1 00:00:02,896 --> 00:00:03,965 I don't get it. 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:05,148 I've been studying my magic book. 3 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:06,413 It's just too hard. 4 00:00:06,448 --> 00:00:08,413 Here, let me help you. 5 00:00:08,448 --> 00:00:10,862 Ah! Here's one for silence. 6 00:00:10,896 --> 00:00:13,206 "Affix the taste organ of a humped ruminant 7 00:00:13,241 --> 00:00:15,310 adjacent to one's dentation." 8 00:00:15,344 --> 00:00:16,758 I have no idea what that means. 9 00:00:16,793 --> 00:00:19,413 It means, put a camel tongue in your mouth. 10 00:00:19,448 --> 00:00:21,137 It works, but you'll find out 11 00:00:21,172 --> 00:00:23,206 why camels spit so much. 12 00:00:23,241 --> 00:00:26,034 I think I'd actually rather be doing my homework. 13 00:00:26,068 --> 00:00:28,655 Sabrina, magic is part of your education too. 14 00:00:28,689 --> 00:00:29,758 Sure, it's hard work 15 00:00:29,793 --> 00:00:31,182 and it might seem difficult at times 16 00:00:31,206 --> 00:00:32,517 but with plenty of practice... 17 00:00:32,551 --> 00:00:36,724 Oh, why don't you just get a straw and suck all the fun out of it? 18 00:00:36,758 --> 00:00:38,827 You are going to love this section. 19 00:00:38,862 --> 00:00:40,379 "Magic for dummies"? 20 00:00:40,413 --> 00:00:41,724 Try this one. It's a hoot. 21 00:00:41,758 --> 00:00:42,793 It's great at parties. 22 00:00:42,827 --> 00:00:45,379 Oh, please. That's the oldest trick in the book. 23 00:00:45,413 --> 00:00:47,206 That's so old, mortals are doing it. 24 00:00:47,241 --> 00:00:49,965 Let me try. 25 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:53,275 Okay. Here goes. 26 00:00:53,310 --> 00:00:56,000 Abracadabra. 27 00:00:59,689 --> 00:01:01,206 Hey! 28 00:01:01,241 --> 00:01:03,655 It worked. I pulled a rabbit out of a hat. 29 00:01:03,689 --> 00:01:04,655 Hey 30 00:01:04,689 --> 00:01:05,551 put me back. 31 00:01:05,586 --> 00:01:07,275 My wife, Renee, is about to give birth. 32 00:01:07,310 --> 00:01:08,931 Oh. Sorry. 33 00:01:08,965 --> 00:01:12,275 Relax. That happens a lot with rabbits. 34 00:01:12,310 --> 00:01:13,482 I didn't know. 35 00:01:31,517 --> 00:01:33,448 Uh, as if... 36 00:01:37,137 --> 00:01:38,896 Morning, Salem. 37 00:01:38,931 --> 00:01:39,862 Maybe for you. 38 00:01:39,896 --> 00:01:41,689 I'm having a bad fur day. 39 00:01:41,724 --> 00:01:43,034 Poor kitty. What's wrong? 40 00:01:43,068 --> 00:01:44,482 Couldn't sleep last night. 41 00:01:44,517 --> 00:01:46,448 Tried reading the most boring thing I could find 42 00:01:46,482 --> 00:01:49,068 but not even your diary could do the trick. 43 00:01:49,103 --> 00:01:50,689 How'd you read my diary? It's locked. 44 00:01:50,724 --> 00:01:53,758 I picked it with my dew claw. 45 00:01:53,793 --> 00:01:56,379 So, who's Harvey? 46 00:01:56,413 --> 00:01:58,793 He's... no one. 47 00:01:58,827 --> 00:02:00,379 Yeah. "No one" with "the world's 48 00:02:00,413 --> 00:02:02,103 most perfect sideburns." 49 00:02:02,137 --> 00:02:03,068 That's enough. 50 00:02:03,103 --> 00:02:05,827 Salem: ♪ Harvey and Sabrina 51 00:02:05,862 --> 00:02:06,344 ♪ Harvey and sabr... 52 00:02:06,379 --> 00:02:08,275 [ Growls ] 53 00:02:08,310 --> 00:02:10,655 Hey, look. Toast. 54 00:02:10,689 --> 00:02:11,896 Good morning. 55 00:02:11,931 --> 00:02:14,103 I've got great news. 56 00:02:14,137 --> 00:02:15,034 Guess who's going out 57 00:02:15,068 --> 00:02:16,620 with the head of the witch's council 58 00:02:16,655 --> 00:02:17,896 tomorrow night. 59 00:02:17,931 --> 00:02:19,241 I'll give you a hint. 60 00:02:21,517 --> 00:02:22,620 I don't believe it. 61 00:02:22,655 --> 00:02:24,379 You're going out with drell? 62 00:02:24,413 --> 00:02:26,379 The big ugly guy with the mole? 63 00:02:26,413 --> 00:02:29,172 Yes, and I'm so excited. 64 00:02:29,206 --> 00:02:30,758 Oh, hilda, don't. 65 00:02:30,793 --> 00:02:32,344 Excitement brings hope. 66 00:02:32,379 --> 00:02:33,448 What's wrong with hope? 67 00:02:33,482 --> 00:02:34,655 Everytime he makes a date 68 00:02:34,689 --> 00:02:36,551 with hilda he breaks it. 69 00:02:36,586 --> 00:02:40,034 He did that once or twice, or maybe a thousand times 70 00:02:40,068 --> 00:02:43,896 butmay I remind you that every time that drell has canceled 71 00:02:43,931 --> 00:02:47,172 he has always sent me a lovely token of his affection. 72 00:02:47,206 --> 00:02:49,482 Yeah. He always sends a pot roast. 73 00:02:49,517 --> 00:02:50,931 A pot roast? 74 00:02:50,965 --> 00:02:51,931 Flowers wilt. 75 00:02:51,965 --> 00:02:54,310 Say it with beef. 76 00:02:54,344 --> 00:02:55,448 I'd love to stay and listen 77 00:02:55,482 --> 00:02:57,034 to more tales of romance and meat 78 00:02:57,068 --> 00:02:58,862 but I've got school to ruin my day. 79 00:02:58,896 --> 00:03:01,068 See you. 80 00:03:01,103 --> 00:03:02,896 Salem: ♪ Harvey and Sabrina... 81 00:03:04,448 --> 00:03:06,344 Now, the use of the cloth napkin 82 00:03:06,379 --> 00:03:08,827 exploded in the early 19th century 83 00:03:08,862 --> 00:03:10,517 and since there was no TV 84 00:03:10,551 --> 00:03:13,517 napkin-folding became a popular art form. 85 00:03:13,551 --> 00:03:14,655 Let's start 86 00:03:14,689 --> 00:03:16,379 with the bishop's mitre. 87 00:03:16,413 --> 00:03:17,793 Why do we have to learn this? 88 00:03:17,827 --> 00:03:20,931 In case our cable goes out? 89 00:03:20,965 --> 00:03:22,931 [ Giggling] 90 00:03:22,965 --> 00:03:24,310 I think Libby and her friends 91 00:03:24,344 --> 00:03:26,344 are talking about us. 92 00:03:26,379 --> 00:03:28,137 No they're not. Don't be so paranoid, Jenny. 93 00:03:28,172 --> 00:03:29,517 Paranoid? They're pointing at us 94 00:03:29,551 --> 00:03:32,448 and laughing. 95 00:03:32,482 --> 00:03:33,758 Oh, you're right. 96 00:03:33,793 --> 00:03:36,862 Look, just ignore them. 97 00:03:36,896 --> 00:03:39,310 Are they still doing it? 98 00:03:39,344 --> 00:03:40,000 Hey. 99 00:03:40,034 --> 00:03:40,655 Hi. 100 00:03:40,689 --> 00:03:41,965 Hi, Harvey. 101 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:43,172 I'm having a little trouble 102 00:03:43,206 --> 00:03:44,448 with the bishop's mitre. 103 00:03:44,482 --> 00:03:46,862 The best I can do is a snowball. 104 00:03:46,896 --> 00:03:48,103 I can help. 105 00:03:48,137 --> 00:03:49,517 I'll supervise. 106 00:03:49,551 --> 00:03:50,976 You know, the only reason I took home ec 107 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:52,551 was so I could eat during class. 108 00:03:52,586 --> 00:03:54,344 Coach says I still have to bulk up 109 00:03:54,379 --> 00:03:57,655 and carbo-loading can get pretty lonely. 110 00:03:57,689 --> 00:03:59,517 We'll keep you company any time you eat. 111 00:03:59,551 --> 00:04:01,310 Yeah. We're good at that. 112 00:04:01,344 --> 00:04:02,907 Hey, I'm going to the pizza place tomorrow night 113 00:04:02,931 --> 00:04:04,103 to force down eight slices 114 00:04:04,137 --> 00:04:05,103 you guys want to you want to watch? 115 00:04:05,137 --> 00:04:06,827 Sure. Cool. 116 00:04:06,862 --> 00:04:09,827 Cool. 117 00:04:09,862 --> 00:04:11,793 Bless you. 118 00:04:11,827 --> 00:04:14,206 Oh, that'll be fun, hanging out with Harvey. 119 00:04:14,241 --> 00:04:15,206 Yeah, that'll be a lot of fun. 120 00:04:15,241 --> 00:04:17,103 Just the three of us. 121 00:04:17,137 --> 00:04:18,655 Okay. Pointy ends... 122 00:04:18,689 --> 00:04:20,620 Do you ever wonder what Harvey's thinking about 123 00:04:20,655 --> 00:04:22,310 when he's looking out the window? 124 00:04:22,344 --> 00:04:23,724 Probably football? 125 00:04:23,758 --> 00:04:26,034 No. No. I bet he's thinking about nature 126 00:04:26,068 --> 00:04:29,413 or... or poetry, or the poetry of nature. 127 00:04:29,448 --> 00:04:31,310 I'm sticking with football. 128 00:04:31,344 --> 00:04:32,413 Jenny: He's so quiet. 129 00:04:32,448 --> 00:04:33,724 I wish I knew him better. 130 00:04:33,758 --> 00:04:35,700 Jenny, are you sure you wouldn't rather go alone with Harvey 131 00:04:35,724 --> 00:04:37,044 tomorrow night, you know, just the two of you? 132 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:38,689 No. Would you? 133 00:04:38,724 --> 00:04:41,034 No. I just like him as a friend. 134 00:04:41,068 --> 00:04:42,034 Me... me too. 135 00:04:42,068 --> 00:04:44,000 Need help, Sabrina? 136 00:04:44,034 --> 00:04:46,310 Well, I can't really do that bishop's thing 137 00:04:46,344 --> 00:04:47,344 but... 138 00:04:49,275 --> 00:04:50,758 I didmake a Rose. 139 00:04:50,793 --> 00:04:51,793 [ Gasps] 140 00:04:54,655 --> 00:04:56,379 Oh, look. Here comes our fan club. 141 00:04:56,413 --> 00:04:57,310 Hi, Jenny. 142 00:04:57,344 --> 00:04:58,655 Hi, Sabrina. 143 00:04:58,689 --> 00:04:59,931 [ Giggling] 144 00:04:59,965 --> 00:05:02,862 Hey, is there something funny about our names? 145 00:05:02,896 --> 00:05:04,448 Not Jenny's. 146 00:05:04,482 --> 00:05:06,103 You know, why don't you leave us alone? 147 00:05:06,137 --> 00:05:07,172 We're not bothering you. 148 00:05:07,206 --> 00:05:09,344 You're still breathing, aren't you? 149 00:05:10,758 --> 00:05:12,103 Freak. 150 00:05:12,137 --> 00:05:13,137 Double freak. 151 00:05:16,448 --> 00:05:19,000 We can't let her get to us. 152 00:05:19,034 --> 00:05:20,724 That's what she wants. 153 00:05:20,758 --> 00:05:22,586 I just wish I knew what she was saying. 154 00:05:22,620 --> 00:05:23,793 What difference does it make? 155 00:05:23,827 --> 00:05:25,482 Everything Libby says is a lie. 156 00:05:25,517 --> 00:05:27,931 Maybe we could retaliate by spreading lies about her. 157 00:05:27,965 --> 00:05:29,172 What can we say? 158 00:05:29,206 --> 00:05:31,137 That she's actually nice and sweet? 159 00:05:31,172 --> 00:05:32,689 Not much revenge in that. 160 00:05:32,724 --> 00:05:34,241 No. Face it 161 00:05:34,275 --> 00:05:35,896 the world would be a much better place 162 00:05:35,931 --> 00:05:37,103 if everyone told the truth 163 00:05:37,137 --> 00:05:40,000 but... you can't stop someone from lying. 164 00:05:43,758 --> 00:05:44,448 Yes, you can. 165 00:05:44,482 --> 00:05:45,827 You can stop someone from lying. 166 00:05:45,862 --> 00:05:47,482 It's right here, Salem. 167 00:05:47,517 --> 00:05:48,517 "Truth sprinkles." 168 00:05:48,551 --> 00:05:49,448 Do they work? 169 00:05:49,482 --> 00:05:50,482 All too well. 170 00:05:50,517 --> 00:05:51,965 It's how the witch's council got me 171 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:55,068 to confess my scheme for world domination. 172 00:05:55,103 --> 00:05:56,068 Well, do you want 173 00:05:56,103 --> 00:05:58,241 to help me bake, your highness? 174 00:05:58,275 --> 00:06:00,724 Like I have a choice. 175 00:06:00,758 --> 00:06:01,758 This looks easy. 176 00:06:01,793 --> 00:06:03,172 "Preheat oven to 500 degrees." 177 00:06:03,206 --> 00:06:04,482 I don't think so. 178 00:06:04,517 --> 00:06:06,172 Check again. 179 00:06:06,206 --> 00:06:09,482 "Preheat oven to... 5,000"? 180 00:06:09,517 --> 00:06:10,793 Aunt Zelda? 181 00:06:10,827 --> 00:06:11,931 Can you help me? 182 00:06:11,965 --> 00:06:13,217 I'm trying to make truth sprinkles. 183 00:06:13,241 --> 00:06:15,413 You're using your magic. Excellent. 184 00:06:15,448 --> 00:06:17,758 Do you want to make them from scratch or use instant? 185 00:06:17,793 --> 00:06:19,517 There's instant? I'll use that. 186 00:06:19,551 --> 00:06:22,034 Oh, witchcraft in an mtv world... 187 00:06:22,068 --> 00:06:24,206 It's all quick cuts and funny angles. 188 00:06:24,241 --> 00:06:25,344 Now, we keep our potions 189 00:06:25,379 --> 00:06:29,482 regarding openness and truth in a secret cabinet. 190 00:06:29,517 --> 00:06:31,827 This is a very special moment. 191 00:06:31,862 --> 00:06:34,172 The moment I get to see the secret cabinet? 192 00:06:34,206 --> 00:06:36,482 If you make fun, I won't show it to you. 193 00:06:36,517 --> 00:06:38,517 Psst. The cabinet's over here. 194 00:06:38,551 --> 00:06:39,586 Who said that? 195 00:06:39,620 --> 00:06:40,689 Me... Louisa. 196 00:06:40,724 --> 00:06:41,931 Over here. 197 00:06:41,965 --> 00:06:42,758 Wow. 198 00:06:42,793 --> 00:06:44,034 These walls cantalk. 199 00:06:44,068 --> 00:06:44,689 Sometimes 200 00:06:44,724 --> 00:06:46,034 they never shut up. 201 00:06:46,068 --> 00:06:47,655 Don't start with me, cat. 202 00:06:47,689 --> 00:06:48,344 I've seen what you do 203 00:06:48,379 --> 00:06:49,310 when you're out of the house. 204 00:06:49,344 --> 00:06:52,931 Oh, for Pete's sake, the moment's ruined. 205 00:06:52,965 --> 00:06:54,965 Oh, neat. 206 00:06:55,000 --> 00:06:56,241 Look at all these things. 207 00:06:56,275 --> 00:06:58,413 Frog lips, freeze-dried eye of newt. 208 00:06:58,448 --> 00:07:00,931 Hey. Are these the truth sprinkles? 209 00:07:00,965 --> 00:07:03,034 No. Those are ice cream sprinkles. 210 00:07:03,068 --> 00:07:04,275 They're in the wrong cabinet. 211 00:07:04,310 --> 00:07:06,206 Hey, hilda, have you seen the jiffytruth? 212 00:07:06,241 --> 00:07:07,689 Yeah. It's in my bag. 213 00:07:07,724 --> 00:07:10,310 I used it last week when I took my car in for repairs. 214 00:07:10,344 --> 00:07:14,551 It turns out I really did need new brake pads. 215 00:07:14,586 --> 00:07:17,172 "Jiffytruth... 100% refined truth. 216 00:07:17,206 --> 00:07:19,034 "Trace amounts of harsh reality. 217 00:07:19,068 --> 00:07:21,103 "For best results, sprinkle on something sweet 218 00:07:21,137 --> 00:07:22,931 as the truth can be bitter." 219 00:07:22,965 --> 00:07:24,620 It is great stuff. 220 00:07:24,655 --> 00:07:26,482 It makes you reveal your true feelings. 221 00:07:26,517 --> 00:07:28,000 Oh, which reminds me... 222 00:07:28,034 --> 00:07:30,896 Zelda, the postman has a crush on you. 223 00:07:30,931 --> 00:07:32,965 That is notwhat the sprinkles are for. 224 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:35,000 They should only be used in serious matters. 225 00:07:35,034 --> 00:07:36,448 Well, this is serious. 226 00:07:36,482 --> 00:07:38,034 You remember Libby? 227 00:07:38,068 --> 00:07:39,734 Well, she's been spreading lies about me and Jenny 228 00:07:39,758 --> 00:07:42,068 and it's really upsetting Jenny. 229 00:07:42,103 --> 00:07:43,965 Well, give Libby some sprinkles. 230 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:46,793 If those don't work, try some lady bald spot. 231 00:07:46,827 --> 00:07:47,758 You just just spray it... 232 00:07:47,793 --> 00:07:49,310 Hilda, that's enough. 233 00:07:49,344 --> 00:07:51,206 Sabrina, you can take the sprinkles 234 00:07:51,241 --> 00:07:54,379 but let me warn you, the truth can have painful side effects. 235 00:07:54,413 --> 00:07:55,172 Like what? 236 00:07:55,206 --> 00:07:58,620 Itching, chaffing, hurt feelings. 237 00:07:58,655 --> 00:08:00,068 Sounds like gym class. 238 00:08:02,068 --> 00:08:04,482 Harvey, you would not believe what I just heard. 239 00:08:04,517 --> 00:08:06,344 Okay, I'll tell you. 240 00:08:06,379 --> 00:08:09,344 That's not Sabrina's real nose. 241 00:08:09,379 --> 00:08:10,241 It's not? 242 00:08:10,275 --> 00:08:11,310 Don't you get it? 243 00:08:11,344 --> 00:08:12,931 She had surgery. 244 00:08:12,965 --> 00:08:16,103 Why? What's wrong? 245 00:08:16,137 --> 00:08:17,275 Never mind. 246 00:08:18,862 --> 00:08:22,275 All right, everyone to your stations. 247 00:08:22,310 --> 00:08:23,586 You know what today is. 248 00:08:23,620 --> 00:08:25,862 It's bundkuchen freitag. 249 00:08:25,896 --> 00:08:27,344 It's bundt Friday. 250 00:08:29,965 --> 00:08:31,310 Get your pans. 251 00:08:31,344 --> 00:08:33,482 Now... did you know 252 00:08:33,517 --> 00:08:36,517 that Richard Nixon's favorite snack food was the bundt? 253 00:08:36,551 --> 00:08:38,620 Oh, he'd eat it secretly and then deny it 254 00:08:38,655 --> 00:08:43,137 but if you listen closely to those tapes... 255 00:08:43,172 --> 00:08:44,586 Smell your bundts. 256 00:08:44,620 --> 00:08:46,310 Smell your neighbor's bundts. 257 00:08:46,344 --> 00:08:47,413 Mmm... 258 00:08:47,448 --> 00:08:48,965 We got really lucky. 259 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:50,862 Our Dutch chocolate looks much better 260 00:08:50,896 --> 00:08:52,931 than Libby's 14-grain. 261 00:08:52,965 --> 00:08:55,413 You know, I think maybe I'll offer her a piece of our cake. 262 00:08:55,448 --> 00:08:56,275 Why? 263 00:08:56,310 --> 00:08:56,862 Just to show 264 00:08:56,896 --> 00:08:58,034 she can't get to us. 265 00:08:58,068 --> 00:09:00,620 You're a much nicer person than I am. 266 00:09:06,034 --> 00:09:06,827 Hi, Libby. 267 00:09:06,862 --> 00:09:07,655 Eww. Ugh. 268 00:09:07,689 --> 00:09:09,965 Sabrina. 269 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:11,827 Do you want to try a piece of our cake? 270 00:09:11,862 --> 00:09:13,896 Like I'd taste anything you gave me. 271 00:09:13,931 --> 00:09:15,137 What's in it? Poison? 272 00:09:15,172 --> 00:09:18,724 No. Just chocolate, lots of chocolate. 273 00:09:18,758 --> 00:09:19,172 Really? 274 00:09:19,206 --> 00:09:20,344 And sprinkles. 275 00:09:20,379 --> 00:09:22,068 Oh, all right 276 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:24,586 but I'm not going to start being nice to you. 277 00:09:24,620 --> 00:09:27,034 That's okay. I just want to ask you one question. 278 00:09:27,068 --> 00:09:27,965 Libby, what have you been saying 279 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:30,379 about Jenny and me behind our backs? 280 00:09:30,413 --> 00:09:32,896 Like I'd tell you. 281 00:09:32,931 --> 00:09:35,068 Okay. Here's what I was saying. 282 00:09:35,103 --> 00:09:36,493 I was saying that her father's in jail 283 00:09:36,517 --> 00:09:38,379 and that she cheats on taxes 284 00:09:38,413 --> 00:09:40,241 and then I threw in that you had a nose job. 285 00:09:40,275 --> 00:09:41,620 But those are all lies. 286 00:09:41,655 --> 00:09:43,034 You don't have to tell me. 287 00:09:43,068 --> 00:09:44,172 What's going on? 288 00:09:44,206 --> 00:09:45,655 I was just telling Sabrina 289 00:09:45,689 --> 00:09:47,355 all the rumors we've been spreading about her. 290 00:09:47,379 --> 00:09:49,241 Why? She's not in the loop. 291 00:09:49,275 --> 00:09:51,034 So? 292 00:09:51,068 --> 00:09:52,379 And, by the way, it was Jill 293 00:09:52,413 --> 00:09:54,034 who made up the nose-job story 294 00:09:54,068 --> 00:09:55,482 which is actually very funny 295 00:09:55,517 --> 00:09:57,931 because, uh, she's the one who... 296 00:09:57,965 --> 00:10:00,000 You swore you'd never tell. 297 00:10:00,034 --> 00:10:01,310 And cee cee, she kisses 298 00:10:01,344 --> 00:10:04,000 her Pete Sampras poster every night. 299 00:10:04,034 --> 00:10:06,034 That was a super top secrets! You snitched! 300 00:10:06,068 --> 00:10:07,689 [ Arguing] 301 00:10:07,724 --> 00:10:08,551 I have a feeling 302 00:10:08,586 --> 00:10:10,310 Libby won't be spreading any more lies. 303 00:10:10,344 --> 00:10:12,896 How did you do that? 304 00:10:12,931 --> 00:10:14,793 Piece of cake. 305 00:10:14,827 --> 00:10:16,769 Did you see a container of sprinkles on the counter? 306 00:10:16,793 --> 00:10:18,275 Yeah. Mrs. Bozigian took them. 307 00:10:18,310 --> 00:10:20,596 She got really excited and started putting them on all the bundts 308 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:21,655 then she left the room. 309 00:10:21,689 --> 00:10:22,758 Got to go. 310 00:10:25,586 --> 00:10:27,758 Mrs. Bozigian?! 311 00:10:27,793 --> 00:10:28,965 Mrs. Bozigian... 312 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:30,827 Oh, my goodness. 313 00:10:30,862 --> 00:10:32,758 Offering free food to teachers... 314 00:10:32,793 --> 00:10:34,310 I'm lucky I didn't lose a hand. 315 00:10:34,344 --> 00:10:36,103 You took our cake to the faculty lounge? 316 00:10:36,137 --> 00:10:39,344 Yes, and the sprinkles were a delightful touch. 317 00:10:39,379 --> 00:10:40,206 Oh, no. 318 00:10:40,241 --> 00:10:41,103 Is there a problem? 319 00:10:41,137 --> 00:10:42,551 I think I'll skip class. 320 00:10:42,586 --> 00:10:44,310 Truth is, I don't want to be here 321 00:10:44,344 --> 00:10:45,689 anymore than the kids do. 322 00:10:45,724 --> 00:10:47,793 And I can still make the fifth race. 323 00:10:47,827 --> 00:10:49,206 No. It's fine. 324 00:10:49,241 --> 00:10:50,413 And who knows? 325 00:10:50,448 --> 00:10:52,137 It might make the world a better place. 326 00:10:52,172 --> 00:10:54,620 That's the spirit of bundt. 327 00:10:54,655 --> 00:10:58,655 And you say you're a size three when you're really a size five. 328 00:10:58,689 --> 00:11:00,241 Yeah. Well, remember 329 00:11:00,275 --> 00:11:02,551 when I swore I didn't kiss Danny? 330 00:11:02,586 --> 00:11:05,586 I did. I lied. 331 00:11:05,620 --> 00:11:06,034 Hi, Harvey. 332 00:11:06,068 --> 00:11:06,896 How's your cake? 333 00:11:06,931 --> 00:11:08,793 Good. And you know... 334 00:11:08,827 --> 00:11:10,103 I didn't just take home ec 335 00:11:10,137 --> 00:11:11,586 because coach told me to. 336 00:11:11,620 --> 00:11:13,034 I like to cook. 337 00:11:13,068 --> 00:11:15,103 I like it a lot. 338 00:11:15,137 --> 00:11:18,310 Hey! 339 00:11:18,344 --> 00:11:19,206 Hey. Hi. 340 00:11:19,241 --> 00:11:21,310 I saved us a piece, with sprinkles. 341 00:11:21,344 --> 00:11:23,896 Mmm... well, you go first. 342 00:11:28,379 --> 00:11:30,517 Wow. It's good. 343 00:11:30,551 --> 00:11:31,862 You know what it tastes like? 344 00:11:31,896 --> 00:11:34,275 It tastes like I lied to you yesterday. 345 00:11:34,310 --> 00:11:35,896 You lied to me? About what? 346 00:11:35,931 --> 00:11:37,034 The truth is, I'd rather go 347 00:11:37,068 --> 00:11:39,241 to the slicery alone with Harvey tonight. 348 00:11:39,275 --> 00:11:40,517 Just the two of you? 349 00:11:40,551 --> 00:11:42,448 I think Harvey and I might be soul mates 350 00:11:42,482 --> 00:11:43,665 and you said you only liked him 351 00:11:43,689 --> 00:11:46,827 as a friend, so... You don't mind, right? 352 00:11:46,862 --> 00:11:48,379 Yeah. Sure. 353 00:11:48,413 --> 00:11:52,310 Perfect. I'll go tell Harvey you're not coming. 354 00:11:52,344 --> 00:11:53,172 Sabrina, you didn't get 355 00:11:53,206 --> 00:11:54,655 any cake. 356 00:11:54,689 --> 00:11:58,172 No. I'm... really not very hungry. 357 00:12:09,137 --> 00:12:09,724 Freak. 358 00:12:09,758 --> 00:12:10,586 Mutant. 359 00:12:10,620 --> 00:12:11,931 Shufflehead! 360 00:12:11,965 --> 00:12:13,862 Man: Let me give you the truth, Ricky. 361 00:12:13,896 --> 00:12:15,034 You kids come in here 362 00:12:15,068 --> 00:12:17,724 talk about your futures, your dreams 363 00:12:17,758 --> 00:12:18,896 but what about me? 364 00:12:18,931 --> 00:12:21,000 You think I wanted to be a guidance counselor? 365 00:12:21,034 --> 00:12:22,172 Heck, no. 366 00:12:22,206 --> 00:12:24,310 I was born to play the blues. 367 00:12:24,344 --> 00:12:25,862 ♪ I got no future... 368 00:12:25,896 --> 00:12:26,931 [ Plays riff] 369 00:12:26,965 --> 00:12:28,068 ♪ And neither do you 370 00:12:28,103 --> 00:12:29,068 [ plays riff] 371 00:12:29,103 --> 00:12:32,724 ♪ Your s.A.T. Scores are 432 372 00:12:32,758 --> 00:12:35,137 ♪ welcome to loserville. 373 00:12:35,172 --> 00:12:36,827 Boy: Come on, how far did she let you go? 374 00:12:36,862 --> 00:12:39,000 How far? I didn't even try to kiss her. 375 00:12:39,034 --> 00:12:39,827 You didn't? 376 00:12:39,862 --> 00:12:41,275 Nah, I'm not ready. 377 00:12:41,310 --> 00:12:42,793 Didn't I tell you I'm a virgin? 378 00:12:42,827 --> 00:12:44,413 Really? Me too?! 379 00:12:44,448 --> 00:12:46,241 Excellent. 380 00:12:46,275 --> 00:12:49,103 I feel really awkward right now. 381 00:12:49,965 --> 00:12:50,896 Attention, students. 382 00:12:50,931 --> 00:12:52,206 This is principal larue. 383 00:12:52,241 --> 00:12:53,206 I just wanted to announce 384 00:12:53,241 --> 00:12:56,137 that as soon as I finish this yummy bundt cake 385 00:12:56,172 --> 00:12:57,689 I'm going to the movies 386 00:12:57,724 --> 00:13:00,206 like I do every Friday afternoon. 387 00:13:00,241 --> 00:13:03,482 And I'm paying for my popcorn with petty cash. 388 00:13:03,517 --> 00:13:05,827 [ Larue chuckles] Thank you. 389 00:13:05,862 --> 00:13:07,689 Sabrina! 390 00:13:07,724 --> 00:13:11,034 Jenny said you weren't coming tonight. 391 00:13:11,068 --> 00:13:13,103 [ Whispering]: Is it something to do with your nose? 392 00:13:13,137 --> 00:13:14,931 No, I just can't make it. 393 00:13:14,965 --> 00:13:16,113 You and Jenny have a good time. 394 00:13:16,137 --> 00:13:19,172 I'm late for the bus. 395 00:13:19,206 --> 00:13:21,793 Hey, you run funny. 396 00:13:23,068 --> 00:13:24,344 Stop whatever you're doing. 397 00:13:24,379 --> 00:13:26,344 This is more important. 398 00:13:26,379 --> 00:13:27,517 I was on the verge of 399 00:13:27,551 --> 00:13:29,517 a major scientific breakthrough. 400 00:13:29,551 --> 00:13:31,000 Nobody cares. 401 00:13:31,034 --> 00:13:33,206 Okay, which look 402 00:13:33,241 --> 00:13:35,413 do you think drell will like better? 403 00:13:35,448 --> 00:13:38,206 Tough chick or... 404 00:13:38,241 --> 00:13:41,034 Damsel in distress? 405 00:13:41,068 --> 00:13:43,655 Tough chick or... 406 00:13:43,689 --> 00:13:46,517 Damsel in distress? 407 00:13:46,551 --> 00:13:48,655 Isn't there something in the middle? 408 00:13:48,689 --> 00:13:51,000 Like a tough chick in distress? 409 00:13:51,034 --> 00:13:52,896 Ooh, I like it. 410 00:13:52,931 --> 00:13:54,517 I hate it. 411 00:13:55,551 --> 00:13:56,769 Why don't you wear what you wore 412 00:13:56,793 --> 00:13:58,586 the last time drell stood you up? 413 00:13:58,620 --> 00:14:00,482 He is not going to stand me up. 414 00:14:03,827 --> 00:14:06,275 Were you cooking something, Zelda? 415 00:14:06,310 --> 00:14:08,655 No. Drell did it again. 416 00:14:08,689 --> 00:14:11,448 He sent you a... 417 00:14:11,482 --> 00:14:13,206 Half a pot roast? 418 00:14:13,241 --> 00:14:15,206 That just means he's going to be a little late. 419 00:14:15,241 --> 00:14:18,586 Oh... he's so thoughtful. 420 00:14:18,620 --> 00:14:19,517 Hey. 421 00:14:19,551 --> 00:14:20,482 Oh, no. 422 00:14:20,517 --> 00:14:22,103 You look unhappy. 423 00:14:22,137 --> 00:14:23,172 Tell Zelda. 424 00:14:23,206 --> 00:14:25,620 I can't let you bring me down. I've got a date. 425 00:14:25,655 --> 00:14:27,379 What's wrong? 426 00:14:27,413 --> 00:14:28,724 Well, you were right. 427 00:14:28,758 --> 00:14:30,551 High school is no place for the truth. 428 00:14:30,586 --> 00:14:33,217 People were blurting out their feelings all over the place. It was awful. 429 00:14:33,241 --> 00:14:35,965 Well, I warned you... The truth can be unruly. 430 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:37,172 But don't worry. 431 00:14:37,206 --> 00:14:39,655 The sprinkles wear off after 24 hours. 432 00:14:39,689 --> 00:14:41,689 24 hours is too late. 433 00:14:41,724 --> 00:14:42,620 Ignorance was bliss. 434 00:14:42,655 --> 00:14:44,655 I was just too stupid to know it. 435 00:14:46,586 --> 00:14:47,551 Hi, Harvey. 436 00:14:47,586 --> 00:14:48,931 Hey, you made it. 437 00:14:48,965 --> 00:14:50,344 Yeah, I made it. 438 00:14:52,103 --> 00:14:53,000 What now? 439 00:14:53,034 --> 00:14:54,241 You want to order pizza? 440 00:14:54,275 --> 00:14:56,862 Great idea. 441 00:14:56,896 --> 00:14:58,103 So, this is nice. 442 00:14:58,137 --> 00:14:59,551 Just the two of us. 443 00:14:59,586 --> 00:15:01,000 Yeah, no Sabrina. 444 00:15:01,034 --> 00:15:02,000 It's great. 445 00:15:02,034 --> 00:15:03,793 It is? 446 00:15:03,827 --> 00:15:05,724 Sure, now we can order onions. 447 00:15:05,758 --> 00:15:07,241 Sabrina hates onions. 448 00:15:07,275 --> 00:15:09,206 But won't it also give us a chance 449 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:10,931 to get to know each other better? 450 00:15:10,965 --> 00:15:14,793 Yeah... or we could just play foosball. 451 00:15:14,827 --> 00:15:16,034 I'm not really into sports. 452 00:15:16,068 --> 00:15:18,655 I'd rather talk about poetry and nature. 453 00:15:18,689 --> 00:15:20,931 I'm really not into poetry 454 00:15:20,965 --> 00:15:22,620 but nature's okay. 455 00:15:22,655 --> 00:15:24,241 I mean, I like going outside. 456 00:15:24,275 --> 00:15:26,448 Me too! 457 00:15:26,482 --> 00:15:28,586 But not when it's cold. 458 00:15:28,620 --> 00:15:30,103 I don't like being cold. 459 00:15:30,137 --> 00:15:31,931 See, I'm okay with cold. 460 00:15:31,965 --> 00:15:33,620 Do you like hot? 461 00:15:33,655 --> 00:15:36,000 Not that much. 462 00:15:36,034 --> 00:15:37,586 Oh. 463 00:15:37,620 --> 00:15:39,724 Where is that pizza? 464 00:15:39,758 --> 00:15:41,241 We haven't ordered it yet. 465 00:15:43,310 --> 00:15:44,793 Sabrina, may I come in? 466 00:15:44,827 --> 00:15:46,079 Yeah. I'm just practicing my magic. 467 00:15:46,103 --> 00:15:48,137 Oh, wonderful... 468 00:15:48,172 --> 00:15:49,931 I think I'm getting pretty good. 469 00:15:49,965 --> 00:15:51,517 Oh, no. 470 00:15:51,551 --> 00:15:52,551 And watch... 471 00:15:55,068 --> 00:15:56,689 Ta-da! 472 00:15:56,724 --> 00:15:58,172 I think I'm ready for a cruise ship. 473 00:15:58,206 --> 00:15:59,793 Sabrina, it's Friday night. 474 00:15:59,827 --> 00:16:01,862 Why aren't you out with your friends? 475 00:16:01,896 --> 00:16:03,068 'Cause. 476 00:16:03,103 --> 00:16:04,689 You want to talk about it? 477 00:16:04,724 --> 00:16:05,827 No. 478 00:16:05,862 --> 00:16:06,862 Are you sure? 479 00:16:08,068 --> 00:16:11,931 Come on, I think you need a snack. 480 00:16:11,965 --> 00:16:13,620 I'm really not hungry. 481 00:16:13,655 --> 00:16:14,862 Eat this. 482 00:16:14,896 --> 00:16:17,206 The sprinkles will help you uncover your true feelings. 483 00:16:17,241 --> 00:16:17,896 No, thanks. 484 00:16:17,931 --> 00:16:19,724 I'd rather use lady bald spot. 485 00:16:19,758 --> 00:16:20,931 Trust me. 486 00:16:24,034 --> 00:16:25,689 So why are you home? 487 00:16:25,724 --> 00:16:26,862 Because Jenny told me 488 00:16:26,896 --> 00:16:28,320 she wanted to be alone with Harvey tonight 489 00:16:28,344 --> 00:16:29,931 and I said it was okay. 490 00:16:29,965 --> 00:16:32,000 And is it okay? 491 00:16:32,034 --> 00:16:34,103 Yeah, I guess. 492 00:16:34,137 --> 00:16:36,034 No. No, it's not okay. 493 00:16:36,068 --> 00:16:37,689 Harvey and Jenny are alone together. 494 00:16:37,724 --> 00:16:39,182 It should be Harvey and me or Jenny and me 495 00:16:39,206 --> 00:16:41,896 but it shouldn't be Harvey and Jenny alone without me. 496 00:16:41,931 --> 00:16:43,310 So what are you going to do? 497 00:16:43,344 --> 00:16:45,379 I'm gonna tell Jenny just what I told you. 498 00:16:45,413 --> 00:16:47,034 If I can remember it. 499 00:16:47,068 --> 00:16:48,172 Thanks, aunt Zelda. 500 00:16:48,206 --> 00:16:49,310 You're welcome, dear. 501 00:16:49,344 --> 00:16:50,965 Oh, and by the way... 502 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:53,103 That dress is really ugly. 503 00:16:56,965 --> 00:16:59,241 Slice number seven. 504 00:16:59,275 --> 00:17:01,310 This one's for the team. 505 00:17:01,344 --> 00:17:04,034 Look, I made a swan. 506 00:17:04,068 --> 00:17:05,068 Thanks. 507 00:17:11,448 --> 00:17:13,068 I've come to speak the truth. 508 00:17:13,103 --> 00:17:14,655 Sabrina! you made it! 509 00:17:14,689 --> 00:17:15,724 Jenny, we need to talk! 510 00:17:15,758 --> 00:17:16,655 Right away! 511 00:17:16,689 --> 00:17:18,517 You should know we ordered onions. 512 00:17:18,551 --> 00:17:20,034 What is it, Sabrina? 513 00:17:20,068 --> 00:17:21,034 I lied to you when I said 514 00:17:21,068 --> 00:17:21,896 I didn't mind you and Harvey 515 00:17:21,931 --> 00:17:23,000 coming here alone. 516 00:17:23,034 --> 00:17:24,838 I do mind, and I know you guys might be soul mates... 517 00:17:24,862 --> 00:17:26,344 We're not soul mates. 518 00:17:26,379 --> 00:17:27,310 You're not? 519 00:17:27,344 --> 00:17:29,689 No. Harvey's really cute and he's really nice 520 00:17:29,724 --> 00:17:32,068 but you can't build a life on that. 521 00:17:32,103 --> 00:17:34,034 I'd be willing to give it a shot. 522 00:17:34,068 --> 00:17:35,724 You guys talking about me? 523 00:17:35,758 --> 00:17:36,655 Yes! yes! 524 00:17:36,689 --> 00:17:38,482 Come talk about me over here. 525 00:17:38,517 --> 00:17:40,206 I was just telling Sabrina 526 00:17:40,241 --> 00:17:42,413 what a crummy time we had without her. 527 00:17:42,448 --> 00:17:45,482 Yeah, she can't even play foosball. 528 00:17:45,517 --> 00:17:46,137 You know, Harvey 529 00:17:46,172 --> 00:17:47,344 I think I liked you better 530 00:17:47,379 --> 00:17:49,103 when you were distant and mysterious. 531 00:17:49,137 --> 00:17:51,344 Up close, you're kind of a loud chewer. 532 00:17:51,379 --> 00:17:53,827 Yeah, well sometimes I put little pieces of paper in your hair 533 00:17:53,862 --> 00:17:55,000 and you don't even notice. 534 00:17:55,034 --> 00:17:56,724 Isn't this great... 535 00:17:56,758 --> 00:17:58,689 Us being honest with each other and all. 536 00:18:04,034 --> 00:18:05,758 [ Whistling] 537 00:18:05,793 --> 00:18:07,206 Do you love my hair? 538 00:18:07,241 --> 00:18:10,310 I see you went with the little black feather... thing. 539 00:18:10,344 --> 00:18:11,206 Yes. 540 00:18:11,241 --> 00:18:13,241 And now I'm off to the linen closet 541 00:18:13,275 --> 00:18:16,758 where I will travel to another dimension of time and space 542 00:18:16,793 --> 00:18:18,827 to have a lovely date with drell. 543 00:18:18,862 --> 00:18:20,034 Don't wait up. 544 00:18:20,068 --> 00:18:21,206 Stop! 545 00:18:21,241 --> 00:18:22,931 I have something to say. 546 00:18:22,965 --> 00:18:25,655 I know I said that drell would stand you up 547 00:18:25,689 --> 00:18:27,103 and this date would never happen 548 00:18:27,137 --> 00:18:30,137 and... I was wrong. 549 00:18:30,172 --> 00:18:32,241 I love it when you say that. 550 00:18:32,275 --> 00:18:33,379 Will you say it again? 551 00:18:33,413 --> 00:18:34,620 No. 552 00:18:34,655 --> 00:18:36,310 Look, just have fun on your date. 553 00:18:36,344 --> 00:18:37,965 After all you've been through with drell 554 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:39,413 you deserve a good time. 555 00:18:39,448 --> 00:18:40,827 Thanks. Bye. 556 00:18:40,862 --> 00:18:41,655 Got to go. 557 00:18:41,689 --> 00:18:44,206 I don't want to keep drell waiting. 558 00:18:44,241 --> 00:18:46,620 Although it is kind of a funny image. 559 00:18:46,655 --> 00:18:48,103 Drell... waiting. 560 00:18:52,379 --> 00:18:55,344 I just had the best idea. 561 00:18:55,379 --> 00:18:56,862 I'm not going. 562 00:18:56,896 --> 00:18:57,413 What?! 563 00:18:57,448 --> 00:18:59,551 I'm standing drell up. 564 00:18:59,586 --> 00:19:00,275 I'm going to give him 565 00:19:00,310 --> 00:19:02,068 a taste of his own pot roast. 566 00:19:02,103 --> 00:19:03,965 Oh, hilda, that's perfect. 567 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:06,103 Those self-help books are really paying off. 568 00:19:06,137 --> 00:19:07,034 I know. 569 00:19:07,068 --> 00:19:08,448 Now, lock me in my bedroom 570 00:19:08,482 --> 00:19:09,655 before I change my mind. 571 00:19:14,586 --> 00:19:15,931 Now it's two games apiece. 572 00:19:15,965 --> 00:19:18,034 Hey, Harvey before we play again 573 00:19:18,068 --> 00:19:19,344 can I tell you something? 574 00:19:19,379 --> 00:19:22,586 Sure. Tonight we have no secrets from each other. 575 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:23,700 Well, it's kind of personal 576 00:19:23,724 --> 00:19:25,827 but I've wanted to tell you this 577 00:19:25,862 --> 00:19:28,068 for the longest time. 578 00:19:28,103 --> 00:19:31,172 I think you have the world's most perfect sideburns. 579 00:19:31,206 --> 00:19:32,551 Really? 580 00:19:32,586 --> 00:19:34,413 Yeah, and one more thing. 581 00:19:34,448 --> 00:19:36,241 Yeah? 582 00:19:36,275 --> 00:19:38,689 Onions give you really bad breath. 583 00:19:40,793 --> 00:19:45,310 Oh, I wish my fur had an elastic waistband. 584 00:19:45,344 --> 00:19:46,655 [ Burps] 585 00:19:46,689 --> 00:19:48,206 Well, stop eating. 586 00:19:48,241 --> 00:19:50,344 I can't. 587 00:19:50,379 --> 00:19:51,793 Hello, hello, hello. 588 00:19:51,827 --> 00:19:52,896 Hi, hi, hi. 589 00:19:52,931 --> 00:19:54,034 How did it go? 590 00:19:54,068 --> 00:19:55,448 Great. You were right. 591 00:19:55,482 --> 00:19:57,034 The truth sprinkles set me free. 592 00:19:57,068 --> 00:19:59,172 Well I'm glad, but they weren't truth sprinkles. 593 00:19:59,206 --> 00:20:00,068 Surprise! 594 00:20:00,103 --> 00:20:02,068 I gave you ice cream sprinkles. 595 00:20:02,103 --> 00:20:03,172 You lied to me? 596 00:20:03,206 --> 00:20:05,482 No, I... Okay, I did. 597 00:20:05,517 --> 00:20:07,931 But, but, the point is, I wanted you to learn 598 00:20:07,965 --> 00:20:09,896 that the truth is something you should find 599 00:20:09,931 --> 00:20:11,551 without magic. 600 00:20:11,586 --> 00:20:13,551 I can't believe you did that. 601 00:20:13,586 --> 00:20:14,827 I told Harvey he had 602 00:20:14,862 --> 00:20:16,079 the world's most perfect sideburns 603 00:20:16,103 --> 00:20:17,034 and I didn't have to. 604 00:20:17,068 --> 00:20:18,482 I am so embarrassed. 605 00:20:18,517 --> 00:20:21,551 Oh, you should never be embarrassed by the truth. 606 00:20:21,586 --> 00:20:23,241 Oh, yeah? 607 00:20:23,275 --> 00:20:25,137 Then why did you change out of your dress? 608 00:20:28,827 --> 00:20:30,347 Hey, you guys want to have lunch today? 609 00:20:30,379 --> 00:20:32,068 As long as Sabrina comes along. 610 00:20:32,103 --> 00:20:33,034 Sure. 611 00:20:33,068 --> 00:20:34,068 Cool.cool. 612 00:20:34,103 --> 00:20:35,103 Cool. 613 00:20:36,034 --> 00:20:38,448 Hi, Libby. 614 00:20:38,482 --> 00:20:40,413 So where are Jill and cee cee? 615 00:20:40,448 --> 00:20:41,724 Like I care. 616 00:20:41,758 --> 00:20:43,586 We are no longer friends. 617 00:20:45,241 --> 00:20:45,965 Hi, Libby. 618 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:47,689 Nice outfit. 619 00:20:47,724 --> 00:20:49,034 And I love those pants. 620 00:20:49,068 --> 00:20:50,344 What are they, size three? 621 00:20:50,379 --> 00:20:52,448 You know it. 622 00:20:52,482 --> 00:20:53,655 Where have you two been? 623 00:20:56,931 --> 00:20:58,172 Attention, students. 624 00:20:58,206 --> 00:21:01,034 This is the realprincipal larue. 625 00:21:01,068 --> 00:21:03,413 Last Friday, some prankster broke into my office 626 00:21:03,448 --> 00:21:04,758 and impersonated me. 627 00:21:04,793 --> 00:21:07,551 I, of course, was at the district office all day 628 00:21:07,586 --> 00:21:10,931 working to make your school a better place. 629 00:21:10,965 --> 00:21:13,206 Thank you. 630 00:21:13,241 --> 00:21:14,827 You think they bought that? 631 00:21:14,862 --> 00:21:16,000 Huh? Uh... 632 00:21:16,034 --> 00:21:17,448 Oh... oh, no. 633 00:21:20,724 --> 00:21:22,206 I'll miss you, tricia. 634 00:21:26,517 --> 00:21:27,827 See you soon, Samantha. 635 00:21:33,068 --> 00:21:34,068 Take care, Brian. 636 00:21:39,758 --> 00:21:41,103 Good-bye, Bernadette.