1 00:00:02,220 --> 00:00:04,180 NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG-1. 2 00:00:04,390 --> 00:00:05,440 Whoa! 3 00:00:06,450 --> 00:00:07,420 Whoa! 4 00:00:09,490 --> 00:00:11,790 - What are you doing? - I don't know, sir. 5 00:00:11,890 --> 00:00:14,490 The Colonel must have input new stargate locations into the computer. 6 00:00:14,600 --> 00:00:17,790 Jaffa number in the millions, spread across the vastness of the galaxy. 7 00:00:17,900 --> 00:00:20,130 What you need right now is a strong leader. 8 00:00:20,230 --> 00:00:21,220 You. 9 00:00:23,070 --> 00:00:26,630 Guys! We've got a problem. 10 00:00:26,740 --> 00:00:28,140 Ba'al's been busy. 11 00:00:28,240 --> 00:00:29,470 He's been gathering up stargates 12 00:00:29,580 --> 00:00:31,540 from all over the sector for the last several weeks. 13 00:00:31,650 --> 00:00:34,480 In Arthurian myth, Morgan was a powerful sorceress, 14 00:00:34,880 --> 00:00:37,820 King Arthur's half-sister and an adversary of Merlin. 15 00:00:38,020 --> 00:00:39,280 That would suggest she may have had a hand 16 00:00:39,390 --> 00:00:40,820 in the disappearance of the weapon we seek. 17 00:00:40,920 --> 00:00:44,050 We're looking for the names of two planets known on Earth in ancient times 18 00:00:44,160 --> 00:00:47,250 in the dialect of Old English as Castiana and Sahal. 19 00:00:47,360 --> 00:00:49,390 Taoth Vaclarush and Valos Cor. 20 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:51,690 You're not really a hologram, are you? 21 00:00:51,800 --> 00:00:55,170 You have your answer, Daniel Jackson. I suggest you act on it. 22 00:01:00,770 --> 00:01:04,640 - What's the latest from the search parties? - Nothing much to report, sir. 23 00:01:04,750 --> 00:01:08,040 The toxic atmosphere on Castiana is slowing us down considerably. 24 00:01:08,150 --> 00:01:10,140 Now, we found evidence of stone structures on Sahal, 25 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:13,380 but they appear to have been abandoned over 40,000 years ago. 26 00:01:13,490 --> 00:01:16,150 - So basically we've got nothing. - Not yet. 27 00:01:16,360 --> 00:01:18,290 You went all the way to the Pegasus Galaxy, 28 00:01:18,390 --> 00:01:21,560 had a face-to-face encounter with a full-blown Ascended being, 29 00:01:21,660 --> 00:01:24,890 came away with not one but two gate addresses, 30 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:27,360 and they both turn out to be dead ends? 31 00:01:27,470 --> 00:01:30,300 Well, see, that's the part that doesn't make any sense, sir. 32 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:32,400 If Morgan didn't want us to find Merlin's weapon, 33 00:01:32,510 --> 00:01:35,440 then why tell us anything at all? We must be missing something. 34 00:01:35,540 --> 00:01:37,980 That's what Doctor Jackson keeps telling me. 35 00:01:38,080 --> 00:01:39,640 You heard from Daniel? 36 00:01:39,980 --> 00:01:41,540 He checked in from Camelot this morning. 37 00:01:41,650 --> 00:01:45,680 He's convinced that the answer is somewhere in Merlin's library. 38 00:01:45,790 --> 00:01:47,340 But he hasn't found anything yet. 39 00:01:47,450 --> 00:01:50,890 HARRIMAN ON RADIO: Sorry to interrupt, General. You're needed in the control room. 40 00:01:57,400 --> 00:01:58,760 What is it, Chief? 41 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:01,130 We just received a heads-up from NORAD, sir. 42 00:02:01,240 --> 00:02:04,300 An Al'kesh bomber just entered Earth's atmosphere about four minutes ago. 43 00:02:04,840 --> 00:02:06,970 Bearing indicates Cheyenne Mountain. 44 00:02:08,880 --> 00:02:11,870 Two F-16's out of Peterson have been re-routed to intercept. 45 00:02:11,980 --> 00:02:12,970 I'm patching us in. 46 00:02:13,080 --> 00:02:14,950 PILOT: Repeat, you have entered a Flight Restricted Zone 47 00:02:15,050 --> 00:02:18,070 and are requested to land immediately. Please respond. 48 00:02:23,960 --> 00:02:25,650 Stargate Command, this is Bearcat One. 49 00:02:25,760 --> 00:02:28,420 Alien vessel is unresponsive. Should we engage? 50 00:02:28,530 --> 00:02:30,430 If they were friendly, they wouldn't be flying silent. 51 00:02:30,530 --> 00:02:33,330 - Maybe their communications are down. - We can't take the chance. 52 00:02:33,430 --> 00:02:35,200 Bearcat One, this is General Landry. 53 00:02:35,300 --> 00:02:36,530 You are clear to engage. 54 00:02:44,440 --> 00:02:47,310 PILOT: The alien vessel has been disabled. They're coming down hard. 55 00:02:47,410 --> 00:02:50,350 I've got projected coordinates. We're on it, sir. 56 00:03:11,610 --> 00:03:13,270 CARTER: What's the situation, Major? 57 00:03:13,370 --> 00:03:16,430 The area has been secured. No one on board except for the pilot. 58 00:03:16,540 --> 00:03:19,880 - He's being treated for minor injuries. - Let's have a look at him. 59 00:03:26,950 --> 00:03:31,220 Ah, at last. The welcoming committee. 60 00:04:46,430 --> 00:04:47,700 MITCHELL: I don't get it. 61 00:04:47,870 --> 00:04:51,500 We know that Ba'al has come to Earth before without being detected. 62 00:04:51,810 --> 00:04:53,170 Presumably by cloaked cargo ship 63 00:04:53,270 --> 00:04:55,870 or by using Asgard beaming technology from high orbit. 64 00:04:55,980 --> 00:04:58,950 Exactly. So why would he fly an Al'kesh directly to Stargate Command? 65 00:04:59,050 --> 00:05:00,780 Maybe he was planning to attack. 66 00:05:00,880 --> 00:05:03,710 - No. Even Ba'al's not that crazy. - I wouldn't be so sure. 67 00:05:03,820 --> 00:05:05,510 Well, this is interesting. 68 00:05:06,090 --> 00:05:09,280 There's a signal coming from inside the interrogation room. 69 00:05:09,390 --> 00:05:12,320 He must have implanted himself with a locator beacon. 70 00:05:12,490 --> 00:05:15,220 No doubt he's expecting his people to beam him out at some point. 71 00:05:15,330 --> 00:05:17,630 - Better not hold his breath. - Why not? 72 00:05:17,730 --> 00:05:19,060 Well, after the stargate was stolen two years ago, 73 00:05:19,170 --> 00:05:21,190 we installed jamming devices to prevent anyone 74 00:05:21,300 --> 00:05:23,740 from locking onto a signal from within the base. 75 00:05:23,840 --> 00:05:26,770 MITCHELL: General. Has he said anything? 76 00:05:26,870 --> 00:05:29,840 Only that he won't talk to anybody but SG-1. 77 00:05:30,310 --> 00:05:31,280 Lucky us. 78 00:05:31,380 --> 00:05:33,400 Well, frankly, I'm inclined to let him rot. 79 00:05:33,510 --> 00:05:36,510 That's all right, sir. We'll talk to him. 80 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:39,050 After all, he did come all this way. 81 00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:46,990 Colonel Mitchell. 82 00:05:47,890 --> 00:05:49,990 Colonel Carter, Teal'c. 83 00:05:52,100 --> 00:05:53,330 Qetesh. 84 00:05:53,870 --> 00:05:55,430 She goes by Vala now. 85 00:05:55,540 --> 00:05:57,300 (SIGHING) Always did, really. 86 00:05:57,400 --> 00:05:58,740 We've been authorized to give you the time of day, 87 00:05:58,840 --> 00:06:01,330 - so make it quick and make it good. - Of course. 88 00:06:01,610 --> 00:06:04,700 I understand your reluctance to trust me, so I'll be succinct. 89 00:06:05,250 --> 00:06:07,650 It's the clones. They want me dead. 90 00:06:07,780 --> 00:06:10,080 - That would make all of us. - Dead, huh? 91 00:06:10,350 --> 00:06:11,580 What'd you do? 92 00:06:11,690 --> 00:06:13,150 Short-sheet the bed? Cheat at cards? 93 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:16,280 You must understand that what I did was out of necessity. 94 00:06:16,390 --> 00:06:18,450 You were the ones who invited the Ori into this galaxy. 95 00:06:18,560 --> 00:06:20,650 I was merely trying to preserve a safe haven 96 00:06:20,760 --> 00:06:23,700 for myself and a few good friends. 97 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:25,770 You mean slaves. 98 00:06:26,070 --> 00:06:29,040 So you stole a few stargates, tried to set up your own network, 99 00:06:29,140 --> 00:06:30,800 yada, yada, yada. We were there, remember? 100 00:06:30,900 --> 00:06:32,270 Luckily, I wasn't. 101 00:06:32,510 --> 00:06:35,370 I had to hear about your heroics third-hand. 102 00:06:36,210 --> 00:06:37,970 I also had to hear about how you thwarted my attempts 103 00:06:38,080 --> 00:06:40,550 to gain control of the Jaffa High Council. 104 00:06:40,680 --> 00:06:43,410 But none of this explains why the clones would turn on you. 105 00:06:43,520 --> 00:06:47,780 That's probably because there's a little more to his plan than he's letting on. 106 00:06:47,890 --> 00:06:49,860 Perceptive, as usual. 107 00:06:53,460 --> 00:06:56,450 Didn't Daniel tell me something about a very powerful weapon 108 00:06:56,560 --> 00:06:58,960 in the hands of the Jaffa on Dakara? 109 00:06:59,300 --> 00:07:01,270 It's not a weapon, technically. 110 00:07:01,500 --> 00:07:03,700 It was a device that was originally used by the Ancients 111 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:05,700 to seed all life in this galaxy. 112 00:07:05,810 --> 00:07:08,170 But we did adapt it to destroy the replicators. 113 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:11,300 Using my simultaneous dialing program, I might add. 114 00:07:11,950 --> 00:07:16,540 Am I correct in assuming that this device can be adapted to kill organic life as well? 115 00:07:16,650 --> 00:07:17,780 Yes. 116 00:07:18,520 --> 00:07:21,540 - Now it's starting to make sense. - It is? 117 00:07:21,690 --> 00:07:24,620 Well, you must remember that I have intimate knowledge 118 00:07:24,720 --> 00:07:27,420 of just how depraved the Goa'uld can be. 119 00:07:27,530 --> 00:07:30,390 You are suggesting that Ba'al attempted to gain control of the High Council 120 00:07:30,500 --> 00:07:32,430 in order to gain access to the Ancient device. 121 00:07:32,530 --> 00:07:35,130 With the purpose of wiping out all life in the galaxy, 122 00:07:35,240 --> 00:07:38,000 except his own little corner, of course. 123 00:07:38,510 --> 00:07:40,170 That was Anubis's plan. 124 00:07:41,110 --> 00:07:43,170 I never said it was original. 125 00:07:43,840 --> 00:07:48,610 But if I'd succeeded, the Ori would have lost interest and been on their merry way. 126 00:07:48,820 --> 00:07:53,310 You were going to save the galaxy by destroying pretty much everyone in it? 127 00:07:55,060 --> 00:07:58,250 But your clones figured out you weren't going to bring them along, didn't they? 128 00:07:58,360 --> 00:08:00,160 They served their purpose. 129 00:08:00,260 --> 00:08:04,360 But what can I say? Their egos were beginning to be a problem. 130 00:08:04,870 --> 00:08:06,630 Well, they are your clones. 131 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:10,900 What I don't understand is, after this particular revelation, 132 00:08:11,100 --> 00:08:14,130 you thought SG-1 would want to help you. 133 00:08:14,410 --> 00:08:15,400 Because I can help you. 134 00:08:15,910 --> 00:08:16,880 With what? 135 00:08:18,410 --> 00:08:20,970 Your search for Merlin's weapon, of course. 136 00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:26,050 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 137 00:08:26,150 --> 00:08:28,590 Sir? Agent Barrett's here to see you. 138 00:08:28,890 --> 00:08:32,420 - Barrett. What can I do for you? - I'm here for the prisoner, sir. 139 00:08:33,460 --> 00:08:34,430 Excuse me? 140 00:08:34,730 --> 00:08:35,700 Ba'al. 141 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:41,360 I have an official request for his transfer into NID custody. 142 00:08:43,040 --> 00:08:44,530 You gotta be kidding. 143 00:08:46,310 --> 00:08:48,470 We caught him. We can handle it. 144 00:08:49,140 --> 00:08:51,110 Well, with all due respect, sir, it's my understanding 145 00:08:51,210 --> 00:08:53,870 he basically flew himself into your front door. 146 00:08:54,780 --> 00:08:57,720 Look, nobody wants a jurisdictional tug of war here. 147 00:08:57,880 --> 00:09:00,280 We've been investigating the Goa'uld infiltration of the Trust 148 00:09:00,390 --> 00:09:04,260 for two years now. I'm telling you, it's a global conspiracy. 149 00:09:05,260 --> 00:09:08,190 Political and corporate connections in over a dozen countries, 150 00:09:08,300 --> 00:09:10,060 your prisoner is at the top of the pyramid. 151 00:09:10,160 --> 00:09:12,130 We don't even know if he's the real Ba'al. 152 00:09:12,230 --> 00:09:14,720 Even if he's a clone, I bet you he's got enough information 153 00:09:14,830 --> 00:09:17,130 to bring down the whole organization. 154 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:18,460 We could wipe them out. 155 00:09:18,570 --> 00:09:20,560 Well, you're just gonna have to wait your turn. 156 00:09:20,670 --> 00:09:23,140 Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry. 157 00:09:24,540 --> 00:09:27,510 Anubis told me of the weapon and of its power. 158 00:09:28,180 --> 00:09:30,810 He dedicated considerable effort to finding it during his time 159 00:09:30,920 --> 00:09:33,940 in our plane of existence, but he never succeeded. 160 00:09:34,450 --> 00:09:36,450 And you have the address? 161 00:09:36,560 --> 00:09:38,850 Actually, you have the address. 162 00:09:39,390 --> 00:09:41,790 It's among those Colonel O'Neill obtained during his encounter 163 00:09:41,900 --> 00:09:47,230 with the Ancient repository of knowledge on the planet you call P3R-272. 164 00:09:47,530 --> 00:09:49,500 There are thousands of addresses on that list. 165 00:09:49,600 --> 00:09:52,160 Exactly why you'll never find it on your own. 166 00:09:53,970 --> 00:09:55,840 I, however, have information that will allow you 167 00:09:55,940 --> 00:09:58,270 to narrow down your choices considerably. 168 00:09:59,980 --> 00:10:03,510 All I ask in return is that you eliminate the clones. 169 00:10:03,620 --> 00:10:05,520 And we do that exactly how? 170 00:10:05,620 --> 00:10:06,850 It should be easy enough to track them down. 171 00:10:06,950 --> 00:10:09,720 I implanted a locator chip in each one when I created them. 172 00:10:09,820 --> 00:10:13,220 That's funny, because we detected a locator chip in you. 173 00:10:14,030 --> 00:10:17,290 I had to implant one in myself in order to gain their trust. 174 00:10:18,570 --> 00:10:20,800 You can use the tracking system on board my Al'kesh. 175 00:10:20,900 --> 00:10:22,420 They'll never see it coming. 176 00:10:22,540 --> 00:10:25,900 Well, that is a truly incredible story, 177 00:10:26,670 --> 00:10:27,970 in every sense of the word. 178 00:10:28,070 --> 00:10:31,770 I should also mention that every one of my clones knows about Merlin's weapon. 179 00:10:31,880 --> 00:10:34,440 And if any of them, at any point, were captured by the Priors, 180 00:10:34,550 --> 00:10:37,040 and were it to somehow slip out 181 00:10:37,150 --> 00:10:41,110 that the SG-C computer contains the location of a weapon deadly to the Ori... 182 00:10:41,220 --> 00:10:44,820 Their Priors would stop at nothing to have it within their grasp. 183 00:10:45,660 --> 00:10:47,650 It is, of course, your decision. 184 00:10:49,030 --> 00:10:52,490 I leave it in your very capable hands. 185 00:11:01,910 --> 00:11:04,670 You can't seriously think that he's telling the truth. 186 00:11:04,780 --> 00:11:06,840 The whole truth? Of course not. 187 00:11:07,450 --> 00:11:10,420 But there's too much at stake here not to investigate. 188 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:11,610 And in the meantime? 189 00:11:11,720 --> 00:11:13,450 What am I supposed to tell my superiors? 190 00:11:15,020 --> 00:11:16,610 That's your problem. 191 00:11:19,590 --> 00:11:24,660 We managed to activate the tracking system on the Al'kesh, and this 192 00:11:25,900 --> 00:11:27,060 is what we got. 193 00:11:28,870 --> 00:11:32,460 - Those are the Ba'als? - More like dots, really. 194 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:36,470 Get it? Dots, balls. 195 00:11:38,240 --> 00:11:39,400 (CLEARS THROAT) 196 00:11:40,110 --> 00:11:43,410 Anyway, we worked up those files with the current locations, 197 00:11:43,520 --> 00:11:46,450 showing the addresses and any available intel. 198 00:11:46,850 --> 00:11:48,620 All right, so what kind of trap are we looking at? 199 00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:50,380 I don't think it would be as simple as an ambush, 200 00:11:50,490 --> 00:11:52,220 not while we have him in custody. 201 00:11:52,330 --> 00:11:54,420 No Goa'uld would sacrifice himself like that. 202 00:11:54,530 --> 00:11:57,290 - What do you think, sir? - I say we give it a go. 203 00:11:58,030 --> 00:12:01,130 Remind me to give you a primer on the meaning of the word "sir." 204 00:12:01,230 --> 00:12:02,960 But she's right. 205 00:12:03,070 --> 00:12:05,000 We won't know if Ba'al is serious or not 206 00:12:05,110 --> 00:12:07,540 until we test out some of these addresses. 207 00:12:07,870 --> 00:12:10,140 Some of this intel seems pretty sketchy. 208 00:12:10,380 --> 00:12:12,070 I'm familiar with this planet. 209 00:12:12,610 --> 00:12:15,550 - It used to belong to Camulus. - Can you get us in? 210 00:12:17,220 --> 00:12:18,310 Absolutely. 211 00:12:22,820 --> 00:12:25,260 You sure you want to bring her along on this one? 212 00:12:25,360 --> 00:12:27,520 Jackson says she'll be useful. Now's her chance to prove it. 213 00:12:27,630 --> 00:12:29,820 But Dr. Jackson isn't here, and it seems to me 214 00:12:29,930 --> 00:12:31,790 he's the only one she ever listens to. 215 00:12:31,900 --> 00:12:33,760 Yeah. Some of the time. 216 00:12:34,130 --> 00:12:35,970 You don't think you can control her? 217 00:12:36,070 --> 00:12:37,160 No, I know I can't control her, 218 00:12:37,270 --> 00:12:39,530 but that's pretty much par for the course. 219 00:12:40,210 --> 00:12:43,270 Sir, Carter and I are the same rank, 220 00:12:43,740 --> 00:12:45,510 Teal'c's an alien, Jackson's a civilian. 221 00:12:45,610 --> 00:12:48,480 I learned a long time ago I don't control anything. 222 00:12:49,480 --> 00:12:50,950 Who does? 223 00:13:01,530 --> 00:13:04,430 - How do I look? - Turn around. 224 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:07,290 Yeah, you look great. 225 00:13:07,730 --> 00:13:10,760 A little more enthusiasm from you next time. Thank you. 226 00:13:11,540 --> 00:13:13,400 - What? - Zat! 227 00:13:14,470 --> 00:13:16,310 This is my first real mission through the gate, 228 00:13:16,410 --> 00:13:18,430 and I'm the only one who knows the terrain. 229 00:13:18,550 --> 00:13:20,480 Then try not to get us killed. 230 00:13:28,020 --> 00:13:29,280 Here we are. 231 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:32,720 And what? 232 00:13:34,430 --> 00:13:36,400 Well, it's a ring platform, somewhat hidden, 233 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:38,260 but it's a backdoor, if you will. 234 00:13:38,360 --> 00:13:41,700 Okay, but it doesn't do us much good if we can't activate it. 235 00:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,930 Leave that to me. 236 00:13:43,540 --> 00:13:44,500 Hang on. 237 00:13:45,370 --> 00:13:46,340 Hang on! 238 00:13:48,410 --> 00:13:49,770 Where's she going? 239 00:14:06,260 --> 00:14:07,350 (WHISTLES) 240 00:14:08,560 --> 00:14:09,720 (GROANING) 241 00:14:19,010 --> 00:14:21,770 - What the hell are you doing? - I alerted a Jaffa patrol to our presence. 242 00:14:21,880 --> 00:14:24,000 Obviously! Do you mind if I ask why? 243 00:14:24,110 --> 00:14:26,910 So they'd sound the alarm and send reinforcements. 244 00:14:27,010 --> 00:14:28,310 Oh, well, that's... 245 00:14:28,410 --> 00:14:29,380 That's brilliant! 246 00:14:29,850 --> 00:14:30,980 Hey, how come I didn't think of that? 247 00:14:31,080 --> 00:14:34,450 My dear Colonel, where do you think the reinforcements will come from? 248 00:15:04,280 --> 00:15:06,120 You can thank me later, by the way. 249 00:15:29,580 --> 00:15:30,770 (PIN CLANGING) 250 00:15:39,490 --> 00:15:40,450 Jaffa! 251 00:15:42,820 --> 00:15:43,880 (JAFFA GROANING) 252 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:47,990 Don't shoot. 253 00:15:48,700 --> 00:15:51,220 I know why you're here, and you're making a big mistake. 254 00:15:51,330 --> 00:15:53,800 Oh, let us guess, you're the real Ba'al. 255 00:15:53,900 --> 00:15:55,060 Precisely. 256 00:15:56,800 --> 00:15:59,530 No doubt the impostor promised you the location of Merlin's weapon 257 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:01,330 if you helped him get rid of the rest of us. 258 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:02,470 That's right. 259 00:16:02,580 --> 00:16:05,770 You do realize he has no idea where it is or how to find it. 260 00:16:05,880 --> 00:16:07,850 - VALA: But you do. - Of course. 261 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:10,680 I obtained the information only after the clones were created 262 00:16:10,780 --> 00:16:14,480 and needless to say, I never shared it with them. 263 00:16:14,790 --> 00:16:17,780 You know what? This is giving me a headache. 264 00:16:18,190 --> 00:16:21,790 What do you say we finish this up at home? 265 00:16:23,200 --> 00:16:24,820 Let's go, Spartacus. 266 00:16:35,110 --> 00:16:38,010 Oh, yeah. Now I can see the difference. 267 00:16:39,880 --> 00:16:41,370 I still cannot. 268 00:16:42,180 --> 00:16:45,050 Do we really believe only one of them knows how to find the weapon? 269 00:16:45,150 --> 00:16:47,140 This is Ba'al we're talking about. 270 00:16:47,250 --> 00:16:50,920 I don't think we can take anything either of them say at face value. 271 00:16:51,490 --> 00:16:53,080 So what now, sir? 272 00:16:53,430 --> 00:16:55,890 We've got scientists working here, don't we? 273 00:16:56,000 --> 00:16:58,960 Get them on this. See if they can sort out who's who. 274 00:17:10,510 --> 00:17:12,640 In the meantime, I think I'm going to have to arrange 275 00:17:12,750 --> 00:17:14,940 for separate accommodations. 276 00:17:20,250 --> 00:17:21,950 ANALYST: I wish I had better news. 277 00:17:22,260 --> 00:17:24,620 So you're saying there's no way to tell them apart? 278 00:17:24,720 --> 00:17:27,920 We generated distinct DNA profiles of all four samples, 279 00:17:28,030 --> 00:17:29,620 using a number of analysis techniques. 280 00:17:29,730 --> 00:17:30,920 Sorry? Four? 281 00:17:31,030 --> 00:17:32,590 We did the host and the Goa'uld separately. 282 00:17:32,700 --> 00:17:35,130 - Right. - We ran each test five times, 283 00:17:35,270 --> 00:17:37,790 and in each case, the results were uncanny. 284 00:17:37,970 --> 00:17:41,340 There was a perfect match across all 13 specific DNA markers. 285 00:17:42,140 --> 00:17:43,110 I'm sorry, Colonel. 286 00:17:43,210 --> 00:17:46,800 Either the clones are genetically indistinguishable from the real Ba'al... 287 00:17:46,910 --> 00:17:49,940 Or we have two clones on our hands and the real Ba'al is still out there. 288 00:17:50,050 --> 00:17:53,020 - Yep. - Thank you. 289 00:18:07,670 --> 00:18:09,660 So much for not encountering resistance. 290 00:18:09,770 --> 00:18:12,240 I guess some Ba'als are bigger than others, huh? 291 00:18:12,640 --> 00:18:13,970 If he's got a ship back there, we're screwed. 292 00:18:14,070 --> 00:18:15,170 We've got to find a way around. 293 00:18:15,270 --> 00:18:18,370 - You hold this position. I'll go. - I'll come with you. 294 00:18:19,580 --> 00:18:20,910 Let's draw some fire. 295 00:18:30,820 --> 00:18:32,950 You thinking what I'm thinking? 296 00:18:41,800 --> 00:18:43,130 CARTER: Someone's coming. 297 00:18:50,880 --> 00:18:52,850 (SCREAMING) 298 00:19:01,850 --> 00:19:03,010 Don't shoot. 299 00:19:03,490 --> 00:19:05,550 I am the real Ba'al. 300 00:19:07,390 --> 00:19:08,360 Sam, we got Ba'al. 301 00:19:08,790 --> 00:19:09,780 Copy that. 302 00:19:10,130 --> 00:19:11,100 So do we. 303 00:19:30,680 --> 00:19:33,680 Chief, got a full count. Two strikes, three Ba'als. 304 00:19:36,090 --> 00:19:37,150 That's clever, sir. 305 00:19:37,260 --> 00:19:39,520 He was thinking that one up the whole way home. 306 00:19:39,630 --> 00:19:42,120 - Yeah, the whole three seconds. - Three point two. 307 00:19:42,230 --> 00:19:43,220 Good point. 308 00:19:43,330 --> 00:19:44,520 Well, that ties you with SG-12, 309 00:19:44,630 --> 00:19:46,720 because they brought in two more about an hour ago. 310 00:19:46,830 --> 00:19:47,800 Damn. 311 00:19:48,870 --> 00:19:51,230 - It's not a competition. - Says you. 312 00:19:58,440 --> 00:19:59,410 General. 313 00:20:01,910 --> 00:20:04,380 Barrett. I was wondering when you'd be back. 314 00:20:04,850 --> 00:20:07,720 I understand you got yourself a few extra Ba'als. 315 00:20:09,690 --> 00:20:12,320 I don't suppose you'd consider letting me take a few off your hands? 316 00:20:12,430 --> 00:20:14,220 You know I can't do that. 317 00:20:14,560 --> 00:20:17,120 Not until we figure out which one's the original, 318 00:20:17,230 --> 00:20:20,360 and whether or not he's bluffing about Merlin's weapon. 319 00:20:21,370 --> 00:20:24,560 Besides, if any of them got wind that we had another agenda, 320 00:20:24,670 --> 00:20:27,300 that would give them leverage in the interrogation. 321 00:20:27,410 --> 00:20:31,870 Last thing we need is for them to think they have a strong bargaining position. 322 00:20:32,080 --> 00:20:34,050 I was afraid you were going to say that. 323 00:20:34,150 --> 00:20:37,670 - I assume you spoke to your superiors. - I did. They're not happy. 324 00:20:37,780 --> 00:20:42,240 The fact is, while the NID does provide civilian oversight of my command, 325 00:20:42,360 --> 00:20:45,450 I don't, technically, have to follow their orders. 326 00:20:45,590 --> 00:20:48,150 At least not until the President tells me to. 327 00:20:48,390 --> 00:20:51,960 They tried that. For the moment, he is backing you. 328 00:20:52,060 --> 00:20:54,690 But if your investigation doesn't turn up anything useful soon, 329 00:20:54,800 --> 00:20:55,930 it's gonna all change. 330 00:20:56,040 --> 00:20:57,330 Obviously. 331 00:20:57,700 --> 00:21:00,540 I'd like to stay on and observe the interrogations, sir. 332 00:21:00,810 --> 00:21:03,470 Any one of them could say something that might turn out to be useful for us. 333 00:21:03,580 --> 00:21:06,010 Of course. You're always welcome. 334 00:21:06,510 --> 00:21:07,480 What do you got? 335 00:21:07,750 --> 00:21:10,980 Well, sir, SG-14 just arrived with two more Ba'al clones, 336 00:21:11,080 --> 00:21:13,810 which brings us to the end of our list. 337 00:21:14,290 --> 00:21:17,090 Well, you guys got your work cut out for you, huh? 338 00:21:33,770 --> 00:21:36,540 And just how might you be able to help me? 339 00:21:37,340 --> 00:21:39,810 Well, we could spare your life, for one. 340 00:21:40,750 --> 00:21:44,650 You help us find Merlin's weapon, and I promise, we won't kill you. 341 00:21:44,850 --> 00:21:45,820 No. 342 00:21:46,290 --> 00:21:47,810 Instead, you'll lock me in the basement 343 00:21:47,920 --> 00:21:51,690 of one of your more appalling penal facilities 344 00:21:51,790 --> 00:21:55,230 for me to live out the rest of my life in squalor and deprivation. 345 00:21:55,590 --> 00:21:58,220 It's better than the alternative. Trust me. 346 00:21:58,500 --> 00:21:59,960 You see, here's what I'm thinking. 347 00:22:00,070 --> 00:22:03,000 I'm thinking that you're not the real Ba'al. 348 00:22:03,240 --> 00:22:04,290 I mean, you haven't even tried to cut a deal, 349 00:22:04,400 --> 00:22:07,860 which makes me think that you have no idea how to find the weapon, 350 00:22:07,970 --> 00:22:11,140 therefore you're just another clone. 351 00:22:13,450 --> 00:22:16,610 I am the real Ba'al, I assure you. 352 00:22:16,720 --> 00:22:19,780 No, no, think about this. How did we meet? 353 00:22:21,020 --> 00:22:23,420 Do you think the real Ba'al would let himself be captured like that, 354 00:22:23,520 --> 00:22:26,650 cowering in the bushes like a scared little bunny rabbit? 355 00:22:28,860 --> 00:22:29,830 That's better. 356 00:22:30,500 --> 00:22:32,090 But I'm still not buying it. 357 00:22:33,600 --> 00:22:36,860 You're trying to goad me into revealing information. 358 00:22:37,040 --> 00:22:39,940 No, I'm just calling it like I see it. And right now, you do not strike me 359 00:22:40,040 --> 00:22:42,270 as someone who could intimidate a 10-year-old out of his lunch money, 360 00:22:42,380 --> 00:22:44,340 much less run an interstellar empire. 361 00:22:44,440 --> 00:22:46,740 Why don't you have the guard excuse himself for a moment, 362 00:22:46,850 --> 00:22:49,410 and I'll show you just what I am capable of? 363 00:22:49,650 --> 00:22:53,140 See, now I know you're not the real Ba'al. 364 00:22:53,820 --> 00:22:56,340 The real Ba'al wouldn't care about the guard. 365 00:23:07,130 --> 00:23:08,460 (DOOR SLIDES OPEN) 366 00:23:20,450 --> 00:23:21,410 So, 367 00:23:23,720 --> 00:23:25,550 having a tough day, are we? 368 00:23:25,680 --> 00:23:27,150 What do you want, Qetesh? 369 00:23:27,250 --> 00:23:30,220 - Is that any way to greet an old friend? - Is that what we were? 370 00:23:30,320 --> 00:23:32,380 I'll admit we had our differences. 371 00:23:32,630 --> 00:23:35,320 You attacked my fleet at Selenis, crippled my flagship, 372 00:23:35,430 --> 00:23:37,990 and killed 10,000 of my best Jaffa. 373 00:23:38,260 --> 00:23:39,530 So I did. 374 00:23:40,530 --> 00:23:42,330 But it was nothing personal. 375 00:23:43,140 --> 00:23:45,040 Anyway, that's all in the past, 376 00:23:45,240 --> 00:23:46,200 and I'm here 377 00:23:46,640 --> 00:23:48,070 to talk about our future. 378 00:23:49,440 --> 00:23:50,700 "Our" future? 379 00:23:51,440 --> 00:23:54,310 Well, you must admit there's always been something between us. 380 00:23:54,410 --> 00:23:56,680 Even when we wanted to kill each other, 381 00:23:57,180 --> 00:23:59,080 there was always a certain 382 00:24:00,790 --> 00:24:01,840 spark. 383 00:24:02,150 --> 00:24:03,120 Perhaps. 384 00:24:03,660 --> 00:24:06,020 But you've made your new allegiance clear. 385 00:24:06,130 --> 00:24:07,090 Have I? 386 00:24:09,260 --> 00:24:12,230 Or have I just been waiting for the right opportunity? 387 00:24:16,040 --> 00:24:18,000 What sort of opportunity? 388 00:24:19,210 --> 00:24:20,930 You know how to find the address. 389 00:24:21,310 --> 00:24:23,470 I have the access to the database. 390 00:24:25,140 --> 00:24:27,610 You would betray your Tau'ri friends? 391 00:24:28,080 --> 00:24:29,640 Friends 392 00:24:30,280 --> 00:24:32,580 come and go. 393 00:24:32,690 --> 00:24:34,150 Besides, what use are they going to be to me 394 00:24:34,250 --> 00:24:36,690 on their knees before the armies of the Ori? 395 00:24:37,360 --> 00:24:38,480 You tell me what you know, 396 00:24:38,590 --> 00:24:40,080 I'll find the location of Merlin's weapon, 397 00:24:40,190 --> 00:24:42,250 we'll make our escape. 398 00:24:43,230 --> 00:24:47,130 And then we'll be free to share in the pleasure of each other's company. 399 00:24:48,430 --> 00:24:49,730 An excellent plan. 400 00:24:50,840 --> 00:24:52,100 But why wait? 401 00:24:54,170 --> 00:24:56,660 Merlin's weapon isn't going anywhere. 402 00:24:56,910 --> 00:24:58,600 We have nothing but time. 403 00:25:01,880 --> 00:25:06,080 What, here on this rather uncomfortable table? 404 00:25:06,520 --> 00:25:07,540 Why not? 405 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:10,180 Well, the security camera, for starters. 406 00:25:10,290 --> 00:25:14,350 There's no way they'd trust me after seeing something like this. 407 00:25:15,830 --> 00:25:18,990 Tell them it was part of your interrogation technique. 408 00:25:20,630 --> 00:25:22,460 Oh, come on, be serious. 409 00:25:25,740 --> 00:25:27,730 I am being serious. 410 00:25:29,440 --> 00:25:30,410 Aren't you? 411 00:25:32,480 --> 00:25:35,910 BA 'AL: Your time amongst the Tau'ri is making you soft. 412 00:25:36,280 --> 00:25:38,580 You used to be a much better liar. 413 00:25:38,680 --> 00:25:40,350 Don't say it. 414 00:25:40,450 --> 00:25:43,480 - Your people are getting nowhere, sir. - You think you can do better? 415 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:45,110 It's what we're trained for. 416 00:25:45,220 --> 00:25:47,250 I could have half a dozen agents here by tomorrow. 417 00:25:47,360 --> 00:25:50,560 I'm talking about offering our services on your investigation. 418 00:25:50,660 --> 00:25:52,860 If any of the Ba'als knows where Merlin's weapon is, we'll find out. 419 00:25:52,970 --> 00:25:56,200 By your own admission, the NID wants this over with as quickly as possible 420 00:25:56,300 --> 00:25:59,430 so they can move on to something they think is more important. 421 00:25:59,540 --> 00:26:01,870 Under those circumstances, I think you'll understand 422 00:26:01,970 --> 00:26:04,440 why I'd prefer to stick with my own people. 423 00:26:07,310 --> 00:26:08,580 Yes, sir. 424 00:26:19,120 --> 00:26:21,460 - Mind if I join you? - Please. 425 00:26:24,200 --> 00:26:25,160 So, 426 00:26:26,530 --> 00:26:28,660 how are the interrogations coming? 427 00:26:29,230 --> 00:26:30,570 You have to ask? 428 00:26:31,370 --> 00:26:34,200 Look, I know you've been monitoring the investigation. 429 00:26:34,310 --> 00:26:36,000 I also know you think we're wasting our time. 430 00:26:36,110 --> 00:26:39,940 No. No, I never said that. Not in so many words. 431 00:26:40,850 --> 00:26:42,810 Look, you guys are fighting a war out there, right? 432 00:26:42,920 --> 00:26:44,470 We're fighting it down here. 433 00:26:44,780 --> 00:26:46,220 Believe me, it's a war. 434 00:26:47,950 --> 00:26:49,050 Do you remember two years ago, 435 00:26:49,150 --> 00:26:50,990 when the Goa'uld almost took over the Russian government? 436 00:26:51,090 --> 00:26:52,850 - Do you want to see that happen again? - Of course not. 437 00:26:52,960 --> 00:26:54,050 Then help me. 438 00:26:54,160 --> 00:26:57,250 Malcolm, it's not like we're gonna keep the Ba'als here forever. 439 00:26:57,360 --> 00:27:00,700 Just give us a couple of days, and then you can come in and... 440 00:27:00,800 --> 00:27:03,200 Days. No, this is way too important! 441 00:27:07,310 --> 00:27:09,930 - Are you all right? - This is about us, isn't it? 442 00:27:10,040 --> 00:27:11,740 - Excuse me? - Yeah, this is about us. 443 00:27:11,840 --> 00:27:14,010 We obviously have unresolved issues. 444 00:27:14,310 --> 00:27:17,750 Look, you're my friend, and I care about you. 445 00:27:18,080 --> 00:27:19,240 But don't push it. 446 00:27:27,690 --> 00:27:29,460 I need to see the prisoner. 447 00:27:31,230 --> 00:27:32,200 Now. 448 00:27:49,420 --> 00:27:50,580 (GRUNTS) 449 00:27:54,850 --> 00:27:57,380 - General. - Somebody give me some good news. 450 00:27:57,520 --> 00:27:59,490 Sorry, sir, I still don't have anything useful. 451 00:27:59,930 --> 00:28:01,690 I didn't even make it to first base. 452 00:28:01,990 --> 00:28:02,980 Where's Colonel Carter? 453 00:28:03,100 --> 00:28:04,620 She was finishing up last time I saw, 454 00:28:04,730 --> 00:28:06,490 but I don't think she has anything to report either. 455 00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:09,570 We're running out of time. The NID wants the prisoners, 456 00:28:09,670 --> 00:28:12,760 and the President's not going to be able to hold them back forever. 457 00:28:12,870 --> 00:28:14,740 Or they're not going to wait. 458 00:28:16,210 --> 00:28:18,700 - What are you talking about? - Agent Barrett. 459 00:28:19,380 --> 00:28:21,470 He's talking to one of the Ba'als. 460 00:28:21,650 --> 00:28:23,880 I didn't give authorization for that. 461 00:28:24,880 --> 00:28:25,850 Whoa! 462 00:28:28,550 --> 00:28:29,650 (GUN FIRING) 463 00:28:30,090 --> 00:28:31,060 Radio. 464 00:28:31,990 --> 00:28:35,430 This is Colonel Carter requesting backup, Level 16, Corridor B. 465 00:28:35,590 --> 00:28:37,260 Come with me. You, cover both. 466 00:28:37,360 --> 00:28:38,950 (ALARM SOUNDING) 467 00:28:45,740 --> 00:28:47,430 We're losing containment. 468 00:28:50,380 --> 00:28:51,360 This is General Landry. 469 00:28:51,480 --> 00:28:55,910 I need a full security lockdown of Levels 15 through 17. Now. 470 00:28:56,050 --> 00:28:59,140 And there goes the feed. We're blind. 471 00:29:18,340 --> 00:29:19,860 - Barrett. - Oh, Sam. 472 00:29:20,510 --> 00:29:22,440 He got away, he took my gun. 473 00:29:22,810 --> 00:29:25,040 - It's okay, we'll get you out of here. - Okay. 474 00:29:27,880 --> 00:29:28,850 Come on. 475 00:29:31,950 --> 00:29:33,350 BA'AL: Going somewhere? 476 00:29:35,190 --> 00:29:36,420 (BOTH GRUNTING) 477 00:29:37,720 --> 00:29:38,950 (BARRETT GRUNTING) 478 00:29:40,830 --> 00:29:42,520 Put them with the others. 479 00:29:48,170 --> 00:29:51,530 We have emergency forces in position at all access points, sir. 480 00:29:51,640 --> 00:29:54,130 All three levels are locked down and secure. 481 00:29:55,310 --> 00:29:57,280 What do you got for me, Doctor? 482 00:29:59,510 --> 00:30:03,450 Well, we're thinking our best bet is symbiote poison 483 00:30:03,550 --> 00:30:06,140 introduced in gas form into all three levels. 484 00:30:06,390 --> 00:30:07,410 It won't harm any of our people, 485 00:30:07,520 --> 00:30:10,080 but it will kill any of the Goa'uld who come in contact with it. 486 00:30:10,190 --> 00:30:11,490 Excellent. Do it. 487 00:30:11,620 --> 00:30:13,560 Well, it's not that simple. You see, 488 00:30:13,660 --> 00:30:16,560 we'll have to use the ventilation system to distribute the gas, 489 00:30:16,660 --> 00:30:19,390 and, you know, it's not really designed for that sort of thing. 490 00:30:19,500 --> 00:30:20,470 What are you saying? 491 00:30:20,570 --> 00:30:23,090 I can run some simulations 492 00:30:23,200 --> 00:30:25,670 and determine the optimum points to seal off the levels 493 00:30:25,770 --> 00:30:29,370 and to insert the gas. But even at optimum efficiency, 494 00:30:29,470 --> 00:30:31,170 it won't be distributed evenly. 495 00:30:31,280 --> 00:30:34,300 There's bound to be dead pockets where the gas will take longer 496 00:30:34,410 --> 00:30:35,640 - before it has any effect. - All right, all right. 497 00:30:35,750 --> 00:30:36,940 So what you're saying is, 498 00:30:37,050 --> 00:30:39,480 depending on location, some of the Ba'als may get advance warning, sir. 499 00:30:39,590 --> 00:30:42,210 As soon as they realize what's happening, they're going to kill the hostages. 500 00:30:42,320 --> 00:30:44,020 Then we must be prepared to provide a distraction 501 00:30:44,120 --> 00:30:45,890 at the moment the gas is released. 502 00:30:45,990 --> 00:30:46,960 Go! 503 00:31:06,910 --> 00:31:09,240 Get up. We don't have much time. 504 00:31:17,890 --> 00:31:20,860 Remember, we can't afford to be seen until Dr. Lee gives us the signal. 505 00:31:20,960 --> 00:31:21,930 Got it. 506 00:31:22,330 --> 00:31:24,800 No improvising this time. We stick to the plan. 507 00:31:24,900 --> 00:31:28,130 Despite the fact that my improvisations have been extremely useful in the past? 508 00:31:28,230 --> 00:31:29,860 That's your entry point. 509 00:31:38,710 --> 00:31:39,770 Bring her. 510 00:31:56,430 --> 00:31:58,360 The access code. Please. 511 00:32:00,300 --> 00:32:03,560 You're trying to download the list of planets from the Ancient database. 512 00:32:49,610 --> 00:32:51,050 What are you doing? 513 00:32:52,320 --> 00:32:54,050 We need to join the others. 514 00:32:57,290 --> 00:32:58,260 All right. 515 00:32:58,790 --> 00:32:59,760 I'm coming. 516 00:33:18,980 --> 00:33:20,570 You want Merlin's weapon for yourselves. 517 00:33:20,680 --> 00:33:25,480 A weapon capable of destroying not only the Ori, but the Ancients as well. 518 00:33:25,780 --> 00:33:28,450 I'd say that's a pretty valuable commodity. 519 00:33:29,250 --> 00:33:30,450 I won't do it. 520 00:33:34,590 --> 00:33:39,430 This would be an inappropriate time for heroics, Colonel. 521 00:33:40,330 --> 00:33:41,800 Go ahead and kill me. 522 00:33:41,900 --> 00:33:45,130 It's only a matter of time before we regain control of this level. 523 00:33:45,240 --> 00:33:48,100 Good luck trying to figure out the code before then. 524 00:33:48,240 --> 00:33:50,370 I would never dream of killing you. 525 00:33:50,840 --> 00:33:53,310 But I will kill the other hostages. 526 00:33:56,310 --> 00:33:58,080 You start with Agent Barrett. 527 00:34:02,190 --> 00:34:03,150 Wait. 528 00:34:09,090 --> 00:34:10,190 I'll do it. 529 00:34:20,410 --> 00:34:21,600 I'm in position, Doc. 530 00:34:21,710 --> 00:34:25,610 SILER ON RADIO: Level 14, Section C-9 on the ventilation grid. 531 00:34:26,080 --> 00:34:28,270 All right. That's our main access point on the north side. 532 00:34:28,380 --> 00:34:32,340 Now, the first thing you'll need to do is seal off the vent before the junction. 533 00:34:33,390 --> 00:34:34,440 I'm on it. 534 00:34:40,360 --> 00:34:42,090 Why is this taking so long? 535 00:34:42,190 --> 00:34:43,890 It's a lot of information. 536 00:34:44,330 --> 00:34:46,730 You did something to slow the download, didn't you? 537 00:34:46,830 --> 00:34:48,460 I don't know what you're talking about. 538 00:34:49,530 --> 00:34:52,130 Well, it doesn't matter. You can't stop us anyway. 539 00:34:53,510 --> 00:34:56,170 Check the perimeter. They'll be coming soon. 540 00:34:56,370 --> 00:34:57,600 (COCKING GUN) 541 00:35:19,130 --> 00:35:20,600 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 542 00:35:35,850 --> 00:35:37,080 (WHISPERS) Teal'c. Vala. 543 00:35:37,550 --> 00:35:40,310 We got a bit of a dead end here. You got Carter's 20? 544 00:35:40,420 --> 00:35:43,820 Negative. I am similarly immobilized. 545 00:35:51,360 --> 00:35:52,330 Doctor. 546 00:35:53,200 --> 00:35:54,960 We're setting up five separate access points, 547 00:35:55,070 --> 00:35:57,500 they all have to be ready to go simultaneously. 548 00:35:57,600 --> 00:35:59,660 It's just going to take a minute. 549 00:36:10,150 --> 00:36:13,280 - I'll take that. - It won't do you any good. 550 00:36:13,520 --> 00:36:15,950 They'll never let you off this base, even if you kill us all. 551 00:36:16,050 --> 00:36:17,950 Yes, that's what I wanted you to think, 552 00:36:18,060 --> 00:36:20,820 otherwise you never would have given me the code. 553 00:36:21,890 --> 00:36:23,450 What are you talking about? 554 00:36:23,560 --> 00:36:25,530 I knew they wouldn't negotiate. 555 00:36:26,570 --> 00:36:28,400 Not even for you. 556 00:36:29,970 --> 00:36:32,400 Not with something like this at stake. 557 00:36:35,540 --> 00:36:36,670 Fortunately, 558 00:36:37,440 --> 00:36:39,270 that's not the plan. 559 00:37:10,710 --> 00:37:11,730 Where the hell is that gas? 560 00:37:12,340 --> 00:37:14,110 I don't mean to rush you, boys. 561 00:37:14,210 --> 00:37:16,310 We're about to be discovered here. 562 00:37:17,620 --> 00:37:19,480 BA'AL: We know you're back there. 563 00:37:20,590 --> 00:37:21,570 So much for the plan. 564 00:37:23,360 --> 00:37:24,340 (GRUNTING) 565 00:37:28,090 --> 00:37:29,120 (SCREAMS) 566 00:37:30,360 --> 00:37:31,330 Oh, hell. 567 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:36,560 (GRUNTS) 568 00:37:37,070 --> 00:37:39,160 SILER ON RADIO: We have gunfire on Level 16! 569 00:37:41,310 --> 00:37:45,140 Siler, this is General Landry. Forget about a coordinated attack. 570 00:37:45,240 --> 00:37:47,710 Just hit them with as much gas as you can. Now! 571 00:37:47,810 --> 00:37:48,780 Yes, sir. 572 00:37:52,780 --> 00:37:54,250 (HISSING) 573 00:38:16,980 --> 00:38:17,940 (GRUNTS) 574 00:38:22,380 --> 00:38:23,440 (GUN FIRING) 575 00:38:32,560 --> 00:38:33,990 We have a man down. Are you all right? 576 00:38:34,090 --> 00:38:36,190 - We are uninjured. - And Mitchell? 577 00:38:38,860 --> 00:38:39,920 You okay? 578 00:38:40,500 --> 00:38:42,800 - I'm fine. What's happening? - We got them on the run. 579 00:38:42,900 --> 00:38:45,060 It looks like they're retreating back to one of the isolation rooms. 580 00:38:45,170 --> 00:38:47,000 Wait a minute. All of them together? 581 00:38:47,110 --> 00:38:48,470 Yeah. Why? 582 00:38:49,640 --> 00:38:50,610 Sam? 583 00:39:12,430 --> 00:39:13,560 (GRUNTS) 584 00:39:19,070 --> 00:39:20,040 Sam? 585 00:39:23,510 --> 00:39:27,440 - You're too late. That's symbiote poison. - You're the one who's too late. 586 00:39:44,860 --> 00:39:46,390 Get us out of here. 587 00:39:56,410 --> 00:39:58,040 How the hell did he do it? 588 00:39:58,140 --> 00:40:01,440 It looks like the locator beacons actually served a dual purpose. 589 00:40:01,550 --> 00:40:04,170 In close proximity, they combined to amplify the signal enough 590 00:40:04,280 --> 00:40:05,980 to be picked up through our jamming screen. 591 00:40:06,080 --> 00:40:08,420 That's why he needed us to go and round up all the clones 592 00:40:08,520 --> 00:40:10,890 and bring them here. He was playing us from the start. 593 00:40:10,990 --> 00:40:13,790 This was all so that he could get his hands on that list of planets. 594 00:40:13,890 --> 00:40:16,760 He must genuinely believe that Merlin's weapon is hidden on one of them. 595 00:40:16,860 --> 00:40:18,560 Even so, he took a great risk. 596 00:40:18,660 --> 00:40:20,560 It was only because Agent Barrett violated protocol 597 00:40:20,670 --> 00:40:23,790 that he was afforded the opportunity to escape the interrogation room. 598 00:40:23,900 --> 00:40:25,490 And that was the reason he was able to get all the clones 599 00:40:25,600 --> 00:40:27,300 in one place so that he could beam out. 600 00:40:27,410 --> 00:40:29,370 So if the whole thing was planned in advance, 601 00:40:29,470 --> 00:40:32,410 how did he know what Agent Barrett was gonna do? 602 00:40:38,520 --> 00:40:41,510 Agent Barrett, we need to talk. 603 00:40:41,920 --> 00:40:42,890 Yes? 604 00:40:43,890 --> 00:40:45,320 Did you read the report on Ba'al's attempts 605 00:40:45,420 --> 00:40:47,550 to gain control of the Jaffa High Council? 606 00:40:47,660 --> 00:40:48,680 Yeah, sure I did. 607 00:40:48,790 --> 00:40:52,320 The council members were influenced by some form of mind control. 608 00:40:52,460 --> 00:40:53,620 Yeah, I remember. So? 609 00:40:53,730 --> 00:40:55,460 So what were you doing in Ba'al's cell? 610 00:40:55,570 --> 00:40:56,660 I wanted to question him. 611 00:40:56,770 --> 00:41:00,140 - You had no authorization for that. - You were stonewalling me. 612 00:41:00,310 --> 00:41:02,400 I decided to take matters into my own hands. 613 00:41:02,510 --> 00:41:04,770 You took your weapon into the interrogation room. 614 00:41:04,880 --> 00:41:07,850 Yeah. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. That was a mistake. 615 00:41:07,950 --> 00:41:09,110 See, the Malcolm Barrett I know 616 00:41:09,210 --> 00:41:10,680 would never have made that kind of mistake. 617 00:41:10,780 --> 00:41:14,080 Your record indicates your entire career has been strictly by the book. 618 00:41:14,190 --> 00:41:18,280 Now, suddenly out of the blue, you're a cowboy? 619 00:41:19,520 --> 00:41:20,650 What are you guys saying? 620 00:41:21,230 --> 00:41:22,960 You think that I've been brainwashed? 621 00:41:23,330 --> 00:41:27,460 The technology is readily available to the Goa'uld who infiltrated the Trust, 622 00:41:27,570 --> 00:41:29,800 and their loyalty is to Ba'al. 623 00:41:30,070 --> 00:41:33,200 CARTER: Somebody must have given him the specs to our anti-beaming technology. 624 00:41:33,300 --> 00:41:34,360 It's the only way he could've known 625 00:41:34,470 --> 00:41:36,600 that a combined signal would be enough to punch through. 626 00:41:36,710 --> 00:41:38,680 Yeah. I agree with that, but it wasn't me. 627 00:41:38,780 --> 00:41:40,740 Ba'al's plan hinged on knowing in advance 628 00:41:40,850 --> 00:41:43,640 he'd have the opportunity to get out of that cell. 629 00:41:44,420 --> 00:41:46,880 - He knew you were coming. - And this is crazy. 630 00:41:46,990 --> 00:41:48,980 You didn't know you were doing anything wrong. 631 00:41:49,090 --> 00:41:51,210 I've got to go. I'm due back in Washington. 632 00:41:51,320 --> 00:41:52,480 You're not going anywhere. 633 00:41:52,590 --> 00:41:53,560 Sergeant! 634 00:41:54,060 --> 00:41:55,550 Hand over your weapon. 635 00:42:01,600 --> 00:42:03,730 Sam, you know this isn't true. 636 00:42:12,180 --> 00:42:15,240 Sir, I'm sorry. I should never have given Ba'al that code. 637 00:42:15,350 --> 00:42:16,710 You had no way of knowing. 638 00:42:17,250 --> 00:42:19,810 Under the circumstances, you did the right thing. 639 00:42:20,750 --> 00:42:22,010 Thank you, sir. 640 00:42:32,200 --> 00:42:33,690 So what do you think? 641 00:42:34,400 --> 00:42:37,800 Think Ba'al really has a way of figuring out where that weapon is? 642 00:42:37,900 --> 00:42:39,030 Hard to say. 643 00:42:39,170 --> 00:42:43,110 Anubis knew the addresses of all those planets, and he never found it. 644 00:42:44,010 --> 00:42:46,310 Mind you, there was only one of him. 645 00:42:48,050 --> 00:42:49,010 Says you.