1 00:00:01,479 --> 00:00:03,563 Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 2 00:00:03,563 --> 00:00:06,771 So it's her. Under our noses all this time. 3 00:00:06,771 --> 00:00:08,813 - Glorificus will find the witch. - Witch? 4 00:00:08,813 --> 00:00:10,896 - Tara. - You're not the key. You're nothing. 5 00:00:10,896 --> 00:00:12,855 - No! - [ Shouting ] 6 00:00:12,855 --> 00:00:14,479 Tara! 7 00:00:14,479 --> 00:00:15,604 I'm so sorry. 8 00:00:15,604 --> 00:00:18,104 They kill mice. 9 00:00:18,104 --> 00:00:20,396 - Not if I get the key first. - Could you do it? 10 00:00:20,396 --> 00:00:22,980 Take a human life with your own hands? 11 00:00:24,396 --> 00:00:26,187 I told you this wasn't over. 12 00:00:26,187 --> 00:00:28,229 Such pure green energy. 13 00:00:28,229 --> 00:00:31,104 - The key. - Just pack up whatever supplies we need, and that's it. 14 00:00:31,104 --> 00:00:32,396 We're gone. 15 00:00:32,396 --> 00:00:34,396 - Giles! - I see them. 16 00:00:36,521 --> 00:00:39,271 - Help me! - How is he? 17 00:00:39,271 --> 00:00:41,396 - Will? - I think I got him stabilized, 18 00:00:41,396 --> 00:00:44,021 but there's a lot of damage. We need to get him out of here. 19 00:00:45,146 --> 00:00:46,312 [ Xander ] We got company. 20 00:00:46,312 --> 00:00:47,938 The key. 21 00:00:50,688 --> 00:00:54,980 Once the key is activated, the walls separating realities will crumble. 22 00:00:54,980 --> 00:00:57,396 Dimensions will bleed into each other. 23 00:00:57,396 --> 00:01:00,104 I won't let anything happen to you. 24 00:01:00,104 --> 00:01:01,563 - Let me out. - Will, open the door. 25 00:01:01,563 --> 00:01:03,187 No! [ Yells ] 26 00:01:04,354 --> 00:01:06,354 - Buffy! - Dawn! 27 00:01:06,354 --> 00:01:08,104 Buffy, you have to get up. 28 00:01:08,104 --> 00:01:11,980 [ Echoing ] Buffy, please. Buffy? 29 00:01:17,229 --> 00:01:19,312 [ Murk ] Quickly, quickly! 30 00:01:19,312 --> 00:01:22,563 Already we're behind schedule. Someone's bound for a beheading. 31 00:01:22,563 --> 00:01:24,688 Let's make sure it's not me. 32 00:01:24,688 --> 00:01:29,229 Why don't we remain, when our moment of triumph lies so close at hand? 33 00:01:29,229 --> 00:01:32,479 The Glorious One, having acquired much in this world, 34 00:01:32,479 --> 00:01:34,187 doesn't exactly travel lightly. 35 00:01:34,187 --> 00:01:38,271 Hey! Minions, I can hear you. 36 00:01:38,271 --> 00:01:40,479 God-like ears don't miss much, know what I'm sayin'? 37 00:01:40,479 --> 00:01:44,062 - Come here! - 'Twas he who blasphemed, Your Magnificence. 38 00:01:44,062 --> 00:01:47,396 - Spurred on by treacherous urging. - Guys! 39 00:01:47,396 --> 00:01:50,438 I'm not gonna kill you. 40 00:01:50,438 --> 00:01:54,312 I'm not in the mood. What do you think that's about? 41 00:01:54,312 --> 00:01:56,938 In mercy does your power lie? 42 00:01:56,938 --> 00:02:00,855 No, brainless. In torture, death, and chaos does my power lie. 43 00:02:03,354 --> 00:02:05,771 So tell me-- Why am I not popping your head like a zit right now? 44 00:02:08,312 --> 00:02:11,855 - Maybe I'm just hungry. - Yes, we shall fetch a lovely, uh-- 45 00:02:11,855 --> 00:02:14,813 No, I'm not hungry. [ Sighs ] 46 00:02:14,813 --> 00:02:17,479 [ Grunts ] I'm just a little tight in this skin is all. 47 00:02:17,479 --> 00:02:21,521 I've been waiting an eternity-- well, 25 human years-- 48 00:02:21,521 --> 00:02:24,104 and it all comes down to tonight. 49 00:02:24,104 --> 00:02:27,354 - The portal shall open. - And the great Glorificus shall return. 50 00:02:27,354 --> 00:02:29,688 To the hell I came from, 51 00:02:29,688 --> 00:02:33,938 where I'm gonna rain down more super-sized portions of slaughter, mayhem... 52 00:02:33,938 --> 00:02:36,938 and bloodshed than any of you scabs can even dream about. 53 00:02:40,104 --> 00:02:41,980 So, how come I ain't happy? 54 00:02:43,396 --> 00:02:46,396 I've got everything I ever wanted. 55 00:02:46,396 --> 00:02:49,855 Still, something's off. 56 00:02:51,688 --> 00:02:54,271 I don't know. What do you think? 57 00:02:57,896 --> 00:03:00,729 [ Whimpering ] 58 00:03:00,729 --> 00:03:02,771 [ Door Opens ] 59 00:03:02,771 --> 00:03:05,354 Better part of a century spent in delinquency just paid off. 60 00:03:05,354 --> 00:03:08,312 Hot-wired Ben's auto. Who's for gettin' the hell out of here? 61 00:03:08,312 --> 00:03:10,729 All in favor, let's do it. You good to go? 62 00:03:10,729 --> 00:03:13,729 Oh, don't worry about me. How's Buffy? 63 00:03:13,729 --> 00:03:16,855 The same. Still. 64 00:03:16,855 --> 00:03:19,438 It's been almost a half an hour. 65 00:03:19,438 --> 00:03:21,521 The Slayer's gonna be all right, won't she? 66 00:03:23,771 --> 00:03:26,479 You should try again, Wil. 67 00:03:26,479 --> 00:03:30,771 All right. But I'm not even sure she's, you know, 68 00:03:30,771 --> 00:03:33,187 really in there. 69 00:03:33,187 --> 00:03:36,271 Try. [ Sighs ] 70 00:03:40,771 --> 00:03:44,521 Can you hear me? Buffy! 71 00:03:47,312 --> 00:03:51,563 Buffy. 72 00:03:51,563 --> 00:03:53,521 Buffy? 73 00:04:49,146 --> 00:04:51,479 [ Spike ] Buffy? 74 00:04:52,646 --> 00:04:55,771 She can't just be brain dead. 75 00:04:55,771 --> 00:05:00,187 I mean, she's still Buffy. Somewhere in there, right? 76 00:05:00,187 --> 00:05:03,688 Spike, come on. We're not gonna get Dawn back by sittin' around here. 77 00:05:03,688 --> 00:05:07,312 You're not gonna get Dawn back any way you slice it, Harris. That's for Buffy to decide. 78 00:05:07,312 --> 00:05:09,729 Good. Panic. That ought to help. 79 00:05:09,729 --> 00:05:13,604 We should move her. Un-Unless we shouldn't. 80 00:05:13,604 --> 00:05:17,021 - Should we? - Couldn't that make it worse? 81 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:19,146 I think I read that somewhere. 82 00:05:19,146 --> 00:05:21,729 I am so large with not knowing. 83 00:05:21,729 --> 00:05:24,688 It's impossible to know for sure. 84 00:05:24,688 --> 00:05:27,563 Losing Dawn, after all that Buffy's been through-- 85 00:05:27,563 --> 00:05:30,312 I think it's pushed her too far, into some sort of catatonia. 86 00:05:30,312 --> 00:05:32,438 You don't need a diploma to see that. 87 00:05:32,438 --> 00:05:35,438 Snap her out of it. Buffy! 88 00:05:36,855 --> 00:05:39,938 - Oi! Rise and shine, love! - Spike. 89 00:05:39,938 --> 00:05:42,396 Come on, people. Girl's endowed with Slayer strength. 90 00:05:42,396 --> 00:05:44,646 It's hardly the time to get dainty. Buffy! 91 00:05:44,646 --> 00:05:48,396 - We tried that! - Ow! 92 00:05:48,396 --> 00:05:51,062 - We didn't try that. - Are you insane? 93 00:05:51,062 --> 00:05:53,062 We could be dealing with neurological damage here. 94 00:05:53,062 --> 00:05:56,646 - You want to kill her? - We have to do something. 95 00:05:56,646 --> 00:05:59,896 I can't just sit watching. You waste time with kid gloves. 96 00:05:59,896 --> 00:06:02,396 I'm willing to wager, when all's said and done, Buffy likes it rough. 97 00:06:04,229 --> 00:06:05,521 Separate. 98 00:06:11,354 --> 00:06:15,688 Buffy's out. Glory has Dawn. 99 00:06:15,688 --> 00:06:17,771 Sometime real soon, she's gonna use Dawn... 100 00:06:17,771 --> 00:06:20,646 to tear down the barrier between every dimension there is, 101 00:06:20,646 --> 00:06:25,646 so if you two want to fight, you do it after the world ends, okay? 102 00:06:25,646 --> 00:06:29,479 All right. First, we head back to Sunnydale. 103 00:06:29,479 --> 00:06:32,062 Xander'll take Giles to a hospital. 104 00:06:32,062 --> 00:06:34,187 Anya's looking after Tara, 105 00:06:34,187 --> 00:06:37,312 and, Spike, you find Glory. 106 00:06:37,312 --> 00:06:39,604 Check her apartment. See if she's still there. 107 00:06:39,604 --> 00:06:42,563 Try anything stupid like payback... 108 00:06:42,563 --> 00:06:44,896 and I will get very cranky. 109 00:06:47,771 --> 00:06:52,354 Everyone clear? Anya? 110 00:06:52,354 --> 00:06:55,646 Um, w-what will you do? 111 00:06:55,646 --> 00:06:59,479 - I'll help Buffy. - Okay, then. 112 00:06:59,479 --> 00:07:02,646 [ Tara ] The world is spinning... 113 00:07:02,646 --> 00:07:06,604 straight to a new day. Big day. Big, big day. 114 00:07:06,604 --> 00:07:09,396 - [ Willow ] Shh, shh, shh. - [ Moans ] 115 00:07:09,396 --> 00:07:13,104 Uh, Wil? Now, uh... 116 00:07:13,104 --> 00:07:16,230 don't turn me into a horned toad for asking, 117 00:07:16,230 --> 00:07:19,729 but, what if we come across Ben? 118 00:07:19,729 --> 00:07:22,646 I-I don't think a doctor's what Buffy needs right now. 119 00:07:22,646 --> 00:07:26,230 Well, yeah. Especially not one who also happens to be Glory. 120 00:07:26,230 --> 00:07:29,813 - What do you mean? - You know. Ben is Glory. 121 00:07:29,813 --> 00:07:32,438 You mean... Ben's with Glory? 122 00:07:32,438 --> 00:07:35,479 "With" in what sense? 123 00:07:35,479 --> 00:07:38,521 - They're working together? - No. No. 124 00:07:38,521 --> 00:07:41,146 Ben is Glory. Glory's Ben. They're one and the same. 125 00:07:44,646 --> 00:07:46,855 When did all this happen? 126 00:07:46,855 --> 00:07:50,729 Not one hour ago. Right here, before your very eyes. 127 00:07:50,729 --> 00:07:53,021 Ben came, turned into Glory, 128 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:58,187 snatched the kid, and pftt! Vanished. Remember? 129 00:07:58,187 --> 00:08:00,104 You do remember? 130 00:08:01,646 --> 00:08:03,521 Is everyone here very stoned? 131 00:08:05,479 --> 00:08:09,688 Ben! Glory! He's a doctor. She's The Beast. 132 00:08:09,688 --> 00:08:12,438 Two entirely separate entities sharing one body. 133 00:08:12,438 --> 00:08:14,604 It's like a bloody sitcom. Surely you remember. 134 00:08:14,604 --> 00:08:17,521 So you're saying... 135 00:08:17,521 --> 00:08:21,188 Ben and Glory-- Have a connection. 136 00:08:21,188 --> 00:08:23,229 Yes, obviously. But what kind? 137 00:08:23,229 --> 00:08:26,604 [ Snickers ] Oh, I get it. 138 00:08:26,604 --> 00:08:28,813 That's very crafty. 139 00:08:28,813 --> 00:08:30,855 Glory's worked the kind of mojo... 140 00:08:30,855 --> 00:08:34,021 where anyone who sees her little presto-chango instantly forgets. 141 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:38,729 And yours truly, being somewhat other than human, stands immune. 142 00:08:38,729 --> 00:08:43,187 So... Ben and Glory... a-are the same person? 143 00:08:44,938 --> 00:08:47,229 Glory can turn into Ben, 144 00:08:47,229 --> 00:08:50,438 and Ben turns back into Glory. 145 00:08:50,438 --> 00:08:53,813 And anyone who sees it instantly forgets. 146 00:08:53,813 --> 00:08:56,312 [ Sighs ] And a Kewpie doll for the lady. 147 00:08:57,479 --> 00:09:01,146 Excellent. Now... 148 00:09:01,146 --> 00:09:04,354 do we suspect that there may be some kind of connection... 149 00:09:04,354 --> 00:09:06,771 between Ben and Glory? 150 00:09:07,813 --> 00:09:09,813 [ Sighs ] 151 00:09:20,438 --> 00:09:23,563 The key. The key. 152 00:09:23,563 --> 00:09:26,021 [ Loud Hammering ] 153 00:09:26,021 --> 00:09:28,896 [ Sawing ] 154 00:09:28,896 --> 00:09:32,146 [ Chanting Continues ] The key, the key. 155 00:09:44,312 --> 00:09:47,521 [ Glory ] Unbelievable how annoying the groupies can be. [ Chanting ] 156 00:09:47,521 --> 00:09:50,855 They merely sense that tonight, at last, the dimensional portal shall open. 157 00:09:50,855 --> 00:09:53,563 [ Gronx ] Ushering in the long and bloody reign of the great-- 158 00:09:53,563 --> 00:09:55,479 What's he doing? 159 00:09:57,396 --> 00:10:01,938 - I must anoint the key. - You really don't. Go. 160 00:10:01,938 --> 00:10:03,146 But-- Get out! 161 00:10:03,146 --> 00:10:06,062 Get out! Get out! 162 00:10:08,146 --> 00:10:10,312 [ Door Slams ] You know, 163 00:10:10,312 --> 00:10:15,021 you recapture your godhood and unleash Armageddon, and all of a sudden... 164 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:18,688 everybody wants to be a part of the inner circle. 165 00:10:18,688 --> 00:10:23,229 - [ Whimpers ] - [ Sighs ] You okay? 166 00:10:24,938 --> 00:10:28,104 [ Weakly ] I want to go home. 167 00:10:28,104 --> 00:10:32,479 Sweetie! Oh. 168 00:10:35,855 --> 00:10:39,271 - You're about to. - [ Sobs ] 169 00:10:39,271 --> 00:10:41,354 Not that fake suburban nightmare... 170 00:10:41,354 --> 00:10:43,312 the monks cooked up for you, I mean your real home. 171 00:10:43,312 --> 00:10:47,688 As the key, you fit in a lock. 172 00:10:47,688 --> 00:10:53,062 Well, it's like a lock. Hey. You want a pizza? 173 00:10:53,062 --> 00:10:56,312 No. Pillow? 174 00:10:56,312 --> 00:10:58,688 I don't know if this thing gets cable. Doubtful. 175 00:10:58,688 --> 00:11:02,479 [ Sobbing ] Please. Stop. 176 00:11:02,479 --> 00:11:06,021 - You nervous? - Yes. 177 00:11:08,563 --> 00:11:12,896 I know how you feel. It is your last night. 178 00:11:14,229 --> 00:11:17,187 As, you know, a human. 179 00:11:17,187 --> 00:11:21,479 This body? It's just a rental, Dawnie. 180 00:11:21,479 --> 00:11:24,771 Being human-- It's like a costume for girls like you and me. 181 00:11:26,146 --> 00:11:29,271 Being something else-- that's what we are. 182 00:11:29,271 --> 00:11:33,604 - [ Softly ] Don't. - What? 183 00:11:33,604 --> 00:11:36,187 Don't call me "Dawnie." 184 00:11:36,187 --> 00:11:38,479 [ Chuckles ] 185 00:11:40,646 --> 00:11:44,354 [ Chuckling ] Wow. 186 00:11:44,354 --> 00:11:46,563 You know, that actually hurt my feelings. 187 00:11:46,563 --> 00:11:50,729 I'm sorry. Not the point. 188 00:11:53,771 --> 00:11:56,521 I'm just thinking. Here I am, trying to make you feel better, 189 00:11:56,521 --> 00:12:00,021 when comforting others-- not part of my life. 190 00:12:00,021 --> 00:12:03,438 And I'm doing it so I can stop... 191 00:12:03,438 --> 00:12:07,312 feeling so, um-- 192 00:12:07,312 --> 00:12:10,688 [ Snapping Fingers ] Help me out. Guilty? 193 00:12:12,271 --> 00:12:15,688 Guilty. [ Chuckles ] That's it. 194 00:12:19,312 --> 00:12:22,146 But I'm not supposed to feel guilty. 195 00:12:22,146 --> 00:12:24,146 I'm not supposed to feel anything. 196 00:12:24,146 --> 00:12:28,771 I'm-I'm-- I'm a god. I'm above it. 197 00:12:28,771 --> 00:12:32,479 I'm-- You. 198 00:12:34,813 --> 00:12:36,938 You did this to me, didn't you? 199 00:12:36,938 --> 00:12:39,604 Some sort of spell. You've been hanging with the Wicca. 200 00:12:39,604 --> 00:12:43,146 You could have-- But no. 201 00:12:43,146 --> 00:12:46,479 Not magic. It's something else. 202 00:12:46,479 --> 00:12:48,396 Still, it is you doing this. 203 00:12:50,104 --> 00:12:52,104 I-I'm not doing anything. 204 00:12:52,104 --> 00:12:54,563 - I swear. - We'll see. 205 00:12:56,187 --> 00:12:58,688 Anoint this thing now! 206 00:12:58,688 --> 00:13:02,021 You know what they're all chanting for out there, Dawnie? 207 00:13:02,021 --> 00:13:06,855 Blood. 'Cause we found out your blood is the key to the key. 208 00:13:06,855 --> 00:13:09,938 All I gotta do is bleed you dry, 209 00:13:09,938 --> 00:13:13,354 - the portal opens up, and I can go home. - [ Praying ] 210 00:13:13,354 --> 00:13:17,646 So knock yourself out, girlfriend. Make me feel bad as you can. 211 00:13:21,271 --> 00:13:24,980 'Cause tomorrow you bleed, little girl. 212 00:13:27,729 --> 00:13:31,855 - Sure you know what you're doing? - I think so. 213 00:13:31,855 --> 00:13:34,479 I don't know. 214 00:13:34,479 --> 00:13:38,062 It's not exactly well-explored territory, but... 215 00:13:38,062 --> 00:13:40,771 I gotta try. 216 00:13:40,771 --> 00:13:44,021 A spell like this could be really dangerous for Buffy. 217 00:13:44,021 --> 00:13:46,146 And you. [ Tara ] Time-- 218 00:13:46,146 --> 00:13:48,479 Oh, time is coming. 219 00:13:48,479 --> 00:13:53,396 Shh. It's okay. I'm here. [ Whimpering ] 220 00:13:55,229 --> 00:13:58,146 - You'll look after her while I'm-- - Sure. 221 00:13:58,146 --> 00:14:00,938 What do I do? 222 00:14:00,938 --> 00:14:04,187 Mostly just be here for her. 223 00:14:05,604 --> 00:14:08,229 And there's some pills in my knapsack. 224 00:14:08,229 --> 00:14:11,521 Half of one every two hours keeps her pretty mellow. 225 00:14:11,521 --> 00:14:13,646 Y-You think you'll be gone more than two hours? 226 00:14:15,062 --> 00:14:17,896 - Wish me luck? - [ Sighing ] Okay. 227 00:14:19,855 --> 00:14:23,855 - [ Feigning Enthusiasm ] Good luck! - Thanks. 228 00:14:26,563 --> 00:14:29,479 Okay. Be good now, sweetie. 229 00:14:29,479 --> 00:14:32,688 I'll be back as soon as I can. Okay? 230 00:14:34,021 --> 00:14:36,187 We're good? 231 00:14:40,062 --> 00:14:43,104 [ Whimpers ] 232 00:14:46,646 --> 00:14:48,688 [ Softly ] Good luck. 233 00:15:54,646 --> 00:15:58,021 Hi, Willow. 234 00:15:58,021 --> 00:16:01,396 Hello, Buffy. 235 00:17:28,604 --> 00:17:31,729 [ Young Buffy ] What are you doing here? 236 00:17:31,729 --> 00:17:35,646 Actually, I'm, uh, looking for you. 237 00:17:35,646 --> 00:17:38,271 Do you like dolls? 238 00:17:38,271 --> 00:17:41,354 Buffy, what are you doing here? 239 00:17:41,354 --> 00:17:43,438 I like it here. 240 00:17:43,438 --> 00:17:46,354 But... 241 00:17:46,354 --> 00:17:48,563 you know we need you. 242 00:17:48,563 --> 00:17:51,729 - You have to come out. - Why? 243 00:17:51,729 --> 00:17:54,021 To be with your friends. 244 00:17:54,021 --> 00:17:56,354 It's a big day for me. 245 00:17:56,354 --> 00:17:58,229 [ Door Opens ] [ Woman ] Hello? 246 00:17:58,229 --> 00:18:00,271 Mommy! Daddy! 247 00:18:00,271 --> 00:18:02,146 You're back! You're back! 248 00:18:02,146 --> 00:18:06,354 Hello, Buffy. How's my girl? 249 00:18:06,354 --> 00:18:09,187 Are you ready to meet your new baby sister? 250 00:18:09,187 --> 00:18:13,187 Oh, come on, now, Buffy. She's nothing to be afraid of. 251 00:18:13,187 --> 00:18:16,104 - Who's afraid? - Don't you want to be the big sister? 252 00:18:16,104 --> 00:18:18,521 No. I want to be the baby. 253 00:18:18,521 --> 00:18:22,104 - [ Dad ] Buffy. - You're gonna pay more attention to her... 254 00:18:22,104 --> 00:18:24,104 and forget all about me. 255 00:18:24,104 --> 00:18:26,813 Ohhh-- 256 00:18:26,813 --> 00:18:30,354 [ Gurgling ] Doesn't she look funny? 257 00:18:30,354 --> 00:18:33,938 Like a wrinkly old grandpa. 258 00:18:33,938 --> 00:18:36,396 Like this. 259 00:18:36,396 --> 00:18:39,813 Okay, support the head. There you go. 260 00:18:39,813 --> 00:18:42,230 We're calling her Dawn. 261 00:18:42,230 --> 00:18:47,230 - Dawn. - I-I could be the one... 262 00:18:47,230 --> 00:18:50,938 to look after her sometimes if you need a helper. 263 00:18:50,938 --> 00:18:54,396 Mom? Can I take care of her? 264 00:18:54,396 --> 00:18:58,146 [ Chuckles ] Yes, Buffy, you can take care of her. 265 00:18:58,146 --> 00:19:00,062 [ Footsteps ] 266 00:19:12,813 --> 00:19:16,230 Okay. 267 00:19:20,729 --> 00:19:23,354 Can you, uh-- 268 00:19:23,354 --> 00:19:25,604 There. 269 00:19:25,604 --> 00:19:29,646 How you doin'? It only hurts when I answer pointless questions. 270 00:19:29,646 --> 00:19:33,271 Where's Buffy? Willow's on it. Or in it. 271 00:19:33,271 --> 00:19:36,104 She's workin' some spell, trying to reach Buffy psychically. 272 00:19:36,104 --> 00:19:39,604 She's gone into Buffy's mind? Pretty trippy stuff. 273 00:19:39,604 --> 00:19:44,146 It's extraordinarily advanced. I was thinking we should check on Glory's victims... 274 00:19:44,146 --> 00:19:47,813 while we're here. The mental ward? I already been. 275 00:19:47,813 --> 00:19:49,896 The vegetable section's closed. Nobody there. 276 00:19:49,896 --> 00:19:52,771 It's like they all just got up and walked away. [ Gasping ] 277 00:19:52,771 --> 00:19:56,604 Checked out Glory's flat. Looks like the great one has scampered. 278 00:19:56,604 --> 00:19:59,187 Gone to, uh, perform her ritual with Dawn... 279 00:19:59,187 --> 00:20:01,354 and leaving us entirely clueless. 280 00:20:01,354 --> 00:20:04,354 Not entirely. 281 00:20:04,354 --> 00:20:07,396 I know this bloke. 282 00:20:07,396 --> 00:20:10,187 Well, not so much a bloke so much as a demon. 283 00:20:10,187 --> 00:20:15,479 But still bookish. All tuned in to the nastier corners of this, our magic world. 284 00:20:15,479 --> 00:20:17,438 It's a bit of a last resort, really, 285 00:20:17,438 --> 00:20:20,271 but still, we might persuade him... 286 00:20:20,271 --> 00:20:22,438 to suss out Glory's game plan. 287 00:20:25,771 --> 00:20:28,062 - Sound worthy? - [ Sighs ] 288 00:20:29,354 --> 00:20:31,354 Off we go, then. Meet back at the shop. 289 00:20:32,980 --> 00:20:36,980 [ Coughing ] Found Ben's room at Glory's. Didn't learn much. 290 00:20:36,980 --> 00:20:41,896 Wait, wait, wait, wait. Ben? At Glory's? 291 00:20:41,896 --> 00:20:44,062 You're saying all this time he's been subletting from her? 292 00:20:44,062 --> 00:20:46,146 This is gonna be worth it. 293 00:20:46,146 --> 00:20:48,729 Ow! Ow! 294 00:20:48,729 --> 00:20:52,271 [ Chuckling ] Last time. From the top. 295 00:20:54,187 --> 00:20:56,396 [ Sighs ] I'm hating this, Murk. 296 00:20:56,396 --> 00:20:59,771 And "this" would be what exactly, Your Holiness? 297 00:20:59,771 --> 00:21:03,729 Memories. I'm starting to remember the things Ben did, 298 00:21:03,729 --> 00:21:06,354 people he spoke with, stuff he wore. 299 00:21:06,354 --> 00:21:08,271 Mmm. Kid. 300 00:21:10,438 --> 00:21:13,771 I came-- He came to see you, didn't he? 301 00:21:13,771 --> 00:21:17,187 - Ben? - Yeah, Ben! 302 00:21:18,980 --> 00:21:23,104 You called him to the desert when you were hiding from me. 303 00:21:23,104 --> 00:21:26,771 And he came. And then he was me. You remember? 304 00:21:26,771 --> 00:21:29,021 Yes. 305 00:21:29,021 --> 00:21:32,062 [ Gasps ] See? She's not supposed to remember that. 306 00:21:32,062 --> 00:21:35,938 Nobody should! The cloak between Ben and me is fading. 307 00:21:35,938 --> 00:21:39,563 I almost helped her! He-- I wanted to. 308 00:21:40,813 --> 00:21:45,146 Huh! I can't do this! 309 00:21:45,146 --> 00:21:49,104 Get him out of me. Wh-What? 310 00:21:49,104 --> 00:21:53,521 Ben. The human meatsack who's infecting me. 311 00:21:53,521 --> 00:21:55,521 Do your mojo. Make an incision... 312 00:21:55,521 --> 00:21:57,438 or removal or whatever you gotta do. 313 00:21:57,438 --> 00:22:00,396 [ Sniffling ] Help me. 314 00:22:00,396 --> 00:22:03,229 I'm-I'm thinking Ben's thoughts, 315 00:22:03,229 --> 00:22:06,104 and I'm feeling his feelings... 316 00:22:06,104 --> 00:22:08,855 and-- [ Groans ] I-- 317 00:22:08,855 --> 00:22:12,729 Can't kill the girl. 318 00:22:12,729 --> 00:22:18,104 Damn it. Help me. 319 00:22:18,104 --> 00:22:21,104 Th-This I cannot do. 320 00:22:21,104 --> 00:22:23,896 You risk terrible magics... 321 00:22:23,896 --> 00:22:26,104 in opening the portal. 322 00:22:26,104 --> 00:22:28,062 Nothing comes without a price. 323 00:22:28,062 --> 00:22:30,354 This is yours. 324 00:22:30,354 --> 00:22:34,104 [ Breathing Heavily ] Gods don't pay. 325 00:22:36,479 --> 00:22:40,771 [ Gasps ] We do this now. 326 00:22:44,229 --> 00:22:46,771 Hey! I know you. 327 00:22:46,771 --> 00:22:48,688 You-You're the first original Slayer... 328 00:22:48,688 --> 00:22:51,938 who tried killing us all in our dreams. 329 00:22:53,312 --> 00:22:57,354 - How've you been? - Death is your gift. 330 00:22:57,354 --> 00:23:00,646 - Death is my gift? - Wait. Death is her what? 331 00:23:00,646 --> 00:23:02,396 Death is your gift. 332 00:23:17,896 --> 00:23:22,604 - Where are you going? - [ Murk ] Glorificus! Wait! 333 00:23:22,604 --> 00:23:24,604 Kill the key now, and all will be lost. 334 00:23:24,604 --> 00:23:27,729 We'll be stuck on this mortal plane forever. 335 00:23:27,729 --> 00:23:30,521 [ Choking ] All right. You're right. 336 00:23:30,521 --> 00:23:35,563 It's cool. I'm just a little emotional right now. 337 00:23:35,563 --> 00:23:37,980 [ Chuckles ] Which, if you're into irony-- funny. 338 00:23:37,980 --> 00:23:42,354 Leave. We need a little girl time. Good-bye. 339 00:23:47,896 --> 00:23:50,104 How do they do it? 340 00:23:50,104 --> 00:23:52,521 [ Door Closes ] Do what? 341 00:23:52,521 --> 00:23:55,521 People. How do they function here like this... 342 00:23:55,521 --> 00:23:58,062 in the world with all this bile running through them? 343 00:23:58,062 --> 00:24:01,604 Every day, it's whoo! You have no control. They're not even animals. 344 00:24:01,604 --> 00:24:03,563 They're just these meatbaggy slaves... 345 00:24:03,563 --> 00:24:05,563 to hormones and pheromones... 346 00:24:05,563 --> 00:24:07,521 and their-- and their feelings. 347 00:24:07,521 --> 00:24:10,396 Hate 'em. I mean, really. 348 00:24:10,396 --> 00:24:13,230 Is this what the poets go on about? This? 349 00:24:15,230 --> 00:24:16,855 Call me crazy, but as hard-core drugs go, 350 00:24:16,855 --> 00:24:19,104 human emotion is just useless. 351 00:24:19,104 --> 00:24:21,729 People are puppets, everyone getting jerked around... 352 00:24:21,729 --> 00:24:24,146 by what they're feelin'. 353 00:24:24,146 --> 00:24:27,271 Am I wrong? Really. I want to know. 354 00:24:29,813 --> 00:24:32,104 Gonna bleed you either way. 355 00:24:34,229 --> 00:24:36,396 Depends on the person. 356 00:24:36,396 --> 00:24:39,980 So you're saying some people like this. Some. 357 00:24:39,980 --> 00:24:42,521 Funny, 'cause I look around at this world... 358 00:24:42,521 --> 00:24:45,521 you're so eager to be a part of, and all I see... 359 00:24:45,521 --> 00:24:48,563 is six billion lunatics looking for the fastest ride out. 360 00:24:49,855 --> 00:24:52,938 Who's not crazy? Look around. 361 00:24:52,938 --> 00:24:57,021 Everyone's drinking, smoking, shooting up... 362 00:24:57,021 --> 00:25:00,187 shooting each other, or just plane screwing their brains out... 363 00:25:00,187 --> 00:25:02,188 'cause they don't want 'em anymore. 364 00:25:03,729 --> 00:25:05,813 I'm crazy? 365 00:25:05,813 --> 00:25:08,604 Honey, I'm the original one-eyed chicklet... 366 00:25:08,604 --> 00:25:10,688 in the kingdom of the blind-- 367 00:25:10,688 --> 00:25:14,230 [ Sighs ] 'Cause at least I admit the world makes me nuts. 368 00:25:14,230 --> 00:25:16,813 Name one person who can take it here. 369 00:25:16,813 --> 00:25:18,813 That's all I'm asking. 370 00:25:18,813 --> 00:25:21,230 Name one. 371 00:25:21,230 --> 00:25:23,187 Buffy. 372 00:25:28,771 --> 00:25:32,646 I can't keep following you around like this, Buffy. We have to go. 373 00:25:34,230 --> 00:25:37,396 You have to talk to-- me. 374 00:25:46,813 --> 00:25:51,354 I'm sorry. Don't be. 375 00:25:51,354 --> 00:25:54,563 Death is my gift. 376 00:25:54,563 --> 00:25:59,229 Yeah, I keep hearing that, but I'm not exactly sure what it means. 377 00:25:59,229 --> 00:26:01,521 It's really not that complicated. 378 00:26:01,521 --> 00:26:03,438 Not for you, maybe. 379 00:26:07,438 --> 00:26:09,771 It's what I do. 380 00:26:09,771 --> 00:26:12,354 Come on. You've known me... for how long? 381 00:26:12,354 --> 00:26:17,230 It's what I'm here for. It's all I am. 382 00:26:17,230 --> 00:26:21,354 [ Softly Weeping ] Buffy, stop! 383 00:26:22,354 --> 00:26:26,813 No! God, no! 384 00:26:26,813 --> 00:26:29,104 What? 385 00:26:29,104 --> 00:26:32,771 I keep telling you, Wil. I-I figured it out. 386 00:26:32,771 --> 00:26:34,896 Death is my gift. 387 00:26:44,938 --> 00:26:48,438 Oh, Ben. This is really not a good time. [ Breathing Hard ] 388 00:26:48,438 --> 00:26:51,396 Dawn, has Glory hurt you? 389 00:26:51,396 --> 00:26:55,646 Uh, no. Not yet. 390 00:26:55,646 --> 00:26:57,896 But I have to get out of here. 391 00:27:00,521 --> 00:27:06,230 Ben? You okay? 392 00:27:07,271 --> 00:27:11,230 Where is it? 393 00:27:11,230 --> 00:27:13,188 Wh-Where's what? 394 00:27:13,188 --> 00:27:15,771 All the blood. 395 00:27:15,771 --> 00:27:20,646 I can feel it, still warm and wet. 396 00:27:20,646 --> 00:27:24,146 And Glory. Oh, God. 397 00:27:24,146 --> 00:27:28,062 She slaughtered hundreds of men. 398 00:27:28,062 --> 00:27:30,104 But I can feel them breaking. 399 00:27:30,104 --> 00:27:34,563 Ben. Something is happening to both you and Glory. 400 00:27:34,563 --> 00:27:38,354 [ Breathing Hard ] I'm remembering her, aren't I? 401 00:27:38,354 --> 00:27:40,896 The things she's done. Things she's going to do. 402 00:27:40,896 --> 00:27:43,855 I know. Sh-She told me. 403 00:27:43,855 --> 00:27:46,896 I think, whatever the magic is that keeps you guys apart... 404 00:27:46,896 --> 00:27:49,479 is starting to break down. 405 00:27:49,479 --> 00:27:51,813 Ben, Glory could come back any minute. 406 00:27:51,813 --> 00:27:54,021 How could she do this? 407 00:27:54,021 --> 00:27:56,980 I don't know. But we have to get out of here... 408 00:27:56,980 --> 00:28:00,604 and find Buffy. No! I mean, I have a job. 409 00:28:00,604 --> 00:28:02,771 I have a life. And Glory? 410 00:28:02,771 --> 00:28:05,230 She never once thinks about me in all this. 411 00:28:05,230 --> 00:28:07,354 [ Knocking On Door ] 412 00:28:08,271 --> 00:28:11,230 Help me. How? 413 00:28:11,230 --> 00:28:16,021 [ High Priest ] Highness? Please. 414 00:28:16,021 --> 00:28:18,646 [ High Priest ] Is everything all right? 415 00:28:18,646 --> 00:28:20,646 You're not-- 416 00:28:27,396 --> 00:28:30,646 I'll take you as far as I can. Ditch you before she comes back. 417 00:28:30,646 --> 00:28:33,021 [ Willow ] Okay. Now, this is weird. 418 00:28:34,604 --> 00:28:36,646 Hi, Willow. What are you doing here? 419 00:28:36,646 --> 00:28:39,896 Actually, I'm, uh, looking for you here. 420 00:28:39,896 --> 00:28:41,896 Again. 421 00:28:45,271 --> 00:28:47,729 Do you like dolls? 422 00:28:47,729 --> 00:28:52,521 No, and I think we already "deja'd" this vu. 423 00:28:52,521 --> 00:28:55,229 [ Giggles ] You talk funny. 424 00:28:55,229 --> 00:28:57,729 Yes. As you'll tell me again... 425 00:28:57,729 --> 00:29:00,312 when we're older and in chem class. 426 00:29:00,312 --> 00:29:03,396 Buffy, what are we doing here? 427 00:29:03,396 --> 00:29:05,312 Don't you like it here? 428 00:29:05,312 --> 00:29:08,146 We don't have time. 429 00:29:08,146 --> 00:29:09,855 [ Door Opening ] Mommy! Daddy! 430 00:29:09,855 --> 00:29:13,521 [ Dad ] We're home! [ Young Buffy ] You're back! You're back! 431 00:29:13,521 --> 00:29:16,062 Hi, Buffy. 432 00:29:18,479 --> 00:29:20,771 We're calling her Dawn. 433 00:29:28,188 --> 00:29:30,855 I could be the one to look after her sometimes. 434 00:29:39,230 --> 00:29:41,688 [ Knocking On Door ] It's always open! 435 00:29:42,813 --> 00:29:44,354 What can I do for you boys? 436 00:29:44,354 --> 00:29:48,438 - Want some cocoa? - [ Spike ] No. 437 00:29:48,438 --> 00:29:50,688 We need information. We need-- 438 00:29:50,688 --> 00:29:54,021 - Ben's Glory! - Who's what? 439 00:29:54,021 --> 00:29:55,938 Look at this-- Special Ed remembers. 440 00:29:55,938 --> 00:29:59,729 Yeah, I do. Ben's Glory, and Glory's Ben. 441 00:29:59,729 --> 00:30:02,062 It's like this fog's liftin'. 442 00:30:02,062 --> 00:30:04,021 Wonderful. But not why we're here. 443 00:30:04,021 --> 00:30:06,354 Hell-god type, name of Glory-- 444 00:30:06,354 --> 00:30:09,312 - A.K.A. Ben-- - Has gone missing. 445 00:30:09,312 --> 00:30:11,479 She's brewing up some major league bad. 446 00:30:11,479 --> 00:30:14,146 And she's nicked the Slayer's kid sister in the bargain. 447 00:30:14,146 --> 00:30:18,896 Hmm. That girl you brought here. Sweet little thing. 448 00:30:18,896 --> 00:30:23,855 How'd things work out with her mom? Changed her mind, didn't she? 449 00:30:23,855 --> 00:30:27,396 Yeah. You got any idea where Glory would take her? 450 00:30:28,646 --> 00:30:33,563 Glory. Glory. Ooh! 451 00:30:33,563 --> 00:30:36,062 Y-You don't mean Glorificus? 452 00:30:36,062 --> 00:30:38,855 Gosh. What do you want to get mixed up with her for? 453 00:30:38,855 --> 00:30:40,813 That's a sure way to get yourselves killed. 454 00:30:40,813 --> 00:30:43,271 I hear she's awfully unpleasant. 455 00:30:43,271 --> 00:30:46,021 When it comes to hell-gods, my best advice... 456 00:30:46,021 --> 00:30:49,271 is get out of the way... and stay there. 457 00:30:49,271 --> 00:30:51,396 Love to. Can't. 458 00:30:51,396 --> 00:30:56,688 Well, uh, other than that, I'd like to help. 459 00:30:58,479 --> 00:31:00,646 But I-I'm a small town guy. 460 00:31:00,646 --> 00:31:03,521 This Glorificus-- if it is her-- 461 00:31:03,521 --> 00:31:05,729 Whoo. She's big city. 462 00:31:05,729 --> 00:31:08,604 - She's got Dawn. - Right. 463 00:31:10,980 --> 00:31:13,187 Well, I may know a fella, 464 00:31:13,187 --> 00:31:16,479 you know, who knows a fella in-in China. 465 00:31:16,479 --> 00:31:18,771 He might-- How the hell are we supposed to get to China? 466 00:31:18,771 --> 00:31:21,229 - Teleport? - I guess. 467 00:31:21,229 --> 00:31:25,229 You know, if you're in that much of a hurry, I wish you luck. 468 00:31:25,229 --> 00:31:30,229 You're lying. And what's more, I believe you're standing... 469 00:31:30,229 --> 00:31:33,146 right in front of the very thing we need. 470 00:31:38,021 --> 00:31:41,396 - [ Whispering ] Idiot. - [ Grunts ] Get him! 471 00:31:42,521 --> 00:31:44,521 [ Grunting ] 472 00:31:49,271 --> 00:31:53,646 You think only underworld bottom-feeders worship The Beast? 473 00:32:01,146 --> 00:32:04,271 Her day is coming, boys! 474 00:32:04,271 --> 00:32:07,688 And when she returns, then you're gonna see something. 475 00:32:12,604 --> 00:32:14,813 [ Groans ] Ow! 476 00:32:14,813 --> 00:32:17,855 [ Grunting ] 477 00:32:28,187 --> 00:32:31,855 What do we got? Something worth dying for. 478 00:32:33,980 --> 00:32:36,312 [ Sizzling ] 479 00:32:44,187 --> 00:32:47,312 Buffy, will you just stop a second and listen to me? 480 00:32:47,312 --> 00:32:49,604 Buffy. 481 00:32:49,604 --> 00:32:52,521 You have to stop doing this. Doing what? 482 00:32:52,521 --> 00:32:54,980 Killing Dawn. Why? 483 00:32:54,980 --> 00:32:56,896 Because this never happened. 484 00:32:56,896 --> 00:32:58,938 You never killed your sister. 485 00:32:58,938 --> 00:33:02,813 Wil, I did this. In your imagination. 486 00:33:02,813 --> 00:33:04,896 None of this is real. 487 00:33:04,896 --> 00:33:07,354 Y-You're stuck in some kind of loop. 488 00:33:07,354 --> 00:33:11,146 I don't know what you're talking about. Excuse me. 489 00:33:11,146 --> 00:33:14,312 Buffy, why are you doing this? 490 00:33:14,312 --> 00:33:16,563 [ Panting, Gasping ] 491 00:33:16,563 --> 00:33:20,688 I think they see us. Stay close to me. Don't look back. 492 00:33:20,688 --> 00:33:22,479 [ Breathing Nervously ] 493 00:33:24,479 --> 00:33:26,521 Shh! Stay very still. [ Men Chattering ] 494 00:33:32,938 --> 00:33:37,771 - [ Grunts ] - I'm sorry. 495 00:33:39,312 --> 00:33:41,896 Sorry? 496 00:33:41,896 --> 00:33:45,938 That actually hurt, you prepubescent puke. 497 00:33:53,396 --> 00:33:56,271 Okay. First thought-- just totally spontaneous, unfiltered, 498 00:33:56,271 --> 00:33:58,396 off the top of my head: Ow! 499 00:33:58,396 --> 00:34:00,229 [ Clattering ] 500 00:34:00,229 --> 00:34:04,354 You hit Ben in his soft human head, and I remember the pain. 501 00:34:04,354 --> 00:34:07,229 [ Gasps, Cries Out ] 502 00:34:07,229 --> 00:34:10,312 You probably think I won't waste any precious blood of yours till tonight. 503 00:34:10,312 --> 00:34:12,521 You're right. But I know... 504 00:34:12,521 --> 00:34:14,646 a thousand ways to hurt you... [ Screams ] 505 00:34:14,646 --> 00:34:18,104 that won't spill a drop-- and you know those pesky feelings I've been having? 506 00:34:18,104 --> 00:34:23,062 Like guilt, empathy? I'm gonna take 'em and mash 'em back down where they belong. Okay? 507 00:34:23,062 --> 00:34:26,312 Now, let's have big girl fun-- 508 00:34:26,312 --> 00:34:28,896 - [ Gasps, Cries Out ] - Just you and-- 509 00:34:28,896 --> 00:34:31,312 Leave her alone. [ Sighs ] 510 00:34:31,312 --> 00:34:35,396 I said, leave her alone. 511 00:34:35,396 --> 00:34:39,688 No, no. Little late in the game to start growing a backbone, Benjamin. 512 00:34:39,688 --> 00:34:42,396 Be good, and stay quiet. No, you don't! 513 00:34:42,396 --> 00:34:44,688 Get over yourself, Ben! 514 00:34:44,688 --> 00:34:47,563 This is the way things are. I'm strong. You're weak. 515 00:34:47,563 --> 00:34:51,354 [ Chuckles ] This is reality. Stop trying to infect me with your-- 516 00:34:51,354 --> 00:34:53,938 Do you ever stop talking? 517 00:34:53,938 --> 00:34:57,021 I don't know which is worse. Waking up in a dress, not knowing where I've been, 518 00:34:57,021 --> 00:35:00,604 or having to hear all your self-involved ranting! 519 00:35:00,604 --> 00:35:03,271 - Animal. - Wrong, Glory. I'm no animal. 520 00:35:03,271 --> 00:35:05,396 This is humanity you're feeling. 521 00:35:05,396 --> 00:35:08,271 - Welcome to the world. - No, no, no! 522 00:35:11,771 --> 00:35:14,104 Stick around, chica. 523 00:35:14,104 --> 00:35:16,688 I won't let you hurt her, Glory. 524 00:35:16,688 --> 00:35:20,104 Ooh! Shut your hole, you sanctimonious little meatworm. 525 00:35:20,104 --> 00:35:22,938 I'm going home no matter what you do. 526 00:35:27,021 --> 00:35:28,855 You really think I'll just let that happen? 527 00:35:28,855 --> 00:35:31,438 Benjamin, what are you doing? 528 00:35:31,438 --> 00:35:33,771 You need her blood? 529 00:35:33,771 --> 00:35:36,771 When I'm through, there won't be enough left to fill a bottle cap. 530 00:35:36,771 --> 00:35:39,521 - Then you, hellbitch, have nowhere left-- - To go. [ Gasps ] 531 00:35:42,604 --> 00:35:45,271 [ Bottle Shatters ] 532 00:35:45,271 --> 00:35:47,938 You can't hurt her, and you know it, Ben. 533 00:35:50,146 --> 00:35:52,062 I know it because I feel what you're feeling. 534 00:35:52,062 --> 00:35:54,980 Scared. Shh! Shh! It's okay. 535 00:35:54,980 --> 00:35:58,104 You don't want to die. Who would? 536 00:35:58,104 --> 00:36:01,062 - [ Chuckles ] I don't. - You can't. You're immortal. 537 00:36:02,271 --> 00:36:05,188 Nobody has to die here, Ben. 538 00:36:05,188 --> 00:36:08,813 Just let me bleed the girl and go home. Everything'll work out fine. 539 00:36:08,813 --> 00:36:12,521 Do you really believe, with all I know, that you can trick me? 540 00:36:12,521 --> 00:36:14,813 Stop and think, baby. 541 00:36:14,813 --> 00:36:18,230 We bleed the kid, return me to my seat of power. 542 00:36:18,230 --> 00:36:20,062 I become a god again. 543 00:36:20,062 --> 00:36:25,021 - And I disappear. - Ooh, unless somebody up there likes you. 544 00:36:25,021 --> 00:36:29,062 Give up the girl, I could like you a lot. 545 00:36:29,062 --> 00:36:31,813 [ Ben ] I won't make a deal with you, Glory. 546 00:36:31,813 --> 00:36:34,312 When exactly did you get stupid? 547 00:36:34,312 --> 00:36:37,146 I'm offering immortality here. 548 00:36:40,187 --> 00:36:43,271 I believe you. That's not the problem. 549 00:36:43,271 --> 00:36:45,396 You make me immortal. Then what? 550 00:36:45,396 --> 00:36:47,855 I have to kill her to do it, and I won't be able to live with that. 551 00:36:47,855 --> 00:36:50,229 Not even for a day. Forget about eternity. 552 00:36:50,229 --> 00:36:53,146 Hey, baby, Baby, baby Ben. 553 00:36:53,146 --> 00:36:55,813 Why do you worry so much? 554 00:36:55,813 --> 00:37:00,146 When you're immortal, all this crap you've been carrying around inside-- 555 00:37:00,146 --> 00:37:04,062 The guilt, the anger, the crazy-making pain-- 556 00:37:04,062 --> 00:37:07,855 Ooh, it all just melts away like ice cream. 557 00:37:07,855 --> 00:37:11,271 Trust me. When all this is over, 558 00:37:11,271 --> 00:37:13,896 I can set you up real nice. 559 00:37:13,896 --> 00:37:16,104 I'm makin' it easy. 560 00:37:16,104 --> 00:37:18,521 It's you or the girl. 561 00:37:19,896 --> 00:37:22,855 I can't accept that. [ Breathing Heavily ] 562 00:37:22,855 --> 00:37:25,688 Accept it. [ Chuckles ] 563 00:37:25,688 --> 00:37:28,312 I'm a god, stupid. 564 00:37:36,604 --> 00:37:40,229 I'm sorry. 565 00:37:40,229 --> 00:37:42,354 [ Gasps ] 566 00:37:44,187 --> 00:37:46,563 Don't make this harder than it already is. 567 00:37:46,563 --> 00:37:50,062 I'm sorry. I got no choice. It's you or me. 568 00:37:58,354 --> 00:38:02,188 No. Buffy! Leave Dawn alone. What is this? 569 00:38:02,188 --> 00:38:04,354 My gift. This is what I do. 570 00:38:04,354 --> 00:38:07,229 I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about... 571 00:38:08,312 --> 00:38:10,271 th-this. 572 00:38:18,688 --> 00:38:21,271 Right here, it happened. I know... 573 00:38:21,271 --> 00:38:24,813 it's something small, but it's something. 574 00:38:24,813 --> 00:38:28,062 - What? - Don't go there, Wil. 575 00:38:28,062 --> 00:38:31,855 I'm not. You're the one who keeps dragging me back here. 576 00:38:31,855 --> 00:38:34,062 A-And you wouldn't be doing that... 577 00:38:34,062 --> 00:38:37,354 if you weren't trying to show me something. 578 00:38:37,354 --> 00:38:40,230 Do I? 579 00:38:40,230 --> 00:38:43,230 Buffy, come on. It-it's your brain. Just tell me. 580 00:38:46,604 --> 00:38:48,146 [ Willow ] What happened here? 581 00:38:50,688 --> 00:38:55,312 - This was when I quit, Wil. - You did? 582 00:38:55,312 --> 00:39:00,021 - Just for a second. - [ Buffy ] I remember. 583 00:39:00,021 --> 00:39:02,604 I was in the magic shop. 584 00:39:02,604 --> 00:39:05,021 I put a book back for Giles. 585 00:39:06,771 --> 00:39:11,646 Nothing special about it. And then it hit me. 586 00:39:11,646 --> 00:39:17,271 - What hit you? - I can't beat Glory. 587 00:39:17,271 --> 00:39:19,312 Glory's going to win. 588 00:39:19,312 --> 00:39:24,438 You can't know that. I didn't just know it. 589 00:39:24,438 --> 00:39:28,563 I felt it. Glory will beat me. 590 00:39:28,563 --> 00:39:31,230 And in that second of knowing it, Wil? 591 00:39:31,230 --> 00:39:33,146 I wanted it to happen. 592 00:39:33,146 --> 00:39:36,229 - Why? - I wanted it over. 593 00:39:37,938 --> 00:39:40,563 This is-- All of this-- 594 00:39:42,062 --> 00:39:44,104 It's too much for me. 595 00:39:44,104 --> 00:39:46,479 I just wanted it over. 596 00:39:46,479 --> 00:39:50,396 If Glory wins, then Dawn dies. 597 00:39:50,396 --> 00:39:54,396 And I would grieve. People would feel sorry for me. 598 00:39:56,229 --> 00:39:58,146 But it would be over. 599 00:39:59,771 --> 00:40:02,104 I imagined what a relief it would be. 600 00:40:07,938 --> 00:40:10,021 I killed Dawn. 601 00:40:13,896 --> 00:40:15,896 Is that what you think? 602 00:40:15,896 --> 00:40:18,146 [ Buffy ] My thinking it made it happen. 603 00:40:19,563 --> 00:40:21,771 Some part of me wanted it. 604 00:40:23,604 --> 00:40:27,021 And in the moment, Glory took Dawn. 605 00:40:27,021 --> 00:40:30,771 I know I could've done something better. 606 00:40:30,771 --> 00:40:33,396 But I didn't. 607 00:40:33,396 --> 00:40:36,146 I was off by some fraction of a second. 608 00:40:36,146 --> 00:40:40,729 - And this is why-- - I killed my sister. 609 00:40:40,729 --> 00:40:44,104 I think Spike was right back at the gas station. 610 00:40:44,104 --> 00:40:47,521 - Snap out of it! - What? - What? 611 00:40:47,521 --> 00:40:50,938 All this-- it has a name. 612 00:40:50,938 --> 00:40:54,438 It's called guilt. It's a feeling, and it's important. 613 00:40:54,438 --> 00:40:57,021 But it's not more than that, Buffy. 614 00:40:57,021 --> 00:41:01,062 Buffies. You've carried the weight of the world on your shoulders... 615 00:41:01,062 --> 00:41:04,479 since high school-- and I-I know you didn't ask for this, 616 00:41:04,479 --> 00:41:07,604 but you do it, every day. 617 00:41:07,604 --> 00:41:11,354 And so, you wanted out for one second. 618 00:41:11,354 --> 00:41:15,521 - So what? - I got Dawn killed. 619 00:41:15,521 --> 00:41:18,813 Hello! Your sister? Not dead yet. 620 00:41:18,813 --> 00:41:21,354 But she will be if you stay locked inside here... 621 00:41:21,354 --> 00:41:25,271 - and never come back to us. - And what if I can't? 622 00:41:26,855 --> 00:41:31,396 Then I guess you're right, and you did kill your sister. 623 00:41:34,104 --> 00:41:37,229 Wait. Where are you going? 624 00:41:40,813 --> 00:41:44,729 Where you're needed. Are you coming? 625 00:41:56,021 --> 00:41:57,646 [ Breathing Fitfully ] 626 00:42:15,230 --> 00:42:16,980 [ Door Opens, Bell Rings ] Buffy? 627 00:42:16,980 --> 00:42:19,271 She's back. [ Xander ] You're okay? 628 00:42:19,271 --> 00:42:23,438 Yeah. I'm okay. I hear you found the ritual text. 629 00:42:23,438 --> 00:42:25,438 Uh, something like that, yes. 630 00:42:25,438 --> 00:42:27,479 Did you know that Ben is Glory? 631 00:42:27,479 --> 00:42:30,104 So I'm told. What do we know? 632 00:42:30,104 --> 00:42:33,104 Um, well, uh, according to these scrolls, 633 00:42:33,104 --> 00:42:35,396 uh, it is possible for Glory to be stopped. 634 00:42:37,354 --> 00:42:39,813 I-I'm afraid it's, um-- 635 00:42:39,813 --> 00:42:41,938 Buffy, I've read these things very carefully, 636 00:42:41,938 --> 00:42:44,563 and there's not much margin for error. 637 00:42:44,563 --> 00:42:46,688 You understand what I'm saying? 638 00:42:46,688 --> 00:42:49,354 Might help if you actually said it. 639 00:42:52,021 --> 00:42:55,271 Um-- [ Grunts ] 640 00:42:55,271 --> 00:43:00,438 Glory plans to open a dimensional portal... 641 00:43:00,438 --> 00:43:03,230 by way of a ritual bloodletting. 642 00:43:04,521 --> 00:43:06,855 - Dawn's blood. - Yes. 643 00:43:08,271 --> 00:43:11,855 Once the blood is shed at a certain time and place, 644 00:43:11,855 --> 00:43:15,521 the fabric which separates all realities will be ripped apart. 645 00:43:17,354 --> 00:43:20,104 Dimensions will pour into one another... 646 00:43:20,104 --> 00:43:22,104 with no barriers to stop them. 647 00:43:23,604 --> 00:43:25,563 Reality as we know it will be destroyed, 648 00:43:25,563 --> 00:43:29,229 and chaos will reign on earth. 649 00:43:29,229 --> 00:43:31,354 So how do we stop it? 650 00:43:31,354 --> 00:43:34,104 The portal will only close once the blood is stopped. 651 00:43:35,688 --> 00:43:38,271 And the only way for that to happen is, um-- 652 00:43:42,938 --> 00:43:45,146 Buffy, the only way is to kill Dawn. 653 00:44:25,896 --> 00:44:28,230 Grr! Arrgh!