1 00:01:35,582 --> 00:01:39,291 So there used to be this tribe, the Aztecs, 2 00:01:39,627 --> 00:01:42,938 who believed that the universe was created by violence. 3 00:01:43,256 --> 00:01:45,405 Every year, at what was their version of Christmas, 4 00:01:45,674 --> 00:01:48,985 they would cut out someone's heart and offer it up to the gods. 5 00:01:49,303 --> 00:01:51,738 These people were convinced that without this sacrifice, 6 00:01:52,014 --> 00:01:56,167 the sun would fall from the sky and the world would come to an end. 7 00:01:56,518 --> 00:01:59,909 Then the Spaniards landed and wiped the Aztecs off the face of the earth. 8 00:02:00,230 --> 00:02:01,823 Turns out they was right. 9 00:02:02,066 --> 00:02:03,977 The world did come to an end. 10 00:02:04,234 --> 00:02:06,066 For them. 11 00:02:07,071 --> 00:02:09,028 Welcome to Oz. 12 00:02:09,281 --> 00:02:11,841 Ten months after the world ended. 13 00:02:33,429 --> 00:02:35,022 McMANUS: All right. 14 00:02:35,264 --> 00:02:38,222 A lot of people thought we'd never reopen Emerald City, 15 00:02:38,518 --> 00:02:43,308 but after almost a year, a lot of politicking, ball-busting 16 00:02:43,689 --> 00:02:46,521 and some backup from the warden, here we are. 17 00:02:46,817 --> 00:02:49,206 - It's a new deal, gentlemen. - It's a better deal. 18 00:02:49,486 --> 00:02:54,003 It's a fair deal. Now, I have identified ten groups. 19 00:02:54,366 --> 00:02:59,281 The Muslims, the Gangsters, the Latinos, the Italians, the Irish, 20 00:02:59,663 --> 00:03:04,897 the Aryans, the Bikers, the Christians, the Gays, and one called the Others. 21 00:03:05,877 --> 00:03:09,950 Each group will have four prisoners living at Em City, no more, no less. 22 00:03:10,298 --> 00:03:12,175 Each group will be equal. 23 00:03:12,426 --> 00:03:15,258 - Each individual, equal. - Bullshit. 24 00:03:15,553 --> 00:03:17,032 No, it is not bullshit. 25 00:03:17,263 --> 00:03:20,699 And to make sure that it's not, I'm also establishing a council 26 00:03:21,016 --> 00:03:23,769 to air grievances, to advise me. 27 00:03:24,061 --> 00:03:27,975 Each group will have one member serve on said council. 28 00:03:28,315 --> 00:03:29,589 - Any questions? SAID: Yes. 29 00:03:29,817 --> 00:03:33,936 Given all that's happened, why did you come back? 30 00:03:34,280 --> 00:03:36,874 SAID: Why do you still believe Emerald City will work? 31 00:03:37,158 --> 00:03:38,876 Well, the truth is this: 32 00:03:39,118 --> 00:03:42,349 We either learn to change, or we repeat our mistakes. 33 00:03:42,663 --> 00:03:44,653 We either become a part of our community, 34 00:03:44,914 --> 00:03:46,666 or we remain isolated from it. 35 00:03:46,916 --> 00:03:50,875 In either case, the success of our lives depends on us. 36 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:54,918 I am not solely responsible to make Em City work. 37 00:03:55,216 --> 00:03:56,968 It's you too. 38 00:03:59,012 --> 00:04:00,844 Any other questions? 39 00:04:04,684 --> 00:04:07,403 Kareem, you should be our representative on the council. 40 00:04:07,687 --> 00:04:10,486 - That's assuming that we participate. - Are you saying we shouldn't? 41 00:04:10,774 --> 00:04:12,412 No, I'm saying that we wait. 42 00:04:12,650 --> 00:04:15,607 Our absence may speak louder than our presence. 43 00:04:15,903 --> 00:04:18,417 ADEBISI: First thing, we start to sell tits again. 44 00:04:18,697 --> 00:04:22,611 - Yeah, but what about O'Reily? - I'll handle O'Reily. 45 00:04:23,327 --> 00:04:25,045 I'll handle Adebisi. 46 00:04:25,287 --> 00:04:27,801 What worries me is the Sicilians coming in. 47 00:04:28,082 --> 00:04:31,120 - I don't see Nino Schibetta anywhere. - Schibetta's dead. 48 00:04:31,418 --> 00:04:34,217 It's his son who's the hair across our ass now. 49 00:04:34,505 --> 00:04:36,382 We're gonna take back the drug trade, 50 00:04:36,632 --> 00:04:39,988 find out who hurt my father, and then... 51 00:04:40,761 --> 00:04:43,879 Shit. The rest of these cock motherfuckers, 52 00:04:44,180 --> 00:04:47,411 they gonna learn, bro. They can't shit on us no more. 53 00:04:47,725 --> 00:04:49,318 How the fuck did I get to be an Other? 54 00:04:49,560 --> 00:04:50,960 On the streets, I was selling dope. 55 00:04:51,062 --> 00:04:52,542 I was as bad as any of those Homeboys. 56 00:04:52,730 --> 00:04:54,209 I fucking killed a cop! 57 00:04:54,440 --> 00:04:57,592 - I'm thrown in here with you guys. - You're disabled. 58 00:04:57,902 --> 00:04:59,622 And the rest of you are fucking certifiable. 59 00:05:01,072 --> 00:05:02,072 Who are you? 60 00:05:02,740 --> 00:05:06,176 Agamemnon Busmalis, a.k.a. The Mole. 61 00:05:06,494 --> 00:05:08,451 - The Mole? MOLE: I dig. 62 00:05:08,704 --> 00:05:12,698 I can dig anywhere. I'm gonna dig my way out of Oz. 63 00:05:13,042 --> 00:05:15,601 I tell you, I don't belong with those three clowns, man. 64 00:05:15,877 --> 00:05:17,914 They're crazy. Especially Beecher. 65 00:05:18,171 --> 00:05:20,171 I mean, forget all that shit he did to Schillinger. 66 00:05:20,340 --> 00:05:22,377 Beecher bit off some fucker's dick, yo. 67 00:05:24,010 --> 00:05:25,284 That was ten months ago. 68 00:05:25,512 --> 00:05:27,549 Oh, yeah, well, then that's okay. 69 00:05:27,806 --> 00:05:30,559 I gotta share a pod, McManus. I gotta sleep with one eye open. 70 00:05:30,851 --> 00:05:33,127 Sister Peter Marie says he's responding to therapy. 71 00:05:33,395 --> 00:05:35,113 Well, then let her bunk with him. 72 00:06:15,018 --> 00:06:17,487 [BEECHER URINATING] 73 00:06:23,943 --> 00:06:27,174 All right, I call this first meeting of the Emerald City Council to order. 74 00:06:27,489 --> 00:06:29,287 We're gonna need a recording secretary. 75 00:06:29,532 --> 00:06:32,763 - Anyone know how to write? - I'll do it. 76 00:06:33,078 --> 00:06:36,389 - I'm famous for my penmanship. - Here you go, watch out. 77 00:06:37,999 --> 00:06:42,152 Now, a lot of you men have had raw deals growing up. 78 00:06:42,504 --> 00:06:46,861 Abusive parents, shitty housing, no jobs. 79 00:06:47,216 --> 00:06:49,492 Now, my goal is to make clear that each of you 80 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:52,639 has an equal opportunity to turn your lives around. 81 00:06:52,930 --> 00:06:55,729 Oh, yeah? And how you gonna do that? 82 00:06:56,016 --> 00:06:58,087 McMANUS: Initially, with education. 83 00:06:58,352 --> 00:07:01,151 Over half the inmates in Oz never finished high school. 84 00:07:01,438 --> 00:07:04,157 The Federal prison system has mandatory education programs 85 00:07:04,441 --> 00:07:06,000 in place since 1982. 86 00:07:06,235 --> 00:07:08,395 We're gonna have the same requirements in Emerald City. 87 00:07:08,529 --> 00:07:10,489 - There's already a program. - It's not mandatory. 88 00:07:10,739 --> 00:07:11,739 Yo, who cares, man? 89 00:07:11,949 --> 00:07:14,747 What's important is we start bringing back them conjugals. 90 00:07:15,034 --> 00:07:17,184 [ALL CHEERING] 91 00:07:17,453 --> 00:07:18,973 How about some fucking cigarettes, huh? 92 00:07:19,497 --> 00:07:21,852 McMANUS: One thing at a time, guys. One thing at a time. 93 00:07:22,125 --> 00:07:23,638 Education first. 94 00:07:23,876 --> 00:07:26,186 Since it's mandatory, we're gonna have more students. 95 00:07:26,462 --> 00:07:28,851 Therefore, we're gonna need more teachers. 96 00:07:29,132 --> 00:07:33,888 And since our budget for this thing is so small, I'm asking for volunteers. 97 00:07:34,262 --> 00:07:35,855 - ADEBISI: O'Reily. - Yeah. 98 00:07:36,097 --> 00:07:38,168 Coushaine, I saw in your files 99 00:07:38,433 --> 00:07:41,232 - you used to teach high school briefly. - Yeah. 100 00:07:41,519 --> 00:07:44,556 - How about helping us out here? - Okay. 101 00:07:44,855 --> 00:07:46,615 - MAN: Nice one, buddy boy. - What a trouper. 102 00:07:46,690 --> 00:07:47,690 McMANUS: Okay, okay. 103 00:07:49,484 --> 00:07:53,637 Said, the Muslims weren't represented at the council meeting. 104 00:07:53,989 --> 00:07:56,299 If this council has real power, 105 00:07:56,575 --> 00:07:59,533 - then we will participate. - Well, how do you mean? 106 00:07:59,828 --> 00:08:03,139 Do we get to make policy or do we simply rubber-stamp yours? 107 00:08:03,457 --> 00:08:06,768 - This is a prison, not a democracy. - Oh, I know that only too well. 108 00:08:07,085 --> 00:08:09,998 You know, I meant what I said about a second chance. 109 00:08:10,297 --> 00:08:11,497 I wanna do it right this time. 110 00:08:11,673 --> 00:08:14,434 If you don't wanna participate, that's fine. Just don't get in my way. 111 00:08:14,842 --> 00:08:18,039 McManus, you want us to be allies, 112 00:08:18,846 --> 00:08:20,405 but that will never happen. 113 00:08:20,639 --> 00:08:24,428 Better for you to transfer me back to Gen Pop and be done with me. 114 00:08:29,732 --> 00:08:31,131 No. 115 00:08:31,650 --> 00:08:33,687 You know, when I was laying in that hospital bed, 116 00:08:33,944 --> 00:08:37,175 and I was afraid I was gonna die, I started praying. 117 00:08:37,490 --> 00:08:40,289 I'm not saying I had any great spiritual awakening, Said, 118 00:08:40,576 --> 00:08:44,534 but I did come to realise that my God and yours aren't so different. 119 00:08:44,871 --> 00:08:46,589 They both expect the best from us, 120 00:08:46,831 --> 00:08:49,266 and for us to find the best in each other. 121 00:08:52,212 --> 00:08:54,044 I've written another book, McManus. 122 00:08:54,297 --> 00:08:56,447 Comes out next month, it's about the riot. 123 00:08:56,716 --> 00:08:59,276 And when I was writing, I looked for the best in you. 124 00:08:59,552 --> 00:09:03,705 You wanna know what I found? A confused, frightened little man. 125 00:09:04,057 --> 00:09:06,651 Well, I was frightened and I was confused. 126 00:09:06,935 --> 00:09:10,326 But you take a bullet in the chest, you see things differently. 127 00:09:10,647 --> 00:09:12,638 People can change, Said. 128 00:09:12,899 --> 00:09:14,536 Even me. 129 00:09:15,150 --> 00:09:16,663 Even you. 130 00:09:28,414 --> 00:09:29,529 Kenny. 131 00:09:29,748 --> 00:09:31,508 McManus, you're fucking up my floor, McManus. 132 00:09:31,750 --> 00:09:32,979 - That's all right. - My dick. 133 00:09:33,210 --> 00:09:34,689 You don't have to mop it up again. 134 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:36,797 You went to class when you first got to Oz, 135 00:09:37,047 --> 00:09:38,765 but then you dropped out. 136 00:09:39,133 --> 00:09:42,125 - I hated that shit. - So you prefer mopping floors? 137 00:09:42,428 --> 00:09:45,977 I prefer to be chilling with some chicks and some Henny, but I can't, can I? 138 00:09:46,305 --> 00:09:47,978 What about when you get out? 139 00:09:48,224 --> 00:09:49,984 How you gonna get a job without an education? 140 00:09:50,601 --> 00:09:52,672 - I got a job when I get out. - Yeah, what? 141 00:09:52,937 --> 00:09:56,134 I made some connections in here. People are gonna take care of me. 142 00:09:56,441 --> 00:09:58,114 I see. You're gonna be selling drugs? 143 00:09:58,609 --> 00:10:00,885 - What do you want, McManus? - A trade. 144 00:10:01,154 --> 00:10:04,112 - Instead of this, you get your GED. - What? 145 00:10:04,407 --> 00:10:05,886 You finish high school. 146 00:10:06,576 --> 00:10:10,774 It's a simple offer. Class instead of work, your choice. 147 00:10:12,248 --> 00:10:13,646 And I won't have to mop no more? 148 00:10:17,753 --> 00:10:20,108 All right, I'll look into it. 149 00:10:21,965 --> 00:10:23,956 [MEN PRAYING IN ARABIC] 150 00:10:27,471 --> 00:10:29,109 - Hey. - Hey. 151 00:10:29,347 --> 00:10:31,224 What you working on there? 152 00:10:31,475 --> 00:10:33,227 I'm working on a poem. 153 00:10:34,144 --> 00:10:38,138 - That's a poem? - Yeah, it ain't finished yet, though. 154 00:10:38,482 --> 00:10:41,235 - Got any words for it? - Up here. 155 00:10:41,943 --> 00:10:44,456 - You never write them down? - It's easier like this. 156 00:10:44,737 --> 00:10:46,455 Why don't you read it to me? 157 00:10:48,074 --> 00:10:49,906 [SIGHS] 158 00:10:50,159 --> 00:10:52,628 I gotta keep away from these motels. 159 00:10:52,912 --> 00:10:54,710 These cockroach motels. 160 00:10:54,955 --> 00:10:57,469 But I ain't going out like that. You see, us cockroaches, 161 00:10:57,750 --> 00:11:00,469 We been around Since the beginning of time. 162 00:11:00,753 --> 00:11:02,593 Now I'm letting loose On a little bit of crime. 163 00:11:02,671 --> 00:11:04,662 Look, these motherfucking Motel makers 164 00:11:04,924 --> 00:11:06,597 They shook But I ain't getting caught 165 00:11:06,842 --> 00:11:09,282 I ain't from the silly sort Who venture too far from the nest. 166 00:11:09,428 --> 00:11:10,468 You can't touch some sand. 167 00:11:10,638 --> 00:11:13,078 I gotta play the deep dog, Lower level funk for a sec, though. 168 00:11:13,348 --> 00:11:15,259 LEL shit Get that mental in check. 169 00:11:15,517 --> 00:11:20,591 HILL: Prisoner number 96J332, Arnold Jackson, a.k.a. Poet. 170 00:11:20,980 --> 00:11:23,210 Convicted February 15th, '96. 171 00:11:23,691 --> 00:11:27,241 Armed robbery, attempted murder, possession of a deadly weapon. 172 00:11:27,570 --> 00:11:29,766 Sentence: 16 years. 173 00:11:30,031 --> 00:11:32,102 Up for parole in nine. 174 00:11:32,367 --> 00:11:36,042 Listen, I want you to start coming to class. 175 00:11:36,371 --> 00:11:38,442 I ain't with that, man. That's not me. 176 00:11:38,707 --> 00:11:41,745 I want you to get your education, I want you to get a diploma. 177 00:11:42,043 --> 00:11:43,362 Fuck that. 178 00:11:43,585 --> 00:11:45,178 - Man. - Wait, wait, wait. Just wait. 179 00:11:45,421 --> 00:11:46,855 - I'll tell you what. - What? 180 00:11:47,089 --> 00:11:49,126 You start going to class, 181 00:11:49,383 --> 00:11:51,183 I'll arrange for you to have a conjugal visit. 182 00:11:51,427 --> 00:11:54,101 - I ain't even married, man. - Got a girlfriend? 183 00:11:54,388 --> 00:11:56,140 - Yeah. - Well, like I said, 184 00:11:56,390 --> 00:11:59,382 you start going to class, you keep going to class, you get your GED, 185 00:11:59,685 --> 00:12:02,359 I'll arrange for you to see her once. 186 00:12:04,773 --> 00:12:07,572 Ain't there rules about this, man? 187 00:12:09,236 --> 00:12:10,829 Fuck the rules. 188 00:12:12,114 --> 00:12:13,387 Deal? 189 00:12:17,744 --> 00:12:18,939 All right. 190 00:12:24,375 --> 00:12:25,649 [BELL RINGS] 191 00:12:25,877 --> 00:12:28,437 COUSHAINE: Today, we're gonna concentrate on reading and grammar, 192 00:12:28,463 --> 00:12:30,932 so I can get a sense of everyone's skill level. 193 00:12:31,466 --> 00:12:34,185 Let's start with having somebody read out loud. 194 00:12:34,469 --> 00:12:35,469 Anybody? 195 00:12:36,345 --> 00:12:38,939 Kenny, right? Yes. 196 00:12:39,223 --> 00:12:41,942 Open to page one and read the first paragraph. 197 00:12:42,226 --> 00:12:44,786 - What do I need to read this shit for? - We're all gonna listen, 198 00:12:44,978 --> 00:12:46,730 and if there's a word we don't understand, 199 00:12:46,980 --> 00:12:49,335 - we're gonna make a vocabulary list. - A what? 200 00:12:49,608 --> 00:12:51,485 See, there's our first one: vocabulary. 201 00:12:51,735 --> 00:12:54,887 How many people here know what the word ' "vocabulary" means? 202 00:12:55,197 --> 00:12:58,315 - Ain't that a disease? - Okay, vocabulary. 203 00:12:59,618 --> 00:13:02,178 COUSHAINE: Vocab... Hey, you got that, don't you? 204 00:13:02,454 --> 00:13:04,092 A limp vocabulary? 205 00:13:04,331 --> 00:13:06,368 Fuck you. You ain't even got one. 206 00:13:07,042 --> 00:13:09,352 COUSHAINE: -bulary. 207 00:13:09,628 --> 00:13:13,302 Mm, bah! Now, a vocabulary is any list of words. 208 00:13:13,631 --> 00:13:17,864 And now, the word ' "vocabulary" can be added to our vocabulary list. 209 00:13:18,469 --> 00:13:20,585 Let's get started. Kenny? 210 00:13:20,846 --> 00:13:24,157 - Let this mick fuck right here read it. - He'll get a chance. You go first. 211 00:13:24,475 --> 00:13:26,034 I said no, man. 212 00:13:26,268 --> 00:13:27,702 Just open the page. Read page one. 213 00:13:27,937 --> 00:13:29,257 - No big deal. - You fucking deaf? 214 00:13:29,313 --> 00:13:30,587 I said I ain't reading. 215 00:13:30,815 --> 00:13:33,125 - I'm just asking you to open... You fuck-! 216 00:13:33,401 --> 00:13:34,401 Yeah! 217 00:13:34,610 --> 00:13:36,487 [ALL CLAMORING] 218 00:13:39,156 --> 00:13:40,954 Lock-down! Lock-down! 219 00:14:05,849 --> 00:14:07,283 What happened? 220 00:14:07,517 --> 00:14:08,916 - He tried to strangle me. - Kenny? 221 00:14:09,144 --> 00:14:11,224 - That bitch got in my face! - I wasn't in your face! 222 00:14:11,312 --> 00:14:12,672 - Do you need a doctor? - I'm okay. 223 00:14:12,813 --> 00:14:14,933 - How did this happen? - I asked him to read out loud, 224 00:14:15,023 --> 00:14:16,943 - next thing, he's trying to kill me. - Fuck you! 225 00:14:17,109 --> 00:14:18,747 - Shut up, Kenny! - That's what happened. 226 00:14:18,986 --> 00:14:20,420 Take him to my office. 227 00:14:25,200 --> 00:14:26,918 - Why did you do it? - Look, I told you. 228 00:14:27,161 --> 00:14:29,121 - He got in my face, all right? - That's bullshit! 229 00:14:29,204 --> 00:14:32,401 We made a deal, and part of the deal was you do what the teacher tells you. 230 00:14:32,708 --> 00:14:34,221 Look, I'm nobody's prag, McManus. 231 00:14:34,460 --> 00:14:36,497 - Nobody's. - Fine. 232 00:14:37,629 --> 00:14:39,142 - Read. - No. 233 00:14:39,381 --> 00:14:41,452 Read. Read it. 234 00:14:52,435 --> 00:14:53,505 What does that say? 235 00:14:55,063 --> 00:14:56,462 Look at it. 236 00:14:57,899 --> 00:14:59,094 What does it say? 237 00:15:08,326 --> 00:15:09,361 M... 238 00:15:12,329 --> 00:15:13,524 "McDonald's." 239 00:15:17,501 --> 00:15:19,014 Officer. 240 00:15:21,254 --> 00:15:23,768 Take him back to his cell, please. 241 00:15:29,596 --> 00:15:30,916 GLYNN: I want Wangler in the hole. 242 00:15:31,139 --> 00:15:32,698 It's not that Wangler wouldn't read, 243 00:15:32,933 --> 00:15:36,130 he couldn't read. Leo, the kid can't fucking read at all. 244 00:15:36,436 --> 00:15:37,756 So that excuses his behaviour? 245 00:15:37,979 --> 00:15:39,936 No, it gives us insight how to help him. 246 00:15:40,190 --> 00:15:42,385 - And you're gonna teach him to read? - Yeah. 247 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:44,368 [GLYNN SCOFFS] 248 00:15:44,610 --> 00:15:46,203 A hundred and fifty years ago, 249 00:15:46,445 --> 00:15:48,914 it was against the law to teach a slave to read. 250 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:51,553 But some did because they had a thirst for it. 251 00:15:51,826 --> 00:15:56,502 Well, now, the reverse is also true. You cannot force someone to learn. 252 00:15:57,832 --> 00:15:59,505 I can try. 253 00:16:02,169 --> 00:16:03,762 [SIGHS] 254 00:16:13,596 --> 00:16:16,952 Them Aztecs, they had this king, Montezuma ll. 255 00:16:17,267 --> 00:16:19,543 That's the Halls of Montezuma guy. 256 00:16:19,811 --> 00:16:22,724 One night, Montezuma saw this flaming ear of corn 257 00:16:23,022 --> 00:16:25,252 shoot across the sky. 258 00:16:25,817 --> 00:16:27,376 A comet. 259 00:16:27,610 --> 00:16:30,284 Montezuma saw this comet as an omen, 260 00:16:30,572 --> 00:16:32,245 a sign of his own downfall. 261 00:16:32,490 --> 00:16:35,801 And so he surrendered his empire to the Spanish conquistadors 262 00:16:36,119 --> 00:16:39,050 without a fight Have a seat. 263 00:16:41,249 --> 00:16:42,761 Stupid fuck. 264 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:46,356 You gotta fight, even if you know you're gonna lose. 265 00:16:48,005 --> 00:16:51,043 You know what this is called? "Learning to Read." 266 00:16:51,759 --> 00:16:53,193 Oh, man. 267 00:16:53,427 --> 00:16:55,384 Lesson one. 268 00:16:55,763 --> 00:16:57,356 A. 269 00:17:08,650 --> 00:17:10,687 O'REILY: That is definitely rat shit. 270 00:17:10,944 --> 00:17:13,583 One big fucking rat. Smell it. 271 00:17:13,863 --> 00:17:16,173 Get that away from me. 272 00:17:16,449 --> 00:17:18,884 Well, we gotta kill this motherfucker. 273 00:17:19,160 --> 00:17:21,834 - With some traps or something. - You can't kill rats. 274 00:17:22,121 --> 00:17:25,512 Rats and cockroaches, they'll inherit the whole fucking planet. 275 00:17:26,751 --> 00:17:28,344 Whoa, what's the fucking hold-up? 276 00:17:28,586 --> 00:17:29,815 Easy, easy, we're coming. 277 00:17:30,046 --> 00:17:32,845 Which one of you moolies is the cook back there? 278 00:17:33,883 --> 00:17:36,841 Hey, I ain't no moolie, pal. What's your fucking problem? 279 00:17:37,136 --> 00:17:39,776 - Problem is, the food sucks. - Don't eat it. 280 00:17:40,431 --> 00:17:42,191 Things are gonna start to change around here. 281 00:17:42,265 --> 00:17:43,824 Oh, yeah, who says? 282 00:17:44,059 --> 00:17:46,209 - Peter Schibetta. - Who Schibetta? 283 00:17:46,478 --> 00:17:47,832 - I'm talking to the mick. - Mick? 284 00:17:48,063 --> 00:17:51,613 - Peter wants the kitchen back. - Tell him okay if he sucks my dick. 285 00:17:51,942 --> 00:17:54,934 You ain't careful, you might not have a dick to suck. 286 00:17:55,237 --> 00:17:56,636 O'REILY: Ooh. 287 00:18:00,200 --> 00:18:01,713 You think they know about Nino? 288 00:18:01,952 --> 00:18:05,149 O'REILY: That we killed him? ADEBISI: Who gives a fuck? 289 00:18:05,455 --> 00:18:08,129 I took care of Nino, I'll take care of them. 290 00:18:15,256 --> 00:18:17,816 MAN: Come on, come on. Come on, come on. 291 00:18:18,092 --> 00:18:20,766 - Where you going? - I need to talk to you about your father. 292 00:18:25,224 --> 00:18:27,898 What... do you know about my father? 293 00:18:28,185 --> 00:18:30,222 I know how he died. I know who killed him. 294 00:18:30,479 --> 00:18:31,594 - Who? O'REILY: Adebisi. 295 00:18:31,814 --> 00:18:35,205 - Who? - Adebisi, the moolie in the kitchen. 296 00:18:35,526 --> 00:18:37,756 He was putting ground glass in Nino's food every day. 297 00:18:38,029 --> 00:18:39,029 That's how he died. 298 00:18:39,238 --> 00:18:41,519 - How do you know that? - I saw him grinding up the glass. 299 00:18:41,698 --> 00:18:44,895 And when he wasn't looking, I put the same glass in his food. 300 00:18:45,744 --> 00:18:47,576 - Hold him. - No. 301 00:18:49,330 --> 00:18:50,764 Fuck off! 302 00:18:50,999 --> 00:18:52,199 - Did you kill my father? - No! 303 00:18:52,292 --> 00:18:54,412 - That's what you're telling me! - Adebisi killed him. 304 00:18:54,461 --> 00:18:55,656 I was trying to kill Adebisi. 305 00:18:55,879 --> 00:18:57,836 - Why? - He's totally out of control. 306 00:18:58,089 --> 00:19:01,047 He stores up most of the tits that we bring into this place. 307 00:19:01,342 --> 00:19:02,901 I helped your father when he was alive. 308 00:19:03,136 --> 00:19:04,695 I figured you and me could do the same. 309 00:19:07,432 --> 00:19:09,150 Let him go. 310 00:19:09,392 --> 00:19:11,746 [GASPING] 311 00:19:12,019 --> 00:19:14,852 If that fucking mulignane killed my father, I'll take care of him. 312 00:19:16,648 --> 00:19:18,685 Now excuse me, I'm in the middle of a workout. 313 00:19:22,488 --> 00:19:26,163 Well, just so you know, I'm here for you. 314 00:19:26,492 --> 00:19:28,005 Yeah, I heard you the first time. 315 00:19:33,332 --> 00:19:34,925 You believe him? 316 00:19:35,292 --> 00:19:38,364 All rats know when to desert a sinking ship. 317 00:19:39,004 --> 00:19:41,836 He's a smart one, but a rat just the same. 318 00:19:42,256 --> 00:19:43,974 Keep an eye on him. 319 00:19:44,509 --> 00:19:49,458 HILL: Prisoner number 98S112, Peter Schibetta. 320 00:19:51,432 --> 00:19:54,106 Convicted May 19th, '98. 321 00:19:57,939 --> 00:19:59,850 Five counts of extortion, money laundering. 322 00:20:00,775 --> 00:20:02,493 Sentence: 35 years. 323 00:20:02,735 --> 00:20:05,249 [SIREN WAILS] 324 00:20:05,530 --> 00:20:08,443 Up for parole in 20. 325 00:20:10,201 --> 00:20:11,793 [KNOCKING ON DOOR] 326 00:20:12,035 --> 00:20:13,469 It's open. 327 00:20:17,749 --> 00:20:20,628 - Thank you, officer. - You want me in or out? 328 00:20:21,002 --> 00:20:22,481 Out, please. 329 00:20:27,008 --> 00:20:28,567 Sit there. 330 00:20:31,805 --> 00:20:33,955 You're a tough man to reach all of a sudden. 331 00:20:34,224 --> 00:20:36,420 - What does that mean? - I'm here three weeks, 332 00:20:36,685 --> 00:20:38,642 and this is the first time you'd see me. 333 00:20:38,895 --> 00:20:41,125 - What do you want? - A return favour. 334 00:20:41,397 --> 00:20:44,196 - What kind of favour? - I want the kitchen. 335 00:20:44,483 --> 00:20:46,554 Me and my guys will run it from now on. 336 00:20:46,819 --> 00:20:49,538 - Why? - Because I'm asking. 337 00:20:49,822 --> 00:20:52,132 - That's how it works between us now. - No. 338 00:20:52,408 --> 00:20:55,366 The way it works is you're in my prison. 339 00:20:55,661 --> 00:20:58,050 I don't take orders from you. You take them from me. 340 00:20:59,749 --> 00:21:04,027 This doesn't have to be complicated. All I have to do is make one phone call. 341 00:21:07,006 --> 00:21:08,360 I know. 342 00:21:09,967 --> 00:21:13,561 Your father, he was a respectable man. 343 00:21:13,887 --> 00:21:17,517 We got along, and he never would have pulled this shit with me. 344 00:21:19,768 --> 00:21:24,319 My father lived by a code that doesn't exist anymore. 345 00:21:24,689 --> 00:21:26,919 A code that got him killed. 346 00:21:27,192 --> 00:21:30,310 I do things my way and I'm asking for a favour 347 00:21:30,612 --> 00:21:33,411 in return for a favour you owe me. 348 00:21:35,283 --> 00:21:36,637 So, what's it gonna be? 349 00:21:38,620 --> 00:21:40,054 All right. 350 00:21:40,288 --> 00:21:41,641 You can have the kitchen. 351 00:21:42,206 --> 00:21:44,720 - Thank you, Leo. - Warden Glynn. 352 00:21:45,167 --> 00:21:46,282 We're done here. 353 00:21:46,502 --> 00:21:48,573 Officer Armstrong. 354 00:21:55,094 --> 00:21:56,732 Where do I find a knife? 355 00:21:56,970 --> 00:21:58,768 GLYNN: Adebisi. 356 00:21:59,014 --> 00:22:01,210 - [ADEBISI MURMURING] - Adebisi. 357 00:22:01,475 --> 00:22:03,910 Hey, Adebisi. 358 00:22:05,020 --> 00:22:07,489 Peter Schibetta will be running the kitchen from now on. 359 00:22:07,773 --> 00:22:09,252 Schibetta? 360 00:22:10,275 --> 00:22:12,743 Why are you giving that guinea my job? 361 00:22:13,027 --> 00:22:15,940 - Because I can. - All right. 362 00:22:16,948 --> 00:22:20,498 Well, you tell that guinea fuck something from me, then. 363 00:22:22,578 --> 00:22:24,251 [RAT SQUEALING] 364 00:22:24,747 --> 00:22:26,897 We got rats. 365 00:22:32,130 --> 00:22:35,202 I'm gonna start unwrapping the bandages now. 366 00:22:36,134 --> 00:22:38,330 Dr. Richards thinks that the surgery was successful. 367 00:22:38,594 --> 00:22:42,905 You'll have a scar, but your sight should be nearly fully restored. 368 00:22:44,850 --> 00:22:45,850 Okay. 369 00:22:46,476 --> 00:22:48,353 Tell me if I hurt you. 370 00:22:52,482 --> 00:22:53,631 Okay, open your eye. 371 00:22:57,863 --> 00:23:00,582 - Can you see? - Yes. 372 00:23:04,161 --> 00:23:05,560 Good. 373 00:23:47,202 --> 00:23:50,752 - Let's go get a martini. - What? 374 00:23:51,748 --> 00:23:52,948 You know, when I was a lawyer, 375 00:23:53,166 --> 00:23:55,635 after a long day of trials and tribulations, 376 00:23:55,919 --> 00:23:59,435 we'd all head over to McSwaggins' for a vodka martini. 377 00:23:59,756 --> 00:24:02,145 Dry, one olive. 378 00:24:02,425 --> 00:24:04,939 Man, that would taste so good right now. 379 00:24:05,220 --> 00:24:07,689 Too many martinis is what landed you here in the first place. 380 00:24:08,640 --> 00:24:11,108 Hi. Do you have Schillinger's psych profile ready yet? 381 00:24:11,392 --> 00:24:13,352 Tim and I have to review it before parole hearing. 382 00:24:13,435 --> 00:24:14,709 I'm not finished yet. 383 00:24:14,937 --> 00:24:16,655 - Another day okay? - Sure. 384 00:24:16,897 --> 00:24:20,208 Tobias, pull up Schillinger's file. I'm going to the ladies' room. 385 00:24:24,488 --> 00:24:26,081 She leaves you in here alone? 386 00:24:26,323 --> 00:24:28,314 Why? What do you think I'm gonna do? 387 00:24:28,575 --> 00:24:31,567 Start a riot? Take hostages? 388 00:24:38,043 --> 00:24:40,271 SCHILLINGER: Listen, you're not making any fucking sense. 389 00:24:40,295 --> 00:24:42,763 - What the hell is going on? MAN: I threw them both out. 390 00:24:43,047 --> 00:24:45,926 Those fucking boys of yours are fucking out of control. 391 00:24:46,217 --> 00:24:48,737 Drugs all the time and they're stealing from me to pay for them. 392 00:24:48,970 --> 00:24:51,689 - Where are they? - Who knows and who the fuck cares? 393 00:24:51,973 --> 00:24:54,173 You listen to me, you stupid old bastard, you find them. 394 00:24:54,434 --> 00:24:57,233 - You find my sons. - And then what? 395 00:24:57,520 --> 00:24:59,875 Bring them to Oz for a little heart-to-heart? 396 00:25:00,148 --> 00:25:01,748 Hey, don't you walk away, you cocksucker! 397 00:25:02,108 --> 00:25:03,223 Come on, Dad. 398 00:25:03,443 --> 00:25:06,322 - Get the fuck back here, Dad! MAN: Party's over. Knock it off. 399 00:25:06,612 --> 00:25:08,489 - God! Goddamn it, Dad! - I said, knock it off! 400 00:25:08,740 --> 00:25:10,457 You find my boys! 401 00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:17,111 Well, Vern, baby. 402 00:25:17,998 --> 00:25:20,228 Oh, I knew that was gonna leave a fucking mark. 403 00:25:20,667 --> 00:25:24,262 What you reading? Mein Kampf? Let me tell you how it ends. 404 00:25:24,588 --> 00:25:28,821 The Aryans get their ass kicked. I've been doing some reading myself. 405 00:25:29,176 --> 00:25:30,769 Your psychiatric profile. 406 00:25:31,011 --> 00:25:32,524 According to Sister Peter Marie, 407 00:25:33,055 --> 00:25:37,253 you have demonstrated a genuine personality adjustment. 408 00:25:37,601 --> 00:25:40,513 Bullshit. You're faking it so you can make parole. 409 00:25:40,811 --> 00:25:42,768 I'm gonna see to it that you never leave Oz. 410 00:25:43,022 --> 00:25:46,094 You hear me, sweet pea? Never, ever. 411 00:25:52,448 --> 00:25:54,041 MAN: Fill her up. 412 00:26:01,749 --> 00:26:04,138 - I need an ask. - What kind of ask? 413 00:26:06,045 --> 00:26:07,115 Kill Beecher. 414 00:26:09,548 --> 00:26:14,257 The motherfucker's crazy. Wasting him, that's a pretty big favour. 415 00:26:14,636 --> 00:26:15,865 All right, forget favour. 416 00:26:16,096 --> 00:26:18,292 Job, I'll pay. 417 00:26:18,556 --> 00:26:19,910 No way. 418 00:26:21,226 --> 00:26:23,456 - Mark, how about you? - No way, man. 419 00:26:24,854 --> 00:26:25,854 Anybody? 420 00:26:28,775 --> 00:26:30,288 Huh? 421 00:26:32,195 --> 00:26:34,186 - Pussies. - Fuck you. 422 00:26:34,447 --> 00:26:36,802 Yeah, you kill him. 423 00:26:37,409 --> 00:26:39,366 I wish to Christ I could. 424 00:26:48,669 --> 00:26:52,264 Hey. You guys doing business? 425 00:26:52,881 --> 00:26:56,590 - Depends on what kind of business. - I need somebody to kill Beecher. 426 00:26:57,511 --> 00:26:58,626 [LAUGHS] 427 00:26:58,846 --> 00:27:01,315 Plenty of mooks around here who will whack that nut. 428 00:27:01,890 --> 00:27:04,530 - You? - I'm no mook, pal. 429 00:27:04,810 --> 00:27:06,209 Why don't you try the Latinos? 430 00:27:10,940 --> 00:27:13,375 I thought you had no use for us Latinos? 431 00:27:13,651 --> 00:27:15,528 Will you whack Beecher or not? 432 00:27:15,778 --> 00:27:17,177 Depends on what we get in return. 433 00:27:17,405 --> 00:27:18,965 All right, I work the mail room, right. 434 00:27:19,115 --> 00:27:22,745 I can push whatever you need, in or out, through the system. 435 00:27:23,077 --> 00:27:25,956 - Tits? - Sure. 436 00:27:26,247 --> 00:27:27,447 I thought you were anti-drugs. 437 00:27:27,540 --> 00:27:29,300 I don't care if you smuggle in fucking tacos. 438 00:27:29,375 --> 00:27:31,491 I want Beecher dead. Today. 439 00:27:31,753 --> 00:27:33,426 What else? What else you got? 440 00:27:33,671 --> 00:27:35,111 What the fuck do you mean, what else? 441 00:27:35,298 --> 00:27:38,450 No, mailbox shit is nice, but I want more. 442 00:27:38,760 --> 00:27:40,560 - More? - Everything. Everything you got, man. 443 00:27:40,802 --> 00:27:43,032 Goddamn it, you fucking spic cocksucker. 444 00:27:43,305 --> 00:27:45,421 See? That's the Schillinger I know and love, baby. 445 00:27:45,682 --> 00:27:46,682 Fuck you. 446 00:27:46,892 --> 00:27:49,281 [SPEAKS SPANISH] 447 00:28:31,727 --> 00:28:33,479 - Get the fuck away from me. - Shhh. 448 00:28:34,522 --> 00:28:36,399 You know the wonderful thing about computers? 449 00:28:36,649 --> 00:28:37,969 They don't know right from wrong. 450 00:28:38,067 --> 00:28:40,107 You push a button, they do what you tell them to do. 451 00:28:40,235 --> 00:28:43,546 - People aren't like that. - Get away from me. 452 00:28:43,863 --> 00:28:46,063 Believe it or not, I think you're gonna wanna hear this. 453 00:28:46,324 --> 00:28:47,519 Working in the psych office, 454 00:28:47,742 --> 00:28:50,894 I have access to all the files from the whole prison. 455 00:28:51,705 --> 00:28:53,776 I can change those files to read any which way. 456 00:28:54,040 --> 00:28:56,953 I can take away infractions, or add them. 457 00:28:57,252 --> 00:28:59,562 Like in your file, the one the parole board's gonna see. 458 00:28:59,838 --> 00:29:01,954 - Get the fuck away from me! - What's the problem? 459 00:29:02,215 --> 00:29:03,808 Him! He's the goddamn problem! 460 00:29:04,050 --> 00:29:07,600 Then why are you the one yelling? Take a walk. 461 00:29:16,186 --> 00:29:17,620 [CHUCKLES] 462 00:29:18,147 --> 00:29:21,139 - He's a bug, Wittlesey. - You're all fucking bugs. 463 00:29:21,442 --> 00:29:24,002 - Yeah, what about you? - What are you talking about? 464 00:29:25,446 --> 00:29:30,680 Like I said, I saw everything. I saw you shoot Scott Ross. 465 00:29:31,410 --> 00:29:33,003 Keep moving. 466 00:29:33,245 --> 00:29:35,634 I know about your kid too, and your mom being sick. 467 00:29:35,914 --> 00:29:37,746 You could use some extra cash, right? 468 00:29:38,500 --> 00:29:39,933 Keep fucking moving. 469 00:29:40,585 --> 00:29:42,656 You do Beecher like you did Ross, I'll pay you. 470 00:29:42,920 --> 00:29:46,276 - You'll pay me to kill Beecher? - Two thousand dollars. 471 00:29:47,091 --> 00:29:50,243 My parole hearing's tomorrow. If I get out, what I know goes with me. 472 00:29:50,553 --> 00:29:52,032 I would need the money up front. 473 00:29:52,263 --> 00:29:54,063 I can make a call and wire it to your account. 474 00:29:54,265 --> 00:29:58,736 Okay, soon as I get verification, Beecher's dead. 475 00:30:01,731 --> 00:30:04,325 When the Aztecs first saw the Spaniards on horseback, 476 00:30:04,609 --> 00:30:07,203 they thought the man and the horse were one creature, 477 00:30:07,487 --> 00:30:12,401 and the Aztecs knelt down and worshipped this creature as God. 478 00:30:13,158 --> 00:30:18,437 Sometimes, what you see is not what is. 479 00:31:35,071 --> 00:31:36,266 [BELL RINGS] 480 00:31:36,489 --> 00:31:40,118 Hey, did you see that shit last night between Wittlesey and Beecher? 481 00:31:40,451 --> 00:31:43,682 - They're probably fucking. - She didn't look too romantic to me. 482 00:31:43,996 --> 00:31:45,436 Wittlesey was helping Beecher escape. 483 00:31:45,622 --> 00:31:47,215 He paid her to get him get out of Oz. 484 00:31:47,458 --> 00:31:50,177 - They're fucking. - No, I just heard they been fucking. 485 00:31:50,461 --> 00:31:53,772 But Beecher was gonna tell someone, so Wittlesey tried to kill his ass. 486 00:31:54,089 --> 00:31:55,159 ADEBISI: Say what to who? 487 00:31:55,382 --> 00:31:58,101 That they'd been fucking. He was gonna tell everyone. 488 00:31:58,385 --> 00:31:59,385 O'REILY: So? 489 00:31:59,595 --> 00:32:02,348 So she banging half the COs in this place. 490 00:32:02,639 --> 00:32:05,358 Beecher opens his mouth, that piss off the COs, 491 00:32:05,642 --> 00:32:07,952 so she grabs Beecher, pop, pop. 492 00:32:08,228 --> 00:32:10,104 I ain't seen him this morning. That's for sure. 493 00:32:10,355 --> 00:32:13,746 - That's because he escaped. - I'll tell you, he's dead. 494 00:32:14,067 --> 00:32:17,742 Who gives a fuck? Come on, let's go. 495 00:32:21,574 --> 00:32:24,407 So last night? 496 00:32:25,411 --> 00:32:28,130 - You wanted Beecher dead, right? - Yeah, I wanted him dead. 497 00:32:28,414 --> 00:32:29,848 You paid me, right? Two grand? 498 00:32:30,083 --> 00:32:31,403 Yeah. 499 00:32:33,252 --> 00:32:35,050 You wanna see the body? 500 00:32:35,296 --> 00:32:37,765 [LAUGHS] Shit. Sure. 501 00:32:38,049 --> 00:32:39,561 All right. 502 00:32:46,765 --> 00:32:48,244 It's in here. 503 00:32:57,985 --> 00:32:59,134 What the fuck? 504 00:33:00,237 --> 00:33:03,514 - Nice try, Vern baby. - Beecher. 505 00:33:05,951 --> 00:33:08,067 You got anything to say? 506 00:33:09,704 --> 00:33:12,935 About what? I don't know what you're talking about. 507 00:33:13,249 --> 00:33:14,249 [TAPE SQUEALING] 508 00:33:14,458 --> 00:33:16,098 WITTLESEY: You wanted Beecher dead, right? 509 00:33:16,127 --> 00:33:17,686 SCHILLINGER: Yeah, I wanted him dead. 510 00:33:17,920 --> 00:33:19,520 You can forget about your parole hearing. 511 00:33:19,630 --> 00:33:21,382 Instead, get yourself a good lawyer. 512 00:33:21,632 --> 00:33:23,942 We're charging you with conspiracy to commit murder. 513 00:33:24,218 --> 00:33:27,017 This is bullshit. I'm being set up. 514 00:33:27,304 --> 00:33:28,817 Take him to the hole. 515 00:33:30,349 --> 00:33:32,863 [YELLING] 516 00:33:37,356 --> 00:33:40,347 BEECHER [SINGING]: ♪ And a merry sing-song, happy let us be ♪ 517 00:33:40,650 --> 00:33:42,330 ♪ Merry was myself And merry I could sing ♪ 518 00:33:42,527 --> 00:33:44,327 ♪ With a merry ding-dong Happy, gay and free ♪ 519 00:33:44,404 --> 00:33:46,998 ♪ And a merry sing-song Happy let us be ♪ 520 00:33:47,282 --> 00:33:51,879 - What are you so cheerful about? - Hill, you think I'm insane, right? 521 00:33:52,245 --> 00:33:54,964 - Shit, yeah. - Well, maybe I am. 522 00:33:55,248 --> 00:33:57,717 But every once in a while, the lawyer in me still pops out. 523 00:33:58,001 --> 00:34:00,959 - Yeah? - I wanted Schillinger away from me. 524 00:34:01,254 --> 00:34:03,609 Out of Em City, but not free. 525 00:34:03,882 --> 00:34:06,282 I had to figure out a way to get his parole hearing canceled. 526 00:34:06,384 --> 00:34:08,624 I couldn't start a fight with him, or I'd get in trouble. 527 00:34:08,677 --> 00:34:11,556 So I manipulated him. 528 00:34:11,847 --> 00:34:16,045 I got him so psycho that he tried to have me killed. 529 00:34:16,393 --> 00:34:20,432 So now, not only is Schillinger's parole chances dead, 530 00:34:20,981 --> 00:34:22,858 but he's facing ten more years. 531 00:34:23,108 --> 00:34:24,746 [LAUGHING] Boom! 532 00:34:24,985 --> 00:34:27,420 That's good, moyel. 533 00:34:28,197 --> 00:34:29,426 And bad. 534 00:34:29,823 --> 00:34:31,143 With no hope of leaving Oz, 535 00:34:31,367 --> 00:34:34,086 now he's got even more reason to fuck you up. 536 00:34:34,745 --> 00:34:39,136 Yeah, well, thank God I'm crazy because I don't give a shit. 537 00:34:39,499 --> 00:34:41,819 [SINGING] ♪ Merry are the bells And merry would they ring ♪ 538 00:34:42,001 --> 00:34:44,072 ♪ And merry was my cell And merry I would sing ♪ 539 00:34:44,337 --> 00:34:46,613 ♪ With a merry ding-dong I became free ♪ 540 00:34:46,881 --> 00:34:49,953 ♪ And a merry sing-song Happy let us be ♪ 541 00:34:53,846 --> 00:34:55,075 - Hi. - Hi. 542 00:34:55,306 --> 00:34:57,456 - Is he in? - With Father Mukada. 543 00:34:57,725 --> 00:34:59,443 - For long? - I don't think so. 544 00:34:59,686 --> 00:35:01,802 Okay, I'll wait. 545 00:35:02,730 --> 00:35:05,768 - So how do you like your new job? - It's fine. 546 00:35:06,067 --> 00:35:08,865 - The warden's a very nice man. - Yeah, he is. 547 00:35:09,152 --> 00:35:12,270 I have to admit, the idea of working in a prison terrified me, 548 00:35:12,572 --> 00:35:14,051 but I've really gotten used to it. 549 00:35:14,282 --> 00:35:15,282 Good. 550 00:35:15,492 --> 00:35:16,891 [PHONE RINGS] 551 00:35:17,119 --> 00:35:18,757 Warden's office. 552 00:35:18,996 --> 00:35:22,591 Sure, uh, hold on a moment. 553 00:35:23,208 --> 00:35:25,768 Warden, your wife's on line three. 554 00:35:26,044 --> 00:35:28,763 - GLYNN: Tell her I'll call her back. - She says it's urgent. 555 00:35:29,047 --> 00:35:31,084 - GLYNN: All right. - Okay. 556 00:35:32,926 --> 00:35:35,236 You know, I know what you were saying about being afraid 557 00:35:35,512 --> 00:35:38,583 because the first couple of weeks here I was a nervous wreck. 558 00:35:38,889 --> 00:35:40,880 - I think you're just being nice. [LAUGHS] No. 559 00:35:41,142 --> 00:35:43,497 It's very hard to imagine you nervous about anything. 560 00:35:43,769 --> 00:35:45,328 Believe me. 561 00:35:45,938 --> 00:35:47,372 - Oh, Leo, good. - I gotta go. 562 00:35:47,606 --> 00:35:50,758 - I just wanna ask you one ques- - I don't know when I'll be back. 563 00:35:54,739 --> 00:35:57,049 Something's happened. Something's wrong. 564 00:35:58,617 --> 00:36:00,176 Diane. 565 00:36:01,537 --> 00:36:03,528 - Are you avoiding me? - No. 566 00:36:03,789 --> 00:36:06,258 Look, I want you to come back and work at Em City. 567 00:36:06,542 --> 00:36:08,817 - I'm happy where I am. - Yeah, but I need you. 568 00:36:09,085 --> 00:36:10,519 [LAUGHS] Oh, sure. 569 00:36:10,754 --> 00:36:11,949 Diane. 570 00:36:13,089 --> 00:36:15,683 The way that you handled this thing on Schillinger... 571 00:36:17,635 --> 00:36:20,707 Schillinger says that you murdered Scott Ross. 572 00:36:22,057 --> 00:36:25,015 You read the commission's report. Ross was shot by the SORT team. 573 00:36:25,310 --> 00:36:27,824 Yeah, but he says he's gonna tell everybody that you shot Ross. 574 00:36:28,104 --> 00:36:31,017 So? No one's gonna listen to Schillinger, Tim. 575 00:36:31,316 --> 00:36:33,626 Especially since I turned him in on Beecher. 576 00:36:34,152 --> 00:36:36,871 - Did you kill Ross? - No. 577 00:36:38,197 --> 00:36:40,996 What, are you gonna believe that Nazi's word over mine? 578 00:36:49,458 --> 00:36:51,686 SISTER PETER: Has to be something, he's just not himself. 579 00:36:51,710 --> 00:36:55,066 MUKADA: I think he's crazy. I think he's really crazy. 580 00:36:55,381 --> 00:36:58,419 SARAH: Excuse me. Warden Glynn just called. 581 00:36:58,717 --> 00:37:00,157 He's not gonna make it back in time, 582 00:37:00,260 --> 00:37:02,300 and he'd like Sister Peter Marie to run the meeting. 583 00:37:02,471 --> 00:37:03,700 - Okay. - Here's the agenda. 584 00:37:03,931 --> 00:37:05,330 Sarah, did he say what happened? 585 00:37:05,557 --> 00:37:08,548 Only that his daughter is in the hospital. 586 00:37:12,647 --> 00:37:15,639 Oh, well, what do you think we should do? 587 00:37:15,942 --> 00:37:20,015 Do what Leo wants. Let's get the meeting started. Good morning. 588 00:37:20,363 --> 00:37:22,923 - Excuse me. SISTER PETER: Item one... 589 00:37:30,039 --> 00:37:31,677 [INTERCOM BUZZES] 590 00:37:35,044 --> 00:37:36,644 - Yeah. SARAH: Warden, it's time for you 591 00:37:36,838 --> 00:37:38,635 to address the prisoners. 592 00:37:42,175 --> 00:37:43,175 [CLEARS THROAT] 593 00:37:43,385 --> 00:37:44,898 Okay. 594 00:37:45,137 --> 00:37:47,333 All right, starting next month, 595 00:37:47,597 --> 00:37:49,952 the librarian will be available in the library 596 00:37:50,225 --> 00:37:53,058 from 1 to 5 pm Monday to Friday only. 597 00:37:53,353 --> 00:37:56,903 Yeah, that's because the rest of the time, she gonna be with me. 598 00:37:57,232 --> 00:38:00,463 [MEN LAUGHING] 599 00:38:00,777 --> 00:38:02,336 - What did you say? - Nothing. 600 00:38:03,697 --> 00:38:05,176 Bring him to my office. 601 00:38:06,533 --> 00:38:08,569 [MEN CLAMORING] 602 00:38:21,297 --> 00:38:22,696 [INTERCOM BUZZES] 603 00:38:23,758 --> 00:38:26,193 - Yeah? SARAH: Miguel Alvarez. 604 00:38:26,469 --> 00:38:28,107 Send him in. 605 00:38:33,851 --> 00:38:35,489 Thank you, officer. 606 00:38:45,403 --> 00:38:47,155 [CLEARS THROAT] 607 00:39:03,463 --> 00:39:04,737 Yo. 608 00:39:12,680 --> 00:39:14,239 Get up! 609 00:39:14,848 --> 00:39:16,759 Man, what the fuck is going on? 610 00:39:17,017 --> 00:39:19,008 You've been reassigned to work here in my office. 611 00:39:19,269 --> 00:39:20,942 Yeah, so, what you need me to do? 612 00:39:22,731 --> 00:39:24,404 Go over to the door. 613 00:39:34,493 --> 00:39:35,927 And? 614 00:39:37,745 --> 00:39:39,065 Stand there. 615 00:39:39,288 --> 00:39:41,086 What, you just want me to stand here? 616 00:39:43,209 --> 00:39:44,847 Until I need you to do something. 617 00:39:45,086 --> 00:39:46,759 [SIGHS] 618 00:39:51,759 --> 00:39:54,228 Yo, I got visiting hours at 4. 619 00:39:54,762 --> 00:39:58,357 My mom and my sisters are coming. So... 620 00:39:59,851 --> 00:40:01,410 Yeah, I know. 621 00:40:01,644 --> 00:40:02,998 Yeah, okay. 622 00:40:03,229 --> 00:40:04,981 [CLEARS THROAT] 623 00:40:08,650 --> 00:40:09,650 [SIGHS] 624 00:40:33,300 --> 00:40:34,300 Really? 625 00:41:30,063 --> 00:41:31,258 Warden? 626 00:41:32,065 --> 00:41:34,705 - Yeah? - It's ten to 4, man. 627 00:41:35,318 --> 00:41:37,786 - Yeah. - Well, I haven't done dick all day, man. 628 00:41:38,070 --> 00:41:39,504 I've been standing here. 629 00:41:40,948 --> 00:41:43,906 My mother and my sisters are coming in ten minutes. 630 00:41:46,620 --> 00:41:47,974 You're right. 631 00:41:48,205 --> 00:41:49,684 You haven't done dick all day. 632 00:41:57,715 --> 00:42:00,355 - Clean my bathroom. - What? 633 00:42:00,634 --> 00:42:03,911 Clean the bathroom. The floor, the sink, scrub the toilet. 634 00:42:04,221 --> 00:42:07,292 And when you're done, when it's spotless, 635 00:42:07,598 --> 00:42:08,872 go meet your family. 636 00:42:09,309 --> 00:42:13,018 - Are you fucking with me? - You're right, I'm fucking with you. 637 00:42:13,354 --> 00:42:15,630 The mop and the bucket are in there. 638 00:42:26,159 --> 00:42:28,355 [SPEAKS SPANISH] 639 00:42:35,084 --> 00:42:38,041 Shit! Shit! 640 00:42:39,129 --> 00:42:40,199 Fuck! 641 00:42:43,717 --> 00:42:45,196 Caught you. 642 00:42:51,433 --> 00:42:55,028 He said he was leaving it right here, but I don't see it. 643 00:42:55,354 --> 00:42:57,914 - What's your name? - Sarah. 644 00:42:58,190 --> 00:42:59,942 Hey, Miguel. 645 00:43:00,192 --> 00:43:01,785 I know. 646 00:43:02,194 --> 00:43:05,425 You and me, it's weird, huh? 647 00:43:06,281 --> 00:43:08,920 I mean, how we don't have much contact. 648 00:43:09,200 --> 00:43:12,556 I'm always on one side of the door, you're always on the other side. 649 00:43:13,621 --> 00:43:15,419 But I see you. 650 00:43:15,665 --> 00:43:17,895 I see you looking at me when you open the door. 651 00:43:18,167 --> 00:43:19,202 [SCOFFS] 652 00:43:19,418 --> 00:43:20,738 I'm not looking at you. 653 00:43:20,962 --> 00:43:23,761 Come on, I see you looking at me looking at you. 654 00:43:26,550 --> 00:43:28,621 I gotta tell you something, 655 00:43:29,178 --> 00:43:31,089 and I know you know, 656 00:43:31,597 --> 00:43:33,429 you're beautiful. 657 00:43:35,059 --> 00:43:36,493 And you are flirting with me. 658 00:43:37,352 --> 00:43:38,865 What, you gonna have me arrested? 659 00:43:44,067 --> 00:43:48,061 - Sarah, where the hell is that file? - I can't find it. 660 00:43:48,405 --> 00:43:50,965 - She's been looking hard, man. - Shut up! 661 00:43:51,241 --> 00:43:53,152 You don't talk unless I speak to you. 662 00:43:53,410 --> 00:43:55,401 And don't you ever, ever talk to her. 663 00:43:55,662 --> 00:43:57,892 - Do you understand? - What, talk to her? 664 00:43:58,164 --> 00:43:59,916 I already fucked her. 665 00:44:02,210 --> 00:44:03,803 [YELLS INDISTINCTLY] 666 00:44:04,045 --> 00:44:06,161 Fuck you! Get the fuck off me! 667 00:44:06,423 --> 00:44:09,255 Get the fuck off me! You're fucking choking me! 668 00:44:10,718 --> 00:44:13,631 You're fucking choking me! You're choking me! 669 00:44:13,929 --> 00:44:15,044 Get the fuck off! 670 00:44:15,264 --> 00:44:16,777 Fuck you, fuck you! 671 00:44:17,016 --> 00:44:18,994 - MAN: We got him, we got him. - Wanna fuck with me? 672 00:44:19,018 --> 00:44:20,778 - Wanna fuck with me? - Take him to the hole! 673 00:44:20,853 --> 00:44:23,367 You're a fucking pussy! Don't fucking hit me! 674 00:44:23,647 --> 00:44:26,002 Fuck, come with me. Fucking bitch. 675 00:44:27,860 --> 00:44:29,851 Fuck you. Get the fuck off! 676 00:44:34,950 --> 00:44:36,701 You're bleeding. 677 00:44:46,961 --> 00:44:49,350 [WHIMPERS] 678 00:45:05,647 --> 00:45:08,001 Ah, gymnasium. 679 00:45:08,273 --> 00:45:12,267 The smell of testosterone, the smell of sweat. 680 00:45:13,195 --> 00:45:14,955 You have something to say to me, just say it. 681 00:45:15,364 --> 00:45:17,037 Well, Sarah's thinking about quitting 682 00:45:17,282 --> 00:45:19,717 because of what happened today between you and Alvarez. 683 00:45:19,993 --> 00:45:22,030 Then she should quit. 684 00:45:22,537 --> 00:45:25,211 Well, maybe so, maybe not, but that's not the point. 685 00:45:25,499 --> 00:45:27,968 You know, Leo, when somebody asks me 686 00:45:28,251 --> 00:45:31,687 what's the real Leo Glynn like, the first word that comes to mind: 687 00:45:32,005 --> 00:45:36,044 Balanced. The most balanced person I know. 688 00:45:36,384 --> 00:45:38,102 And the second word: 689 00:45:38,344 --> 00:45:39,539 Honest. 690 00:45:42,431 --> 00:45:43,751 Listen. 691 00:45:46,519 --> 00:45:48,239 I don't want you to tell anybody about this. 692 00:45:48,354 --> 00:45:50,072 You have my word. 693 00:45:52,191 --> 00:45:54,910 My oldest daughter, Ardeth... 694 00:45:56,696 --> 00:45:58,255 she was walking to class. 695 00:45:58,489 --> 00:46:00,765 She's a student, you know, at the university. 696 00:46:03,035 --> 00:46:04,230 They raped her. 697 00:46:04,870 --> 00:46:06,701 Oh, my God. 698 00:46:06,955 --> 00:46:08,673 She's in the hospital. 699 00:46:08,915 --> 00:46:11,350 She's lying there with her eyes open. 700 00:46:11,626 --> 00:46:13,424 Some kind of shock. 701 00:46:14,254 --> 00:46:16,609 She is just the sweetest person on the planet, you know. 702 00:46:16,881 --> 00:46:18,681 I mean, never a bad word to say about anybody. 703 00:46:18,800 --> 00:46:20,552 I know, I know. 704 00:46:21,052 --> 00:46:22,850 So do they have any idea who did this? 705 00:46:23,096 --> 00:46:26,930 Witnesses say they saw a gang of kids. 706 00:46:28,018 --> 00:46:30,089 Latino kids. 707 00:46:30,895 --> 00:46:34,206 Ahhh. So some unknown Latino kid hurts Ardeth, 708 00:46:34,524 --> 00:46:36,400 and you lash out at the first Latino you see? 709 00:46:36,650 --> 00:46:38,163 - No, no. - Leo. 710 00:46:38,402 --> 00:46:42,600 Leo, Miguel Alvarez did not rape your daughter. 711 00:46:43,741 --> 00:46:46,381 And whatever else he's done before, 712 00:46:46,744 --> 00:46:51,773 you are too fine a man to punish him for something he didn't do. 713 00:47:26,741 --> 00:47:28,220 You're going back to Em City. 714 00:47:33,122 --> 00:47:37,274 - Does Glynn know about this? - Yep. 715 00:47:38,335 --> 00:47:41,532 What? Did you convince him to let me out? 716 00:47:42,673 --> 00:47:44,107 Nope. 717 00:47:46,134 --> 00:47:48,774 You know, I haven't seen you since... 718 00:47:50,180 --> 00:47:53,457 - Look, what happened with the riot- - I don't wanna talk about it, Miguel. 719 00:47:53,767 --> 00:47:55,087 Miguel. Miguel! 720 00:47:55,310 --> 00:47:58,268 No! Miguel! 721 00:48:03,110 --> 00:48:05,704 I've already forgiven you, all right? 722 00:48:07,446 --> 00:48:10,245 I expect you'll do the same for Warden Glynn. 723 00:48:30,428 --> 00:48:34,023 Besides horses, the Aztecs had never seen a cannon. 724 00:48:34,348 --> 00:48:38,386 They had never seen such raw, boom power thundering at them. 725 00:48:38,727 --> 00:48:39,727 They was afraid. 726 00:48:39,936 --> 00:48:42,894 Between the cannons and the horses, the fucking comet, 727 00:48:43,189 --> 00:48:46,978 shit, that whirlwind turned pretty fucking fast, son. 728 00:48:47,319 --> 00:48:49,959 Boom! Ah! 729 00:48:50,238 --> 00:48:51,911 Ooh. I don't know. 730 00:48:52,157 --> 00:48:53,909 MAN: Come on, come on, come on. 731 00:49:02,500 --> 00:49:04,059 - Hey, O'Reily. - Yo. 732 00:49:04,294 --> 00:49:07,285 - Did you spill coffee on yourself? - What are you talking about? 733 00:49:14,678 --> 00:49:15,907 Fuck. 734 00:49:30,069 --> 00:49:31,662 NATHAN: Does that hurt? 735 00:49:33,864 --> 00:49:34,934 Well? 736 00:49:36,115 --> 00:49:37,753 Do it again. 737 00:49:39,202 --> 00:49:41,557 This is a medical examination, O'Reily, not foreplay. 738 00:49:41,829 --> 00:49:43,228 Yeah, says you. 739 00:49:43,456 --> 00:49:45,174 Is there any pain when I touch your nipple? 740 00:49:45,416 --> 00:49:46,486 No. 741 00:49:47,293 --> 00:49:49,603 Hm. Has it swelled up or been sore? 742 00:49:49,879 --> 00:49:53,315 A little, but I just figured it's because I've been exercising a lot lately, yeah. 743 00:49:53,633 --> 00:49:55,113 In general, your health has been good? 744 00:49:55,301 --> 00:49:57,053 I'm alive, right? 745 00:49:57,387 --> 00:50:00,300 All right. Well, we'll have to run some blood tests. 746 00:50:00,598 --> 00:50:03,067 - Take some x-rays. - What do you think it is? 747 00:50:03,351 --> 00:50:06,103 Beats me. I'm gonna have to crack open my medical books. 748 00:50:06,395 --> 00:50:08,155 I think we'll keep you in the ward overnight. 749 00:50:08,230 --> 00:50:11,621 No problem, just so long as you come and tuck me in. 750 00:50:14,111 --> 00:50:16,022 NATHAN: Suck out his blood. 751 00:50:18,532 --> 00:50:19,806 Hi. 752 00:50:20,033 --> 00:50:21,148 What's your name? 753 00:50:54,400 --> 00:50:57,392 O'REILY: Blackjack. Read them and weep. 754 00:50:58,195 --> 00:50:59,708 Ryan. 755 00:51:00,948 --> 00:51:02,268 Hold those. 756 00:51:02,491 --> 00:51:03,526 Ryan? 757 00:51:03,743 --> 00:51:06,211 You're calling me Ryan? Can I call you Gloria? 758 00:51:06,494 --> 00:51:08,292 I got your test results from the lab. 759 00:51:08,538 --> 00:51:10,738 Oh, shit. Does that mean I'm going back to Em City, huh? 760 00:51:10,999 --> 00:51:13,879 - I was just starting to get comfortable. - You're not leaving quite yet. 761 00:51:14,461 --> 00:51:16,896 This lump under your left nipple, it's a tumor. 762 00:51:20,842 --> 00:51:23,197 I need to do what we call an aspiration. 763 00:51:23,470 --> 00:51:25,390 We draw a small amount of fluid out of the nipple 764 00:51:25,639 --> 00:51:26,999 and examine it under a microscope. 765 00:51:27,182 --> 00:51:29,253 - To look for what? - A carcinoma. 766 00:51:29,517 --> 00:51:31,110 Ryan... 767 00:51:32,687 --> 00:51:34,121 you may have breast cancer. 768 00:51:34,356 --> 00:51:35,754 [LAUGHS] 769 00:51:35,981 --> 00:51:37,130 That's funny. 770 00:51:38,025 --> 00:51:39,823 I'm not kidding. 771 00:51:41,028 --> 00:51:42,382 Breast cancer? 772 00:51:44,615 --> 00:51:47,209 - Girls get breast cancer. - Men do too. 773 00:51:47,493 --> 00:51:49,613 It's rare, especially at your age, but it does happen. 774 00:51:49,954 --> 00:51:52,264 - I'm not a fag, you know that? - Ryan- 775 00:51:52,539 --> 00:51:54,974 No, I've been in this shit hole for over a year, 776 00:51:55,250 --> 00:51:56,888 and I ain't ever taken it up the ass. 777 00:51:57,127 --> 00:51:58,481 No one is saying that you have. 778 00:51:58,712 --> 00:52:01,272 Bullshit! You're telling me I've got a chick's disease! 779 00:52:01,548 --> 00:52:04,904 - Men have breasts, same as women. - What the fuck are you talking about? 780 00:52:05,218 --> 00:52:08,370 I don't got any breasts. I got a chest. See it, huh? 781 00:52:08,680 --> 00:52:10,000 - See it? MAN: Dr. Nathan? 782 00:52:10,223 --> 00:52:12,737 It's okay, it's okay. 783 00:52:15,937 --> 00:52:17,450 You listen to me. 784 00:52:18,022 --> 00:52:20,059 You go back inside your medical books. 785 00:52:21,317 --> 00:52:23,194 You suck out more of my blood. 786 00:52:24,070 --> 00:52:26,869 You do what you gotta do, but you get me another verdict. 787 00:52:27,156 --> 00:52:29,306 You understand me? 788 00:52:29,575 --> 00:52:32,374 Because I ain't got any fucking breast cancer. 789 00:52:40,294 --> 00:52:41,489 [SIGHS] 790 00:52:41,712 --> 00:52:43,589 Fuck. 791 00:52:51,096 --> 00:52:53,531 Well, you can't really blame him for overreacting. 792 00:52:53,807 --> 00:52:57,038 I mean, men with breast cancer? Who's ever heard of it? 793 00:52:57,352 --> 00:52:59,992 Gloria, are you absolutely positive about the diagnosis? 794 00:53:00,272 --> 00:53:01,706 Look, I'm a GP. 795 00:53:01,940 --> 00:53:03,940 It's not the kind of thing I come across every day, 796 00:53:04,026 --> 00:53:06,539 but I called a friend of mine who's an oncologist, 797 00:53:06,819 --> 00:53:08,093 ran the specifics down. 798 00:53:08,321 --> 00:53:10,921 He said he'd be hard pressed to figure out what else it indicates. 799 00:53:11,365 --> 00:53:14,084 - So do the needle aspiration. - O'Reily says no. 800 00:53:14,368 --> 00:53:15,722 He's in denial. 801 00:53:15,953 --> 00:53:18,033 Now, if he does have it, he's gonna need all our help 802 00:53:18,205 --> 00:53:20,196 to accept the reality of what's happening to him. 803 00:53:20,458 --> 00:53:21,687 To fight the disease. 804 00:53:21,917 --> 00:53:24,352 I have a pretty good relationship with him. I'll talk to him. 805 00:53:24,629 --> 00:53:26,302 I think, you know, maybe I should. 806 00:53:26,547 --> 00:53:28,987 Maybe he'll feel more comfortable talking about it with a guy. 807 00:53:29,050 --> 00:53:31,210 - Maybe he'll be embarrassed. - Well, see him together. 808 00:53:31,302 --> 00:53:33,896 No, then he'll think that we're ganging up on him. 809 00:53:34,180 --> 00:53:36,170 - Got the perfect solution here. - What? 810 00:53:36,431 --> 00:53:39,264 - Sister Pete, heads or tails? - Heads. 811 00:53:46,232 --> 00:53:47,711 Ryan. 812 00:53:50,779 --> 00:53:53,658 All of a sudden everyone's on a first-name basis with me? 813 00:53:55,659 --> 00:53:57,696 Look, Dr. Nathan told me about the cancer. 814 00:53:57,953 --> 00:54:00,866 Hey. For christ sakes, would you? 815 00:54:01,164 --> 00:54:03,804 I don't need every asshole in here knowing about my business. 816 00:54:04,084 --> 00:54:05,756 We can go into my office if you want. 817 00:54:06,001 --> 00:54:08,914 For what? We got nothing to say to each other. 818 00:54:09,213 --> 00:54:11,045 Nathan's got this whole thing screwed up. 819 00:54:11,298 --> 00:54:12,368 Maybe. 820 00:54:12,591 --> 00:54:14,231 But the only way we're gonna know for sure 821 00:54:14,343 --> 00:54:15,856 is if we do the biopsy. 822 00:54:18,347 --> 00:54:21,385 Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that she's right. 823 00:54:22,017 --> 00:54:24,293 Then what, huh? 824 00:54:25,062 --> 00:54:28,942 I go back into Em City, those fucks find out. 825 00:54:29,275 --> 00:54:31,915 You know as well as I do, any weakness, 826 00:54:32,194 --> 00:54:35,709 any weakness at all, and I'm dead. 827 00:54:36,864 --> 00:54:38,775 Look, if you do have... 828 00:54:41,035 --> 00:54:43,106 If you're sick and you don't do anything about it, 829 00:54:43,371 --> 00:54:44,566 you're dead anyway. 830 00:54:44,789 --> 00:54:45,789 Don't you see that? 831 00:54:45,999 --> 00:54:47,519 If this shit spreads through your body, 832 00:54:47,750 --> 00:54:50,139 then everybody's gonna know the truth. 833 00:54:52,130 --> 00:54:54,519 And by then it will be too late to save your life. 834 00:55:07,311 --> 00:55:09,063 I'm sorry. 835 00:55:10,439 --> 00:55:12,157 Yeah. 836 00:55:25,037 --> 00:55:26,471 HILL: So here's the funny part. 837 00:55:26,705 --> 00:55:31,654 The Spaniards actually exterminated the Aztecs by accident. 838 00:55:32,878 --> 00:55:34,993 Yeah, they had the horses and the cannons, 839 00:55:35,254 --> 00:55:37,484 but they also brought over smallpox. 840 00:55:38,924 --> 00:55:41,677 It was a disease that finally finished the job. 841 00:55:41,969 --> 00:55:45,928 A disease the Spanish gave the Aztecs without even knowing. 842 00:55:53,940 --> 00:55:56,056 In Oz, we do what we can to survive. 843 00:55:56,317 --> 00:55:58,877 But ultimately, it doesn't matter. 844 00:55:59,153 --> 00:56:02,111 Life always gets in the way.