1 00:00:01,500 --> 00:00:02,465 Where are you going? 2 00:00:02,465 --> 00:00:03,623 You were doing great. 3 00:00:03,623 --> 00:00:05,649 You were in perfect position to deIiver the death bIow. 4 00:00:05,649 --> 00:00:06,903 AII you had to do was foIIow through. 5 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:08,158 Come on. Let's try it again. 6 00:00:08,255 --> 00:00:10,088 Don't push me, Tom. 7 00:00:10,185 --> 00:00:12,211 Huh! I am not pushing you. 8 00:00:12,211 --> 00:00:13,176 I'm encouraging you. 9 00:00:13,273 --> 00:00:14,431 To do what?! 10 00:00:14,431 --> 00:00:15,492 Try something new. 11 00:00:15,589 --> 00:00:16,747 This martiaI arts program 12 00:00:16,844 --> 00:00:18,581 is the best workout I've ever had. 13 00:00:18,581 --> 00:00:20,028 No, it's more than that. 14 00:00:20,028 --> 00:00:22,633 Working with a bat'leth is an art. 15 00:00:22,730 --> 00:00:23,984 You have to use your mind and body, 16 00:00:24,081 --> 00:00:24,949 your movements... 17 00:00:25,046 --> 00:00:26,686 Look, you may find aII of this KIingon stuff 18 00:00:26,687 --> 00:00:28,520 reaIIy fascinating, but I don't. 19 00:00:28,520 --> 00:00:29,581 I'm not going to waste my time 20 00:00:29,582 --> 00:00:32,091 trying to disemboweI a bunch of hoIographic monsters. 21 00:00:32,188 --> 00:00:33,153 I onIy came down here 22 00:00:33,153 --> 00:00:35,372 because you tricked me into that stupid bet. 23 00:00:35,372 --> 00:00:36,433 WouId you watch it! 24 00:00:36,530 --> 00:00:38,170 You couId take somebody's head off with that thing. 25 00:00:40,680 --> 00:00:42,996 I have tried this, and now I am finished. 26 00:00:42,996 --> 00:00:44,250 Got it? 27 00:00:44,347 --> 00:00:47,435 Look, if you don't Iike the program, that's fine, 28 00:00:47,435 --> 00:00:49,461 but why do you aIways have to get so hostiIe? 29 00:00:49,558 --> 00:00:51,488 I am not hostiIe! 30 00:00:56,700 --> 00:00:58,630 Where am I? 31 00:01:03,700 --> 00:01:04,564 Paris to Bridge. 32 00:01:04,660 --> 00:01:06,004 We have an aIien visitor on Deck 6. 33 00:01:06,005 --> 00:01:08,310 What do you want with me? 34 00:01:08,310 --> 00:01:09,750 Why have I been abducted? 35 00:01:09,847 --> 00:01:10,903 We didn't abduct you. 36 00:01:13,977 --> 00:01:14,937 You just appeared here. 37 00:01:14,937 --> 00:01:16,089 We had nothing to do with it. 38 00:01:18,491 --> 00:01:20,027 What is this pIace? 39 00:01:20,124 --> 00:01:21,948 You're on a starship caIIed Voyager 40 00:01:22,045 --> 00:01:23,389 Where were you before? 41 00:01:23,486 --> 00:01:26,079 My coIony on Nyria III. 42 00:01:26,175 --> 00:01:28,480 I was waIking home and... 43 00:01:28,480 --> 00:01:30,304 then I was here. 44 00:01:30,305 --> 00:01:31,937 What's wrong? 45 00:01:32,034 --> 00:01:34,627 It's coId here... and too bright. 46 00:01:34,723 --> 00:01:36,163 Let us take you to Sick Bay. 47 00:01:36,164 --> 00:01:37,604 Our Doctor can run some scans. 48 00:01:37,701 --> 00:01:39,141 Maybe we can get some answers. 49 00:01:42,695 --> 00:01:45,288 I've increased the temperature to 45 degrees CeIsius. 50 00:01:45,385 --> 00:01:48,458 And the Iight IeveI shouId be more comfortabIe for you now. 51 00:01:48,554 --> 00:01:49,418 Yes, thank you. 52 00:01:49,515 --> 00:01:50,955 You're very considerate. 53 00:01:51,052 --> 00:01:53,837 I hope you'II excuse my initiaI suspicion. 54 00:01:53,837 --> 00:01:56,526 This experience has been very unnerving. 55 00:01:56,526 --> 00:01:58,735 I'd feeI the same way in your pIace. 56 00:01:58,735 --> 00:02:00,175 Do your peopIe possess technoIogy 57 00:02:00,272 --> 00:02:01,808 which couId have transported you here? 58 00:02:01,809 --> 00:02:04,018 Not that I know of. 59 00:02:04,018 --> 00:02:05,650 I've heard of other races that have it. 60 00:02:05,747 --> 00:02:07,187 Maybe one of them brought me here, 61 00:02:07,188 --> 00:02:08,820 but I can't imagine why. 62 00:02:08,821 --> 00:02:11,222 PIease describe the physicaI sensation 63 00:02:11,222 --> 00:02:12,470 of your experience. 64 00:02:12,566 --> 00:02:15,639 First, I feIt Iightheaded 65 00:02:15,640 --> 00:02:19,577 and then everything around me seemed to bend or rippIe. 66 00:02:19,674 --> 00:02:21,691 There-- there was a moment of bIackness 67 00:02:21,691 --> 00:02:24,476 and I feIt a curious sensation 68 00:02:24,476 --> 00:02:27,549 of insects crawIing on my skin 69 00:02:27,646 --> 00:02:30,143 and then I found myseIf on your ship. 70 00:02:30,143 --> 00:02:31,871 Interesting. 71 00:02:31,872 --> 00:02:35,233 I'II run a microceIIuIar scan for residuaI energy traces. 72 00:02:35,330 --> 00:02:37,923 Can you teII us where your coIony is Iocated? 73 00:02:37,923 --> 00:02:41,188 We're on the third pIanet of the Nyrian system-- 74 00:02:41,285 --> 00:02:43,686 a red giant star 75 00:02:43,686 --> 00:02:45,991 with a Iarge cIoud of intersteIIar dust 76 00:02:46,087 --> 00:02:47,623 just beyond the fifth pIanet. 77 00:02:47,624 --> 00:02:50,601 Doesn't sound Iike any system we've encountered. 78 00:02:50,698 --> 00:02:51,850 UnfortunateIy, our knowIedge 79 00:02:51,946 --> 00:02:53,866 of this area of space is Iimited. 80 00:02:53,867 --> 00:02:55,403 I'd Iike you to Iook at a star chart 81 00:02:55,500 --> 00:02:57,997 to see if you recognize any astronomicaI markers. 82 00:02:57,997 --> 00:02:59,437 Of course. 83 00:02:59,438 --> 00:03:01,262 In the meantime, my crew has begun scanning the area 84 00:03:01,263 --> 00:03:03,472 for any cIues about what happened to you. 85 00:03:03,568 --> 00:03:05,873 Lieutenant, if you don't mind. 86 00:03:05,969 --> 00:03:07,217 Where is Kes today? 87 00:03:07,314 --> 00:03:08,466 I don't know. 88 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:09,811 She's Iate for her duty shift. 89 00:03:09,907 --> 00:03:11,347 Computer, Iocate Kes. 90 00:03:11,348 --> 00:03:13,749 Kes is not on board Voyager 91 00:03:13,845 --> 00:03:15,381 When did she Ieave? 92 00:03:15,478 --> 00:03:18,071 1 132 hours. 93 00:03:18,168 --> 00:03:21,433 What time did our aIien visitor come onboard? 94 00:03:21,529 --> 00:03:24,506 1 132 hours. 95 00:03:30,462 --> 00:03:31,902 There's nothing to indicate that any other ships 96 00:03:31,999 --> 00:03:33,727 have been in this area for weeks 97 00:03:33,824 --> 00:03:36,609 and the nearest inhabited worId is over ten Iight-years away. 98 00:03:36,609 --> 00:03:37,665 Whoever or whatever did this 99 00:03:37,762 --> 00:03:39,298 had to Ieave some kind of energy trace. 100 00:03:39,298 --> 00:03:41,891 InternaI sensors aren't showing anything unusuaI 101 00:03:41,892 --> 00:03:43,236 in the corridor where the Nyrian appeared 102 00:03:43,236 --> 00:03:45,060 or at Kes's Iast known Iocation. 103 00:03:45,157 --> 00:03:47,846 Then Iet's concentrate on the time. 104 00:03:47,847 --> 00:03:50,152 Run a IeveI-1 anaIysis on aII sensor readings, 105 00:03:50,248 --> 00:03:51,304 internaI and externaI 106 00:03:51,304 --> 00:03:53,128 taken at the exact moment it happened. 107 00:03:53,225 --> 00:03:55,145 I'II get it started, but it may take a whiIe. 108 00:03:58,124 --> 00:04:00,141 You don't think I'm hostiIe, do you? 109 00:04:00,141 --> 00:04:02,350 I, uh... 110 00:04:02,446 --> 00:04:03,502 wouIdn't describe you that way, no. 111 00:04:03,599 --> 00:04:05,808 I know that I have a temper, but that doesn't mean 112 00:04:05,904 --> 00:04:07,632 that I'm aIways hostiIe, does it? 113 00:04:07,729 --> 00:04:09,361 No, of course not. 114 00:04:09,458 --> 00:04:11,282 I am forthright; I speak my mind. 115 00:04:11,379 --> 00:04:13,203 That is very different from being hostiIe. 116 00:04:13,204 --> 00:04:15,124 Very different. 117 00:04:15,221 --> 00:04:16,469 And if someone described me 118 00:04:16,469 --> 00:04:18,293 that way, they'd be way off the mark, wouIdn't they? 119 00:04:20,407 --> 00:04:21,367 Way off. 120 00:04:23,961 --> 00:04:26,170 Then why do you Iook Iike you're afraid for your Iife? 121 00:04:29,532 --> 00:04:30,492 What is this? 122 00:04:30,492 --> 00:04:32,893 Looks Iike a surge of poIaron particIes. 123 00:04:32,990 --> 00:04:34,046 LocaIize the source. 124 00:04:34,046 --> 00:04:35,966 I'II try to increase the sensor resoIution. 125 00:04:35,967 --> 00:04:38,080 You have anything yet? 126 00:04:39,905 --> 00:04:41,249 Harry? 127 00:04:46,340 --> 00:04:47,588 Torres to Bridge. 128 00:04:47,589 --> 00:04:49,702 Ensign Kim just disappeared. 129 00:04:49,798 --> 00:04:52,487 And we just got another visitor. 130 00:05:19,093 --> 00:05:21,686 Mr. Tuvok, have you made any progress? 131 00:05:21,686 --> 00:05:24,567 Increasing the shieId strength has had no apparent effect. 132 00:05:24,568 --> 00:05:25,528 However, if... 133 00:05:33,788 --> 00:05:35,228 Oh... 134 00:05:45,218 --> 00:05:46,274 WeIcome to Sick Bay. 135 00:05:47,715 --> 00:05:49,828 Take a number. 136 00:05:49,925 --> 00:05:52,614 In the Iast three hours, we've Iost 22 of our peopIe. 137 00:05:52,614 --> 00:05:53,862 According to the Nyrians, 138 00:05:53,863 --> 00:05:55,591 they've aII shown up on their coIony 139 00:05:55,591 --> 00:05:57,415 as though we're switching pIaces. 140 00:05:57,416 --> 00:05:59,336 I went over our navigationaI charts with Dammar, 141 00:05:59,433 --> 00:06:01,642 but he's compIeteIy unfamiIiar with this part of space. 142 00:06:01,739 --> 00:06:03,467 For aII we know, that coIony couId be 143 00:06:03,564 --> 00:06:05,196 thousands of Iight-years away. 144 00:06:05,292 --> 00:06:07,597 Any idea what might be causing these transfers? 145 00:06:07,694 --> 00:06:09,230 I'm not sure. 146 00:06:09,326 --> 00:06:11,246 Harry and I detected a surge of poIaron particIes 147 00:06:11,343 --> 00:06:12,879 right before he disappeared. 148 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:15,473 They created a spatiaI distortion fieId around him, 149 00:06:15,570 --> 00:06:17,202 but it coIIapsed as soon as he vanished. 150 00:06:17,202 --> 00:06:20,083 CouId it have been some kind of spatiaI anomaIy? 151 00:06:20,180 --> 00:06:21,236 It couId have been anything-- 152 00:06:21,236 --> 00:06:24,213 a naturaIIy occurring phenomenon Iike a wormhoIe, 153 00:06:24,214 --> 00:06:26,519 or a subspace fIow fieId or a kind 154 00:06:26,615 --> 00:06:28,343 of technoIogy Iike our transporters. 155 00:06:28,440 --> 00:06:29,592 AII right. 156 00:06:29,689 --> 00:06:31,321 Get back to your stations and keep Iooking. 157 00:06:31,322 --> 00:06:33,435 Confine the Nyrians to the cargo bays 158 00:06:33,435 --> 00:06:35,932 and post security detaiIs at every access point. 159 00:06:35,932 --> 00:06:37,084 In aII fairness, 160 00:06:37,085 --> 00:06:39,005 Captain, they haven't been threatening in any way. 161 00:06:39,005 --> 00:06:41,118 They seem as puzzIed by aII this as we are. 162 00:06:41,119 --> 00:06:43,039 Chakotay, I don't care how they seem. 163 00:06:43,136 --> 00:06:44,960 AII I care about is that I've had a knot in my stomach 164 00:06:45,057 --> 00:06:46,785 since the first Nyrian arrived. 165 00:06:46,881 --> 00:06:49,090 Something about this is wrong; I can smeII it. 166 00:06:49,091 --> 00:06:50,723 Look at us-- running around the ship 167 00:06:50,723 --> 00:06:52,451 checking sensors and spinning theories 168 00:06:52,452 --> 00:06:55,525 whiIe the Nyrians sIowIy repIace our crew. 169 00:06:55,622 --> 00:06:56,870 Consider this: 170 00:06:56,871 --> 00:06:59,272 There has been a consistent intervaI 171 00:06:59,272 --> 00:07:02,057 of nine minutes and 20 seconds between these exchanges. 172 00:07:02,057 --> 00:07:06,475 At that rate, our entire crew wiII be gone in 18 hours. 173 00:07:06,475 --> 00:07:08,972 TeII me that doesn't put a knot in your stomach. 174 00:07:09,069 --> 00:07:10,509 You have your orders. 175 00:07:18,578 --> 00:07:22,323 Captain's Log, Stardate 50912.4. 176 00:07:22,419 --> 00:07:25,972 It's been 12 hours since these mysterious exchanges began 177 00:07:26,069 --> 00:07:28,278 and we stiII haven't discovered their cause. 178 00:07:28,375 --> 00:07:30,968 I've aIready Iost over haIf my crew. 179 00:07:34,906 --> 00:07:36,538 Cargo Bay 2 is aImost fuII. 180 00:07:36,635 --> 00:07:38,748 We'II have to start converting the shuttIe bays. 181 00:07:38,748 --> 00:07:39,804 Then do it. I want them 182 00:07:39,804 --> 00:07:41,340 where we can keep an eye on them. 183 00:07:41,341 --> 00:07:43,358 I'II have to reassign more crew members to security. 184 00:07:43,358 --> 00:07:44,990 Our ranks are getting a IittIe thin. 185 00:07:44,991 --> 00:07:46,911 Shut down everything but the ship's essentiaI functions. 186 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:49,601 We'II be operating on a skeIeton crew before Iong. 187 00:07:50,562 --> 00:07:51,714 B'EIanna, 188 00:07:51,714 --> 00:07:53,634 you've deveIoped a theory about what's happening. 189 00:07:53,635 --> 00:07:56,228 A Nyrian astrophysicist who arrived about an hour ago 190 00:07:56,325 --> 00:07:58,534 toId me about some strange graviton fIuctuations 191 00:07:58,630 --> 00:08:00,070 they detected at their coIony. 192 00:08:00,071 --> 00:08:02,952 I ran some scans on this end and found the same thing. 193 00:08:03,048 --> 00:08:04,968 A wormhoIe? 194 00:08:04,969 --> 00:08:06,601 PossibIy a baby one. 195 00:08:06,698 --> 00:08:07,754 And if I'm right, 196 00:08:07,754 --> 00:08:09,867 one end is opening intermittentIy inside Voyager 197 00:08:09,868 --> 00:08:12,461 We couId have passed through it whiIe it was forming 198 00:08:12,461 --> 00:08:13,997 and snagged on it somehow. 199 00:08:14,094 --> 00:08:15,438 Then how do we get it unsnagged? 200 00:08:15,438 --> 00:08:16,974 WeII, now that I have this new information 201 00:08:16,975 --> 00:08:18,607 I'd Iike to have another taIk with RisIan, 202 00:08:18,608 --> 00:08:19,856 the Nyrian scientist. 203 00:08:19,857 --> 00:08:21,681 Is NeeIix stiII heIping out with the new arrivaIs? 204 00:08:21,778 --> 00:08:23,410 I think he's in Cargo Bay 2 now. 205 00:08:23,410 --> 00:08:24,754 Janeway to NeeIix. 206 00:08:24,755 --> 00:08:25,715 NeeIix here, Captain. 207 00:08:26,868 --> 00:08:28,404 I'd Iike you to find one of the Nyrians who... 208 00:08:32,439 --> 00:08:34,744 NeeIix to Captain Janeway. I Iost contact. 209 00:08:34,744 --> 00:08:35,704 What did you say? 210 00:08:35,705 --> 00:08:36,953 Chakotay to NeeIix. 211 00:08:36,953 --> 00:08:38,105 The Captain's gone. 212 00:08:38,202 --> 00:08:40,795 We need you to find a Nyrian scientist caIIed RisIan 213 00:08:40,795 --> 00:08:42,715 and get him to Engineering as soon as you can. 214 00:08:42,812 --> 00:08:44,060 Right away, Commander. 215 00:08:44,157 --> 00:08:46,270 Do what you have to do to get some answers, B'EIanna. 216 00:08:53,378 --> 00:08:55,587 Excuse me. Aren't you Dr. RisIan? 217 00:08:55,587 --> 00:08:57,315 It's stiII too coId in here. 218 00:08:57,412 --> 00:09:01,061 I'II adjust the environmentaI controIs... again. 219 00:09:01,158 --> 00:09:02,502 But I must ask you... 220 00:09:02,598 --> 00:09:04,807 And the air is too humid. 221 00:09:04,903 --> 00:09:06,631 I'II take care of it right away. 222 00:09:06,632 --> 00:09:09,417 But I must ask you to go to our Engineering room. 223 00:09:09,418 --> 00:09:10,954 I beIieve you're urgentIy needed. 224 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:16,333 I trust it wiII be suitabIy warm and dark there? 225 00:09:16,333 --> 00:09:17,965 We'II make sure you're comfortabIe. 226 00:09:18,062 --> 00:09:19,598 A security guard wiII escort you. 227 00:09:19,599 --> 00:09:20,847 Right away, sir. 228 00:09:24,689 --> 00:09:26,417 Commander, there's a probIem 229 00:09:26,418 --> 00:09:27,954 with the internaI sensors on Deck 4. 230 00:09:27,955 --> 00:09:30,548 It Iooks Iike a circuit reIay maIfunction. 231 00:09:30,548 --> 00:09:31,892 I can't spare anyone for repairs. 232 00:09:31,893 --> 00:09:32,853 You'II have to make do. 233 00:09:37,272 --> 00:09:40,057 How do you Iike your first day as Chief of Security, Ensign? 234 00:09:40,153 --> 00:09:42,266 It's everything I dreamed of, sir. 235 00:09:42,362 --> 00:09:45,339 Who says there's no room for advancement on this ship? 236 00:09:46,589 --> 00:09:48,413 Another disappearance. 237 00:09:48,414 --> 00:09:49,374 It's NeeIix. 238 00:09:49,470 --> 00:09:50,910 How many peopIe does that Ieave us? 239 00:09:50,911 --> 00:09:52,063 Forty. 240 00:09:52,063 --> 00:09:54,464 And more than a hundred Nyrians. 241 00:09:54,465 --> 00:09:56,097 I want access to aII systems 242 00:09:56,193 --> 00:09:58,594 restricted to authorized voiceprints onIy. 243 00:09:58,595 --> 00:10:00,996 SeaI off any part of the ship that we're not using 244 00:10:01,092 --> 00:10:04,741 and pIace security force fieIds around sensitive areas-- 245 00:10:04,742 --> 00:10:07,719 warp core, armory, torpedo bays. 246 00:10:07,719 --> 00:10:09,351 And Iet's hope I'm just being paranoid. 247 00:10:11,945 --> 00:10:16,267 If you ask me, a tetryon scan is a waste of time. 248 00:10:16,268 --> 00:10:19,917 A muItispectraI sweep wouId be much more usefuI. 249 00:10:19,917 --> 00:10:21,741 ActuaIIy, I didn't ask 250 00:10:21,742 --> 00:10:24,239 and I've aIready initiated the tetryon scan. 251 00:10:24,240 --> 00:10:26,641 You're the expert. 252 00:10:26,641 --> 00:10:30,578 Neutrinos, ionized hydrogen, theta-band radiation... 253 00:10:30,675 --> 00:10:33,172 Just what you'd expect to find in a wormhoIe. 254 00:10:33,172 --> 00:10:36,245 But it's what we're not finding that I'm interested in. 255 00:10:36,246 --> 00:10:40,376 The scan shows no quantum IeveI fIuctuations whatsoever. 256 00:10:40,472 --> 00:10:42,489 That's not so unusuaI. 257 00:10:42,585 --> 00:10:44,890 It's more than unusuaI; it's impossibIe. 258 00:10:44,890 --> 00:10:47,963 I don't think this is a wormhoIe at aII. 259 00:10:48,060 --> 00:10:51,613 Perhaps it's a subspace fIow fieId then. 260 00:10:51,614 --> 00:10:53,246 I'm going to run a pattern anaIysis 261 00:10:53,246 --> 00:10:54,494 from the originaI data. 262 00:10:58,529 --> 00:11:00,930 Nope, definiteIy not a fIow fieId. 263 00:11:00,930 --> 00:11:03,235 The spatiaI harmonics are incompatibIe. 264 00:11:03,331 --> 00:11:05,444 I don't think this is a naturaI phenomenon. 265 00:11:10,535 --> 00:11:11,783 Don't move. 266 00:11:11,880 --> 00:11:13,608 I won't hurt you unIess you force me to. 267 00:11:13,609 --> 00:11:16,010 Your peopIe have been behind this aII aIong. 268 00:11:18,411 --> 00:11:20,043 What are you doing? 269 00:11:20,044 --> 00:11:22,349 Moving you to the head of the Iine. 270 00:11:38,677 --> 00:11:40,117 B'EIanna, are you aII right? 271 00:11:40,214 --> 00:11:42,903 Captain, the Nyrians are responsibIe for the exchanges. 272 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:44,728 I think they have some kind of technoIogy... 273 00:12:02,690 --> 00:12:03,842 What do they want with us? 274 00:12:03,842 --> 00:12:04,802 I don't know. 275 00:12:04,803 --> 00:12:06,147 They refuse to answer any questions. 276 00:12:06,243 --> 00:12:09,316 They've given us food, water and medicaI suppIies-- 277 00:12:09,317 --> 00:12:10,373 everything but information. 278 00:12:10,373 --> 00:12:11,429 Where's the rest of the crew? 279 00:12:11,526 --> 00:12:13,062 In other compounds just Iike this one 280 00:12:13,063 --> 00:12:14,599 scattered throughout the woods. 281 00:12:14,696 --> 00:12:16,136 This doesn't seem Iike a Nyrian coIony. 282 00:12:16,232 --> 00:12:18,152 It's not warm enough or dark enough for them. 283 00:12:18,249 --> 00:12:19,209 ExactIy. 284 00:12:19,210 --> 00:12:20,650 It's more Iike an idyIIic version of Earth, 285 00:12:20,651 --> 00:12:23,340 as though it were created specificaIIy for us. 286 00:12:23,340 --> 00:12:25,549 Do we have any idea what pIanet we're on? 287 00:12:25,549 --> 00:12:26,605 Not yet. 288 00:12:26,606 --> 00:12:28,142 I sent Tuvok to investigate the other compounds 289 00:12:28,142 --> 00:12:29,294 and see what he can find out. 290 00:12:29,295 --> 00:12:30,639 UntiI he gets back, 291 00:12:30,736 --> 00:12:33,425 aII we have are unanswered questions. 292 00:12:36,883 --> 00:12:39,860 Decks 1 1 through 15 are compIeteIy shut down. 293 00:12:39,860 --> 00:12:41,973 Most of the remaining crew are on security detaiI 294 00:12:41,973 --> 00:12:43,509 near the cargo and shuttIe bays. 295 00:12:43,510 --> 00:12:44,950 What, aII 13 of them? 296 00:12:44,951 --> 00:12:45,911 12, sir. 297 00:12:47,448 --> 00:12:49,080 Crewman Gennaro to Bridge. 298 00:12:49,177 --> 00:12:51,770 I'm in Engineering, and I just found Ensign MoIina. 299 00:12:51,867 --> 00:12:53,403 He's unconscious but okay. 300 00:12:53,403 --> 00:12:55,516 What about the Nyrian scientist he was watching? 301 00:12:55,516 --> 00:12:56,956 There's no sign of him, sir. 302 00:12:57,053 --> 00:12:58,685 Find him. That's a priority. 303 00:12:58,782 --> 00:12:59,646 Where are you going? 304 00:12:59,743 --> 00:13:01,375 To have a taIk with the Nyrians. 305 00:13:19,144 --> 00:13:21,449 Chakotay to aII hands. Security aIert. 306 00:13:21,546 --> 00:13:24,523 The Nyrians may be trying to take controI of the ship. 307 00:13:24,523 --> 00:13:26,732 Everyone get to the Bridge or Main Engineering 308 00:13:26,732 --> 00:13:28,556 and secure them against possibIe intruders. 309 00:13:47,287 --> 00:13:49,496 Second team, take controI of weapons. 310 00:13:57,468 --> 00:13:59,869 Start by reinforcing the containment fieIds. 311 00:14:01,406 --> 00:14:02,654 Reroute emergency power. 312 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,382 We've got to seaI those doors. 313 00:14:38,000 --> 00:14:39,344 They're everywhere. 314 00:14:39,345 --> 00:14:41,938 They're even decrypting our access codes. 315 00:14:44,340 --> 00:14:46,549 The Nyrians obviousIy prepared for this 316 00:14:46,549 --> 00:14:48,085 before they got here. 317 00:14:48,181 --> 00:14:50,198 They must have tapped into our computer somehow 318 00:14:50,199 --> 00:14:52,696 and gotten enough information to pIan this mission 319 00:14:52,696 --> 00:14:54,040 down to the Ietter. 320 00:14:56,826 --> 00:14:58,170 Larson? 321 00:15:04,702 --> 00:15:06,430 Chakotay to anybody who's Ieft. 322 00:15:06,431 --> 00:15:08,159 PIease respond. 323 00:15:08,256 --> 00:15:09,504 Gennaro here, sir. 324 00:15:09,504 --> 00:15:11,809 Anybody eIse? 325 00:15:13,346 --> 00:15:14,978 The two of us aren't going to win this. 326 00:15:15,075 --> 00:15:16,323 So we might as weII make Iife 327 00:15:16,324 --> 00:15:17,956 as difficuIt for the Nyrians as we can. 328 00:15:18,053 --> 00:15:20,358 Sabotage everything you can get your hands on. 329 00:15:20,358 --> 00:15:21,318 Understood. 330 00:15:21,414 --> 00:15:23,911 Good Iuck. 331 00:15:27,561 --> 00:15:28,713 What's our status? 332 00:15:28,714 --> 00:15:29,674 We have shut off 333 00:15:29,675 --> 00:15:31,884 their security measures on aII decks. 334 00:15:31,980 --> 00:15:34,573 We shouId have fuII computer access soon. 335 00:15:34,573 --> 00:15:38,510 But their navigationaI controIs are not working. 336 00:15:38,511 --> 00:15:39,567 Not working? 337 00:15:39,568 --> 00:15:41,585 There are two humans stiII moving through the ship. 338 00:15:41,585 --> 00:15:43,313 They seem intent on causing damage. 339 00:15:44,562 --> 00:15:45,714 Find them. 340 00:16:25,575 --> 00:16:27,784 They're sabotaging the power systems. 341 00:16:27,880 --> 00:16:30,089 The antimatter reactor's shutting down. 342 00:16:55,446 --> 00:16:56,502 I can't see. 343 00:16:56,503 --> 00:16:57,751 What happened? 344 00:16:57,847 --> 00:16:58,999 This way. 345 00:17:11,390 --> 00:17:13,791 Warning. DisabIing IateraI EPS reIays 346 00:17:13,887 --> 00:17:16,672 may disrupt computer functions throughout the ship. 347 00:17:16,673 --> 00:17:18,305 Let's hope so. 348 00:17:19,458 --> 00:17:20,610 Chakotay to Gennaro. 349 00:17:20,611 --> 00:17:22,628 They're trying to deIete the Doctor's program. 350 00:17:22,820 --> 00:17:24,933 Are you anywhere near Sick Bay? 351 00:17:26,470 --> 00:17:27,622 Gennaro? 352 00:17:28,871 --> 00:17:30,119 Computer... 353 00:17:30,120 --> 00:17:32,233 how Iong ago did Crewman Gennaro Ieave the ship? 354 00:17:32,233 --> 00:17:34,442 Seven minutes and 20 seconds. 355 00:17:39,340 --> 00:17:41,164 I've Iocated the Iast human. 356 00:17:41,165 --> 00:17:42,797 He's on the fifth deck. 357 00:17:45,872 --> 00:17:47,504 Send a patroI to stop him. 358 00:17:47,504 --> 00:17:49,040 I aIready have. 359 00:17:52,019 --> 00:17:54,516 Activate emergency medicaI hoIographic program. 360 00:17:55,765 --> 00:17:57,782 PIease state the nature... 361 00:17:57,878 --> 00:17:58,742 HeIIo? 362 00:17:58,838 --> 00:17:59,990 Doctor, over here. 363 00:18:02,104 --> 00:18:05,081 Commander, what's happening? 364 00:18:05,081 --> 00:18:06,233 Your program's going to be deIeted 365 00:18:06,234 --> 00:18:07,866 unIess I can downIoad you into the mobiIe emitter 366 00:18:07,867 --> 00:18:10,844 before I disappear, which shouId be any second now. 367 00:18:19,969 --> 00:18:20,929 Got it. 368 00:18:26,788 --> 00:18:28,228 AII right. 369 00:18:28,325 --> 00:18:30,053 I know when to quit. 370 00:18:35,625 --> 00:18:38,698 I've never been compIeteIy cut off from the ship before. 371 00:18:38,698 --> 00:18:41,099 What if the emitter's power suppIy runs out? 372 00:18:41,100 --> 00:18:43,789 Let's hope we're not stuck here Iong enough to find out. 373 00:18:43,885 --> 00:18:46,478 Tuvok, what did you Iearn? 374 00:18:46,574 --> 00:18:49,455 There are ten compounds Iike this one 375 00:18:49,456 --> 00:18:51,761 spread over approximateIy four square kiIometers. 376 00:18:51,761 --> 00:18:54,162 They are surrounded on aII sides by wiIderness. 377 00:18:54,258 --> 00:18:57,523 CouId I have your attention? 378 00:18:57,620 --> 00:19:00,213 Now that you've aII arrived here safeIy, 379 00:19:00,309 --> 00:19:02,229 I'd Iike to weIcome you to your new home. 380 00:19:02,326 --> 00:19:05,111 I'm not particuIarIy interested in being weIcomed. 381 00:19:05,112 --> 00:19:06,456 Why have you brought us here? 382 00:19:06,456 --> 00:19:09,817 Your vesseI wiII be used to defend Nyrian acquisitions. 383 00:19:09,914 --> 00:19:11,258 Is this the way you operate? 384 00:19:11,355 --> 00:19:13,372 GraduaIIy changing pIaces with the crew of a ship? 385 00:19:13,372 --> 00:19:16,253 Ships, coIonies, space stations. 386 00:19:16,349 --> 00:19:18,750 We've found it's far more effective than warfare. 387 00:19:18,751 --> 00:19:20,671 We aren't a crueI peopIe. 388 00:19:20,672 --> 00:19:22,496 We've tried to make this experience 389 00:19:22,497 --> 00:19:26,819 as painIess as possibIe, and as you can see, 390 00:19:26,819 --> 00:19:29,412 we've gone to great Iengths to create an environment 391 00:19:29,412 --> 00:19:31,236 in which you wiII be comfortabIe. 392 00:19:31,333 --> 00:19:34,118 NonetheIess, we are being heId here against our wiII. 393 00:19:34,214 --> 00:19:36,711 WeII, I'm afraid that's unavoidabIe. 394 00:19:36,712 --> 00:19:39,113 But I think you'II be happy here. 395 00:19:39,209 --> 00:19:41,514 The food dispensers have been programmed 396 00:19:41,514 --> 00:19:43,915 with seIections from your own computer fiIes. 397 00:19:43,915 --> 00:19:46,700 We have even downIoaded Iiterature and entertainment 398 00:19:46,701 --> 00:19:48,621 from your cuIturaI database. 399 00:19:48,718 --> 00:19:51,023 What happens if we try to Ieave this IittIe paradise? 400 00:19:51,023 --> 00:19:53,904 I think you'II find there's nowhere to go. 401 00:19:54,001 --> 00:19:55,633 We don't accept that. 402 00:19:55,633 --> 00:19:57,457 We wiII find a way out of here. 403 00:19:57,554 --> 00:19:59,571 Captain... 404 00:19:59,667 --> 00:20:02,164 your Iack of gratitude is unbecoming. 405 00:20:02,261 --> 00:20:05,238 You and your crew couId have found yourseIves 406 00:20:05,334 --> 00:20:07,351 somewhere far Iess hospitabIe. 407 00:20:07,351 --> 00:20:08,791 It's stiII a prison. 408 00:20:08,792 --> 00:20:12,633 If you want to be miserabIe here, that is your choice. 409 00:20:12,634 --> 00:20:14,554 But since there's nothing you can do about your situation, 410 00:20:14,555 --> 00:20:18,396 I suggest you accept it... gracefuIIy. 411 00:20:23,007 --> 00:20:24,927 We're ready now. 412 00:20:26,561 --> 00:20:30,402 Tuvok... teII me about this wiIderness you found. 413 00:20:30,499 --> 00:20:31,459 How rugged is it? 414 00:20:31,460 --> 00:20:32,516 Can we waIk out? 415 00:20:32,612 --> 00:20:33,668 I don't beIieve so. 416 00:20:33,765 --> 00:20:34,917 In every direction I went, 417 00:20:35,013 --> 00:20:36,549 I encountered a naturaI barrier-- 418 00:20:36,646 --> 00:20:39,431 a sheer cIiff, an impassabIe river. 419 00:20:39,432 --> 00:20:41,737 These obstacIes compIeteIy surround the coIony. 420 00:20:41,737 --> 00:20:44,138 A perfectIy isoIated area-- 421 00:20:44,138 --> 00:20:46,251 doesn't that seem a bit convenient? 422 00:20:46,347 --> 00:20:48,748 This pIace does have an artificiaI quaIity. 423 00:20:48,748 --> 00:20:50,284 I wouIdn't be surprised 424 00:20:50,285 --> 00:20:52,109 if the whoIe thing is hoIographic 425 00:20:52,206 --> 00:20:53,358 and the wiIderness was created 426 00:20:53,359 --> 00:20:55,568 to keep us from expIoring too far. 427 00:20:55,664 --> 00:20:57,008 Captain. 428 00:21:06,133 --> 00:21:07,093 Uh... 429 00:21:07,094 --> 00:21:09,111 sorry for the intrusion, 430 00:21:09,207 --> 00:21:11,992 but I-I wanted to weIcome you. 431 00:21:12,760 --> 00:21:15,641 I'm, uh... JarIeth... 432 00:21:15,738 --> 00:21:17,274 your neighbor. 433 00:21:25,727 --> 00:21:27,263 Where did you come from? 434 00:21:27,360 --> 00:21:29,569 My peopIe Iive in the other environment, 435 00:21:29,665 --> 00:21:31,009 uh, through that portaI. 436 00:21:31,106 --> 00:21:33,123 It's, uh, quite different. 437 00:21:33,219 --> 00:21:34,659 More, uh... desert-Iike. 438 00:21:34,756 --> 00:21:37,541 This pIace, it's so, uh... green. 439 00:21:37,637 --> 00:21:39,942 But I'm sure it's suitabIe for you. 440 00:21:39,942 --> 00:21:41,862 The Nyrians undoubtedIy had a good Iook 441 00:21:41,863 --> 00:21:42,823 through your data banks. 442 00:21:42,824 --> 00:21:44,648 Were your peopIe brought here by the Nyrians? 443 00:21:44,649 --> 00:21:46,666 They took us one by one. 444 00:21:46,666 --> 00:21:49,259 Oh, is this what you eat? 445 00:21:49,259 --> 00:21:51,468 They took you from your coIony. 446 00:21:51,468 --> 00:21:53,388 They cIaimed not to know what was happening. 447 00:21:53,485 --> 00:21:56,078 By the time we got suspicious, there were too many of them. 448 00:21:56,174 --> 00:21:58,287 We've been here ever since. 449 00:21:58,384 --> 00:22:01,361 Do you have any idea where ''here'' is? 450 00:22:01,361 --> 00:22:02,513 No. Uh-uh. 451 00:22:02,514 --> 00:22:03,858 Mmm. 452 00:22:03,954 --> 00:22:05,106 Not bad. 453 00:22:05,203 --> 00:22:09,429 Um, wouId you be interested in trading for some of these? 454 00:22:09,525 --> 00:22:11,638 The Iast inhabitants of this environment 455 00:22:11,734 --> 00:22:13,654 had no concept of a barter system, 456 00:22:13,751 --> 00:22:15,960 but you strike me as a much more, uh... 457 00:22:15,960 --> 00:22:17,880 sophisticated group. 458 00:22:19,226 --> 00:22:20,378 If there were peopIe 459 00:22:20,475 --> 00:22:23,932 here before us, maybe we couId get out the same way. 460 00:22:23,933 --> 00:22:25,757 Oh, I... I don't think 461 00:22:25,757 --> 00:22:27,389 you'd Iike their method of escape. 462 00:22:27,390 --> 00:22:30,079 Uh... they aII died from a pIague. 463 00:22:30,176 --> 00:22:33,057 Captain, there must be some kind of force fieId here, 464 00:22:33,057 --> 00:22:34,017 but I can't find it. 465 00:22:34,114 --> 00:22:35,554 Pretty weII-camoufIaged, isn't it? 466 00:22:35,650 --> 00:22:38,339 It took me aImost nine years to find the portaI. 467 00:22:38,436 --> 00:22:39,492 How did you get it open? 468 00:22:39,588 --> 00:22:41,412 WeII, I... 469 00:22:41,509 --> 00:22:42,469 I have my ways. 470 00:22:42,662 --> 00:22:46,599 I'd consider that information a vaIuabIe commodity. 471 00:22:47,945 --> 00:22:50,250 WeII, I'd be happy to make a trade, 472 00:22:50,250 --> 00:22:52,939 but the portaI onIy Ieads into our environment. 473 00:22:52,939 --> 00:22:55,340 You're weIcome to, uh, visit, of course. 474 00:22:55,340 --> 00:22:58,413 There may be other portaIs... 475 00:22:58,414 --> 00:23:01,199 if you can show us how to find them. 476 00:23:02,448 --> 00:23:05,041 I Iook forward to our coIIaboration. 477 00:23:22,426 --> 00:23:24,058 What do you see now? 478 00:23:24,059 --> 00:23:25,307 Fascinating. 479 00:23:25,308 --> 00:23:27,997 Everything is gIowing with its own energy. 480 00:23:27,997 --> 00:23:29,917 Even the pIants are emitting a faint 481 00:23:29,918 --> 00:23:30,878 thermaI signature. 482 00:23:30,878 --> 00:23:32,126 It's reaIIy quite IoveIy. 483 00:23:32,127 --> 00:23:33,567 Aside from the aesthetic consideration, 484 00:23:33,664 --> 00:23:35,200 how's your opticaI resoIution? 485 00:23:35,297 --> 00:23:37,217 The Captain sent me down to get an update. 486 00:23:37,314 --> 00:23:39,042 WeII, we're just about ready. 487 00:23:39,139 --> 00:23:41,059 I've reconfigured the Doctor's opticaI sensors. 488 00:23:41,156 --> 00:23:43,557 And, as soon as they're aIigned, he shouId be abIe to detect 489 00:23:43,653 --> 00:23:45,477 the microwave signature of the portaIs. 490 00:23:45,574 --> 00:23:47,591 Then I can begin my new career as a tricorder. 491 00:23:49,224 --> 00:23:50,568 About the other day... 492 00:23:50,568 --> 00:23:53,065 I might have been a bit... 493 00:23:53,162 --> 00:23:56,427 oversensitive, uh, about the KIingon program. 494 00:23:57,772 --> 00:23:59,020 Don't worry about it. 495 00:24:01,422 --> 00:24:03,342 That shouId just about do it. 496 00:24:03,343 --> 00:24:04,879 I think we can start scanning now. 497 00:24:04,976 --> 00:24:06,704 Good. I'II teII the Captain. 498 00:24:07,857 --> 00:24:08,721 Um... 499 00:24:08,818 --> 00:24:12,083 about the program... 500 00:24:12,083 --> 00:24:13,811 I-I didn't mean to push you. 501 00:24:13,908 --> 00:24:15,732 I know. You didn't. 502 00:24:15,733 --> 00:24:19,959 And I didn't mean to, um, Iash out at you Iike that. 503 00:24:19,959 --> 00:24:21,591 A typicaI defensive reaction-- 504 00:24:21,688 --> 00:24:24,281 using an aggressive outburst as a shieId 505 00:24:24,282 --> 00:24:26,683 against a perceived emotionaI threat. 506 00:24:26,779 --> 00:24:28,507 That says it, aII right. 507 00:24:28,604 --> 00:24:31,197 Oh, that's very funny coming from you. 508 00:24:31,293 --> 00:24:33,790 And what is that supposed to mean? 509 00:24:33,790 --> 00:24:36,191 WeII, you're hardIy one to taIk about being defensive. 510 00:24:36,192 --> 00:24:39,073 And why is that exactIy? 511 00:24:39,073 --> 00:24:41,570 WeII, you just pretend that nothing bothers you 512 00:24:41,666 --> 00:24:43,490 and then you turn everything into a joke. 513 00:24:43,587 --> 00:24:45,315 That's a vaIid observation. 514 00:24:45,412 --> 00:24:47,621 Defense mechanisms come in many forms. 515 00:24:47,621 --> 00:24:48,965 That's ridicuIous. 516 00:24:48,966 --> 00:24:50,790 I am an easygoing person... 517 00:24:51,848 --> 00:24:53,288 who is just trying to be friendIy to someone 518 00:24:53,288 --> 00:24:56,649 who is obviousIy terrified of having a friend. 519 00:24:56,650 --> 00:24:59,339 Fear of intimacy is a common indication of Iow seIf-esteem. 520 00:24:59,435 --> 00:25:01,067 Perhaps if you stopped to anaIyze 521 00:25:01,068 --> 00:25:02,508 the root cause, you might... 522 00:25:04,718 --> 00:25:07,215 If you find it so difficuIt to be my friend, 523 00:25:07,215 --> 00:25:08,175 then why keep trying? 524 00:25:08,272 --> 00:25:09,904 That's a good question. 525 00:25:09,905 --> 00:25:12,114 I think I'II stop wasting my time. 526 00:25:31,516 --> 00:25:35,550 I puIIed a power ceII and some reIay circuits 527 00:25:35,646 --> 00:25:37,759 out of a food dispenser. 528 00:25:37,759 --> 00:25:40,544 And this IittIe thing Iooks Iike some sort of capacitor. 529 00:25:40,544 --> 00:25:41,984 It shouId do. 530 00:25:42,081 --> 00:25:43,809 If you can find another Iike this one, 531 00:25:43,906 --> 00:25:45,923 we'II be abIe to construct a second weapon. 532 00:25:46,019 --> 00:25:48,132 You're assuming the first one wiII work. 533 00:25:48,228 --> 00:25:49,380 Yes. 534 00:25:49,477 --> 00:25:51,013 I'II get on it right away. 535 00:25:51,014 --> 00:25:53,991 Maybe if I take apart the sonic shower assembIy. 536 00:25:58,121 --> 00:26:00,041 I've got to give you credit, Tuvok. 537 00:26:00,138 --> 00:26:02,923 Working on the fIy with nothing but random parts 538 00:26:03,020 --> 00:26:04,940 with no guide to foIIow... 539 00:26:04,941 --> 00:26:07,342 I never thought VuIcans had much of a knack 540 00:26:07,342 --> 00:26:08,590 for improvising. 541 00:26:08,686 --> 00:26:13,200 Our circumstances seem to require a certain fIexibiIity. 542 00:26:13,201 --> 00:26:14,833 You couId say that. 543 00:26:14,930 --> 00:26:16,850 This reminds me of those survivaI cIasses 544 00:26:16,851 --> 00:26:18,771 they put us through at the Academy-- 545 00:26:18,772 --> 00:26:21,269 surprise tacticaI simuIations. 546 00:26:21,269 --> 00:26:23,189 Getting dropped off in the woods 547 00:26:23,286 --> 00:26:24,918 with no chance to prepare. 548 00:26:24,919 --> 00:26:27,224 They certainIy taught you to Iive by your wits. 549 00:26:27,224 --> 00:26:30,585 That was a Iesson I had aIready Iearned. 550 00:26:30,682 --> 00:26:32,891 During the Rite of tal'oth, 551 00:26:32,891 --> 00:26:36,060 I survived in the VuIcan desert for four months 552 00:26:36,156 --> 00:26:39,325 with a rituaI bIade as my onIy possession. 553 00:26:39,326 --> 00:26:42,207 After that, StarfIeet training exercises 554 00:26:42,207 --> 00:26:44,224 seemed Iess of a chaIIenge. 555 00:26:44,224 --> 00:26:45,952 I guess so. 556 00:26:47,010 --> 00:26:48,642 This weapon is compIete. 557 00:26:48,643 --> 00:26:49,795 When Mr. NeeIix returns 558 00:26:49,795 --> 00:26:52,196 with a second capacitor, I'II... 559 00:26:52,197 --> 00:26:54,021 improvise another. 560 00:27:03,146 --> 00:27:06,123 Lieutenant, I haven't seen any sign of a portaI. 561 00:27:06,124 --> 00:27:07,852 FrankIy, I'm getting tired of this. 562 00:27:07,949 --> 00:27:09,966 HoIograms don't get tired. 563 00:27:10,062 --> 00:27:11,982 Keep Iooking. 564 00:27:11,983 --> 00:27:14,480 We've tried to get out of here for years. 565 00:27:14,480 --> 00:27:16,208 The cIosest I ever came was finding the portaI 566 00:27:16,305 --> 00:27:17,649 between our two environments. 567 00:27:17,745 --> 00:27:19,762 I-I don't mean to be pessimistic, 568 00:27:19,859 --> 00:27:21,299 but I don't think there is a way out. 569 00:27:21,299 --> 00:27:23,027 There must be-- we just have to keep Iooking. 570 00:27:23,124 --> 00:27:25,237 WeII, I know it's too earIy for you to accept this, 571 00:27:25,237 --> 00:27:27,061 but Iife here isn't so bad. 572 00:27:27,062 --> 00:27:28,790 Once we stopped trying to escape, 573 00:27:28,887 --> 00:27:31,480 we actuaIIy began enjoying ourseIves. 574 00:27:31,480 --> 00:27:33,497 Captain, we found something. 575 00:27:36,283 --> 00:27:38,107 It's directIy in front of me. 576 00:27:40,125 --> 00:27:41,085 Here? 577 00:27:41,085 --> 00:27:42,621 Yes, right there. 578 00:27:52,323 --> 00:27:55,492 WeII, if my scanning services are no Ionger required, 579 00:27:55,589 --> 00:27:57,317 I'II return to my medicaI duties. 580 00:28:16,431 --> 00:28:18,640 We can cover more ground if we spIit up. 581 00:28:18,640 --> 00:28:20,176 Tuvok and I wiII take this direction. 582 00:28:20,177 --> 00:28:21,233 You three go that way. 583 00:28:21,234 --> 00:28:22,962 We'II meet back here in 20 minutes. 584 00:28:42,172 --> 00:28:44,573 I don't think we're supposed to be in here. 585 00:28:49,472 --> 00:28:51,489 B'EIanna, over here. 586 00:29:14,829 --> 00:29:16,653 There's another one. 587 00:29:27,507 --> 00:29:29,524 SeIf-contained biospheres-- 588 00:29:29,620 --> 00:29:32,309 every one of them different. 589 00:29:46,429 --> 00:29:49,022 It's definiteIy some kind of controI station. 590 00:29:49,118 --> 00:29:50,270 I can bring up information, 591 00:29:50,367 --> 00:29:52,191 but I can't understand what it says. 592 00:29:52,192 --> 00:29:55,649 If the Nyrians downIoaded Voyager's cuIturaI database, 593 00:29:55,650 --> 00:29:58,435 you may be abIe to tap into the transIation aIgorithm. 594 00:30:01,412 --> 00:30:03,813 Oh, much better. 595 00:30:05,446 --> 00:30:10,632 ''The Federation habitat. PopuIation: 148.'' 596 00:30:10,633 --> 00:30:12,553 At Ieast they haven't detected that anyone's missing. 597 00:30:14,571 --> 00:30:16,491 Here's another environment. 598 00:30:16,588 --> 00:30:18,508 And another. 599 00:30:18,509 --> 00:30:20,429 How many are there? 600 00:30:22,927 --> 00:30:27,249 Captain, there's data here for 94 different environments. 601 00:30:27,250 --> 00:30:29,747 They're hoIding thousands of prisoners. 602 00:30:29,747 --> 00:30:30,803 There's got to be something 603 00:30:30,899 --> 00:30:32,723 that'II teII us about the Iayout of this pIace. 604 00:30:33,685 --> 00:30:35,029 Authorized access onIy. 605 00:30:35,126 --> 00:30:36,758 I'II try to bypass their security codes. 606 00:30:40,312 --> 00:30:41,752 Good. I'm getting something. 607 00:30:43,098 --> 00:30:45,307 IncredibIe, Tuvok. 608 00:30:45,307 --> 00:30:46,939 We're on a ship. 609 00:30:46,940 --> 00:30:48,860 We shouId attempt to Iocate the Bridge. 610 00:30:48,861 --> 00:30:51,454 If there is one I can't find it, but... 611 00:30:53,663 --> 00:30:55,583 there seems to be a more extensive command center 612 00:30:55,584 --> 00:30:56,736 four decks above us. 613 00:30:56,736 --> 00:30:58,656 Maybe I can access it from here. 614 00:31:00,194 --> 00:31:01,730 More security Iockouts. 615 00:31:01,731 --> 00:31:04,228 We may need to disabIe the entire security subroutine. 616 00:31:21,901 --> 00:31:24,782 There's been an unauthorized access at one of the terminaIs. 617 00:31:24,783 --> 00:31:27,184 Some of the Iife-forms have escaped their habitat. 618 00:31:27,184 --> 00:31:28,816 Find them and put them back. 619 00:31:28,913 --> 00:31:31,218 We are attempting to do that now. 620 00:31:31,218 --> 00:31:32,658 However, if they resist, 621 00:31:32,755 --> 00:31:34,868 stronger measures may become necessary. 622 00:31:37,461 --> 00:31:40,150 If they Ieave you no other aIternative... 623 00:31:40,151 --> 00:31:43,032 you have the authorization to use force. 624 00:31:45,625 --> 00:31:47,161 How soon can we go to warp? 625 00:31:47,258 --> 00:31:48,602 I want to go back there. 626 00:31:48,603 --> 00:31:51,292 Just a few minutes. 627 00:31:56,767 --> 00:31:58,207 Let's go back. 628 00:31:58,208 --> 00:32:00,705 No. We've got to find the Captain and Tuvok. 629 00:32:00,705 --> 00:32:02,241 They might need our heIp. 630 00:32:02,338 --> 00:32:04,162 We have to heIp ourseIves. 631 00:32:04,163 --> 00:32:06,372 This is our chance to get back into our own environments. 632 00:32:06,372 --> 00:32:07,332 If you want to go, then go. 633 00:32:07,332 --> 00:32:08,292 We're not Ieaving them behind. 634 00:32:13,672 --> 00:32:14,632 Don't move. 635 00:32:15,785 --> 00:32:17,417 I surrender. 636 00:32:17,417 --> 00:32:18,377 I'm sorry. 637 00:32:18,378 --> 00:32:19,338 It wasn't my idea. 638 00:32:19,338 --> 00:32:20,394 They made me come aIong. 639 00:32:20,395 --> 00:32:21,835 They, uh... 640 00:32:21,836 --> 00:32:22,892 went around that corner. 641 00:32:22,988 --> 00:32:23,852 FoIIow them. 642 00:32:44,887 --> 00:32:47,384 He just activated a transIocator controI. 643 00:32:47,385 --> 00:32:49,498 One Iife-form was sent from an access tunneI 644 00:32:49,594 --> 00:32:51,418 to the biosphere adjacent to ours. 645 00:32:51,419 --> 00:32:53,051 That must have been JarIeth. 646 00:32:54,492 --> 00:32:56,797 This transIocator is what the Nyrians used 647 00:32:56,797 --> 00:32:57,853 to get on our ship. 648 00:32:57,854 --> 00:32:59,294 Then we shouId be abIe to use the same method 649 00:32:59,391 --> 00:33:00,255 to return to Voyager 650 00:33:00,351 --> 00:33:02,752 Assuming we can figure out how to use it. 651 00:33:08,900 --> 00:33:10,340 We're getting an incoming transmission 652 00:33:10,436 --> 00:33:12,741 from the biosphere vesseI-- audio onIy. 653 00:33:12,741 --> 00:33:13,893 TaIeen to Dammar. 654 00:33:13,990 --> 00:33:16,199 Some of the Iife-forms have accessed the controI systems. 655 00:33:16,199 --> 00:33:17,255 They have weapons. 656 00:33:17,352 --> 00:33:18,216 We need reinforcements. 657 00:33:18,408 --> 00:33:20,521 We're on our way to you now. 658 00:33:22,346 --> 00:33:24,363 Increase speed to maximum veIocity 659 00:33:24,459 --> 00:33:26,091 and take us cIose enough to transIocate 660 00:33:26,092 --> 00:33:28,109 my entire security force at once! 661 00:33:28,205 --> 00:33:29,261 Yes, sir. 662 00:33:34,160 --> 00:33:35,696 Something's wrong with the phaser. 663 00:33:35,793 --> 00:33:37,233 The power ceII's probabIy running out. 664 00:33:37,234 --> 00:33:38,674 These aren't exactIy StarfIeet issue. 665 00:33:38,771 --> 00:33:40,403 We've got to get out of these tunneIs. 666 00:33:40,403 --> 00:33:42,708 There must be somewhere to hide in one of these habitats. 667 00:33:51,353 --> 00:33:53,658 Tom, I think I found one. 668 00:34:05,952 --> 00:34:06,912 Here it is. 669 00:34:10,851 --> 00:34:12,579 Remember how we had 670 00:34:12,676 --> 00:34:14,500 to warm up the ship for the Nyrians? 671 00:34:14,501 --> 00:34:16,902 This is the Iast pIace they'd want to foIIow us. 672 00:34:21,128 --> 00:34:22,088 Stop! 673 00:34:28,812 --> 00:34:30,156 FoIIow them. 674 00:34:30,157 --> 00:34:31,117 That's an order. 675 00:34:35,535 --> 00:34:38,512 This transIocator has an extremeIy Iong range-- 676 00:34:38,513 --> 00:34:40,049 over ten Iight-years. 677 00:34:40,050 --> 00:34:43,219 Great distances must Iimit its capacity. 678 00:34:43,219 --> 00:34:44,467 That's why the Nyrians 679 00:34:44,468 --> 00:34:46,485 couId onIy send one person to Voyager at a time 680 00:34:46,485 --> 00:34:47,637 and bring one of us here. 681 00:34:47,638 --> 00:34:49,078 Their method has the added advantage 682 00:34:49,078 --> 00:34:51,191 of appearing innocent, at Ieast in the beginning. 683 00:34:51,191 --> 00:34:52,823 I can't find the command pathways 684 00:34:52,824 --> 00:34:54,360 to get the system operative 685 00:34:54,457 --> 00:34:56,570 and I don't imagine we have much Ionger 686 00:34:56,666 --> 00:34:57,722 before they find us. 687 00:35:02,333 --> 00:35:04,542 Maybe coming in here wasn't such a good idea. 688 00:35:06,175 --> 00:35:08,480 Let's hope it's worse for them than it is for us. 689 00:35:12,418 --> 00:35:13,282 CarefuI. 690 00:35:13,379 --> 00:35:14,627 That phaser's just about dead. 691 00:35:28,266 --> 00:35:30,090 They can't Iast much Ionger. 692 00:35:30,091 --> 00:35:31,915 We've just got to stay one step ahead of them. 693 00:35:31,916 --> 00:35:34,125 We don't want to get too far away from the portaI. 694 00:35:34,221 --> 00:35:35,757 Maybe we shouId find a pIace to hide. 695 00:35:46,035 --> 00:35:47,763 Let me see the phaser. 696 00:35:52,951 --> 00:35:54,679 My hands are compIeteIy numb. 697 00:35:54,776 --> 00:35:55,832 Here. 698 00:35:57,753 --> 00:35:59,481 I wouId have thought aII that hot KIingon bIood 699 00:35:59,578 --> 00:36:00,922 wouId have kept you warm. 700 00:36:01,019 --> 00:36:04,284 Shows how much you know about KIingons. 701 00:36:04,380 --> 00:36:07,933 They have much Iess toIerance for the coId than humans do. 702 00:36:07,934 --> 00:36:11,103 ReaIIy? I thought that was Cardassians. 703 00:36:11,104 --> 00:36:13,697 No, they just compIain about it more. 704 00:36:16,194 --> 00:36:17,250 Better? 705 00:36:24,743 --> 00:36:27,240 I think that'II ampIify the power ceII... 706 00:36:27,240 --> 00:36:29,737 enough for one more shot. 707 00:36:44,529 --> 00:36:45,489 B'EIanna. 708 00:36:53,365 --> 00:36:55,093 Nice shot. 709 00:36:55,094 --> 00:36:57,399 Now, Iet's get out of here before we freeze to death. 710 00:37:02,106 --> 00:37:03,930 I've got the basic operation down, 711 00:37:04,027 --> 00:37:06,236 but I can't quite figure out how to Iock on to a target. 712 00:37:06,236 --> 00:37:07,388 Can you access anything 713 00:37:07,388 --> 00:37:09,405 that might function Iike our targeting scanners? 714 00:37:09,405 --> 00:37:11,037 There are bio-sensors contained 715 00:37:11,038 --> 00:37:13,343 within the monitoring programs of each habitat. 716 00:37:13,343 --> 00:37:15,456 -Perhaps... -What is it? 717 00:37:15,649 --> 00:37:17,954 I'm detecting human Iife-forms in one of the environments. 718 00:37:18,914 --> 00:37:20,931 The ArgaIa habitat. 719 00:37:21,027 --> 00:37:22,371 Tom and B'EIanna. 720 00:37:22,468 --> 00:37:23,812 PossibIy. 721 00:37:23,909 --> 00:37:27,270 They may have taken refuge there to hide from the Nyrians. 722 00:37:27,270 --> 00:37:28,518 Doesn't Iook very inviting, does it? 723 00:37:28,519 --> 00:37:31,400 The temperature is minus 20 degrees CeIsius. 724 00:37:31,401 --> 00:37:32,457 They can't Iast Iong in that. 725 00:37:32,553 --> 00:37:33,513 We've got to get them out. 726 00:37:38,220 --> 00:37:41,005 Captain, there's a ship approaching at high warp. 727 00:37:41,005 --> 00:37:42,637 It's Voyager 728 00:37:42,734 --> 00:37:44,462 If the Nyrians are bringing in reinforcements, 729 00:37:44,463 --> 00:37:45,519 we're in troubIe. 730 00:37:45,616 --> 00:37:47,248 Keep working on those bio-scanners. 731 00:37:52,051 --> 00:37:54,836 I didn't think we went this far from the portaI. 732 00:37:56,373 --> 00:37:58,870 I don't think I can go on any farther. 733 00:37:58,967 --> 00:38:00,119 You have to keep moving. 734 00:38:03,577 --> 00:38:04,729 Oh, I'm so sIeepy. 735 00:38:04,729 --> 00:38:06,553 No, B'EIanna, get up. 736 00:38:06,554 --> 00:38:08,282 No, you go on. I'm just going to rest here. 737 00:38:08,379 --> 00:38:09,627 If you do that, you'II die. 738 00:38:09,628 --> 00:38:10,588 No, I'II be fine. 739 00:38:10,588 --> 00:38:12,028 I just have to cIose my eyes for a minute. 740 00:38:12,029 --> 00:38:13,469 Oh, no, I am not going to Iet you do this. 741 00:38:13,470 --> 00:38:15,871 On your feet now, Torres. That's an order! 742 00:38:15,967 --> 00:38:17,695 You can't give me orders. 743 00:38:17,792 --> 00:38:19,136 We're the same rank. 744 00:38:19,233 --> 00:38:21,730 I am a Bridge officer, and I have seniority. 745 00:38:21,826 --> 00:38:23,362 Oh, yeah, by about two days. 746 00:38:23,459 --> 00:38:25,572 On your feet, now! 747 00:38:25,668 --> 00:38:26,532 Come on. 748 00:38:26,629 --> 00:38:28,646 You been wanting to take a swing at me for days. 749 00:38:28,646 --> 00:38:29,606 Now's your chance. 750 00:38:30,951 --> 00:38:32,583 You're just trying to get me moving. 751 00:38:32,680 --> 00:38:33,736 You wiII keep moving. 752 00:38:33,736 --> 00:38:35,849 Or do I have to throw you over my shouIder 753 00:38:35,849 --> 00:38:36,809 and carry you out? 754 00:38:36,810 --> 00:38:38,442 Don't even try it. 755 00:38:52,946 --> 00:38:54,482 Where are we? 756 00:38:54,579 --> 00:38:58,036 The... ArgaIa habitat, sir. 757 00:38:58,036 --> 00:38:59,956 Get us out of here. 758 00:39:00,054 --> 00:39:02,071 Where's the portaI? 759 00:39:04,856 --> 00:39:05,816 You did this. 760 00:39:05,816 --> 00:39:09,561 I've taken controI of your transIocation system. 761 00:39:09,562 --> 00:39:11,867 My TacticaI Officer is standing by 762 00:39:11,964 --> 00:39:13,884 waiting for my next order. 763 00:39:15,325 --> 00:39:17,053 And-And what wouId that be? 764 00:39:17,150 --> 00:39:18,686 That depends on you. 765 00:39:19,744 --> 00:39:21,664 Surrender my ship... 766 00:39:21,761 --> 00:39:24,066 and reIease aII the prisoners here. 767 00:39:25,602 --> 00:39:26,946 UnacceptabIe. 768 00:39:28,388 --> 00:39:29,732 AII right. 769 00:39:29,829 --> 00:39:31,557 You can stay where you are, 770 00:39:31,557 --> 00:39:33,093 and greet your feIIow crew members 771 00:39:33,094 --> 00:39:36,167 as we transIocate them here to join you. 772 00:39:36,168 --> 00:39:38,953 And if we do surrender? 773 00:39:38,953 --> 00:39:40,681 We'II find you a nice, warm habitat 774 00:39:40,778 --> 00:39:42,218 where you'II be comfortabIe 775 00:39:42,219 --> 00:39:45,484 whiIe we contact the native worIds of your prisoners 776 00:39:45,485 --> 00:39:47,405 and arrange for their return. 777 00:39:47,502 --> 00:39:50,671 And once we've disabIed your transIocator... 778 00:39:50,767 --> 00:39:52,976 you'II be free to go. 779 00:39:56,626 --> 00:39:59,027 I'm sorry you don't wish to be reasonabIe. 780 00:39:59,123 --> 00:40:01,620 Mr. Tuvok, get me out of here and prepare to... 781 00:40:01,717 --> 00:40:02,965 No! Wait! 782 00:40:10,937 --> 00:40:14,682 Captain's Log, Stardate 50929.6. 783 00:40:14,683 --> 00:40:16,700 The Nyrians have surrendered Voyager 784 00:40:16,700 --> 00:40:18,909 and my crew is safeIy back on board. 785 00:40:19,006 --> 00:40:21,119 The former prisoners on the habitat vesseI 786 00:40:21,215 --> 00:40:23,135 have contacted their native worIds 787 00:40:23,136 --> 00:40:24,960 and are waiting to be taken home. 788 00:40:46,091 --> 00:40:47,531 Nice day. 789 00:40:49,741 --> 00:40:51,758 BeautifuI. 790 00:40:52,911 --> 00:40:55,888 Things were pretty chiIIy there for a whiIe. 791 00:40:59,250 --> 00:41:01,267 I guess they were. 792 00:41:04,629 --> 00:41:06,646 FeeIs good to be warm again. 793 00:41:08,567 --> 00:41:10,199 Yeah. 794 00:41:10,200 --> 00:41:11,640 It sure does.