1 00:00:22,360 --> 00:00:25,273 Temporal incursion is complete. 2 00:00:26,680 --> 00:00:31,516 - All organisms and objects eradicated. - Probe the continuum. 3 00:00:33,600 --> 00:00:36,240 Has our target event been achieved? 4 00:00:38,800 --> 00:00:41,713 Negative. Negative target event. 5 00:00:42,720 --> 00:00:47,590 I don't understand, sir. We spent months making these calculations. 6 00:00:48,600 --> 00:00:52,559 Time is patient, so we must be patient with it. 7 00:00:54,560 --> 00:01:00,317 Eradicating a single Zahl colony wasn't enough for a total restoration. 8 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:03,755 We have to work on a larger scale. 9 00:01:04,760 --> 00:01:09,391 Take us to the Zahl Homeworld. Prepare a new set of calculations. 10 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:11,989 We must erase the entire species. 11 00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:15,715 Every life-form, every molecule. 12 00:03:04,040 --> 00:03:07,158 Space, the great unknown. 13 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:11,194 Only now we're going to know it a little better. Harry? 14 00:03:14,160 --> 00:03:16,276 Before there were maps and globes, 15 00:03:16,400 --> 00:03:18,630 let alone radar and subspace sensors, 16 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:21,115 mariners navigated by the stars. 17 00:03:21,240 --> 00:03:23,231 We're returning to that method, 18 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:25,351 with a difference. 19 00:03:25,480 --> 00:03:27,869 Ensign Kim and Seven of Nine 20 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:31,118 merged their ingenuity to create this. 21 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:34,350 And I'm sure I speak for the entire crew 22 00:03:34,480 --> 00:03:37,199 when I say, "Thank you." 23 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:41,999 Now, how the hell does it work? 24 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:45,116 Sensors measure the radiative flux 25 00:03:45,240 --> 00:03:47,550 of three billion stars simultaneously. 26 00:03:47,680 --> 00:03:49,876 The computer calculates our position 27 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:52,150 relative to the centre of the galaxy. 28 00:03:52,280 --> 00:03:54,271 This is ten times more accurate 29 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:56,391 than what we've been using. 30 00:03:56,520 --> 00:03:58,909 Seven, will you do the honours? 31 00:04:01,520 --> 00:04:03,909 We've plotted a new course home. 32 00:04:04,040 --> 00:04:06,839 It will eliminate five years from your journey. 33 00:04:06,960 --> 00:04:10,954 Our journey. Nice work, Seven. 34 00:04:11,080 --> 00:04:13,913 That region looks like 35 00:04:14,040 --> 00:04:17,999 - it has a lot of M-Class planets. - It does. 36 00:04:18,120 --> 00:04:23,559 - Grid 005. Primary species - the Zahl. - What do we know about this species? 37 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:28,516 Advanced, but non-confrontational. Their resistance quotient is quite low. 38 00:04:28,640 --> 00:04:33,953 - Thank you. We've got work to do so... - I'd like to say a few words if I may. 39 00:04:34,080 --> 00:04:37,038 I've prepared a speech for this occasion. 40 00:04:37,160 --> 00:04:41,279 When I was first activated on stardate 48315 41 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:46,270 and I found myself mano a mano with the Delta Quadrant, 42 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:51,554 I didn't think we'd survive a week, let alone years. There was strife, discord. 43 00:04:51,680 --> 00:04:54,433 You were all at each other's throats. 44 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:59,999 Over time I've watched this crew learn to work as colleagues, even friends. 45 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:01,713 Hear, hear. 46 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:07,438 Who would have thought that this eclectic group could become a family? 47 00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:13,112 Starfleet, Maquis, Klingon, Talaxian, Hologram, Borg, even Mr Paris. 48 00:05:13,240 --> 00:05:15,231 We've had our difficulties. 49 00:05:15,360 --> 00:05:19,991 One might say, "We've seen the best of times and the worst of times." 50 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:23,112 I'd like to recount some from my perspective. 51 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:25,993 Under "best of times", I invite you to recall... 52 00:05:26,120 --> 00:05:28,475 - Bridge to the captain. - Janeway. 53 00:05:28,600 --> 00:05:31,399 - We're being hailed. - On our way. 54 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:35,199 Perhaps we could all reconvene later. 55 00:05:40,880 --> 00:05:43,394 They're firing on us. 56 00:05:43,520 --> 00:05:48,230 It's a small vessel. 15 life-forms aboard. Low warp capacity. 57 00:05:48,360 --> 00:05:52,558 - Limited armaments, posing no threat. - Open a channel. 58 00:05:53,800 --> 00:05:56,838 Good day, sir. Have we offended you in some way? 59 00:05:56,960 --> 00:05:59,520 You will reverse course immediately. 60 00:05:59,640 --> 00:06:03,395 This region is in dispute. You have no business in Krenim space. 61 00:06:03,520 --> 00:06:06,478 I thought we were entering Zahl territory. 62 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:11,390 The Zahl have no legitimate claim here. They've taken what is ours. 63 00:06:11,520 --> 00:06:14,831 Reverse course or be destroyed. 64 00:06:17,640 --> 00:06:22,874 Unless you have something bigger in the torpedo tubes, I'm not turning around. 65 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:27,392 - But I am willing to discuss this with you. - No discussion. No compromise. 66 00:06:29,200 --> 00:06:32,431 - They are in retreat. - His bark is worse than his bite. 67 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:37,031 He seems rather intent. Let's go to Yellow Alert. Maintain our course. 68 00:06:37,160 --> 00:06:39,879 Maybe the Zahl can give us some answers. 69 00:06:46,240 --> 00:06:52,316 In Zahl territory, you travel among friends. I apologise for the mishap. 70 00:06:52,440 --> 00:06:58,152 It was hardly traumatic. But the Krenim claim this region as their own. 71 00:06:58,280 --> 00:07:01,591 The Krenim dominated this space many years ago. 72 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:06,510 Weapons based on temporal science kept them in power for a long time. 73 00:07:06,640 --> 00:07:11,271 A generation ago we defeated the Krenim and took back the planet. 74 00:07:11,400 --> 00:07:14,040 We dismantled their military forces. 75 00:07:14,160 --> 00:07:18,472 Their ships still wander our territory, making grandiose claims. 76 00:07:18,600 --> 00:07:21,638 Now, tell me about Voyager. 77 00:07:21,760 --> 00:07:25,674 A single ship alone, half a galaxy from home. How exciting for you. 78 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:30,112 Bridge to Captain. The Krenim are demanding to speak with you. 79 00:07:36,000 --> 00:07:37,593 Hello again. 80 00:07:37,720 --> 00:07:42,317 You've ignored our warnings. And now you consort with our enemy. 81 00:07:42,440 --> 00:07:45,432 Leave or I'll send you home in a cargo container. 82 00:07:45,560 --> 00:07:47,551 Gentlemen, please. 83 00:07:47,680 --> 00:07:51,310 We're not conspiring against you. 84 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:53,829 A spatial distortion is heading this way. 85 00:07:53,960 --> 00:07:57,351 It's huge. Five light years across and it's expanding. 86 00:07:57,480 --> 00:08:00,916 Tracking its origin. A vessel near the Zahl Homeworld. 87 00:08:01,040 --> 00:08:03,077 What? 88 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:07,831 It appears to be a build-up of temporal energy. A space-time shockwave. 89 00:08:07,960 --> 00:08:11,510 - Tom? - It's destabilising our warp field. 90 00:08:12,520 --> 00:08:18,675 - I've lost engines. - Shields to full. Brace for impact. 91 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:42,192 - She's dead. - Shields at 70%. They are firing again. 92 00:08:44,200 --> 00:08:47,511 - We're being hailed. - It's about time. On screen. 93 00:08:48,520 --> 00:08:54,311 - We haven't provoked these attacks. - Your presence is provocation enough. 94 00:08:54,440 --> 00:09:00,277 We've been trying to communicate but the only answer I get is weapons fire. 95 00:09:00,400 --> 00:09:05,190 - State your identity. - Captain Janeway of the Federation... 96 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:10,474 - Your reason for violating our borders? - We're simply trying to get home. 97 00:09:10,600 --> 00:09:16,391 - If you'd allow us to pass through... - Submit to the Krenim Imperium. 98 00:09:16,520 --> 00:09:20,400 I would prefer to seize your vessel before it's badly damaged. 99 00:09:20,520 --> 00:09:25,310 Surrender now and I will forgo the execution of your crew. 100 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:28,476 I don't respond well to threats. 101 00:09:30,480 --> 00:09:33,472 Then prepare to be boarded. 102 00:09:36,880 --> 00:09:39,872 All hands, battle stations. 103 00:09:41,320 --> 00:09:44,517 This is turning into the week of hell. 104 00:09:52,880 --> 00:09:56,669 - Three seconds to impact. - Evasive manoeuvres. 105 00:09:57,600 --> 00:09:59,591 Direct hit to our secondary hull. 106 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:02,360 The torpedoes rip through our shields. 107 00:10:07,600 --> 00:10:12,515 They're penetrating our shields because they're in a state of temporal flux. 108 00:10:12,640 --> 00:10:16,634 Let's exercise the better part of valour. Get us out of here. Warp 6. 109 00:10:16,760 --> 00:10:19,149 Warp 6. 110 00:10:19,280 --> 00:10:21,430 - No sign of pursuit. - Damage report. 111 00:10:21,560 --> 00:10:27,750 Main power is down. We've lost environmental control on decks 7 and 8. 112 00:10:27,880 --> 00:10:31,794 - The computer is off-line. - Do we have any sensors left? 113 00:10:31,920 --> 00:10:34,719 - Short range only. - Commander... 114 00:10:36,720 --> 00:10:39,109 Put the ship on 24-hour Tactical Alert. 115 00:10:39,240 --> 00:10:45,634 Tuvok, analyse the data we have on those torpedoes. Modify our shielding. 116 00:10:45,760 --> 00:10:50,072 When those Krenim attack again, I want to be ready. 117 00:11:03,080 --> 00:11:04,479 Enter. 118 00:11:07,760 --> 00:11:12,550 Sir, you were correct. The Zahl Homeworld was the focal point. 119 00:11:12,680 --> 00:11:16,913 Its erasure has produced a complete temporal restoration. 120 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:19,429 - Complete? - Yes, sir. 121 00:11:22,160 --> 00:11:27,155 If I told you to count the stars, would the task ever be complete? 122 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:29,309 Sir? 123 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:34,879 Our attempts may be sufficient. They may be even relatively successful 124 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:39,153 but they will never be complete. Choose your words with more precision. 125 00:11:39,280 --> 00:11:42,398 - My apologies. - What were the exact results? 126 00:11:42,520 --> 00:11:45,319 The Krenim Imperium has been restored to power. 127 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:52,358 Our territory now includes 849 inhabited worlds, spanning 5,000 parsecs. 128 00:11:52,480 --> 00:11:55,199 - Counter indications? - Negligible. 129 00:11:55,320 --> 00:11:59,473 No superior enemy forces, no unexpected diseases. 130 00:11:59,600 --> 00:12:02,718 Calculations indicate a 98% restoration. 131 00:12:02,840 --> 00:12:05,832 Our race is thriving once again. 132 00:12:07,120 --> 00:12:09,509 The er... 133 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:12,109 the colony at Kyana Prime... 134 00:12:13,120 --> 00:12:15,111 ...that was restored as well? 135 00:12:15,240 --> 00:12:17,038 No, sir. 136 00:12:19,040 --> 00:12:22,829 In this timeline the Imperium does not extend that far. 137 00:12:27,720 --> 00:12:32,635 Then our mission has failed. Begin calculations for the next incursion. 138 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:36,037 Sir, we have just accomplished the impossible. 139 00:12:36,160 --> 00:12:41,599 Another incursion, even a minor one, could undermine everything. 140 00:12:42,600 --> 00:12:45,797 We should dismantle this weapon and rejoin our people. 141 00:12:45,920 --> 00:12:51,279 Not until every colony, every individual, every blade of glass is restored. 142 00:12:51,400 --> 00:12:55,109 You said yourself our task will never be complete. 143 00:12:55,240 --> 00:12:59,711 Please. We should be satisfied with what we have accomplished. 144 00:12:59,840 --> 00:13:03,390 - For years we haven't come this close. - Not close enough. 145 00:13:03,520 --> 00:13:06,194 If I may speak my thoughts. 146 00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:09,711 Many are convinced that you have lost your objectivity. 147 00:13:09,840 --> 00:13:13,720 They think your quest for precision is unrealistic. 148 00:13:15,560 --> 00:13:20,316 Sir, we will never restore 100% of what we had. 149 00:13:20,440 --> 00:13:25,879 We can manipulate the time continuum for centuries. It will never happen. 150 00:13:27,880 --> 00:13:31,316 Return to your station and begin a new set of calculations. 151 00:13:32,320 --> 00:13:34,391 Is that clear? 152 00:13:34,520 --> 00:13:37,717 - Perfectly. - You surprise me, Obrist. 153 00:13:40,440 --> 00:13:43,034 After so many years, 154 00:13:43,160 --> 00:13:46,551 you still perceive time through conventional eyes. 155 00:13:47,560 --> 00:13:50,552 "Never" is a word that has no meaning here. 156 00:13:50,680 --> 00:13:56,153 As long as we stay on this vessel, protected from space-time, 157 00:13:56,280 --> 00:13:59,875 We have all eternity to accomplish our mission. 158 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:05,351 Of course, sir. 159 00:14:15,480 --> 00:14:16,993 Return fire. 160 00:14:17,120 --> 00:14:20,476 My attempt to modify the shielding was unsuccessful. 161 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:24,992 During that last exchange we did some damage. They're vulnerable. 162 00:14:25,120 --> 00:14:30,194 - Hit them. - Torpedo launchers are off-line. 163 00:14:30,320 --> 00:14:34,996 Doctor to bridge. We've got a power overload in sickbay. I need an engineer. 164 00:14:35,120 --> 00:14:37,430 Harry, can you handle it from here? 165 00:14:38,280 --> 00:14:42,717 No. The overload is spreading. Half that deck will blow in five minutes. 166 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:48,199 Doctor, get your patients out of there. All hands, emergency evacuation deck 5. 167 00:14:48,320 --> 00:14:51,836 - How many torpedoes do we have left? - 11. 168 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:57,433 Arm four. Stand by to open the launch doors. We'll deploy them like mines. 169 00:14:57,560 --> 00:14:58,755 Aye, Captain. 170 00:14:58,880 --> 00:15:03,716 I need your finesse. Let the Krenim get within 5,000 metres of us. 171 00:15:03,840 --> 00:15:05,239 No problem. 172 00:15:05,360 --> 00:15:09,513 Keep moving. Quickly. Please move quickly. 173 00:15:09,640 --> 00:15:12,792 Warning. Structural collapse in three minutes. 174 00:15:13,800 --> 00:15:16,713 - Torpedoes ready. - They're within range. 175 00:15:17,880 --> 00:15:21,475 Tuvok... do it. 176 00:15:30,800 --> 00:15:32,871 Got him! 177 00:15:35,960 --> 00:15:39,032 30 seconds until the conduits on deck 5 blow. 178 00:15:39,160 --> 00:15:41,151 Keep moving. 179 00:15:41,960 --> 00:15:45,590 Please, hurry. That's it. 180 00:15:45,720 --> 00:15:49,236 Warning. Structural collapse in 20 seconds. 181 00:15:52,560 --> 00:15:54,551 15 seconds. 182 00:15:55,160 --> 00:15:58,551 Warning. Structural collapse in ten seconds. 183 00:15:59,360 --> 00:16:03,194 Warning. Structural collapse in five... four... 184 00:16:03,320 --> 00:16:06,472 three... two... one. 185 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:17,276 Report. 186 00:16:18,120 --> 00:16:22,671 Sections ten through 53 on deck 5 are gone. 187 00:16:22,800 --> 00:16:26,509 - Casualties. - Reports are coming in. 188 00:16:26,640 --> 00:16:29,075 12 wounded, many of them critically. 189 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:34,320 The Doctor is setting up a triage facility. Two crew members were killed. 190 00:16:35,560 --> 00:16:37,790 Stand down Red Alert. 191 00:16:38,800 --> 00:16:44,955 Assemble a security team. Survey the ship. I want a full damage report. 192 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:52,118 I'll be in my ready room. 193 00:16:52,240 --> 00:16:54,800 You have the bridge. 194 00:16:54,920 --> 00:16:56,911 What's left of it. 195 00:17:12,680 --> 00:17:16,116 Come in. 196 00:17:16,240 --> 00:17:18,311 I'm sorry about the mess. 197 00:17:18,440 --> 00:17:22,559 You should see my place. It hasn't looked as bad since my Academy days. 198 00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:25,718 - Is there something on your mind? - Yes. 199 00:17:25,840 --> 00:17:30,357 - But you're not going to like it. - That's never stopped you before. 200 00:17:30,480 --> 00:17:32,471 Broken. 201 00:17:33,480 --> 00:17:37,075 I'll be blunt. Our strategy is failing. 202 00:17:37,200 --> 00:17:40,238 Creating a temporal shield isn't working. 203 00:17:40,360 --> 00:17:45,389 Not yet, but it will. With every attack we gather information about their weapons. 204 00:17:45,520 --> 00:17:48,956 Before long there won't be a ship left to protect. 205 00:17:49,080 --> 00:17:51,435 We don't have a choice. 206 00:17:53,240 --> 00:17:57,837 - Maybe we do. - Here comes the part I won't like. 207 00:17:58,840 --> 00:18:03,073 We should consider leaving the ship, breaking the crew into groups. 208 00:18:03,200 --> 00:18:06,272 Escape pods, shuttles, each one with its own course. 209 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:11,839 - We'll rendezvous on the other side. - Then what? 210 00:18:11,960 --> 00:18:14,679 We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 211 00:18:14,800 --> 00:18:18,270 At least we'd be increasing our chances of survival. 212 00:18:20,280 --> 00:18:22,874 Abandon ship? 213 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:28,279 The answer is no. I'm not breaking up the family. We're stronger as a team. 214 00:18:28,400 --> 00:18:34,510 One crew, one ship. If we split we lose the ability to pool our talents. 215 00:18:34,640 --> 00:18:41,319 We become vulnerable. We'll get picked off. I say we make our stand together. 216 00:18:43,320 --> 00:18:46,551 To be honest, I wasn't too fond of the idea myself. 217 00:18:46,680 --> 00:18:50,878 As long as Voyager is in one piece, we stay. 218 00:18:54,120 --> 00:18:56,794 We stay. 219 00:18:56,920 --> 00:19:00,390 This looks like it stayed in one piece. Where does this go? 220 00:19:00,520 --> 00:19:03,114 My lucky teacup. Right over here. 221 00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:09,117 Red Alert. We're under attack. Two Krenim warships off the port bow. 222 00:19:21,600 --> 00:19:26,436 - When will they get us out? - Let's get back to the game. 223 00:19:26,560 --> 00:19:30,554 Grace Kelly. Cat burglars. The Riviera. 224 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:34,552 Name the title and the male lead. 225 00:19:34,680 --> 00:19:37,274 - "To Catch A Thief." - Right. 226 00:19:37,400 --> 00:19:40,711 - Clark Gable. - Wrong. Cary Grant. 227 00:19:40,840 --> 00:19:43,400 I've seen it twice. It's Clark Gable. 228 00:19:43,520 --> 00:19:47,639 You are getting them confused because they have the same initials. 229 00:19:47,760 --> 00:19:51,674 No more 20th-Century entertainment. I am terrible at it. My turn. 230 00:19:51,800 --> 00:19:56,317 - Category, athletics. - Fire away. 231 00:19:56,440 --> 00:20:02,436 Athlete, parrises squares, championship finals, controversial decision... 232 00:20:03,440 --> 00:20:06,239 M'Kota R'Cho. The only Klingon to play the game. 233 00:20:06,360 --> 00:20:10,672 In the finals of 2342 one of the referees called a penalty against his team. 234 00:20:10,800 --> 00:20:13,838 - R'Cho strangled him. - Impressive. 235 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:19,876 You're looking at a true sport aficionado. Let's see, how about interstellar history? 236 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:24,278 Great. Pick the subject I almost failed at the Academy. 237 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:27,311 Are you all right? 238 00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:31,119 It just hurts a little. 239 00:20:35,480 --> 00:20:40,350 - Feels like we've been here for days. - Actually, it's been about six hours. 240 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:45,475 Try to hang on. The emergency crews are going to find us any minute. 241 00:20:47,480 --> 00:20:50,393 Come on, hurry up! 242 00:20:50,520 --> 00:20:53,797 Go ahead and ask your stupid question, 243 00:20:53,920 --> 00:20:57,595 before I pass out and you don't have anybody to play with. 244 00:20:57,720 --> 00:20:59,916 OK. 245 00:21:00,040 --> 00:21:03,476 It's a famous ship, pre-warp civilisation, 246 00:21:05,240 --> 00:21:10,110 Montana, second stage, chemical engine. 247 00:21:10,240 --> 00:21:15,440 - Another clue. - Vulcans, Earth, first contact. 248 00:21:15,560 --> 00:21:17,551 Right... 249 00:21:18,560 --> 00:21:22,997 Zephram Cochrane ship. What was it called? It's on the tip of my tongue. 250 00:21:23,960 --> 00:21:26,759 You'd better lie down. Enough trivia. 251 00:21:26,880 --> 00:21:28,871 No, I'm going to get this one. 252 00:21:33,920 --> 00:21:38,676 - Lieutenant, Ensign. - What happened to the turbolift? 253 00:21:39,680 --> 00:21:45,039 19 main power relays were severed. The turbolift system is non-operational. 254 00:21:46,040 --> 00:21:51,035 Get me to the Jefferies tube network. The EPS manifold must have taken a hit. 255 00:21:51,160 --> 00:21:55,199 Seven of Nine can take a look. We have to get you to the Doctor. 256 00:21:55,320 --> 00:21:56,674 All right. 257 00:21:56,800 --> 00:21:58,791 - The Phoenix. - What? 258 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:03,790 The vessel Ensign Kim was describing was designated the Phoenix. 259 00:22:03,920 --> 00:22:07,038 I didn't realise you knew so much about Earth history. 260 00:22:07,160 --> 00:22:09,959 The Borg were present during those events. 261 00:22:10,080 --> 00:22:12,515 - Really? - It's a complicated story. 262 00:22:12,640 --> 00:22:14,790 - Perhaps another time. - I think so. 263 00:22:16,400 --> 00:22:17,913 Transverse bulkheads. 264 00:22:18,040 --> 00:22:21,192 We've set up emergency force fields between all decks. 265 00:22:21,320 --> 00:22:25,518 In the event of a cataclysmic breach, most of us would be protected. 266 00:22:28,320 --> 00:22:33,110 - Ingenious. - Mr Paris came up with the idea. 267 00:22:33,240 --> 00:22:36,790 I was inspired by an ancient steamship, the Titanic. 268 00:22:36,920 --> 00:22:42,791 The engineers of the day constructed bulkheads that would lower into place 269 00:22:42,920 --> 00:22:48,313 in case of a hull breach. They could stay afloat with half the ship filled with water. 270 00:22:48,440 --> 00:22:51,000 The Titanic? As I recall, it sank. 271 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:55,799 Let's just say I've made a few improvements. 272 00:22:55,920 --> 00:23:00,073 I knew your fixation with history would come in handy one day. Good work. 273 00:23:00,200 --> 00:23:02,271 - Doctor to Paris. - Go ahead. 274 00:23:02,400 --> 00:23:05,995 Report to the mess hall. More wounded are on the way. 275 00:23:06,120 --> 00:23:09,112 I'll be right there. I'm a popular guy today. 276 00:23:46,880 --> 00:23:49,952 - Seven of Nine to Tuvok. - Tuvok here. 277 00:23:50,080 --> 00:23:56,474 An undetonated torpedo is lodged in the starboard Jefferies tube on deck 11. 278 00:23:56,600 --> 00:23:58,591 The warhead is still active. 279 00:23:58,720 --> 00:24:04,398 Do not attempt to disarm it. Hold your position and wait for my arrival. 280 00:24:04,520 --> 00:24:06,955 Arrive quickly. 281 00:24:12,440 --> 00:24:16,638 I've stopped the internal bleeding. You're going to be OK. 282 00:24:17,640 --> 00:24:22,430 - Is that your expert opinion? - That's a promise. 283 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:28,999 - I know it still hurts. - It's all right. 284 00:24:31,680 --> 00:24:34,638 A ruptured vertebrae. Let's see if I can repair it. 285 00:24:34,760 --> 00:24:37,479 - Mr Paris, your assistance. - Give me a minute. 286 00:24:37,600 --> 00:24:39,591 Now, Lieutenant. 287 00:24:41,160 --> 00:24:44,516 I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. 288 00:24:46,120 --> 00:24:48,430 B'Elanna is not the only patient here. 289 00:24:48,560 --> 00:24:51,393 - She's in pain. - But no longer in danger of dying. 290 00:24:51,520 --> 00:24:55,559 Make sure the patient will live, then move on to the next one. 291 00:24:55,680 --> 00:25:00,356 Emotional detachment is essential. Or you risk impairing your judgment. 292 00:25:00,480 --> 00:25:03,791 - I understand. - You could see more friends here soon. 293 00:25:03,920 --> 00:25:08,710 If you can't handle it, I'll find another assistant. You can leave. 294 00:25:10,720 --> 00:25:13,189 "Physician, heal thyself." 295 00:25:13,320 --> 00:25:18,315 - What's that supposed to mean? - You're the one who's getting emotional. 296 00:25:24,280 --> 00:25:28,513 Several weeks go, before the conduits on deck 5 breached, 297 00:25:28,640 --> 00:25:32,634 I saw Ensign Strickler and Crewman Emanuel at the end of a corridor. 298 00:25:32,760 --> 00:25:36,151 They were trying to reach the Jefferies tube. 299 00:25:38,640 --> 00:25:42,315 I kept the hatch open, waited for them as long as I could. 300 00:25:43,320 --> 00:25:45,709 But time ran out. 301 00:25:45,840 --> 00:25:49,196 I had no choice but to seal the hatch. 302 00:25:55,200 --> 00:25:58,795 - It must have been very hard. - It could have been worse. 303 00:25:58,920 --> 00:26:02,914 Had I lost my objectivity, everyone would have perished. 304 00:26:04,400 --> 00:26:08,792 This man has damaged lung tissue. Treat him with inaprovaline. 305 00:26:10,040 --> 00:26:15,069 If we attempt to dislodge the torpedo or move it, it will most likely detonate. 306 00:26:15,200 --> 00:26:18,955 - Can we disarm it? - No. The warhead is destabilising. 307 00:26:19,080 --> 00:26:21,913 It will explode in less than two minutes. 308 00:26:22,040 --> 00:26:26,034 If we reroute emergency power and erect a level ten force field, 309 00:26:26,160 --> 00:26:28,913 it should contain the explosion. We must hurry. 310 00:26:29,040 --> 00:26:33,159 Determining the temporal variance will help us perfect the shielding. 311 00:26:33,280 --> 00:26:37,069 - There's no time. - We won't have this opportunity again. 312 00:26:37,200 --> 00:26:41,990 - Now! - The variance is 1.47 microseconds. 313 00:26:42,120 --> 00:26:46,910 Excellent work but if you disobey my orders again I will be forced to... 314 00:26:55,640 --> 00:26:59,679 Captain's log, stardate 51268.4. 315 00:26:59,800 --> 00:27:02,997 This morning's attack destroyed the power grid. 316 00:27:03,120 --> 00:27:07,114 No casualties but the replicator system was badly damaged. 317 00:27:07,240 --> 00:27:13,316 We've gone to emergency rations. As a result the situation has gotten worse. 318 00:27:13,440 --> 00:27:19,391 Environmental controls continue to fail, seven decks are inhabitable 319 00:27:19,520 --> 00:27:25,038 and we've had to relocate the crew. Quarters are close, nerves are frayed. 320 00:27:25,160 --> 00:27:28,073 I'm not sure what's more difficult to maintain - 321 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:30,430 Voyager's systems or crew morale. 322 00:27:30,560 --> 00:27:37,079 It's important that we are together, working towards a single goal - survival. 323 00:27:38,200 --> 00:27:41,591 - Happy birthday. - Happy what? 324 00:27:41,720 --> 00:27:43,711 Today is May 20th. 325 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:48,991 Is it? 326 00:27:50,000 --> 00:27:53,675 I thought we were still in April. I've lost track of the time. 327 00:27:54,680 --> 00:27:56,990 This should help. 328 00:28:02,600 --> 00:28:06,275 - It's beautiful. - 19th Century, mechanical movement. 329 00:28:06,400 --> 00:28:10,394 A replica of the chronometer worn by Captain Cray of the British Navy. 330 00:28:10,520 --> 00:28:15,720 His ship was hit by a typhoon. Everyone in England thought they were killed. 331 00:28:15,840 --> 00:28:20,391 But eight months later Cray sailed his ship into London harbour. 332 00:28:20,520 --> 00:28:25,515 There wasn't much left but a few planks, half a sail, but he got his crew home. 333 00:28:28,520 --> 00:28:31,592 I appreciate the sentiment but I can't keep this. 334 00:28:31,720 --> 00:28:35,953 Recycle it. We can't afford to waste energy on non-essentials. 335 00:28:36,080 --> 00:28:40,916 Kathryn, I replicated this months ago. I wanted you to have it. 336 00:28:41,040 --> 00:28:44,590 That watch represents a meal, a hypospray or a pair of boots. 337 00:28:44,720 --> 00:28:48,873 It could mean the difference between life and death one day. 338 00:29:16,520 --> 00:29:20,309 Enter. 339 00:29:21,880 --> 00:29:25,669 - Reporting for duty, Lieutenant. - What is our agenda? 340 00:29:25,800 --> 00:29:31,990 I'd like to take you to deflector control. I had an inspiration about the shielding. 341 00:29:32,120 --> 00:29:34,111 Excellent. 342 00:29:37,400 --> 00:29:40,472 - You've been damaged. - A minor laceration. 343 00:29:40,600 --> 00:29:42,591 I've offered to assist you. 344 00:29:42,720 --> 00:29:45,394 There are tasks I would rather perform myself. 345 00:29:45,520 --> 00:29:49,991 - You're risking further injury. - Shaving is hardly life-threatening. 346 00:29:52,800 --> 00:29:54,996 Tell me about your inspiration. 347 00:29:55,120 --> 00:29:59,079 We've tried matching our shields to the variance of their torpedoes. 348 00:29:59,200 --> 00:30:03,080 We must match the deflector array to the inverse of that variance. 349 00:30:03,200 --> 00:30:06,318 Fascinating. When will the deflectors be ready? 350 00:30:06,440 --> 00:30:09,080 Now, but the modifications are untested. 351 00:30:09,200 --> 00:30:13,478 Our rounds can wait. Take me to deflector control. 352 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:20,351 - Seven. - Ensign. 353 00:30:20,480 --> 00:30:23,791 - A friend of yours? - My cabin mate. 354 00:30:23,920 --> 00:30:27,356 I was used to cohabitating with thousands of other drones. 355 00:30:27,480 --> 00:30:31,519 - But I find it difficult with a single human. - In what way? 356 00:30:32,520 --> 00:30:37,720 Ensign Brooks leaves equipment lying around and her clothing on the floor. 357 00:30:37,840 --> 00:30:42,311 Most humans are less than meticulous when it comes to their domestic habits. 358 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:44,033 Indeed. 359 00:30:44,160 --> 00:30:48,393 - A tactical question, if I may? - You may. 360 00:30:48,520 --> 00:30:54,630 We're rebuilding the sensors and we're ready to programme the audio signal. 361 00:30:54,760 --> 00:30:57,195 Do you want it to say, "Intruder alert"? 362 00:30:57,320 --> 00:31:01,109 Or something more dramatic like, "Warning. Intruder alert"? 363 00:31:01,240 --> 00:31:04,995 Or "Intruders among us. Danger. Danger. Intruders among us"? 364 00:31:05,120 --> 00:31:10,433 - "Intruder alert”" will suffice. - Go with the classic. Understood, sir. 365 00:31:12,280 --> 00:31:15,272 And you believe you have difficulties. 366 00:31:15,400 --> 00:31:18,916 All hands to battle stations. Krenim vessels approaching. 367 00:31:19,040 --> 00:31:21,998 Repeat. All hands to battle stations. 368 00:31:22,120 --> 00:31:26,318 Bring the new shields on-line. We will test them in battle. 369 00:31:43,600 --> 00:31:47,309 - Computer, activate tactile interface. - Weapon status? 370 00:31:49,000 --> 00:31:52,516 Phasers are on-line. Torpedo launchers are inoperative. 371 00:31:52,640 --> 00:31:56,076 - They're within visual range. - On screen. 372 00:31:56,200 --> 00:31:59,591 Seven's shields should be on-line in a moment. 373 00:31:59,720 --> 00:32:02,553 - It's a warship. - You know the routine. 374 00:32:02,680 --> 00:32:06,469 - Evasive manoeuvres. - They're matching course. 375 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:10,798 Hold them off. Bridge to Seven of Nine. Where are those shields? 376 00:32:10,920 --> 00:32:13,560 - Stand by. - They're charging weapons. 377 00:32:13,680 --> 00:32:17,753 Seven, we could use a little of that Borg efficiency right about now. 378 00:32:17,880 --> 00:32:21,589 - I can't shake them off. - They're targeting the bridge. 379 00:32:21,720 --> 00:32:24,712 - Temporal shielding is on-line. - They're firing. 380 00:32:24,840 --> 00:32:27,116 Full port thrusters. 381 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:35,114 Temporal shields are holding. No damage. 382 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:37,470 Hail them. 383 00:32:37,600 --> 00:32:39,511 Channel open. 384 00:32:43,200 --> 00:32:46,830 Krenim vessels, this is the captain of Voyager. 385 00:32:46,960 --> 00:32:50,874 You may have noticed we have a defence against your torpedoes now. 386 00:32:51,000 --> 00:32:53,389 I suggest you stand down. 387 00:32:57,240 --> 00:32:59,277 No response. 388 00:33:03,200 --> 00:33:05,316 Their mistake. Bring the ship about. 389 00:33:05,440 --> 00:33:09,434 We are going through their space whether they like it or not. 390 00:33:20,080 --> 00:33:23,516 We're within range of the Garenor Homeworld. 391 00:33:23,640 --> 00:33:25,631 Set temporal coordinates. 392 00:33:26,640 --> 00:33:29,393 Full power to the weapon. 393 00:33:30,400 --> 00:33:33,870 Prepare for total erasure of the species. 394 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:35,991 Targeting the focal point. 395 00:33:39,200 --> 00:33:41,316 Ready. 396 00:33:42,320 --> 00:33:43,913 Fire. 397 00:33:54,760 --> 00:33:58,879 - Temporal incursion in progress. - Trace elements? 398 00:33:59,880 --> 00:34:02,713 - Diminishing. - Counter indications? 399 00:34:02,840 --> 00:34:07,118 Non so far. Organisms and structures are being eradicated. 400 00:34:08,800 --> 00:34:11,235 Track the temporal wavefront. 401 00:34:11,360 --> 00:34:15,911 I want to monitor every change in the timeline as it occurs. 402 00:34:16,040 --> 00:34:17,838 Yes, sir. 403 00:34:17,960 --> 00:34:22,670 Captain, the Krenim warship is in pursuit but their weapons are not powered. 404 00:34:22,800 --> 00:34:26,998 They don't know what to do now that we're shielded. 405 00:34:27,120 --> 00:34:30,750 There's a spatial distortion heading toward us. 406 00:34:30,880 --> 00:34:34,794 - I can't identify the phenomenon. - What's the source? 407 00:34:34,920 --> 00:34:39,391 Unknown. But it originated approximately 20 light years from our position. 408 00:34:39,520 --> 00:34:41,796 It looks like a shockwave. 409 00:34:41,920 --> 00:34:45,276 - Tom, get us out of here. - We'll never outrun it, Captain. 410 00:34:45,400 --> 00:34:48,552 Maybe our new shields will help. Brace for impact. 411 00:34:56,960 --> 00:35:00,999 You were correct, Captain. The temporal shielding has protected us. 412 00:35:01,120 --> 00:35:03,555 - The wavefront has passed. - Captain... 413 00:35:09,320 --> 00:35:11,789 - Report. - It's a Krenim ship. 414 00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:16,994 Identical hull markings. But it's half the size. Limited fire power. 415 00:35:17,120 --> 00:35:21,000 - What happened to the warship? - I'm not picking it up on sensors. 416 00:35:21,120 --> 00:35:24,795 It looks like this entire part of space has changed somehow. 417 00:35:24,920 --> 00:35:28,629 Last time I checked this region was filled with Krenim colonies. 418 00:35:28,760 --> 00:35:33,834 I just ran a scan and sensors show no colonies and just a handful of ships. 419 00:35:33,960 --> 00:35:40,514 Transfer data to the astrometrics lab. Tell Seven of Nine to meet me there. 420 00:35:40,640 --> 00:35:44,429 Astrometrics took heavy damage a few days ago. It's off-line. 421 00:35:44,560 --> 00:35:46,551 Well, let's get it back on-line. 422 00:35:46,680 --> 00:35:52,073 It appears that the Krenim Imperium has vanished and I'd like to find out why. 423 00:35:54,360 --> 00:35:56,874 Something went wrong. 424 00:35:57,000 --> 00:36:00,880 The entire Krenim Imperium has reverted to a pre-warp state. 425 00:36:01,000 --> 00:36:04,152 Not possible. Our calculations were perfect. 426 00:36:06,000 --> 00:36:10,790 There's an anomalous temporal reading 20 light years from here. 427 00:36:10,920 --> 00:36:12,911 It's coming from a vessel. 428 00:36:13,920 --> 00:36:15,911 What vessel? 429 00:36:16,040 --> 00:36:19,192 Component 049 beta. A ship called Voyager. 430 00:36:20,320 --> 00:36:24,951 It was classified as an inert component. It shouldn't generate a temporal field. 431 00:36:25,080 --> 00:36:29,074 But it is. And it was enough to throw off our calculations. 432 00:36:31,600 --> 00:36:33,591 Take me to them. 433 00:36:40,760 --> 00:36:43,149 Sensors are on-line. 434 00:36:45,400 --> 00:36:49,633 - Power levels are stable. - Is the astrometric database intact? 435 00:36:49,760 --> 00:36:54,391 - Yes. - Display the scans of this region. 436 00:36:56,840 --> 00:36:59,070 Spatial grid 005. 437 00:37:00,080 --> 00:37:05,314 The Krenim Imperium - over 200 star systems, 900 planets, 438 00:37:05,440 --> 00:37:08,398 thousands of warp capable vessels and now... 439 00:37:10,400 --> 00:37:13,597 After the shockwave everything seems to have changed. 440 00:37:13,720 --> 00:37:15,711 Run a new scan. 441 00:37:17,400 --> 00:37:21,473 - Spatial grid 005. - Same space, different configuration. 442 00:37:21,600 --> 00:37:24,069 Exactly as Chakotay said. 443 00:37:24,200 --> 00:37:28,717 The Imperium appears to have been reduced to a few planets. 444 00:37:30,720 --> 00:37:35,510 It appears that someone or something has altered history. 445 00:37:36,520 --> 00:37:38,909 But why weren't we affected? 446 00:37:39,040 --> 00:37:43,273 Perhaps we were protected from the changes by our temporal shielding. 447 00:37:44,280 --> 00:37:49,070 But the question remains. What caused that shockwave in the first place? 448 00:37:50,400 --> 00:37:52,516 Track it back to its origin. 449 00:37:53,960 --> 00:37:58,397 The shockwave emanated from the Garenor Homeworld. 450 00:37:58,520 --> 00:38:01,911 The Garenor? We passed their planet three weeks ago. 451 00:38:03,600 --> 00:38:07,480 - The planet is no longer populated. - What? 452 00:38:08,800 --> 00:38:14,591 Data indicates that when the shockwave appeared the Garenor vanished. 453 00:38:17,480 --> 00:38:19,471 Erased from history. 454 00:38:20,920 --> 00:38:22,718 Captain? 455 00:38:23,560 --> 00:38:28,919 I'm no authority on time travel, in fact I've made it my goal in life to avoid it. 456 00:38:30,920 --> 00:38:34,072 But this sounds to me like a causality paradox. 457 00:38:34,200 --> 00:38:40,116 Think about it. A temporal shockwave eliminates a single species 458 00:38:40,240 --> 00:38:43,039 and all of history changes as a result. 459 00:38:44,520 --> 00:38:46,511 An intriguing theory. 460 00:38:47,520 --> 00:38:50,194 The Krenim possess temporal technology. 461 00:38:50,320 --> 00:38:53,631 Why would they alter history to undermine themselves? 462 00:38:53,760 --> 00:38:57,594 We're still missing a big piece of the puzzle. Run another scan... 463 00:39:03,760 --> 00:39:08,596 Scanning the vessel. Their shielding is generating a temporal disruption. 464 00:39:08,720 --> 00:39:12,475 Collect samples. Two life-forms, ten square metres of the hull. 465 00:39:12,600 --> 00:39:13,999 Yes, sir. 466 00:39:14,120 --> 00:39:18,830 Disable their shielding, prepare to initiate a temporal incursion. 467 00:39:19,880 --> 00:39:25,671 That vessel is in a state of temporal flux. It's like they exist outside space-time. 468 00:39:25,800 --> 00:39:28,633 They're scanning us. 469 00:39:28,760 --> 00:39:32,640 - Get a lock on them. - I can't isolate their signals. 470 00:39:32,760 --> 00:39:35,912 - We're being hailed. - On screen. 471 00:39:36,680 --> 00:39:38,671 State your identity. 472 00:39:38,800 --> 00:39:43,033 I am Captain Janeway of the starship Voyager. Who are you? 473 00:39:43,160 --> 00:39:45,276 I'm Annorax of the Krenim Imperium. 474 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:49,280 We've transferred your crewmen to my vessel for further analysis. 475 00:39:49,400 --> 00:39:53,678 - You ship doesn't come from here. - We come from Earth. 476 00:39:53,800 --> 00:39:57,794 It's 65,000 light years from here. We're on our way home. 477 00:39:57,920 --> 00:39:59,797 I see. 478 00:39:59,920 --> 00:40:04,153 We've been observing some rather unusual events in the region. 479 00:40:04,280 --> 00:40:09,434 It seems your Imperium never existed. Could you shed some light on this? 480 00:40:09,560 --> 00:40:11,995 That doesn't concern you. 481 00:40:12,120 --> 00:40:17,115 What is important is that you understand that I bear you no hostility. 482 00:40:17,240 --> 00:40:21,234 - But you have diverted my mission. - Your mission? 483 00:40:24,680 --> 00:40:30,596 - You're responsible for the changes. - You're a long way from your world. 484 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:36,796 In a manner of speaking, so am I. Only one of us can go home again. 485 00:40:36,920 --> 00:40:43,838 Your sacrifice will restore the lives of countless millions. I'm sorry. 486 00:40:45,400 --> 00:40:49,439 - I'm reading an energy build-up. - Shields. 487 00:40:55,200 --> 00:40:57,316 Temporal shields are weakening. 488 00:40:57,440 --> 00:41:01,752 That energy beam is pushing Voyager out of the space-time continuum. 489 00:41:01,880 --> 00:41:04,599 He's trying to erase us from history. 490 00:41:04,720 --> 00:41:10,272 Their vessel's mass prevents them from exceeding warp 6. We can escape. 491 00:41:10,400 --> 00:41:14,633 Captain, our structural integrity is still impaired. 492 00:41:14,760 --> 00:41:17,513 If we go to warp the damage will be extreme. 493 00:41:17,640 --> 00:41:21,270 - What about Tom and Chakotay? - We'll have to come back for them. 494 00:41:21,400 --> 00:41:25,030 Clear the outer sections and prepare for wide-scale breaches. 495 00:41:25,160 --> 00:41:27,834 Tuvok, activate the transverse bulkheads. 496 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:34,471 - Temporal shields are failing. - Engage warp 7. 497 00:41:34,600 --> 00:41:36,511 They're not in pursuit. 498 00:41:37,560 --> 00:41:40,757 We are losing the outer hull. Bulkheads are holding. 499 00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:53,391 You've done your best, 500 00:41:53,520 --> 00:41:57,275 but determination alone isn't going to hold this ship together. 501 00:41:57,400 --> 00:41:59,391 It's time we faced reality. 502 00:42:00,400 --> 00:42:05,520 We've lost nine decks. More than half the ship has been destroyed. 503 00:42:05,640 --> 00:42:08,314 Life-support is nearly gone. 504 00:42:08,440 --> 00:42:11,796 Voyager can no longer sustain its crew. 505 00:42:11,920 --> 00:42:14,799 I promised myself I would never give this order, 506 00:42:14,920 --> 00:42:19,756 that I would never break up this family. But asking you to stay... 507 00:42:21,240 --> 00:42:24,517 ...would be asking you to die. 508 00:42:24,640 --> 00:42:27,996 You will proceed to the escape pods and evacuate. 509 00:42:28,120 --> 00:42:32,432 Set your course for the Alpha Quadrant. Try to find allies. 510 00:42:32,560 --> 00:42:36,030 Secure faster ships if you can. Anything to get home. 511 00:42:36,160 --> 00:42:38,674 The senior staff and I will remain on board. 512 00:42:38,800 --> 00:42:42,634 We will try somehow to rescue Tom and Chakotay. 513 00:42:42,760 --> 00:42:45,320 The escape pods are equipped with beacons. 514 00:42:45,440 --> 00:42:47,829 That's how we'll keep track of you. 515 00:42:47,960 --> 00:42:52,511 When we find each other again, and we will, 516 00:42:52,640 --> 00:42:55,280 we will find each other again, 517 00:42:55,400 --> 00:43:01,794 I expect all of you to be in one piece with some interesting stories to tell. 518 00:43:04,400 --> 00:43:06,391 Good luck. 519 00:44:03,320 --> 00:44:04,320 English (en)