1 00:00:01,980 --> 00:00:03,479 Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 2 00:00:03,479 --> 00:00:06,980 I'm just a guy with his ear to the ground, but even I can feel it. 3 00:00:06,980 --> 00:00:11,396 Something's coming. I don't know what exactly, but something's brewing. 4 00:00:11,396 --> 00:00:15,646 It's so big, ugly and damned, it makes you and me look like little puzzle pieces. 5 00:00:15,646 --> 00:00:17,479 You're gonna live in that small room over there. 6 00:00:17,479 --> 00:00:19,521 I know it looks like a closet, but it's a room now. 7 00:00:19,521 --> 00:00:22,771 And I hate this plan. I just don't understand when his problems became your problems. 8 00:00:22,771 --> 00:00:26,062 The school basement is making him crazy. We can't just leave him there. 9 00:00:26,062 --> 00:00:28,187 Things are different now. 10 00:00:28,187 --> 00:00:29,980 He has a soul. 11 00:00:29,980 --> 00:00:31,646 Mom? 12 00:00:35,729 --> 00:00:39,771 [ Dawn ] Get off her, and let her talk to me. 13 00:00:39,771 --> 00:00:44,729 Things are coming, Dawn. When it's bad, Buffy won't choose you. 14 00:00:44,729 --> 00:00:45,729 No! 15 00:00:45,729 --> 00:00:48,271 You don't know hurt. 16 00:00:48,271 --> 00:00:51,688 This last year is gonna seem like cake after what I put you and your friends through, 17 00:00:51,688 --> 00:00:54,229 and I am not a fan of easy death. 18 00:00:54,229 --> 00:00:57,646 Fact is, the whole good versus evil balancing the scales thing? 19 00:00:57,646 --> 00:01:02,771 I'm over it. But believe me, I'm going for a big finish. 20 00:01:02,771 --> 00:01:04,021 [ Snarling ] 21 00:01:05,271 --> 00:01:08,729 "From beneath you, it devours." 22 00:01:08,729 --> 00:01:12,187 Wait, what do you mean? How do you know Spike? 23 00:01:12,187 --> 00:01:15,896 What do you mean, how? He was the guy that, um-- Oh, what's the word? 24 00:01:15,896 --> 00:01:19,646 - Sired. - Yeah. He was the guy that sired me. 25 00:01:25,563 --> 00:01:28,187 [ Knocking ] 26 00:01:31,104 --> 00:01:34,646 [ Sighs ] Okay, okay. I'm coming. I'm up. 27 00:01:34,646 --> 00:01:37,396 It's 4:30 in the morning. Sweet mameloschn. 28 00:01:39,062 --> 00:01:40,771 Who is it? [ Buffy ] It's me. 29 00:01:42,229 --> 00:01:44,396 Buffy? Where's Spike? 30 00:01:44,396 --> 00:01:46,438 Spike? Spike. Xander, is he here? 31 00:01:46,438 --> 00:01:48,729 N-N-No, he's out. 32 00:01:48,729 --> 00:01:51,104 U-U-Uh, at least he was when I got home. Any idea where he went? 33 00:01:51,104 --> 00:01:54,271 I don't know. Creature of the night, Buff. 34 00:01:54,271 --> 00:01:56,771 He's probably out creaturing. 35 00:01:56,771 --> 00:01:59,104 Why? What happened? 36 00:01:59,104 --> 00:02:01,146 Is he in trouble? 37 00:02:02,438 --> 00:02:04,271 I hope not. 38 00:02:05,521 --> 00:02:07,604 ♪♪ [ Spike Humming ] 39 00:02:46,771 --> 00:02:48,813 ♪♪ [ Resumes Humming ] 40 00:04:18,688 --> 00:04:20,604 Nora? 41 00:04:22,604 --> 00:04:24,563 Nora? 42 00:04:44,354 --> 00:04:47,021 Buffy? 43 00:04:47,021 --> 00:04:49,980 She's not here. 44 00:04:49,980 --> 00:04:52,938 Dawn? Oh, my God. 45 00:04:54,479 --> 00:04:56,521 What are you-- 46 00:04:56,521 --> 00:04:59,104 Dawn, what happened here? What-- 47 00:05:00,312 --> 00:05:03,187 You're cut. I'm all right. 48 00:05:03,187 --> 00:05:05,146 Let me see. Make sure. 49 00:05:05,146 --> 00:05:07,521 I saw Mom. 50 00:05:07,521 --> 00:05:09,938 What? 51 00:05:09,938 --> 00:05:12,771 She was here, Willow. I-I saw her. 52 00:05:12,771 --> 00:05:15,271 She was here, and she spoke to me. 53 00:05:15,271 --> 00:05:17,521 Oh, sweetie. 54 00:05:17,521 --> 00:05:20,563 No, she was-- She was right here, and-- 55 00:05:20,563 --> 00:05:22,563 and then she wasn't. 56 00:05:22,563 --> 00:05:24,646 She-- It wasn't her. 57 00:05:24,646 --> 00:05:28,563 What? Well, at least I don't think. 58 00:05:30,021 --> 00:05:32,521 I-- I saw something too. And it looked like-- 59 00:05:34,187 --> 00:05:36,271 someone else. 60 00:05:36,271 --> 00:05:40,479 But it wasn't. I don't understand. 61 00:05:40,479 --> 00:05:43,021 It's the Big Bad, Dawn. 62 00:05:43,021 --> 00:05:45,021 The one we knew was coming. 63 00:05:45,021 --> 00:05:48,187 But that's what she said. 64 00:05:48,187 --> 00:05:50,896 Mom-- she said that things were coming. That-- 65 00:05:50,896 --> 00:05:54,104 things were on their way and... 66 00:05:54,104 --> 00:05:56,021 that she loved us. 67 00:05:58,021 --> 00:06:01,396 So, it had to be her, right? I mean, her warning was true. 68 00:06:01,396 --> 00:06:04,396 I don't know. 69 00:06:04,396 --> 00:06:08,187 I just don't think we can trust anything right now. 70 00:06:08,187 --> 00:06:11,021 So maybe the evil thing messing with you was here too. 71 00:06:11,021 --> 00:06:14,229 O-Only maybe it was the thing tryin' to keep... 72 00:06:14,229 --> 00:06:16,771 Mom away. 73 00:06:16,771 --> 00:06:19,479 'Cause she was trying to protect me. 74 00:06:21,146 --> 00:06:24,146 Maybe. 75 00:06:24,146 --> 00:06:27,146 Why would a vampire lie about who sired him? 76 00:06:27,146 --> 00:06:29,688 What's that, some kind of status symbol for the undead? 77 00:06:29,688 --> 00:06:31,604 My sire can beat up your sire? 78 00:06:33,396 --> 00:06:35,521 I'm not saying I don't believe him. 79 00:06:35,521 --> 00:06:37,354 You just don't want to. 80 00:06:39,896 --> 00:06:42,771 Okay, let's look at this objectively. 81 00:06:42,771 --> 00:06:46,396 Figure it out in a cold and personal C.S.I.-like manner... 82 00:06:46,396 --> 00:06:49,521 'cause we're a couple of carpet fibers away from a case. 83 00:06:49,521 --> 00:06:52,146 Spike can't be doing this. He couldn't if he wanted to. 84 00:06:52,146 --> 00:06:55,104 Why not? Well, for one thing, pain chip, remember? 85 00:06:55,104 --> 00:06:57,396 He can't hurt anyone. It didn't stop him from hurting you. 86 00:06:58,479 --> 00:07:00,688 Hey, objective here. 87 00:07:00,688 --> 00:07:02,688 Maybe the chip's not working anymore. 88 00:07:02,688 --> 00:07:05,188 No, it's working. I've seen it. Is it? 89 00:07:05,188 --> 00:07:08,229 Or is that what Spike wants you to think? 90 00:07:08,229 --> 00:07:11,271 You think it's an act? I don't really know. 91 00:07:11,271 --> 00:07:13,312 And neither do you. No. Uh-uh. 92 00:07:13,312 --> 00:07:15,563 Th-There's something, I-I can feel it. 93 00:07:15,563 --> 00:07:18,396 He's-- He's different. He's changed. 94 00:07:19,521 --> 00:07:21,521 And if it is an act, 95 00:07:21,521 --> 00:07:23,855 then the Oscar goes to-- 96 00:07:23,855 --> 00:07:26,396 [ Door Opens ] 97 00:07:27,896 --> 00:07:31,230 Well, this can't be good, you here at this hour. 98 00:07:31,230 --> 00:07:33,396 Is there trouble? 99 00:07:33,396 --> 00:07:35,646 No. No trouble. 100 00:07:35,646 --> 00:07:39,229 I-- I was just-- W-We were just-- 101 00:07:40,563 --> 00:07:44,187 [ Chuckles ] Right. None of my business. 102 00:07:44,187 --> 00:07:46,021 No worries. 103 00:07:47,438 --> 00:07:49,479 Spike, I-- 104 00:07:53,062 --> 00:07:55,104 H-How was your night? 105 00:07:55,104 --> 00:07:56,938 Oh, it was all right. 106 00:07:58,646 --> 00:08:01,230 And yours? Did you, uh, 107 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:02,896 bag any baddies? 108 00:08:04,312 --> 00:08:06,855 One. Vampire. 109 00:08:08,563 --> 00:08:12,354 Uh, someone I used to know, actually, a little. 110 00:08:14,229 --> 00:08:18,188 Holden. Holden Webster. 111 00:08:19,021 --> 00:08:21,604 You knew him, huh? 112 00:08:22,855 --> 00:08:24,688 That must have been a picnic. 113 00:08:28,104 --> 00:08:30,187 Yeah. 114 00:08:33,230 --> 00:08:36,062 Well-- 115 00:08:36,062 --> 00:08:38,354 I'm gonna turn in before I drop. 116 00:08:39,604 --> 00:08:41,479 Good night. 117 00:08:47,438 --> 00:08:50,813 You see that? You see how he reacted when you mentioned Webs? 118 00:08:50,813 --> 00:08:54,104 Cool as Cool Whip. What's up with that? 119 00:08:54,104 --> 00:08:58,021 The sun's coming up. I need to get home and check on Dawn. 120 00:08:58,021 --> 00:09:00,396 We need to keep an eye on Spike. Whoa, whoa, whoa. 121 00:09:00,396 --> 00:09:03,312 When you say "we", you mean "me." That me has gotta go to work. 122 00:09:03,312 --> 00:09:07,230 I've got a big client meeting in a couple of hours. Xander, this is serious. 123 00:09:07,230 --> 00:09:10,729 We cannot let him leave this house until we know if he's killing again. 124 00:09:10,729 --> 00:09:12,771 We need to find someone that can watch him. 125 00:09:12,771 --> 00:09:16,438 - Uh-uh. Forget it, Harris. - Come on, Anya. You said you'd do it on the phone. 126 00:09:16,438 --> 00:09:20,646 Yeah, but that-- That was before you told me Spike's killing again. 127 00:09:20,646 --> 00:09:22,855 Now you wanna leave me here alone with him? 128 00:09:22,855 --> 00:09:25,479 - You didn't mind being alone with him before. - What was that? 129 00:09:25,479 --> 00:09:28,104 Nothing. 130 00:09:28,104 --> 00:09:31,146 Look, we don't actually know that he's killed anyone-- 131 00:09:31,146 --> 00:09:33,354 you know, lately. 132 00:09:33,354 --> 00:09:36,271 It might all just be a mistake. Yeah, but you don't think so. 133 00:09:36,271 --> 00:09:40,521 Okay, have-- have you searched his room for clues? 134 00:09:40,521 --> 00:09:44,438 Trophies from victims? Killers like to keep trophies sometimes. 135 00:09:44,438 --> 00:09:48,187 Scalps. Necklaces made from human teeth. 136 00:09:48,187 --> 00:09:52,021 You know, it didn't occur to me to look, but thanks for the tip. 137 00:09:52,021 --> 00:09:54,521 So you'll be safe in here. Plenty of sunlight for you to hide in. 138 00:09:54,521 --> 00:09:56,646 What? That's it? 139 00:09:56,646 --> 00:09:59,230 You're not at least gonna, like, leave me a crossbow... 140 00:09:59,230 --> 00:10:01,688 or a flamethrower, something to protect myself? 141 00:10:01,688 --> 00:10:04,271 We don't want him to know we suspect anything. Besides, 142 00:10:04,271 --> 00:10:06,604 if he tries to leave, I don't want you confronting him. 143 00:10:06,604 --> 00:10:08,980 Call Buffy and just let her know that he's on the move. 144 00:10:08,980 --> 00:10:10,938 You're gonna be fine. 145 00:10:10,938 --> 00:10:13,104 Better be. 146 00:10:13,104 --> 00:10:15,271 Because if I get vamped, I'm gonna bite your ass! 147 00:10:15,271 --> 00:10:18,563 - It wouldn't be the first time. - What was that? 148 00:10:27,479 --> 00:10:29,688 [ Buffy ] Dawn? 149 00:10:29,688 --> 00:10:32,146 Dawn! Buffy, it's okay. 150 00:10:32,146 --> 00:10:35,604 She's okay. Not hurt. She's just exhausted. 151 00:10:35,604 --> 00:10:38,312 Finally fell off to sleep. What the hell happened? 152 00:10:38,312 --> 00:10:40,980 Downstairs looks like-- Hell happened? Yeah. 153 00:10:40,980 --> 00:10:44,104 This big evil that's been promising to devour us-- 154 00:10:44,104 --> 00:10:46,396 well, I think it started chomping. 155 00:10:46,396 --> 00:10:49,104 Oh, God. And it started with Dawn? 156 00:10:49,104 --> 00:10:52,980 Both of us. Buffy, this thing knows us. 157 00:10:52,980 --> 00:10:55,980 It made us think that we were talking to people we knew. 158 00:10:55,980 --> 00:10:59,354 Mine said it came with a message from Tara. 159 00:10:59,354 --> 00:11:01,771 But Dawn actually saw-- 160 00:11:04,021 --> 00:11:05,938 your mother. 161 00:11:09,729 --> 00:11:13,729 This thing, it had me for a while. It-- 162 00:11:13,729 --> 00:11:17,354 I mean, before it started letting loose with the pulse-pounding terror, it-- 163 00:11:17,354 --> 00:11:20,271 but before that, the lies were-- 164 00:11:20,271 --> 00:11:22,729 were very convincing. 165 00:11:22,729 --> 00:11:24,563 It just seems real. 166 00:11:26,688 --> 00:11:30,229 Lies? I mean, maybe-- 167 00:11:30,229 --> 00:11:32,271 maybe to confuse us, to mess us up. 168 00:11:32,271 --> 00:11:34,729 O-Or maybe just to be cruel. 169 00:11:34,729 --> 00:11:39,521 Vampire I killed last night told me Spike sired him. 170 00:11:41,396 --> 00:11:43,396 Two nights ago. 171 00:11:44,646 --> 00:11:47,187 W-- Well, that's impossible, right? 172 00:11:47,187 --> 00:11:50,354 So-- So maybe it was another one. 173 00:11:50,354 --> 00:11:52,938 A-- A fake-out. You got one too. 174 00:11:52,938 --> 00:11:55,062 It wasn't a real vamp. 175 00:11:55,062 --> 00:11:57,104 Dusted real enough. 176 00:11:57,104 --> 00:12:00,438 Buffy, do you think Spike is-- I can't. 177 00:12:01,896 --> 00:12:05,187 [ Sighs ] I hope not. 178 00:12:06,354 --> 00:12:08,729 But if I'm wrong and he is? 179 00:12:10,271 --> 00:12:12,104 Then I have to see it for myself. 180 00:12:15,813 --> 00:12:18,521 I have to be there to stop him. 181 00:12:40,187 --> 00:12:42,271 [ Exhales ] 182 00:14:08,354 --> 00:14:10,813 Anya? 183 00:14:10,813 --> 00:14:15,062 Do be specific and tell a fella just exactly what you're doing here. 184 00:14:17,729 --> 00:14:19,729 Well, 185 00:14:19,729 --> 00:14:21,688 Spike-- 186 00:14:23,312 --> 00:14:26,354 I'm-- h-- here, obviously, 187 00:14:26,354 --> 00:14:29,563 for, um-- 188 00:14:31,813 --> 00:14:33,980 sex. 189 00:14:33,980 --> 00:14:37,896 Uh, beg pardon? 190 00:14:37,896 --> 00:14:42,271 You and me. Here and now. 191 00:14:42,271 --> 00:14:44,521 Let's go. [ Chuckles ] 192 00:14:44,521 --> 00:14:48,813 Let's... get it on, you big, bad boy. 193 00:14:48,813 --> 00:14:50,980 Wait. Wait, Anya, just a minute. This is not exact-- 194 00:14:50,980 --> 00:14:53,896 Is that a stake? 195 00:14:53,896 --> 00:14:56,813 Yes. Kinky. 196 00:14:56,813 --> 00:14:58,688 Well, yeah, but what are you-- Shh. 197 00:14:58,688 --> 00:15:02,230 No questions. No talking. 198 00:15:03,021 --> 00:15:05,646 I can't help it. 199 00:15:05,646 --> 00:15:09,646 I can't stop thinking about you and us in our... 200 00:15:09,646 --> 00:15:13,813 brief but unforgettable time together. 201 00:15:13,813 --> 00:15:16,146 I mean, it's-- Why else would I be here? 202 00:15:16,146 --> 00:15:18,479 I mean, it's not like I'm snooping around... 203 00:15:18,479 --> 00:15:21,146 for proof that you're some sort of wacked-out serial killer. 204 00:15:21,146 --> 00:15:24,604 [ Laughs ] I don't why I said that. Forget I said that. 205 00:15:24,604 --> 00:15:26,396 It's craziness talking. It's just nerves. 206 00:15:26,396 --> 00:15:29,271 Nerves. 207 00:15:29,271 --> 00:15:32,396 Nerves and-- and horniness. 208 00:15:32,396 --> 00:15:34,312 Oh, just shut up, William, and take me. 209 00:15:34,312 --> 00:15:36,479 Take me now! 210 00:15:36,479 --> 00:15:38,271 [ Breathing Heavily ] 211 00:15:41,312 --> 00:15:43,354 Uh-- 212 00:15:46,896 --> 00:15:49,104 [ Exhales ] 213 00:15:49,104 --> 00:15:51,312 Anya-- Hmm? 214 00:15:51,312 --> 00:15:54,938 It's not that I'm not tempted-- Oh. 215 00:15:54,938 --> 00:15:57,271 Obviously, if things were different, you're a right catch. 216 00:15:57,271 --> 00:16:00,104 I got it. No problem. 217 00:16:00,104 --> 00:16:02,354 I understand. 218 00:16:02,354 --> 00:16:05,604 You think I'm fat. What? 219 00:16:05,604 --> 00:16:08,438 It's either that or the haircut. Ri-Ridiculous. The do's quite fetching. 220 00:16:08,438 --> 00:16:12,230 Oh, right. Now you like the haircut. Love it. 221 00:16:12,230 --> 00:16:14,563 Sure, as a friend. You were a lot more fun when you didn't have a soul. 222 00:16:14,563 --> 00:16:17,229 Come on! Now, I've just explained to you-- 223 00:16:17,229 --> 00:16:21,230 All I'm saying is soulless Spike would have had me upside down and halfway to Happyland by now. 224 00:16:23,479 --> 00:16:25,896 I need my pants. 225 00:16:45,521 --> 00:16:48,021 I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, luv. 226 00:16:48,021 --> 00:16:50,521 Who's hurt? I'm fine. 227 00:16:51,980 --> 00:16:54,604 [ Chuckles ] Right. 228 00:16:56,229 --> 00:16:58,688 Look, uh, I've got things to do. 229 00:16:58,688 --> 00:17:00,563 Don't stick around on my account. 230 00:17:07,104 --> 00:17:11,229 [ Door Opens, Closes ] 231 00:17:19,062 --> 00:17:21,563 It's me. He's leaving. 232 00:17:25,230 --> 00:17:27,104 ♪♪ [ Harmonica ] 233 00:17:41,855 --> 00:17:44,187 ♪♪ [ Hums Along ] 234 00:18:06,062 --> 00:18:07,855 Hey, man, what's up? 235 00:18:56,855 --> 00:18:59,938 So, um-- 236 00:18:59,938 --> 00:19:01,688 What kind of name is Spike? 237 00:19:09,646 --> 00:19:11,563 [ Giggles ] 238 00:19:11,563 --> 00:19:13,771 What, are you gonna make me guess? 239 00:19:15,688 --> 00:19:19,230 [ Laughs ] All right. 240 00:19:21,229 --> 00:19:23,479 I'll guess... 241 00:19:24,563 --> 00:19:26,771 you're a little bit bad. 242 00:19:26,771 --> 00:19:28,813 Huh? 243 00:19:34,230 --> 00:19:36,563 Am I right? 244 00:19:36,563 --> 00:19:39,230 [ Chuckles ] You a bad boy? 245 00:19:40,146 --> 00:19:44,271 'Cause I don't mind. 246 00:19:44,271 --> 00:19:47,813 You know, I was getting pretty bored waiting over there in that line. 247 00:19:50,062 --> 00:19:52,896 I hate... waiting. 248 00:19:58,146 --> 00:20:00,896 Know what I mean? 249 00:20:14,271 --> 00:20:16,146 You know you want it. 250 00:20:18,688 --> 00:20:21,104 You know I want you to. 251 00:20:21,104 --> 00:20:23,938 Um, 252 00:20:23,938 --> 00:20:26,104 is everything-- [ Growls ] 253 00:20:26,104 --> 00:20:27,896 [ Screaming ] 254 00:20:31,646 --> 00:20:33,771 There's my guy. 255 00:20:41,021 --> 00:20:43,604 Now, doesn't that feel better? 256 00:20:58,771 --> 00:21:01,604 How could you use a poor maiden so? 257 00:21:08,813 --> 00:21:11,104 Did you kill her? What? 258 00:21:11,104 --> 00:21:14,688 The girl, last night. What girl? What are you talking about? 259 00:21:14,688 --> 00:21:17,479 I caught the first act. I missed the curtain call. 260 00:21:17,479 --> 00:21:20,521 Did you kill her? Did you turn her? Is she one of your kind now? 261 00:21:20,521 --> 00:21:22,980 D-Did you-- Are you following me? 262 00:21:22,980 --> 00:21:25,104 Answer the question. Where is she? 263 00:21:25,104 --> 00:21:27,980 Who knows? I talked to her is all. 264 00:21:27,980 --> 00:21:30,479 Really? Looked like more than talking to me. 265 00:21:30,479 --> 00:21:32,646 Well, I certainly didn't off her. 266 00:21:32,646 --> 00:21:35,980 [ Scoffs ] Where are you getting this? 267 00:21:35,980 --> 00:21:39,062 You know I can't. Right. The chip. 268 00:21:39,062 --> 00:21:43,396 No, not the chip! Not the chip, damn it. 269 00:21:43,396 --> 00:21:45,563 [ Scoffs ] You honestly think I'd go... 270 00:21:45,563 --> 00:21:48,521 to the end of the underworld and back to get my soul, and then-- 271 00:21:50,729 --> 00:21:55,146 Buffy, I can barely live with what I did. It haunts me. 272 00:21:55,146 --> 00:21:58,438 All of it. 273 00:21:58,438 --> 00:22:02,646 If you think that I would add to the body count now, you're crazy. 274 00:22:02,646 --> 00:22:04,855 So, what, you just troll the promenade... 275 00:22:04,855 --> 00:22:08,729 looking for drunk coeds 'cause you're hungry for conversation? 276 00:22:08,729 --> 00:22:12,230 Oh, is that what this is? Right. What? 277 00:22:12,230 --> 00:22:13,813 - You're jealous. - Don't play games. 278 00:22:13,813 --> 00:22:16,521 Not now. Yeah. 279 00:22:16,521 --> 00:22:19,521 You saw me chattin' up another bird, givin' the eye to somebody else. 280 00:22:19,521 --> 00:22:21,646 Touched a nerve, didn't it? 281 00:22:21,646 --> 00:22:23,855 Don't flatter yourself. 282 00:22:23,855 --> 00:22:26,104 It burns, huh? 283 00:22:26,104 --> 00:22:29,813 You can't admit it, so you trump up some charge about me bein' back on the juice. 284 00:22:29,813 --> 00:22:33,396 This vampire I killed told me. Told you what? 285 00:22:33,396 --> 00:22:36,855 That I go out? Yeah, I talk to people. 286 00:22:36,855 --> 00:22:39,062 Women. 287 00:22:39,062 --> 00:22:41,646 I talk to them 'cause I can't talk to you. 288 00:22:41,646 --> 00:22:44,021 Oh, Spike, save it. 289 00:22:44,021 --> 00:22:47,187 As daft a notion as "Soulful Spike the Killer" is, 290 00:22:47,187 --> 00:22:51,771 it is nothing compared to the idea that another girl could mean anything to me. 291 00:22:53,813 --> 00:22:57,729 This chip they did to me. 292 00:22:57,729 --> 00:22:59,980 I couldn't help it. 293 00:22:59,980 --> 00:23:02,688 But the soul I got on my own. 294 00:23:02,688 --> 00:23:04,646 For you. 295 00:23:08,771 --> 00:23:13,104 - I know. B-- - So, yeah, I go and pass the time... 296 00:23:13,104 --> 00:23:15,146 with someone. 297 00:23:15,146 --> 00:23:18,104 But that's all it is, is time. 298 00:23:18,104 --> 00:23:20,855 'Cause God help me, Buffy, it's still all about you. 299 00:23:24,146 --> 00:23:27,521 Spike, this vampire told me you sired him. 300 00:23:27,521 --> 00:23:30,187 That doesn't mean-- He said you killed him. 301 00:23:30,187 --> 00:23:32,980 Dumped him in a parking lot somewhere. 302 00:23:32,980 --> 00:23:36,062 - And you believed him? Vampires aren't-- - I did follow you last night. 303 00:23:36,062 --> 00:23:39,646 And you know what? You didn't look lonely or casual to me. 304 00:23:39,646 --> 00:23:41,813 You looked like you were on the prowl. 305 00:23:41,813 --> 00:23:44,688 You can't know that. So then tell me. 306 00:23:44,688 --> 00:23:47,146 Tell me what happened? You-- You talked to her? Then what? 307 00:23:47,146 --> 00:23:49,438 We talked. That's all I remember. 308 00:23:49,438 --> 00:23:52,312 All you remember? I don't know. I go out. 309 00:23:52,312 --> 00:23:55,354 I talk to people, or I don't. It's boring. 310 00:23:55,354 --> 00:23:58,271 It all bleeds together. Well, if you seem to... 311 00:23:58,271 --> 00:24:00,438 forget that much, then-- Not that. 312 00:24:00,438 --> 00:24:04,104 The taste of human blood? That I'd remember. 313 00:24:04,104 --> 00:24:08,062 You were camped out on the Hellmouth talking to invisible people. 314 00:24:08,062 --> 00:24:10,104 Recently. How can you be sure of-- 315 00:24:10,104 --> 00:24:13,187 No! You are wrong! 316 00:24:13,187 --> 00:24:16,938 You've got an accusation from a pile of dust and not a shred of proof. 317 00:24:18,563 --> 00:24:20,438 So I'll get some. 318 00:24:32,604 --> 00:24:36,563 Okay, guys, find me some evidence that he did this. 319 00:24:36,563 --> 00:24:39,438 Really? Are you sure that's what you want? 320 00:24:39,438 --> 00:24:42,396 Find me the proof that he didn't. 321 00:24:42,396 --> 00:24:46,938 Well, you only think Spike is turning people 'cause that vampire told you so, right? 322 00:24:46,938 --> 00:24:51,604 But that night, I mean, we were all told things that weren't true. 323 00:24:51,604 --> 00:24:54,146 Maybe. What? 324 00:24:54,146 --> 00:24:56,479 What maybe? 325 00:24:56,479 --> 00:25:00,563 Well, just because those weren't the spirits of, you know, our people, 326 00:25:00,563 --> 00:25:05,187 just because it was some evil thing, doesn't mean what they said can't be true. 327 00:25:05,187 --> 00:25:07,604 I used to tell the truth all the time when I was evil. 328 00:25:09,229 --> 00:25:11,771 Well, we can't assume anything. We need hard facts. 329 00:25:11,771 --> 00:25:15,646 [ Anya ] Well, if Spike is biting people again, then shouldn't there be more... 330 00:25:15,646 --> 00:25:18,146 dead people with neck trauma, right? 331 00:25:18,146 --> 00:25:20,104 And we can find that. [ Typing ] 332 00:25:20,104 --> 00:25:22,271 [ Beeps ] No. 333 00:25:22,271 --> 00:25:25,062 No, we can't find that? But that's easy. That computer's a moron. 334 00:25:25,062 --> 00:25:30,062 I mean, no, there's not really an increase in neck injuries. But-- 335 00:25:31,312 --> 00:25:33,896 But what? 336 00:25:33,896 --> 00:25:36,896 Oh. Missing people. Eight maybe? 337 00:25:38,146 --> 00:25:40,438 Oh, 10 of them. 338 00:25:40,438 --> 00:25:43,021 No bodies. They're just missing. 339 00:25:44,187 --> 00:25:46,271 Mostly young, lots of girls. 340 00:25:47,980 --> 00:25:50,187 So, it's true. 341 00:25:50,187 --> 00:25:52,604 What that vampire told Buffy turned out to be true. 342 00:25:53,688 --> 00:25:55,688 Maybe. 343 00:25:56,813 --> 00:25:59,521 But it still doesn't prove that it's Spike. 344 00:25:59,521 --> 00:26:01,771 Right now he's the only one who knows for sure. 345 00:26:19,938 --> 00:26:21,896 [ No Audible Dialogue ] 346 00:26:30,479 --> 00:26:32,855 [ Woman On TV ] Hi! How was work today, honey? 347 00:26:34,104 --> 00:26:36,354 No, no, no! You're not goin' out. 348 00:26:36,354 --> 00:26:39,604 I have to go. Buffy was very clear about the not leaving of you. 349 00:26:39,604 --> 00:26:41,896 I know what the Slayer told you. It's not true. 350 00:26:41,896 --> 00:26:44,396 Let me go, and I'll find a way to prove it. 351 00:26:44,396 --> 00:26:47,104 Okay, I'm gonna list the reasons that won't happen. One-- 352 00:26:48,104 --> 00:26:50,396 Ow! 353 00:26:51,521 --> 00:26:54,688 ♪♪ [ Guitar ] 354 00:27:00,021 --> 00:27:02,729 ♪ This is how it goes ♪ 355 00:27:02,729 --> 00:27:06,563 ♪ You'll get angry at yourself ♪ 356 00:27:06,563 --> 00:27:12,479 ♪ And think you can think of something else ♪ 357 00:27:12,479 --> 00:27:18,104 ♪ And I'll hear the clanging of the bells ♪ 358 00:27:18,104 --> 00:27:23,563 ♪ 'Cause I can't stop you, baby ♪ 359 00:27:23,563 --> 00:27:29,521 ♪ 'Cause I don't have the bribery in place ♪ 360 00:27:29,521 --> 00:27:35,688 ♪ No bright, shiny surface to my face ♪ 361 00:27:35,688 --> 00:27:41,563 ♪ So I won't go near the marketplace ♪ 362 00:27:41,563 --> 00:27:44,104 She had blonde hair. A nice lookin' girl. 363 00:27:44,104 --> 00:27:47,187 I was here talkin' with her. 364 00:27:47,187 --> 00:27:51,813 The other night. I'm lookin' for someone who might've seen her. 365 00:27:51,813 --> 00:27:55,646 No. Sorry. ♪ 'Cause it's all about drugs ♪ 366 00:27:55,646 --> 00:28:00,396 ♪ It's all about shame ♪ 367 00:28:02,230 --> 00:28:07,646 ♪ And whatever they want ♪ 368 00:28:07,646 --> 00:28:11,104 ♪ Don't tell 'em your name ♪♪ 369 00:28:14,771 --> 00:28:18,187 - He hit you? - Knocked me out. 370 00:28:18,187 --> 00:28:20,354 He's been gone at least half an hour. 371 00:28:20,354 --> 00:28:22,771 Any idea where he's headed? 372 00:28:27,855 --> 00:28:30,688 ♪ Oh, Mario ♪ 373 00:28:30,688 --> 00:28:33,646 ♪ Sit here by the window ♪ 374 00:28:33,646 --> 00:28:36,479 One of them take your wallet? 375 00:28:37,479 --> 00:28:39,771 What's that? 376 00:28:39,771 --> 00:28:43,563 The way you're scanning that crowd, you look like you're out for blood. 377 00:28:43,563 --> 00:28:47,479 I'm just lookin' for a certain bird I met here the other night. 378 00:28:47,479 --> 00:28:50,104 Oh. 379 00:28:51,438 --> 00:28:54,563 Is it me? Sorry, luv. Don't think so. 380 00:28:56,604 --> 00:28:58,646 Not even if I ask nice? 381 00:29:02,479 --> 00:29:07,271 Or are you the type that has to be convinced? 382 00:29:07,271 --> 00:29:10,688 Friendly warning, pet. I'm the type best left alone. 383 00:29:10,688 --> 00:29:13,855 Oh, I get it. 384 00:29:13,855 --> 00:29:16,813 You'd rather I slip into something more comfortable. 385 00:29:21,396 --> 00:29:23,896 Should we pick off the crowd one by one... 386 00:29:23,896 --> 00:29:26,396 or block the exits and ravish the place? 387 00:29:26,396 --> 00:29:30,104 Get away from me. What's with the wallflower act? 388 00:29:30,104 --> 00:29:33,396 You didn't seem so shy when you were... biting me. 389 00:29:36,062 --> 00:29:39,396 I'm not asking if you want to be soul mates. 390 00:29:39,396 --> 00:29:41,896 Just... figured you'd wanna have some fun. 391 00:29:43,396 --> 00:29:47,813 Mmm. I take him, you take her. 392 00:29:47,813 --> 00:29:50,021 Or the other way around. Whatever. 393 00:29:50,021 --> 00:29:51,563 No, you're lying! 394 00:29:56,312 --> 00:29:58,896 Was that all I was to you, a one-bite stand? 395 00:29:58,896 --> 00:30:01,813 ♪ Because nobody knows ♪ 396 00:30:01,813 --> 00:30:04,521 ♪ That's how I nearly fell ♪ 397 00:30:04,521 --> 00:30:07,688 ♪ Trading clothes ♪ 398 00:30:07,688 --> 00:30:10,771 ♪ And ringing Pavlov's bell ♪ 399 00:30:10,771 --> 00:30:13,396 ♪ History shows ♪ 400 00:30:13,396 --> 00:30:17,729 ♪ But rarely shows it well ♪ 401 00:30:17,729 --> 00:30:20,438 ♪ Well, well, well ♪ 402 00:30:42,521 --> 00:30:46,479 ♪ Because nobody knows ♪ 403 00:30:46,479 --> 00:30:50,021 ♪ That's how I nearly fell ♪ 404 00:30:50,021 --> 00:30:53,021 ♪ Trading clothes ♪ 405 00:30:53,021 --> 00:30:54,855 ♪ And ringing Pavlov's bell ♪ 406 00:30:54,855 --> 00:30:57,229 ♪♪ [ Stops ] 407 00:31:04,021 --> 00:31:07,479 ♪ History shows ♪ 408 00:31:07,479 --> 00:31:10,980 ♪ But rarely shows it well ♪♪ 409 00:31:16,271 --> 00:31:19,062 Hey, sweetheart, if you want to go in, go ahead. 410 00:31:19,062 --> 00:31:22,729 Uh, actually, I need some help. I-I'm looking for this guy. 411 00:31:22,729 --> 00:31:25,855 Bleached blond hair, leather jacket, British accent, kind of-- 412 00:31:25,855 --> 00:31:28,271 sallow but in a hot way? 413 00:31:28,271 --> 00:31:30,563 Yeah, yeah. I know the guy. Billy Idol wannabe? 414 00:31:30,563 --> 00:31:33,354 Actually, Billy Idol stole his look from-- 415 00:31:33,354 --> 00:31:35,396 Never mind. Has he been here? 416 00:31:35,396 --> 00:31:37,021 This guy your boyfriend or somethin'? 417 00:31:38,729 --> 00:31:43,312 No. I just-- I need to find him as soon as possible. 418 00:31:43,312 --> 00:31:45,563 Yeah, he comes in here a lot lately. 419 00:31:45,563 --> 00:31:48,187 Every night leaves with a different girl. Chicks like Billy Idol. 420 00:31:50,521 --> 00:31:52,980 How many girls? 421 00:31:52,980 --> 00:31:56,271 Look, this guy that's not your boyfriend guy? 422 00:31:56,271 --> 00:31:58,771 If I were you, I'd lose him. He's a real player. 423 00:32:09,187 --> 00:32:11,813 Man, I hate playing vampire towns. 424 00:32:19,855 --> 00:32:21,938 Hello? It's me. 425 00:32:24,521 --> 00:32:26,855 I'm seein'-- 426 00:32:26,855 --> 00:32:29,938 I think I'm remembering. 427 00:32:29,938 --> 00:32:32,104 I think I've done some very bad things. 428 00:32:32,104 --> 00:32:35,813 - Where are you? - I need-- 429 00:32:35,813 --> 00:32:37,896 I need to see you. 430 00:32:37,896 --> 00:32:40,396 There's a house-- 634 Hoffman Terrace. 431 00:32:40,396 --> 00:32:42,813 I'll meet you. 432 00:32:45,771 --> 00:32:48,104 You shouldn't have done that. 433 00:32:48,104 --> 00:32:50,354 It's not time yet. [ Chuckles ] 434 00:32:50,354 --> 00:32:53,896 Not nearly. You're goin' against the plan. 435 00:32:55,855 --> 00:32:58,229 But we can make it work. 436 00:33:12,646 --> 00:33:14,813 Down here. 437 00:33:24,729 --> 00:33:26,688 You won't come down? 438 00:33:29,187 --> 00:33:30,938 I understand. 439 00:33:32,104 --> 00:33:35,021 It's a risky proposition. 440 00:33:35,021 --> 00:33:38,896 There's an order. The Slayer's not in order. 441 00:33:38,896 --> 00:33:42,438 But it can't hurt to play. Get your claws in the mouse, you know? 442 00:33:42,438 --> 00:33:44,563 You are not here. 443 00:33:54,521 --> 00:33:57,229 All right, what do you want to show me? 444 00:33:58,771 --> 00:34:01,604 I've been remembering. 445 00:34:01,604 --> 00:34:04,312 It's the girl. I walked her home. 446 00:34:05,354 --> 00:34:07,312 The one you saw. 447 00:34:08,354 --> 00:34:10,354 And the one before that. 448 00:34:12,230 --> 00:34:14,146 And I think I killed her. 449 00:34:14,146 --> 00:34:18,230 And I think I-- I think I killed-- 450 00:34:18,230 --> 00:34:20,229 the lady who lived here. 451 00:34:20,229 --> 00:34:22,813 And-- 452 00:34:22,813 --> 00:34:25,521 And there might be others. 453 00:34:27,271 --> 00:34:29,396 Oh, my God. 454 00:34:29,396 --> 00:34:31,146 Here. 455 00:34:36,271 --> 00:34:38,604 I-- I think I buried them here. 456 00:34:41,980 --> 00:34:44,271 Spike, why? 457 00:34:44,271 --> 00:34:47,646 Well, I don't know, do I? I don't even know how. 458 00:34:47,646 --> 00:34:49,729 - I shouldn't be able-- - ♪ Early one morning ♪ 459 00:34:49,729 --> 00:34:52,813 ♪ Just as the sun was risin' ♪ 460 00:34:52,813 --> 00:34:57,479 ♪ I heard a fair maid singing in the valley down below ♪ 461 00:34:57,479 --> 00:35:00,396 - ♪ Oh, don't deceive me ♪ - What? What is it? 462 00:35:00,396 --> 00:35:03,271 ♪ Oh, never leave me ♪ 463 00:35:03,271 --> 00:35:07,229 - ♪ How could you use a poor maid so ♪♪ - Spike! 464 00:35:14,062 --> 00:35:16,229 What are you doing? 465 00:35:16,229 --> 00:35:17,729 Aaah! 466 00:35:20,688 --> 00:35:22,938 Spike, listen to me. You don't wanna do this. 467 00:35:24,438 --> 00:35:26,771 And it's just about to get fun. 468 00:35:34,479 --> 00:35:37,312 - Oh, God. - [ Growling ] 469 00:35:50,813 --> 00:35:52,813 You know what I want you to do. 470 00:36:04,563 --> 00:36:06,688 They're waiting for you. 471 00:36:06,688 --> 00:36:09,312 Take her. Taste her. Make her weak. 472 00:36:12,354 --> 00:36:14,646 Spike! No! 473 00:36:18,396 --> 00:36:20,354 [ Growling ] 474 00:36:47,938 --> 00:36:49,855 I remember. 475 00:37:16,604 --> 00:37:18,688 You've failed them. 476 00:37:20,104 --> 00:37:22,271 Now she's gonna kill you. 477 00:37:22,271 --> 00:37:24,187 You lose, mate. 478 00:37:28,938 --> 00:37:31,062 Sorry, ma'am. But it's my job. [ Mumbling ] 479 00:38:07,146 --> 00:38:09,187 Do it fast, okay? 480 00:38:12,354 --> 00:38:15,230 He said you would do it. 481 00:38:15,230 --> 00:38:17,021 Who said? 482 00:38:18,646 --> 00:38:20,521 Me. 483 00:38:21,855 --> 00:38:23,896 It was me. 484 00:38:25,104 --> 00:38:27,604 I saw it. 485 00:38:27,604 --> 00:38:31,229 I was here the whole time, talkin' and singin'. 486 00:38:33,438 --> 00:38:35,396 There was this song. 487 00:38:36,855 --> 00:38:40,729 What are you talking about? I don't know! 488 00:38:40,729 --> 00:38:43,438 Please, I don't remember. 489 00:38:43,438 --> 00:38:45,271 Don't make me remember. 490 00:38:47,146 --> 00:38:49,271 Make it so I forget again! 491 00:38:49,271 --> 00:38:51,438 I did what you wanted! 492 00:38:54,021 --> 00:38:55,813 There's something here. 493 00:39:02,230 --> 00:39:05,229 Oh, God. No, please, I need that. 494 00:39:06,896 --> 00:39:09,813 I can't cry this soul out of me. 495 00:39:09,813 --> 00:39:12,438 It won't come. 496 00:39:12,438 --> 00:39:15,396 I've killed, and I can feel 'em. 497 00:39:17,021 --> 00:39:19,062 I can feel every one of 'em. 498 00:39:28,354 --> 00:39:30,271 There's something playing with us. 499 00:39:31,271 --> 00:39:33,271 All of us. 500 00:39:39,312 --> 00:39:41,729 What is it? 501 00:39:41,729 --> 00:39:44,104 Why is it doin' this to me? 502 00:39:45,187 --> 00:39:47,271 I don't know. 503 00:39:50,271 --> 00:39:54,146 Will you... help me? 504 00:39:57,104 --> 00:39:59,729 Can you help me? 505 00:40:03,396 --> 00:40:05,229 [ Buffy ] I'll help you. 506 00:40:10,354 --> 00:40:12,855 [ Anya ] And you believe him? 507 00:40:12,855 --> 00:40:14,938 [ Buffy ] You didn't see him down there. 508 00:40:14,938 --> 00:40:17,688 He really didn't know what he'd done. 509 00:40:17,688 --> 00:40:20,104 It wasn't in his control. 510 00:40:20,104 --> 00:40:22,980 Oh, an out-of-control serial killer. 511 00:40:22,980 --> 00:40:25,104 You're right. That is a great houseguest. 512 00:40:25,104 --> 00:40:27,104 Wait. Is he-- 513 00:40:27,104 --> 00:40:30,396 - Is he staying here? - I don't know. 514 00:40:30,396 --> 00:40:32,980 But I'm not letting him out of my sight, that's for sure. 515 00:40:32,980 --> 00:40:36,729 Buffy, he's been feeding-- on human blood. That's gotta do stuff. 516 00:40:36,729 --> 00:40:40,438 I'm not keeping him around just to help him. 517 00:40:40,438 --> 00:40:42,563 I think there was something there... 518 00:40:42,563 --> 00:40:44,563 talking to him, making him do things. 519 00:40:44,563 --> 00:40:47,396 Something like what was talking to us? 520 00:40:47,396 --> 00:40:49,771 Maybe. 521 00:40:49,771 --> 00:40:52,563 And if it was, then it's been screwin' with Spike big-time. 522 00:40:52,563 --> 00:40:54,980 So, you want him around because-- 523 00:40:54,980 --> 00:40:57,980 Look, there's something evil working us. 524 00:40:57,980 --> 00:41:01,563 If we are ever gonna have a chance to fight it, we need to learn everything about it. 525 00:41:01,563 --> 00:41:04,479 This thing has been closer to Spike than any of us. 526 00:41:04,479 --> 00:41:07,896 And if you want to understand it-- 527 00:41:07,896 --> 00:41:10,688 I'm gonna have to get close to Spike. 528 00:41:10,688 --> 00:41:13,229 Nah, it's too dangerous. [ Buffy ] I don't have a choice. 529 00:41:13,229 --> 00:41:17,062 Whatever this thing is-- from beneath us-- it's bad. 530 00:41:18,688 --> 00:41:20,813 And it's only getting worse. 531 00:41:30,563 --> 00:41:32,438 Oh, dear God! 532 00:41:35,771 --> 00:41:37,896 Robson, are you here? 533 00:41:39,229 --> 00:41:41,312 Robson! 534 00:41:41,312 --> 00:41:43,729 [ Shallow Breathing ] 535 00:41:50,396 --> 00:41:53,021 You too? 536 00:42:01,396 --> 00:42:04,230 - Dear God, I thought you were-- - Gather them. 537 00:42:04,230 --> 00:42:06,729 - What? - It's started. 538 00:42:06,729 --> 00:42:08,688 It's all right. 539 00:42:08,688 --> 00:42:10,646 I understand. I'll take care of-- 540 00:42:37,604 --> 00:42:39,396 Grr! Arrgh!