1 00:00:08,300 --> 00:00:10,386 Well, so much for Twister. 2 00:00:10,594 --> 00:00:13,013 -What's next? -I vote for The Poseidon Adventure. 3 00:00:13,222 --> 00:00:15,808 Towering Inferno has a higher all-star body count. 4 00:00:16,016 --> 00:00:19,603 They just burned. In The Poseidon Adventure the deaths are better. 5 00:00:19,687 --> 00:00:20,730 Everything's upside-down. 6 00:00:20,980 --> 00:00:23,482 Let's see if our disaster-movie séance worked. 7 00:00:23,649 --> 00:00:27,153 Good evening. We continue to track the progress of Hurricane Chris... 8 00:00:27,361 --> 00:00:28,946 ...as it heads up the coast... 9 00:00:29,155 --> 00:00:33,284 ...prompting warnings for several coastal areas and school cancellations. 10 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:36,662 Officials have gone ahead and canceled classes for tomorrow... 11 00:00:36,787 --> 00:00:39,623 ...in Yarmouth, North Falmouth, and Capeside.... 12 00:00:39,665 --> 00:00:41,000 Score! 13 00:00:41,208 --> 00:00:44,295 -Stay with us. Gale? -Thanks, Hal. 14 00:00:44,503 --> 00:00:48,424 Bob, sounds like tomorrow would be a good day just to stay in bed. 15 00:00:48,674 --> 00:00:51,302 -You've got that right. -Could they be more obvious? 16 00:00:51,510 --> 00:00:53,679 "Gale, what is your view on the situation in Bosnia? 17 00:00:53,763 --> 00:00:56,515 Will you be jumping my bones after the broadcast?" 18 00:01:02,062 --> 00:01:04,231 Does your mom know you know? 19 00:01:04,398 --> 00:01:05,441 No. 20 00:01:05,649 --> 00:01:06,609 Your dad? 21 00:01:06,650 --> 00:01:08,861 Profoundly clueless. 22 00:01:11,655 --> 00:01:14,658 So. Paul Newman or Gene Hackman? 23 00:01:15,659 --> 00:01:18,913 Joey, I'm a little tired. You mind if I sack? 24 00:01:19,121 --> 00:01:20,748 No, that's fine. 25 00:01:29,673 --> 00:01:33,135 You know, you're gonna have to deal with this, Dawson. 26 00:01:33,677 --> 00:01:37,515 Everything's postponed because of the hurricane. My life included. 27 00:01:37,681 --> 00:01:41,685 -Your life is a hurricane. -No metaphors, Joey. It's too late. 28 00:01:44,230 --> 00:01:45,648 Later. 29 00:01:45,689 --> 00:01:47,858 I'll see you tomorrow, Joey. 30 00:01:48,651 --> 00:01:50,110 -Hey, Dawson? -Yeah? 31 00:01:50,945 --> 00:01:54,782 Fasten your seat belt. It's gonna be a bumpy life. 32 00:02:00,162 --> 00:02:03,290 In other news, Tom Burton conferred with Democrats... 33 00:02:03,499 --> 00:02:05,793 ...today about whether they would be willing... 34 00:02:06,001 --> 00:02:10,005 ...to join GOP members in voting to confer immunity for witnesses. 35 00:02:10,214 --> 00:02:12,091 A two-thirds vote is required. 36 00:02:12,299 --> 00:02:14,176 Back to you, Bob. 37 00:03:29,627 --> 00:03:33,339 I guess if it were the Capeside Bake-off, then I would be your man. 38 00:03:33,547 --> 00:03:37,718 No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm trying to be a reporter. 39 00:03:37,927 --> 00:03:40,137 Fine, Jim. If anybody needs me... 40 00:03:40,346 --> 00:03:43,349 ...I'll be here darning my husband's socks. 41 00:03:44,475 --> 00:03:45,517 Unbelievable. 42 00:03:45,684 --> 00:03:48,145 I take it they're not letting you cover the hurricane. 43 00:03:48,354 --> 00:03:50,689 I'm missing an appendage between my legs... 44 00:03:50,814 --> 00:03:54,443 ...which apparently makes one qualified to cover inclement weather. 45 00:03:54,610 --> 00:03:59,782 Me and my appendage are thrilled you will be here safe where you belong. 46 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:03,285 I got flashlight, candles, cold shower and batteries. 47 00:04:05,204 --> 00:04:08,958 Thanks. I'm gonna run next door and check on Jen and Mrs. Ryan... 48 00:04:09,166 --> 00:04:11,627 ...extend an invitation to ride out the storm. 49 00:04:11,669 --> 00:04:13,379 Okay. 50 00:04:18,008 --> 00:04:20,636 My dad's a great guy, isn't he? 51 00:04:20,678 --> 00:04:23,389 On the Tom Hanks/ Harrison Ford idealistic side... 52 00:04:23,597 --> 00:04:26,684 -...but solid like a rock. -Without question. 53 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:29,019 And faithful. 54 00:04:30,688 --> 00:04:32,940 Even to a fault. 55 00:04:35,150 --> 00:04:37,945 So who's covering Hurricane Chris? 56 00:04:38,612 --> 00:04:41,198 -Bob got the gig. -That Bob. 57 00:04:41,407 --> 00:04:43,409 Boy, he's on top of it. 58 00:04:43,617 --> 00:04:46,245 -Yeah, he's a great guy. -Dad's a great guy. 59 00:04:46,453 --> 00:04:48,664 Bob's the anchorman. 60 00:04:49,081 --> 00:04:51,667 Honey, did you secure the front porch? 61 00:04:51,792 --> 00:04:55,671 I'll get right on it. Gotta get ready for Hurricane Bob. 62 00:04:55,838 --> 00:04:56,880 Hurricane Chris. 63 00:04:57,089 --> 00:05:01,051 That's right. Chris is the hurricane. Bob's the anchorman. 64 00:05:06,015 --> 00:05:07,224 Oh, boy. 65 00:05:14,064 --> 00:05:17,109 I just want it noted that I am here under complete duress. 66 00:05:17,317 --> 00:05:19,361 Just stop your punk-ass whining. 67 00:05:20,738 --> 00:05:23,032 School's out. It's my chance to sleep in... 68 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:25,409 ...catch up on my soaps, enjoy the storm. 69 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:26,785 Hey, Dad's orders. 70 00:05:26,994 --> 00:05:30,039 Dad's orders. You say that with such a lapdog enthusiasm. 71 00:05:30,247 --> 00:05:31,582 I'm gonna kick your ass. 72 00:05:31,665 --> 00:05:34,126 -You're so butch, Dougie. -Screw you. 73 00:05:34,334 --> 00:05:38,172 Doug, you have to learn to process these hostile outbursts of rage. 74 00:05:38,380 --> 00:05:43,761 These are mere repression tactics to mask your homosexual desires. 75 00:05:43,969 --> 00:05:46,388 Just because I'm pretty doesn't mean I'm gay. 76 00:05:46,597 --> 00:05:48,682 I happen to be the straightest guy I know. 77 00:05:48,766 --> 00:05:52,311 Really? I think your CD collection would contradict that. 78 00:05:52,519 --> 00:05:55,314 Barbra Streisand, the soundtrack to Les Mis-- 79 00:05:55,522 --> 00:05:58,650 I have an interesting and soft complexity. 80 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:01,904 You don't have to defend yourself to me. I'm on your side. 81 00:06:02,071 --> 00:06:04,656 I just want you to live a happy and fruitful life. 82 00:06:04,865 --> 00:06:08,452 You know, women happen to love my CD collection. 83 00:06:09,870 --> 00:06:11,663 Why did you choose a profession... 84 00:06:11,830 --> 00:06:15,084 ...that requires you to dress like one of the Village People? 85 00:06:15,292 --> 00:06:18,212 I chose to wear a badge because our father... 86 00:06:18,462 --> 00:06:22,633 ...the chief of police, instilled in me a sense of duty and a belief in justice. 87 00:06:22,674 --> 00:06:25,886 Which makes it all the harder for you to come out. 88 00:06:26,095 --> 00:06:28,680 I'm sure there are support groups for gay officers. 89 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:32,101 Listen, Pacey! I'm not gay! 90 00:06:36,647 --> 00:06:38,982 You're waffling. We already agreed on this. 91 00:06:39,191 --> 00:06:40,651 It's mutilation. 92 00:06:40,692 --> 00:06:43,195 The trauma of having your genitals sliced... 93 00:06:43,362 --> 00:06:45,614 ...can have a lasting effect into adulthood. 94 00:06:45,656 --> 00:06:49,952 Trust me. If I was conscious of it, I'd most definitely remember. 95 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:54,248 Junior's foreskin will be a nonissue if we all blow away in a typhoon. 96 00:06:54,456 --> 00:06:57,626 It's just a warning. These things never come this far north. 97 00:06:57,668 --> 00:06:59,002 I vote we go to Dawson's. 98 00:06:59,211 --> 00:07:02,381 -Actually, that's not a bad idea. -Don't change the subject. 99 00:07:02,589 --> 00:07:05,634 -This kid is being circumcised. -No, he's not. 100 00:07:05,676 --> 00:07:09,388 Just because you're pregnant, don't think you're gonna get the last word. 101 00:07:09,596 --> 00:07:11,431 Watch me. 102 00:07:31,493 --> 00:07:32,661 Tammy! 103 00:07:33,662 --> 00:07:36,165 -Hey, Tamara. -Hi. 104 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:40,043 -No, don't. -The back side's all done. 105 00:07:40,252 --> 00:07:42,671 Yo, Pace, give me a hand here. 106 00:07:43,922 --> 00:07:47,676 It's good to see you, Pacey. Your brother helped me secure the place. 107 00:07:47,885 --> 00:07:50,679 Yeah, he's a great guy. 108 00:07:50,762 --> 00:07:53,265 So how's your homework coming? 109 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:56,894 I hope this bad weather's helping you catch up on your reading. 110 00:07:57,102 --> 00:07:58,854 Are you kidding? The guy's a goof. 111 00:07:59,062 --> 00:08:01,690 He hasn't cracked a book since third grade. 112 00:08:01,857 --> 00:08:03,859 Oh, really? You'd be pleased. 113 00:08:04,067 --> 00:08:06,653 Your brother's doing quite well, Officer Witter. 114 00:08:06,695 --> 00:08:08,614 Please, call me Doug. 115 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:10,365 Okay. 116 00:08:10,616 --> 00:08:14,953 -And I can call you.... -"Ms. Jacobs" would be fine. 117 00:08:15,162 --> 00:08:17,456 Or Tamara, whatever you like. 118 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:19,458 Tamara. 119 00:08:20,292 --> 00:08:24,671 I'm sorry. I hate storms. I really don't do well in bad weather. 120 00:08:25,047 --> 00:08:27,716 Well, we'll have to do something about that. 121 00:08:36,099 --> 00:08:39,061 I've weathered more storms in my time than you can count. 122 00:08:39,269 --> 00:08:42,356 Humor me. I'll feel a lot better if you guys are over here. 123 00:08:42,564 --> 00:08:45,192 If the Lord decides to blow my house away, so be it. 124 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:48,570 I forgot to tell you the Lord sent a fax while you were out. 125 00:08:48,695 --> 00:08:50,781 Something about the Armageddon. 126 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:56,703 Hey, stranger. 127 00:08:56,912 --> 00:08:59,998 I heard your grandfather's back in the hospital. I'm sorry. 128 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:03,752 Yeah, they're just running some tests. He'll be okay. 129 00:09:04,670 --> 00:09:07,464 It's made Grams kind of anxious, though. 130 00:09:08,423 --> 00:09:11,176 -How are you doing? -Good. 131 00:09:12,386 --> 00:09:15,389 Okay. Can I give you a hand with something? 132 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:18,767 No, I'm cool. Thanks. 133 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:21,186 -You're being cold to me, Dawson. -No, I-- 134 00:09:21,395 --> 00:09:24,648 It's not a judgment or anything. It's just an observation. 135 00:09:24,690 --> 00:09:28,652 -Do you wanna talk about this? -It's got nothing to do with you-- Us. 136 00:09:28,694 --> 00:09:31,697 I've just got a big to-do list in my head, really. 137 00:09:31,738 --> 00:09:33,657 Sure. 138 00:09:40,414 --> 00:09:45,085 High tides and storm surges with heavy rain forecasts for the area. 139 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:48,588 All right, everyone. Make yourselves at home. 140 00:09:48,672 --> 00:09:50,132 We're gonna fix lunch. 141 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:52,551 That's so kind. We really appreciate this. 142 00:09:52,676 --> 00:09:54,761 No problem. Mrs. Ryan, do you know--? 143 00:09:54,970 --> 00:09:58,682 We've met. You're Bessie, Joey's unmarried sister. 144 00:09:58,849 --> 00:10:01,560 And this is Bodie. 145 00:10:06,023 --> 00:10:07,566 Thank you, Walter Cronkite. 146 00:10:07,691 --> 00:10:12,362 Need I remind you who won the local Emmy and the Golden Desk Award? 147 00:10:12,571 --> 00:10:15,824 I have more plaques and trophies than you do. 148 00:10:17,659 --> 00:10:19,745 Bad boy! 149 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:23,665 Well, you just be careful out there. I'd like you back in one piece. 150 00:10:23,707 --> 00:10:25,667 Okay. 151 00:10:30,505 --> 00:10:33,008 I'll call you back. 152 00:10:35,677 --> 00:10:39,681 Got a new award for you, Mom. It's not a trophy. It comes in the form of an A. 153 00:10:39,765 --> 00:10:42,059 And you have to stitch it right here. 154 00:10:45,687 --> 00:10:47,647 Congratulations. 155 00:11:02,621 --> 00:11:04,623 Dawson! Dawson, honey, we need to talk. 156 00:11:04,664 --> 00:11:07,292 Yeah, about what? The weather? 157 00:11:07,501 --> 00:11:09,419 Honey.... 158 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:12,881 I know you must be really angry right now... 159 00:11:13,090 --> 00:11:15,509 -...and it is completely justified. -Save it. 160 00:11:15,675 --> 00:11:18,678 Honey, please hear me out. 161 00:11:19,805 --> 00:11:22,641 I love your father. 162 00:11:22,682 --> 00:11:25,477 I know that might seem hypocritical at the moment... 163 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:27,521 ...but what's happening between Bob and I-- 164 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:30,607 Bob and me. "Bob and I" is grammatically incorrect. 165 00:11:30,816 --> 00:11:33,902 If you let me, I might be able to help you understand this. 166 00:11:34,111 --> 00:11:36,613 What? The complicated mind of an adulteress? 167 00:11:36,696 --> 00:11:40,283 Do you have some rationale for breaking the sacred vows of marriage? 168 00:11:40,450 --> 00:11:43,620 -It's straightforward, isn't it? -No. There are reasons. 169 00:11:43,662 --> 00:11:46,289 Reasons. Why? Boredom, maybe? 170 00:11:46,665 --> 00:11:50,377 Why don't you pull this "I'm 40, it's time to be selfish" crap? 171 00:11:50,669 --> 00:11:51,878 Would you let me explain? 172 00:11:52,087 --> 00:11:56,508 Fine, Mom, go for it. Explain. Purge, but purge to the right person. 173 00:11:56,675 --> 00:11:59,177 I'm his son. There's a missing element here. 174 00:11:59,386 --> 00:12:01,388 It's downstairs, and it has a name: 175 00:12:01,596 --> 00:12:04,891 Husband, spouse, mate, better half. 176 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:07,519 Any of those ring a bell? 177 00:12:11,898 --> 00:12:14,109 Are you okay? 178 00:12:15,318 --> 00:12:16,486 I don't get it. 179 00:12:16,695 --> 00:12:19,698 I've got adolescent parents who bump like rabbits every day. 180 00:12:19,823 --> 00:12:21,658 You'd think that would be enough. 181 00:12:21,700 --> 00:12:24,327 Dad couldn't keep up, and Mom just said, "Hey!" 182 00:12:24,494 --> 00:12:27,372 Dawson, these things have very little to do with sex. 183 00:12:27,581 --> 00:12:30,625 Is the proposition of monogamy such a Jurassic notion? 184 00:12:30,667 --> 00:12:34,671 Is it no longer reasonable to think two people can be enough for each other? 185 00:12:34,838 --> 00:12:36,590 -I don't know. -Maybe it's chemical. 186 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:40,385 Maybe there's a hormonal imbalance causing fornication with coworkers. 187 00:12:40,594 --> 00:12:41,678 Maybe it's not just Bob. 188 00:12:41,887 --> 00:12:44,973 Maybe it extends to the whole 6 and 11 Action News teams. 189 00:12:45,182 --> 00:12:47,851 Your mother is a good woman. 190 00:12:49,102 --> 00:12:51,688 Yeah, you defend her. You would. It makes sense. 191 00:12:51,730 --> 00:12:53,565 -Excuse me? -You heard me. 192 00:12:53,690 --> 00:12:56,860 I did. You better clarify yourself before I rip your head off. 193 00:12:57,068 --> 00:13:00,405 Who better to understand a woman's need to have multiple partners? 194 00:13:00,614 --> 00:13:02,824 Since I've slept with half of New York City? 195 00:13:03,033 --> 00:13:05,535 -I didn't say that. -We're not all as pious as you. 196 00:13:05,660 --> 00:13:10,499 Some of us aren't characters in a Spielberg film. We live in reality. 197 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:21,218 Don't even tell me. 198 00:13:23,094 --> 00:13:26,723 Don't mind me. Just passing through. 199 00:13:27,516 --> 00:13:29,518 I can't escape. 200 00:13:29,684 --> 00:13:31,186 What are you doing in there? 201 00:13:31,436 --> 00:13:33,021 Just regressing for a moment. 202 00:13:33,230 --> 00:13:35,649 Remember we played in there when we were kids? 203 00:13:35,690 --> 00:13:38,068 We'd reenact the whole third act from Jaws. 204 00:13:38,276 --> 00:13:39,694 -Not now, Joey. -Come on. 205 00:13:39,861 --> 00:13:42,656 You'd be Captain Quint, I'd be Hooper and Sheriff Brody. 206 00:13:42,697 --> 00:13:45,075 -We knew the lines. -We're not kids anymore. 207 00:13:45,283 --> 00:13:46,701 But wouldn't it be nice? 208 00:13:48,662 --> 00:13:50,038 Right. 209 00:13:50,247 --> 00:13:55,293 It's up there with sleeping over on the "we're too old for this" list. I see. 210 00:13:58,672 --> 00:14:01,675 Look, I know you're still mad at me for lying to you. 211 00:14:01,841 --> 00:14:05,679 Even if you won't admit it, there's residue all over your face. 212 00:14:05,804 --> 00:14:08,974 Maybe you better go. My verbal vomit's out of control today. 213 00:14:09,182 --> 00:14:12,310 I know what you're going through. You're struggling to find answers. 214 00:14:12,519 --> 00:14:15,689 You know, you wanna know why she's cheating, but... 215 00:14:16,898 --> 00:14:18,942 ...it's all perception, Dawson. 216 00:14:24,906 --> 00:14:29,744 Let me just offer the one ounce of wisdom I can bring to this table. 217 00:14:30,704 --> 00:14:34,666 Instead of asking why your mother's doing all these horrible things... 218 00:14:34,708 --> 00:14:38,962 ...may I suggest you get on your knees and thank God you have a mother? 219 00:14:41,673 --> 00:14:42,924 Joey. 220 00:14:43,133 --> 00:14:45,677 Sorry, Dawson. I forgot for a second. 221 00:14:45,719 --> 00:14:48,179 This isn't about me. 222 00:14:52,684 --> 00:14:57,188 Winds are now racing at 50 miles an hour, and they're steadily climbing. 223 00:14:57,397 --> 00:15:00,942 Although it's still undetermined whether Hurricane Christopher... 224 00:15:01,151 --> 00:15:04,154 ...is going to make landfall right here in Capeside.... 225 00:15:04,613 --> 00:15:07,449 I'm just saying, fresh rosemary, some ground pepper-- 226 00:15:07,657 --> 00:15:10,702 I think I know a bit more about the culinary arts than-- 227 00:15:10,744 --> 00:15:13,580 The chicken was just delicious, Mrs. Ryan. 228 00:15:16,124 --> 00:15:20,211 That being the case, look for waters to rise 15 to 20 feet.... 229 00:15:20,420 --> 00:15:22,005 Pretty messy out there. 230 00:15:22,213 --> 00:15:24,758 I hope Bob watches out for himself. 231 00:15:25,675 --> 00:15:27,969 I wouldn't worry about Bob, Mr. Leery. 232 00:15:28,595 --> 00:15:30,347 Listen to your local authorities. 233 00:15:30,597 --> 00:15:33,433 I'm gonna send this to the studio in a moment's time... 234 00:15:33,642 --> 00:15:37,062 ...but we'll be here all day long, as the storm progresses. 235 00:15:53,703 --> 00:15:58,625 I guess I f-- This is really f-- 236 00:15:59,292 --> 00:16:03,505 Every sentence that comes to mind ends with the F word. 237 00:16:03,672 --> 00:16:06,633 Well, don't hold back on my account. I've heard it. 238 00:16:06,675 --> 00:16:09,678 I'm an adult, Joey. I'm supposed to set an example. 239 00:16:09,844 --> 00:16:12,972 I'd stick to the F word if I were you. 240 00:16:16,059 --> 00:16:18,228 I've been very selfish. 241 00:16:18,436 --> 00:16:21,147 Seems to run in your family. 242 00:16:21,815 --> 00:16:24,067 But I'm ending it. 243 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:41,126 It was nice of you to stay. 244 00:16:41,334 --> 00:16:43,294 -Let me get this. -I didn't realize... 245 00:16:43,503 --> 00:16:45,672 -I got it. I got it. -...how scared I was. 246 00:16:46,089 --> 00:16:49,384 I never expected a hurricane to come this far north. 247 00:16:49,759 --> 00:16:54,639 Well, I'm an officer of the law, and it's my job to protect people, so.... 248 00:16:54,681 --> 00:16:58,643 -As long as I'm not keeping you guys. -No. 249 00:16:58,685 --> 00:17:00,520 What was that? 250 00:17:00,687 --> 00:17:03,898 I don't know. I'll be right back. 251 00:17:04,190 --> 00:17:05,775 Should you go out there? 252 00:17:06,317 --> 00:17:08,820 This is my job, Tammy. 253 00:17:15,994 --> 00:17:18,663 Your brother's very nice. 254 00:17:18,705 --> 00:17:20,331 He's a closet case. 255 00:17:21,291 --> 00:17:22,625 What? 256 00:17:22,667 --> 00:17:25,128 Yeah, full-blooded, 100 percent gay man. 257 00:17:25,670 --> 00:17:30,508 He likes to keep it quiet, being an officer of the law in a small town. 258 00:17:30,675 --> 00:17:31,968 Does your dad know? 259 00:17:32,177 --> 00:17:36,681 My parents are in denial about this. It's really-- It's an ugly situation. 260 00:17:37,599 --> 00:17:39,434 But how have you been, Tammy? 261 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:43,188 No, I don't think so. Not with your badge brother right outside. 262 00:17:43,396 --> 00:17:45,523 Quick reminder: This is a felony. 263 00:17:45,690 --> 00:17:48,610 That's the attraction, isn't it? I've been missing you. 264 00:17:48,693 --> 00:17:51,196 I've been missing you too, but.... 265 00:17:54,324 --> 00:17:55,700 There. You happy? 266 00:17:55,784 --> 00:17:57,035 Get over here. 267 00:17:57,243 --> 00:17:59,704 No, no, no, no, no. Let go, honestly. 268 00:17:59,788 --> 00:18:02,707 I mean it, I mean it, I mean it! 269 00:18:05,668 --> 00:18:08,296 It was nothing. It was just the.... 270 00:18:16,221 --> 00:18:18,640 Dawson. 271 00:18:18,681 --> 00:18:20,683 You realize if the Kelp takes off... 272 00:18:20,767 --> 00:18:25,688 ...we'll have a whole chain of Leery family restaurants coast to coast? 273 00:18:25,897 --> 00:18:27,774 That's great, Dad. 274 00:18:29,526 --> 00:18:30,985 Something wrong, Dawson? 275 00:18:35,907 --> 00:18:38,535 Something's very wrong. 276 00:18:39,494 --> 00:18:41,329 Mitch, there's something that you-- 277 00:18:41,538 --> 00:18:45,416 I mean, there's something that I have to tell you. 278 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:47,502 I'm gonna leave you two alone. 279 00:18:47,669 --> 00:18:50,672 No, Dawson. We're a family. This falls on all ears. 280 00:18:52,882 --> 00:18:54,884 Hon, what is it? 281 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:01,349 Wow, where do I begin? 282 00:19:02,684 --> 00:19:06,479 You know that I love what I do... 283 00:19:06,771 --> 00:19:12,902 ...that I've always wanted to be a Diane Sawyer or a Barbara Walters. 284 00:19:14,279 --> 00:19:16,698 Mitch, it's 20 years later... 285 00:19:16,906 --> 00:19:22,704 ...and I am never going to be Diane Sawyer or Barbara Walters. 286 00:19:22,871 --> 00:19:24,330 I know that. 287 00:19:24,539 --> 00:19:26,541 I mean, I gave up that dream. 288 00:19:26,708 --> 00:19:30,962 It's okay. I've accepted it. I still would like to be like a Jenny Jones... 289 00:19:31,129 --> 00:19:32,839 ...or a Sally Jessy Raphael. 290 00:19:33,047 --> 00:19:34,757 What's wrong, Gale? 291 00:19:34,966 --> 00:19:36,676 God, I'm digressing. 292 00:19:37,218 --> 00:19:40,471 I mean, who watches those shows anyway? They're all the same. 293 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:42,223 Somebody does somebody wrong... 294 00:19:42,432 --> 00:19:44,642 ...they go on TV with their IQ of three... 295 00:19:44,684 --> 00:19:48,479 ...and bitch and moan about it for the whole world to see, and.... 296 00:19:48,688 --> 00:19:50,690 Now, I know this is a judgment... 297 00:19:50,899 --> 00:19:54,986 ...but I have always prided myself on not being that kind of person... 298 00:19:55,236 --> 00:19:59,657 ...the kind of person that would be on a panel of cheaters, lowlifes and liars-- 299 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:03,536 Gale, what are you saying? 300 00:20:05,371 --> 00:20:07,582 What I am saying is... 301 00:20:07,707 --> 00:20:12,879 ...for the past two months, for the past 62 days... 302 00:20:13,046 --> 00:20:16,049 ...every time that I've come home late... 303 00:20:16,257 --> 00:20:20,929 ...every time that I have made an excuse to leave this house... 304 00:20:21,137 --> 00:20:24,682 ...every time that I haven't been with you... 305 00:20:24,849 --> 00:20:30,980 ...I have been with someone else, another man... 306 00:20:31,189 --> 00:20:34,067 ...having sex with another man. 307 00:20:39,948 --> 00:20:42,492 I won't be so insulting as to offer an apology. 308 00:20:42,700 --> 00:20:45,411 This is, after all, on the other side of forgiveness. 309 00:20:45,620 --> 00:20:48,748 I just thought that you should know, Mitch. 310 00:20:52,377 --> 00:20:54,587 Mitch? 311 00:21:08,309 --> 00:21:10,520 Batteries. 312 00:21:11,646 --> 00:21:14,691 I knew I should have gotten some more batteries. Dawson.... 313 00:21:15,274 --> 00:21:16,818 -Mitch. -Dawson... 314 00:21:17,694 --> 00:21:23,282 ...take these candles and flashlight into the other room, all right? Now. 315 00:21:23,491 --> 00:21:24,826 Where is that lantern? 316 00:21:25,284 --> 00:21:28,371 I filled it with kerosene this morning, and now it is gone. 317 00:21:28,621 --> 00:21:30,373 Mitch, please talk to me. 318 00:21:30,581 --> 00:21:35,169 I had it in my hands, and now it's disappeared. Where is it? 319 00:21:35,503 --> 00:21:37,213 Where'd it go? 320 00:21:40,675 --> 00:21:42,802 Don't you cry! 321 00:21:45,763 --> 00:21:48,099 You don't get to cry. 322 00:22:01,612 --> 00:22:02,989 Is everything okay? 323 00:22:04,699 --> 00:22:07,368 Yeah, everything's fine. 324 00:22:07,618 --> 00:22:10,705 I think there's more candles upstairs. 325 00:22:14,250 --> 00:22:16,419 You know, you're such a clumsy idiot. 326 00:22:16,627 --> 00:22:18,379 I'm really sorry about my brother. 327 00:22:18,546 --> 00:22:21,507 We've had to put up with this pinhead imbecile for years. 328 00:22:21,674 --> 00:22:24,594 He's kind of the family embarrassment, you know. 329 00:22:24,677 --> 00:22:25,762 I'm really sorry. 330 00:22:25,970 --> 00:22:29,599 It's okay. Really, it was my fault. I ran into him. 331 00:22:29,682 --> 00:22:31,976 I'm the clumsy one. 332 00:22:32,185 --> 00:22:33,394 What have we got here? 333 00:22:33,603 --> 00:22:36,022 Some possible riding-out-the-storm entertainment. 334 00:22:36,230 --> 00:22:38,399 Well, have you ever played the "if" game? 335 00:22:38,608 --> 00:22:39,650 How do you do that? 336 00:22:39,692 --> 00:22:41,903 It's a good way to get to know each other. 337 00:22:42,153 --> 00:22:43,654 I ask a question like... 338 00:22:43,696 --> 00:22:47,742 ...if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? 339 00:22:47,950 --> 00:22:49,827 Then you answer and ask me something. 340 00:22:50,036 --> 00:22:51,204 Okay, who's first? 341 00:22:51,454 --> 00:22:54,874 I vote for Monopoly. That game has a point. 342 00:22:55,083 --> 00:22:58,628 It's just a really good way to get to know each other better. 343 00:22:58,711 --> 00:23:00,254 All right, let me see.... 344 00:23:01,005 --> 00:23:02,673 If you had to pick one city... 345 00:23:02,757 --> 00:23:05,259 ...to live in for the rest of your life... 346 00:23:05,468 --> 00:23:08,679 -...what city would you pick? -Easy. New York, my hometown. 347 00:23:09,263 --> 00:23:12,391 -No other place like it. -So why'd you move? 348 00:23:13,059 --> 00:23:17,647 Well, because I needed a change. I have a dysfunctional ex-husband... 349 00:23:17,688 --> 00:23:20,608 ...and New York wasn't big enough for the two of us. 350 00:23:20,691 --> 00:23:23,277 Well, I'll tell you, if I was your ex-husband... 351 00:23:23,486 --> 00:23:26,072 ...I'd be full of regret right about now. 352 00:23:28,491 --> 00:23:29,659 Okay, my turn. 353 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:32,662 Dougie, if you could star in any Broadway musical... 354 00:23:32,703 --> 00:23:35,623 -...which one would you choose? -Easy. 355 00:23:35,706 --> 00:23:37,959 -Tony. West Side Story. -I love that. 356 00:23:38,417 --> 00:23:40,294 -Yeah? -"Somewhere" is my favorite. 357 00:23:40,503 --> 00:23:42,588 -It's mine too. -I watched that movie... 358 00:23:42,672 --> 00:23:45,925 -...10 times when I was a kid. -Ten times? Try 15! 359 00:23:46,134 --> 00:23:49,053 A million babies are circumcised every year. 360 00:23:49,262 --> 00:23:51,097 It's a human rights issue. 361 00:23:51,305 --> 00:23:53,724 It's a harsh and barbaric example of child abuse. 362 00:23:53,933 --> 00:23:56,352 We don't even know if it's a girl or boy. 363 00:23:56,561 --> 00:23:58,187 Or black or white. 364 00:23:58,396 --> 00:24:00,565 -She's off and running. -Bodie, don't. 365 00:24:00,690 --> 00:24:03,151 It's not a judgment, Bodie, just an observation. 366 00:24:03,359 --> 00:24:07,029 Which do you object to more? The fact that I'm black and she's white... 367 00:24:07,238 --> 00:24:09,949 ...or that we're unmarried and having a child in sin? 368 00:24:10,158 --> 00:24:14,871 What I object to most, Bodie, is when children raise children. 369 00:24:15,079 --> 00:24:16,873 Get ready, Bodie. 370 00:24:17,081 --> 00:24:19,792 That child will be identified as different. 371 00:24:20,001 --> 00:24:23,087 Part black, part white. It doesn't matter, Mrs. Ryan. 372 00:24:23,296 --> 00:24:26,883 This child will be 100 percent loved. 373 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:41,147 What are you doing out here? It's pretty cold. 374 00:24:41,355 --> 00:24:45,151 It's pretty cold in there too, and I just needed a little break. 375 00:24:47,236 --> 00:24:49,488 So, what are you doing out here? 376 00:24:49,780 --> 00:24:52,366 Just watching Mr. Leery. 377 00:24:56,078 --> 00:24:59,165 I guess it really hit the fan today. 378 00:24:59,373 --> 00:25:01,667 -So where's Dawson? -Don't know. Don't care. 379 00:25:01,709 --> 00:25:03,211 I'm taking a break. 380 00:25:03,419 --> 00:25:05,171 You know, it's just an ego thing. 381 00:25:05,379 --> 00:25:08,633 I mean, "How could there possibly have been anyone before me? 382 00:25:08,674 --> 00:25:11,219 -How can I measure up?" -Is he that trite? 383 00:25:11,427 --> 00:25:14,931 I'm sure there's a measuring tape sitting in his bathroom right now. 384 00:25:15,139 --> 00:25:18,142 -What do you think it's marked up at? -What do you mean? 385 00:25:18,351 --> 00:25:22,063 Come on. Do you think Dawson's got a pistol or a rifle? 386 00:25:22,688 --> 00:25:23,773 How would I know? 387 00:25:23,981 --> 00:25:26,192 Come on. 388 00:25:31,697 --> 00:25:35,284 Dawson was wrong to spew his anger at his mom onto you. 389 00:25:35,493 --> 00:25:37,245 So you heard? 390 00:25:37,453 --> 00:25:40,039 Involuntary eavesdropping. 391 00:25:40,248 --> 00:25:44,669 I guess I'm no longer the virgin queen of Dawson's hand-held fantasies. 392 00:25:44,710 --> 00:25:49,882 Yeah, I think Dawson's having a life-defining turning point right now. 393 00:25:50,049 --> 00:25:52,009 Aren't we all? 394 00:25:52,927 --> 00:25:57,807 Taking into consideration his height, weight, feet and hand size... 395 00:25:58,015 --> 00:26:00,935 ...I'd say he's slightly above average. 396 00:26:01,686 --> 00:26:04,313 So you have thought about it. 397 00:26:14,824 --> 00:26:16,242 Can I help you with that? 398 00:26:16,450 --> 00:26:20,329 No, it's fine. I'm fine. Thanks. 399 00:26:22,248 --> 00:26:24,041 Mr. Ryan used to say: 400 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:27,878 "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with a lot of rain." 401 00:26:29,922 --> 00:26:31,924 So you know too? 402 00:26:34,593 --> 00:26:36,846 I used to be a big fan of motion pictures. 403 00:26:37,680 --> 00:26:38,723 Frank Capra. 404 00:26:38,931 --> 00:26:41,684 It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington... 405 00:26:41,892 --> 00:26:43,978 ...Pocketful of Miracles. 406 00:26:44,186 --> 00:26:49,108 Simple desires fulfilled, aspirations realized. 407 00:26:49,317 --> 00:26:53,779 Fears of abandonment turned into fantasy spectacles of security and joy. 408 00:26:55,031 --> 00:26:59,118 Frank Capra and Steven Spielberg are compared for their thematic content. 409 00:26:59,327 --> 00:27:01,704 What I liked most about those movies... 410 00:27:01,746 --> 00:27:05,791 ...is the fact that no matter how far off the pedestal the character fell... 411 00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:08,919 ...he always got a second chance. 412 00:27:09,670 --> 00:27:12,798 Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given us. 413 00:27:13,007 --> 00:27:16,635 With it comes understanding. 414 00:27:18,095 --> 00:27:20,848 The same way rain brings a rainbow? 415 00:27:23,184 --> 00:27:25,353 From what I've seen of you so far... 416 00:27:25,561 --> 00:27:28,314 ...you better buy yourself a good umbrella. 417 00:27:39,033 --> 00:27:41,786 St. Charles Place with a hotel. $750. 418 00:27:42,119 --> 00:27:43,746 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 419 00:27:43,954 --> 00:27:45,414 So now what about Gypsy? 420 00:27:45,623 --> 00:27:48,667 I love that. Did you see the Bette Midler TV version? 421 00:27:48,709 --> 00:27:50,920 I know! She was great. But you know... 422 00:27:51,128 --> 00:27:55,216 -...I still love Ethel Merman. -Yeah. A Chorus Line! 423 00:27:59,303 --> 00:28:01,138 It's your turn. 424 00:28:02,431 --> 00:28:05,518 Tamara, would you like to go out sometime, catch a movie? 425 00:28:05,684 --> 00:28:08,687 The Rialto's got this oldies classics thing on Wednesdays. 426 00:28:08,729 --> 00:28:11,816 They play a lot of the old MGM musicals. It's really great. 427 00:28:12,024 --> 00:28:13,109 I'd love to. 428 00:28:13,609 --> 00:28:16,112 Yeah? Great. Okay, we'll make a whole night of it. 429 00:28:16,320 --> 00:28:19,698 Nice romantic dinner. Leave baby brother here at home. 430 00:28:19,824 --> 00:28:23,828 Just give us a chance to get to know each other a little more intimately. 431 00:28:24,328 --> 00:28:25,830 You know, make it a real date. 432 00:28:26,205 --> 00:28:28,999 Well, not really a real date. 433 00:28:29,417 --> 00:28:31,043 Why not? 434 00:28:31,710 --> 00:28:35,714 Well, you know, because I.... I know. 435 00:28:36,090 --> 00:28:39,802 It's not because I'm too young, is it? Don't pull the age thing on me. 436 00:28:39,969 --> 00:28:42,263 I'm 24, soon to be 25. 437 00:28:42,471 --> 00:28:47,977 No, no, it's not that at all. It's just that I know that you're gay. 438 00:28:49,770 --> 00:28:51,689 What? 439 00:28:55,484 --> 00:28:56,986 Did you tell her I'm gay? 440 00:28:57,695 --> 00:28:59,947 No, I guessed it. 441 00:29:00,156 --> 00:29:03,075 When I lived in New York, I lived on Christopher Street. 442 00:29:03,284 --> 00:29:05,453 I have good gaydar. 443 00:29:05,995 --> 00:29:07,705 You told her, didn't you? 444 00:29:07,788 --> 00:29:10,708 -Tell her I'm not gay! -She has gaydar. 445 00:29:11,292 --> 00:29:13,127 Tamara, I am not gay. 446 00:29:13,377 --> 00:29:14,420 It's okay! 447 00:29:14,628 --> 00:29:16,839 That's what I've been trying to tell him. 448 00:29:17,047 --> 00:29:19,800 All right, you tell her right now I am not gay! 449 00:29:20,009 --> 00:29:21,635 Guys, guys, hey! 450 00:29:21,677 --> 00:29:24,972 It's okay, Tamara. He does this kind of stuff all the time. 451 00:29:25,681 --> 00:29:27,683 Tell her now. 452 00:29:34,523 --> 00:29:36,609 Okay. All right. 453 00:29:38,068 --> 00:29:39,987 He's not gay. 454 00:29:41,405 --> 00:29:43,491 All right, then. 455 00:29:43,699 --> 00:29:45,701 So whose turn is it? 456 00:30:05,679 --> 00:30:07,973 It's Bob, isn't it? 457 00:30:19,193 --> 00:30:21,695 The first time I saw you... 458 00:30:22,905 --> 00:30:26,408 ...it was on the pier at the marina... 459 00:30:26,617 --> 00:30:29,495 ...and you were with that girlfriend of yours. 460 00:30:29,870 --> 00:30:33,415 The woman who never shut up. Talk, talk, talk, all the time. 461 00:30:33,624 --> 00:30:39,004 I can't remember her name. It was one of those soap opera names... 462 00:30:39,213 --> 00:30:42,633 ...like, I don't know, like Alexis or Dorian. 463 00:30:42,716 --> 00:30:44,718 Phoebe. 464 00:30:44,843 --> 00:30:46,887 Phoebe. 465 00:30:47,680 --> 00:30:51,475 And from the minute Phoebe introduced us, I knew... 466 00:30:51,976 --> 00:30:54,270 ...that I loved you. 467 00:30:55,980 --> 00:30:59,858 I mean, it was that quick, you know, because love comes that quick. 468 00:31:00,067 --> 00:31:04,363 It's like a decision. Love is a decision that you make, and I made it... 469 00:31:04,572 --> 00:31:07,700 ...right there, on the spot. 470 00:31:12,997 --> 00:31:16,292 What I need for you to know... 471 00:31:16,500 --> 00:31:19,878 ...is that our love came quick, and it's lasted. 472 00:31:22,172 --> 00:31:24,717 It's weathered the storm. 473 00:31:27,303 --> 00:31:32,725 But as quickly as I made that decision 20 years ago to love you... 474 00:31:32,808 --> 00:31:34,685 ...I'm taking it back. 475 00:31:36,979 --> 00:31:39,732 I don't want to love you anymore. 476 00:31:40,649 --> 00:31:42,693 I choose to hate you now. 477 00:31:43,819 --> 00:31:45,362 No, Mitch, don't. 478 00:31:45,696 --> 00:31:49,700 It's already done, just like that. 479 00:31:53,787 --> 00:31:57,374 So I suggest you get out of the car! 480 00:31:58,709 --> 00:32:01,670 Before I physically remove you from it. 481 00:32:23,609 --> 00:32:25,486 Good news for local residents today. 482 00:32:25,694 --> 00:32:28,322 Hurricane Christopher has taken a sudden detour... 483 00:32:28,530 --> 00:32:32,284 ...and left only moderate damage to Capeside and its surrounding areas. 484 00:32:32,493 --> 00:32:36,497 Now that the storm is over, I guess it's time to finally say goodbye... 485 00:32:36,705 --> 00:32:39,500 ...to some truly, truly bad weather. 486 00:32:42,294 --> 00:32:44,672 Once again, thank you very much. 487 00:32:44,713 --> 00:32:48,509 -It's been a very interesting day. -Anytime. 488 00:32:48,717 --> 00:32:51,178 -Sorry about the gunplay. -Hey.... 489 00:32:51,387 --> 00:32:54,431 I'd still like to take you out. 490 00:32:54,598 --> 00:32:57,267 Yeah, you know, I have to be honest with you, Doug. 491 00:32:57,476 --> 00:33:00,062 I'm seeing someone right now. 492 00:33:01,271 --> 00:33:03,065 Fair enough. 493 00:33:03,857 --> 00:33:06,735 Okay, let's go, squirt. 494 00:33:06,944 --> 00:33:08,696 Yes, sir, Deputy Doug. 495 00:33:41,145 --> 00:33:44,481 I'm leaving, Dawson, but before I go, there are a few things-- 496 00:33:44,690 --> 00:33:48,026 -Jen, I owe you an explanation-- -No. Hear me out, Dawson, please. 497 00:33:48,235 --> 00:33:54,366 Okay? Because this seems to be the day of truths, and I'm taking my turn. 498 00:33:54,575 --> 00:34:00,706 I lost my virginity when I was 12 to some older guy who got me drunk. 499 00:34:00,873 --> 00:34:04,376 I don't remember his name, but after the first pregnancy scare... 500 00:34:04,585 --> 00:34:07,963 ...I went on the pill, and I used condoms... 501 00:34:08,172 --> 00:34:10,632 ...most of the time. 502 00:34:10,716 --> 00:34:13,427 Some of the times.... 503 00:34:13,635 --> 00:34:15,721 I don't know. It's kind of blurry. 504 00:34:15,763 --> 00:34:20,726 I was really drinking a lot and having blackouts and stuff and.... 505 00:34:25,022 --> 00:34:28,609 I was sexualized way too young... 506 00:34:28,692 --> 00:34:31,487 ...and I don't wish that on anybody. 507 00:34:31,695 --> 00:34:36,325 I mean, sex at such a young age more often than not is a bad idea. 508 00:34:37,701 --> 00:34:41,497 I finally got caught having sex in my parents' bed. 509 00:34:41,789 --> 00:34:43,707 Daddy's little girl... 510 00:34:43,791 --> 00:34:47,294 ...fornicating right before his very eyes. 511 00:34:48,420 --> 00:34:50,297 He still can't look me in the face. 512 00:34:50,506 --> 00:34:54,301 But then again, he shipped me 200 miles away so he wouldn't have to. 513 00:34:54,510 --> 00:34:57,721 But, Dawson, I'm not that girl anymore. I never really was. 514 00:34:57,846 --> 00:35:00,641 I'm not that white-as-snow image you've got either. 515 00:35:00,682 --> 00:35:03,143 I'm somewhere in between, and I'm just-- 516 00:35:03,393 --> 00:35:05,354 I'm just trying to figure it out. 517 00:35:05,562 --> 00:35:08,148 Jen, you don't need-- It's not-- 518 00:35:08,398 --> 00:35:11,693 It's not you, okay? It's my own stupid hang-ups. 519 00:35:12,277 --> 00:35:16,657 My parents have this raging sex life, and I guess I secretly... 520 00:35:16,698 --> 00:35:19,493 ...used it as a measure of happiness. 521 00:35:19,701 --> 00:35:22,329 -Sex doesn't equal happiness. -Jen, I know. 522 00:35:22,704 --> 00:35:24,873 I know that now. 523 00:35:25,707 --> 00:35:29,127 I'm sorry about lying to you. 524 00:35:29,336 --> 00:35:31,213 But I can't apologize for my past. 525 00:35:31,421 --> 00:35:33,632 I've learned from it. I'm a better person. 526 00:35:33,715 --> 00:35:35,717 It's gotten me here. 527 00:35:38,387 --> 00:35:42,140 And this is my chance to start over. This is my chance. 528 00:35:42,349 --> 00:35:46,270 And it would be really nice if you'd be a part of that. 529 00:35:47,229 --> 00:35:49,481 On one condition: 530 00:35:52,651 --> 00:35:54,820 That you'll have me. 531 00:35:55,028 --> 00:35:58,574 Because, Jen, my behavior has been unredeemable... 532 00:35:58,699 --> 00:36:01,535 ...and I don't deserve someone as... 533 00:36:01,702 --> 00:36:06,623 ...passionate and open and honest and beautiful as you are. 534 00:36:13,714 --> 00:36:15,674 Take two? 535 00:36:27,603 --> 00:36:29,688 What are you doing? Where's your brother? 536 00:36:29,813 --> 00:36:31,440 I circled back. 537 00:36:31,857 --> 00:36:35,110 -It's late, Pacey. -I just had one more "if" question. 538 00:36:35,319 --> 00:36:37,696 Here, I got it. I got it. I got it. 539 00:36:38,864 --> 00:36:43,493 If you could do any one thing in your life again, what would it be? 540 00:36:43,702 --> 00:36:47,497 Well, I wouldn't have married an abusive, fat stockbroker. 541 00:36:48,498 --> 00:36:50,709 Same question, back at you. 542 00:36:50,876 --> 00:36:55,714 Well, I'd be older, so I could tell the world about this wonderful woman... 543 00:36:55,964 --> 00:36:59,051 ...who I am rapidly falling in love with. 544 00:37:00,719 --> 00:37:04,640 Did you really think it would make me jealous by flirting with Doug? 545 00:37:04,723 --> 00:37:07,726 Flirting? I don't flirt. 546 00:37:08,477 --> 00:37:09,978 Because if you did... 547 00:37:10,187 --> 00:37:12,940 ...it's exceedingly unnecessary. 548 00:37:15,692 --> 00:37:16,777 I'm already jealous... 549 00:37:16,985 --> 00:37:20,614 ...of every guy who's ever been in your field of vision... 550 00:37:21,698 --> 00:37:24,618 ...who's known the smell of your hair... 551 00:37:24,868 --> 00:37:27,955 ...who's held your body against his. 552 00:37:29,289 --> 00:37:31,667 We're getting sloppy, Pacey. 553 00:37:31,708 --> 00:37:35,504 You know we're gonna have to end this. It's getting too dangerous. 554 00:37:36,380 --> 00:37:38,382 Tell me that isn't a turn-on. 555 00:37:38,590 --> 00:37:40,175 Pacey. 556 00:37:40,384 --> 00:37:43,720 Wait, I-- Just one more question. 557 00:37:46,390 --> 00:37:50,727 If you could do any one thing right now, what would it be? 558 00:38:52,873 --> 00:38:55,167 So why'd you do it? 559 00:38:58,503 --> 00:39:02,716 Get ready, Mitch, because if you think it can't get worse, it can. 560 00:39:03,383 --> 00:39:05,719 My reason is preposterous. 561 00:39:05,886 --> 00:39:09,306 I have no reason. No. 562 00:39:09,514 --> 00:39:14,728 I woke up one day, Mitch, and I realized my life was perfect. 563 00:39:14,895 --> 00:39:16,521 Everything I ever wanted... 564 00:39:16,688 --> 00:39:20,650 ...from the time I was 6, had been realized. 565 00:39:21,860 --> 00:39:27,491 I discovered perfection obtained is a discomforting state... 566 00:39:27,699 --> 00:39:29,826 ...and I got restless. 567 00:39:30,494 --> 00:39:33,663 What do you do when everything is right? 568 00:39:33,705 --> 00:39:37,501 When everything is just the way you've always wanted it to be? 569 00:39:37,709 --> 00:39:39,294 I have the perfect home... 570 00:39:39,503 --> 00:39:43,840 ...a career, the most gifted child... 571 00:39:44,299 --> 00:39:46,093 ...a husband who stimulates me... 572 00:39:46,301 --> 00:39:49,471 ...mind, body and soul every day of my life. 573 00:39:50,764 --> 00:39:53,141 I want for nothing. 574 00:39:54,976 --> 00:39:59,022 And I guess that left me feeling empty, not wanting. 575 00:40:00,690 --> 00:40:05,237 And I just wanted to want again. 576 00:40:06,947 --> 00:40:09,282 So I set out to achieve it. 577 00:40:10,158 --> 00:40:12,244 And, boy, did I succeed... 578 00:40:15,122 --> 00:40:16,957 ...because I want now. 579 00:40:19,167 --> 00:40:22,295 I want back everything that I've lost. 580 00:40:24,714 --> 00:40:27,300 Mitch, I am so sorry. 581 00:40:35,892 --> 00:40:38,603 Let's just sit here, all right? 582 00:40:42,482 --> 00:40:44,693 I don't want to talk anymore. 583 00:40:48,697 --> 00:40:50,699 Okay. 584 00:41:06,715 --> 00:41:09,134 I was hoping you'd still be here. 585 00:41:16,850 --> 00:41:19,060 Joey, I owe you an apology. 586 00:41:19,269 --> 00:41:23,773 I have been thoughtless, insensitive and self-obsessed to the extreme. 587 00:41:24,691 --> 00:41:27,694 If you give me a chance to rectify my belligerent ways... 588 00:41:27,777 --> 00:41:32,282 ...I promise I will make every effort to be a friend worthy of you. 589 00:41:32,699 --> 00:41:35,285 Well, that was a mouthful. 590 00:41:37,204 --> 00:41:39,122 I'm sorry for using the mother card. 591 00:41:39,331 --> 00:41:42,667 I keep it in my back pocket, and it's way too easy. 592 00:41:42,709 --> 00:41:44,753 I shouldn't have done it. 593 00:41:48,924 --> 00:41:52,302 Joey, I don't know what I would do if I lost my mother. 594 00:41:54,012 --> 00:41:56,348 It hurts, Dawson. 595 00:41:59,142 --> 00:42:03,563 You're born, and you die, and you make a lot of mistakes in between. 596 00:42:03,730 --> 00:42:05,649 You know? 597 00:42:07,943 --> 00:42:10,737 Funny thing is, you know... 598 00:42:10,946 --> 00:42:13,198 ...now that she's gone... 599 00:42:14,324 --> 00:42:17,744 ...I can't seem to remember a single mistake. 600 00:42:19,955 --> 00:42:21,665 What can I do for you, Joey? 601 00:42:21,706 --> 00:42:24,751 I want to be a good friend. What can I do? 602 00:42:29,005 --> 00:42:31,508 Now, just for tonight... 603 00:42:32,300 --> 00:42:36,805 ...can we put our rapid ascent into adulthood on hold? 604 00:42:37,013 --> 00:42:38,556 Please? 605 00:42:42,435 --> 00:42:44,020 Come on. 606 00:42:45,897 --> 00:42:47,816 Come on. 607 00:42:50,068 --> 00:42:52,904 "Sheriff Brody, that's a 20-footer." 608 00:42:57,367 --> 00:42:59,995 "Boys, I think he's come back for his noon feeding." 609 00:43:00,203 --> 00:43:03,123 "Gotta get a shot at this orca's head." 610 00:43:03,540 --> 00:43:06,209 "Smile, you son of a bitch." 611 00:43:08,712 --> 00:43:11,381 "We're gonna need a bigger boat."