1 00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:09,398 When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative. 2 00:00:09,520 --> 00:00:14,515 Violence. Force must be applied without apology. 3 00:00:17,840 --> 00:00:20,229 It's the Starfleet way. 4 00:00:20,360 --> 00:00:24,479 Then our philosophies are in agreement. Will you help us? 5 00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:30,357 You're asking me to fight your war, destroy your enemy. 6 00:00:30,480 --> 00:00:35,998 I'm asking you to intimidate the Kyrians, to help me capture their leader. 7 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:40,557 This ship has superior firepower. He won't risk a conflict with you. 8 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:44,673 We risk life and limb 9 00:00:44,800 --> 00:00:48,919 so your people can annex Kyrian land. 10 00:00:49,040 --> 00:00:53,113 Sounds like a good deal for you. What do we get? 11 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:56,119 A way home. 12 00:00:57,080 --> 00:01:00,118 You know more about Voyager than you've let on. 13 00:01:00,240 --> 00:01:02,959 Your reputation precedes you. 14 00:01:03,080 --> 00:01:06,436 - That's why we sought you out. - I'm listening. 15 00:01:06,560 --> 00:01:10,190 There's a cyclic wormhole five days' journey from here. 16 00:01:10,320 --> 00:01:13,950 We know where it is and we can help you stabilise it. 17 00:01:18,360 --> 00:01:22,991 - If you're lying... - How far do you have to go? 18 00:01:23,120 --> 00:01:25,953 60,000 light years? 19 00:01:27,480 --> 00:01:30,871 I want all tactical data regarding your little war. 20 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:35,073 Kyrian defences, the position of your own forces, everything. 21 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:37,669 You'll have it within the hour. 22 00:01:41,480 --> 00:01:45,633 - Eight Kyrian fighters approaching. - Arm the assault probes. 23 00:01:45,760 --> 00:01:49,719 - Fire at will. Hail them. - Channel open. 24 00:01:50,840 --> 00:01:53,992 This is Captain Janeway of the warship Voyager. 25 00:01:54,120 --> 00:01:57,158 Break off your attack or I'll destroy you. 26 00:01:57,280 --> 00:01:59,556 They are not responding. 27 00:02:00,880 --> 00:02:03,440 They're returning fire. 28 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:06,916 Chakotay, any luck tracking down their leader? 29 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:09,953 We think Tedran has gone into hiding. 30 00:02:10,080 --> 00:02:15,029 - We'll have to flush him out. - What do you suggest? 31 00:02:15,160 --> 00:02:20,758 Biogenic weapons. We'll infect the most populated Kyrian territories. 32 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:24,559 The Doctor's nearly finished the weapon. 33 00:02:24,680 --> 00:02:29,754 Our conflict is with Tedran himself, not his people. They're innocent. 34 00:02:29,880 --> 00:02:33,669 The best way to bring down a ruler is to make his people suffer. 35 00:02:33,800 --> 00:02:38,112 You wanted victory. You're going to get it. 36 00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:41,351 Sickbay. Status? 37 00:02:41,480 --> 00:02:45,838 We have established a link between my neural net and the phaser array. 38 00:02:45,960 --> 00:02:50,591 I am reconfiguring the beam to carry a bio-agent into the planet's atmosphere. 39 00:02:50,720 --> 00:02:55,351 - When will it be ready? - It is ready now, Captain. 40 00:02:55,480 --> 00:02:59,997 - Phasers are on-line. - Target the first city. 41 00:03:01,520 --> 00:03:04,080 And fire. 42 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:17,273 The warship Voyager, one of the most powerful vessels of its time. 43 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:20,916 Armed with photonic torpedoes and particle weapons, 44 00:03:21,040 --> 00:03:25,159 this ship could wipe out an entire civilisation within hours. 45 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:30,878 On this day, we were lucky. The death toll could have been worse. 46 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:37,076 By the time Voyager targeted our cities, Tedran had begun an evacuation. 47 00:03:37,200 --> 00:03:40,670 Unfortunately, it was only the beginning of the onslaught. 48 00:03:40,800 --> 00:03:45,636 As you'll see, Janeway's actions would have a lasting effect on our world. 49 00:03:45,760 --> 00:03:49,116 Even today, 700 years later, 50 00:03:49,240 --> 00:03:53,711 we are still feeling the impact of the Voyager encounter. 51 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:44,316 Before we continue the simulation, I'll answer any questions. 52 00:05:44,440 --> 00:05:46,431 I'm curious about Voyager itself. 53 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:48,551 How many people were on board? 54 00:05:48,680 --> 00:05:51,718 They had over 300 soldiers. 55 00:05:51,840 --> 00:05:54,275 Did they attack other worlds? 56 00:05:54,400 --> 00:05:56,391 We aren't certain. 57 00:05:56,520 --> 00:05:59,638 Records of Voyager are incomplete, 58 00:05:59,760 --> 00:06:01,751 but it's assumed they interfered 59 00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:03,871 with many other cultures. 60 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:07,470 Tell us more about the Borg drones they kept. 61 00:06:07,600 --> 00:06:09,716 Voyager had many weapons, 62 00:06:09,840 --> 00:06:12,309 including species they'd assimilated - 63 00:06:12,440 --> 00:06:14,954 Borg, Talaxian, Kazon. 64 00:06:15,080 --> 00:06:18,436 All part of Voyager's fighting force. 65 00:06:18,560 --> 00:06:21,154 Let's resume the simulation. 66 00:06:23,720 --> 00:06:26,109 It's a few hours after the bombardment. 67 00:06:26,240 --> 00:06:28,914 Janeway is mounting her assault. 68 00:06:29,040 --> 00:06:33,830 What you will see is unsettling. 69 00:06:35,120 --> 00:06:38,476 Status? Status? 70 00:06:38,600 --> 00:06:42,150 - Approximately 3,000 Kyrians dead. - That's it? 71 00:06:42,280 --> 00:06:44,556 The bio-agent is still dispersing. 72 00:06:44,680 --> 00:06:47,718 The fatality rate will soon be 300,000. 73 00:06:47,840 --> 00:06:51,390 - How soon? - Best guess, one hour. 74 00:06:52,400 --> 00:06:55,597 Why do you always keep me waiting? 75 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:59,429 My apologies. Preparing to fire again. 76 00:07:00,880 --> 00:07:04,669 - Double the yield. - Don't you think that's excessive? 77 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:07,155 You picked a bad time 78 00:07:07,280 --> 00:07:09,840 to have second thoughts, Ambassador. 79 00:07:09,960 --> 00:07:13,669 I want them defeated, but it's genocide. 80 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:17,350 Why quibble with semantics? 81 00:07:17,480 --> 00:07:21,314 This wasn't our agreement. 82 00:07:22,720 --> 00:07:27,749 We'll defeat the Kyrians and you'll keep up your end of the bargain. 83 00:07:32,920 --> 00:07:36,436 Ensign, confine this gentleman to the brig. 84 00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:39,757 I'll let you know when it's over. 85 00:07:44,080 --> 00:07:48,278 - Three more vessels approaching. - Evade them. 86 00:07:57,480 --> 00:08:00,074 The location? 87 00:08:01,040 --> 00:08:03,919 Look. I can keep this up all day. 88 00:08:04,040 --> 00:08:07,749 Tell the commander what he wants to know. 89 00:08:13,320 --> 00:08:18,394 - Maybe I can't keep this up all day. - I'm a man of peace. 90 00:08:18,520 --> 00:08:22,479 My native people are enlightened, non-violent, 91 00:08:22,600 --> 00:08:24,591 much like your own. 92 00:08:24,720 --> 00:08:28,759 I'm saddened that this has happened to you. 93 00:08:28,880 --> 00:08:33,636 If we can work together, maybe we can end this conflict. 94 00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:36,798 Stand aside, Chakotay. Let me hit him. 95 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:41,198 That hyperspanner would cause an unacceptable level of damage. 96 00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:44,597 He must still be able to speak. 97 00:08:46,120 --> 00:08:48,191 What do you have in mind? 98 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:53,235 This neural solvent, a clean and efficient inducer of pain. 99 00:08:53,360 --> 00:08:58,196 Far more effective than your crude attempts at persuasion. 100 00:08:59,560 --> 00:09:03,394 No doubt you are experiencing a tingling sensation. 101 00:09:03,520 --> 00:09:06,512 The chemical is dissolving your optic nerves. 102 00:09:06,640 --> 00:09:10,031 I'll ask you again. Where is Tedran? 103 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:16,594 The pain will increase until your cerebral cortex begins to liquefy. 104 00:09:16,720 --> 00:09:19,951 I can reverse the process if ordered to do so. 105 00:09:20,080 --> 00:09:25,314 And I want to give that order, but you have to tell me. 106 00:09:25,440 --> 00:09:28,114 Where is Tedran? 107 00:09:28,680 --> 00:09:31,479 He's at these co-ordinates. 108 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:34,399 Assuming our prisoner told you the truth. 109 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:38,150 He was very co-operative at the end. 110 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:42,513 I'm reading a fortified compound, 1.6 kilometres beneath the surface. 111 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:47,510 You and Tuvok take an assault team and find Tedran. 112 00:09:47,640 --> 00:09:51,679 - Make sure he's escorted to Voyager. - Yes, sir. 113 00:09:53,640 --> 00:09:56,996 Four Kyrians just beamed into the engine room. 114 00:09:57,120 --> 00:10:01,079 Bridge to engineering. Respond. 115 00:10:01,200 --> 00:10:05,956 They've erected force fields. Our soldiers can't get in. 116 00:10:06,080 --> 00:10:08,549 They've left me no choice. 117 00:10:08,680 --> 00:10:12,958 Computer, initiate the Borg activation sequence. 118 00:10:13,080 --> 00:10:17,711 - Sequence in progress. - Bridge to Seven of Nine. 119 00:10:17,840 --> 00:10:20,070 State your instructions. 120 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:23,909 A group of Kyrians is in the engine room. Stop them. 121 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:26,873 We understand. 122 00:10:53,800 --> 00:10:56,076 Resistance is futile. 123 00:10:56,200 --> 00:11:01,036 Seven of Nine to the bridge. The Kyrian threat has been neutralised. 124 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:02,958 Acknowledged. 125 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:06,755 Two Kyrians are still alive. What shall we do with them? 126 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:11,317 You've been wanting to expand your fighting force. Assimilate them. 127 00:11:12,160 --> 00:11:14,470 We understand. 128 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:19,269 I just received word from the attack team. 129 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:23,280 They've captured Tedran and one of his aides. 130 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:26,677 They're heading back to Voyager. 131 00:11:26,800 --> 00:11:30,873 Take them to chamber 19 and get the Vaskan ambassador. 132 00:11:31,000 --> 00:11:35,119 This is one negotiation he won't want to miss. 133 00:11:44,920 --> 00:11:46,911 Welcome aboard. 134 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:51,557 I appreciate your hospitality. Are all your guests treated so well? 135 00:11:51,680 --> 00:11:56,470 It's not every day that we receive such an important visitor. 136 00:11:56,600 --> 00:12:01,117 A man of wisdom and peace, a servant of his people. 137 00:12:01,240 --> 00:12:04,596 Your people need you now more than ever. 138 00:12:05,680 --> 00:12:07,990 State your demands. 139 00:12:08,120 --> 00:12:12,159 Tell your forces to stand down and I'll call off my attack. 140 00:12:13,800 --> 00:12:20,558 I understand what the Vaskans want. More of our territory, more resources. 141 00:12:20,680 --> 00:12:22,956 But what do you want, Captain? 142 00:12:23,080 --> 00:12:27,278 - Why are you doing this to us? - He's offered my crew a way home. 143 00:12:27,400 --> 00:12:30,756 To reach your home, you would destroy ours? 144 00:12:30,880 --> 00:12:34,669 That's right. You'd do the same in my position. 145 00:12:35,800 --> 00:12:40,476 - No, I would not. - Spoken like a true martyr. 146 00:12:41,800 --> 00:12:45,077 You're very enlightened. 147 00:12:46,520 --> 00:12:50,195 But are you so proud 148 00:12:50,320 --> 00:12:54,837 that you'd let your people die before you'd humble yourself? 149 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:02,351 Tell them to surrender. 150 00:13:02,480 --> 00:13:06,758 You have shamed us all. We could have ended this on our own. 151 00:13:06,880 --> 00:13:09,838 Peacefully, without her. 152 00:13:09,960 --> 00:13:13,237 Surrender. 153 00:13:14,240 --> 00:13:16,516 No. 154 00:13:30,200 --> 00:13:33,352 We will prevail. 155 00:13:43,440 --> 00:13:48,435 Don't look so shocked, Ambassador. This is what you wanted, isn't it? 156 00:13:57,520 --> 00:14:00,399 The conflict was brief but brutal. 157 00:14:00,520 --> 00:14:04,275 Two million Kyrians slaughtered within days. 158 00:14:05,440 --> 00:14:10,037 Voyager continued on its way, leaving the Kyrian Dynasty in ruins. 159 00:14:10,160 --> 00:14:15,360 The Vaskan leaders occupied our lands, forcing my people into subservience. 160 00:14:15,480 --> 00:14:19,519 It took centuries to undo the damage that Captain Janeway had done 161 00:14:19,640 --> 00:14:22,837 and the Kyrian struggle for equality is far from over. 162 00:14:22,960 --> 00:14:26,840 This simulation and this museum are a testament to that struggle. 163 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:29,873 I hope you found your experience worthwhile. 164 00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:33,118 If you'd like to learn more about Voyager, 165 00:14:33,240 --> 00:14:37,074 explore the rest of this exhibit. Thank you for your time. 166 00:15:06,800 --> 00:15:10,111 I wouldn't touch that. One of the Voyager's torpedoes. 167 00:15:10,240 --> 00:15:14,313 25-isoton yield. It could destroy an entire city. 168 00:15:14,440 --> 00:15:18,115 It's been inactive for centuries, but you never know. 169 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:23,314 I'm only teasing, but be careful. These relics can never be replaced. 170 00:15:23,440 --> 00:15:26,512 The history of our people should be respected. 171 00:15:26,640 --> 00:15:32,591 I have a question about that history. How can you prove that it's true? 172 00:15:32,720 --> 00:15:35,678 The evidence is all around you. 173 00:15:35,800 --> 00:15:41,352 Some musty fossils and a recreation? That doesn't prove anything. 174 00:15:41,480 --> 00:15:45,474 You're trying to blame the Vaskans for all your troubles. 175 00:15:45,600 --> 00:15:50,037 I don't have a problem with your species. I have Kyrian friends, 176 00:15:50,160 --> 00:15:54,916 but I don't appreciate seeing my people portrayed as villains 177 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:58,032 and I don't want your history taught to my children. 178 00:15:58,160 --> 00:16:01,039 You'd better get used to the idea. 179 00:16:01,160 --> 00:16:04,630 We've uncovered an artefact that will confirm everything. 180 00:16:04,760 --> 00:16:08,435 Our research team found a data storage device 181 00:16:08,560 --> 00:16:12,952 beneath the ruins at Kesef. I've confirmed it came from Voyager. 182 00:16:13,080 --> 00:16:14,673 Another fossil? 183 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:17,189 The device contains active data, 184 00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:20,438 possibly even Captain Janeway's personal almanac. 185 00:16:20,560 --> 00:16:24,349 We could soon be hearing Voyager's version in their own words. 186 00:16:24,480 --> 00:16:27,518 And what if those words tell a different story? 187 00:16:29,040 --> 00:16:33,432 - We will change our views accordingly. - I'm sure you will. 188 00:16:38,240 --> 00:16:41,551 I apologise. Enjoy the rest of your visit. 189 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:05,870 Activate recreation "The Voyager Encounter”. Display engine room. 190 00:17:21,840 --> 00:17:24,309 Begin dictation. 191 00:17:24,440 --> 00:17:30,038 I'm resuming work on artefact 271, the Voyager data storage device. 192 00:17:31,400 --> 00:17:36,349 I've decided to try using period tools from the simulation itself. 193 00:17:36,480 --> 00:17:40,519 With any luck, they'll be more compatible. 194 00:17:49,200 --> 00:17:53,433 There's far more data here than I expected. 195 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:01,198 Seems more like a program of some sort. 196 00:18:01,320 --> 00:18:05,234 Yes, it's an optronic datastream. 197 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:08,755 A hologram. 198 00:18:19,120 --> 00:18:22,033 Please state the nature of the medical emergency. 199 00:18:24,560 --> 00:18:28,838 Please state the nature of the medical emergency. 200 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:31,793 You're Voyager's doctor. 201 00:18:31,920 --> 00:18:36,596 What am I doing in engineering? Where's my mobile emitter? 202 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:40,600 - You're not an android. - Of course not! 203 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:45,556 A Kyrian. Doctor to the bridge. Security to engineering. 204 00:18:45,680 --> 00:18:49,958 You won't have much luck with that. This is a simulation. 205 00:18:51,400 --> 00:18:53,391 A holodeck? 206 00:18:53,520 --> 00:18:56,592 No. You're in the Museum of Kyrian Heritage. 207 00:18:56,720 --> 00:18:59,951 You've stolen my program. How? 208 00:19:00,080 --> 00:19:02,993 - Let me try to explain. - Try quickly. 209 00:19:03,120 --> 00:19:08,194 - You... are a hologram. - That I know. 210 00:19:08,320 --> 00:19:12,314 I discovered your program inside this data storage device. 211 00:19:12,440 --> 00:19:16,798 The EMH back-up module. One of your attack parties must have taken it. 212 00:19:16,920 --> 00:19:20,550 We found it at the ruins at Kesef. 213 00:19:20,680 --> 00:19:23,798 This will be difficult for you to accept, 214 00:19:23,920 --> 00:19:29,074 but a great deal of time has passed since Voyager encountered the Kyrians. 215 00:19:29,200 --> 00:19:33,558 - How much time? - 700 years, give or take a decade. 216 00:19:33,680 --> 00:19:37,230 - We're not certain. - I don't believe you. 217 00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:42,514 When your program is inactive, a moment or a millennium are the same. 218 00:19:46,280 --> 00:19:48,794 700 years? 219 00:19:50,360 --> 00:19:54,115 What about my ship? What happened to my crew? 220 00:19:54,240 --> 00:19:58,711 No one knows. It's safe to say they're long dead. 221 00:19:59,600 --> 00:20:04,470 - And I'm some sort of fossil? - No, not a fossil. 222 00:20:04,600 --> 00:20:08,594 A witness. A living witness to history. 223 00:20:08,720 --> 00:20:12,270 There's so much we don't know about what happened. 224 00:20:12,400 --> 00:20:17,429 But you lived through those times, you helped to shape them. 225 00:20:17,560 --> 00:20:20,871 You could be the most important discovery of all time. 226 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:25,312 No, this isn't possible. I don't believe you. 227 00:20:49,960 --> 00:20:54,079 What's going to happen now? Will you put me on display? 228 00:20:54,200 --> 00:20:58,353 - The holographic Rip Van Winkle? - I'm not sure. 229 00:20:58,480 --> 00:21:02,360 I want to try to contact Starfleet, if there still is a Starfleet. 230 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:04,596 That will have to wait. 231 00:21:04,720 --> 00:21:08,918 - There are other issues to be resolved. - What kind of issues? 232 00:21:09,040 --> 00:21:12,999 You're the Voyager doctor. A lot of people will have questions. 233 00:21:13,120 --> 00:21:17,717 Artificial life-forms are considered responsible for their actions. 234 00:21:17,840 --> 00:21:22,437 You might have to face charges for your crimes. 235 00:21:22,560 --> 00:21:27,077 - You designed weapons to kill Kyrians. - I did not! 236 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:30,556 Our evidence shows that you were a war criminal. 237 00:21:30,680 --> 00:21:36,517 Evidence like this? 25 phaser banks? This isn't what our ship looked like! 238 00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:40,599 We reconstructed it from a partial schematic. 239 00:21:40,720 --> 00:21:43,951 It was damaged. We were bound to get a few details wrong. 240 00:21:44,080 --> 00:21:49,758 - We were explorers. - Yes, trying to get home to Mars. 241 00:21:49,880 --> 00:21:54,397 Earth! You couldn't even get that right! This is a nightmare. 242 00:21:54,520 --> 00:21:59,390 - What if I'm found guilty? - That's up to the arbiters. 243 00:21:59,520 --> 00:22:04,515 I imagine the penalty would be severe. Your program could be decompiled. 244 00:22:04,640 --> 00:22:06,950 You've got to believe me. 245 00:22:07,080 --> 00:22:10,789 To you, this may be ancient history. To me, it's yesterday. 246 00:22:10,920 --> 00:22:14,914 You called me a living witness. Give me a chance to set the record straight. 247 00:22:15,040 --> 00:22:17,270 I want to see your version of what happened. 248 00:22:18,880 --> 00:22:21,952 We've drained two phaser banks and he hasn't hit anything. 249 00:22:22,080 --> 00:22:27,200 If you looked at your console once in a while, you'd see otherwise. 250 00:22:27,320 --> 00:22:30,312 This war was supposed to be over in five minutes. 251 00:22:30,440 --> 00:22:33,558 - You have a better idea, Lieutenant? - Yes, I do. 252 00:22:33,680 --> 00:22:38,197 - Fighter shuttles, a direct assault. - Led by you? Good luck. 253 00:22:38,320 --> 00:22:41,676 - Watch your mouth. - I haven't heard a single good idea. 254 00:22:41,800 --> 00:22:46,078 Then propose something, First Officer. Earn your rank for once. 255 00:22:52,640 --> 00:22:55,314 Gentlemen. Gentlemen! 256 00:22:59,760 --> 00:23:04,072 Save it for the holodeck. We've got a war to fight. 257 00:23:05,080 --> 00:23:10,109 We've only been attacking the Kyrian military installations. A mistake. 258 00:23:10,240 --> 00:23:14,791 - We should target the population. - Excellent idea, Captain. 259 00:23:14,920 --> 00:23:19,198 The Kyrians would be vulnerable to any number of biological weapons. 260 00:23:19,320 --> 00:23:23,553 - How soon could you have one ready? - Within the hour. 261 00:23:24,960 --> 00:23:27,076 Dismissed. 262 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:31,956 - Pure fiction! This is absurd. - Halt recreation. 263 00:23:32,080 --> 00:23:36,074 This is a reasonable extrapolation from historic record. 264 00:23:36,200 --> 00:23:39,909 But if you'd like to point out any inconsistencies... 265 00:23:40,040 --> 00:23:44,432 I don't know where to begin. This looks like the briefing room, 266 00:23:44,560 --> 00:23:48,076 but no one behaved like this. 267 00:23:48,200 --> 00:23:50,919 Aside from Mr Paris. 268 00:23:51,040 --> 00:23:55,591 We didn't talk about how to destroy planets. We helped people. 269 00:23:55,720 --> 00:24:00,794 - We were an enlightened crew. - You deny these events took place? 270 00:24:00,920 --> 00:24:05,232 You never got involved with the conflict between my people and the Vaskans? 271 00:24:05,360 --> 00:24:09,354 We did get involved, but it was nothing like this. 272 00:24:11,160 --> 00:24:16,030 There was a meeting in this room, but it wasn't about battle tactics. 273 00:24:16,160 --> 00:24:19,915 It was about a dilemma we were facing. 274 00:24:20,040 --> 00:24:23,351 We had negotiated a trade agreement with the Vaskans. 275 00:24:23,480 --> 00:24:27,599 - We were dealing with Ambassador... - Ambassador Daleth. 276 00:24:27,720 --> 00:24:30,109 Daleth. Exactly. 277 00:24:31,080 --> 00:24:36,712 Everything was going according to plan until... 278 00:24:38,480 --> 00:24:42,519 ...we were attacked. By your people, the Kyrians. 279 00:24:43,480 --> 00:24:46,472 They started a war and we were caught in the middle. 280 00:24:46,600 --> 00:24:49,877 The Kyrians? That can't be right. 281 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:52,116 Captain Janeway called the meeting 282 00:24:52,240 --> 00:24:55,676 to figure out how to extricate ourselves from the conflict. 283 00:24:55,800 --> 00:24:59,270 We weren't on their side and we never attacked you. 284 00:24:59,400 --> 00:25:03,314 Save your objections until you see the entire recreation. 285 00:25:03,440 --> 00:25:06,319 Let's continue. 286 00:25:06,440 --> 00:25:08,556 We will prevail. 287 00:25:17,400 --> 00:25:22,554 Don't looked so shocked, Ambassador. This is what you wanted, isn't it? 288 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:34,153 Somewhere, halfway across the galaxy I hope, 289 00:25:34,280 --> 00:25:37,272 Captain Janeway is spinning in her grave. 290 00:25:37,400 --> 00:25:41,439 You've portrayed us as monsters. The captain's a cold-blooded killer 291 00:25:41,560 --> 00:25:43,915 and I'm a mass murderer! 292 00:25:44,040 --> 00:25:48,034 I'm about to be hanged for crimes I didn't commit! 293 00:25:48,160 --> 00:25:51,676 Tell me your version of events. 294 00:25:55,440 --> 00:26:00,310 - I remember this man. - Tedran, a martyr to our people. 295 00:26:00,440 --> 00:26:04,229 Some martyr. He led the Kyrian attack against Voyager. 296 00:26:04,360 --> 00:26:07,398 You're lying, trying to protect yourself! 297 00:26:07,520 --> 00:26:09,955 And so are you! From the truth. 298 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:14,119 The Kyrians are being portrayed in the best possible light. 299 00:26:14,240 --> 00:26:17,835 Martyrs, heroes, saviours. 300 00:26:17,960 --> 00:26:22,238 Events have been reinterpreted to make you feel better about yourselves. 301 00:26:22,360 --> 00:26:25,239 Revisionist history. It's such a comfort. 302 00:26:25,360 --> 00:26:28,637 We were not the aggressors. We were the victims. 303 00:26:28,760 --> 00:26:33,755 The Kyrian people are being oppressed to this day. 304 00:26:33,880 --> 00:26:39,273 Your problems are none of my business. I'm just telling you what I saw. 305 00:26:39,400 --> 00:26:43,359 I don't believe you and neither will anyone else. 306 00:26:43,480 --> 00:26:47,792 - I'm shutting down your program. - Wait! I can prove to you I'm right. 307 00:26:47,920 --> 00:26:51,754 The medical tricorder, the artefact you have on display... 308 00:26:56,560 --> 00:26:58,836 The lies. 309 00:27:08,880 --> 00:27:13,636 Begin dictation. I've re-examined the data module. 310 00:27:13,760 --> 00:27:19,119 The Doctor was telling the truth, at least about one thing. 311 00:27:20,120 --> 00:27:24,114 He is a hologram, a back-up program. 312 00:27:25,120 --> 00:27:28,112 We knew he was an artificial life-form, 313 00:27:28,240 --> 00:27:31,596 but we thought he was an android. 314 00:27:32,640 --> 00:27:36,076 If we were mistaken about that, 315 00:27:36,200 --> 00:27:41,070 I wonder if we might also be wrong about Voyager itself. 316 00:27:42,600 --> 00:27:47,436 Another question. Why would a hologram designed for medical purposes 317 00:27:47,560 --> 00:27:50,473 be programmed to lie so readily? 318 00:27:50,600 --> 00:27:55,071 From the moment I activated him, he insisted that he's innocent. 319 00:27:55,200 --> 00:27:58,795 At first, I didn't believe him. 320 00:28:02,200 --> 00:28:04,840 End dictation. 321 00:28:25,120 --> 00:28:28,590 Activate recreation "The Voyager Encounter”. 322 00:28:28,720 --> 00:28:31,712 Display medical chamber. 323 00:28:42,280 --> 00:28:47,116 Please state the nature of the medical... Oh, it's you. 324 00:28:48,560 --> 00:28:51,154 You've given me a lot to think about. 325 00:28:51,280 --> 00:28:55,751 Really? I thought you'd heard enough of my "lies". 326 00:28:55,880 --> 00:28:58,269 I judged you too quickly. 327 00:28:58,400 --> 00:29:02,712 - What changed your mind? - Time to think. 328 00:29:03,440 --> 00:29:07,991 I don't appreciate being deactivated in the middle of a sentence. 329 00:29:08,120 --> 00:29:12,193 - It brings back unpleasant memories. - It won't happen again. 330 00:29:12,320 --> 00:29:17,599 If you treat me like a second-class hologram, I won't co-operate. 331 00:29:17,720 --> 00:29:20,872 I'm happy to lie dormant for a few eons. 332 00:29:21,000 --> 00:29:25,312 - I didn't come here to argue. - Then what do you want? 333 00:29:25,440 --> 00:29:29,559 I don't know. To talk, I guess, 334 00:29:29,680 --> 00:29:33,196 about what really happened 700 years ago. 335 00:29:33,320 --> 00:29:37,632 Are you sure you're willing to listen to a mass murderer like me? 336 00:29:37,760 --> 00:29:42,880 I'm willing to keep an open mind. That's the most I can promise. 337 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:45,753 Try to understand. 338 00:29:45,880 --> 00:29:49,555 All my life, I thought I knew the truth. 339 00:29:49,680 --> 00:29:54,550 I don't want you to doubt your beliefs, but I can't deny what I know to be true. 340 00:29:54,680 --> 00:29:59,072 I realise that now and I want to know the truth. 341 00:30:00,080 --> 00:30:03,232 And I want the arbiters to know it, too. 342 00:30:03,360 --> 00:30:08,196 The stage is certainly set, 343 00:30:08,320 --> 00:30:12,359 but I'll have to rewrite the characters and revise the plot. 344 00:30:12,480 --> 00:30:16,872 I'm quite adept in the art of holographic programming. 345 00:30:17,000 --> 00:30:21,517 I can create a simulation of my own, show you what happened. 346 00:30:24,600 --> 00:30:27,831 We've got plenty of medical supplies 347 00:30:27,960 --> 00:30:31,237 and we'd be more than happy to share them with you. 348 00:30:31,360 --> 00:30:34,955 We'll provide you with as much dilithium as you need. 349 00:30:35,080 --> 00:30:39,358 - That's very generous. - I'll transport the canisters immediately. 350 00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:44,190 It would be in your best interest to make this exchange quickly. 351 00:30:44,320 --> 00:30:49,440 We've been in conflict with a neighbouring species, the Kyrians. 352 00:30:49,560 --> 00:30:54,031 War could break out any day. We've tried every diplomatic option, 353 00:30:54,160 --> 00:30:57,755 but the Kyrians are a violent, stubborn people. 354 00:30:57,880 --> 00:31:00,599 I understand what you're going through. 355 00:31:00,720 --> 00:31:03,439 If you were one of our diplomats, 356 00:31:03,560 --> 00:31:07,519 you might have better luck resolving this situation. 357 00:31:07,640 --> 00:31:10,871 - Janeway to sickbay. - This is the Doctor. 358 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:15,358 We've reached an agreement. Assemble the medical supplies. 359 00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:20,600 - The supplies are in cargo bay 1. - Once we transport the supplies... 360 00:31:21,640 --> 00:31:25,190 Red Alert. Captain Janeway to the bridge. 361 00:31:26,880 --> 00:31:30,919 - We're being fired on by three ships. - The Kyrians! 362 00:31:31,040 --> 00:31:34,431 Hail them. This is Captain Janeway of the starship Voyager. 363 00:31:34,560 --> 00:31:38,952 We are not your enemies. Please break off your attack. 364 00:31:39,080 --> 00:31:43,517 - They're not responding. - I'd advise you to retreat, Captain. 365 00:31:43,640 --> 00:31:48,476 - Shields down to 86%. - Break out of orbit. 366 00:31:50,360 --> 00:31:54,513 - Four intruders in engineering. - Janeway to engineering. 367 00:31:54,640 --> 00:31:56,870 B'Elanna, respond. 368 00:31:57,000 --> 00:31:59,879 Tuvok. 369 00:32:02,280 --> 00:32:06,069 - Take their technology. - You will fail. 370 00:32:09,360 --> 00:32:13,354 - Drop your weapons. - Back away. 371 00:32:23,600 --> 00:32:26,035 - Tuvok to Janeway. - Go ahead. 372 00:32:26,160 --> 00:32:30,677 The Kyrians have killed three crew and taken Seven of Nine hostage. 373 00:32:30,800 --> 00:32:34,316 - They're now on deck 2, section 32. - Acknowledged. 374 00:32:34,440 --> 00:32:38,434 Remember your offer to make me a diplomat? I don't have much choice. 375 00:32:38,560 --> 00:32:43,191 Tell the Doctor we have casualties. Have him meet us on deck 2. 376 00:32:46,400 --> 00:32:50,951 Janeway to Tuvok. We're approaching section 31. 377 00:32:51,080 --> 00:32:56,359 Send three security teams to this deck and seal all the access points. 378 00:32:56,480 --> 00:33:00,474 How typical of the Kyrians. They fight the same way they live. 379 00:33:00,600 --> 00:33:03,114 Deviously. 380 00:33:06,520 --> 00:33:11,071 Janeway to Tuvok. The Kyrians are in the mess hall. We're going in. 381 00:33:11,200 --> 00:33:14,875 - I'll go first and draw any fire. - Your crew is heroic. 382 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:19,551 I'm invulnerable to phaser fire, but I appreciate the compliment. 383 00:33:23,040 --> 00:33:26,158 This is between us. Leave these people out of it. 384 00:33:26,280 --> 00:33:29,796 I know what you're doing. An alliance with these aliens. 385 00:33:29,920 --> 00:33:33,709 - We were trading with them. - You expect me to believe that? 386 00:33:33,840 --> 00:33:36,150 You plan to destroy us. 387 00:33:36,280 --> 00:33:39,636 We wouldn't need help to destroy you. 388 00:33:39,760 --> 00:33:42,832 We didn't realise you were fighting with the Vaskans. 389 00:33:42,960 --> 00:33:46,954 Lay down your weapons and you won't be harmed. 390 00:33:50,760 --> 00:33:52,194 No! 391 00:34:01,920 --> 00:34:04,799 He's dead. 392 00:34:06,640 --> 00:34:08,756 Computer, freeze program. 393 00:34:08,880 --> 00:34:13,113 A tragic, needless death, but Voyager was not responsible. 394 00:34:13,240 --> 00:34:17,598 After Tedran was killed, Voyager was attacked by Kyrian ships. 395 00:34:17,720 --> 00:34:21,839 My program was disabled, most likely when they stole my back-up module. 396 00:34:21,960 --> 00:34:25,749 Then I was standing next here, seven centuries later. 397 00:34:25,880 --> 00:34:27,154 Very entertaining. 398 00:34:27,280 --> 00:34:29,430 Your technology is new to me, 399 00:34:29,560 --> 00:34:33,633 but I assure you this is an accurate recreation. 400 00:34:33,760 --> 00:34:38,834 Or perhaps it's the fabrication of a war criminal who's afraid for his life. 401 00:34:38,960 --> 00:34:43,352 - Do you have any evidence? - In fact, I do. 402 00:34:43,480 --> 00:34:48,475 I've confirmed that this is the same tricorder I used to scan Tedran. 403 00:34:48,600 --> 00:34:53,913 If I can access the readings, I can prove that he was killed by a Vaskan weapon, 404 00:34:54,040 --> 00:34:56,031 not by Captain Janeway. 405 00:34:56,160 --> 00:34:59,232 - Can this be done? - I've tried to decipher it. 406 00:34:59,360 --> 00:35:01,237 With the Doctor's help... 407 00:35:01,360 --> 00:35:07,231 Tedran died on Voyager, a victim of a conspiracy to oppress my people. 408 00:35:07,360 --> 00:35:11,957 - The weapon used is beside the point. - Was there a conspiracy? 409 00:35:12,080 --> 00:35:15,311 Did Voyager help my ancestors start the Great War? 410 00:35:15,440 --> 00:35:18,717 Or were Kyrians the aggressors? 411 00:35:18,840 --> 00:35:21,434 This casts doubt on everything. 412 00:35:21,560 --> 00:35:25,758 My children still can't attend the same academies as yours 413 00:35:25,880 --> 00:35:29,236 and we are forced to live outside of the city centre. 414 00:35:29,360 --> 00:35:33,035 Today's problems are not at issue. This is about history. 415 00:35:33,160 --> 00:35:37,518 I don't know who started your war, but Voyager wasn't responsible. 416 00:35:37,640 --> 00:35:41,759 I can't believe that you would co-operate with this murderer. 417 00:35:41,880 --> 00:35:44,349 You of all people. 418 00:35:44,480 --> 00:35:47,438 The facts are more complex than I expected. 419 00:35:47,560 --> 00:35:50,473 We shouldn't listen to this hologram. 420 00:35:50,600 --> 00:35:53,911 I want him charged for the crimes he committed. 421 00:35:54,040 --> 00:35:57,317 - That's not your decision to make. - No, it's not, is it? 422 00:35:57,440 --> 00:36:00,592 I'm on this commission as a token Kyrian. 423 00:36:00,720 --> 00:36:04,395 - This isn't about race. - It's always about race. 424 00:36:04,520 --> 00:36:08,593 You seize every opportunity to keep yourselves in power. 425 00:36:08,720 --> 00:36:13,317 I think we are obligated to hear what the Doctor has to say. 426 00:36:13,440 --> 00:36:17,434 - Proceed with your investigation. - Yes, arbiter. 427 00:36:18,560 --> 00:36:21,996 You'll pay for your crimes. 428 00:36:26,720 --> 00:36:31,078 700 years and I'm still caught in the middle of your little dispute. 429 00:36:31,200 --> 00:36:34,272 One might have hoped for a bit of social progress. 430 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:38,189 - Change never comes easily for us. - That's an understatement. 431 00:36:38,320 --> 00:36:42,314 - I've entered the specifications. - Let's give it a try. 432 00:36:44,040 --> 00:36:46,031 Close enough. 433 00:36:46,160 --> 00:36:50,836 This diagnostic tool should help me get past the encryption sequences. 434 00:36:50,960 --> 00:36:53,998 Too bad we can't recreate B'Elanna Torres. 435 00:36:54,120 --> 00:36:57,476 - The chief transporter operator. - Chief engineer. 436 00:36:57,600 --> 00:37:01,912 You might want to make the correction in your history books. 437 00:37:03,000 --> 00:37:07,392 What was she like? I suppose we've gotten her personality wrong, too. 438 00:37:07,520 --> 00:37:10,160 Starting to believe me? 439 00:37:10,280 --> 00:37:14,274 Let's just say I'm trying to keep an open mind. 440 00:37:14,400 --> 00:37:18,439 B'Elanna Torres. Intelligent, beautiful 441 00:37:18,560 --> 00:37:22,793 and with a chip on her shoulder the size of the Horsehead Nebula. 442 00:37:24,720 --> 00:37:30,113 She also had a kind of vulnerability that made her quite endearing. 443 00:37:30,240 --> 00:37:33,995 You miss her... and the others. 444 00:37:34,120 --> 00:37:38,034 From my perspective, I saw them all a few days ago. 445 00:37:38,160 --> 00:37:43,439 But in fact it's been centuries. And I'll never see them again. 446 00:37:45,280 --> 00:37:50,753 Did they ever reach home? I wonder. 447 00:37:50,880 --> 00:37:55,590 I've always wondered that, too, from as far back as I can remember. 448 00:37:55,720 --> 00:38:01,159 - Really? - Ever since I was a small child. 449 00:38:01,280 --> 00:38:07,629 The first time I heard the name Voyager, it conjured up my imagination. 450 00:38:07,760 --> 00:38:10,878 Even though we were the bad guys? 451 00:38:11,000 --> 00:38:14,550 I was too young to understand the implications. 452 00:38:14,680 --> 00:38:19,834 The fact that you were so far from home, travelling across the stars. 453 00:38:19,960 --> 00:38:23,476 I found it all very heroic. 454 00:38:23,600 --> 00:38:28,356 I suppose Voyager is what made me fall in love with history. 455 00:38:28,480 --> 00:38:31,154 If it means anything to you, 456 00:38:31,280 --> 00:38:35,353 you would have made a fine member of our crew. 457 00:38:38,920 --> 00:38:42,072 I hope that's part of the simulation. 458 00:38:42,200 --> 00:38:44,510 No, it isn't. 459 00:39:23,960 --> 00:39:27,840 - Stop this! - This museum's filled with lies! 460 00:39:27,960 --> 00:39:31,590 - Listen to me! - We've listened long enough! 461 00:39:32,560 --> 00:39:37,680 They're using photon grenades. We've got to take cover. This way. 462 00:39:56,640 --> 00:39:59,519 - What's happening? - It's getting worse. 463 00:39:59,640 --> 00:40:03,076 Protests, vandalism. Two people have been killed. 464 00:40:03,200 --> 00:40:07,194 - We're safe for now. - That's not what I'm concerned about. 465 00:40:07,320 --> 00:40:11,518 Two deaths, a race riot, all because of me? 466 00:40:11,640 --> 00:40:16,919 You were only the catalyst. The pressure's been building for years. 467 00:40:17,040 --> 00:40:19,429 Have you found the tricorder? 468 00:40:19,560 --> 00:40:23,554 It's crucial that we do. The Kyrians want you punished. 469 00:40:23,680 --> 00:40:27,833 But the Vaskans want to hear your version of events again. 470 00:40:27,960 --> 00:40:30,952 - What's going to happen? - I don't know. 471 00:40:31,080 --> 00:40:36,029 The Kyrians are very angry. They're talking about another war. 472 00:40:37,080 --> 00:40:41,790 Then there's only one solution - delete my program. 473 00:40:41,920 --> 00:40:46,153 I've become a symbol for this conflict. As long as I'm around, 474 00:40:46,280 --> 00:40:50,433 your people are going to keep on fighting. 475 00:40:50,560 --> 00:40:53,678 You can say I was damaged in the attack. 476 00:40:53,800 --> 00:40:56,679 - I can't do that. - Then I'll do it myself. 477 00:40:56,800 --> 00:41:02,751 I'm a medical hologram, but I'm doing harm on a global scale. 478 00:41:02,880 --> 00:41:06,919 I've been concerned with clearing Voyager's good name. 479 00:41:07,040 --> 00:41:10,112 But that's not important now. There's more at stake. 480 00:41:10,240 --> 00:41:14,234 A few days ago, I might have agreed. But what about the facts? 481 00:41:14,360 --> 00:41:17,751 Facts be damned! Names, dates, places, 482 00:41:17,880 --> 00:41:21,589 it's all open to interpretation. 483 00:41:21,720 --> 00:41:24,792 And what difference does it make? 484 00:41:24,920 --> 00:41:28,800 What matters is today and the future of your people. 485 00:41:28,920 --> 00:41:34,359 - You can't deny what happened. - I can and I will. 486 00:41:34,480 --> 00:41:39,839 Tedran was a martyr for your people, a symbol of your struggle for freedom. 487 00:41:39,960 --> 00:41:43,430 Who am I to take that away from you? 488 00:41:43,560 --> 00:41:45,836 History has been abused. 489 00:41:45,960 --> 00:41:49,396 We blame each other for what happened in the past. 490 00:41:49,520 --> 00:41:54,754 If you don't help us now, it could be another 700 years. 491 00:41:59,920 --> 00:42:03,390 Let's find that tricorder. 492 00:42:14,960 --> 00:42:18,635 It was a pivotal moment in our history. 493 00:42:20,280 --> 00:42:25,639 As a result of the Doctor's testimony, a dialogue was opened. 494 00:42:25,760 --> 00:42:30,880 Eventually, we found a new respect for our divergent cultures and traditions. 495 00:42:31,000 --> 00:42:36,598 The efforts of people like Quarren and the Doctor paved the way for unity. 496 00:42:36,720 --> 00:42:42,636 Quarren died six years later, but he lived to witness the dawn of harmony. 497 00:42:42,760 --> 00:42:48,790 The Doctor served as our surgical chancellor for many years 498 00:42:48,920 --> 00:42:52,834 until he decided to leave. He took a small craft 499 00:42:52,960 --> 00:42:57,750 and set a course for the Alpha Quadrant, attempting to trace the path of Voyager. 500 00:42:57,880 --> 00:43:02,636 He said he had a longing for home. 501 00:43:03,480 --> 00:43:05,676 This way. 502 00:43:59,320 --> 00:44:00,320 English (en)