1 00:00:02,960 --> 00:00:07,352 First officer's personal log, stardate 49005.3. 2 00:00:07,520 --> 00:00:12,310 I have been granted the use of a shuttlecraft to perform the pakra, 3 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:18,032 a solitary ritual commemorating the anniversary of my father's death. 4 00:00:43,240 --> 00:00:45,117 A-koo-chee-moya. 5 00:00:45,280 --> 00:00:51,071 I pray on this day of memories to speak to my father, 6 00:00:52,480 --> 00:00:56,110 the one whom the wind called Kolopak. 7 00:00:57,200 --> 00:00:59,316 Though I am far from his bones, 8 00:01:00,520 --> 00:01:05,071 perhaps there is a spirit in these unnamed skies who will find him 9 00:01:05,240 --> 00:01:07,277 and honour him with my song. 10 00:01:15,840 --> 00:01:17,911 A-koo-chee-moya. 11 00:01:19,360 --> 00:01:21,397 There. You see? 12 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:26,959 We should teach them the price of trespassing in our space. 13 00:01:27,120 --> 00:01:29,919 - I'll go. - Let Kar do it this time. 14 00:01:30,080 --> 00:01:32,037 He's not ready. 15 00:01:32,200 --> 00:01:34,555 He demands a chance to earn his name. 16 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:36,791 Do you believe he could do this? 17 00:01:36,960 --> 00:01:41,750 Did you know you were ready for your first mission, Haliz? 18 00:01:41,920 --> 00:01:43,911 Tell him. 19 00:01:44,080 --> 00:01:47,710 Tell him today is the day he will finally be called Ogla. 20 00:02:02,600 --> 00:02:04,557 Computer, report. 21 00:02:04,720 --> 00:02:08,156 The shuttlecraft has sustained phaser fire. 22 00:02:08,320 --> 00:02:09,515 Source? 23 00:02:09,680 --> 00:02:14,277 A Kazon spacecraft closing at 195, mark 6. 24 00:02:23,240 --> 00:02:26,358 Computer, open a channel to the Kazon vessel. 25 00:02:26,520 --> 00:02:29,876 This is Commander Chakotay of the Federation. 26 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:34,238 - Why have you fired on me? - You are in Kazon-Ogla space. 27 00:02:34,400 --> 00:02:37,438 I wasn't aware of that. I have no hostile intentions. 28 00:02:37,600 --> 00:02:41,673 - I'll leave. - No one violating Ogla space leaves. 29 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:44,912 Son, my starship is only a few light years away. 30 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:49,039 I am not your son, Federation. I am your executioner. 31 00:04:34,840 --> 00:04:37,798 Chakotay to Kazon vessel. Listen carefully. 32 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:39,917 I do not want a fight. 33 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:43,277 Stand down or I'll be forced to return fire. 34 00:05:06,840 --> 00:05:10,993 I've established a direct weapons lock on your engine core. 35 00:05:11,160 --> 00:05:16,314 This is my final warning. If you don't stand down, I will destroy your ship. 36 00:05:21,080 --> 00:05:24,072 All right, if that's the way you want to play it. 37 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:36,516 Chakotay to Kazon vessel. Do you read me? 38 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:39,399 Computer, are there any lifesigns? 39 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:41,710 Affirmative. One lifesign. 40 00:05:41,880 --> 00:05:44,349 Kazon ship, your engine core is critical. 41 00:05:44,520 --> 00:05:48,400 You have less than 30 seconds to evacuate. Do you read me? 42 00:05:48,560 --> 00:05:51,757 If you have an escape pod, you must eject now. 43 00:05:54,640 --> 00:05:57,632 Establish a transporter lock on the life-form. 44 00:05:57,800 --> 00:06:00,076 Acknowledged. Targeting scanners. 45 00:06:00,240 --> 00:06:03,471 - Prepare to beam him aboard. - Scanners locked. 46 00:06:03,640 --> 00:06:05,597 Energise. 47 00:06:16,280 --> 00:06:18,715 Chakotay to Voyager. 48 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:24,280 Chakotay to Voyager. 49 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:27,111 Computer, damage report. 50 00:06:27,280 --> 00:06:32,593 Long-range communications, sensor array and aft shields are off-line. 51 00:06:32,760 --> 00:06:34,990 Great! 52 00:06:35,960 --> 00:06:38,270 Welcome aboard. 53 00:06:48,440 --> 00:06:54,959 I don't feel that I'm not contributing as chef and morale officer... 54 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:57,839 You're making significant contributions. 55 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,150 Well, if you insist, but... 56 00:07:00,320 --> 00:07:04,598 How would Lieutenant Ayala handle the separation from his kids without you? 57 00:07:04,760 --> 00:07:09,197 He misses his boys terribly. I wish I could do more for him. 58 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:13,638 - And your meals are getting to be... - Yes? 59 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:17,919 Almost certainly a highlight of every day. 60 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:20,640 Oh, Captain! 61 00:07:20,800 --> 00:07:24,077 You always know how to touch one's heart. Thank you. 62 00:07:24,760 --> 00:07:27,991 When I signed on, I promised you that... 63 00:07:30,120 --> 00:07:33,238 I promised you that I would stand by your side 64 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:35,960 through this quadrant's dangers, 65 00:07:36,120 --> 00:07:39,397 as guide, strategist, explorer, adventurer... 66 00:07:39,560 --> 00:07:41,676 Yes? 67 00:07:42,800 --> 00:07:47,715 I feel... under-utilised. 68 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:51,030 I can swashbuckle with the best of them. 69 00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:54,477 You weren't invited to the defence simulations? 70 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:56,870 - No. - Captain, you are needed. 71 00:07:57,040 --> 00:08:00,635 On my way. I'll see to it you're invited next time. 72 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:03,519 And now, please join me on the bridge. 73 00:08:03,680 --> 00:08:07,560 Yes, sir... ma'am... Captain. 74 00:08:08,720 --> 00:08:11,838 Commander Chakotay has still not returned. 75 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:14,958 - Have you tried hailing him? - No response. 76 00:08:15,120 --> 00:08:19,273 - When did we last hear from him? - More than six hours ago. 77 00:08:24,080 --> 00:08:27,630 According to this, he's not far. We'll have to get him. 78 00:08:27,800 --> 00:08:30,110 I want all away teams back on board. 79 00:08:30,280 --> 00:08:34,558 Mr Paris, plot a course for Chakotay's last known coordinates. 80 00:08:47,480 --> 00:08:50,040 What am I doing here? 81 00:08:51,440 --> 00:08:53,397 - You're welcome. - What? 82 00:08:53,560 --> 00:08:58,031 You thank me for saving your life, I say, "You're welcome". 83 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:06,830 I accept your surrender. Look! 84 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:11,358 I promise you, we'll find a Kazon ship and hand you over to them. 85 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:18,795 - You should've let me die. - I don't kill children. 86 00:09:18,960 --> 00:09:23,431 Warning. Alien vessel approaching at 022, mark 8. 87 00:09:26,800 --> 00:09:29,189 - What's your name, son? - What? 88 00:09:29,360 --> 00:09:32,830 - Your name. - Why do you want to know my name? 89 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:35,913 I want to let them know you're on board. 90 00:09:39,480 --> 00:09:41,790 I'm called Kar. 91 00:09:41,960 --> 00:09:44,600 Computer, open a channel. 92 00:09:46,520 --> 00:09:50,832 Kazon vessel, I have a young man on board you might know. 93 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:55,119 He goes by the name of Kar. I'd say he's about 13. 94 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:59,950 I'd like to arrange for his transfer before I return to my ship. 95 00:10:01,120 --> 00:10:03,316 Computer, confirm channel is open. 96 00:10:03,480 --> 00:10:06,313 Confirmed. Transmission has been received. 97 00:10:07,640 --> 00:10:10,393 Talk to them. Tell them you're OK. 98 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:16,909 Warning. Kazon vessel has engaged a tractor beam. 99 00:10:17,080 --> 00:10:19,833 - Full reverse. - Unable to comply. 100 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:23,755 Tractor force exceeds available engine power. 101 00:10:23,920 --> 00:10:26,434 They're pulling us in. 102 00:10:26,600 --> 00:10:29,194 Kill me. 103 00:10:30,840 --> 00:10:33,116 Please. 104 00:10:36,560 --> 00:10:39,598 Why are you so eager for me to kill you? 105 00:10:40,720 --> 00:10:45,112 Because there are worse things than being killed by your enemy. 106 00:10:57,680 --> 00:11:01,913 If you check your long-range sensors, you'll find a big ship out there. 107 00:11:02,080 --> 00:11:05,118 Voyager. By now it's on its way to find me. 108 00:11:05,280 --> 00:11:08,557 Kar, I told Razik you weren't ready. 109 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:12,791 I know why I'm here, but why are they doing this to you? 110 00:11:12,960 --> 00:11:19,195 I was ready, Haliz, ready to kill or die. I felt the flames touch my skin. 111 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:21,920 Go back in, Kar. 112 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:31,397 It was this fool, this Federation, 113 00:11:31,560 --> 00:11:34,552 who doesn't have the courage to kill his enemies. 114 00:11:34,720 --> 00:11:38,315 He pulled me out with that transporter we've heard about. 115 00:11:43,160 --> 00:11:48,155 Like the Nistrim and the Relora before you, you come into our space, 116 00:11:48,320 --> 00:11:53,520 showing off your uniforms, displaying the markings of your Federation, 117 00:11:53,680 --> 00:11:57,833 with no respect, as if you own this part of space. 118 00:11:59,200 --> 00:12:01,350 But it belongs to us! 119 00:12:06,120 --> 00:12:08,919 I tried to kill him, Haliz. 120 00:12:13,160 --> 00:12:15,595 I want to see Razik. 121 00:12:17,360 --> 00:12:20,239 Tell Razik I demand to see him. 122 00:12:22,160 --> 00:12:24,436 Who's Razik? 123 00:12:26,760 --> 00:12:30,640 Tell Razik that Federation Commander Chakotay demands to see him. 124 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:35,951 - What are you doing? - Razik is obviously your leader. 125 00:12:36,120 --> 00:12:41,433 If he's strong enough to command, he's wise enough to listen to reason. 126 00:12:44,600 --> 00:12:48,594 You see this? This is debris from a Nistrim frigate. 127 00:12:48,760 --> 00:12:53,277 Razik destroyed it, killing more than 100 in a single shot. 128 00:12:53,440 --> 00:12:55,954 Before that, his name was only Ra. 129 00:12:56,120 --> 00:12:58,316 Now he is called Jal Razik. 130 00:12:59,720 --> 00:13:02,872 And this tunic belonged to a Relora warrior. 131 00:13:03,040 --> 00:13:07,637 He was killed by the bare hands of another Ogla called only Hali. 132 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:12,715 Now that man is called Jal Haliz, one of our greatest fighters. 133 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:16,874 And this bracelet belonged to the man who killed my brother... 134 00:13:17,040 --> 00:13:23,753 my brother, Jal Kanal, who earned his Ogla name by dying bravely in battle. 135 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:28,480 But I... I will never earn my name, in life or in death, 136 00:13:28,640 --> 00:13:31,200 and I have you to thank for that. 137 00:13:40,960 --> 00:13:43,600 We're approaching Chakotay's last known coordinates. 138 00:13:43,760 --> 00:13:46,559 All stop. Full sensor scan, Mr Kim. 139 00:13:48,280 --> 00:13:53,036 I'm picking up floating debris - duranium, magnesite and electroceramics. 140 00:13:53,200 --> 00:13:56,113 Also heavy traces of carbon residue. 141 00:13:56,280 --> 00:14:00,831 Bridge to engineering. Prepare to receive debris samples for analysis. 142 00:14:02,040 --> 00:14:04,714 Transport complete. 143 00:14:04,880 --> 00:14:08,430 Captain, an ion trail is leading away from this location. 144 00:14:08,600 --> 00:14:10,193 Chakotay's shuttle? 145 00:14:10,360 --> 00:14:14,558 The radiation is not consistent with Federation propulsion systems. 146 00:14:14,720 --> 00:14:18,918 So someone blew up Chakotay's shuttle and then took off? 147 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:21,435 That's speculation, Mr Paris. 148 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:26,117 But that trail's the only clue we have to Chakotay's whereabouts. 149 00:14:26,280 --> 00:14:29,033 - Laying in a course. - Engage. 150 00:14:42,880 --> 00:14:45,030 Hello, Kar. 151 00:14:51,280 --> 00:14:53,749 I never thought I would see you like this. 152 00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:56,673 It was not my fault. It was his technology. 153 00:14:56,840 --> 00:15:02,950 Don't make excuses, Kar. An Ogla has no room for excuses. 154 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:06,636 No. No excuses. 155 00:15:06,800 --> 00:15:10,634 I forgive you. Know that in your heart. 156 00:15:11,680 --> 00:15:13,910 No. Please. 157 00:15:23,760 --> 00:15:26,957 You will eat at my right hand tonight. 158 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:34,351 Why did you save him? It's a very ineffective way of waging war. 159 00:15:34,520 --> 00:15:38,912 - I'm not at war with you. - I wish I could say the same. 160 00:15:39,080 --> 00:15:41,071 We don't know this part of space. 161 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:44,631 If a map had identified this as Kazon-Ogla territory, 162 00:15:44,800 --> 00:15:46,598 I wouldn't have been here. 163 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:50,958 Unfortunately, our territorial claims change every day. 164 00:15:51,120 --> 00:15:53,953 Maps do not serve us well. 165 00:15:55,120 --> 00:15:57,760 You did him a great disservice, you know. 166 00:15:57,920 --> 00:16:01,834 If he had killed me, my uniform would have made a fine trophy. 167 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:05,516 Your uniform may yet decorate our wall. 168 00:16:05,680 --> 00:16:10,550 You may not think you're at war with us, Commander Chakotay, 169 00:16:10,720 --> 00:16:12,757 but you are a threat to us. 170 00:16:12,920 --> 00:16:17,198 The Kazon fought for their independence from uniforms like yours. 171 00:16:17,360 --> 00:16:20,910 Uniforms maybe, but not like mine. 172 00:16:21,080 --> 00:16:25,836 Your uniforms, your laws, your technology. 173 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:28,674 You are not welcome here. 174 00:16:32,680 --> 00:16:36,514 Get him something to eat. The execution is tonight. 175 00:16:52,640 --> 00:16:54,392 Well? 176 00:16:54,560 --> 00:16:58,076 Most of the debris is composed of a polyduranide alloy, 177 00:16:58,240 --> 00:17:01,278 which isn't used in Federation spacecraft. 178 00:17:01,440 --> 00:17:06,514 - Chakotay's shuttle wasn't destroyed? - This ship was Kazon. 179 00:17:12,760 --> 00:17:14,831 You get them involved young. 180 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:19,073 As soon as they're old enough to protect their younger siblings. 181 00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:26,475 So they brought you here to see your first human? 182 00:17:26,640 --> 00:17:31,953 Take a good look. You won't see any hate in my eyes. 183 00:17:32,120 --> 00:17:35,954 I'm a gentle man from a gentle people who wish you no harm. 184 00:17:36,120 --> 00:17:39,317 - That's enough! - I know you'd like them to hate me, 185 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:42,040 but their first impression will be good. 186 00:17:42,200 --> 00:17:45,909 You are here to learn what it means to be a Kazon male. 187 00:17:47,480 --> 00:17:51,553 You all know Kar. You've learned to fight together, haven't you? 188 00:17:51,720 --> 00:17:55,714 Kar was sent to kill this man to earn his Ogla name. 189 00:17:55,880 --> 00:18:00,397 But Kar failed and will not earn his name even in death. 190 00:18:02,640 --> 00:18:05,075 Who would be willing to kill the human? 191 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:09,632 So much for first impressions, Federation. 192 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:15,358 I'm proud of you. Each will get your chance someday. 193 00:18:15,520 --> 00:18:18,114 But that's not what we're here for today. 194 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:23,198 We are here to learn the price of failure in battle. 195 00:18:25,120 --> 00:18:27,999 - Take it. - What for? 196 00:18:28,160 --> 00:18:31,118 To kill Kar, as you should have done in battle. 197 00:18:31,280 --> 00:18:36,673 You want me to kill a child in front of other children? What for? 198 00:18:36,840 --> 00:18:40,435 It will teach these little boys an important lesson. 199 00:18:40,600 --> 00:18:43,752 And after you do that, you'll be free to go. 200 00:18:43,920 --> 00:18:46,594 You may think I want your friend Kar to die 201 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:48,717 but you'd be wrong. 202 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:52,077 I've seen too many Ogla die at the hands of our enemies. 203 00:18:52,240 --> 00:18:56,757 That is why you must learn there are no second chances in battle. 204 00:18:56,920 --> 00:19:00,197 That is why Kar must die. 205 00:19:03,480 --> 00:19:05,596 If I refuse? 206 00:19:29,520 --> 00:19:31,636 I'll be needing my shuttle back. 207 00:19:31,800 --> 00:19:34,758 Do you really think you can escape us in that? 208 00:19:34,920 --> 00:19:38,709 That's a chance I'm willing to take. What about you? 209 00:19:38,880 --> 00:19:41,713 Let the coward run. Prepare his shuttle. 210 00:19:48,200 --> 00:19:50,191 Wanna come? 211 00:19:50,360 --> 00:19:53,557 There doesn't seem to be much of a future for you here. 212 00:19:53,720 --> 00:19:57,554 He'd rather die than run like a Calogan dog with you. 213 00:20:04,400 --> 00:20:09,270 If I stay here, I'll die without a name. Only cowards die without a name. 214 00:20:09,440 --> 00:20:12,637 You won't find your name running after the Federation. 215 00:20:12,800 --> 00:20:16,077 Maybe not, but that's a chance I'm willing to take. 216 00:20:20,680 --> 00:20:23,752 I'll show you how to disable the weapons systems. 217 00:20:30,760 --> 00:20:35,072 - Will Razik be all right? - Don't worry. He's only stunned. 218 00:20:36,440 --> 00:20:39,273 They got those weapons back on-line quickly. 219 00:20:39,440 --> 00:20:42,000 - Computer, prepare to go to warp. - No! 220 00:20:42,160 --> 00:20:47,473 - We should try to outmanoeuvre them. - You're the boss. 221 00:20:48,760 --> 00:20:51,991 Initiate evasive pattern Theta 2. Full impulse. 222 00:20:52,160 --> 00:20:55,994 I can give you their shield frequencies. We can hit them back. 223 00:20:56,160 --> 00:21:00,916 You may want you to die violently, but I'd like to get out without bloodshed. 224 00:21:01,080 --> 00:21:05,392 - You'd rather die a wrinkled old man? - Sounds about right. 225 00:21:07,080 --> 00:21:11,790 - Computer, damage report. - Aft shields at 63%. 226 00:21:11,960 --> 00:21:15,954 We won't make it like this. Computer, scan for an M-Class atmosphere. 227 00:21:16,120 --> 00:21:20,034 There is an M-Class moon at bearing 108, mark 18. 228 00:21:20,200 --> 00:21:22,760 Distance, 1.9 million kilometres. 229 00:21:22,920 --> 00:21:26,879 That's Tarok, where the Ogla conduct training exercises. 230 00:21:27,040 --> 00:21:29,714 Anybody training there now? 231 00:21:29,880 --> 00:21:32,838 Computer, lay in a course to the moon. 232 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:36,880 Evasive pattern Omega 1, maximum impulse. 233 00:21:44,320 --> 00:21:48,029 Warning. Hull breach is imminent. 234 00:21:48,200 --> 00:21:51,192 Prepare for transport. Two to beam to the surface. 235 00:21:51,360 --> 00:21:56,036 Transport is not recommended. The moon is out of safety range. 236 00:22:09,040 --> 00:22:13,034 - The ion trail is dissipating. - All stop. 237 00:22:13,200 --> 00:22:18,593 I'm picking up debris again. More duranium, magnesite, carbon residue. 238 00:22:18,760 --> 00:22:20,876 It's the remnants of another ship. 239 00:22:22,160 --> 00:22:25,312 Engineering, prepare to receive another sample. 240 00:22:25,480 --> 00:22:28,518 - Acknowledged. - Transport under way. 241 00:22:32,120 --> 00:22:34,760 Torres to bridge. Sample received. 242 00:22:34,920 --> 00:22:37,230 Let me know when you've got something. 243 00:22:37,400 --> 00:22:42,349 I've got something right now. It's a piece of Chakotay's shuttle. 244 00:22:56,240 --> 00:22:58,197 Kar. 245 00:22:58,360 --> 00:23:00,431 It worked? 246 00:23:02,520 --> 00:23:08,436 Transport wasn't recommended. It wasn't impossible. 247 00:23:09,840 --> 00:23:14,596 I hope Razik thinks we didn't survive the explosion. 248 00:23:14,760 --> 00:23:18,196 Then maybe you'll get your name for dying in battle. 249 00:23:18,360 --> 00:23:22,433 In battle? That wasn't a battle! 250 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:28,437 We didn't even shoot back. And now I'm stranded here with you. 251 00:23:30,280 --> 00:23:35,992 Yes, you're stranded here with me, and I'm stranded here with you 252 00:23:36,160 --> 00:23:40,233 because, for some reason that escapes me, I keep saving your life. 253 00:23:40,400 --> 00:23:42,835 If you want to hate me for that, fine. 254 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:45,514 But keep it to yourself. 255 00:23:45,680 --> 00:23:48,320 - You don't... - To yourself! 256 00:23:51,920 --> 00:23:56,835 First thing we've got to do is find some shelter. Any suggestions? 257 00:24:04,040 --> 00:24:07,715 I think we're finally beginning to understand each other. 258 00:24:11,160 --> 00:24:16,030 - You don't know what you're doing. - What did I just say? 259 00:24:18,640 --> 00:24:20,631 Get down. 260 00:24:23,880 --> 00:24:27,999 - What the hell was that? - A proton beam. 261 00:24:30,200 --> 00:24:35,195 They're hidden everywhere, along with biomagnetic traps and disruptor snares. 262 00:24:35,360 --> 00:24:41,595 I told you, the Ogla train on this moon. I was here myself last year with Razik. 263 00:24:41,760 --> 00:24:45,469 - So you know your way around. - I know you're in my territory. 264 00:24:45,640 --> 00:24:50,396 If you want to live to become that wrinkled old man, do what I say. 265 00:24:51,920 --> 00:24:56,835 It looks like you just saved my life. Twice more and we'll be even. 266 00:24:58,160 --> 00:25:00,515 I analysed the shuttle debris, 267 00:25:00,680 --> 00:25:03,149 and I found no evidence of human remains. 268 00:25:03,320 --> 00:25:07,279 Then it's possible Chakotay wasn't killed in the explosion. 269 00:25:07,440 --> 00:25:09,795 That's great news. Thank you. 270 00:25:09,960 --> 00:25:16,115 My pleasure. Now, would you mind transporting this junk to the cargo bay? 271 00:25:17,920 --> 00:25:20,799 - It's cluttering up my lab. - Of course. 272 00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:25,629 If Commander Chakotay wasn't in the shuttle, where is he? 273 00:25:25,800 --> 00:25:30,476 We've been able to extrapolate his course prior to the explosion. 274 00:25:30,640 --> 00:25:33,553 He was heading for an M-Class moon in this system. 275 00:25:33,720 --> 00:25:36,394 We found residual energy displacement 276 00:25:36,560 --> 00:25:38,756 that isn't consistent with the explosion. 277 00:25:38,920 --> 00:25:40,877 He transported to that moon? 278 00:25:41,040 --> 00:25:44,351 We tried to scan, but there is radiothermic interference. 279 00:25:44,520 --> 00:25:48,559 - Radiothermic? - From subterranean energy sources, 280 00:25:48,720 --> 00:25:50,836 concealed weapons systems - 281 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:53,879 phaser banks, force fields, proton dischargers... 282 00:25:54,040 --> 00:25:58,273 Kazon. When they captured me, I saw how they concealed the weaponry. 283 00:25:58,440 --> 00:26:01,637 I believe you call them booby traps. 284 00:26:01,800 --> 00:26:04,997 Then this moon is some kind of Kazon fortification? 285 00:26:05,160 --> 00:26:07,071 Or it may be a training site. 286 00:26:07,240 --> 00:26:11,837 For the Kazon, live ammunition is a very effective teaching tool. 287 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:14,753 In the absence of evidence to the contrary, 288 00:26:14,920 --> 00:26:17,480 I believe Chakotay made it to that moon. 289 00:26:17,640 --> 00:26:21,270 Mr Kim, determine the location he would have beamed to. 290 00:26:21,440 --> 00:26:24,831 - Lieutenant, we'll lead the away team. - As you wish. 291 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:29,119 But we will not be able to communicate with the ship. 292 00:26:29,280 --> 00:26:31,874 I'm working on a dampening field. 293 00:26:32,040 --> 00:26:36,034 - It'll take several hours. - I don't wanna wait but keep trying. 294 00:26:36,200 --> 00:26:39,795 Neelix and Kes are Kazon experts. Kes, come with us. 295 00:26:39,960 --> 00:26:43,237 Neelix, you want more to do? Well, now is your chance. 296 00:26:43,400 --> 00:26:47,519 I want you on the bridge in case we run into any Kazon ships. 297 00:26:47,680 --> 00:26:53,073 Don't worry. You can count on me to keep those nefarious Kazon at bay. 298 00:26:54,400 --> 00:26:56,357 Dismissed. 299 00:27:28,640 --> 00:27:30,597 What are you doing? 300 00:27:30,760 --> 00:27:34,515 I'm setting my tricorder to emit a homing signal 301 00:27:34,680 --> 00:27:36,751 so my people will know where to look. 302 00:27:36,920 --> 00:27:42,677 - They'll think you're dead. - I'm betting they haven't given up on me. 303 00:27:42,840 --> 00:27:47,789 Maybe I should kill you and steal your technology for my people. 304 00:27:48,800 --> 00:27:53,920 - Then they'd have to give me my name. - You just won't give up, will you? 305 00:27:56,080 --> 00:27:58,276 I will earn my name, Federation. 306 00:27:58,440 --> 00:28:03,230 Not Federation. Chakotay. That's my name. 307 00:28:04,280 --> 00:28:06,271 Did you have to earn it? 308 00:28:08,360 --> 00:28:12,035 - No, not exactly. - Then your name means nothing. 309 00:28:14,360 --> 00:28:18,069 My name was a gift from my tribe. 310 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:21,631 I cherish it every day of my life. 311 00:28:23,520 --> 00:28:26,876 Just as I cherish the Federation uniform. 312 00:28:27,040 --> 00:28:29,953 I should respect you because of that uniform? 313 00:28:30,120 --> 00:28:34,273 Your name, my uniform - not much difference. 314 00:28:34,440 --> 00:28:36,909 We both have to earn them. 315 00:28:39,480 --> 00:28:41,551 What did you have to do to earn it? 316 00:28:41,720 --> 00:28:46,635 Study. Years of study. 317 00:28:46,800 --> 00:28:51,749 Learning about science and ships and navigation. 318 00:28:51,920 --> 00:28:54,514 You don't prove your battle skills? 319 00:28:54,680 --> 00:28:59,356 No. We were prepared to defend ourselves in battle. 320 00:28:59,520 --> 00:29:01,557 They prepared us very well. 321 00:29:01,720 --> 00:29:06,191 We had to pass many difficult tests before we could wear the uniform. 322 00:29:06,360 --> 00:29:10,319 You're saying that my name and your uniform mean the same thing. 323 00:29:10,480 --> 00:29:12,994 - But you're wrong. - Why? 324 00:29:13,160 --> 00:29:16,915 What's so different about us, except that I save your life 325 00:29:17,080 --> 00:29:19,390 and you threaten to kill me? 326 00:29:19,560 --> 00:29:22,393 I must protect my territory. Territory is power. 327 00:29:22,560 --> 00:29:27,634 Let me tell you, I have no interest in your territory or anybody else's. 328 00:29:29,720 --> 00:29:34,191 My people taught me a man does not own land. 329 00:29:35,240 --> 00:29:40,235 He doesn't own anything but the courage and loyalty in his heart. 330 00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:42,869 That's where my power comes from. 331 00:29:44,920 --> 00:29:47,594 I think we could use some sleep, don't you? 332 00:31:50,960 --> 00:31:54,749 Kazon raider approaching at bearing 288, mark 9. 333 00:31:54,920 --> 00:31:58,914 On screen. Open a channel. 334 00:32:00,400 --> 00:32:03,199 I'm Lieutenant Tom Paris of the starship Voyager. 335 00:32:03,360 --> 00:32:08,480 Jal Razik, first maje of the Kazon-Ogla. I will speak to your captain. 336 00:32:09,720 --> 00:32:12,189 I'm in command. You can speak to me. 337 00:32:14,840 --> 00:32:19,152 You are trespassing in Ogla space. Why do you orbit our moon? 338 00:32:20,120 --> 00:32:23,112 Just stopped to make a few repairs. 339 00:32:23,280 --> 00:32:26,716 That is a lie. You are looking for Commander Chakotay. 340 00:32:28,280 --> 00:32:32,797 - Now, how would you know about that? - Quite simply. We killed him. 341 00:32:36,200 --> 00:32:39,591 - Under what circumstances? - He kidnapped a young man. 342 00:32:39,760 --> 00:32:42,673 It became necessary to destroy his ship. 343 00:32:42,840 --> 00:32:47,676 No doubt you found the remains. So I suggest you depart immediately. 344 00:32:47,840 --> 00:32:51,356 - Thanks for the advice. - What a most unusual offer, 345 00:32:51,520 --> 00:32:53,875 a Kazon-Ogla maje 346 00:32:54,040 --> 00:32:57,510 allowing a trespasser to leave his space unharmed? 347 00:32:58,480 --> 00:33:03,111 What would the other Kazons say about this new merciful attitude? 348 00:33:03,280 --> 00:33:06,955 Don't tempt me, Talaxian. I would just as soon open fire. 349 00:33:07,120 --> 00:33:09,077 - Would you? - Neelix. 350 00:33:09,240 --> 00:33:12,358 No, I don't think so. 351 00:33:12,520 --> 00:33:18,072 That would attract every rival Kazon sect to your secret training base. 352 00:33:19,000 --> 00:33:21,674 I know your ships, Maje. 353 00:33:21,840 --> 00:33:26,550 I even sold a few Plaxan sensors to the Ogla a few years back. 354 00:33:26,720 --> 00:33:30,600 You've read the same lifesigns on that moon that we have. 355 00:33:30,760 --> 00:33:33,878 Perhaps one of those lifesigns belongs to your captain. 356 00:33:34,040 --> 00:33:37,476 If you've detected the weaponry deployed, know this - 357 00:33:37,640 --> 00:33:41,395 with one command, I can cause that weaponry to self-destruct, 358 00:33:41,560 --> 00:33:44,871 destroying the surface of the moon and everyone on it. 359 00:33:45,040 --> 00:33:47,236 Neither of us wants that, do we? 360 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:52,793 Think of the cost of replacing the weapons. Awfully hard to come by. 361 00:33:52,960 --> 00:33:55,952 And it would make you vulnerable to your enemies. 362 00:33:56,120 --> 00:33:58,873 We'll leave when we've retrieved our crewmen, 363 00:33:59,040 --> 00:34:02,351 all of them, including Chakotay, if he's alive. 364 00:34:02,520 --> 00:34:05,319 And your man will be returned to you. 365 00:34:08,280 --> 00:34:12,035 Looks like they're intending to enter the atmosphere. 366 00:34:12,200 --> 00:34:15,352 I need communication with the surface, and soon. 367 00:34:15,520 --> 00:34:18,751 I still can't get the dampening field working. 368 00:34:18,920 --> 00:34:20,718 I can't even give you an estimate. 369 00:34:20,880 --> 00:34:24,111 - Shall we take Voyager down? - I've run a soil analysis. 370 00:34:24,280 --> 00:34:26,749 The surface won't support a landing. 371 00:34:26,920 --> 00:34:30,197 The Captain will be greeted by unexpected visitors. 372 00:34:30,360 --> 00:34:33,193 At least we bought her some time. 373 00:34:46,640 --> 00:34:48,756 Good morning. 374 00:34:48,920 --> 00:34:51,275 - How did you sleep? - Fine. 375 00:34:51,440 --> 00:34:53,397 Really? 376 00:34:53,560 --> 00:34:57,554 - You seemed a little restless to me. - What do you mean? 377 00:34:57,720 --> 00:35:01,600 - Skulking around, throwing things. - You were awake? 378 00:35:01,760 --> 00:35:05,640 You think I'd sleep around an Ogla warrior who wants to kill me? 379 00:35:06,880 --> 00:35:09,235 Why didn't you go through with it? 380 00:35:10,640 --> 00:35:12,995 - I am a coward. - I don't believe that. 381 00:35:13,160 --> 00:35:15,515 I don't believe you do either. 382 00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:18,991 Maybe you're beginning to realise I'm not your enemy, 383 00:35:19,160 --> 00:35:21,117 and only a fool would kill a friend. 384 00:35:21,280 --> 00:35:25,194 If you are my friend, then you're my only one. 385 00:35:28,680 --> 00:35:31,320 What happens to me now? Where do I go? 386 00:35:31,480 --> 00:35:33,869 Would any other Kazon sect accept you? 387 00:35:34,040 --> 00:35:36,554 I would be a govern, an outcast. 388 00:35:36,720 --> 00:35:41,476 Each Kazon sect I meet would cut one digit off, send me away. 389 00:35:42,400 --> 00:35:45,597 - How many Kazon sects are there? - Changes every day. 390 00:35:45,760 --> 00:35:49,879 - Yesterday there were 18. - You could come with us. 391 00:35:50,040 --> 00:35:53,715 - To dress in a uniform? - You wouldn't have to wear a uniform. 392 00:35:53,880 --> 00:35:58,351 And the closer you get to your home, the farther I would be from mine. 393 00:36:00,600 --> 00:36:03,114 If only you had killed me. 394 00:36:09,720 --> 00:36:13,350 Captain, four life-forms approaching. 40 metres. 395 00:36:13,520 --> 00:36:15,750 They appear to be Kazon. 396 00:36:18,720 --> 00:36:21,439 Put your weapons away. We've come to help. 397 00:36:21,600 --> 00:36:23,557 Help us? With what? 398 00:36:23,720 --> 00:36:27,429 We learned of the plight of your missing crewman. 399 00:36:27,600 --> 00:36:30,672 We've come to offer our assistance in finding him. 400 00:36:30,840 --> 00:36:34,595 - That's very kind of you. - You're on dangerous ground. 401 00:36:34,760 --> 00:36:37,434 There are concealed weapons everywhere. 402 00:36:37,600 --> 00:36:40,274 We will lead you through them. 403 00:36:41,600 --> 00:36:43,796 Very well. 404 00:36:52,880 --> 00:36:56,589 Tell me about the other uniforms, the ones the Kazon fought. 405 00:36:56,760 --> 00:37:02,312 The Trabe. The Kazon shared their homeworld, if you can call it sharing. 406 00:37:02,480 --> 00:37:04,756 They had everything, we had nothing, 407 00:37:04,920 --> 00:37:08,754 until we took it from them in the revolt 26 years ago. 408 00:37:10,040 --> 00:37:11,997 What is it? 409 00:37:12,160 --> 00:37:15,755 People coming this way, humans and Kazon. 410 00:37:15,920 --> 00:37:17,911 What are we going to do? 411 00:37:18,080 --> 00:37:21,391 The only way back to the Ogla for you is earning your name. 412 00:37:23,080 --> 00:37:26,630 - So that's what you'll have to do. - But how? 413 00:37:28,240 --> 00:37:30,436 You're gonna have to kill me. 414 00:37:36,760 --> 00:37:40,276 The signal seems to be coming from some caves 40 metres ahead. 415 00:37:40,440 --> 00:37:44,752 Your technology amazes us. It would have taken us weeks to track them. 416 00:37:44,920 --> 00:37:49,278 - We'll have to discuss an alliance. - I would welcome your friendship. 417 00:37:49,440 --> 00:37:53,434 I'm reading elevated radiothermic levels here. 418 00:37:53,600 --> 00:37:57,070 The Ocampa female is correct. This is a dangerous place. 419 00:37:57,240 --> 00:38:01,279 We lose many trainees here. Perhaps we should proceed alone. 420 00:38:01,440 --> 00:38:05,434 - They can't be far now. - Thanks, but we'll stick together. 421 00:38:05,600 --> 00:38:08,274 - Voyager to away team. - We're here. 422 00:38:08,440 --> 00:38:12,035 Captain, are you all right? We had a run-in... 423 00:38:12,200 --> 00:38:14,874 We have the assistance of the Ogla. 424 00:38:15,880 --> 00:38:18,235 I was gonna tell you to expect that. 425 00:38:18,400 --> 00:38:22,109 - Lock onto Commander Chakotay. - Stand by. 426 00:38:22,280 --> 00:38:26,319 - Voyager to Chakotay. Do you read? - I'm fine, Paris. 427 00:38:26,480 --> 00:38:30,633 - Stand by for us to beam you out. - Belay that, Voyager. Stand by. 428 00:38:30,800 --> 00:38:34,953 - The away team's 50 metres away. - Right, but don't... 429 00:38:35,120 --> 00:38:39,079 Alert sickbay to prepare for a Code White resuscitation. 430 00:38:39,240 --> 00:38:41,470 - Did you say Code White? - Correct. 431 00:38:41,640 --> 00:38:44,917 I don't have time to explain now. Chakotay out. 432 00:38:46,320 --> 00:38:50,439 It's OK. They can revive me even if I'm brain dead for two minutes. 433 00:38:50,600 --> 00:38:52,989 Why are you doing this? 434 00:38:53,160 --> 00:38:57,757 It's my fault you don't have your name. I can't leave you behind like this. 435 00:39:00,720 --> 00:39:03,758 - Chakotay to away team. - Good to hear your voice. 436 00:39:03,920 --> 00:39:07,709 Proceed with caution. I've been taken prisoner by a young Kazon. 437 00:39:07,880 --> 00:39:10,156 He's threatening to kill me. 438 00:39:13,600 --> 00:39:16,672 - This way. It's safer. - I would beg to differ. 439 00:39:16,840 --> 00:39:21,073 Based on these readings, that way would seem the logical choice. 440 00:39:21,240 --> 00:39:24,870 I apologise for my comrade. He's trying to mislead you. 441 00:39:32,040 --> 00:39:34,839 So, your technology is not always an ally. 442 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:37,310 Sometimes it betrays you. Pity. 443 00:39:37,480 --> 00:39:42,111 I'm afraid you would not score well in our training exercises. 444 00:39:48,280 --> 00:39:53,798 - Away team to Voyager. - That panel is a micro-generator. 445 00:39:53,960 --> 00:39:59,672 - We could disable it. - We could remodulate the phasers. 446 00:39:59,840 --> 00:40:01,797 Make it fast. 447 00:40:08,560 --> 00:40:10,836 I've been waiting for you, Razik. 448 00:40:11,960 --> 00:40:15,316 So, the Federation commander is your prisoner. 449 00:40:15,480 --> 00:40:20,873 - I only came with him so I could kill him. - So you could earn your name. 450 00:40:21,040 --> 00:40:25,238 That's what I've been hoping for, Razik. But you taught me well. 451 00:40:25,400 --> 00:40:29,633 I know what you're going to say. You've said it so many times before. 452 00:40:29,800 --> 00:40:32,314 "In battle, there are no second chances.” 453 00:40:38,200 --> 00:40:41,238 But you are not my enemy. He is. 454 00:40:46,160 --> 00:40:48,720 My name is Jal Karden, Kazon-Ogla. 455 00:40:54,000 --> 00:40:58,437 You are first maje now, Haliz. My life is yours. 456 00:41:05,040 --> 00:41:07,031 Kill me if you wish. 457 00:41:07,200 --> 00:41:12,036 Or let me live and I will follow you into battle whenever you command. 458 00:41:19,080 --> 00:41:20,832 Jal Karden. 459 00:41:23,720 --> 00:41:27,270 Kazon-Ogla. 460 00:41:31,240 --> 00:41:33,880 The Federation does not belong here. 461 00:41:34,040 --> 00:41:36,634 If we meet again, I will kill you. 462 00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:40,389 I understand. 463 00:41:46,960 --> 00:41:49,634 Janeway to Voyager. Five to beam up. 464 00:42:17,760 --> 00:42:19,717 A-koo-chee-moya. 465 00:42:21,000 --> 00:42:26,313 I pray on this day of memories to speak to my father, 466 00:42:26,480 --> 00:42:28,949 the one whom the wind called Kolopak. 467 00:42:29,760 --> 00:42:33,435 Father, if you can hear me among these unnamed stars, 468 00:42:33,600 --> 00:42:36,877 I ask you to continue to watch over me as you've always done. 469 00:42:37,040 --> 00:42:42,194 I ask you also to watch over a boy called Karden, 470 00:42:42,360 --> 00:42:44,920 who has a difficult path to travel. 471 00:42:46,160 --> 00:42:48,197 A-koo-chee-moya.