1 00:01:40,291 --> 00:01:42,805 It's called the butterfly effect. 2 00:01:43,128 --> 00:01:46,962 A butterfly starts flapping its wings in China, and over the course of time, 3 00:01:47,298 --> 00:01:51,531 that little movement of air becomes a hurricane in Texas. 4 00:01:51,886 --> 00:01:54,196 One day, you got a butterfly dancing on a flower. 5 00:01:54,472 --> 00:01:58,306 The next, you got pianos stuck in trees. 6 00:01:58,643 --> 00:02:00,554 The little butterfly, he didn't know any better. 7 00:02:00,812 --> 00:02:06,171 He was just out looking for food, for love, for some kind of satisfaction. 8 00:02:12,741 --> 00:02:14,095 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 9 00:02:14,325 --> 00:02:16,236 OFFICER: Count. 10 00:02:20,957 --> 00:02:23,073 Oh, fuck. 11 00:02:36,181 --> 00:02:37,330 Let's go, Beecher. 12 00:02:37,932 --> 00:02:40,542 Uh... I'm not feeling well. 13 00:02:41,854 --> 00:02:44,084 This place smells like a gin mill. 14 00:02:44,357 --> 00:02:47,190 - So do you. You've been drinking? - No. 15 00:02:51,697 --> 00:02:54,894 Yep, you've been drinking. 16 00:02:55,451 --> 00:02:56,885 Let's go. 17 00:03:03,751 --> 00:03:04,951 Where'd you get the moonshine? 18 00:03:06,212 --> 00:03:07,850 - I don't know, man. - You don't know? 19 00:03:09,298 --> 00:03:11,733 It just magically appeared in your cell? 20 00:03:12,385 --> 00:03:14,262 - Yeah. - Who brought it in, fairies? 21 00:03:15,221 --> 00:03:16,859 Or was it Keller? 22 00:03:17,098 --> 00:03:19,658 Because if it was Keller, I'll leave him in the hole for a month. 23 00:03:19,725 --> 00:03:21,284 It wasn't Keller. It was me. 24 00:03:21,519 --> 00:03:23,396 Then who sold you the moonshine? 25 00:03:24,730 --> 00:03:26,403 - Some guy in Unit B. - What's his name? 26 00:03:26,649 --> 00:03:28,720 - I don't know. - Maybe you need time in the hole. 27 00:03:28,984 --> 00:03:31,783 Tim, I'd like to talk to him alone for just a moment. 28 00:03:32,071 --> 00:03:33,982 Sure, you deal with him. 29 00:03:35,991 --> 00:03:37,061 [CLEARS THROAT] 30 00:03:39,203 --> 00:03:43,481 I know, Sister, I know. I was doing so well. 31 00:03:43,833 --> 00:03:46,269 You've also been under a lot of pressure recently. 32 00:03:46,545 --> 00:03:49,537 Your wife dying, you falling in love. 33 00:03:52,092 --> 00:03:54,288 You told me, remember? 34 00:03:55,971 --> 00:03:56,971 Who is it? Keller? 35 00:03:58,807 --> 00:04:01,845 He's in the hole and you miss him. Right? 36 00:04:03,061 --> 00:04:04,813 I'm gonna send you to the hospital ward, 37 00:04:05,063 --> 00:04:06,974 get you some aspirin, 38 00:04:07,232 --> 00:04:10,907 let you sleep it off this one time. 39 00:04:12,654 --> 00:04:16,773 Listen, you drink again and I will kick your ass. 40 00:04:25,459 --> 00:04:27,211 Mail call. 41 00:04:32,257 --> 00:04:34,009 Hey, Beech-ball. 42 00:04:34,843 --> 00:04:36,959 Yeah, I heard you went on a little bender. 43 00:04:38,388 --> 00:04:41,460 You're upset about your wife killing herself, huh? 44 00:04:43,101 --> 00:04:45,536 Would it make you feel any better if I told you that 45 00:04:45,812 --> 00:04:48,487 she didn't commit suicide, that I had her killed? 46 00:04:51,652 --> 00:04:52,972 You're lying. 47 00:04:53,905 --> 00:04:55,657 Maybe I am. 48 00:04:56,282 --> 00:04:58,080 Maybe I'm not. 49 00:04:58,326 --> 00:05:02,035 She wrote me a note telling me her reasons. 50 00:05:02,372 --> 00:05:04,602 She would've written anything. 51 00:05:05,166 --> 00:05:08,363 She would've done anything with that gun pointed to her head. 52 00:05:09,629 --> 00:05:11,063 Bullshit. 53 00:05:12,673 --> 00:05:15,233 I guess you'll never know for sure. 54 00:05:17,011 --> 00:05:18,365 Best part is, 55 00:05:19,514 --> 00:05:21,391 either way, it's your fucking fault. 56 00:05:22,308 --> 00:05:23,503 DOCTOR: Hey! 57 00:05:23,726 --> 00:05:25,125 What's going on over there? 58 00:05:25,978 --> 00:05:27,377 SCHILLINGER: Nothing. 59 00:05:30,525 --> 00:05:32,994 Later, fuckwad. 60 00:05:35,029 --> 00:05:36,827 Can I get some water? 61 00:05:38,199 --> 00:05:40,588 - Hey, O'Reily. - Yeah? 62 00:05:40,868 --> 00:05:42,588 I heard your brother came into Oz yesterday. 63 00:05:42,704 --> 00:05:44,103 - Yeah. - You seen him yet? 64 00:05:44,330 --> 00:05:45,365 No. 65 00:05:45,581 --> 00:05:46,941 - You know what unit he's in? - No. 66 00:05:47,041 --> 00:05:48,395 Want me to find out? 67 00:05:48,626 --> 00:05:51,379 Why are you suddenly so interested in me and my family, Coushaine? 68 00:05:51,671 --> 00:05:54,352 I don't know. You're both brothers, both inmates in the same prison. 69 00:05:54,383 --> 00:05:56,503 - It's just kind of... What? You trying to convert us? 70 00:05:56,635 --> 00:06:00,071 Give Cyril and me a family discount? Fuck you. 71 00:06:00,389 --> 00:06:02,619 - No, I'm just... Move away. 72 00:06:08,272 --> 00:06:09,387 SCHILLINGER: Hey. 73 00:06:11,900 --> 00:06:13,777 You're Cyril O'Reily, right? 74 00:06:14,570 --> 00:06:16,641 Can I have my ball back? 75 00:06:17,573 --> 00:06:19,769 SCHILLINGER: Hey, you look like your brother. 76 00:06:21,076 --> 00:06:22,749 Can I have my ball back? 77 00:06:26,206 --> 00:06:28,482 I know Ryan from Emerald City. 78 00:06:28,751 --> 00:06:31,823 Emerald City? What's that? 79 00:06:32,129 --> 00:06:35,247 You wanna see Em City? You wanna see your brother? 80 00:06:35,758 --> 00:06:36,828 Mm-hm. 81 00:06:38,260 --> 00:06:39,739 Come with me. 82 00:06:58,490 --> 00:07:00,288 Where's Ryan? 83 00:07:00,867 --> 00:07:05,577 Well, Cyril, the way things work in Oz is this: 84 00:07:05,955 --> 00:07:08,026 Before I take you to your brother, 85 00:07:08,291 --> 00:07:10,726 you have to do something for me. 86 00:07:11,836 --> 00:07:13,713 Okay. What? 87 00:07:14,589 --> 00:07:17,342 First, take off your clothes. 88 00:07:17,634 --> 00:07:19,466 It's okay. 89 00:07:23,932 --> 00:07:26,367 Come on. It's all right. 90 00:07:29,854 --> 00:07:32,573 Supposedly, cats can see in the dark. 91 00:07:33,108 --> 00:07:34,781 But how do we know for sure? 92 00:07:35,694 --> 00:07:40,086 And if you could be given cat's eyes, even for one night, 93 00:07:40,448 --> 00:07:43,327 would you really wanna see what's going on? 94 00:07:44,619 --> 00:07:45,768 [TIGER ROARS ON SCREEN] 95 00:07:45,995 --> 00:07:47,190 [INDISTINCT CHATTERING] 96 00:07:53,294 --> 00:07:54,773 O'REILY: Cyril. 97 00:07:55,004 --> 00:07:56,233 Cyril. 98 00:07:56,464 --> 00:07:57,464 Hey. 99 00:07:57,674 --> 00:07:59,585 - Hey. - Hey. 100 00:08:00,176 --> 00:08:01,975 OFFICER: Hey, knock it off. 101 00:08:02,221 --> 00:08:03,780 O'REILY: He's my brother. 102 00:08:04,014 --> 00:08:06,210 OFFICER: Looks more like your sister. 103 00:08:06,475 --> 00:08:07,704 Knock it off. 104 00:08:10,396 --> 00:08:14,230 Hey. So where'd they put you, huh? Which unit are you in? 105 00:08:15,234 --> 00:08:18,067 I don't know. With him. 106 00:08:20,406 --> 00:08:22,477 Don't worry. I gave him the royal welcome. 107 00:08:22,742 --> 00:08:24,016 [PRISONERS LAUGHING] 108 00:08:25,036 --> 00:08:28,074 You better not fucking touch him. You got that, motherfucker? 109 00:08:29,081 --> 00:08:30,719 PRISONER: Why, you gonna touch him? 110 00:08:30,958 --> 00:08:33,268 I want you to stay away from that Nazi fuck. 111 00:08:33,544 --> 00:08:36,297 You understand me? Cyril? 112 00:08:36,756 --> 00:08:39,270 I think I did a bad thing. 113 00:08:40,342 --> 00:08:42,140 Oh, fuck. 114 00:08:44,597 --> 00:08:45,632 Listen to me. 115 00:08:45,848 --> 00:08:48,158 I'm gonna get you transferred out of Unit B. Okay? 116 00:08:48,434 --> 00:08:51,153 Now, I don't know how long it's gonna take me. 117 00:08:51,437 --> 00:08:54,451 So in the meantime, hit me. 118 00:08:54,690 --> 00:08:56,169 - CYRIL: What? - Hit me. 119 00:08:57,109 --> 00:08:59,942 - Ryan... Just fucking hit me. 120 00:09:01,489 --> 00:09:03,127 Stop. 121 00:09:03,366 --> 00:09:05,005 Come on, hit me. 122 00:09:05,369 --> 00:09:06,643 [PRISONERS SHOUTING] 123 00:09:07,454 --> 00:09:10,412 - You just bought a ticket to the hole. CYRIL: Ryan. 124 00:09:11,083 --> 00:09:12,278 - Ryan? - Go with him. 125 00:09:12,501 --> 00:09:15,141 Ryan. Ryan. 126 00:09:15,420 --> 00:09:17,377 Ryan! 127 00:09:17,631 --> 00:09:20,908 I wanna be with you, Ryan. 128 00:09:21,218 --> 00:09:22,333 You're dead. 129 00:09:30,769 --> 00:09:34,399 McManus, I want you to transfer my brother to Em City. 130 00:09:34,731 --> 00:09:39,601 Your brother. The one who killed Gloria Nathan's husband? 131 00:09:40,237 --> 00:09:43,514 The one who we just put in ADSEG for punching you? 132 00:09:44,241 --> 00:09:45,595 Give me a break. 133 00:09:45,826 --> 00:09:49,740 You leave Cyril where he is and Schillinger will suck his bones dry. 134 00:09:50,080 --> 00:09:51,718 Well, Schillinger's gonna suck anyway, 135 00:09:51,957 --> 00:09:54,153 so why should your brother be the one that's spared? 136 00:09:54,418 --> 00:09:55,567 O'REILY: He's slow. 137 00:09:56,169 --> 00:09:59,480 Cyril had an accident last year and he got slow. 138 00:09:59,798 --> 00:10:01,478 He doesn't understand what's going on here. 139 00:10:01,591 --> 00:10:03,264 He can't protect himself. 140 00:10:03,510 --> 00:10:05,547 Sad, but too bad. 141 00:10:07,305 --> 00:10:11,504 Hey. I'll do anything you ask me to. Anything. 142 00:10:11,853 --> 00:10:13,252 - A deal? - Yes. 143 00:10:13,479 --> 00:10:15,117 Okay. I want you to rat on somebody. 144 00:10:15,815 --> 00:10:17,488 - Who? - Yourself. 145 00:10:17,734 --> 00:10:21,170 I want you to confess you told Cyril to murder Preston Nathan. 146 00:10:21,487 --> 00:10:22,761 I didn't. 147 00:10:22,989 --> 00:10:24,627 Oh, you did. 148 00:10:24,866 --> 00:10:25,901 If I say yes, 149 00:10:26,117 --> 00:10:28,950 I'm looking at another decade added on to my sentence. 150 00:10:29,245 --> 00:10:31,475 - Probably. - No way. 151 00:10:31,748 --> 00:10:37,426 Well, then your brother stays in Vern Schillinger's ever-loving arms. 152 00:10:37,837 --> 00:10:39,555 McManus, don't you fucking play with me. 153 00:10:39,797 --> 00:10:41,026 - Hey! OFFICER: Get out. 154 00:10:41,257 --> 00:10:43,089 You got something to say, say it. 155 00:10:43,342 --> 00:10:44,821 I'm a busy man. 156 00:10:47,263 --> 00:10:49,857 Fuck you, McManus, you fucking cocksucker. 157 00:10:51,684 --> 00:10:53,994 MAN [ON TV]: A federal court today upheld a new state law 158 00:10:54,270 --> 00:10:56,580 that requires sex offenders released from prison 159 00:10:56,856 --> 00:10:58,927 to register with local police. 160 00:10:59,192 --> 00:11:01,911 Victims' rights groups are calling the decision a total victory 161 00:11:02,195 --> 00:11:04,152 because the law permits neighbours to be notified 162 00:11:04,405 --> 00:11:06,282 if a sex offender moves into their community. 163 00:11:06,532 --> 00:11:08,409 They can't do that, it's Orwellian. 164 00:11:08,659 --> 00:11:09,659 Or-who-ian? 165 00:11:09,869 --> 00:11:12,669 If a man pays his debt to society, if he redeems himself, 166 00:11:12,956 --> 00:11:15,232 he deserves a chance at a normal life when he gets out. 167 00:11:15,501 --> 00:11:16,900 Perverts aren't normal. 168 00:11:17,127 --> 00:11:19,567 I mean, if one moved next door to me, I'd wanna know about it. 169 00:11:19,630 --> 00:11:20,859 - COUSHAINE: You? - Yeah. 170 00:11:21,090 --> 00:11:23,161 You're a convicted murderer. 171 00:11:23,425 --> 00:11:24,495 - So? COUSHAINE: So? 172 00:11:24,718 --> 00:11:26,838 What if it's murderers next? What if when you get out, 173 00:11:26,887 --> 00:11:28,487 you have to register with your community, 174 00:11:28,597 --> 00:11:30,117 tell everybody you did time for murder? 175 00:11:30,224 --> 00:11:32,534 Why stop there? Register bigots, fat ladies. 176 00:11:32,935 --> 00:11:35,734 Fuck, people who talk in movie theaters. I hate those people. 177 00:11:36,188 --> 00:11:37,906 KENNY: You know what they should tell you? 178 00:11:38,232 --> 00:11:41,668 They should register, like, some sex-crazed nympho with real big titties 179 00:11:41,985 --> 00:11:43,339 when she moves onto your block. 180 00:11:43,570 --> 00:11:44,890 That's what they should tell you. 181 00:11:44,947 --> 00:11:46,907 They should give you her phone number and address. 182 00:11:46,990 --> 00:11:48,430 - Word. - Bet you wouldn't mind that. 183 00:11:48,575 --> 00:11:51,135 Thanks for the stimulating conversation. You guys are like goats. 184 00:11:51,161 --> 00:11:53,306 You gotta bring everything down to the level of a goat. 185 00:11:53,330 --> 00:11:55,367 Titties and humping. 186 00:11:56,417 --> 00:11:58,215 BOTH: Sex offender. 187 00:11:58,585 --> 00:11:59,859 [BELL RINGS] 188 00:12:02,339 --> 00:12:05,138 Sippel, follow me. 189 00:12:07,928 --> 00:12:09,760 SIPPEL: I am a priest. 190 00:12:10,764 --> 00:12:12,437 I am a pervert. 191 00:12:12,683 --> 00:12:15,641 I knew early on that I had a vocation from God. 192 00:12:16,896 --> 00:12:19,490 I knew early on that I had these other... 193 00:12:21,985 --> 00:12:24,056 These other tremblings. 194 00:12:24,487 --> 00:12:27,445 I acted on the first but never on the second. 195 00:12:27,741 --> 00:12:29,095 Never. 196 00:12:31,036 --> 00:12:34,313 I'd done nothing but good works my whole life. 197 00:12:35,498 --> 00:12:37,216 Yet I never... 198 00:12:39,586 --> 00:12:41,623 I never saw God 199 00:12:44,758 --> 00:12:48,547 until I saw that boy. 200 00:12:49,804 --> 00:12:54,321 Fourteen years old, his body so perfect, 201 00:12:54,684 --> 00:12:57,597 so pure, so angelic. 202 00:13:00,482 --> 00:13:02,075 I had to touch it. 203 00:13:02,317 --> 00:13:06,311 Prisoner number 88S510, Robert Sippel. 204 00:13:06,654 --> 00:13:10,932 Convicted March 10, '88, sexual abuse in the second degree. 205 00:13:11,284 --> 00:13:16,597 Sentence? Fifteen years. Up for parole in ten. 206 00:13:18,541 --> 00:13:22,820 I fondled him for a moment, just a moment. 207 00:13:23,339 --> 00:13:26,058 He didn't yell. He didn't cry. 208 00:13:27,009 --> 00:13:29,080 He didn't tell a soul. 209 00:13:29,345 --> 00:13:30,380 I confessed. 210 00:13:33,766 --> 00:13:37,236 I want to be saved. I want to do good. 211 00:13:40,398 --> 00:13:43,277 I want Jesus to forgive me. 212 00:13:45,069 --> 00:13:46,867 He has, Robert. 213 00:13:47,363 --> 00:13:50,003 But you need to forgive yourself. 214 00:13:50,282 --> 00:13:52,159 You've done your time. 215 00:13:52,410 --> 00:13:55,607 Tomorrow, you'll be out in the world, able to start a new life. 216 00:13:55,913 --> 00:13:57,028 SIPPEL: A new life? 217 00:13:58,416 --> 00:14:00,692 What kind of life would that be? 218 00:14:02,795 --> 00:14:05,435 And Sippel gets out tomorrow morning without a job, 219 00:14:05,715 --> 00:14:08,867 without a place to live, and no support. 220 00:14:09,176 --> 00:14:12,096 So I called a friend at the diocese to see if a bed was available anywhere 221 00:14:12,388 --> 00:14:13,822 and he laughed. 222 00:14:14,056 --> 00:14:15,251 Well, can you blame him? 223 00:14:15,474 --> 00:14:18,830 The church paid off a million-dollar lawsuit to Sippel's victim. 224 00:14:19,145 --> 00:14:21,025 Ray, I want you to call your buddy, the cardinal 225 00:14:21,188 --> 00:14:22,268 and get him to help Sippel. 226 00:14:23,899 --> 00:14:24,970 No. 227 00:14:25,652 --> 00:14:26,801 SISTER PETER: Why not? 228 00:14:27,654 --> 00:14:29,725 Well, it's not a favour that I'll ask. 229 00:14:29,990 --> 00:14:31,310 Because... 230 00:14:31,533 --> 00:14:34,252 Look, my relationship with His Eminence is stormy at best. 231 00:14:34,536 --> 00:14:38,495 I can't be calling him every ten minutes asking him for a favour. 232 00:14:39,750 --> 00:14:40,945 And? 233 00:14:45,005 --> 00:14:47,360 And Sippel disgusts me. 234 00:14:47,632 --> 00:14:50,590 Ray, he made a mistake. He's repentant. 235 00:14:50,886 --> 00:14:52,285 He deserves absolution. 236 00:14:52,512 --> 00:14:54,549 He robbed a boy of his innocence. 237 00:14:54,806 --> 00:14:57,082 - He's a child molester. - He was. 238 00:14:57,350 --> 00:15:00,388 That child trusted his priest. He's a threat. 239 00:15:00,687 --> 00:15:02,883 To what? To society? 240 00:15:03,148 --> 00:15:05,025 To the priesthood? 241 00:15:06,151 --> 00:15:07,186 To you? 242 00:15:18,997 --> 00:15:20,829 SIPPEL: Hello, Father Mukada. 243 00:15:24,878 --> 00:15:26,391 You're still reading the breviary. 244 00:15:26,630 --> 00:15:27,825 Oh, yes. Every day. 245 00:15:28,549 --> 00:15:30,506 Just as I was taught to do in the seminary. 246 00:15:31,344 --> 00:15:33,381 But you're not a priest anymore. 247 00:15:35,139 --> 00:15:39,019 When I was ordained, I became a priest forever. 248 00:15:39,894 --> 00:15:41,612 Forever, just like you. 249 00:15:43,189 --> 00:15:46,102 But the church has stripped me of my powers. 250 00:15:46,901 --> 00:15:51,532 I'm a priest forever, but not allowed to be a priest. 251 00:15:53,658 --> 00:15:57,572 I'm a man forever, but not allowed to be a man. 252 00:15:59,789 --> 00:16:01,462 I am... 253 00:16:03,543 --> 00:16:06,376 yet I'm not, you see. 254 00:16:10,174 --> 00:16:11,448 Father, will you pray with me? 255 00:16:13,594 --> 00:16:15,153 I can't. 256 00:16:15,388 --> 00:16:17,857 I can't pray with you. 257 00:16:19,726 --> 00:16:22,400 But I will pray for you. 258 00:16:29,569 --> 00:16:33,006 No, sir. All I'm asking is that you give him a second chance. 259 00:16:33,323 --> 00:16:35,043 He knows that he can't work with kids again. 260 00:16:35,159 --> 00:16:38,311 But the church is still a part of his life and- 261 00:16:39,621 --> 00:16:41,851 But if you abandon him... 262 00:16:43,625 --> 00:16:46,014 I am aware of the victim. 263 00:16:47,171 --> 00:16:48,809 Yes, sir. 264 00:16:50,924 --> 00:16:52,198 No. 265 00:16:55,179 --> 00:16:56,897 Thank you, cardinal. 266 00:16:58,682 --> 00:16:59,951 MAN [ON TV]: Channel 3 News has learned 267 00:16:59,975 --> 00:17:02,967 that Robert Sippel, a Catholic priest convicted of sexually abusing 268 00:17:03,270 --> 00:17:05,307 a boy in his care, will be released today 269 00:17:05,564 --> 00:17:08,033 from Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary. 270 00:17:08,317 --> 00:17:10,354 Sippel spent ten years in jail 271 00:17:10,611 --> 00:17:13,569 for the molestation of a 14-year-old boy upstate. 272 00:17:13,864 --> 00:17:17,175 A state law requires Sippel must register as a sex offender with police 273 00:17:17,493 --> 00:17:20,406 and is expected to reside in the area. 274 00:17:20,954 --> 00:17:22,754 Anxious residents have expressed their concern 275 00:17:22,998 --> 00:17:25,877 over Sippel's plan to live in their neighbourhood. 276 00:17:34,510 --> 00:17:36,547 MUKADA: This is the cup of my blood. 277 00:17:36,805 --> 00:17:39,877 The blood of the new and everlasting covenant. 278 00:17:40,183 --> 00:17:44,620 It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. 279 00:17:45,355 --> 00:17:47,107 Do this in memory of me. 280 00:17:47,482 --> 00:17:48,517 [BELL JINGLING] 281 00:17:58,034 --> 00:18:00,708 - Hey, Schillinger. - What do you want? 282 00:18:00,995 --> 00:18:03,430 How much would it cost to mail me out of here? 283 00:18:03,707 --> 00:18:05,559 SCHILLINGER: Mail you? What are you talking about? 284 00:18:05,583 --> 00:18:07,663 I've been trying to think of ways to get out of here. 285 00:18:07,752 --> 00:18:09,584 - Escape from Oz? - Yeah. 286 00:18:09,838 --> 00:18:11,998 And I figured, you know, you could box me up in a crate 287 00:18:12,090 --> 00:18:14,286 and mail me to my wife overnight express, 288 00:18:14,551 --> 00:18:16,747 Priority Mail, whatever. 289 00:18:17,011 --> 00:18:20,003 How much would that cost? Postage, shipping, handling, et cetera? 290 00:18:20,306 --> 00:18:21,306 - Are you serious? - Yeah. 291 00:18:21,516 --> 00:18:22,516 Then you're nuts. 292 00:18:22,726 --> 00:18:24,046 Is that a no? 293 00:18:24,728 --> 00:18:26,719 Yeah. No. 294 00:18:27,856 --> 00:18:30,769 No, yeah, it's a no. Get the fuck out of here before I tip you over. 295 00:18:31,067 --> 00:18:32,740 All right, Vern, I ain't mad at you. 296 00:18:32,986 --> 00:18:35,819 You can't help it if you're ugly and stupid. 297 00:18:53,632 --> 00:18:57,770 Ain't that a... Yo, what's up with him? 298 00:18:58,721 --> 00:19:01,315 - He's in love. - Adebisi? 299 00:19:01,599 --> 00:19:03,875 Get the fuck out of here. With who? 300 00:19:04,143 --> 00:19:05,497 Shirley Bellinger. 301 00:19:05,728 --> 00:19:09,005 Say word. That bitch over on death row? 302 00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:12,068 Word. They been exchanging notes. 303 00:19:12,360 --> 00:19:14,397 Every meal for about a week. 304 00:19:14,653 --> 00:19:15,882 How they know each other? 305 00:19:16,113 --> 00:19:20,266 That's what's funny about it. They never even seen each other. 306 00:19:26,624 --> 00:19:27,853 O'REILY: Hey. 307 00:19:29,752 --> 00:19:31,584 ADEBISI: Go away. You've got diseases. 308 00:19:31,837 --> 00:19:34,636 I'm cured, Adebisi. Cancer's not contagious. 309 00:19:34,924 --> 00:19:36,517 ADEBISI: That's what they say. 310 00:19:36,759 --> 00:19:38,716 - Look, I want back in the kitchen. - No. 311 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:40,689 Christ, haven't I always been there for you? 312 00:19:41,263 --> 00:19:43,334 - No. - Come on. 313 00:19:43,599 --> 00:19:45,557 I'm the only friend you got, pal. 314 00:19:46,812 --> 00:19:48,246 O'Reily, you can read, right? 315 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:49,914 Yeah. So can you. 316 00:19:50,148 --> 00:19:51,946 Yeah, but not all the words. Like this one. 317 00:19:52,192 --> 00:19:53,865 What does that say? 318 00:19:54,111 --> 00:19:55,749 Brawny. 319 00:19:56,321 --> 00:19:57,595 What does that mean, brawny? 320 00:19:57,823 --> 00:19:59,302 Lots of muscles. 321 00:20:01,159 --> 00:20:02,479 - I'm brawny. - Yeah. 322 00:20:02,703 --> 00:20:04,694 Among other things. Here, let me see. 323 00:20:04,955 --> 00:20:06,275 No. 324 00:20:07,082 --> 00:20:08,595 Let me see. 325 00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:13,035 Oh. 326 00:20:14,339 --> 00:20:16,899 Bellinger says that tomorrow is her birthday. 327 00:20:18,135 --> 00:20:21,048 And it's her last birthday on Earth. 328 00:20:21,805 --> 00:20:24,479 And the only thing that she really wants to do 329 00:20:24,766 --> 00:20:28,680 is to see your brawny body naked... 330 00:20:30,063 --> 00:20:31,656 And suck your cock. 331 00:20:33,316 --> 00:20:35,432 It don't say that? Where does it say that? 332 00:20:35,694 --> 00:20:37,207 O'REILY: Right there. 333 00:20:37,988 --> 00:20:39,581 Fellatio. 334 00:20:40,532 --> 00:20:41,806 Cunnilingus. 335 00:20:42,534 --> 00:20:43,808 Girlfriend can spell. 336 00:20:46,371 --> 00:20:48,282 I wanna see her. 337 00:20:48,708 --> 00:20:49,857 I wanna meet her. 338 00:20:50,084 --> 00:20:52,075 You want her to suck your cock. 339 00:20:53,755 --> 00:20:55,154 If I can arrange it, 340 00:20:55,381 --> 00:20:57,338 will you let me back in the kitchen? 341 00:20:57,592 --> 00:21:01,586 O'Reily, if she sucks my cock, 342 00:21:03,890 --> 00:21:05,449 I'll suck yours. 343 00:21:05,683 --> 00:21:08,277 That's an appetizing thought. Pass. 344 00:21:08,561 --> 00:21:11,599 Hey, hey, hey. Can you do it? 345 00:21:11,898 --> 00:21:13,650 I can do it. 346 00:21:19,655 --> 00:21:20,690 All right, listen. 347 00:21:20,907 --> 00:21:23,137 Tomorrow, Adebisi's doing your mop duty. 348 00:21:23,409 --> 00:21:25,161 - Why? - So he can see Bellinger. 349 00:21:25,411 --> 00:21:27,402 Fuck that. Every day she shows her pussy. 350 00:21:27,663 --> 00:21:30,781 Well, you're gonna have to go without it for once. Here, take that. 351 00:21:41,052 --> 00:21:42,611 Here, Shirley. 352 00:21:43,471 --> 00:21:45,621 Thank you, dumpling. 353 00:21:52,021 --> 00:21:53,933 SHIRLEY: Well, I'll be. 354 00:21:56,443 --> 00:21:58,719 That Simon thinks of everything. 355 00:21:58,987 --> 00:22:00,660 [ADEBISI WHISTLING ' "THE BIRTHDAY SONG'"] 356 00:22:09,623 --> 00:22:10,623 Shirley? 357 00:22:11,417 --> 00:22:14,853 - You like your cake? - Yes. 358 00:22:21,885 --> 00:22:23,637 [WHISPERS] Happy birthday, baby. 359 00:22:25,097 --> 00:22:26,974 You're Simon? 360 00:22:29,309 --> 00:22:30,822 Quickly. 361 00:22:32,229 --> 00:22:33,424 Before the hacks come. 362 00:22:33,647 --> 00:22:37,208 - But... - What? - You're a nigger. 363 00:22:44,491 --> 00:22:46,368 Suck my dick now. 364 00:22:46,618 --> 00:22:48,218 OFFICER: Hey, get the fuck away from her. 365 00:22:48,370 --> 00:22:49,883 What the fuck are you doing? 366 00:22:50,122 --> 00:22:51,521 Tony, Al. 367 00:22:52,124 --> 00:22:54,035 Adebisi, move. Get away. 368 00:22:54,293 --> 00:22:56,125 ADEBISI: Suck my dick. 369 00:23:21,196 --> 00:23:23,790 PRISONER: Yo, Wangler. Check this out, man. 370 00:23:24,074 --> 00:23:26,224 This nigga's bugging. 371 00:23:27,911 --> 00:23:30,664 Yo, man. What the fuck is up with you, man? 372 00:23:31,539 --> 00:23:33,371 - Go away. KENNY: What the fuck? 373 00:23:33,625 --> 00:23:35,465 - You losing your mind or something? - Go away! 374 00:23:40,882 --> 00:23:42,111 [COUGHING] 375 00:23:46,262 --> 00:23:47,616 [GRUNTING] 376 00:23:49,265 --> 00:23:50,824 ADEBISI: Stay down. 377 00:23:56,564 --> 00:23:58,123 [INDISTINCT CHATTERING] 378 00:23:59,567 --> 00:24:02,686 KENNY: Hey, Chucky. How's your head? 379 00:24:02,988 --> 00:24:05,264 That can of peaches knocked your brains loose? 380 00:24:08,369 --> 00:24:10,167 Fuck those guys, man. 381 00:24:10,996 --> 00:24:13,954 Don't worry about them. I got good news. 382 00:24:14,250 --> 00:24:15,968 Antonio Nappa's coming to Oz. 383 00:24:16,210 --> 00:24:17,405 [BELL RINGING] 384 00:24:17,628 --> 00:24:20,859 WITTLESEY: For those of you going to Emerald City, we got rules. 385 00:24:21,173 --> 00:24:24,291 We got a lot more rules than anywhere else in Oz. 386 00:24:24,593 --> 00:24:28,268 Your cell is your home. You are to keep it clean. 387 00:24:28,597 --> 00:24:31,510 You are to exercise regularly, attend classes, 388 00:24:31,809 --> 00:24:33,766 go to drug and alcohol counseling. 389 00:24:34,019 --> 00:24:36,090 Follow the rules. 390 00:24:36,355 --> 00:24:37,390 There is no yelling, 391 00:24:37,606 --> 00:24:40,598 no fighting, no fucking. 392 00:24:40,901 --> 00:24:42,699 Okay, those of you going to Em City 393 00:24:42,945 --> 00:24:44,105 will each be given a sponsor. 394 00:24:44,196 --> 00:24:45,914 You can pair up as follows. 395 00:24:46,157 --> 00:24:48,831 Nappa, Pancamo. 396 00:24:49,660 --> 00:24:51,173 Hoyt, Burns. 397 00:24:52,621 --> 00:24:55,340 Vincent, Adebisi. 398 00:24:56,292 --> 00:24:58,806 The rest of you can follow Officer Tobin to Gen Pop. 399 00:25:01,756 --> 00:25:03,030 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 400 00:25:05,010 --> 00:25:06,010 HILL: Goldfish. 401 00:25:06,219 --> 00:25:09,530 They live their whole lives in 30-second intervals. 402 00:25:10,223 --> 00:25:12,294 Every half minute, their little brain forgets 403 00:25:12,559 --> 00:25:15,312 what the last half minute of their life was like. 404 00:25:15,604 --> 00:25:18,722 In other words, when this little goldfish is happy, 405 00:25:19,024 --> 00:25:20,584 he thinks he's been happy his whole life 406 00:25:20,817 --> 00:25:23,855 since his whole life was only 30 seconds ago. 407 00:25:24,154 --> 00:25:26,543 And when this little goldfish is hungry, 408 00:25:26,823 --> 00:25:29,212 he thinks he's been hungry his whole life. 409 00:25:29,993 --> 00:25:31,267 And when he's dying, 410 00:25:31,495 --> 00:25:35,489 this little goldfish thinks he's been dying his whole life. 411 00:25:36,166 --> 00:25:37,918 Imagine that. 412 00:25:38,543 --> 00:25:44,016 Death being the only life this little goldfish will ever know. 413 00:25:45,384 --> 00:25:46,818 [ROCK MUSIC PLAYING] 414 00:25:57,229 --> 00:25:58,663 [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 415 00:26:07,948 --> 00:26:12,341 Prisoner number 98N744, Antonio Nappa. 416 00:26:12,704 --> 00:26:16,379 Convicted June 4, '98, murder in the second degree. 417 00:26:16,708 --> 00:26:22,021 Sentence: 80 years. Up for parole in 50. 418 00:26:23,214 --> 00:26:26,809 Needless to say, I was saddened by Peter Schibetta's rape. 419 00:26:27,135 --> 00:26:29,092 His father, Nino, and I were paisans. 420 00:26:29,345 --> 00:26:30,983 I'm Peter's godfather. 421 00:26:33,474 --> 00:26:37,547 No, his actual godfather at baptism. 422 00:26:38,896 --> 00:26:40,694 We won't tolerate revenge. 423 00:26:40,940 --> 00:26:41,975 Nor should you. 424 00:26:42,191 --> 00:26:45,741 All I ask is that you punish the man responsible. 425 00:26:46,070 --> 00:26:47,469 We will when we find him. 426 00:26:47,697 --> 00:26:49,335 You have no suspect? 427 00:26:49,574 --> 00:26:53,090 We have suspects. Problem is, we have no witnesses. 428 00:26:53,411 --> 00:26:56,210 Pancamo was unconscious and Schibetta- 429 00:26:56,497 --> 00:26:57,612 -Is unwilling to talk. 430 00:26:57,832 --> 00:26:58,867 GLYNN: That's right. 431 00:26:59,083 --> 00:27:00,403 May I see him? 432 00:27:03,046 --> 00:27:04,639 No. 433 00:27:07,592 --> 00:27:11,426 MAN: I tell you, Antonio, I think that Peter's mind has snapped. 434 00:27:11,763 --> 00:27:15,120 He keeps talking to his father, as if Nino was still alive. 435 00:27:15,434 --> 00:27:17,710 NAPPA: This Adebisi who raped Peter, 436 00:27:17,978 --> 00:27:20,538 we can't kill him, at least not yet. 437 00:27:20,814 --> 00:27:21,849 But I want him to suffer. 438 00:27:22,066 --> 00:27:25,582 I want to take away whatever's most important to him. 439 00:27:25,903 --> 00:27:27,382 Well, well, 440 00:27:27,613 --> 00:27:30,492 that would be heroin. He's a fiend. 441 00:27:30,783 --> 00:27:32,899 - He's a user and a dealer? - Yeah. 442 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:34,878 Then his black ass is mine. 443 00:27:36,121 --> 00:27:38,351 I want you to suggest to Glynn 444 00:27:38,624 --> 00:27:42,299 that it's time to do a little random drug testing. 445 00:27:42,628 --> 00:27:43,823 You got it. 446 00:27:49,051 --> 00:27:52,089 You, you, 447 00:27:52,388 --> 00:27:55,744 you and you. 448 00:27:56,767 --> 00:27:58,326 Come with me. 449 00:28:00,396 --> 00:28:01,909 Hill. 450 00:28:04,024 --> 00:28:05,776 Rebadow. 451 00:28:09,154 --> 00:28:10,792 Said. 452 00:28:14,618 --> 00:28:16,416 Adebisi. 453 00:28:35,515 --> 00:28:36,949 Hey. 454 00:28:37,183 --> 00:28:38,582 Hey. 455 00:28:40,145 --> 00:28:42,421 - Let's go. OFFICER: Let's go. 456 00:28:43,189 --> 00:28:45,419 SISTER PETER: Simon, after the riot, 457 00:28:45,692 --> 00:28:49,208 you went into severe heroin withdrawal. 458 00:28:49,529 --> 00:28:51,600 I thought you kicked the habit. 459 00:28:51,865 --> 00:28:53,776 - I did. - Oh, come on. 460 00:28:54,034 --> 00:28:56,423 These reports say that you're still using. 461 00:28:56,703 --> 00:28:59,900 Now, I want you to come to drug counseling. 462 00:29:00,206 --> 00:29:02,925 Rehab is bullshit. No of fence. 463 00:29:03,877 --> 00:29:04,912 Fine. 464 00:29:05,128 --> 00:29:07,088 Then I'll have you tested for drug use every week. 465 00:29:07,338 --> 00:29:10,251 And if you keep using, I'll send you to the psych ward. 466 00:29:10,550 --> 00:29:13,429 Have you ever been to the psych ward here, Simon? 467 00:29:13,720 --> 00:29:15,677 Peter Schibetta's there. 468 00:29:16,306 --> 00:29:19,458 Along with 20 other guys who've lost all sense of reality. 469 00:29:19,768 --> 00:29:22,682 Reality? Oz? 470 00:29:24,440 --> 00:29:27,751 So tell me, what world are you living in? 471 00:29:28,069 --> 00:29:33,508 Better yet, which world are you trying to avoid? 472 00:29:34,075 --> 00:29:38,194 Because drugs are all about avoidance, Simon, 473 00:29:39,038 --> 00:29:43,669 about not being able to accept some secret in yourself. 474 00:29:46,504 --> 00:29:51,021 Sister, don't send me to that loony bin. 475 00:29:51,384 --> 00:29:53,614 I will come to your meetings. 476 00:29:53,886 --> 00:29:56,321 I will stop taking drugs. 477 00:29:57,056 --> 00:29:58,251 [INDISTINCT CHATTERING] 478 00:30:06,690 --> 00:30:08,886 What are you looking at, old man? 479 00:30:14,949 --> 00:30:20,388 Hey. Nappa, he engineered the drug testing to slow you down. 480 00:30:21,122 --> 00:30:22,954 - Yeah? - Yeah. 481 00:30:24,917 --> 00:30:27,228 Looks like I'm gonna have to kill me some dagos. 482 00:30:27,504 --> 00:30:29,097 Thattaboy. 483 00:30:35,220 --> 00:30:37,450 Here's the plan: We go out there, grab that bitch Nappa 484 00:30:37,723 --> 00:30:39,363 and his guinea friends, cut their throats. 485 00:30:39,474 --> 00:30:40,828 - What, now? - Yeah. 486 00:30:41,059 --> 00:30:43,340 It's the middle of fucking lunchtime. What are you, crazy? 487 00:30:43,478 --> 00:30:46,197 - Is there a better time? - Yes, there's a fucking better time. 488 00:30:46,481 --> 00:30:48,641 There's hacks all over the place. Everyone's gonna see. 489 00:30:48,775 --> 00:30:50,209 Let them see. I said, do it now. 490 00:30:50,444 --> 00:30:52,720 Please, go back. 491 00:30:52,988 --> 00:30:56,140 You disgrace us all when you act like a fool. 492 00:30:57,075 --> 00:30:58,110 Out of my way. 493 00:30:58,326 --> 00:31:00,237 We're African brothers. I know you see that. 494 00:31:00,495 --> 00:31:01,895 Look at all this black skin around. 495 00:31:01,997 --> 00:31:03,749 No, you and I are different. 496 00:31:03,999 --> 00:31:05,751 I'm no different. 497 00:31:06,293 --> 00:31:07,931 Yoruba. 498 00:31:10,338 --> 00:31:13,217 What have they turned you into? 499 00:31:14,217 --> 00:31:16,208 Who are you? 500 00:31:16,845 --> 00:31:18,722 Who are you? 501 00:31:20,057 --> 00:31:22,617 Is there a problem here, Adebisi? 502 00:31:26,521 --> 00:31:28,398 No problem, officer. 503 00:31:28,648 --> 00:31:30,720 Then get back to work. 504 00:32:16,823 --> 00:32:18,496 Hey, hey. 505 00:32:19,075 --> 00:32:21,146 What happened in the cafeteria with that old man? 506 00:32:21,411 --> 00:32:23,049 Just some crazy fuck. 507 00:32:23,287 --> 00:32:25,244 You were gonna take care of Nappa. 508 00:32:25,498 --> 00:32:26,852 Another day. 509 00:32:27,083 --> 00:32:28,960 Are you planning on doing anything soon? 510 00:32:29,210 --> 00:32:32,646 Yeah, planning on lying down. Wangler. 511 00:32:35,050 --> 00:32:37,121 Where's the CD player? 512 00:32:38,011 --> 00:32:39,843 The batteries are low. 513 00:32:47,813 --> 00:32:49,247 Here. 514 00:32:53,944 --> 00:32:55,093 What's in here? 515 00:32:55,320 --> 00:32:57,834 KENNY: Some hard shit my cousin sent me. 516 00:33:01,076 --> 00:33:02,589 What are we gonna do about Nappa, man? 517 00:33:02,828 --> 00:33:03,988 [MUSIC PLAYING ON HEADPHONES] 518 00:33:04,038 --> 00:33:05,437 Adebisi? 519 00:33:06,290 --> 00:33:07,439 Yo. 520 00:33:09,626 --> 00:33:11,776 You know what? Fuck it. 521 00:33:13,255 --> 00:33:14,325 You slipping. 522 00:33:14,548 --> 00:33:17,745 And if your balls end up in a cannoli, don't say shit. 523 00:33:33,776 --> 00:33:34,891 [DRUMS BEATING] 524 00:33:52,045 --> 00:33:53,365 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 525 00:34:09,604 --> 00:34:10,753 [GASPING] 526 00:34:12,941 --> 00:34:14,340 PRISONER: What's up, man? 527 00:34:21,533 --> 00:34:23,444 [INDISTINCT SHOUTING] 528 00:34:24,244 --> 00:34:26,076 KENNY: That's my motherfucking CD player. 529 00:34:26,329 --> 00:34:27,922 PRISONER: What is he doing? 530 00:34:32,085 --> 00:34:36,044 Do you believe in voodoo, Chucky? The power of magic? 531 00:34:36,381 --> 00:34:38,497 - No. - I do. 532 00:34:39,050 --> 00:34:41,121 There's an old wives' tale in Sicily 533 00:34:41,387 --> 00:34:44,061 that a new bride waits until she menstruates, 534 00:34:44,348 --> 00:34:47,227 then she takes her blood and puts it into the first tomato sauce 535 00:34:47,518 --> 00:34:49,316 she makes for her husband. 536 00:34:49,562 --> 00:34:50,597 What for? 537 00:34:50,813 --> 00:34:54,204 If he eats her blood, she can control him forever. 538 00:34:54,525 --> 00:34:58,837 Somebody's got Adebisi under a spell. 539 00:34:59,572 --> 00:35:02,086 Too bad it's not us. 540 00:35:06,829 --> 00:35:11,346 Those National Geographic specials, they're popular here at Oz. 541 00:35:11,709 --> 00:35:14,667 All those wild beasts attacking each other, 542 00:35:14,962 --> 00:35:17,556 ferocious lions running down to the watering hole, 543 00:35:17,840 --> 00:35:21,913 brutalizing antelopes and gazelles. 544 00:35:22,887 --> 00:35:25,925 How come there's never a program where the animals get along, 545 00:35:26,223 --> 00:35:28,180 where they help each other? 546 00:35:28,434 --> 00:35:31,153 Is it possible for, say, a flat-billed platypus 547 00:35:31,437 --> 00:35:34,748 to help a green-eyed cockatoo cross the street? 548 00:35:42,406 --> 00:35:43,521 Now what? 549 00:35:43,741 --> 00:35:44,856 SCHILLINGER: The fun part. 550 00:35:45,076 --> 00:35:47,273 We read everybody's mail. 551 00:35:47,788 --> 00:35:49,426 Our nigger warden has a rule. 552 00:35:49,664 --> 00:35:51,382 Every piece of mail that comes into Oz 553 00:35:51,625 --> 00:35:53,980 gets opened and thoroughly examined. 554 00:35:54,252 --> 00:35:56,092 In case somebody's pulling a scam or something. 555 00:35:56,129 --> 00:35:57,528 Right. 556 00:35:57,756 --> 00:35:58,996 If we find anything suspicious, 557 00:35:59,091 --> 00:36:01,171 we're supposed to pass it on to the supervising hack. 558 00:36:01,343 --> 00:36:02,572 And do we? 559 00:36:04,054 --> 00:36:05,374 His spot check is pretty regular, 560 00:36:05,472 --> 00:36:08,464 so you gotta pick your shot letting something slip through. 561 00:36:08,767 --> 00:36:11,566 In the meantime, we know every prisoner's business. 562 00:36:12,145 --> 00:36:13,465 Right. 563 00:36:13,688 --> 00:36:17,682 And like the great man said, "knowledge is power." 564 00:36:18,026 --> 00:36:20,825 You can do some real damage with this bad boy. 565 00:36:22,656 --> 00:36:25,535 Relax. You're suffering from PBS. 566 00:36:25,826 --> 00:36:26,861 PBS? 567 00:36:27,077 --> 00:36:30,547 Pre-Bunny Syndrome. It happens quite often in my line of work. 568 00:36:30,872 --> 00:36:32,101 You dig and dig and dig, 569 00:36:32,332 --> 00:36:34,372 and just before you have to make like a little bunny 570 00:36:34,418 --> 00:36:35,818 and go through the hole, you panic. 571 00:36:36,002 --> 00:36:38,152 This is real? Pre-Bunny Syndrome? 572 00:36:38,422 --> 00:36:39,901 Oh, yeah. 573 00:36:40,549 --> 00:36:43,268 I mean, I made the name up, but sure. 574 00:36:49,057 --> 00:36:50,457 Come on, man, what's the slow-up? 575 00:36:50,685 --> 00:36:52,358 Keep your fucking shirt on. 576 00:36:56,983 --> 00:36:58,053 Oh. 577 00:36:59,444 --> 00:37:00,479 What's the matter? 578 00:37:02,989 --> 00:37:05,139 It's a letter from my mother. 579 00:37:05,408 --> 00:37:06,557 You have a mother? 580 00:37:07,952 --> 00:37:11,582 She's 90. She says my grandson has leukemia. 581 00:37:11,914 --> 00:37:13,427 You have a grandson? 582 00:37:14,917 --> 00:37:17,431 My fiancée was pregnant at the time of my arrest. 583 00:37:17,712 --> 00:37:20,147 Rebadow, who'd have thought about you doing the nasty? 584 00:37:22,341 --> 00:37:24,935 You got a kid, huh? Boy or girl? 585 00:37:25,219 --> 00:37:27,938 Boy. Man. 586 00:37:28,723 --> 00:37:31,112 Alex would be 34. 587 00:37:31,809 --> 00:37:33,482 And he has a boy. 588 00:37:33,728 --> 00:37:35,162 Who has leukemia. 589 00:37:37,231 --> 00:37:39,507 I've never seen either one of them. 590 00:37:43,905 --> 00:37:45,737 Okay, any other new business? 591 00:37:45,990 --> 00:37:49,779 Yeah. This guy Rebadow, his grandson's got leukemia. 592 00:37:50,119 --> 00:37:51,473 ALL: Aw! 593 00:37:51,704 --> 00:37:53,343 That's too bad, dude. 594 00:37:53,582 --> 00:37:56,142 The kid's dying, and his dying wish is to go to Disney World. 595 00:37:56,418 --> 00:37:58,329 - Mine too. - Mickey Mouse sucks cock. 596 00:37:58,670 --> 00:37:59,670 How do you know all this? 597 00:37:59,880 --> 00:38:02,793 I work the mail, right? I read the letter from his mama. 598 00:38:03,634 --> 00:38:05,989 Rebadow's family doesn't have the $3000 599 00:38:06,261 --> 00:38:07,899 to send the kid to Disney World. 600 00:38:08,138 --> 00:38:10,652 So I'm thinking, maybe we should send him. 601 00:38:10,933 --> 00:38:12,412 - Who, us? HILL: Come on. How? 602 00:38:13,018 --> 00:38:15,817 My bike club, we raised $10,000 once 603 00:38:16,105 --> 00:38:18,494 doing a run across the state for the Ronald McDonald House. 604 00:38:18,774 --> 00:38:21,334 You all earn money in here working whatever job you got, 605 00:38:21,610 --> 00:38:22,645 same as me. 606 00:38:22,861 --> 00:38:25,021 So I'm thinking, instead of spending the money on shit, 607 00:38:25,614 --> 00:38:27,013 we can make a donation. 608 00:38:27,241 --> 00:38:29,441 Look, what the fuck do we care about Rebadow's grandson? 609 00:38:29,702 --> 00:38:32,171 McMANUS: Hey, Kenny, if you don't care, then you don't care. 610 00:38:32,454 --> 00:38:35,094 But if you do, then help out. 611 00:38:35,374 --> 00:38:39,163 Whatever you guys raise, the COs will match. 612 00:38:40,295 --> 00:38:41,365 Meeting's adjourned. 613 00:38:45,801 --> 00:38:50,432 Look, it's not a lot, but take it. 614 00:38:51,890 --> 00:38:54,325 Thank you, Augustus, Tobias, Busmalis. 615 00:38:55,269 --> 00:38:56,907 How much do you have? 616 00:38:57,814 --> 00:39:03,332 With this and the money in my account, $72. 617 00:39:04,487 --> 00:39:06,364 One hundred and seventy-two. 618 00:39:08,450 --> 00:39:09,929 From the brothers. 619 00:39:10,535 --> 00:39:12,128 [MOUTHING WORDS] Thank you. Thank you. 620 00:39:12,370 --> 00:39:15,328 I thought I was gonna die. You know? 621 00:39:16,458 --> 00:39:19,211 So maybe your grandson, he won't die. 622 00:39:19,502 --> 00:39:20,617 Maybe. 623 00:39:20,837 --> 00:39:22,555 But just in case... 624 00:39:23,840 --> 00:39:25,239 Here. 625 00:39:26,342 --> 00:39:27,457 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 626 00:39:48,698 --> 00:39:49,893 I got kids too. 627 00:39:50,116 --> 00:39:52,107 Mostly they're a pain in the ass, but... 628 00:39:55,330 --> 00:39:57,401 So how much have you raised? 629 00:39:58,041 --> 00:40:00,351 Almost $2000. 630 00:40:00,627 --> 00:40:03,222 Then this should put you over the top. 631 00:40:07,176 --> 00:40:09,770 First thing tomorrow, I'll wire the money to my mother. 632 00:40:10,054 --> 00:40:11,134 I've told her it was coming 633 00:40:11,263 --> 00:40:14,381 and I told her I want this gift to be anonymous. 634 00:40:14,683 --> 00:40:17,516 I don't want my grandson to know where it came from. 635 00:40:17,812 --> 00:40:19,291 You're ashamed? 636 00:40:22,316 --> 00:40:23,670 Yes. 637 00:40:34,078 --> 00:40:35,273 [CRYING] 638 00:40:55,725 --> 00:40:58,877 That's fucking what I heard. Rebadow collected like 3 Gs. 639 00:40:59,687 --> 00:41:01,963 And that money's gone tomorrow. 640 00:41:03,649 --> 00:41:05,128 You know what? 641 00:41:05,777 --> 00:41:10,453 I'm thinking we go to Rebadow, we take the dough, 642 00:41:10,824 --> 00:41:12,544 and then so these other fucks don't get mad, 643 00:41:12,743 --> 00:41:14,859 we make Rebadow swear that he sent it. 644 00:41:15,120 --> 00:41:16,633 No. 645 00:41:16,872 --> 00:41:18,385 What do you mean, no? It's $3000. 646 00:41:18,623 --> 00:41:20,341 I said, no. 647 00:41:20,917 --> 00:41:21,952 Why? 648 00:41:22,919 --> 00:41:25,957 Because sometimes it's good to be human. 649 00:41:39,978 --> 00:41:44,973 HILL: Prisoner number 98H432, Jaz Hoyt. 650 00:41:53,992 --> 00:41:55,426 [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE] 651 00:42:04,544 --> 00:42:07,377 Convicted August 12, '98, 652 00:42:07,672 --> 00:42:10,187 aggravated assault in the first degree. 653 00:42:10,468 --> 00:42:15,144 Sentence: eight years. Up for parole in four. 654 00:42:17,266 --> 00:42:19,106 - HILL: Yo, Alvarez. - Man, no, leave me alone. 655 00:42:19,352 --> 00:42:21,392 Wait a second, man. I gotta ask you a question, bro. 656 00:42:21,437 --> 00:42:22,950 - ALVAREZ: What? - Yo. 657 00:42:24,690 --> 00:42:29,127 Yo, working bedpans, you ever see any opportunities at getting out? 658 00:42:29,487 --> 00:42:32,240 Getting out? What, you mean like escape? 659 00:42:32,532 --> 00:42:34,205 Yeah, man. 660 00:42:36,285 --> 00:42:37,365 You trying to escape, Hill? 661 00:42:38,746 --> 00:42:40,817 I've been exploring the possibilities. 662 00:42:41,082 --> 00:42:42,117 Right. 663 00:42:42,333 --> 00:42:45,212 Okay, well, hospital ward, right? That's a dead end. 664 00:42:45,503 --> 00:42:48,859 Because if there was a way out, my ass would be like a vapor. 665 00:42:49,173 --> 00:42:50,402 But hey, 666 00:42:50,633 --> 00:42:53,751 you find a crack, you let me know, all right? 667 00:42:54,053 --> 00:42:56,329 Because I'd be there right behind you. 668 00:42:56,597 --> 00:42:57,667 - Okay? - Yeah. 669 00:42:57,890 --> 00:42:59,210 Okay. 670 00:43:02,520 --> 00:43:05,990 Welcome to Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary. 671 00:43:06,315 --> 00:43:09,706 We are, of course, pleased that the state budget increased its line item 672 00:43:10,027 --> 00:43:11,506 for more correctional officers. 673 00:43:11,738 --> 00:43:14,299 Your presence here will help alleviate stress 674 00:43:14,575 --> 00:43:16,566 between the COs and the inmates 675 00:43:16,827 --> 00:43:19,706 as well as increase safety for all. 676 00:43:19,997 --> 00:43:22,989 Now, I myself stood where you're standing some 30 years ago. 677 00:43:23,917 --> 00:43:25,237 The warden back then 678 00:43:25,461 --> 00:43:28,294 gave us a piece of advice I'd like to pass on to you. 679 00:43:30,424 --> 00:43:33,735 Be aware and beware. 680 00:43:34,053 --> 00:43:35,885 My own little addendum 681 00:43:36,138 --> 00:43:37,890 is "be fair." 682 00:43:38,140 --> 00:43:40,814 Again, welcome. 683 00:43:41,560 --> 00:43:42,675 [APPLAUSE] 684 00:43:51,278 --> 00:43:52,712 Man, I know that dude. 685 00:43:52,946 --> 00:43:53,946 The new hack? 686 00:43:54,156 --> 00:43:55,476 Yeah, man. He was in Los Diablos. 687 00:43:55,657 --> 00:43:58,046 PRISONER: Los Diablos? You wiped the motherfuckers out. 688 00:43:58,327 --> 00:44:00,887 Rivera was always a pussy. 689 00:44:02,414 --> 00:44:05,327 - Yeah, speaking of pussies. - You shut the fuck up. 690 00:44:05,626 --> 00:44:07,856 What do you want, Michael? 691 00:44:08,128 --> 00:44:11,325 I wanna have a sit-down, just him and me. 692 00:44:12,341 --> 00:44:14,537 Yo, get out, man. You're busted. 693 00:44:15,636 --> 00:44:16,990 Can I? 694 00:44:25,647 --> 00:44:28,526 You know, my grandfather was in Oz for 40 years. 695 00:44:28,817 --> 00:44:30,967 Spent the last half in solitary. 696 00:44:31,236 --> 00:44:32,431 Yeah, I know. 697 00:44:33,113 --> 00:44:35,389 My father was an inmate here. 698 00:44:36,491 --> 00:44:38,767 Got his tongue cut out. 699 00:44:39,035 --> 00:44:41,948 Yeah, I know, man. So what? 700 00:44:42,997 --> 00:44:45,591 Yo, man, I used to run shit around here. 701 00:44:46,918 --> 00:44:49,387 You know? And I got no problem with you taking over. 702 00:44:49,671 --> 00:44:53,027 I mean, you, El Cid, you have cojones. 703 00:44:53,341 --> 00:44:56,220 But, yo, ever since you came in, man, I've been low man. 704 00:44:56,511 --> 00:44:58,502 I get my face in the dirt every day. 705 00:45:01,933 --> 00:45:06,370 I just wanna know what I gotta do to get in your good graces. 706 00:45:07,313 --> 00:45:09,509 Change your skin, man. You're too white. 707 00:45:10,650 --> 00:45:12,926 Man, there ain't nothing I can do about that. 708 00:45:13,194 --> 00:45:16,710 I'm not talking about your outside. I'm talking about right here, man. 709 00:45:17,031 --> 00:45:18,146 Too white. 710 00:45:18,366 --> 00:45:19,686 I'm not. 711 00:45:21,286 --> 00:45:22,960 All right, I'll prove it. 712 00:45:23,664 --> 00:45:25,621 You tell me to do something. 713 00:45:28,210 --> 00:45:29,883 See that pato over there? 714 00:45:32,882 --> 00:45:33,952 Huh? 715 00:45:34,592 --> 00:45:35,991 [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] 716 00:45:37,887 --> 00:45:39,639 Are you kidding me? 717 00:45:53,486 --> 00:45:54,885 Papa. 718 00:45:55,529 --> 00:45:57,805 Gonglewski's shit in his bed again? 719 00:45:58,074 --> 00:45:59,872 I'll give you a hand. 720 00:46:03,079 --> 00:46:09,030 Papa, I got a problem, and I got nobody to talk to but you. 721 00:46:11,629 --> 00:46:13,984 El Cid is in Oz now. 722 00:46:14,256 --> 00:46:16,691 And the only way he's gonna let me stay in the game... 723 00:46:18,219 --> 00:46:21,655 He wants me to pluck out the eyes of a CO. 724 00:46:21,972 --> 00:46:24,009 Some new guy, Rivera. 725 00:46:24,266 --> 00:46:26,019 Now, the way I see it, 726 00:46:26,269 --> 00:46:29,227 if I do it, I'm dead. 727 00:46:29,689 --> 00:46:31,049 The hacks are gonna tear me apart. 728 00:46:31,149 --> 00:46:33,220 If I don't, El Cid will. 729 00:46:34,486 --> 00:46:35,686 Papa, I don't know what to do. 730 00:46:38,407 --> 00:46:40,364 I mean, what do I do? 731 00:46:56,633 --> 00:46:57,703 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 732 00:46:58,301 --> 00:47:00,053 Count. 733 00:47:01,430 --> 00:47:04,980 OFFICER: 88P217. 86M510. 734 00:47:05,308 --> 00:47:08,061 93K518. 92H240. 735 00:47:08,353 --> 00:47:11,266 96J522. 736 00:47:11,565 --> 00:47:14,444 98H498. 737 00:47:14,735 --> 00:47:16,885 92M220. 738 00:47:17,154 --> 00:47:18,906 97A413. 739 00:47:19,156 --> 00:47:20,305 Hey. 740 00:47:20,532 --> 00:47:21,602 RIVERA: What? 741 00:47:23,326 --> 00:47:24,919 What, Alvarez? 742 00:47:25,829 --> 00:47:29,299 They say the eyes are the mirrors of the soul. 743 00:47:29,625 --> 00:47:32,060 What the fuck are you talking about? 744 00:47:32,795 --> 00:47:34,752 Nice to see you. 745 00:47:40,136 --> 00:47:45,131 97P468. 98N744. 746 00:47:45,516 --> 00:47:51,353 91T818. 92L411. 747 00:48:02,366 --> 00:48:04,243 SAID: Did Diane Wittlesey shoot Scott Ross 748 00:48:04,494 --> 00:48:07,612 with the intention of ending his life? 749 00:48:07,914 --> 00:48:10,588 Did Wittlesey murder Ross? 750 00:48:14,253 --> 00:48:15,288 No. 751 00:48:15,505 --> 00:48:16,505 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 752 00:48:16,714 --> 00:48:17,914 WITTLESEY: Hey, there you are. 753 00:48:18,049 --> 00:48:20,279 Do you have time to go over the statistical reports? 754 00:48:20,551 --> 00:48:22,747 Not right now, I promised Coushaine that I would 755 00:48:23,012 --> 00:48:24,572 sit in on his reading-and-writing class. 756 00:48:25,556 --> 00:48:26,556 Okay. 757 00:48:34,817 --> 00:48:37,286 Hey, Leo. 758 00:48:37,569 --> 00:48:39,526 - GLYNN: Hey. - I've been meaning to ask you, 759 00:48:40,906 --> 00:48:42,624 how's your daughter? 760 00:48:43,283 --> 00:48:46,162 Well, she's out of the hospital, on the road to recovery. 761 00:48:46,453 --> 00:48:49,172 That's great. I'm happy for you. How about your brother? 762 00:48:49,998 --> 00:48:51,989 His trial starts in two weeks. 763 00:48:52,251 --> 00:48:53,650 McMANUS: God gives, God takes, huh? 764 00:48:55,587 --> 00:48:58,147 - Yeah. - How about it? 765 00:48:58,424 --> 00:49:01,621 Come on, a little one-on-one. 766 00:49:01,927 --> 00:49:03,122 Nope. 767 00:49:05,139 --> 00:49:06,618 Hey, Leo. 768 00:49:09,435 --> 00:49:12,473 I know I can't tell the truth about Ross' shooting, 769 00:49:12,771 --> 00:49:15,923 but I can't carry the lie around anymore either. 770 00:49:16,483 --> 00:49:19,157 I try. I can't. 771 00:49:20,070 --> 00:49:22,949 Then find a way to lose the lie. 772 00:49:26,368 --> 00:49:28,928 Diane, I-Sorry. 773 00:49:29,204 --> 00:49:32,162 It's all right, Tim. It's not like you haven't seen me undressed. 774 00:49:32,458 --> 00:49:33,857 What's up? 775 00:49:35,627 --> 00:49:39,144 You're always telling me that I get lost inside my own head, 776 00:49:39,466 --> 00:49:41,264 that I gotta be more blunt. 777 00:49:41,509 --> 00:49:42,624 So I'm going to be blunt. 778 00:49:44,054 --> 00:49:45,249 At Schillinger's hearing, 779 00:49:45,472 --> 00:49:49,545 I put my hand on the Bible and I swore to God 780 00:49:49,893 --> 00:49:51,531 that I would tell the truth. 781 00:49:51,770 --> 00:49:53,727 And then I lied. 782 00:49:53,980 --> 00:49:55,937 I lied for you. 783 00:49:56,941 --> 00:49:59,137 And now, every time I see you, 784 00:49:59,402 --> 00:50:01,439 I'm reminded of my lie, 785 00:50:01,696 --> 00:50:04,688 of the vow to God that I broke. 786 00:50:04,991 --> 00:50:06,584 Of my sin. 787 00:50:07,827 --> 00:50:09,306 And? 788 00:50:09,537 --> 00:50:13,132 I want you to transfer out of Em City to another unit. 789 00:50:19,005 --> 00:50:22,316 - Wittlesey's working on Unit B now. - Find out why. 790 00:50:22,634 --> 00:50:24,274 Think she's been selling cigarettes again? 791 00:50:24,344 --> 00:50:25,744 I heard she had a nervous breakdown. 792 00:50:25,845 --> 00:50:27,199 It's because of McManus. 793 00:50:27,430 --> 00:50:29,421 - God, I miss those tits of hers, man. - Me too. 794 00:50:29,682 --> 00:50:31,992 - What do you think? - Never liked the woman. 795 00:50:32,685 --> 00:50:35,325 I wonder who the new head hack's gonna be. 796 00:50:35,605 --> 00:50:37,801 As long as it's not him. 797 00:50:45,825 --> 00:50:46,905 People are always wondering 798 00:50:47,034 --> 00:50:50,390 if their pets are gonna make it to heaven. 799 00:50:50,704 --> 00:50:54,095 If Jojo or Muffy are gonna pass through those Pearly Gates. 800 00:50:54,417 --> 00:50:56,374 How much you wanna bet the animals are wondering 801 00:50:56,627 --> 00:50:58,743 if their masters are gonna make it? 802 00:50:59,004 --> 00:51:00,915 Cats, dogs, parakeets, 803 00:51:01,173 --> 00:51:05,690 they don't spend their whole lives drowning in sin, lies and suffering. 804 00:51:06,053 --> 00:51:07,566 They just wallow in the truth. 805 00:51:08,347 --> 00:51:09,826 Imagine that. 806 00:51:10,057 --> 00:51:12,492 If all we humans knew of life on Earth 807 00:51:12,768 --> 00:51:14,998 was the goddamn truth... 808 00:51:39,879 --> 00:51:41,278 SAID: Beecher. 809 00:51:43,174 --> 00:51:44,494 Don't do this. 810 00:51:45,468 --> 00:51:46,868 Do what? 811 00:51:48,388 --> 00:51:49,537 Drink. 812 00:51:51,933 --> 00:51:54,652 You love to dabble in people's lives, don't you? 813 00:51:54,936 --> 00:51:57,296 You're so much better than us because you've seen the light. 814 00:51:57,522 --> 00:51:59,832 You've seen the face of God. 815 00:52:00,108 --> 00:52:04,659 So you wave your dick around in order to save us lowly mortals. 816 00:52:05,030 --> 00:52:08,386 Hill, Mershah, Groves. 817 00:52:09,159 --> 00:52:11,355 Jefferson Keane. 818 00:52:11,620 --> 00:52:14,612 Fuck, you helped Jefferson Keane right into a lethal injection. 819 00:52:15,499 --> 00:52:18,298 - But in the end... No, no, no. 820 00:52:18,585 --> 00:52:20,542 When all is said and done, 821 00:52:20,796 --> 00:52:24,630 who have you really fucking helped, 822 00:52:25,258 --> 00:52:27,215 other than yourself? 823 00:52:28,512 --> 00:52:29,832 Poet. 824 00:52:30,764 --> 00:52:32,198 BEECHER: Poet? 825 00:52:32,432 --> 00:52:35,026 I just saw on the news, he killed a man. 826 00:52:35,811 --> 00:52:37,961 He's coming back to Oz. 827 00:52:40,565 --> 00:52:44,524 ♪ Little Miss Tucket sat on a bucket Eating some peaches and cream ♪ 828 00:52:44,861 --> 00:52:46,756 ♪ Then came a grasshopper And tried to stop her ♪ 829 00:52:46,780 --> 00:52:49,533 ♪ But she said "Go away or I'll scream!" ♪ 830 00:53:18,271 --> 00:53:19,271 [GUNSHOT] 831 00:53:19,856 --> 00:53:25,807 Prisoner number 98J448, Arnold Jackson, a.k.a. Poet. 832 00:53:26,237 --> 00:53:30,117 Convicted July 20, '98, murder in the second degree. 833 00:53:30,742 --> 00:53:36,294 Sentence: 26 years. Up for parole in 19. 834 00:53:36,831 --> 00:53:37,866 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 835 00:53:54,892 --> 00:53:56,121 [PRISONERS CHEERING] 836 00:54:16,663 --> 00:54:19,894 Can we get by, brother? Come on, man. 837 00:54:28,592 --> 00:54:29,952 HILL: So, what is it that separates 838 00:54:30,135 --> 00:54:35,130 you and me from the goldfish, the butterfly, the flat-billed platypus? 839 00:54:35,933 --> 00:54:38,004 Our minds, huh? 840 00:54:38,268 --> 00:54:40,544 Our souls, huh? 841 00:54:40,813 --> 00:54:43,043 The fact that we can get HBO? 842 00:54:43,315 --> 00:54:46,785 Well, maybe it's that humans are the only species 843 00:54:47,111 --> 00:54:49,671 to put other animals in cages. 844 00:54:49,947 --> 00:54:53,497 Put its own kind in cages.