1 00:01:46,567 --> 00:01:48,533 - A wise man once said, 2 00:01:48,533 --> 00:01:52,166 "Life is an adventure in forgiveness." 3 00:01:52,166 --> 00:01:55,900 Now, you might rank bungee jumps off a bridge in New Zealand 4 00:01:55,900 --> 00:01:58,333 or bachelor parties in Vegas a few notches higher 5 00:01:58,333 --> 00:01:59,967 on the adventure ladder, 6 00:01:59,967 --> 00:02:02,400 but think about the risks involved. 7 00:02:02,400 --> 00:02:04,900 You could climb to the mountaintop of attrition 8 00:02:04,900 --> 00:02:08,633 only to get shot down by a victim who refuses to forgive. 9 00:02:08,633 --> 00:02:10,400 Think about the rewards. 10 00:02:10,400 --> 00:02:12,867 A chance to heal those nasty wounds, 11 00:02:12,867 --> 00:02:15,300 reconcile with someone you love. 12 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:17,567 Huh. Now, that I think about it, 13 00:02:17,567 --> 00:02:19,166 forgiveness might knock bungee jumps 14 00:02:19,166 --> 00:02:23,300 and bachelor parties off the charts. 15 00:02:29,500 --> 00:02:31,734 - It's okay. Take a break. 16 00:02:33,567 --> 00:02:35,166 Cutler's a suicide, huh? 17 00:02:35,166 --> 00:02:38,934 - That's what Reimondo's saying, and I ain't disagreeing. 18 00:02:38,934 --> 00:02:42,433 - I didn't imagine you would. - So, now what, Vern? 19 00:02:42,433 --> 00:02:44,266 Is there someone else who needs to commit suicide 20 00:02:44,266 --> 00:02:45,834 before I get some respect? 21 00:02:45,834 --> 00:02:47,667 - Jesus Christ, Robson, you made your point, all right? 22 00:02:47,667 --> 00:02:48,834 Shut the fuck up and spot me. 23 00:02:53,133 --> 00:02:56,200 And...one! 24 00:02:56,200 --> 00:02:58,567 Come on! Come on! 25 00:03:01,033 --> 00:03:03,633 - Miguel, sit down. 26 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:09,800 - What'd I do? 27 00:03:09,800 --> 00:03:12,166 - Well, that's what I'm wondering. 28 00:03:12,166 --> 00:03:14,734 Tell me about your relationship with Wolfgang Cutler. 29 00:03:14,734 --> 00:03:16,500 - Cutler? Nazi guy? 30 00:03:16,500 --> 00:03:18,066 We didn't have a relationship. 31 00:03:18,066 --> 00:03:20,834 Dome-head was an equal-opportunity racist. 32 00:03:20,834 --> 00:03:22,133 - So, it would surprise you 33 00:03:22,133 --> 00:03:23,567 if he left you something in his will? 34 00:03:23,567 --> 00:03:26,533 - He left me something? Like what? 35 00:03:26,533 --> 00:03:28,133 - Like everything he owned. 36 00:03:28,133 --> 00:03:29,867 - What? 37 00:03:29,867 --> 00:03:32,767 - You are the sole beneficiary of all his worldly goods, 38 00:03:32,767 --> 00:03:35,166 both in Oz and on the outside. 39 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:38,400 His house, his car, 40 00:03:38,400 --> 00:03:41,734 hell, his 1942 Indian motorcycle. 41 00:03:41,734 --> 00:03:43,200 - Get the fuck out of here. 42 00:03:43,200 --> 00:03:45,033 - The will is signed and notarized. 43 00:03:45,033 --> 00:03:46,367 - Are you shittin' me? 44 00:03:46,367 --> 00:03:48,500 I barely even spoke to the fucking guy, 45 00:03:48,500 --> 00:03:50,400 a couple of times at rehearsal. 46 00:03:50,400 --> 00:03:51,800 That's it. 47 00:03:51,800 --> 00:03:55,300 The guy had any wife, kids, family, anything? 48 00:03:55,300 --> 00:03:57,233 - Wife, no kids. 49 00:03:57,233 --> 00:04:00,633 - Ahh. This is fucking crazy. 50 00:04:00,633 --> 00:04:04,600 - So, we packed up his cell, put all his belongings in a box. 51 00:04:04,600 --> 00:04:06,533 You're gonna have to decide what you want to keep. 52 00:04:06,533 --> 00:04:10,166 - I'm not gonna look through a dead guy's things. 53 00:04:10,166 --> 00:04:12,066 Jesus. 54 00:04:20,333 --> 00:04:22,100 - I guess we'll have to wait till the afterlife 55 00:04:22,100 --> 00:04:23,500 to find out why Cutler would up and give 56 00:04:23,500 --> 00:04:26,533 his belongings to a fucking wetback. 57 00:04:26,533 --> 00:04:28,934 - Yo, I'm as bugged out as you. 58 00:04:28,934 --> 00:04:31,900 I mean, I know you guys spent a lot of time with Cutler. 59 00:04:31,900 --> 00:04:33,400 Did he ever mention anything about me? 60 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:36,400 - Uh, yeah, in his sleep at night. 61 00:04:36,400 --> 00:04:39,667 He'd whisper your name. Fuck off. 62 00:04:39,667 --> 00:04:41,767 - I'll suggest this now, Alvarez, or I'll find a way 63 00:04:41,767 --> 00:04:44,133 to make it happen later, 64 00:04:44,133 --> 00:04:45,967 you sign all his stuff over to his wife. 65 00:04:45,967 --> 00:04:47,266 - I already thought about that. 66 00:04:47,266 --> 00:04:50,500 - Don't think, spic. Do. 67 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:51,667 - You know what, maybe I should give 68 00:04:51,667 --> 00:04:54,033 all his assets to you, Roby, 69 00:04:54,033 --> 00:04:56,300 being that you already gave him your ass. 70 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:02,400 - Cunt. 71 00:05:12,000 --> 00:05:14,567 You miss me? I've been missing you. 72 00:05:23,300 --> 00:05:26,300 - What happened to you the last few months? 73 00:05:31,100 --> 00:05:32,333 Things got a little hectic. 74 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:37,867 But now I'm back on track. 75 00:05:37,867 --> 00:05:41,066 God damn, Leez, you look good. 76 00:05:49,767 --> 00:05:53,433 Beat me off, baby. Beat me off. 77 00:05:53,433 --> 00:05:54,934 Will you relax? What the fuck is your problem? 78 00:05:54,934 --> 00:05:57,400 - Let go of me! - Sit down, now! 79 00:05:57,400 --> 00:05:59,233 - Let go of me, you cocksucker! 80 00:05:59,233 --> 00:06:00,433 - What'd you just call me? 81 00:06:00,433 --> 00:06:02,600 - Cocksucker! 82 00:06:02,600 --> 00:06:04,767 - Don't you ever call me that again, ever! 83 00:06:04,767 --> 00:06:06,467 - Robson, what's your problem? - I am not a cocksucker! 84 00:06:06,467 --> 00:06:08,266 - Fuck! 85 00:06:12,066 --> 00:06:13,767 Fuck! 86 00:06:53,233 --> 00:06:55,133 - I'm at a Chinese restaurant. 87 00:06:55,133 --> 00:06:57,100 My fortune cookie says, 88 00:06:57,100 --> 00:07:00,533 "Whoever opts for revenge should dig two graves." 89 00:07:00,533 --> 00:07:02,600 - I hate Chinese food. 90 00:07:02,600 --> 00:07:05,266 - Shut the fuck up, Hank. - "Shut the fuck up, Hank." 91 00:07:05,266 --> 00:07:08,967 - My brother's an annoying little prick, but I forgive him. 92 00:07:08,967 --> 00:07:13,000 Why? 'Cause we only get two choices. 93 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:16,500 Forgive or die a slow death. 94 00:07:19,633 --> 00:07:23,133 One of them studies doctors do shows that carrying around 95 00:07:23,133 --> 00:07:25,200 the baggage of anger and bitterness 96 00:07:25,200 --> 00:07:27,800 can put you at risk for mental illness, 97 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:31,967 for depression and anxiety, as well as strokes, 98 00:07:31,967 --> 00:07:34,734 heart disease, and heart attacks. 99 00:07:39,233 --> 00:07:40,400 - Who knew? 100 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:43,433 Forgiveness is good for your health. 101 00:07:48,800 --> 00:07:51,266 - Everybody's attention, please. 102 00:07:51,266 --> 00:07:54,367 Can I have your attention, please? 103 00:07:54,367 --> 00:07:56,900 When Augustus Hill died, 104 00:07:56,900 --> 00:07:59,734 we thought we lost him forever, but we didn't. 105 00:07:59,734 --> 00:08:02,367 He wrote a book 106 00:08:02,367 --> 00:08:04,934 about his life here, 107 00:08:04,934 --> 00:08:07,300 about your lives, 108 00:08:07,300 --> 00:08:10,700 and Kareem Said's last great act 109 00:08:10,700 --> 00:08:13,667 was to get Augustus' book published. 110 00:08:13,667 --> 00:08:18,667 Now, when Kareem died, the book could've died with him, 111 00:08:18,667 --> 00:08:20,800 but it didn't 112 00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:26,000 because of the hard work and the dedication of these men. 113 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:30,200 I want you all to share in their triumph. 114 00:08:36,367 --> 00:08:38,333 - Here you go. 115 00:09:17,533 --> 00:09:19,133 - Fuck, man. 116 00:09:19,133 --> 00:09:20,734 All right, already. 117 00:09:20,734 --> 00:09:21,967 Yo, quit fuckin' with me! 118 00:09:21,967 --> 00:09:23,934 - Rawls, Rawls! Take it easy. 119 00:09:23,934 --> 00:09:25,767 You have any idea how much this machine costs? 120 00:09:25,767 --> 00:09:28,033 - Yo, I'm doing something wrong. 121 00:09:28,033 --> 00:09:30,800 - Don't touch it. I'll get Arif. 122 00:09:35,367 --> 00:09:37,033 We got big trouble. 123 00:09:37,033 --> 00:09:39,300 One of the guys are having problems with something 124 00:09:39,300 --> 00:09:40,900 I couldn't help him with. 125 00:09:40,900 --> 00:09:42,734 You might want to go take a few minutes and check it out. 126 00:09:42,734 --> 00:09:44,200 - I don't have a few minutes, Jamal. 127 00:09:44,200 --> 00:09:46,266 You can see that, can't you? 128 00:09:46,266 --> 00:09:48,100 - Would it help to hire someone from the outside 129 00:09:48,100 --> 00:09:50,066 to do the accounting? 130 00:09:50,066 --> 00:09:51,800 - And pay them with what? 131 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:54,300 You see that figure on the bottom right, right there? 132 00:09:54,300 --> 00:09:57,433 That's our gross so far, 1/5 of what it should be. 133 00:09:57,433 --> 00:10:00,100 With all due respect to Kareem Said, 134 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:03,367 taking on Hill's book pro bono wasn't a sound business plan. 135 00:10:03,367 --> 00:10:05,734 - Us paying minimum wage is the problem. 136 00:10:05,734 --> 00:10:08,000 A small cut, which would still be far above 137 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:10,433 what prisoners usually make, might be the best solution. 138 00:10:10,433 --> 00:10:12,767 - And defeat the whole purpose of this operation? 139 00:10:12,767 --> 00:10:13,967 No. 140 00:10:13,967 --> 00:10:15,433 - What is the purpose exactly, to run 141 00:10:15,433 --> 00:10:17,734 a successful company, or humiliate Burr Redding? 142 00:10:30,433 --> 00:10:33,200 - Prisoner number 01R934, 143 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:35,233 Reginald Rawls. 144 00:10:45,300 --> 00:10:47,667 Convicted January 10, 2001, 145 00:10:47,667 --> 00:10:49,000 aggravated assault. 146 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,233 Sentence: 12 years, 147 00:10:51,233 --> 00:10:54,367 up for parole in 4. 148 00:10:54,367 --> 00:10:58,567 - First, telemarketing, now bookbinding? 149 00:10:58,567 --> 00:11:00,400 Ain't exactly the kind of prison life 150 00:11:00,400 --> 00:11:02,200 you hear about on the street. 151 00:11:02,200 --> 00:11:05,233 - All right, game's over. 152 00:11:05,233 --> 00:11:09,467 I want you two back with me in Degenhart's company. 153 00:11:09,467 --> 00:11:11,400 Poet put you up to this, 154 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:15,367 following him to work for the Muslims. 155 00:11:15,367 --> 00:11:17,934 Well, in case you forgot, 156 00:11:17,934 --> 00:11:19,800 you answer to me. 157 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:21,900 - We do? 158 00:11:21,900 --> 00:11:25,300 Kenaniah, we still answer to Mr. Redding here? 159 00:11:25,300 --> 00:11:29,066 - You two begged like bitches to get a place in my clan. 160 00:11:30,934 --> 00:11:32,333 I gave you shelter. 161 00:11:32,333 --> 00:11:35,633 I showed you the ropes. 162 00:11:35,633 --> 00:11:37,467 And this is the thanks I get. 163 00:11:37,467 --> 00:11:39,000 - Please. 164 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:40,834 We were your foot soldiers, 165 00:11:40,834 --> 00:11:44,166 day and night running tits and shit. 166 00:11:44,166 --> 00:11:46,633 Now, you turn around and want us to do work 167 00:11:46,633 --> 00:11:50,300 that's just plain fuckin' work? 168 00:11:50,300 --> 00:11:53,233 Kiss my ass, old man. 169 00:12:02,500 --> 00:12:04,133 - Preach that shit, Reggie. 170 00:12:04,133 --> 00:12:06,767 - You know it, nigga. 171 00:12:06,767 --> 00:12:08,033 Give me that, give me that. 172 00:12:08,033 --> 00:12:09,367 Boom! 173 00:12:10,667 --> 00:12:14,000 - So, Redding, you wanted to see me. 174 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:16,200 About what? 175 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:19,433 - Well, when I told you fellas I was giving up the tit trade, 176 00:12:19,433 --> 00:12:21,533 you didn't believe me. 177 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:23,400 - No, we didn't. 178 00:12:23,400 --> 00:12:26,800 - Well, now you can see that my words are righteous. 179 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:30,100 I got involved in this telemarketing business 180 00:12:30,100 --> 00:12:33,400 to keep my boys from slinging, 181 00:12:33,400 --> 00:12:35,500 but it's not working, 182 00:12:35,500 --> 00:12:37,300 and I need your help. 183 00:12:37,300 --> 00:12:41,967 If you see Poet, Rawls, or any of the others dealing, 184 00:12:41,967 --> 00:12:45,567 I want you to squash 'em, squash 'em hard. 185 00:12:45,567 --> 00:12:47,066 - You want us to kill your own men? 186 00:12:47,066 --> 00:12:50,734 - Not kill, demobilize. 187 00:12:50,734 --> 00:12:54,300 Weaken 'em until they have to come back to me. 188 00:13:01,700 --> 00:13:04,300 - Looks like you got yourself a deal. 189 00:13:10,133 --> 00:13:14,300 - Yo, I am done toting and lifting heavy machinery. 190 00:13:14,300 --> 00:13:18,200 We need to get back to slinging drugs. 191 00:13:18,200 --> 00:13:22,667 - I hear ya, Reggie, but the timing ain't right. 192 00:13:24,367 --> 00:13:26,700 - Man, I would love to take that dago down. 193 00:13:26,700 --> 00:13:28,600 - You will, yo, you will. 194 00:13:28,600 --> 00:13:30,066 But not yet, though. 195 00:13:30,066 --> 00:13:32,834 We got to play this real smooth, real smooth. 196 00:13:32,834 --> 00:13:35,000 - Hey, guys. 197 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:36,767 Y'all want ball? 198 00:13:36,767 --> 00:13:39,433 - Drop dead, Omar. 199 00:13:49,100 --> 00:13:52,834 - Prisoner number 03I462, Lemuel Idzik. 200 00:13:53,934 --> 00:13:56,633 Convicted February 2, 2003, 201 00:13:56,633 --> 00:13:58,066 murder in the second degree. 202 00:13:58,066 --> 00:14:00,000 Sentence: Life imprisonment 203 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:02,767 without the possibility of parole. 204 00:14:02,767 --> 00:14:05,600 - You'll be staying here in J, at least temporarily, 205 00:14:05,600 --> 00:14:07,233 until we see how the rest of the population 206 00:14:07,233 --> 00:14:09,900 adjusts to you being around. 207 00:14:09,900 --> 00:14:12,233 There's your nest. 208 00:14:17,467 --> 00:14:20,066 - Good to see you there, Warden. 209 00:14:29,033 --> 00:14:31,367 I'm Alvin Yood. 210 00:14:39,800 --> 00:14:42,400 Friendly type, huh? 211 00:14:55,700 --> 00:14:58,967 - Arif, I just heard the motherfucker 212 00:14:58,967 --> 00:15:02,734 that killed Said is coming to Oz. 213 00:15:02,734 --> 00:15:04,367 - He's already here. 214 00:15:04,367 --> 00:15:06,266 - Here? 215 00:15:06,266 --> 00:15:09,033 Well, what we gonna do? 216 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:11,033 - Do? - Yeah, yeah. Do. Do. 217 00:15:11,033 --> 00:15:12,166 What are we doing to do? I mean, you know. 218 00:15:12,166 --> 00:15:13,333 We gotta whack his white ass. 219 00:15:13,333 --> 00:15:16,200 - No! 220 00:15:16,200 --> 00:15:18,767 - What's the matter, Arif, ain't you got the balls? 221 00:15:18,767 --> 00:15:21,633 - I promised the warden no harm would come to Idzik, 222 00:15:21,633 --> 00:15:24,967 and no Muslim would seek revenge. 223 00:15:24,967 --> 00:15:28,133 - Like I said, no balls. 224 00:15:28,133 --> 00:15:30,166 - Listen to me. 225 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:32,633 I saw Kareem Said get shot. 226 00:15:32,633 --> 00:15:35,900 I held him in my arms as he died. 227 00:15:35,900 --> 00:15:40,033 The last words he said were, "Don't harm him." 228 00:15:40,033 --> 00:15:43,300 Now, as hard as it is not to do something, 229 00:15:43,300 --> 00:15:46,700 I will respect and obey the Minister's wishes, 230 00:15:46,700 --> 00:15:48,667 and you will do the same. 231 00:15:51,500 --> 00:15:56,367 - Don't you be ordering me around, motherfucker. 232 00:15:56,367 --> 00:15:59,567 You don't own me, you understand? 233 00:15:59,567 --> 00:16:02,700 Not one little bit of me. 234 00:16:12,967 --> 00:16:14,667 - Mail call. 235 00:16:17,533 --> 00:16:18,734 How's the new guy? 236 00:16:18,734 --> 00:16:20,567 - Marathon talker. 237 00:16:30,300 --> 00:16:34,500 - The Brotherhood is grateful for what you did to Said. 238 00:16:34,500 --> 00:16:36,900 Them Muslim bastards start to hassle you, 239 00:16:36,900 --> 00:16:39,567 you just let me know, we'll take care of them. 240 00:16:39,567 --> 00:16:42,767 - I am a Jew. 241 00:16:42,767 --> 00:16:44,600 - A Jew. 242 00:16:46,900 --> 00:16:51,266 Well, I've always said there's some good use for you people. 243 00:16:51,266 --> 00:16:54,100 So explain. 244 00:16:54,100 --> 00:16:55,734 Why the fuck did you kill him? 245 00:16:55,734 --> 00:16:57,734 Some Israeli-Palestine thing? 246 00:16:57,734 --> 00:16:59,200 - Water. 247 00:16:59,200 --> 00:17:01,133 Cold water. 248 00:17:01,133 --> 00:17:02,700 - Huh? 249 00:17:02,700 --> 00:17:04,867 - You put cold water in a... 250 00:17:04,867 --> 00:17:07,800 let's say a teapot, 251 00:17:07,800 --> 00:17:11,567 turn the stove on, 252 00:17:11,567 --> 00:17:13,133 the water gets hot, right? 253 00:17:13,133 --> 00:17:17,166 At some point it gets as hot as it will ever be, blistering. 254 00:17:17,166 --> 00:17:22,033 Meanwhile, the stove is off, the water starts to cool, 255 00:17:22,033 --> 00:17:24,867 until eventually it's cold. 256 00:17:24,867 --> 00:17:27,567 That's the way things work in the universe, 257 00:17:27,567 --> 00:17:31,667 cold, hot, cold. 258 00:17:34,867 --> 00:17:37,333 - You should've pleaded insanity. 259 00:17:46,834 --> 00:17:49,400 - Omar, you wanted to see me? 260 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:51,066 - Y-yes, sir. 261 00:17:53,700 --> 00:17:57,500 I am hereby and officially requesting 262 00:17:57,500 --> 00:18:00,567 a face-to-face meeting with Lemuel Idzik. 263 00:18:00,567 --> 00:18:02,667 - Ah, that would be a no. 264 00:18:02,667 --> 00:18:03,667 - Wait, wait, wait, hear me out, hear me out. 265 00:18:03,667 --> 00:18:05,100 - He killed Said. 266 00:18:05,100 --> 00:18:06,567 I'm not gonna give you a chance to return the favor. 267 00:18:06,567 --> 00:18:08,100 - I'm not going to hurt him. 268 00:18:08,100 --> 00:18:10,066 - Yeah, that's what you say now, but what will you say 269 00:18:10,066 --> 00:18:12,667 when you stand over his dead body with a shank in your hand? 270 00:18:12,667 --> 00:18:14,367 Not gonna happen. 271 00:18:16,834 --> 00:18:18,367 - Fuck! 272 00:18:41,100 --> 00:18:44,567 - So, if forgiveness is so good for us, 273 00:18:44,567 --> 00:18:46,633 why don't we do it more? 274 00:18:46,633 --> 00:18:49,100 - Same reason I don't eat tofu. 275 00:18:49,100 --> 00:18:50,533 It tastes like shit. 276 00:18:50,533 --> 00:18:53,033 - There are two reasons we hold back. 277 00:18:53,033 --> 00:18:56,100 First, accountability. 278 00:18:56,100 --> 00:18:59,567 As long as we're still in pain, we need someone to blame. 279 00:18:59,567 --> 00:19:01,000 What can you do with all that pain 280 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:03,400 if you've let the bastard off the hook? 281 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:05,900 Second, identity. 282 00:19:05,900 --> 00:19:08,000 Without this rage consuming me, 283 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:11,600 without this resentment, this bitterness, 284 00:19:11,600 --> 00:19:13,667 who am I? 285 00:19:13,667 --> 00:19:16,233 - And finally, the Correctional Officers Association 286 00:19:16,233 --> 00:19:18,900 is holding their annual awards dinner and banquet 287 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:20,467 here later this month. 288 00:19:20,467 --> 00:19:23,266 - How come we always have to host these fuckin' things? 289 00:19:23,266 --> 00:19:25,266 - That attitude, Claire, is why you probably 290 00:19:25,266 --> 00:19:27,500 won't be taking home a trophy again this year. 291 00:19:29,133 --> 00:19:31,467 Don't forget, it's black tie and evening gown. 292 00:19:31,467 --> 00:19:33,700 Okay, let's make a good showing. 293 00:19:33,700 --> 00:19:36,567 All right, that's all for today. 294 00:19:36,567 --> 00:19:38,000 - An evening gown. 295 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:39,333 - I can't wear an evening gown. 296 00:19:39,333 --> 00:19:40,800 - I don't even own one. 297 00:19:44,633 --> 00:19:46,033 - Warden, can I have a minute? 298 00:19:46,033 --> 00:19:47,667 - Sure. 299 00:19:49,467 --> 00:19:51,100 - I've been a CO a lot of years, 300 00:19:51,100 --> 00:19:55,934 and in that time I've done some things I regret. 301 00:19:55,934 --> 00:19:57,934 - We all have, Sean. 302 00:19:57,934 --> 00:20:00,200 Occupational hazard. 303 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:03,066 - Yeah, well, what I mean is that we spend a lot of time 304 00:20:03,066 --> 00:20:05,867 trying to get the prisoners to rat each other out, 305 00:20:05,867 --> 00:20:08,333 yet when it comes to us, there's this... 306 00:20:08,333 --> 00:20:10,233 code of silence. 307 00:20:10,233 --> 00:20:12,233 - Which you're about to break. 308 00:20:12,233 --> 00:20:13,233 - Yeah. 309 00:20:13,233 --> 00:20:15,567 - I don't envy you right now. 310 00:20:21,467 --> 00:20:22,800 Who? 311 00:20:22,800 --> 00:20:24,133 - Dave Brass. 312 00:20:24,133 --> 00:20:25,734 - He killed Carlos Martinez? 313 00:20:25,734 --> 00:20:28,367 - No, no, no, but Dave lied about talking to Martinez 314 00:20:28,367 --> 00:20:29,867 the night he died. 315 00:20:29,867 --> 00:20:31,633 There was no death bed confession. 316 00:20:31,633 --> 00:20:34,066 Martinez never implicated Morales 317 00:20:34,066 --> 00:20:35,533 in the cutting of Dave's tendons. 318 00:20:35,533 --> 00:20:37,633 - So, that's the real reason you asked me to move 319 00:20:37,633 --> 00:20:39,100 Morales to the hospital. 320 00:20:39,100 --> 00:20:41,066 - I still think the dink is guilty. 321 00:20:41,066 --> 00:20:42,433 - But there's no proof. 322 00:20:42,433 --> 00:20:46,400 We dumped him in solitary unjustly. 323 00:20:46,400 --> 00:20:48,400 - Worse. 324 00:20:48,400 --> 00:20:52,066 Dave, Claire Howell, and myself, we... 325 00:20:52,066 --> 00:20:55,033 we're the ones who cut up Morales' ankles. 326 00:21:03,734 --> 00:21:06,400 - I suspected that Brass was involved 327 00:21:06,400 --> 00:21:08,300 and that Howell allowed it to happen. 328 00:21:08,300 --> 00:21:09,667 But you, Sean... 329 00:21:09,667 --> 00:21:11,133 - Dave was my pal, you know? 330 00:21:11,133 --> 00:21:13,567 Morales fucked up his life forever. 331 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:17,533 - Okay. 332 00:21:17,533 --> 00:21:19,233 Thank you. 333 00:21:19,233 --> 00:21:20,667 - That's it, thanks? 334 00:21:20,667 --> 00:21:23,200 - I'll discipline the three of you, 335 00:21:23,200 --> 00:21:27,000 but how exactly I don't know yet. 336 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:28,467 - Right. 337 00:21:28,467 --> 00:21:31,834 - Sean? - Yeah? 338 00:21:31,834 --> 00:21:34,600 - It takes balls, what you just did. 339 00:21:34,600 --> 00:21:36,200 - Well, I didn't become a zoo keeper 340 00:21:36,200 --> 00:21:38,166 just to behave like one of the animals. 341 00:21:44,567 --> 00:21:46,734 - Put it into your mouth. 342 00:21:46,734 --> 00:21:48,667 - Morales. 343 00:21:51,333 --> 00:21:53,633 I'm releasing you from solitary, permanently, 344 00:21:53,633 --> 00:21:55,767 putting you back in Emerald City. 345 00:21:55,767 --> 00:21:56,967 - Why? 346 00:21:56,967 --> 00:21:59,000 - I don't need to give a reason, do I? 347 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:00,934 That might make me think twice. 348 00:22:00,934 --> 00:22:03,200 - All right, forget the why. 349 00:22:05,166 --> 00:22:07,367 Hey, Warden, 350 00:22:07,367 --> 00:22:10,934 what do you know about Nurse Grace? 351 00:22:10,934 --> 00:22:12,467 - Know about her? 352 00:22:12,467 --> 00:22:13,967 Nothing, 353 00:22:13,967 --> 00:22:15,333 except she's worked here for years. 354 00:22:15,333 --> 00:22:18,700 - If I were you, I'd check her background. 355 00:22:18,700 --> 00:22:22,834 - What, she's medically incompetent? 356 00:22:22,834 --> 00:22:24,266 - I'm afraid. 357 00:22:24,266 --> 00:22:26,100 Afraid? 358 00:22:26,100 --> 00:22:27,567 You? 359 00:22:27,567 --> 00:22:28,834 Of her? 360 00:22:28,834 --> 00:22:31,266 - Yeah. 361 00:22:31,266 --> 00:22:33,834 - Must be the medication you're on. 362 00:22:43,867 --> 00:22:47,367 - Hey, Rebadow. 363 00:22:47,367 --> 00:22:49,967 - What do you want? 364 00:22:49,967 --> 00:22:51,567 - Didn't I give you all the money 365 00:22:51,567 --> 00:22:54,033 that was left from that lottery? 366 00:22:54,033 --> 00:22:57,066 - Too late to save my grandson. 367 00:22:57,066 --> 00:22:59,500 - You blame me, but you shouldn't. 368 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:02,300 - Who then? - Morales. 369 00:23:02,300 --> 00:23:05,700 He had Martinez cut me, which screwed with my head, 370 00:23:05,700 --> 00:23:07,133 which made me take off with your winnings. 371 00:23:07,133 --> 00:23:10,700 He's the bastard you should hate. 372 00:23:10,700 --> 00:23:13,934 - There's room in my heart for both of you. 373 00:23:13,934 --> 00:23:15,600 - Yeah? 374 00:23:15,600 --> 00:23:18,367 Well, Morales is on his way back to Em City, 375 00:23:18,367 --> 00:23:21,500 and I got fined and suspended, 376 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:23,367 a solid month, no pay, no benefits. 377 00:23:23,367 --> 00:23:25,033 You think I can afford that? 378 00:23:25,033 --> 00:23:28,066 I just got married for Chrissake. 379 00:23:28,066 --> 00:23:30,300 - I'll repeat my question. 380 00:23:30,300 --> 00:23:34,233 What do you want, for me to feel sorry for you? 381 00:23:34,233 --> 00:23:36,800 No chance. 382 00:23:42,834 --> 00:23:45,934 - Fuck you, Murphy. 383 00:23:55,266 --> 00:23:58,100 - So, you happy? 384 00:23:58,100 --> 00:24:00,433 Brass gets his ass handed to him, 385 00:24:00,433 --> 00:24:04,166 we lose a week's vacation, all for what, 386 00:24:04,166 --> 00:24:06,700 Enrique fucking Morales? 387 00:24:06,700 --> 00:24:08,900 - For the truth, Howell, for justice. 388 00:24:08,900 --> 00:24:10,300 - Justice. 389 00:24:10,300 --> 00:24:14,300 Justice, my pink ass. 390 00:24:14,300 --> 00:24:16,133 Oh, call the blood banks. 391 00:24:16,133 --> 00:24:18,834 Here comes another bleeding heart. 392 00:24:24,900 --> 00:24:27,433 - So, Leo told me all the gory details. 393 00:24:27,433 --> 00:24:29,533 - I'm sorry, Tim. - You're sorry? 394 00:24:29,533 --> 00:24:32,033 I bring you into Oz because we've known each other 395 00:24:32,033 --> 00:24:35,633 since sixth grade, because you're the one person 396 00:24:35,633 --> 00:24:39,767 in my entire life that I can trust 397 00:24:39,767 --> 00:24:42,767 with my life, if necessary. 398 00:24:42,767 --> 00:24:46,166 But then, see, I find out I can't trust you, 399 00:24:46,166 --> 00:24:48,166 that you're just another thickheaded, 400 00:24:48,166 --> 00:24:51,734 redneck slug who uses his badge as a weapon. 401 00:24:51,734 --> 00:24:53,166 - You're right, you're absolutely right. 402 00:24:53,166 --> 00:24:55,200 - Don't you fuckin' agree with me! 403 00:24:55,200 --> 00:24:57,734 I'm telling you to fuck off! 404 00:25:00,433 --> 00:25:03,834 - Listen, I've betrayed your trust. 405 00:25:03,834 --> 00:25:05,734 If you don't see me getting it back, 406 00:25:05,734 --> 00:25:07,767 maybe I should just transfer out of Em City. 407 00:25:07,767 --> 00:25:08,900 - What? 408 00:25:08,900 --> 00:25:10,533 - Maybe I should just quit altogether. 409 00:25:10,533 --> 00:25:12,233 - No. Jesus! 410 00:25:12,233 --> 00:25:14,934 Jesus, stop being so fuckin' remorseful! 411 00:25:14,934 --> 00:25:16,266 - What, you don't want me to be remorseful? 412 00:25:16,266 --> 00:25:18,266 - No, yes! 413 00:25:28,533 --> 00:25:29,934 We're going to dinner tonight. 414 00:25:29,934 --> 00:25:31,800 You're paying. 415 00:25:33,567 --> 00:25:35,266 - Okay. 416 00:25:37,367 --> 00:25:43,033 - Sean, I'm proud of you that you stepped forward. 417 00:25:43,033 --> 00:25:46,633 It means I can still trust you. 418 00:25:55,066 --> 00:25:57,867 - Morales? 419 00:25:57,867 --> 00:26:01,333 Morales... 420 00:26:01,333 --> 00:26:04,266 I'm sorry to disturb you. 421 00:26:04,266 --> 00:26:07,433 That sedative I gave you was pretty strong, huh? 422 00:26:07,433 --> 00:26:09,200 - Yeah. 423 00:26:09,200 --> 00:26:11,333 - It's a precaution. 424 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:13,633 You're a big fella. 425 00:26:13,633 --> 00:26:14,934 I didn't want to struggle. 426 00:26:14,934 --> 00:26:16,734 - Struggle? 427 00:26:16,734 --> 00:26:18,500 - Martinez was so weak, 428 00:26:18,500 --> 00:26:22,867 he couldn't fight me, but you... 429 00:26:22,867 --> 00:26:24,834 Say your prayers, Enrique. 430 00:26:24,834 --> 00:26:26,200 - No, don't. 431 00:26:26,200 --> 00:26:27,667 - You're just like Martinez, 432 00:26:27,667 --> 00:26:30,300 a nasty man who deserves to die. 433 00:26:40,133 --> 00:26:41,367 - Knock, knock. 434 00:26:41,367 --> 00:26:42,767 - Hi. 435 00:26:42,767 --> 00:26:45,066 Can you say, "Who's there?" 436 00:26:45,066 --> 00:26:48,433 - Might be a while before she can say Agamemnon Busmalis. 437 00:26:48,433 --> 00:26:52,133 Oh, God, she's gorgeous. 438 00:26:54,934 --> 00:26:56,700 Hi. 439 00:26:56,700 --> 00:26:58,266 Thank you. 440 00:26:58,266 --> 00:27:01,633 Oh, that fresh smell of baby skin, 441 00:27:01,633 --> 00:27:03,367 in Oz of all places. 442 00:27:03,367 --> 00:27:05,467 Can I touch her? 443 00:27:05,467 --> 00:27:07,700 - Of course. 444 00:27:13,300 --> 00:27:14,600 - Can I keep her? 445 00:27:14,600 --> 00:27:17,266 - How about we share? 446 00:27:17,266 --> 00:27:20,166 Ruby needs a father, Agamemnon, 447 00:27:20,166 --> 00:27:22,400 and I need you back. 448 00:27:24,533 --> 00:27:28,133 Agamemnon, will you marry me? 449 00:27:28,133 --> 00:27:30,300 - What? 450 00:27:30,300 --> 00:27:33,400 You're proposing to me now? 451 00:27:33,400 --> 00:27:35,734 - Is that a yes? 452 00:27:35,734 --> 00:27:38,934 - I think so. 453 00:27:38,934 --> 00:27:40,800 Yeah. 454 00:27:40,800 --> 00:27:44,133 Oh, my God, yes! - Yes. 455 00:27:46,266 --> 00:27:47,834 Oh... 456 00:27:47,834 --> 00:27:49,734 - Oh, you little doll. - Yes. 457 00:27:49,734 --> 00:27:52,266 Little doll. 458 00:27:52,266 --> 00:27:55,033 - I can't work in the library anymore. 459 00:27:55,033 --> 00:27:56,133 - What? 460 00:27:56,133 --> 00:27:57,467 Why not? 461 00:27:57,467 --> 00:27:59,500 - I'd rather not get into the specifics. 462 00:27:59,500 --> 00:28:02,500 - Given that I run this place, I need specifics. 463 00:28:02,500 --> 00:28:04,033 Something happen I should know about? 464 00:28:04,033 --> 00:28:05,166 - No. 465 00:28:05,166 --> 00:28:07,100 - Trouble with other inmates? 466 00:28:07,100 --> 00:28:10,200 - No. - Is it Stella? 467 00:28:13,700 --> 00:28:15,633 Are you two having problems? 468 00:28:15,633 --> 00:28:16,734 - No. 469 00:28:16,734 --> 00:28:17,867 - Well, what is it then? 470 00:28:17,867 --> 00:28:20,033 Did you forget the fuckin' alphabet? 471 00:28:30,133 --> 00:28:32,033 - I don't want to get Robert in trouble, 472 00:28:32,033 --> 00:28:34,166 but I thought you should know. 473 00:28:34,166 --> 00:28:36,800 - It's not like Rebadow to just stop showing up, 474 00:28:36,800 --> 00:28:40,800 though he did come to me asking to be switched to another job. 475 00:28:40,800 --> 00:28:44,767 You have any idea why? 476 00:28:44,767 --> 00:28:47,233 - No. 477 00:28:47,233 --> 00:28:50,133 - He's probably still depressed about Alex Jr. 478 00:28:50,133 --> 00:28:52,000 - Who? 479 00:28:52,000 --> 00:28:54,166 - His grandson. 480 00:28:54,166 --> 00:28:57,100 He died last year of leukemia. 481 00:28:57,100 --> 00:28:58,800 - His grandson? 482 00:28:58,800 --> 00:29:00,734 Of leukemia? 483 00:29:00,734 --> 00:29:04,333 - I didn't say anything when I initially came to you. 484 00:29:04,333 --> 00:29:06,467 I thought that the library would be a good place 485 00:29:06,467 --> 00:29:09,133 to distract his mind from his misery. 486 00:29:09,133 --> 00:29:11,266 Anyway, he'll be there tomorrow. 487 00:29:13,266 --> 00:29:15,600 - So, I did good by you with "ball four"? 488 00:29:15,600 --> 00:29:17,066 I hit a home run. 489 00:29:17,066 --> 00:29:19,533 - I like the beaver shooting, where the players 490 00:29:19,533 --> 00:29:21,367 drilled the holes in the door of the hotel room 491 00:29:21,367 --> 00:29:23,033 and watched the stewardess fuckin'? 492 00:29:23,033 --> 00:29:25,033 - Yeah, well, it's fun for the guys, 493 00:29:25,033 --> 00:29:27,867 but how would you like to have been on the other side? 494 00:29:27,867 --> 00:29:30,700 What they did was an invasion of privacy. 495 00:29:30,700 --> 00:29:33,266 - Oh, whatever. - Whatever. 496 00:29:33,266 --> 00:29:37,533 Now, this is a very good book about women. 497 00:29:37,533 --> 00:29:39,967 And I thought something wilderness-based, 498 00:29:39,967 --> 00:29:43,233 "Into Thin Air," might be a nice antidote to Oz. 499 00:29:43,233 --> 00:29:45,467 - Do I look like a fuckin' Boy Scout? 500 00:29:45,467 --> 00:29:46,800 - Scout, no. 501 00:29:46,800 --> 00:29:49,934 Boy, yes. 502 00:29:49,934 --> 00:29:52,233 I'll just be a minute. 503 00:29:54,900 --> 00:29:57,433 Robert, I'd like to talk to you. 504 00:30:01,266 --> 00:30:03,600 When I told you about my breast cancer, 505 00:30:03,600 --> 00:30:07,467 I wasn't asking you to watch me waste away and die, Robert. 506 00:30:07,467 --> 00:30:11,734 I don't need you for that, if that's what you're afraid of. 507 00:30:17,433 --> 00:30:19,533 I know about Alex Jr. 508 00:30:22,000 --> 00:30:25,200 This isn't that. 509 00:30:25,200 --> 00:30:28,233 I know you're thinking you can't go through the grief again, 510 00:30:28,233 --> 00:30:30,900 but what if you're missing the chance 511 00:30:30,900 --> 00:30:34,266 to go through the joy, the joy of being there 512 00:30:34,266 --> 00:30:36,633 for someone who is going to make it? 513 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:41,166 According to Blake, they go hand in hand, 514 00:30:41,166 --> 00:30:45,233 joy and grief, "piping down the valleys wild," remember? 515 00:30:51,200 --> 00:30:53,667 Stop being an asshole. 516 00:30:57,166 --> 00:30:58,533 - If she's talking to you, old man, 517 00:30:58,533 --> 00:31:00,433 show some respect and talk back. 518 00:31:00,433 --> 00:31:01,700 - That's enough, Pablo. 519 00:31:01,700 --> 00:31:03,667 Take your book, we're done for today. 520 00:31:39,400 --> 00:31:42,000 - 70 times 77. 521 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:43,900 Jesus said that's how many times 522 00:31:43,900 --> 00:31:46,100 you're supposed to forgive your brother. 523 00:31:46,100 --> 00:31:49,133 - Hank and I are still working on seven. 524 00:31:49,133 --> 00:31:51,867 Meanwhile, an innocent man nailed to a cross 525 00:31:51,867 --> 00:31:54,467 with iron spikes says while dying, 526 00:31:54,467 --> 00:31:56,734 "Forgive them, Father. 527 00:31:56,734 --> 00:31:59,266 They know not what they do." 528 00:31:59,266 --> 00:32:02,967 Kind of raises the stakes for the rest of us, huh? 529 00:32:07,533 --> 00:32:09,967 - Officer Schwartzmyer says on the night of the murder, 530 00:32:09,967 --> 00:32:11,266 you started screaming. 531 00:32:11,266 --> 00:32:13,333 - I had a bad reaction to the medicine. 532 00:32:13,333 --> 00:32:14,934 - As he came over to check you out, 533 00:32:14,934 --> 00:32:18,033 someone snuck in the private room and stabbed Mayor Loewen. 534 00:32:18,033 --> 00:32:19,767 - The medicine was giving me hives. 535 00:32:19,767 --> 00:32:22,400 - Mr. Kelsch, Dr. Nathan tells us 536 00:32:22,400 --> 00:32:24,967 you weren't having a negative reaction to the medicine. 537 00:32:24,967 --> 00:32:26,867 - I couldn't stop itching. 538 00:32:26,867 --> 00:32:28,700 - You want to know what I think? 539 00:32:28,700 --> 00:32:30,300 I think you were paid to distract 540 00:32:30,300 --> 00:32:32,567 Officer Schwartzmyer from his post. 541 00:32:32,567 --> 00:32:35,000 - The scratching was driving me crazy. 542 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:37,000 - That makes you guilty of murder. 543 00:32:37,000 --> 00:32:39,300 That means you go to death row. 544 00:32:39,300 --> 00:32:40,300 - Huh? 545 00:32:40,300 --> 00:32:41,900 Death row? 546 00:32:41,900 --> 00:32:43,467 For hives? 547 00:32:55,500 --> 00:32:57,000 - Okay, Brandt, here's the deal. 548 00:32:57,000 --> 00:32:59,367 We now know you're guilty of killing Wilson Loewen. 549 00:32:59,367 --> 00:33:00,934 - That's a lie. 550 00:33:00,934 --> 00:33:03,066 - We have statements from two of the other inmates 551 00:33:03,066 --> 00:33:04,734 who were in the ward that night. 552 00:33:04,734 --> 00:33:06,800 They say they saw you get out of bed 553 00:33:06,800 --> 00:33:07,800 and go into Loewen's room. 554 00:33:07,800 --> 00:33:09,200 - They're lying. 555 00:33:09,200 --> 00:33:11,834 - We also have a confession from Lionel Kelsch 556 00:33:11,834 --> 00:33:15,166 who says you offered him $1,000 to distract the officer on duty. 557 00:33:15,166 --> 00:33:16,834 - He's a liar. 558 00:33:16,834 --> 00:33:18,500 - Okay, we'll play it your way. 559 00:33:18,500 --> 00:33:20,667 You have the right to remain silent. 560 00:33:20,667 --> 00:33:22,800 - Aryans are gonna be so pissed when they hear you're guilty 561 00:33:22,800 --> 00:33:24,500 of killing their hero. - Anything you say 562 00:33:24,500 --> 00:33:26,166 may be used against you in a court of law. 563 00:33:26,166 --> 00:33:29,100 - Without my protection, you'll be dead within the hour. 564 00:33:29,100 --> 00:33:32,133 - You have the right to a lawyer before speaking to me. 565 00:33:32,133 --> 00:33:35,400 - All right. All right, all right. 566 00:33:35,400 --> 00:33:37,633 I'll tell you who hired me. 567 00:33:37,633 --> 00:33:41,333 It was that CO, what's his name? 568 00:33:41,333 --> 00:33:42,734 Johnson. 569 00:33:51,800 --> 00:33:55,200 - Johnson, how's it going? 570 00:33:55,200 --> 00:33:56,934 - Not bad, sir, and you? 571 00:33:56,934 --> 00:33:59,033 - The usual brouhaha. 572 00:33:59,033 --> 00:34:03,767 Hey, I hear you just bought a car, Jaguar. 573 00:34:03,767 --> 00:34:05,066 - Yup. 574 00:34:05,066 --> 00:34:06,767 - That's a beautiful automobile. 575 00:34:06,767 --> 00:34:08,934 Pretty pricey on a CO's salary. 576 00:34:08,934 --> 00:34:11,667 - My wife's maiden aunt kicked. 577 00:34:11,667 --> 00:34:13,433 She left us a little dough. 578 00:34:13,433 --> 00:34:15,633 - Nice. 579 00:34:15,633 --> 00:34:18,233 Willy Brandt. 580 00:34:18,233 --> 00:34:19,734 - What, sir? 581 00:34:19,734 --> 00:34:23,033 - Willy Brandt confessed to the murder of Wilson Loewen. 582 00:34:23,033 --> 00:34:25,500 - Congratulations. 583 00:34:25,500 --> 00:34:28,100 How did you manage to get that thing to spill? 584 00:34:28,100 --> 00:34:30,333 - The truth? 585 00:34:32,333 --> 00:34:33,967 We lied. 586 00:34:33,967 --> 00:34:36,000 We told Brandt that we had two witnesses, 587 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:38,633 which we don't, and that his partner confessed, 588 00:34:38,633 --> 00:34:40,400 which he didn't. 589 00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:41,934 - Brilliant. 590 00:34:41,934 --> 00:34:43,633 - Oh, here's the good part. 591 00:34:43,633 --> 00:34:46,333 Brandt claims that you offered to pay him $5,000 592 00:34:46,333 --> 00:34:49,667 to waste Wilson Loewen. 593 00:34:49,667 --> 00:34:52,233 Not that I believe him or anything. 594 00:34:52,233 --> 00:34:53,800 - No, sir. 595 00:34:53,800 --> 00:34:55,834 He's a lying piece of shit. 596 00:34:55,834 --> 00:34:57,533 - Right. 597 00:34:57,533 --> 00:35:00,333 Well, good night. 598 00:35:03,500 --> 00:35:05,533 Enjoy that car. 599 00:35:18,266 --> 00:35:20,567 - Hey, it's me. We got a problem. 600 00:35:20,567 --> 00:35:22,367 Glynn knows I set up the murder. 601 00:35:22,367 --> 00:35:24,300 What do you want me to do? 602 00:35:26,767 --> 00:35:28,367 Okay. 603 00:35:32,600 --> 00:35:35,800 - He brought the devil in here, your son. 604 00:35:35,800 --> 00:35:37,433 Do you hear me? 605 00:35:37,433 --> 00:35:41,133 Your baby boy got butt-fucked by Satan, 606 00:35:41,133 --> 00:35:43,967 and now we're all gonna burn, 607 00:35:43,967 --> 00:35:46,500 you fuckin' bitch! 608 00:35:49,533 --> 00:35:51,467 - I'm an idiot. 609 00:35:51,467 --> 00:35:53,734 I thought by talking to the man who killed Timmy, 610 00:35:53,734 --> 00:35:56,600 I would get to know more about my boy, 611 00:35:56,600 --> 00:35:59,667 that I would understand how he became the man he became. 612 00:35:59,667 --> 00:36:01,867 - Well, like I said, 613 00:36:01,867 --> 00:36:04,100 Jazz Hoyt isn't very coherent these days. 614 00:36:04,100 --> 00:36:06,834 He's been ruled mentally insane by the court of appeals. 615 00:36:06,834 --> 00:36:09,200 Tomorrow they're moving him up to the psych unit. 616 00:36:09,200 --> 00:36:10,333 - So, what do I do now? 617 00:36:10,333 --> 00:36:12,734 How do I calm this guilt inside of me? 618 00:36:12,734 --> 00:36:14,500 And don't tell me to pray. 619 00:36:14,500 --> 00:36:17,900 I've prayed so hard my knees hurt. 620 00:36:17,900 --> 00:36:20,934 - Well, when praying stalls, I usually try to imagine 621 00:36:20,934 --> 00:36:23,533 what my dad would've done in the situation. 622 00:36:23,533 --> 00:36:27,266 That's an excellent idea. 623 00:36:27,266 --> 00:36:29,934 Do you drink, Father? 624 00:36:29,934 --> 00:36:31,300 - Ah, sure. 625 00:36:31,300 --> 00:36:32,633 - Good. 626 00:36:32,633 --> 00:36:34,800 I'll go into town, I'll get us a quart of Jameson's 627 00:36:34,800 --> 00:36:36,567 and sit in the dark and drink until dawn, 628 00:36:36,567 --> 00:36:38,667 'cause that's how my dad would have handled the situation. 629 00:36:38,667 --> 00:36:40,500 - Mrs. Kirk, I-I... 630 00:36:40,500 --> 00:36:43,367 - I'm joking, Father. 631 00:36:43,367 --> 00:36:46,266 Call me Jessica. 632 00:36:46,266 --> 00:36:47,934 - Call me Ray. 633 00:36:47,934 --> 00:36:50,467 - Ray... 634 00:36:50,467 --> 00:36:52,900 Like a ray of sunshine. 635 00:36:58,567 --> 00:37:02,166 I think what I should do is what I should've done 636 00:37:02,166 --> 00:37:05,100 when Timmy was alive, and that's volunteer 637 00:37:05,100 --> 00:37:07,700 to work at Oswald, 638 00:37:07,700 --> 00:37:10,934 help men like my son become better people. 639 00:37:10,934 --> 00:37:12,934 - Volunteer? 640 00:37:12,934 --> 00:37:14,233 What would you do? 641 00:37:14,233 --> 00:37:15,834 - I'm a nurse. 642 00:37:15,834 --> 00:37:17,433 I bet they could use some help in the hospital ward. 643 00:37:17,433 --> 00:37:19,066 - Yes. 644 00:37:19,066 --> 00:37:20,900 - You'll set that up for me, Ray? 645 00:37:20,900 --> 00:37:22,367 - Of course. 646 00:37:22,367 --> 00:37:23,934 - Thank you. 647 00:37:26,934 --> 00:37:30,133 I consider you my really good friend. 648 00:37:41,567 --> 00:37:43,633 - Morning, kiddies. 649 00:37:43,633 --> 00:37:46,333 - Do I have to go get more ECT? 650 00:37:46,333 --> 00:37:48,033 - Later. 651 00:37:48,033 --> 00:37:51,166 Come on, Hoyt, time to move you up to psych. 652 00:37:55,567 --> 00:37:57,133 Hoyt! 653 00:38:00,834 --> 00:38:03,033 - What the fuck? 654 00:38:03,033 --> 00:38:04,967 I'm bleeding. 655 00:38:07,367 --> 00:38:08,500 - He'll sleep. 656 00:38:08,500 --> 00:38:11,600 I sedated him. 657 00:38:11,600 --> 00:38:13,700 - He's got no cuts on his forehead. 658 00:38:13,700 --> 00:38:15,200 What's causing the bleeding? 659 00:38:15,200 --> 00:38:19,834 - A rare condition called hematidrosis. 660 00:38:19,834 --> 00:38:21,233 Underneath the skin there are these 661 00:38:21,233 --> 00:38:23,700 tiny blood vessels, capillaries. 662 00:38:23,700 --> 00:38:26,567 When people are stressed, they sweat, right? 663 00:38:26,567 --> 00:38:29,633 Well, sometimes under extreme stress 664 00:38:29,633 --> 00:38:31,567 the capillaries hemorrhage, 665 00:38:31,567 --> 00:38:34,734 releasing small amounts of blood into the sweat glands. 666 00:38:34,734 --> 00:38:37,433 Hoyt is literally sweating blood. 667 00:38:39,934 --> 00:38:42,300 - "And being in fear, he prayed more earnestly, 668 00:38:42,300 --> 00:38:44,667 "and his sweat became like great drops of blood, 669 00:38:44,667 --> 00:38:47,433 which fell upon the ground." 670 00:38:47,433 --> 00:38:51,333 Luke 22:44, the agony of Christ in Gethsemane. 671 00:38:54,233 --> 00:38:56,667 - Jesus and Jazz, 672 00:38:56,667 --> 00:38:59,633 I didn't know they had so much in common. 673 00:39:08,133 --> 00:39:09,900 What's the matter with him? 674 00:39:09,900 --> 00:39:12,567 - Side effects of the electric shock. 675 00:39:14,400 --> 00:39:16,500 - I threw up on myself. 676 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:19,633 - Oh, poor Cyril. 677 00:39:19,633 --> 00:39:21,467 Clean him up and then admit him. 678 00:39:21,467 --> 00:39:22,900 - I was going to give him some Emetrol 679 00:39:22,900 --> 00:39:24,400 and send him back to death row. 680 00:39:24,400 --> 00:39:25,967 - Well, he spent enough time up there. 681 00:39:25,967 --> 00:39:27,500 He could use a change of scenery. 682 00:39:27,500 --> 00:39:30,900 - All right, but I'm putting him in restraints. 683 00:39:37,900 --> 00:39:39,700 - Hey, Gloria. 684 00:39:39,700 --> 00:39:41,834 Hey, thanks a lot for letting my brother, you know, 685 00:39:41,834 --> 00:39:43,033 chill out in the hospital ward. 686 00:39:43,033 --> 00:39:44,333 It means a lot to me. 687 00:39:44,333 --> 00:39:46,166 - Well, that's okay. 688 00:39:46,166 --> 00:39:47,600 - Yeah. 689 00:39:47,600 --> 00:39:51,300 Hey, we just heard that, yeah, 690 00:39:51,300 --> 00:39:56,734 his latest appeal has been denied and the lawyer's 691 00:39:56,734 --> 00:39:59,367 gonna plead his case to the state supreme court, 692 00:39:59,367 --> 00:40:02,367 but, you know, unless a fuckin' miracle happens, 693 00:40:02,367 --> 00:40:05,066 I think Cyril's going to be executed next week. 694 00:40:15,133 --> 00:40:17,166 - I have to go. 695 00:40:17,166 --> 00:40:20,667 - Hey, Gloria, 696 00:40:20,667 --> 00:40:22,600 I never stopped loving you, 697 00:40:22,600 --> 00:40:25,200 not for a second. 698 00:40:35,500 --> 00:40:37,133 - Excuse me. 699 00:40:38,266 --> 00:40:39,834 Excuse me. 700 00:40:40,867 --> 00:40:42,567 Excuse me. 701 00:40:46,367 --> 00:40:49,133 - Don't you fuckin' ignore me. 702 00:40:49,133 --> 00:40:52,700 You think because I'm slow that I don't know what's going on. 703 00:40:52,700 --> 00:40:55,200 - I have to go to the bathroom. 704 00:40:57,900 --> 00:40:59,834 - Listen to me, you fuckin' asshole, 705 00:40:59,834 --> 00:41:02,200 I'm gonna shit in my pants. 706 00:41:02,200 --> 00:41:03,834 - Help me. 707 00:41:07,900 --> 00:41:09,900 - Too late. 708 00:41:16,834 --> 00:41:21,333 Hey, you gonna leave me lying here in my own shit? 709 00:41:24,667 --> 00:41:27,467 both: Hey! 710 00:41:27,467 --> 00:41:28,767 - What's the matter? 711 00:41:28,767 --> 00:41:31,233 - I had an accident. 712 00:41:31,233 --> 00:41:34,934 - Not again. 713 00:41:34,934 --> 00:41:36,667 Machelo? 714 00:41:38,433 --> 00:41:40,433 Can you give me a hand over here, please? 715 00:41:48,900 --> 00:41:52,333 - Okay, I'm here. What's the reason? 716 00:41:52,333 --> 00:41:57,467 - Mr. Neema, your reputation on the street is, 717 00:41:57,467 --> 00:42:00,700 well, it's massive. 718 00:42:00,700 --> 00:42:03,000 Back in the day with the Black Panther thing, 719 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:06,600 and since then with the community development and-- 720 00:42:06,600 --> 00:42:09,400 - I know my own resume. Get to the point. 721 00:42:09,400 --> 00:42:13,800 - Well, you see, sir, we've been a little leaderless lately. 722 00:42:13,800 --> 00:42:17,834 Burr Redding's off on some telemarketing ego trip. 723 00:42:17,834 --> 00:42:20,967 - Yeah, and you want me to take over. 724 00:42:20,967 --> 00:42:23,133 - Shit, yeah. 725 00:42:25,800 --> 00:42:28,934 - You fellas know why I'm in Oz? 726 00:42:28,934 --> 00:42:31,734 - For kidnapping or some such. 727 00:42:34,700 --> 00:42:38,300 - I picked up my daughter from day care. 728 00:42:40,700 --> 00:42:43,333 My ex-wife was intending to leave this country, 729 00:42:43,333 --> 00:42:46,133 thereby depriving me of my rights to see my child, 730 00:42:46,133 --> 00:42:48,934 and I love my children, gentlemen, 731 00:42:48,934 --> 00:42:52,000 every single one, and I got 16. 732 00:42:52,000 --> 00:42:54,967 - Maybe it's your turn to get to the point. 733 00:42:54,967 --> 00:43:00,700 - None of my children do drugs, sell drugs, or hang in gangs. 734 00:43:00,700 --> 00:43:02,967 Each lives a life of their own choosing, 735 00:43:02,967 --> 00:43:06,433 contributing as best they can to make a better world. 736 00:43:06,433 --> 00:43:09,467 My children are my pride 737 00:43:09,467 --> 00:43:13,834 because they make me proud. 738 00:43:13,834 --> 00:43:16,200 So, rather than use this classroom 739 00:43:16,200 --> 00:43:20,633 as a place to plot your plans, 740 00:43:20,633 --> 00:43:24,133 use it for a real purpose, 741 00:43:24,133 --> 00:43:27,200 to learn. 742 00:43:27,200 --> 00:43:29,667 End of sermon. 743 00:43:29,667 --> 00:43:31,967 End of discussion. 744 00:43:39,467 --> 00:43:41,300 - Thanks. 745 00:43:44,100 --> 00:43:47,000 Hey, stranger, haven't seen much of you lately. 746 00:43:47,000 --> 00:43:48,433 - Yeah, well, you know, you've been busy. 747 00:43:48,433 --> 00:43:50,600 With the play, your boyfriend. 748 00:43:50,600 --> 00:43:52,667 - Boyfriend? - Jahfree Neema. 749 00:43:52,667 --> 00:43:54,934 I see you here, I see you there, 750 00:43:54,934 --> 00:43:57,200 laughing, whispering. 751 00:43:57,200 --> 00:43:58,734 It's very sweet, very intimate. 752 00:43:58,734 --> 00:44:00,166 - Ryan, come on. - What? 753 00:44:00,166 --> 00:44:02,066 You gonna tell me I'm imagining it, 754 00:44:02,066 --> 00:44:03,867 that my eyes deceive me? - No. 755 00:44:03,867 --> 00:44:05,500 - You asked me to be nice to the guy. 756 00:44:05,500 --> 00:44:07,667 I tried, he blew me off. 757 00:44:07,667 --> 00:44:10,600 You know, I know you think he's some sort of hotshot savior 758 00:44:10,600 --> 00:44:14,100 and all, but to me he's just another fuckin' wanker. 759 00:44:14,100 --> 00:44:15,734 You two enjoy yourselves. 760 00:44:15,734 --> 00:44:18,667 Meanwhile, my little brother's gonna die. 761 00:44:18,667 --> 00:44:20,734 - Ryan. - What? 762 00:44:20,734 --> 00:44:24,633 - Promise me you won't do anything to harm Jahfree. 763 00:44:24,633 --> 00:44:27,233 - Oh, gee, Ma, 764 00:44:27,233 --> 00:44:30,100 you really think I'm capable of something like that? 765 00:44:38,600 --> 00:44:41,633 - Neema, I know we haven't had 766 00:44:41,633 --> 00:44:43,367 much of a chance to talk since you arrived here-- 767 00:44:43,367 --> 00:44:44,400 - That's probably because we have 768 00:44:44,400 --> 00:44:46,433 nothing to say to each other. 769 00:44:46,433 --> 00:44:48,767 - Well, look, I know on the outside you and me, 770 00:44:48,767 --> 00:44:50,200 we was never that friendly, but-- 771 00:44:50,200 --> 00:44:51,667 - Friendly? 772 00:44:51,667 --> 00:44:56,000 Redding, you are anathema to me. 773 00:44:56,000 --> 00:44:57,567 - See, there you go using them big words, 774 00:44:57,567 --> 00:45:00,200 think you're going to curl me, but it don't. 775 00:45:00,200 --> 00:45:02,166 - For the past 30-something years, 776 00:45:02,166 --> 00:45:04,300 you've been supplying the children of our community 777 00:45:04,300 --> 00:45:07,000 with lethal drugs while I have fought 778 00:45:07,000 --> 00:45:09,000 to keep those same children safe. 779 00:45:09,000 --> 00:45:12,100 And now, just because we both find ourselves 780 00:45:12,100 --> 00:45:15,400 in this clap shack, you want to believe that we have a bond. 781 00:45:15,400 --> 00:45:18,266 We don't. - We do! 782 00:45:18,266 --> 00:45:22,033 I've seen the error of my ways, and I'm trying to correct them. 783 00:45:22,033 --> 00:45:25,066 - I don't believe you. 784 00:45:28,400 --> 00:45:30,834 - You know, Burr, that Neema, 785 00:45:30,834 --> 00:45:33,066 he's a pompous piece of shit, man. 786 00:45:33,066 --> 00:45:36,433 I say it's time he learned who's the boss around here. 787 00:45:36,433 --> 00:45:38,233 - You want him dead, O'Reily? 788 00:45:38,233 --> 00:45:41,333 - I wouldn't weep if he was. 789 00:45:41,333 --> 00:45:44,967 - If you really want to do Neema some harm, 790 00:45:44,967 --> 00:45:47,834 tie him to your mother's crime. 791 00:45:47,834 --> 00:45:50,266 - What do you mean? 792 00:45:50,266 --> 00:45:51,700 - You're a clever boy. 793 00:45:51,700 --> 00:45:53,767 You figure that one out. 794 00:45:58,367 --> 00:46:01,166 - Who's the hardest person of all to forgive? 795 00:46:01,166 --> 00:46:02,700 Oneself. 796 00:46:02,700 --> 00:46:05,400 The demons inside, they laugh at the thought. 797 00:46:05,400 --> 00:46:07,500 - When you forgive some other guy, 798 00:46:07,500 --> 00:46:09,266 he's not likely to turn you down, say, "Fuck that." 799 00:46:09,266 --> 00:46:11,700 - Tryin' to forgive yourself, though, 800 00:46:11,700 --> 00:46:13,233 it's "Fuck that" all the time. 801 00:46:13,233 --> 00:46:16,233 - Ten years go by, you still can't let yourself off the hook. 802 00:46:16,233 --> 00:46:18,667 - 15 years, 20, 40. 803 00:46:18,667 --> 00:46:20,934 You gonna take that grudge against yourself to the grave? 804 00:46:20,934 --> 00:46:23,166 - You gonna carry it for eternity? 805 00:46:30,266 --> 00:46:32,000 - Well, well, well. Agent Taylor. 806 00:46:32,000 --> 00:46:33,033 Are you here to visit me? 807 00:46:33,033 --> 00:46:35,200 - Fuck you, Keller. 808 00:46:35,200 --> 00:46:39,033 - Aww, G-man, don't get grumpy. 809 00:46:39,033 --> 00:46:41,233 You're the one who made the deal with Heekin. 810 00:46:41,233 --> 00:46:42,600 You're the one who got him to fib. 811 00:46:42,600 --> 00:46:45,033 - He saw you dump the body. 812 00:46:45,033 --> 00:46:46,867 - Hey, wasn't it J. Edgar Hoover who said, 813 00:46:46,867 --> 00:46:48,200 "Cheaters never prosper"? 814 00:46:50,000 --> 00:46:52,133 - Careful there, sir. 815 00:46:52,133 --> 00:46:54,533 - You killed two other men, Keller, 816 00:46:54,533 --> 00:46:57,400 and I'm gonna get you for one of them. 817 00:47:09,767 --> 00:47:12,200 - Henry Stanton? I'm Tobias Beecher. 818 00:47:12,200 --> 00:47:14,867 Sister Peter Marie suggested I come see you. 819 00:47:14,867 --> 00:47:17,367 - You're the one doing pro bono work, right? 820 00:47:17,367 --> 00:47:18,867 - Yeah, that's right. 821 00:47:18,867 --> 00:47:20,934 - Helping the prisoners with legal shit and such. 822 00:47:20,934 --> 00:47:22,767 Well, I hurt my back doing sanitation duty 823 00:47:22,767 --> 00:47:24,400 a few months ago. 824 00:47:24,400 --> 00:47:27,500 Dr. Nathan told me not to do anything too strenuous. 825 00:47:27,500 --> 00:47:30,033 I told my COs and they put me right back to work again 826 00:47:30,033 --> 00:47:33,300 because they think I'm faking, but I'm not. 827 00:47:33,300 --> 00:47:36,166 In fact, they give me harder work. 828 00:47:36,166 --> 00:47:39,767 I complain to my unit manager, nothing changes. 829 00:47:39,767 --> 00:47:42,233 And the other day I screwed up my back again. 830 00:47:42,233 --> 00:47:46,400 - Uh... Well, off the top of my head, 831 00:47:46,400 --> 00:47:49,033 it appears the COs violated your rights 832 00:47:49,033 --> 00:47:51,734 under the eighth amendment, deliberate indifference. 833 00:47:51,734 --> 00:47:54,767 Let me talk to Dr. Nathan, the officers involved, 834 00:47:54,767 --> 00:47:57,500 and Warden Glynn, let me see what I can do. 835 00:47:57,500 --> 00:47:59,533 Meanwhile, take it easy. 836 00:47:59,533 --> 00:48:00,900 Back injuries suck. 837 00:48:00,900 --> 00:48:02,500 - Thanks a lot, man. 838 00:48:02,500 --> 00:48:04,433 - Stanton is not lying, Leo. 839 00:48:04,433 --> 00:48:06,333 I gave him the proper medical documentation 840 00:48:06,333 --> 00:48:07,767 at least three times. 841 00:48:07,767 --> 00:48:09,834 - Okay, the COs screwed up. 842 00:48:09,834 --> 00:48:11,266 They will be reprimanded. 843 00:48:11,266 --> 00:48:13,133 - That's not good enough. 844 00:48:13,133 --> 00:48:15,066 I've got a rock-solid case here, Warden. 845 00:48:15,066 --> 00:48:16,834 If we go to court, I'll win. 846 00:48:16,834 --> 00:48:18,700 - What do you want? 847 00:48:18,700 --> 00:48:21,767 - Full physical rehab for Stanton at the prison's expense 848 00:48:21,767 --> 00:48:25,166 and a guarantee that he'll be assigned light duty tasks. 849 00:48:27,100 --> 00:48:28,600 - Okay. 850 00:48:28,600 --> 00:48:30,233 - And I want those two Cos fired. 851 00:48:30,233 --> 00:48:32,633 - Beecher-- - Gone, today. 852 00:48:32,633 --> 00:48:34,166 - The union will fight this. 853 00:48:34,166 --> 00:48:37,633 - So, let the union take the heat. 854 00:48:37,633 --> 00:48:39,900 - All right, they're fired, I'm busy. 855 00:48:42,734 --> 00:48:44,233 - You're good at this, Tobias. 856 00:48:44,233 --> 00:48:46,333 - You ain't seen nothing yet. 857 00:48:51,200 --> 00:48:54,200 - So, how are you adjusting to life after death row? 858 00:48:54,200 --> 00:48:55,934 - I'm bored. 859 00:48:55,934 --> 00:48:58,133 Bored of the everyday, 860 00:48:58,133 --> 00:49:01,433 bored with shaving, brushing my teeth, 861 00:49:01,433 --> 00:49:04,100 taking a shit, wiping my ass. 862 00:49:04,100 --> 00:49:05,900 - You know what? 863 00:49:05,900 --> 00:49:08,000 I don't think you're bored. 864 00:49:11,200 --> 00:49:14,633 I think you miss Tobias. 865 00:49:14,633 --> 00:49:18,266 - Well, he's turned into a real firebrand. 866 00:49:18,266 --> 00:49:20,967 No sooner does he get my sentence overturned 867 00:49:20,967 --> 00:49:24,100 that he's out taking on the case of some other jamoke. 868 00:49:24,100 --> 00:49:27,667 - He's found a lot of joy in helping others. 869 00:49:27,667 --> 00:49:30,233 You might want to try the same thing. 870 00:49:36,100 --> 00:49:37,800 - And how would I do that, Sister? 871 00:49:37,800 --> 00:49:39,233 I'm not a lawyer. 872 00:49:39,233 --> 00:49:44,066 - Well, who besides Beecher do you care about? 873 00:49:46,900 --> 00:49:50,066 - My ex-wives, I guess. 874 00:49:50,066 --> 00:49:52,834 - Start there. 875 00:49:52,834 --> 00:49:56,600 - You know something, Sister, you just gave me a great idea. 876 00:49:59,567 --> 00:50:01,567 Thanks. 877 00:50:04,533 --> 00:50:06,133 Socks. 878 00:50:06,133 --> 00:50:07,800 - Yeah, I know how you are. 879 00:50:07,800 --> 00:50:09,266 You wear them until they fall off your feet. 880 00:50:09,266 --> 00:50:11,767 Exactly. 881 00:50:11,767 --> 00:50:14,000 - So, what's the latest from the outside world? 882 00:50:16,633 --> 00:50:18,367 - Kids are great. 883 00:50:20,300 --> 00:50:24,400 Harry... actually hugged me yesterday. 884 00:50:24,400 --> 00:50:26,500 - Sweet. 885 00:50:26,500 --> 00:50:28,300 I'd like to meet your kids. 886 00:50:28,300 --> 00:50:30,667 - Yeah, right. 887 00:50:30,667 --> 00:50:34,033 - I'm serious. 888 00:50:34,033 --> 00:50:36,066 - Yeah, okay. Yeah, definitely. 889 00:50:36,066 --> 00:50:40,533 You know, you know, just not right away, though. 890 00:50:40,533 --> 00:50:42,333 - Been drinking? 891 00:50:44,233 --> 00:50:46,100 - Not a drop. 892 00:50:46,100 --> 00:50:48,200 Went to a cocktail party the other night 893 00:50:48,200 --> 00:50:50,767 and passed with flying colors. 894 00:50:50,767 --> 00:50:52,834 - Good boy. 895 00:50:52,834 --> 00:50:56,433 And Holly's teacher, how's she? 896 00:50:56,433 --> 00:50:59,200 - Why do you ask that? 897 00:50:59,200 --> 00:51:00,633 - I don't know, you're the one 898 00:51:00,633 --> 00:51:04,367 who's mentioned her a couple times. 899 00:51:04,367 --> 00:51:09,033 - You know, actually, to be honest, Chris-- 900 00:51:09,033 --> 00:51:11,900 - Yes, let's be honest. 901 00:51:14,633 --> 00:51:17,133 - Marian and I have been dating. 902 00:51:17,133 --> 00:51:19,400 - You fuck her yet? 903 00:51:19,400 --> 00:51:20,667 - Chris. 904 00:51:20,667 --> 00:51:22,700 - Be honest. 905 00:51:25,834 --> 00:51:28,066 - Yes. 906 00:51:28,066 --> 00:51:32,600 - Good for you, you sexy motherfucker. 907 00:51:32,600 --> 00:51:34,934 - You're pissed. 908 00:51:34,934 --> 00:51:37,600 - I'm not. 909 00:51:37,600 --> 00:51:39,567 - Be honest. 910 00:51:46,900 --> 00:51:48,667 - You want a slice of truth? 911 00:51:50,967 --> 00:51:53,700 I killed Franklin Winthrop. 912 00:51:53,700 --> 00:51:55,333 - What? 913 00:51:55,333 --> 00:51:57,100 - No... 914 00:51:58,266 --> 00:52:00,800 - Bitch kills your dad, bitch gotta die. 915 00:52:05,333 --> 00:52:07,934 - Are you trying to get sent back to death row? 916 00:52:07,934 --> 00:52:11,100 - I covered my tracks. 917 00:52:11,100 --> 00:52:12,433 - Shit. 918 00:52:12,433 --> 00:52:13,900 - Toby, look, I'm telling you this-- 919 00:52:13,900 --> 00:52:15,734 I'm telling you this... 920 00:52:19,266 --> 00:52:22,133 - I'm not bragging. I'm not trying to upset you. 921 00:52:22,133 --> 00:52:25,133 I'm telling you this 'cause I need you to do me a favor. 922 00:52:27,000 --> 00:52:29,533 My ex-wife, Bonnie. 923 00:52:32,133 --> 00:52:35,367 She's been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. 924 00:52:37,967 --> 00:52:41,567 She's dying, Toby, 925 00:52:41,567 --> 00:52:44,066 and the only hope that she's got is this drug, 926 00:52:44,066 --> 00:52:46,967 it's called oxaliplatin. 927 00:52:46,967 --> 00:52:50,266 And the problem is that it's illegal in this country, 928 00:52:50,266 --> 00:52:54,934 so, I contacted this guy who, you know, he just, 929 00:52:54,934 --> 00:52:58,100 he peddles in these kind of illegal drugs. 930 00:52:58,100 --> 00:53:01,400 All I need you to do is just meet him, 931 00:53:01,400 --> 00:53:05,433 take the oxaliplatin to Bonnie. 932 00:53:05,433 --> 00:53:07,467 - I can't. 933 00:53:07,467 --> 00:53:09,567 - Why the fuck not? 934 00:53:09,567 --> 00:53:11,367 - I'd be violating my parole. 935 00:53:11,367 --> 00:53:13,934 - Bullshit, I'm asking you to take a small package 936 00:53:13,934 --> 00:53:17,500 in your pocket from point A to point B. 937 00:53:17,500 --> 00:53:20,433 - I can't. 938 00:53:20,433 --> 00:53:23,600 - Bonnie is dying. 939 00:53:23,600 --> 00:53:26,433 - Chris... - I love you. 940 00:53:26,433 --> 00:53:29,333 - Don't... - I know that you love me. 941 00:53:32,533 --> 00:53:36,633 I'm begging you, please. 942 00:53:36,633 --> 00:53:38,667 Toby, I'm begging you. 943 00:53:38,667 --> 00:53:40,967 - All right. 944 00:53:40,967 --> 00:53:43,967 Give me the address. 945 00:53:49,734 --> 00:53:51,333 I gotta go. 946 00:53:51,333 --> 00:53:55,834 - Toby, you'll see, this is all for the best. 947 00:53:55,834 --> 00:53:59,166 It's all for the best, Toby. 948 00:53:59,166 --> 00:54:01,667 Yeah, is Detective Weber there? 949 00:54:01,667 --> 00:54:05,300 I got a tip for him, 950 00:54:05,300 --> 00:54:09,533 the sale of illegal pharmaceuticals. 951 00:54:09,533 --> 00:54:12,633 - A man stands in the cemetery reading a letter he wrote 952 00:54:12,633 --> 00:54:15,266 finally forgiving his long-dead father. 953 00:54:15,266 --> 00:54:17,834 The mother of a girl killed by a drunk driver 954 00:54:17,834 --> 00:54:20,734 is wracked with fantasies of retaliation. 955 00:54:20,734 --> 00:54:23,734 Your boyfriend begs you for one more chance, 956 00:54:23,734 --> 00:54:27,533 you say to a mirror you're done hating yourself. 957 00:54:27,533 --> 00:54:29,633 But you know you're not. 958 00:54:29,633 --> 00:54:31,533 Maybe instead of forgive and forget 959 00:54:31,533 --> 00:54:33,667 it should be forgive and remember. 960 00:54:33,667 --> 00:54:35,333 Remember that you might wake up tomorrow 961 00:54:35,333 --> 00:54:37,600 and have to forgive all over again, 962 00:54:37,600 --> 00:54:39,867 and again and again, 963 00:54:39,867 --> 00:54:42,800 the way the heart keeps beating like a drum. 964 00:54:42,800 --> 00:54:44,100 Forgive. 965 00:54:44,100 --> 00:54:45,400 I can't. 966 00:54:45,400 --> 00:54:47,033 You can. 967 00:54:47,033 --> 00:54:50,233 Forgive. Forgive. 968 00:54:50,233 --> 00:54:51,700 I can't. 969 00:54:51,700 --> 00:54:55,000 You can. 970 00:54:55,000 --> 00:54:57,000 Forgive. 971 00:55:13,266 --> 00:55:18,100 - Same old story. 972 00:55:18,100 --> 00:55:20,633 I got fucked in the ass. 973 00:55:22,700 --> 00:55:24,600 - Sit down. 974 00:55:30,066 --> 00:55:32,000 Sit the fuck down. 975 00:55:34,467 --> 00:55:36,633 All right, guys, welcome to Oz. 976 00:55:36,633 --> 00:55:38,700 Here's the procedure.