1 00:00:28,417 --> 00:00:30,961 Two households, both alike in dignity, 2 00:00:31,129 --> 00:00:34,256 in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, 3 00:00:34,423 --> 00:00:37,092 from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, 4 00:00:37,260 --> 00:00:40,555 where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. 5 00:00:40,722 --> 00:00:43,307 From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, 6 00:00:43,475 --> 00:00:47,061 a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; 7 00:00:47,229 --> 00:00:49,814 whose misadventured piteous overthrows 8 00:00:49,982 --> 00:00:53,234 doth with their death bury their parents' strife. 9 00:00:53,402 --> 00:00:56,195 The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love 10 00:00:56,363 --> 00:00:59,073 and the continuance of their parents' rage, 11 00:00:59,241 --> 00:01:03,078 which, but their children's end, nought could remove, 12 00:01:03,246 --> 00:01:05,956 is now the two hours' traffic of our stage. 13 00:01:25,603 --> 00:01:28,313 Two households, 14 00:01:28,480 --> 00:01:30,565 both alike in dignity, 15 00:01:30,733 --> 00:01:34,277 in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, 16 00:01:34,445 --> 00:01:39,574 from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, 17 00:01:39,742 --> 00:01:44,204 where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. 18 00:01:46,290 --> 00:01:51,795 From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, 19 00:01:52,881 --> 00:01:58,010 a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life. 20 00:02:35,425 --> 00:02:40,429 A dog of the house of Capulet moves me! 21 00:02:46,979 --> 00:02:49,021 Pedlar's excrement! 22 00:02:49,189 --> 00:02:52,566 King Urinal! Go rot! 23 00:02:53,193 --> 00:02:55,194 The boys! The boys! 24 00:03:09,377 --> 00:03:13,297 - The quarrel is between our masters. - And us their men! 25 00:03:37,156 --> 00:03:41,409 Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble! 26 00:03:41,577 --> 00:03:45,622 And l am a pretty piece of flesh! 27 00:03:45,790 --> 00:03:47,291 I am... 28 00:03:56,760 --> 00:04:00,596 - Here comes of the house of Capulet! - Quarrel, I will back thee. 29 00:04:21,494 --> 00:04:25,121 I will bite my thumb at them, which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it. 30 00:04:42,474 --> 00:04:45,226 Go forth! l will back thee! 31 00:04:46,478 --> 00:04:49,355 - Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? - I do bite my thumb, sir. 32 00:04:49,523 --> 00:04:51,608 Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? 33 00:04:51,776 --> 00:04:54,236 - Is the law of our side if l say ay? - No! 34 00:04:54,404 --> 00:04:57,531 No, sir, l do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir! 35 00:04:57,698 --> 00:05:00,659 - Do you quarrel, sir? - Quarrel, sir? No, sir! 36 00:05:00,827 --> 00:05:03,745 But if you do, sir, I am for you. I serve as good a man as you. 37 00:05:03,913 --> 00:05:04,913 No better? 38 00:05:05,998 --> 00:05:08,083 Here comes our kinsman. Say better! 39 00:05:08,251 --> 00:05:10,043 - Yes, sir, better! - You lie! 40 00:05:10,628 --> 00:05:12,295 Draw, if you be men! 41 00:05:15,926 --> 00:05:17,760 Part, fools! You know not what you do. 42 00:05:25,269 --> 00:05:26,853 Put up your Swords! 43 00:05:57,844 --> 00:06:01,181 What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? 44 00:06:03,225 --> 00:06:05,143 Turn thee, Benvolio, 45 00:06:06,395 --> 00:06:09,147 and look upon thy death. 46 00:06:10,191 --> 00:06:12,233 I do but keep the peace. 47 00:06:12,401 --> 00:06:14,360 Put up thy Sword, 48 00:06:14,528 --> 00:06:17,113 or manage it to part these men with me. 49 00:06:17,364 --> 00:06:21,785 Peace? 50 00:06:21,953 --> 00:06:23,996 I hate the word... 51 00:06:25,332 --> 00:06:27,041 as l hate hell, 52 00:06:27,209 --> 00:06:28,959 all Montagues, 53 00:06:32,964 --> 00:06:35,591 - and thee. - Bang bang! 54 00:06:37,427 --> 00:06:38,761 Bang. 55 00:07:10,504 --> 00:07:12,547 - Come forth! Come! - Wait! 56 00:07:17,678 --> 00:07:19,845 Come forth! 57 00:08:26,750 --> 00:08:29,251 From ancient grudge break to new mutiny... 58 00:08:34,591 --> 00:08:36,884 Do not proceed! 59 00:08:42,767 --> 00:08:44,809 Give me my Longsword, ho! 60 00:08:44,977 --> 00:08:47,646 Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe. 61 00:08:55,863 --> 00:08:57,697 Rebellious subjects, 62 00:08:57,865 --> 00:08:59,574 enemies to peace! 63 00:08:59,742 --> 00:09:01,869 Throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground! 64 00:09:03,538 --> 00:09:05,331 On pain of torture, 65 00:09:05,499 --> 00:09:10,461 from those bloody hands throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground! 66 00:09:11,963 --> 00:09:14,507 Three civil brawls, 67 00:09:14,675 --> 00:09:18,344 bred of an airy word by thee, old Capulet, and Montague, 68 00:09:18,512 --> 00:09:21,514 have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets. 69 00:09:22,724 --> 00:09:26,061 If ever you disturb our streets again, 70 00:09:26,771 --> 00:09:30,315 your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace. 71 00:09:44,664 --> 00:09:48,167 O where is Romeo? Saw you him today? 72 00:09:48,335 --> 00:09:51,045 Right glad l am he was not at this fray. 73 00:09:51,880 --> 00:09:54,674 Madam, underneath the Grove of Sycamore, 74 00:09:54,842 --> 00:09:57,593 so early walking did l see your son. 75 00:09:57,761 --> 00:09:59,971 Many a morning hath he there been seen, 76 00:10:00,139 --> 00:10:03,099 with tears augmenting the fresh morning's dew. 77 00:10:03,267 --> 00:10:06,602 Away from light steals home my heavy son, 78 00:10:06,770 --> 00:10:10,149 and private in his chamber pens himself, 79 00:10:10,316 --> 00:10:12,317 shuts up his windows, 80 00:10:12,485 --> 00:10:17,448 locks fair daylight out, and makes himself an artificial night. 81 00:10:28,460 --> 00:10:30,002 Why, then... 82 00:10:30,170 --> 00:10:34,382 O brawling love, O loving hate! 83 00:10:35,217 --> 00:10:38,678 O anything of nothing first create! 84 00:10:38,846 --> 00:10:40,680 Heavy lightness, 85 00:10:40,848 --> 00:10:42,891 serious vanity. 86 00:10:43,851 --> 00:10:47,061 Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms. 87 00:11:36,113 --> 00:11:39,658 Black and portentous must this humour prove... 88 00:11:42,704 --> 00:11:46,582 unless good counsel may the cause remove. 89 00:11:46,750 --> 00:11:48,793 So please you, step aside. 90 00:11:51,380 --> 00:11:54,590 I'll know his grievance or be much denied. 91 00:11:55,300 --> 00:11:57,385 Come, madam, let's away. 92 00:12:12,652 --> 00:12:14,528 Good morrow, cousin. 93 00:12:14,696 --> 00:12:16,697 Is the day so young? 94 00:12:16,865 --> 00:12:18,991 But new struck, coz. 95 00:12:19,742 --> 00:12:21,827 Ay me, sad hours seem long. 96 00:12:25,207 --> 00:12:27,709 Was that my father that went hence so fast? 97 00:12:27,877 --> 00:12:29,919 It was. 98 00:12:30,087 --> 00:12:31,754 What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours? 99 00:12:31,922 --> 00:12:34,007 Not having that which having makes them short. 100 00:12:34,174 --> 00:12:35,383 - In love? - Out. 101 00:12:35,551 --> 00:12:37,844 - Of love? - Out of her favour where I am in love. 102 00:12:38,012 --> 00:12:40,054 Alas that love, so gentle in his view, 103 00:12:40,222 --> 00:12:42,473 should be so tyrannous and rough in proof. 104 00:12:42,641 --> 00:12:45,143 Alas that love, whose view is muffled still, 105 00:12:45,311 --> 00:12:47,980 should without eyes see pathways to his will. 106 00:12:48,148 --> 00:12:49,982 Where shall we dine? 107 00:12:50,150 --> 00:12:51,108 ..this costly blood. 108 00:12:51,276 --> 00:12:54,486 Never anger made good guard for itself. 109 00:12:54,654 --> 00:12:55,738 The law hath not been dead... 110 00:12:55,906 --> 00:12:57,823 O me! What fray was here? 111 00:12:57,991 --> 00:13:00,326 - Coz, l... - Yet tell me not, for l've heard it all. 112 00:13:00,493 --> 00:13:03,078 Here's much to do with hate, but more with love. 113 00:13:03,246 --> 00:13:05,497 Why, then, O brawling love, O loving hate! 114 00:13:05,665 --> 00:13:07,583 O anything of nothing first create! 115 00:13:07,751 --> 00:13:10,294 O heavy lightness, serious vanity! 116 00:13:10,462 --> 00:13:13,089 Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms! 117 00:13:13,257 --> 00:13:15,342 Feather of lead, br... 118 00:13:16,636 --> 00:13:18,720 Dost thou not laugh? 119 00:13:19,096 --> 00:13:21,097 No, coz, l rather weep. 120 00:13:21,265 --> 00:13:23,308 Good heart, at what? 121 00:13:23,601 --> 00:13:26,937 - At thy good heart's oppression. - Farewell, my coz. 122 00:13:27,104 --> 00:13:31,024 Soft, l will go along. And if you leave me so, you do me wrong. 123 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:42,203 But Montague is bound as well as I, in penalty alike. 124 00:13:42,371 --> 00:13:45,915 And 'tis not hard, l think, for men as old as we to keep the peace. 125 00:13:46,083 --> 00:13:49,543 Of honourable reckoning are you both, and pity 'tis you lived at odds so long. 126 00:13:49,711 --> 00:13:51,921 But now, my lord, what say you to my suit? 127 00:13:52,089 --> 00:13:57,177 But saying o'er what l have said before: my child is yet a stranger in the world. 128 00:13:57,345 --> 00:14:01,431 Let two more summers wither in their pride ere we may think her ripe to be a bride. 129 00:14:01,599 --> 00:14:03,392 Younger than she are happy mothers made. 130 00:14:03,559 --> 00:14:06,895 And too soon marr'd are those so early made. 131 00:14:07,063 --> 00:14:09,398 This night l hold an old accustom'd feast. 132 00:14:09,565 --> 00:14:12,025 At my poor house look to behold this night 133 00:14:12,193 --> 00:14:15,779 fresh female buds that make dark heaven light. 134 00:14:16,364 --> 00:14:18,407 Hear all, all see, 135 00:14:18,574 --> 00:14:21,536 and like her most whose merit most shall be. 136 00:14:21,704 --> 00:14:23,246 Come, go with me. 137 00:14:24,415 --> 00:14:26,708 Tell me in sadness, who is it that you love? 138 00:14:26,875 --> 00:14:28,960 In sadness, cousin, l do love a woman. 139 00:14:29,128 --> 00:14:32,088 I aim'd so near when I supposed you loved. 140 00:14:32,673 --> 00:14:35,258 A right good marksman! And she's fair l love. 141 00:14:35,426 --> 00:14:38,553 A right fair mark, fair coz, is soonest hit. 142 00:14:39,513 --> 00:14:42,933 Well, in that hit you miss. She'll not be hit with Cupid's arrow; 143 00:14:43,101 --> 00:14:45,519 nor bide the encounter of assailing eyes, 144 00:14:45,687 --> 00:14:48,105 nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold. 145 00:14:48,273 --> 00:14:50,983 Then she hath sworn that she will still live chaste? 146 00:14:51,151 --> 00:14:53,777 She hath, and in that sparing makes huge waste. 147 00:14:53,945 --> 00:14:57,614 - Be ruled by me. Forget to think of her. - Teach me how l should forget to think. 148 00:14:57,782 --> 00:15:00,701 By giving liberty unto thine eyes. Examine other beauties. 149 00:15:01,494 --> 00:15:03,454 Why, Romeo, art thou mad? 150 00:15:03,621 --> 00:15:06,249 Not mad, but bound more than a madman is. 151 00:15:06,417 --> 00:15:09,669 Shut up in prison, kept without my food, whipp'd and tormented. 152 00:15:09,837 --> 00:15:10,754 Good day, good fellow. 153 00:15:14,258 --> 00:15:19,054 I'll tell you without asking. The great rich Capulet holds an old accustom'd feast. 154 00:15:19,221 --> 00:15:22,223 A fair assembly. Signor Placentio and his wife and daughters, 155 00:15:22,391 --> 00:15:27,020 the lady widow of Utruvio, and her lovely nieces Rosaline... 156 00:15:27,188 --> 00:15:30,024 At this same ancient feast of Capulet's sups the fair Rosaline, 157 00:15:30,192 --> 00:15:32,651 whom thou so loves, with all the admired beauties of Verona. 158 00:15:32,819 --> 00:15:36,822 If you be not of the House of ¤ontague, come and crush a cup of wine¤ 159 00:15:36,990 --> 00:15:39,283 Go thither, and with unattainted eye 160 00:15:39,451 --> 00:15:42,203 compare her face with some that I shall show, 161 00:15:42,370 --> 00:15:45,122 and l will make thee think thy swan a crow. 162 00:15:45,290 --> 00:15:47,792 I'll go along, no such sight to be shown, 163 00:15:47,959 --> 00:15:50,629 but to rejoice in splendour of mine own. 164 00:15:56,135 --> 00:15:59,805 Juliet! 165 00:16:16,490 --> 00:16:17,865 Nurse! 166 00:16:18,033 --> 00:16:20,159 Nurse, where's my daughter? Call her forth to me. 167 00:16:20,327 --> 00:16:22,161 I bade her come. God forbid! 168 00:16:23,914 --> 00:16:25,873 Julieta! 169 00:16:40,098 --> 00:16:42,266 Madam, I am here. What is your will? 170 00:16:45,186 --> 00:16:48,147 O nurse, give us leave awhile. We must talk in secret. 171 00:16:49,983 --> 00:16:53,360 Nurse, come back again! I have remembered me. 172 00:16:53,528 --> 00:16:55,445 Thou's hear our counsel. 173 00:16:55,613 --> 00:16:58,825 Nurse, thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age. 174 00:16:58,993 --> 00:17:01,202 Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed. 175 00:17:01,370 --> 00:17:04,455 By my count, l was your mother much upon these years. 176 00:17:06,625 --> 00:17:08,668 You are now a maid. 177 00:17:08,836 --> 00:17:10,879 Thus then in brief! 178 00:17:11,547 --> 00:17:14,549 The valiant Paris seeks you for his love. 179 00:17:15,009 --> 00:17:17,051 A man, young lady! 180 00:17:17,219 --> 00:17:20,763 Lady, such a man as all the world. Why, he's a man of wax! 181 00:17:20,931 --> 00:17:23,392 Verona's summer hath not such a flower... 182 00:17:23,560 --> 00:17:25,686 Nay, he's a flower. ln faith, a very flower... 183 00:17:25,854 --> 00:17:26,770 Nurse! 184 00:17:26,938 --> 00:17:28,772 This night you shall behold him at our feast. 185 00:17:28,940 --> 00:17:32,359 Read o'er the volume of young Paris' face and find delight writ there 186 00:17:32,527 --> 00:17:34,028 with beauty's pen. 187 00:17:34,196 --> 00:17:38,115 This precious book of love, this unbound lover, 188 00:17:38,283 --> 00:17:40,784 to beautify him, only lacks a cover. 189 00:17:40,952 --> 00:17:43,621 So shall you share all that he doth possess, 190 00:17:43,789 --> 00:17:46,750 by having him making yourself no less. 191 00:17:48,336 --> 00:17:50,378 Nay, bigger. Women grow by men. 192 00:17:58,346 --> 00:18:00,931 Speak briefly, could you like of Paris' love? 193 00:18:01,098 --> 00:18:04,059 I'll look to like, if looking liking move. 194 00:18:04,227 --> 00:18:06,311 But no more deep will l endart mine eye 195 00:18:06,479 --> 00:18:09,065 than your consent gives strength to make it fly. 196 00:18:12,402 --> 00:18:13,861 Madam, the guests are come. 197 00:18:14,029 --> 00:18:15,196 Go! 198 00:18:15,364 --> 00:18:16,864 We follow thee. 199 00:18:18,909 --> 00:18:20,243 Juliet! 200 00:18:27,042 --> 00:18:30,379 Go, girl. Seek happy nights to happy days. 201 00:19:18,805 --> 00:19:20,931 You taffeta punk! 202 00:19:21,099 --> 00:19:23,350 Die a beggar! 203 00:19:45,082 --> 00:19:49,377 Ending up just another lost and lonely wife 204 00:19:58,179 --> 00:19:59,637 Young hearts 205 00:19:59,805 --> 00:20:01,515 Run free 206 00:20:01,683 --> 00:20:02,516 Never be hung up 207 00:20:04,436 --> 00:20:07,938 Like Rosaline and thee 208 00:20:09,358 --> 00:20:11,901 Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance. 209 00:20:12,069 --> 00:20:13,486 Not I. Not I, believe me. 210 00:20:13,653 --> 00:20:17,073 You have dancing shoes with nimble soles. l have a soul of lead. 211 00:20:17,240 --> 00:20:18,491 You are a lover. 212 00:20:18,658 --> 00:20:21,285 Borrow Cupid's wings and soar with them above a common bound. 213 00:20:21,453 --> 00:20:23,705 Under love's heavy burden do l sink. 214 00:20:24,457 --> 00:20:27,292 Too great oppression for a tender thing. 215 00:20:27,460 --> 00:20:29,002 Is love a tender thing? lt is too rough, 216 00:20:29,170 --> 00:20:32,047 too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn. 217 00:20:32,215 --> 00:20:34,341 If love be rough with you, be rough with love. 218 00:20:34,509 --> 00:20:37,427 Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down. 219 00:20:39,389 --> 00:20:41,848 Every man, betake him to his legs! 220 00:20:42,016 --> 00:20:44,851 Come, we burn daylight, ho! 221 00:20:46,313 --> 00:20:49,357 - But 'tis no wit to go! - Why, may one ask? 222 00:20:49,525 --> 00:20:51,526 - I dreamt a dream tonight. - And so did l. 223 00:20:51,693 --> 00:20:54,070 - And what was yours? - That dreamers often lie. 224 00:20:54,238 --> 00:20:56,781 In bed asleep, while they do dream things true. 225 00:20:58,033 --> 00:21:00,576 Then l see Queen Mab hath been with you. 226 00:21:01,412 --> 00:21:03,162 She is the fairies' midwife, 227 00:21:03,330 --> 00:21:06,207 and she comes in shape no bigger than an agate-stone 228 00:21:06,375 --> 00:21:09,586 on the forefinger of an alderman, 229 00:21:09,754 --> 00:21:13,340 drawn with a team of little atomies 230 00:21:14,217 --> 00:21:17,261 over men's noses as they lie asleep. 231 00:21:18,054 --> 00:21:21,306 Her chariot is an empty hazelnut, 232 00:21:22,350 --> 00:21:26,061 her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat. 233 00:21:26,229 --> 00:21:31,693 And in this state she gallops night by night through lovers' brains, 234 00:21:31,861 --> 00:21:33,903 and then they dream of... 235 00:21:34,822 --> 00:21:35,905 love; 236 00:21:36,073 --> 00:21:39,284 o'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees. 237 00:21:39,452 --> 00:21:41,953 Sometime she driveth o'er a soldier's neck, 238 00:21:42,121 --> 00:21:45,331 and then dreams he of cutting foreign throats; 239 00:21:45,499 --> 00:21:49,377 and, being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two, and sleeps again. 240 00:21:49,545 --> 00:21:53,506 This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, 241 00:21:53,674 --> 00:21:57,720 that presses them and learns them first to bear, 242 00:21:57,888 --> 00:22:01,307 making them women of good carriage! 243 00:22:01,475 --> 00:22:06,270 This is she! 244 00:22:18,242 --> 00:22:20,202 Peace, good Mercutio, peace! 245 00:22:21,287 --> 00:22:23,371 Thou talk'st of nothing. 246 00:22:25,833 --> 00:22:27,918 True. 247 00:22:29,962 --> 00:22:32,005 I talk of dreams, 248 00:22:32,173 --> 00:22:35,342 which are the children of an idle brain, 249 00:22:35,510 --> 00:22:38,178 begot of nothing but vain fantasy; 250 00:22:38,346 --> 00:22:43,309 which is as thin of substance as the air and more inconstant than the wind, 251 00:22:43,477 --> 00:22:46,312 who woos even now the frozen bosom of the north, 252 00:22:46,480 --> 00:22:49,190 and, being angered, puffs away from thence, 253 00:22:49,358 --> 00:22:52,026 turning aside to the dew-dropping south. 254 00:22:52,194 --> 00:22:55,238 This wind you talk of blows us from ourselves! 255 00:22:55,405 --> 00:22:58,491 Supper is done, and we shall come too late! 256 00:22:58,742 --> 00:23:00,785 I fear, too early. 257 00:23:00,953 --> 00:23:06,625 For my mind misgives some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, 258 00:23:08,002 --> 00:23:12,130 shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this night's revels, 259 00:23:12,298 --> 00:23:14,299 and expire the term... 260 00:23:14,467 --> 00:23:18,387 of a despised life closed within my breast... 261 00:23:20,181 --> 00:23:23,308 by some vile forfeit of untimely death. 262 00:23:25,187 --> 00:23:27,897 But he that hath the steerage of my course 263 00:23:29,275 --> 00:23:31,025 direct my sail! 264 00:23:43,455 --> 00:23:45,331 On, lusty gentlemen! 265 00:24:24,123 --> 00:24:25,999 Thy drugs are quick. 266 00:25:01,329 --> 00:25:03,455 I have seen the day that l could tell 267 00:25:03,623 --> 00:25:06,833 a whispering tale in a fair lady's ear such as would please. 268 00:25:53,133 --> 00:26:00,514 Pride can stand a thousand trials 269 00:26:00,807 --> 00:26:06,521 The strong will never fall 270 00:26:07,440 --> 00:26:13,445 But watching stars without you 271 00:26:13,612 --> 00:26:18,116 My soul cried 272 00:26:22,204 --> 00:26:27,543 Heaving heart 273 00:26:27,711 --> 00:26:35,301 Is full of pain 274 00:26:43,268 --> 00:26:50,650 The aching 275 00:26:52,779 --> 00:27:02,788 Cos l'm kissing you 276 00:27:07,210 --> 00:27:21,307 I'm kissing you 277 00:27:21,475 --> 00:27:23,476 Madam, your mother calls! 278 00:27:23,644 --> 00:27:26,938 Touch me deep 279 00:27:28,065 --> 00:27:35,238 Pure and true 280 00:27:37,408 --> 00:27:39,827 Will you now deny to dance? 281 00:27:39,994 --> 00:27:42,663 A man, young lady. Such a man! 282 00:27:53,925 --> 00:27:55,133 What! 283 00:27:55,301 --> 00:27:58,972 Dares that slave come hither to fleer and scorn at our solemnity? 284 00:27:59,139 --> 00:28:04,185 Now, by the stock and honour of my kin, to strike him dead l hold it not a sin! 285 00:28:04,812 --> 00:28:07,605 Why, how now, kinsman! Wherefore storm you so? 286 00:28:07,773 --> 00:28:10,733 Uncle, this is that villain Romeo. A Montague, our foe. 287 00:28:10,901 --> 00:28:12,902 - Romeo is it? - 'Tis he. 288 00:28:13,070 --> 00:28:16,114 Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone. 289 00:28:16,282 --> 00:28:18,658 I would not for the wealth of all this town 290 00:28:18,826 --> 00:28:21,161 here in my house do him disparagement. 291 00:28:21,329 --> 00:28:23,789 Therefore be patient, take no note of him. 292 00:28:23,957 --> 00:28:25,291 Uncle, l'll not endure him. 293 00:28:26,501 --> 00:28:28,586 He shall be endured. 294 00:28:29,546 --> 00:28:30,713 Go to! 295 00:28:30,881 --> 00:28:33,132 What, goodman boy? l say he shall! 296 00:28:33,300 --> 00:28:34,425 Go to! 297 00:28:34,593 --> 00:28:36,176 Uncle, 'tis a shame. 298 00:28:36,344 --> 00:28:38,220 Make a mutiny among my guests? 299 00:28:57,366 --> 00:28:59,200 Did my heart love till now? 300 00:29:00,244 --> 00:29:02,287 Forswear it, sight. 301 00:29:02,455 --> 00:29:05,498 For l never saw true beauty till this night. 302 00:29:06,585 --> 00:29:29,191 Where are you now? 303 00:29:32,278 --> 00:29:45,582 Cos l'm kissing you 304 00:29:46,876 --> 00:30:03,393 I'm kissing you now 305 00:30:27,293 --> 00:30:30,546 If l profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, 306 00:30:30,714 --> 00:30:32,756 the gentle sin is this. 307 00:30:38,597 --> 00:30:42,267 My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand 308 00:30:42,435 --> 00:30:46,312 to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss. 309 00:30:46,689 --> 00:30:49,441 Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, 310 00:30:49,608 --> 00:30:51,901 which mannerly devotion shows in this. 311 00:30:52,069 --> 00:30:56,197 For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, 312 00:30:56,365 --> 00:30:59,743 and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. 313 00:31:00,245 --> 00:31:03,831 Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? 314 00:31:04,374 --> 00:31:07,835 Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. 315 00:31:08,378 --> 00:31:11,130 Well, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. 316 00:31:11,298 --> 00:31:14,592 They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. 317 00:31:14,760 --> 00:31:18,763 Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. 318 00:31:19,473 --> 00:31:22,433 Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. 319 00:31:26,981 --> 00:31:27,647 Dave! 320 00:31:39,118 --> 00:31:42,287 Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged. 321 00:31:42,455 --> 00:31:44,414 Then have my lips the sin that they have took? 322 00:31:44,582 --> 00:31:47,335 Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! 323 00:31:47,503 --> 00:31:49,087 Give me my sin again. 324 00:31:51,924 --> 00:31:54,008 You kiss by the book. 325 00:32:01,683 --> 00:32:03,643 Juliet! 326 00:32:16,616 --> 00:32:19,576 Madam, your mother craves a word with you. 327 00:32:21,454 --> 00:32:23,122 Come, let's away! 328 00:32:50,192 --> 00:32:52,485 Is she a Capulet? 329 00:32:54,239 --> 00:32:57,366 His name is Romeo, and he's a Montague, 330 00:32:57,534 --> 00:33:00,077 the only son of your great enemy. 331 00:33:19,974 --> 00:33:23,018 Away, be gone. The sport is at its best. 332 00:33:23,519 --> 00:33:26,146 Ay, so I fear. The more is my unrest. 333 00:34:08,399 --> 00:34:13,403 ..a pretty piece of flesh! I am! 334 00:34:21,996 --> 00:34:24,748 My only love sprung from my only hate! 335 00:34:25,668 --> 00:34:28,836 Too early seen unknown, and known too late! 336 00:34:29,004 --> 00:34:34,050 Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that I must love a loathed enemy. 337 00:34:46,981 --> 00:34:49,108 I will withdraw. 338 00:34:49,276 --> 00:34:52,778 But this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, 339 00:34:52,946 --> 00:34:55,406 convert to bitterest gall. 340 00:34:58,994 --> 00:35:01,537 A pretty piece of flesh! l am! 341 00:35:06,251 --> 00:35:07,293 Romeo! 342 00:35:10,463 --> 00:35:12,966 Humours! Madman! 343 00:35:13,217 --> 00:35:15,927 Passion! Lover! 344 00:35:16,470 --> 00:35:19,347 I will conjure thee by Rosaline's bright eyes, 345 00:35:19,515 --> 00:35:22,517 by her high forehead and her scarlet lip, 346 00:35:22,685 --> 00:35:26,855 by her fine foot, straight leg, and quivering thigh! 347 00:35:30,651 --> 00:35:35,072 O Romeo, that she were an open-ass and thou a poperin pear! 348 00:35:35,240 --> 00:35:37,700 He jests at scars that never felt the wound. 349 00:35:37,868 --> 00:35:38,534 Romeo! 350 00:35:39,786 --> 00:35:40,870 Good night! 351 00:35:41,038 --> 00:35:45,666 I'll to my truckle-bed. This field-bed is too cold for me to sleep. 352 00:36:24,500 --> 00:36:26,209 But soft! 353 00:36:26,377 --> 00:36:28,669 What light through yonder window breaks? 354 00:36:34,718 --> 00:36:36,761 It is the east, 355 00:36:36,929 --> 00:36:39,764 and Juliet is the sun! 356 00:36:43,728 --> 00:36:47,481 Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, 357 00:36:47,649 --> 00:36:50,275 who is already sick and pale with grief 358 00:36:50,443 --> 00:36:54,321 that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. 359 00:36:54,489 --> 00:36:57,616 Be not her maid, since she is envious. 360 00:36:57,784 --> 00:37:02,121 Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it. 361 00:37:04,458 --> 00:37:07,460 O cast it off! 362 00:37:16,679 --> 00:37:19,180 It is my lady, it is my love. 363 00:37:19,682 --> 00:37:21,766 O that she knew she were. 364 00:37:29,484 --> 00:37:30,734 Ay me! 365 00:37:33,947 --> 00:37:35,990 She speaks. 366 00:37:36,158 --> 00:37:38,200 Speak again, bright angel. 367 00:37:40,078 --> 00:37:41,537 Romeo. 368 00:37:42,873 --> 00:37:44,540 O Romeo! 369 00:37:44,708 --> 00:37:46,750 Wherefore art thou Romeo? 370 00:37:51,424 --> 00:37:53,675 Deny thy father and refuse thy name. 371 00:37:53,843 --> 00:37:58,722 Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and l'll no longer be a Capulet. 372 00:38:00,349 --> 00:38:02,392 Shall l hear more, 373 00:38:02,560 --> 00:38:04,478 or shall I speak at this? 374 00:38:04,645 --> 00:38:07,105 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy. 375 00:38:07,565 --> 00:38:10,358 Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. 376 00:38:10,526 --> 00:38:12,486 What's Montague? 377 00:38:12,654 --> 00:38:14,447 It is not hand, 378 00:38:14,615 --> 00:38:17,074 nor foot, nor arm, nor face, 379 00:38:19,286 --> 00:38:22,413 nor any other part belonging to a man. 380 00:38:22,998 --> 00:38:25,082 O be some other name! 381 00:38:27,461 --> 00:38:29,545 What's in a name? 382 00:38:30,130 --> 00:38:34,300 That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. 383 00:38:34,468 --> 00:38:37,638 So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, 384 00:38:37,805 --> 00:38:42,559 retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. 385 00:38:43,686 --> 00:38:45,604 Romeo, doff thy name; 386 00:38:45,772 --> 00:38:49,233 and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself. 387 00:38:49,400 --> 00:38:51,443 I take thee at thy word. 388 00:39:02,122 --> 00:39:04,165 Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague? 389 00:39:04,333 --> 00:39:06,626 Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike. 390 00:39:06,794 --> 00:39:09,170 How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? 391 00:39:09,338 --> 00:39:11,297 The garden walls are high and hard to climb, 392 00:39:11,465 --> 00:39:13,841 and the place death, considering who thou art. 393 00:39:14,009 --> 00:39:16,636 With love's light wings did l o'erperch these walls, 394 00:39:16,804 --> 00:39:18,805 for stony limits cannot hold love out, 395 00:39:18,973 --> 00:39:21,350 and what love can do, that dares love attempt. 396 00:39:21,518 --> 00:39:24,228 Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me! 397 00:39:46,836 --> 00:39:49,754 If they do see thee, they will murder thee. 398 00:39:53,884 --> 00:39:57,345 I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes. 399 00:39:57,597 --> 00:39:59,639 But thou love me, 400 00:39:59,807 --> 00:40:01,850 let them find me here. 401 00:40:02,351 --> 00:40:07,148 My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, 402 00:40:10,277 --> 00:40:12,361 wanting of thy love. 403 00:40:51,736 --> 00:40:54,280 Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face; 404 00:40:54,448 --> 00:40:56,783 else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek 405 00:40:56,950 --> 00:40:59,535 for that which thou hast heard me speak tonight. 406 00:40:59,703 --> 00:41:01,704 Fain would l dwell on form, 407 00:41:01,872 --> 00:41:03,915 fain, fain deny what l have spoke. 408 00:41:04,083 --> 00:41:06,542 But... farewell compliment. 409 00:41:08,253 --> 00:41:10,338 Dost thou love me? 410 00:41:12,007 --> 00:41:14,551 I know thou wilt say "Ay", and l will take thy word. 411 00:41:14,719 --> 00:41:17,179 Yet, if thou swear'st, thou may'st prove false. 412 00:41:17,347 --> 00:41:20,766 O gentle Romeo, if thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. 413 00:41:20,934 --> 00:41:23,352 Lady, by yonder blessed moon l vow, 414 00:41:23,520 --> 00:41:26,772 that tips with silver all these fruit tree tops... 415 00:41:26,940 --> 00:41:28,941 O swear not by the moon, 416 00:41:29,109 --> 00:41:32,903 the inconstant moon that monthly changes in her circled orb, 417 00:41:33,071 --> 00:41:35,823 lest that thy love prove likewise variable. 418 00:41:35,990 --> 00:41:38,660 What shall I swear by? 419 00:41:38,828 --> 00:41:40,829 Do not swear at all. 420 00:41:40,996 --> 00:41:42,997 Or, if thou wilt, 421 00:41:43,165 --> 00:41:47,043 swear by thy gracious self which is the god of my idolatry, 422 00:41:47,211 --> 00:41:49,254 and l'll believe thee. 423 00:41:49,714 --> 00:41:51,798 If my heart's... 424 00:41:52,341 --> 00:41:54,426 dear love... 425 00:42:04,104 --> 00:42:09,650 Do not swear. Although l joy in thee, I have no joy in this contract tonight. 426 00:42:09,818 --> 00:42:13,195 It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden, too like the lightning, 427 00:42:13,363 --> 00:42:15,948 which doth cease to be ere one can say "lt lightens". 428 00:42:16,116 --> 00:42:17,491 Sweet, good night! 429 00:42:17,659 --> 00:42:20,286 This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, 430 00:42:20,454 --> 00:42:23,123 may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. 431 00:42:23,291 --> 00:42:24,332 Good night. 432 00:42:25,835 --> 00:42:27,377 Good night! 433 00:42:29,797 --> 00:42:31,840 O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied? 434 00:42:33,968 --> 00:42:36,470 What satisfaction canst thou have tonight? 435 00:42:38,556 --> 00:42:42,184 The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. 436 00:42:45,773 --> 00:42:48,775 I gave thee mine before thou didst request it! 437 00:42:58,994 --> 00:43:00,536 Juliet! 438 00:43:08,505 --> 00:43:10,881 Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed. 439 00:43:11,049 --> 00:43:14,051 If that thy bent of love be honourable, thy purpose marriage, 440 00:43:14,219 --> 00:43:17,054 send me word tomorrow, by one that I'll procure to come to thee, 441 00:43:17,222 --> 00:43:19,431 where and what time thou wilt perform the rite, 442 00:43:19,599 --> 00:43:21,475 and all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay 443 00:43:21,643 --> 00:43:23,811 and follow thee, my lord, throughout the world. 444 00:43:23,978 --> 00:43:25,103 Julieta! 445 00:43:25,730 --> 00:43:27,815 Ay! By and by, l come! 446 00:43:27,982 --> 00:43:30,901 But if thou meanest not well, I do beseech thee... 447 00:43:31,069 --> 00:43:33,071 By and by, l come! 448 00:43:33,239 --> 00:43:35,990 ..to cease thy strife, and leave me to my grief. 449 00:43:37,493 --> 00:43:39,244 Tomorrow will l send. 450 00:43:39,411 --> 00:43:41,287 So thrive my soul. 451 00:43:49,004 --> 00:43:50,922 A thousand times good night. 452 00:43:51,090 --> 00:43:54,218 A thousand times the worse, to want thy light! 453 00:43:55,470 --> 00:43:56,679 Juliet! 454 00:43:58,640 --> 00:44:00,307 Julieta! 455 00:44:04,604 --> 00:44:06,397 Good night. 456 00:44:08,817 --> 00:44:12,820 Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books; 457 00:44:14,197 --> 00:44:16,282 but love from love, 458 00:44:17,618 --> 00:44:19,953 toward school with heavy looks. 459 00:44:21,706 --> 00:44:22,414 Romeo! 460 00:44:23,249 --> 00:44:25,208 What o'clock tomorrow shall l send to thee? 461 00:44:26,294 --> 00:44:28,336 By the hour of nine. 462 00:44:28,504 --> 00:44:31,673 I will not fail. 'Tis twenty year till then. 463 00:44:32,133 --> 00:44:33,925 Good night. 464 00:44:41,685 --> 00:44:43,477 Good night. Good night. 465 00:44:52,988 --> 00:44:55,031 Parting is such sweet sorrow 466 00:44:55,198 --> 00:44:58,409 that I shall say good night till it be morrow. 467 00:45:00,120 --> 00:45:03,832 Juliet! 468 00:45:04,208 --> 00:45:07,961 You and me always 469 00:45:08,129 --> 00:45:10,547 And for ever 470 00:45:10,715 --> 00:45:14,217 You and me always 471 00:45:14,385 --> 00:45:17,262 And for ever 472 00:45:21,476 --> 00:45:25,980 It was always you and me... 473 00:45:26,815 --> 00:45:31,778 Almighty is the powerful grace that lies in plants, herbs, stones, 474 00:45:31,946 --> 00:45:33,988 and their true qualities. 475 00:45:37,242 --> 00:45:39,869 For nought so vile that on the earth doth live 476 00:45:40,037 --> 00:45:42,664 but to the earth some special good doth give. 477 00:45:45,125 --> 00:45:48,671 And nought so good but strained from that fair use, 478 00:45:48,838 --> 00:45:51,548 revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. 479 00:45:52,509 --> 00:45:55,886 Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied, 480 00:45:56,054 --> 00:45:59,348 and vice sometime's by action dignified. 481 00:45:59,516 --> 00:46:03,852 Within the infant rind of this weak flower... 482 00:46:04,020 --> 00:46:06,689 poison is resident... 483 00:46:06,856 --> 00:46:09,108 and medicine power. 484 00:46:09,275 --> 00:46:13,238 For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part. 485 00:46:13,406 --> 00:46:14,948 Being tasted, 486 00:46:15,116 --> 00:46:19,411 slays all senses with the heart. 487 00:46:20,705 --> 00:46:24,916 Two such opposed kings encamp them still in man as well as herbs, 488 00:46:25,084 --> 00:46:27,085 grace and rude will. 489 00:46:27,253 --> 00:46:31,631 And where the worser is predominant, full soon the canker death 490 00:46:31,799 --> 00:46:33,634 eats up that plant. 491 00:46:33,802 --> 00:46:35,803 Good morrow, Father! 492 00:46:35,971 --> 00:46:37,847 Benedicite! 493 00:46:39,099 --> 00:46:42,143 What early tongue so sweet saluteth me? 494 00:46:42,894 --> 00:46:44,562 Good morrow, Romeo. 495 00:46:44,730 --> 00:46:46,605 Good morrow. 496 00:46:46,773 --> 00:46:49,275 Young son, it argues a distemper'd head 497 00:46:49,443 --> 00:46:52,028 so soon to bid good morrow to thy bed. 498 00:46:52,904 --> 00:46:55,740 Or if not so, then here l hit it right... 499 00:46:56,409 --> 00:46:59,327 Our Romeo hath not seen his bed tonight! 500 00:47:00,246 --> 00:47:03,206 The last is true - the sweeter rest was mine. 501 00:47:03,374 --> 00:47:05,667 God pardon sin! Wast thou with Rosaline? 502 00:47:05,835 --> 00:47:07,961 Rosaline? My ghostly father, no! 503 00:47:08,129 --> 00:47:10,547 I have forgot that name, and that name's woe. 504 00:47:10,715 --> 00:47:13,467 That's my good son. But where then hast thou been? 505 00:47:13,634 --> 00:47:17,304 I have been feasting with mine enemy, where on a sudden one hath wounded me 506 00:47:17,472 --> 00:47:19,015 that's by me wounded. 507 00:47:19,183 --> 00:47:22,101 Both our remedies within thy help and holy physic lies. 508 00:47:22,269 --> 00:47:24,729 Be plain, good son, and homely in thy drift. 509 00:47:24,897 --> 00:47:27,565 Riddling confession finds but riddling shrift. 510 00:47:27,733 --> 00:47:30,610 Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set 511 00:47:30,778 --> 00:47:33,488 on the fair daughter of rich Capulet. 512 00:47:34,073 --> 00:47:36,157 We met, we wooed, 513 00:47:36,825 --> 00:47:38,910 we made exchange of vow. 514 00:47:39,953 --> 00:47:43,207 I'll tell thee as we pass, but this l pray, 515 00:47:43,374 --> 00:47:46,085 that thou consent to marry us today. 516 00:47:48,546 --> 00:47:50,714 Holy Saint Francis! 517 00:47:50,882 --> 00:47:52,883 What a change is here! 518 00:47:53,051 --> 00:47:57,262 Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? 519 00:47:57,430 --> 00:48:01,975 Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. 520 00:48:02,519 --> 00:48:04,938 Thou chid'st me oft for loving Rosaline. 521 00:48:05,106 --> 00:48:07,982 For doting, not for loving, pupil mine. 522 00:48:11,320 --> 00:48:12,987 I pray thee... 523 00:48:13,989 --> 00:48:15,490 chide me not! 524 00:48:15,658 --> 00:48:19,536 Her l love now doth grace for grace and love for love allow. 525 00:48:19,703 --> 00:48:21,704 The other did not so. 526 00:48:21,872 --> 00:48:23,873 Yes, she well knew... 527 00:48:24,041 --> 00:48:27,628 thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. 528 00:48:31,174 --> 00:48:37,429 Maybe I'm just like my mother 529 00:48:37,597 --> 00:48:42,351 She's never satisfied 530 00:48:42,519 --> 00:48:46,772 ¤or this alliance may so happy prove 531 00:48:46,940 --> 00:48:50,402 to turn your households' rancour 532 00:48:50,570 --> 00:48:52,320 to pure love. 533 00:48:52,488 --> 00:48:55,115 This is what it sounds like 534 00:48:55,283 --> 00:48:59,619 When doves cry 535 00:49:01,247 --> 00:49:04,291 Come, young waverer, come, go with me. 536 00:49:04,542 --> 00:49:07,294 In one respect l'll thy assistant be. 537 00:49:08,921 --> 00:49:11,673 For this alliance may so happy prove 538 00:49:11,841 --> 00:49:14,635 to turn your households' rancour to pure love. 539 00:49:14,803 --> 00:49:16,804 O let us hence! l stand on sudden haste! 540 00:49:20,100 --> 00:49:23,394 Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast. 541 00:49:24,521 --> 00:49:27,899 Maybe I'm just too demanding 542 00:49:28,066 --> 00:49:31,861 Maybe I'm just like my father, too bold 543 00:49:32,029 --> 00:49:35,574 Maybe I'm just like my mother 544 00:49:35,742 --> 00:49:39,786 She's never satisfied 545 00:49:39,954 --> 00:49:41,788 Why do we scream at each other? 546 00:50:04,563 --> 00:50:08,191 Where the devil should this Romeo be? Came he not home tonight? 547 00:50:08,359 --> 00:50:11,277 Not to his father's; I spoke with his man. 548 00:50:11,445 --> 00:50:15,198 Why, that same pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline, 549 00:50:15,366 --> 00:50:17,909 torments him so, that he will sure run mad. 550 00:50:18,077 --> 00:50:20,829 Tybalt hath sent a letter to his father's house. 551 00:50:20,997 --> 00:50:23,791 - A challenge, on my life! - Romeo will answer it? 552 00:50:23,959 --> 00:50:26,085 Any man that can write may answer a letter. 553 00:50:26,253 --> 00:50:29,588 Nay, he will answer the letter's master, how he dares being dared. 554 00:50:29,756 --> 00:50:35,094 Well, alas, poor Romeo, he is already dead! Stabbed with a white wench's black eye! 555 00:50:35,262 --> 00:50:37,221 Run through the ear with a love-song! 556 00:50:37,389 --> 00:50:40,599 The very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow-boy's butt-shaft! 557 00:50:40,767 --> 00:50:43,018 And is he a man to encounter Tybalt? 558 00:50:43,186 --> 00:50:46,523 - Why, what is Tybalt? - More than Prince of Cats. 559 00:50:47,108 --> 00:50:50,694 He is the courageous captain of compliments! 560 00:50:51,570 --> 00:50:54,364 He fights as you sing pricksong. 561 00:50:55,408 --> 00:50:58,326 Keeps time, distance, and proportion. 562 00:50:58,869 --> 00:51:01,037 He rests his minim rests. 563 00:51:01,205 --> 00:51:04,499 One, two, and a third... 564 00:51:04,667 --> 00:51:05,583 in your bosom. 565 00:51:05,751 --> 00:51:08,212 The very butcher of a silk button. 566 00:51:08,672 --> 00:51:10,172 A duellist. 567 00:51:10,340 --> 00:51:13,759 A duellist! A gentleman of the very first house, 568 00:51:13,927 --> 00:51:15,928 of the first and second cause. 569 00:51:16,096 --> 00:51:18,139 The immortal passado! 570 00:51:19,683 --> 00:51:21,767 The punto reverso! 571 00:51:23,645 --> 00:51:25,438 The what? 572 00:51:26,440 --> 00:51:28,524 Here comes Romeo. 573 00:51:33,698 --> 00:51:35,741 Ho-ho, taffeta punk! 574 00:51:35,908 --> 00:51:37,951 Signor Romeo, bonjour! 575 00:51:38,745 --> 00:51:41,747 There's a French salutation to your French slop. 576 00:51:41,914 --> 00:51:44,291 You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night. 577 00:51:44,459 --> 00:51:47,294 Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you? 578 00:51:47,462 --> 00:51:49,838 The slip, sir, the slip. Can you not conceive? 579 00:51:50,006 --> 00:51:52,425 Pardon, good Mercutio. My business was great 580 00:51:52,593 --> 00:51:55,011 and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy. 581 00:51:55,179 --> 00:51:56,346 That's as much as to say, 582 00:51:56,513 --> 00:52:00,308 such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams! 583 00:52:00,476 --> 00:52:03,728 - Meaning to curtsy? - Thou hast most kindly hit it. 584 00:52:03,896 --> 00:52:07,398 - A most courteous exposition. - Nay, l am the very pink of courtesy. 585 00:52:07,566 --> 00:52:09,609 - Pink for flower? - Right. 586 00:52:09,777 --> 00:52:12,195 Why, then is my pump well flowered! 587 00:52:12,363 --> 00:52:13,946 O sure wit! 588 00:52:14,114 --> 00:52:17,368 Now art thou sociable. Now art thou Romeo! 589 00:52:17,535 --> 00:52:20,954 Now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature! 590 00:52:22,248 --> 00:52:24,333 Here's goodly gear! 591 00:52:25,794 --> 00:52:27,961 God ye good e'en, fair gentlewoman. 592 00:52:28,129 --> 00:52:30,589 I desire some confidence with you. 593 00:52:33,843 --> 00:52:34,885 A bawd! 594 00:52:35,428 --> 00:52:37,680 A bawd, a bawd, a bawd! 595 00:52:37,848 --> 00:52:40,141 So ho! So ho! 596 00:52:42,228 --> 00:52:44,187 Romeo! 597 00:52:51,278 --> 00:52:53,363 Will you come to your father's? 598 00:52:54,240 --> 00:52:56,282 We'll to dinner thither. 599 00:52:56,450 --> 00:52:58,201 I will follow you. 600 00:53:00,497 --> 00:53:03,290 Farewell, ancient lady! Farewell! 601 00:53:05,377 --> 00:53:09,046 If ye should lead her in a fool's paradise, as they say, 602 00:53:09,214 --> 00:53:12,800 it were a very gross kind of behaviour, as they say. 603 00:53:12,968 --> 00:53:14,969 For the lady is young 604 00:53:15,137 --> 00:53:18,848 and, therefore, if you should deal double with her, 605 00:53:19,015 --> 00:53:23,520 truly it were an ill thing, and very weak dealing. 606 00:53:24,647 --> 00:53:27,566 Bid her to come to confession this afternoon 607 00:53:27,733 --> 00:53:32,654 and there she shall, at Friar Laurence's cell, be shrived... 608 00:53:33,573 --> 00:53:35,407 and married. 609 00:53:37,326 --> 00:53:39,244 Love me, love me 610 00:53:39,412 --> 00:53:41,413 Say that you love me 611 00:53:41,581 --> 00:53:43,707 Fool me, fool me 612 00:53:44,250 --> 00:53:45,460 Go on and fool me 613 00:53:45,627 --> 00:53:47,545 Love me, love me 614 00:53:47,713 --> 00:53:49,797 Pretend that you love me 615 00:53:49,965 --> 00:53:52,008 O honey nurse! What news? 616 00:53:52,759 --> 00:53:56,053 - Nurse! - I am aweary! Give me leave awhile! 617 00:53:56,430 --> 00:53:58,514 Fie, how my bones ache! 618 00:53:59,099 --> 00:54:01,184 What a jaunce have l! 619 00:54:01,560 --> 00:54:03,769 Would thou hadst my bones and l thy news. 620 00:54:03,937 --> 00:54:05,855 Come, l pray thee, speak! 621 00:54:06,023 --> 00:54:09,818 Jesu, what haste! Can you not stay awhile? 622 00:54:09,986 --> 00:54:12,446 Can you not see that I am out of breath? 623 00:54:12,614 --> 00:54:14,948 How art thou out of breath when thou hast breath 624 00:54:15,116 --> 00:54:17,034 to say to me that thou art out of breath? 625 00:54:17,952 --> 00:54:20,746 Is the news good or bad? Answer to that. 626 00:54:20,914 --> 00:54:24,500 Well, you have made a simple choice. 627 00:54:24,667 --> 00:54:27,169 You know not how to choose a man. 628 00:54:27,337 --> 00:54:30,422 Romeo? No, not he. 629 00:54:30,590 --> 00:54:33,760 Though his face be better than any man's, 630 00:54:33,928 --> 00:54:36,429 yet his leg excels all men's, 631 00:54:36,597 --> 00:54:40,600 and for a hand and a foot and a body... 632 00:54:43,145 --> 00:54:46,481 But all this l did know before. What says he of our marriage? 633 00:54:46,649 --> 00:54:47,607 What of that? 634 00:54:47,775 --> 00:54:50,944 Lord, how my head aches! What a head have I! 635 00:54:51,403 --> 00:54:54,114 And my back! 636 00:54:54,908 --> 00:54:56,951 T'other side! 637 00:54:57,369 --> 00:54:58,994 Oh, my back! 638 00:54:59,162 --> 00:55:02,081 In faith, l am sorry that thou art not well. 639 00:55:02,249 --> 00:55:04,667 Sweet, sweet, sweet nurse! 640 00:55:04,834 --> 00:55:07,044 Tell me, what says my love? 641 00:55:07,212 --> 00:55:09,755 Thy love says, like an honest gentleman, 642 00:55:09,923 --> 00:55:12,675 and a courteous, and a kind, and a handsome, 643 00:55:12,842 --> 00:55:14,760 and, l warrant, a virtuous... 644 00:55:14,928 --> 00:55:17,264 - Where is your mother? - "Where is your mother?" 645 00:55:17,431 --> 00:55:19,349 How oddly thou repliest! 646 00:55:19,517 --> 00:55:22,394 Your love says, like an honest gentleman, "Where is your mother?" 647 00:55:22,562 --> 00:55:26,398 God's Lady dear! Are you so hot? Henceforth, do your messages yourself! 648 00:55:26,566 --> 00:55:29,985 O here's such a coil! Come, what says Romeo? 649 00:55:35,491 --> 00:55:38,368 Have you got leave to go to confession today? 650 00:55:40,539 --> 00:55:41,664 I have. 651 00:55:42,916 --> 00:55:46,419 Then hie you hence to Father Laurence' cell. 652 00:55:46,962 --> 00:55:50,381 There stays a husband to make you a wife! 653 00:55:53,885 --> 00:56:01,434 Everybody's free to feel good 654 00:56:02,645 --> 00:56:06,815 To feel good 655 00:56:08,985 --> 00:56:11,194 Brother and sister 656 00:56:11,362 --> 00:56:15,616 Together we'll make it through 657 00:56:19,912 --> 00:56:26,711 Someday a spirit will take you and guide you there 658 00:56:29,798 --> 00:56:32,717 I know you've been hurting 659 00:56:32,885 --> 00:56:38,014 But l've been waiting to be there for you 660 00:56:40,184 --> 00:56:44,687 And l'll be there just helping you out 661 00:56:44,855 --> 00:56:50,110 Whenever I can 662 00:56:50,278 --> 00:56:55,616 Everybody's free 663 00:56:59,829 --> 00:57:04,541 These violent delights have violent ends. 664 00:57:04,709 --> 00:57:08,128 And in their triumph die like fire and powder 665 00:57:08,296 --> 00:57:10,882 which, as they kiss, consume. 666 00:57:11,050 --> 00:57:15,553 The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness. 667 00:57:15,721 --> 00:57:19,349 Therefore love moderately. 668 00:57:19,517 --> 00:57:22,936 Romeo shall thank thee, daughter, for us both. 669 00:57:35,367 --> 00:57:38,494 I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire! 670 00:57:38,662 --> 00:57:41,622 The day is hot, the Capels are abroad, 671 00:57:45,210 --> 00:57:48,212 and if we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl, 672 00:57:48,380 --> 00:57:52,133 for now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. 673 00:57:52,467 --> 00:57:54,844 We're the Caps! 674 00:57:58,307 --> 00:58:00,934 See? Thou art like one of these fellows... 675 00:58:01,102 --> 00:58:04,146 that, when he enters the confines of a tavern, 676 00:58:04,313 --> 00:58:06,982 claps me his Sword upon the table 677 00:58:07,150 --> 00:58:09,317 and says, "God send me no need of thee". 678 00:58:09,485 --> 00:58:12,487 And, by the operation of the second cup, 679 00:58:12,655 --> 00:58:16,491 draws him on the drawer, when indeed there is no need. 680 00:58:16,659 --> 00:58:18,578 Yeah! 681 00:58:19,288 --> 00:58:20,997 Am l like such a fellow? 682 00:58:21,165 --> 00:58:25,001 Thou art as hot a jack in thy mood as any in Verona. 683 00:58:28,672 --> 00:58:30,757 By my head, here come the Capulets. 684 00:58:32,259 --> 00:58:35,011 By my heel... I care not. 685 00:58:37,014 --> 00:58:39,098 Follow me close. 686 00:58:53,364 --> 00:58:56,742 Gentlemen, good day. A word with one of you? 687 00:58:59,954 --> 00:59:01,997 And but one word with one of us? 688 00:59:02,165 --> 00:59:04,209 Couple it with something. 689 00:59:05,252 --> 00:59:06,878 Make it a word and a... 690 00:59:07,046 --> 00:59:07,879 a blow! 691 00:59:12,218 --> 00:59:14,302 You shall find me apt enough to that, sir, 692 00:59:14,470 --> 00:59:16,513 and you will give me occasion. 693 00:59:16,680 --> 00:59:19,390 Could you not take some occasion without giving? 694 00:59:20,893 --> 00:59:22,101 Mercutio! 695 00:59:22,269 --> 00:59:25,188 Thou consortest with Romeo? 696 00:59:28,026 --> 00:59:29,610 Consort! 697 00:59:31,446 --> 00:59:33,531 What, dost thou make us minstrels? 698 00:59:33,698 --> 00:59:36,742 And thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords! 699 00:59:37,118 --> 00:59:38,744 Here's my fiddlestick! 700 00:59:38,912 --> 00:59:41,872 Here's that shall make you dance! Zounds! Consort! 701 00:59:42,040 --> 00:59:45,709 Either withdraw unto some private place, or reason coldly of your grievances, 702 00:59:45,877 --> 00:59:48,045 or else depart. Here all eyes gaze on us! 703 00:59:48,213 --> 00:59:50,131 Men's eyes were made to look, and let them gaze. 704 00:59:50,299 --> 00:59:53,009 I will not budge for no man's pleasure, l. 705 00:59:56,514 --> 00:59:59,474 Peace be with you, sir. Here comes my man. 706 01:00:01,143 --> 01:00:02,602 Mercutio! 707 01:00:05,189 --> 01:00:06,439 Romeo! 708 01:00:14,283 --> 01:00:17,577 The love l bear thee can afford no better term than this. 709 01:00:18,412 --> 01:00:20,162 Thou art a villain! 710 01:01:04,168 --> 01:01:06,252 Tybalt, 711 01:01:07,880 --> 01:01:10,798 the reason that l have to love thee... 712 01:01:11,258 --> 01:01:13,301 doth much excuse 713 01:01:13,469 --> 01:01:16,512 the appertaining rage to such a greeting. 714 01:01:18,891 --> 01:01:21,185 Villain am I none. 715 01:01:24,439 --> 01:01:27,441 Therefore, farewell. 716 01:01:27,609 --> 01:01:29,526 I see thou knowest me not. 717 01:01:38,495 --> 01:01:41,747 Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries that thou hast done me! 718 01:01:42,457 --> 01:01:46,461 Turn and draw! 719 01:01:47,880 --> 01:01:49,005 Turn and draw. 720 01:01:49,173 --> 01:01:52,801 - Turn and draw. - I do protest I never injured thee, 721 01:01:53,427 --> 01:01:56,930 but love thee better than thou canst devise 722 01:01:57,098 --> 01:02:00,600 till thou shalt know the reason of my love. 723 01:02:00,768 --> 01:02:03,019 And so, good Capulet, 724 01:02:03,187 --> 01:02:06,190 whose name l tender as dearly as mine own... 725 01:02:10,612 --> 01:02:12,488 be satisfied. 726 01:02:15,283 --> 01:02:17,368 Be satisfied. 727 01:02:18,412 --> 01:02:22,665 O calm, dishonourable, vile submission! 728 01:02:33,219 --> 01:02:35,303 Thou art my soul's hate! 729 01:02:44,147 --> 01:02:44,855 Tybalt! 730 01:02:45,732 --> 01:02:47,274 You rat-catcher! 731 01:02:47,442 --> 01:02:48,942 Will you walk? 732 01:02:49,694 --> 01:02:51,528 What wouldst thou have with me? 733 01:02:51,697 --> 01:02:54,490 Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your nine lives! 734 01:02:54,658 --> 01:02:55,950 I am for you! 735 01:03:10,424 --> 01:03:13,634 Forbear this outrage, good Mercutio! 736 01:03:38,412 --> 01:03:42,165 - Art thou hurt? - A scratch, a scratch. 737 01:03:44,794 --> 01:03:46,753 A scratch! 738 01:03:48,047 --> 01:03:48,922 Ay, a scratch... 739 01:03:49,882 --> 01:03:51,382 A scratch! 740 01:03:55,554 --> 01:03:58,640 Courage, man. The hurt cannot be much. 741 01:03:58,808 --> 01:04:00,518 'Twill serve. 742 01:04:00,685 --> 01:04:04,480 Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. 743 01:04:21,331 --> 01:04:25,043 A plague o' both your houses! 744 01:04:30,758 --> 01:04:33,343 They have made worms' meat of me. 745 01:04:33,511 --> 01:04:37,389 A plague on both your houses! 746 01:04:53,448 --> 01:04:55,324 No! 747 01:05:18,141 --> 01:05:21,268 Why the devil came you between us? 748 01:05:21,436 --> 01:05:23,770 I was hurt under your arm. 749 01:05:23,938 --> 01:05:26,023 I thought all for the best! 750 01:05:27,483 --> 01:05:31,404 A plague o' both your houses. 751 01:05:34,700 --> 01:05:37,118 No! No! 752 01:05:39,955 --> 01:05:45,835 Come forth! 753 01:05:46,003 --> 01:05:48,046 Mercutio! 754 01:06:21,624 --> 01:06:23,500 No! 755 01:07:02,875 --> 01:07:05,377 Come, gentle night. 756 01:07:05,545 --> 01:07:09,423 Come, loving, black-browed night. Give me my Romeo. 757 01:07:09,674 --> 01:07:14,386 And when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars 758 01:07:14,554 --> 01:07:17,931 and he will make the face of heaven so fine 759 01:07:18,099 --> 01:07:20,809 that all the world will be in love with night 760 01:07:20,977 --> 01:07:24,146 and pay no worship to the garish sun. 761 01:07:25,441 --> 01:07:28,860 O, l have bought the mansion of a love 762 01:07:29,028 --> 01:07:31,237 but not possessed it; 763 01:07:31,405 --> 01:07:34,115 and though I am sold, not yet enjoyed. 764 01:07:34,658 --> 01:07:38,286 So... tedious is this day... 765 01:07:38,454 --> 01:07:41,956 as is the night before some festival to an impatient child 766 01:07:42,124 --> 01:07:45,168 that hath new robes and may not wear them. 767 01:08:33,345 --> 01:08:36,806 Mercutio's soul is but a little way above our heads, 768 01:08:36,973 --> 01:08:38,974 staying for thine to keep him company! 769 01:08:39,142 --> 01:08:42,103 Thou wretched boy shalt with him hence! 770 01:08:42,896 --> 01:08:44,939 Either thou, or I, 771 01:08:45,107 --> 01:08:47,483 or both, must go with him! 772 01:08:48,193 --> 01:08:51,654 Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him! 773 01:08:51,822 --> 01:08:53,239 Either thou, 774 01:08:53,407 --> 01:08:57,452 or l, or both, must go with him! 775 01:09:55,930 --> 01:10:00,517 I am fortune's fool! 776 01:10:10,362 --> 01:10:12,113 Romeo! 777 01:10:12,990 --> 01:10:15,366 Away, be gone! Stand not amazed! 778 01:10:21,832 --> 01:10:23,416 Away! 779 01:10:23,584 --> 01:10:25,627 Romeo! 780 01:10:39,100 --> 01:10:41,185 Tybalt! 781 01:10:46,358 --> 01:10:49,486 Where are the vile beginners of this fray? 782 01:10:52,698 --> 01:10:55,534 Benvolio, who began this bloody fray? 783 01:10:57,828 --> 01:11:01,331 Romeo he cries aloud, "Hold, friends!" 784 01:11:02,625 --> 01:11:05,460 Tybalt hit the life of stout Mercutio. 785 01:11:05,962 --> 01:11:08,046 Tybalt here slain... 786 01:11:08,965 --> 01:11:11,007 Romeo's hand did slay. 787 01:11:11,175 --> 01:11:11,925 Prince! 788 01:11:13,345 --> 01:11:14,971 As thou art true, 789 01:11:15,138 --> 01:11:17,890 for blood of ours, shed blood of Montague! 790 01:11:18,058 --> 01:11:20,726 Romeo... spoke him fair, 791 01:11:20,894 --> 01:11:23,479 could not take truce with the unruly spleen of Tybalt... 792 01:11:23,647 --> 01:11:24,939 deaf to peace. 793 01:11:25,107 --> 01:11:27,692 He is a kinsman to the Montague. Affection makes him false! 794 01:11:28,819 --> 01:11:31,821 I beg for justice, which thou, Prince, must give! 795 01:11:32,864 --> 01:11:34,657 Romeo slew Tybalt. 796 01:11:34,825 --> 01:11:36,451 Romeo must not live! 797 01:11:38,788 --> 01:11:41,456 Romeo slew him. He slew Mercutio. 798 01:11:41,624 --> 01:11:44,459 Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe? 799 01:11:48,298 --> 01:11:51,091 Not Romeo, Prince. He was Mercutio's friend. 800 01:11:51,259 --> 01:11:54,344 His fault concludes but what the law should end - the life of Tybalt. 801 01:11:54,512 --> 01:11:56,972 And for that offence immediately we do exile him. 802 01:11:57,140 --> 01:11:58,099 Noble Prince... 803 01:11:58,267 --> 01:12:00,435 I will be deaf to pleading and excuses! 804 01:12:00,603 --> 01:12:03,313 Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses! 805 01:12:03,480 --> 01:12:05,064 Therefore use none! 806 01:12:08,569 --> 01:12:11,613 Let Romeo hence in haste! 807 01:12:11,780 --> 01:12:17,827 Else, when he is found, that hour is his last! 808 01:12:17,995 --> 01:12:21,123 Romeo is banished! 809 01:12:22,417 --> 01:12:24,501 Banishment... 810 01:12:26,171 --> 01:12:28,255 Be merciful, say death. 811 01:12:28,798 --> 01:12:32,885 For exile hath more terror in his look, much more than death. 812 01:12:33,553 --> 01:12:35,846 Do not say banishment. 813 01:12:36,348 --> 01:12:41,685 Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, and thou art wedded to calamity. 814 01:12:41,853 --> 01:12:44,189 Hence from Verona art thou banished. 815 01:12:44,357 --> 01:12:47,734 Be patient, for the world is broad and wide. 816 01:12:47,902 --> 01:12:50,070 There is no world without Verona walls. 817 01:12:50,237 --> 01:12:54,574 Hence banished is banish'd from the world, and world's exile is death. 818 01:12:54,742 --> 01:12:56,409 Then banished is death mistermed. 819 01:12:56,577 --> 01:12:59,621 Calling death banished, thou cutt'st my head off with a golden axe 820 01:12:59,789 --> 01:13:01,790 and smil'st upon the stroke that murders me. 821 01:13:01,957 --> 01:13:04,959 O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! 822 01:13:05,127 --> 01:13:07,963 This is dear mercy and thou seest it not. 823 01:13:10,092 --> 01:13:11,550 Hence! 824 01:13:19,017 --> 01:13:21,560 - I come from my lady Juliet! - Welcome, then. 825 01:13:21,728 --> 01:13:23,187 Where is my lady's lord? 826 01:13:23,355 --> 01:13:25,398 Romeo, come forth. 827 01:13:26,983 --> 01:13:28,442 Nurse. 828 01:13:29,028 --> 01:13:30,862 Ah, sir. 829 01:13:31,030 --> 01:13:33,073 Death's the end of all. 830 01:13:34,242 --> 01:13:36,326 Speakest thou of Juliet? 831 01:13:36,786 --> 01:13:38,870 Where is she and how doth she? 832 01:13:39,038 --> 01:13:42,124 And what says my concealed lady to our cancelled love? 833 01:13:42,291 --> 01:13:45,627 O she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps. 834 01:13:45,795 --> 01:13:49,506 And then on Romeo cries, and then falls down again. 835 01:13:52,136 --> 01:13:55,763 As if that name, shot from the deadly level of a gun, 836 01:13:55,931 --> 01:14:01,310 did murder her, as that name's cursed hand murdered her kinsman! 837 01:14:01,770 --> 01:14:04,230 I thought thy disposition better tempered. 838 01:14:04,398 --> 01:14:07,275 Thy Juliet is alive. There art thou happy. 839 01:14:07,985 --> 01:14:10,945 Tybalt would kill thee, but thou slewest Tybalt. 840 01:14:11,113 --> 01:14:13,156 There art thou happy. 841 01:14:13,699 --> 01:14:18,579 The law that threatened death becomes thy friend and turns it to exile. 842 01:14:18,747 --> 01:14:20,706 There art thou happy. 843 01:14:20,874 --> 01:14:23,500 A pack of blessings light upon thy back. 844 01:14:23,668 --> 01:14:27,254 Wherefore railest thou on thy birth, the heaven, and earth, 845 01:14:27,422 --> 01:14:31,508 since birth, and heaven, and earth, all three do meet in thee at once? 846 01:14:31,676 --> 01:14:35,304 Sir, a ring my lady bid me give you. 847 01:14:35,472 --> 01:14:38,183 How well my comfort is revived by this. 848 01:14:39,101 --> 01:14:40,602 Go. 849 01:14:40,770 --> 01:14:43,104 Get thee to thy love, as was decreed. 850 01:14:43,272 --> 01:14:46,441 Ascend her chamber, hence and comfort her. 851 01:14:47,359 --> 01:14:49,235 Hie you! Make haste! 852 01:14:50,237 --> 01:14:52,739 But look thou... stay not till the watch be set, 853 01:14:52,907 --> 01:14:55,033 for then thou canst not pass to Mantua, 854 01:14:55,201 --> 01:14:58,995 where thou wilt live till we can find a time to blaze your marriage, 855 01:14:59,163 --> 01:15:01,999 reconcile your friends, beg pardon of the Prince, 856 01:15:02,167 --> 01:15:05,878 and call thee back with twenty hundred thousand times more joy 857 01:15:06,046 --> 01:15:08,506 than thou went'st forth in lamentation. 858 01:15:11,968 --> 01:15:14,929 Quick, hence! Be gone by break of day! 859 01:15:15,388 --> 01:15:17,097 Sojourn in Mantua! 860 01:15:17,516 --> 01:15:19,058 Farewell. 861 01:15:26,526 --> 01:15:28,109 O God! 862 01:15:28,277 --> 01:15:31,071 Did Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood? 863 01:15:31,697 --> 01:15:35,700 O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! 864 01:15:37,203 --> 01:15:41,581 Was ever book containing such vile matter so fairly bound? 865 01:15:42,083 --> 01:15:46,087 O that deceit should dwell in such a gorgeous palace! 866 01:15:50,467 --> 01:15:52,677 She'll not come down tonight. 867 01:15:54,513 --> 01:15:57,306 These times of woe afford no time to woo. 868 01:15:57,474 --> 01:16:00,977 Look you, she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly. 869 01:16:01,144 --> 01:16:03,145 And so did l. 870 01:16:03,313 --> 01:16:04,939 Well, 871 01:16:06,066 --> 01:16:08,151 we were born to die. 872 01:16:08,570 --> 01:16:13,574 I'll know her mind early tomorrow. Tonight she's mewed up to her heaviness. 873 01:16:23,251 --> 01:16:26,295 Shall l speak ill of him that is my husband? 874 01:16:26,462 --> 01:16:30,007 Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name, 875 01:16:30,174 --> 01:16:33,887 when l, thy three-hours' wife, have mangled it? 876 01:16:34,054 --> 01:16:37,640 But whyfore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin? 877 01:18:17,954 --> 01:18:20,998 I will make a desperate tender of my child's love. 878 01:18:21,165 --> 01:18:24,334 I think she will be ruled in all respects by me. 879 01:18:24,502 --> 01:18:28,214 Nay, more! I doubt it not! 880 01:18:28,382 --> 01:18:30,466 But what say you to Thursday? 881 01:18:30,634 --> 01:18:32,677 My lord, I... 882 01:18:33,345 --> 01:18:35,847 I would that Thursday were tomorrow! 883 01:18:36,015 --> 01:18:38,683 Thursday let it be, then! Wife! 884 01:18:38,851 --> 01:18:40,852 Go you to Juliet ere you go to bed. 885 01:18:41,020 --> 01:18:44,772 Tell her o' Thursday she shall be married to this noble sir! 886 01:19:59,143 --> 01:20:02,062 Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day. 887 01:20:03,022 --> 01:20:05,857 I must be gone and live, or stay and die. 888 01:20:06,400 --> 01:20:09,194 Yon light is not daylight; I know it, l. 889 01:20:09,362 --> 01:20:14,533 It is some meteor that the sun exhales to light thee on thy way to Mantua. 890 01:20:14,700 --> 01:20:18,036 Therefore stay yet; thou need'st not be gone. 891 01:20:18,413 --> 01:20:20,456 Well, let me be taken. 892 01:20:20,624 --> 01:20:22,375 Let me be put to death! 893 01:20:22,751 --> 01:20:25,211 I have more care to stay than will to go. 894 01:20:25,379 --> 01:20:28,506 Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. 895 01:20:30,843 --> 01:20:34,262 How is't, my soul? Let's talk. It is not day. 896 01:20:37,516 --> 01:20:39,809 It is... It is! 897 01:20:40,435 --> 01:20:42,938 Hie hence, be gone, away! 898 01:20:43,523 --> 01:20:45,691 O now be gone! More light and light it grows. 899 01:20:46,568 --> 01:20:48,610 More light and light, 900 01:20:48,778 --> 01:20:50,946 more dark and dark our woes. 901 01:20:53,491 --> 01:20:54,950 Madam! 902 01:20:57,412 --> 01:20:59,705 Your lady mother is coming to your chamber! 903 01:20:59,873 --> 01:21:02,207 Ho, daughter, are you up? 904 01:21:08,299 --> 01:21:09,674 Then, window, 905 01:21:09,842 --> 01:21:11,885 let day in and let life... 906 01:21:12,678 --> 01:21:13,678 out! 907 01:21:13,846 --> 01:21:14,929 Juliet? 908 01:21:15,097 --> 01:21:18,349 - Think'st thou we shall ever meet again? - I doubt it not. 909 01:21:21,770 --> 01:21:25,899 Trust me, love. All these woes shall serve for sweet discourses 910 01:21:26,066 --> 01:21:28,444 - in our times to come. - Ho, daughter! 911 01:21:32,532 --> 01:21:33,574 Juliet! 912 01:21:44,669 --> 01:21:46,378 O God! 913 01:21:46,546 --> 01:21:48,756 I have an ill-divining soul! 914 01:21:48,924 --> 01:21:53,511 Methinks l see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. 915 01:21:55,514 --> 01:21:58,099 Adieu! 916 01:21:58,643 --> 01:22:00,352 O fortune, fortune! 917 01:22:00,519 --> 01:22:02,312 Be fickle, fortune. 918 01:22:02,480 --> 01:22:06,483 For then l hope thou wilt not keep him long, but send him back. 919 01:22:17,329 --> 01:22:19,497 Thou hast a careful father, child. 920 01:22:19,665 --> 01:22:22,792 One who, to put thee from thy heaviness, 921 01:22:22,960 --> 01:22:26,128 hath sorted out a sudden day of joy, 922 01:22:26,713 --> 01:22:30,383 which thou expect'st not, nor l looked not for. 923 01:22:31,385 --> 01:22:33,761 Madam, in happy time. What day is that? 924 01:22:33,929 --> 01:22:37,015 Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn, 925 01:22:37,183 --> 01:22:40,269 the gallant, young, and noble gentleman, Sir Paris, 926 01:22:40,436 --> 01:22:43,730 at St Peter's Church, shall happily make thee there 927 01:22:43,898 --> 01:22:45,107 a joyful bride. 928 01:22:50,571 --> 01:22:53,532 Now, by St Peter's Church and Peter too, 929 01:22:53,700 --> 01:22:56,702 he shall not make me there a joyful bride! 930 01:22:57,788 --> 01:23:00,206 Here comes your father. Tell him so yourself. 931 01:23:00,374 --> 01:23:02,250 How now, wife? 932 01:23:02,418 --> 01:23:04,877 Have you delivered to her our decree? 933 01:23:05,045 --> 01:23:06,337 Ay, sir. 934 01:23:06,505 --> 01:23:08,881 But she will none, she gives you thanks. 935 01:23:09,883 --> 01:23:13,011 I would the fool were married to her grave. 936 01:23:16,432 --> 01:23:17,849 How? 937 01:23:18,017 --> 01:23:20,018 Will she none? 938 01:23:20,185 --> 01:23:22,229 Is she not proud? 939 01:23:22,605 --> 01:23:26,025 Doth she not count her blest, unworthy as she is, 940 01:23:26,192 --> 01:23:29,528 that we have wrought so worthy a gentleman to be her bride? 941 01:23:30,030 --> 01:23:33,324 Not proud you have, but thankful that you have. 942 01:23:33,491 --> 01:23:36,285 Proud can l never be of what l hate! 943 01:23:36,453 --> 01:23:39,371 Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds! 944 01:23:39,539 --> 01:23:42,875 But fettle your fine joints 'gainst Thursday next! 945 01:23:43,043 --> 01:23:45,378 Hear me with patience but to speak a word! 946 01:23:45,546 --> 01:23:47,172 Fie, fie! Stop it! 947 01:23:47,340 --> 01:23:50,008 Speak not! Reply not! Do not answer me! 948 01:23:50,176 --> 01:23:51,843 Husband, are you mad? 949 01:23:54,347 --> 01:23:57,640 Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! 950 01:23:57,808 --> 01:24:00,894 God in heaven bless her! You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so! 951 01:24:01,062 --> 01:24:02,937 Peace, you mumbling fool! 952 01:24:03,105 --> 01:24:04,856 I tell thee what. 953 01:24:05,024 --> 01:24:07,234 Get thee to church o' Thursday, 954 01:24:07,402 --> 01:24:09,737 or never after look me in the face! 955 01:24:09,905 --> 01:24:12,615 An you be mine, l'll give you to my friend. 956 01:24:12,783 --> 01:24:15,785 An you be not, hang, beg, starve, 957 01:24:15,952 --> 01:24:17,870 die in the streets! 958 01:24:18,038 --> 01:24:19,705 Trust to 't. Bethink you. 959 01:24:19,873 --> 01:24:21,916 I'll not be forsworn! 960 01:24:33,471 --> 01:24:37,933 O sweet my mother, cast me not away! 961 01:24:39,185 --> 01:24:42,104 Delay this marriage for a month, a week. 962 01:24:42,271 --> 01:24:43,814 Or, if you do not, 963 01:24:43,981 --> 01:24:47,317 make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies. 964 01:24:49,404 --> 01:24:51,238 Talk not to me... 965 01:24:53,283 --> 01:24:55,368 for l'll not speak a word. 966 01:24:56,203 --> 01:24:59,205 Do as thou wilt, for l have done with thee. 967 01:25:10,426 --> 01:25:12,051 O God! 968 01:25:12,219 --> 01:25:14,930 O Nurse, how shall this be prevented? 969 01:25:16,850 --> 01:25:21,353 What say'st thou? Hast thou not a word ofjoy? Some comfort, Nurse! 970 01:25:22,230 --> 01:25:24,314 Faith, here it is. 971 01:25:25,442 --> 01:25:29,361 I think it best you marry with this Paris. 972 01:25:30,780 --> 01:25:32,865 O he's a lovely gentleman. 973 01:25:36,536 --> 01:25:39,914 I think you are happy in this second match, 974 01:25:40,833 --> 01:25:42,917 for it excels your first. 975 01:25:44,003 --> 01:25:46,045 Or, if it did not, 976 01:25:46,213 --> 01:25:48,465 your first is dead. 977 01:25:53,637 --> 01:25:55,680 Or 'twere as good he were 978 01:25:55,848 --> 01:25:58,641 as living here and you no use to him. 979 01:26:02,439 --> 01:26:04,648 Speakest thou from thy heart? 980 01:26:05,984 --> 01:26:09,487 And from my soul too; else beshrew them both! 981 01:26:11,531 --> 01:26:13,157 Amen. 982 01:26:13,325 --> 01:26:14,950 What? 983 01:26:18,163 --> 01:26:21,207 Well, thou hast comforted me marvellous much. 984 01:26:22,376 --> 01:26:27,047 Go in and tell my lady l am gone, having displeased my father, 985 01:26:27,215 --> 01:26:31,343 to Friar Laurence to make confession and be absolved. 986 01:26:36,766 --> 01:26:39,935 Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death. 987 01:26:40,102 --> 01:26:42,812 Now, sir, her father counts it dangerous 988 01:26:42,980 --> 01:26:45,816 that she doth give her sorrow so much sway 989 01:26:45,984 --> 01:26:51,322 and in his wisdom hastes our marriage to stop the inundation of her tears. 990 01:26:54,493 --> 01:26:57,495 Happily met, my lady and my wife. 991 01:26:58,205 --> 01:27:00,498 That may be, sir, when l may be a wife. 992 01:27:00,666 --> 01:27:03,376 That "may be" must be, love, on Thursday next. 993 01:27:03,544 --> 01:27:07,463 - What must be shall be. - Well, that's a certain text. 994 01:27:08,508 --> 01:27:10,592 Come you to make confession? 995 01:27:10,760 --> 01:27:14,930 Are you at leisure, holy Father, now, or shall I come to you at evening mass? 996 01:27:15,098 --> 01:27:18,559 My leisure serves thee, pensive daughter, now. 997 01:27:18,726 --> 01:27:21,687 Good sir, we must entreat the time alone. 998 01:27:22,188 --> 01:27:25,023 God shield I should disturb devotion! 999 01:27:28,820 --> 01:27:33,032 Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye. 1000 01:27:34,118 --> 01:27:36,119 Till then adieu, 1001 01:27:36,287 --> 01:27:38,329 and keep this holy kiss. 1002 01:27:46,922 --> 01:27:48,923 Tell me not, Father, that thou hearest of this, 1003 01:27:49,091 --> 01:27:52,885 - unless thou tell me how I may prevent it! - It strains me past the compass of my wits! 1004 01:27:53,053 --> 01:27:54,972 If in thy wisdom thou canst give no help, 1005 01:27:55,140 --> 01:27:56,890 do thou but call my resolution wise. 1006 01:27:57,058 --> 01:27:59,727 - And with this, l'll help it presently! - Hold, daughter! 1007 01:27:59,894 --> 01:28:03,188 Be not so long to speak! I long to die! 1008 01:28:04,357 --> 01:28:06,984 I do spy a kind of hope, 1009 01:28:07,152 --> 01:28:09,278 which craves as desperate an execution 1010 01:28:09,446 --> 01:28:11,655 as that is desperate which we would prevent. 1011 01:28:11,823 --> 01:28:14,033 If, rather than to marry with this Paris, 1012 01:28:14,200 --> 01:28:16,870 thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, 1013 01:28:17,038 --> 01:28:20,790 then it is likely thou wilt undertake a thing like death 1014 01:28:20,958 --> 01:28:23,835 to chide away this shame. 1015 01:28:24,670 --> 01:28:26,755 And, if thou darest, 1016 01:28:27,715 --> 01:28:29,799 I'll give thee remedy. 1017 01:28:31,469 --> 01:28:35,305 No warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest. 1018 01:28:35,473 --> 01:28:38,058 Each part, deprived of supple government, 1019 01:28:38,225 --> 01:28:41,312 shall stiff and stark and cold appear, like death. 1020 01:28:41,688 --> 01:28:46,025 Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes to rouse thee from thy bed, 1021 01:28:46,193 --> 01:28:48,194 there art thou dead. 1022 01:28:48,362 --> 01:28:50,321 Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault 1023 01:28:50,489 --> 01:28:52,281 where all the kindred of the Capulets lie. 1024 01:28:52,449 --> 01:28:55,076 And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death 1025 01:28:55,243 --> 01:28:57,745 thou shalt continue four and twenty hours 1026 01:28:57,913 --> 01:29:00,456 and then awake as from a pleasant sleep. 1027 01:29:00,624 --> 01:29:03,251 In the meantime, against thou shalt awake, 1028 01:29:03,419 --> 01:29:05,879 shall Romeo by my letters know our drift. 1029 01:29:06,047 --> 01:29:11,009 And hither shall he come that very night to bear thee both hence to Mantua. 1030 01:29:11,594 --> 01:29:13,970 Take thou this vial, being then in bed, 1031 01:29:14,138 --> 01:29:16,682 and this distilling liquor drink thou off. 1032 01:29:16,849 --> 01:29:21,228 I'll send my letters to thy lord post haste to Mantua. 1033 01:29:33,742 --> 01:29:35,118 Hello? 1034 01:29:58,226 --> 01:30:00,602 What if this mixture do not work at all? 1035 01:30:00,770 --> 01:30:03,856 Shall l be married then tomorrow morning? 1036 01:30:07,444 --> 01:30:10,613 - What, are you busy? Need you my help? - No, madam. 1037 01:30:10,781 --> 01:30:14,200 We have culled such necessaries as are behoveful for our estate tomorrow. 1038 01:30:14,368 --> 01:30:18,079 So please you, let me now be left alone, and let the nurse this night sit up with you. 1039 01:30:18,247 --> 01:30:20,373 For l am sure you have your hands full all 1040 01:30:20,541 --> 01:30:22,167 in this so sudden business. 1041 01:30:22,334 --> 01:30:23,793 Good night. 1042 01:30:23,961 --> 01:30:26,004 Get thee to bed and rest, 1043 01:30:27,006 --> 01:30:29,257 for thou hast need. 1044 01:30:35,724 --> 01:30:37,141 Farewell. 1045 01:30:40,228 --> 01:30:42,813 God knows when we shall meet again. 1046 01:30:45,442 --> 01:30:46,817 Good night. 1047 01:31:00,374 --> 01:31:02,417 Romeo, 1048 01:31:02,585 --> 01:31:04,711 I drink to thee. 1049 01:31:35,327 --> 01:31:39,330 As the custom is, in all her best array, bear her to church. 1050 01:32:36,641 --> 01:32:39,602 And all this day an unaccustomed spirit 1051 01:32:39,769 --> 01:32:43,522 li¤s me above the ground with cheerful thoughts. 1052 01:32:43,690 --> 01:32:46,150 I dreamt my lady came and found me dead 1053 01:32:46,318 --> 01:32:50,196 and breathed such life with kisses in my lips that l revived 1054 01:32:50,364 --> 01:32:52,407 and was an emperor. 1055 01:32:54,410 --> 01:32:55,535 Ah, me! 1056 01:32:55,703 --> 01:32:58,204 How sweet is love itself possessed, 1057 01:32:58,372 --> 01:33:01,625 when but love's shadows are so rich in joy! 1058 01:33:19,353 --> 01:33:21,020 News from Verona! 1059 01:33:29,613 --> 01:33:30,821 How now, Balthasar? 1060 01:33:30,989 --> 01:33:33,866 Dost thou not bring me letters from the priest? 1061 01:33:34,034 --> 01:33:36,578 How doth my lady? ls my father well? 1062 01:33:37,789 --> 01:33:41,541 How doth my lady Juliet? For nothing can be ill if she be well. 1063 01:33:44,420 --> 01:33:47,130 Then she is well, and nothing can be ill. 1064 01:33:54,973 --> 01:33:57,015 Her body rests in chapel monument, 1065 01:33:57,183 --> 01:34:00,395 and her immortal part with the angels lives. 1066 01:34:01,146 --> 01:34:03,231 I saw her laid low. 1067 01:34:04,233 --> 01:34:06,859 Pardon me for bringing these ill news. 1068 01:34:12,866 --> 01:34:14,951 Is it e'en so? 1069 01:34:38,727 --> 01:34:41,437 Then l defy you, stars! 1070 01:34:54,744 --> 01:34:56,411 Juliet! 1071 01:35:33,951 --> 01:35:37,496 - I will hence tonight. - Have patience! 1072 01:35:41,501 --> 01:35:43,001 Leave me! 1073 01:35:43,169 --> 01:35:46,004 Your looks are pale and wild and do import some misadventure. 1074 01:35:46,172 --> 01:35:48,006 Tush! Thou art deceived! 1075 01:35:49,050 --> 01:35:52,178 Hast thou no letters to me from the priest? 1076 01:36:03,732 --> 01:36:05,817 No matter. 1077 01:36:09,822 --> 01:36:11,906 Well, Juliet, 1078 01:36:13,367 --> 01:36:15,661 I will lie with thee tonight. 1079 01:36:19,874 --> 01:36:21,959 I will hence tonight. 1080 01:37:00,167 --> 01:37:03,752 Romeo is within Verona walls. 1081 01:37:12,846 --> 01:37:14,305 Fear comes upon me! 1082 01:37:14,806 --> 01:37:16,807 O, much l fear 1083 01:37:16,975 --> 01:37:20,519 some ill, unthrifty thing! 1084 01:37:23,149 --> 01:37:24,900 The letter was of dear import! 1085 01:37:26,068 --> 01:37:28,570 I couldn't send it, nor get a messenger to bring it there. 1086 01:37:29,864 --> 01:37:31,781 The neglecting it may do much damage. 1087 01:37:31,949 --> 01:37:34,367 Bring forth these enemies, Capulet and Montague! 1088 01:37:47,716 --> 01:37:49,133 Let me have a dram of poison, 1089 01:37:49,301 --> 01:37:53,554 such soon-speeding gear as will disperse itself through all the veins 1090 01:37:53,722 --> 01:37:55,765 that the life-weary taker may fall dead. 1091 01:37:55,933 --> 01:38:00,186 Such mortal drugs I have, but Verona law is death to any he that utters them. 1092 01:38:00,354 --> 01:38:03,397 The world is not thy friend, nor the world's law! 1093 01:38:03,565 --> 01:38:05,524 Then be not poor, but break it 1094 01:38:05,692 --> 01:38:07,526 and take this! 1095 01:38:09,239 --> 01:38:11,907 My poverty but not my will consents. 1096 01:38:12,533 --> 01:38:15,577 I pay thy poverty and not thy will. 1097 01:38:26,839 --> 01:38:33,221 Drink it off, and if you had the strength of 20 men, it would dispatch you straight. 1098 01:38:33,389 --> 01:38:35,014 There's my gold. 1099 01:38:38,185 --> 01:38:40,228 Worse poison to men's souls 1100 01:38:40,396 --> 01:38:44,065 than these poor compounds that thou may'st not sell. 1101 01:39:07,882 --> 01:39:10,884 Romeo hath no notice of these accidents. 1102 01:39:11,553 --> 01:39:13,679 I will write again to Mantua. 1103 01:39:19,103 --> 01:39:21,813 Within the hour will the fair Juliet wake. 1104 01:39:21,981 --> 01:39:24,024 She stirs. The lady stirs. 1105 01:39:33,034 --> 01:39:36,661 - I do beseech you. - Live and be prosperous. 1106 01:39:37,663 --> 01:39:39,749 And farewell, good fellow. 1107 01:39:40,417 --> 01:39:41,959 Then l will leave thee. 1108 01:40:20,583 --> 01:40:22,459 Tempt not a desperate man! 1109 01:40:29,760 --> 01:40:31,260 Hold! Hold! 1110 01:40:34,306 --> 01:40:35,765 Hold! 1111 01:40:41,021 --> 01:40:43,398 Once more l say to you, hold! 1112 01:43:49,093 --> 01:43:51,678 My love... 1113 01:43:52,763 --> 01:43:54,848 My wife... 1114 01:43:55,474 --> 01:43:58,310 Death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath 1115 01:43:58,477 --> 01:44:01,229 hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. 1116 01:44:04,025 --> 01:44:06,109 Thou art not conquered. 1117 01:44:10,364 --> 01:44:15,411 Beauty's ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks 1118 01:44:15,996 --> 01:44:19,373 and death's pale flag is not advanced there. 1119 01:44:31,803 --> 01:44:36,058 Dear Juliet, why art thou yet so fair? 1120 01:44:38,686 --> 01:44:42,481 Shall l believe that unsubstantial death is amorous 1121 01:44:42,649 --> 01:44:45,942 and keeps thee here in dark to be his paramour? 1122 01:45:24,859 --> 01:45:26,235 Here. 1123 01:45:26,403 --> 01:45:29,571 O, here will I set up my everlasting rest 1124 01:45:31,449 --> 01:45:37,162 and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh. 1125 01:45:44,964 --> 01:45:47,048 Eyes, look your last. 1126 01:45:49,844 --> 01:45:52,053 Arms, take your last embrace. 1127 01:46:00,020 --> 01:46:01,688 And lips... 1128 01:46:02,815 --> 01:46:05,024 O you, the doors to breath,... 1129 01:46:08,864 --> 01:46:11,198 seal with a righteous kiss... 1130 01:46:33,347 --> 01:46:35,432 a dateless bargain 1131 01:46:35,975 --> 01:46:38,018 to engrossing death. 1132 01:46:43,065 --> 01:46:44,483 Romeo... 1133 01:46:57,206 --> 01:46:59,457 What's here? 1134 01:47:01,877 --> 01:47:03,085 Poison... 1135 01:47:04,880 --> 01:47:08,299 Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? 1136 01:47:13,305 --> 01:47:15,349 I'll kiss thy lips. 1137 01:47:15,517 --> 01:47:18,185 Haply some poison yet doth hang on them. 1138 01:47:23,191 --> 01:47:25,275 Thy lips are warm. 1139 01:47:41,168 --> 01:47:42,836 Thus... 1140 01:47:44,046 --> 01:47:46,130 with a kiss... 1141 01:47:50,177 --> 01:47:52,262 I die. 1142 01:51:54,974 --> 01:51:58,227 See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, 1143 01:51:58,394 --> 01:52:02,022 that heaven finds means to kill your joys with love! 1144 01:52:02,857 --> 01:52:07,528 And l, for winking at your discords too, have lost a brace of kinsmen. 1145 01:52:11,575 --> 01:52:13,660 All are punished. 1146 01:52:21,085 --> 01:52:24,879 All are punished! 1147 01:52:28,592 --> 01:52:32,345 A glooming peace this morning with it brings. 1148 01:52:32,514 --> 01:52:35,516 The sun for sorrow will not show his head. 1149 01:52:35,684 --> 01:52:39,103 Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. 1150 01:52:39,855 --> 01:52:43,190 Some shall be pardoned, and some punished. 1151 01:52:43,817 --> 01:52:50,781 For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.