園一般 You'd think this place was the Garden of Eden. 24 00:01:23,190 --> 00:01:25,560 但即使是天堂 也會有敗類 But there's trouble in paradise 25 00:01:25,660 --> 00:01:28,430 有個敗類叫麥爾哈里斯·柯漢 and his name is Meyer Harris Cohen, 26 00:01:28,530 --> 00:01:30,360 愛戴他的人則稱呼他 米奇C Mickey C, to his fans. 27 00:01:30,470 --> 00:01:32,990 一個使洛城蒙羞的人物 Local L.A. color to the nth degree. 28 00:01:33,140 --> 00:01:35,700 以及他的頭號保鏢 And his number one bodyguard 29 00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:37,470 錢寧史當·巴那多 Johnny Stompanato. 30 00:01:37,610 --> 00:01:40,630 米奇是洛城黑社會的總把子 Mickey C's the head of organized crime in these parts. 31 00:01:40,780 --> 00:01:43,770 旗下行業淫毒偷搶騙一應俱全 He runs dope, rackets and prostitution. 32 00:01:43,910 --> 00:01:46,350 一年總得幹掉十來個人 He kills a dozen people a year. 33 00:01:46,450 --> 00:01:49,680 而且手法永遠不落俗套 And the dapper little gent does it in style. 34 00:01:49,790 --> 00:01:52,880 每次他的照片一上頭版 And every time his picture's on the front page 35 00:01:53,020 --> 00:01:56,120 就使得洛城的形象大為受損 it's a black eye for the image of Los Angeles. 36 00:01:56,260 --> 00:01:58,750 這種知法犯法的黑道血拼 Because how can organized crime exist 37 00:01:58,900 --> 00:02:02,260 怎能發生在警力雄厚的洛城? in the city with the best police force in the world? 38 00:02:02,370 --> 00:02:03,860 該是有人出手的時候了 Something has to be done. 39 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:05,200 只不過手法無啥新意 But nothing too original 40 00:02:05,340 --> 00:02:07,330 誰叫這裏是專炒冷飯的好萊塢 because, hey, this is Hollywood. 41 00:02:07,470 --> 00:02:10,570 米奇·柯漢的下場就像其它教父 What worked for Al Capone would work for the Mickster. 42 00:02:10,710 --> 00:02:12,340 柯漢先生你被捕了 Mr. Cohen, you're under arrest. 43 00:02:12,480 --> 00:02:15,240 罪名是"逃漏綜合所得稅" Nonpayment of federal income tax. 44 00:02:15,350 --> 00:02:16,970 可是情況並未好轉 But all is not well. 45 00:02:17,150 --> 00:02:19,410 把米奇送進牢裏 使得總把子的位子空出來了 Sending Mickey up has created a vacuum. 46 00:02:19,520 --> 00:02:22,360 早晚總會有個不怕死的想接手所有地盤 And it's only a matter of time 47 00:02:22,370 --> 00:02:25,220 想要取而代之 before someone with balls of brass tries to fill it. 48 00:02:25,360 --> 00:02:28,590 敬告各位親愛的讀者 "Remember, dear readers 49 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:31,250 第一手的獨家秘聞 絕對機密! you heard it here first 50 00:02:31,400 --> 00:02:39,890 只有收錄在這本噓噓雜誌 off the record on the q.t and very Hush-Hush." 51 00:02:41,370 --> 00:02:42,930 米奇黑牢秘聞 好萊塢女同性戀 52 00:02:48,750 --> 00:02:52,770 警員 巴德·懷特 53 00:02:57,960 --> 00:02:59,950 你跟聖誕老公公一樣全照著那張名單 You're like Santa Claus with that list. 54 00:03:00,160 --> 00:03:02,590 只不過在你名單上的全是些爛人! Except everyone on it's been naughty. 55 00:03:04,460 --> 00:03:07,560 他才剛出獄半個月 Guy's been out of Q two weeks. 56 00:03:07,700 --> 00:03:08,820 以後再處理吧 Leave it for later. 57 00:03:08,970 --> 00:03:11,400 我們還得去替大伙買酒呢 We've got to pick up the booze and get it to the station. 58 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:16,340 好萊塢分局 這裏是6A7車 Hollywood, this is 6-Adam-7. 59 00:03:16,440 --> 00:03:20,470 請總局派車到常春路4216號 Have Central send a prowler to 4216 Evergreen. 60 00:03:20,610 --> 00:03:23,440 有假釋犯因家庭糾紛出手傷人 Parole violation: assault arising from a family dispute. 61 00:03:23,550 --> 00:03:25,040 我們不會留在現場 We won't be here. They'll see him. 62 00:03:35,190 --> 00:03:36,180 別哭了 Quit whining! 63 00:03:36,330 --> 00:03:37,550 別一天到晚哭哭啼啼的 Quit whining all the time! It makes me sick! 64 00:03:37,660 --> 00:03:40,020 搞得我煩死了 閉嘴! Shut up! 65 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:56,750 你是誰啊? Who the hell are you? 66 00:03:56,880 --> 00:03:58,400 聖誕夜的昔日鬼魂 The ghost of Christmas past. 67 00:03:59,850 --> 00:04:01,320 換個男的跟你玩玩吧! Dance with a man for a change? 68 00:04:01,450 --> 00:04:03,080 你是哪兒來的癟三? What are you, a smart ass? 69 00:04:16,670 --> 00:04:18,530 你關個一年半就可以出來了 You could be out in a year or half 70 00:04:18,640 --> 00:04:20,830 我會請人在牢裏好好照顧你 I'll get cozy with your parole officer. 71 00:04:20,940 --> 00:04:22,300 只要你敢再碰她 You touch her again, 72 00:04:22,410 --> 00:04:25,240 我會告你強姦未成年少女 I'll have you violated on a kiddies rapper beef. 73 00:04:26,840 --> 00:04:29,280 想知道牢裏怎麼照顧這種人? You know what they do to kiddies rappers in Quentin. 74 00:04:38,990 --> 00:04:40,220 你有地方可以去嗎? You have someplace you can go? 75 00:04:42,060 --> 00:04:43,580 去找個地方安頓下來 Go get yourself fixed up. 76 00:04:48,770 --> 00:04:50,560 聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas. 77 00:04:50,670 --> 00:04:51,630 聖誕快樂 夫人 Merry Christmas, ma'am. 78 00:04:51,770 --> 00:04:53,260 走吧! Let's go,Bud. 79 00:04:53,400 --> 00:04:54,730 大夥一定在等我們了 The guys will be waiting. 80 00:04:56,270 --> 00:04:58,970 傑克·文生 警官 81 00:04:59,080 --> 00:05:01,200 你在警網群英扮演什麼角色? What do you do on Badge of Honor? 82 00:05:01,350 --> 00:05:04,110 我是技術顧問 I'm the technical advisor. 83 00:05:04,280 --> 00:05:08,080 我教男主角怎麼演才會像警察 I teach Brett Chase how to walk and talk like a cop. 84 00:05:08,190 --> 00:05:10,520 可是他演得並不像你 Brett Chase doesn't walk and talk like you. 85 00:05:10,620 --> 00:05:13,110 他演的是電視精華版 That's because he's the television version. 86 00:05:13,290 --> 00:05:15,760 美國人暫時還受不了真實版 America isn't ready for the real me. 87 00:05:15,890 --> 00:05:18,560 你真是逮捕勞勃米契的人? Is it true you're the one who arrested Bob Mitchum? 88 00:05:18,700 --> 00:05:21,260 那些演員很喜歡演員警 Badge of Honor guys pretend. 89 00:05:21,370 --> 00:05:23,360 當真的警察一定很刺激吧! But being the real thing must be a thrill. 90 00:05:23,500 --> 00:05:25,700 我們何不找個安靜的地方 Why don't we go someplace quiet? 91 00:05:25,710 --> 00:05:28,030 聽聽我如何破案的故事 I'll give you the lowdown on Mitchum. 92 00:05:28,140 --> 00:05:31,340 大文 傑克·文生 Big V.Jack Vincennes. 93 00:05:31,440 --> 00:05:32,930 可以讓給我嗎? 當然可以 -May I have this dance? -Of course. 94 00:05:33,080 --> 00:05:35,510 凱倫 這位是噓噓雜誌的席德哈金斯 This is Sid Hudgens with Hush-Hush magazine. 95 00:05:35,610 --> 00:05:36,940 你好! 凱倫 Hello, Karen. 96 00:05:37,050 --> 00:05:38,310 好你個頭 Hello yourself. 97 00:05:39,880 --> 00:05:40,850 怎麼回事啊? What's that about? 98 00:05:40,980 --> 00:05:43,540 我們有篇好萊塢女同性戀的報導 We did a piece, "Ingenue Dikes in Hollywood." 99 00:05:43,690 --> 00:05:45,380 提到了她的名字 Her name got mentioned. 100 00:05:45,490 --> 00:05:46,920 喂 傑克 Jackie-boy 101 00:05:47,060 --> 00:05:49,650 我有個朋友賣了些大麻給麥特·雷諾 a friend just sold some reefer to Matt Reynolds. 102 00:05:49,790 --> 00:05:53,250 他目前在泰米喬登家裏 He's tripping the light fantastic with Tammy Jordan. 103 00:05:54,360 --> 00:05:56,490 對不起!我剛剛沒注意聽 Sorry, I lost you for a second, Sid. 104 00:05:56,630 --> 00:05:58,070 大都會影業旗下的兩位演員 Contract players, Metro. 105 00:05:58,200 --> 00:06:00,800 你逮捕他們 我下一期雜誌就好好捧捧你 You pinch them, I do a nice feature next issue. 106 00:06:00,940 --> 00:06:02,240 照樣外加五十元現金 Plus the usual $50 cash. 107 00:06:02,370 --> 00:06:03,360 不行 這次得多加五十才行 No, I need another $50. 108 00:06:03,510 --> 00:06:04,700 兩名警察各二十元 Two $20's for two patrolmen, 109 00:06:04,840 --> 00:06:07,240 剩下十元給好萊塢分局的值日警官 a dime for the Hollywood Station watch commander. 110 00:06:07,380 --> 00:06:09,870 傑克 聖誕夜嘛 Jackie, it's Christmas. 111 00:06:10,010 --> 00:06:13,740 不 不是 是非法持有大麻 No, it's not. It's felony possession of marijuana. 112 00:06:15,190 --> 00:06:18,780 事實上是發行量突破三萬六 而且一路往上竄升 Actually, it's circulation 36,000 and climbing. 113 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:20,690 沒有人知道會紅到什麼地步 There's no telling where this will go. 114 00:06:20,790 --> 00:06:22,050 電台、電視都有可能 Radio, television. 115 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:24,420 只要把大眾求知的胃口養大了 Once you whet the public's appetite for the truth, 116 00:06:24,490 --> 00:06:25,430 自然鴻運當頭 擋都擋不住 the sky's the limit. 117 00:06:26,760 --> 00:06:30,790 艾德·艾斯利 警官 118 00:06:30,930 --> 00:06:32,200 艾德·艾斯利警官 Sergeant Ed Exley, 119 00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:34,200 傳奇英雄普瑞斯頓·艾斯利之子 son of the legendary Preston Exley. 120 00:06:34,370 --> 00:06:35,960 你一定覺得很難趕得上他吧? Must be a hard act to follow. 121 00:06:37,470 --> 00:06:38,960 你為什麼不另去闖一片天地? Why not make a mark somewhere else? 122 00:06:39,110 --> 00:06:40,940 為什麼還要當警察呢? Why become a cop, Ed? 123 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:42,980 我喜歡幫助人 I like to help people. 124 00:06:43,080 --> 00:06:45,880 聽說今晚有兩名警察遭到攻擊 We heard 2 officers were assaulted this evening. 125 00:06:45,980 --> 00:06:47,380 你對此有什麼看法? -What do you think about that? 126 00:06:47,480 --> 00:06:48,880 幹這一行本來就有危險的 -Goes with the job. 127 00:06:48,990 --> 00:06:49,950 不過我看過報告了 I took the report. 128 00:06:50,090 --> 00:06:51,020 他們沒事了 Luckily, they're okay. 129 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:52,990 你現在就當值勤官不會太年輕嗎? Aren't you young to be watch commander? 130 00:06:53,090 --> 00:06:54,350 只有今晚而已 It's only tonight. 131 00:06:54,460 --> 00:06:57,260 局裏已婚的都放團圓假了 The married men have Christmas Eve off. 132 00:06:57,390 --> 00:06:58,730 這句話很適合做我的開場白 That's a good lead for the story. 133 00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:01,500 聖誕快樂!長官 Merry Christmas, Captain. 134 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:04,070 史密斯組長別那麼一板一眼的 保比 -Captain Smith. -Drop the formalities, Bobby. 135 00:07:04,200 --> 00:07:05,190 聖誕節嘛! -It's Christmas 136 00:07:05,400 --> 00:07:06,270 叫我杜德利就好了 Eve, call me Dudley. 137 00:07:06,400 --> 00:07:07,960 我已經為報導擬好標題了 -I came up with a title for the story. 138 00:07:08,110 --> 00:07:11,170 我想用"與洛城警局共渡平安夜 " I'm calling it "Silent Night with the LAPD." 139 00:07:11,310 --> 00:07:13,670 非常好嘛! That's grand. 140 00:07:13,780 --> 00:07:14,800 別忘了! Now remember, Bobby, that's "Smith." 141 00:07:14,950 --> 00:07:16,940 我姓史密斯 一個S With an "S." 142 00:07:19,580 --> 00:07:20,850 謝謝你們! 謝謝! Thank you, gentlemen. 143 00:07:20,950 --> 00:07:21,920 聖誕快樂! 謝謝! Merry Christmas. 144 00:07:22,050 --> 00:07:23,540 悠著點 小伙子 Hold on there, lads. 145 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:28,250 聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas. 146 00:07:30,430 --> 00:07:33,260 我看過考試的結果了 I saw the test results on the lieutenant's exam. 147 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:35,420 你在23人中名列榜首 First out of 23. 148 00:07:35,570 --> 00:07:36,900 你打算調到哪兒? What'll it be, then? 149 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:39,400 巡邏 政風 還是哪兒? Patrol Division? Internal Affairs? What? 150 00:07:39,500 --> 00:07:41,400 我想到刑事局來 I was thinking Detective Bureau. 151 00:07:45,680 --> 00:07:48,770 埃德蒙 你是權謀型的人物 Edmund you're a political animal. 152 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:50,240 你能洞悉人性的弱點 You have the eye for human weakness, 153 00:07:50,350 --> 00:07:51,940 卻沒有硬漢的膽識 but not the stomach. 154 00:07:53,720 --> 00:07:55,480 你錯了 長官 You're wrong, sir. 155 00:07:55,490 --> 00:07:57,880 對一個你明知有罪的人 你願意用栽贓的方式 Would you be willing to plant evidence on a suspect you knew to be guilty 156 00:07:58,460 --> 00:08:01,480 以確保法院判他有罪嗎? in order to insure an indictment? 157 00:08:01,490 --> 00:08:02,900 這些我們以前談過了 -We've been over this. 158 00:08:02,910 --> 00:08:03,650 願不願意? -Yes or no? 159 00:08:03,790 --> 00:08:04,590 不願意 No. 160 00:08:04,700 --> 00:08:08,810 你願意用嚴刑拷打的方式讓犯人招供嗎? Would you beat a confession out of a suspect you knew to be guilty? 161 00:08:08,820 --> 00:08:09,260 不願意 No. 162 00:08:09,470 --> 00:08:12,090 你會從背後射殺一個頑劣的罪犯 Would you shoot a hardened criminal in the back 163 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:14,670 以免律師為他脫罪? in order to offset the chance that some lawyer-- 164 00:08:14,810 --> 00:08:16,330 不會 No. 165 00:08:16,510 --> 00:08:19,600 那看在上帝的份上 別干刑警 Then for the love of God don't be a detective. 166 00:08:19,610 --> 00:08:23,040 去你不用做出這種事的地方 Work where you don't have to make those kind of choices. 167 00:08:23,180 --> 00:08:25,270 杜德利 我知道你是一片好意 Dudley, I know you mean well 168 00:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,850 可是我不見得要學你或者是我父親 but I don't need to do it the way you did or my father. 169 00:08:30,650 --> 00:08:32,750 那至少把你的眼鏡拿掉吧 At least get rid of the glasses. 170 00:08:32,890 --> 00:08:35,820 我想不出來局裏有誰戴眼鏡的 I can't think of a man on the Bureau who wears them. 171 00:08:44,700 --> 00:08:46,900 哪天我被搶了 你們最好快點來 If I get held up, you guys better be here. 172 00:08:52,810 --> 00:08:53,900 嗨 尼克 Hi, Nick. 173 00:08:54,040 --> 00:08:55,840 替我送些酒到家裏去 I need a delivery. 174 00:08:55,950 --> 00:08:58,570 琴酒、蘭姆、威士忌各一箱 A case each of gin, rum, Scotch. 175 00:08:58,720 --> 00:09:00,240 聽來好像是很盛大的派對 Sounds like a hell of a party. 176 00:09:00,380 --> 00:09:01,370 馬上就好 Be right with you. 177 00:09:20,270 --> 00:09:21,400 聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas. 178 00:09:23,070 --> 00:09:25,060 祝你聖誕快樂 警察先生 Merry Christmas to you, officer. 179 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:29,570 一眼就看出來啦 That obvious? 180 00:09:29,680 --> 00:09:32,810 就寫在你的額頭上 It's practically stamped on your forehead. 181 00:09:32,950 --> 00:09:34,470 你的酒 There you go. 182 00:10:07,280 --> 00:10:08,680 去看看他有什麼事 巴茲 See what he wants, Buzz. 183 00:10:12,590 --> 00:10:16,150 喂 閃一邊去好不好? Get lost, why don't you? 184 00:10:23,370 --> 00:10:25,430 趴下 頭低下去 Down! Get your fucking head down. 185 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:27,870 我有執照的 I got a license for that. 186 00:10:31,780 --> 00:10:34,770 少來了 我以前也是警察 Cut me some slack. I used to be a cop. 187 00:10:34,910 --> 00:10:37,210 李蘭·米克斯 沒聽說過 " Leland Meeks." Never heard of you. 188 00:10:37,310 --> 00:10:38,710 大伙都叫我巴茲 They call me Buzz. 189 00:10:39,780 --> 00:10:41,680 我才不管大伙叫你什麼 I don't give a rat's ass what they call you. 190 00:10:41,790 --> 00:10:42,980 頭低下去 Keep your head down. 191 00:10:43,120 --> 00:10:45,380 別亂動 巴茲 And stay thereBuzz. 192 00:10:48,230 --> 00:10:49,820 你沒事吧? You okay? 193 00:10:49,960 --> 00:10:51,150 她很好 She's fine. 194 00:10:51,290 --> 00:10:52,850 我不是在問你 I'm not asking you, sir. 195 00:10:54,730 --> 00:10:55,860 有人打你嗎? Somebody hit you? 196 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:57,830 事情不是你想的那樣 It's not what you think. 197 00:11:01,440 --> 00:11:02,430 那事情是怎樣的? What is it, then? 198 00:11:02,570 --> 00:11:05,300 你誤會了 先生 我很好的 You got the wrong idea, mister. I'm fine. 199 00:11:06,740 --> 00:11:08,400 但是謝謝你的關心 But it's nice to know you care. 200 00:11:17,890 --> 00:11:19,010 小心開車 Drive safely. 201 00:11:20,860 --> 00:11:21,790 怎麼回事? What's going on? 202 00:11:25,930 --> 00:11:27,190 你認識他嗎? You know him? 203 00:11:27,300 --> 00:11:29,030 見過幾次 Yeah, I've seen him around. 204 00:11:31,100 --> 00:11:32,400 他以前是警察 He used to be a cop. 205 00:11:39,440 --> 00:11:41,880 屋內沒開燈 他們在聖誕樹下鬧翻天了 They're sitting in the dark, goofing on the Christmas tree. 206 00:11:41,980 --> 00:11:44,580 相機擺這兒 Put your camera right there. 207 00:11:44,710 --> 00:11:46,480 我出來以後 會走到這兒來 When I walk out, I'll stop here. 208 00:11:46,580 --> 00:11:49,210 你就用首映會場做背景照一張 Get the movie premiere in the background. 209 00:11:49,350 --> 00:11:50,820 我喜歡 I like it. 210 00:11:50,950 --> 00:11:52,220 首映會場上巨星吸大麻被捕 "The Movie Premiere Pot Bust." 211 00:11:52,320 --> 00:11:55,190 我走出來的時候可別用閃光燈照我 When I walk out, I don't want your floodlights in my eyes. 212 00:11:55,290 --> 00:11:58,060 沒問題! 聽到了沒有? Consider it done. You hear that, Chip? 213 00:11:58,160 --> 00:11:59,190 好了 走吧 Come on. 214 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:05,730 低一點 開燈 Go! Pop them! 215 00:12:10,110 --> 00:12:11,300 不許動 我是警察 Freeze! Police! 216 00:12:13,340 --> 00:12:15,780 快點快走 Come on. Come on, let's go. 217 00:12:15,910 --> 00:12:16,940 我老婆孩子明天就要來了 My family's coming in-- 218 00:12:17,080 --> 00:12:19,060 好好當個聖誕禮物吧 -It'll be a nice Christmas gift. 219 00:12:19,070 --> 00:12:19,940 你好 泰米 -Hi, Tammy. 220 00:12:20,050 --> 00:12:20,880 你好 麥特 -Hi, Matt. 221 00:12:20,980 --> 00:12:22,700 看這邊 轉過來 Right over here. 222 00:12:22,710 --> 00:12:25,020 等一下 行了 -Just turn. -Hold it. Got it! 223 00:12:25,120 --> 00:12:26,550 "首映場上巨星吸大麻被捕 " -The Movie Premiere Pot Bust! 224 00:12:26,660 --> 00:12:28,180 把他們帶到好萊塢分局去 -Take them in. 225 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:29,590 我去搜集證據 I'll get the evidence. 226 00:12:38,970 --> 00:12:41,270 法蘭西皇朝 227 00:12:41,370 --> 00:12:44,310 天使之城的平安夜 "It's Christmas Eve in the City of Angels 228 00:12:44,410 --> 00:12:47,740 善良的市民都已酣然入睡 and while decent citizens sleep the sleep of the righteous 229 00:12:47,840 --> 00:12:50,340 癮君子卻汲汲然找尋著大麻 hopheads prowl for marijuana 230 00:12:50,480 --> 00:12:54,080 全然不知有人要來阻止他們 not knowing that a man is coming to stop them: 231 00:12:54,220 --> 00:12:57,580 那人就是著名的犯罪終結者傑克·文生 Celebrity crime-stopper, Jack Vincennes. 232 00:12:57,620 --> 00:13:02,720 所有癮君子的剋星 Scourge of grasshoppers and dope fiends everywhere." 233 00:13:02,860 --> 00:13:04,720 喜歡嗎? 傑克老弟 You like it? 234 00:13:06,530 --> 00:13:07,860 喜歡 文筆很好 Yeah, subtle. 235 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:10,300 怎麼去那麼久? What took you? 236 00:13:10,430 --> 00:13:13,560 我的夥伴中途跑去幫小姐了 My partner stopped to help a damsel in distress. 237 00:13:13,770 --> 00:13:16,260 他根本搞不清楚輕重緩急 His priorities are all screwed up. 238 00:13:16,410 --> 00:13:18,270 又玩老把戲了 巴德 Up to your old tricks again, Bud? 239 00:13:19,910 --> 00:13:21,740 傑克 好萊塢傑克 Hollywood Jack, 240 00:13:21,850 --> 00:13:23,750 是什麼風把你吹到我們這個窮鄉僻壤來的 what brings you to our humble station house? 241 00:13:23,850 --> 00:13:25,440 你們好嗎? 你來做什麼? -How are you? -Why are you here? 242 00:13:25,580 --> 00:13:27,570 我在維持市區的治安啊 You know me. Keeping the streets safe. 243 00:13:27,780 --> 00:13:30,180 讓她們穿上衣服 然後收押 Take these two, get them dressed and book them. 244 00:13:30,290 --> 00:13:31,530 大伙都在樓上 -The party's upstairs. 245 00:13:31,540 --> 00:13:32,780 我馬上上去 -Okay, I'll be right up. 246 00:13:39,630 --> 00:13:40,790 這幹什麼? What's that for? 247 00:13:40,930 --> 00:13:43,300 你是今晚的值勤官 對吧? You are watch commander tonight, aren't you? 248 00:13:43,400 --> 00:13:44,330 那有怎樣? Yeah. So? 249 00:13:44,470 --> 00:13:46,400 這是噓噓雜誌的一點心意 A gratuity from Hush-Hush magazine. 250 00:13:46,540 --> 00:13:48,060 拿去買雙新鞋也好 Buy yourself some new loafers. 251 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:51,500 不用了 謝謝 你自己留著吧 No thanks, Jack. You keep your payoff. 252 00:13:51,610 --> 00:13:53,080 我沒興趣 I'm not interested. 253 00:14:01,150 --> 00:14:02,210 什麼事? What the hell is this? 254 00:14:02,350 --> 00:14:07,490 他們就是攻擊布朗跟黑倫的那六個墨西哥人 Six spics. Mexicans, sir. The ones who assaulted Brown and Helenowski. 255 00:14:07,560 --> 00:14:10,420 聽說黑倫大量失血而布朗昏迷不醒 I heard Helenowski bled 6 pints and Brown's in a coma. 256 00:14:10,530 --> 00:14:12,120 他們只受了點輕傷回家去了 They have bruises and muscle pulls. 257 00:14:12,260 --> 00:14:13,740 我聽說的可不是這樣 It's not what I heard. 258 00:14:13,750 --> 00:14:15,150 把他們帶進牢房去 Get them into lock up. 259 00:14:15,300 --> 00:14:16,390 喂 史丹斯 Stens, 260 00:14:16,530 --> 00:14:21,330 有沒有聽說那六個墨西哥人怎麼整布朗他們的? you guys hear what those taco benders did to Helenowski and Brown? 261 00:14:21,640 --> 00:14:23,570 黑倫失去了一隻眼睛 Helenowski lost an eye, 262 00:14:23,710 --> 00:14:26,510 而布朗則已經奄奄一息了 and they're reading Brown his last rites. 263 00:14:28,040 --> 00:14:31,280 他們今年的聖誕節過得可真是凄慘呀 That ought to make for a very merry Christmas for them. 264 00:14:31,380 --> 00:14:32,440 喂 各位 Hey, guys. 265 00:14:32,580 --> 00:14:35,680 各位 他們抓到墨西哥人了 Guys. They brought the Mexicans in. 266 00:14:36,990 --> 00:14:38,540 人就在樓下 They're downstairs. 267 00:14:40,690 --> 00:14:41,680 史丹斯 過去出口氣 -Let's do it. 268 00:14:41,860 --> 00:14:43,490 對 大夥兒快點去出口氣 -Come on, guys. Let's get them. 269 00:14:46,300 --> 00:14:47,890 喂 史丹斯 派對是在樓土 Stensland, the party's upstairs. 270 00:14:49,900 --> 00:14:52,420 這兒沒你們的事 This doesn't concern you. 271 00:14:52,570 --> 00:14:55,060 拜託 你們都沒事幹嗎? Come on, guys. Haven't you got work? 272 00:14:55,110 --> 00:14:56,630 回派對上去 Go back to the party. 273 00:14:57,870 --> 00:14:59,740 這是聖誕節呀 幫幫忙好嗎? -Come on, it's Christmas, help me out. 274 00:14:59,880 --> 00:15:00,900 走開 -Move it! 275 00:15:01,040 --> 00:15:03,070 我只剩下幾個問題而已 I just got a few more questions. 276 00:15:03,210 --> 00:15:05,650 你們用不著進來的 You don't have to be here. 277 00:15:05,750 --> 00:15:06,810 上 Go! 278 00:15:09,020 --> 00:15:12,510 你最好拉住你的夥伴 免得他殺人 You better put a leash on your partner before he kills somebody. 279 00:15:15,190 --> 00:15:16,520 給他一點教訓 Teach him a lesson! 280 00:15:16,630 --> 00:15:17,750 史丹斯 揍他 Get him, Stens! 281 00:15:18,930 --> 00:15:20,360 這是為我們兄弟出氣的 土蛋 This is for ours, Poncho. 282 00:15:21,630 --> 00:15:22,660 揍他 史丹斯 Get him, Stens! 283 00:15:23,930 --> 00:15:24,920 讓我過去 Let me through! 284 00:15:26,940 --> 00:15:27,900 他又沒做什麼事 No! He didn't do nothing! 285 00:15:28,040 --> 00:15:29,940 你看什麼看 What are you looking at? 286 00:15:31,510 --> 00:15:32,630 叫那個墨西哥人閉嘴 Tell that Mexican to shut up! 287 00:15:34,340 --> 00:15:35,280 你有病啊 You're sick! 288 00:15:41,990 --> 00:15:45,350 你別攪局啊 退後 Don't break it up. Get back! Get back! 289 00:15:46,220 --> 00:15:47,190 去你媽的 Yeah, and fuck your mother! 290 00:15:47,320 --> 00:15:48,380 去你的 Fuck you! 291 00:15:52,030 --> 00:15:53,620 住手!這是命令 Stop, officer! That's an order! 292 00:16:02,410 --> 00:16:03,670 我會把你們全記上去的 You'll all be in my report! 293 00:16:23,990 --> 00:16:25,790 "血腥的聖誕節 " "Bloody Christmas." 294 00:16:25,900 --> 00:16:27,730 媒體最喜歡亂下標題 The press love to label. 295 00:16:29,500 --> 00:16:32,300 你應該知道此事非同小可 You should know this is bigger than the police board. 296 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:34,340 大陪審團已經成立了 The grand jury's convening. 297 00:16:34,470 --> 00:16:36,700 搞不好真的會起訴 Indictments may be handed down. 298 00:16:36,810 --> 00:16:38,330 你會出庭作證嗎? Will you testify? 299 00:16:38,470 --> 00:16:39,910 不會的 長官 我不會 No, sir. I won't. 300 00:16:42,650 --> 00:16:44,580 你要不要跟羅檢察官談一談 District Attorney Loew? 301 00:16:44,710 --> 00:16:48,620 你跟史丹斯送酒到了局裏 You and officer Stensland brought the liquor to the station. 302 00:16:48,750 --> 00:16:51,280 史丹斯當時已經醉了 Stensland was already drunk. 303 00:16:51,420 --> 00:16:53,860 你如果自動出面指控他 Appearing as a voluntary witness against him 304 00:16:53,990 --> 00:16:56,860 將可以減輕對你自己的傷害 could offset damage to yourself. 305 00:16:56,990 --> 00:16:58,590 我不會出面指證自己的夥伴 I won't testify against him, 306 00:16:58,730 --> 00:16:59,820 或是任何人的 or anyone else. 307 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:02,430 他真是警界之恥呀 This man is a disgrace. 308 00:17:02,530 --> 00:17:04,230 你的槍跟警徽交出來 Your badge and gun, officer. 309 00:17:04,370 --> 00:17:06,160 你被停職了 You're suspended from duty. 310 00:17:07,570 --> 00:17:08,760 解散 Dismissed. 311 00:17:25,260 --> 00:17:31,020 我們需要警員擔任證人 來化解對本局的傷害 We need police witnesses to offset the damage done to the Department. 312 00:17:31,030 --> 00:17:32,650 正義必須伸張 Justice has to be served. 313 00:17:32,800 --> 00:17:33,890 我當然願意作證 Of course I'll testify. 314 00:17:37,500 --> 00:17:39,160 我很高興你有這樣的想法 I'm glad you feel that way, Edmund. 315 00:17:39,300 --> 00:17:40,430 大多數人都不會 Most don't. 316 00:17:40,570 --> 00:17:43,560 他們以為沉默跟正直是同一碼子事 They think silence and integrity are the same thing. 317 00:17:43,710 --> 00:17:48,910 他們跟我們建立的警員形象實在差太遠了 Not exactly the image of the new LAPD we're trying to create. 318 00:17:48,910 --> 00:17:52,080 歡迎光臨未來之城洛杉磯 Welcome to Los Angeles, the city of the future. 319 00:17:52,220 --> 00:17:53,550 我可以提出建議嗎 長官? -May I make a suggestion, sir? 320 00:17:53,650 --> 00:17:54,840 你儘管說 -By all means. 321 00:17:54,980 --> 00:17:59,890 民眾一定以為我們會大事化小 The public will expect the Department to sweep this under the carpet. 322 00:18:00,060 --> 00:18:01,460 不會 Don't. 323 00:18:01,560 --> 00:18:04,860 拿退休金已萬無一失的人開刀 Shift the guilt to men whose pensions are secured. 324 00:18:04,960 --> 00:18:06,490 強迫他們退休 Force them to retire. 325 00:18:07,960 --> 00:18:09,830 可是還是得重罰一些人 But somebody has to swing. 326 00:18:09,930 --> 00:18:15,630 所以要徹底查辦理查德·史丹斯跟巴德·懷特 So indict, try and convict Richard Stensland and Bud White. 327 00:18:15,740 --> 00:18:17,400 而且一定要讓他們坐牢 Secure them jail time. 328 00:18:17,540 --> 00:18:19,600 這樣話就說得很明瞭 The message will be clear. 329 00:18:19,740 --> 00:18:21,300 本局絕對無法忍受 This Department 330 00:18:21,310 --> 00:18:25,410 自以為凌駕在法律之上的警員 will not tolerate officers who think they're above the law. 331 00:18:25,520 --> 00:18:28,850 史丹斯本來就是警界之恥 Dick Stensland is an embarrassment as a policeman. 332 00:18:28,950 --> 00:18:33,080 他的歷任長官都說他貪贓枉法 He's had rotten fitness reports from every C.O. he's served under. 333 00:18:33,220 --> 00:18:35,350 可是巴德·懷特是個難得的人才 But Bud White is a valuable officer. 334 00:18:35,490 --> 00:18:37,120 懷特根本沒長腦子 White's a mindless thug. 335 00:18:37,260 --> 00:18:39,130 不 埃德蒙 No, Edmund 336 00:18:39,230 --> 00:18:43,790 我問你的那些問題 他都可以回答"願意" but he can answer "yes" to those questions I've asked you before. 337 00:18:43,930 --> 00:18:46,400 警局跟民眾都需要模範警察 The Department and the public need role models. 338 00:18:46,540 --> 00:18:50,160 儀表出眾為人正直 可以讓民眾崇拜的人 Clean-cut, forthright men the public can admire. 339 00:18:51,840 --> 00:18:56,710 巡佐 我晉陞你為隊長 Sergeant I'll promote you to lieutenant 340 00:18:56,810 --> 00:18:58,250 立即生效 effective immediately. 341 00:18:58,350 --> 00:18:59,870 刑事隊長 Detective Lieutenant. 342 00:19:02,120 --> 00:19:03,750 艾德 你才三十歲 Ed, you're 30. 343 00:19:03,890 --> 00:19:07,450 你父親三十三才升隊長的 Your father didn't make lieutenant till he was 33. 344 00:19:07,590 --> 00:19:08,960 我知道 長官 I know that, sir. 345 00:19:09,130 --> 00:19:11,650 而他升隊長時正是升為刑事隊長 When he made lieutenant, it was as a detective. 346 00:19:11,790 --> 00:19:14,230 在我們開慶功宴前 Before we start polishing our laurels 347 00:19:14,330 --> 00:19:17,320 最好先找個預備證人 it'd look better if we had a corroborative witness. 348 00:19:17,470 --> 00:19:19,370 這可不太好找了 That won't be easy to come by. 349 00:19:19,470 --> 00:19:20,990 大伙最恨這種打小報告的人 The men hate a stool pigeon. 350 00:19:21,170 --> 00:19:22,970 傑克·文生 Jack Vincennes. 351 00:19:23,140 --> 00:19:25,970 他出手打了其中一個 He hit one of the Mexicans. 352 00:19:26,080 --> 00:19:30,010 像文生這種老賊叫他承認自己的過失還有可能 A veteran like Vincennes might be willing to admit his own culpability 353 00:19:30,310 --> 00:19:33,210 要他出賣同僚根本不可能 but he'd never rat out a fellow officer. 354 00:19:33,320 --> 00:19:36,290 傑克是警網群英的技術顧問 Jack's the technical advisor on Badge of Honor. 355 00:19:36,420 --> 00:19:37,940 他靠那個吃飯的 He lives for it. 356 00:19:38,150 --> 00:19:39,750 我們就從這方面著手 That's how to get to him. 357 00:19:43,260 --> 00:19:45,190 我希望你能在一旁觀察 I'd like you to observe, Ed. 358 00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:51,330 叫文生警官進來 Call Sergeant Vincennes. 359 00:19:51,470 --> 00:19:53,230 很聰明的孩子 Bright kid. 360 00:19:53,340 --> 00:19:55,360 你或許可以蒙受其利 You may reap the benefit 361 00:19:55,510 --> 00:19:58,700 可是你受得了局裏同仁鄙視的眼神嗎? but are you ready to be despised in the Department? 362 00:19:58,840 --> 00:20:00,270 是的 長官 我受得了 Yes, sir, I am. 363 00:20:02,350 --> 00:20:03,740 那就這樣吧 So be it. 364 00:20:09,720 --> 00:20:12,240 隊長 我們就開門見山 Sergeant, we'll get right to it. 365 00:20:12,390 --> 00:20:16,420 有九位市民指證你毆打加西亞 Nine civilian witnesses have identified you as hitting Ezekiel Garcia. 366 00:20:16,560 --> 00:20:19,750 不過我們有位證人願意指認所有涉案的人 But we have a witness who will name names 367 00:20:19,930 --> 00:20:22,800 並且證明你是在被打了以後才出手還擊的 and testify that you hit back 368 00:20:22,900 --> 00:20:23,890 還有呢? only after being hit. 369 00:20:24,030 --> 00:20:27,580 而你將指證 只有三名已拿到退休金的人涉案 You will testify against 3 officers 370 00:20:27,590 --> 00:20:31,370 其它人則屬無辜 who have earned their pensions and plead ignorance about the rest. 371 00:20:31,470 --> 00:20:33,470 不必 謝了 我不是那種打小報告的人 No thanks. I'm not a snitch. 372 00:20:33,610 --> 00:20:36,010 我保證只對你從輕處以停職的處份 I'll guarantee you a slap on the wrist, a brief suspension 373 00:20:36,110 --> 00:20:40,950 然後把你暫時由緝毒組調到風化組去 followed by a temporary transfer from Narcotics to Vice. 374 00:20:41,050 --> 00:20:43,680 等你由風化組調回來 一樣可以回去做節目 You transfer out of Vice, you'll be back on the show. 375 00:20:48,830 --> 00:20:50,190 節目? The show? 376 00:20:50,290 --> 00:20:52,560 警網群英啊 文生 Badge of Honor, Vincennes. 377 00:20:53,660 --> 00:20:57,260 我們得暫時減少你的曝光率 We need to tone down your profile for a bit. 378 00:20:57,400 --> 00:21:01,860 我看你一直都很聰明的 I doubt you've ever taken a stupid breath. 379 00:21:01,870 --> 00:21:03,530 可別突然變笨了 Don't start now. 380 00:21:03,670 --> 00:21:05,110 好 我作證就是了 Okay, I'll do it. 381 00:21:08,440 --> 00:21:12,770 大陪審團明天會聽取你的證詞 你可以離開了 The grand jury will hear your testimony tomorrow. 382 00:21:24,130 --> 00:21:28,330 那就這樣好了 警官 And so it goes Detective Lieutenant. 383 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:32,300 明天在大陪審團前好好表現一下 Ace them at the grand jury tomorrow, son. 384 00:21:32,400 --> 00:21:36,270 穿套帥一點的西裝好好秀一下 Wear a smart-looking suit and ace them. 385 00:21:36,370 --> 00:21:39,470 還有艾德 把眼鏡拿掉 And Ed lose the glasses. 386 00:21:49,820 --> 00:21:52,650 原來你就是那一個證人 So you're the stellar witness. 387 00:21:52,760 --> 00:21:54,250 我應該猜到的 I should have known. 388 00:21:54,390 --> 00:21:56,650 局長給了你什麼? What's the Chief throwing you? 389 00:21:56,760 --> 00:21:58,020 給了我什麼? Throwing me? 390 00:21:58,130 --> 00:22:00,060 對呀!給了你什麼好處 Yeah, Exley, what's the payoff? 391 00:22:00,160 --> 00:22:02,320 你是給好處的專家 You're the payoff expert. 392 00:22:02,470 --> 00:22:03,430 而我只是盡我的職責而已 I'm just doing my duty. 393 00:22:03,570 --> 00:22:07,300 好了 你只不過是 抓到一個大好良機而已 大學生 Come on, you're playing an angle here, college boy. 394 00:22:07,400 --> 00:22:08,370 你一定是得了什麼好處 You'll get something so you don't have to hobnob with the cops 395 00:22:08,500 --> 00:22:12,800 所以以後用不著跟那些 恨你入骨的同仁打交道了 who'll hate you for snitching. 396 00:22:12,910 --> 00:22:15,840 如果他們升你的話 你得小心點了 If they're making you detective, watch out. 397 00:22:15,980 --> 00:22:18,110 局裏有些人這一次會死的很慘 Some Bureau guys will burn in this 398 00:22:18,250 --> 00:22:20,310 而你將會跟他們的朋友一起工作 and you'll be working with their friends. 399 00:22:20,450 --> 00:22:21,920 那你自己呢? What about you? 400 00:22:22,050 --> 00:22:23,310 我只不過糾出三個老掉牙的傢伙 I'm snitching 3 old-timers 401 00:22:23,420 --> 00:22:26,410 他們下個禮拜就會在奧勒岡釣魚了 who'll be fishing in Oregon next week. 402 00:22:26,560 --> 00:22:28,650 跟你比起來我可是清清白白 Next to you, I'm clean 403 00:22:28,790 --> 00:22:30,190 真聰明 and smart. 404 00:22:30,330 --> 00:22:32,660 埃德蒙艾斯利請人庭 Edmund J. Exley to chambers. 405 00:22:35,100 --> 00:22:36,090 還有 別忘了 And remember 406 00:22:36,230 --> 00:22:39,160 如果你的證詞毀了巴德·懷特的一生 他會整死你的 Bud White will fuck you for this if it takes the rest of his life. 407 00:22:44,010 --> 00:22:46,370 組長 到底什麼事? Captain, what do you want? 408 00:22:46,480 --> 00:22:47,910 叫我杜德利就好 Call me Dudley. 409 00:22:48,010 --> 00:22:52,410 杜德利 你有什麼事? Dudley what do you want? 410 00:22:52,550 --> 00:22:53,740 好了 小子 Look, lad, 411 00:22:53,880 --> 00:22:56,370 我很欣賞你拒絕出庭作證 I admire your refusal to testify 412 00:22:56,520 --> 00:22:58,890 還有對朋友的忠心 and your loyalty to your partner. 413 00:22:58,990 --> 00:23:01,050 我很欣賞你這種警察 I admire you as a policeman 414 00:23:01,190 --> 00:23:05,120 而你渾身是勁的蠻勁 更是幹這種工作所必須的 and your adherence to violence as a necessary adjunct to the job. 415 00:23:05,830 --> 00:23:09,170 你整那些打老婆的人的方法令我刮目相看 I'm impressed with your punishment of women-beaters. 416 00:23:10,170 --> 00:23:11,790 你恨他們嗎? 溫德爾 Do you hate them, Wendell? 417 00:23:13,900 --> 00:23:15,370 你到底有什麼事? What do you want? 418 00:23:19,710 --> 00:23:20,840 這是你的 They're yours. 419 00:23:22,510 --> 00:23:23,640 拿去吧 Take them. 420 00:23:27,020 --> 00:23:28,480 不起訴我了? There's no bill on me? 421 00:23:28,620 --> 00:23:30,610 有四個證人翻供了 -4 witnesses recanted their testimony. 422 00:23:30,750 --> 00:23:32,850 為什麼呢? 他們回心轉意了 -Why? They had a change of heart. 423 00:23:32,990 --> 00:23:34,010 史丹斯呢? Stensland? 424 00:23:34,160 --> 00:23:35,920 他完了 Your partner's through. 425 00:23:36,030 --> 00:23:38,290 局長命令下的代罪羔羊 Scapegoat on the Chief's orders. 426 00:23:38,430 --> 00:23:40,550 他只剩一年就可以領退休金了 A year from his pension. 427 00:23:43,530 --> 00:23:46,590 艾斯利? 艾斯利得到他所要的 -Exley! -Exley got what he wanted. 428 00:23:46,740 --> 00:23:50,700 他玩弄權謀的技術比我還高明 As a politician he exceeds even myself. 429 00:23:50,840 --> 00:23:54,210 我們局裏需要艾斯利這樣的聰明人 The Department needs smart men like Exley 430 00:23:54,310 --> 00:23:57,940 也需要像你這樣的硬漢 and direct men like you. 431 00:23:59,080 --> 00:24:03,250 我需要你幫我完成 局長交付給我的一項任務 Look, I need you for an assignment the Chief's given me. 432 00:24:03,420 --> 00:24:05,850 這項任務能勝任的人沒幾個 A duty few men are fit for 433 00:24:05,960 --> 00:24:08,010 而你卻是天生的好手 but you were born for. 434 00:24:08,160 --> 00:24:10,920 你將會在位於市政府的兇殺組工作 You'd be working out of Homicide at City Hall. 435 00:24:11,030 --> 00:24:13,120 兇殺組? Homicide? 436 00:24:13,260 --> 00:24:14,660 偵辦兇殺命案嗎? Working cases? 437 00:24:15,970 --> 00:24:19,030 你的才能並不在此 溫德爾 Your talents lie elsewhere, Wendell. 438 00:24:19,170 --> 00:24:21,800 我要你做的工作是要靠力氣的 It's a muscle job. 439 00:24:21,940 --> 00:24:24,930 你聽我的命令行事 不要問東問西的 You'll do as I say and ask no questions. 440 00:24:25,110 --> 00:24:27,230 明白我的意思了嗎? Do you follow my drift? 441 00:24:27,440 --> 00:24:28,880 一清二楚 長官 In Technicolor, sir. 442 00:24:31,750 --> 00:24:34,880 這兩位是布蘭·卡多和安東尼·楚賓諾 "Meet Tony Brancato and Anthony Trombino 443 00:24:35,020 --> 00:24:38,350 兩位因為米奇·柯漢被捕而水漲船高的大哥 two rising lieutenants in the Mickey Cohen rackets. 444 00:24:38,490 --> 00:24:40,750 總把子進牢去了 With the dapper little gent in prison 445 00:24:40,860 --> 00:24:43,420 誰知道他們能紅到什麼地步呢 who knows how far they'll go. 446 00:24:43,430 --> 00:24:45,230 反正前途無量就是了 The sky's the limit. 447 00:24:51,870 --> 00:24:52,860 好了 Oh, well." 448 00:25:01,180 --> 00:25:03,650 "米奇·柯漢的手下陳屍日落大道 " 449 00:25:06,020 --> 00:25:07,640 這位是杜斯·培金斯 "Meet Deuce Perkins, 450 00:25:07,780 --> 00:25:10,270 米奇·柯漢手下的頭號毒王 Mickey Cohen's narcotics lieutenant. 451 00:25:10,490 --> 00:25:12,580 他會不會是幕後的主使人? Could he be behind the hits? 452 00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:15,820 是不是他在整合黑社會組織? Is he consolidating organized crime power? 453 00:25:21,730 --> 00:25:23,430 大概不是 I suppose not. 454 00:25:28,940 --> 00:25:30,340 不過有件事是錯不了的 One thing's for sure: 455 00:25:30,510 --> 00:25:33,910 有人在按部就班地幹掉米奇的手下 2-man triggers are punching the tickets on the Mickster's muscle." 456 00:25:39,850 --> 00:25:42,750 "柯漢手下的毒王家中遇害" 457 00:25:43,250 --> 00:25:47,160 而在另一方面呢 據說洛城的警方 Meanwhile, rumor has it the LAPD 458 00:25:47,160 --> 00:25:52,060 已經擺出陣仗要大舉掃除 has set up a not-so-Welcome Wagon to dishearten the criminal element 459 00:25:52,160 --> 00:25:55,560 想接替米奇·柯漢的黑社會份子 from filling the void left by Mickey's absence. 460 00:25:55,700 --> 00:25:57,330 我一旦有進一步消息 When I know more, 461 00:25:57,470 --> 00:25:58,830 一定會告訴親愛的讀者 dear readers, so will you. 462 00:25:58,930 --> 00:26:05,770 秘文權威"噓噓雜誌 " Off the record, on the q.t and very Hush-Hush." 463 00:26:06,840 --> 00:26:11,110 米奇·柯漢進牢了就沒黑社會 With Mickey Cohen in prison, Los Angeles is organized crime-free. 464 00:26:11,210 --> 00:26:13,180 局長希望能保持這個樣子 The Chief wants to keep it that way. 465 00:26:14,250 --> 00:26:17,380 你在克裏夫蘭也是在道上混的 In Cleveland, you're an organized crime associate 466 00:26:17,550 --> 00:26:20,850 只可惜不太懂我們白道的規矩 in desperate need of re-education in the ways of polite society. 467 00:26:23,790 --> 00:26:25,390 我聽到了一些傳言 I hear things. 468 00:26:25,560 --> 00:26:27,620 譬如那些個暗殺小組 Like those 2-men shooter teams. 469 00:26:27,760 --> 00:26:30,600 他們在屠殺柯漢的手下 They're 86ing Cohen's lieutenants. 470 00:26:30,610 --> 00:26:32,430 你們要我怎麼樣嘛? What do you want? 471 00:26:32,600 --> 00:26:34,230 我們要你回家去! We want you to go home. 472 00:26:38,970 --> 00:26:40,770 色情書刊 兄弟們 Picture-book smut, men. 473 00:26:40,880 --> 00:26:44,540 最近在犯案現場老是可以找到這玩意兒 There's been a bunch of this found at crime scenes lately. 474 00:26:44,680 --> 00:26:50,710 水準參差不齊 Quality ranges from piss-poor to very well done. 475 00:26:50,850 --> 00:26:53,520 你們看誰復職回來了 Look who's back from suspension. 476 00:26:53,660 --> 00:26:55,920 我們真是三生有幸 傑克警官 We're honored, Sergeant Jack. 477 00:26:56,030 --> 00:26:59,550 你們看 1953年的大爛案 Look at that. The Great Jerk-Off Case of 1953. 478 00:26:59,700 --> 00:27:02,190 你有更好的地方可以去嗎? Is there someplace you'd rather be? 479 00:27:02,330 --> 00:27:03,320 有 去掃毒組 Yeah, working Narcotics, 480 00:27:03,470 --> 00:27:05,630 搜尋柯漢遺失的海洛因 looking for Cohen's missing H. 481 00:27:05,770 --> 00:27:08,070 對 如果能夠找到那25磅的毒品 Yeah, finding 25 pounds of heroin 482 00:27:08,170 --> 00:27:10,140 你一定可以風風光光上報了 would get you plenty of ink. 483 00:27:10,270 --> 00:27:12,760 不過或許你應該在血腥聖誕前 You should've thought of that before Bloody Christmas. 484 00:27:14,340 --> 00:27:16,280 就想到這一點 破個大案子 Make a major case. 485 00:27:16,410 --> 00:27:18,350 這是你離開這裏唯一的辦法了 It's the only way you'll get out of here. 486 00:27:19,650 --> 00:27:21,210 解散了 各位 Dismissed, gentlemen. 487 00:27:29,260 --> 00:27:31,190 實事求是 傑克 Go get the facts, Jack. 488 00:27:31,290 --> 00:27:33,390 實事求是 Just the facts. 489 00:27:40,840 --> 00:27:42,270 任君選擇 Whatever you desire. 490 00:27:42,400 --> 00:27:45,030 你好 麻煩你們外送到比佛利山莊來 Hi. I'd like to get a delivery to Beverly Hills. 491 00:27:45,170 --> 00:27:47,010 我好像不認識你 I don't know you. 492 00:27:47,110 --> 00:27:49,170 這電話號碼是我朋友給我的 A friend just gave me this number 493 00:27:49,310 --> 00:27:50,940 我想查查看 and I wanted to find out if 494 00:27:52,720 --> 00:27:55,810 你能不能找本電話簿幫我查個姓名地址 Would you grab a reverse directory and shag a name and address for me? 495 00:27:56,820 --> 00:27:58,340 電話是272239 Crestview-2239. 496 00:28:06,230 --> 00:28:08,490 獨家秘報噓噓雜誌 Hush-Hush, off the record and on the q.t. 497 00:28:08,660 --> 00:28:10,630 西德 我是文生 Sid, it's Vincennes. 498 00:28:10,770 --> 00:28:12,790 傑克 你回到緝毒組了 Jackie, you back on narco? 499 00:28:12,940 --> 00:28:13,990 我正需要一些好題材呢 I need some good copy. 500 00:28:14,140 --> 00:28:16,300 吸毒案是沒有 不過掃黃的倒有一件 I have something going with Vice. 501 00:28:16,440 --> 00:28:18,170 哎唷!好東西要給我了 Something juicy for the Sidster? 502 00:28:18,310 --> 00:28:20,740 我們正在追查一些小電影的製片 Tracking porn. Arty, high-class stuff. 503 00:28:20,880 --> 00:28:22,340 你對法國蘭西王朝了不瞭解? Know about Fleur-de-Lis? 504 00:28:22,480 --> 00:28:23,910 他們的廣告詞是任君選擇 Slogan's "Whatever you desire." 505 00:28:24,010 --> 00:28:25,980 沒有我從來沒聽說過 No, I've heard burkes. 506 00:28:26,120 --> 00:28:27,510 去幫我找一些吸毒的醜聞來嘛 Get me some narco skinny. 507 00:28:27,680 --> 00:28:29,580 我想要報導的是吸毒案 I want to do an all-hophead issue. 508 00:28:29,720 --> 00:28:32,520 特別是黑人爵士歌星跟電影明星吸毒 Shvartze jazz musicians and movie stars. You like it? 509 00:28:32,620 --> 00:28:35,510 你喜歡這個題材嗎? 傑克 我有空再跟你聊了 I'll talk to you later. 510 00:28:35,520 --> 00:28:36,400 查到什麼了? -What do you got? 511 00:28:36,410 --> 00:28:38,050 那個號碼沒有登記 長官 -The number's not assigned. Sir. 512 00:28:38,190 --> 00:28:39,180 謝謝你 Thanks, Ginger. 513 00:28:41,600 --> 00:28:42,760 地下電話 A bootleg. 514 00:28:51,810 --> 00:28:53,140 想開一點 Take it easy. 515 00:28:53,240 --> 00:28:54,770 時運不濟 史丹斯 Tough break, Stens. 516 00:28:54,910 --> 00:28:56,940 我們會想念你的 We're going to miss you. 517 00:28:57,080 --> 00:28:58,710 真是太不公平了 史丹斯 Raw deal, Stensland. 518 00:29:02,320 --> 00:29:03,880 打小報告的來了 Here comes the snitch. 519 00:29:15,200 --> 00:29:17,130 實在不好意思 長官 Sorry about that, Lieutenant. 520 00:29:33,880 --> 00:29:35,210 你少惹麻煩 巴德 Stay out of trouble, Bud. 521 00:29:38,220 --> 00:29:39,590 我還有幾小時才要去報到 I got a few hours. 522 00:29:39,690 --> 00:29:40,590 走 我請你喝一杯 I'll buy you a drink. 523 00:29:40,690 --> 00:29:42,490 下次吧 我現在趕著去約會 Rain check. I got a hot date. 524 00:29:44,660 --> 00:29:47,150 對方是誰? 你用什麼名義逮捕她的 Who is she and what did you arrest her for? 525 00:29:47,300 --> 00:29:48,850 這是秘密 It's confidential. 526 00:29:49,000 --> 00:29:52,330 就是經常和文生合作的 那個雜誌社的名字一樣 Like that magazine that Vincennes scams for. 527 00:29:52,430 --> 00:29:53,800 噓噓 Hush-Hush. 528 00:29:55,100 --> 00:29:56,440 我們過一兩天再見了 I'll see you later in the week. 529 00:29:57,540 --> 00:29:59,470 我們到時再去快活 我請客 We'll do the town, on me. 530 00:29:59,610 --> 00:30:02,480 是嗎?我還是帶著皮夾以防萬一 Yeah. I'll bring my wallet just in case. 531 00:30:07,080 --> 00:30:08,210 明天見了 -See you tomorrow. 532 00:30:08,350 --> 00:30:09,910 等一下 -Hold on! 533 00:30:10,050 --> 00:30:11,310 我跟你一起走 I'll walk down with you. 534 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:23,760 小毛頭 他想做給誰看 Punk kid. Who is he trying to impress? 535 00:30:23,900 --> 00:30:25,030 對呀!我也在懷疑 Yeah, I wonder. 536 00:30:25,170 --> 00:30:27,030 不過他倒是官運亨通 Got himself a real career going. 537 00:30:31,670 --> 00:30:33,800 威廉警官請接無線電 Sergeant Williams, pick up, please. 538 00:30:35,310 --> 00:30:36,640 威廉警官 Sergeant Williams? 539 00:30:40,250 --> 00:30:42,770 兇殺組有沒有人在? Is there anybody up there in Homicide? 540 00:30:44,050 --> 00:30:45,380 到底有沒有人在? Anybody there? 541 00:30:47,860 --> 00:30:48,950 我是艾斯利警官 Lieutenant Exley. 542 00:30:49,090 --> 00:30:51,650 市中心發生兇殺案了 You've got a homicide downtown. 543 00:30:51,830 --> 00:30:53,260 在夜貓子咖啡廳 -The Nite Owl Coffee Shop. 544 00:30:53,360 --> 00:30:54,390 我知道了 -I got it. 545 00:31:07,480 --> 00:31:08,640 長官 至少死了一個人 At least one person's dead. 546 00:31:08,840 --> 00:31:10,280 我路過想進去喝一杯咖啡 I stopped for coffee. 547 00:31:10,410 --> 00:31:11,850 不許任何人從這個門出來 No one comes through the front door. Understand? 548 00:31:11,950 --> 00:31:13,920 - 明白嗎? - 明白 - Understand? - Yes,sir 549 00:32:49,340 --> 00:32:51,900 在街道兩頭設立路障 絕對 I want barricades at both ends of the street. Make sure-- 550 00:32:53,580 --> 00:32:56,070 電話是我接的 案子是我的 I took the call. It's my case. 551 00:32:56,220 --> 00:32:57,240 你不會想接這個案子的 You don't want it 552 00:32:57,390 --> 00:32:58,510 案子也不會是你的 and you can't have it. 553 00:32:58,650 --> 00:32:59,680 電話是我接的 I took the call. 554 00:32:59,820 --> 00:33:01,920 案子是我的 It's mine. 555 00:33:02,060 --> 00:33:03,620 我派你當副手好了 I'll make you my second-in-command. 556 00:33:03,760 --> 00:33:06,390 組長 請到這邊來一下 到那邊去 Captain, over here, please. 557 00:33:06,660 --> 00:33:08,360 任何人都不許進出 No body allowed inside. 558 00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:12,600 廚子曾開過槍 The cook drew a gun and set it off. 559 00:33:12,700 --> 00:33:14,290 其它人死在男廁所 The rest died in the men's room. 560 00:33:19,270 --> 00:33:24,410 長官 我們找到了十五發散彈鎗彈殼 Sir we got a total of 15 spent 12-gauge Remington shotgun shells. 561 00:33:24,410 --> 00:33:27,140 我猜兇手有三人 手持一次裝填五發的散彈鎗 I'm betting 3 men, 5-shot capacity pumps, 562 00:33:27,280 --> 00:33:28,440 子彈射完剛好十五發 all of them emptying once. 563 00:33:28,580 --> 00:33:31,520 對不起 長官 我們認出一名死者的身份了 Excuse me, we got an I.D. on one of the victims. 564 00:33:32,320 --> 00:33:34,020 是狄克·史丹斯蘭 It's Dick Stensland. 565 00:33:36,430 --> 00:33:39,120 我一開始以為她是麗泰·海華 At first, I thought she was Rita Hayworth. 566 00:33:39,260 --> 00:33:40,660 對 我也是 Yeah, me too. 567 00:33:50,370 --> 00:33:52,360 真是逃過牢獄之災的好方法 Hell of a way to avoid prison. 568 00:34:03,220 --> 00:34:05,020 發生什麼事了? What happened? 569 00:34:05,120 --> 00:34:07,610 好像是有三個人搶劫咖啡廳 Appears 3 men held up a coffee shop. 570 00:34:07,760 --> 00:34:10,880 收銀員拿出了手槍所以兇手把他給殺了 The guy at the register pulled a.38, so they killed him. 571 00:34:11,060 --> 00:34:14,260 然後再把店裏的人殺個精光 Then they killed everyone else. 572 00:34:15,760 --> 00:34:18,700 長官 夜貓子那件命案可以認屍了 Lieutenant, we're ready with that Nite Owl I.D. 573 00:34:24,470 --> 00:34:26,870 她是你女兒嗎? Is this your daughter? 574 00:34:26,980 --> 00:34:29,340 我不知道 I don't know. 575 00:34:29,440 --> 00:34:30,600 我們知道這很不容易 We know this is difficult. 576 00:34:30,750 --> 00:34:32,340 你慢慢來 Take your time. 577 00:34:33,880 --> 00:34:36,040 她好像是我的蘇珊 It seems like my Susan. 578 00:34:36,180 --> 00:34:39,380 可是我的蘇珊是金髮不是紅髮 But my Susan was a blonde, not a redhead. 579 00:34:39,520 --> 00:34:41,610 你上次見到她是什麼時候? When was the last time you saw her? 580 00:34:41,760 --> 00:34:44,190 就是聖誕節之前 Just before Christmas. 581 00:34:44,330 --> 00:34:46,520 我們吵了一架 我不喜歡她的男友 We'd fought. I didn't like her boyfriend. 582 00:34:47,830 --> 00:34:48,850 雷佛太太 Mrs. Lefferts 583 00:34:49,000 --> 00:34:52,760 你女兒有沒有任何特別的記號 does your daughter have any distinguishing marks? 584 00:34:52,870 --> 00:34:55,600 你弄錯了 先生 我很好 You got the wrong idea, mister. I'm fine. 585 00:34:56,670 --> 00:35:00,200 她大腿旁邊有個胎記 She has a birthmark on her hip. 586 00:35:05,710 --> 00:35:10,080 是她沒錯 我的寶貝 It's her. My baby! 587 00:35:13,390 --> 00:35:14,860 節哀順變 雷佛太太 I'm sorry, Mrs. Lefferts. 588 00:35:16,460 --> 00:35:18,930 誰負責偵辦的? Who's in charge of this investigation? 589 00:35:19,090 --> 00:35:21,220 史密斯組長以及我本人 怎麼了? Captain Smith and myself. Why? 590 00:35:23,370 --> 00:35:24,760 "夜貓子大屠殺 " "The Nite Owl Massacre." 591 00:35:24,870 --> 00:35:26,730 儘管口氣誇張了點 Hyperbole aside 592 00:35:26,840 --> 00:35:30,200 這樣的大案子卻非得迅速破案才行 this is a heinous crime that requires swift resolution. 593 00:35:31,510 --> 00:35:32,600 死了六個人 Six victims. 594 00:35:32,740 --> 00:35:35,230 其中一個還是我們自己人 狄克·史丹斯蘭 One of them, one of our own. Dick Stensland. 595 00:35:35,780 --> 00:35:37,900 他是夜貓子的常客 He was a Nite Owl regular, 596 00:35:38,050 --> 00:35:40,240 挑錯了時間 走錯了地方 in the wrong place at the wrong time. 597 00:35:40,380 --> 00:35:42,320 動機似乎是搶劫 Robbery is the likely motive. 598 00:35:42,420 --> 00:35:47,050 由櫃檯上的手套印 以及初步的監識結果看來 We have rubber glove smears on the register and forensics 599 00:35:47,190 --> 00:35:48,750 兇手的確是三個人沒錯 tend toward a trio of shooters. 600 00:35:48,890 --> 00:35:51,260 而且我們已經有了重要線索了 We do have one hot lead. 601 00:35:51,360 --> 00:35:53,890 有人看見三個黑人青少年 Three Negro juveniles 602 00:35:54,030 --> 00:35:57,230 在葛瑞菲斯公園拿著散彈鎗亂射 were seen discharging shotguns in Griffith Park. 603 00:35:57,370 --> 00:36:00,530 有位公園管理員認出他們 開著一部48至50年 A park ranger I.D.'d them as driving a 1948-1950 Mercury coupe 604 00:36:00,970 --> 00:36:03,400 的福特褐紅色雙門跑車 maroon in color. 605 00:36:03,510 --> 00:36:07,100 一小時前警員問到一位賣報的 An hour ago a canvassing crew found a news vendor 606 00:36:07,240 --> 00:36:09,440 他說在深夜一點的時候 who saw a maroon Merc coupe parked 607 00:36:09,580 --> 00:36:11,440 看見褐紅色水星雙門跑車停在夜貓子門口 by the Nite Owl at 1 a.m. 608 00:36:11,550 --> 00:36:16,250 監理處已經整理出 水星雙門車的車主記錄了 DMV has come up with a registration list of Merc coupes. 609 00:36:16,390 --> 00:36:21,760 二人一組每組查訪三位車主 48 two-man teams will shake three names apiece. 610 00:36:21,860 --> 00:36:24,350 局內的偵訊工作由艾斯利負責 Interrogations will be led by Lt. Edmund Exley. 611 00:36:27,830 --> 00:36:29,350 別吵了 Enough on that! 612 00:36:32,500 --> 00:36:33,930 各位 去把兇手給我抓回來 Gentlemen, just go out and get them. 613 00:36:34,040 --> 00:36:37,030 動用所有必要的警力 Use all necessary force. 614 00:36:37,210 --> 00:36:39,900 這是洛杉磯市民的命令 The people of Los Angeles demand it. 615 00:36:40,040 --> 00:36:41,200 解散 Dismissed. 616 00:36:44,880 --> 00:36:46,440 直接懸賞他們的人頭不更乾脆 Why not just put a bounty on them? 617 00:36:54,260 --> 00:36:55,550 可以走了嗎 懷特? -Ready to roll? 618 00:36:55,660 --> 00:36:57,280 你自己去就好了 我另外有事 -You take them, I got something to do. 619 00:36:57,430 --> 00:36:57,980 萬一正好就是那三個 What if one of these names--? 620 00:36:58,190 --> 00:37:01,250 找別人跟你去 Get somebody else. 621 00:37:01,960 --> 00:37:04,300 名單拿到了 I got our assignments, Big V. 622 00:37:04,400 --> 00:37:07,700 照這份名單找下去一輩子也找不到 We go by this list, we got zero chance of making this collar. 623 00:37:07,800 --> 00:37:09,830 我有位線人對傑佛遜街以南很熟 I got a guy who knows what happens south of Jefferson. 624 00:37:09,970 --> 00:37:11,300 他可以幫我們抓到人 He'll put us at 50-50. 625 00:37:11,410 --> 00:37:13,670 傑克 你幹什麼? What are you doing? 626 00:37:13,680 --> 00:37:16,900 你上一次就是這樣子才惹上一身麻煩的 It's the same sort of thing that got you in trouble before. 627 00:37:16,950 --> 00:37:18,280 我就跟你冒這個險 I'll take those odds. 628 00:37:22,680 --> 00:37:23,710 現在開始由我們來 We got it from here. 629 00:37:26,290 --> 00:37:28,420 你們應該隨身帶著攝影記者的 You two should bring along a photographer. 630 00:37:33,760 --> 00:37:35,630 我想查一下你一位顧客的地址 I need an address on a customer of yours. 631 00:37:35,730 --> 00:37:36,920 她的名字叫琳恩 Her name is Lynn. 632 00:37:37,070 --> 00:37:38,360 你就丟給我這麼個名字? -That's all I got to go on? 633 00:37:38,470 --> 00:37:39,400 對 -Yeah. 634 00:37:39,530 --> 00:37:42,470 你很清楚我是什麼人 所以上道一點吧! You already know who I mean, so cough it up. 635 00:37:42,600 --> 00:37:45,100 上頭有收帳跟送貨的地址 There's a billing address and a delivery address. 636 00:38:12,400 --> 00:38:13,770 你是皮爾斯·巴卻嗎? Are you Pierce Patchett? 637 00:38:15,140 --> 00:38:16,330 是 I am. 638 00:38:17,940 --> 00:38:20,600 你是來勸募警察福利基金的嗎? Are you soliciting for police charities? 639 00:38:20,610 --> 00:38:22,770 上一次是你打電話來的吧? Last time you called my office. 640 00:38:22,910 --> 00:38:25,640 到下面的車庫 我們到那兒談 Go on down to the driveway. We'll talk there. 641 00:38:36,990 --> 00:38:37,960 你有什麼事? What can I do for you? 642 00:38:39,490 --> 00:38:40,930 你昨晚在哪裏? -Where were you last night? 643 00:38:41,030 --> 00:38:43,000 在這裏舉行晚宴 -I was here hosting a party. 644 00:38:44,830 --> 00:38:46,430 把狄克·史丹斯蘭的事告訴我 Tell me about Dick Stensland. 645 00:38:46,570 --> 00:38:49,060 我不認識他 你是 I don't know him, Mr.--? 646 00:38:49,200 --> 00:38:50,540 懷特警員 Officer White. 647 00:38:51,670 --> 00:38:53,230 你認識蘇珊雷佛嗎? You know Sue Lefferts? 648 00:38:53,380 --> 00:38:55,370 你知道我認識的 你看見我跟她在一起的 You know I do. You saw me with her. 649 00:38:57,380 --> 00:38:59,370 你怎麼找到我的? How did you find me? 650 00:38:59,510 --> 00:39:00,850 尼克的烈酒商店 Nick's Liquor. 651 00:39:00,950 --> 00:39:04,110 是琳恩·佈雷肯寫的收帳地址 This is where Lynn Bracken's booze bills go. 652 00:39:04,250 --> 00:39:05,380 對哦! Of course. 653 00:39:08,420 --> 00:39:11,090 蘇珊雷佛在夜貓子死了 Sue Lefferts died at the Nite Owl. 654 00:39:11,230 --> 00:39:12,690 我正在調查這件案子 I'm investigating. 655 00:39:15,060 --> 00:39:16,960 沒什麼事吧? 巴卻先生 Everything all right? 656 00:39:17,070 --> 00:39:18,790 沒事 謝謝你 Fine, Phillip, thank you. 657 00:39:23,140 --> 00:39:25,940 你另外那個保鏢巴茲呢? What happened to the other guy, Buzz? 658 00:39:26,040 --> 00:39:28,170 巴茲·米克斯已經不替我工作了 Buzz Meeks no longer works for me. 659 00:39:28,340 --> 00:39:29,400 雷佛在聖誕夜似乎被打了 Lefferts looked beat-up Christmas Eve 660 00:39:29,540 --> 00:39:30,980 可是她卻沒報案 為什麼? but didn't act it. Why? 661 00:39:31,080 --> 00:39:33,340 我想她是被網球拍打到的 I think she'd been hit in the face with a tennis racket. 662 00:39:33,450 --> 00:39:37,120 她很喜歡打雙打 She was a big doubles fan. 663 00:39:37,890 --> 00:39:40,480 你是命案死者的友人 You're a known associate of a woman killed in a mass murder. 664 00:39:41,760 --> 00:39:44,090 要不要到局裏去跟我們談? -Want to go downtown to discuss this? 665 00:39:44,460 --> 00:39:46,650 只是為了這件事嗎 警察先生 -Is this official? 666 00:39:46,800 --> 00:39:50,920 我怎麼覺得你似乎是為了個人的私事來找我的 Somehow I have the feeling this is more personal with you. 667 00:39:54,700 --> 00:39:56,730 好了 All right, then 668 00:39:56,870 --> 00:40:01,040 你現在是奉命調查跟命案有關的事情嗎? are you concerned about criminal matters peripheral to the murders? 669 00:40:01,180 --> 00:40:05,150 目前沒有 那你不見得要向上級報告羅? -Not at the moment. -You're not obligated to report them? 670 00:40:07,380 --> 00:40:09,820 為什麼雷佛臉上會有淤血? Why were Lefferts' eyes black? 671 00:40:09,920 --> 00:40:12,790 我需要一位麗泰·海華來充實我影棚的陣容 I needed a Rita Hayworth to fill out my little studio. 672 00:40:12,890 --> 00:40:14,050 什麼影棚? What little studio? 673 00:40:14,190 --> 00:40:18,060 我們那兒有很多像電影明星的女孩 Well, there's Gardner, Russell, Monroe, Turner. 674 00:40:18,160 --> 00:40:20,750 琳恩是我的薇洛尼卡.雷克 Lynn Bracken is my Veronica Lake. 675 00:40:20,900 --> 00:40:23,390 我專找長的像電影明星的女孩 I use girls that look like movie stars. 676 00:40:23,530 --> 00:40:26,590 有時難免得稍微整容一下 Sometimes I employ a plastic surgeon. 677 00:40:26,740 --> 00:40:29,830 那晚正好被你看見了 When the work was done, that's when you saw us. 678 00:40:29,970 --> 00:40:31,800 所以她老母認不出她來 It's why her mom couldn't I.D. her. 679 00:40:33,480 --> 00:40:34,870 我的老天啊! Jesus fucking Christ! 680 00:40:34,980 --> 00:40:37,410 我不是老天 我是皮爾斯·巴卻 No, Pierce Morehouse Patchett. 681 00:40:39,350 --> 00:40:40,780 我知道你職責在身 I sense you're on your best behavior, 682 00:40:40,920 --> 00:40:43,080 可是我言盡於此 but that's all I'm saying. 683 00:40:43,220 --> 00:40:46,280 如果你再追問下去我只好找律師來了 If you persist, we'll meet with my attorney. 684 00:40:46,450 --> 00:40:48,390 你要不要琳恩的地址?我想她似乎不 Would you like Lynn Bracken's address? 685 00:40:48,520 --> 00:40:50,650 我已經有她的地址了 I got her address. 686 00:40:51,990 --> 00:40:54,150 找出殺死蘇珊的人 懷特先生 Find Susan's killer, Mr. White. 687 00:40:54,300 --> 00:40:56,290 我會給你一大筆獎金的 I'll give you a handsome reward. 688 00:41:01,870 --> 00:41:03,100 任君選擇 Whatever you desire! 689 00:41:11,650 --> 00:41:13,380 我知道你還沒睡 I know you're not asleep. 690 00:41:15,720 --> 00:41:16,780 你是在跟我說話嗎? What do you want? 691 00:41:16,920 --> 00:41:19,180 你要什麼? 我的五塊錢 My 5 bucks. 692 00:41:19,190 --> 00:41:21,880 我就這麼些錢了 It was the only one I had. 693 00:41:22,020 --> 00:41:23,510 現在? Right now? 694 00:41:23,660 --> 00:41:26,390 喂 寶貝 叫他別來騷擾我們 Hey, doll face, tell him to leave us alone. 695 00:41:26,530 --> 00:41:27,960 我瞭解 I understand. 696 00:41:28,060 --> 00:41:29,090 好的 Okay, fine. 697 00:41:30,270 --> 00:41:32,530 哦!寶貝 Oh, baby 698 00:41:32,670 --> 00:41:34,190 壞消息 bad news. 699 00:41:34,340 --> 00:41:35,390 你得走了 You have to go. 700 00:41:35,540 --> 00:41:36,970 走? Go? 701 00:41:37,110 --> 00:41:39,600 有很重要的事發生了 所以你得走了 不過 Something very important has come up and you have to go. 702 00:41:40,680 --> 00:41:42,640 我改天會補償你的 好嗎? I'll make it up to you. 703 00:41:42,780 --> 00:41:44,210 我會的 我保證 I will, I promise. 704 00:41:44,310 --> 00:41:45,470 讓我過去 Excuse me. 705 00:41:48,020 --> 00:41:49,210 是警察嗎? Is it the cops? 706 00:41:53,990 --> 00:41:55,220 佈雷肯小姐 Miss Bracken 707 00:41:55,360 --> 00:41:56,520 我是懷特警員 I'm Officer White. 708 00:41:56,660 --> 00:41:57,780 我知道你要來 I've been expecting you, 709 00:41:57,930 --> 00:41:59,330 只是沒想到這麼快 just not this soon. 710 00:41:59,490 --> 00:42:01,990 皮爾斯來過電話 把蘇珊的遭遇告訴我了 Pierce called. He told me what happened to Sue. 711 00:42:02,130 --> 00:42:04,220 沒什麼麻煩吧 寶貝? Everything all right, doll? 712 00:42:04,370 --> 00:42:05,800 要不要我把他攆走? Want me to get rid of him? 713 00:42:05,900 --> 00:42:07,300 上路吧 兄弟 Hit the road. 714 00:42:09,100 --> 00:42:10,970 說不定我會走 Maybe I will 715 00:42:11,070 --> 00:42:12,940 也說不定我不走 maybe I won't. 716 00:42:13,040 --> 00:42:14,840 我是洛城警察 快點滾開 LAPD. Get out of here 717 00:42:14,980 --> 00:42:16,910 否則我叫你太太來抓你了 or I'll have your wife come get you. 718 00:42:33,230 --> 00:42:34,960 警員 議員 -Officer. -Councilman. 719 00:42:53,420 --> 00:42:54,580 要不要來杯酒? -Would you care for a drink? 720 00:42:54,720 --> 00:42:57,120 好 純威士忌 -Yeah, Scotch straight. 721 00:43:02,660 --> 00:43:04,350 我跟蘇珊還挺不錯的 I was friendly with Sue Lefferts, 722 00:43:04,560 --> 00:43:06,420 不過我們不是朋友 but we weren't friends. 723 00:43:06,560 --> 00:43:08,220 你明白我的意思嗎? Know what I mean? 724 00:43:08,360 --> 00:43:09,690 她死了你會難過嗎? You sorry she's dead? 725 00:43:11,930 --> 00:43:13,660 當然會 Of course I am. 726 00:43:13,800 --> 00:43:15,430 這算哪門子問題? What kind of question is that? 727 00:43:17,710 --> 00:43:20,170 你知道皮爾斯為什麼這樣子耍你嗎? Do you know why Pierce is humoring you? 728 00:43:20,310 --> 00:43:22,830 你用耍這個字會把我惹毛的 Use words like that, you might make me mad. 729 00:43:22,980 --> 00:43:24,140 不過你知不知道為什麼? But, do you know? 730 00:43:24,280 --> 00:43:26,340 我知道 Yeah, I know. 731 00:43:26,480 --> 00:43:29,140 他讓女孩整容變得像電影明星 Patchett's running whores 732 00:43:29,280 --> 00:43:31,780 然後替他賣淫 cut to look like movie stars. 733 00:43:31,920 --> 00:43:33,050 而從他的豪宅看來 And, judging by his address, 734 00:43:33,190 --> 00:43:35,450 他另外還有更大的買賣 something bigger on the side. 735 00:43:35,620 --> 00:43:37,490 所以不希望太過出風頭 He doesn't want any attention. 736 00:43:37,630 --> 00:43:40,320 沒錯 我們的動機很自私 That's right. Our motives are selfish 737 00:43:40,460 --> 00:43:41,390 不過我們會合作的 so we're cooperating. 738 00:43:41,500 --> 00:43:44,560 那就合作吧 佈雷肯小姐! 蘇珊為什麼去夜貓子? So cooperate. Why was Susan Lefferts at the Nite Owl? 739 00:43:44,700 --> 00:43:47,330 我不知道! 這是我第一次聽到夜貓子這個名字 I don't know. I never heard of the Nite Owl till today. 740 00:43:47,470 --> 00:43:48,660 她是怎麼認識皮爾斯的? How'd she meet Patchett? 741 00:43:48,800 --> 00:43:50,360 皮爾斯交遊很廣 Pierce meets people. 742 00:43:50,510 --> 00:43:52,440 蘇珊則滿懷明星夢 Sue had dreams of Hollywood 743 00:43:52,540 --> 00:43:54,970 如今卻落得這個下場 and this is how they turned out. 744 00:43:55,110 --> 00:43:57,040 全拜皮爾斯之賜 Thanks to Pierce, 745 00:43:57,150 --> 00:43:59,310 我們依然得繼續裝下去 we still get to act a little. 746 00:43:59,450 --> 00:44:01,940 告訴我皮爾斯的底細吧 Tell me about Pierce. 747 00:44:02,080 --> 00:44:05,250 他還在等你向他開價呢? He's waiting for you to mention money. 748 00:44:05,390 --> 00:44:07,050 要不要聽聽我的建議?佈雷肯小姐 Want advice, Miss Bracken? 749 00:44:07,190 --> 00:44:08,750 叫我琳恩 It's Lynn. 750 00:44:08,890 --> 00:44:10,880 佈雷肯小姐 Miss Bracken 751 00:44:11,030 --> 00:44:13,620 千萬不要想要賄賂我 don't ever try to fucking bribe me 752 00:44:13,760 --> 00:44:17,200 否則我他媽的整得你跟皮爾斯叫苦連天 or I'll have you and Patchett in shit up to your ears. 753 00:44:17,330 --> 00:44:19,820 聖誕夜那天的事深印在我腦中 I remember you from Christmas Eve. 754 00:44:20,940 --> 00:44:23,960 你一向很喜歡幫女人對不對? You have a thing for helping women, don't you? 755 00:44:25,070 --> 00:44:26,940 說不定我只是他媽的好奇而已 Maybe I'm just fucking curious. 756 00:44:27,040 --> 00:44:28,870 你一天到晚把髒話掛在嘴上 -You say "fuck" a lot. 757 00:44:28,980 --> 00:44:30,440 你卻一天到晚為了錢在操人 -You fuck for money. 758 00:44:30,650 --> 00:44:31,840 你的襯衫上有血 There's blood on your shirt. 759 00:44:31,980 --> 00:44:34,410 是不是幹員警就得打人? An integral part of your job? 760 00:44:34,520 --> 00:44:36,420 對 你喜歡打人嗎? -Yeah. -Do you enjoy it? 761 00:44:36,520 --> 00:44:37,450 如果對方欠揍的話 When they deserve it. 762 00:44:37,590 --> 00:44:39,250 他們今天欠揍嗎? Did they deserve it today? 763 00:44:40,860 --> 00:44:41,910 我不知道 I'm not sure. 764 00:44:42,060 --> 00:44:42,990 可是你還是揍人了 -But you did it anyway. 765 00:44:43,120 --> 00:44:44,180 對 -Yeah. 766 00:44:44,330 --> 00:44:47,690 就像你今天接了十幾個人一樣 Like the half dozen guys you screwed today. 767 00:44:47,800 --> 00:44:49,700 事實上只有兩個 Actually, it was only two. 768 00:44:52,270 --> 00:44:54,030 你真是與眾不同 懷特警官 You're different, Officer White. 769 00:44:54,170 --> 00:44:55,640 五年來你是第一個 You're the first man in years 770 00:44:55,770 --> 00:44:59,140 沒說我很像薇洛妮卡的人 who didn't tell me I look like Veronica Lake. 771 00:44:59,240 --> 00:45:01,330 你比她漂亮 You look better than Veronica Lake. 772 00:45:06,450 --> 00:45:07,880 皮爾斯他? Pierce Patchett? 773 00:45:09,180 --> 00:45:10,340 他會把我們賺的抽一部份 He takes a cut of our earnings 774 00:45:10,490 --> 00:45:12,110 去替我們投資理財 and invests it for us. 775 00:45:12,250 --> 00:45:15,550 他不許我們吸毒 也不會打我們 He doesn't let us use narcotics and he doesn't abuse us. 776 00:45:15,690 --> 00:45:19,680 你們警察能想像得到這種矛盾的做法嗎? Can your policeman's mentality grasp those contradictions? 777 00:45:21,700 --> 00:45:23,990 他讓你去整得像薇洛妮卡的? He had you cut to look like Veronica Lake. 778 00:45:24,100 --> 00:45:25,570 不 No. 779 00:45:25,730 --> 00:45:29,130 我本來是黑髮 其它的都沒變 I'm really a brunette, but the rest is me. 780 00:45:30,640 --> 00:45:32,800 你只要知道這些就夠了 And that's all the news that's fit to print. 781 00:45:34,480 --> 00:45:35,940 很高興認識你 It's nice meeting you. 782 00:45:41,180 --> 00:45:42,050 我想再跟你見面 -I'd like to see you again. 783 00:45:42,150 --> 00:45:43,410 你這是在約我嗎? -For a date 784 00:45:43,550 --> 00:45:44,880 還是在跟我預約時間? or an appointment? 785 00:45:46,820 --> 00:45:48,480 我不知道 I don't know. 786 00:45:48,620 --> 00:45:50,390 如果是約會 那你該告訴我你的名字 -For a date, I'd know your first name. 787 00:45:50,530 --> 00:45:51,650 忘了我剛剛說的話 -Forget I asked. 788 00:45:52,990 --> 00:45:54,460 是我說錯話了 It was a mistake. 789 00:46:14,820 --> 00:46:15,870 雷歐那比威爾嗎? Leonard Bidwell? 790 00:46:17,450 --> 00:46:19,010 下來聊聊吧 Come down here and talk to us. 791 00:46:21,420 --> 00:46:23,150 最近左拳練得怎麼樣? How's the left these days? 792 00:46:23,290 --> 00:46:24,220 這關你什麼事? What's it to you? 793 00:46:24,330 --> 00:46:26,380 我看過你跟佳威蘭小子打拳 I saw you fight Kid Gavilan. 794 00:46:26,530 --> 00:46:28,120 我很喜歡你的拳風 I like your style. 795 00:46:30,830 --> 00:46:33,200 你有什麼事?警察先生 What do you want, Mr. Policeman? 796 00:46:33,300 --> 00:46:34,360 你有個兄弟關在佛森監獄 You got a brother in Folsom. 797 00:46:34,500 --> 00:46:35,940 我知道 是我把他關進去的 I put him there. 798 00:46:36,040 --> 00:46:37,160 他得關到1970年 Until 1970. 799 00:46:37,310 --> 00:46:39,540 你希不希望只關到1960年 How'd you like to make it 1960? 800 00:46:39,670 --> 00:46:44,470 我認識那位法官副組長是檢察官的好朋友 I know the judge, and Lieutenant Exley is good friends with the D.A. 801 00:46:45,450 --> 00:46:50,480 好了 我們在找三個愛玩散彈鎗的黑人 We're looking for 3 colored guys who like to shoot shotguns. 802 00:46:50,580 --> 00:46:53,020 其中一個開著褐紅色的跑車 One owns a maroon Mercury coupe. 803 00:46:53,150 --> 00:46:54,490 你想害我背上罪人的名字 -Want me to snitch? 804 00:46:54,590 --> 00:46:56,150 你想不想幫你哥哥減個十年 -Want to buy your brother 10 years? 805 00:46:56,290 --> 00:46:57,260 是十年對不對? -It was 10 years, right? 806 00:46:57,460 --> 00:46:58,450 對 十年 -Yeah, 10 years. 807 00:46:58,590 --> 00:46:59,750 你用不著開口 You don't have to say anything, 808 00:46:59,890 --> 00:47:03,660 只要看看名單 用手指就行了 just look at this list and point. 809 00:47:05,900 --> 00:47:08,160 那傢伙很壞所以我直接告訴你 He's bad, so I'll just tell you. 810 00:47:08,300 --> 00:47:09,770 蜜糖雷伊柯林斯 Sugar Ray Collins. 811 00:47:09,900 --> 00:47:12,460 開著一部49年的福特跑車 Drives a maroon '49 coupe. 812 00:47:12,610 --> 00:47:14,010 車子很漂亮 Beautiful ride. 813 00:47:15,040 --> 00:47:16,030 有沒有散彈鎗我不知道 Don't know about shotguns, 814 00:47:16,180 --> 00:47:19,340 不過他一向以殺狗為樂 but he gets his thrills killing dogs. 815 00:47:19,510 --> 00:47:21,140 他是標準的垃圾 He's righteous trash. 816 00:47:21,280 --> 00:47:22,980 你看看 離這兒才五分鐘 Look at that. It's five minutes from here. 817 00:47:23,120 --> 00:47:24,140 謝謝你 Thanks. 818 00:47:26,720 --> 00:47:28,120 你會給我消息吧? I'll hear from you 819 00:47:29,190 --> 00:47:30,620 我哥哥的事 about my brother? 820 00:47:30,730 --> 00:47:32,850 手抬高一點 雷尼 抬高一點 Keep it up, Lenny. U p! 821 00:47:39,200 --> 00:47:41,570 到了 在後面 There it is. It's in the back. 822 00:47:58,850 --> 00:48:00,180 自己人的車 該死 -One of ours. -Shit, 823 00:48:00,290 --> 00:48:01,480 有人想趕在我們的前面 somebody beat us here! 824 00:48:07,460 --> 00:48:10,660 該死 我的眼鏡 Damn it! My glasses! 825 00:48:10,770 --> 00:48:11,820 你開什麼玩笑 You're kidding! 826 00:48:13,530 --> 00:48:15,060 反正別朝我開槍就是了 Well, just don't shoot me. 827 00:48:24,710 --> 00:48:25,770 你們來做什麼? What are you doing here? 828 00:48:27,210 --> 00:48:29,150 我們正好在這附近 We were in the neighborhood. 829 00:48:29,280 --> 00:48:30,940 查到什麼了? 三把十二發的散彈鎗 -What do you got? -Three 12-gauge pumps. 830 00:48:31,090 --> 00:48:33,780 空的子彈盒 還有一些現金 And cash. 831 00:48:35,620 --> 00:48:37,090 再見了 掃黃組 So long, Vice. Badge of Honor, 832 00:48:37,220 --> 00:48:38,660 警網群英 我來了 here I come. 833 00:48:38,760 --> 00:48:40,730 去你的 這機會是我們的 Fuck you! This is our collar. 834 00:48:40,860 --> 00:48:42,020 安靜! Quiet! 835 00:48:42,160 --> 00:48:43,630 這兒我官階最高 I'm ranking officer here. 836 00:48:43,760 --> 00:48:46,260 我們合作抓人 不用再爭了 We go as a team. End of story. 837 00:48:51,270 --> 00:48:52,260 好 Right. 838 00:48:53,610 --> 00:48:54,700 有幾個人口? How many ways in? 839 00:48:54,840 --> 00:48:56,710 只有一個 從樓梯上去 Only one. Up the stairs. 840 00:48:58,710 --> 00:49:00,200 他是很認真的 He's very serious. 841 00:49:15,230 --> 00:49:17,290 我們是警察! 搞什麼? 不要開槍 Police! Don't shoot! 842 00:49:19,130 --> 00:49:19,570 別動 -Don't move. 843 00:49:19,670 --> 00:49:21,400 殺了他 傑克 閉嘴 布魯尼 -Ace him, Jack! Shut up. 844 00:49:21,540 --> 00:49:22,590 很緊張吧? Anxious, aren't you? 845 00:49:22,740 --> 00:49:23,860 不要殺他們 Don't kill them. 846 00:49:26,470 --> 00:49:29,140 退回去 退回去 Back, back, back! 847 00:49:29,280 --> 00:49:30,210 你放開我 Get off me! 848 00:49:30,310 --> 00:49:31,640 面對著牆站好 Against the wall! 849 00:49:31,750 --> 00:49:32,800 面對著牆站好 Against the wall! 850 00:49:32,950 --> 00:49:33,710 把雙手舉起來 -Put your hands up! 851 00:49:33,850 --> 00:49:35,280 過來 孩子 快點 -Get over there. 852 00:49:36,480 --> 00:49:38,110 閉嘴 把手放在背後 Shut up! Hands behind your back! 853 00:49:39,420 --> 00:49:43,780 怎樣? 走出辦公室的感覺如何 So how's it feel getting out of the office? 854 00:49:49,960 --> 00:49:51,490 這是監識組來的報告 This came from forensics. 855 00:49:51,670 --> 00:49:53,330 他們在燒衣服 "Burning clothes. 856 00:49:54,400 --> 00:49:56,500 卡西達少年監獄 Casitas Youth Camp." 857 00:50:00,010 --> 00:50:02,100 這兒挺擠的 懷特 It's crowded in here, White. 858 00:50:02,240 --> 00:50:04,110 他們殺死了史丹斯蘭 These guys killed Stensland. 859 00:50:20,690 --> 00:50:21,850 這些彈殼上面的彈道痕跡 The ejection marks on the shells fired from the shotguns 860 00:50:22,100 --> 00:50:27,060 跟我們在夜貓子找到的彈殼是一樣的 are identical to those on the shell casings found at the Nite Owl. 861 00:50:27,200 --> 00:50:29,330 我要他們坦白招供 埃德蒙 I want confessions, Edmund. 862 00:50:29,470 --> 00:50:32,630 熬了一晚他們應該已經軟化了 A night's stewing has softened them up. 863 00:50:32,770 --> 00:50:34,210 我會瓦解他們心理防線的 I'll break them, sir. 864 00:50:54,600 --> 00:50:58,160 你確定我們金童干的來嗎? Are you sure golden boy is up to the task, Cap? 865 00:50:58,300 --> 00:51:01,000 我想你會被他的能耐嚇一跳的 I think you'd be surprised what the lad is capable of. 866 00:51:03,540 --> 00:51:05,470 你今年22歲對不對? You're 22. Aren't you, Ray? 867 00:51:11,080 --> 00:51:13,240 有沒有警察修理過你? Did an officer work you over? 868 00:51:15,120 --> 00:51:16,340 你今年22歲對不對? -You're 22, right? 869 00:51:16,480 --> 00:51:18,110 你為什麼一直這樣子問我? -Why do you keep asking that? 870 00:51:18,250 --> 00:51:20,950 因為滿22歲就可以判死刑 22 makes it a gas chamber bounce. 871 00:51:21,090 --> 00:51:23,560 所以你應該十年前殺人才對的 You should've pulled this caper years ago. 872 00:51:23,720 --> 00:51:26,780 判個終生監禁 在少年感化院關到21歲 Get life, do a little Youth Authority jolt 873 00:51:27,060 --> 00:51:29,290 再轉到佛森監獄去 transfer to Folsom a big man 874 00:51:29,430 --> 00:51:31,090 找個愛人同志 get yourself a sissy. 875 00:51:31,230 --> 00:51:33,460 我不搞同性戀那一套的 I don't truck with no sissies. 876 00:51:36,300 --> 00:51:38,240 路易斯 Louis. 877 00:51:38,340 --> 00:51:39,360 幹嘛? What? 878 00:51:40,740 --> 00:51:43,230 你跟路易斯兩個人 在卡西達一起坐過牢對不對? You did the Casitas Youth Camp with Louis. 879 00:51:43,380 --> 00:51:45,240 你為什麼一直問我路易斯的事情? Why you keep asking me about Louis? 880 00:51:45,350 --> 00:51:47,280 他的事跟我無關 His business is his business. 881 00:51:47,380 --> 00:51:50,370 蜜糖 路易斯跟我說你在卡西達搞過同性戀 Sugar, Louis told me you went sissy up at Casitas. 882 00:51:51,220 --> 00:51:52,280 你熬不下去了 You couldn't do the time, 883 00:51:52,420 --> 00:51:55,220 所以找了個白人男孩來照顧你 so you got a big white boy to look after you. 884 00:51:55,320 --> 00:51:57,590 他們還說他們會管你叫蜜糖 Said they called you "Sugar" 885 00:51:57,760 --> 00:52:00,420 是因為你對愛人同志很甜 because you gave it out so sweet. 886 00:52:00,560 --> 00:52:02,550 路易斯他才獻出了玻璃呢 Louis gave it up at Casitas. 887 00:52:02,700 --> 00:52:04,460 我在我們牢房是老大 I was the boss jock in my dorm! 888 00:52:04,600 --> 00:52:06,530 路易斯才是愛人同志 Louis was the sissy! 889 00:52:06,630 --> 00:52:08,260 路易斯為棒棒糖就獻身了 Louis gave it up for candy bars! 890 00:52:08,400 --> 00:52:10,840 他簡直比狗還笨 He isn't got the sense of a dog! 891 00:52:12,070 --> 00:52:13,540 聽說你很喜歡殺狗 You like to shoot dogs. 892 00:52:13,670 --> 00:52:16,040 狗沒有資格活 Dogs got no reason to live. 893 00:52:17,850 --> 00:52:19,640 你對人也有同樣的感覺嘛? Feel the same way about people? 894 00:52:19,810 --> 00:52:21,540 你到底想說什麼嘛? What're you trying to say? 895 00:52:21,680 --> 00:52:23,240 我們搜到散彈鎗了 We got the shotguns. 896 00:52:23,380 --> 00:52:24,850 我根本沒有什麼散彈鎗的 I don't own no shotguns. 897 00:52:24,990 --> 00:52:27,580 你們為什麼把衣服拿去燒呢? Why were you throwing clothes in the incinerator? 898 00:52:27,720 --> 00:52:29,050 你說什麼? Say what? 899 00:52:29,160 --> 00:52:33,790 有鄰居說看見你們把衣服拿去焚化爐燒 A neighbor said she saw you throwing clothes in the incinerator. 900 00:52:33,930 --> 00:52:35,290 這樣子可不太妙 Doesn't look good. 901 00:52:35,400 --> 00:52:37,520 沒見到法官之前我不會再說話了 I isn't talking till I see a judge. 902 00:52:37,670 --> 00:52:38,460 你是不是吸了毒了? Were you on hop? 903 00:52:38,600 --> 00:52:41,500 我們逮捕你的時候你已經攤在那兒 You were passed out when we arrested you. 904 00:52:41,600 --> 00:52:43,190 泰依跟路易斯才會吸那玩意兒 Ty and Louis fuck with that shit, not me. 905 00:52:43,340 --> 00:52:45,930 我不會 他們在哪兒弄到貨的? Where do they get their stuff? 906 00:52:47,510 --> 00:52:50,030 快點 給我個人向檢察官交待 Man. Give me one to feed the D.A. 907 00:52:50,040 --> 00:52:51,900 這樣子我臉上好看一點 It'll make me look good 908 00:52:52,050 --> 00:52:56,040 那我相信你不是同性戀 and I'll say Sugar Ray's not a punk like his sissy partners. 909 00:53:01,190 --> 00:53:02,310 好了 雷蒙 All right. 910 00:53:02,460 --> 00:53:05,190 多說一點路易斯和泰依的事 Tell me one more thing about Jones and Fontaine. 911 00:53:05,330 --> 00:53:06,820 他們在哪兒弄到毒品的? Where do they get drugs? 912 00:53:09,660 --> 00:53:11,460 羅蘭那法瑞那兒 Roland Navarette. 913 00:53:12,800 --> 00:53:15,360 他在木屋山莊那兒有個據點 He runs a hole-up on Bunker Hill. 914 00:53:15,370 --> 00:53:17,300 而且還賣紅魔鬼 And he sells red devils. 915 00:53:18,370 --> 00:53:20,000 艾斯利很行 我服了他了 Exley's good, I'll give him that. 916 00:53:20,140 --> 00:53:21,330 我要去休息一下了 I'll take a break. 917 00:53:25,280 --> 00:53:26,580 對了 雷依 You know, Ray, 918 00:53:26,710 --> 00:53:29,210 我都說你可能被送進毒氣室了 I'm talking about the gas chamber 919 00:53:29,350 --> 00:53:32,280 可是你卻一直沒有問我 我們到底在查什麼案子 and you haven't asked me what this is about. 920 00:53:32,390 --> 00:53:34,850 你是跳到黃河都洗不清了 You got a big "guilty" sign around your neck. 921 00:53:39,890 --> 00:53:41,880 真是技術高超 埃德蒙 That was masterful, Edmund. 922 00:53:42,030 --> 00:53:43,330 他已經準備好要招供了 He's ready to go. 923 00:53:50,800 --> 00:53:52,140 拿份報紙給路易斯 Give Jones the newspaper. 924 00:53:52,240 --> 00:53:53,640 我要他跳起來 I want him primed. 925 00:53:53,740 --> 00:53:56,300 把手銬拿掉好讓他看報 Take the cuffs off, so he can read it. 926 00:53:56,440 --> 00:53:58,100 雷依剛剛出賣你了 Ray Collins just ratted you off. 927 00:53:58,250 --> 00:54:00,340 他說夜貓子那件事是你帶頭的 Said the Nite Owl was your idea. 928 00:54:00,480 --> 00:54:02,380 我覺得是雷依帶頭的 I think it was Ray's idea. 929 00:54:02,480 --> 00:54:04,420 你要是招出來我想我可以救你一命 You talk, I think I can save your life. 930 00:54:05,590 --> 00:54:06,990 死了六個人啊 6 people are dead, 931 00:54:07,090 --> 00:54:08,250 總得有人頂罪吧! and someone has to pay for it. 932 00:54:08,390 --> 00:54:11,410 那個人可以是你 也可以是雷依 Now, it can be you, or it can be Ray. 933 00:54:13,730 --> 00:54:15,700 路易斯 他說你是同性戀的 Louis, he called you queer. 934 00:54:15,900 --> 00:54:17,660 還說你在卡西達被玩的很厲害 -At Casitas, you took it up the ass. 935 00:54:17,800 --> 00:54:19,290 我根本沒有殺人 -I didn't kill nobody!! 936 00:54:22,170 --> 00:54:23,830 孩子 Son 937 00:54:24,240 --> 00:54:27,910 你很清楚如果不招出來會有什麼下場 you know what'll happen if you don't talk. 938 00:54:28,040 --> 00:54:31,740 你會被送去毒氣室所以你還是招了吧 You'll go to the gas chamber. So admit what you did. 939 00:54:31,910 --> 00:54:33,850 我並不想傷害她 I didn't mean to hurt her. 940 00:54:33,980 --> 00:54:35,610 說不定她沒事呢? -Maybe she's okay. 941 00:54:35,750 --> 00:54:37,880 沒事? -Okay? 942 00:54:38,020 --> 00:54:39,780 他們全在停屍間了 They're all in the morgue. 943 00:54:39,950 --> 00:54:41,510 你走的時候他們就已經全死了 They were dead when you left them. 944 00:54:41,660 --> 00:54:43,780 我只不過是想要開苞而已嘛 I just wanted to lose my cherry. 945 00:54:43,960 --> 00:54:46,390 她沒死的話我也就不用死了 She don't die, so I don't die. 946 00:54:46,530 --> 00:54:49,020 她沒死所以我也不用死 She don't die, so I don't die. 947 00:54:49,160 --> 00:54:50,530 路易斯 那個女孩是誰? Louis, who's the girl? 948 00:54:50,630 --> 00:54:52,060 她叫什麼名字? What's her name? 949 00:54:52,200 --> 00:54:54,460 你到底在說什麼? Who are you talking about? 950 00:54:54,600 --> 00:54:56,930 她是不是在夜貓子那兒? Was she at the Nite Owl? 951 00:54:57,040 --> 00:54:59,160 路易斯 聽我說她是不是在夜貓子那兒? Listen to me, was she at the Nite Owl? 952 00:55:06,310 --> 00:55:07,680 這份報紙在胡說八道 -This paper shit isn't shit! 953 00:55:07,780 --> 00:55:09,440 路易斯說的那個女孩在哪裏? -Where's the girl? 954 00:55:09,580 --> 00:55:11,050 你們殺了她嗎? You kill her? 955 00:55:11,190 --> 00:55:12,310 你們本來只是要讓路易斯開苞 Louis lost his cherry, 956 00:55:12,450 --> 00:55:14,510 可是你們覺得還不過癮結果事情鬧得太過份了 but things got out of hand. 957 00:55:14,960 --> 00:55:15,890 你們就打了那個女孩 You made her bleed. 958 00:55:16,020 --> 00:55:17,290 她的血濺到你們的衣服上面 She bled on your clothes, 959 00:55:17,420 --> 00:55:18,390 所以你們把衣服燒了 so you burned the clothes. 960 00:55:18,530 --> 00:55:20,620 誰說的? Who said that?! 961 00:55:20,760 --> 00:55:22,190 你給我聽好 Now, listen to me. 962 00:55:22,300 --> 00:55:23,490 如果她還活著的話 If she's alive, 963 00:55:23,630 --> 00:55:24,960 她是你們活命的唯一機會了 she's the only chance you've got. 964 00:55:25,070 --> 00:55:26,760 我想她還活著 你想? -I think she's alive. -You think? 965 00:55:26,900 --> 00:55:28,370 那她在那裏? Where is she now? 966 00:55:28,500 --> 00:55:31,630 你們是不是把她丟哪裏? 還是把她賣了? Did you leave her someplace? 967 00:55:32,140 --> 00:55:33,540 告訴我她在哪裏? Where is she? 968 00:55:35,580 --> 00:55:36,470 你在幹什麼? What're you doing? 969 00:55:39,550 --> 00:55:40,510 懷特 White! 970 00:55:42,080 --> 00:55:43,010 六分之一的機會 1 in 6! 971 00:55:43,150 --> 00:55:43,910 她在哪裏? Where's the girl?! 972 00:55:44,050 --> 00:55:45,450 懷特 我已經控制住狀況了 Put the weapon down! 973 00:55:45,550 --> 00:55:47,750 把槍放下來 那個女孩在哪裏? Where's the girl?!! 974 00:55:53,690 --> 00:55:54,630 希維思特之家 Sylvester Fitch 975 00:55:54,730 --> 00:55:55,660 什麼? What? 976 00:55:55,760 --> 00:55:58,660 希維思特之家 艾瓦龍街109號 Sylvester Fitch, 109 Avalon 977 00:56:00,000 --> 00:56:02,370 樓上角落的棕色房間 brown corner house, upstairs. 978 00:56:14,920 --> 00:56:16,140 給我一分鐘的時間 -Just give me one minute. 979 00:56:16,280 --> 00:56:17,380 沒有問題 -You got it. 980 00:56:23,420 --> 00:56:24,480 大家先別動 Nobody moves. 981 00:56:24,630 --> 00:56:26,710 我們幾個從前門進去 We're going in the front. 982 00:56:26,720 --> 00:56:29,090 在我下令之前先別動 Stay put until I give the word. 983 00:58:54,610 --> 00:58:55,770 他繞到後面去了 He went around back! 984 00:58:57,840 --> 00:58:58,870 我是艾斯利副組長 I'm Lieutenant Exley. 985 00:58:59,010 --> 00:59:00,140 對不起 這麼問你 I'm sorry to ask you this. 986 00:59:00,280 --> 00:59:01,980 我需要知道他們什麼時候丟下你的 I need to know when they left you. 987 00:59:02,120 --> 00:59:03,240 把她送到醫院去 Get her to the hospital. 988 00:59:03,380 --> 00:59:04,940 借過一下 Excuse me. 989 00:59:05,090 --> 00:59:06,810 別一直急著陞官 Give your career a rest. 990 00:59:06,950 --> 00:59:08,390 別去煩她 Leave her alone. 991 00:59:08,490 --> 00:59:09,680 一絲不掛的男人會用槍射你? A naked guy with a gun? 992 00:59:09,820 --> 00:59:11,020 你認為會有人相信嗎? Who'll believe that? 993 00:59:11,190 --> 00:59:13,630 你離我遠一點 Get the fuck away from me. 994 00:59:13,760 --> 00:59:14,850 你的報告寫出來會是什麼樣子 How'll it look in your report? 995 00:59:15,000 --> 00:59:16,430 會像正義得到伸張 It'll look like justice. 996 00:59:16,530 --> 00:59:18,290 這正是那個男人的下場 That's what the man got. 997 00:59:18,430 --> 00:59:19,400 接受正義的制裁 Justice. 998 00:59:19,530 --> 00:59:22,160 你根本不知道正義兩個字是什麼意思 You don't know the meaning of the word. 999 00:59:22,300 --> 00:59:25,430 是嗎? 你以為你的照片上報才叫做正義嗎? You think it means getting your picture in the paper. 1000 00:59:25,710 --> 00:59:27,000 你要找 去找壞人的麻煩 Go after criminals for a change. 1001 00:59:27,140 --> 00:59:28,130 別老是找警察的麻煩 instead of cops 1002 00:59:28,280 --> 00:59:30,680 史丹斯蘭他是活該 你也是 Stensland got what he deserved and so will you. 1003 00:59:40,320 --> 00:59:42,720 別那麼衝動 巴德 come on, bud 1004 00:59:45,460 --> 00:59:47,590 他那麼沖 你最好是離他遠一點 It's best to stay away when his blood is up. 1005 00:59:47,730 --> 00:59:49,350 他永遠是那麼沖的 His blood's always up. 1006 00:59:50,700 --> 00:59:53,330 或許你永遠都不應該靠近他 Perhaps you should stay away from him altogether. 1007 00:59:53,470 --> 00:59:56,960 逃犯雷蒙克林斯 泰依瓊斯和路易斯方騰 Raymond Collins, Ty Jones and Louis Fontaine. 1008 00:59:57,100 --> 00:59:59,800 擁有槍械極為危險 They are considered armed and dangerous. 1009 00:59:59,940 --> 01:00:02,270 重複 夜貓子案的嫌犯脫逃了 Repeat. The Nite Owl suspects have escaped. 1010 01:00:03,180 --> 01:00:05,040 他們怎麼爬出窗戶去的? How'd they get out the window? 1011 01:00:05,150 --> 01:00:07,110 我們只知道他們從二樓跳下去 They jumped from the 2nd floor. 1012 01:00:07,280 --> 01:00:09,510 醫院那個女孩做好筆錄了 說他們在十二點丟下她的 Girl said they left her at 12. 1013 01:00:09,980 --> 01:00:12,510 他們很有可能在一點左右到了夜貓子那兒 They could get to the Nite Owl by 1. 1014 01:00:12,650 --> 01:00:15,420 問題是他們那兒弄到毒品的 The question was, where did they get their drugs? 1015 01:00:16,260 --> 01:00:18,490 我還沒有想到那兒去呢 I haven't gotten that far yet. 1016 01:00:18,630 --> 01:00:20,620 羅蘭·那法瑞在木屋街有個據點 "Roland Navarette lives on Bunker Hill, 1017 01:00:20,760 --> 01:00:22,890 各種毒品甚至連紅魔鬼都有 runs a hole-up" 1018 01:00:24,530 --> 01:00:26,060 有沒有人看見傑克·文生? Anyone seen Jack Vincennes? 1019 01:00:28,100 --> 01:00:29,530 有什麼事嗎? Is something up? 1020 01:00:29,670 --> 01:00:31,030 我需要人支持 走 I need some backup. Go 1021 01:00:48,790 --> 01:00:50,720 怎麼了? 沒事 走吧 -What? -Nothing. Let's go. 1022 01:00:59,700 --> 01:01:00,630 應該就是這了 This should be it. 1023 01:01:05,990 --> 01:01:06,980 404 404 1024 01:01:27,990 --> 01:01:28,980 通通不許動 Nobody moves! 1025 01:01:30,630 --> 01:01:31,890 不要動 你們被捕了 You're under arrest. 1026 01:01:32,030 --> 01:01:33,970 不要開槍 Don't shoot, man! 1027 01:01:34,070 --> 01:01:36,190 手舉起來 別動 Don't move! Don't move! 1028 01:02:28,820 --> 01:02:30,350 他來了 There he is. 1029 01:02:30,490 --> 01:02:32,290 你表現的很好 孩子 You did good, kid. 1030 01:02:32,430 --> 01:02:35,860 你應該看看那個地方的到處都是血 像場惡夢 You should've seen this place. Blood everywhere. 1031 01:02:36,000 --> 01:02:37,790 真是沒想到 散彈艾德! Who would have thought? Shotgun Ed. 1032 01:02:37,930 --> 01:02:39,190 對 散彈艾德 Yes. Shotgun Ed. 1033 01:02:39,370 --> 01:02:41,100 誰帶他去包紮一下吧 Somebody get him cleaned up. 1034 01:02:41,240 --> 01:02:42,200 走吧 孩子 Come on. 1035 01:02:44,270 --> 01:02:45,200 夜貓子屠殺案的破案英雄 1036 01:02:45,370 --> 01:02:48,900 埃德蒙艾斯利在洛杉磯警局服務了七年 Edmund J. Exley has amassed a brilliant record 1037 01:02:49,040 --> 01:02:52,210 當中表現異常優異 in his 7 years with the Los Angeles Police Department. 1038 01:02:52,250 --> 01:02:55,440 最近在執勤的時候更是表現的非常英勇 Recently, he evinced spectacular bravery in the line of duty. 1039 01:02:55,580 --> 01:02:58,680 所以我們深感榮幸 能夠頒發給他我們的最高榮譽 It is our privilege to present him with our highest honor: 1040 01:02:58,820 --> 01:03:00,550 勇士獎章 The Medal of Valor. 1041 01:03:00,690 --> 01:03:01,650 那是什麼車子? -What kind of car was it? -It was a Ford. 1042 01:03:01,790 --> 01:03:03,260 福特的 你確定嗎? Ford. Are you sure? 1043 01:03:03,420 --> 01:03:04,860 我先生總是開福特 My husband always drove a Ford. 1044 01:03:04,960 --> 01:03:06,450 所以我知道福特的樣子 I know what they look like. 1045 01:03:06,590 --> 01:03:08,530 對不起夫人 說重點就好了 Excuse me, ma'am. Just the facts. 1046 01:03:08,630 --> 01:03:10,900 是淺色還是暗色的? 淺色的 Light or dark? Light. 1047 01:03:10,910 --> 01:03:14,130 我真的只記得這些了 警官 And that's really all I remember, Officer. 1048 01:03:14,270 --> 01:03:16,460 謝謝你 你幫了我們大忙 Thank you. You've been a big help. 1049 01:03:16,600 --> 01:03:18,830 卡 拿去沖印吧 Cut! That's a print. 1050 01:03:18,840 --> 01:03:22,470 大傑克 他回來了 Big Jack! He's back! 1051 01:03:22,580 --> 01:03:23,700 傑克回來了 Jack's back. 1052 01:03:57,340 --> 01:04:00,140 告訴巴卻先生我不會改變的 Tell Mr. Patchett I have no intention of changing my vote. 1053 01:04:12,460 --> 01:04:13,820 有的人或許會感到驚訝 It may surprise some that 1054 01:04:13,930 --> 01:04:17,830 一個政治人物竟然能勇於認錯 an official would admit to making a mistake 1055 01:04:17,960 --> 01:04:20,690 可是經過深思熟慮以後 but after due consideration 1056 01:04:20,830 --> 01:04:23,960 我決定改變對此事的立場 I am changing my position on the matter before the council. 1057 01:04:26,210 --> 01:04:27,330 "西進吧 美國! " "Go west, America," 1058 01:04:27,510 --> 01:04:29,440 是當年政府的偉大號召 was a slogan of Manifest Destiny. 1059 01:04:29,540 --> 01:04:33,430 今天西進步伐將完成最後一步 Today is that last step westward with no stop signs 1060 01:04:33,440 --> 01:04:35,840 因為從市中心一直到海邊 no traffic signals, from downtown 1061 01:04:35,850 --> 01:04:38,510 二十分鐘的路程沿途沒有任何的紅綠燈 to the beach in 20 minutes. 1062 01:05:09,050 --> 01:05:10,570 你想從那一行幹起? What were you going to start with? 1063 01:05:13,220 --> 01:05:14,350 綠燈戶? Prostitution? 1064 01:05:16,520 --> 01:05:17,580 賭場? Gambling? 1065 01:05:21,230 --> 01:05:23,160 回新澤西去吧 孩子 Go back to Jersey, sonny. 1066 01:05:23,260 --> 01:05:25,290 這裏是天使之城 This is the City of the Angels 1067 01:05:25,430 --> 01:05:28,060 而你身上沒有翅膀 and you haven't got any wings. 1068 01:05:50,790 --> 01:05:52,260 改天見 保重 Nice to see you again. Take care. 1069 01:06:30,030 --> 01:06:33,930 我一直在想 你什麼時候會再來找我 懷特警員 I wondered when you'd knock on my door again, Officer White. 1070 01:06:34,030 --> 01:06:36,660 叫我巴德 It's Bud. 1071 01:06:36,800 --> 01:06:38,240 巴德 Bud. 1072 01:07:07,400 --> 01:07:08,560 為什麼選上我? Why me? 1073 01:07:10,700 --> 01:07:11,830 我不知道 I don't know. 1074 01:07:48,340 --> 01:07:49,670 這一次的選舉 This election 1075 01:07:49,680 --> 01:07:53,190 關繫著洛城警局的未來 is about the future of law enforcement in Los Angeles. 1076 01:07:53,200 --> 01:07:56,670 而羅傑議員正代表著我們美好的未來 City Councilman Rogers represents that future. 1077 01:07:56,680 --> 01:07:58,270 所以請大家慷慨解囊 So let's dig deep 1078 01:07:58,420 --> 01:08:02,150 協助一個高尚正直的人當選 and get a moral man re-elected. 1079 01:08:02,160 --> 01:08:03,350 我們現在歡迎艾利斯羅來說幾句話 Ellis Loew wants to say a few words. 1080 01:08:05,990 --> 01:08:07,530 謝謝你 佈雷特雀斯 Thank you, Brett Chase. 1081 01:08:07,540 --> 01:08:09,690 警網群英中傑出的大明星 The talented star of Badge of Honor. 1082 01:08:11,970 --> 01:08:14,020 我可以告訴各位 Let me tell you, 1083 01:08:14,170 --> 01:08:16,100 我今天能夠站在這裏覺得非常的榮幸 I am so thrilled to be here. 1084 01:08:16,200 --> 01:08:18,170 大文·傑克 Big V. 1085 01:08:19,840 --> 01:08:21,170 很高興看到你回來了 Good to see you back. 1086 01:08:21,310 --> 01:08:22,430 最近勇猛十足吧 -How they hanging, Sid? 1087 01:08:22,580 --> 01:08:24,510 都舉不起頭來了 -Down around my ankles. 1088 01:08:24,710 --> 01:08:26,180 你跟檢察官很熟嗎? 傑克 You tight with the D.A., Jackie? 1089 01:08:26,310 --> 01:08:27,370 很熟 Yes. 1090 01:08:27,510 --> 01:08:30,620 他去年聖誕節還想讓我走路呢 Yeah. He tried to throw me off the force last Christmas. 1091 01:08:30,630 --> 01:08:32,410 想不想好好報個仇? How about some payback, big-time? 1092 01:08:32,420 --> 01:08:36,420 另外我照常捐五十塊錢給傑克·文生的退休基金 Plus the usual 50 dollar donation to the Jack Vincennes retirement fund. 1093 01:08:36,520 --> 01:08:39,180 你知道檢察官他是同性戀嗎? -Did you know the D.A. was a swish? 1094 01:08:39,190 --> 01:08:40,090 真的嗎? -No kidding? 1095 01:08:43,230 --> 01:08:44,840 你還記得麥特·雷諾嗎? Remember Matt Reynolds? Christmas Eve? 1096 01:08:44,850 --> 01:08:46,420 去年的耶誕夜大明星首映場被捕 "The Movie Premiere Pot Bust"? 1097 01:08:46,570 --> 01:08:48,430 他剛剛服完獄外役回來 -He just got off the honor farm. 1098 01:08:48,440 --> 01:08:49,930 那他到這兒來幹什麼? -What's he doing here? 1099 01:08:50,070 --> 01:08:51,060 雷諾是個雙性戀 Reynolds is acey-deucey, 1100 01:08:51,200 --> 01:08:52,600 如果有錢賺當然更起勁 not to mention broke. 1101 01:08:52,740 --> 01:08:55,490 我給了他一百塊錢讓他跟檢察官搞 I'm getting him to fuck the D.A. for $100. 1102 01:08:55,500 --> 01:08:58,810 比你毀了他演藝生涯的酬勞還要多一倍 That's twice the $50 you got for wrecking his career. 1103 01:08:59,110 --> 01:09:01,240 過來 -Come here, come here. 1104 01:09:01,250 --> 01:09:02,370 天哪!不要叫他過來 -Jesus, don't bring him-- 1105 01:09:07,650 --> 01:09:09,450 那邊那位就是羅檢察官 That's D.A. Loew right there. 1106 01:09:11,520 --> 01:09:12,750 好 Ok. 1107 01:09:14,530 --> 01:09:16,520 要不要先喝杯酒 You need a drink? 1108 01:09:16,660 --> 01:09:18,150 要 Yeah. 1109 01:09:18,300 --> 01:09:20,060 照顧他一下 Look after him. 1110 01:09:20,070 --> 01:09:22,790 麥特 這位是傑克 Matt, this is Jack. 1111 01:09:22,800 --> 01:09:23,600 我們之間沒有什麼秘密 No secrets between me and him. 1112 01:09:29,340 --> 01:09:31,940 你好嗎? 我很好 你呢? -How you doing? -I'm okay. How're you? 1113 01:09:32,080 --> 01:09:33,380 很好 I'm good. 1114 01:09:36,150 --> 01:09:37,950 我們以前有沒有見過面? Have we met before? 1115 01:09:40,320 --> 01:09:42,380 有 Yeah. 1116 01:09:42,520 --> 01:09:43,960 是在宴會上嗎? Was it at a party? 1117 01:09:43,970 --> 01:09:46,020 跟今天的場合差不多 It was something like that. 1118 01:09:47,660 --> 01:09:49,250 法蘭西王朝的宴會對吧? Fleur-de-Lis party, right? 1119 01:09:50,600 --> 01:09:52,430 對 Right. 1120 01:09:52,570 --> 01:09:54,360 法蘭西王朝 Fleur-de-Lis. 1121 01:09:54,500 --> 01:09:56,530 任君選擇 "Whatever you desire." 1122 01:09:56,670 --> 01:09:59,850 毒品 長的像電影明星的女郎 Dope, hookers that look like movie stars. 1123 01:09:59,860 --> 01:10:02,300 皮爾斯·巴卻全都一應俱全 Pierce Patchett has it all. 1124 01:10:02,440 --> 01:10:04,970 真是一點都沒錯 You could say that again. 1125 01:10:04,980 --> 01:10:08,810 皮爾斯跟其它的人不太一樣 Pierce, he's not like regular guys. 1126 01:10:08,950 --> 01:10:10,780 我很喜歡他 不過 I dig him, but 1127 01:10:11,820 --> 01:10:15,850 你知道的 他也讓我很害怕 you know he scares me too. 1128 01:10:16,190 --> 01:10:17,820 真的嗎? Really? 1129 01:10:17,960 --> 01:10:19,620 怎麼會呢? How? 1130 01:10:19,830 --> 01:10:25,230 我剛到洛杉機的時候根本沒想到會變成今天這樣 When I came out to L.A. this isn't exactly where I saw myself ending up. 1131 01:10:26,100 --> 01:10:29,200 是啊 大家都一樣 Yeah, well get in line. 1132 01:10:29,340 --> 01:10:30,890 壯壯膽吧 孩子 乾杯 Your courage, kid. Drink up. 1133 01:10:35,710 --> 01:10:38,770 我看還是不要好了 I don't think I should do this. 1134 01:10:38,850 --> 01:10:41,310 你又不是不知道怎麼做? It's not like you don't know how. 1135 01:10:41,320 --> 01:10:43,430 傑克跟警網群英製作很熟的 Jack's connected to Badge of Honor. 1136 01:10:43,440 --> 01:10:45,680 事情做好了他會替你爭取個角色的 Pull this off, you'll get a part. 1137 01:10:45,850 --> 01:10:49,450 我看有人要東山再起了對不對 傑克? I smell a comeback, don't you, Jack? 1138 01:10:51,660 --> 01:10:52,960 檢察官他有空了 The D.A.'s free. 1139 01:10:53,090 --> 01:10:55,540 去自我介紹一下 快點 Go introduce yourself. Go on. 1140 01:10:55,550 --> 01:10:59,030 你說話啊 傑克告訴他你會替他爭取的 Tell him about the opening on the show. 1141 01:10:59,040 --> 01:11:02,620 對 我有把握可以讓你上節目 I'm pretty sure I can get you a part on this show. 1142 01:11:02,630 --> 01:11:04,460 不過那是以後的事了 But that's later on. 1143 01:11:04,600 --> 01:11:09,500 今晚你應該假裝你是在演戲 Tonight, go on over there and pretend it's an acting job. 1144 01:11:09,540 --> 01:11:10,980 這也是演藝事業的一種 Like show biz. 1145 01:11:11,080 --> 01:11:12,700 演戲 沒錯 Acting, that's it. 1146 01:11:12,880 --> 01:11:15,770 對 沒有人會知道對不對? Right. No one's going to know about this? 1147 01:11:15,780 --> 01:11:16,810 沒有 No. 1148 01:11:18,520 --> 01:11:20,680 這是我們之間的秘密 It'll be our secret. 1149 01:11:23,920 --> 01:11:25,480 好 演藝事業 -Show biz. 1150 01:11:25,630 --> 01:11:27,020 對 快去 -That's it. Go on. 1151 01:11:31,000 --> 01:11:32,620 演藝事業 Show biz. 1152 01:11:34,630 --> 01:11:35,760 如果雷諾施展他的魅力 If Reynolds works his charms, 1153 01:11:35,940 --> 01:11:36,960 而我知道他會的 which I know he will 1154 01:11:37,100 --> 01:11:40,680 那他們待會應該會在好萊塢中心旅館203房 they'll be at the Hollywood Center Motel, room 203. 1155 01:11:40,690 --> 01:11:43,540 子夜的時候到那兒等我好拍照 Meet me there at midnight for a photo shoot. 1156 01:11:43,640 --> 01:11:46,240 說不定這一次可以把 好萊塢那個大招牌給照進去 And maybe we can work in the Hollywood sign this time. 1157 01:11:48,010 --> 01:11:51,110 你對皮爾巴卻瞭解多少 What do you know about Pierce Patchett? 1158 01:11:51,250 --> 01:11:52,880 跟你一樣所知不多 I know what you know. 1159 01:11:53,020 --> 01:11:53,720 他很有錢 He's rich. 1160 01:11:53,730 --> 01:11:57,160 然後把錢拿去蓋高速公路了 使得它變的更有錢了 Invested in the freeways, which'll make him richer. 1161 01:11:57,290 --> 01:11:58,720 你幹嘛問這個? Why? 1162 01:11:58,830 --> 01:12:01,420 我不斷聽到一些謠言 I just keep hearing rumors, you know. 1163 01:12:01,430 --> 01:12:03,190 什麼高檔應召站 毒品 High-class porn, drugs, 1164 01:12:03,200 --> 01:12:05,420 長的像電影明星的妓女 hookers that look like movie stars. 1165 01:12:05,570 --> 01:12:07,330 巴卻是那種不惹眼的人物 Patchett's what I call twilight. 1166 01:12:07,470 --> 01:12:09,260 他舉止也不古怪 也不是共產黨 He isn't queer or Red. 1167 01:12:09,400 --> 01:12:12,890 根本沒什麼新奇刺激的故事可以讓我寫的 He cannot help me in my quest for prime sinnuendo. 1168 01:12:18,880 --> 01:12:22,180 就好像警網群英的製作人不會找那傢伙演戲一樣 As though Badge of Honor would touch that guy with a 10-foot pole 1169 01:12:22,880 --> 01:12:26,240 因為他一年當中二度當上我雜誌的封面人物 after he's been Hush-Hush cover boy twice in one year. 1170 01:12:26,350 --> 01:12:27,710 待會見 See you soon. 1171 01:12:27,720 --> 01:12:32,350 子夜 我保證定會非常緊張刺激的 Midnight. I guarantee all kinds of illegal activity. 1172 01:13:05,390 --> 01:13:07,560 再來一杯? 對 Another? Yeah. 1173 01:13:33,250 --> 01:13:38,620 好萊塢中心汽車旅館 1174 01:13:51,670 --> 01:13:52,700 小子 Kid? 1175 01:13:58,910 --> 01:14:00,640 兄弟 Brother. 1176 01:14:00,780 --> 01:14:03,080 好了 你犯不著幹這種事 Come on, you don't have to do this-- 1177 01:14:35,110 --> 01:14:37,610 非常謝謝你為我報仇 Thank you for what you did for me 1178 01:14:37,750 --> 01:14:40,410 殺了那些強暴我的禽獸 for killing those animals who raped me. 1179 01:14:40,550 --> 01:14:43,490 請你替我謝謝懷特警員好嗎 Will you thank Officer White for me, please? 1180 01:14:43,590 --> 01:14:44,650 當然 Sure. 1181 01:14:46,230 --> 01:14:50,160 我現在腦海裏只記得 看見他從那個門走過來 Seeing him come through the door is about the only thing I remember. 1182 01:14:50,300 --> 01:14:51,350 真是謝天謝地 Thank God. 1183 01:14:52,600 --> 01:14:55,400 你還記得那些黑人什麼時候丟下你嗎? You remember what time the Negroes left you, right? 1184 01:14:55,540 --> 01:14:56,670 你在供詞中說 In your statement, 1185 01:14:56,680 --> 01:14:58,830 他們是子夜的時候離開你的 you said they left you at midnight. 1186 01:14:58,970 --> 01:15:00,340 可能是吧? They might have. 1187 01:15:05,710 --> 01:15:07,180 你這麼說是什麼意思? They "might" have? 1188 01:15:07,310 --> 01:15:08,940 我不知道他們什麼時候離開我 I don't know what time they left me. 1189 01:15:09,120 --> 01:15:11,110 我只希望他們死 I wanted them dead. 1190 01:15:11,250 --> 01:15:14,710 如果他們沒有殺死夜貓子那些白人 Would anyone care that they raped a Mexican girl 1191 01:15:14,850 --> 01:15:18,410 會有任何人在乎 他們強暴了一個墨西哥女孩嗎? if they hadn't killed those white people at the Nite Owl? 1192 01:15:19,030 --> 01:15:21,050 我這一切都是為了報仇 I did what I had to do for justice. 1193 01:15:21,190 --> 01:15:22,060 英奈茲 Inez. 1194 01:15:22,200 --> 01:15:23,630 艾利斯也在 過來 Exley, over here. 1195 01:15:23,730 --> 01:15:25,560 笑一下 英奈茲 Smile, Inez. 1196 01:15:25,700 --> 01:15:28,690 他是你的大英雄吧 Is he your hero? 1197 01:15:28,840 --> 01:15:29,960 各位 這個標題怎麼樣? Fellas, how about this? 1198 01:15:30,140 --> 01:15:32,800 "夜貓子案英雄推著被害人走出醫院 " "Rape Victim Wheeled Out by Nite Owl Hero." 1199 01:15:39,050 --> 01:15:40,770 他們只得到了薇洛妮卡雷克 All they get is Veronica Lake. 1200 01:15:43,480 --> 01:15:45,510 而我得到琳恩瑪格莉特佈雷肯 I get Lynn Margaret Bracken. 1201 01:15:56,900 --> 01:15:58,120 比斯比 "Bisbee?" 1202 01:16:00,170 --> 01:16:01,500 我在那兒長大的 I grew up there. 1203 01:16:03,940 --> 01:16:06,270 我過幾年要回那兒去 I'm going back in a couple of years, 1204 01:16:06,410 --> 01:16:08,470 開一家服裝店 open up a dress shop. 1205 01:16:10,480 --> 01:16:13,410 比斯比的女孩需要好衣服打扮 The girls in Bisbee need a little glamour. 1206 01:16:19,120 --> 01:16:20,640 這疤是怎來的? Where'd this come from? 1207 01:16:22,490 --> 01:16:24,920 我當年十二歲 我爸拿著酒瓶要砸我媽 I was 12. My dad went after my mother with a bottle. 1208 01:16:25,060 --> 01:16:26,290 我正好擋在中間 I got in the way. 1209 01:16:28,390 --> 01:16:29,620 所以是你救了你媽的? So you saved her. 1210 01:16:31,460 --> 01:16:32,730 也救不了她多久 Not for long. 1211 01:16:35,900 --> 01:16:37,340 很對不起 這不關我的事的 -I'm sorry. It's none of my business. 1212 01:16:37,440 --> 01:16:39,870 他把我綁在暖氣機上面 -He tied me to the radiator. 1213 01:16:39,970 --> 01:16:42,960 我看著他用熨斗把我媽打死 I watched him beat my mother to death with a tire iron 1214 01:16:45,580 --> 01:16:47,240 然後他把我丟在那兒 and he left me there. 1215 01:16:49,650 --> 01:16:52,640 三天後學校督學才發現我們 Three days before a truant officer found us. 1216 01:16:55,720 --> 01:16:57,850 警方一直沒有找到我老頭 They never found the old man. 1217 01:17:06,970 --> 01:17:09,490 所以你才當警察的? Is that why you became a cop? 1218 01:17:09,640 --> 01:17:11,530 為了討個公道? To get even? 1219 01:17:12,770 --> 01:17:13,830 或許吧 Maybe. 1220 01:17:15,940 --> 01:17:17,410 你喜歡當警察嗎? Do you like it? 1221 01:17:20,680 --> 01:17:21,870 以前喜歡 I used to. 1222 01:17:23,920 --> 01:17:27,220 如今這差事卻變成恃強凌弱了 Now it's all strong-arm, sitting duck stuff. 1223 01:17:27,850 --> 01:17:28,950 如果 If I could 1224 01:17:30,490 --> 01:17:33,220 如果我能有機會到兇殺組去 get a chance to work Homicide 1225 01:17:33,360 --> 01:17:35,290 像真正的刑警一樣辦案 like a real detective. 1226 01:17:36,600 --> 01:17:39,900 那個痞子艾斯利他殺錯人了 That prick, Exley, he shot the wrong guys. 1227 01:17:40,030 --> 01:17:41,590 殺死史丹斯蘭的人還逍遙法外 Whoever killed Stensland's still around. 1228 01:17:41,730 --> 01:17:44,400 我內心裏很清楚 我知道 I know it in here. I know it. 1229 01:17:45,340 --> 01:17:47,270 夜貓子那件案子不太對勁 Something's wrong with the Nite Owl. 1230 01:17:47,410 --> 01:17:49,140 只是我沒辦法證明而已 I just can't prove it, that's all. 1231 01:17:50,910 --> 01:17:52,500 我不夠聰明 I'm not smart enough. 1232 01:17:54,810 --> 01:17:57,780 我只是上頭長官用來嚇唬別人的工具而已 I'm just the guy they bring in to scare the other guy shitless. 1233 01:18:01,350 --> 01:18:02,510 你錯了 You're wrong. 1234 01:18:03,590 --> 01:18:06,420 你找到巴卻 你找到了我 You found Patchett. You found me. 1235 01:18:06,560 --> 01:18:08,360 你已經夠聰明了 You're smart enough. 1236 01:18:20,070 --> 01:18:22,540 巴德·懷特 什麼風把你吹到地下室來的? Bud White! What brings you down to the basement? 1237 01:18:26,980 --> 01:18:28,880 我有幾個夜貓子案的問題想要問你 I got a couple of Nite Owl questions. 1238 01:18:28,980 --> 01:18:31,040 不知道你有沒有看過報紙 Don't know if you read the papers, 1239 01:18:31,050 --> 01:18:32,540 那個案子已經結了 but that case is closed. 1240 01:18:34,150 --> 01:18:36,590 你有沒有那裏覺得不對勁的 Anything bother you about it? 1241 01:18:36,720 --> 01:18:40,180 有 就是那些送貨的 還沒把這些東西給抬走 The fact that the pack-up boys haven't hauled this shit out of here yet. 1242 01:18:45,060 --> 01:18:49,160 我們查到嫌犯的三把散彈鎗彈道跟夜貓子的彈殼一致 The suspects' 3 shotguns match the strike marks on the shell casings. 1243 01:18:50,070 --> 01:18:52,400 你還要什麼證據? What more do you want? 1244 01:19:03,880 --> 01:19:05,210 掛照片的牆上有血 There's blood on the wall here. 1245 01:19:06,450 --> 01:19:08,890 不是除了廚子以外的人 都是在男廁所被殺的嗎? I thought everyone got shot in the men's room. 1246 01:19:08,990 --> 01:19:11,620 那是史丹斯蘭的血 That is Stensland's blood. 1247 01:19:11,760 --> 01:19:13,450 史丹斯? 對 Stensland? Yeah. 1248 01:19:13,590 --> 01:19:14,620 他頭上被狠狠挨了一記 Blow to the head. 1249 01:19:14,760 --> 01:19:17,230 兇手把他拖到男廁時他可能已經昏迷了 Probably unconscious when they dragged him in the john. 1250 01:19:19,100 --> 01:19:20,190 他們有沒有打其它的人? Did they hit anyone else? 1251 01:19:20,370 --> 01:19:21,970 沒有 不過他是個警察 No, but he was a cop. 1252 01:19:21,980 --> 01:19:23,730 可能想要反抗吧 Probably tried to do something. 1253 01:19:27,670 --> 01:19:29,400 吉士三明治 黑咖啡 Grilled cheese, black coffee. 1254 01:19:29,540 --> 01:19:31,480 有人跟他坐在一起 Someone was sitting next to him. 1255 01:19:35,250 --> 01:19:37,050 有兩個被害人是女的 對吧 2 victims were women? 1256 01:19:37,180 --> 01:19:39,950 對 派蒂·杜魯卡 夜班女服務生 Yeah, Patti DeLuca, the night shift waitress, 1257 01:19:39,960 --> 01:19:41,580 還有一位叫做蘇珊·雷佛 and a Susan Lefferts. 1258 01:19:45,990 --> 01:19:47,480 蘇珊·雷佛? Susan Lefferts. 1259 01:19:49,400 --> 01:19:50,490 對 怎麼樣? Yeah, what about her? 1260 01:19:53,900 --> 01:19:55,830 不用客氣 You're welcome! 1261 01:19:57,670 --> 01:19:59,000 雷佛太太 Mrs. Lefferts 1262 01:20:01,470 --> 01:20:02,570 雷佛太太 Mrs. Lefferts? 1263 01:20:02,710 --> 01:20:05,340 我是洛杉磯警局的懷特警員 I'm Officer White, LAPD. 1264 01:20:07,780 --> 01:20:10,940 談談你那天在法院提到的你女兒的那位男友好嗎? Tell me about the boyfriend you mentioned at the coroner's office. 1265 01:20:11,120 --> 01:20:14,090 我跟你們說過 我不喜歡她那個男朋友 I told you I didn't approve of that boyfriend. 1266 01:20:14,220 --> 01:20:16,150 他那麼老了跟你不配 He was too old for you. 1267 01:20:16,260 --> 01:20:18,350 你還讓他對我那麼兇 And you let him be fresh with me. 1268 01:20:20,360 --> 01:20:23,230 有一天我不在家的時候 他們到我家來 They came here one day when I wasn't home. 1269 01:20:23,300 --> 01:20:25,230 隔壁的簡森太太她說 Mrs. Jensen next door said 1270 01:20:25,360 --> 01:20:28,090 她看見蘇珊的男朋友跟另外一個男人在一起 she saw Susie's boyfriend and another man and 1271 01:20:28,470 --> 01:20:31,330 她還說她聽見一陣騷動 she heard a ruckus. 1272 01:20:31,700 --> 01:20:32,930 你女兒的男朋友叫什麼名字? What was his name? 1273 01:20:33,070 --> 01:20:36,100 他根本就沒有跟我介紹 We weren't properly introduced. 1274 01:20:36,240 --> 01:20:38,770 蘇珊都叫他沐恩魯恩什麼的 Susie gave him a nickname, Muns or Luns. 1275 01:20:38,910 --> 01:20:40,310 史丹恩? Stens? 1276 01:20:40,450 --> 01:20:41,500 是不是史丹恩? Was it Stens? 1277 01:20:41,650 --> 01:20:42,880 或許是吧 Maybe. 1278 01:20:43,020 --> 01:20:44,040 我不知道 I don't know. 1279 01:20:44,180 --> 01:20:45,380 你看看照片 Look. 1280 01:20:48,890 --> 01:20:49,910 就是他 That's him. 1281 01:20:50,060 --> 01:20:51,850 就是他 That's him. 1282 01:20:56,860 --> 01:20:58,590 你說鄰居聽到騷動 You said a neighbor heard a ruckus. 1283 01:20:59,700 --> 01:21:02,260 是在外面嗎?還是裏面? Was it outside? Inside? 1284 01:21:03,000 --> 01:21:04,260 在外面 Outside. 1285 01:21:04,400 --> 01:21:08,930 簡森太太說他們一直吵吵到房子下面去了 And then Mrs. Jensen said they kept going under the house. 1286 01:21:12,580 --> 01:21:15,370 你該走了 警察先生 You have to leave now, officer. 1287 01:21:16,250 --> 01:21:16,980 這兒過去是那裏? -What's through here? 1288 01:21:17,120 --> 01:21:19,910 放雜物的房間 -Just a room full of old things. 1289 01:21:20,050 --> 01:21:21,280 不要動它 Don't move that! 1290 01:21:24,320 --> 01:21:25,120 不要理會那股種臭味了 Don't mind the smell. 1291 01:21:25,260 --> 01:21:27,520 大概是有老鼠死在牆後面了 I think a rat died behind the wall. 1292 01:21:29,300 --> 01:21:31,230 我的蘇珊是個好女孩 My Susie was a good girl. 1293 01:21:31,360 --> 01:21:34,030 她從來沒有惹過任何麻煩的 She was never in any kind of trouble at all! 1294 01:22:45,810 --> 01:22:48,070 李蘭·米克斯? 沒聽過 "Leland Meeks." Never heard of you. 1295 01:22:48,210 --> 01:22:50,370 他們都叫我巴茲 They call me Buzz. 1296 01:22:57,020 --> 01:22:58,950 是不是老鼠? Was it a rat? 1297 01:22:59,050 --> 01:23:00,780 對 好大一隻 Yeah, a great big one. 1298 01:23:03,320 --> 01:23:05,150 拿去 Here. 1299 01:23:05,290 --> 01:23:07,160 洛杉磯警察局的一點心意 Compliments of the Police Department. 1300 01:23:24,280 --> 01:23:27,270 本周兇殺旅館最迷人的胃 Stomach of the week from a motel homicide. 1301 01:23:27,410 --> 01:23:31,130 這位失業的演員吃過熱狗 薯條 酒 Unemployed actor had frankfurter, French fries, alcohol and sperm. 1302 01:23:31,140 --> 01:23:34,000 還有精液 好豐盛的最後晚餐對不對? Hell of a last supper, don't you think? 1303 01:23:34,010 --> 01:23:37,180 夜貓子那個案子你有沒有覺得不對勁? Anything bothering you about the Nite Owl case? 1304 01:23:37,320 --> 01:23:39,450 有 就是你們一直纏著不放 That you guys won't let it get filed away. 1305 01:23:40,530 --> 01:23:41,580 這是什麼意思? -What do you mean? 1306 01:23:41,730 --> 01:23:43,700 巴德·懷特他今天也來問過我 -Bud White grilled me on it today. 1307 01:23:45,160 --> 01:23:46,190 巴德·懷特? Bud White? 1308 01:23:46,330 --> 01:23:49,520 他沒有我想的那麼笨 He's not as dumb as I thought. 1309 01:23:51,370 --> 01:23:53,900 他跟你說過話後 有沒有說跟你說過要去哪裏 Did he say where he was going after he talked to you? 1310 01:24:06,650 --> 01:24:08,450 讓我的女兒安息吧 Let my daughter rest in peace! 1311 01:24:08,590 --> 01:24:10,710 雷佛太太 我想問你一些問題 Mrs. Lefferts, I want to ask a few questions. 1312 01:24:10,860 --> 01:24:13,790 懷特警官已經去下面看過了 Officer White already checked under the house. 1313 01:24:13,930 --> 01:24:15,620 屋子下面? Under the house? 1314 01:24:15,760 --> 01:24:17,700 那裏? 外面後頭 -Where? -Out back. 1315 01:24:19,500 --> 01:24:21,330 他只找到老鼠而已 All he found was rodents. 1316 01:24:24,570 --> 01:24:26,500 盡快幫我查明死者身份 I need an I.D. on this as soon as possible. 1317 01:24:26,610 --> 01:24:28,040 而且你只能向我報告 Talk only to me on this one. 1318 01:24:29,310 --> 01:24:31,280 影星首映場前吸毒被捕 1319 01:24:31,410 --> 01:24:32,970 文生 我有件事需要你幫忙 I need your help. 1320 01:24:32,980 --> 01:24:36,550 我現在很忙你為什麼不找你們兇殺組同仁 I'm busy right now. Why don't you ask your boys in Homicide? 1321 01:24:39,920 --> 01:24:43,320 不行 我需要兇殺組以外的人 I can't. I need someone outside of Homicide. 1322 01:24:43,420 --> 01:24:46,110 我要你跟蹤巴得懷特直到他今天晚上去值勤為止 Tail Bud White until he goes on duty this evening. 1323 01:24:47,560 --> 01:24:50,290 幫幫忙 離我遠一點吧 Do me a real favor and leave me alone. 1324 01:24:51,060 --> 01:24:53,090 你相信那三個黑人是夜貓子案的兇手嗎? You make the Negroes for the Nite Owl killings? 1325 01:24:56,440 --> 01:24:57,630 什麼? What? 1326 01:24:57,640 --> 01:24:59,600 這是很簡單的問題 It's a simple question. 1327 01:25:01,310 --> 01:25:06,810 你為什麼還要去追查夜貓子的案件呢? Why in the world do you want to dig deeper into the Nite Owl killings 1328 01:25:06,820 --> 01:25:08,210 副組長 Lieutenant? 1329 01:25:11,580 --> 01:25:12,780 羅羅·湯馬西 Rollo Tomasi. 1330 01:25:15,150 --> 01:25:17,490 你還要給我其它提示還是要我開始猜了? Is there more or do I have to guess? 1331 01:25:20,230 --> 01:25:22,890 羅羅是個扒手 Rollo was a purse snatcher. 1332 01:25:26,930 --> 01:25:28,560 先父有一次下了班後捉到他 My father ran into him off-duty. 1333 01:25:30,940 --> 01:25:34,500 他朝我父親開了六槍卻逃之夭夭 He shot my father 6 times and got away clean. 1334 01:25:35,470 --> 01:25:37,740 沒有人知道他真實的身份 No one knew who he was. 1335 01:25:38,180 --> 01:25:40,410 我為了讓這個人真實一點 所以給他取了這個名字 I made the name up to give him personality. 1336 01:25:42,180 --> 01:25:43,740 你到底想講什麼? What's your point? 1337 01:25:43,880 --> 01:25:46,320 羅羅·湯馬西是我成為警察的原動力 Rollo Tomasi's the reason I became a cop. 1338 01:25:47,350 --> 01:25:48,180 我一心想要捉到 I wanted to catch the guys... 1339 01:25:48,320 --> 01:25:49,950 那些自以為可以逍遙法外的人 who thought they could get away with it. 1340 01:25:52,260 --> 01:25:54,520 我希望能夠尋得天道公理 It was supposed to be about justice. 1341 01:25:55,160 --> 01:25:57,790 可是慢慢的我失去了那份理想 Then somewhere along the way I lost sight of that. 1342 01:26:02,300 --> 01:26:03,700 你為什麼當警察? Why'd you become a cop? 1343 01:26:14,210 --> 01:26:15,650 我不記得了 I don't remember. 1344 01:26:22,550 --> 01:26:24,490 你到底要什麼? 艾斯利 What do you want, Exley? 1345 01:26:24,590 --> 01:26:26,650 我希望能破了這個案子 I want to solve this thing. 1346 01:26:26,830 --> 01:26:28,990 夜貓子已經破了 Nite Owl was solved. 1347 01:26:29,130 --> 01:26:30,190 沒有 No. 1348 01:26:31,360 --> 01:26:33,260 我希望能夠真正的破案 I want to do it right. 1349 01:26:33,370 --> 01:26:36,100 即使是你必須付出慘痛代價 Even if it means paying the consequences? 1350 01:26:39,270 --> 01:26:41,570 好 大學生 我幫你 All right, college boy, I'll help. 1351 01:26:41,710 --> 01:26:44,270 不過有個案子 你們兇殺組根本不在乎 But there's a case your boys in Homicide don't care about. 1352 01:26:44,410 --> 01:26:48,110 他們認為只是稀鬆平常的命案 They think it's just another Hollywood "homo"-cide. 1353 01:26:48,120 --> 01:26:49,340 可是我不認為 But I don't. 1354 01:26:49,480 --> 01:26:50,970 你幫我查我的案子 You help me with mine, 1355 01:26:51,120 --> 01:26:53,050 我就幫你查你的案子 I'll help you with yours. 1356 01:26:53,150 --> 01:26:54,850 一言為定? Deal? 1357 01:26:54,950 --> 01:26:56,220 一言為定 Deal. 1358 01:27:28,350 --> 01:27:29,980 強寧·史當巴那多 Johnny Stompanato. 1359 01:27:31,520 --> 01:27:33,860 溫德爾懷特警員 你好嗎? 老兄 Officer Wendell White. How's tricks, paesano? 1360 01:27:34,490 --> 01:27:36,860 沒興趣 I amn't your paesano. 1361 01:27:37,000 --> 01:27:39,150 我也不再幹線人了 I amn't in the snitch business anymore. 1362 01:27:39,160 --> 01:27:41,430 認識一個叫巴茲·米克斯的嗎 You know a guy named Buzz Meeks? 1363 01:27:42,670 --> 01:27:45,000 他是皮爾斯·巴卻的手下 Works for Pierce Patchett. 1364 01:27:45,140 --> 01:27:46,430 我應該認識他嗎? Should I? 1365 01:27:47,770 --> 01:27:50,300 你是保鏢 米克斯也是保鏢 You're muscle for hire. Meeks is muscle for hire. 1366 01:27:50,440 --> 01:27:52,570 你說呢? You tell me. 1367 01:27:53,180 --> 01:27:55,740 哦對 我現在記起來了 Yeah, I remember now. 1368 01:27:55,750 --> 01:27:57,650 米克斯是個過氣的老警察了 Meeks is a run-down ex-cop. 1369 01:27:57,660 --> 01:27:59,820 有一天你也會跟他一樣的 Same as you're going to be some day. 1370 01:27:59,950 --> 01:28:02,150 我只說到這裏了 That's all you'll get. 1371 01:28:02,290 --> 01:28:04,690 二十塊錢你自己留著吧 Keep your 20 bucks. 1372 01:28:09,800 --> 01:28:12,820 如果我把你的鳥蛋還給你 你能夠告訴我什麼? 傻蛋 What do I get if I give you your balls back, you wop cocksucker? 1373 01:28:17,500 --> 01:28:19,940 道上在盛傳 There was a rumor going around 1374 01:28:20,070 --> 01:28:23,630 米克斯跟朋友弄到了一大批的海洛因 that Meeks had a line on a large supply of H. 1375 01:28:25,410 --> 01:28:26,780 然後呢? And? 1376 01:28:26,950 --> 01:28:28,070 沒有然後了 And nothing! 1377 01:28:28,210 --> 01:28:30,640 他拿著貨溜了 He skipped out. 1378 01:28:42,690 --> 01:28:44,630 胡說 Bullshit. 1379 01:28:44,730 --> 01:28:48,630 米克斯那種人哪有辦法弄到大量海洛因 How would Meeks get his hands on a large supply of heroin? 1380 01:28:48,770 --> 01:28:50,030 你說的對 You're right. 1381 01:28:50,170 --> 01:28:52,160 可能是胡說八道的吧 It's probably bullshit. 1382 01:28:52,300 --> 01:28:54,860 就算他拿到了他也沒辦法賣 Even if he did, he could never unload it. 1383 01:28:55,010 --> 01:28:58,140 因為那只會搞的他一身騷 Not without drawing all kinds of attention. 1384 01:28:58,280 --> 01:29:01,110 或許就是這樣 Maybe that's why 1385 01:29:01,120 --> 01:29:05,410 他才會躺在別人的地下室渾身發臭呢 he's under a house in Elysian Park not smelling too good paesano. 1386 01:29:57,600 --> 01:30:00,000 或許懷特真的沒那麼笨哦 Maybe White's not so dumb after all. 1387 01:30:13,290 --> 01:30:15,080 麗泰·海華躺在停屍間了 We got Rita Hayworth at the morgue, 1388 01:30:15,220 --> 01:30:17,380 而薇洛妮卡跟懷特在一起 and now Veronica Lake with White. 1389 01:30:17,520 --> 01:30:20,390 我想你的案子跟我的案子似乎有所關聯 I think your case and my case are connected. 1390 01:30:20,400 --> 01:30:22,050 全都扯上了法蘭西王朝 It's Fleur-de-Lis again. 1391 01:30:22,190 --> 01:30:24,320 法蘭西王朝? Fleur-de-Lis? 1392 01:30:24,460 --> 01:30:25,760 任君選擇 "Whatever you desire." 1393 01:30:25,900 --> 01:30:27,660 應召站 Porno. 1394 01:30:27,670 --> 01:30:30,570 整容得像電影明星的高價妓女 High-class whores cut to look like movie stars. 1395 01:30:30,670 --> 01:30:33,180 誰知道還有什麼名堂 Who knows what else. 1396 01:30:33,190 --> 01:30:34,430 雷諾 那個被殺的小伙子 他也跟法蘭西王朝有關 Reynolds, the kid that got killed, was involved. 1397 01:30:34,570 --> 01:30:36,270 皮爾斯·巴卻也是 So is Pierce Patchett. 1398 01:30:36,410 --> 01:30:38,000 那個百萬富翁? The millionaire? 1399 01:30:38,140 --> 01:30:40,840 我想我們應該去找他談談 I think we should go talk to him. 1400 01:30:41,050 --> 01:30:42,600 不過現在去問問史當巴那多 First I want to brace Stompanato. 1401 01:30:59,360 --> 01:31:00,330 要不要簽名? Want an autograph? 1402 01:31:00,470 --> 01:31:02,520 寫信到米高梅(電影公司)吧 Write to MGM. 1403 01:31:02,670 --> 01:31:06,260 什麼時候開始 龜公跟妓女也給起簽名照了 Since when do two-bit hoods and hookers give out autographs? 1404 01:31:06,410 --> 01:31:07,390 你剛剛說什麼? What? 1405 01:31:07,540 --> 01:31:08,900 洛杉磯警察 坐下 LAPD. Sit down. 1406 01:31:09,070 --> 01:31:10,800 你到底以為你是誰? Who in the hell do you think you are? 1407 01:31:10,940 --> 01:31:13,370 出去走一走吧 親愛的 要不然可要請你到局裏去了 Take a walk, honey.Before I send you to downtown… 1408 01:31:13,450 --> 01:31:15,380 你犯了天大的錯誤 -You are making a large mistake. 1409 01:31:15,480 --> 01:31:16,470 滾遠一點 -Get away from our table. 1410 01:31:16,620 --> 01:31:18,150 閉嘴 Shut up. 1411 01:31:19,250 --> 01:31:21,720 長的像拉娜·透納的妓女還是個妓女 A hooker cut to look like Lana Turner is still a hooker. 1412 01:31:22,790 --> 01:31:23,910 她只是長的像拉娜·透納 -She just looks like Lana Turner. 1413 01:31:24,090 --> 01:31:25,780 她就是拉娜·透納 -She is Lana Turner. 1414 01:31:25,920 --> 01:31:28,890 - 什麼? - 她就是拉娜·透納 - What? - She is Lana Turner. 1415 01:31:37,670 --> 01:31:39,140 我怎麼會知道呢? How was I supposed to know? 1416 01:31:56,100 --> 01:31:59,930 我相信夜貓子那件案子正是你的傑作 艾斯利先生 I believe the Nite Owl's your area of expertise, Mr. Exley. 1417 01:32:00,070 --> 01:32:02,400 我在電視上看到你接受獎章 I saw you on television getting your medal. 1418 01:32:04,170 --> 01:32:05,730 而你 And you're 1419 01:32:05,870 --> 01:32:09,310 是另一個好萊塢明星警察 對不對? that other Hollywood celebrity policeman, aren't you? 1420 01:32:10,640 --> 01:32:12,580 長的向薇洛妮卡的那個女孩是為你工作的 The Veronica Lake look-alike works for you. 1421 01:32:12,680 --> 01:32:14,370 她是你旗下女郎之一 對不對? She's one of your whores. 1422 01:32:15,920 --> 01:32:17,640 說的真難聽 A vulgar term. 1423 01:32:17,780 --> 01:32:19,310 她為什麼跟巴德·懷特在一起 Why's she seeing Bud White? 1424 01:32:19,490 --> 01:32:22,650 男女為什麼在一起呢? Why do men and women usually see each other? 1425 01:32:26,130 --> 01:32:27,650 我們換個話題好了 Let's try this on for size: 1426 01:32:27,790 --> 01:32:29,060 法蘭西王朝 Fleur-de-Lis. 1427 01:32:29,200 --> 01:32:31,430 任君選擇 "Whatever you desire." 1428 01:32:31,560 --> 01:32:34,900 還有一個叫麥特·雷諾的演員 An actor named Matt Reynolds. 1429 01:32:36,340 --> 01:32:37,700 沒聽過 一點都不知道? No? Nothing? 1430 01:32:40,470 --> 01:32:42,130 我們需要一些答案 We want some answers. 1431 01:32:45,010 --> 01:32:46,540 每個人不都是有所求嗎? We all want something. 1432 01:32:49,350 --> 01:32:50,580 這傢伙非常沉著冷靜 The guy's as cool as they come. 1433 01:32:53,790 --> 01:32:56,120 艾斯利警官請回答 完畢 Lieutenant Exley, come in, please. Over. 1434 01:32:57,760 --> 01:33:00,270 - 我是艾斯利 - 法醫說要跟你說話 - This is Exley. - The coroner wants to talk to you. 1435 01:33:00,280 --> 01:33:02,130 他說他已經查出屍體身份了 He says he has your I.D. 1436 01:33:02,260 --> 01:33:04,320 告訴他文生警官會去找他的 Tell him Sergeant Vincennes is coming in to talk to him. 1437 01:33:04,500 --> 01:33:05,460 好的 瞭解 Yeah. 1438 01:33:05,600 --> 01:33:06,620 我送你回去開你的車 -I'll drop you at your car. 1439 01:33:06,770 --> 01:33:07,700 那你要去那裏? -Where are you going? 1440 01:33:07,800 --> 01:33:09,320 琳恩那兒 Lynn Bracken's. 1441 01:33:09,500 --> 01:33:12,900 查清楚為什麼巴卻叫她鉤上懷特 To find out why Patchett has her seeing Bud White. 1442 01:33:13,010 --> 01:33:14,800 我們到狂歡酒吧見面 See you at the Frolic Room. 1443 01:33:14,940 --> 01:33:17,000 太妙了 你找美女 Oh, great. You get the girl. 1444 01:33:17,140 --> 01:33:18,510 而我得去找法醫 I get the coroner. 1445 01:33:28,290 --> 01:33:30,980 獨家秘聞的噓噓雜誌 Hush-Hush, off the record and on the q.t. 1446 01:33:33,990 --> 01:33:35,970 喂 我正要過去找你 I was just coming up to see you. 1447 01:33:35,980 --> 01:33:37,390 已經查出身份了嗎? You get that I.D.? 1448 01:33:37,560 --> 01:33:40,690 還好有牙齒的記錄 死者過去是名警察 Thank God for dental records. Stiff used to be a cop. 1449 01:33:40,870 --> 01:33:42,270 李蘭·米克斯 Leland Meeks. 1450 01:33:42,400 --> 01:33:43,300 巴茲·米克斯? Buzz Meeks? 1451 01:33:43,440 --> 01:33:44,160 你認識他嗎? -You knew him? 1452 01:33:44,300 --> 01:33:47,200 聽說過 我進警界時他還在局裏 -Of him. He was around when I joined the force. 1453 01:33:47,210 --> 01:33:48,410 名聲很壞 謝了 Bad rep. Thanks. 1454 01:33:48,570 --> 01:33:50,810 說重點就好了 "Just the facts," Jack. 1455 01:33:50,940 --> 01:33:52,310 說重點就好了 "Just the facts." 1456 01:33:56,120 --> 01:33:57,100 還有其它事嗎?警官 Anything else? 1457 01:33:57,250 --> 01:33:59,340 米克斯在39到41年在風化組幹過 Leland Meeks worked Vice '39-'41. 1458 01:33:59,550 --> 01:34:00,990 我要看看他的抓人記錄 I need to see his arrest records. 1459 01:34:08,460 --> 01:34:11,160 佈雷肯小姐 我是艾斯利警官 Miss Bracken I'm Lieutenant Exley. 1460 01:34:11,170 --> 01:34:12,690 我知道你是誰 I know who you are. 1461 01:34:12,830 --> 01:34:14,990 你的事巴德全跟我說了 Bud told me all about you. 1462 01:34:15,130 --> 01:34:16,430 是嗎? Is that so? 1463 01:34:17,600 --> 01:34:19,090 懷特他說了什麼? And what did White have to say? 1464 01:34:20,940 --> 01:34:22,410 他說你很聰明 He said you were smart. 1465 01:34:23,580 --> 01:34:25,130 他還說你是個懦夫 He also said you were a coward, 1466 01:34:25,280 --> 01:34:27,910 為了功名不計一切 and that you'd screw yourself to get ahead. 1467 01:34:28,050 --> 01:34:30,540 你只要記住我很聰明就好了 Let's concentrate on my smarts. 1468 01:34:30,680 --> 01:34:32,280 你是皮爾斯·巴卻塑造出來的對不對? Pierce Patchett made you, didn't he? 1469 01:34:32,420 --> 01:34:35,350 他教你如何打扮說話、思考 Taught you how to dress, talk and think. 1470 01:34:36,620 --> 01:34:38,890 他的成就真是令人側目 I am very impressed with the results. 1471 01:34:39,860 --> 01:34:41,290 可是我希望你回答我一些問題 But I need answers. 1472 01:34:41,390 --> 01:34:45,020 否則我就把你跟巴卻抓起來 And if I don't get them, I'll take you and Patchett down. 1473 01:34:45,160 --> 01:34:48,930 皮爾斯他會照顧他自己的 Pierce Patchett can take care of himself. 1474 01:34:49,070 --> 01:34:50,700 而我根本不怕你 And I'm not afraid of you. 1475 01:34:51,900 --> 01:34:54,670 你似乎忘記了一件事情 警官 And you forget one thing, Lieutenant 1476 01:34:54,810 --> 01:34:57,610 皮爾斯也教我如何跟男人搞 Pierce also taught me how to fuck. 1477 01:35:01,110 --> 01:35:03,310 而且由他指定跟誰搞 And he tells you who to fuck. 1478 01:35:03,450 --> 01:35:05,180 你為什麼和巴德·懷特上床 Why does he have you fucking Bud White? 1479 01:35:05,320 --> 01:35:08,290 你為什麼認為我不是自願跟巴德交往的呢? What makes you think I'm not seeing Bud because I want to? 1480 01:35:10,490 --> 01:35:13,290 如果我別有居心的話 你心裏會舒坦一點對不對 It would be easier for you if there was an angle, wouldn't it? 1481 01:35:14,630 --> 01:35:17,650 你害怕巴德 因為你根本沒有辦法控制他 You're afraid of Bud because you can't figure out how to play him. 1482 01:35:18,800 --> 01:35:21,700 他不像你一樣玩弄那一套把戲 He doesn't follow the same rules of politics as you do. 1483 01:35:22,940 --> 01:35:24,490 所以使得他變得很危險 It makes him dangerous. 1484 01:35:24,670 --> 01:35:26,300 我可以應付得了他 I can handle Bud White. 1485 01:35:26,440 --> 01:35:27,370 可以嗎? Can you? 1486 01:35:31,480 --> 01:35:33,570 我見巴德是因為我想 I see Bud because I want to. 1487 01:35:37,350 --> 01:35:40,380 我見巴德是因為 他散發出一股善良的本性 I see Bud because he can't hide the good inside of him. 1488 01:35:42,460 --> 01:35:44,920 我見巴德是因為 他使我覺得自己是琳恩·佈雷肯 I see Bud because he makes me feel like Lynn Bracken 1489 01:35:45,060 --> 01:35:48,420 而不是長的像薇洛妮卡見錢眼開的妓女 and not some Veronica Lake look-alike who fucks for money. 1490 01:35:50,900 --> 01:35:55,060 我見巴德是因為他永遠不會隱藏自己 I see Bud because he doesn't know how to disguise who he is. 1491 01:35:57,300 --> 01:36:00,470 我會見巴德是因為他跟你截然不同 I see Bud for all the ways he's different from you. 1492 01:36:03,210 --> 01:36:05,770 不要低估我 Don't underestimate me. 1493 01:36:05,910 --> 01:36:08,470 就像你低估巴德·懷特那樣? The way you've underestimated Bud White? 1494 01:36:15,290 --> 01:36:18,280 搞我跟搞懷特是不同的 Fucking me and fucking Bud aren't the same thing. 1495 01:36:18,420 --> 01:36:20,050 不要再提巴德·懷特了 Stop talking about Bud White. 1496 01:36:50,390 --> 01:36:51,360 該死 Shit. 1497 01:37:04,800 --> 01:37:06,000 傑克·文生 Jack Vincennes. 1498 01:37:07,610 --> 01:37:09,400 快午夜了,傑克 It's going on midnight. 1499 01:37:09,540 --> 01:37:11,600 一下子就好了 杜德利 I need 2 minutes, Dudley. 1500 01:37:11,780 --> 01:37:13,370 很重要的事 It's important. 1501 01:37:13,510 --> 01:37:14,910 算你運氣好 Good thing for you... 1502 01:37:15,010 --> 01:37:17,850 我老婆跟女兒都到海邊渡假了 My wife and daughters are at the beach in Santa Barbara. 1503 01:37:20,950 --> 01:37:23,440 你記得巴茲·米克斯嗎? 杜德利 Do you remember Buzz Meeks, Dudley? 1504 01:37:23,590 --> 01:37:26,020 那是警界的恥辱 A disgrace as a police officer. 1505 01:37:26,160 --> 01:37:27,960 他歷任的長官都說 Straight D fitness reports from every C.O. 1506 01:37:28,090 --> 01:37:31,090 他根本不適合當警察 為什麼? he ever served under. Why? 1507 01:37:31,230 --> 01:37:33,890 十二年前 他跟迪克史丹斯一起進行一次大掃黃 12 years ago, he was on a Vice roust with Dick Stensland. 1508 01:37:34,030 --> 01:37:37,470 他們就一宗恐嚇案偵訊皮爾斯·巴卻 They questioned Pierce Patchett about a blackmail scam. 1509 01:37:37,600 --> 01:37:39,400 當時案情是巴卻叫西德把前景看好的政治家 Patchett had Sid Hudgens photographing prominent... 1510 01:37:39,540 --> 01:37:41,340 跟妓女上床的鏡頭給拍了下來 businessmen with hookers. 1511 01:37:42,640 --> 01:37:44,230 反正 最後罪名撤銷了 Anyway, charges were dropped. 1512 01:37:44,380 --> 01:37:45,740 因為罪證不足 Insufficient evidence. 1513 01:37:45,880 --> 01:37:47,710 你是當時那件案子的督察長官 You were the supervising officer on that case. 1514 01:37:47,850 --> 01:37:50,110 不知道你還記不記得這件事 Remember anything about it? 1515 01:37:51,620 --> 01:37:53,140 這到底是怎麼回事?小伙子 What's this about, boy? 1516 01:37:53,990 --> 01:37:57,850 這是跟我還有艾斯利在偵辦的案子有關 It has to do with a murder I've been working with Ed Exley on. 1517 01:37:57,990 --> 01:38:00,620 你是緝毒組的不是兇殺組的 You're Narco, Jack, not Homicide. 1518 01:38:00,790 --> 01:38:03,790 你什麼時候開始跟艾斯利一起合作了? Since when do you work with Edmund Exley? 1519 01:38:03,930 --> 01:38:06,660 我只是私底下調查一下 It's a private investigation. 1520 01:38:08,630 --> 01:38:10,930 我捅出了一些簍子 希望能亡羊補牢 I messed something up. I'm trying to make amends. 1521 01:38:11,070 --> 01:38:14,040 別跟人家一樣扮什麼正義俠士 Don't start trying to do the right thing, boyo. 1522 01:38:14,170 --> 01:38:15,640 你根本是門外漢 You haven't had the practice. 1523 01:38:22,750 --> 01:38:24,980 巴茲·米克斯跟狄克·史丹斯 Buzz Meeks and Dick Stensland. 1524 01:38:28,920 --> 01:38:31,950 那艾斯利他有什麼看法呢? So, what does Exley make of this? 1525 01:38:32,090 --> 01:38:34,750 我還沒有告訴他 我剛剛從記錄室那兒過來的 I haven't told him yet. I just came from the records room. 1526 01:39:01,090 --> 01:39:03,320 你還有沒有什麼遺言? 小伙子 Have you a valediction, boyo? 1527 01:39:09,700 --> 01:39:13,990 羅羅·湯馬西 Rollo Tomasi. 1528 01:39:34,890 --> 01:39:38,320 文生是被一把點三二的手槍 射中心臟死的 Sergeant Vincennes was killed by a.32 slug to the heart. 1529 01:39:38,460 --> 01:39:41,360 死亡時間大約是深夜一點鐘 Time of death, approximately 1 a.m. 1530 01:39:41,490 --> 01:39:43,050 雖然屍體是在艾克公園發現的 Although he was found in Echo Park, 1531 01:39:43,200 --> 01:39:46,430 可是法醫認定屍體被疑犯動過 forensics indicates the body was moved. 1532 01:39:47,900 --> 01:39:51,090 我希望能夠兩人一組 徹底掃蕩整個地區 I want 2-man teams to scour that entire neighborhood. 1533 01:39:52,040 --> 01:39:56,360 務必迅如閃電鐵血無情的 把兇手給抓出來 Our justice must be swift and merciless. 1534 01:39:58,580 --> 01:39:59,640 完畢 That is all. 1535 01:40:07,920 --> 01:40:10,980 埃德蒙 可以跟你談一下嗎 Might I have a word with you? 1536 01:40:14,430 --> 01:40:17,420 我們想追查文生的一位朋友 We're trying to run down a lead on an associate of Vincennes. 1537 01:40:17,560 --> 01:40:20,730 可是一查下去卻是個死胡同 The records check has led to a dead end. 1538 01:40:20,870 --> 01:40:22,160 那個人叫什麼名字? What's the name? 1539 01:40:22,300 --> 01:40:23,770 羅羅·湯馬西 Rollo Tomasi? 1540 01:40:25,810 --> 01:40:27,470 你有沒有聽文生提起過他? You ever heard Vincennes mention him? 1541 01:40:30,540 --> 01:40:32,170 沒有 沒有聽過 No. No, I haven't. 1542 01:40:37,080 --> 01:40:38,170 這可能沒有什麼 It's probably nothing. Still 1543 01:40:38,320 --> 01:40:42,240 不過你還是注意一下好嗎? keep your eyes open, boyo. 1544 01:40:52,200 --> 01:40:53,600 我知道是不太可能 不過假設 I know it's unlikely, but suppose, 1545 01:40:53,730 --> 01:40:55,460 只是假設 just for a moment 1546 01:40:55,600 --> 01:40:57,540 有人拿到了一大批海洛因 somebody had a lot of heroin, 1547 01:40:57,640 --> 01:40:59,040 你看他會拿去賣給誰? who would they go to move it? 1548 01:40:59,170 --> 01:41:01,300 懷特 到我辦公室來 White, in my office. 1549 01:41:01,440 --> 01:41:02,430 好的 Captain. 1550 01:41:02,580 --> 01:41:04,770 快一點 隨便說一個嘛 Look, just give me a name. 1551 01:41:04,980 --> 01:41:05,970 米奇·柯漢 Mickey Cohen. 1552 01:41:12,350 --> 01:41:16,210 組長 我需要你到勝利旅館去一趟 Captain? I could use your fearsome habits at the Victory Motel. 1553 01:41:17,720 --> 01:41:18,490 什麼時候? When? 1554 01:41:19,930 --> 01:41:21,920 現在 溫德爾 Now. 1555 01:41:23,360 --> 01:41:24,660 把門關起來 Close the door, lad. 1556 01:41:32,670 --> 01:41:35,800 我最近實在搞不懂你 You're a bit of a puzzlement to me these days. 1557 01:41:35,940 --> 01:41:38,540 怎麼好像變的軟趴趴 You don't seem your old cruel self. 1558 01:41:38,680 --> 01:41:41,510 我對你的未來可是有著深遠的打算的 And I had such grand plans for your future. 1559 01:41:41,650 --> 01:41:42,840 什麼打算? What plans? 1560 01:41:44,480 --> 01:41:47,850 你當然會有自己的一些私事 我也一樣 You have your extracurricular activities and I have mine. 1561 01:41:51,620 --> 01:41:54,320 不過咱們改天得找個時間 好好談談我們的未來 We must have a clarification session one of these days. 1562 01:41:55,900 --> 01:41:59,130 不過眼前呢 However right now 1563 01:41:59,270 --> 01:42:02,960 我們要偵訊一個 知道是誰殺死傑克·文生的人 we'll brace a man who may know who killed Jack Vincennes. 1564 01:42:03,070 --> 01:42:04,870 所以現在的問題是 So the question is 1565 01:42:05,040 --> 01:42:07,270 我可以信任你嗎?可不可以? can I count on you, lad? 1566 01:42:07,280 --> 01:42:08,800 可以 長官 -Yes or no? -Yes, sir. 1567 01:42:13,810 --> 01:42:17,540 我要知道你昨晚到底跟傑克談了些什麼 I want to know everything you and Jack Vincennes talked about last night. 1568 01:42:17,680 --> 01:42:19,620 就從屍體的身份開始 Start with the I.D. on the corpse. 1569 01:42:19,720 --> 01:42:21,080 那個死者以前是一位警察 An ex-cop. 1570 01:42:21,190 --> 01:42:23,210 李蘭巴茲·米克斯 Leland "Buzz" Meeks. 1571 01:42:23,360 --> 01:42:25,150 以前是警察? An ex-cop? 1572 01:42:25,290 --> 01:42:27,190 傑克怎麼說?他認識他嗎? Did Jack know him? 1573 01:42:27,330 --> 01:42:29,160 只是聽說過而已 Only by reputation. 1574 01:42:35,570 --> 01:42:37,930 溫德爾 這位是西·德哈金斯 This is Sid Hudgens. 1575 01:42:37,940 --> 01:42:38,870 我願意合作 I'm willing to cooperate. 1576 01:42:39,070 --> 01:42:40,630 沒有必要把我綁起來 No need to tie me down. 1577 01:42:40,740 --> 01:42:42,140 這是為了你的安全著想 It's for your own safety. 1578 01:42:43,640 --> 01:42:47,010 你對傑克·文生警官知道些什麼呢? What can you tell us about Jack Vincennes? 1579 01:42:47,110 --> 01:42:49,380 好萊塢傑克 那個大騷包 Hollywood Jack? The Big V? 1580 01:42:49,480 --> 01:42:52,140 他已經踏上奈何橋了 I can tell you he's on the night train to the Big Adios. 1581 01:42:56,690 --> 01:42:58,420 我跟他的死沒有任何關係 I had nothing to do with him getting killed, 1582 01:42:58,560 --> 01:43:00,390 你是不是要問這個? if that's what you mean. 1583 01:43:00,490 --> 01:43:02,760 可是你們不是合夥人嗎? -But you were business associates. 1584 01:43:02,860 --> 01:43:04,590 這跟他的死有什麼關係 -What's that got to do with anything? 1585 01:43:05,970 --> 01:43:07,930 好 我們是一起合作 Okay, so we worked together. 1586 01:43:08,970 --> 01:43:10,900 不過是互相交換消息嘛 It was an information exchange. 1587 01:43:11,100 --> 01:43:12,370 我幫他找出一些要犯 I got him first-class collars, 1588 01:43:12,500 --> 01:43:13,470 而他提供我一些好的題材 he got me good stories. 1589 01:43:13,610 --> 01:43:15,510 我們只是朋友而已 We were friends. 1590 01:43:15,610 --> 01:43:17,770 好了 暫時先別談傑克了 We'll drop that for the moment. 1591 01:43:17,880 --> 01:43:19,870 可以談談皮爾斯·巴卻嗎? Care to comment on Pierce Patchett? 1592 01:43:19,980 --> 01:43:23,380 巴卻? 你想他跟文生的死有關嗎? You think he had something to do with Vincennes getting iced? 1593 01:43:24,780 --> 01:43:28,840 我希望我問話的時候 對方能夠完全跟我合作 Wendell, I'd like full and docile cooperation on every topic. 1594 01:43:28,990 --> 01:43:30,960 好啦好啦 Okay, okay, okay. All right. 1595 01:43:32,890 --> 01:43:35,860 每個人都知道巴卻他腰纏萬貫 Everyone knows Patchett's worth a boatload of greenbacks. 1596 01:43:36,000 --> 01:43:37,960 不過那個人也有一些嗜好的 But the man has hobbies too. 1597 01:43:38,130 --> 01:43:41,160 他私底下會出資拍一些黃色電影 He bankrolls B movies under the table. 1598 01:43:41,270 --> 01:43:42,930 你再聽聽這個 And try this one on. 1599 01:43:43,070 --> 01:43:45,330 另外聽說他還會吸毒 He's rumored to be a heroin snuffer. 1600 01:43:45,440 --> 01:43:48,630 總之一句話 他是一個深入簡出的怪富豪 All in all, a powerful behind-the-scenes strange-o. 1601 01:43:48,770 --> 01:43:50,800 還有呢? 還有什麼? And? And what? 1602 01:43:54,780 --> 01:43:58,550 人跟人相處是互相的 Reciprocity, Mr. Hudgens, is the key to every relationship. 1603 01:44:01,820 --> 01:44:03,790 他還開了應召站 He runs call girls. 1604 01:44:05,190 --> 01:44:07,780 整容整得像電影明星的妓女 Primo tail fixed up to look like movie stars. 1605 01:44:11,100 --> 01:44:12,320 還有呢? And? 1606 01:44:12,460 --> 01:44:13,900 還有他也搞勒索那一套 Blackmail shit. 1607 01:44:14,000 --> 01:44:17,330 我車上 行李箱地毯下面 In my car, in the trunk, under the rug. 1608 01:44:17,940 --> 01:44:19,840 巴卻給了我一些警察 Patchett got me to photograph... 1609 01:44:19,940 --> 01:44:22,340 跟一個叫琳恩的女人上床的照片 this cop screwing this gorgeous slut named Lynn. 1610 01:44:22,440 --> 01:44:24,410 那女的長得像薇洛妮卡 She looks like Veronica Lake. 1611 01:44:26,010 --> 01:44:27,140 放開他 Leave him! 1612 01:44:27,280 --> 01:44:28,940 我叫你放開他 I said leave him be! 1613 01:44:29,050 --> 01:44:30,480 快點把他拉走 Get him away from me! 1614 01:44:30,580 --> 01:44:32,680 退後 Back off! Back off! 1615 01:45:16,800 --> 01:45:19,320 就算全愛爾蘭的威士忌都給我 I wouldn't trade places with Exley right now 1616 01:45:19,430 --> 01:45:21,260 我都不願意跟艾斯利交換位置 for all the whiskey in Ireland. 1617 01:45:22,530 --> 01:45:23,930 杜德利 Dudley 1618 01:45:25,740 --> 01:45:28,640 杜德利 我還以為你會讓那個笨蛋把我給宰了呢 Dudley, I thought you were going to let the dumb bastard kill me! 1619 01:45:29,340 --> 01:45:30,330 還有你 And you. 1620 01:45:30,440 --> 01:45:32,710 下次別真的揍下去行嗎? Learn to pull your punches a little better. 1621 01:45:32,810 --> 01:45:34,180 現在可以把我給放了吧 You can uncaught me now, fellas. 1622 01:45:40,650 --> 01:45:42,050 喂 各位 Fellas 1623 01:45:42,190 --> 01:45:44,720 杜德利 我們說好的 we had a deal. 1624 01:45:44,820 --> 01:45:46,590 你 我跟巴卻 我們是一夥的 You, me, Patchett, we're a team. 1625 01:45:51,560 --> 01:45:52,660 噓噓 Hush-hush. 1626 01:45:54,000 --> 01:45:56,230 有沒有? 沒有 -Anything? -Nothing. 1627 01:45:56,370 --> 01:45:59,000 難道米克斯在掃毒組沒抓過人 Meeks never made an arrest the entire time he worked Vice? 1628 01:45:59,100 --> 01:46:00,870 一定是有人把檔案拿走了 Someone must've pulled the files. 1629 01:46:03,910 --> 01:46:05,540 那日常勤務報告呢? What about the daily report books? 1630 01:46:05,680 --> 01:46:07,940 如果還在一定是放在地下室 They'd be buried in the basement. 1631 01:46:08,050 --> 01:46:09,210 去找出來 Find them. 1632 01:46:40,350 --> 01:46:41,330 你跟艾斯利談過話? Did you talk to Exley? 1633 01:46:42,350 --> 01:46:43,540 先進來避雨 Come in out of the rain. 1634 01:46:45,980 --> 01:46:47,470 你跟艾斯利是怎麼回事? I want to know what happened with Exley. 1635 01:46:49,960 --> 01:46:50,980 你進來 Just come in. 1636 01:46:52,720 --> 01:46:55,590 你到底要不要告訴我 你跟艾斯利是怎麼回事? Are you going to tell me what happened with Exley? 1637 01:46:55,690 --> 01:46:57,530 我們說過話 We talked. 1638 01:46:57,630 --> 01:46:59,150 把他的事告訴我 Tell me about him. 1639 01:46:59,330 --> 01:47:02,390 - 待會兒 - 不 現在 - Later. - No!Now! 1640 01:47:05,640 --> 01:47:06,760 你跟他搞過 You fucked him. 1641 01:47:10,980 --> 01:47:11,940 你跟他搞過 You fucked him. 1642 01:47:13,080 --> 01:47:14,670 我以為我是在幫你 I thought I was helping you. 1643 01:47:48,680 --> 01:47:50,340 米克斯與史丹斯蘭謹呈 1644 01:47:52,520 --> 01:47:54,750 杜德利·史密斯長官鈞啟 茲此呈上本報告 1645 01:48:05,860 --> 01:48:07,260 你來的正好 I'm glad you're here. 1646 01:48:07,400 --> 01:48:08,730 快過來看看這個 I need you to see this. 1647 01:48:17,710 --> 01:48:18,730 等一下 Wait. 1648 01:48:45,700 --> 01:48:47,600 杜德利殺了傑克 Dudley killed Jack. 1649 01:48:47,710 --> 01:48:49,070 他希望你把我殺了 He wants you to kill me. 1650 01:48:52,810 --> 01:48:55,300 是他把照片給你看的對不對 He showed you the photo, didn't he? 1651 01:48:55,450 --> 01:48:56,610 對不對? Didn't he? 1652 01:48:59,280 --> 01:49:01,550 你想一想 該死 想一想 Think!! Goddamn you, think!! 1653 01:49:03,560 --> 01:49:04,850 統統滾開 Get out! 1654 01:49:18,570 --> 01:49:19,540 杜德利 Dudley 1655 01:49:21,470 --> 01:49:23,200 我查過日常勤務報告 I checked the daily report books. 1656 01:49:24,780 --> 01:49:28,040 杜德利 巴茲·米克斯以及史丹斯蘭 早就同流合污了 Dudley, Buzz Meeks and Stensland go way back. 1657 01:49:31,950 --> 01:49:33,420 我早知道史丹斯蘭在騙我 I knew Stensland lied to me. 1658 01:49:36,760 --> 01:49:39,520 雷佛的母親認出了史丹斯蘭 就是雷佛的男友 Lefferts' mother I.D.'d Stensland as Lefferts' boyfriend. 1659 01:49:41,590 --> 01:49:44,080 我碰見琳恩那晚史丹斯蘭 Stensland pretended he didn't know Meeks... 1660 01:49:44,180 --> 01:49:47,500 他還裝作不認識米克斯 or her the night that I met Lynn. 1661 01:49:49,600 --> 01:49:51,500 史丹斯蘭跟米克斯 Stensland and Meeks 1662 01:49:51,600 --> 01:49:53,700 他們到底在搞什麼把戲? what the hell were they up to? 1663 01:49:53,810 --> 01:49:55,000 我不知道 I don't know. 1664 01:49:55,140 --> 01:49:57,900 不過我想史丹斯蘭 為了海洛因殺了米克斯 But I think Stens killed Meeks over heroin. 1665 01:49:58,010 --> 01:49:59,240 什麼海洛因? What heroin? 1666 01:50:05,180 --> 01:50:08,310 強寧·史當巴那多告訴我米克斯手上有海洛因要賣 Johnny Stompanato told me that Meeks had heroin for sale. 1667 01:50:08,990 --> 01:50:10,980 結果米克斯死了 Meeks ends up dead. 1668 01:50:11,090 --> 01:50:13,080 而史丹斯蘭也死在夜貓子 Stensland dies at the Nite Owl. 1669 01:50:14,360 --> 01:50:15,790 兇手不是那些黑人 It wasn't the Negroes. 1670 01:50:17,100 --> 01:50:19,460 被強暴的被害人說謊 The rape victim lied in her statement. 1671 01:50:19,560 --> 01:50:23,190 最先趕到福特跑車那兒的是 布魯尼跟卡爾萊 The first guys to the Mercury coupe were Breuning and Carlisle. 1672 01:50:23,300 --> 01:50:25,200 是杜德利的人 Dudley's guys. 1673 01:50:25,300 --> 01:50:27,000 散彈鎗是他們栽的贓 They planted the shotguns. 1674 01:50:27,110 --> 01:50:28,230 如果我跟傑克沒有出現 They'd have killed the Negroes too 1675 01:50:28,340 --> 01:50:29,900 它們當場就會把那些黑人殺了 if Jack and I hadn't shown up. 1676 01:50:31,580 --> 01:50:35,030 杜德利會栽他們贓 是因為他們是黑人又有前科 Dudley framed them because they were Negroes and had records. 1677 01:50:35,180 --> 01:50:37,310 他知道如果他們因為拒捕被殺 He knew there'd be no questions asked 1678 01:50:39,180 --> 01:50:42,420 就不會有任何人起疑 if they were killed resisting arrest. 1679 01:50:42,550 --> 01:50:45,390 而此事又跟傑克所調查的事有關 Somehow this is all connected to Jack's angle. 1680 01:50:45,560 --> 01:50:47,350 西·德哈金斯 Sid Hudgens 1681 01:50:47,560 --> 01:50:50,120 勒索羅的照片 the pictures to blackmail Ellis Loew. 1682 01:50:50,230 --> 01:50:52,990 被殺的那個年輕人 A kid got murdered. 1683 01:50:53,100 --> 01:50:55,430 如果想弄清此事我們就得合作 To figure this out, we need to work together. 1684 01:51:01,140 --> 01:51:02,570 你為什麼這麼做? Why are you doing this? 1685 01:51:04,880 --> 01:51:06,210 夜貓子使你功名成就 The Nite Owl made you. 1686 01:51:08,450 --> 01:51:09,880 你希望這一切成為泡影? You want to tear all that down? 1687 01:51:11,680 --> 01:51:13,950 而且煙消雲散 With a wrecking ball. 1688 01:51:14,050 --> 01:51:15,420 要不要幫我大幹一場? Want to help me swing it? 1689 01:51:28,230 --> 01:51:29,600 去找艾力斯羅吧 Let's go see Ellis Loew. 1690 01:51:30,670 --> 01:51:32,900 看看檢察官知道些什麼 Find out what the District Attorney knows. 1691 01:51:39,910 --> 01:51:43,140 喂 你們不能進去 You can't go in there. 1692 01:51:45,350 --> 01:51:47,010 要不要我報警 羅先生? -Want me to call the police, Mr. Loew? 1693 01:51:47,120 --> 01:51:48,610 你就找杜德利·史密斯組長 -Ask for Capt. Dudley Smith. 1694 01:51:48,720 --> 01:51:50,550 告訴他我們在討論 Tell him we're discussing... 1695 01:51:50,650 --> 01:51:52,560 演員陳屍日落大道旅館的事 an unemployed actor's death at a Sunset Strip motel. 1696 01:51:52,660 --> 01:51:54,320 他們就是警察 These are the police. 1697 01:52:00,630 --> 01:52:01,460 你們有什麼事? What do you want? 1698 01:52:01,630 --> 01:52:03,570 我要檢察處派人二十四小時 I want D.A. bureau men to 1699 01:52:03,670 --> 01:52:06,430 監視杜德利·史密斯跟皮爾斯 tail Dudley Smith and Patchett 24 hours a day. 1700 01:52:06,540 --> 01:52:09,870 我要你讓法官准許監聽他們的電話 I want you to get a judge to authorize wiretaps on their home phones. 1701 01:52:10,010 --> 01:52:12,880 還有查他們銀行記錄的許可令 I want authorization to check their bank records. 1702 01:52:13,010 --> 01:52:14,910 憑什麼證據? On what evidence? 1703 01:52:15,010 --> 01:52:16,410 就憑我的直覺 Call it a hunch. 1704 01:52:17,850 --> 01:52:19,580 絕對不行 Absolutely not. 1705 01:52:19,680 --> 01:52:22,680 杜德利是警局功勳卓著的人 Dudley Smith is a highly decorated member of the department. 1706 01:52:22,790 --> 01:52:24,850 我不會毀了他跟皮爾斯的名譽 I won't smear his and Patchett's name without-- 1707 01:52:24,960 --> 01:52:26,750 除非 除非怎樣? Without what? 1708 01:52:26,860 --> 01:52:28,990 他們先毀了你的名譽? Them smearing yours first? 1709 01:52:29,090 --> 01:52:30,490 你有什麼把柄在他們手上? What do they have? 1710 01:52:30,660 --> 01:52:32,930 你跟雷諾一絲不掛的照片? Pictures of you and Matt Reynolds with your pants down? 1711 01:52:35,230 --> 01:52:36,670 你有證據嗎? You have any proof? 1712 01:52:36,770 --> 01:52:38,760 證人已經被宰了 The proof had his throat slit. 1713 01:52:40,010 --> 01:52:41,700 到目前為止 你並未否認 So far, you're not denying it. 1714 01:52:43,340 --> 01:52:45,500 我不屑於做任何回答 I won't dignify this with answers. 1715 01:52:45,680 --> 01:52:48,170 如果二位不介意的話 Now if you gentlemen will excuse me 1716 01:52:48,310 --> 01:52:51,480 我還得去向記者說明傑克·文生遇害的事 I have a press conference for Jack Vincennes that I have to prepare for. 1717 01:53:02,530 --> 01:53:04,690 除非你們是要來替我擦屁股的 Unless you came to wipe my ass, 1718 01:53:04,800 --> 01:53:06,390 否則我們之間好像沒什麼事了 I believe we're through. 1719 01:53:11,040 --> 01:53:13,630 好了 少來白臉黑臉那一套了 Don't pull that good cop-bad cop crap. 1720 01:53:13,740 --> 01:53:14,930 我還是開山始祖呢 I practically invented it. 1721 01:53:16,170 --> 01:53:18,540 死了個同性戀男演員又怎樣 So what if some homo actor is dead. 1722 01:53:18,680 --> 01:53:21,310 男男女女 這種人滿街都是 Boys, girls, ten of them get off the bus to L.A. everyday. 1723 01:53:29,720 --> 01:53:31,120 叫他放開我 艾斯利 Pull him off me!! 1724 01:53:31,220 --> 01:53:32,660 我不知道怎麼跟他說 I don't know how. 1725 01:53:36,090 --> 01:53:38,360 我知道你自以為是頭號大人物 I know you think you're the A-number-one hotshot, 1726 01:53:38,460 --> 01:53:39,330 不過老實說 but here's the juice. 1727 01:53:39,430 --> 01:53:40,290 如果我把你殺了 If I kill you, 1728 01:53:40,300 --> 01:53:42,460 明天馬上會有十個律師來接你的位子 10 lawyers will take your place tomorrow. 1729 01:53:42,570 --> 01:53:44,060 只是他們可不是滿街都是 They just won't come on a bus. 1730 01:53:58,620 --> 01:53:59,980 好啦 Okay! 1731 01:54:01,290 --> 01:54:02,340 杜德利跟巴卻他們 Dudley and Patchett, they. 1732 01:54:04,090 --> 01:54:05,450 哦 我的天 Oh, my God! 1733 01:54:05,560 --> 01:54:06,680 因為我不肯同流合污 I wouldn't play ball 1734 01:54:06,790 --> 01:54:09,190 所以他們設計陷害我 我只好屈服 so they set me up! I gave in! 1735 01:54:09,200 --> 01:54:11,320 那個年輕人正好聽見了經過 But the kid heard everything 1736 01:54:11,430 --> 01:54:12,450 所以他們把他給殺了 so they killed him. 1737 01:54:12,560 --> 01:54:15,320 為什麼?杜德利跟皮爾斯有什麼陰謀? Why? -What are Dudley and Patchett up to? 1738 01:54:15,330 --> 01:54:17,460 他們要接手柯漢的盤口 -Taking over Mickey Cohen's rackets. 1739 01:54:17,570 --> 01:54:21,000 因為有了那些照片 我無法起訴他們 Because of those pictures I couldn't prosecute them! 1740 01:54:21,840 --> 01:54:22,740 哦 天啊 Oh, Jesus! 1741 01:54:22,840 --> 01:54:24,570 拉我起來 Help me up! 1742 01:54:33,590 --> 01:54:35,640 你以前是這麼玩黑臉白臉的嗎 Is that how you ran the good cop-bad cop? 1743 01:54:38,260 --> 01:54:39,310 巴卻? Patchett? 1744 01:55:14,890 --> 01:55:17,260 看來他的保鏢喜新厭舊了 Looks like his bodyguard had a conflict of interest. 1745 01:55:24,000 --> 01:55:25,330 自殺遺書上頭說 Suicide note. 1746 01:55:25,440 --> 01:55:29,400 傑克發現了他開應召站 所以他殺了傑克 Says he killed Jack because Jack had figured out his pornography scam. 1747 01:55:30,240 --> 01:55:32,330 他不是自殺的 Slicing himself open wasn't his idea. 1748 01:55:33,910 --> 01:55:35,380 他有兩根手指頭裂開了 2 of his fingers are broken. 1749 01:55:35,480 --> 01:55:36,670 兇手硬把他拖過來的 They held him there. 1750 01:55:38,720 --> 01:55:39,880 或是用藥把他迷昏了 Or drugged him. 1751 01:55:43,050 --> 01:55:45,580 杜德利想亡羊補牢 Dudley's tying up his loose ends. 1752 01:55:45,690 --> 01:55:46,850 巴卻死了 Patchett's dead. 1753 01:55:46,960 --> 01:55:48,650 他又派你來殺我 He sent you after me. 1754 01:55:50,560 --> 01:55:51,620 琳恩? Lynn. 1755 01:55:52,860 --> 01:55:53,850 通知西好萊塢警長 West Hollywood Sheriff. 1756 01:55:53,970 --> 01:55:54,860 他們那兒比我們近 -They're closer than we are. 1757 01:55:54,970 --> 01:55:55,860 我去開車 -I'll get the car. 1758 01:55:55,970 --> 01:55:57,160 鑰匙 Keys! 1759 01:56:03,840 --> 01:56:07,340 我們把她送到局裏保護了 We took her to the station for safekeeping. 1760 01:56:08,180 --> 01:56:10,040 把她當瓊史密斯 Hold her as Joan Smith. 1761 01:56:10,150 --> 01:56:12,510 除非我允許否則不許任何人見她 And no one sees her unless I okay it. 1762 01:56:12,620 --> 01:56:14,410 有人打過她 Someone worked her over. 1763 01:56:14,520 --> 01:56:16,150 她不肯說是誰 She wouldn't say who. 1764 01:56:21,460 --> 01:56:22,980 再見 艾斯利 再見 See you, Exley. 1765 01:56:26,230 --> 01:56:27,390 我們應該去跟琳恩談談 We should talk to Lynn. 1766 01:56:28,700 --> 01:56:30,360 你去 You do it. 1767 01:56:30,470 --> 01:56:32,030 那你呢? What will you do? 1768 01:56:34,870 --> 01:56:37,400 我去找西·德哈金斯 I'm going to talk to Sid Hudgens. 1769 01:56:37,510 --> 01:56:40,340 好好誇獎一下他在勝利旅館的演技 Compliment him on his performance at the Victory Motel. 1770 01:56:40,450 --> 01:56:43,680 記住 巴德 我們需要證據 Remember, Bud, we need evidence. 1771 01:56:43,780 --> 01:56:45,080 我會拿到證據的 I'll get the evidence. 1772 01:56:58,000 --> 01:56:59,090 你還好吧? Are you okay? 1773 01:57:01,670 --> 01:57:03,000 你還好吧? You okay? 1774 01:57:13,340 --> 01:57:15,110 巴德很後悔打了你 Bud hates himself for what he did. 1775 01:57:16,510 --> 01:57:18,310 我知道他心裏的感受 I know how he feels. 1776 01:57:20,920 --> 01:57:23,720 我必須知道你有什麼 不利於杜德斯史密斯的證據 I need to know what you can give me on Dudley Smith. 1777 01:57:25,860 --> 01:57:28,760 他是跟巴卻同流合污的警官 He's a police captain in business with Patchett. 1778 01:57:28,930 --> 01:57:30,290 我沒聽過這個人 I've never heard of him. 1779 01:57:34,600 --> 01:57:36,430 你有沒有地方可以去? Do you have a place to stay? 1780 01:57:38,070 --> 01:57:39,300 我不會有事的 I'll be okay. 1781 01:57:46,380 --> 01:57:47,900 沒有證件的人不可以進去 Nobody goes in without official I.D.! 1782 01:57:53,280 --> 01:57:54,950 他沒關係 讓他進來 He's okay. Let him through. 1783 01:57:58,560 --> 01:58:00,250 發生了什麼事? What happened? 1784 01:58:00,360 --> 01:58:03,420 有人把他活活打死然後偷走了一大堆檔案 Someone beat him to death, and stole a bunch of files. 1785 01:58:03,530 --> 01:58:05,860 一定是他去揭人家的瘡疤 Must have dug up garbage on the wrong guy. 1786 01:58:06,000 --> 01:58:09,020 所以範圍縮小到一千人左右 We got it narrowed down to 1000 suspects. 1787 01:58:09,130 --> 01:58:10,260 懷特警員 Sergeant White 1788 01:58:11,500 --> 01:58:12,940 勤務中心接到你的電話 dispatch got a call for you. 1789 01:58:13,040 --> 01:58:15,870 艾斯利警官要你到勝利旅館去找他 Lieutenant Exley wants you to meet him at the Victory Motel. 1790 01:58:50,480 --> 01:58:51,530 你要我到這兒找你? You wanted to meet here? 1791 01:58:54,050 --> 01:58:56,610 - 是你說的 我以為哈金斯… - 他已經死了 - You called it. I thought Hudgens was… - Hudgens is dead. 1792 01:59:08,630 --> 01:59:09,680 我們快走 Let's get out of here. 1793 01:59:17,600 --> 01:59:18,590 來不及了 It's too late. 1794 02:00:08,450 --> 02:00:10,550 你懷疑是圈套還來? You figured it was a set-up but came anyway? 1795 02:00:10,660 --> 02:00:13,150 這兒發生了太多壞事了 A lot of bad stuff happened here. 1796 02:00:13,260 --> 02:00:14,990 所有恩怨正好在這兒做個了結 It's as good a place as any for it to end. 1797 02:00:25,000 --> 02:00:26,930 彈夾 Clip. 1798 02:00:31,910 --> 02:00:34,340 我只是想追上先父而已 All I ever wanted was to measure up to my father. 1799 02:00:35,810 --> 02:00:37,080 你的機會來了 Now's your chance. 1800 02:00:39,480 --> 02:00:41,320 他是因公殉職的對不對? He died in the line of duty, didn't he? 1801 02:01:41,180 --> 02:01:42,150 巴德 Bud. 1802 02:02:40,970 --> 02:02:42,130 該死 Goddamn it! 1803 02:03:42,400 --> 02:03:43,830 你沒事吧? You okay? 1804 02:03:43,940 --> 02:03:45,030 沒事 Yeah. 1805 02:04:03,720 --> 02:04:05,750 起來 Come on. Easy. 1806 02:04:12,430 --> 02:04:13,400 走 Move! 1807 02:04:35,990 --> 02:04:37,480 羅羅·湯馬西 Rollo Tomasi. 1808 02:04:40,990 --> 02:04:42,930 他是誰? Who is he? 1809 02:04:43,030 --> 02:04:44,260 就是你 You are. 1810 02:04:46,430 --> 02:04:48,330 你就是那個逍遙法外的人 You're the guy who gets away with it. 1811 02:04:52,370 --> 02:04:53,560 傑克他知道了 Jack knew it. 1812 02:04:53,670 --> 02:04:54,930 我也知道了 And so do l. 1813 02:05:20,870 --> 02:05:22,360 你是打算殺了我 Are you going to shoot me 1814 02:05:23,770 --> 02:05:25,170 還是要逮捕我? or arrest me? 1815 02:05:31,180 --> 02:05:32,160 好孩子 Good lad. 1816 02:05:33,410 --> 02:05:34,780 永遠是那麼聰明 Always the politician. 1817 02:05:36,010 --> 02:05:38,140 由我來出面說明 Let me do the talking. 1818 02:05:38,250 --> 02:05:39,480 等我說明完了 此後 After I'm done, 1819 02:05:39,580 --> 02:05:41,520 你馬上可以升為刑事組長 they'll make you Chief of Detectives. 1820 02:06:09,210 --> 02:06:11,110 把警徽舉高一點 Hold up your badge 1821 02:06:11,220 --> 02:06:12,910 他們才會知道你是警察 so they'll know you're a policeman. 1822 02:07:03,970 --> 02:07:06,060 你以為這麼輕易就可以脫罪 You think you can talk your way out of this, Lieutenant? 1823 02:07:09,170 --> 02:07:12,300 不 不過我可以說出真相 No but I can tell the truth. 1824 02:07:13,140 --> 02:07:19,370 在調查與夜貓子案相關的事件時 During our investigation of events surrounding the Nite Owl case 1825 02:07:20,320 --> 02:07:24,520 傑克·文生 巴德·懷特跟我本人發現了下列事惰 Jack Vincennes, Bud White and I learned the following: 1826 02:07:24,620 --> 02:07:27,110 你的金童正在自毀前程 Your golden boy's throwing his whole life away. 1827 02:07:27,220 --> 02:07:29,590 夜貓子案之三名嫌犯 The 3 Nite Owl suspects 1828 02:07:29,690 --> 02:07:32,820 確實犯了強姦綁架罪 while guilty of kidnapping and rape 1829 02:07:32,930 --> 02:07:35,590 卻並未在夜貓子犯下殺人案 were innocent of the multiple homicides at the Nite Owl. 1830 02:07:37,270 --> 02:07:39,290 夜貓子的真正兇手極有可能是 The gunmen were most likely 1831 02:07:39,400 --> 02:07:44,310 洛杉磯警察麥可布魯因以及威廉卡爾萊 Los Angeles police officers Michael Breuning and William Carlisle 1832 02:07:44,410 --> 02:07:46,570 至於第三個人 and a third man 1833 02:07:46,680 --> 02:07:50,040 可能是 也可能不是史密斯組長 who may or may not have been Captain Dudley Smith. 1834 02:07:51,420 --> 02:07:52,680 他們殺人之目的乃是 The objective: 1835 02:07:53,820 --> 02:07:56,410 為了幹掉另一名警員 The elimination of another police officer 1836 02:07:56,550 --> 02:07:58,110 狄克·史丹斯 Richard Stensland 1837 02:07:59,360 --> 02:08:04,620 該員跟一名洛杉磯離職警員李蘭巴茲·米克斯 who, along with former LAPD officer Leland "Buzz" Meeks 1838 02:08:05,430 --> 02:08:08,690 曾經為史密斯組長犯下數起殺人案 also committed multiple homicides on behalf of Captain Smith 1839 02:08:09,770 --> 02:08:14,860 後來又為了二十五磅海洛因 而出賣了史密斯組長 and then betrayed him over 25 pounds of heroin 1840 02:08:14,970 --> 02:08:17,070 而夜貓子案幕後真正的動機 the retrieval of which 1841 02:08:17,170 --> 02:08:19,670 正是為了取回那些海洛因 was the ultimate motivation behind the Nite Owl killings. 1842 02:08:23,380 --> 02:08:26,940 自米奇·柯漢入獄開始 Beginning with the incarceration of Mickey Cohen 1843 02:08:27,050 --> 02:08:32,650 史密斯組長便圖謀接管洛杉磯的黑社會 Capt. Smith has been assuming control of organized crime in Los Angeles. 1844 02:08:32,760 --> 02:08:38,160 其手段包括了暗殺柯漢的手下 This includes the assassinations of Mickey Cohen lieutenants 1845 02:08:38,260 --> 02:08:42,930 循序恐嚇政府官員 the systematic blackmail of city officials 1846 02:08:43,030 --> 02:08:45,020 以及殺害蘇珊雷佛 and the murders of Susan Lefferts, 1847 02:08:45,140 --> 02:08:47,100 皮爾斯·巴卻 西·德哈金斯 Pierce Patchett, Sid Hudgens 1848 02:08:48,910 --> 02:08:50,740 以及傑克·文生警官 and Sergeant Jack Vincennes. 1849 02:08:54,280 --> 02:08:57,580 史密斯組長在勝利汽車旅館 Captain Smith admitted as much to me 1850 02:08:57,680 --> 02:09:01,880 被我射殺之前向我坦承了一切 before I shot him at the Victory Motel. 1851 02:09:04,120 --> 02:09:05,210 說完了 That's it. 1852 02:09:07,530 --> 02:09:12,220 好了 媒體這下可樂翻天了 Well the press will have a field day. 1853 02:09:13,760 --> 02:09:17,800 這將使本局未來幾年抬不起頭 Christ! It'll stain the Department for years. 1854 02:09:17,840 --> 02:09:19,060 未來幾十年 Decades. 1855 02:09:20,140 --> 02:09:22,630 如果我們能讓孩子上道一點 If we can get the kid to play ball 1856 02:09:23,740 --> 02:09:25,230 那還有誰會說出去呢 who's to say what happened? 1857 02:09:26,640 --> 02:09:29,340 或許史密斯是像英雄般殉職的 Maybe Dudley Smith died a hero. 1858 02:09:29,450 --> 02:09:32,240 好主意 如果媒體肯跟我們合作 -Good idea. -lf we get the press to play. 1859 02:09:39,860 --> 02:09:42,260 要不要告訴我你在笑什麼 Want to tell me what you're smiling about? 1860 02:09:48,000 --> 02:09:49,060 英雄 A hero. 1861 02:09:49,930 --> 02:09:51,660 他怎麼知道我們在說什麼 How'd he know what we said? 1862 02:09:51,940 --> 02:09:53,200 他不可能聽見的 He couldn't have heard us. 1863 02:09:57,170 --> 02:09:59,470 在這種情況下 In this situation 1864 02:09:59,580 --> 02:10:01,070 一個英雄是不夠的 you'll need more than one. 1865 02:10:06,920 --> 02:10:08,110 "警局組長英雄般殉職 " 1866 02:10:08,220 --> 02:10:11,310 本人深感榮幸能再一次 It is my pleasure to present this award to 1867 02:10:11,420 --> 02:10:16,090 頒發勇士勳章給埃德蒙艾斯利警官 Detective Lieutenant Edmund Exley two-time Medal of Valor recipient. 1868 02:10:26,140 --> 02:10:29,590 本局明年將遷至新大樓 Next year the LAPD will move into its new facility. 1869 02:10:30,640 --> 02:10:32,340 有了艾斯利這樣的楷模 With leaders like Edmund Exley 1870 02:10:32,440 --> 02:10:35,780 本局同仁貪污舞弊的惡劣形象 將一掃而空 the image of fat cops stealing apples will be left behind 1871 02:10:35,880 --> 02:10:39,340 洛杉磯也終於有了應有的警力 and Los Angeles will finally have the police force it deserves. 1872 02:10:53,630 --> 02:10:55,790 你就是受不了誘惑 You just couldn't resist. 1873 02:10:55,900 --> 02:10:58,270 他們要利用我嘛 我又何妨也利用利用他們 They're using me. So for a while, I'm using them. 1874 02:11:00,600 --> 02:11:01,630 出來一下 Come on. 1875 02:11:36,640 --> 02:11:37,800 謝謝你推了我一把 Thanks for the push. 1876 02:11:59,460 --> 02:12:01,120 恭喜你了 警官 Congratulations, Lieutenant Exley. 1877 02:12:04,970 --> 02:12:07,490 有人贏得了全世界 Some men get the world 1878 02:12:07,600 --> 02:12:10,840 有人則贏得了從良妓女 以及亞歷桑那之旅 others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona.