1 00:01:46,367 --> 00:01:48,100 all: I'm innocent. 2 00:01:48,100 --> 00:01:49,333 I'm innocent. 3 00:01:49,333 --> 00:01:51,533 - I am innocent. - I'm innocent. 4 00:01:51,533 --> 00:01:54,900 - I'm innocent. - Innocent. 5 00:01:54,900 --> 00:01:56,767 - I'm innocent too. 6 00:01:56,767 --> 00:01:58,367 - I'm innocent. 7 00:01:58,367 --> 00:01:59,567 You go to any prison, 8 00:01:59,567 --> 00:02:01,066 you ask any guy who's serving time 9 00:02:01,066 --> 00:02:03,600 and he'll tell you he's in-no-cent. 10 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:06,433 I got a bum rap, I had a lousy lawyer. 11 00:02:06,433 --> 00:02:09,000 I was in Toledo visiting my mama. 12 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:11,400 Yeah, you'll hear a whole pack of lies. 13 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:14,433 But what about that one brother who's telling the truth, 14 00:02:14,433 --> 00:02:17,233 the one who really is innocent? 15 00:02:17,233 --> 00:02:20,567 His voice is buried so damn deep beneath the others, 16 00:02:20,567 --> 00:02:23,066 he's gonna grow hoarse just trying to be heard. 17 00:02:32,467 --> 00:02:34,000 - Leo! 18 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:36,033 - Leo Glynn is dead. 19 00:02:36,033 --> 00:02:41,200 I'm sorry, the reality just hasn't sunk in. 20 00:02:41,200 --> 00:02:44,333 - I feel so bad, you know? 21 00:02:44,333 --> 00:02:47,166 He and I hadn't been getting along lately. 22 00:02:47,166 --> 00:02:50,100 - Well, we all had our disagreements with Leo, 23 00:02:50,100 --> 00:02:54,200 but still, he was the best man for the worst job. 24 00:02:54,200 --> 00:02:55,467 - Amen. 25 00:02:58,667 --> 00:03:02,100 - I spoke to his ex-wife at the cemetery. 26 00:03:02,100 --> 00:03:04,500 She and his daughter didn't want to make the drive, 27 00:03:04,500 --> 00:03:08,400 would I pack up Leo's belongings. 28 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:11,467 I don't think she has a clue about my relationship with him. 29 00:03:11,467 --> 00:03:13,700 - Mary knew. 30 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:16,633 She said she was happy Leo had someone. 31 00:03:16,633 --> 00:03:20,467 She hated the idea of him being all alone after the divorce. 32 00:03:20,467 --> 00:03:23,000 - Tim, I talked to the governor 33 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:24,900 about naming you the new warden. 34 00:03:27,500 --> 00:03:29,734 I'm sure Devlin jumped. 35 00:03:29,734 --> 00:03:31,100 - Well, he didn't say no. 36 00:03:31,100 --> 00:03:33,767 - Doesn't matter, don't want the job. 37 00:03:36,633 --> 00:03:39,533 - This place needs a strong, sensible hand, Tim. 38 00:03:39,533 --> 00:03:40,734 That's you. 39 00:03:42,700 --> 00:03:45,100 - Stanton has some interesting hearsay. 40 00:03:45,100 --> 00:03:48,400 - Lionel Kelsch whacked the warden 41 00:03:48,400 --> 00:03:50,734 and Willy Brandt. 42 00:03:50,734 --> 00:03:55,400 And before that, he helped Brandt waste Mayor Loewen. 43 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:56,734 - How do you know this? 44 00:03:56,734 --> 00:04:00,600 - Kelsch is a bragger, and I hate braggers! 45 00:04:00,600 --> 00:04:03,600 - All right, take Stanton into protective custody. 46 00:04:03,600 --> 00:04:05,567 Bring Kelsch to the hole. 47 00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:10,500 - All right! 48 00:04:12,233 --> 00:04:13,633 - You ever been in the hole, Kelsch? 49 00:04:13,633 --> 00:04:14,800 - No, sir. 50 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:17,300 - First, you're naked, so it's cold. 51 00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:20,367 Then you piss and shit in a bucket. 52 00:04:22,233 --> 00:04:24,100 Worse, you're alone, 53 00:04:24,100 --> 00:04:27,367 utterly alone, 24 hours a day. 54 00:04:30,433 --> 00:04:31,567 Except for the meals, right? 55 00:04:31,567 --> 00:04:32,967 When you see the hacks? 56 00:04:32,967 --> 00:04:34,500 - Theoretically. 57 00:04:34,500 --> 00:04:39,367 See, some of these guys, they forget to bring the food, 58 00:04:39,367 --> 00:04:44,600 especially to someone accused of killing the man they respected. 59 00:04:44,600 --> 00:04:47,033 - Hm. - Strip. 60 00:04:47,033 --> 00:04:50,467 - Um, McManus, wait. 61 00:04:50,467 --> 00:04:52,233 What are my alternatives? 62 00:04:52,233 --> 00:04:55,133 - You can give me the name of the person that hired you. 63 00:04:56,567 --> 00:04:59,567 - I thought the governor's eulogy of Glynn was very moving. 64 00:04:59,567 --> 00:05:01,600 - Oh, yeah? I nodded off. 65 00:05:01,600 --> 00:05:03,600 - What does McManus want to see me about? 66 00:05:03,600 --> 00:05:05,400 - I don't know, he just told me to find you. 67 00:05:05,400 --> 00:05:07,066 - Think he'll get the warden gig? 68 00:05:07,066 --> 00:05:09,100 - Never know. 69 00:05:14,200 --> 00:05:16,567 - Don't be shy, Officer Johnson. 70 00:05:16,567 --> 00:05:18,867 I'm gonna have to read you your rights. 71 00:05:21,100 --> 00:05:24,433 - Before they cart your ass downtown... 72 00:05:24,433 --> 00:05:26,166 just tell me why. 73 00:05:27,633 --> 00:05:31,867 Why--why'd you hire Brandt in the first place, 74 00:05:31,867 --> 00:05:34,133 huh? 75 00:05:34,133 --> 00:05:36,200 Was it because of those little girls? 76 00:05:36,200 --> 00:05:39,700 - I'm not saying word one until I get a lawyer 77 00:05:39,700 --> 00:05:42,367 and cut myself a nice, juicy deal. 78 00:05:45,967 --> 00:05:47,967 - Leo trusted you. 79 00:05:50,066 --> 00:05:51,800 - Let's go, man. 80 00:05:56,934 --> 00:05:59,400 - Tim, 81 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:02,200 you remember back five years ago 82 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:03,934 when you announced from this very stage 83 00:06:03,934 --> 00:06:06,000 that I was eliminating all high school 84 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:09,233 and college equivalency programs? 85 00:06:09,233 --> 00:06:12,233 I'm gonna give a speech praising education 86 00:06:12,233 --> 00:06:15,333 as the one last hope prisoners have, 87 00:06:15,333 --> 00:06:18,900 and naming the new program after Leo Glynn. 88 00:06:18,900 --> 00:06:23,166 How the times have changed. 89 00:06:23,166 --> 00:06:25,500 Maybe it's me. Maybe I've mellowed. 90 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:28,400 - We've just received a call from Detective Tarnowski. 91 00:06:28,400 --> 00:06:31,867 Adrian Johnson has implicated Perry in the murders 92 00:06:31,867 --> 00:06:34,433 of Loewen, Brandt and Leo. 93 00:06:34,433 --> 00:06:35,867 - What? 94 00:06:37,367 --> 00:06:40,467 - You're next, Devlin. 95 00:06:40,467 --> 00:06:43,967 - Governor, we need to-- - Shut up, Perry. 96 00:06:47,633 --> 00:06:50,333 Cancel the press conference. 97 00:06:50,333 --> 00:06:53,066 Let's get back to the mansion. 98 00:06:53,066 --> 00:06:55,900 These charges are scurrilous. 99 00:06:55,900 --> 00:06:58,834 It's a vain attempt to attack a fine, young man. 100 00:06:58,834 --> 00:07:01,767 - Yeah, who's one step away from getting fucked up the ass, 101 00:07:01,767 --> 00:07:03,367 unless you can make a deal too. 102 00:07:03,367 --> 00:07:05,133 - Hey, I only-- - Shut up! 103 00:07:05,133 --> 00:07:07,400 - I'll handle this. - How? 104 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:08,967 See, I don't see what you can do, 105 00:07:08,967 --> 00:07:10,734 except type out your resignation. 106 00:07:10,734 --> 00:07:12,600 You know what the irony is? 107 00:07:12,600 --> 00:07:16,100 The irony is that Wilson Loewen got you elected, 108 00:07:16,100 --> 00:07:18,100 and now, Loewen's ghost is gonna bring you down. 109 00:07:18,100 --> 00:07:21,367 My only hope is that when you go to prison, 110 00:07:21,367 --> 00:07:23,400 they send you here to Oz. 111 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:26,200 - Ellie, you coming? 112 00:07:26,200 --> 00:07:29,900 - No, I'm not, you little prick. 113 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:34,667 - I accept your resignation. 114 00:07:34,667 --> 00:07:36,800 Yours too, McManus. 115 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:39,367 - I'm not going anywhere. - We'll see about that. 116 00:07:40,633 --> 00:07:41,867 Perry! 117 00:07:48,767 --> 00:07:52,500 - Thank you all for coming. 118 00:07:52,500 --> 00:07:55,000 Leo Glynn's untimely death 119 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:56,200 has left an enormous void in Oswald's-- 120 00:07:56,200 --> 00:07:57,734 - Can the speech, commissioner. 121 00:07:57,734 --> 00:07:59,333 Just tell us who's gonna be our new boss. 122 00:07:59,333 --> 00:08:01,033 - All righty. 123 00:08:01,033 --> 00:08:02,533 Some of you may already know him 124 00:08:02,533 --> 00:08:04,100 from when he worked here previously. 125 00:08:04,100 --> 00:08:06,033 - Oh, no. 126 00:08:06,033 --> 00:08:08,333 - More recently, he's been doing a bang-up job at Lardner, 127 00:08:08,333 --> 00:08:10,400 Martin Querns. 128 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:12,433 - Hello, everybody. 129 00:08:12,433 --> 00:08:14,333 I'm back. 130 00:08:19,467 --> 00:08:22,066 Tim McManus, 131 00:08:22,066 --> 00:08:24,233 come on down. 132 00:08:30,066 --> 00:08:33,266 I don't know what you did to piss off the governor, 133 00:08:33,266 --> 00:08:34,767 but he sure as shit wants your head 134 00:08:34,767 --> 00:08:37,533 hanging off a spike on the north tower. 135 00:08:37,533 --> 00:08:38,767 - So, I'm out. 136 00:08:38,767 --> 00:08:41,300 - Consider this your month's notice. 137 00:08:41,300 --> 00:08:42,934 - Fabulous. 138 00:08:42,934 --> 00:08:45,767 - Of course, a lot can happen in a month. 139 00:08:45,767 --> 00:08:47,467 This murder scandal could mean the end 140 00:08:47,467 --> 00:08:50,834 of Devlin's days in office. 141 00:08:50,834 --> 00:08:52,934 - I don't know. 142 00:08:52,934 --> 00:08:55,300 He's skated through worse and come out on top. 143 00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:58,533 - Like I said, we have to wait and see. 144 00:08:58,533 --> 00:09:03,567 Of course, if he goes, you may not have to. 145 00:09:03,567 --> 00:09:05,934 I wasn't lying when I said 146 00:09:05,934 --> 00:09:08,600 I was a big fan of the concept of Em City. 147 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:22,734 - Did he fire you? 148 00:09:22,734 --> 00:09:24,100 - I'm not sure. 149 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:32,400 - Sister. 150 00:09:33,500 --> 00:09:35,033 Get your buns in here. 151 00:09:38,333 --> 00:09:42,066 - This is a restraint chair. 152 00:09:42,066 --> 00:09:45,066 It will be placed in the hole. 153 00:09:45,066 --> 00:09:50,567 If you disobey, you will be placed in it. 154 00:09:50,567 --> 00:09:53,266 I wanted you all to see this monster, 155 00:09:53,266 --> 00:09:58,834 to let you know I will not take any shit from anyone. 156 00:10:00,166 --> 00:10:03,700 So, remember... 157 00:10:05,467 --> 00:10:09,266 Don't fuck with Querns. 158 00:10:14,600 --> 00:10:18,367 - Here's a story, and it's true. 159 00:10:18,367 --> 00:10:21,266 Mariano Absun escaped the Connor Correctional Center 160 00:10:21,266 --> 00:10:22,667 in Hominy, Oklahoma, 161 00:10:22,667 --> 00:10:24,700 by hiding in the back of a garbage truck. 162 00:10:24,700 --> 00:10:26,700 His body was found two hours later, 163 00:10:26,700 --> 00:10:29,500 crushed to death in the truck's trash tray. 164 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:33,300 Now, Absun was only serving a three-year sentence. 165 00:10:33,300 --> 00:10:35,533 Three years. 166 00:10:35,533 --> 00:10:38,166 That's how desperate he was to get the fuck out. 167 00:10:52,367 --> 00:10:55,767 - Bob, can't sleep? 168 00:10:55,767 --> 00:10:59,200 - No, this is the best time, 169 00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:02,133 when it's quiet, 170 00:11:02,133 --> 00:11:05,834 when the day still has possibilities. 171 00:11:05,834 --> 00:11:10,266 - Today is Stella's first day back after her breast surgery. 172 00:11:10,266 --> 00:11:14,166 - You're excited. - And afraid. 173 00:11:14,166 --> 00:11:16,000 Before she went into the hospital, 174 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:18,500 I told Stella that I loved her. 175 00:11:18,500 --> 00:11:21,133 - Bob, you old seadog. 176 00:11:21,133 --> 00:11:23,266 - But she said I didn't. 177 00:11:25,433 --> 00:11:28,734 Which of course means she doesn't love me. 178 00:11:35,633 --> 00:11:37,467 Stella? 179 00:11:41,600 --> 00:11:44,500 - I got your flowers. 180 00:11:46,800 --> 00:11:48,400 Oh. - Did I hurt you? 181 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:51,133 - No. 182 00:11:51,133 --> 00:11:54,934 I'm just not used to the new breast yet. 183 00:11:54,934 --> 00:11:57,867 - I can't tell the difference. 184 00:11:57,867 --> 00:12:01,633 Only God can make a tree, but fortunately, 185 00:12:01,633 --> 00:12:06,166 man can fix pretty much everything else. 186 00:12:06,166 --> 00:12:07,633 - Any problems? 187 00:12:09,500 --> 00:12:12,200 - The medicine I'm on is pixilating my memory, 188 00:12:12,200 --> 00:12:16,233 so, if I start to repeat myself or forget a name, 189 00:12:16,233 --> 00:12:17,467 forgive me. 190 00:12:17,467 --> 00:12:21,967 - No, it's you who has to forgive me 191 00:12:21,967 --> 00:12:23,734 for my silliness for thinking 192 00:12:23,734 --> 00:12:26,667 we both shared the same feelings. 193 00:12:26,667 --> 00:12:28,734 - The same feelings? 194 00:12:28,734 --> 00:12:30,767 I don't know. 195 00:12:30,767 --> 00:12:34,400 But I do love you, Robert, 196 00:12:34,400 --> 00:12:36,633 in my fashion. 197 00:12:36,633 --> 00:12:39,834 It's all a matter of perspective. 198 00:12:41,934 --> 00:12:45,433 To see a world in a grain of sand 199 00:12:45,433 --> 00:12:48,300 and a heaven in a wild flower. 200 00:12:48,300 --> 00:12:50,867 - Hold infinity in the palm of your hand... 201 00:12:50,867 --> 00:12:53,600 And eternity in an hour. 202 00:12:59,166 --> 00:13:01,166 - Ms. Coffo! 203 00:13:01,166 --> 00:13:03,767 Ad Seg is a restricted area. 204 00:13:05,333 --> 00:13:07,133 - I want to see Pablo Rosa. 205 00:13:07,133 --> 00:13:09,467 - Oh, he's not allowed any visitors. 206 00:13:09,467 --> 00:13:11,734 - But I work here. 207 00:13:11,734 --> 00:13:14,300 - Those are the rules. 208 00:13:14,300 --> 00:13:18,967 - How do we get the rules changed just this once? 209 00:13:18,967 --> 00:13:20,800 - I don't know. 210 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:22,367 Talk to someone higher up. 211 00:13:22,367 --> 00:13:24,934 - Who? - I don't know. 212 00:13:24,934 --> 00:13:28,734 - He pretends to be a tough guy, but he's not. 213 00:13:28,734 --> 00:13:31,900 Pablo's just another terrified kid. 214 00:13:31,900 --> 00:13:36,500 And I'm afraid what's going through his head right now, 215 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:38,800 sitting alone in that hell hole. 216 00:13:38,800 --> 00:13:40,667 - What would you like to happen? 217 00:13:40,667 --> 00:13:44,033 - Well, at the very least, get him some books to read. 218 00:13:44,033 --> 00:13:47,033 - They'll never allow him to have books in the hole. 219 00:13:47,033 --> 00:13:50,033 But there's always a way to finagle something. 220 00:13:51,700 --> 00:13:53,000 How much cash do you have? 221 00:14:00,233 --> 00:14:02,767 - Pablo, can you hear me? 222 00:14:02,767 --> 00:14:04,233 - Ms. C.? 223 00:14:04,233 --> 00:14:06,233 You're okay? 224 00:14:06,233 --> 00:14:08,433 - I'm fine. 225 00:14:08,433 --> 00:14:10,400 And you? 226 00:14:10,400 --> 00:14:12,600 - I'm going sort of crazy. 227 00:14:12,600 --> 00:14:17,000 - Well, I'm here to help you with that. 228 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:18,700 - How? 229 00:14:18,700 --> 00:14:22,066 - I'm gonna read to you. 230 00:14:22,066 --> 00:14:27,200 "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," chapter one. 231 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:30,934 Tom plays, fights and hides. 232 00:14:30,934 --> 00:14:34,500 "Tom." No answer. 233 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:38,066 "Tom!" No answer. 234 00:14:38,066 --> 00:14:39,367 "What's going on with that boy? 235 00:14:39,367 --> 00:14:41,900 "I wonder, you, Tom!" 236 00:14:41,900 --> 00:14:44,033 The old lady pulled her spectacles down 237 00:14:44,033 --> 00:14:46,600 and looked out over them about the room, 238 00:14:46,600 --> 00:14:50,000 then she put them up, and looked out under them. 239 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:52,367 She seldom or never looked through them 240 00:14:52,367 --> 00:14:55,500 for so small a thing as a boy. 241 00:14:59,433 --> 00:15:01,900 - I just had another visit with Norma and the baby. 242 00:15:01,900 --> 00:15:04,233 Fatherhood is a remarkable thing. 243 00:15:04,233 --> 00:15:05,767 - I wouldn't know. 244 00:15:05,767 --> 00:15:08,166 - What do you mean? You had Alex. 245 00:15:08,166 --> 00:15:10,166 - But I didn't raise him. 246 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:14,266 He never even knew I was alive until he was a grown man. 247 00:15:14,266 --> 00:15:17,000 I was never a father to my son. 248 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:20,100 - Oh, and here's Ruby, who's not my own, 249 00:15:20,100 --> 00:15:22,233 who I will help to raise. 250 00:15:22,233 --> 00:15:26,033 Still, I'd like some day to have my own offspring, 251 00:15:26,033 --> 00:15:28,834 from my own loins, as it were. 252 00:15:28,834 --> 00:15:32,367 - Agamemnon, please. 253 00:15:32,367 --> 00:15:34,533 I've just eaten. 254 00:15:34,533 --> 00:15:36,533 - Well, I guess it's a fool's goal, 255 00:15:36,533 --> 00:15:38,300 since we're not allowed conjugals. 256 00:15:38,300 --> 00:15:39,700 And by the time I'm out, 257 00:15:39,700 --> 00:15:42,233 Norma will be past her child-bearing years. 258 00:15:42,233 --> 00:15:44,233 - There are alternatives. 259 00:15:44,233 --> 00:15:47,066 Artificial insemination, for example. 260 00:15:47,066 --> 00:15:49,367 - Sure, I could jerk off, 261 00:15:49,367 --> 00:15:52,233 and then overnight my sperm to Norma next-day delivery. 262 00:15:52,233 --> 00:15:54,300 Bob, you-- you're brilliant. 263 00:16:01,300 --> 00:16:03,100 - The commissioner says no. 264 00:16:03,100 --> 00:16:05,300 - No? How can he say no? 265 00:16:05,300 --> 00:16:08,000 - Well, he doesn't want to start an avalanche of requests 266 00:16:08,000 --> 00:16:10,166 for prisoners to artificially inseminate. 267 00:16:10,166 --> 00:16:12,467 He says that it opens up the state to safety, 268 00:16:12,467 --> 00:16:14,867 security and legal risks. 269 00:16:14,867 --> 00:16:17,100 - But I have a right to procreate. 270 00:16:17,100 --> 00:16:18,800 - Well, not necessarily. 271 00:16:18,800 --> 00:16:21,233 The United States Supreme Court guarantees a prisoner 272 00:16:21,233 --> 00:16:23,867 the right to marry and not to be sterilized. 273 00:16:23,867 --> 00:16:26,633 Now, the justices have never expressed an opinion 274 00:16:26,633 --> 00:16:28,500 on prisoners bearing children. 275 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:29,767 - What can we do? 276 00:16:29,767 --> 00:16:32,066 - We? Nothing. 277 00:16:32,066 --> 00:16:35,000 You should contact the society for prisoners' rights, 278 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:36,834 have them assign you a lawyer. 279 00:16:36,834 --> 00:16:38,433 - I will, goddamn it. 280 00:16:38,433 --> 00:16:41,033 Just because I broke the law doesn't mean I'm not a man. 281 00:16:41,033 --> 00:16:43,367 - True, but, Busmalis, 282 00:16:43,367 --> 00:16:46,200 not every man was supposed to be a father. 283 00:16:46,200 --> 00:16:48,166 - Every man should have a right to choose. 284 00:16:57,500 --> 00:17:01,900 - Whoa, go easy with that stuff, Agamemnon. 285 00:17:01,900 --> 00:17:03,500 You're looking like an oil slick. 286 00:17:03,500 --> 00:17:05,500 - You're right. I'm nervous. 287 00:17:05,500 --> 00:17:07,266 The judicial panel is meeting today 288 00:17:07,266 --> 00:17:09,867 to decide if I can artificially inseminate Norma. 289 00:17:09,867 --> 00:17:11,734 If they say yes, 290 00:17:11,734 --> 00:17:14,233 I could be a father by Christmas. 291 00:17:14,233 --> 00:17:17,533 - Have you talked this through with Dr. Nathan? 292 00:17:17,533 --> 00:17:20,667 The entire procedure is costly, time consuming 293 00:17:20,667 --> 00:17:22,934 and most often unsuccessful. 294 00:17:22,934 --> 00:17:26,400 - Why are you always trying to dampen my spirits? 295 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:28,834 - Because you constantly rush into things without thinking, 296 00:17:28,834 --> 00:17:30,433 only to get your heart broken. 297 00:17:30,433 --> 00:17:32,066 - That's not true. 298 00:17:36,400 --> 00:17:38,633 Okay, maybe it's a little true. 299 00:17:38,633 --> 00:17:41,934 But, Bob, in Oz, that's all we have-- 300 00:17:41,934 --> 00:17:45,333 hopes and dreams. 301 00:17:52,066 --> 00:17:54,367 - Having reviewed the testimony and evidence, 302 00:17:54,367 --> 00:17:56,800 we have reached the following conclusion. 303 00:17:56,800 --> 00:18:00,233 Since the state has the right to eliminate conjugal visits, 304 00:18:00,233 --> 00:18:03,500 we do not see restricting artificial insemination 305 00:18:03,500 --> 00:18:05,300 as unreasonable. 306 00:18:05,300 --> 00:18:07,166 And though we agree that to procreate 307 00:18:07,166 --> 00:18:08,767 is a fundamental right, 308 00:18:08,767 --> 00:18:10,333 the very purpose of punishment 309 00:18:10,333 --> 00:18:12,700 is to take away fundamental rights. 310 00:18:12,700 --> 00:18:15,834 We, therefore, deny the plaintiff's petition. 311 00:18:20,300 --> 00:18:21,900 - We lost? 312 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:24,066 - I'm afraid so. 313 00:18:24,066 --> 00:18:26,967 - Well, we--we'll appeal. 314 00:18:26,967 --> 00:18:29,600 - No, I'm sorry, there's no appeal. 315 00:18:29,600 --> 00:18:31,367 - Back to your cage, Busmalis. 316 00:18:31,367 --> 00:18:34,133 - No. - Don't give me any lip. 317 00:18:35,567 --> 00:18:38,333 - Wait, you bastard, wait! 318 00:18:38,333 --> 00:18:41,233 This is my life we're talking about, my life! 319 00:18:41,233 --> 00:18:43,233 - Back off! - You cocksucker! 320 00:18:43,233 --> 00:18:46,333 - Get this man off me! - I'll kill you, motherfucker! 321 00:18:46,333 --> 00:18:48,700 But it isn't fair. 322 00:18:50,867 --> 00:18:53,500 It isn't fair! 323 00:18:55,867 --> 00:18:58,166 It isn't fair! 324 00:19:09,033 --> 00:19:10,934 - Morning. 325 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:14,734 What's wrong with her? 326 00:19:14,734 --> 00:19:17,633 - Claire asked me for a second opinion. 327 00:19:17,633 --> 00:19:19,300 - Is she sick? 328 00:19:20,800 --> 00:19:22,367 - She's pregnant. 329 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:30,433 - You asked to see me, Father? 330 00:19:30,433 --> 00:19:33,367 - Yes, come in, sit down. 331 00:19:33,367 --> 00:19:35,100 - What's this about? 332 00:19:35,100 --> 00:19:37,567 - Your being pregnant. 333 00:19:37,567 --> 00:19:39,867 I'm not trying to insinuate myself into anything. 334 00:19:39,867 --> 00:19:43,300 I just wanted you to know that if you want to talk... 335 00:19:46,800 --> 00:19:50,500 - What I tell you remains between us, right? 336 00:19:50,500 --> 00:19:53,600 Because I could lose my job. 337 00:19:53,600 --> 00:19:56,266 - I promise. 338 00:20:02,767 --> 00:20:08,333 - My relationship with men in general has been disastrous, 339 00:20:08,333 --> 00:20:11,033 yet here I am surrounded by them. 340 00:20:12,800 --> 00:20:15,300 Which is why... 341 00:20:15,300 --> 00:20:19,133 Father, since coming to Oz, I have fucked a lot of men. 342 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:22,800 Oh, yeah! 343 00:20:22,800 --> 00:20:24,700 A lot of prisoners. 344 00:20:27,834 --> 00:20:29,834 You're shocked. 345 00:20:29,834 --> 00:20:30,900 - In a way, yes. 346 00:20:30,900 --> 00:20:34,367 And in a way, no. 347 00:20:34,367 --> 00:20:38,300 - Now, I'm pregnant by one of them. 348 00:20:38,300 --> 00:20:40,533 - You know which one? 349 00:20:40,533 --> 00:20:43,166 - Well, my best guess is the baby'll be golden brown 350 00:20:43,166 --> 00:20:45,967 and marinated in salsa, 351 00:20:45,967 --> 00:20:49,233 which means I can't raise him or her 352 00:20:49,233 --> 00:20:51,300 in my redneck neighborhood. 353 00:20:51,300 --> 00:20:53,467 I can't afford to move. 354 00:20:53,467 --> 00:20:55,333 And if I could, where would I go? 355 00:20:55,333 --> 00:20:57,000 Little Havana? 356 00:20:57,000 --> 00:20:58,633 I am screwed. 357 00:20:59,834 --> 00:21:01,967 - Claire, are you thinking of having an abortion, because-- 358 00:21:01,967 --> 00:21:03,600 - Oh, save your breath, Father. 359 00:21:03,600 --> 00:21:06,133 You Catholics aren't the only ones who are against abortion. 360 00:21:06,133 --> 00:21:09,934 - So, what are you gonna do? 361 00:21:09,934 --> 00:21:12,967 - Take a leave of absence, 362 00:21:12,967 --> 00:21:15,734 drop the calf, 363 00:21:15,734 --> 00:21:20,033 and from then on, keep my fuckin' legs crossed. 364 00:21:32,300 --> 00:21:34,700 - I'll never be a father now. 365 00:21:36,033 --> 00:21:38,734 - Yeah, well, we all got our problems. 366 00:21:46,767 --> 00:21:49,166 - Here's a story, and it's true. 367 00:21:49,166 --> 00:21:50,533 Up in Vermont 368 00:21:50,533 --> 00:21:53,066 an inmate was caught breaking into prison. 369 00:21:53,066 --> 00:21:55,233 He'd evidently slipped out of his work camp, 370 00:21:55,233 --> 00:21:57,066 went to a nearby convenience store, 371 00:21:57,066 --> 00:21:59,500 bought a case of beer and a carton of cigs 372 00:21:59,500 --> 00:22:02,300 and then crawled back under the fence, 373 00:22:02,300 --> 00:22:05,834 where he was arrested by the C.O.'s. 374 00:22:05,834 --> 00:22:08,266 The man was sentenced to six more months, 375 00:22:08,266 --> 00:22:09,900 and the poor motherfucker, 376 00:22:09,900 --> 00:22:11,800 he didn't even get to keep the beer. 377 00:22:13,033 --> 00:22:14,166 You know what I'm saying? 378 00:22:14,166 --> 00:22:16,467 - okay, raise your arms. 379 00:22:16,467 --> 00:22:19,100 Turn around. 380 00:22:19,100 --> 00:22:21,066 Through here. 381 00:22:22,600 --> 00:22:25,600 - Jackson Vahue, welcome to Oz. 382 00:22:25,600 --> 00:22:27,800 - It's not my first visit, warden. 383 00:22:27,800 --> 00:22:29,400 - I know. 384 00:22:29,400 --> 00:22:31,000 - Since being paroled, 385 00:22:31,000 --> 00:22:32,500 I've tried my best to keep other guys 386 00:22:32,500 --> 00:22:33,900 from making my mistake, 387 00:22:33,900 --> 00:22:36,066 you know, lecturing the kids and gangs and stuff. 388 00:22:36,066 --> 00:22:38,233 - I'm happy you're here to do the same. 389 00:22:38,233 --> 00:22:41,233 Younger prisoners look up to a big basketballer like you. 390 00:22:41,233 --> 00:22:43,133 - Well, I hope they hear what I have to say. 391 00:22:44,600 --> 00:22:46,467 - After you. 392 00:22:46,467 --> 00:22:48,400 - So, in conclusion, 393 00:22:48,400 --> 00:22:51,166 I just ask you to use your time wisely and well. 394 00:22:51,166 --> 00:22:52,400 With any kind of luck, 395 00:22:52,400 --> 00:22:54,100 you can pull your life back together... 396 00:22:56,734 --> 00:22:58,900 And get the fuck out of Oz. 397 00:23:03,667 --> 00:23:06,000 - Hey, can I get your autograph? 398 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:08,567 - Officer Brass, you still dancing down these halls? 399 00:23:08,567 --> 00:23:09,600 - Yup. 400 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:11,400 Some of us ain't as lucky as you. 401 00:23:11,400 --> 00:23:13,600 - You know, I had nothing to do with that tendon being sliced. 402 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:15,467 - Oh, I know. 403 00:23:15,467 --> 00:23:17,367 Hey, I bought season tickets to the Knights, 404 00:23:17,367 --> 00:23:18,834 so, I'll be at the arena every time you play. 405 00:23:18,834 --> 00:23:20,233 - Uh-huh. 406 00:23:20,233 --> 00:23:22,400 - Maybe after a game I can come into the locker room, 407 00:23:22,400 --> 00:23:24,166 hang out, meet the other players. 408 00:23:24,166 --> 00:23:26,233 - No, I don't think so. 409 00:23:26,233 --> 00:23:29,033 - Oh, okay, um... 410 00:23:29,033 --> 00:23:31,033 Let me ask you something, Jackson. 411 00:23:31,033 --> 00:23:32,767 When you're out on the court playing, 412 00:23:32,767 --> 00:23:36,433 all those eyes on you, you ever wonder? 413 00:23:36,433 --> 00:23:38,100 - Wonder what? 414 00:23:38,100 --> 00:23:40,133 - Who's out there? 415 00:23:40,133 --> 00:23:42,533 There's a lot of crazies in the world, man. 416 00:23:44,200 --> 00:23:46,133 - No, I'm not afraid. 417 00:23:46,133 --> 00:23:49,900 - Bro, you got huge stundeens. 418 00:23:49,900 --> 00:23:51,467 Nice to see you again. 419 00:23:54,033 --> 00:23:55,533 - All right, fellas. 420 00:24:08,367 --> 00:24:09,734 - Dave. 421 00:24:11,533 --> 00:24:14,667 - Sean, Sean, you threw me off my game. 422 00:24:16,834 --> 00:24:19,233 Sometimes I wonder if I wanted to play pro ball 423 00:24:19,233 --> 00:24:21,066 because I loved the game so much, 424 00:24:21,066 --> 00:24:24,300 or because I wanted everyone to see how great I could shoot. 425 00:24:27,400 --> 00:24:29,033 Be adored by millions. 426 00:24:29,033 --> 00:24:32,500 - Money, women, the whole rigmarole, huh? 427 00:24:32,500 --> 00:24:34,834 - I don't care about the fringe benefits. 428 00:24:34,834 --> 00:24:37,033 I want to be famous. 429 00:24:37,033 --> 00:24:39,400 I don't want to die being some gimpy, old guard 430 00:24:39,400 --> 00:24:41,433 at a half-ass prison. 431 00:24:41,433 --> 00:24:44,000 I don't want to disappear. 432 00:24:44,000 --> 00:24:45,967 - Well, I mean, what can you do? 433 00:24:45,967 --> 00:24:47,967 You play the hand life deals you. 434 00:24:47,967 --> 00:24:51,033 - Sean, I know you did what you think is right 435 00:24:51,033 --> 00:24:52,767 about Morales. 436 00:24:52,767 --> 00:24:55,333 I want to tell you, I admire you. 437 00:24:55,333 --> 00:24:56,900 I always have. 438 00:24:56,900 --> 00:24:58,700 No hard feelings, huh? 439 00:25:01,934 --> 00:25:04,333 - Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye? 440 00:25:04,333 --> 00:25:06,033 - I am. 441 00:25:06,033 --> 00:25:09,300 I've decided, I'm quitting. 442 00:25:10,767 --> 00:25:12,233 - To do what? 443 00:25:12,233 --> 00:25:15,300 - Reshuffle the deck, play a new hand. 444 00:25:25,967 --> 00:25:29,066 - This just in, basketball star Jackson Vahue 445 00:25:29,066 --> 00:25:31,033 was shot at this afternoon 446 00:25:31,033 --> 00:25:32,934 during practice at the arena. 447 00:25:32,934 --> 00:25:34,500 The assailant, David Brass, 448 00:25:34,500 --> 00:25:36,433 has been working as a guard... 449 00:25:36,433 --> 00:25:38,367 - Oh, shit! - Officer Murphy? 450 00:25:38,367 --> 00:25:41,233 - Vahue served time at Oswald and says he barely knew Brass, 451 00:25:41,233 --> 00:25:43,433 though they did play opposite each other 452 00:25:43,433 --> 00:25:45,166 in a prison basketball game. 453 00:25:49,533 --> 00:25:52,700 - Here's a story, and it's true. 454 00:25:52,700 --> 00:25:55,100 A municipal court judge in Texas 455 00:25:55,100 --> 00:25:58,333 was indicted on four counts of sexual misconduct. 456 00:25:58,333 --> 00:26:00,900 Seemed this judge extorted sexual favors 457 00:26:00,900 --> 00:26:03,600 from the female relatives of criminal defendants 458 00:26:03,600 --> 00:26:06,300 in exchange for reducing the defendants' bond, 459 00:26:06,300 --> 00:26:08,567 or ordering their release. 460 00:26:08,567 --> 00:26:11,734 Hey, when you're horny, you're horny. 461 00:26:12,800 --> 00:26:14,533 - Mr. Hoyt, thank you for coming to see us. 462 00:26:14,533 --> 00:26:15,767 I'm Father Mukada. 463 00:26:15,767 --> 00:26:17,400 - How do you do? 464 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:19,400 - Oh, and this is Sister Peter Marie. 465 00:26:19,400 --> 00:26:21,266 - Sorry. Hello, nice to meet you. 466 00:26:21,266 --> 00:26:22,767 - How do you do? 467 00:26:24,300 --> 00:26:26,600 This... 468 00:26:26,600 --> 00:26:30,700 this is my first trip to a prison. 469 00:26:30,700 --> 00:26:34,100 - Oh, you haven't visited Jaz before? 470 00:26:34,100 --> 00:26:35,900 - No. 471 00:26:35,900 --> 00:26:39,867 I'm not exactly sure what it is that you want from me. 472 00:26:39,867 --> 00:26:44,133 - Well, we feel that in order for Jaz to fully recover, 473 00:26:44,133 --> 00:26:48,300 he needs to deal with certain emotional problems. 474 00:26:48,300 --> 00:26:50,200 - Yeah. 475 00:26:50,200 --> 00:26:54,600 You can't blame Evangeline and me 476 00:26:54,600 --> 00:26:56,867 for the way the boy turned out. 477 00:26:56,867 --> 00:26:59,467 We were good parents. 478 00:26:59,467 --> 00:27:02,033 I mean, we didn't just give him things. 479 00:27:02,033 --> 00:27:04,100 We--we gave him love, 480 00:27:04,100 --> 00:27:05,900 plenty of love. 481 00:27:05,900 --> 00:27:10,066 But there was always something not quite right about the boy 482 00:27:10,066 --> 00:27:12,467 from the very first day 483 00:27:12,467 --> 00:27:15,934 that we brought him home from the orphanage. 484 00:27:15,934 --> 00:27:18,467 - Jaz was adopted? 485 00:27:18,467 --> 00:27:19,734 - Oh, yes. 486 00:27:19,734 --> 00:27:22,333 My wife and I couldn't have children. 487 00:27:22,333 --> 00:27:24,300 We adopted three. 488 00:27:24,300 --> 00:27:26,767 - Have you ever tried to find out more 489 00:27:26,767 --> 00:27:28,567 about Jaz's birth parents? 490 00:27:28,567 --> 00:27:33,533 - Yes, the father died in prison. 491 00:27:33,533 --> 00:27:37,400 The mother lived in Morrisville. 492 00:27:38,767 --> 00:27:41,934 Whether she still lives there, who knows? 493 00:27:41,934 --> 00:27:43,934 - Mr. Hoyt, could I have the information 494 00:27:43,934 --> 00:27:45,834 about Jaz's birth parents? 495 00:27:45,834 --> 00:27:47,400 - Certainly. 496 00:27:47,400 --> 00:27:48,567 - Drink your juice. 497 00:27:48,567 --> 00:27:50,533 - No. - Drink your juice. 498 00:27:50,533 --> 00:27:52,000 - No! 499 00:27:52,000 --> 00:27:53,967 - Drink the goddamn juice. 500 00:27:53,967 --> 00:27:55,467 - No, bitch! 501 00:27:58,133 --> 00:28:00,333 Get the fuck out of my face! 502 00:28:03,266 --> 00:28:06,066 - Jessica, one of the hardest things about working in Oz 503 00:28:06,066 --> 00:28:08,934 is trying to separate the man from his crime. 504 00:28:08,934 --> 00:28:11,367 If you can't do that, even with Jaz Hoyt, 505 00:28:11,367 --> 00:28:13,467 you shouldn't be here. 506 00:28:13,467 --> 00:28:15,633 - I'm--I'm sorry. 507 00:28:15,633 --> 00:28:18,333 You're right, as usual. 508 00:28:18,333 --> 00:28:20,633 Let me--let me make it up to you. 509 00:28:20,633 --> 00:28:22,033 Are you-- are you free for lunch? 510 00:28:23,433 --> 00:28:25,133 - No, actually. 511 00:28:25,133 --> 00:28:28,100 I'm in the middle of trying to locate Hoyt's birth mother. 512 00:28:28,100 --> 00:28:30,133 - Why? 513 00:28:30,133 --> 00:28:32,500 - I want to know where Hoyt came from. 514 00:28:32,500 --> 00:28:34,467 - In order to save him? 515 00:28:34,467 --> 00:28:37,066 - Well, yes. 516 00:28:38,500 --> 00:28:41,133 - You are a remarkable man, Ray. 517 00:28:41,133 --> 00:28:45,133 You are a saint. - Hardly. 518 00:28:45,133 --> 00:28:49,400 - Well, if you won't have lunch with me, how about dinner? 519 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:52,567 You haven't eaten unless you've tasted my roast chicken. 520 00:28:52,567 --> 00:28:54,800 I won't take no for an answer. 521 00:28:55,767 --> 00:28:58,400 - All right, I'd be delighted. 522 00:28:58,400 --> 00:28:59,800 - Great. 523 00:28:59,800 --> 00:29:01,533 7:30? 524 00:29:14,467 --> 00:29:19,033 - He was only one day old when I gave him up for adoption. 525 00:29:19,033 --> 00:29:22,467 My boyfriend had just been sent to prison, 526 00:29:22,467 --> 00:29:26,767 and my parents thought that I should have a chance at life. 527 00:29:26,767 --> 00:29:30,400 Buster was a real bastard. 528 00:29:30,400 --> 00:29:35,600 You should excuse me, Father, but he was a slimeball. 529 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:38,734 My husband, John, 530 00:29:38,734 --> 00:29:42,700 he's a sweet, sweet man. 531 00:29:42,700 --> 00:29:44,467 I gotta tell you, 532 00:29:44,467 --> 00:29:48,066 I'm real nervous about seeing my son. 533 00:29:48,066 --> 00:29:51,100 I actually thought to call and cancel. 534 00:29:51,100 --> 00:29:54,467 - I'll be with you every step. 535 00:29:54,467 --> 00:29:57,233 - Thank you. 536 00:29:57,233 --> 00:29:58,734 - Mrs. Oppenheimer, 537 00:29:58,734 --> 00:30:02,934 Jaz is in an extremely volatile mental state. 538 00:30:02,934 --> 00:30:05,667 He may say terrible, terrible things. 539 00:30:07,767 --> 00:30:11,000 - I have no expectations, Father. 540 00:30:12,967 --> 00:30:16,266 I only hope that... 541 00:30:16,266 --> 00:30:20,533 I hope that my visit can help make my son whole. 542 00:30:23,567 --> 00:30:25,667 - Are you ready, Jaz? 543 00:30:25,667 --> 00:30:27,867 - Uh-huh. 544 00:30:36,500 --> 00:30:40,934 - Hi. - Mama, hello. 545 00:30:54,266 --> 00:30:57,066 - Well, we'll see you at 12:00 noon tomorrow then. 546 00:30:57,066 --> 00:30:59,233 Excellent. 547 00:30:59,233 --> 00:31:01,900 Thanks again for everything. 548 00:31:05,066 --> 00:31:07,066 Okay, goodbye. 549 00:31:08,767 --> 00:31:10,333 - Working late? 550 00:31:10,333 --> 00:31:12,800 - Well, yes. 551 00:31:14,133 --> 00:31:16,467 - I've been trying to do what you suggested, 552 00:31:16,467 --> 00:31:20,133 to separate the man from the crime, 553 00:31:20,133 --> 00:31:22,934 but I don't know, I see Hoyt every day in the hospital ward, 554 00:31:22,934 --> 00:31:24,800 and the two seem to be intertwined. 555 00:31:26,800 --> 00:31:28,333 - There are many, many places 556 00:31:28,333 --> 00:31:29,734 looking for qualified nurses, Jessica. 557 00:31:29,734 --> 00:31:31,100 I could help you. 558 00:31:31,100 --> 00:31:33,633 - Well, then we would never see each other. 559 00:31:33,633 --> 00:31:38,934 - Look, I'm certainly not your only reason for working in Oz. 560 00:31:38,934 --> 00:31:42,000 - Not my only reason, no, 561 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:44,900 but I have so few close friends. 562 00:31:47,734 --> 00:31:49,467 Here, let me. 563 00:32:00,033 --> 00:32:01,934 - Please, stop that. 564 00:32:01,934 --> 00:32:03,400 - Stop what? 565 00:32:04,934 --> 00:32:07,400 - Stop touching me. 566 00:32:07,400 --> 00:32:09,600 - Oh, I'm sorry. 567 00:32:09,600 --> 00:32:14,066 - No, I'm sorry that I can't be more to you. 568 00:32:14,066 --> 00:32:17,633 - What do you mean? 569 00:32:17,633 --> 00:32:20,133 - I took a vow of celibacy. 570 00:32:20,133 --> 00:32:21,633 - Cel-- 571 00:32:21,633 --> 00:32:23,533 do you-- 572 00:32:25,567 --> 00:32:27,200 How dare you? 573 00:32:27,200 --> 00:32:29,400 I am a good Catholic woman. 574 00:32:29,400 --> 00:32:32,166 I have been all my life. - That's not what-- 575 00:32:32,166 --> 00:32:35,667 - How dare you have such thoughts? 576 00:32:35,667 --> 00:32:37,633 My son was right about you, 577 00:32:37,633 --> 00:32:42,300 you are nothing but a fucking slanty-eyed mongrel! 578 00:32:47,133 --> 00:32:51,100 - You do something for me; kill Timmy Kirk. 579 00:32:51,100 --> 00:32:54,066 - What the-- - Ahh! 580 00:32:54,066 --> 00:32:55,467 - Ugh! 581 00:32:57,400 --> 00:33:00,367 - Ray, Ray. Listen to this. 582 00:33:00,367 --> 00:33:03,533 After his mother left, Jaz Hoyt really opened up. 583 00:33:03,533 --> 00:33:05,800 He told me it was the Reverend Cloutier 584 00:33:05,800 --> 00:33:09,834 who ordered him to kill Timmy Kirk the first time. 585 00:33:09,834 --> 00:33:11,667 - Well, how is that possible? 586 00:33:11,667 --> 00:33:12,967 Cloutier was in the burn unit. 587 00:33:12,967 --> 00:33:14,333 He was barely able to make sounds, 588 00:33:14,333 --> 00:33:15,800 let alone speak. 589 00:33:15,800 --> 00:33:18,266 - Well, he says that Cloutier appeared to him in his cell 590 00:33:18,266 --> 00:33:20,633 looking completely normal. 591 00:33:22,033 --> 00:33:24,467 - An apparition? 592 00:33:24,467 --> 00:33:26,500 - Afterward, when he was sent to solitary, 593 00:33:26,500 --> 00:33:28,567 his biker buddies decided to take revenge. 594 00:33:28,567 --> 00:33:31,533 They went to the burn unit and carried Cloutier away. 595 00:33:31,533 --> 00:33:32,834 - To where? 596 00:33:32,834 --> 00:33:35,734 - Well, Hoyt says that's the one fact 597 00:33:35,734 --> 00:33:37,867 he will reveal only to you. 598 00:33:40,467 --> 00:33:43,100 - Where did they take the reverend Cloutier? 599 00:33:43,100 --> 00:33:44,700 - If I tell you, 600 00:33:44,700 --> 00:33:47,934 the other bikers, they'll kill us both. 601 00:33:47,934 --> 00:33:51,600 - Hoyt, I need to know. 602 00:33:54,867 --> 00:33:56,600 - Okay. 603 00:35:05,867 --> 00:35:07,633 - Here's a story, and it's true. 604 00:35:07,633 --> 00:35:09,066 A male prisoner 605 00:35:09,066 --> 00:35:11,166 at the Muskegon Correctional Facility in Michigan 606 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:13,367 sexually assaulted the three-year-old daughter 607 00:35:13,367 --> 00:35:14,834 of a woman who was visiting him. 608 00:35:14,834 --> 00:35:16,133 As a result, 609 00:35:16,133 --> 00:35:18,367 the State DOC came up with the harshest, 610 00:35:18,367 --> 00:35:20,567 most restrictive visiting policies 611 00:35:20,567 --> 00:35:22,333 of anywhere in the country, 612 00:35:22,333 --> 00:35:24,133 which included the banning of all minors, 613 00:35:24,133 --> 00:35:26,100 even family members. 614 00:35:26,100 --> 00:35:28,433 So you see, one man's fuck-up 615 00:35:28,433 --> 00:35:31,000 fucked up everybody else's happiness. 616 00:35:33,900 --> 00:35:35,867 - Redding, I have to talk to you. 617 00:35:37,333 --> 00:35:39,533 I feel guilty lying to my brothers, 618 00:35:39,533 --> 00:35:41,567 telling them the book binding machinery 619 00:35:41,567 --> 00:35:44,133 was destroyed by accident. 620 00:35:44,133 --> 00:35:46,800 - Did you get your check from the insurance company? 621 00:35:49,734 --> 00:35:52,500 So none of you all lost any money, 622 00:35:52,500 --> 00:35:55,800 which you sure as shit would have when the company folded. 623 00:35:55,800 --> 00:35:58,567 - The money is not the issue. 624 00:35:58,567 --> 00:36:03,533 You committed a criminal act, and I'm benefitting from it. 625 00:36:03,533 --> 00:36:05,533 I have to do something. 626 00:36:05,533 --> 00:36:08,266 - Whatever you do will destroy your reputation 627 00:36:08,266 --> 00:36:09,967 with your brothers over there. 628 00:36:11,300 --> 00:36:13,033 Can you live with that? 629 00:36:40,400 --> 00:36:42,667 - You gonna tell me what that was all about? 630 00:36:42,667 --> 00:36:45,433 - I was coming to see you next, 631 00:36:45,433 --> 00:36:47,500 to make a full confession. 632 00:36:49,166 --> 00:36:52,266 - I'm all ears, as they say. 633 00:36:52,266 --> 00:36:55,233 - The accident which destroyed the book-binding machinery 634 00:36:55,233 --> 00:36:57,500 was not an accident. 635 00:36:57,500 --> 00:36:59,700 Burr Redding is responsible. 636 00:37:01,200 --> 00:37:03,200 - Why jabber now? 637 00:37:03,200 --> 00:37:05,400 - Because I feel guilty. 638 00:37:05,400 --> 00:37:09,600 I disgraced the memory of Kareem Said. 639 00:37:09,600 --> 00:37:11,200 Each night when I pray, 640 00:37:11,200 --> 00:37:14,300 the words become more and more hollow. 641 00:37:14,300 --> 00:37:17,500 My soul is in peril. 642 00:37:20,667 --> 00:37:22,867 - I have to punish you. 643 00:37:22,867 --> 00:37:24,734 Officer. 644 00:37:27,667 --> 00:37:28,834 Take him back to Em City, 645 00:37:28,834 --> 00:37:30,300 put him in the cage. 646 00:37:32,867 --> 00:37:35,433 - I don't know what you're talking about, McManus. 647 00:37:35,433 --> 00:37:38,400 I haven't been anywhere near that book-binding machinery. 648 00:37:38,400 --> 00:37:40,400 - Arif says you sent someone. 649 00:37:40,400 --> 00:37:42,333 - Arif is delusional. 650 00:37:42,333 --> 00:37:43,967 - What's going on? 651 00:37:43,967 --> 00:37:46,800 - I'm afraid you're gonna have to find a new foreman, Donna. 652 00:37:46,800 --> 00:37:49,734 Redding's taking an early retirement in solitary. 653 00:37:49,734 --> 00:37:51,233 - You got no proof. 654 00:37:51,233 --> 00:37:52,600 - Arif's word is good enough for me. 655 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:53,734 Get him out of here. 656 00:37:53,734 --> 00:37:55,734 - Uh, Tim, 657 00:37:55,734 --> 00:37:57,533 I just signed a new contract 658 00:37:57,533 --> 00:37:59,367 with a major magazine publishing house. 659 00:37:59,367 --> 00:38:01,333 I need Burr. - I'm sorry. 660 00:38:01,333 --> 00:38:02,667 - Isn't there some deal we can work out? 661 00:38:02,667 --> 00:38:04,133 - No, no deals! 662 00:38:04,133 --> 00:38:07,800 This is not a negotiation, this is Oz! 663 00:38:29,767 --> 00:38:32,467 - Here's a story, and it's true. 664 00:38:32,467 --> 00:38:36,600 The Wisconsin DOC has banned all sexually explicit materials 665 00:38:36,600 --> 00:38:38,900 received by prisoners through the mail. 666 00:38:38,900 --> 00:38:41,633 These include the swimsuit issue of "Sports Illustrated," 667 00:38:41,633 --> 00:38:44,767 copies of "Vanity Fair," "Maxim," and "Rolling Stone," 668 00:38:44,767 --> 00:38:47,600 as well as various motorcycle and fitness magazines. 669 00:38:47,600 --> 00:38:50,100 Also banned was a photograph 670 00:38:50,100 --> 00:38:52,500 of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. 671 00:38:52,500 --> 00:38:54,734 The DOC Felt the nude paintings 672 00:38:54,734 --> 00:38:56,100 that adorn the Vatican's ceiling 673 00:38:56,100 --> 00:38:59,934 could, quote, "impede rehabilitation." 674 00:39:11,433 --> 00:39:13,500 - chucky. - Hey, hey. 675 00:39:13,500 --> 00:39:15,266 - You make the call? 676 00:39:15,266 --> 00:39:16,533 - Yeah, I made the call. 677 00:39:16,533 --> 00:39:18,200 - And our mutual friend? 678 00:39:18,200 --> 00:39:19,834 - He gave the okay. 679 00:39:21,367 --> 00:39:24,667 - You know, Angelo and I have done a lot of business together. 680 00:39:24,667 --> 00:39:26,967 In fact, at every club I've opened, 681 00:39:26,967 --> 00:39:29,433 your nephew has been like a silent partner. 682 00:39:31,867 --> 00:39:34,000 - I don't intend to be so silent. 683 00:39:35,567 --> 00:39:37,967 - You need to mellow out, big man. 684 00:39:39,033 --> 00:39:40,600 You ever done D? 685 00:39:43,033 --> 00:39:44,633 On me. 686 00:39:44,633 --> 00:39:46,834 Pass it out to your boys. 687 00:39:54,300 --> 00:39:56,166 You see, Chulo, 688 00:39:56,166 --> 00:39:58,367 it's as easy as one, two, three, 689 00:39:58,367 --> 00:39:59,967 dial me a dago. 690 00:40:15,767 --> 00:40:17,400 - Where'd you get that? 691 00:40:17,400 --> 00:40:19,433 - From Torquemada. 692 00:40:23,266 --> 00:40:25,500 You ever been to one of his clubs? 693 00:40:25,500 --> 00:40:27,133 - Nope. 694 00:40:27,133 --> 00:40:30,233 Never got past the velvet ropes. 695 00:40:30,233 --> 00:40:32,066 Uh-uh. 696 00:40:32,066 --> 00:40:35,433 You better slow up on them things, man. 697 00:40:35,433 --> 00:40:37,567 - I got into Dino's once. 698 00:40:37,567 --> 00:40:40,200 The lights, 699 00:40:40,200 --> 00:40:42,133 the sounds, 700 00:40:42,133 --> 00:40:44,066 and the women. 701 00:40:53,467 --> 00:40:55,800 - Yo, Chico, settle down, man. 702 00:40:55,800 --> 00:40:58,633 The guard's going to put your ass in the restraining chair. 703 00:40:58,633 --> 00:41:00,867 - Torquemada says he's going to start giving destiny 704 00:41:00,867 --> 00:41:03,767 to the fuckin' hacks too, man. 705 00:41:05,834 --> 00:41:07,400 Whoo! 706 00:41:15,900 --> 00:41:17,333 What's going on? 707 00:41:17,333 --> 00:41:21,033 What's going on? 708 00:41:21,033 --> 00:41:23,000 Where am I? 709 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:24,567 Shit. 710 00:41:24,567 --> 00:41:26,500 - It's okay. 711 00:41:26,500 --> 00:41:29,066 - Stop, don't touch me, don't, don't! 712 00:41:29,066 --> 00:41:31,533 Don't finger me, don't, aah! 713 00:41:36,100 --> 00:41:39,200 Get it off-- get it off of me! 714 00:41:47,900 --> 00:41:49,133 - Yo! 715 00:41:52,433 --> 00:41:57,000 - All right. Pulse... right away. 716 00:42:00,367 --> 00:42:01,700 - Shake down! 717 00:42:11,533 --> 00:42:13,567 - Fuck! Fuck! 718 00:42:19,633 --> 00:42:21,734 - Let's go, let's go! 719 00:42:23,567 --> 00:42:25,033 - What's this? 720 00:42:31,734 --> 00:42:33,800 - You seem down. 721 00:42:35,200 --> 00:42:36,633 - Yeah. 722 00:42:39,300 --> 00:42:41,333 A guy... 723 00:42:43,300 --> 00:42:44,533 Overdosed. 724 00:42:44,533 --> 00:42:46,867 - Close friend? 725 00:42:46,867 --> 00:42:51,367 - You know, in Oz, 726 00:42:51,367 --> 00:42:54,133 you don't have friends. 727 00:42:54,133 --> 00:43:00,033 You have people that look the same as you. 728 00:43:00,033 --> 00:43:02,033 Wolfgang had the Aryans. 729 00:43:04,133 --> 00:43:08,934 And me, well... 730 00:43:08,934 --> 00:43:11,934 I've mostly been a loner. 731 00:43:11,934 --> 00:43:13,567 - Me too. 732 00:43:15,233 --> 00:43:18,700 It's funny, I used to dread coming here to visit Wolfgang. 733 00:43:20,300 --> 00:43:22,500 But I don't anymore. 734 00:43:38,066 --> 00:43:40,467 - Merry Christmas, motherfucker. 735 00:43:44,633 --> 00:43:48,066 - You've had your last meeting with Cathy Jo Cutler. 736 00:43:48,066 --> 00:43:50,467 The girl is being talked to right now. 737 00:43:50,467 --> 00:43:52,667 - If you hurt her-- - What? 738 00:43:52,667 --> 00:43:54,900 You'll get your drugged-out Latino pals to come at me? 739 00:43:54,900 --> 00:43:58,000 - No, no, no, no. Just you and me, carajo. 740 00:43:59,066 --> 00:44:01,867 - And ruin your chances for parole, 741 00:44:01,867 --> 00:44:04,100 all because of a cheap, stupid cunt 742 00:44:04,100 --> 00:44:06,600 who doesn't know her place? 743 00:44:14,867 --> 00:44:17,066 - I had a little run-in with the Aryans. 744 00:44:17,066 --> 00:44:19,667 We worked it out. - Yeah, I can see that. 745 00:44:19,667 --> 00:44:22,934 - Listen, I know you're gonna want to help, McManus, 746 00:44:22,934 --> 00:44:25,934 but it'd be better for me and for my parole 747 00:44:25,934 --> 00:44:28,567 if this little incident just disappeared. 748 00:44:28,567 --> 00:44:30,500 - Miguel. 749 00:44:30,500 --> 00:44:32,834 - Look, the reason why we fought 750 00:44:32,834 --> 00:44:34,734 ain't gonna come back again. 751 00:44:34,734 --> 00:44:36,734 Schillinger's gonna see to that. 752 00:44:36,734 --> 00:44:40,333 Whatever you do, he's gonna make matters worse. 753 00:44:40,333 --> 00:44:41,967 - Okay. 754 00:44:41,967 --> 00:44:44,934 But the good news is Luis Ruiz has agreed to see you. 755 00:44:44,934 --> 00:44:46,400 - How did you do that? 756 00:44:46,400 --> 00:44:48,767 - Well, like everything else in life, took persistence. 757 00:44:48,767 --> 00:44:50,800 - Ah. 758 00:45:00,767 --> 00:45:02,700 - Ouch. 759 00:45:02,700 --> 00:45:04,967 That looks painful, baby. 760 00:45:04,967 --> 00:45:06,467 - It's okay. 761 00:45:06,467 --> 00:45:09,500 - I've got a new shipment of d-tabs coming in today. 762 00:45:09,500 --> 00:45:11,133 - So? 763 00:45:11,133 --> 00:45:15,333 - So, since Guerra went whacky, hacks are making it tougher 764 00:45:15,333 --> 00:45:17,734 for me to move the merchandise through the system. 765 00:45:17,734 --> 00:45:19,233 I need your help. 766 00:45:19,233 --> 00:45:21,033 Why me? 767 00:45:21,033 --> 00:45:23,066 - McManus trusts you. 768 00:45:23,066 --> 00:45:24,700 - Listen to me. 769 00:45:24,700 --> 00:45:26,767 I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you 770 00:45:26,767 --> 00:45:28,567 until it actually penetrates that little piƱata 771 00:45:28,567 --> 00:45:29,934 you've got for a brain. 772 00:45:29,934 --> 00:45:31,633 I don't want any part of your bullshit. 773 00:45:31,633 --> 00:45:33,233 - You're so fuckin' sexy. 774 00:45:33,233 --> 00:45:36,834 - Get your hands off of me. - I like straight boys best. 775 00:45:36,834 --> 00:45:38,433 - You know what? 776 00:45:38,433 --> 00:45:41,667 Here's one straight boy you ain't gonna bending over. 777 00:45:43,133 --> 00:45:44,900 Leave me alone. 778 00:45:47,533 --> 00:45:50,000 Ugh, that's disgusting. 779 00:45:54,133 --> 00:45:56,233 - Now remember, if you want to get paroled, 780 00:45:56,233 --> 00:45:59,166 you've got to convince Ruiz that you're sincere. 781 00:45:59,166 --> 00:46:01,266 Are you ready? - Yeah. 782 00:46:06,500 --> 00:46:08,400 Hello, Mr.. Ruiz. 783 00:46:10,500 --> 00:46:11,800 - I don't have a lot of time, Alvarez. 784 00:46:11,800 --> 00:46:13,767 Say what you've got to say. 785 00:46:13,767 --> 00:46:18,433 - Luis, we agreed that you two would have a conversation, 786 00:46:18,433 --> 00:46:19,967 that you would spend a few minutes 787 00:46:19,967 --> 00:46:21,133 getting to know each other. 788 00:46:21,133 --> 00:46:22,767 - Alone. 789 00:46:22,767 --> 00:46:24,333 - Yeah. 790 00:46:24,333 --> 00:46:26,400 Okay, I'll be right outside. 791 00:46:36,667 --> 00:46:38,467 - Mr. Ruiz. 792 00:46:39,700 --> 00:46:43,100 Sorry I hit you at the last parole hearing. 793 00:46:43,100 --> 00:46:45,233 - Why are you sorry? 794 00:46:45,233 --> 00:46:47,133 I was an asshole, 795 00:46:47,133 --> 00:46:50,033 deliberately provoking you 796 00:46:50,033 --> 00:46:52,467 to see if you can handle yourself. 797 00:46:54,166 --> 00:46:56,200 You failed. 798 00:46:56,200 --> 00:46:58,100 - I know. 799 00:46:58,100 --> 00:47:00,266 But... - But what, Alvarez? 800 00:47:03,000 --> 00:47:05,834 Sorry don't cut it. 801 00:47:05,834 --> 00:47:08,433 "I've turned myself around, I said three Hail Marys." 802 00:47:08,433 --> 00:47:09,734 Bullshit. 803 00:47:09,734 --> 00:47:11,433 - It's not bullshit. 804 00:47:11,433 --> 00:47:13,734 I am improving. 805 00:47:13,734 --> 00:47:15,700 - I know you, Alvarez. 806 00:47:15,700 --> 00:47:17,533 I grew up on the same streets. 807 00:47:17,533 --> 00:47:19,200 I've seen hot-headed dicks like you 808 00:47:19,200 --> 00:47:21,066 give every Latino a bad name. 809 00:47:22,433 --> 00:47:25,467 Well, the final score is this. 810 00:47:25,467 --> 00:47:28,300 You aren't getting out of Oz, 811 00:47:28,300 --> 00:47:30,600 not in three years, 812 00:47:30,600 --> 00:47:34,400 not in 30, not ever. 813 00:47:34,400 --> 00:47:36,367 Oh, we'll still go through the procedure, 814 00:47:36,367 --> 00:47:37,967 but that's so each time your number comes up, 815 00:47:37,967 --> 00:47:41,033 I can see how much you've ripened. 816 00:47:41,033 --> 00:47:43,367 I'm going to watch you ripen until you rot. 817 00:47:43,367 --> 00:47:47,200 That's right, hit me again. 818 00:47:48,767 --> 00:47:50,433 Go on. 819 00:48:04,767 --> 00:48:06,767 - Miguel? 820 00:48:06,767 --> 00:48:08,467 Miguel. 821 00:48:24,233 --> 00:48:26,066 - Guess who's your new roommate? 822 00:48:29,867 --> 00:48:31,767 I knew you'd be thrilled. 823 00:48:35,000 --> 00:48:37,967 You want to help me make my bed, sugar? 824 00:48:40,400 --> 00:48:41,767 - Hey. 825 00:48:43,266 --> 00:48:45,900 Let me tell you something. 826 00:48:45,900 --> 00:48:49,066 Hey, you may have wined and dined, 827 00:48:49,066 --> 00:48:53,266 hired and fired, bought and sold, 828 00:48:53,266 --> 00:48:57,667 and I may have never done nothing with my life, 829 00:48:57,667 --> 00:49:00,967 but there is no way-- 830 00:49:00,967 --> 00:49:02,934 hear me? 831 00:49:02,934 --> 00:49:07,066 No way that I'm ever going to be your bitch. 832 00:49:10,433 --> 00:49:15,233 - Miguel, dumpling, 833 00:49:15,233 --> 00:49:19,934 I don't want you to be my bitch. 834 00:49:19,934 --> 00:49:22,700 I have a little confession. 835 00:49:25,133 --> 00:49:27,200 I'm a virgin. 836 00:49:28,834 --> 00:49:31,166 That's right, 837 00:49:31,166 --> 00:49:35,100 I've never had sex with man, woman, 838 00:49:35,100 --> 00:49:37,600 fish or foul. 839 00:49:39,200 --> 00:49:43,633 Now, you're thinking, "I've heard about the orgies." 840 00:49:43,633 --> 00:49:46,100 At my clubs, yes, 841 00:49:46,100 --> 00:49:49,166 my home, quite a scene, 842 00:49:49,166 --> 00:49:52,867 but I myself never indulge. 843 00:49:52,867 --> 00:49:56,400 I provide a pleasurable environment, 844 00:49:56,400 --> 00:50:00,066 the necessary ambrosia, 845 00:50:00,066 --> 00:50:03,233 then I let nature take its course, 846 00:50:04,800 --> 00:50:06,600 and I watch. 847 00:50:06,600 --> 00:50:08,467 - Lights out! 848 00:50:15,467 --> 00:50:18,400 - So I don't want to fuck you. 849 00:50:19,500 --> 00:50:22,033 That would be to common. 850 00:50:22,033 --> 00:50:25,400 No, Miguel Alvarez, 851 00:50:25,400 --> 00:50:27,133 I want to be you. 852 00:50:30,333 --> 00:50:34,100 - You want to be me, huh? 853 00:50:34,100 --> 00:50:37,166 You know what? 854 00:50:37,166 --> 00:50:39,300 You're welcome to it. 855 00:50:44,767 --> 00:50:46,767 I'm so tired. 856 00:50:49,934 --> 00:50:52,100 I'm tired of trying. 857 00:50:54,100 --> 00:50:56,734 I'm tired of the walls. 858 00:51:01,200 --> 00:51:04,233 The lies, 859 00:51:04,233 --> 00:51:06,166 the fear. 860 00:51:11,033 --> 00:51:12,834 The death. 861 00:51:16,400 --> 00:51:18,200 I'm so tired. 862 00:51:23,500 --> 00:51:26,433 You got one of those d-tabs? 863 00:51:54,133 --> 00:51:56,066 You want to party, baby? 864 00:51:57,333 --> 00:51:59,700 Keep them d-tabs running. 865 00:52:12,200 --> 00:52:14,734 - Here's a story, and it's true. 866 00:52:14,734 --> 00:52:16,433 The Oregon legislature 867 00:52:16,433 --> 00:52:18,867 passed a law authorizing the state DOC 868 00:52:18,867 --> 00:52:21,266 to charge inmates for costs associated 869 00:52:21,266 --> 00:52:23,066 with their imprisonment. 870 00:52:23,066 --> 00:52:26,934 We're talking such luxury items as medical care, 871 00:52:26,934 --> 00:52:30,000 administrative expenditures, room and board, 872 00:52:30,000 --> 00:52:33,867 which they estimate costs $65.00 a day, 873 00:52:33,867 --> 00:52:37,767 or $25,000 a year per prisoner. 874 00:52:37,767 --> 00:52:40,266 Given that Oregon pays those incarcerated 875 00:52:40,266 --> 00:52:42,633 only $10.80 a week for work, 876 00:52:42,633 --> 00:52:46,700 you could end up leaving prison in debt, 877 00:52:46,700 --> 00:52:48,734 and then be forced to commit a crime, you know, 878 00:52:48,734 --> 00:52:51,066 in order to make restitution which, of course, 879 00:52:51,066 --> 00:52:52,667 could lead you back to prison 880 00:52:52,667 --> 00:52:55,300 where you'd have to pay. 881 00:52:55,300 --> 00:52:56,567 Huh. 882 00:52:56,567 --> 00:53:00,500 I guess you'd call that a vicious circle. 883 00:53:02,033 --> 00:53:03,533 Give it up, boys. 884 00:53:04,600 --> 00:53:07,467 - Sister Pete, this is Noel Behn 885 00:53:07,467 --> 00:53:09,400 from the society for prisoners' rights. 886 00:53:09,400 --> 00:53:10,734 - Oh, hello. 887 00:53:10,734 --> 00:53:12,867 - Good to meet you, Sister. - Come on in. 888 00:53:12,867 --> 00:53:16,867 - I asked Noel here to talk over the Lemuel Idzik case. 889 00:53:16,867 --> 00:53:18,633 - What's to talk about? 890 00:53:18,633 --> 00:53:19,700 He confessed to the murder of Omar White, 891 00:53:19,700 --> 00:53:21,300 was sentenced to death. 892 00:53:21,300 --> 00:53:23,567 - I think the case should be reviewed by the appeals court. 893 00:53:23,567 --> 00:53:25,033 - Why? 894 00:53:25,033 --> 00:53:26,800 - Idzik's lawyer slept through most of the trial, 895 00:53:26,800 --> 00:53:28,033 and the judge said nothing. 896 00:53:28,033 --> 00:53:29,734 - Justice by assembly line. 897 00:53:29,734 --> 00:53:32,734 - And Idzik made no protest? 898 00:53:32,734 --> 00:53:34,533 - The man's indifference to his own fate suggests 899 00:53:34,533 --> 00:53:36,867 some sort of mental instability. 900 00:53:36,867 --> 00:53:38,667 We'd like you to determine the extent. 901 00:53:40,266 --> 00:53:42,033 - Well, you know me, 902 00:53:42,033 --> 00:53:43,600 if there's a way to get somebody out of death row, 903 00:53:43,600 --> 00:53:45,400 I will find it. 904 00:53:45,400 --> 00:53:48,667 - I wanted Omar White to exterminate me. 905 00:53:48,667 --> 00:53:51,066 When he refused, I killed him, 906 00:53:51,066 --> 00:53:53,033 knowing I'd be sent here, 907 00:53:53,033 --> 00:53:55,734 that the State would do what Omar wouldn't. 908 00:53:55,734 --> 00:53:59,800 - So all of this is an elaborate way to commit suicide? 909 00:53:59,800 --> 00:54:01,967 - You could say that. 910 00:54:01,967 --> 00:54:06,233 - Is that why you killed Kareem Said? 911 00:54:06,233 --> 00:54:08,567 - No. 912 00:54:08,567 --> 00:54:11,533 That was revenge. 913 00:54:11,533 --> 00:54:13,500 - Revenge? 914 00:54:13,500 --> 00:54:16,200 What did Kareem Said do to you? 915 00:54:21,900 --> 00:54:25,700 Lemuel, clearly you have made a choice to die. 916 00:54:25,700 --> 00:54:30,633 Don't go to your grave without anyone understanding the reason. 917 00:54:30,633 --> 00:54:34,767 What did Kareem do to you 918 00:54:34,767 --> 00:54:36,433 that was so terrible? 919 00:54:36,433 --> 00:54:39,000 - He bought me a cup of coffee 920 00:54:39,000 --> 00:54:42,266 at an outdoor cafe in Istanbul. 921 00:54:42,266 --> 00:54:45,567 That was before he'd converted to Islam. 922 00:54:45,567 --> 00:54:48,233 He was young, arrogant, 923 00:54:48,233 --> 00:54:49,967 brilliant. 924 00:54:51,333 --> 00:54:54,900 We had a casual conversation, 925 00:54:54,900 --> 00:54:58,000 during which he told me about stardoom, 926 00:54:58,000 --> 00:55:01,967 about... nightfall, 927 00:55:01,967 --> 00:55:04,500 you know, about how the universe would end. 928 00:55:04,500 --> 00:55:08,567 He was laughing about it. 929 00:55:10,433 --> 00:55:13,166 But his words... 930 00:55:15,000 --> 00:55:17,834 Cut into my heart. 931 00:55:17,834 --> 00:55:19,934 His words... 932 00:55:19,934 --> 00:55:23,500 ravaged my soul! 933 00:55:23,500 --> 00:55:26,867 His words... 934 00:55:26,867 --> 00:55:29,533 Killed me! 935 00:55:32,200 --> 00:55:34,133 - And you killed him. 936 00:55:35,300 --> 00:55:37,266 - Bizarre, isn't it, 937 00:55:37,266 --> 00:55:38,867 how one man's chatty conversation, 938 00:55:38,867 --> 00:55:43,533 how one man's laughter can level someone else. 939 00:55:43,533 --> 00:55:46,033 When he walked away from that table, 940 00:55:46,033 --> 00:55:48,066 he probably forgot about what we discussed. 941 00:55:48,066 --> 00:55:51,033 He certainly forgot who I was. 942 00:55:51,033 --> 00:55:55,800 It was a moment, you know, one of many for him. 943 00:55:55,800 --> 00:55:59,934 But for me, it was the most significant moment of my life. 944 00:56:03,500 --> 00:56:08,900 And I can't help think that by shooting Kareem Said, 945 00:56:08,900 --> 00:56:12,133 I kept myself from doing something far worse. 946 00:56:14,100 --> 00:56:16,300 - The death sentence of Lemuel Idzik, 947 00:56:16,300 --> 00:56:17,667 convicted of killing a fellow inmate 948 00:56:17,667 --> 00:56:19,133 at the Oswald correctional facility 949 00:56:19,133 --> 00:56:20,467 was overturned today. 950 00:56:20,467 --> 00:56:23,300 - What? - Motherfucker! 951 00:56:42,100 --> 00:56:44,000 - Come in. 952 00:56:45,967 --> 00:56:47,734 Come in. 953 00:56:53,500 --> 00:56:55,467 Listen... 954 00:56:55,467 --> 00:56:58,166 I know you want to die. 955 00:56:58,166 --> 00:57:02,567 The irony is, in Em City you probably will, 956 00:57:02,567 --> 00:57:06,233 shanked, suffocated... 957 00:57:06,233 --> 00:57:08,433 OD'd. 958 00:57:10,433 --> 00:57:14,834 You know, I was remembering 959 00:57:14,834 --> 00:57:18,000 at Leo Glynn's funeral 960 00:57:18,000 --> 00:57:21,800 why I built this place, 961 00:57:21,800 --> 00:57:26,166 why I wanted to create a better life for these guys. 962 00:57:28,967 --> 00:57:31,700 It's because most likely, 963 00:57:31,700 --> 00:57:34,633 they'll never have any other kind of life. 964 00:57:38,367 --> 00:57:41,834 I've heard all about your doomsday scenarios. 965 00:57:44,333 --> 00:57:47,166 The sun will cool, the planets will darken, 966 00:57:47,166 --> 00:57:49,100 man will become extinct. 967 00:57:50,834 --> 00:57:54,533 Well, I say, okay, so what? 968 00:57:54,533 --> 00:57:57,867 That won't happen for another 10 billion years or so. 969 00:57:57,867 --> 00:57:59,934 We're alive now. 970 00:57:59,934 --> 00:58:02,867 I mean, we live in the now. 971 00:58:02,867 --> 00:58:06,400 We have to grab the now with both hands. 972 00:58:06,400 --> 00:58:09,266 We have to move through the light, 973 00:58:09,266 --> 00:58:12,100 be warmed by the sun 974 00:58:12,100 --> 00:58:13,700 while we can. 975 00:58:13,700 --> 00:58:16,033 - And what about the darkness? 976 00:58:19,000 --> 00:58:20,967 - Shit, I don't know. 977 00:58:23,166 --> 00:58:28,467 I mean, someone or something set this whole thing spinning. 978 00:58:28,467 --> 00:58:29,834 I've got to believe 979 00:58:29,834 --> 00:58:32,300 that there's a reason that we live 980 00:58:32,300 --> 00:58:34,700 and a reason that we leave. 981 00:58:38,400 --> 00:58:41,767 - To believe is to live, Mr. McManus. 982 00:58:43,734 --> 00:58:45,967 Consider yourself lucky. 983 00:58:49,767 --> 00:58:53,533 - Some days I do. 984 00:59:03,367 --> 00:59:05,200 - Yo. 985 00:59:05,200 --> 00:59:07,600 - Dad's coming to visit? 986 00:59:07,600 --> 00:59:09,600 - Well, not visit, 987 00:59:09,600 --> 00:59:11,166 exactly. 988 00:59:16,400 --> 00:59:18,967 - Hey, yo, Dad, check it out. Look at that, huh? 989 00:59:18,967 --> 00:59:22,600 Look at me and my new best friend. 990 00:59:22,600 --> 00:59:24,834 - Don't use me to taunt your father. 991 00:59:24,834 --> 00:59:26,600 - Why not, man? You hate him as much as I do. 992 00:59:26,600 --> 00:59:28,333 - No, I never knew the man. 993 00:59:28,333 --> 00:59:30,567 I just heard the stories from your mom. 994 00:59:30,567 --> 00:59:32,000 - Yeah, well, she's just got the abridged version. 995 00:59:32,000 --> 00:59:34,266 I've got 35 years of gory details. 996 00:59:35,300 --> 00:59:37,734 You fuckin' asshole. 997 00:59:37,734 --> 00:59:40,133 What's that word called for when a son kills his father? 998 00:59:40,133 --> 00:59:42,200 - Patricide. 999 00:59:42,200 --> 00:59:44,233 - Yeah, patricide. 1000 00:59:44,233 --> 00:59:46,100 I like the sound of that. 1001 00:59:56,367 --> 00:59:59,700 - You always did look good in gray. 1002 00:59:59,700 --> 01:00:01,700 - What do you want, slut? 1003 01:00:04,333 --> 01:00:06,033 - I assume you've heard that Cyril's 1004 01:00:06,033 --> 01:00:08,266 latest appeal was denied. 1005 01:00:08,266 --> 01:00:11,867 - Yeah, he fries on Sunday. 1006 01:00:11,867 --> 01:00:14,700 - Sheamus, I want you to visit him. 1007 01:00:14,700 --> 01:00:17,400 I want you to tell Cyril how much you loved him. 1008 01:00:17,400 --> 01:00:20,133 - You mean lie? 1009 01:00:20,133 --> 01:00:22,066 - That's something you've always been good at. 1010 01:00:22,066 --> 01:00:25,300 - What do I get in return? 1011 01:00:25,300 --> 01:00:28,734 - The peace of mind that your son 1012 01:00:28,734 --> 01:00:31,133 went to his death with a little comfort. 1013 01:00:31,133 --> 01:00:33,633 - I'll leave the hand-holding to you. 1014 01:00:33,633 --> 01:00:35,867 He'll get no comfort from me. 1015 01:00:38,100 --> 01:00:40,367 - Forget the beatings, 1016 01:00:40,367 --> 01:00:43,333 forget the verbal abuse growing up. 1017 01:00:43,333 --> 01:00:46,700 Let's just focus on the electroshock therapy, shall we? 1018 01:00:46,700 --> 01:00:48,166 Putting Cyril through all that torment-- 1019 01:00:48,166 --> 01:00:49,433 - They said it was the best treatment. 1020 01:00:49,433 --> 01:00:51,066 - Oh, I am sure that was your concern. 1021 01:00:51,066 --> 01:00:52,567 - Fuck you! 1022 01:00:52,567 --> 01:00:54,467 - You know, the saddest thing, Sheamus, 1023 01:00:54,467 --> 01:00:56,800 is that you had two wonderful sons 1024 01:00:56,800 --> 01:00:58,567 and you destroyed them both. 1025 01:00:58,567 --> 01:01:00,500 When you die, 1026 01:01:00,500 --> 01:01:02,734 when you're looking for a little comfort, 1027 01:01:02,734 --> 01:01:06,500 there will be no one there who gives a shit. 1028 01:01:12,934 --> 01:01:15,900 - Why don't you go suck off your nigga boyfriend? 1029 01:01:30,934 --> 01:01:33,633 - Hey, Skillinger. - Schillinger. 1030 01:01:33,633 --> 01:01:35,533 - Sorry. 1031 01:01:35,533 --> 01:01:37,734 I got a job needs to be done, 1032 01:01:37,734 --> 01:01:39,567 and I got the cash to pay for it. 1033 01:01:39,567 --> 01:01:41,100 - Yeah, what job? 1034 01:01:41,100 --> 01:01:43,433 - Kill Jahfree Neema. 1035 01:01:43,433 --> 01:01:45,000 - No, thanks. 1036 01:01:45,000 --> 01:01:48,033 - I said I can pay! 1037 01:01:48,033 --> 01:01:51,367 - Yeah. And I said no. 1038 01:01:51,367 --> 01:01:53,200 Why don't you get your boy Ryan to do the deed? 1039 01:01:53,200 --> 01:01:56,066 - Come on, Skillinger-- - It's Schillinger! 1040 01:01:56,066 --> 01:01:58,100 Just move the fuck on. 1041 01:02:02,500 --> 01:02:04,367 Seven-card bill. 1042 01:02:12,867 --> 01:02:16,066 - Hello there, brother man. 1043 01:02:16,066 --> 01:02:18,967 - O'Reily, I got no quarrel with you. 1044 01:02:18,967 --> 01:02:22,166 - Oh, yes, you do. 1045 01:02:24,967 --> 01:02:27,867 Oh! 1046 01:02:27,867 --> 01:02:30,233 - Hey! Get off, get off! 1047 01:02:30,233 --> 01:02:33,300 Get off! Fuck, Jesus Christ! 1048 01:02:38,100 --> 01:02:40,066 - we're almost finished. 1049 01:02:41,433 --> 01:02:45,400 There we go. Okay. 1050 01:02:45,400 --> 01:02:48,066 Still, I'm keeping you here until we take the stitches out. 1051 01:03:05,900 --> 01:03:09,000 - Guess you're not as quick as you used to be, huh, dad? 1052 01:03:09,000 --> 01:03:11,300 - Get the fuck away from me. 1053 01:03:11,300 --> 01:03:14,867 - Hey, pal, I got no interest in changing your bed pan. 1054 01:03:14,867 --> 01:03:16,233 I just thought you should know 1055 01:03:16,233 --> 01:03:18,367 that tomorrow's Cyril's execution, 1056 01:03:18,367 --> 01:03:20,800 and so far the courts refuse to step in. 1057 01:03:23,467 --> 01:03:24,600 - Mm-hmm. 1058 01:03:26,233 --> 01:03:28,600 - You really don't give a shit, do you? 1059 01:03:28,600 --> 01:03:31,967 - I don't give a shit about anything I can't control. 1060 01:03:31,967 --> 01:03:33,834 - Then you must not care about anything. 1061 01:03:33,834 --> 01:03:36,533 - Will you get the fuck away from me? 1062 01:03:36,533 --> 01:03:38,834 - Ryan! - Yo. 1063 01:03:38,834 --> 01:03:40,233 - Come here, please. 1064 01:03:46,300 --> 01:03:49,166 - You tell me you want to be an orderly to help people? 1065 01:03:49,166 --> 01:03:50,900 - Not him. 1066 01:03:50,900 --> 01:03:54,400 Hey, tomorrow Cyril's going to die, all right? 1067 01:03:54,400 --> 01:03:56,567 You can trace back all the shit that's come down 1068 01:03:56,567 --> 01:03:59,500 and dear ole fuckin' dad is at the center. 1069 01:03:59,500 --> 01:04:02,166 - Maybe so, but that still doesn't justify 1070 01:04:02,166 --> 01:04:03,633 what you're plotting, Ryan, 1071 01:04:03,633 --> 01:04:06,200 no more than it did when you had Cyril kill my husband. 1072 01:04:09,867 --> 01:04:13,333 I watch you care for your brother. 1073 01:04:14,700 --> 01:04:19,500 And you're so warm and so sweet with him, 1074 01:04:19,500 --> 01:04:22,667 and then you get this look in your eye-- 1075 01:04:22,667 --> 01:04:25,266 this dangerous, terrifying look. 1076 01:04:28,600 --> 01:04:31,567 There are moments when I forgive you 1077 01:04:31,567 --> 01:04:34,100 for what you've done, 1078 01:04:34,100 --> 01:04:36,300 and others when I can't. 1079 01:04:36,300 --> 01:04:39,800 And I want to forgive you, Ryan. 1080 01:04:42,033 --> 01:04:43,867 Help me to do that. 1081 01:04:45,800 --> 01:04:47,300 - How? 1082 01:04:47,300 --> 01:04:51,200 - Promise me that no harm will come to your father. 1083 01:04:51,200 --> 01:04:53,000 Please. 1084 01:04:56,433 --> 01:04:59,533 Let's just both put the past in the past. 1085 01:05:18,300 --> 01:05:21,000 - Here's a story, and... 1086 01:05:21,000 --> 01:05:22,767 It's true. 1087 01:05:22,767 --> 01:05:25,734 Last year, the United States Supreme Court Justice 1088 01:05:25,734 --> 01:05:29,467 Antonin Scalia criticized the Catholic Church's opposition 1089 01:05:29,467 --> 01:05:31,000 to the death penalty. 1090 01:05:31,000 --> 01:05:32,867 He believes Catholic judges 1091 01:05:32,867 --> 01:05:34,934 who don't support capital punishment 1092 01:05:34,934 --> 01:05:36,400 should resign. 1093 01:05:36,400 --> 01:05:40,133 A devout Catholic himself, Scalia has not demanded 1094 01:05:40,133 --> 01:05:42,200 judges who support the church's stand 1095 01:05:42,200 --> 01:05:44,767 on abortion should resign. 1096 01:05:52,700 --> 01:05:56,033 - Lopresti told me Dad got stabbed. 1097 01:05:56,033 --> 01:05:57,934 - Don't worry about Dad. 1098 01:06:00,500 --> 01:06:02,233 - Is he gonna be okay? 1099 01:06:02,233 --> 01:06:04,266 - Dr. Nathan's taking good care of him. 1100 01:06:05,800 --> 01:06:07,967 - I like Dr. Nathan. 1101 01:06:07,967 --> 01:06:10,834 - Me too. Me too. 1102 01:06:16,033 --> 01:06:18,166 - That man's taking notes again. 1103 01:06:18,166 --> 01:06:19,467 - I told you, 1104 01:06:19,467 --> 01:06:21,467 that's because this time you're going to get 1105 01:06:21,467 --> 01:06:23,633 that special ECT treatment. 1106 01:06:23,633 --> 01:06:27,433 - Right. Finally. 1107 01:06:27,433 --> 01:06:30,100 - Show time. 1108 01:06:31,700 --> 01:06:33,734 Any word from the lawyer? 1109 01:06:51,300 --> 01:06:52,934 See ya, Ryan. 1110 01:06:57,667 --> 01:07:00,066 - Yeah, I'll see ya. 1111 01:07:10,633 --> 01:07:12,800 - "Yea, though I walk through the valley 1112 01:07:12,800 --> 01:07:15,400 "of the shadow of death, I will fear now evil, 1113 01:07:15,400 --> 01:07:17,200 "for thou art with me. 1114 01:07:17,200 --> 01:07:20,000 "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. 1115 01:07:20,000 --> 01:07:22,200 "Thou preparest a table before me 1116 01:07:22,200 --> 01:07:24,200 in the presence of mine enemies. 1117 01:07:24,200 --> 01:07:26,567 Thou anointeth my head with oil." 1118 01:07:39,800 --> 01:07:42,233 - "My life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, 1119 01:07:42,233 --> 01:07:43,700 forever." 1120 01:09:10,767 --> 01:09:13,300 - Mom? Mom? 1121 01:09:16,166 --> 01:09:19,133 Mom, what's happening? 1122 01:09:19,133 --> 01:09:23,667 Mom, what's-- what are they doing? 1123 01:09:23,667 --> 01:09:25,600 Ryan! 1124 01:09:32,633 --> 01:09:35,834 Ryan, Ryan! 1125 01:10:16,367 --> 01:10:17,900 - Ryan. 1126 01:10:17,900 --> 01:10:19,667 Ryan. 1127 01:10:23,533 --> 01:10:25,734 - I want to see Cyril. 1128 01:10:28,100 --> 01:10:29,900 - You're too late. 1129 01:10:40,233 --> 01:10:43,867 - I did the best I could for him, 1130 01:10:43,867 --> 01:10:47,400 and you, growing up. 1131 01:10:47,400 --> 01:10:50,233 I tried! 1132 01:10:50,233 --> 01:10:52,066 But I never caught a break. 1133 01:10:52,066 --> 01:10:56,700 Nothing ever went my way, not one single time. 1134 01:10:59,967 --> 01:11:02,400 And the day that... 1135 01:11:02,400 --> 01:11:06,233 Your sister... 1136 01:11:06,233 --> 01:11:09,000 died... 1137 01:11:09,000 --> 01:11:13,266 was the day I found out that Tessie had cancer. 1138 01:11:16,567 --> 01:11:18,266 I was scared. 1139 01:11:22,734 --> 01:11:25,367 - You were afraid? - Yeah. 1140 01:11:26,367 --> 01:11:28,100 I don't want to die. 1141 01:11:31,900 --> 01:11:36,066 Don't leave me, Ryan, please, son. 1142 01:11:39,066 --> 01:11:41,533 I don't want to die alone. 1143 01:11:44,233 --> 01:11:45,667 Please. 1144 01:12:03,033 --> 01:12:05,266 - Don't worry. 1145 01:12:05,266 --> 01:12:07,900 I won't let that happen. 1146 01:12:07,900 --> 01:12:10,367 I'm not going anywhere, Dad. 1147 01:12:21,734 --> 01:12:24,066 - Uh, is everybody ready? 1148 01:12:26,834 --> 01:12:31,967 James would like to address everybody. 1149 01:12:36,567 --> 01:12:38,200 - Well... 1150 01:12:40,333 --> 01:12:44,633 What I have to say is goodbye. 1151 01:12:44,633 --> 01:12:49,033 As of today, I'll be transferring to Unit F. 1152 01:12:49,033 --> 01:12:51,633 See, I'm HIV positive. 1153 01:12:53,767 --> 01:12:59,533 Initially I blamed Cutler, the guy who raped me, 1154 01:12:59,533 --> 01:13:02,300 but the truth is, 1155 01:13:02,300 --> 01:13:05,166 this is my fault, 1156 01:13:05,166 --> 01:13:09,367 because all the times I had unprotected sex, 1157 01:13:09,367 --> 01:13:12,400 thinking I'd never be the one 1158 01:13:12,400 --> 01:13:14,967 to catch my dick in the zipper. 1159 01:13:17,467 --> 01:13:22,233 And even though I know I'm going to live a long time, 1160 01:13:22,233 --> 01:13:25,200 I also know 1161 01:13:25,200 --> 01:13:27,433 this didn't have to happen. 1162 01:13:32,500 --> 01:13:34,266 Anyway, 1163 01:13:34,266 --> 01:13:37,500 I'm glad I got to spend some time with you guys, 1164 01:13:37,500 --> 01:13:40,834 to see through the window both ways. 1165 01:13:52,200 --> 01:13:54,467 - What the fuck are you doing here? 1166 01:13:54,467 --> 01:13:55,900 - Believe me, Vern, 1167 01:13:55,900 --> 01:13:58,033 I wouldn't have come unless I absolutely had to. 1168 01:13:58,033 --> 01:14:00,133 - How's the kike? 1169 01:14:00,133 --> 01:14:03,133 - Irv's fine, sends his love. 1170 01:14:05,734 --> 01:14:07,600 - Dad's dying. 1171 01:14:07,600 --> 01:14:10,367 Lung cancer. 1172 01:14:10,367 --> 01:14:14,700 All those Chesterfields finally caught up with him. 1173 01:14:14,700 --> 01:14:16,700 He goes in and out of consciousness, 1174 01:14:16,700 --> 01:14:18,600 but when he's awake, he asks for you. 1175 01:14:20,467 --> 01:14:22,367 - Horse shit. 1176 01:14:24,967 --> 01:14:27,533 - You and I haven't been in the same room for 20-odd years, 1177 01:14:27,533 --> 01:14:28,767 but I felt I should come, 1178 01:14:28,767 --> 01:14:31,400 see if you had a message for the old man. 1179 01:14:31,400 --> 01:14:32,734 - Message? 1180 01:14:37,633 --> 01:14:40,133 I've hated him all my life. 1181 01:14:43,000 --> 01:14:48,066 - Well, no reason to stop now. 1182 01:14:49,300 --> 01:14:54,033 I have been corresponding with Carrie's folks in Montana, 1183 01:14:54,033 --> 01:14:55,800 sending money for the baby. 1184 01:14:55,800 --> 01:14:58,533 They mailed me pictures of Jewel's first birthday. 1185 01:14:58,533 --> 01:15:00,133 I thought you might like them. 1186 01:15:02,934 --> 01:15:04,333 - Greta... 1187 01:15:06,066 --> 01:15:08,800 What I did, 1188 01:15:08,800 --> 01:15:11,333 shutting you out after your wedding, 1189 01:15:11,333 --> 01:15:13,333 I had to. 1190 01:15:15,233 --> 01:15:18,867 - And I despised you for decades, 1191 01:15:18,867 --> 01:15:24,633 but now all I can say is shalom. 1192 01:15:24,633 --> 01:15:27,200 Shalom, Vern. 1193 01:15:40,400 --> 01:15:42,300 - Agent Taylor. 1194 01:15:42,300 --> 01:15:45,433 - Mr. Beecher, please sit down. 1195 01:15:50,433 --> 01:15:52,800 How's it going? 1196 01:15:52,800 --> 01:15:54,333 - Fine. 1197 01:15:56,934 --> 01:15:59,700 - How's your daughter, Holly? 1198 01:15:59,700 --> 01:16:02,000 You know, the reason I ask is 1199 01:16:02,000 --> 01:16:04,934 one of the few joys of this job 1200 01:16:04,934 --> 01:16:08,233 is reuniting kidnapped children with their parents. 1201 01:16:09,800 --> 01:16:13,200 - She's adjusting, all things considered. 1202 01:16:15,233 --> 01:16:17,834 - It must be tough on her, though--I mean, 1203 01:16:17,834 --> 01:16:20,233 you out of prison one day, back inside the next. 1204 01:16:21,700 --> 01:16:24,266 How would you like another chance at being paroled? 1205 01:16:24,266 --> 01:16:27,533 I can make it happen. 1206 01:16:27,533 --> 01:16:29,000 - How? 1207 01:16:29,000 --> 01:16:31,400 - If you cooperate with us we'll see to it 1208 01:16:31,400 --> 01:16:33,467 that this latest charge against you evaporates. 1209 01:16:33,467 --> 01:16:35,800 - If this is about Keller murdering Brice Tibbetts-- 1210 01:16:35,800 --> 01:16:37,333 - That's a dead issue. 1211 01:16:37,333 --> 01:16:39,300 But Keller did kill two other men, 1212 01:16:39,300 --> 01:16:41,066 Byam Lewis and Mark Carocci. 1213 01:16:41,066 --> 01:16:42,867 And Keller's got an ego, 1214 01:16:42,867 --> 01:16:45,266 and I'm sure that in some point in your time together, 1215 01:16:45,266 --> 01:16:46,800 he must have mentioned something. 1216 01:16:46,800 --> 01:16:49,433 - You mean come out and admitted his guilt? 1217 01:16:49,433 --> 01:16:52,800 No, he's too sly for that. 1218 01:16:52,800 --> 01:16:55,200 - But he suggested his complicity. 1219 01:16:58,834 --> 01:17:00,133 - Yes. 1220 01:17:00,133 --> 01:17:02,667 - You see, that could be enough, 1221 01:17:02,667 --> 01:17:05,500 if you and I figure out how to phrase it correctly. 1222 01:17:05,500 --> 01:17:07,967 - Like you did with Jerry Heeken? 1223 01:17:07,967 --> 01:17:10,000 - Heeken's a punk. 1224 01:17:10,000 --> 01:17:12,700 But you're a former lawyer with children. 1225 01:17:12,700 --> 01:17:14,900 - That Keller fucked up the ass. 1226 01:17:14,900 --> 01:17:17,066 - You're back in Oz because of him. 1227 01:17:17,066 --> 01:17:19,400 You testify, you go free. 1228 01:17:19,400 --> 01:17:22,200 He dies. 1229 01:17:22,200 --> 01:17:24,300 - What is it about Keller, 1230 01:17:24,300 --> 01:17:26,333 Agent Taylor, that obsesses you? 1231 01:17:28,000 --> 01:17:30,200 - I want justice for those murdered men. 1232 01:17:33,200 --> 01:17:34,900 - Look, I may have been disbarred, 1233 01:17:34,900 --> 01:17:36,300 but there's still enough lawyer in me to know 1234 01:17:36,300 --> 01:17:37,800 that justice doesn't come through deceit 1235 01:17:37,800 --> 01:17:39,867 by my rephrasing what Keller said. 1236 01:17:39,867 --> 01:17:40,867 - He's guilty! 1237 01:17:40,867 --> 01:17:42,033 - I know. 1238 01:17:42,033 --> 01:17:44,066 - Freedom, Beecher. 1239 01:17:44,066 --> 01:17:46,934 Tucking your little girl, Holly, in at night. 1240 01:17:51,066 --> 01:17:53,033 - Oh, that's a nice touch. - What's that? 1241 01:17:53,033 --> 01:17:55,233 - Making sure he saw us talking together. 1242 01:17:55,233 --> 01:17:57,300 - Will you cooperate? 1243 01:18:05,266 --> 01:18:06,734 I have to think about it. 1244 01:18:06,734 --> 01:18:08,567 - Well, don't take too long. 1245 01:18:08,567 --> 01:18:10,433 Now, that he's seen us chatting together, 1246 01:18:10,433 --> 01:18:11,867 he'll start to sweat, 1247 01:18:11,867 --> 01:18:14,033 wondering whether you're going to give him up or not. 1248 01:18:14,033 --> 01:18:18,433 To guarantee your silence, he might do something nasty. 1249 01:18:18,433 --> 01:18:20,467 - So the little stroll wasn't to scare him, 1250 01:18:20,467 --> 01:18:22,467 it was to scare me. 1251 01:18:22,467 --> 01:18:25,767 Jesus, you cover every angle, don't you? 1252 01:18:27,567 --> 01:18:29,266 - I try. 1253 01:18:35,900 --> 01:18:40,467 - Now look, tonight's your big premiere, 1254 01:18:40,467 --> 01:18:43,500 and Beecher's big finale. 1255 01:18:43,500 --> 01:18:46,500 I've got a little opening night present for you. 1256 01:18:46,500 --> 01:18:49,166 Right before your fight scene, 1257 01:18:49,166 --> 01:18:53,166 instead of handing you the prop knife, 1258 01:18:53,166 --> 01:18:55,200 I'm gonna give you a real one. 1259 01:18:56,367 --> 01:18:58,500 You get to stab that sucker right there 1260 01:18:58,500 --> 01:19:00,834 on stage in front of everybody. 1261 01:19:00,834 --> 01:19:04,500 And all we say is, like, 1262 01:19:04,500 --> 01:19:06,533 "It was an accident." 1263 01:19:09,367 --> 01:19:11,300 - So, if I tell Taylor what he wants to hear, 1264 01:19:11,300 --> 01:19:13,400 I'll be home in a matter of weeks 1265 01:19:13,400 --> 01:19:16,667 while Keller heads back to death row, 1266 01:19:16,667 --> 01:19:19,400 marking off the calendar. 1267 01:19:19,400 --> 01:19:23,166 - And all you have to do is subvert the truth. 1268 01:19:23,166 --> 01:19:24,967 The question is... 1269 01:19:24,967 --> 01:19:26,934 can you live the rest of your life knowing 1270 01:19:26,934 --> 01:19:29,066 it was built on a lie? 1271 01:19:29,066 --> 01:19:32,700 - But it's not a lie exactly. 1272 01:19:32,700 --> 01:19:35,100 I mean, Keller is guilty. 1273 01:19:35,100 --> 01:19:37,900 - Yes, but it hasn't been proven. 1274 01:19:37,900 --> 01:19:39,467 Your saying that he said something 1275 01:19:39,467 --> 01:19:40,867 he didn't say is not proof. 1276 01:19:40,867 --> 01:19:44,200 Tobias, we live in a nation of laws, 1277 01:19:44,200 --> 01:19:45,934 some of which are inspired 1278 01:19:45,934 --> 01:19:47,367 and some of which are just lousy. 1279 01:19:47,367 --> 01:19:50,734 But we can't abandon our moral code 1280 01:19:50,734 --> 01:19:53,100 whenever it's convenient. 1281 01:19:53,100 --> 01:19:56,033 Then we might as well just open all the gates 1282 01:19:56,033 --> 01:19:57,533 of all the prisons. 1283 01:20:01,066 --> 01:20:03,633 - I want to be with my children. 1284 01:20:06,700 --> 01:20:09,800 - My dear Tobias, 1285 01:20:09,800 --> 01:20:12,667 in all my years sitting across that desk, 1286 01:20:12,667 --> 01:20:15,300 I have learned one thing. 1287 01:20:15,300 --> 01:20:17,800 Most people who come to me with a problem 1288 01:20:17,800 --> 01:20:21,500 have already made up their minds how they'll proceed. 1289 01:20:21,500 --> 01:20:24,333 They're just here hoping I'll agree with them, 1290 01:20:24,333 --> 01:20:27,266 hoping I'll make them feel better. 1291 01:20:27,266 --> 01:20:29,834 I can't do that with you. 1292 01:20:33,500 --> 01:20:35,467 I gotta go. 1293 01:20:35,467 --> 01:20:37,333 Tonight's opening night of "Macbeth." 1294 01:20:37,333 --> 01:20:39,133 I have to get ready. 1295 01:20:56,233 --> 01:20:58,266 Miguel, are you okay? 1296 01:20:58,266 --> 01:21:01,166 - Just a little opening night jitters, 1297 01:21:01,166 --> 01:21:03,700 a little cotton-- cotton mouth. 1298 01:21:03,700 --> 01:21:05,867 - Okay. You set? 1299 01:21:05,867 --> 01:21:07,266 - Let's make theatrical history. 1300 01:21:07,266 --> 01:21:09,233 - All right. You guys ready? 1301 01:21:09,233 --> 01:21:11,500 - I'm so excited I'm gonna bust my buttons. 1302 01:21:11,500 --> 01:21:13,233 - Don't do that, it's a rental. 1303 01:21:13,233 --> 01:21:15,100 All right, everybody, we worked hard, 1304 01:21:15,100 --> 01:21:16,867 so now's the time to have fun. 1305 01:21:16,867 --> 01:21:18,734 So, if you flub a line, just keep going. 1306 01:21:18,734 --> 01:21:21,533 If you miss a cue, don't panic. 1307 01:21:21,533 --> 01:21:23,567 I'm very proud of all of you. 1308 01:21:23,567 --> 01:21:25,333 Break a leg. 1309 01:21:28,800 --> 01:21:30,734 - Have a good show, Beecher. 1310 01:21:36,834 --> 01:21:39,266 - Miguel, dim the house lights. 1311 01:21:54,066 --> 01:21:55,367 Good evening, 1312 01:21:55,367 --> 01:21:56,934 and welcome to the premiere production 1313 01:21:56,934 --> 01:21:58,834 of the Oswald players. 1314 01:21:58,834 --> 01:22:02,033 Before we begin, there are a few changes in the program. 1315 01:22:02,033 --> 01:22:05,700 The second Weird Sister will be played by Reggie Rawls 1316 01:22:05,700 --> 01:22:07,433 instead of Chico Guerra. 1317 01:22:07,433 --> 01:22:09,767 Banquo will be played by Tom Smeeding 1318 01:22:09,767 --> 01:22:11,734 instead of Agamemnon Busmalis. 1319 01:22:11,734 --> 01:22:14,333 And Norman Duttweiler will play King Duncan 1320 01:22:14,333 --> 01:22:16,433 instead of Burr Redding. 1321 01:22:16,433 --> 01:22:19,533 I would also like to say that Warden Leo Glynn 1322 01:22:19,533 --> 01:22:22,533 was a great supporter of bringing the arts to Oz, 1323 01:22:22,533 --> 01:22:25,500 and so, we dedicate tonight's performance 1324 01:22:25,500 --> 01:22:27,767 in his memory, 1325 01:22:27,767 --> 01:22:31,066 and also to the memory of Cyril O'Reily. 1326 01:22:31,066 --> 01:22:32,734 Thank you. 1327 01:22:41,000 --> 01:22:43,400 They spent some money on this shit. 1328 01:22:47,300 --> 01:22:49,467 - When shall we three meet again? 1329 01:22:49,467 --> 01:22:52,567 In thunder, lightning or in rain? 1330 01:22:52,567 --> 01:22:55,066 - When the hurlyburly's done, 1331 01:22:55,066 --> 01:22:57,767 when the battle's lost and won. 1332 01:22:57,767 --> 01:23:00,934 - That will be the set of sun. 1333 01:23:00,934 --> 01:23:03,900 - Where the place? - Upon the heath. 1334 01:23:03,900 --> 01:23:06,633 There to meet with Macbeth. 1335 01:23:11,066 --> 01:23:13,767 - Everlasting bonfire... 1336 01:23:13,767 --> 01:23:16,867 - Anon! Anon! 1337 01:23:16,867 --> 01:23:20,133 I pray you, remember the porter! 1338 01:23:24,734 --> 01:23:26,500 - Hie thee hither, 1339 01:23:26,500 --> 01:23:30,000 that I may pour my spirits in thine ear 1340 01:23:30,000 --> 01:23:33,400 and chastise with the valor of my tongue 1341 01:23:33,400 --> 01:23:36,233 all that impedes thee from the golden round 1342 01:23:36,233 --> 01:23:38,700 which fate and metaphysical aid... 1343 01:23:38,700 --> 01:23:40,033 - Miguel. 1344 01:23:40,033 --> 01:23:42,300 - Doth seem to have three crowned withal. 1345 01:23:47,533 --> 01:23:50,100 - what is thy name? 1346 01:23:50,100 --> 01:23:52,967 - Thou'lt be afraid to hear it. 1347 01:23:52,967 --> 01:23:56,066 - No, though thy callest thyself a hotter name, 1348 01:23:56,066 --> 01:23:58,200 than any is in hell. 1349 01:24:02,000 --> 01:24:03,700 - My name's Macbeth. 1350 01:24:21,400 --> 01:24:24,467 - Toby, I've got a plan, a way to get Schillinger 1351 01:24:24,467 --> 01:24:25,767 out of our lives forever. 1352 01:24:25,767 --> 01:24:26,867 - I don't want to hear it. 1353 01:24:26,867 --> 01:24:29,133 - Toby-- - Just give me my prop. 1354 01:24:47,567 --> 01:24:50,967 - Thou was born of women, but swords I smile at, 1355 01:24:50,967 --> 01:24:53,233 weapons laugh to scorn, 1356 01:24:53,233 --> 01:24:56,533 brandished by man that's of a woman born. 1357 01:24:56,533 --> 01:24:58,133 - Turn! 1358 01:24:58,133 --> 01:24:59,934 Hellhound, turn! 1359 01:25:01,767 --> 01:25:05,333 - Of all men else I have avoided thee. 1360 01:25:06,800 --> 01:25:08,800 But get thee back. 1361 01:25:08,800 --> 01:25:12,166 My soul is too much charged with blood of thine already. 1362 01:25:12,166 --> 01:25:14,033 - I have no words. 1363 01:25:14,033 --> 01:25:16,266 My voice is in my sword, 1364 01:25:16,266 --> 01:25:19,367 thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out. 1365 01:25:19,367 --> 01:25:21,567 man: Stick him, stick him! 1366 01:25:27,533 --> 01:25:29,333 - You're a dead man, sweetpea. 1367 01:25:35,700 --> 01:25:39,433 That cocksucker. 1368 01:25:49,266 --> 01:25:50,333 - Dr. Nathan! 1369 01:25:50,333 --> 01:25:52,133 - That motherfucker's dead. 1370 01:25:59,300 --> 01:26:03,400 - Hey, get back! Get the fuck back! 1371 01:26:03,400 --> 01:26:04,834 - As you know, we're investigating 1372 01:26:04,834 --> 01:26:06,867 what happened on the stage. 1373 01:26:06,867 --> 01:26:09,266 Trying to determine whether Schillinger's death 1374 01:26:09,266 --> 01:26:11,667 was accidental or intentional. 1375 01:26:11,667 --> 01:26:13,567 - Chris Keller says he handed you the knife 1376 01:26:13,567 --> 01:26:15,700 just before your entrance. 1377 01:26:15,700 --> 01:26:18,066 - How did a real knife get on the prop table? 1378 01:26:18,066 --> 01:26:19,867 - I don't know. 1379 01:26:19,867 --> 01:26:22,100 - Suzanne Fitzgerald says there were no problems 1380 01:26:22,100 --> 01:26:23,467 during the rehearsals. 1381 01:26:23,467 --> 01:26:25,600 - Schillinger and Keller seemed very friendly. 1382 01:26:25,600 --> 01:26:28,133 They were horsing around and stuff. 1383 01:26:28,133 --> 01:26:29,667 - What about Beecher? 1384 01:26:29,667 --> 01:26:31,500 - He--he seemed fine. 1385 01:26:31,500 --> 01:26:35,633 Distant, but not in the least bit confrontational. 1386 01:26:35,633 --> 01:26:37,800 - All of which jibes with the statement you made 1387 01:26:37,800 --> 01:26:40,567 immediately after you stabbed Schillinger. 1388 01:26:40,567 --> 01:26:43,400 Do you have anything to add at this time? 1389 01:26:43,400 --> 01:26:45,433 - No, sir. 1390 01:26:45,433 --> 01:26:46,967 - Okay. 1391 01:26:46,967 --> 01:26:50,467 We've decided to rule that Schillinger's death 1392 01:26:50,467 --> 01:26:52,533 was accidental. 1393 01:26:52,533 --> 01:26:54,967 - You're coming back to Em City. 1394 01:26:57,200 --> 01:26:58,834 - Thank you. 1395 01:26:59,800 --> 01:27:01,233 Thank you, all. 1396 01:27:18,367 --> 01:27:19,900 What are you doing here? 1397 01:27:19,900 --> 01:27:22,333 - I asked Querns to transfer me back. 1398 01:27:22,333 --> 01:27:24,200 I guess he convinced McManus. 1399 01:27:24,200 --> 01:27:27,333 Even made us roomies. 1400 01:27:27,333 --> 01:27:29,900 - No. - Yeah. 1401 01:27:29,900 --> 01:27:32,500 - Nothing's changed, Chris. 1402 01:27:32,500 --> 01:27:35,166 - I know, you've got the top bunk just like before. 1403 01:27:35,166 --> 01:27:38,700 - I mean my feelings haven't changed. 1404 01:27:40,133 --> 01:27:41,367 I'm gonna go to McManus, 1405 01:27:41,367 --> 01:27:42,734 ask him to move me to another pod, 1406 01:27:42,734 --> 01:27:44,066 - Toby. - Move me to Gen Pop. 1407 01:27:44,066 --> 01:27:45,400 - Toby, goddamn it. 1408 01:27:45,400 --> 01:27:47,400 - Look, will you get it through your head, 1409 01:27:47,400 --> 01:27:49,867 I don't want you in my life. 1410 01:27:52,000 --> 01:27:54,133 - After everything I've done for you. 1411 01:27:54,133 --> 01:27:57,233 - Yeah, like almost getting me sent to death row. 1412 01:27:57,233 --> 01:27:58,500 - Hey, if it weren't for me, pal, 1413 01:27:58,500 --> 01:27:59,967 you'd be in the morgue instead of Schillinger. 1414 01:27:59,967 --> 01:28:02,700 - Maybe. - Yeah. 1415 01:28:02,700 --> 01:28:05,100 - But if you think I got any satisfaction out of killing him, 1416 01:28:05,100 --> 01:28:07,000 you're wrong. 1417 01:28:07,000 --> 01:28:08,834 You don't know me at all. 1418 01:28:08,834 --> 01:28:11,000 - I don't know you? 1419 01:28:11,000 --> 01:28:13,266 I know you're free of that Nazi fuck. 1420 01:28:16,667 --> 01:28:18,300 - No, I'm not. 1421 01:28:19,767 --> 01:28:22,100 No more free than I am of his two sons, 1422 01:28:22,100 --> 01:28:26,600 or Metzger or Cathy Rockwell. 1423 01:28:33,867 --> 01:28:37,166 Chris, after six years in this place, 1424 01:28:37,166 --> 01:28:41,066 I'm not sure about anything anymore. 1425 01:28:41,066 --> 01:28:44,500 Heaven, justice... 1426 01:28:44,500 --> 01:28:47,967 Truth. 1427 01:28:47,967 --> 01:28:53,200 The only thing I believe in is life. 1428 01:28:53,200 --> 01:28:55,166 Every life is precious. 1429 01:28:55,166 --> 01:28:56,734 Not just yours or mine, 1430 01:28:56,734 --> 01:28:59,700 but every single person on the planet who's breathing, 1431 01:28:59,700 --> 01:29:03,600 their lives are precious. 1432 01:29:03,600 --> 01:29:07,300 And the loss of a single life, even in Oz, 1433 01:29:07,300 --> 01:29:09,200 is my loss too. 1434 01:29:10,867 --> 01:29:13,133 - Well, that's bullshit. 1435 01:29:13,133 --> 01:29:15,867 The only thing that matters is you and me. 1436 01:29:18,166 --> 01:29:20,200 - I don't expect you to understand. 1437 01:29:20,200 --> 01:29:23,000 You kill for sport. 1438 01:29:23,000 --> 01:29:25,066 - I don't understand? 1439 01:29:25,066 --> 01:29:28,600 I'm not the one who got here by accident, pal. 1440 01:29:28,600 --> 01:29:30,900 I kill because I have to. 1441 01:29:30,900 --> 01:29:34,800 I kill what stands in my way, 1442 01:29:34,800 --> 01:29:38,266 like the Aryans. 1443 01:29:38,266 --> 01:29:39,700 - What? 1444 01:29:39,700 --> 01:29:41,300 What about the Aryans? 1445 01:29:41,300 --> 01:29:42,800 - They're no threat to us anymore. 1446 01:29:42,800 --> 01:29:44,934 I took care of that. 1447 01:29:44,934 --> 01:29:46,300 - How? How'd you take care of it? 1448 01:29:46,300 --> 01:29:47,600 - Never mind, kiss me. 1449 01:29:47,600 --> 01:29:49,233 - Wait. 1450 01:29:53,967 --> 01:29:56,200 Answer me this first, okay? 1451 01:29:58,467 --> 01:30:00,467 I want you to be honest, okay? 1452 01:30:05,300 --> 01:30:07,467 Did you purposely fuck up my parole? 1453 01:30:22,667 --> 01:30:24,900 - Toby, I couldn't face the rest of my life 1454 01:30:24,900 --> 01:30:26,734 living in here without you. 1455 01:30:29,800 --> 01:30:32,033 Don't you see? I did what I did out of love. 1456 01:30:34,567 --> 01:30:37,567 - If you really love me, 1457 01:30:37,567 --> 01:30:40,367 then leave me alone. 1458 01:30:46,033 --> 01:30:47,600 - I can't. 1459 01:30:47,600 --> 01:30:49,867 - Listen to me. Listen to me. 1460 01:30:49,867 --> 01:30:51,367 I loved alcohol. 1461 01:30:51,367 --> 01:30:53,400 I loved heroin. 1462 01:30:53,400 --> 01:30:56,967 I had to put them behind me because they were poison. 1463 01:30:58,867 --> 01:31:00,100 Death. 1464 01:31:03,867 --> 01:31:06,000 You are death. 1465 01:31:07,800 --> 01:31:09,500 Let me live. 1466 01:31:23,200 --> 01:31:26,367 - I can't. - Motherfucker! 1467 01:31:26,367 --> 01:31:29,233 - Toby, I love you. 1468 01:31:29,233 --> 01:31:30,800 Beecher, don't! 1469 01:31:30,800 --> 01:31:32,767 - No! 1470 01:31:32,767 --> 01:31:34,300 No! - No! 1471 01:31:57,200 --> 01:32:00,300 God is a funny fellow, Sister. 1472 01:32:02,333 --> 01:32:06,066 See, I decided this morning to cooperate with the FBI 1473 01:32:06,066 --> 01:32:07,800 to help them convict Keller. 1474 01:32:07,800 --> 01:32:08,900 - Oh? 1475 01:32:08,900 --> 01:32:13,667 - And now, with Keller dead, 1476 01:32:13,667 --> 01:32:16,400 that opportunity is gone, 1477 01:32:16,400 --> 01:32:20,133 and with it, my chance for freedom. 1478 01:32:20,133 --> 01:32:24,967 In fact, I may be facing the death penalty 1479 01:32:24,967 --> 01:32:26,633 for Keller's murder. 1480 01:32:26,633 --> 01:32:29,100 - You didn't push him, did you? 1481 01:32:29,100 --> 01:32:30,767 - No. 1482 01:32:32,834 --> 01:32:36,900 - Well, let's hope this time the truth works for you. 1483 01:32:36,900 --> 01:32:41,233 - You know, he said he did what he did out of love. 1484 01:32:41,233 --> 01:32:43,934 - Oh, love is used 1485 01:32:43,934 --> 01:32:48,066 as an excuse for so many things. 1486 01:32:48,066 --> 01:32:51,333 - No. 1487 01:32:51,333 --> 01:32:54,767 He really did love me, Sister. 1488 01:32:54,767 --> 01:32:57,934 - Yes. 1489 01:32:57,934 --> 01:32:59,767 - And I loved him. 1490 01:33:02,400 --> 01:33:06,734 When God was designing the universe, 1491 01:33:06,734 --> 01:33:09,567 why did he make something so wonderful 1492 01:33:09,567 --> 01:33:12,400 so fucking painful? 1493 01:33:13,533 --> 01:33:16,800 - I think he thought we could handle it. 1494 01:33:16,800 --> 01:33:18,834 - Beecher. 1495 01:33:18,834 --> 01:33:21,233 I'm going to move you back to Unit J. 1496 01:33:21,233 --> 01:33:22,834 I'm concerned about the Aryans 1497 01:33:22,834 --> 01:33:25,000 taking revenge on you for Schillinger. 1498 01:33:25,000 --> 01:33:27,333 - I said the same thing to Keller, and he said, 1499 01:33:27,333 --> 01:33:30,300 "Don't worry, I've handled the Aryans." 1500 01:33:30,300 --> 01:33:32,700 - What did he mean by that? 1501 01:33:45,000 --> 01:33:46,900 - Hey, Andenaur, check it out. 1502 01:33:46,900 --> 01:33:49,500 You got a package. 1503 01:33:49,500 --> 01:33:53,433 - Hmm, no name, 1504 01:33:53,433 --> 01:33:56,000 no return address. 1505 01:34:01,233 --> 01:34:03,934 What the fuck is this? - I don't know. 1506 01:34:17,533 --> 01:34:21,100 - They're all dead? - Yes, plus two C.O.'s. 1507 01:34:21,100 --> 01:34:23,300 - From what? - I'm not sure, but it could be 1508 01:34:23,300 --> 01:34:25,266 any number of toxins or chemicals. 1509 01:34:25,266 --> 01:34:26,834 I cordoned off the area, but I've got to tell you, 1510 01:34:26,834 --> 01:34:28,567 this is way beyond my expertise. 1511 01:34:28,567 --> 01:34:29,767 - What do we do? 1512 01:34:29,767 --> 01:34:31,000 - Call the state bio-terrorism unit, 1513 01:34:31,000 --> 01:34:34,300 and clear out the entire complex, fast! 1514 01:34:34,300 --> 01:34:36,734 - Proceed immediately to level one, 1515 01:34:36,734 --> 01:34:38,834 emergency evacuation. 1516 01:34:38,834 --> 01:34:40,467 - Where are we going to take them? 1517 01:34:40,467 --> 01:34:41,934 - Beats the shit out of me. 1518 01:34:41,934 --> 01:34:43,400 All I've been told is 1519 01:34:43,400 --> 01:34:45,033 the move is temporary. 1520 01:34:45,033 --> 01:34:46,266 We'll be back, someday. 1521 01:34:46,266 --> 01:34:48,834 - Emergency evacuation. 1522 01:34:55,500 --> 01:34:57,567 - I said everybody out! 1523 01:35:07,834 --> 01:35:09,834 - Come on, move it! 1524 01:35:09,834 --> 01:35:12,133 - Let's go! Let's go 1525 01:35:17,734 --> 01:35:19,000 - Let's go! 1526 01:35:21,100 --> 01:35:23,800 - Give me a blanket! - Shut up and move! 1527 01:35:24,867 --> 01:35:26,433 - Let's go, Come on, let's go! 1528 01:35:26,433 --> 01:35:27,867 - All right, come on. Come on. 1529 01:35:30,500 --> 01:35:32,800 - Back of the bus first. 1530 01:35:32,800 --> 01:35:35,033 Move to the back of the bus. 1531 01:36:28,800 --> 01:36:31,033 - Count! 1532 01:36:31,033 --> 01:36:33,633 - A lot of people thought we'd never reopen Emerald City. 1533 01:36:33,633 --> 01:36:35,667 - Came out like nothing was happening... 1534 01:36:35,667 --> 01:36:37,200 - I killed a man. 1535 01:36:39,066 --> 01:36:40,633 - Fuck you. - Help! 1536 01:36:40,633 --> 01:36:42,834 - Lights out, O'Reily. 1537 01:36:42,834 --> 01:36:44,633 - Settle down! 1538 01:36:44,633 --> 01:36:46,533 - Officer! 1539 01:36:51,767 --> 01:36:54,533 - The bikers, the Christians, the gays... 1540 01:36:54,533 --> 01:36:56,667 - Follow routine. 1541 01:36:56,667 --> 01:37:01,567 - We tell you when to sleep, when to eat, 1542 01:37:01,567 --> 01:37:03,600 when to piss. 1543 01:37:33,066 --> 01:37:35,600 - So, what have we learned? 1544 01:37:35,600 --> 01:37:38,033 What's the lesson for today, 1545 01:37:38,033 --> 01:37:41,867 for all the never-ending days and restless nights in Oz? 1546 01:37:41,867 --> 01:37:44,533 That morality is transient? 1547 01:37:44,533 --> 01:37:49,433 That virtue cannot exist without violence? 1548 01:37:49,433 --> 01:37:53,433 That to be honest is to be flawed? 1549 01:37:53,433 --> 01:37:55,867 That the giving and taking of love, 1550 01:37:55,867 --> 01:37:59,066 both debases and elevates us? 1551 01:37:59,066 --> 01:38:04,300 That God or Allah or Yahweh has answer to questions 1552 01:38:04,300 --> 01:38:07,567 we dare not even ask? 1553 01:38:07,567 --> 01:38:09,934 The story is simple. 1554 01:38:09,934 --> 01:38:13,233 A man lives in prison and dies. 1555 01:38:13,233 --> 01:38:17,200 How he dies, that's easy. 1556 01:38:17,200 --> 01:38:21,967 The who and the why is the complex part, 1557 01:38:21,967 --> 01:38:25,533 the human part, 1558 01:38:25,533 --> 01:38:29,433 the only part worth... 1559 01:38:29,433 --> 01:38:31,133 knowing. 1560 01:38:34,700 --> 01:38:36,500 Peace.