1 00:00:01,604 --> 00:00:03,021 Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 2 00:00:03,021 --> 00:00:04,479 [ Gasps ] 3 00:00:05,479 --> 00:00:07,521 - Dear God, I thought you were-- - Gather them. 4 00:00:07,521 --> 00:00:09,312 I understand. 5 00:00:09,312 --> 00:00:12,146 - I saw Mom. - It's the big bad, Dawn. 6 00:00:12,146 --> 00:00:14,521 The one we knew was coming. 7 00:00:16,688 --> 00:00:19,229 I did what you told me. It's not my fault it didn't work. 8 00:00:19,229 --> 00:00:21,688 [ Warren ] I would do this stuff if I could. 9 00:00:21,688 --> 00:00:23,396 I just don't think I can kill anybody else. 10 00:00:23,396 --> 00:00:26,479 [ Warren As Jonathan ] It's my fault the ritual didn't work. 11 00:00:26,479 --> 00:00:30,312 Look who I found. Guess who was buying mass amounts of blood at the butcher shop? 12 00:00:30,312 --> 00:00:33,479 - Just tell us what you know. - Ow! 13 00:00:33,479 --> 00:00:36,271 I believe in you, Spike. 14 00:00:37,354 --> 00:00:39,771 - [ Roaring ] - [ Screaming ] 15 00:00:39,771 --> 00:00:42,855 [ Buffy ] They were after Spike all along. 16 00:00:44,354 --> 00:00:46,104 I'm getting a little tired of subtle. 17 00:00:46,104 --> 00:00:50,438 It's about time you bring some authority to our presence. 18 00:00:50,438 --> 00:00:53,396 Now, Spike, you want to see what a real vampire looks like? 19 00:00:58,688 --> 00:01:00,729 It's a loop. Like the mummy hand. 20 00:01:00,729 --> 00:01:04,021 I'm doomed to replace these windows for all eternity. 21 00:01:04,021 --> 00:01:07,271 Maybe we should just board these things up until things are less Hellmouthy. 22 00:01:07,271 --> 00:01:09,688 Nothing. And nothing. 23 00:01:09,688 --> 00:01:12,563 Cliffs Notes to nothing. Nothing abridged. 24 00:01:12,563 --> 00:01:15,563 Yeah, my search isn't turning anything up either. 25 00:01:15,563 --> 00:01:18,938 Are you sure this thing called itself the First? 26 00:01:18,938 --> 00:01:23,438 Pretty sure. It claimed to be the original evil, the one that came before anything else. 27 00:01:23,438 --> 00:01:26,646 Please. How many times have I heard that line in my demon days? 28 00:01:26,646 --> 00:01:30,438 "I'm so rotten they don't even have a word for it. I'm bad. 29 00:01:30,438 --> 00:01:34,563 Baddie, bad, bad, bad. Does it make you horny?" 30 00:01:34,563 --> 00:01:37,729 Or terrified. Whatever. [ Buffy ] It wasn't a line. 31 00:01:37,729 --> 00:01:41,312 When I came up against this thing, it-- I felt it. 32 00:01:41,312 --> 00:01:45,062 It was... ancient and enormous. 33 00:01:45,062 --> 00:01:47,021 It nearly got Angel to kill himself. 34 00:01:47,021 --> 00:01:51,479 And if we don't rescue Spike soon, God only knows what the First will get him to do. 35 00:01:51,479 --> 00:01:55,104 I wish Sleeping Ugly would come to. He's been out all night. 36 00:01:55,104 --> 00:01:58,813 Yes, he was just starting to squeal when the spooky SWAT attacked. 37 00:01:58,813 --> 00:02:01,062 Said the First was held up at the Seal of... 38 00:02:01,062 --> 00:02:03,438 Danzar-something. 39 00:02:03,438 --> 00:02:06,021 Hmm. 40 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:09,230 Maybe he's just faking so he doesn't have to answer any more questions. 41 00:02:12,229 --> 00:02:15,187 Hmm. Or maybe he's in a fugue state. 42 00:02:15,187 --> 00:02:17,271 [ Buffy ] Dawn. What? 43 00:02:17,271 --> 00:02:19,062 He'll come to when he comes to. 44 00:02:19,062 --> 00:02:21,021 Keep reading. 45 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:24,938 If we're gonna rescue Spike, we need to figure out how to fight this thing. 46 00:02:24,938 --> 00:02:27,271 Anya gets to hit him. 47 00:02:27,271 --> 00:02:29,271 [ Willow ] Hey. Here. The First. 48 00:02:29,271 --> 00:02:32,396 Bank of Delaware. Sorry. 49 00:02:33,980 --> 00:02:38,312 [ Sighs ] Hand me The Watchers Codex again. 50 00:02:40,229 --> 00:02:42,938 Can I get you anything else, baby? 51 00:02:42,938 --> 00:02:45,521 How about some tea? 52 00:02:47,646 --> 00:02:49,354 Mom? 53 00:02:51,146 --> 00:02:53,688 You're not real. 54 00:02:53,688 --> 00:02:57,521 Okay, is that, uh, slang like, "You're not for real," or-- 55 00:02:57,521 --> 00:02:59,855 You're the First. 56 00:02:59,855 --> 00:03:03,312 Oh, baby, you're so tired. You're not making sense. 57 00:03:03,312 --> 00:03:05,396 Maybe you should get some sleep. 58 00:03:05,396 --> 00:03:08,938 No. You can't win against this thing. 59 00:03:08,938 --> 00:03:12,230 Not if you don't rest. Stop. 60 00:03:12,230 --> 00:03:14,021 Stop being like this. 61 00:03:15,896 --> 00:03:17,771 It's a lie. 62 00:03:17,771 --> 00:03:21,896 I don't want to scare you, but I want you to take care. 63 00:03:21,896 --> 00:03:23,896 You need to wake up. 64 00:03:25,479 --> 00:03:28,396 What? [ Xander ] You're dreaming. 65 00:03:28,396 --> 00:03:30,187 Buff, wake up. 66 00:03:30,187 --> 00:03:32,396 Did you see it? 67 00:03:32,396 --> 00:03:34,563 There's nothing to see. 68 00:03:34,563 --> 00:03:37,646 You were just doing a little dream talkin'. That's all. 69 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:41,938 Oh. Are you okay? 70 00:03:43,187 --> 00:03:44,896 What'd you see? 71 00:03:44,896 --> 00:03:47,771 Nothing. 72 00:03:47,771 --> 00:03:49,855 It was nothing. 73 00:03:49,855 --> 00:03:52,062 [ Men Chanting In Latin ] 74 00:04:08,354 --> 00:04:11,354 [ First/Spike ] Go on. Give him a kick then. 75 00:04:12,646 --> 00:04:14,855 You always liked that, didn't you? 76 00:04:17,187 --> 00:04:21,604 Kick a dolly when he's down. That was always your style. 77 00:04:24,271 --> 00:04:26,646 [ Groans ] 78 00:04:26,646 --> 00:04:30,187 Has buckets of energy, poor dear. 79 00:04:30,187 --> 00:04:33,271 Been layin' in wait for his moment... 80 00:04:33,271 --> 00:04:35,646 since before the bug walked. 81 00:04:40,604 --> 00:04:42,980 There, there, pet. [ Clucks Tongue ] 82 00:04:42,980 --> 00:04:45,521 Soon as the moon comes, you'll have your carnage. 83 00:04:47,771 --> 00:04:52,604 Little girls tear so easily, like pink paper. 84 00:04:52,604 --> 00:04:55,729 Till then, we'll have our way with this one. 85 00:04:55,729 --> 00:04:58,980 Got it coming, he does. 86 00:04:58,980 --> 00:05:00,771 Oooh. 87 00:05:03,438 --> 00:05:05,521 [ Spike Screams ] 88 00:06:03,062 --> 00:06:05,563 That was something. 89 00:06:05,563 --> 00:06:09,271 Maybe if you threw hot water on him? Good thinking. 90 00:06:09,271 --> 00:06:11,146 Whoa, hey. Hi. 91 00:06:14,396 --> 00:06:17,438 - Nothing. - What? 92 00:06:17,438 --> 00:06:20,938 Oh, um, I thought you were gonna ask us what we were doing. 93 00:06:22,230 --> 00:06:24,062 No, I was going to ask-- 94 00:06:24,062 --> 00:06:25,521 [ Coughing ] 95 00:06:25,521 --> 00:06:28,146 - Oh! Look who's awake. - [ Coughing ] 96 00:06:28,146 --> 00:06:30,563 Silly Andrew. 97 00:06:30,563 --> 00:06:32,813 You drooled all over yourself. 98 00:06:32,813 --> 00:06:35,813 I'm-- I was about to be dead. 99 00:06:37,813 --> 00:06:41,646 - You saved me. - For the time being. 100 00:06:41,646 --> 00:06:44,062 But if you don't tell us what we need to know, 101 00:06:44,062 --> 00:06:46,729 then I'm gonna offer you to the First on a platter... 102 00:06:46,729 --> 00:06:48,813 and let him chop you into tiny pieces. 103 00:06:49,938 --> 00:06:51,980 The first what? 104 00:06:51,980 --> 00:06:55,062 The evil thing that pretended to be Warren to get you to kill Jonathan. 105 00:06:55,062 --> 00:06:58,855 - Oh. Not very ominous sounding. - No, it is if you understand the context. 106 00:06:58,855 --> 00:07:03,146 No. Evil names should be like Lex or Voldemort or-- 107 00:07:03,146 --> 00:07:06,230 Hey! I was intimidating here. 108 00:07:07,479 --> 00:07:10,479 Sorry. Um, go ahead. 109 00:07:11,646 --> 00:07:14,771 [ Sighs ] Forget it. Where's the Seal? 110 00:07:14,771 --> 00:07:17,104 It's around this corner, I think. 111 00:07:17,104 --> 00:07:20,438 You better be right this time. I told you I'm not sure. 112 00:07:20,438 --> 00:07:24,021 [ Xander ] Maybe you should get sure. I'm sick of all the runaround with you. 113 00:07:24,021 --> 00:07:27,229 Whoa. Check out the goat-heady badness. 114 00:07:27,229 --> 00:07:29,729 What's it do? 115 00:07:29,729 --> 00:07:31,896 I don't know. Something not good. 116 00:07:31,896 --> 00:07:34,896 It didn't work 'cause there wasn't enough blood. 117 00:07:36,229 --> 00:07:37,896 Okay. 118 00:07:42,479 --> 00:07:46,688 There's blood on this. Lots. Looks like the First made another sacrifice. 119 00:07:46,688 --> 00:07:48,813 Or a music video. 120 00:07:48,813 --> 00:07:51,187 The Seal could have been activated. 121 00:07:51,187 --> 00:07:53,604 Maybe that's what the First needed Spike for. 122 00:07:53,604 --> 00:07:57,980 - That wasn't there before. I had nothing to do with that. - Thanks for clearing that up. 123 00:07:57,980 --> 00:08:01,646 Otherwise, we might have thought you were up to no good here with the satanic manhole cover. 124 00:08:01,646 --> 00:08:03,855 You killed your best friend. 125 00:08:03,855 --> 00:08:06,187 He's in a place of joy and peace. He told me. 126 00:08:06,187 --> 00:08:08,229 No, nobody told you. 127 00:08:08,229 --> 00:08:10,271 You got tricked by a fake ghost. 128 00:08:10,271 --> 00:08:14,062 Boys, can we save the encounter session? We need to cover this thing up. 129 00:08:14,062 --> 00:08:17,771 Whatever it does, we can't leave it exposed like this. 130 00:08:25,938 --> 00:08:28,771 [ Andrew ] Man, this place gives me the creeps. 131 00:08:28,771 --> 00:08:32,021 It's like in Wonder Woman, issue 297-299. 132 00:08:32,021 --> 00:08:33,938 "Catacombs." Yeah, with the skeletons. 133 00:08:33,938 --> 00:08:36,104 [ Together ] That was cool. 134 00:08:36,104 --> 00:08:38,021 Move it. This way. 135 00:08:39,104 --> 00:08:42,813 So, what next? We found the Seal, but no Spike. 136 00:08:42,813 --> 00:08:46,479 [ Sighs ] I don't know. The First was camped underground last time I found him, 137 00:08:46,479 --> 00:08:48,479 but it wasn't really-- Buffy? 138 00:08:48,479 --> 00:08:50,938 Hey. Hey. 139 00:08:52,230 --> 00:08:54,646 I thought that you were, um-- 140 00:08:54,646 --> 00:08:56,855 Sick? She was. 141 00:08:56,855 --> 00:08:59,271 Oh, vomiting and oozing from various places and-- 142 00:08:59,271 --> 00:09:03,146 Yeah, I remember, so, please, don't go on. 143 00:09:04,312 --> 00:09:06,187 Oh, but now-- It's amazing. 144 00:09:06,187 --> 00:09:08,271 The doctor gave her some cream-- Pills. 145 00:09:10,396 --> 00:09:13,604 And a cream. And I'm all better. 146 00:09:16,438 --> 00:09:19,104 Oh, yeah, um, 147 00:09:19,104 --> 00:09:22,771 apparently somebody left this in the courtyard, and I was just returning it. 148 00:09:24,230 --> 00:09:26,312 That's some full-service "principaling." 149 00:09:27,479 --> 00:09:29,688 I try. 150 00:09:32,563 --> 00:09:37,146 Oh. I was down here helping Dawn with a school project. 151 00:09:37,146 --> 00:09:41,896 - [ Dawn ] For science. - We buried a-- a time capsule. 152 00:09:41,896 --> 00:09:47,438 "Hello, people of the future. Kids today like Red Bull and, uh, Jackass." Yeah. 153 00:09:47,438 --> 00:09:49,521 We'd better go. 154 00:09:49,521 --> 00:09:54,271 Buffy, you know, if you are feeling better, I could really use you back at work. 155 00:09:54,271 --> 00:09:57,646 I've been wait-listing kids who really want to see you. 156 00:09:57,646 --> 00:10:00,855 Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, I'm sorry. You know, I just-- 157 00:10:00,855 --> 00:10:03,021 I've been ill and stuff. 158 00:10:03,021 --> 00:10:05,646 No, no, it's fine, and I understand. It's just... 159 00:10:05,646 --> 00:10:07,771 things are startin' to back up. 160 00:10:07,771 --> 00:10:11,271 Well, I'll-- I'll be there tomorrow. No problem. 161 00:10:11,271 --> 00:10:13,438 Uh, 100% ooze-free. 162 00:10:13,438 --> 00:10:15,563 Good. 163 00:10:15,563 --> 00:10:17,938 Okay. 164 00:10:30,187 --> 00:10:33,146 How's it goin'? 165 00:10:33,146 --> 00:10:36,312 Dawn's trying to find out anything she can about the Seal of Danzalthar. 166 00:10:36,312 --> 00:10:39,896 Willow's about to do a locator spell, see if we can find the First. 167 00:10:39,896 --> 00:10:43,479 Why don't you go get some rest? You haven't slept for, like, two days. 168 00:10:43,479 --> 00:10:46,271 We'll call you if we find anything. No, I couldn't sleep. 169 00:10:46,271 --> 00:10:48,896 Too much going on. It'll be okay, Buff. 170 00:10:48,896 --> 00:10:51,479 We've faced this kind of stuff before. 171 00:10:51,479 --> 00:10:53,688 You didn't see the First. 172 00:10:53,688 --> 00:10:56,855 I did. I felt it. It was-- 173 00:10:59,229 --> 00:11:00,521 [ Screams ] 174 00:11:05,646 --> 00:11:08,271 [ Male Voice Yells ] 175 00:11:08,271 --> 00:11:09,938 Wil! 176 00:11:11,813 --> 00:11:13,813 You only make me stronger! 177 00:11:18,646 --> 00:11:20,813 - [ Whimpering ] - Wil. 178 00:11:20,813 --> 00:11:23,312 - It's still in me. I feel it. - No, it's not. 179 00:11:23,312 --> 00:11:25,729 - It's gone. You're okay. - I don't want to hurt anybody. 180 00:11:25,729 --> 00:11:27,646 Please, don't let it make me. Oh, God. 181 00:11:27,646 --> 00:11:29,771 It won't. I promise, okay? I promise. 182 00:11:29,771 --> 00:11:32,312 We won't use magic to fight until we know what we're doing. 183 00:11:32,312 --> 00:11:36,354 I can't. I-- I can't. I'm-- I'm sorry. 184 00:11:36,354 --> 00:11:39,688 [ Panting ] 185 00:11:39,688 --> 00:11:41,980 At least let me come with you. I'm going alone. 186 00:11:41,980 --> 00:11:45,521 You said yourself you don't know how to fight the First-- or even where it is. 187 00:11:45,521 --> 00:11:47,813 It's out there. It's hurting my friends. I'll find it. 188 00:11:47,813 --> 00:11:50,479 Buffy. 189 00:11:50,479 --> 00:11:52,438 Giles. 190 00:11:52,438 --> 00:11:55,187 Nice place. Bit of a mess. 191 00:11:56,396 --> 00:11:58,187 This is the Slayer? 192 00:11:59,354 --> 00:12:01,312 Huh. 193 00:12:01,312 --> 00:12:03,271 [ Giles ] Sorry to barge in. 194 00:12:03,271 --> 00:12:06,187 I'm afraid we have a slight apocalypse. 195 00:12:12,521 --> 00:12:15,980 They're all Slayers? [ Giles ] Potential Slayers. 196 00:12:15,980 --> 00:12:18,104 Waiting for one to be called. 197 00:12:18,104 --> 00:12:22,021 There were many more like them all over the world, but, um, 198 00:12:22,021 --> 00:12:25,563 now there's just a handful, and they're all on their way to Sunnydale. 199 00:12:25,563 --> 00:12:27,187 The others were murdered. 200 00:12:30,771 --> 00:12:33,062 [ Giles ] In cold blood. 201 00:12:35,521 --> 00:12:37,312 As well as their Watchers. 202 00:12:38,980 --> 00:12:41,396 We always feared that this day would come, 203 00:12:41,396 --> 00:12:44,563 when there'd be an attack against not just an individual Slayer, 204 00:12:44,563 --> 00:12:46,563 but against the whole line. 205 00:12:46,563 --> 00:12:47,813 It's started. 206 00:12:47,813 --> 00:12:50,896 The First. That's what it wants. 207 00:12:50,896 --> 00:12:52,729 [ Giles ] Yes. 208 00:12:52,729 --> 00:12:56,146 To erase all the Slayers-in-training and their Watchers, 209 00:12:56,146 --> 00:12:58,479 along with their methods. 210 00:12:58,479 --> 00:13:00,521 And then Faith... 211 00:13:00,521 --> 00:13:02,229 and then me. 212 00:13:02,229 --> 00:13:07,271 And with all the Potentials gone and no way of making another, 213 00:13:07,271 --> 00:13:09,563 it's the end. 214 00:13:09,563 --> 00:13:12,396 No more Slayer. 215 00:13:12,396 --> 00:13:14,563 Ever. 216 00:13:16,230 --> 00:13:19,563 But we haven't found any information on the First. 217 00:13:19,563 --> 00:13:21,438 No documentation. 218 00:13:21,438 --> 00:13:24,729 That's because it predates any written history. 219 00:13:24,729 --> 00:13:29,021 And it rarely shows its true face. 220 00:13:29,021 --> 00:13:31,604 The only record I know was in the council library. 221 00:13:31,604 --> 00:13:35,312 What about the council? What do they say about this? 222 00:13:35,312 --> 00:13:37,187 Gone. 223 00:13:38,479 --> 00:13:40,771 - [ Willow ] What? - Obliterated. 224 00:13:40,771 --> 00:13:45,604 They were in session, and, uh, there was an explosion. 225 00:13:45,604 --> 00:13:49,229 That means all the council's records are-- are destroyed? 226 00:13:50,312 --> 00:13:52,229 Annabelle. 227 00:13:59,688 --> 00:14:01,855 [ Giles ] That's what's left. 228 00:14:01,855 --> 00:14:06,479 The mystic secrets of the Watchers. 229 00:14:06,479 --> 00:14:10,104 And whatever I could find on the First. 230 00:14:10,104 --> 00:14:14,104 When I learned what was happening, I-- I, um-- 231 00:14:14,104 --> 00:14:17,230 - I stole them. - And you blew the council up. 232 00:14:17,230 --> 00:14:20,688 See, this is what happens when you're all stuffy and repressed. 233 00:14:20,688 --> 00:14:24,230 - You overreact. - Not-- I didn't. 234 00:14:24,230 --> 00:14:30,104 It must have been an agent of the First, after my little burglary session. 235 00:14:30,104 --> 00:14:34,062 The knowledge contained in these files... 236 00:14:34,062 --> 00:14:39,688 had to be protected, and there wasn't time for-- for bureaucracy or debate. 237 00:14:39,688 --> 00:14:42,646 - The council knows no other way. - And it cost them their lives. 238 00:14:46,354 --> 00:14:48,729 Go on. 239 00:14:48,729 --> 00:14:51,187 Can we gag him? 240 00:14:54,521 --> 00:14:57,604 [ Buffy ] But what do these records say about the First? 241 00:14:57,604 --> 00:14:59,688 Uh, very little. 242 00:14:59,688 --> 00:15:01,521 Um, it can change form. 243 00:15:01,521 --> 00:15:07,146 Uh, it only appears in the guise of someone who's passed away. 244 00:15:07,146 --> 00:15:10,479 - Our ghosts. - Also, it's not corporeal. 245 00:15:10,479 --> 00:15:12,604 It can't touch or fight on its own. 246 00:15:12,604 --> 00:15:14,771 It only works through those it manipulates... 247 00:15:14,771 --> 00:15:17,021 and its followers, the Bringers. 248 00:15:17,021 --> 00:15:18,688 Those freaks in the black robes. 249 00:15:18,688 --> 00:15:21,354 [ British Accent ] Yeah, with the hoodies and the crazy alphabet eyes. 250 00:15:21,354 --> 00:15:23,771 I never saw 'em. I just heard-- 251 00:15:23,771 --> 00:15:27,187 Shh. Molly. Mr. Giles doesn't need us prattling on. 252 00:15:28,187 --> 00:15:30,146 The First is unlike... 253 00:15:30,146 --> 00:15:32,146 anything we've faced before. 254 00:15:32,146 --> 00:15:33,813 There's evil, and... 255 00:15:33,813 --> 00:15:36,271 then there's... 256 00:15:36,271 --> 00:15:39,312 the thing that created evil-- the source. 257 00:15:39,312 --> 00:15:41,271 And that's what this thing claims to be? 258 00:15:41,271 --> 00:15:43,646 That's what it is. 259 00:15:43,646 --> 00:15:45,729 It has eternities to act, 260 00:15:45,729 --> 00:15:47,646 endless resources. 261 00:15:48,855 --> 00:15:51,604 How to defeat it, I-- I-- I-- 262 00:15:52,563 --> 00:15:54,813 [ Sighs ] Honestly, I don't know. 263 00:15:54,813 --> 00:15:56,771 But we have to find a way. 264 00:15:56,771 --> 00:16:00,312 If the Slayer line is eliminated, 265 00:16:00,312 --> 00:16:03,188 then the Hellmouth has no guardian. 266 00:16:03,188 --> 00:16:05,062 The balance is destroyed. 267 00:16:06,855 --> 00:16:08,855 I'm afraid it falls to you, Buffy. 268 00:16:08,855 --> 00:16:10,896 Sorry. I mean, we'll... 269 00:16:10,896 --> 00:16:12,938 do what we can, but... 270 00:16:12,938 --> 00:16:15,229 you're the only one who has the strength... 271 00:16:15,229 --> 00:16:17,229 to protect these girls... 272 00:16:17,229 --> 00:16:19,604 and the world against what's coming. 273 00:16:22,146 --> 00:16:25,229 But no pressure. 274 00:16:25,229 --> 00:16:28,230 [ Girl ] That's it? That's the plan? 275 00:16:28,230 --> 00:16:31,062 I don't see how one person-- even a Slayer-- could protect us. 276 00:16:31,062 --> 00:16:33,062 I saw what those Bringer guys can do. 277 00:16:33,062 --> 00:16:37,271 - They tore apart my Watcher. - Of course, we'll use all our resources. 278 00:16:37,271 --> 00:16:41,646 And if this thing is the root of all evil, isn't the Hellmouth its number one vacation spot? 279 00:16:41,646 --> 00:16:45,104 Don't you think we should be hiding our asses on the other side of the globe? 280 00:16:45,104 --> 00:16:47,688 - Kennedy. - [ Buffy ] No. 281 00:16:47,688 --> 00:16:49,479 She's not wrong. 282 00:16:49,479 --> 00:16:52,271 We need more muscle. That's why we need to find Spike. 283 00:16:52,271 --> 00:16:55,813 Yeah, he'll help. You know, if he's not crazy or... 284 00:16:55,813 --> 00:16:59,021 off killing people or dead. 285 00:16:59,021 --> 00:17:00,813 Or, you know, all of the above. 286 00:17:06,896 --> 00:17:09,479 [ Groaning ] 287 00:17:15,479 --> 00:17:18,563 That's why our kind make such good dollies. 288 00:17:28,729 --> 00:17:30,479 Hard to kill. 289 00:17:32,021 --> 00:17:34,479 Tried to enlighten little Buffy, didn't you? 290 00:17:34,479 --> 00:17:39,229 Spilled, spilled, spilled our secrets like seed. 291 00:17:41,062 --> 00:17:43,271 But you forgot. 292 00:17:43,271 --> 00:17:45,938 I say what you tell and what you know. 293 00:17:47,104 --> 00:17:49,604 I say when this is over. 294 00:17:51,980 --> 00:17:53,896 And I'm not done with you yet. 295 00:17:55,896 --> 00:17:58,729 Not nearly. 296 00:17:58,729 --> 00:18:00,479 [ Clucks Tongue ] 297 00:18:09,646 --> 00:18:14,062 This place you originally saw the First, you say it was a-- a... 298 00:18:14,062 --> 00:18:16,729 Christmas tree lot? Under it. 299 00:18:16,729 --> 00:18:20,479 There was a hidden cavern. It just happened to be under a tree lot. 300 00:18:20,479 --> 00:18:23,187 The Bringers were doing some kind of ritual. 301 00:18:24,896 --> 00:18:26,813 Giles, this is bad, isn't it? 302 00:18:26,813 --> 00:18:28,896 A new kind of bad. 303 00:18:28,896 --> 00:18:31,521 Just in time for Christmas. 304 00:18:31,521 --> 00:18:34,604 You know, I didn't even realize it was December. 305 00:18:34,604 --> 00:18:37,187 Maybe when we get home, we should decorate the rubble. 306 00:18:37,187 --> 00:18:39,563 [ Chuckles ] 307 00:18:39,563 --> 00:18:42,354 You think you'll ever show up for a real visit? 308 00:18:42,354 --> 00:18:44,479 The kind where the world isn't about to end. 309 00:18:44,479 --> 00:18:47,229 If we survive this, I promise. 310 00:18:47,229 --> 00:18:49,354 Good. 311 00:18:49,354 --> 00:18:52,230 'Cause I miss you. 312 00:18:52,230 --> 00:18:53,896 I miss you too. 313 00:18:55,479 --> 00:18:57,771 So, how long have you followed Buffy? 314 00:18:57,771 --> 00:19:00,438 I don't follow her. She's my best friend. 315 00:19:00,438 --> 00:19:02,354 Huh. 316 00:19:02,354 --> 00:19:04,312 She seems like a good leader. 317 00:19:04,312 --> 00:19:06,354 Her hair is shiny. 318 00:19:06,354 --> 00:19:09,230 Does she make you stab things? 319 00:19:09,230 --> 00:19:12,230 Okay, so Annabelle can sleep down here. 320 00:19:12,230 --> 00:19:14,312 Uh, Molly can sleep in Dawn's room. 321 00:19:14,312 --> 00:19:16,271 Not if Dawn actually wants to sleep. 322 00:19:16,271 --> 00:19:18,312 Molly will talk her ear off. 323 00:19:18,312 --> 00:19:23,187 Okay, then Molly down here, you with Dawn, and Annabelle in my room. 324 00:19:23,187 --> 00:19:25,271 Bad idea. Annabelle snores. 325 00:19:25,271 --> 00:19:28,312 You want to do the sleeping arrangements? Okay. 326 00:19:28,312 --> 00:19:30,855 You, uh, better not hog the covers. 327 00:19:33,354 --> 00:19:35,521 - Does she want to eat? - What? 328 00:19:35,521 --> 00:19:38,938 Huh? Oh, she's-- Oh, she's new. 329 00:19:38,938 --> 00:19:42,438 Well, Annabelle and Molly are starved, and I totally burned the mac and cheese. 330 00:19:42,438 --> 00:19:46,479 Oh. I'll put hot sauce on it and tell them it's an American thing. Say it's blackened. 331 00:19:46,479 --> 00:19:48,813 Actually, it's not blackened so much as ruined. 332 00:19:48,813 --> 00:19:51,563 Or we can order pizza. 333 00:19:51,563 --> 00:19:53,855 As long as it's plain. I'm veggie. 334 00:19:53,855 --> 00:19:55,813 Cracked, you mean. 335 00:19:55,813 --> 00:19:58,396 Just because you'll eat any kind of trash. 336 00:19:58,396 --> 00:20:01,521 Brill! Biscuits! 337 00:20:01,521 --> 00:20:06,187 You don't mind, do you? I got a case of the nerves after Mr. Giles's lecture. 338 00:20:06,187 --> 00:20:09,479 Knock yourself out. I feel a cookie problem coming on myself. 339 00:20:09,479 --> 00:20:12,354 [ Anya Muttering ] 340 00:20:12,354 --> 00:20:14,521 I'll just rub away with this stinky, old sponge. 341 00:20:14,521 --> 00:20:18,062 [ Animal Howling In Distance ] 342 00:20:18,062 --> 00:20:20,563 So, the entrance to the cave... 343 00:20:20,563 --> 00:20:23,062 was aboveground... here. 344 00:20:23,062 --> 00:20:27,229 Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was around here somewhere. 345 00:20:27,229 --> 00:20:29,438 Well, we'll just keep-- 346 00:20:29,438 --> 00:20:32,062 [ Buffy Yelps ] [ Thud ] 347 00:20:32,062 --> 00:20:34,104 Found it. 348 00:20:37,604 --> 00:20:39,855 Good Lord, are you all right? 349 00:20:39,855 --> 00:20:41,771 Peachy. 350 00:20:41,771 --> 00:20:44,104 Except my knees bend backwards now. 351 00:20:44,104 --> 00:20:46,438 Okay. Giles, stay up there. 352 00:20:46,438 --> 00:20:48,396 I'm gonna check it out. 353 00:20:48,396 --> 00:20:50,438 All right. 354 00:21:29,980 --> 00:21:32,438 [ Snarls ] 355 00:21:46,980 --> 00:21:48,146 [ Snarls ] 356 00:21:52,271 --> 00:21:54,938 [ Growling ] 357 00:22:40,855 --> 00:22:42,021 No! 358 00:22:46,354 --> 00:22:48,813 [ Grunting ] 359 00:22:56,271 --> 00:22:59,563 - [ Groans ] - [ Panting ] 360 00:23:05,688 --> 00:23:08,146 ...the others just yet. It'll give us a chance to-- 361 00:23:10,604 --> 00:23:12,521 Sorry about the British invasion. 362 00:23:12,521 --> 00:23:15,312 We've been up for hours. 363 00:23:15,312 --> 00:23:17,938 4:00 p.m. London time. Are you all right? 364 00:23:17,938 --> 00:23:20,646 - You look-- - Oh. Yeah, I'm okay. 365 00:23:20,646 --> 00:23:23,980 I just... got into a fight is all. 366 00:23:24,896 --> 00:23:27,104 You want to tell me with what? 367 00:23:27,104 --> 00:23:30,312 Yes, Buffy, but don't you think we should, uh, discuss this privately? 368 00:23:32,980 --> 00:23:35,688 You mean not in front of the next generation? 369 00:23:35,688 --> 00:23:38,438 No time to coddle them, Giles. 370 00:23:38,438 --> 00:23:40,646 Welcome to the war room, guys. 371 00:23:43,563 --> 00:23:47,312 Uh, what you fought was a vampire, but it was, um, something more than that. 372 00:23:47,312 --> 00:23:49,604 It was a-- a Turok-Han. 373 00:23:49,604 --> 00:23:53,771 As Neanderthals are to human beings, the Turok-Han are to vampires. 374 00:23:53,771 --> 00:23:56,021 They're primordial, 375 00:23:56,021 --> 00:23:58,229 ferociously powerful killing machine, 376 00:23:58,229 --> 00:24:00,521 as single-minded as animals. 377 00:24:00,521 --> 00:24:03,896 They are the vampires that vampires fear. 378 00:24:03,896 --> 00:24:06,563 An ancient and entirely different race. 379 00:24:06,563 --> 00:24:09,021 And until this morning, I thought they were a myth. 380 00:24:10,354 --> 00:24:12,563 So, the First shows up, and now this. 381 00:24:12,563 --> 00:24:14,646 We think it's a coincidence? 382 00:24:14,646 --> 00:24:18,438 I think it's more likely that the Turok-Han is here as an agent of the First. 383 00:24:18,438 --> 00:24:20,187 Um, 384 00:24:21,563 --> 00:24:24,187 did you slay it? 385 00:24:24,187 --> 00:24:26,229 No. 386 00:24:26,229 --> 00:24:29,062 It's still out there. Somewhere. 387 00:24:29,062 --> 00:24:30,980 What's it want? 388 00:24:32,104 --> 00:24:34,021 All of us dead. 389 00:24:36,438 --> 00:24:40,021 But for now it looks like sunlight's keeping this ubervamp away. 390 00:24:40,021 --> 00:24:43,896 So, until sunset, I suggest you get some rest. 391 00:24:43,896 --> 00:24:47,396 A few hours' sleep will do a world of difference. 392 00:24:47,396 --> 00:24:49,271 No sleep today. 393 00:24:49,271 --> 00:24:51,771 Can't. [ Giles ] Oh, come on. You're exhausted. 394 00:24:51,771 --> 00:24:54,146 Oh, it comes with the gig. 395 00:24:54,146 --> 00:24:57,396 Somehow I don't think taking on prehistoric evil comes with nap time. 396 00:24:58,855 --> 00:25:01,062 Sorry, Potential guys. 397 00:25:01,062 --> 00:25:04,521 I know you came a long way, and you want to get into it, 398 00:25:04,521 --> 00:25:08,438 but the best thing you can do right now is just sit tight, wait it out. 399 00:25:08,438 --> 00:25:13,354 I'm gonna go to work, see what I can find out. 400 00:25:13,354 --> 00:25:15,354 I'll be back before sunset. 401 00:25:15,354 --> 00:25:20,771 How do you plan to research something as ill-defined as the First? 402 00:25:21,729 --> 00:25:24,062 I have the best plan ever. 403 00:25:24,062 --> 00:25:26,354 [ Buffy ] Yeah, well, I already rechecked the basement. 404 00:25:26,354 --> 00:25:29,646 Wait. You know what? Hold on. I'm gonna try something. 405 00:25:29,646 --> 00:25:32,813 [ Sighs ] Maybe the First just isn't ready for modern technology. 406 00:25:33,855 --> 00:25:36,479 "Displaying results one through 10 of... 407 00:25:36,479 --> 00:25:39,312 900,517." 408 00:25:40,563 --> 00:25:42,521 Okay, I've gotta narrow this down. 409 00:25:42,521 --> 00:25:44,896 I'll call you back? Yeah. 410 00:25:47,229 --> 00:25:49,938 [ Keyboarding ] 411 00:25:49,938 --> 00:25:51,855 "Manifestations of evil"? 412 00:25:55,563 --> 00:25:58,813 [ Wood ] "In the movies." 413 00:25:58,813 --> 00:26:01,604 You're searching for evil movies? 414 00:26:01,604 --> 00:26:05,521 I know it's not the all-time most kosher use of my office hours, 415 00:26:05,521 --> 00:26:09,604 um, but, you know, looking at some downtime, and what can I say? 416 00:26:09,604 --> 00:26:13,021 Just love those evil, evil movies. 417 00:26:14,312 --> 00:26:17,229 Like Exorcist, you know, Blair Witch. Hmm. 418 00:26:17,229 --> 00:26:20,271 As opposed to, say, Rob Schneider's oeuvre. 419 00:26:21,354 --> 00:26:24,646 Different kind of evil. Yeah. 420 00:26:24,646 --> 00:26:27,312 Buffy, I'm not that big a fan of scary movies. 421 00:26:27,312 --> 00:26:29,354 Even the hokey ones. 422 00:26:29,354 --> 00:26:33,146 Sometimes they go to a place that I think kids could stand to avoid. 423 00:26:35,729 --> 00:26:39,187 Well, it's not for the kids. Yeah. 424 00:26:39,187 --> 00:26:43,062 Yeah, I'm only saying that once you see true evil, 425 00:26:43,062 --> 00:26:45,062 it can have some serious after-burn. 426 00:26:45,062 --> 00:26:49,104 And then you can't unsee what you saw. 427 00:26:50,479 --> 00:26:52,771 Ever. 428 00:26:54,896 --> 00:26:57,438 It's just one opinion. 429 00:26:57,438 --> 00:26:59,521 I better get back to work. 430 00:27:03,230 --> 00:27:05,187 What kind of movies do you like? 431 00:27:05,187 --> 00:27:07,187 Oh, me? 432 00:27:07,187 --> 00:27:09,479 Mysteries. 433 00:27:09,479 --> 00:27:13,104 I love finding out what's underneath it all at the very end. 434 00:27:15,938 --> 00:27:17,813 [ First/Drusilla ] Think of it as a game. 435 00:27:17,813 --> 00:27:21,271 A fun funny game. 436 00:27:21,271 --> 00:27:26,062 Without all the rules or any of the bothersome winning part. 437 00:27:26,062 --> 00:27:29,062 But still, there are sides. 438 00:27:29,062 --> 00:27:32,729 You have to choose a side, Spike. 439 00:27:32,729 --> 00:27:35,938 Then we can fly, be free and visit all our friends... 440 00:27:35,938 --> 00:27:39,938 as they come squirming up from out the earth. 441 00:27:41,104 --> 00:27:43,604 I know you like a good wriggle. 442 00:27:43,604 --> 00:27:46,771 And a giggle. And a squiggle. 443 00:27:47,813 --> 00:27:49,980 You're not Drusilla. 444 00:27:51,938 --> 00:27:54,146 No, I'm really not. 445 00:27:54,146 --> 00:27:57,855 - She was crazier than you. - Mmm. 446 00:27:57,855 --> 00:28:00,646 Daddy, no kicking. 447 00:28:00,646 --> 00:28:05,188 It's almost Christmas Day today, and you've gone spoiling it. 448 00:28:06,230 --> 00:28:10,188 I've been so very good all year. 449 00:28:10,188 --> 00:28:13,813 [ Growls ] But I could be bad if you like. 450 00:28:16,438 --> 00:28:19,271 [ Growls ] 451 00:28:21,188 --> 00:28:23,479 Bad Daddy. Needs a caning. 452 00:28:23,479 --> 00:28:26,646 Never learned his headmaster's lesson... 453 00:28:26,646 --> 00:28:29,813 while all of the school bells ring... 454 00:28:29,813 --> 00:28:33,312 and ring and ring. 455 00:28:34,604 --> 00:28:37,021 Ring. Ring. 456 00:28:38,938 --> 00:28:40,938 Choose a side. 457 00:28:40,938 --> 00:28:43,729 Choose our side. 458 00:28:43,729 --> 00:28:46,146 You know that it's delicious. 459 00:28:49,563 --> 00:28:51,604 What do you say? 460 00:28:52,729 --> 00:28:56,396 Dru, love. Hmm? 461 00:28:56,396 --> 00:28:58,229 Get bent. 462 00:29:01,563 --> 00:29:05,855 Stupid, stubborn Daddy. 463 00:29:11,813 --> 00:29:16,187 Ring. Ring. Ring. [ Blows Landing ] 464 00:29:16,187 --> 00:29:19,229 [ Bell Rings ] 465 00:29:21,229 --> 00:29:23,187 Ow. 466 00:29:29,521 --> 00:29:31,563 Buffy, what happened? 467 00:29:33,146 --> 00:29:36,938 Uh-- Oh-- Uh, it's okay, Mom. 468 00:29:36,938 --> 00:29:39,896 I tried to warn you, but-- 469 00:29:39,896 --> 00:29:42,688 Right. The last thing you need now is, uh, 470 00:29:42,688 --> 00:29:45,688 one of helpful Mom's guilt trips. 471 00:29:45,688 --> 00:29:48,062 I'll get you some ice. No. 472 00:29:48,062 --> 00:29:50,104 Mom, I-- I can't. 473 00:29:50,104 --> 00:29:52,062 Buffy, you have to heal. 474 00:29:52,062 --> 00:29:54,229 I don't have time. 475 00:29:54,229 --> 00:29:56,229 Are you worried about the sun going down? 476 00:29:56,229 --> 00:29:58,354 Because there's some things you can't control. 477 00:29:58,354 --> 00:30:01,896 The-- The sun always goes down. The sun always comes up. 478 00:30:01,896 --> 00:30:05,396 Everyone's counting on me. Well, they do that. 479 00:30:05,396 --> 00:30:08,938 And I'm sorry, but these friends of yours put too much pressure on you. 480 00:30:08,938 --> 00:30:11,938 They always have. Something evil is coming. 481 00:30:11,938 --> 00:30:13,938 Buffy, evil isn't coming. 482 00:30:13,938 --> 00:30:18,146 It's already here. Evil is always here. 483 00:30:18,146 --> 00:30:20,729 Don't you know? It's everywhere. 484 00:30:20,729 --> 00:30:24,271 And I have to stop it. How are you gonna do that? 485 00:30:24,271 --> 00:30:26,563 I-- I don't know yet, but-- 486 00:30:26,563 --> 00:30:29,771 Buffy, no matter what your friends expect of you, 487 00:30:29,771 --> 00:30:31,813 evil is a part of us. 488 00:30:31,813 --> 00:30:34,980 All of us. It's natural. 489 00:30:34,980 --> 00:30:37,229 And no one can stop that. 490 00:30:37,229 --> 00:30:39,479 No one can stop nature. Not even-- 491 00:30:39,479 --> 00:30:41,354 [ Bell Rings ] 492 00:30:42,604 --> 00:30:46,104 Oh, I'm-- I'm-- I'm sorry. What were we talking about? 493 00:30:46,104 --> 00:30:48,604 Only my life. You're just like all the others. 494 00:30:48,604 --> 00:30:52,062 No. No, no, no. I'm different. I'm hip. I relate to the young people. 495 00:30:52,062 --> 00:30:54,187 No, don't go. 496 00:30:54,187 --> 00:30:57,354 - Uh-- Uh-- - Roger. 497 00:30:57,354 --> 00:30:59,604 Roger. See? I knew that. 498 00:31:01,354 --> 00:31:03,146 [ Door Opens ] 499 00:31:03,146 --> 00:31:05,729 [ Door Closes ] [ Groans ] 500 00:31:07,771 --> 00:31:09,688 [ Giles ] This day's almost over. 501 00:31:09,688 --> 00:31:13,229 The sun will go down in 17 minutes. 502 00:31:13,229 --> 00:31:15,521 Hey, Junior Slayers, don't look so worried. 503 00:31:15,521 --> 00:31:19,021 I mean, sure, we don't know where Spike is or how to fight the First... 504 00:31:19,021 --> 00:31:22,104 or if and when the super-styled vampire is gonna attack us all. 505 00:31:22,104 --> 00:31:24,855 However, house-- boarded up. 506 00:31:24,855 --> 00:31:27,896 Now all we gotta do is trap this ubervamp in the pantry, 507 00:31:27,896 --> 00:31:29,855 and it's game over. 508 00:31:29,855 --> 00:31:31,855 [ Willow ] Xander. 509 00:31:31,855 --> 00:31:35,896 Newbies. Let's ease them into the whole "jokes in the face of death" thing. 510 00:31:35,896 --> 00:31:39,688 Who's jokin'? That pantry thing could work. 511 00:31:39,688 --> 00:31:41,813 You sayin' M. Night Shyamalan lied to us? 512 00:31:43,271 --> 00:31:46,354 You'll be okay. Okay or-- or even better. 513 00:31:46,354 --> 00:31:48,479 It's-- It's like our guarantee. 514 00:31:49,396 --> 00:31:52,521 Um, Buffy, I just, uh-- 515 00:31:52,521 --> 00:31:55,729 I want you to know that I'm-- I'm really sorry for letting you down. 516 00:31:55,729 --> 00:31:59,688 You know, here, before with the magic going all "Aaah!"... 517 00:31:59,688 --> 00:32:02,354 and me going all "Eee!" and everything getting all "Rrrr." 518 00:32:04,021 --> 00:32:07,855 - I wish I could help out. - No one expects you to make everything right. 519 00:32:07,855 --> 00:32:10,938 So, I can't do everything, but... 520 00:32:10,938 --> 00:32:13,521 I should at least be able to do something. 521 00:32:13,521 --> 00:32:16,980 I have so much power, but when I try to use it-- 522 00:32:16,980 --> 00:32:19,563 Don't. Okay? 523 00:32:20,688 --> 00:32:22,771 Okay. 524 00:32:22,771 --> 00:32:25,896 But... you need help, Buffy. 525 00:32:25,896 --> 00:32:28,688 I know you, and I know you'll never admit it, but... 526 00:32:28,688 --> 00:32:30,646 you need help. 527 00:32:31,771 --> 00:32:33,646 I'll be okay. 528 00:32:33,646 --> 00:32:36,980 Okay or better. It's like my guarantee. 529 00:32:36,980 --> 00:32:39,563 Hey, are we getting weapons? 530 00:32:39,563 --> 00:32:41,771 Trained fighters, badness coming. 531 00:32:41,771 --> 00:32:43,604 I've heard worse ideas. 532 00:32:43,604 --> 00:32:46,104 We'll be armed when the Slayer feels we're ready. 533 00:32:46,104 --> 00:32:48,771 I feel ready. 534 00:32:48,771 --> 00:32:51,688 You're frightened. You must learn to control your fear. 535 00:32:51,688 --> 00:32:53,896 Hey, you know what would help with that? 536 00:32:53,896 --> 00:32:55,688 Weapons. 537 00:32:57,855 --> 00:33:01,312 - Uh, I don't know about that. - We're sitting ducks without them. 538 00:33:01,312 --> 00:33:03,271 We're with the Slayer. Safe as houses. 539 00:33:04,729 --> 00:33:06,729 You see the house we're in? 540 00:33:11,604 --> 00:33:13,646 It'll come straight for us, won't it? 541 00:33:16,604 --> 00:33:20,312 - We should load them up, Giles. - Girls, help yourself. 542 00:33:20,312 --> 00:33:23,271 Listen to me man. I got a bad feeling about this. 543 00:33:23,271 --> 00:33:26,729 Of course you've got a bad feeling, dude. You're-- You're tied to a chair. 544 00:33:26,729 --> 00:33:31,521 No. Yeah, but above and beyond that. I'm telling you, my spider sense is tingling. 545 00:33:31,521 --> 00:33:34,980 This is gonna get hairy. I'm talkin' weird with a beard. 546 00:33:34,980 --> 00:33:37,229 Better untie me. 547 00:33:37,229 --> 00:33:39,354 And that'll help us how? 548 00:33:40,312 --> 00:33:43,104 Okay. I know what you're thinking. 549 00:33:43,104 --> 00:33:46,187 Andrew, bad guy. 550 00:33:46,187 --> 00:33:48,896 You think I'm a supervillain like Dr. Doom... 551 00:33:48,896 --> 00:33:52,688 - or Apocalypse or the Riddler. - [ Mouths Words ] 552 00:33:52,688 --> 00:33:54,938 But I admit I went over to the dark side, 553 00:33:54,938 --> 00:33:58,062 but just to pick up a few things, and now I'm back. 554 00:33:58,062 --> 00:34:01,230 I've learned. I'm good again. 555 00:34:01,230 --> 00:34:03,312 And when were you good before? 556 00:34:03,312 --> 00:34:06,271 Okay, technically never. Touché. 557 00:34:06,271 --> 00:34:12,230 But I'm like Vader in the last five minutes of Jedi, with redemptive powers of-- 558 00:34:12,230 --> 00:34:15,230 Mine is a redemptive struggle... 559 00:34:15,230 --> 00:34:17,230 of... 560 00:34:17,230 --> 00:34:20,354 epic redemption which chronicles-- 561 00:34:21,271 --> 00:34:23,312 These ropes itch. 562 00:34:28,688 --> 00:34:30,896 How we doing on time? 563 00:34:30,896 --> 00:34:33,312 Sunset should be any minute now. 564 00:34:34,229 --> 00:34:36,187 We've done everything we can. 565 00:34:36,187 --> 00:34:40,563 And don't worry. Everyone here understands that you're calling the shots. 566 00:34:41,771 --> 00:34:43,980 I just hope I'm calling the right ones. 567 00:34:43,980 --> 00:34:46,312 You have all my faith. 568 00:34:46,312 --> 00:34:48,438 And they're depending on you. 569 00:34:50,354 --> 00:34:53,729 Giles, that's not exactly what I needed to hear right now. [ Molly ] Guys! 570 00:34:55,688 --> 00:34:57,271 Annabelle split. 571 00:34:57,271 --> 00:34:59,396 [ Panting ] 572 00:35:14,187 --> 00:35:16,729 [ Snap ] 573 00:35:54,813 --> 00:35:56,813 [ Groaning ] 574 00:36:20,312 --> 00:36:22,521 [ Groans ] 575 00:36:36,229 --> 00:36:38,396 [ Growling ] 576 00:37:28,021 --> 00:37:30,354 [ Panting ] 577 00:37:30,354 --> 00:37:32,521 [ Pipes Clanging ] 578 00:37:34,104 --> 00:37:36,021 [ Growling ] 579 00:37:58,646 --> 00:38:00,688 [ Xander ] Buffy. 580 00:38:07,104 --> 00:38:09,354 Oh, God Almighty. 581 00:38:11,771 --> 00:38:14,021 [ First/Drusilla ] Do you know why you're alive? 582 00:38:15,479 --> 00:38:17,771 Never figured you for... 583 00:38:19,521 --> 00:38:22,104 existential thought, love. 584 00:38:22,104 --> 00:38:25,146 I mean, you hated Paris. 585 00:38:25,146 --> 00:38:27,396 You're alive for one reason... 586 00:38:27,396 --> 00:38:29,563 and one reason only. 587 00:38:29,563 --> 00:38:31,688 Because I wish it. 588 00:38:31,688 --> 00:38:34,729 Do you know why I wish it? 589 00:38:36,187 --> 00:38:38,146 Because I'm not done with you. 590 00:38:38,146 --> 00:38:40,938 Give it up. 591 00:38:40,938 --> 00:38:42,896 Whatever you are, 592 00:38:42,896 --> 00:38:46,479 whatever you get away with, I'm out. 593 00:38:46,479 --> 00:38:49,230 You can't pull this puppet's strings anymore. 594 00:38:50,479 --> 00:38:52,771 And what makes you think you have a choice? 595 00:38:52,771 --> 00:38:57,312 What makes you think you will ever be any good at all in this world? 596 00:38:57,312 --> 00:38:59,146 She does. 597 00:39:02,729 --> 00:39:05,521 Because she believes in me. 598 00:39:10,729 --> 00:39:13,229 [ Giles ] We could make plans, as we always do, 599 00:39:13,229 --> 00:39:15,187 but the truth is Buffy was our plan. 600 00:39:15,187 --> 00:39:17,104 There is no backup. 601 00:39:17,104 --> 00:39:19,729 [ Willow ] Giles, she looks bad. 602 00:39:19,729 --> 00:39:21,729 She does. 603 00:39:21,729 --> 00:39:24,188 I'm afraid there may be internal bleeding. 604 00:39:25,438 --> 00:39:27,354 What does that mean? Will she-- 605 00:39:27,354 --> 00:39:31,146 Die? No, I don't think so. I-- I don't know. 606 00:39:32,729 --> 00:39:36,479 Well, what do we do if she can't fight? 607 00:39:36,479 --> 00:39:39,230 If she can't beat this thing? 608 00:39:40,229 --> 00:39:42,271 We're back at square one. 609 00:39:42,271 --> 00:39:44,479 Which square would that be exactly? 610 00:39:45,604 --> 00:39:47,771 I'm not sure. 611 00:39:47,771 --> 00:39:49,938 The First predates everything we've ever known. 612 00:39:51,354 --> 00:39:54,104 Or can know. 613 00:39:54,104 --> 00:39:56,271 It's everywhere. It's pure. 614 00:39:56,271 --> 00:39:58,438 [ Exhales ] 615 00:39:58,438 --> 00:40:00,354 I don't know if we can fight it. 616 00:40:00,354 --> 00:40:02,771 You're right. 617 00:40:06,896 --> 00:40:09,146 We don't know how to fight it. 618 00:40:10,396 --> 00:40:12,604 We don't know when it'll come. 619 00:40:12,604 --> 00:40:15,521 We can't run. 620 00:40:15,521 --> 00:40:18,187 Can't hide. 621 00:40:18,187 --> 00:40:20,855 Can't pretend it's not the end, 'cause it is. 622 00:40:22,938 --> 00:40:27,062 Something's always been there to try and destroy the world. 623 00:40:28,855 --> 00:40:30,980 We've beaten them back. 624 00:40:32,563 --> 00:40:34,855 But we're not dealing with them anymore. 625 00:40:35,938 --> 00:40:38,354 We're dealing with the reason they exist. 626 00:40:39,938 --> 00:40:41,980 Evil. 627 00:40:41,980 --> 00:40:44,229 The strongest. 628 00:40:44,229 --> 00:40:46,187 The First. 629 00:40:47,396 --> 00:40:49,521 Buffy, um, 630 00:40:49,521 --> 00:40:51,479 I know you're very tired. 631 00:40:51,479 --> 00:40:53,771 I'm beyond tired. 632 00:40:54,604 --> 00:40:57,604 I'm beyond scared. 633 00:40:57,604 --> 00:41:01,312 I'm standing on the mouth of hell, and it is gonna swallow me whole. 634 00:41:02,729 --> 00:41:04,896 And it'll choke on me. 635 00:41:08,354 --> 00:41:10,813 We're not ready? 636 00:41:10,813 --> 00:41:13,896 They're not ready. 637 00:41:13,896 --> 00:41:16,563 They think we're gonna wait for the end to come... 638 00:41:16,563 --> 00:41:19,104 like we always do. 639 00:41:19,104 --> 00:41:21,104 I'm done waiting. 640 00:41:21,104 --> 00:41:23,438 They want an apocalypse? 641 00:41:23,438 --> 00:41:25,646 Well, we'll give 'em one. 642 00:41:26,688 --> 00:41:30,104 Anyone else who wants to run, do it now, 643 00:41:31,312 --> 00:41:33,312 'cause we just became an army. 644 00:41:34,396 --> 00:41:36,938 We just declared war. 645 00:41:36,938 --> 00:41:39,479 From now on, we won't just face our worst fears, 646 00:41:39,479 --> 00:41:42,813 we will seek them out. 647 00:41:42,813 --> 00:41:47,688 We will find them and cut out their hearts, one by one, 648 00:41:48,855 --> 00:41:51,771 until the First shows itself for what it really is. 649 00:41:53,271 --> 00:41:55,146 And I'll kill it myself. 650 00:41:58,354 --> 00:42:02,354 There is only one thing on this Earth more powerful than evil. 651 00:42:03,396 --> 00:42:05,354 And that's us. 652 00:42:08,062 --> 00:42:10,146 Any questions? 653 00:42:39,729 --> 00:42:41,771 Grr! Arrgh!