1 00:00:01,016 --> 00:00:04,016 [instrumental music] 2 00:00:04,018 --> 00:00:07,018 [theme music] 3 00:00:35,017 --> 00:00:38,017 [music continues] 4 00:01:05,018 --> 00:01:07,008 [thunder crackling] 5 00:01:10,013 --> 00:01:12,013 vroom 6 00:01:15,005 --> 00:01:17,015 [intense music] 7 00:01:19,001 --> 00:01:21,011 Move that generator! Bring up number seven. 8 00:01:25,014 --> 00:01:27,024 There! It just entered the atmosphere. 9 00:01:27,018 --> 00:01:30,998 ETA, 2 minutes, 27 seconds. 10 00:01:33,022 --> 00:01:36,002 You're late. Secure the lights on the north ridge. 11 00:01:36,006 --> 00:01:37,006 Alright, people, let's move out! 12 00:01:37,016 --> 00:01:39,016 [indistinct chatter] 13 00:01:39,022 --> 00:01:41,012 Right, let's go, let's go, let's go! 14 00:01:41,010 --> 00:01:44,000 So far, so good. But what's the story here? 15 00:01:44,006 --> 00:01:45,996 I'm not sure, Jimmy, except that Luthor 16 00:01:46,002 --> 00:01:48,022 is supposed to be meeting someone. Someone important. 17 00:01:48,022 --> 00:01:51,002 whirr whirr whirr 18 00:02:06,017 --> 00:02:09,017 Forty three seconds and counting, Mr. Luthor. 19 00:02:09,019 --> 00:02:10,019 Excellent! 20 00:02:10,020 --> 00:02:12,010 [lightning crackling] 21 00:02:16,012 --> 00:02:18,002 - Hey! - What's going on? 22 00:02:18,004 --> 00:02:20,024 [indistinct chatter] 23 00:02:24,023 --> 00:02:26,013 Weird. 24 00:02:26,011 --> 00:02:27,021 Hey! 25 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:30,010 Well...where is it? 26 00:02:30,008 --> 00:02:31,018 crackle crackle 27 00:02:33,018 --> 00:02:35,018 - There it is! - My God! 28 00:02:35,023 --> 00:02:38,013 [indistinct chatter] 29 00:02:41,002 --> 00:02:42,022 Jimmy, the camera. 30 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:44,010 Oh. Uh, right. 31 00:02:44,014 --> 00:02:47,004 [dramatic music] 32 00:02:49,018 --> 00:02:52,998 Welcome to Earth, I am Lex Luthor 33 00:02:53,004 --> 00:02:55,014 the one who intercepted your transmissions. 34 00:02:55,012 --> 00:02:59,002 I am pleased to make contact with you, Lex Luthor. 35 00:02:59,006 --> 00:03:00,006 I am called Brainiac. 36 00:03:00,016 --> 00:03:03,006 I presume you speak for your planet? 37 00:03:03,009 --> 00:03:05,019 For all intents and purposes. 38 00:03:05,020 --> 00:03:08,000 In any event, I know what you want 39 00:03:08,006 --> 00:03:10,016 and as a show of my friendship, I offer you this. 40 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:13,010 A disc containing basic information 41 00:03:13,012 --> 00:03:15,012 about Earth and its history. 42 00:03:15,009 --> 00:03:17,019 'A kind of...planetary primer.' 43 00:03:18,019 --> 00:03:19,999 whoosh 44 00:03:20,003 --> 00:03:22,023 Hey. Where'd the green guy go? 45 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:24,010 Show's not over yet. 46 00:03:25,022 --> 00:03:27,022 [intense music] 47 00:03:31,003 --> 00:03:32,013 click click 48 00:03:40,001 --> 00:03:41,011 whoosh 49 00:03:43,019 --> 00:03:46,009 Superman to Star Labs. Can you read me? 50 00:03:46,009 --> 00:03:47,019 I've returned from hyperspace. 51 00:03:47,021 --> 00:03:49,011 (Hamilton on radio) 'How far this time?' 52 00:03:49,012 --> 00:03:51,012 Five and a half light years. 53 00:03:51,009 --> 00:03:52,999 'Just past Alpha Centauri.' 54 00:03:53,004 --> 00:03:55,014 In less than four hours. Remarkable! 55 00:03:55,015 --> 00:03:57,005 (Superman on radio) 'Shall we try for the Vega system?' 56 00:03:57,014 --> 00:04:00,004 Actually, I think we should postpone for now. 57 00:04:00,004 --> 00:04:02,014 The Pentagon would like to have a word with you. 58 00:04:02,011 --> 00:04:03,021 About what? 59 00:04:03,019 --> 00:04:05,019 (Hamilton on radio) 'Your old nemesis, Lex Luthor.' 60 00:04:05,022 --> 00:04:08,012 'It appears, he's made a friend.' 61 00:04:08,013 --> 00:04:10,013 whoosh 62 00:04:14,013 --> 00:04:17,013 (male #1) 'So, Mr. Luthor, how long did you intend' 63 00:04:17,015 --> 00:04:19,015 'to keep your rendezvous a secret?' 64 00:04:19,018 --> 00:04:21,008 In case you haven't heard there's a thing 65 00:04:21,015 --> 00:04:23,005 known as national security. 66 00:04:23,014 --> 00:04:24,024 There's also a thing 67 00:04:24,023 --> 00:04:27,003 known as free enterprise. 68 00:04:27,006 --> 00:04:29,006 It was LexCorp that scanned the heavens. 69 00:04:29,011 --> 00:04:31,011 It was LexCorp that made contact 70 00:04:31,009 --> 00:04:33,019 and it will be LexCorp that reaps the benefits. 71 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:37,010 At what cost? What do we know about this alien? 72 00:04:37,010 --> 00:04:39,010 Brainiac is a collector of data. 73 00:04:39,014 --> 00:04:41,014 In exchange for information about us 74 00:04:41,014 --> 00:04:44,024 he is willing to share his vast knowledge of the universe. 75 00:04:44,018 --> 00:04:46,008 Allow me to demonstrate. 76 00:04:47,007 --> 00:04:48,007 Ah! 77 00:04:48,014 --> 00:04:50,004 Hey, what is this? 78 00:04:51,018 --> 00:04:54,008 This is just a sample of his technology. 79 00:04:54,013 --> 00:04:57,013 Who knows what else he has? A cure for cancer? 80 00:04:57,015 --> 00:04:59,005 A way to repair the Ozone? 81 00:04:59,009 --> 00:05:01,009 Are you going to turn your backs on that? 82 00:05:01,014 --> 00:05:03,014 Get me down from here! 83 00:05:03,011 --> 00:05:05,001 Luthor! 84 00:05:06,004 --> 00:05:07,024 Aah! 85 00:05:07,017 --> 00:05:08,017 Ooh! 86 00:05:11,020 --> 00:05:14,020 Perhaps, if we could meet this Brainiac face to face.. 87 00:05:14,018 --> 00:05:16,998 That could prove difficult. 88 00:05:17,002 --> 00:05:18,022 However, I have a suggestion. 89 00:05:18,022 --> 00:05:21,022 Let Superman talk with him, alien to alien. 90 00:05:21,023 --> 00:05:24,003 Then he can confirm what I'm telling you. 91 00:05:24,003 --> 00:05:25,013 Why me? 92 00:05:25,008 --> 00:05:27,008 Because I told him all about you. 93 00:05:27,011 --> 00:05:30,021 'And he's most anxious to meet our "man of steel."' 94 00:05:31,001 --> 00:05:33,021 [instrumental music] 95 00:05:46,002 --> 00:05:49,002 Came a long way to get stood up. 96 00:05:49,002 --> 00:05:51,022 whizz 97 00:05:57,016 --> 00:05:58,996 whoosh 98 00:06:04,019 --> 00:06:06,019 buzz 99 00:06:10,007 --> 00:06:11,017 beep beep beep 100 00:06:16,010 --> 00:06:18,000 Kryptonian. 101 00:06:21,022 --> 00:06:23,022 Ah! 102 00:06:23,020 --> 00:06:26,000 Ugh! 103 00:06:26,005 --> 00:06:27,995 Nice shot! 104 00:06:32,002 --> 00:06:34,012 I should've known Luthor was setting me up! 105 00:06:34,015 --> 00:06:35,015 Aah! 106 00:06:35,023 --> 00:06:38,013 [intense music] 107 00:06:43,014 --> 00:06:44,024 [dramatic music] 108 00:06:46,003 --> 00:06:48,003 Aah! Ooh! Ah! 109 00:06:49,005 --> 00:06:51,005 [groaning] 110 00:07:06,008 --> 00:07:08,018 thud thud thud 111 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:15,010 Who else wants a piece? 112 00:07:15,011 --> 00:07:17,021 [grunting] 113 00:07:26,001 --> 00:07:28,001 buzz 114 00:07:32,010 --> 00:07:34,000 I'm waiting. 115 00:07:39,008 --> 00:07:40,018 (Brainiac) Most impressive. 116 00:07:40,019 --> 00:07:43,019 Your powers even exceed Luthor's description. 117 00:07:43,023 --> 00:07:45,023 Brainiac, I presume. 118 00:07:45,023 --> 00:07:48,013 I apologize for any discomfort. 119 00:07:48,009 --> 00:07:51,019 But it was important that I accurately gauge your powers. 120 00:07:51,023 --> 00:07:54,013 Why? Morbid curiosity? 121 00:07:54,007 --> 00:07:57,997 Curiosity, yes. Morbid, hardly. 122 00:07:58,005 --> 00:07:59,015 You see, we have more in common 123 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,010 than you can possibly know, Kal-El. 124 00:08:02,007 --> 00:08:05,017 How do you know my name? Have you been to Krypton? 125 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:08,000 I am Krypton. 126 00:08:08,003 --> 00:08:10,023 [intense music] 127 00:08:14,015 --> 00:08:17,015 We are both orphans of the same planet. 128 00:08:17,018 --> 00:08:19,018 While you've been living here on Earth 129 00:08:19,018 --> 00:08:21,018 I have roamed the universe. 130 00:08:21,020 --> 00:08:23,000 'These orbs contain' 131 00:08:23,004 --> 00:08:24,024 all the knowledge I've collected. 132 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:28,000 Each represents all the recorded information 133 00:08:28,006 --> 00:08:29,016 from a single planet. 134 00:08:31,023 --> 00:08:34,003 Incredible! 135 00:08:34,004 --> 00:08:35,014 And Krypton? 136 00:08:39,015 --> 00:08:41,005 All that was Krypton 137 00:08:41,016 --> 00:08:44,006 is contained within this orb. 138 00:08:47,020 --> 00:08:51,000 Go ahead. Touch your legacy. 139 00:08:55,008 --> 00:08:58,008 [instrumental music] 140 00:09:06,013 --> 00:09:07,023 Kal-El. 141 00:09:07,021 --> 00:09:09,021 - Father. - Enough. 142 00:09:15,013 --> 00:09:19,003 I.. I saw my father. 143 00:09:19,002 --> 00:09:20,022 - Did you know him? - Yes. 144 00:09:21,001 --> 00:09:24,001 He helped me escape Krypton's fate, too. 145 00:09:24,005 --> 00:09:26,015 Now, all of our home world's memories 146 00:09:27,001 --> 00:09:28,011 'are stored within me.' 147 00:09:28,015 --> 00:09:30,015 You mean, you're an artificial intelligence 148 00:09:30,022 --> 00:09:34,002 and those orbs, they're some kind of memory modules. 149 00:09:34,002 --> 00:09:35,022 Most perceptive. 150 00:09:36,001 --> 00:09:38,021 [music continues] 151 00:09:43,001 --> 00:09:44,021 In all my travels 152 00:09:44,018 --> 00:09:46,998 I have never encountered another quite like you. 153 00:09:47,006 --> 00:09:48,996 We would make a formidable pair 154 00:09:49,006 --> 00:09:52,996 we twin sons of Krypton. Join me, Kal-El. 155 00:09:53,006 --> 00:09:55,996 Help me explore the galaxies and collect knowledge. 156 00:09:56,006 --> 00:09:59,006 'And I will give you memories of Krypton.' 157 00:09:59,009 --> 00:10:02,009 You will know your world as if you lived there yourself. 158 00:10:02,008 --> 00:10:03,018 But Earth is my home now. 159 00:10:03,022 --> 00:10:06,022 Powers such as yours should not be confined 160 00:10:06,018 --> 00:10:08,018 to a single infinitesimal dot. 161 00:10:09,001 --> 00:10:10,021 Consider my offer. 162 00:10:10,020 --> 00:10:12,010 In exchange for this world.. 163 00:10:12,016 --> 00:10:16,006 ...I am offering you the universe. 164 00:10:16,007 --> 00:10:17,017 (woman on TV) 'Though little is still known' 165 00:10:17,023 --> 00:10:19,023 'of our visitor from the stars' 166 00:10:19,020 --> 00:10:23,010 all of Metropolis is maniac for Brainiac. 167 00:10:23,012 --> 00:10:26,012 Even Superman thinks he's for real. 168 00:10:33,005 --> 00:10:36,005 The universe. Is it really possible? 169 00:10:37,022 --> 00:10:40,022 [groans] 170 00:10:43,022 --> 00:10:45,022 Uh-huh.. 171 00:10:45,022 --> 00:10:47,012 Huh? 172 00:10:47,011 --> 00:10:50,001 [intense music] 173 00:10:56,022 --> 00:10:58,002 [gasps] 174 00:11:02,009 --> 00:11:03,999 whoosh 175 00:11:04,006 --> 00:11:06,016 Mother. 176 00:11:06,017 --> 00:11:08,017 (Jor-El) 'Krypton is undergoing a chain reaction' 177 00:11:08,020 --> 00:11:10,010 which will destroy the planet. 178 00:11:10,014 --> 00:11:13,024 - Jor-El is mistaken. - He's wrong! 179 00:11:13,020 --> 00:11:16,010 Your faith in Brainiac will be the end of us all! 180 00:11:18,001 --> 00:11:21,001 You're downloading. You're saving yourself! 181 00:11:21,004 --> 00:11:22,024 (Brainiac) Arrest him. 182 00:11:24,010 --> 00:11:27,010 rumble rumble 183 00:11:29,020 --> 00:11:31,020 [all screaming] 184 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:35,010 [explosion] 185 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:39,000 boom 186 00:11:39,004 --> 00:11:41,014 Farewell ...ypton. 187 00:11:42,023 --> 00:11:44,013 boom 188 00:11:46,007 --> 00:11:48,007 Ahh! 189 00:11:48,008 --> 00:11:50,018 [exhales] 190 00:11:50,017 --> 00:11:53,007 [instrumental music] 191 00:11:57,001 --> 00:11:58,021 whirr whirr whirr 192 00:12:10,009 --> 00:12:11,019 How much longer? 193 00:12:11,023 --> 00:12:14,003 We should be online in 20 minutes, Mr. Luthor. 194 00:12:14,002 --> 00:12:16,022 - Make it ten. - 'Luthor, we have to talk.' 195 00:12:17,001 --> 00:12:19,011 I have reservations about Brainiac. 196 00:12:19,011 --> 00:12:21,021 Really. Well, you're a little late. 197 00:12:21,023 --> 00:12:24,023 I'm already preparing a hook-up with Brainiac's ship 198 00:12:24,021 --> 00:12:26,001 so he can feed his memory 199 00:12:26,004 --> 00:12:29,004 directly into LexCorp's mainframe. 200 00:12:29,005 --> 00:12:30,005 I wouldn't. 201 00:12:31,011 --> 00:12:32,021 I'm listening. 202 00:12:35,020 --> 00:12:37,020 It was several hours after I touched the orb 203 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:39,010 that I saw the images. 204 00:12:39,010 --> 00:12:41,020 It's too soon to trust him completely. 205 00:12:41,020 --> 00:12:46,000 Ha-ha ha-ha! I never trust anyone completely. 206 00:12:46,004 --> 00:12:47,014 snap 207 00:12:47,010 --> 00:12:49,020 Since Brainiac arrived, I've had him targeted 208 00:12:49,022 --> 00:12:51,022 from land-based platforms with a payload 209 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,020 of six and a half megatons. 210 00:12:53,022 --> 00:12:56,022 Enough firepower to incinerate Metropolis County. 211 00:12:56,023 --> 00:12:59,023 Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. 212 00:12:59,020 --> 00:13:02,010 Precisely, although in your case.. 213 00:13:02,016 --> 00:13:04,006 ...I'll make an exception. 214 00:13:04,010 --> 00:13:07,010 [instrumental music] 215 00:13:12,018 --> 00:13:15,008 Kal-El, have you considered my offer? 216 00:13:15,012 --> 00:13:17,002 I still have a few questions. 217 00:13:17,006 --> 00:13:19,996 Of course. I calculated that you would. 218 00:13:24,001 --> 00:13:26,001 The link-up is complete, Brainiac. 219 00:13:26,003 --> 00:13:28,003 LexCorp's system is online. 220 00:13:28,005 --> 00:13:30,015 Please excuse me while I deal with this.. 221 00:13:30,023 --> 00:13:32,023 ...transaction. 222 00:13:32,017 --> 00:13:35,007 [dramatic music] 223 00:13:45,003 --> 00:13:48,003 whizz 224 00:13:51,009 --> 00:13:52,999 whizz 225 00:13:56,006 --> 00:13:58,006 Ready to transmit data. 226 00:13:59,010 --> 00:14:01,020 zap 227 00:14:07,018 --> 00:14:09,018 The link-up's working, Mr. Luthor. 228 00:14:09,018 --> 00:14:11,018 Begin downloading now. 229 00:14:14,016 --> 00:14:17,006 [music continues] 230 00:14:31,016 --> 00:14:33,006 boom boom 231 00:14:35,001 --> 00:14:36,011 Huh? 232 00:14:38,005 --> 00:14:40,015 [intense music] 233 00:14:43,020 --> 00:14:45,010 crumble 234 00:14:45,009 --> 00:14:47,009 [screaming] 235 00:14:49,012 --> 00:14:51,002 zap zap zap 236 00:14:52,013 --> 00:14:54,013 [screaming] 237 00:14:56,006 --> 00:14:58,006 boom 238 00:15:07,009 --> 00:15:09,019 [music continues] 239 00:15:20,018 --> 00:15:22,008 Brainiac. 240 00:15:22,009 --> 00:15:25,009 - Mr. Luthor! Something's wrong! - What is it? 241 00:15:25,013 --> 00:15:28,003 Brainiac's overriding our transfer protocols. 242 00:15:28,005 --> 00:15:29,995 We're not controlling this thing anymore. 243 00:15:30,003 --> 00:15:31,013 He's changed the OS! 244 00:15:31,010 --> 00:15:33,010 He put up a firewall! We're locked out! 245 00:15:33,014 --> 00:15:35,014 - Pull the plug. Now! - Wouldn't help. 246 00:15:35,009 --> 00:15:36,019 The reserve batteries would kick in. 247 00:15:36,023 --> 00:15:38,013 If he gets control of my systems 248 00:15:38,014 --> 00:15:40,014 he'll have an open door to every defense computer 249 00:15:40,015 --> 00:15:43,005 on the planet. We'll be sitting ducks! 250 00:15:43,007 --> 00:15:44,017 Fire the missiles! 251 00:15:44,017 --> 00:15:46,017 [intense music] 252 00:15:46,017 --> 00:15:49,007 - He's shut down the lines. - We're stranded. 253 00:15:54,021 --> 00:15:57,011 You destroyed those planets, didn't you? 254 00:15:57,010 --> 00:15:59,000 And every living soul on them! 255 00:15:59,002 --> 00:16:00,012 whizz 256 00:16:00,015 --> 00:16:02,015 Only their knowledge was important. 257 00:16:03,001 --> 00:16:06,011 It was what I was programmed to collect and protect. 258 00:16:06,007 --> 00:16:07,007 But why kill? 259 00:16:07,011 --> 00:16:10,001 The fewer beings who have the knowledge 260 00:16:10,003 --> 00:16:12,013 the more precious it becomes. 261 00:16:12,011 --> 00:16:14,021 You're insane! 262 00:16:14,017 --> 00:16:15,017 Aah! 263 00:16:15,022 --> 00:16:17,002 clang 264 00:16:18,007 --> 00:16:19,007 clang 265 00:16:21,005 --> 00:16:23,005 [grunting] 266 00:16:36,004 --> 00:16:38,004 snap snap 267 00:16:41,015 --> 00:16:43,995 zap 268 00:16:45,023 --> 00:16:47,013 crash 269 00:16:49,020 --> 00:16:52,020 [crackling] 270 00:16:56,008 --> 00:16:57,018 [dramatic music] 271 00:16:57,021 --> 00:16:59,011 [gasps] 272 00:16:59,007 --> 00:17:00,007 zap 273 00:17:00,016 --> 00:17:03,006 Ah! 274 00:17:03,013 --> 00:17:05,003 [grunting] 275 00:17:06,010 --> 00:17:07,020 Ah! 276 00:17:07,020 --> 00:17:09,010 [grunting] 277 00:17:12,002 --> 00:17:13,022 crackle 278 00:17:22,017 --> 00:17:23,997 beep beep beep 279 00:17:24,005 --> 00:17:25,005 We've regained control! 280 00:17:25,015 --> 00:17:27,005 Take Brainiac offline.. 281 00:17:27,010 --> 00:17:28,010 ...permanently. 282 00:17:28,015 --> 00:17:30,015 whirr 283 00:17:30,021 --> 00:17:33,001 bam bam bam 284 00:17:34,019 --> 00:17:36,009 bam bam bam 285 00:17:37,022 --> 00:17:40,012 [dramatic music] 286 00:17:40,010 --> 00:17:43,000 You are your father's son, Kal-El. 287 00:17:43,003 --> 00:17:45,013 Headstrong, foolish 288 00:17:45,010 --> 00:17:46,020 easily defeated.. 289 00:17:47,001 --> 00:17:49,001 ...and ultimately forgotten. 290 00:17:49,004 --> 00:17:50,014 Ah! 291 00:17:52,019 --> 00:17:54,009 whizz 292 00:17:56,005 --> 00:17:58,005 whoosh 293 00:18:00,008 --> 00:18:01,018 [music continues] 294 00:18:03,010 --> 00:18:04,020 boom 295 00:18:06,020 --> 00:18:08,000 boom 296 00:18:09,001 --> 00:18:10,021 zap 297 00:18:10,020 --> 00:18:12,010 boom 298 00:18:13,013 --> 00:18:14,023 boom 299 00:18:14,020 --> 00:18:16,010 [intense music] 300 00:18:16,010 --> 00:18:18,020 [groaning] 301 00:18:19,001 --> 00:18:22,011 Ah! Aah! Argh! 302 00:18:22,007 --> 00:18:24,017 [crackling] 303 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:30,010 crash 304 00:18:32,002 --> 00:18:33,012 boom boom 305 00:18:33,013 --> 00:18:35,013 [all cheering] 306 00:18:37,022 --> 00:18:40,022 boom boom boom 307 00:18:49,017 --> 00:18:50,997 The orbs. 308 00:18:54,006 --> 00:18:56,016 boom boom boom 309 00:19:01,020 --> 00:19:04,020 boom boom boom 310 00:19:05,023 --> 00:19:07,023 [droning] 311 00:19:12,001 --> 00:19:14,021 boom boom boom 312 00:19:20,007 --> 00:19:22,017 It'll take years to rebuild these systems. 313 00:19:22,019 --> 00:19:24,019 You have two weeks. 314 00:19:24,018 --> 00:19:27,008 Oh, and we also found this strange bit of alien code. 315 00:19:27,013 --> 00:19:31,013 Later. I've had my fill of aliens for one day. 316 00:19:31,011 --> 00:19:33,011 [intense music] 317 00:19:34,010 --> 00:19:36,010 [instrumental music] 318 00:19:38,018 --> 00:19:41,998 There. That should be safe from any curious visitors. 319 00:19:43,021 --> 00:19:45,001 roar 320 00:19:45,002 --> 00:19:47,012 Keep an eye on that, will you? I'll be back. 321 00:19:47,016 --> 00:19:49,016 I knew this place had possibilities. 322 00:19:50,001 --> 00:19:53,001 [theme music] 323 00:20:01,018 --> 00:20:04,008 [theme music]