1 00:00:23,023 --> 00:00:27,486 This is the Jen moment. This is my future we're watching. Me and Jen. 2 00:00:27,611 --> 00:00:31,240 -Black-and-white future. How retro. -I'm talking of the romantic apotheosis. 3 00:00:31,449 --> 00:00:35,327 -Our first kiss will be just like that. -Wait a minute. We're back to that? 4 00:00:35,536 --> 00:00:36,620 You haven't even kissed her? 5 00:00:36,829 --> 00:00:38,831 It's not about the kiss. It's about the journey. 6 00:00:38,873 --> 00:00:41,751 It's about creating and sustaining magic. 7 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:43,919 Does Jen fall for this warped movie logic? 8 00:00:44,128 --> 00:00:47,840 -It's not warped. It's romance. -It's old. Just kiss her, will you? 9 00:00:48,007 --> 00:00:50,050 Take the elevator to the next floor and get off. 10 00:00:50,259 --> 00:00:51,302 It's not that simple, Joey. 11 00:00:51,469 --> 00:00:54,597 It's about creating the perfect moment. 12 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:58,642 It has to be planned with the right music and lighting and dialogue. 13 00:00:58,934 --> 00:01:01,395 -You can't storyboard a kiss. -Sure you can. 14 00:01:01,604 --> 00:01:04,106 It's not reality. These movies that you're watching... 15 00:01:04,315 --> 00:01:07,318 ...are false images that don't exist outside the city limits of Hollywood. 16 00:01:07,443 --> 00:01:11,113 Not true. They're images grounded in the reality of imagination. 17 00:01:11,489 --> 00:01:13,699 Did you just pull that out of your butt or what? 18 00:01:14,074 --> 00:01:17,286 Everybody thinks movies are fantasy, but they don't have to be. 19 00:01:17,328 --> 00:01:19,330 From Here to Eternity. You can have that. 20 00:01:19,497 --> 00:01:20,915 You just have to create it. 21 00:01:21,123 --> 00:01:24,293 That moment on the beach could be yours. You could be Deborah Kerr. 22 00:01:24,335 --> 00:01:25,920 Sand in my crotch. Heaven. 23 00:01:27,379 --> 00:01:32,384 It's attitudes like yours that prevent storybook romances from happening. 24 00:01:32,593 --> 00:01:34,637 -You're way too cynical. -Right. 25 00:01:34,845 --> 00:01:38,307 -Far too jaded for this conversation. -I'm sorry, Dawson. 26 00:01:38,557 --> 00:01:40,893 But romance doesn't come with a John Williams score. 27 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:42,520 It's called a stereo. 28 00:01:42,728 --> 00:01:45,314 It doesn't come with a sunset or starlit night either. 29 00:01:45,481 --> 00:01:48,567 I'm offended by this movie mentality that would have us believe... 30 00:01:48,776 --> 00:01:52,363 ...that Brad Pitt and Sandra Bullock will appear and sweep us off our feet. 31 00:01:52,571 --> 00:01:55,366 -I didn't know you liked Brad Pitt. -I don't. It's an analogy. 32 00:01:55,574 --> 00:01:59,203 -Sandra Bullock? -Dawson! These movies aren't real. 33 00:01:59,328 --> 00:02:01,747 They're not kissing with their tongues. It's take 22. 34 00:02:01,956 --> 00:02:04,708 The girl's bored. The guy's gay. It's celluloid propaganda. 35 00:02:04,917 --> 00:02:09,380 Joey, Joey, Joey. You bitter, cynical, jaded... 36 00:02:09,547 --> 00:02:11,215 ...thing. 37 00:02:11,298 --> 00:02:13,551 You used to be bitter and cynical too. 38 00:02:13,759 --> 00:02:15,928 You were far more interesting. 39 00:02:16,136 --> 00:02:18,013 But now I choose magic. 40 00:02:18,973 --> 00:02:23,185 You know this Peter Pan fantasy film land you're living in? 41 00:02:23,310 --> 00:02:26,564 -It will be your downfall. -One day you'll understand, Joey. 42 00:02:26,772 --> 00:02:29,483 You'll know what it's like to long for someone... 43 00:02:29,692 --> 00:02:32,319 ...desire them and want to kiss them. Then you'll come and say: 44 00:02:32,361 --> 00:02:34,113 "Dawson, you were right." 45 00:02:36,198 --> 00:02:39,994 See, Joey, all you have to do is believe. 46 00:02:45,332 --> 00:02:48,752 Clap hard, Dawson. You may be Tinkerbell's last hope. 47 00:04:10,334 --> 00:04:13,212 All right, kids, so let's hear some ideas. 48 00:04:13,337 --> 00:04:15,798 What about a big production number at the victory dance? 49 00:04:15,965 --> 00:04:17,508 Right at the end of the second act. 50 00:04:17,716 --> 00:04:20,928 Could someone please tell Tommy Tune back there... 51 00:04:21,136 --> 00:04:24,139 ...that the discussion is limited to non-asinine ideas? 52 00:04:24,306 --> 00:04:28,268 Let's keep this story meeting more upbeat and politically correct, Nellie. 53 00:04:28,310 --> 00:04:32,272 I got it. The coach has a heart attack and drops, right before the game. 54 00:04:32,314 --> 00:04:35,359 No. It's the coach. Nobody cares. It has be something bigger. 55 00:04:35,567 --> 00:04:38,320 We start shooting tonight. Shouldn't the script be locked? 56 00:04:38,362 --> 00:04:42,282 Yes, but we need to solve the ending. There's something missing. 57 00:04:42,324 --> 00:04:45,244 What if we give the split end some kind of a problem? 58 00:04:45,327 --> 00:04:48,330 Like drugs, drinking, his girlfriend got knocked up. 59 00:04:49,206 --> 00:04:52,334 Kill someone. An unexpected death always works. 60 00:04:52,543 --> 00:04:56,255 Guys, you need to create some dramatic tension. 61 00:04:56,296 --> 00:04:58,632 There's a formula to it, that's all. 62 00:04:58,882 --> 00:05:01,218 Anybody ever see Rocky or The Karate Kid? 63 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:04,304 This film needs to be about the underdog, not the golden boy. 64 00:05:04,513 --> 00:05:07,182 He needs to overcome some internal conflict within himself. 65 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:10,227 The audience needs to know why this game is so important to him. 66 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:14,148 What will he prove to himself if he wins it? We need to care about him. 67 00:05:17,317 --> 00:05:20,320 Pathetic! Mr. Gold, as producer... 68 00:05:20,529 --> 00:05:23,449 ...I'm going to have to insist you shut him up. 69 00:05:32,041 --> 00:05:34,626 I noticed you didn't hand me back my test. 70 00:05:34,835 --> 00:05:37,337 Does that mean you need to see me after class? 71 00:05:37,379 --> 00:05:40,257 It means you racked up another prime number on a quiz. 72 00:05:40,299 --> 00:05:42,885 Prime, like quality steak is prime? 73 00:05:43,302 --> 00:05:45,471 Prime, like 23 is prime. 74 00:05:46,263 --> 00:05:49,683 Do you know anything about Ethan Frome? 75 00:05:50,476 --> 00:05:52,311 I know he has a farm. 76 00:05:54,730 --> 00:05:56,315 Stop, Pacey. 77 00:05:56,523 --> 00:05:58,484 This is serious. 78 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:03,030 I heard the other teachers talking about your work, or lack thereof. 79 00:06:03,238 --> 00:06:05,491 This is across the board. You're failing. 80 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:08,327 Do you know how difficult it is to fail? 81 00:06:08,494 --> 00:06:11,914 Okay, this has taken a considerable amount of work and energy. 82 00:06:12,122 --> 00:06:13,957 -This is deliberate? -Of course. 83 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:16,126 This is a premeditated effort. 84 00:06:16,335 --> 00:06:19,296 It was my hope that a certain teacher was gonna bail me out... 85 00:06:19,338 --> 00:06:21,340 ...with some private tutorial encounters. 86 00:06:21,465 --> 00:06:23,675 This isn't a question of your intelligence. 87 00:06:24,301 --> 00:06:28,931 Of course it's not. You see, my problem is, I have a focus issue. 88 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:31,266 I need a slave driver. 89 00:06:31,308 --> 00:06:36,313 -Somebody with a whip, maybe? -Pacey! We can't interact like this. 90 00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:39,108 Oh, no. Of course not. This is deadly wrong. Taboo. 91 00:06:39,316 --> 00:06:41,068 However, you can tutor me. 92 00:06:41,276 --> 00:06:45,322 That's completely acceptable within our student-teacher relationship. 93 00:06:50,327 --> 00:06:52,913 I have a teachers' meeting after class. 94 00:06:53,247 --> 00:06:57,376 But I'll be working late. Meet me here later. 6-ish? 95 00:06:59,002 --> 00:07:00,504 Yeah. 96 00:07:22,192 --> 00:07:25,487 It feels like this baby is tangled in my rib cage. 97 00:07:25,696 --> 00:07:29,032 God, you're huge. Why don't you just go home? 98 00:07:29,241 --> 00:07:31,618 Never tell a pregnant woman she's fat. 99 00:07:31,827 --> 00:07:35,581 Sorry. You're not fat, Bessie. You're just monumentally gargantuan. 100 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:38,292 Your sister reminds me of a beached whale. 101 00:07:38,333 --> 00:07:41,545 -Bodie. -You're joking, right? 102 00:07:42,337 --> 00:07:43,380 That was a joke. 103 00:07:43,547 --> 00:07:46,592 This is my big break. Gold will let me in the class officially... 104 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:48,760 ...provided I prove myself this weekend. 105 00:07:48,969 --> 00:07:51,305 -How? -I'm on the crew for Helmets of Glory. 106 00:07:51,346 --> 00:07:55,267 -I'm a P.A. for Nellie. It's a test. -Yeah, of pure humiliation. 107 00:07:55,309 --> 00:07:56,435 That's the point. 108 00:07:56,643 --> 00:07:59,438 If I can take her abuse with a winning attitude, I'm in. 109 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:01,398 Our serving wench is here. 110 00:08:01,607 --> 00:08:04,610 Of course this ruins my romantic plans with Jen this weekend. 111 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:06,320 Forget Wonderbra for a moment. 112 00:08:06,528 --> 00:08:08,363 Don't you have to work on your own movie? 113 00:08:08,572 --> 00:08:10,324 Originally, I was gonna do both. 114 00:08:10,365 --> 00:08:12,618 I was gonna bridge fantasy with reality... 115 00:08:12,826 --> 00:08:15,370 ...and prove that, yes, romance can be created. 116 00:08:15,662 --> 00:08:17,581 -Get off of that. -What are you talking about? 117 00:08:17,789 --> 00:08:20,209 It's the last scene in the movie. The monster's dead. 118 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:22,336 It's the beauty that killed the beast, etc. 119 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:25,339 Penelope, our heroine, says her final goodbyes to the beast. 120 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:28,383 -I was gonna shoot it up at the ruins. -That's trespassing. 121 00:08:28,592 --> 00:08:31,094 -Don't get caught. -But it's a perfect monster's haven. 122 00:08:31,303 --> 00:08:33,305 -Lush and romantic. -And the perfect place... 123 00:08:33,513 --> 00:08:36,850 ...to seduce the young and beautiful actress playing Penelope. 124 00:08:37,059 --> 00:08:40,437 -You dog! You are sly. -You make it sound so cheap. 125 00:08:40,646 --> 00:08:42,981 Want anything, or did you come to infect the place? 126 00:08:43,232 --> 00:08:44,316 I have a to-go order. 127 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:48,320 Ten fish and chips, five family fries and a dozen shrimp burgers. 128 00:08:48,487 --> 00:08:50,322 And what do you want? 129 00:08:50,489 --> 00:08:53,367 Actually, something a little sexy would be good. 130 00:08:53,617 --> 00:08:56,328 I got a maybe-kind-of-sort-of date this evening. 131 00:08:56,536 --> 00:08:58,455 Who's the lucky farm animal tonight? 132 00:08:58,664 --> 00:09:01,959 -What makes a woman horny? -Your polar opposite? 133 00:09:02,167 --> 00:09:03,752 -You mean oysters. -Right. Oysters. 134 00:09:03,961 --> 00:09:06,380 A dozen oysters, Joey. Pack them up. 135 00:09:06,630 --> 00:09:09,258 And you can pack them up now, Joey. 136 00:09:09,299 --> 00:09:10,467 Hello. Joey? 137 00:09:12,970 --> 00:09:15,722 Hello? Anybody home? 138 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:18,934 -Who is that guy? -Who's who? 139 00:09:20,310 --> 00:09:22,354 The guy who was breaking your neck. 140 00:09:22,604 --> 00:09:25,357 -Do you know him? -I've never seen him before. 141 00:09:25,607 --> 00:09:27,276 He's probably just some rich kid... 142 00:09:27,317 --> 00:09:30,279 ...who stepped off his mummy and daddy's yacht or something. 143 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:34,074 Could it be? Joey is finally noticing the opposite sex? 144 00:09:34,283 --> 00:09:37,202 -Shut up. -Excuse me, young man! 145 00:09:37,327 --> 00:09:40,163 -This woman here thinks you're-- -You butt plug! 146 00:09:41,957 --> 00:09:45,669 Forget it, Joey. Guys off yachts don't go for waitresses. 147 00:09:49,131 --> 00:09:51,174 I'm gonna kill you. One night in your sleep... 148 00:09:51,300 --> 00:09:54,261 ...a slit throat, maybe, or a screwdriver to your temple. 149 00:09:54,303 --> 00:09:56,138 Be ready. 150 00:10:15,324 --> 00:10:19,286 -Hey, Dawson. -Hey. What are you doing here? 151 00:10:19,328 --> 00:10:21,747 Just living a fantasy. 152 00:10:21,955 --> 00:10:24,541 -No, seriously. -Cliff gave me a part. 153 00:10:24,750 --> 00:10:28,545 -No couch was involved, right? -No, Cliff's a very nice guy. 154 00:10:28,754 --> 00:10:32,883 And I've got two lines: "Way to go" and "Those Whalers sure do look big." 155 00:10:33,050 --> 00:10:36,887 But you're supposed to be in my movie, not this homage to headgear. 156 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:39,264 Hey! Glad you made it. 157 00:10:39,306 --> 00:10:40,891 -Hi. -Just in time. 158 00:10:41,099 --> 00:10:44,144 -We were just about to start. -Rehearsal's up! 159 00:10:48,315 --> 00:10:51,318 -Thanks, David. -It's Dawson. 160 00:11:08,085 --> 00:11:10,629 Has Ethan made it to the county fair yet? 161 00:11:10,837 --> 00:11:12,422 Yeah. Yeah, he has. 162 00:11:12,631 --> 00:11:14,257 Yes, he has. 163 00:11:14,299 --> 00:11:17,677 Amazing. There was no county fair when I read it. 164 00:11:25,310 --> 00:11:29,022 -What were you in high school? -What do you mean? 165 00:11:29,231 --> 00:11:31,149 A jock, a brain, a cheerleader? 166 00:11:31,316 --> 00:11:33,819 -Why? -Just curious. 167 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:37,322 Well, I was captain of the dance team and class treasurer. 168 00:11:37,364 --> 00:11:39,324 And I studied a lot. 169 00:11:40,075 --> 00:11:43,328 -Boyfriend? -Yes. 170 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:47,707 -A jock. -Center fielder. Why are you asking? 171 00:11:48,792 --> 00:11:50,919 Would you have dated me? 172 00:11:51,336 --> 00:11:53,338 Pacey. 173 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:55,882 We're in school. We are not alone. 174 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:59,302 -There are people in this building. -And it's just a question. 175 00:11:59,594 --> 00:12:02,514 If we'd gone to school together and we were the same age... 176 00:12:02,764 --> 00:12:04,683 ...would you have dated me? 177 00:12:04,891 --> 00:12:06,309 Probably not. 178 00:12:09,312 --> 00:12:13,275 But that was a long time ago, and I've learned a lot. 179 00:12:13,316 --> 00:12:15,026 I'm smarter now. 180 00:12:15,318 --> 00:12:18,321 At least I was until a few weeks ago. 181 00:12:21,450 --> 00:12:22,659 What's this? 182 00:12:22,868 --> 00:12:25,287 Summary questions for the first two chapters. 183 00:12:25,328 --> 00:12:28,081 I'll tell you what. You answer all of them... 184 00:12:28,290 --> 00:12:30,834 ...and perhaps I'll give you some positive reinforcement. 185 00:12:32,294 --> 00:12:34,337 -Yeah? -Yeah. 186 00:13:31,561 --> 00:13:35,315 No applause. Just send money. 187 00:13:35,774 --> 00:13:37,692 Wait, wait. Don't go. 188 00:13:40,612 --> 00:13:42,322 You know, you were spying on me. 189 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:46,201 -It's a public dock. -No, I mean, it's okay. 190 00:13:46,326 --> 00:13:48,370 My name's Anderson. Anderson Crawford. 191 00:13:48,954 --> 00:13:51,081 Congratulations. 192 00:13:52,082 --> 00:13:55,335 So do you come with a name or just an attitude? 193 00:13:55,877 --> 00:13:59,381 -Just an attitude. -And people find this charming? 194 00:13:59,839 --> 00:14:02,008 I haven't asked. 195 00:14:04,636 --> 00:14:06,263 So.... 196 00:14:07,097 --> 00:14:08,640 What brings you to Capeside? 197 00:14:10,392 --> 00:14:12,561 Tough question? Yeah, I know. 198 00:14:12,769 --> 00:14:14,771 You can get back to me. 199 00:14:18,233 --> 00:14:21,361 -What brings you to Capeside? -My parents. 200 00:14:21,570 --> 00:14:25,323 They're antique hounds. They're on the hunt for some chair. 201 00:14:25,407 --> 00:14:28,285 Apparently, Paul Revere once parked in it. 202 00:14:28,326 --> 00:14:30,996 Well, that explains your parents, but what about you? 203 00:14:31,204 --> 00:14:33,456 I'm crew. Beats going to boarding school. 204 00:14:33,665 --> 00:14:37,335 You can only take that all-male environment for so long. 205 00:14:37,794 --> 00:14:40,297 But, you know, I'm doing all the sharing here. 206 00:14:40,338 --> 00:14:42,173 So tell me something about you. 207 00:14:42,507 --> 00:14:47,012 Well, I'm a Pisces. I'm into Harleys, body piercing and men with tattoos. 208 00:14:48,680 --> 00:14:51,683 Are you here with your parents? You guys own a boat? 209 00:14:54,311 --> 00:14:56,730 Actually, we brought the chauffeur. 210 00:14:56,938 --> 00:14:58,315 Mother hates to sail. 211 00:14:58,523 --> 00:15:02,319 She doesn't like the sun. She burns easy. 212 00:15:02,777 --> 00:15:05,739 -What about you? -I wear lotion. 213 00:15:05,947 --> 00:15:09,326 -No, I mean, do you like to sail? -Why do you ask? 214 00:15:09,909 --> 00:15:11,995 I'm taking a survey. 215 00:15:12,203 --> 00:15:16,875 Because I want you to come sailing with me. Tomorrow. 216 00:15:17,876 --> 00:15:20,545 -I can't. -Come on. I'll show you my tattoo. 217 00:15:21,046 --> 00:15:23,089 Gap Ad has a tattoo? 218 00:15:23,340 --> 00:15:26,885 If you come sailing, you'll find out. 219 00:15:27,135 --> 00:15:28,637 Noon? 220 00:15:32,140 --> 00:15:33,725 Okay. 221 00:15:33,933 --> 00:15:36,269 -Maybe. -I can live with maybe... 222 00:15:36,311 --> 00:15:39,147 ...if at least you tell me your name. 223 00:15:41,816 --> 00:15:43,401 Deborah Kerr... 224 00:15:43,610 --> 00:15:45,320 ...son. 225 00:15:45,403 --> 00:15:47,364 Deborah Carson. 226 00:15:50,116 --> 00:15:52,744 Done. Quiz me. 227 00:15:53,411 --> 00:15:56,331 Okay. Let's start easy. 228 00:15:56,539 --> 00:15:58,541 What was the name of Ethan's wife? 229 00:15:58,750 --> 00:16:00,835 -Who is Zeena? -Correct. 230 00:16:01,044 --> 00:16:04,255 -So, what do I win? -Not so fast. There's more. 231 00:16:04,339 --> 00:16:06,341 What was the name of the town they lived in? 232 00:16:06,508 --> 00:16:08,802 -What is Starkfield? -Very good. 233 00:16:09,010 --> 00:16:10,970 Right. 234 00:16:11,221 --> 00:16:14,265 -I'm ready. -One more. 235 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:17,644 Why do you think Ethan had such a strong sense of duty? 236 00:16:19,813 --> 00:16:22,315 You must cite some examples from your text... 237 00:16:22,357 --> 00:16:25,110 ...when constructing your response. 238 00:16:27,612 --> 00:16:30,407 -That's why we gotta give it 110%. -Eight days a week. 239 00:16:30,615 --> 00:16:32,450 Remember how hard we worked this summer? 240 00:16:32,659 --> 00:16:35,203 -Now's when it pays off. -With communal showers. 241 00:16:35,328 --> 00:16:37,372 -Let's do it for the coach. -He likes to watch. 242 00:16:37,580 --> 00:16:39,416 Let's go show them what we're made of. 243 00:16:39,624 --> 00:16:42,293 -Insert cliché here. -Let's lay it on the line. 244 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:44,879 -May I have another? -Well, well, well. 245 00:16:45,088 --> 00:16:46,715 Does someone need to have a talk... 246 00:16:46,923 --> 00:16:49,050 ...with Mr. Gold about someone's attitude? 247 00:16:49,217 --> 00:16:51,302 Cut! Cut! 248 00:16:51,386 --> 00:16:53,471 -Go for it, Nellie. -I will. 249 00:16:53,680 --> 00:16:57,892 Believe me, as producer, I will tell him exactly... 250 00:16:58,101 --> 00:17:02,021 ...how you disrupted filming and delayed the entire production. 251 00:17:02,230 --> 00:17:04,733 When did you start to hate me? I missed it. What did I do? 252 00:17:04,941 --> 00:17:08,486 It's what you didn't do. You haven't earned your place here, Dawson. 253 00:17:08,695 --> 00:17:12,699 I worked all summer on the script, and I don't appreciate you... 254 00:17:12,907 --> 00:17:15,118 ...walking in here and trashing it. 255 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:18,621 I don't hate you, Dawson, but this is business. 256 00:17:18,830 --> 00:17:22,500 Strictly professional. You need to show a little gratitude. 257 00:17:22,917 --> 00:17:25,754 Now, you shape up, or you're gonna be shipped out. 258 00:17:25,962 --> 00:17:28,047 Understand? 259 00:17:28,256 --> 00:17:30,341 Let's go again! 260 00:17:30,550 --> 00:17:33,636 Back to our places, please. Here we go now. 261 00:17:33,845 --> 00:17:35,305 Everybody, back to one. 262 00:17:36,431 --> 00:17:40,101 --which explains her motivation or desire to keep Ethan from seeing... 263 00:17:40,310 --> 00:17:44,939 ...beyond the somewhat limited scope of life with her on the farm. 264 00:17:45,190 --> 00:17:46,691 Well.... 265 00:17:48,026 --> 00:17:50,195 Well, well, well. 266 00:17:52,280 --> 00:17:54,491 And my reward is...? 267 00:17:55,033 --> 00:17:58,328 You got me, Pacey. I never expected you to get this far. 268 00:17:58,369 --> 00:18:00,997 So Miss Jacobs was bluffing? 269 00:18:02,332 --> 00:18:04,375 Your reward is your education. 270 00:18:04,584 --> 00:18:06,377 No, no, no, no. 271 00:18:07,295 --> 00:18:09,005 I'll tell you what. I'll owe you. 272 00:18:10,173 --> 00:18:12,342 -It's okay, Tamara. -No, it's not. 273 00:18:12,467 --> 00:18:16,012 Pacey, not here, not now. This is my place of employment. 274 00:18:16,262 --> 00:18:19,724 It's late. There's no janitor, no film crew. 275 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:22,727 Everybody's gone home for the night. It's just you and me. 276 00:18:22,936 --> 00:18:26,314 -Pacey! -What? What's the matter? 277 00:18:27,774 --> 00:18:30,109 You know, you're right. 278 00:18:31,778 --> 00:18:34,197 Let's do it. 279 00:18:34,489 --> 00:18:36,825 But where should we do it? I know. 280 00:18:37,033 --> 00:18:39,744 My desk. Our first time should be on my desk. 281 00:18:39,953 --> 00:18:41,788 Strip. 282 00:18:42,747 --> 00:18:45,917 Hurry up. We don't have much time. Better drop them. 283 00:18:46,125 --> 00:18:47,335 I know what you're doing. 284 00:18:47,460 --> 00:18:50,588 You're calling my bluff to see how far I'll take it. 285 00:18:50,797 --> 00:18:52,715 No, no, no. I'm deadly serious. 286 00:18:52,924 --> 00:18:54,884 Take them off. 287 00:18:56,302 --> 00:18:59,097 I'm on to you, Tamara. I-- 288 00:18:59,305 --> 00:19:02,100 You think I'm gonna cave, that I wouldn't go through with it. 289 00:19:02,308 --> 00:19:06,312 You have condoms? Because we are going to need condoms. 290 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:10,316 It is a high school. I'm sure you can round some up. 291 00:19:11,109 --> 00:19:13,444 -I.... -What's wrong? 292 00:19:13,653 --> 00:19:18,324 Well, this just isn't the most romantic place on earth, you know. 293 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:21,327 What, is this your first time, Pacey? 294 00:19:25,665 --> 00:19:27,333 You know that it is. 295 00:19:30,461 --> 00:19:32,672 Go home, Pacey. 296 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:35,341 You need to find a girl your own age... 297 00:19:35,466 --> 00:19:39,095 ...not some insane middle-aged woman. 298 00:19:39,262 --> 00:19:41,389 -No, but-- -No buts, please. 299 00:19:41,598 --> 00:19:44,309 This can't go one second further. This is beyond wrong. 300 00:19:44,350 --> 00:19:48,271 -I hope you understand that. -Look at me. 301 00:19:48,313 --> 00:19:51,858 You keep saying how this is wrong, and maybe tonight it is. 302 00:19:52,066 --> 00:19:53,902 But just to set the record straight... 303 00:19:54,110 --> 00:19:57,906 ...I'm a firm believer that sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing. 304 00:20:12,086 --> 00:20:13,463 Good night... 305 00:20:13,671 --> 00:20:15,340 ...Tammy. 306 00:20:55,338 --> 00:20:58,967 Deborah. Deborah Carson. 307 00:20:59,175 --> 00:21:02,345 Anderson. Anderson Crawford. 308 00:21:04,847 --> 00:21:06,933 You look amazing. 309 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:12,563 -Yeah? -Yeah. 310 00:21:13,314 --> 00:21:17,443 You wanna come aboard? Here, I'll help you. 311 00:21:17,652 --> 00:21:20,321 My parents know some Carsons who winter in Palm Beach. 312 00:21:20,530 --> 00:21:22,323 Any relation? 313 00:21:22,532 --> 00:21:24,784 No. We're pretty much Manhattan-bound. 314 00:21:24,993 --> 00:21:26,995 -Where did you go to school? -Choate. 315 00:21:27,203 --> 00:21:30,331 -It's a drag, isn't it? -What? 316 00:21:30,498 --> 00:21:34,919 -Boarding school. -I don't think so. I kind of like it. 317 00:21:35,128 --> 00:21:38,715 -What's there to like about it? -Well, it's a privileged existence. 318 00:21:38,923 --> 00:21:41,175 I mean, think of the option. 319 00:21:41,342 --> 00:21:44,012 You could be stuck in a small town like this... 320 00:21:44,178 --> 00:21:46,806 ...where nothing exciting ever happens. 321 00:21:47,015 --> 00:21:50,518 It's not the education I'm talking about. It's more the boarding part. 322 00:21:50,727 --> 00:21:53,730 It seems kind of unnatural, taken away when you're 12... 323 00:21:53,938 --> 00:21:57,525 ...separated from your family. It just doesn't seem fair. 324 00:21:57,734 --> 00:21:59,360 Yeah. 325 00:21:59,569 --> 00:22:02,447 I keep thinking I'll get used to it... 326 00:22:02,655 --> 00:22:04,657 ...but I never do. 327 00:22:07,326 --> 00:22:09,787 I didn't know you sailed. 328 00:22:09,996 --> 00:22:13,249 Well, I'm a woman of many talents. 329 00:23:06,844 --> 00:23:10,223 My dad's into investments, primarily. He doesn't really work. 330 00:23:10,306 --> 00:23:12,475 He just makes money. What about yours? 331 00:23:12,683 --> 00:23:15,937 He's a CEO of a huge conglomerate. 332 00:23:16,145 --> 00:23:17,855 Really? Which one? 333 00:23:18,481 --> 00:23:21,484 One of the nation's best-selling tampons. 334 00:23:23,069 --> 00:23:25,321 So, what's your boyfriend like? 335 00:23:27,406 --> 00:23:30,326 Is this your backwards way of asking if I have one? 336 00:23:30,618 --> 00:23:34,288 Well, I just assumed that you did. 337 00:23:34,997 --> 00:23:39,418 -And what makes you think that? -The way you carry yourself. 338 00:23:39,669 --> 00:23:43,381 You're really hands-off. It's, like, a clear radio signal, you know? 339 00:23:43,923 --> 00:23:48,010 I guess if I were seeing somebody, I'd want them to give off the same vibe. 340 00:23:50,096 --> 00:23:52,515 How would you feel if she sailed to a deserted beach... 341 00:23:52,723 --> 00:23:54,976 ...with some mystery man? 342 00:23:55,768 --> 00:23:58,396 Well, as long as she didn't keep it secret. 343 00:23:58,604 --> 00:24:02,316 You know, didn't lie about it. Truth can't hurt you. 344 00:24:02,483 --> 00:24:05,153 It's the lies that kill. 345 00:24:06,320 --> 00:24:09,991 Honesty is still the primary quality I'm looking for in a girl. 346 00:24:11,993 --> 00:24:14,745 All right, everybody! We can do this! 347 00:24:14,954 --> 00:24:16,956 And, action! 348 00:24:17,999 --> 00:24:20,126 John, don't think of it as a football team. 349 00:24:20,334 --> 00:24:22,211 -Think of it as a family. -How so, Tim? 350 00:24:22,336 --> 00:24:26,132 Well, if we play like a family, we might just be able to beat Brister. 351 00:24:26,340 --> 00:24:28,384 Now you're talking. That's Minuteman pride. 352 00:24:28,593 --> 00:24:30,219 Cut! 353 00:24:32,180 --> 00:24:36,309 Do you think we could get somebody who's not epileptic to run the camera? 354 00:24:36,350 --> 00:24:38,561 You try it. You run backwards with a hand-held... 355 00:24:38,769 --> 00:24:40,354 ...and see if you can do any better. 356 00:24:40,563 --> 00:24:44,859 -There's actually a technique. If you-- -Did you say something? 357 00:24:46,194 --> 00:24:48,070 Looking good. 358 00:24:49,322 --> 00:24:52,200 We need more tape from the film lab. 359 00:24:52,325 --> 00:24:55,036 Go fetch, doggy Dawson. 360 00:24:56,329 --> 00:24:57,538 -Hey. -Hey. 361 00:24:57,747 --> 00:25:00,625 How's it going back there? They ready for the cheerleaders yet? 362 00:25:00,833 --> 00:25:03,711 Hardly. They haven't even got a usable take of the first scene. 363 00:25:03,920 --> 00:25:07,632 Let's just say that as a director, your friend Cliff is a great quarterback. 364 00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:12,261 -Well, we can't all be prodigies. -Helmets of Glory? 365 00:25:12,303 --> 00:25:16,182 -Can you say it with a straight face? -Barely. 366 00:25:16,682 --> 00:25:21,103 Why are you here? I don't get it. Except to watch me get humiliated. 367 00:25:21,312 --> 00:25:23,814 Because I knew you'd be here. Hello. 368 00:25:25,316 --> 00:25:28,110 If we finish early, wanna help me get that magic-hour shot? 369 00:25:28,319 --> 00:25:31,113 Absolutely. I'd love the chance to work with a real director. 370 00:25:31,322 --> 00:25:36,327 -Later. If we ever get out of here. -You got it. 371 00:25:39,538 --> 00:25:41,582 Here's the grassy knoll here, and this is Elm. 372 00:25:41,791 --> 00:25:43,209 Now, if Oswald was here-- 373 00:25:43,334 --> 00:25:45,753 You actually buy into that magic bullet theory? 374 00:25:45,962 --> 00:25:49,966 Are you saying that everyone on the Warren Commission lied? 375 00:25:50,174 --> 00:25:54,303 I'm just saying that Kevin Costner was pretty convincing in JFK. 376 00:25:54,345 --> 00:25:56,722 I can't believe you've actually read the report. 377 00:25:56,931 --> 00:26:00,685 -Isn't it, like, a million pages? -Curious. 378 00:26:01,686 --> 00:26:05,856 There's curious, and then there's sand models of Dallas. 379 00:26:06,065 --> 00:26:08,359 Have I told you about my UFO theories? 380 00:26:08,609 --> 00:26:10,736 -Your what? -My UFO theories. 381 00:26:10,945 --> 00:26:16,367 How they swoop down sometimes, destroying entire cities. 382 00:26:18,744 --> 00:26:20,705 No, you don't. 383 00:26:22,331 --> 00:26:26,168 It's just Dallas, home of Ross Perot and the Cowboys. 384 00:26:26,335 --> 00:26:28,713 No one's going to miss it. 385 00:26:33,259 --> 00:26:35,303 Look at the time. I gotta go. 386 00:26:35,344 --> 00:26:38,139 My parents are expecting me. 387 00:26:40,057 --> 00:26:41,183 Is that the truth? 388 00:26:41,309 --> 00:26:45,313 Or are you just trying to wiggle out of a romantic situation? 389 00:26:47,690 --> 00:26:49,275 I'm sorry. 390 00:26:49,317 --> 00:26:52,028 Let's get Cinderella home. 391 00:27:04,040 --> 00:27:07,418 Today was a lot of fun, Anderson, but.... 392 00:27:09,420 --> 00:27:13,341 -You need to know the truth. -And that would be? 393 00:27:15,843 --> 00:27:18,262 I'm not Cinderella. 394 00:27:19,138 --> 00:27:21,223 Not even close. 395 00:27:27,313 --> 00:27:30,358 Background action! In, slate girl. 396 00:27:31,317 --> 00:27:34,820 All right, everybody. This is it. This is the shot. I can feel it. 397 00:27:35,029 --> 00:27:37,406 And, action! 398 00:27:37,615 --> 00:27:39,533 John, don't think of it as a football team. 399 00:27:39,742 --> 00:27:42,661 -You have to think of it as a family. -Well, how so, Tim? 400 00:27:42,870 --> 00:27:46,123 Cut! Sorry. Sorry. Let's go again. 401 00:27:46,332 --> 00:27:48,125 -The magic of filmmaking. -Pacey. 402 00:27:48,334 --> 00:27:51,253 -What's loser friend doing here? -Get out of that thing. 403 00:27:51,337 --> 00:27:53,339 I was just keeping it warm. 404 00:27:53,547 --> 00:27:56,675 Cliff, sweetie, it's not working. 405 00:27:56,884 --> 00:27:59,261 I know you want this moving, tracking thing... 406 00:27:59,303 --> 00:28:01,514 ...but can't we just use the tripod for this one? 407 00:28:01,764 --> 00:28:06,477 -Guys, just let me do it. -Look, Dawson, I've had it with you! 408 00:28:06,685 --> 00:28:08,479 Wait a second. 409 00:28:08,813 --> 00:28:11,732 You got an idea, let's hear it. I'm open. 410 00:28:11,941 --> 00:28:13,901 And, action! 411 00:28:14,110 --> 00:28:16,278 John, you can't think of it as a football team. 412 00:28:16,320 --> 00:28:20,032 -You have to think of it as a family. -Now you're talking. 413 00:28:20,241 --> 00:28:22,535 -That's Minuteman pride. -Let's go get them, brother. 414 00:28:22,785 --> 00:28:24,412 Yeah! 415 00:28:24,829 --> 00:28:28,332 -Cut! Cut! Great! Perfect! Perfect! -All right! 416 00:28:38,551 --> 00:28:41,929 You were brilliant today. You really put Nellie right in her place. 417 00:28:42,096 --> 00:28:44,557 Thank you. The real filming is yet to come. 418 00:28:44,765 --> 00:28:46,892 Hello. What can I get you this evening? 419 00:28:47,101 --> 00:28:50,938 -Two turkey clubs and two Cokes. -No mayo on mine. 420 00:28:51,147 --> 00:28:53,315 Can I suggest Bodie's own fat-free herb sauce? 421 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:55,776 -It's great with the club. -Sold. 422 00:28:55,985 --> 00:28:57,695 Sandwiches to go, Cokes while we wait. 423 00:28:57,903 --> 00:29:00,239 We're catching magic hour. The ruins, remember? 424 00:29:00,322 --> 00:29:03,200 Oh, yeah. I'll put a rush on it. 425 00:29:03,784 --> 00:29:07,246 -What has gotten into Joey? -I don't know. It's bizarre. 426 00:29:07,329 --> 00:29:09,331 You were late. 427 00:29:09,373 --> 00:29:14,336 I'm in charge until you're 18 or Dad gets paroled, whatever comes first. 428 00:29:14,420 --> 00:29:16,630 And we have to help each other out, Joey. 429 00:29:16,881 --> 00:29:20,718 -That's just the way it has to be. -I'm sorry. Ruin my good mood. 430 00:29:20,926 --> 00:29:23,220 I was just trying to have a moment of happiness... 431 00:29:23,304 --> 00:29:26,348 ...in an otherwise pathetic existence. 432 00:29:26,682 --> 00:29:29,101 You can relate, can't you? 433 00:29:34,982 --> 00:29:36,984 What is it? 434 00:29:37,401 --> 00:29:39,528 God. Nothing. 435 00:29:40,613 --> 00:29:42,823 Mind if I join you? I'm on break. 436 00:29:43,032 --> 00:29:45,034 -Sure. -Sure. 437 00:29:49,997 --> 00:29:51,582 -Who's that? -Nobody. 438 00:29:51,790 --> 00:29:55,211 -Well, he's kind of a cute nobody. -Who? 439 00:29:55,336 --> 00:29:56,962 -Hey, Deborah. -Hi. 440 00:29:57,171 --> 00:29:59,006 I thought you had to meet your parents. 441 00:29:59,215 --> 00:30:01,759 -Who's Deborah? -She's Deborah. 442 00:30:01,967 --> 00:30:04,220 No, she's not. 443 00:30:04,345 --> 00:30:05,930 She's not? 444 00:30:06,096 --> 00:30:11,185 Well, then who did I spend the afternoon with? An impostor? 445 00:30:11,310 --> 00:30:15,231 It's just that we don't call her Deborah. She's just Deb to us. 446 00:30:15,314 --> 00:30:18,317 Are you guys from New York as well? 447 00:30:18,400 --> 00:30:22,279 -Wait, what's going on here? -Yeah. We're just passing through. 448 00:30:22,321 --> 00:30:25,032 Deb and I go to school together. And you are? 449 00:30:25,241 --> 00:30:28,786 Anderson. Deborah and I went sailing today. 450 00:30:29,787 --> 00:30:33,582 Would you like to join us, Deb's friend who we've never met, ever? 451 00:30:33,791 --> 00:30:35,334 I'm gonna get a takeout. 452 00:30:35,417 --> 00:30:37,878 Sandwiches up. 453 00:30:41,340 --> 00:30:45,469 Anderson, the food's good here, but the service is a little iffy. 454 00:30:45,678 --> 00:30:48,264 You think your parents might free you up tonight? 455 00:30:48,305 --> 00:30:50,432 Big family Scrabble tournament tonight. 456 00:30:50,641 --> 00:30:52,309 Hey, Joey. 457 00:30:52,351 --> 00:30:55,771 -I may be able to sneak away later. -Okay. You know where I'll be. 458 00:30:55,980 --> 00:30:58,357 Planet Earth to Joey! 459 00:30:58,566 --> 00:31:00,276 I'll come by after the game. 460 00:31:00,317 --> 00:31:04,863 "Charade" is a good seven-letter word you can use in that Scrabble game. 461 00:31:07,449 --> 00:31:10,411 Must have come right in the middle of something. 462 00:31:10,619 --> 00:31:13,664 Here you go. That's 7.50. 463 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:19,670 Miss, would you--? Would you like anything? 464 00:31:19,878 --> 00:31:23,424 -No, but thank you. -Anytime. 465 00:31:23,632 --> 00:31:26,510 -I called in a takeout. -Right this way. 466 00:31:26,719 --> 00:31:30,306 -It was really nice to meet you. -Yeah. See you guys later. 467 00:31:30,347 --> 00:31:32,266 See you. 468 00:31:36,437 --> 00:31:38,105 Well.... 469 00:31:39,440 --> 00:31:43,736 Are you kidding? That's my favorite. Isn't it yours? 470 00:31:43,944 --> 00:31:47,156 No. My favorite scene is when Streisand meets up with Redford... 471 00:31:47,323 --> 00:31:50,326 ...years later in the street, and they speak pleasantly-- 472 00:31:50,451 --> 00:31:54,163 And cordially, and then she brushes his hair off his forehead... 473 00:31:54,330 --> 00:31:56,874 ...the way she did when they first met years earlier. 474 00:31:57,082 --> 00:32:01,295 It kills me. It's so bittersweet. They belonged together. 475 00:32:01,337 --> 00:32:03,964 But they could never go back to the way they were. 476 00:32:04,173 --> 00:32:07,343 -Stop. I'm gonna cry right now. -Okay. Let's get out of here. 477 00:32:07,551 --> 00:32:10,137 I'll walk you home. We'll take the scenic route. 478 00:32:10,304 --> 00:32:12,264 Will we hold hands like Katie and Hubbell? 479 00:32:12,306 --> 00:32:13,682 Maybe more. 480 00:32:14,266 --> 00:32:16,560 I'll get my things. 481 00:32:21,315 --> 00:32:23,400 Hello, Tamara. 482 00:32:26,320 --> 00:32:28,280 Mr. Gold is right around the corner. 483 00:32:28,322 --> 00:32:31,075 I know. I heard. He's walking you home. 484 00:32:31,283 --> 00:32:33,285 Mr. Gold is a friend of mine. 485 00:32:33,327 --> 00:32:36,205 -Clearly. -We're friends, Pacey. 486 00:32:36,330 --> 00:32:40,292 I know what you do with your students so he's in for one heck of a ride. 487 00:32:40,334 --> 00:32:44,672 Look, you have got to stop with this before it gets out of hand. 488 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:47,591 -This is already out of hand. -I have to go. 489 00:32:47,800 --> 00:32:49,385 Wait, wait. 490 00:32:49,593 --> 00:32:52,846 What do you want from me? 491 00:32:53,013 --> 00:32:54,848 You. 492 00:32:56,183 --> 00:32:57,851 I want you. 493 00:33:11,323 --> 00:33:13,075 We're actually not supposed to be here. 494 00:33:13,283 --> 00:33:16,412 The guy's dead and the son's an ass. If you see somebody, run. 495 00:33:16,620 --> 00:33:19,373 -Now we're trespassing, are we? -Yes, we are. 496 00:33:19,581 --> 00:33:22,042 -So, what is this place? -The monster's secret haven. 497 00:33:22,251 --> 00:33:25,546 -For real. What is it? It's incredible. -It's part of some guy's estate. 498 00:33:25,754 --> 00:33:28,590 He built it for his dead wife, before she died. 499 00:33:28,799 --> 00:33:31,301 She loved Greece. It was her favorite spot. 500 00:33:31,343 --> 00:33:33,762 Then she got sick and couldn't travel anymore. 501 00:33:33,971 --> 00:33:37,182 -So he brought Greece to her. -That is so romantic. 502 00:33:37,307 --> 00:33:39,560 -Yeah? -I think so. 503 00:33:48,902 --> 00:33:51,280 This is absolutely beautiful. 504 00:33:51,321 --> 00:33:54,616 Well, we gotta hurry or we're gonna lose the sun. 505 00:33:54,825 --> 00:33:58,954 -So, what do you want me to do here? -Well, give me that. 506 00:33:59,204 --> 00:34:01,707 Just sit right there... 507 00:34:01,915 --> 00:34:04,960 ...and watch me as I create the moment. 508 00:34:13,844 --> 00:34:18,056 I was thinking of using this for the closing sequence. 509 00:34:18,223 --> 00:34:19,641 What do you think? 510 00:34:19,850 --> 00:34:22,728 It's a little schmaltzy, considering it's a horror film. 511 00:34:23,187 --> 00:34:28,066 Yeah, but I was going for the tragic ending. 512 00:34:28,317 --> 00:34:29,693 See, the monster's dead... 513 00:34:29,902 --> 00:34:32,321 ...but in his death, Penelope finds understanding. 514 00:34:32,571 --> 00:34:37,576 She comes here, to his secret place, to say goodbye. It's thematic. 515 00:34:38,327 --> 00:34:40,662 It kind of balances out all the blood. 516 00:34:41,330 --> 00:34:43,415 -I see it. -You do? 517 00:34:43,665 --> 00:34:45,209 Yeah. 518 00:34:46,335 --> 00:34:49,129 -Ready? -Yeah. 519 00:34:49,797 --> 00:34:51,423 Okay, so-- 520 00:34:51,673 --> 00:34:54,343 So, what's my--? What's my direction? 521 00:34:54,551 --> 00:34:58,514 That of longing. Incredible sadness. 522 00:35:00,182 --> 00:35:02,351 Think about what's just happened. 523 00:35:02,559 --> 00:35:04,937 You discovered that the monster you killed... 524 00:35:05,145 --> 00:35:06,980 ...was really the man you loved. 525 00:35:07,189 --> 00:35:10,692 The victim of an experiment gone terribly wrong. 526 00:35:10,943 --> 00:35:12,778 Action. 527 00:35:27,125 --> 00:35:29,169 Cut. 528 00:35:30,337 --> 00:35:32,256 -And, print. -Was that okay? 529 00:35:32,339 --> 00:35:35,843 -Because, I mean, I can do it-- -You are amazing! 530 00:35:36,051 --> 00:35:38,595 Well, sadness is my specialty. 531 00:35:38,804 --> 00:35:42,641 -Should we do it again? I'm not-- -It was perfect. 532 00:35:42,850 --> 00:35:47,020 -Well, I had a good director. -I had a good actress. 533 00:35:49,314 --> 00:35:50,858 So.... 534 00:35:51,900 --> 00:35:53,110 So.... 535 00:35:53,318 --> 00:35:56,864 It seems a shame to waste all this good production design: 536 00:35:57,072 --> 00:35:58,907 The sunset... 537 00:35:59,116 --> 00:36:00,450 ...the music... 538 00:36:00,659 --> 00:36:02,327 ...the soft candlelight. 539 00:36:09,084 --> 00:36:11,044 Wait a minute. 540 00:36:11,253 --> 00:36:13,380 What are you doing? 541 00:36:31,857 --> 00:36:34,318 You're pretty good at that thing. 542 00:36:34,860 --> 00:36:36,320 Hey. 543 00:36:36,570 --> 00:36:38,864 I was hoping you'd show up. 544 00:36:42,659 --> 00:36:44,328 Listen... 545 00:36:45,329 --> 00:36:47,539 ...we leave tomorrow. 546 00:36:47,748 --> 00:36:52,294 But I come to New York all the time. I'll take you out to dinner. 547 00:36:52,336 --> 00:36:55,172 The Rainbow Room. We can dance the night away. 548 00:36:57,966 --> 00:37:01,303 I'm not a very good dancer, Anderson. 549 00:37:01,345 --> 00:37:05,182 And I prefer Bouley. It's my haunt. I'm an East Side girl. 550 00:37:06,308 --> 00:37:09,269 But Bouley isn't.... 551 00:37:11,563 --> 00:37:15,275 -Let me get you my number. -Okay. 552 00:37:33,752 --> 00:37:36,546 Call me, would you? 553 00:37:40,467 --> 00:37:42,219 Yeah. 554 00:38:15,919 --> 00:38:18,422 Can I walk you somewhere? 555 00:38:22,759 --> 00:38:24,553 No. 556 00:38:24,761 --> 00:38:26,346 No. 557 00:38:27,639 --> 00:38:29,433 You.... 558 00:38:29,641 --> 00:38:32,310 You need to stay right here... 559 00:38:32,394 --> 00:38:34,730 ...in the moonlight. 560 00:38:36,898 --> 00:38:39,317 That's where you belong. 561 00:38:47,117 --> 00:38:48,535 Bye. 562 00:39:03,550 --> 00:39:06,344 Dawson, you were videotaping a really private moment. 563 00:39:06,511 --> 00:39:09,723 Jen, please, just let me explain, all right? Let me explain. 564 00:39:09,890 --> 00:39:13,226 I wanted the moment to be perfect between us. 565 00:39:13,310 --> 00:39:16,897 I wanted to create something worthy of how special I think you are. 566 00:39:17,105 --> 00:39:20,484 Dawson, you just try too hard. You're overzealous. 567 00:39:20,984 --> 00:39:23,320 That's my downfall. 568 00:39:24,321 --> 00:39:26,698 Why can't you just let the moment exist? 569 00:39:26,907 --> 00:39:29,117 Why do you feel the need to make it happen? 570 00:39:29,326 --> 00:39:33,538 I don't know. I don't know. I just-- I do. I-- 571 00:39:34,164 --> 00:39:36,500 I don't know what else to say, Jen... 572 00:39:36,708 --> 00:39:40,712 ...except that my intentions are nothing short of honorable. 573 00:39:41,713 --> 00:39:44,341 I've never met anyone like you before. You scare me. 574 00:39:44,508 --> 00:39:46,635 -I scare you? -I love the way you scare me. 575 00:39:46,843 --> 00:39:48,095 But it makes me nervous. 576 00:39:48,303 --> 00:39:51,431 Then I do or say something stupid, and then I spend all this energy... 577 00:39:51,598 --> 00:39:54,518 ...coming up with ideas to be smart so you won't think I'm stupid. 578 00:39:54,726 --> 00:39:57,896 But then those ideas backfire, making me look even more stupid. 579 00:39:58,105 --> 00:40:01,274 It's just a vicious cycle. I'm really at the end of my rope right now. 580 00:40:01,316 --> 00:40:03,235 Because all I want to do is kiss you. 581 00:40:03,318 --> 00:40:06,488 And I'm afraid if I don't kiss you soon, I'm gonna explode. 582 00:40:07,697 --> 00:40:11,034 You know, Dawson, this really sucks. 583 00:40:11,535 --> 00:40:13,703 Why? 584 00:40:15,247 --> 00:40:18,333 -Now I'm scared. -Why? 585 00:40:18,416 --> 00:40:23,672 The kiss. I mean, you've built this kiss up to be such a big deal. 586 00:40:23,880 --> 00:40:26,341 What happens if I'm a disappointment? 587 00:40:28,176 --> 00:40:30,470 Never happen. 588 00:40:38,478 --> 00:40:42,774 -Where were you? -Nowhere. 589 00:40:43,984 --> 00:40:46,319 Thanks for helping me out today. 590 00:40:46,486 --> 00:40:50,574 She's being nice, Bodie. What does this mean? 591 00:40:50,782 --> 00:40:52,617 Tread lightly. 592 00:40:53,326 --> 00:40:55,162 Okay. 593 00:40:56,913 --> 00:41:01,001 Bouley, that restaurant in New York, it's on the East Side, isn't it? 594 00:41:01,209 --> 00:41:03,295 No, no, no. It's in Tribeca. 595 00:41:03,336 --> 00:41:05,380 And it closed down a couple years ago. 596 00:41:05,589 --> 00:41:08,341 They had a great chef, though. Why? 597 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:10,218 No reason. 598 00:41:21,897 --> 00:41:25,192 Percentage of dumb things I do is rising around you. 599 00:41:25,317 --> 00:41:28,695 What's it mean when you keep doing dumb things around the same girl? 600 00:41:28,904 --> 00:41:32,574 Well, I'm sure it's something extremely Freudian. 601 00:41:34,326 --> 00:41:37,204 -Oh, no. -What? What? What? 602 00:41:37,329 --> 00:41:39,456 We gotta hide. 603 00:41:44,377 --> 00:41:46,296 -Let's go. -Where are we going? 604 00:41:46,338 --> 00:41:48,089 I don't know. Hurry. 605 00:41:48,298 --> 00:41:50,300 Who's coming? 606 00:41:54,221 --> 00:41:57,682 -Okay. So, what do we do? -We're gonna hide. 607 00:42:09,319 --> 00:42:13,323 -This is really gross. It smells. -I know, I know. 608 00:42:13,365 --> 00:42:17,827 -God, there's stuff in my hair. -It's just, like, a cobweb or something. 609 00:42:18,036 --> 00:42:19,871 It just--