1 00:00:11,320 --> 00:00:13,834 - Where are you headed? - The bridge. 2 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:16,514 - Mind if I walk with you? - Not at all. 3 00:00:16,680 --> 00:00:20,196 - So, how's it going? - Not bad, I guess. 4 00:00:20,360 --> 00:00:24,115 - Tuvok still giving you a hard time? - No more than usual. 5 00:00:24,280 --> 00:00:29,434 When I think about spending 70 years with him, it gives me a headache. 6 00:00:29,600 --> 00:00:34,629 I get the impression a lot of the crew agrees with me. Maquis and Starfleet. 7 00:00:36,920 --> 00:00:39,230 Bridge. 8 00:00:39,400 --> 00:00:42,472 - So, what do you think? - About what? 9 00:00:42,640 --> 00:00:47,953 About what I said. A lot of the crew aren't happy with our chief of security. 10 00:00:48,120 --> 00:00:53,149 I don't think Captain Janeway is winning any popularity contests either. 11 00:00:53,320 --> 00:00:55,630 Don't you agree? 12 00:00:55,800 --> 00:01:00,590 - I get the feeling you're testing me. - I'm interested in your opinion. 13 00:01:01,480 --> 00:01:04,472 - Why? - You're a good officer. 14 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:08,395 I like you. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. 15 00:01:09,440 --> 00:01:13,354 Computer, halt turbolift. Look, what's this all about? 16 00:01:13,520 --> 00:01:15,955 There are going to be changes here. 17 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:20,079 The Maquis are in line and 25 of the Starfleet crew are with us. 18 00:01:20,240 --> 00:01:22,231 There's going to be a mutiny? 19 00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:28,478 When the shooting starts, I need to know which side you're on. 20 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:28,519 Well, Commander, Voyager is all yours. 21 00:03:28,680 --> 00:03:31,559 There's a first time for everything. Don't worry. 22 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:34,838 - I'll keep her safe and sound. - I'm sure you will. 23 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,799 - Captain Janeway. - Go ahead, Mr Paris. 24 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:41,749 - The shuttle's ready when you are. - On my way. 25 00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:45,072 Don't you want to take Lieutenant Tuvok, 26 00:03:45,240 --> 00:03:48,358 in case the Rukani are unfriendly? 27 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:53,196 I've prepared for the captain's safety. 28 00:03:53,360 --> 00:03:56,990 You're still adapting to first officer duties. 29 00:03:57,160 --> 00:03:59,390 My time will be better spent 30 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:01,517 assisting you in your effort 31 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:03,876 to justify the captain's trust in you. 32 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:08,238 I appreciate your concern for my safety, but Tuvok's right. 33 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:10,357 Lieutenant Paris and I will be fine. 34 00:04:10,520 --> 00:04:12,511 I'll see you in 24 hours. 35 00:04:15,080 --> 00:04:17,037 Lieutenant... 36 00:04:17,200 --> 00:04:19,430 keep close tabs on the captain's shuttle. 37 00:04:19,600 --> 00:04:22,877 Let's make sure she doesn't hit trouble. 38 00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:26,032 Ensign, shut down those transporters 39 00:04:26,200 --> 00:04:28,157 and start that diagnostic. 40 00:04:28,320 --> 00:04:31,199 Shouldn't we wait for the captain to get back? 41 00:04:31,360 --> 00:04:35,911 You have been given a direct order. Do as the commander tells you. 42 00:04:36,080 --> 00:04:37,991 Aye, sir. 43 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,279 You've upgraded the internal sensors? 44 00:04:42,440 --> 00:04:46,274 - I'm working on it, sir. - I hope so. 45 00:04:53,360 --> 00:04:54,714 Wait here. 46 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:56,632 Is something wrong? 47 00:04:56,800 --> 00:04:58,757 It's just tomorrow's duty roster. 48 00:05:04,480 --> 00:05:08,189 Sir, Captain Janeway's shuttle has gone to warp. 49 00:05:08,360 --> 00:05:12,479 Thank you, Tuvok. Chakotay to all hands. Let's do it. 50 00:05:12,640 --> 00:05:13,960 Sir? 51 00:05:18,440 --> 00:05:24,311 - Red Alert! Security to the bridge! - You're wasting your time, Harry. 52 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:27,836 My teams are in control of all key systems. 53 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:31,994 - People will fight back. - That's going to be difficult. 54 00:05:32,160 --> 00:05:36,518 All your off-duty friends have been locked down in quarters. 55 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:51,151 - I guess you've made your choice. - Jonas to Chakotay. 56 00:05:51,320 --> 00:05:54,039 They're putting up a fight on deck 2. We need help. 57 00:05:54,200 --> 00:05:56,157 Get these people to the brig. 58 00:05:56,320 --> 00:06:00,359 Move us out of com range of Janeway's shuttle. You're with me. 59 00:06:07,480 --> 00:06:09,232 Deck 2. 60 00:06:10,760 --> 00:06:14,993 - Thanks for watching my back in there. - Right. 61 00:06:15,160 --> 00:06:17,117 Are you OK? 62 00:06:18,280 --> 00:06:23,275 To tell you the truth, shooting Harry got me a little rattled. 63 00:06:23,440 --> 00:06:28,435 He's only stunned. We're not going to kill anybody, unless it's necessary. 64 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:30,557 Just stay close. 65 00:06:35,640 --> 00:06:37,597 Stay low. 66 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:41,477 They've got us pinned down. 67 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:45,190 We'll just have to shoot our way past them. Ready? 68 00:06:51,080 --> 00:06:52,798 Seska! 69 00:06:52,960 --> 00:06:56,112 - It's just like old times. - Thanks for the help. 70 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:00,160 Janeway's people are setting up a command centre in the mess hall. 71 00:07:08,160 --> 00:07:12,950 Don't do that. This phaser's on wide beam. I could take you all in one shot. 72 00:07:13,120 --> 00:07:15,430 Everybody, drop your weapons. 73 00:07:16,760 --> 00:07:19,673 You heard him. Drop your weapons. 74 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:25,949 Don't look so surprised. I know a winner when I see one. I'm with you. 75 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:28,634 Do you want me to shoot him? 76 00:07:28,800 --> 00:07:33,112 We still need a cook. Chakotay to engineering. What's your status? 77 00:07:33,280 --> 00:07:36,557 - Engineering secure. - Transporter rooms, status. 78 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:38,836 Transporter room 1 under control. 79 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:40,957 Transporter room 2 secure. 80 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:44,875 - Shuttlebay, status. - Shuttlebay is secured. 81 00:07:45,040 --> 00:07:49,750 I'll take care of prisoners here. Round up personnel locked in quarters. 82 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:52,912 - Bring them to cargo bay 1. - We did it. 83 00:07:53,080 --> 00:07:55,071 Just like old times. 84 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:02,995 - You did a good job today. - Thanks. 85 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:06,915 - Make sure you keep it up. - What's that supposed to mean? 86 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:10,311 It means I'm not as easy to win over as Chakotay. 87 00:08:10,480 --> 00:08:12,437 Come on! Let's go. 88 00:08:20,760 --> 00:08:22,717 Wait here. 89 00:08:25,840 --> 00:08:28,150 - Seska, what's going on? - Move it. 90 00:08:28,320 --> 00:08:31,870 - We're being treated like prisoners. - No talking. 91 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:42,550 - Over there, with the rest. - What will you do with us? 92 00:08:42,720 --> 00:08:45,234 - I said no talking! - Hey, take it easy. 93 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:48,950 It was a mistake letting Starfleet people in on this. 94 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:51,270 Now is not the time, Seska. 95 00:08:53,680 --> 00:08:58,277 Take a good look around you. You're under armed guard. 96 00:08:58,440 --> 00:09:03,640 You may also notice your senior officers aren't here. They're in the brig. 97 00:09:03,800 --> 00:09:07,589 They'll be put off the ship at the first habitable planet. 98 00:09:07,760 --> 00:09:11,833 Janeway and Paris will arrive at their rendezvous coordinates 99 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:17,393 to find that Voyager's not there. In short, I've taken control of the ship. 100 00:09:17,560 --> 00:09:22,396 I don't blame you for your leaders' mistakes, so I'm giving you a choice. 101 00:09:22,560 --> 00:09:27,350 You can be put off the ship with your superiors or you can do what Neelix 102 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:31,354 and some other crew members have already done and join me. 103 00:09:31,520 --> 00:09:34,638 If you do, you'll be part of a crew that's going to do 104 00:09:34,800 --> 00:09:38,156 whatever it takes to get us home as fast as possible. 105 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:42,871 Under my command, we won't let Federation principles get in the way 106 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:44,997 of opportunities the way Janeway did 107 00:09:45,160 --> 00:09:48,198 by destroying the array that could have got us home. 108 00:09:48,360 --> 00:09:50,829 And we won't be wasting precious time 109 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:55,597 stopping to investigate every insignificant anomaly we come across. 110 00:09:55,760 --> 00:10:00,118 What we will do is use any means necessary to acquire technology 111 00:10:00,280 --> 00:10:04,877 that can shorten our journey. To hell with Starfleet regulations. 112 00:10:07,160 --> 00:10:09,834 You have 15 minutes to make up your minds. 113 00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:13,630 B'Elanna, what's going on here? 114 00:10:13,800 --> 00:10:16,918 Freeze program. Do you often walk in on private holodeck time? 115 00:10:17,080 --> 00:10:22,314 You weren't dancing the rumba with a naked Bolian. We had a lunch date. 116 00:10:22,480 --> 00:10:25,836 Is it lunch time already? I lost track of the time. 117 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:32,235 I expected to find you shooting pool at Sandrine's, not hanging out with Seska. 118 00:10:32,400 --> 00:10:35,791 - What program is this? - It's really something. 119 00:10:35,960 --> 00:10:41,353 I was purging the database, taking out old files, and I found this holonovel. 120 00:10:41,520 --> 00:10:45,275 It's a kind of "what-if" story, all about a Maquis mutiny. 121 00:10:45,440 --> 00:10:48,432 It's completely compelling and believable. 122 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:52,275 - I guess it's because it's all about us. - Who wrote it? 123 00:10:52,440 --> 00:10:56,274 Now, that is the big mystery. 124 00:11:00,240 --> 00:11:04,677 The author has gone to a lot of trouble to keep his identity a secret. 125 00:11:04,840 --> 00:11:06,990 Why would they try to be anonymous? 126 00:11:07,160 --> 00:11:11,472 Whoever plays this program takes on the role of a security officer, 127 00:11:11,640 --> 00:11:16,953 who is approached by Chakotay to help take over the ship. It's inflammatory. 128 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:22,149 - You think we should tell the captain? - Probably. 129 00:11:23,600 --> 00:11:29,357 It would be hard for us to give her a full report if we don't know how it ends. 130 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:32,994 - Excellent point. - Can you reset it? 131 00:11:33,160 --> 00:11:36,391 - I was just getting to the good part. - Be a sport. 132 00:11:36,560 --> 00:11:38,631 I'm on duty in less than an hour. 133 00:11:38,800 --> 00:11:43,954 Besides, isn't half the fun of a holonovel having someone to talk it over with? 134 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:46,077 All right. You owe me one. 135 00:11:55,200 --> 00:11:57,510 - Where are you headed? - The bridge. 136 00:11:57,680 --> 00:12:01,310 - Mind if I walk with you? - I was hoping you would. 137 00:12:01,480 --> 00:12:04,154 - How's it going? - Couldn't be better. 138 00:12:04,320 --> 00:12:08,837 - Tuvok still giving you a hard time? - Doesn't he always? 139 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:13,278 When I think about spending 70 years with him, it gives me a headache. 140 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:15,750 Not to mention an upset stomach. 141 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:20,677 Bridge. 142 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:28,630 I hear you're planning a mutiny. 143 00:12:30,640 --> 00:12:32,597 Computer, halt turbolift. 144 00:12:34,560 --> 00:12:39,350 - Who told you that? - Let's just say there are rumours. 145 00:12:39,520 --> 00:12:41,796 Don't believe everything you hear. 146 00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:46,716 Of course not. I just want you to know that whatever happens, I'm with you. 147 00:12:48,840 --> 00:12:50,990 Computer, resume turbolift. 148 00:12:52,960 --> 00:12:56,078 I'm serious. Just tell me what you want me to do. 149 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:02,951 All right, Ensign, here it is. 150 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:08,752 When the captain leaves to meet the Rukani, put crew quarters on lock-down. 151 00:13:08,920 --> 00:13:12,276 I'll ask you if you've upgraded the internal sensors. 152 00:13:12,440 --> 00:13:15,592 If you say yes, I'll know we're ready to go. 153 00:13:16,640 --> 00:13:20,952 - I understand. - I'm watching you. No tricks. 154 00:13:25,560 --> 00:13:29,633 - We are entering the Rukani sector. - Inform the captain. 155 00:13:38,240 --> 00:13:41,119 Well, Commander, Voyager's all yours. 156 00:13:41,280 --> 00:13:44,398 There's a first time for everything. Don't worry. 157 00:13:44,560 --> 00:13:47,518 - I'll keep her safe and sound. - I'm sure you will. 158 00:13:47,680 --> 00:13:49,990 - Captain Janeway. - Go ahead, Mr Paris. 159 00:13:50,160 --> 00:13:53,198 - The shuttle's ready when you are. - On my way. 160 00:13:53,360 --> 00:13:57,194 Are you sure you don't want to take Lieutenant Tuvok with you, 161 00:13:57,360 --> 00:14:00,113 just in case the Rukani are unfriendly? 162 00:14:00,280 --> 00:14:05,275 I assure you. I have made thorough preparations for the captain's safety. 163 00:14:05,440 --> 00:14:09,115 You are still adapting to your duties as first officer. 164 00:14:09,280 --> 00:14:12,830 My time will be better spent assisting you in your effort 165 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:15,389 to justify the captain's trust in you. 166 00:14:15,560 --> 00:14:18,598 I appreciate your concern, but Tuvok's right. 167 00:14:18,760 --> 00:14:22,833 Lieutenant Paris and I will be fine. I'll see you in 24 hours. 168 00:14:24,080 --> 00:14:27,914 Lieutenant, keep close tabs on the captain's shuttle. 169 00:14:28,080 --> 00:14:32,039 - Make sure she doesn't hit trouble. - Aye, sir. 170 00:14:32,200 --> 00:14:37,229 Ensign, let's shut down the transporters and start that diagnostic. 171 00:14:37,400 --> 00:14:40,472 Shouldn't we wait for the captain to get back? 172 00:14:40,640 --> 00:14:45,874 You have been given a direct order. Do as the commander tells you. 173 00:14:46,040 --> 00:14:48,077 Aye, sir. 174 00:14:49,800 --> 00:14:52,474 You've finished upgrading the internal sensors? 175 00:14:52,640 --> 00:14:55,632 - Yes, sir. - I hope so. 176 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:01,314 - Wait here. - Is anything wrong, sir? 177 00:15:01,480 --> 00:15:04,074 No, it's just tomorrow's duty roster. 178 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:15,354 - The captain's shuttle's gone to warp. - Thank you, Tuvok. 179 00:15:15,520 --> 00:15:17,955 Chakotay to all hands. Let's do it. 180 00:15:18,120 --> 00:15:20,396 - Sir? - Tuvok, get down! 181 00:15:29,960 --> 00:15:34,318 - I guess you've made your choice. - It's not over yet, Chakotay. 182 00:15:34,480 --> 00:15:36,630 Take them all to the brig. 183 00:15:53,320 --> 00:15:55,914 Sir, we have to do something. 184 00:15:56,080 --> 00:15:59,516 - What did you have in mind? - Escape. Retake the ship. 185 00:15:59,680 --> 00:16:02,399 We will attempt it when the time is right. 186 00:16:03,680 --> 00:16:05,637 What about trying it now? 187 00:16:06,680 --> 00:16:10,196 Such a foolhardy proposal suggests a lack of training. 188 00:16:10,360 --> 00:16:14,035 We are confined behind an electrostatic force field. 189 00:16:14,200 --> 00:16:17,875 - We can't just do nothing. - We are hardly doing nothing. 190 00:16:18,040 --> 00:16:22,238 We are observing the enemy, watching for discernible patterns, 191 00:16:22,400 --> 00:16:25,438 looking for any weakness in their defences. 192 00:16:25,600 --> 00:16:30,834 How long will this observing take? It's been over an hour. I'm bored. 193 00:16:31,000 --> 00:16:33,514 I am not concerned with your amusement. 194 00:16:33,680 --> 00:16:36,752 In a crisis situation, we will follow procedure. 195 00:16:36,920 --> 00:16:41,710 We'll wait for the right opportunity to escape, even if it takes a week. 196 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:44,998 A week? Who wrote this stuff? 197 00:16:46,960 --> 00:16:51,158 Hold Kim and Tuvok here. Bring the rest of them to cargo bay 1. 198 00:16:55,080 --> 00:16:57,037 Enjoy the wait. 199 00:16:59,400 --> 00:17:05,078 And we won't waste time stopping to investigate every insignificant anomaly. 200 00:17:05,240 --> 00:17:09,074 We will use any means necessary to acquire technology 201 00:17:09,240 --> 00:17:13,154 to shorten our journey. To hell with Starfleet regulations. 202 00:17:13,320 --> 00:17:16,950 You have 15 minutes to make up your minds. 203 00:17:17,120 --> 00:17:19,760 I don't need 15 minutes. I'm with you right now. 204 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:27,436 By the time I got around to joining Chakotay's rebels, 205 00:17:27,600 --> 00:17:32,197 he was so suspicious that he had me lubricate the warp plasma manifolds. 206 00:17:32,360 --> 00:17:35,557 Go along with it from the beginning. It's more fun. 207 00:17:35,720 --> 00:17:38,951 - Next time I will. - I couldn't help overhearing. 208 00:17:39,120 --> 00:17:42,397 You two are talking about the new holonovel. 209 00:17:42,560 --> 00:17:47,475 I tried sending an encoded message to Captain Janeway's shuttle to warn her. 210 00:17:47,640 --> 00:17:51,395 But Chakotay caught me, phasered me and the program reset. 211 00:17:51,560 --> 00:17:56,589 Next time I'll pretend to go along with them and then stage a counter strike. 212 00:17:56,760 --> 00:17:59,718 I thought we were going to keep this a secret. 213 00:17:59,880 --> 00:18:04,795 - Don't look at me. I didn't tell him. - I heard about it from the Doctor. 214 00:18:04,960 --> 00:18:09,238 I may have let it slip while I was running his weekly diagnostic. 215 00:18:09,400 --> 00:18:11,550 Great. Who else knows about it? 216 00:18:11,720 --> 00:18:14,234 Don't worry about me. My lips are sealed. 217 00:18:14,400 --> 00:18:17,950 What's this Ayala tells me about a new holonovel? 218 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:21,157 Get in line, Harry. 219 00:18:21,320 --> 00:18:25,393 Lieutenant Paris' personal log, stardate 50953 .4. 220 00:18:25,560 --> 00:18:29,838 I've decided to take B'Elanna's advice and replay the holonovel, 221 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:34,756 as a member of Chakotay's mutineers. I hope it turns out better than before. 222 00:18:37,560 --> 00:18:42,350 - Where are the warp engines? - The dilithium matrix won't reinitialise. 223 00:18:42,520 --> 00:18:46,070 - It's been two days. - Don't worry. B'Elanna's on it. 224 00:18:47,520 --> 00:18:52,879 Run a full security sweep. There's more to this than a faulty dilithium matrix. 225 00:18:53,040 --> 00:18:56,351 - Do you think it's a saboteur? - A ship's approaching. 226 00:18:56,520 --> 00:19:00,036 Bearing 216, mark 33. It's Janeway's shuttle. 227 00:19:00,200 --> 00:19:02,157 Open a channel. 228 00:19:05,160 --> 00:19:08,118 Hello, Kathryn. How did it go with the Rukani? 229 00:19:08,280 --> 00:19:11,079 You're out of uniform, Commander. 230 00:19:11,240 --> 00:19:15,120 - There have been a few changes. - So I've heard. 231 00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:20,639 - You think I don't have any friends left? - Apparently, you do. But I'll find them. 232 00:19:20,800 --> 00:19:24,031 Will you kill them or just put them off the ship? 233 00:19:25,640 --> 00:19:30,191 - Nobody has to die here today. - I thought you'd keep your word. 234 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:32,317 I guess I was mistaken. 235 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:37,634 I'm sorry it's come to this. But the crew believes I can get them home faster. 236 00:19:37,800 --> 00:19:41,430 That's going to be difficult without warp engines. 237 00:19:41,600 --> 00:19:46,595 Our warp drive may be off-line, but our weapons systems are operational. 238 00:19:46,760 --> 00:19:50,196 - They're powering phasers. - Don't try to be a hero. 239 00:19:50,360 --> 00:19:53,716 I've been reasonable. You can keep the shuttle. 240 00:19:53,880 --> 00:19:56,269 I'll transport you extra provisions. 241 00:19:56,440 --> 00:20:00,274 But if you don't stand down, I will destroy your shuttle. 242 00:20:00,440 --> 00:20:03,558 You've just threatened the wrong woman. 243 00:20:07,360 --> 00:20:11,274 - What can she accomplish? - We can obliterate them in one shot. 244 00:20:11,440 --> 00:20:14,432 Not till I give the order. Reopen a channel. 245 00:20:15,760 --> 00:20:20,152 I don't know how, but they disabled our shields. We're vulnerable. 246 00:20:20,320 --> 00:20:22,914 Target their warp core and fire. 247 00:20:27,880 --> 00:20:31,760 - I always said Janeway was a fool. - Intruder alert on deck 8. 248 00:20:31,920 --> 00:20:35,800 - It's Paris and Janeway. - Janeway's no fool. 249 00:20:35,960 --> 00:20:39,874 She transported over while the shields were down. 250 00:20:40,040 --> 00:20:45,353 - She's trying to free the prisoners. - You've got the bridge. You're with me. 251 00:20:53,040 --> 00:20:55,031 Get away from that panel! 252 00:20:56,160 --> 00:20:58,470 Drop it. 253 00:21:07,120 --> 00:21:11,717 - Computer, resume program. - Holographic simulation is over. 254 00:21:11,880 --> 00:21:14,156 Start it up again where it left off. 255 00:21:14,320 --> 00:21:16,834 - Unable to comply. - Why not? 256 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:20,834 Additional narrative parameters have not been programmed. 257 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:24,550 - Are you saying there's no more story? - Affirmative. 258 00:21:24,720 --> 00:21:27,633 Is this someone's idea of a practical joke? 259 00:21:27,800 --> 00:21:29,950 Please rephrase the question. 260 00:21:38,040 --> 00:21:42,477 There. I've bypassed the security override. Try it now. 261 00:21:42,640 --> 00:21:47,669 Identify the author of holographic program entitled "Insurrection Alpha". 262 00:21:47,840 --> 00:21:50,070 Information classified. 263 00:21:50,240 --> 00:21:54,359 I tried every decryption protocol. Whoever wrote this is good. 264 00:21:54,520 --> 00:21:58,309 And sadistic. I can't believe we've been left hanging. 265 00:21:59,200 --> 00:22:01,157 Any luck? 266 00:22:01,320 --> 00:22:06,349 Me neither. I've discreetly questioned everybody I thought I could trust. 267 00:22:06,520 --> 00:22:09,399 Either nobody knows, or nobody's talking. 268 00:22:09,560 --> 00:22:12,552 Remember when it was impossible to keep a secret on a small ship? 269 00:22:16,800 --> 00:22:22,591 If that takes care of our official agenda, I'd like to discuss another matter. 270 00:22:22,760 --> 00:22:26,196 The commander informs me there's a new holonovel 271 00:22:26,360 --> 00:22:28,920 that's become popular among the crew. 272 00:22:29,080 --> 00:22:32,471 It's been accessed 47 times by 33 crew members. 273 00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:35,553 Is anyone here familiar with this? 274 00:22:36,960 --> 00:22:40,715 I'm the one who found it on the auxiliary database. 275 00:22:40,880 --> 00:22:44,953 - I've been running it too. - Anybody else? 276 00:22:50,600 --> 00:22:55,151 I understand that the author of it has chosen to remain anonymous. 277 00:22:55,320 --> 00:22:58,870 Perhaps because the story depicts Commander Chakotay 278 00:22:59,040 --> 00:23:01,919 as the leader of a Maquis mutiny. 279 00:23:02,080 --> 00:23:06,233 Now the cat's out of the bag, I want each of you to talk to your staff 280 00:23:06,400 --> 00:23:08,994 and find out who our anonymous author is. 281 00:23:09,160 --> 00:23:11,674 That won't be necessary, Captain. 282 00:23:11,840 --> 00:23:14,719 I am the author of the program in question. 283 00:23:14,880 --> 00:23:18,760 - You, Tuvok? - So you have literary aspirations. 284 00:23:18,920 --> 00:23:23,994 - Not to mention talent. What a story. - There's been a misunderstanding. 285 00:23:24,160 --> 00:23:27,471 It is not a holonovel. It is a training scenario. 286 00:23:27,640 --> 00:23:33,477 When you invited the Maquis to join us, I believed that mutiny was a possibility. 287 00:23:33,640 --> 00:23:36,154 So I began to write a training program 288 00:23:36,320 --> 00:23:39,836 for junior security officers to prepare them for it. 289 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:42,389 - But you never finished it? - No. 290 00:23:42,560 --> 00:23:47,794 As the crews began to work together, I concluded an insurrection was unlikely. 291 00:23:47,960 --> 00:23:52,591 I realised the program might exacerbate the conflict I sought to avoid. 292 00:23:52,760 --> 00:23:56,196 Therefore, I deleted the scenario, or so I believed. 293 00:23:56,360 --> 00:23:59,716 You didn't account for B'Elanna's computer skills. 294 00:23:59,880 --> 00:24:04,909 Nor her somewhat excessive curiosity. I apologise for my carelessness. 295 00:24:05,080 --> 00:24:09,199 You should apologise for leaving us hanging by a thread. 296 00:24:09,360 --> 00:24:12,716 - You've got to finish the story. - On the contrary. 297 00:24:12,880 --> 00:24:17,033 It has the potential to incite animosity and must be deleted. 298 00:24:17,200 --> 00:24:22,639 - I have no doubt the captain concurs. - With all due respect, loosen up. 299 00:24:23,680 --> 00:24:26,957 You may have intended it to be a training tool, 300 00:24:27,120 --> 00:24:30,511 but it looks like it's turned into harmless fun. 301 00:24:30,680 --> 00:24:33,832 - As the captain... - I'm more than a captain. 302 00:24:34,000 --> 00:24:38,949 I lead a community that needs entertainment, culture, creative outlets. 303 00:24:39,120 --> 00:24:43,591 Since we're not privy to every new holonovel written back home, 304 00:24:43,760 --> 00:24:46,070 it's natural to create our own. 305 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:51,713 Besides, Tuvok, if the crew doesn't get an ending, you may have a real mutiny. 306 00:24:51,880 --> 00:24:55,430 If Tuvok doesn't want to finish it, I volunteer. 307 00:24:55,600 --> 00:25:00,071 I've always wanted to write a holonovel. I could make it exciting. 308 00:25:00,240 --> 00:25:02,197 Good. Then it's settled. 309 00:25:02,360 --> 00:25:07,514 I can't wait to see if Captain Janeway manages to outwit the conspirators. 310 00:25:22,920 --> 00:25:26,800 It's Mr Anonymous. Come to check up on your replacement? 311 00:25:26,960 --> 00:25:30,794 Since the captain insists on allowing you to proceed, 312 00:25:30,960 --> 00:25:36,478 I thought you might benefit from the original probability studies I conducted. 313 00:25:36,640 --> 00:25:39,871 Thanks, but I don't need any probability studies. 314 00:25:40,040 --> 00:25:42,395 I'm just making it up as I go along. 315 00:25:42,560 --> 00:25:47,396 Indeed. I'd be curious to know what you've made up thus far. 316 00:25:47,560 --> 00:25:52,555 Well, I was thinking, Paris and Janeway retake the ship. 317 00:25:52,720 --> 00:25:57,749 - Then she executes the conspirators. - That is entirely implausible. 318 00:25:57,920 --> 00:26:00,799 The captain would never behave in such a way. 319 00:26:00,960 --> 00:26:05,477 This isn't real life. It's fiction. Don't get so caught up in logic. 320 00:26:05,640 --> 00:26:08,871 Logic is an integral part of narrative structure. 321 00:26:09,040 --> 00:26:13,671 According to the "Dictates Of Poetics", a character's actions must flow 322 00:26:13,840 --> 00:26:16,070 from his or her established traits. 323 00:26:17,120 --> 00:26:21,114 I don't know about that, but I know what makes an interesting story 324 00:26:21,280 --> 00:26:23,590 and that's unexpected plot twists. 325 00:26:23,760 --> 00:26:27,196 I will not let you turn this program into a parody. 326 00:26:27,360 --> 00:26:31,149 - Are you going to finish it? - Artistic differences? 327 00:26:31,320 --> 00:26:34,153 I would hardly call his ideas artistic. 328 00:26:34,320 --> 00:26:38,757 My instincts don't comply with the Vulcan "Dictates Of Poetics". 329 00:26:38,920 --> 00:26:41,719 I've got some suggestions that might help. 330 00:26:41,880 --> 00:26:47,353 So far the story's been nothing but action, but it needs a little emotion. 331 00:26:47,520 --> 00:26:50,273 - We are not writing a romance novel. - We? 332 00:26:51,320 --> 00:26:54,438 You would benefit from my collaboration. 333 00:26:55,560 --> 00:26:58,074 - Really? - I don't care who is writing it. 334 00:26:58,240 --> 00:27:01,517 There is room in every good story for passion. 335 00:27:01,680 --> 00:27:04,194 Maybe you're on to something. 336 00:27:04,360 --> 00:27:09,150 I could add a love scene between the conn officer and the Maquis engineer. 337 00:27:09,320 --> 00:27:11,277 That's realistic. 338 00:27:11,440 --> 00:27:14,398 How about coffee to keep the creative juices flowing? 339 00:27:14,560 --> 00:27:16,517 Thanks, Neelix. 340 00:27:16,680 --> 00:27:19,035 - While I'm here... - Let me guess. 341 00:27:19,200 --> 00:27:21,316 You have a suggestion to make. 342 00:27:21,480 --> 00:27:24,552 I would never interfere in the creative process. 343 00:27:24,720 --> 00:27:27,917 It's more of a comment about the Neelix character. 344 00:27:28,080 --> 00:27:30,071 How surprising. 345 00:27:30,240 --> 00:27:33,392 He would never betray the captain the way he does. 346 00:27:33,560 --> 00:27:37,519 No offence, but I don't think you understand my character. 347 00:27:37,680 --> 00:27:41,036 Did you forget to follow the "Dictates Of Poetics"? 348 00:27:41,200 --> 00:27:44,511 Perhaps we should find someplace quieter to work. 349 00:27:44,680 --> 00:27:48,560 That's the first intelligent suggestion this evening. 350 00:27:48,720 --> 00:27:53,157 We should create a carefully constructed outline of the remainder. 351 00:27:53,320 --> 00:27:58,349 - I told you. I'm making it up as I go. - We cannot proceed without an outline. 352 00:27:58,520 --> 00:28:02,400 There's that "we" stuff again. I didn't agree to let you help. 353 00:28:02,560 --> 00:28:05,712 Need I remind you that I began the scenario? 354 00:28:05,880 --> 00:28:09,077 Do you think I'm compromising your creative vision? 355 00:28:09,240 --> 00:28:11,197 In so many words, yes. 356 00:28:11,360 --> 00:28:15,911 My duty is to ensure security is not compromised by your creative vision. 357 00:28:16,080 --> 00:28:19,198 You had your chance and you wanted to delete it. 358 00:28:19,360 --> 00:28:24,309 It is not an option now. I am exercising my prerogative as the original author. 359 00:28:24,480 --> 00:28:28,360 Look, Tuvok, for the last time, I don't need any help. 360 00:28:33,840 --> 00:28:38,437 There you are. I have several brilliant ideas for upcoming chapters, 361 00:28:38,600 --> 00:28:42,958 as well as revisions that will improve the earlier instalments. 362 00:28:43,120 --> 00:28:45,270 - I don't believe it. - Don't thank me. 363 00:28:45,440 --> 00:28:49,274 I have expertise in creating holographic mise en scene. 364 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:54,913 Override the EMH program's controls and transfer him back to Sickbay. 365 00:28:55,080 --> 00:28:58,630 - Now, wait just a min... - Thanks, Tuvok. 366 00:28:58,800 --> 00:29:02,156 Now that I think about it, I'll take it from here. 367 00:29:02,320 --> 00:29:07,349 You may find that difficult, since only I can make additions to the program. 368 00:29:09,840 --> 00:29:13,390 All right. You win. We'll finish the story together. 369 00:29:13,560 --> 00:29:18,509 That is a very rational decision. Reinitiate the holographic program 370 00:29:18,680 --> 00:29:23,072 entitled "Insurrection Alpha", security clearance Tuvok-4774. 371 00:29:23,240 --> 00:29:28,189 - The program is reinitiated. - The first thing we'll change is that title. 372 00:29:28,360 --> 00:29:31,910 Reformat the holo-matrix for interactive algorithms. 373 00:29:32,080 --> 00:29:37,519 - The holo-matrix has been formatted. - Reopen the narrative parameters file. 374 00:29:39,680 --> 00:29:42,513 We just lost power in both transporter rooms. 375 00:29:42,680 --> 00:29:46,753 The com went down and the holodeck systems are scrambled. 376 00:29:48,360 --> 00:29:50,715 - Why are we in the brig? - I have no idea. 377 00:29:50,880 --> 00:29:53,713 We gave no instructions to create a location. 378 00:29:53,880 --> 00:29:56,679 Hello, Tuvok. I've been expecting you. 379 00:29:57,760 --> 00:30:03,358 You've reopened the narrative parameters file of your tactical scenario. 380 00:30:03,520 --> 00:30:06,956 How do you know that? You're a hologram. 381 00:30:07,120 --> 00:30:12,513 A holographic representation of Seska, a Maquis shipmate you betrayed. 382 00:30:12,680 --> 00:30:17,595 I would have thought that spying might have given you more insight into us. 383 00:30:17,760 --> 00:30:21,913 But after looking over what you've written, I see you need help. 384 00:30:22,080 --> 00:30:27,029 I've created a representation of myself to guide you through the program. 385 00:30:27,200 --> 00:30:31,273 - There is no more program. - There is now. 386 00:30:31,440 --> 00:30:34,990 I finished writing it for you, with a few revisions. 387 00:30:35,160 --> 00:30:38,790 - Revisions? - To start, the holodeck is now sealed. 388 00:30:38,960 --> 00:30:42,510 Your friends will find it difficult to get you out. 389 00:30:42,680 --> 00:30:46,753 And the safety protocols are off, which means if I shoot you, 390 00:30:46,920 --> 00:30:49,673 and I am going to shoot you, you'll die. 391 00:30:51,840 --> 00:30:53,797 But not just yet. 392 00:30:57,920 --> 00:30:59,991 You've got ten seconds to run. 393 00:31:06,400 --> 00:31:09,358 - Nine... eight... - Computer, end program. 394 00:31:09,520 --> 00:31:12,194 - Seven... six... - Holodeck 1 to bridge. 395 00:31:12,360 --> 00:31:15,478 - Emergency transport. - Did I forget to tell you? 396 00:31:15,640 --> 00:31:18,758 When you restarted, the com system went down. 397 00:31:18,920 --> 00:31:22,879 - Four... three... - We'd better do what she says. 398 00:31:23,040 --> 00:31:25,350 Two... one. 399 00:31:26,440 --> 00:31:28,750 You should never have crossed her. 400 00:31:28,920 --> 00:31:32,993 She has been dead for over a year. I couldn't predict this. 401 00:31:33,160 --> 00:31:36,198 Seska wouldn't let death stop her from getting even. 402 00:31:36,360 --> 00:31:38,317 Tuvok. Tom. 403 00:31:38,480 --> 00:31:41,359 - In here. - Captain? 404 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:46,913 We'll transport to the cargo bay to free the prisoners. It's safer than on foot. 405 00:31:47,960 --> 00:31:49,917 She's a hologram, too? 406 00:31:50,080 --> 00:31:53,755 She believes we're here to help her retake the ship. 407 00:31:53,920 --> 00:31:56,958 Play along. We could use all the help we can get. 408 00:31:57,120 --> 00:31:59,634 But Seska rewrote the scenario. 409 00:31:59,800 --> 00:32:02,474 Maybe she's programmed her to betray us. 410 00:32:02,640 --> 00:32:07,077 - You have a better idea? - It is safest to avoid participation. 411 00:32:07,240 --> 00:32:11,518 The real captain will discover our predicament and shut it down. 412 00:32:11,680 --> 00:32:15,071 - Let's move! - Hold it right there! 413 00:32:15,240 --> 00:32:18,232 - Back off! - Or what? You'll shoot us? 414 00:32:18,400 --> 00:32:21,518 - Go right ahead. - Whatever you say. 415 00:32:26,200 --> 00:32:31,957 Poor Kathryn. Nobody told her the phaser rifles have been malfunctioning. 416 00:32:34,120 --> 00:32:36,634 You're an incredible woman, Seska. 417 00:32:41,320 --> 00:32:43,470 You see who's in charge now? 418 00:32:43,640 --> 00:32:47,235 If I were you, I'd get moving. The program's not over. 419 00:32:47,400 --> 00:32:50,392 We have no intention of participating. 420 00:32:50,560 --> 00:32:52,790 Do you want to end up like the captain? 421 00:32:52,960 --> 00:32:55,713 You programmed it. A malfunctioning phaser. 422 00:32:55,880 --> 00:32:58,474 Chakotay attracted to you. It's not real. 423 00:32:58,640 --> 00:33:01,234 You hear that? He thinks this is a game. 424 00:33:01,400 --> 00:33:06,474 - Show him he's wrong. - I've been waiting a long time for this. 425 00:33:08,400 --> 00:33:11,518 I told you the safety protocols are off. 426 00:33:11,680 --> 00:33:16,038 You've got five seconds to run, or you'll get more than a flesh wound. 427 00:33:19,520 --> 00:33:22,956 - So much for not playing along. - Can you continue? 428 00:33:23,120 --> 00:33:26,192 - I'll keep up, but where are we going? - I have an idea. 429 00:33:28,320 --> 00:33:30,277 This isn't the real sickbay. 430 00:33:30,440 --> 00:33:33,239 I may be able to use the equipment to treat you 431 00:33:33,400 --> 00:33:35,710 and it's as good a place as any to hide. 432 00:33:35,880 --> 00:33:38,998 - State the nature of the emergency. - I'm fine. 433 00:33:39,160 --> 00:33:42,278 You have phaser burns. Have a seat on bio-bed 1. 434 00:33:42,440 --> 00:33:45,990 - I'm telling you, I feel fine. - You require treatment. 435 00:33:46,160 --> 00:33:50,233 20ccs nitric acid. A little proverbial salt in the wound. 436 00:33:55,600 --> 00:33:57,750 - You're looking well. - Go! 437 00:33:57,920 --> 00:34:00,719 I'm not going to leave you! 438 00:34:03,680 --> 00:34:06,115 It was a pleasure treating you. 439 00:34:10,920 --> 00:34:13,799 - Are you all right, Mr Paris? - Just great. 440 00:34:13,960 --> 00:34:18,158 We can go to the mess hall now and let Neelix burn me with a frying pan. 441 00:34:18,320 --> 00:34:23,713 It appears Seska has reprogrammed the holographic crew to torture us. 442 00:34:23,880 --> 00:34:26,918 I suggest we avoid meeting any more of them. 443 00:34:27,080 --> 00:34:30,710 Seska to Tuvok. I know you can hear me. 444 00:34:30,880 --> 00:34:32,439 Terrific. 445 00:34:32,600 --> 00:34:37,356 I just wanted to remind you that wherever you go, I'll find you. 446 00:34:37,520 --> 00:34:40,831 - I say we try the Jefferies tubes. - I concur. 447 00:34:46,440 --> 00:34:50,513 You won't believe this, but Seska caused these cascade failures. 448 00:34:50,680 --> 00:34:52,034 How? 449 00:34:52,200 --> 00:34:55,670 What she lacked in loyalty she made up for in ingenuity. 450 00:34:55,840 --> 00:35:00,118 The logs show she got into Tuvok's scenario on stardate 48671, 451 00:35:00,280 --> 00:35:02,351 a month before she left the ship. 452 00:35:02,520 --> 00:35:06,673 She programmed it to cause shutdowns when Tuvok reopened the file. 453 00:35:06,840 --> 00:35:10,390 - He didn't do this until today. - Can we get them out? 454 00:35:11,560 --> 00:35:14,359 Seska laid booby traps everywhere. 455 00:35:14,520 --> 00:35:18,593 If we open the holodeck doors, the power grid will explode. 456 00:35:18,760 --> 00:35:23,311 - The transporters are still off-line. - Is the narrative parameters file open? 457 00:35:23,480 --> 00:35:27,030 Seska's revised program is playing out as we speak. 458 00:35:29,520 --> 00:35:35,869 If Seska can rewrite Tuvok, maybe I can rewrite Seska. 459 00:35:36,760 --> 00:35:40,390 So, Tuvok, anything in the "Dictates Of Poetics" 460 00:35:40,560 --> 00:35:44,793 about how to escape from a ship full of insane holograms? 461 00:35:44,960 --> 00:35:48,510 Your attempts at humour are hardly constructive. 462 00:35:56,800 --> 00:35:59,599 The controls are jammed. I cannot close it. 463 00:36:01,520 --> 00:36:03,477 Tuvok! 464 00:36:16,920 --> 00:36:20,276 - Where did this come from? - An intriguing question. 465 00:36:20,440 --> 00:36:22,397 Is Seska toying with us? 466 00:36:22,560 --> 00:36:26,918 Taking us to the brink of death, so she can keep torturing us? 467 00:36:27,080 --> 00:36:29,674 I prefer a more optimistic interpretation. 468 00:36:29,840 --> 00:36:33,435 It is possible our shipmates know of our predicament 469 00:36:33,600 --> 00:36:37,912 and are making additions to the program, like a plasma extinguisher. 470 00:36:38,080 --> 00:36:42,233 If you want to look on the bright side, I won't argue with you. 471 00:36:50,080 --> 00:36:53,436 If they know what's going on, why hand us that? 472 00:36:53,600 --> 00:36:57,230 Why not shut down the holo-grid, or change the scenario? 473 00:36:57,400 --> 00:37:02,429 I imagine Seska has made it difficult to implement more than minor changes. 474 00:37:02,600 --> 00:37:04,716 Take a look at this. 475 00:37:10,120 --> 00:37:14,193 - You were right. - We must follow their instructions. 476 00:37:18,600 --> 00:37:22,389 Hello, boys. What do you say we go for a little walk? 477 00:37:25,840 --> 00:37:27,831 Where did they come from? 478 00:37:30,120 --> 00:37:33,556 Seska's programme is adding algorithms to counteract changes. 479 00:37:33,720 --> 00:37:36,030 I need access to narrative subroutines. 480 00:37:36,200 --> 00:37:38,157 - I can't get in. - Find a way. 481 00:37:38,320 --> 00:37:40,880 Or Tom and Tuvok won't get out alive. 482 00:37:46,480 --> 00:37:49,279 Chakotay's taking them to the cargo bay. 483 00:37:49,440 --> 00:37:51,954 How are you coming with the transporters? 484 00:37:52,120 --> 00:37:55,192 The program disabled the relay access ports. 485 00:37:55,360 --> 00:37:57,954 It will take a while to get them out. 486 00:37:58,120 --> 00:38:00,714 I guess that means I keep writing. 487 00:38:00,880 --> 00:38:03,474 All your comrades have been captured. 488 00:38:03,640 --> 00:38:08,157 It should be obvious by now that this is no longer a Starfleet vessel. 489 00:38:09,280 --> 00:38:14,309 Bring Paris and Tuvok over here. You and you, bring your weapons. 490 00:38:17,720 --> 00:38:21,679 - What are you doing? - I'm going to execute them here. 491 00:38:21,840 --> 00:38:25,356 - I need access to character algorithms. - I'm on it. 492 00:38:25,520 --> 00:38:27,796 - Fire on my order. - Belay that. 493 00:38:27,960 --> 00:38:33,034 - What are you doing? We planned this. - I'm not sure it's necessary to kill them. 494 00:38:33,200 --> 00:38:37,239 The Chakotay hologram is undergoing a character change. 495 00:38:37,400 --> 00:38:41,189 - Are they trying to help us again? - They deserve to die. 496 00:38:41,360 --> 00:38:46,230 Don't listen. You've taken the ship. No need to add murder to your offences. 497 00:38:46,400 --> 00:38:49,472 - Quiet! - Lower your weapons. 498 00:38:49,640 --> 00:38:51,597 It's working. 499 00:38:51,760 --> 00:38:54,718 If I can just keep modifying the Chakotay hologram... 500 00:38:54,880 --> 00:38:57,269 You're not losing your nerve. 501 00:38:57,440 --> 00:39:00,876 We have what we want. There's no reason to kill them. 502 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:04,237 - Prepare to fire on my order! - Seska. 503 00:39:04,400 --> 00:39:08,598 - I'm in command of this operation. - Not any more. 504 00:39:10,520 --> 00:39:12,750 I don't believe it. 505 00:39:12,920 --> 00:39:17,312 It is reconfiguring the subprocessors to counter all our changes. 506 00:39:17,480 --> 00:39:22,270 No matter what we do, it rewrites itself so that Tom and Tuvok will die. 507 00:39:22,440 --> 00:39:24,716 I'm not out of ideas yet. 508 00:39:24,880 --> 00:39:27,872 Does anyone else want to challenge my authority? 509 00:39:31,600 --> 00:39:36,231 Isn't their loyalty inspiring? Set your phasers to kill. 510 00:39:36,400 --> 00:39:39,711 - Don't listen to her. - Fire on my order. 511 00:39:41,360 --> 00:39:43,795 What the hell was that? 512 00:39:52,240 --> 00:39:54,197 Don't move, Seska. 513 00:39:54,360 --> 00:39:57,557 Bridge to Seska. We're under attack by the Rukani. 514 00:39:57,720 --> 00:39:59,119 The Rukani? 515 00:39:59,280 --> 00:40:02,432 The people we visited while you took over the ship. 516 00:40:02,600 --> 00:40:06,798 When we realised there was a mutiny, we called them for assistance. 517 00:40:06,960 --> 00:40:10,715 - Have you got transporters yet? - Still working on it. 518 00:40:10,880 --> 00:40:15,033 - You're not getting this ship back. - That is a bold statement. 519 00:40:15,200 --> 00:40:20,036 Initiate 60 seconds self-destruct sequence, authorisation zeta-1. 520 00:40:20,200 --> 00:40:22,840 Ship self-destructs in 60 seconds. 521 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:26,118 Belay that order, authorisation Tuvok-4774. 522 00:40:26,280 --> 00:40:29,398 Unable to comply. Voiceprint not recognised. 523 00:40:29,560 --> 00:40:32,996 Hand over that phaser, or everyone will be dead in... 524 00:40:33,160 --> 00:40:35,754 Self-destruct in 45 seconds. 525 00:40:35,920 --> 00:40:40,596 I don't know how she rigged it, but she initiated an overload 526 00:40:40,760 --> 00:40:44,913 in the holodeck power relays. The whole grid is going to blow. 527 00:40:45,080 --> 00:40:47,230 30 seconds. 528 00:40:47,400 --> 00:40:51,030 Hand over the weapon, or the ship is going to be destroyed. 529 00:40:52,120 --> 00:40:57,399 I have set this phaser to kill. If you do not deactivate self-destruct, I will fire. 530 00:40:57,560 --> 00:41:00,951 I'm surprised at you, Tuvok. That's not logical. 531 00:41:01,120 --> 00:41:03,873 If I'm dead, who turns off self-destruct? 532 00:41:04,040 --> 00:41:06,600 15 seconds to self-destruct. 533 00:41:06,760 --> 00:41:11,516 13..12..11..10..9... 534 00:41:11,680 --> 00:41:15,639 Terminate self-destruct sequence, authorisation zeta-1. 535 00:41:15,800 --> 00:41:18,997 Self-destruct sequence has been terminated. 536 00:41:19,160 --> 00:41:21,117 Call off your Rukani friends. 537 00:41:22,160 --> 00:41:25,391 Do what she says. That's an order, Mr Paris. 538 00:41:30,040 --> 00:41:32,350 Paris to the Rukani vessel. 539 00:41:32,520 --> 00:41:36,070 Thank you for your assistance, but it's under control. 540 00:41:36,240 --> 00:41:38,197 It is, isn't it? 541 00:41:38,360 --> 00:41:42,115 If you want something done right, you do it yourself. 542 00:41:48,480 --> 00:41:50,437 Not bad. 543 00:41:50,600 --> 00:41:55,390 Seska's not the only one who knows how to cause a phaser malfunction. 544 00:41:56,840 --> 00:41:59,798 The holographic simulation has ended. 545 00:42:01,440 --> 00:42:03,750 - It's over. - Kim to Engineering. 546 00:42:03,920 --> 00:42:09,472 - I can give you transporters now. - That's all right, Harry. No rush. 547 00:42:18,400 --> 00:42:21,153 Here's to stories with happy endings. 548 00:42:22,960 --> 00:42:27,750 Causing the alien ship to come to our aid was an effective plot development. 549 00:42:27,920 --> 00:42:31,436 Who says deus ex machina is an outdated literary device? 550 00:42:31,600 --> 00:42:34,319 I'm glad you didn't have writer's block. 551 00:42:34,480 --> 00:42:39,953 You two have to come up with a new idea for your next literary collaboration. 552 00:42:40,120 --> 00:42:43,112 - What about a Western? - Or a detective story? 553 00:42:43,280 --> 00:42:47,592 I don't care what the story is, as long as I'm not the bad guy. 554 00:42:48,800 --> 00:42:54,990 I've got a great idea about a daring trader who becomes a starship's cook. 555 00:42:55,160 --> 00:42:57,674 - Eventually, he rises... - Mr Neelix. 556 00:42:57,840 --> 00:43:00,958 If Mr Paris and I do create another holonovel, 557 00:43:01,120 --> 00:43:04,272 we will choose a subject less close to home.