1 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:39,274 In Oz, you have to be ready to defend yourself 2 00:01:39,554 --> 00:01:41,034 at any given moment. 3 00:01:41,265 --> 00:01:43,381 Chances are, the person coming at you has a weapon, 4 00:01:43,643 --> 00:01:45,316 so you gotta have one too. 5 00:01:45,561 --> 00:01:48,235 You gotta be ready to kill your enemies, 6 00:01:48,523 --> 00:01:50,400 or at least slow them down. 7 00:01:50,650 --> 00:01:52,250 You told me if I let you out of solitary, 8 00:01:52,485 --> 00:01:54,715 you'd snitch on the other prisoners, be my informant. 9 00:01:54,987 --> 00:01:57,263 Well, you haven't told me anything I don't already know. 10 00:01:57,532 --> 00:02:01,765 Morales won't let me back into El Norte unless I kill Redding. 11 00:02:02,119 --> 00:02:03,997 Then you're fucked, Alvarez, and no use to me. 12 00:02:04,248 --> 00:02:06,808 Hell, I might as well send you back to solitary right now. 13 00:02:07,084 --> 00:02:08,802 Wait a sec. He tells me to grease somebody. 14 00:02:09,044 --> 00:02:10,876 Right there's conspiracy, man. 15 00:02:11,130 --> 00:02:13,690 I convict Morales on a conspiracy charge, so what? 16 00:02:13,966 --> 00:02:16,401 He's still in Oz, still running drugs. 17 00:02:16,677 --> 00:02:17,951 Give me a couple of days. 18 00:02:18,178 --> 00:02:22,331 I'll try to figure out some other way to get in his good graces. 19 00:02:22,683 --> 00:02:24,515 Just a couple of fucking days. 20 00:02:24,768 --> 00:02:26,760 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 21 00:02:28,022 --> 00:02:30,855 Miguel, Miguel, where you been? 22 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:35,429 - I was kissing the warden's ass. - That's funny. 23 00:02:36,072 --> 00:02:38,268 Not as funny as you think. 24 00:02:38,908 --> 00:02:40,308 You know, he wants me to rat on you. 25 00:02:42,162 --> 00:02:45,678 He says if I don't give him any inside info on drugs and shit, 26 00:02:45,999 --> 00:02:48,037 I'm gonna be playing solitaire again. 27 00:02:49,211 --> 00:02:51,487 So I've been thinking. 28 00:02:51,755 --> 00:02:57,512 You know, maybe I could be like a double agent, right? 29 00:02:57,928 --> 00:03:01,364 I just give him the information that you want him to have, you know? 30 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:04,037 - That's a brilliant idea. - Think so? 31 00:03:04,310 --> 00:03:07,190 Except for the fact that there ain't no information I want Glynn to have. 32 00:03:07,480 --> 00:03:08,879 Misinformation. 33 00:03:09,106 --> 00:03:11,027 You tell him stuff that turns out not to be true, 34 00:03:11,276 --> 00:03:12,869 how long's he gonna trust you? 35 00:03:13,111 --> 00:03:14,863 No, my friend. 36 00:03:15,113 --> 00:03:17,468 If I were you- And I'm glad I'm not. 37 00:03:18,158 --> 00:03:20,991 -I'd prepare myself for the inevitable: 38 00:03:21,286 --> 00:03:24,085 spending the next 50 years all by your lonesome. 39 00:03:28,835 --> 00:03:29,984 [POET CHUCKLES] 40 00:03:30,253 --> 00:03:32,086 What's up? What you want, Alvarez? 41 00:03:32,340 --> 00:03:35,810 - I wanna talk to your boss. - We got no business with you. 42 00:03:39,180 --> 00:03:40,818 Morales wants you dead, man. 43 00:03:41,057 --> 00:03:43,776 - That ain't no headline. - He's ordered me to do the deed. 44 00:03:44,685 --> 00:03:46,323 I see. 45 00:03:46,562 --> 00:03:48,280 I don't wanna have to spill any more blood 46 00:03:48,523 --> 00:03:50,161 than I already done, man. 47 00:03:50,399 --> 00:03:52,788 Still don't see what it is you want. 48 00:03:54,237 --> 00:03:56,309 I wanna help you take out Morales. 49 00:03:57,199 --> 00:03:59,156 You're playing a dangerous game, son, 50 00:03:59,409 --> 00:04:00,558 betraying your own skin. 51 00:04:00,786 --> 00:04:04,177 Hey. They betrayed me first, man. 52 00:04:04,498 --> 00:04:06,489 REDDING: No doubt. 53 00:04:06,750 --> 00:04:08,710 The trouble with getting in bed with a traitor is, 54 00:04:08,919 --> 00:04:10,512 you never know when he might betray you. 55 00:04:11,296 --> 00:04:15,893 I appreciate your offer, but we're gonna have to decline. 56 00:04:16,260 --> 00:04:18,457 Decline. 57 00:04:25,103 --> 00:04:26,776 What you talking to Redding for? 58 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:30,412 - I asked to borrow some detergent. - Yeah? 59 00:04:30,733 --> 00:04:34,044 Well, we haven't forgotten that you shanked Carlo Ricardo. 60 00:04:36,281 --> 00:04:37,635 So? 61 00:04:37,866 --> 00:04:39,983 When Chico Guerra gets out of the hospital, 62 00:04:40,244 --> 00:04:41,837 he and me are gonna fuck you up. 63 00:04:42,454 --> 00:04:44,525 Why wait till he gets out, chicken shit? 64 00:04:44,790 --> 00:04:48,943 Come on, baby. I ain't got nothing, man. 65 00:04:49,295 --> 00:04:51,206 Nothing to lose, nothing to gain. 66 00:04:52,423 --> 00:04:53,538 Let's do this, puto. 67 00:04:55,009 --> 00:04:56,283 [INMATES SHOUTING] 68 00:04:56,552 --> 00:04:58,384 INMATE: Go on, get off. 69 00:05:09,774 --> 00:05:11,094 Whoa. 70 00:05:20,327 --> 00:05:22,523 MAN: Take that, you piece of shit. 71 00:05:22,787 --> 00:05:24,779 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 72 00:05:25,791 --> 00:05:29,466 Now, this shank, which we call the Gillette bayonet, 73 00:05:29,795 --> 00:05:32,867 is not designed to pierce, but to slice. 74 00:05:34,383 --> 00:05:38,058 The blade of a disposable razor is extracted from its plastic casing 75 00:05:38,387 --> 00:05:41,505 and then attached to a pen or a pencil. 76 00:05:41,808 --> 00:05:44,800 Only the danger with this sucker is- 77 00:05:45,102 --> 00:05:47,538 Aah! Aah. 78 00:05:47,856 --> 00:05:50,052 -You end up cutting yourself. 79 00:06:14,467 --> 00:06:16,458 [HITTING WALL] 80 00:06:54,301 --> 00:06:56,941 REBADOW: Busmalis is in solitary confinement, Norma. 81 00:06:57,471 --> 00:06:58,471 Why? 82 00:06:58,680 --> 00:07:00,240 In order to get permission to marry you, 83 00:07:00,474 --> 00:07:04,069 Busmalis promised the warden he wouldn't dig any more tunnels. 84 00:07:04,394 --> 00:07:05,794 Only he'd already started a tunnel. 85 00:07:06,021 --> 00:07:07,898 When he tried to fill it up, 86 00:07:08,148 --> 00:07:09,148 [WATER SPURTING] 87 00:07:09,357 --> 00:07:11,394 Well, all hell broke loose. 88 00:07:14,529 --> 00:07:17,044 How long will Agamemnon be isolated? 89 00:07:17,325 --> 00:07:18,440 Hard to say. 90 00:07:18,659 --> 00:07:20,730 Let me see what I can do on my end. 91 00:07:20,995 --> 00:07:24,875 Thank you, Mr. Rebadow. I miss Agamemnon so much. 92 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:27,006 Yes. 93 00:07:27,960 --> 00:07:29,997 I miss him too. 94 00:07:31,923 --> 00:07:33,641 So the truth is, 95 00:07:33,883 --> 00:07:37,843 Busmalis started digging the tunnel before he agreed not to. 96 00:07:38,180 --> 00:07:40,979 It's a lovely story, Rebadow, but why should I believe you? 97 00:07:42,476 --> 00:07:44,513 Because you know me, warden. 98 00:07:44,770 --> 00:07:46,727 I've been in Oz for 35 years. 99 00:07:46,980 --> 00:07:53,215 I've seen murders, riots, had a hundred different cellmates. 100 00:07:53,654 --> 00:07:57,887 Not once have I stepped up on another person's behalf. 101 00:07:58,242 --> 00:08:01,998 I've survived by being uninvolved. 102 00:08:02,330 --> 00:08:04,890 Busmalis deserves better. 103 00:08:08,503 --> 00:08:09,732 [SIGHS] 104 00:08:10,004 --> 00:08:11,722 Okay. 105 00:08:12,340 --> 00:08:15,696 But no more goddamn tunnels. 106 00:08:18,304 --> 00:08:19,304 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 107 00:08:19,514 --> 00:08:21,869 I don't know how you got me out or how I'll ever repay you. 108 00:08:22,434 --> 00:08:24,311 Nonsense. I owed you. 109 00:08:27,898 --> 00:08:29,809 Busmalis. 110 00:08:32,611 --> 00:08:36,605 - No more tunnels. - Absolutely. 111 00:08:36,949 --> 00:08:40,624 In solitary I had time to think about my obsession with digging. 112 00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:43,627 Tunnels are nothing but extended graves. 113 00:08:43,914 --> 00:08:46,145 But I'm not dead. Far from it. 114 00:08:46,877 --> 00:08:49,869 Because of Norma, you have every reason to live. 115 00:08:51,464 --> 00:08:53,899 Mmm! I'm gonna go call Norma. 116 00:08:54,176 --> 00:08:56,167 [CHUCKLES] 117 00:08:59,639 --> 00:09:02,472 Now, the Weigert Corporation has developed a pill 118 00:09:02,767 --> 00:09:05,964 which causes the body to age at a faster pace than normal. 119 00:09:06,271 --> 00:09:08,229 So we give this drug to a prisoner, 120 00:09:08,816 --> 00:09:11,535 he ages the number of years that he was supposed to have served, 121 00:09:11,819 --> 00:09:13,173 and then we let him go. 122 00:09:13,404 --> 00:09:14,678 But that whole fucking process 123 00:09:14,906 --> 00:09:17,466 invalidates the whole purpose of our jobs. 124 00:09:17,742 --> 00:09:20,621 Tim's right. You take a killer at 20 who's in for 20, 125 00:09:20,912 --> 00:09:22,471 you give him the pill, bingo, he's 40, 126 00:09:22,705 --> 00:09:24,503 but he's still a cold-blooded murderer. 127 00:09:24,749 --> 00:09:27,263 McMANUS: This drug doesn't factor in rehabilitation. 128 00:09:27,543 --> 00:09:29,660 This drug is the ultimate admission of our failure. 129 00:09:29,922 --> 00:09:31,435 It says that we can't redeem these men 130 00:09:31,673 --> 00:09:32,822 and we shouldn't even try. 131 00:09:33,050 --> 00:09:35,724 We gotta pull the plug on this project now. 132 00:09:36,011 --> 00:09:37,011 Leave it to you, Tim, 133 00:09:37,221 --> 00:09:38,861 to turn a personal disagreement between us 134 00:09:39,056 --> 00:09:40,933 into some self-righteous crusade, 135 00:09:41,183 --> 00:09:43,903 making speeches because he didn't want the O'Reily brothers included. 136 00:09:44,186 --> 00:09:45,986 Regardless, he's brought up some valid points. 137 00:09:46,188 --> 00:09:47,587 - Peter Marie... I'm sorry, he has. 138 00:09:47,815 --> 00:09:49,169 HOWELL: Valid points? 139 00:09:49,399 --> 00:09:50,434 Which of you can stand up 140 00:09:50,651 --> 00:09:54,088 and claim that you've actually turned one of these fucks around? 141 00:09:54,405 --> 00:09:56,681 True. All we do is move them through the system. 142 00:09:56,950 --> 00:09:59,100 We bring them in, we lock them up, we let them out. 143 00:09:59,369 --> 00:10:01,769 At least with this pill, we don't get stabbed in the process. 144 00:10:02,038 --> 00:10:05,668 If you're so afraid of the work, Lopresti, go back to selling used cars. 145 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:07,280 - You see? - Don't be an asshole. 146 00:10:07,502 --> 00:10:10,062 - This isn't just about me. - Wait a minute, you instigated this. 147 00:10:10,338 --> 00:10:13,535 Enough. I'll call the commissioner and express your concerns. 148 00:10:13,843 --> 00:10:17,962 But until he decides to yank the plug, the program continues. 149 00:10:18,305 --> 00:10:19,898 That's all. 150 00:10:20,140 --> 00:10:22,131 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] 151 00:10:28,399 --> 00:10:29,514 Let me ask you something. 152 00:10:29,733 --> 00:10:31,292 This new drug that we're testing, 153 00:10:31,527 --> 00:10:33,643 how long till we start feeling the effects? 154 00:10:33,904 --> 00:10:36,145 Well, as I said before, it's never been tested on humans, 155 00:10:36,408 --> 00:10:39,082 but the lab rats began to age in about three days. 156 00:10:39,369 --> 00:10:41,804 If I get old and wrinkled, 157 00:10:42,080 --> 00:10:43,150 will you still love me? 158 00:10:46,251 --> 00:10:47,251 [VELCRO RIPPING OFF] 159 00:10:47,460 --> 00:10:48,575 Next. 160 00:10:52,465 --> 00:10:53,614 Cyril, any complaints? 161 00:10:54,843 --> 00:10:57,437 - I have a tummy ache. - Come on, sit down. 162 00:11:00,766 --> 00:11:02,040 [CLEARS THROAT] 163 00:11:02,310 --> 00:11:03,823 Okay, take a deep breath in. 164 00:11:04,854 --> 00:11:06,845 [BELL RINGS] 165 00:11:11,944 --> 00:11:13,935 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 166 00:11:14,822 --> 00:11:16,620 Count. 167 00:11:23,123 --> 00:11:24,716 [COUGHING] 168 00:11:24,958 --> 00:11:25,958 [SNIFFS] 169 00:11:26,168 --> 00:11:28,079 Ahh. Cyril, come on, let's go. 170 00:11:31,924 --> 00:11:32,924 Come on, Cyril, get up. 171 00:11:33,133 --> 00:11:35,124 [WATER RUNNING] 172 00:11:38,305 --> 00:11:40,865 Holy mother of Christ. 173 00:11:43,728 --> 00:11:45,480 Ryan, 174 00:11:46,022 --> 00:11:48,741 I don't feel too good. 175 00:11:50,944 --> 00:11:52,935 I'll be right back. 176 00:11:55,406 --> 00:11:58,558 - Hey, so? - He's begun to age. 177 00:11:58,868 --> 00:11:59,983 What about me? 178 00:12:00,537 --> 00:12:02,255 Your body might metabolize slower, 179 00:12:02,497 --> 00:12:04,170 or you could be on the placebo. 180 00:12:04,415 --> 00:12:07,249 Wait, the idea was for me and Cyril to go through this together. 181 00:12:07,545 --> 00:12:09,582 Remember? To get out of Oz together. 182 00:12:10,172 --> 00:12:12,971 Are you trying to tell me he-? He's gonna get old and I might not? 183 00:12:14,468 --> 00:12:16,186 - Yes. - No, you stop giving him that drug. 184 00:12:16,428 --> 00:12:18,066 No, I won't. You both agreed to take it. 185 00:12:18,305 --> 00:12:19,659 Well, now I'm un-agreeing. 186 00:12:19,890 --> 00:12:22,010 Look, everything I've done has fucked up Cyril's life. 187 00:12:22,226 --> 00:12:24,297 I'm not about to sit by and watch him disintegrate. 188 00:12:24,562 --> 00:12:25,916 You signed an agreement. 189 00:12:26,147 --> 00:12:27,627 - I don't care. - Well, I do. 190 00:12:28,817 --> 00:12:30,330 [SILENTLY] Fuck you. 191 00:12:30,569 --> 00:12:32,129 Cyril, put your shirt on. We're leaving. 192 00:12:32,362 --> 00:12:34,842 No, we are keeping Cyril here a few more hours for observation. 193 00:12:35,115 --> 00:12:36,992 Get him out of here. 194 00:12:45,959 --> 00:12:48,633 - Okay, you see my brother's hair? - Pretty bizarre. 195 00:12:48,920 --> 00:12:51,515 This aging thing is out of whack. You and me, we gotta drop out. 196 00:12:51,799 --> 00:12:54,678 We gotta talk to Robson and Kirk, and we gotta get them to drop out too. 197 00:12:54,969 --> 00:12:56,528 - What? - Heh. 198 00:12:57,054 --> 00:12:58,886 This is just like you, O'Reily. 199 00:12:59,140 --> 00:13:00,140 I gave my word, 200 00:13:00,349 --> 00:13:02,738 and as terrified as I am about the effects of the drug, 201 00:13:03,019 --> 00:13:04,019 I'm sticking with it. 202 00:13:04,228 --> 00:13:06,458 Fine. I'll talk to the others myself. 203 00:13:06,731 --> 00:13:09,086 Yeah, well, I don't know if that's gonna do much good. 204 00:13:09,358 --> 00:13:10,638 Mugs like Robson, Hoyt and Wick, 205 00:13:10,860 --> 00:13:13,142 they're used to playing Russian roulette with their lives. 206 00:13:13,363 --> 00:13:16,116 My guess is, they're gonna laugh in your face. 207 00:13:16,992 --> 00:13:18,392 ELLIOTT [ON TV]: Feeling good today? 208 00:13:18,619 --> 00:13:20,417 I'm feeling nervous. That's a lot of money. 209 00:13:20,662 --> 00:13:22,778 ELLIOTT: Helping you out is none other than the host 210 00:13:23,040 --> 00:13:25,873 of the very popular Miss Sally's Schoolyard, 211 00:13:26,168 --> 00:13:28,603 Whitney Allen. Whitney, welcome. Well... 212 00:13:28,879 --> 00:13:30,950 Dr. Nathan says I got pubic lice, 213 00:13:31,215 --> 00:13:32,967 tiny little bugs that live around my balls. 214 00:13:33,217 --> 00:13:35,129 Shit. Heh. 215 00:13:39,516 --> 00:13:44,511 Wow. That's freaky, his hair turning white? 216 00:13:44,896 --> 00:13:47,206 Yeah, at least that shit won't happen to us. Heh. 217 00:13:47,482 --> 00:13:49,280 Other than the lice, I feel great. 218 00:13:49,526 --> 00:13:51,756 Thinking maybe I'm one of the five that got the placebo. 219 00:13:52,028 --> 00:13:53,228 [LAUGHTER AND CHATTER OVER TV] 220 00:13:54,072 --> 00:13:55,585 [HEAD THUDS] 221 00:13:55,865 --> 00:13:59,063 Wick, what are you doing? Wick? 222 00:14:00,412 --> 00:14:04,201 HOYT: Jesus fucking Christ. Murphy! Murphy! 223 00:14:05,918 --> 00:14:08,194 Get some fucking help down here. Wick. 224 00:14:16,554 --> 00:14:17,953 Gloria. 225 00:14:18,222 --> 00:14:19,223 [SIGHS] 226 00:14:19,432 --> 00:14:22,345 - You come to gloat, Tim? - No, to apologise. 227 00:14:22,644 --> 00:14:24,044 I mean, you were right on the money 228 00:14:24,271 --> 00:14:27,343 when you said that I turned our disagreement into something else. 229 00:14:27,649 --> 00:14:29,809 I'm sure you were acting out on the best of intentions. 230 00:14:31,903 --> 00:14:33,382 Was I? 231 00:14:34,489 --> 00:14:37,208 My answer to everything that walks through that door is: 232 00:14:37,492 --> 00:14:39,768 "Pop a pill in his mouth." 233 00:14:40,745 --> 00:14:42,306 I don't even try to heal people anymore. 234 00:14:42,540 --> 00:14:44,099 I'm a drug dealer. 235 00:14:44,584 --> 00:14:45,584 [NATHAN SIGHS] 236 00:14:45,793 --> 00:14:48,672 Well, better that than a... 237 00:14:50,798 --> 00:14:52,438 Fuck, I don't even know what I am anymore. 238 00:14:53,926 --> 00:14:56,759 Except tired and hungry. 239 00:14:57,054 --> 00:14:59,011 Good night. 240 00:15:00,892 --> 00:15:03,965 - Tim? - Yeah? 241 00:15:04,855 --> 00:15:06,175 Um... 242 00:15:07,149 --> 00:15:09,060 That rain check for dinner? 243 00:15:10,611 --> 00:15:12,090 I'd like to cash it in. 244 00:15:12,321 --> 00:15:15,313 - Really? You sure? - Yeah. 245 00:15:16,992 --> 00:15:19,302 I don't wanna be alone tonight. 246 00:15:30,632 --> 00:15:36,025 Remember when we were little, Mama would sing to us? 247 00:15:36,429 --> 00:15:38,500 Just try and sleep, Cyril. 248 00:15:39,432 --> 00:15:41,946 I can't remember what song. 249 00:15:45,313 --> 00:15:46,587 [SIGHS] 250 00:15:49,860 --> 00:15:51,294 [O'REILY GRUNTS] 251 00:15:53,906 --> 00:15:55,579 Move over. 252 00:15:59,453 --> 00:16:02,764 [SINGING] ♪ Over in Killarney ♪ 253 00:16:03,833 --> 00:16:06,268 ♪ Many years ago ♪ 254 00:16:07,586 --> 00:16:12,058 ♪ Me mother sang a song to me ♪ 255 00:16:12,425 --> 00:16:15,622 ♪ In tones so sweet and low ♪ 256 00:16:16,304 --> 00:16:20,855 ♪ Just a simple little ditty ♪ 257 00:16:21,226 --> 00:16:26,016 ♪ In her sweet old Irish way ♪ 258 00:16:26,398 --> 00:16:30,949 ♪ And I'd give the world If she could sing ♪ 259 00:16:31,319 --> 00:16:37,589 ♪ That song to me this day, Hey ♪ 260 00:16:38,411 --> 00:16:42,564 ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral ♪ 261 00:16:43,291 --> 00:16:46,170 ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-li ♪ 262 00:16:47,628 --> 00:16:51,337 ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral ♪ 263 00:16:51,716 --> 00:16:57,315 ♪ Hush, now, don't you cry ♪ 264 00:16:57,848 --> 00:17:01,762 ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral ♪ 265 00:17:11,945 --> 00:17:14,585 And I'm sure we all feel an enormous sense of joy 266 00:17:14,865 --> 00:17:16,776 watching our brother embrace the ways of Islam. 267 00:17:17,034 --> 00:17:18,787 And so henceforth, 268 00:17:19,746 --> 00:17:23,216 he will no longer be known as Leroy Tidd, 269 00:17:23,917 --> 00:17:26,716 but as Salaar Udeen, 270 00:17:27,545 --> 00:17:31,140 which means "honoring the faith." 271 00:17:33,134 --> 00:17:34,454 Allahu akbar. 272 00:17:34,677 --> 00:17:36,156 ALL: Allahu akbar. 273 00:17:36,387 --> 00:17:37,457 [SAID LAUGHS] 274 00:17:37,680 --> 00:17:38,829 SAID: Welcome, my brother. 275 00:17:39,057 --> 00:17:41,049 [LAUGHTER] 276 00:17:48,567 --> 00:17:49,966 [NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 277 00:17:52,863 --> 00:17:55,423 Imam, there are things I wanna talk to you about, 278 00:17:55,699 --> 00:17:56,769 but I'm afraid. 279 00:17:56,992 --> 00:17:58,505 Well, don't be, my brother. 280 00:17:58,744 --> 00:18:01,543 From now on, you must feel free to ask me anything. 281 00:18:01,831 --> 00:18:03,505 Even about Adebisi? 282 00:18:03,750 --> 00:18:05,741 [BUZZER SOUNDS IN DISTANCE] 283 00:18:09,506 --> 00:18:12,419 He was a bad man, but he was my friend. 284 00:18:13,301 --> 00:18:16,339 - You plotted to murder him. - No. 285 00:18:16,638 --> 00:18:19,278 His death was never my goal. 286 00:18:21,226 --> 00:18:23,342 I tried to save him. 287 00:18:24,145 --> 00:18:26,183 But Simon didn't wanna be saved. 288 00:18:26,774 --> 00:18:29,448 He felt he knew what he needed from life. 289 00:18:30,069 --> 00:18:32,185 After he'd satisfied all of his appetites, 290 00:18:32,446 --> 00:18:34,084 he realised that his desires were empty, 291 00:18:34,323 --> 00:18:36,360 that he had nothing. 292 00:18:37,410 --> 00:18:40,209 The only desire that he had left was to die. 293 00:18:40,496 --> 00:18:42,965 How do you know that? 294 00:18:43,249 --> 00:18:46,526 You only need to look into a man's face 295 00:18:47,713 --> 00:18:50,307 to see if his time has come. 296 00:18:59,683 --> 00:19:01,674 [INMATES CHATTERING] 297 00:19:03,937 --> 00:19:05,814 Hello, Leroy. 298 00:19:06,440 --> 00:19:07,440 I thought we had a deal. 299 00:19:07,649 --> 00:19:09,402 I thought you were gonna kill Said for us. 300 00:19:09,652 --> 00:19:11,245 - I will. - When? 301 00:19:12,113 --> 00:19:13,786 He's constantly surrounded by his crew. 302 00:19:14,032 --> 00:19:15,832 I'm waiting for a moment when I got him alone. 303 00:19:18,661 --> 00:19:20,421 - Assalamu alaikum. ARIF: Wa alaikum assalam. 304 00:19:20,705 --> 00:19:23,299 - So, what's going on? - Said's napping. 305 00:19:23,583 --> 00:19:25,343 You know he suffers from hypertension, right? 306 00:19:25,585 --> 00:19:27,735 No, I didn't. You want a break? 307 00:19:28,004 --> 00:19:29,722 I'd be happy to take over. 308 00:19:30,465 --> 00:19:33,504 - I do have to take a leak. - Then relieve thyself. 309 00:19:33,802 --> 00:19:34,802 [LAUGHS] 310 00:19:35,012 --> 00:19:36,161 Okay. 311 00:19:36,388 --> 00:19:38,068 He should be asleep for another 20 minutes. 312 00:19:38,307 --> 00:19:40,378 - I'll be right back. - Mm-hm. 313 00:20:10,340 --> 00:20:11,853 Salaar. 314 00:20:13,718 --> 00:20:15,311 - Where-? - It's all right. 315 00:20:16,430 --> 00:20:18,421 You're safe. 316 00:20:27,233 --> 00:20:29,224 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 317 00:20:30,486 --> 00:20:32,955 - Aah! God. What the fuck? - Fuck. 318 00:20:36,576 --> 00:20:38,454 You know, I'm getting tired of your boy Redding 319 00:20:38,704 --> 00:20:41,423 waiting to make his move against Pancamo and Morales, man. 320 00:20:41,707 --> 00:20:43,347 Shit, I don't know why we don't just go up 321 00:20:43,542 --> 00:20:44,982 and ice the motherfuckers right now. 322 00:20:45,210 --> 00:20:48,919 Relax. Red knows the score. He'll tell us when the time is right. 323 00:20:50,591 --> 00:20:54,824 Yo. Who that-? That's not who I think it is, is it? 324 00:20:55,179 --> 00:20:56,939 WHITE: Jackson Vahue? POET: Yeah, that's him. 325 00:20:57,181 --> 00:20:58,899 WHITE [CHUCKLES]: Get the fuck out of here. 326 00:20:59,141 --> 00:21:01,662 I heard he was up in here, man, but, you know, I ain't seen him. 327 00:21:01,936 --> 00:21:03,893 He like to keep a low profile, you know. 328 00:21:04,147 --> 00:21:07,344 - Hey, I wanna meet him. POET: Yeah, yeah, come on, man. 329 00:21:07,650 --> 00:21:10,005 Jackson. Yo, Jackson. 330 00:21:10,570 --> 00:21:13,005 POET: What's up, man? All right, all right. 331 00:21:13,781 --> 00:21:15,294 How you doing? 332 00:21:15,533 --> 00:21:17,410 - My man Omar White, V. - Hi. 333 00:21:17,660 --> 00:21:20,652 - He wanted to meet you. - What's up, man? Yeah. Heh. 334 00:21:20,955 --> 00:21:22,915 Hey, I was there that night when you scored, what? 335 00:21:23,125 --> 00:21:25,196 Forty-eight points on the Bulls, boy. That was- 336 00:21:25,461 --> 00:21:29,091 - Poet, what you got in stock? - I thought you was off the drugs, man. 337 00:21:29,423 --> 00:21:32,541 Yeah, well, that was when I was trying to win parole. 338 00:21:33,552 --> 00:21:37,102 Now I'm stuck in this shit hole for another seven years. 339 00:21:37,431 --> 00:21:38,546 Give me some tit. 340 00:21:38,766 --> 00:21:39,995 Anything you need, brother, 341 00:21:40,226 --> 00:21:41,411 - we've got that for you. - Here. 342 00:21:41,435 --> 00:21:43,108 [WHISPERS] All right. All right. 343 00:21:43,354 --> 00:21:44,583 POET: Ah-ah-ah. 344 00:21:44,855 --> 00:21:46,416 Keep you happy, keep your motor running. 345 00:21:46,650 --> 00:21:48,561 I'm your man, Jackson. 346 00:21:48,818 --> 00:21:50,331 [CHUCKLES] 347 00:21:53,406 --> 00:21:55,526 Man. Boy, Jackson Vahue, man. I mean, there I am, man. 348 00:21:55,742 --> 00:21:57,662 I'm trying to be friendly with this motherfucker. 349 00:21:57,911 --> 00:22:00,983 He's looking at me like I'm not there, like I'm a fucking glass of water. 350 00:22:01,289 --> 00:22:03,405 Man, he's got other shit on his mind, man. 351 00:22:04,167 --> 00:22:07,558 I got this problem. I just-I just don't impress people. 352 00:22:07,880 --> 00:22:08,880 [LAUGHS] 353 00:22:09,090 --> 00:22:10,489 No, man, this ain't no joke, man. 354 00:22:10,716 --> 00:22:13,356 I mean, ever since I was a kid, man, I meet people and I just- 355 00:22:13,636 --> 00:22:16,355 For some reason, I just don't leave no impression on them. 356 00:22:17,348 --> 00:22:20,784 - So, what you gonna do, man? - What I'm gonna do? 357 00:22:21,102 --> 00:22:23,093 I'll show you what I'm gonna do. 358 00:22:23,354 --> 00:22:25,554 I'm gonna make these motherfuckers notice me, all right? 359 00:22:25,815 --> 00:22:27,455 Yo, don't be waving that shit around, man. 360 00:22:27,692 --> 00:22:29,251 These motherfuckers are gonna fear me. 361 00:22:29,485 --> 00:22:31,238 All right? Watch me. Watch me. 362 00:22:35,033 --> 00:22:36,785 Hey, get the fuck out of the way. 363 00:22:40,789 --> 00:22:41,789 [NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 364 00:22:42,833 --> 00:22:44,710 [INHALES DEEPLY] 365 00:22:46,503 --> 00:22:47,698 McManus. 366 00:22:48,338 --> 00:22:49,658 - McManus. - Yeah? 367 00:22:50,090 --> 00:22:51,160 [STABBING] 368 00:22:51,383 --> 00:22:52,384 [ALL SHOUTING] 369 00:22:52,594 --> 00:22:55,393 - What the fuck was that? INMATE 1: Jumped him with a knife. 370 00:22:57,891 --> 00:23:00,121 This is 11, we got a 66. Hurry. 371 00:23:01,728 --> 00:23:03,526 OFFICER: Apply pressure. Raise his head. 372 00:23:03,771 --> 00:23:05,603 Bleeding like a pig. How does it feel, baby? 373 00:23:06,149 --> 00:23:07,149 Ah! Fuck. 374 00:23:07,358 --> 00:23:09,349 [ALARM SOUNDING] 375 00:23:11,529 --> 00:23:13,520 [SCATTERED APPLAUSE] 376 00:23:13,823 --> 00:23:15,815 [INMATES CHATTERING] 377 00:23:19,288 --> 00:23:21,528 OFFICER: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be taken care of. 378 00:23:21,790 --> 00:23:24,543 This particular shank is called a blunt. 379 00:23:24,835 --> 00:23:26,394 It's fairly standard. 380 00:23:26,629 --> 00:23:29,860 A prisoner palms a hunk of metal working in the shop 381 00:23:30,174 --> 00:23:32,290 and then rubs the metal against a stone wall- 382 00:23:32,551 --> 00:23:34,542 In Oz we got plenty of those. 383 00:23:34,803 --> 00:23:37,762 -Shaping it into a blade. 384 00:23:38,058 --> 00:23:40,777 The beauty of this baby is that... 385 00:23:41,061 --> 00:23:45,419 it causes as much internal damage as possible. 386 00:23:48,443 --> 00:23:50,514 Basil, you've got a guest. 387 00:23:51,363 --> 00:23:54,401 - Who? - Nancy Mears. 388 00:23:57,327 --> 00:23:59,604 YOOD: There's your mistress? 389 00:24:00,748 --> 00:24:04,582 Sort of. She was my partner. 390 00:24:05,211 --> 00:24:09,330 While I was undercover in Em City, she pretended to be my girlfriend. 391 00:24:09,674 --> 00:24:13,383 - You seem surprised she's here. - I am. 392 00:24:13,719 --> 00:24:16,677 Up until today, she's refused to see me. 393 00:24:22,229 --> 00:24:23,708 Nancy. 394 00:24:25,440 --> 00:24:28,478 I can't tell you how happy I am that you've come. 395 00:24:28,777 --> 00:24:31,451 - The lieutenant ordered me. - What? 396 00:24:32,406 --> 00:24:35,319 Schmand. He said I had to come. 397 00:24:36,076 --> 00:24:38,636 Oh. Well, 398 00:24:39,413 --> 00:24:40,562 I'm sorry he forced you. 399 00:24:40,789 --> 00:24:43,258 You got something to tell me? 400 00:24:45,420 --> 00:24:49,175 I wanted to apologise for lying to you while I was undercover. 401 00:24:49,966 --> 00:24:54,563 I got so deep inside Desmond Mobay that I let the situation get funky. 402 00:24:56,806 --> 00:24:58,479 Okay. 403 00:25:00,435 --> 00:25:02,995 - Bye. - Nancy. 404 00:25:03,271 --> 00:25:07,061 - That's it? ' "Okay, bye'"? - What do you want from me, John? 405 00:25:08,694 --> 00:25:09,729 Forgiveness? 406 00:25:11,280 --> 00:25:13,078 Look. 407 00:25:13,699 --> 00:25:15,895 Being a cop sucks. 408 00:25:16,160 --> 00:25:18,000 The people we're supposed to protect and serve, 409 00:25:18,245 --> 00:25:22,523 they think we're brutal, indifferent, insulated and corrupt. 410 00:25:22,875 --> 00:25:24,468 Every day I fight against that image, 411 00:25:24,710 --> 00:25:27,668 and every day a scumbag like you fucks it up. 412 00:25:27,963 --> 00:25:30,763 So, no, John, I will not forgive you, but I promise you this: 413 00:25:31,051 --> 00:25:34,362 I'll forget you. I will forget you ever existed. 414 00:25:37,807 --> 00:25:41,437 And if Schmand asks, be sure to tell him I was here. 415 00:25:46,274 --> 00:25:49,392 Hey, you. You wanna play some cards? 416 00:25:49,694 --> 00:25:51,094 Not with you. 417 00:25:53,407 --> 00:25:55,523 Mmm-mm-mm. 418 00:25:57,203 --> 00:25:59,433 When are you gonna accept the fact 419 00:25:59,705 --> 00:26:03,255 that you, me and Johnny share a bond? 420 00:26:03,584 --> 00:26:05,495 We were all cops. 421 00:26:05,753 --> 00:26:08,791 Cops who, for one reason or another, copped out. Heh. 422 00:26:09,549 --> 00:26:11,984 I have nothing in common with you. 423 00:26:12,260 --> 00:26:15,413 I'm a political prisoner incarcerated by an unjust system. 424 00:26:15,722 --> 00:26:16,871 No, son, 425 00:26:17,099 --> 00:26:20,330 you're nothing but a punk with bad aim. 426 00:26:21,436 --> 00:26:23,234 And you're a dead man. 427 00:26:26,733 --> 00:26:29,805 - Is that a threat? - It ain't a valentine. 428 00:26:32,072 --> 00:26:33,949 Like I said: 429 00:26:34,616 --> 00:26:36,255 punk. 430 00:26:40,999 --> 00:26:42,990 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] 431 00:26:50,842 --> 00:26:51,877 Quit staring. 432 00:26:54,220 --> 00:26:56,291 - Relax. - Cocksucker keeps staring at me 433 00:26:56,556 --> 00:26:58,434 like he's putting some kind of curse on me. 434 00:26:59,476 --> 00:27:01,353 MURPHY: Warden wants to see you. Come on. 435 00:27:09,111 --> 00:27:10,863 I wonder what that's about. 436 00:27:11,572 --> 00:27:15,611 Morales and Pancamo killed Bian Yixhue. 437 00:27:15,951 --> 00:27:17,350 Do you have proof? 438 00:27:19,371 --> 00:27:22,285 Well, then unfortunately, there's not much I can do. 439 00:27:22,584 --> 00:27:26,179 We wanted to see you, Gongjin, so that you could prepare the others. 440 00:27:26,504 --> 00:27:30,213 - To return home? - No, this is about Jia Kenmin. 441 00:27:30,550 --> 00:27:32,826 Jia Kenmin? You have captured him? 442 00:27:33,094 --> 00:27:35,324 Yes, he was already on trial locally for drug charges. 443 00:27:35,597 --> 00:27:37,235 Yesterday the jury found him guilty. 444 00:27:37,474 --> 00:27:38,954 He'll be tried again in federal court 445 00:27:39,142 --> 00:27:41,816 for illegally bringing you and the others into the country. 446 00:27:42,103 --> 00:27:44,300 But in the interim, he's coming here. 447 00:27:44,815 --> 00:27:46,692 To this prison? 448 00:27:46,943 --> 00:27:48,943 Yes, and we're gonna keep him completely segregated 449 00:27:49,195 --> 00:27:50,469 until your people are gone. 450 00:27:51,489 --> 00:27:55,198 Jia Kenmin, he is to blame for the misery. 451 00:27:55,535 --> 00:27:58,607 He arranged for the boat that brought us from China. 452 00:27:58,913 --> 00:28:00,950 Yes, and he'll be punished accordingly. 453 00:28:02,250 --> 00:28:05,562 I would like to meet him, to see his face. 454 00:28:05,879 --> 00:28:10,510 - Gongjin... Please. I will do him no harm. 455 00:28:10,884 --> 00:28:13,319 What harm could I do? 456 00:28:13,595 --> 00:28:16,633 He is a killer. I am not. 457 00:28:23,605 --> 00:28:25,243 [NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 458 00:28:26,358 --> 00:28:28,350 [TIRES SCREECHING] 459 00:28:30,238 --> 00:28:32,229 [INDISTINCT POLICE RADIO CHATTER] 460 00:28:35,994 --> 00:28:39,544 HILL: Prisoner number 01J813, Jia Kenmin. 461 00:28:41,332 --> 00:28:45,041 Convicted February 2nd, 2001, 462 00:28:45,378 --> 00:28:48,211 possession and distribution of a controlled substance. 463 00:28:48,506 --> 00:28:51,499 Sentence: 15 years. 464 00:28:51,802 --> 00:28:54,271 Up for parole in five. 465 00:29:04,940 --> 00:29:07,659 GOU: Kuang Gongjin, Jia Kenmin. 466 00:29:08,611 --> 00:29:11,809 - How you doing? - No physical contact. Sit. 467 00:29:14,492 --> 00:29:17,564 The officer's gonna remain in the room for the entire five minutes 468 00:29:17,871 --> 00:29:20,670 and can shut the conversation down any time before that. 469 00:29:20,957 --> 00:29:22,550 Okay? 470 00:29:30,842 --> 00:29:31,877 So? 471 00:29:33,637 --> 00:29:39,077 I am told your parents left China same as us, 472 00:29:40,269 --> 00:29:44,024 escaped the horrors to make a better life for you. 473 00:29:44,357 --> 00:29:47,907 So how can you treat your own people like dirt? 474 00:29:49,403 --> 00:29:52,077 I want to kill you. 475 00:29:53,449 --> 00:29:58,126 But killing you will not bring Yixhue back to his wife and son. 476 00:29:58,789 --> 00:30:03,181 The men in this prison are not honorable. 477 00:30:05,170 --> 00:30:08,800 Are you? Are you, Jia Kenmin? 478 00:30:09,132 --> 00:30:15,242 If so, there is one thing you could do to make up for the bad. 479 00:30:16,723 --> 00:30:20,957 One thing I ask, not only for myself, 480 00:30:21,312 --> 00:30:25,510 but for the honor of all who suffer. 481 00:30:30,196 --> 00:30:33,905 [WHISPERS] Sha shì Enrique Morales. 482 00:30:36,911 --> 00:30:38,788 Will you do that? 483 00:30:40,331 --> 00:30:42,164 Will you swear? 484 00:30:53,596 --> 00:30:54,996 TV NEWSCASTER: The State Department, 485 00:30:55,222 --> 00:30:57,342 under increasing pressure from the Beijing government, 486 00:30:57,558 --> 00:31:00,596 has decided not to grant asylum to the 35 remaining Chinese illegals 487 00:31:00,895 --> 00:31:03,410 whose freighter crashed off Jeb Island Sound. 488 00:31:03,690 --> 00:31:05,761 The refugees will be deported to China tomorrow, 489 00:31:06,026 --> 00:31:08,302 where they face an uncertain future. 490 00:31:09,487 --> 00:31:11,603 Business news is next with Marcia Levy. 491 00:31:14,034 --> 00:31:16,025 [KEYS JINGLING] 492 00:31:22,334 --> 00:31:25,008 POET: Yo, look who's out of solitary. 493 00:31:25,922 --> 00:31:28,232 I forgot Ketchum was in Oz. 494 00:31:28,507 --> 00:31:30,339 POET: Yeah, he got here a couple months ago. 495 00:31:30,593 --> 00:31:33,631 - Calls himself Supreme Allah. REDDING: Heh. Right. 496 00:31:34,222 --> 00:31:36,611 He's been on trial for killing two other inmates. 497 00:31:37,683 --> 00:31:40,641 Burr, heard you were in circulation. 498 00:31:40,937 --> 00:31:42,894 Get the fuck away from me, Ketchum. 499 00:31:49,196 --> 00:31:50,345 Yeah. 500 00:31:50,572 --> 00:31:52,563 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 501 00:31:56,078 --> 00:31:57,398 What was that about? 502 00:31:57,621 --> 00:31:58,816 [INHALES DEEPLY] 503 00:31:59,081 --> 00:32:01,470 Augustus, you ever wonder why the cops knew where you was at 504 00:32:01,750 --> 00:32:03,184 the night you got arrested? 505 00:32:03,418 --> 00:32:05,728 Yeah, I figured they had me under surveillance. 506 00:32:06,004 --> 00:32:08,518 Surveillance, my black ass. 507 00:32:08,799 --> 00:32:11,997 - Ketchum told them. - What? 508 00:32:12,303 --> 00:32:13,896 They had him on an old warrant. 509 00:32:15,056 --> 00:32:18,526 They were squeezing him hard. He gave you up. 510 00:32:19,435 --> 00:32:22,427 If it wasn't for Supreme Allah, 511 00:32:22,730 --> 00:32:25,848 you wouldn't be in that wheelchair. 512 00:32:26,150 --> 00:32:28,027 You wouldn't be in Oz. 513 00:32:42,585 --> 00:32:44,895 MORALES: We don't like Burr Redding any more than you. 514 00:32:45,170 --> 00:32:47,320 You want him dead, we want him dead. 515 00:32:47,590 --> 00:32:50,309 Take care of this, we'll cut you into the operation. 516 00:32:50,593 --> 00:32:52,550 Heh. Done. 517 00:32:52,803 --> 00:32:54,715 Only I need a little time, 518 00:32:54,973 --> 00:32:57,408 get some of the other brothers on my side. 519 00:32:57,684 --> 00:33:01,598 But don't wait too long. Redding's planning his own move. 520 00:33:01,938 --> 00:33:04,168 We have to snap his neck before he snaps ours. 521 00:33:29,800 --> 00:33:31,711 Damn, dude. 522 00:33:32,511 --> 00:33:34,821 Being crippled must suck. 523 00:33:35,348 --> 00:33:39,786 No, Supreme. It's a pleasure cruise. 524 00:33:41,146 --> 00:33:43,899 I know you know Burr Redding from the same corner as me. 525 00:33:44,733 --> 00:33:47,566 Hung with the man all my life. Ah. 526 00:33:47,903 --> 00:33:50,622 He took care of me and my family when my daddy got killed in Nam. 527 00:33:50,906 --> 00:33:53,546 Yeah, I know you got much love for him, 528 00:33:53,825 --> 00:33:56,704 which is why you gotta let the man know: 529 00:33:56,995 --> 00:34:00,545 Spics and wops want him deceased. 530 00:34:01,041 --> 00:34:03,562 If you're so worried about him, why don't you tell him yourself? 531 00:34:03,836 --> 00:34:04,836 [SCOFFS] 532 00:34:05,046 --> 00:34:08,835 - Nigga won't let me get near him. - That surprises you? 533 00:34:09,175 --> 00:34:10,404 Shit, yeah. 534 00:34:10,635 --> 00:34:12,785 I ain't never done nothing to backhand him. 535 00:34:13,054 --> 00:34:15,887 - What about me? - Speak clearly, dog. 536 00:34:16,182 --> 00:34:20,062 You put me in here. In Oz, in the wheelchair. 537 00:34:21,396 --> 00:34:22,511 Bullshit. 538 00:34:22,730 --> 00:34:25,883 Burr found out that you was the one that ratted me out to the cops. 539 00:34:26,193 --> 00:34:29,072 Like I said: bullshit. 540 00:34:30,197 --> 00:34:32,234 "Bullshit." 541 00:34:32,491 --> 00:34:35,210 - I'll show you bullshit, nigga. - What the fuck? 542 00:34:37,872 --> 00:34:39,021 - Hey! - Aah! 543 00:34:39,248 --> 00:34:42,400 Shit. Aah! Aah! Aah! 544 00:34:42,793 --> 00:34:47,311 Are you fucking, fucking crazy? 545 00:34:49,134 --> 00:34:50,454 [HILL GRUNTS] 546 00:34:55,140 --> 00:34:56,494 [GROANS] 547 00:35:04,024 --> 00:35:06,015 [BELL RINGS] 548 00:35:10,364 --> 00:35:14,483 Takes a lot of balls to beat a fellow in a wheelchair. 549 00:35:15,161 --> 00:35:17,311 I didn't touch Hill. 550 00:35:17,997 --> 00:35:20,273 Just like you didn't kill those two other inmates, 551 00:35:20,541 --> 00:35:22,896 Shemin and Browne. 552 00:35:23,502 --> 00:35:25,698 I'm innocent of that. 553 00:35:26,923 --> 00:35:30,154 There's others who gotta pay for that crime. 554 00:35:31,595 --> 00:35:32,824 REDDING: Hmm. 555 00:35:33,096 --> 00:35:37,249 And I suppose you're also innocent of shooting Gray Daniels. 556 00:35:37,893 --> 00:35:39,566 No. 557 00:35:39,811 --> 00:35:42,610 That motherfucker laughed at me. 558 00:35:44,149 --> 00:35:45,149 [CLOSES BOOK] 559 00:35:45,859 --> 00:35:48,453 He got what he deserved. 560 00:35:58,957 --> 00:36:00,397 I'm telling you, Supreme Allah knows 561 00:36:00,625 --> 00:36:03,219 we whacked Shemin and Browne and we pinned the murders on him. 562 00:36:03,503 --> 00:36:05,858 How could he? I didn't tell him. You didn't tell him. 563 00:36:06,130 --> 00:36:08,770 Maybe he figured it out. Both of them were guys Beecher fucked. 564 00:36:09,050 --> 00:36:11,769 So maybe he thinks that you did it, but not me. 565 00:36:14,806 --> 00:36:16,887 Are you looking to hang me out to dry there, O'Reily? 566 00:36:17,142 --> 00:36:18,416 No. 567 00:36:18,644 --> 00:36:21,164 Look, maybe I can go see Allah, figure out what he really knows. 568 00:36:21,438 --> 00:36:25,068 - You can trust me, K-boy. - I got no other choice. 569 00:36:25,442 --> 00:36:27,433 [TYPING FURIOUSLY] 570 00:36:30,281 --> 00:36:33,592 Fuck. I'm such an idiot. 571 00:36:34,743 --> 00:36:35,813 Hey, Supreme, old pal. 572 00:36:36,036 --> 00:36:38,157 This thing is crashing every time I try to boot it up. 573 00:36:38,415 --> 00:36:40,975 - Could you take a look at it for me? - No. 574 00:36:41,918 --> 00:36:44,717 No? What, do you got PMS or something? 575 00:36:45,046 --> 00:36:46,844 [BUZZER SOUNDS IN DISTANCE] 576 00:36:47,132 --> 00:36:51,046 You know, I sat in solitary plenty of hours, O'Reily. 577 00:36:51,386 --> 00:36:54,185 Had time to put two and two together. 578 00:36:55,640 --> 00:36:59,315 Shemin and Browne plus Keller and O'Reily 579 00:36:59,644 --> 00:37:02,478 equals me almost on death row. 580 00:37:02,815 --> 00:37:06,490 Hmm. Oh. Well, you added wrong there, cuz. 581 00:37:07,028 --> 00:37:08,427 [SUCKS TEETH] 582 00:37:08,696 --> 00:37:11,768 Well, addition never was my best subject. 583 00:37:12,074 --> 00:37:14,111 I always favoured subtraction. 584 00:37:16,162 --> 00:37:20,793 Let me see, Oz minus Keller and O'Reily 585 00:37:21,500 --> 00:37:23,811 equals justice. 586 00:37:40,395 --> 00:37:41,435 But why are you so anxious 587 00:37:41,647 --> 00:37:44,241 to see the world rid of Supreme Allah? 588 00:37:44,524 --> 00:37:47,119 Well, I guess the same reasons as you. 589 00:37:47,403 --> 00:37:49,360 His grasp exceeds his reach. 590 00:37:50,073 --> 00:37:51,347 And you come to me? 591 00:37:51,574 --> 00:37:53,804 I'm willing to give you any assistance you may need. 592 00:37:54,077 --> 00:37:57,866 Hmm. Yeah, well, I need no assistance, 593 00:37:58,206 --> 00:37:59,958 because I don't mean him any harm. 594 00:38:00,583 --> 00:38:03,780 I wish the man only the best. 595 00:38:04,754 --> 00:38:07,315 [DOOR CLANKS] 596 00:38:07,633 --> 00:38:10,512 That's right, Thursday, 11 a.m. sharp. 597 00:38:10,803 --> 00:38:14,683 You hear me, Tug? Be on time. 598 00:38:17,893 --> 00:38:19,930 We're all set. 599 00:38:24,066 --> 00:38:26,023 I'm telling you, we gotta do something, and fast. 600 00:38:26,277 --> 00:38:27,877 You know, I just got the funniest feeling 601 00:38:28,112 --> 00:38:30,946 the old man is gonna take care of everything. 602 00:38:37,539 --> 00:38:38,899 The reason you couldn't come see me 603 00:38:39,124 --> 00:38:42,435 was because they had me in solitary, telling me I killed someone. 604 00:38:42,752 --> 00:38:45,141 You understand? I ain't even do shit to these motherfuckers. 605 00:38:45,422 --> 00:38:46,902 I don't even know these motherfuckers. 606 00:38:47,090 --> 00:38:51,323 Talking about how I stabbed someone in the fucking face. 607 00:38:51,679 --> 00:38:53,909 I don't even know the guy. 608 00:38:55,182 --> 00:38:56,456 What's up? 609 00:38:57,768 --> 00:38:59,247 Fuck. Aah! 610 00:38:59,478 --> 00:39:01,196 [SCREAMS] 611 00:39:01,480 --> 00:39:02,754 What the fuck? 612 00:39:02,982 --> 00:39:04,302 [WOMAN WHIMPERS] 613 00:39:08,321 --> 00:39:09,720 This shank is a classic. 614 00:39:09,947 --> 00:39:13,338 The bottom end of a toothbrush is carved down to its sharpest point, 615 00:39:13,659 --> 00:39:15,139 almost like an arrowhead. 616 00:39:15,370 --> 00:39:16,849 But the best part is, 617 00:39:17,080 --> 00:39:18,957 the weapon doesn't have to be concealed. 618 00:39:19,208 --> 00:39:22,644 It can be placed in a pocket, bristles showing, 619 00:39:22,961 --> 00:39:25,430 ready to be grabbed for action. 620 00:39:25,714 --> 00:39:28,513 Look, I barely met Tug Daniels. 621 00:39:28,800 --> 00:39:32,350 He calls, he says he needs to see me. Man, how am I-? 622 00:39:32,679 --> 00:39:35,079 How was I supposed to know what he's got brewing in his head? 623 00:39:35,349 --> 00:39:37,068 Did you know Supreme Allah was serving time 624 00:39:37,310 --> 00:39:39,506 for shooting Daniels' brother? 625 00:39:39,771 --> 00:39:41,091 Yeah, man, I guess. 626 00:39:41,314 --> 00:39:44,511 - Where'd he get the shank? - He must have brought it in with him. 627 00:39:44,817 --> 00:39:46,967 Look, don't be blaming me for your lax security. 628 00:39:47,862 --> 00:39:51,093 Maybe some time in the cage will help you see things clearer. 629 00:39:51,407 --> 00:39:54,126 The cage? I didn't do shit. 630 00:39:54,410 --> 00:39:59,087 I didn't do shit. Ohh... Man. 631 00:40:10,803 --> 00:40:12,476 Timmy. 632 00:40:12,721 --> 00:40:16,430 - Father Mukada, where you been? - On retreat. 633 00:40:17,393 --> 00:40:19,353 Father McConnaughy says that while I've been away, 634 00:40:19,562 --> 00:40:21,520 you've stopped being an altar boy at Mass. 635 00:40:21,773 --> 00:40:23,844 The Catholic Church is Satan's whore. 636 00:40:24,109 --> 00:40:25,179 What? 637 00:40:25,402 --> 00:40:26,962 The pope sucks on the teat of the beast. 638 00:40:27,195 --> 00:40:29,186 Rome is the Gomorrah of the new world order. 639 00:40:31,199 --> 00:40:34,555 - Where on Earth did you hear that? - Reverend Cloutier. 640 00:40:34,869 --> 00:40:38,146 At first when he started preaching, I thought he was a real dipshit, 641 00:40:38,456 --> 00:40:40,015 but a lot of what he says makes sense. 642 00:40:40,709 --> 00:40:43,429 - Like...? - That I should convert. 643 00:40:44,046 --> 00:40:45,246 Cloutier says if I do convert, 644 00:40:45,464 --> 00:40:47,184 there's this bible college in West Virginia. 645 00:40:47,425 --> 00:40:50,781 I can do a correspondence course, get my college degree for free. 646 00:40:51,095 --> 00:40:52,415 Timmy, if that's what you want, 647 00:40:52,638 --> 00:40:56,950 there are plenty of other schools to choose from before you decide. 648 00:40:57,310 --> 00:40:59,142 - I could help you. - No, that's okay. 649 00:41:02,815 --> 00:41:04,010 God be with you. 650 00:41:10,490 --> 00:41:14,085 Hello, Reverend. Please be seated. 651 00:41:15,287 --> 00:41:16,880 MUKADA: Thank you, officer. 652 00:41:19,875 --> 00:41:21,434 Well, I wasn't here when you arrived, 653 00:41:21,668 --> 00:41:24,706 so I thought that now that I'm back, we should meet. 654 00:41:25,255 --> 00:41:26,450 Excellent. 655 00:41:26,673 --> 00:41:27,834 Although, Father, I must say, 656 00:41:28,009 --> 00:41:30,209 I was shocked to see how the Protestant population of Oz 657 00:41:30,470 --> 00:41:31,619 was being served. 658 00:41:31,846 --> 00:41:34,076 I try to do the best I can for everyone. 659 00:41:34,349 --> 00:41:36,067 Yes, I'm sure you do. 660 00:41:36,309 --> 00:41:39,028 And I'm glad that you're here to help. 661 00:41:39,312 --> 00:41:41,906 Which reminds me that I had a discussion with Timothy Kirk. 662 00:41:42,774 --> 00:41:44,811 He says he wants to go for a B.A. 663 00:41:45,068 --> 00:41:47,821 Well, with the right education, he could find the way. 664 00:41:48,112 --> 00:41:50,473 Well, see, that's exactly what I wanted to discuss with you, 665 00:41:50,741 --> 00:41:52,971 the right education. 666 00:41:53,911 --> 00:41:56,585 I don't think that a bible college is best for him. 667 00:41:57,122 --> 00:41:59,796 Where would you prefer he study? With the Jesuits? 668 00:42:00,084 --> 00:42:02,473 No, not necessarily, but he's young. 669 00:42:02,753 --> 00:42:05,188 He's lost, confused. 670 00:42:05,464 --> 00:42:07,978 I would hate for there to be any undue pressure. 671 00:42:08,884 --> 00:42:11,160 He was baptized a Catholic, 672 00:42:11,428 --> 00:42:13,147 went to eight years of parochial education. 673 00:42:13,390 --> 00:42:15,859 There were monks in his high school. 674 00:42:16,142 --> 00:42:17,815 You don't call that undue pressure? 675 00:42:18,061 --> 00:42:20,780 Look, I didn't ask you here for a theological debate. 676 00:42:21,064 --> 00:42:23,704 No, that's exactly why you asked me here. 677 00:42:23,984 --> 00:42:27,136 You're afraid of losing Kirk to Christ. 678 00:42:29,281 --> 00:42:31,272 He already has Christ. 679 00:42:31,575 --> 00:42:33,168 [CHUCKLES] 680 00:42:33,451 --> 00:42:37,923 That is not Christ. That is show biz on a stick. 681 00:42:39,333 --> 00:42:41,085 Show biz? 682 00:42:42,211 --> 00:42:45,522 You, of all people, you have turned faith into a cartoon. 683 00:42:45,840 --> 00:42:48,992 Be careful, Father. Anger, envy. 684 00:42:49,302 --> 00:42:52,260 Those are two of the seven deadly sins. 685 00:42:56,434 --> 00:42:59,154 This afternoon, I will be baptizing Timmy Kirk 686 00:42:59,438 --> 00:43:01,554 as a true Christian. 687 00:43:02,566 --> 00:43:04,921 You're welcome to attend. 688 00:43:10,908 --> 00:43:12,899 [NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 689 00:43:30,720 --> 00:43:31,720 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 690 00:43:31,930 --> 00:43:33,728 My first few days here, I was terrified, 691 00:43:33,973 --> 00:43:36,613 sharing a cell with Adebisi. 692 00:43:39,354 --> 00:43:42,029 Then you came to me, all friendly. 693 00:43:42,316 --> 00:43:44,193 Yeah, I saved you from that black bastard. 694 00:43:44,443 --> 00:43:47,959 Vern, you know the rules. Let Tobias finish his thought. 695 00:43:48,572 --> 00:43:50,006 Right. 696 00:43:51,158 --> 00:43:52,387 Go on. 697 00:43:52,660 --> 00:43:53,660 [SIGHS] 698 00:43:53,869 --> 00:43:58,898 The man that I was, the man that I have become, 699 00:43:59,291 --> 00:44:00,440 that's mine to carry. 700 00:44:02,336 --> 00:44:05,136 But you've got to accept your share of the responsibility 701 00:44:05,423 --> 00:44:06,743 for everything that's happened. 702 00:44:07,926 --> 00:44:09,325 [KNOCK ON DOOR] 703 00:44:10,971 --> 00:44:13,167 - What are you doing interrupting us? - Sorry, Sister. 704 00:44:13,431 --> 00:44:16,503 Warden sent me to fetch Schillinger. Says it's an emergency. 705 00:44:22,983 --> 00:44:25,941 I got a call today from the Massachusetts State Police. 706 00:44:26,236 --> 00:44:28,357 A few days ago they discovered the body of a young man 707 00:44:28,614 --> 00:44:31,732 who'd evidently been dead for several months, 708 00:44:32,034 --> 00:44:33,832 a bullet to the back of the head. 709 00:44:34,078 --> 00:44:35,318 They checked the dental records 710 00:44:35,538 --> 00:44:37,688 and discovered the identity of the victim. 711 00:44:38,749 --> 00:44:41,218 Your son, Hank. 712 00:44:41,877 --> 00:44:45,836 No. No, Hank's in Florida. 713 00:44:46,674 --> 00:44:48,108 Cops made a mistake. 714 00:44:49,303 --> 00:44:51,340 That's possible, but I doubt it. 715 00:44:51,597 --> 00:44:54,749 It's a mistake. Cops made a fucking mistake. 716 00:44:55,893 --> 00:44:58,533 Hank's not dead. He can't be dead. 717 00:44:58,812 --> 00:45:02,965 He's got this cute little wife, and they're gonna have a baby. 718 00:45:04,526 --> 00:45:06,995 Hank is not dead. You hear me? He's not dead. 719 00:45:12,035 --> 00:45:13,035 [DOOR CLOSES] 720 00:45:13,286 --> 00:45:16,244 Yeah, your kid was involved in all kinds of shit- 721 00:45:16,539 --> 00:45:18,496 Drug deals and pimping. 722 00:45:18,750 --> 00:45:20,990 -So there's any number of people who might want him dead. 723 00:45:24,422 --> 00:45:25,776 This is you consoling me? 724 00:45:26,007 --> 00:45:28,442 This is me giving you the hard, cold facts. 725 00:45:28,718 --> 00:45:30,516 Your son was murdered. 726 00:45:30,762 --> 00:45:34,040 Now somebody's gotta pay, and I think that somebody is Beecher. 727 00:45:34,600 --> 00:45:35,715 Beecher? 728 00:45:35,935 --> 00:45:39,326 You know how we kept expecting him to retaliate for Hank killing his son, 729 00:45:39,647 --> 00:45:40,796 but nothing happened? 730 00:45:41,023 --> 00:45:43,902 Well, that's because he'd already taken care of it. 731 00:45:44,193 --> 00:45:45,193 We're in Oz. 732 00:45:45,402 --> 00:45:47,632 There's a shitload of guys who could arrange that hit. 733 00:45:49,823 --> 00:45:51,700 That fuck. 734 00:45:54,954 --> 00:45:57,026 I'll kill his daughter. 735 00:45:57,290 --> 00:45:59,804 I'll kill his whole fucking family. 736 00:46:07,050 --> 00:46:10,281 - Do you see him? - No. 737 00:46:11,346 --> 00:46:13,383 Vern, I just heard about your son. 738 00:46:13,640 --> 00:46:15,233 - I'm so sorry. - Thank you, Reverend. 739 00:46:15,475 --> 00:46:18,229 - Why don't we pray together? - How does the quote go? 740 00:46:18,521 --> 00:46:20,831 There is a time to be born, a time to die, 741 00:46:21,107 --> 00:46:22,620 a time for every purpose under heaven? 742 00:46:22,858 --> 00:46:24,815 - Yes. - Well, the time for praying is over. 743 00:46:25,069 --> 00:46:27,140 No, Vern, Jesus can comfort you. 744 00:46:27,405 --> 00:46:29,316 Not today. 745 00:46:31,993 --> 00:46:34,223 Leave the man alone, okay, Rev? 746 00:46:38,958 --> 00:46:40,279 You seen Beecher? Where's Beecher? 747 00:46:40,460 --> 00:46:43,532 - The shit is coming down fast. - He had a playdate with his daughter. 748 00:46:44,339 --> 00:46:48,253 Goddamn it. I gotta get to him. How the fuck am I gonna get to him? 749 00:46:49,803 --> 00:46:51,794 [CHILDREN CHATTERING] 750 00:46:54,433 --> 00:46:57,391 [IN GOOFY VOICE] Mr. Lion, hello. 751 00:46:57,686 --> 00:46:59,563 ROBSON: Hey, you. 752 00:47:00,439 --> 00:47:01,838 - Me? - Yeah. 753 00:47:02,065 --> 00:47:03,579 - You Beecher's brother? - Uh-huh. 754 00:47:04,736 --> 00:47:06,010 [GRUNTS] 755 00:47:09,699 --> 00:47:10,699 [BANGS ON WALL] 756 00:47:10,950 --> 00:47:13,305 [WOMAN GASPS] 757 00:47:13,578 --> 00:47:15,258 - OFFICER: I have a civilian down. - Angus. 758 00:47:15,455 --> 00:47:16,775 - Aah! BEECHER: Angus. 759 00:47:16,998 --> 00:47:18,958 - OFFICER: Get him out of here. - He's my brother. 760 00:47:19,125 --> 00:47:20,684 Please, just get him some help. 761 00:47:20,919 --> 00:47:22,717 Get him some help. Just get some help. 762 00:47:23,254 --> 00:47:24,893 HILL: And then there's the Don Juan. 763 00:47:25,132 --> 00:47:27,521 You take a spring from the frame underneath your bed, 764 00:47:27,801 --> 00:47:30,554 uncoil it, and then sharpen the edge. 765 00:47:30,846 --> 00:47:34,760 The wound itself is smaller but goes much deeper. 766 00:47:35,100 --> 00:47:39,094 Like Don Juan, it penetrates. 767 00:47:51,576 --> 00:47:54,170 - Dad? - Huh? 768 00:47:54,746 --> 00:47:56,339 You've got to take Holly away. 769 00:47:56,915 --> 00:47:59,828 - She's in danger again? - From the same man who killed Gary. 770 00:48:00,126 --> 00:48:03,482 - Well, we'll tell the police. - The police? 771 00:48:03,797 --> 00:48:06,471 The police can't help us now. 772 00:48:06,758 --> 00:48:10,070 Take her away. Keep her away. Do you understand? 773 00:48:10,388 --> 00:48:12,823 Yes, I understand. 774 00:48:13,099 --> 00:48:14,328 But I'm not sure she will. 775 00:48:15,643 --> 00:48:18,874 Talk to her, Toby. Explain what's happening. 776 00:48:23,943 --> 00:48:25,536 Thank you. 777 00:48:26,737 --> 00:48:27,737 Holly, 778 00:48:28,781 --> 00:48:29,781 [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] 779 00:48:29,991 --> 00:48:32,063 It was so good to see you today. 780 00:48:33,495 --> 00:48:35,850 Now, I know I told you that you'd be coming back soon, 781 00:48:37,833 --> 00:48:43,033 but Grandpa is gonna take you on a little trip for a while. 782 00:48:45,257 --> 00:48:46,257 And when you get back, 783 00:48:46,466 --> 00:48:50,016 you and I are gonna be together forever and ever. 784 00:48:50,345 --> 00:48:51,345 [BELL RINGING] 785 00:48:51,555 --> 00:48:54,833 Okay? I love you. 786 00:48:57,103 --> 00:49:00,619 Remember that, always. 787 00:49:03,776 --> 00:49:05,733 You've gotta kill Schillinger. 788 00:49:06,571 --> 00:49:09,165 - No. - What's the alternative? 789 00:49:10,825 --> 00:49:14,341 - I let him kill me. - What the hell does that mean? 790 00:49:14,662 --> 00:49:16,463 If I offer to die, maybe that'll end all this. 791 00:49:16,665 --> 00:49:18,178 Maybe he'll let my family be. 792 00:49:18,417 --> 00:49:21,011 And what are you gonna get out of him, a written guarantee? 793 00:49:21,295 --> 00:49:22,295 What are my options? 794 00:49:22,504 --> 00:49:24,620 We pin Hank's murder on someone else. 795 00:49:26,258 --> 00:49:30,252 Who? And then what? Schillinger kills that person? 796 00:49:30,596 --> 00:49:32,116 I've got enough death on my conscience. 797 00:49:32,348 --> 00:49:33,861 - I gotta go. - No, Beech, Jesus. 798 00:49:34,099 --> 00:49:37,171 Come on, listen to me. Relax, all right? Let's breathe, all right? 799 00:49:37,478 --> 00:49:39,516 Think what you're doing. Think it through. 800 00:49:39,773 --> 00:49:41,172 I have. 801 00:49:41,399 --> 00:49:44,357 My family can't hide forever. 802 00:49:45,028 --> 00:49:47,986 If I don't handle this now, Schillinger will destroy them. 803 00:49:48,281 --> 00:49:50,033 That's what I'm talking about, handling it. 804 00:49:50,283 --> 00:49:53,799 Don't you understand that? All we gotta do is kill Schillinger. 805 00:49:54,120 --> 00:49:56,191 And then the Aryans will still kill me. 806 00:49:56,456 --> 00:49:57,456 And for all I know, 807 00:49:57,666 --> 00:49:59,543 Schillinger's unborn grandchild will grow up 808 00:49:59,793 --> 00:50:01,234 and find my grandchild and kill him. 809 00:50:01,462 --> 00:50:03,419 No. Chris, this is the only way to do it. 810 00:50:03,673 --> 00:50:04,673 - I... Wait, wait, wait. 811 00:50:04,882 --> 00:50:06,602 - Chris, let me go. - Wait. Wait. Just wait. 812 00:50:06,842 --> 00:50:08,833 Wait. Just wait. 813 00:50:09,387 --> 00:50:10,422 Okay. 814 00:50:10,680 --> 00:50:12,671 [GRUNTING] 815 00:50:16,143 --> 00:50:17,143 Tomorrow we'll continue 816 00:50:17,353 --> 00:50:19,947 with the spiritual evaluation of Zedekiah. 817 00:50:24,486 --> 00:50:28,275 - Reverend. - Yes...? Keller, right? 818 00:50:28,615 --> 00:50:30,255 You know what Vern Schillinger has planned 819 00:50:30,450 --> 00:50:31,884 against Tobias Beecher, don't you? 820 00:50:32,119 --> 00:50:35,953 I'm afraid I do, and I'm helpless to stop him. 821 00:50:36,290 --> 00:50:38,440 He thinks Beecher ordered the hit on Hank. 822 00:50:38,709 --> 00:50:40,507 Schillinger's wrong. I ordered the hit. 823 00:50:41,169 --> 00:50:42,169 You? 824 00:50:42,379 --> 00:50:44,097 I will confess my crime to the authorities, 825 00:50:44,339 --> 00:50:46,900 but I need you to tell Schillinger the truth. 826 00:50:47,468 --> 00:50:51,462 So you see that Keller is the guilty one. 827 00:50:51,806 --> 00:50:54,878 Tobias Beecher is totally innocent. 828 00:50:55,184 --> 00:50:59,098 Doing harm to him or his family would be a tragic mistake. 829 00:51:00,648 --> 00:51:03,242 I appreciate your coming to see me, Reverend. 830 00:51:03,526 --> 00:51:06,996 You believe this bullshit? Beecher killed Hank. 831 00:51:07,322 --> 00:51:10,998 Beecher killed your son. 832 00:51:11,368 --> 00:51:13,086 [INHALES DEEPLY] 833 00:51:42,817 --> 00:51:44,216 [DOOR CLOSES] 834 00:51:53,412 --> 00:51:55,403 What's your best memory of your son? 835 00:52:05,299 --> 00:52:07,575 The first time he came up... 836 00:52:09,220 --> 00:52:12,212 unprompted and hugged me 837 00:52:12,515 --> 00:52:14,825 and said, "Daddy, I love you." 838 00:52:23,318 --> 00:52:26,470 Beecher, I promise not to hurt your daughter 839 00:52:27,531 --> 00:52:30,250 or anybody else in your family. 840 00:52:32,452 --> 00:52:35,683 See, I wanna believe that you are innocent of killing Hank. 841 00:52:37,750 --> 00:52:40,060 I wanna believe because... 842 00:52:42,005 --> 00:52:45,236 I need to believe in something. 843 00:52:46,134 --> 00:52:47,693 Something besides hate. 844 00:52:51,389 --> 00:52:53,585 This grandchild that's coming 845 00:52:55,226 --> 00:52:57,536 is my last chance. 846 00:52:58,855 --> 00:53:00,813 My last hope. 847 00:53:02,735 --> 00:53:04,772 I want this kid 848 00:53:05,613 --> 00:53:09,572 to put his arms around my neck and say, "I love you." 849 00:53:12,578 --> 00:53:14,012 Because... 850 00:53:14,830 --> 00:53:15,830 [SNIFFLES] 851 00:53:16,040 --> 00:53:17,439 [CLEARS THROAT] 852 00:53:18,334 --> 00:53:20,530 See, I never had that before. 853 00:53:24,007 --> 00:53:26,806 I am sorry about your son. 854 00:53:35,518 --> 00:53:36,838 [SIGHS] 855 00:53:44,779 --> 00:53:47,248 I'm sorry about yours too. 856 00:53:52,912 --> 00:53:54,903 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 857 00:54:00,169 --> 00:54:03,525 - Hello, Chris. - Sister Pete. 858 00:54:03,839 --> 00:54:07,071 - You come to wish me a bon voyage? - Sit down. 859 00:54:10,472 --> 00:54:14,511 I don't know quite what's happened, 860 00:54:14,851 --> 00:54:18,924 but I suspect, as usual, that you know the whole truth. 861 00:54:20,357 --> 00:54:21,677 Which I've told. 862 00:54:22,192 --> 00:54:23,705 [BELL RINGS IN DISTANCE] 863 00:54:23,986 --> 00:54:25,465 I think you lied. 864 00:54:25,696 --> 00:54:26,696 [CHUCKLES] 865 00:54:26,905 --> 00:54:28,464 Do you? 866 00:54:29,576 --> 00:54:32,295 You lied for a greater truth. 867 00:54:34,831 --> 00:54:38,745 Some time ago, you and I had a conversation about God. 868 00:54:39,085 --> 00:54:41,679 We don't choose God. 869 00:54:41,963 --> 00:54:44,682 God chooses us. 870 00:54:46,342 --> 00:54:47,901 I remember. 871 00:54:48,845 --> 00:54:50,756 And you said that you wanted God to choose you, 872 00:54:51,015 --> 00:54:53,404 but you thought it was too late. 873 00:54:55,227 --> 00:54:57,423 It's never too late. 874 00:54:59,773 --> 00:55:03,846 God finally did choose you, Chris. 875 00:55:07,114 --> 00:55:09,503 And he chose wisely. 876 00:55:12,453 --> 00:55:14,445 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 877 00:55:15,790 --> 00:55:17,064 [DOOR OPENS] 878 00:55:18,877 --> 00:55:20,629 SISTER PETER: You have a couple minutes. 879 00:55:25,300 --> 00:55:27,530 Sorry I can't hug you back. 880 00:55:31,514 --> 00:55:34,984 Schillinger believed Cloutier. He thinks I'm innocent. 881 00:55:35,937 --> 00:55:38,406 - He even shook my hand. - Yeah, you see? 882 00:55:38,689 --> 00:55:41,078 And I get a nice trip to Massachusetts. 883 00:55:41,359 --> 00:55:44,989 Stand trial, serve life in Cedar Junction far from Schillinger's reach. 884 00:55:45,321 --> 00:55:47,039 There are Aryans in Massachusetts. 885 00:55:47,281 --> 00:55:49,272 Half-assed Aryans. 886 00:55:49,533 --> 00:55:51,533 Besides, I think I've proven that I'm pretty nimble 887 00:55:51,786 --> 00:55:53,220 when it comes to staying alive. 888 00:55:53,454 --> 00:55:54,853 [SIGHS] 889 00:55:55,539 --> 00:55:57,530 Why are you doing this? 890 00:55:59,378 --> 00:56:01,733 I would have thought that was fairly obvious. 891 00:56:03,507 --> 00:56:05,020 Yeah. 892 00:56:05,634 --> 00:56:07,545 Besides, I love the irony. 893 00:56:07,803 --> 00:56:10,203 I've gotten away with all those murders I actually committed, 894 00:56:10,472 --> 00:56:12,861 and here I am confessing to the one I'm innocent of. 895 00:56:13,141 --> 00:56:14,495 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 896 00:56:14,726 --> 00:56:17,957 Uh-It's time, gentlemen. 897 00:56:34,914 --> 00:56:36,632 I'll see you. 898 00:56:38,084 --> 00:56:39,279 When? 899 00:56:41,838 --> 00:56:43,716 Back here. 900 00:56:43,966 --> 00:56:44,966 Or in heaven. 901 00:56:45,175 --> 00:56:47,371 Do you really think we're gonna get into heaven? 902 00:56:47,636 --> 00:56:49,991 You and me together? 903 00:56:50,264 --> 00:56:53,143 God doesn't have the balls to keep us out. 904 00:57:01,734 --> 00:57:03,645 [DOOR CLOSES] 905 00:57:03,944 --> 00:57:06,459 HILL: The worst stab wound is the one to the heart. 906 00:57:06,740 --> 00:57:10,051 Sure, most people survive it, but the heart is never quite the same. 907 00:57:10,368 --> 00:57:12,723 There's always a scar, which is meant, I guess, 908 00:57:12,996 --> 00:57:16,034 to remind you that, even for a little while, 909 00:57:16,333 --> 00:57:18,973 someone made your heart beat faster. 910 00:57:19,252 --> 00:57:22,370 And that's a scar you can live with proudly 911 00:57:22,672 --> 00:57:24,470 all the days of your life.