1 00:00:44,183 --> 00:00:46,726 Greetings, my friend. 2 00:00:46,852 --> 00:00:50,062 You are interested in the unknown... 3 00:00:50,187 --> 00:00:53,774 the mysterious, the unexplainable. 4 00:00:53,899 --> 00:00:56,735 That is why you are here. 5 00:00:56,860 --> 00:00:59,070 And now, for the first time... 6 00:00:59,195 --> 00:01:02,656 we are bringing you the full story ofwhat happened. 7 00:01:02,781 --> 00:01:05,450 We are giving you all the evidence... 8 00:01:05,534 --> 00:01:08,828 based only on the secret testimony of the miserable souls... 9 00:01:08,953 --> 00:01:12,498 who survived this terrifying ordeal. 10 00:01:12,623 --> 00:01:15,500 The incidents, places- 11 00:01:15,626 --> 00:01:19,170 My friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. 12 00:01:19,294 --> 00:01:22,256 Can your heart stand the shocking facts... 13 00:01:22,381 --> 00:01:24,257 of the true story... 14 00:01:24,383 --> 00:01:27,510 of Edward D. Wood, Jr.?. 15 00:05:12,735 --> 00:05:16,114 It's 8: 15. We can't hold the curtain any longer. 16 00:05:16,239 --> 00:05:19,366 Cripes, what am I gonna tell the cast?. It's press night and there's no press! 17 00:05:20,909 --> 00:05:24,120 - Do you believe in ghosts?. - Nah, Tommy. 18 00:05:24,244 --> 00:05:26,121 That's just kiddie spook stories. 19 00:05:26,246 --> 00:05:30,208 Onceyou're dead, you stay dead. 20 00:05:30,334 --> 00:05:32,209 I don't kknow, Bill. 21 00:05:32,335 --> 00:05:36,130 Out on that battlefield today, I saw this woman dressed in white... 22 00:05:36,255 --> 00:05:38,798 floating above the dunes. 23 00:05:38,924 --> 00:05:43,302 Maybe it was just fatigue or maybe it's the indignities ofwar. 24 00:05:43,427 --> 00:05:45,470 Ormaybe it's somethin'else. 25 00:05:48,723 --> 00:05:51,601 Hey, I think I see somethin'. 26 00:05:57,731 --> 00:06:01,692 I offeryou mortals the bird of peace... 27 00:06:01,817 --> 00:06:04,361 so that you may change your ways... 28 00:06:04,486 --> 00:06:06,863 and end this destruction. 29 00:06:13,827 --> 00:06:15,870 What a show! Evetyone was terrifiic. 30 00:06:15,996 --> 00:06:18,873 Paul, your second act monologue actually gave me the chills. 31 00:06:18,998 --> 00:06:22,000 - Oh, thanks, Eddie. - I got the early edition, hot off the presses! 32 00:06:22,126 --> 00:06:24,002 This is the big moment. 33 00:06:34,344 --> 00:06:37,388 Oh, what does that old queen know?. 34 00:06:37,513 --> 00:06:39,390 She didn't even show. 35 00:06:42,017 --> 00:06:44,561 Sent her copy boy to do the dirty work. 36 00:06:44,686 --> 00:06:50,399 - Sc-rew you, Miss Crowley. - Do I really have a face like a horse?. 37 00:06:50,524 --> 00:06:52,651 What does "ostentatious" mean?. 38 00:06:52,775 --> 00:06:55,236 Hey, it's not that bad. You can't concentrate on the negative. 39 00:06:55,361 --> 00:06:57,488 Look, he's got some nice things to say here. 40 00:06:57,613 --> 00:07:00,324 "The soldiers' costumes are very realistic. " That's positive! 41 00:07:00,449 --> 00:07:03,826 - Rave of the century. - Well, I've seen a lot worse reviews. 42 00:07:03,952 --> 00:07:06,995 I've seen reviews where they didn't even mention the costumes. 43 00:07:07,120 --> 00:07:09,998 Like that last Francis the Mule picture. It got terrible notices. 44 00:07:10,123 --> 00:07:12,000 - Huge hit! - Lines around the block. 45 00:07:12,125 --> 00:07:15,836 That's right. Don't take it too seriously. We're all doing great work. 46 00:07:15,961 --> 00:07:18,213 - Do you really think so?. - Absolutely. 47 00:07:18,338 --> 00:07:22,174 Honey, what if I'm wrong?. 48 00:07:22,300 --> 00:07:26,511 - What if I just don't got it?. - Ed, it was only one review. 49 00:07:26,636 --> 00:07:30,348 Orson Welles was only 26 when he made Citizen Kane. 50 00:07:30,473 --> 00:07:32,350 I'm already 30. 51 00:07:33,642 --> 00:07:36,020 Ed, you're still young. 52 00:07:36,144 --> 00:07:38,896 This is the time in your life when you're supposed to be struggling. 53 00:07:39,022 --> 00:07:43,150 I know. But I'm scared it's not going to get any better than this. 54 00:07:46,319 --> 00:07:50,031 Oh, I hate having to wake up this early. 55 00:07:56,286 --> 00:07:58,705 Gosh, where's my pink sweater?. 56 00:08:00,164 --> 00:08:02,833 I can never seem to find my clothes any more. 57 00:08:08,963 --> 00:08:13,008 Hey, big shot! Get offyour ass and get this over to the executive building. 58 00:08:13,133 --> 00:08:17,345 - Sure thing, Mr Kravitz. - Hey, Charlie, come here. 59 00:08:17,470 --> 00:08:20,681 What did I tell ya about watering these plants, eh?. I want some water on 'em! 60 00:08:20,806 --> 00:08:23,517 Don't sprinkle the damn things! Soak 'em! 61 00:08:33,024 --> 00:08:35,026 Hi. 62 00:08:35,151 --> 00:08:38,111 All right, people, settle. And... action! 63 00:08:47,828 --> 00:08:50,538 Wow! Look at these camels! 64 00:08:50,663 --> 00:08:52,540 These are real camels! 65 00:08:53,999 --> 00:08:57,211 - Gosh, where'd they get real camels?. - Hey, you! 66 00:08:57,336 --> 00:08:59,880 Move it outta here, huh?. 67 00:09:04,425 --> 00:09:09,304 Hey, Eddie! Come in here. I got some great new stuff to show you. 68 00:09:20,271 --> 00:09:22,648 This is fantastic. What are you gonna do with it?. 69 00:09:22,773 --> 00:09:26,693 - Probably file it away and never see it again. - Ah, it's such a waste. 70 00:09:30,488 --> 00:09:33,740 Why, if I had half the chance, I could make an entire movie using this stock footage. 71 00:09:36,952 --> 00:09:40,496 The story opens on these mysterious explosions. 72 00:09:40,621 --> 00:09:43,665 Nobody knows what's causing them, but it's upsetting all the buffalo. 73 00:09:43,790 --> 00:09:46,668 So the military are called in to solve the mystery. 74 00:09:46,793 --> 00:09:50,671 - You forgot the octopus. - No, no. I'm saving that for my big underwater climax. 75 00:09:52,798 --> 00:09:56,842 Hello. 76 00:09:56,968 --> 00:09:59,845 They say he was a girl trapped in a man's body. 77 00:09:59,970 --> 00:10:03,682 - I bet it hurt when they cut his thing off. - Ugh! 78 00:10:03,806 --> 00:10:05,683 What are you ladies gabbin' about?. 79 00:10:05,808 --> 00:10:10,020 You know that Christine Jorgensen freak?. He- She- It's in Variety. 80 00:10:10,145 --> 00:10:12,647 Some producer's makin' a biopic. 81 00:10:13,815 --> 00:10:16,317 Really?. I didn't read that story. 82 00:10:18,652 --> 00:10:21,863 Yes, I've got Mr Edward Wood on the line. 83 00:10:21,988 --> 00:10:23,865 Could you please hold?. 84 00:10:25,991 --> 00:10:29,203 Mr Weiss?. Ed Wood here. 85 00:10:29,328 --> 00:10:33,539 Listen, I heard about your new project and I was curious ifyou'd signed a directoryet. 86 00:10:33,665 --> 00:10:35,541 Oh, you haven't! 87 00:10:35,666 --> 00:10:38,043 Well, ifwe could get together, I could explain to you... 88 00:10:38,168 --> 00:10:42,046 why I'm more qualified to direct this than anyone else in town. 89 00:10:43,381 --> 00:10:47,051 Well, I'd rather not go into that over the phone. 90 00:10:47,175 --> 00:10:49,302 All right. Great! 91 00:10:49,427 --> 00:10:52,180 I'll see you then. Bye! 92 00:10:52,305 --> 00:10:54,389 Eddie, I don't understand. 93 00:10:54,515 --> 00:10:57,850 Why are you the most qualified director for the Christine Jorgensen story?. 94 00:10:57,976 --> 00:11:00,561 Oh, it's just hogwash, hon. I had to get into the door somehow. 95 00:11:21,787 --> 00:11:23,663 No, I loveyou likke a brother. 96 00:11:23,789 --> 00:11:27,124 No, no, no. No, no, no. That's a fialsehood! 97 00:11:28,959 --> 00:11:30,878 Come in! 98 00:11:31,003 --> 00:11:36,382 Look, when I said you could have the western territories, I didn't mean all 11 states! 99 00:11:36,508 --> 00:11:40,260 I meant California, Oregon, and what's that one on top?. 100 00:11:40,385 --> 00:11:42,262 Washington, yeah, yeah! 101 00:11:42,387 --> 00:11:44,556 W- Oh, really?. 102 00:11:44,680 --> 00:11:46,599 Well, screw you! 103 00:11:46,724 --> 00:11:49,476 Hi. Can I help you?. 104 00:11:49,602 --> 00:11:52,603 Yes. I'm Ed Wood. I'm here about directing the Christine Jorgensen picture. 105 00:11:52,729 --> 00:11:55,397 Well, a couple of things have changed. 106 00:11:55,481 --> 00:11:57,899 It ain't gonna be the Christine Jorgensen story no more. 107 00:11:58,025 --> 00:12:01,194 Goddam Variety had to print the story before I got the rights. 108 00:12:01,320 --> 00:12:03,822 - Now that bitch is asking for the sky. - Ah, you're not gonna make the movie. 109 00:12:03,947 --> 00:12:09,159 No, of course I'm gonna make the picture. I already presold Alabama and Oklahoma. 110 00:12:09,285 --> 00:12:12,453 Those repressed Okies, they go for that twisted, perverted stuff. 111 00:12:12,579 --> 00:12:15,456 We'll just do it without the she-male. We'll fictionalize it. 112 00:12:15,580 --> 00:12:19,835 - Is there a script?. - Fuck no. But, there's a poster. 113 00:12:22,462 --> 00:12:25,380 It opens in nine weeks in Tulsa. 114 00:12:25,505 --> 00:12:27,841 Well, Mr Weiss, look no further. I'm your man. 115 00:12:27,966 --> 00:12:31,844 I work fast and I'm a deal. I write and direct. And I'm good. 116 00:12:31,969 --> 00:12:35,723 I just did a play in Hollywood and Victor Crowley himself praised its realism. 117 00:12:35,848 --> 00:12:38,683 There's about 500 guys in this town that can say the same thing. 118 00:12:38,808 --> 00:12:42,186 On the phone you said you had some special qualifications?. 119 00:12:47,649 --> 00:12:49,525 Mr Weiss... 120 00:12:50,651 --> 00:12:52,945 I have never told anyone... 121 00:12:53,070 --> 00:12:55,197 what I'm about to tell you. 122 00:12:55,322 --> 00:12:57,699 But I really want this job. 123 00:13:00,826 --> 00:13:03,204 I like to dress in women's clothing. 124 00:13:04,329 --> 00:13:06,623 You're a fruit?. 125 00:13:06,748 --> 00:13:11,043 No, not at all. I love women. Wearing their clothes makes me feel closer to them. 126 00:13:11,168 --> 00:13:14,962 - You're not a fruit. - No, I'm all man. I even fought in W.W.. Two. 127 00:13:15,088 --> 00:13:18,174 Of course, I was wearing women's undergarments under my uniform. 128 00:13:18,299 --> 00:13:20,843 Ya got to be kidding me. 129 00:13:20,968 --> 00:13:23,803 Confidentially, I even paratrooped wearing a brassiere and panties. 130 00:13:23,928 --> 00:13:26,806 I tell ya, I wasn't scared of being killed, but I was terrified of getting wounded... 131 00:13:26,931 --> 00:13:29,642 and having the medics discover my secret. 132 00:13:29,767 --> 00:13:33,561 - So you think this qualifies you to make my movie?. - Yes! 133 00:13:33,686 --> 00:13:36,647 I know what it's like to live with a secret... 134 00:13:36,773 --> 00:13:40,150 and worry about what people are gonna think ofya. 135 00:13:40,275 --> 00:13:43,361 My girlfriend still doesn't know why her sweaters are always stretched out. 136 00:13:44,945 --> 00:13:48,531 Ed, you seem like a nice kid. Look around you. 137 00:13:48,657 --> 00:13:52,243 I don't hire directors with burning desires to tell their stories. 138 00:13:52,368 --> 00:13:54,328 I make movies like Chained Girls. 139 00:13:54,454 --> 00:13:58,165 I need someone with experience who can shoot a film in four days and make me a profit. 140 00:13:58,289 --> 00:14:00,834 I'm sorty. That's all that matters. 141 00:14:04,337 --> 00:14:06,797 Can I get you anything else, kid?. 142 00:14:55,962 --> 00:14:59,381 Too constrictive! I can't even fold my arms. 143 00:14:59,506 --> 00:15:01,759 Gee, Mr Lugosi, I've never had any complaints. 144 00:15:01,883 --> 00:15:05,095 This is the most uncomfortable coffin I've ever been in. 145 00:15:05,220 --> 00:15:08,890 Your selection is quite shoddy. You're wasting my time! 146 00:15:10,891 --> 00:15:13,935 - Mr Lugosi?. - I told you I don't want any ofyour goddam coffins! 147 00:15:14,060 --> 00:15:16,437 No, no! I don't work here. 148 00:15:16,562 --> 00:15:19,606 - Then who are you?. What do you want?. - I don't want anything. 149 00:15:19,731 --> 00:15:24,652 I'm just a really big, big fan. I've seen all your movies. 150 00:15:27,738 --> 00:15:31,449 -Mr Lugosi, why are you buying a coffin?. -I'm planning on dying soon. 151 00:15:31,574 --> 00:15:35,286 - No! - Yes! I'm embarking on another bus and truck tour of Dracula. 152 00:15:35,411 --> 00:15:38,288 Twelve cities in ten days, if that's conceivable. 153 00:15:38,413 --> 00:15:41,958 Do you know that I saw you perform Dracula in Poughkeepsie in 1938?. 154 00:15:42,083 --> 00:15:46,461 - That was a terrible production. Renfield was a drunk! - I thought it was great. 155 00:15:46,587 --> 00:15:49,964 You know, you're much scarier in real life than you are in the movie. 156 00:15:50,090 --> 00:15:51,966 Thankyou. 157 00:15:52,091 --> 00:15:54,635 I even waited outside to get your autograph, but you never came out. 158 00:15:54,760 --> 00:15:57,804 Well, I apologize. When I play Dracula, I put myself into a trance. 159 00:15:57,929 --> 00:16:00,306 It takes me much time to reemerge. 160 00:16:01,724 --> 00:16:05,102 Oh, there's my bus. Shit, where is my transfer?. 161 00:16:05,227 --> 00:16:08,105 - Say, don't you have a car?. - I refuse to drive in this country. 162 00:16:08,229 --> 00:16:10,105 Too many madmen. 163 00:16:11,065 --> 00:16:13,401 I've got a car. 164 00:16:18,904 --> 00:16:22,116 Boy, Mr Lugosi, you must lead such an exciting life. 165 00:16:22,241 --> 00:16:26,620 - When is your next picture coming out?. - I have no next picture. 166 00:16:26,745 --> 00:16:30,956 You gotta be jokin'. A great star like you, you must have dozens of'em lined up. 167 00:16:31,082 --> 00:16:33,458 Back in the old days, yes. 168 00:16:33,584 --> 00:16:36,503 But now, no one gives two fucks for Bela. 169 00:16:36,627 --> 00:16:39,797 - But you're a big star. - No more. 170 00:16:39,922 --> 00:16:41,965 I haven't worked in four years. 171 00:16:43,592 --> 00:16:47,720 This business, this town, it chews you up, then spits you out. 172 00:16:47,845 --> 00:16:52,266 I'm just an ex-bogeyman. Make a right. 173 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:08,904 They don't want the classic horror films any more. 174 00:17:10,114 --> 00:17:13,408 Today, it's all giant bugs. 175 00:17:13,533 --> 00:17:16,202 Giant spiders, giant grasshoppers. 176 00:17:16,327 --> 00:17:18,203 Who would believe such nonsense?. 177 00:17:18,328 --> 00:17:22,581 The old ones were much spookier; they had castles and full moons. 178 00:17:22,707 --> 00:17:24,583 They were mythic. 179 00:17:24,708 --> 00:17:27,085 - They had a poetry to them. - Yes. 180 00:17:27,210 --> 00:17:30,088 And you know what else?. The women- 181 00:17:30,213 --> 00:17:34,258 The women prefer the traditional monsters. 182 00:17:34,383 --> 00:17:36,260 The women. Huh. 183 00:17:36,385 --> 00:17:40,513 The pure horror, it both repels and attracts them. 184 00:17:40,638 --> 00:17:43,349 Because in their collective unconsciousness... 185 00:17:43,474 --> 00:17:45,767 they have the agony of childbirth. 186 00:17:45,892 --> 00:17:49,604 The blood- The blood is horror. 187 00:17:51,147 --> 00:17:53,023 You know, I never thought of that. 188 00:17:55,150 --> 00:17:57,027 Take my word for it. 189 00:17:57,151 --> 00:17:59,820 Ifyou want to make out with a young lady... 190 00:17:59,904 --> 00:18:04,700 you take her to see Dracula. 191 00:18:10,496 --> 00:18:12,372 Eh, what a mess. 192 00:18:12,497 --> 00:18:15,375 My wife of 20 years left me last month. 193 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:17,877 I'm not much of a housekeeper. 194 00:18:18,002 --> 00:18:22,005 - All right, I'm coming. I'll feed you, my darlings. - I'd better get going. 195 00:18:22,130 --> 00:18:25,717 But perhaps we could get together again some time, Mr Lugosi. 196 00:18:26,843 --> 00:18:28,719 Certainly. 197 00:18:28,845 --> 00:18:33,431 But now, the children of the night are calling me. 198 00:18:33,556 --> 00:18:36,350 Uh- 199 00:18:36,476 --> 00:18:38,352 - Good day. - Good day. 200 00:18:41,897 --> 00:18:44,899 Sweetie, you won't believe it. I've got incredible news. 201 00:18:45,024 --> 00:18:47,734 - You got the job! - No, I didn't get the job. 202 00:18:47,860 --> 00:18:51,362 - But something better happened. - Better than not getting the job. 203 00:18:51,488 --> 00:18:54,240 Yes! I met a movie star. 204 00:18:54,365 --> 00:18:58,076 - Somebody really big. - Who?. Robert Taylor?. 205 00:18:58,201 --> 00:19:01,287 No. A horror movie star. 206 00:19:01,413 --> 00:19:03,706 - Boris Karloff?. - Close. 207 00:19:03,831 --> 00:19:06,375 The other one. 208 00:19:06,500 --> 00:19:09,378 You met... Basil Rathbone! 209 00:19:09,503 --> 00:19:12,713 Oh, to heck with you. I met Bela Lugosi. 210 00:19:12,839 --> 00:19:17,217 - Why, I thought he was dead. - No, he's very much alive. 211 00:19:17,342 --> 00:19:18,718 Well... 212 00:19:18,843 --> 00:19:20,887 sort of. 213 00:19:21,012 --> 00:19:25,266 He's old and frail, but he's still Bela Lugosi and he's really nice. 214 00:19:25,391 --> 00:19:28,977 - I can't even remember the last time I saw him in a picture. - It's a shame. 215 00:19:29,101 --> 00:19:31,479 He's such a great actor and no one uses him any more. 216 00:19:31,604 --> 00:19:34,397 -So, did you get his autograph?. -No, it wasn't like that at all. 217 00:19:34,523 --> 00:19:38,818 It was just the two of us and we were talking. He treated me like a friend. 218 00:19:38,943 --> 00:19:41,320 - Yeah, well, he's a bum. - No, he's not. 219 00:19:41,445 --> 00:19:43,948 Do you have any idea how much money he made for this studio?. 220 00:19:44,073 --> 00:19:45,948 Dracula, The Blackk Cat, The Raven. 221 00:19:46,074 --> 00:19:48,243 Yeah?. Well, now he's a junkie. He don't deserve to work. 222 00:19:48,368 --> 00:19:52,245 - That is not true! - He's so great, you hire him. 223 00:19:52,371 --> 00:19:55,790 Yeah, well, I would if I could. 224 00:19:56,958 --> 00:20:00,795 - Trickk ortreat! - The house lookks likke they have lots ofikkids. 225 00:20:25,481 --> 00:20:28,859 Ooh, those eyes. He gives me the willies. 226 00:20:28,984 --> 00:20:31,861 Uh, I hate it when she interrupts the picture. 227 00:20:31,986 --> 00:20:34,864 She doesn't show 'em the proper respect. 228 00:20:34,989 --> 00:20:36,866 I think she's a honey. 229 00:20:38,408 --> 00:20:40,452 Look at those jugs. 230 00:20:40,577 --> 00:20:42,954 But he stood me up at the restaurant. 231 00:20:43,079 --> 00:20:45,205 I guess I shouldn't have picked a steakk house. 232 00:20:47,291 --> 00:20:50,210 And then I went out with the WolfiMan. Ugh! What an evening. 233 00:20:50,335 --> 00:20:54,797 - I didn't kknow whether to kkiss him good night- - Vampira... 234 00:20:54,921 --> 00:20:59,467 you will come under my spell. 235 00:20:59,592 --> 00:21:03,179 You will be my slave of love. 236 00:21:03,304 --> 00:21:06,098 My gosh, Bela! How do you do that?. 237 00:21:06,223 --> 00:21:09,225 You must be double-jointed. 238 00:21:09,350 --> 00:21:11,727 And you must be Hungarian. 239 00:21:13,687 --> 00:21:16,899 Vampira, look at me. 240 00:21:17,023 --> 00:21:20,276 Look into my eyes. 241 00:21:20,401 --> 00:21:22,820 You're watching our Halloween movie, White Zombie... 242 00:21:22,945 --> 00:21:26,072 starring Bela Lugosi, John Harron, Madge Bellamy... 243 00:21:26,197 --> 00:21:28,699 and a bunch of other people I've never heard of. 244 00:21:33,537 --> 00:21:36,581 I'm very tired. 245 00:21:36,706 --> 00:21:39,583 I need to take my medicine. 246 00:21:39,709 --> 00:21:42,085 - Do you want me to get it foryou?. - No. 247 00:21:42,211 --> 00:21:44,420 Thankyou, Eddie. I'll be all right. 248 00:22:13,528 --> 00:22:16,405 Oh, shit. 249 00:22:31,209 --> 00:22:33,753 I feel much better! 250 00:22:33,878 --> 00:22:37,089 Children! I love children! 251 00:22:42,885 --> 00:22:46,180 Trick or treat! 252 00:22:47,555 --> 00:22:50,475 Aren't you scared, little boy?. 253 00:22:50,600 --> 00:22:54,103 I'm going to drink your blood. 254 00:22:54,228 --> 00:22:56,145 You're not a real vampire. 255 00:22:56,271 --> 00:22:59,148 Those teeth don't firighten me. 256 00:23:01,234 --> 00:23:03,235 How about these?. 257 00:23:04,903 --> 00:23:08,281 Hey, how'd you do that?. 258 00:23:08,406 --> 00:23:12,409 Dentures. Lost my pearlies in the war. 259 00:23:12,618 --> 00:23:16,871 So, what was the important newsyou couldn't tell me on the phone, again? 260 00:23:16,996 --> 00:23:20,708 I started thinking about what you were saying about how your movies need to make a profit. 261 00:23:20,832 --> 00:23:24,669 What is the one thing, ifyou put it in a movie, it'll be successful?. 262 00:23:24,794 --> 00:23:27,380 - Tits. - No, better than that. A star. 263 00:23:27,505 --> 00:23:30,715 Kid, you must have me confused with David Selznick. 264 00:23:30,841 --> 00:23:33,217 I don't make major motion pictures; I make crap. 265 00:23:33,343 --> 00:23:36,971 Yes! But ifyou take that crap and put a star in it, then you've got something. 266 00:23:37,096 --> 00:23:39,974 - Yeah. Crap with a star. - No, something better! 267 00:23:40,099 --> 00:23:41,975 Something impressive. 268 00:23:42,100 --> 00:23:45,144 Maybe the biggest money-maker you've ever had. 269 00:23:45,269 --> 00:23:47,230 Fine, all right. 270 00:23:47,354 --> 00:23:49,732 You may be right, but it doesn't frickin' matter. 271 00:23:49,857 --> 00:23:52,317 I can't afford a star, so what are we even talkin' about?. 272 00:23:52,442 --> 00:23:55,987 All right. What if I told you you could have a star for $1,000?. 273 00:23:56,112 --> 00:23:57,988 Who?. 274 00:24:03,076 --> 00:24:05,828 - Lugosi? - Yes! Lugosi! 275 00:24:05,952 --> 00:24:09,331 - Isn't he dead?. - No, he's not dead. He lives in Baldwin Hills. 276 00:24:09,456 --> 00:24:12,124 I met him recently and he really wants to be in our movie. 277 00:24:12,249 --> 00:24:15,336 Why would Lugosi want to do a sex change flick?. 278 00:24:15,461 --> 00:24:17,796 Because he's my friend! 279 00:24:20,298 --> 00:24:22,383 All right, fine! You can direct it. 280 00:24:22,508 --> 00:24:26,011 I want a script in three days. We start shooting a weekk firom Monday. 281 00:24:26,136 --> 00:24:31,516 Mr Weiss, thank you so much. You won't regret it. I won't let you down. 282 00:24:35,102 --> 00:24:38,438 But Bunny, you're perfect for this job. You know these people. 283 00:24:38,563 --> 00:24:41,857 I need all the transsexuals and transvestites I can get. 284 00:24:41,983 --> 00:24:44,526 No, I don't care if they're not actors. I want realism! 285 00:24:44,651 --> 00:24:47,320 I want this film to tell the truth. 286 00:24:47,446 --> 00:24:49,321 Coming! 287 00:24:49,446 --> 00:24:53,033 I've waited all my life for this shot, and I'm not gonna blow it. 288 00:24:53,158 --> 00:24:56,786 - Eddie, you got a new movie for me, eh?. - Yes! 289 00:24:56,911 --> 00:25:00,331 It's gonna be a great picture and you'll love your character. Have a seat. 290 00:25:02,291 --> 00:25:06,419 Listen, Bunny?. Bela's here. I gotta go. 291 00:25:06,544 --> 00:25:09,838 Listen, hit the bars, work some parties, and get me transvestites! 292 00:25:09,963 --> 00:25:13,341 I need transvestites! All right. Bye. 293 00:25:15,468 --> 00:25:18,553 Eddie, what kind of a movie is this?. 294 00:25:19,972 --> 00:25:22,683 Well, it's about how people have two personalities: 295 00:25:22,808 --> 00:25:26,185 the side they show to the world, and then the secret person they hide inside. 296 00:25:26,311 --> 00:25:30,689 Like Jekyll and Hyde. I've always wanted to play Jekyll and Hyde. 297 00:25:30,814 --> 00:25:33,566 I'm looking forward to this production. 298 00:25:33,691 --> 00:25:35,860 Well, your part's a little different. 299 00:25:35,985 --> 00:25:39,530 You're like the god that looks over all the characters and oversees everything. 300 00:25:39,655 --> 00:25:42,032 I don't understand. 301 00:25:42,157 --> 00:25:44,826 You control everyone's fate. You're like the puppetmaster. 302 00:25:46,827 --> 00:25:51,372 - Ah, so I pull the strings! - Yes, you pull the strings. 303 00:25:51,497 --> 00:25:55,209 "Pull the strings. " I like that! 304 00:26:00,338 --> 00:26:02,131 Honey! 305 00:26:02,256 --> 00:26:04,633 I got a little surprise foryou. 306 00:26:04,758 --> 00:26:06,802 Wipe offyour hands. 307 00:26:08,553 --> 00:26:11,722 - I finished my script. - Oh! 308 00:26:11,847 --> 00:26:14,224 Ed, I'm so proud ofyou! 309 00:26:16,602 --> 00:26:18,811 I'll read it as soon as I get home. 310 00:26:18,936 --> 00:26:21,647 Well, I'd really like to know what you think. 311 00:26:21,772 --> 00:26:24,983 Why don't you go in the bedroom and take a look?. I'll wait. 312 00:26:25,775 --> 00:26:27,986 Go ahead. 313 00:26:28,111 --> 00:26:29,988 Take your time. 314 00:27:16,692 --> 00:27:19,069 So that's where my sweater's been. 315 00:27:20,737 --> 00:27:23,198 How long have you been doing this?. 316 00:27:24,782 --> 00:27:26,825 Since I was a kid. 317 00:27:26,950 --> 00:27:30,787 My mom wanted a girl, so she used to dress me in girlie clothing. 318 00:27:30,912 --> 00:27:32,789 Just became a habit. 319 00:27:34,123 --> 00:27:36,333 Jesus Christ! And you never told me?. 320 00:27:36,459 --> 00:27:38,460 Well, this is my way of telling you. 321 00:27:38,585 --> 00:27:42,338 What, by putting it in a fucking script for everyone to see?. 322 00:27:42,463 --> 00:27:44,840 What kind of sick mind operates like that?. 323 00:27:44,965 --> 00:27:47,676 And what about this, this so-called Barbara character... 324 00:27:47,801 --> 00:27:49,678 that's obviously me?. 325 00:27:49,802 --> 00:27:51,804 I mean, this is our life. It's so embarrassing! 326 00:27:51,929 --> 00:27:55,348 - Of course it is. That's why you should play the part. - Oh, you got nerve, buddy. 327 00:27:55,474 --> 00:27:58,851 - It's a darn good role. - That's not the issue! 328 00:27:58,977 --> 00:28:02,688 God, how can you act so casual when you're dressed like that?. 329 00:28:04,523 --> 00:28:06,400 It makes me feel comfortable. 330 00:28:06,525 --> 00:28:09,777 Oh, just like in the script. 331 00:28:09,902 --> 00:28:11,779 Exactly. 332 00:28:15,282 --> 00:28:18,075 So, what do you say?. 333 00:28:18,200 --> 00:28:20,077 Do we break up?. 334 00:28:22,288 --> 00:28:25,456 Or do you want to make the movie with me?. 335 00:28:28,418 --> 00:28:31,753 They make you tall, and you're flashy. They want that. 336 00:28:31,879 --> 00:28:34,880 Okay. But they want professionalism, so nix on the Nelly... 337 00:28:35,006 --> 00:28:37,467 without losing naivete, okay?. 338 00:28:37,591 --> 00:28:41,303 Now, the good news isyou're probably going to get hired becauseyou lookk likke Peggy Lee. 339 00:28:41,428 --> 00:28:44,805 But I don't want anybody else to resent that, okay?. Please?. 340 00:28:44,931 --> 00:28:47,141 'Cause there's enough for everybody, exotics too. 341 00:28:47,266 --> 00:28:50,394 All right, because ifyou're not going to smile, please don't bother. You'll embarrass me. 342 00:28:50,519 --> 00:28:54,147 This is George Weiss. He's done some very important things; he's a nice person to know. 343 00:28:54,272 --> 00:28:56,649 - An important person to know. - I thought you were gonna make a sex change film! 344 00:28:56,774 --> 00:28:59,610 - It's still a sex change film. - Yeah! Five pages before it ends! 345 00:28:59,734 --> 00:29:03,947 - The rest is about some schmuck who likes angora sweaters! - I don't think he's a schmuck. 346 00:29:04,071 --> 00:29:07,575 What about this title?. My poster says, I Changed My Sex.. 347 00:29:07,699 --> 00:29:11,745 So change the poster. Trust me, you'll be better off. This story's gonna grab people. 348 00:29:11,870 --> 00:29:15,414 It's about this guy, he's crazy about this girl, but he likes to wear dresses. 349 00:29:15,540 --> 00:29:19,084 Should he tell her?. Should he not tell her?. He's torn. This is drama! 350 00:29:19,208 --> 00:29:21,961 Fine! Shoot whatever baloney you want. 351 00:29:22,086 --> 00:29:24,213 Just make sure it's seven reels long. 352 00:29:26,715 --> 00:29:28,592 Testing. 353 00:29:28,717 --> 00:29:31,594 Ex. cuse me. Can I get evetyone's attention, please? 354 00:29:31,719 --> 00:29:33,595 Couldyou gather around? 355 00:29:36,724 --> 00:29:39,517 I've got something to say. 356 00:29:39,642 --> 00:29:43,270 Everybody, we're about to embark on quite a journey: four days of hard work. 357 00:29:43,395 --> 00:29:47,107 But when it's over, we'll have a picture that'll entertain, enlighten... 358 00:29:47,232 --> 00:29:49,984 and maybe even move millions ofipeople. 359 00:29:50,109 --> 00:29:53,362 Excuse me, Eddie. I don't mean to interrupt. I'm worried about the light. 360 00:29:53,487 --> 00:29:56,156 Good thinking. All right, we'll talk about days three and four later. 361 00:29:56,240 --> 00:30:00,493 Let's get that first shot off. Scene 17, Glenda looking in the window. 362 00:30:00,618 --> 00:30:04,121 And... action! 363 00:30:20,425 --> 00:30:22,302 And... cut! 364 00:30:22,427 --> 00:30:26,388 - Print that! Let's move on! - Don't you want a second take for protection?. 365 00:30:26,513 --> 00:30:28,557 What's to protect?. It was perfect! Come on! 366 00:30:29,767 --> 00:30:31,642 Hey! Cops! 367 00:30:33,937 --> 00:30:36,188 We don't have a permit. Run! 368 00:30:38,315 --> 00:30:40,067 Come on. Let's go. 369 00:30:45,237 --> 00:30:49,241 - What's going on with these revised pages? - Mr Lugosi's here. 370 00:30:49,365 --> 00:30:51,826 Oh, my God! Mr Lugosi's here! 371 00:30:51,952 --> 00:30:54,495 Everyone! Everyone! 372 00:30:54,621 --> 00:30:57,497 Everyone, come on. Come in here. 373 00:31:00,291 --> 00:31:02,168 Listen. 374 00:31:02,293 --> 00:31:05,171 When he walks onto the stage, treat him normal. 375 00:31:05,295 --> 00:31:09,466 I know Bela Lugosi's a world-famous star and you're all very excited... 376 00:31:09,591 --> 00:31:12,135 but look, we are professionals. 377 00:31:12,260 --> 00:31:15,846 So, just treat him with respect. Everything will be all right. 378 00:31:22,560 --> 00:31:24,395 Bela! 379 00:31:29,148 --> 00:31:32,151 Great to see ya! 8:00 on the dot. Right on time. 380 00:31:32,276 --> 00:31:34,653 - I'm always on time. - Oficourseyou are. 381 00:31:34,778 --> 00:31:36,988 We've got a big day planned fioryou. 382 00:31:37,113 --> 00:31:39,865 But fiirst we're gonna start out kkinda easy with you in that armchair over there. 383 00:31:39,990 --> 00:31:43,077 Then once you're up to speed and cookin', we'll reset and bring in the lab equipment. 384 00:31:43,202 --> 00:31:45,077 - Eddie?. - Huh?. 385 00:31:49,790 --> 00:31:52,668 - What about my money?. - Huh?. Oh. 386 00:32:08,222 --> 00:32:10,599 What are you people doing?. Get back to work! 387 00:32:28,072 --> 00:32:30,323 All right, people. Let's get ready. 388 00:32:41,416 --> 00:32:44,293 Mr Lugosi, I know you're very busy... 389 00:32:44,418 --> 00:32:46,795 but, um, can I have your autograph?. 390 00:32:48,088 --> 00:32:49,964 Certainly. 391 00:32:53,926 --> 00:32:57,637 You know which movie ofyours I love, Mr Lugosi?. The Invisible Ray. 392 00:32:57,762 --> 00:32:59,680 You were great as Karloff's sidekick. 393 00:33:02,099 --> 00:33:03,975 Karloff?. 394 00:33:05,810 --> 00:33:08,270 Sidekick?. 395 00:33:08,396 --> 00:33:10,356 Fuck you! 396 00:33:10,481 --> 00:33:14,193 Karloff does not deserve to smell my shit! 397 00:33:14,318 --> 00:33:17,278 That limey cockksuckker can rot in hell fior all I care! 398 00:33:17,403 --> 00:33:21,115 -What happened?. -How dare that asshole bring up Karloff?. 399 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:23,658 You thinkk it takkes talent to play Frankkenstein? 400 00:33:23,784 --> 00:33:27,120 It's all make-up and, and, grunting. 401 00:33:27,245 --> 00:33:29,914 I agree. Bela, I agree 100% 402 00:33:29,997 --> 00:33:32,958 Now, Dracula, that's a role that requires talent. 403 00:33:33,082 --> 00:33:36,127 Of course! Dracula requires presence. 404 00:33:36,252 --> 00:33:38,712 It's all in the eyes and the voice... 405 00:33:38,838 --> 00:33:40,923 - and the hand. - That's right. That's right. 406 00:33:41,047 --> 00:33:44,342 You seem a little agitated. You wanna go outside and get some air?. 407 00:33:44,468 --> 00:33:47,469 Bullshit! I'm ready now. Roll the camera! 408 00:33:49,597 --> 00:33:51,473 We're rolling. 409 00:33:51,598 --> 00:33:54,392 - Sound. Speed. - Scene 97, take one. Mark. 410 00:33:54,517 --> 00:33:56,977 Action. 411 00:34:02,065 --> 00:34:03,941 Beware. 412 00:34:05,234 --> 00:34:07,111 Beware. 413 00:34:08,486 --> 00:34:12,615 Beware of the big, green dragon... 414 00:34:12,741 --> 00:34:15,117 that sits on your doorstep. 415 00:34:16,743 --> 00:34:19,621 He eats little boys... 416 00:34:19,746 --> 00:34:21,789 puppy dog tails... 417 00:34:21,914 --> 00:34:25,793 and big, fat snails. 418 00:34:26,919 --> 00:34:28,795 Beware. 419 00:34:28,920 --> 00:34:30,797 Take care. 420 00:34:33,591 --> 00:34:35,634 Beware. 421 00:34:37,093 --> 00:34:39,345 Wait! 422 00:34:41,931 --> 00:34:46,101 Pull the string! Pull the string! 423 00:34:48,770 --> 00:34:51,021 Cut. 424 00:34:51,146 --> 00:34:53,023 Perfect. 425 00:34:53,148 --> 00:34:56,776 But Georgie, I'm proud. I wrote, directed and starred in it... 426 00:34:56,902 --> 00:34:59,487 just like Orson Welles did in Citizen Kane. 427 00:34:59,612 --> 00:35:02,739 Yeah, well, Orson Welles didn't wear angora sweaters, did he?. 428 00:35:10,704 --> 00:35:14,916 How can youjust walkk around likke that in firont ofiall these people? 429 00:35:15,041 --> 00:35:18,586 Well, hon, nobody's bothered but you. Look around. 430 00:35:18,711 --> 00:35:22,422 Ed, this isn't the real world! You've surrounded yourself with a bunch ofweirdos. 431 00:35:22,548 --> 00:35:24,924 Oh, say it a little louder. I don't think Bela heard you. 432 00:35:32,889 --> 00:35:34,766 Dolores. 433 00:35:36,892 --> 00:35:39,811 I need your help. 434 00:35:39,936 --> 00:35:44,232 My mind's in a muddle, likke in a thickk fiog. 435 00:35:47,026 --> 00:35:49,694 I thought I could stop wearing these things. 436 00:35:49,820 --> 00:35:52,196 I tried. Honestly, I tried. 437 00:36:08,377 --> 00:36:10,420 Glen. 438 00:36:10,544 --> 00:36:13,589 I don't fully understand... 439 00:36:13,714 --> 00:36:16,091 but maybe together we can work this out. 440 00:36:41,737 --> 00:36:44,781 Music swells. Cut and print! 441 00:36:44,907 --> 00:36:46,782 It's a wrap. 442 00:36:50,744 --> 00:36:53,204 How do you do?. I'm here to see Mr Feldman. 443 00:36:53,330 --> 00:36:55,290 What's your name?. 444 00:36:55,415 --> 00:36:56,958 Edward D. Wood,Jr. 445 00:37:08,509 --> 00:37:10,386 He's in the executive building. 446 00:37:10,511 --> 00:37:12,887 - You can park in the reserved section. - Thanks very much. 447 00:37:13,013 --> 00:37:15,890 - Please, sit down. - Thanks. 448 00:37:18,100 --> 00:37:22,062 So, what areyou bringing me? Lookks likkeyou got some fiilm cans. 449 00:37:22,186 --> 00:37:25,689 Well, some people bring their resumes. I've brought my own movie. 450 00:37:25,814 --> 00:37:28,192 Really. Well, good for you. 451 00:37:28,316 --> 00:37:32,320 I just shot this baby for Screen Classics. It opens next week. 452 00:37:32,445 --> 00:37:35,781 Screen Classics?. No, I don't know them. 453 00:37:35,906 --> 00:37:37,783 There's something you should know. 454 00:37:37,908 --> 00:37:42,620 Nobody in town has seen this picture, so I'm giving you first crack at my talents. 455 00:37:42,745 --> 00:37:44,789 Thankyou. 456 00:37:44,914 --> 00:37:47,916 And I'm anxious to see it. 457 00:37:48,041 --> 00:37:49,918 So, what's up next foryou?. 458 00:37:50,043 --> 00:37:54,171 I don't believe in thinking small, so I've got a whole slate of pictures foryou. 459 00:37:54,296 --> 00:37:56,215 You ready? Okkay. 460 00:37:58,008 --> 00:38:01,510 "The Vampire's Tomb. " 461 00:38:01,636 --> 00:38:04,805 "The Ghoul Goes West. " 462 00:38:06,556 --> 00:38:08,433 And... 463 00:38:10,643 --> 00:38:12,602 "Doctor Acula. " 464 00:38:14,897 --> 00:38:18,483 Doctor Acula?. I don't get it. 465 00:38:20,901 --> 00:38:22,569 "Doctor... 466 00:38:22,694 --> 00:38:24,738 Racula. " 467 00:38:24,863 --> 00:38:26,864 Oh, I get it. 468 00:38:26,989 --> 00:38:28,866 I don't like it. 469 00:38:28,991 --> 00:38:31,993 But it'll star Bela Lugosi. 470 00:38:32,118 --> 00:38:36,914 Bela Lugosi?. Lugosi's all washed-up. What else you got?. 471 00:38:40,584 --> 00:38:43,878 Well, I-I do have... another project. 472 00:38:44,004 --> 00:38:46,380 I wasn't going to tell you about it. 473 00:38:46,505 --> 00:38:48,882 Lugosi's in it, but it's a small part. 474 00:38:49,007 --> 00:38:51,218 The lead is an ingenue. 475 00:38:51,343 --> 00:38:54,721 A sterling, young actress- Dolores Fuller. 476 00:38:56,305 --> 00:38:58,557 The title of the film: 477 00:38:58,682 --> 00:39:01,601 "Bride OfThe Atom"! 478 00:39:01,726 --> 00:39:03,603 Ah. 479 00:39:03,728 --> 00:39:06,230 Atomic age stuff, huh?. 480 00:39:08,232 --> 00:39:11,192 I like it. I like it. 481 00:39:11,317 --> 00:39:14,070 I tell you what, Mr Ward. Why don't you leave your film cans with me. 482 00:39:14,195 --> 00:39:16,697 And my associates and I will take a look at your little opus... 483 00:39:16,822 --> 00:39:19,282 and maybe we can do some business together. 484 00:39:19,408 --> 00:39:24,078 Takke care. Beware. 485 00:39:25,704 --> 00:39:29,416 Pull the string! Pull the string! 486 00:39:29,540 --> 00:39:31,417 What the hell is this?. 487 00:39:31,542 --> 00:39:34,086 - Is this an actual movie?. - It can't be! 488 00:39:34,211 --> 00:39:38,590 Give this man satin undies, a dress, sweater and skkirt... 489 00:39:38,715 --> 00:39:40,717 or even the lounging outfiit he has on... 490 00:39:40,842 --> 00:39:44,261 - and he's the happiest human being in the world. - Wait a minute. 491 00:39:44,386 --> 00:39:46,847 Wait a minute. That guy in the dress. 492 00:39:46,972 --> 00:39:49,265 That's the guy I met today. 493 00:39:49,390 --> 00:39:52,351 Oh, this has got to be a put-on. 494 00:39:52,477 --> 00:39:55,062 These things are his comfiort. 495 00:39:55,186 --> 00:39:58,523 This is probably another one of Billy Wellman's practical jokes. 496 00:39:58,648 --> 00:40:02,526 Hejust entered the street dressed in the clothes he so much desires to wear. 497 00:40:02,651 --> 00:40:05,236 But, only ifihe really appears fiemale: 498 00:40:05,362 --> 00:40:08,447 - long hair, makke-up, clothing, the actual contours ofi a girl. - Oh, God! 499 00:40:08,572 --> 00:40:11,659 Most transvestites do not want to change their lifie, their bodies. 500 00:40:11,784 --> 00:40:14,077 This is funny. This is funny. 501 00:40:25,670 --> 00:40:27,588 Thank you. 502 00:40:36,429 --> 00:40:39,973 Georgie, I thought Glen Or Glenda? was opening this week. Where's the ads?. 503 00:40:40,099 --> 00:40:43,601 Where's the ads?. The ads are in Alabama, Indiana, Missouri, you schmuck! 504 00:40:43,727 --> 00:40:45,602 It ain't gonna play in L.A.! 505 00:40:45,728 --> 00:40:48,647 -Why not?. -Nobody wants to see this piece of shit! 506 00:40:48,772 --> 00:40:53,401 - Hey, you can't talk that way about my movie! - I wish it was your movie! 507 00:40:53,525 --> 00:40:57,237 I wish I hadn't blown every dime I ever made into making this stink bomb! 508 00:40:57,362 --> 00:41:00,115 And if I ever see ya again, I'll kill ya! 509 00:41:02,616 --> 00:41:04,660 Hello?. 510 00:41:04,785 --> 00:41:06,412 Georgie?. 511 00:41:16,628 --> 00:41:19,839 - Guess where I'm going next week?. - I don't know. Where?. 512 00:41:19,965 --> 00:41:22,174 Mexico. 513 00:41:22,299 --> 00:41:25,844 - Guess what I'm doing when I get there. - I don't know. Lie on a beach. 514 00:41:25,969 --> 00:41:30,014 Wrong. I'm getting my first series of hormone injections. 515 00:41:30,139 --> 00:41:32,266 When those girls kick in... 516 00:41:32,391 --> 00:41:36,353 they're gonna take out my organs and make me a woman. 517 00:41:36,478 --> 00:41:41,190 - Are you serious?. - It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. 518 00:41:41,315 --> 00:41:45,360 But it wasn't until I saw your movie that I realized I have to take action! 519 00:41:45,485 --> 00:41:48,696 - Goodbye, penis! - Would you please keep it down. 520 00:41:48,821 --> 00:41:52,240 The "Super Swedish Angel," Tor Johnson! 521 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:06,669 My gosh, look at that guy. He's a mountain! 522 00:42:26,143 --> 00:42:29,104 And after I'm a woman,Jean-Claude and I are going to be married. 523 00:42:29,229 --> 00:42:32,106 - I'm going to be a June bride. - He's a monster. 524 00:42:32,232 --> 00:42:35,567 Can you imagine what that guy would look like in a movie?. 525 00:42:43,365 --> 00:42:46,034 Yeah, yeah! Yeah! 526 00:42:46,159 --> 00:42:49,704 Mmm. More neck. 527 00:42:51,831 --> 00:42:55,042 - MrJohnson, congratulations on yourvictory. - Thankyou. 528 00:42:55,167 --> 00:42:58,045 - Did you bring my water?. - No, I'm not the water boy. 529 00:42:58,170 --> 00:43:00,045 I'm a movie director. 530 00:43:00,171 --> 00:43:02,840 - Movies?. Like the Mickey Mouse?. - Sure. 531 00:43:02,923 --> 00:43:06,927 - I'll get you next week! - Yeah, right. In your dreams! 532 00:43:07,052 --> 00:43:10,471 Tor- Uh, Mr Johnson. 533 00:43:10,597 --> 00:43:15,475 - You ever fancy the notion of becoming an actor?. - Not good-looking enough. 534 00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:18,686 Well, I think you're quite handsome. 535 00:43:18,811 --> 00:43:20,688 Do my toes. 536 00:43:22,272 --> 00:43:25,817 So, anyway, I've got this new script, Bride OfiThe Atom. 537 00:43:25,942 --> 00:43:29,112 And there's a part I believe you're ideal for. 538 00:43:29,236 --> 00:43:32,114 Lobo. He's tough, he's a brute. 539 00:43:32,239 --> 00:43:35,367 But he's got a good heart. At the end of the picture, he saves the girl. 540 00:43:35,491 --> 00:43:38,160 I like! When do movie shoot?. 541 00:43:38,285 --> 00:43:40,162 Hopefully, very soon. 542 00:43:40,287 --> 00:43:42,706 I'm just waiting for the final okay from my good pal at Warners, Mr Feldman. 543 00:43:47,293 --> 00:43:50,837 - Wood Productions. - Eddie, help me. 544 00:43:50,963 --> 00:43:55,258 - Bela?. - Eddie, please come over. 545 00:43:55,383 --> 00:43:57,260 Bela?. 546 00:44:18,110 --> 00:44:19,986 Bela?. 547 00:44:22,321 --> 00:44:24,198 Bela! 548 00:44:34,081 --> 00:44:36,166 Bela! 549 00:44:36,292 --> 00:44:38,001 Bela?. What happened?. 550 00:44:38,126 --> 00:44:40,795 Eddie. 551 00:44:40,878 --> 00:44:43,172 I didn't feel well. 552 00:44:45,465 --> 00:44:49,177 - Come on, let me get you to the hospital. - No hospital. 553 00:44:49,302 --> 00:44:51,637 Just take me to the couch. 554 00:44:53,639 --> 00:44:56,516 - Should I call a doctor?. - No. 555 00:44:56,642 --> 00:44:59,518 This happens all the time. 556 00:45:02,063 --> 00:45:05,440 Is there anything I can get foryou?. Water or a blanket?. 557 00:45:06,691 --> 00:45:08,567 Goulash. 558 00:45:10,402 --> 00:45:13,363 I don't know how to make goulash. 559 00:45:17,575 --> 00:45:20,244 Bela, what's in the needle?. 560 00:45:20,327 --> 00:45:22,996 Morphine. 561 00:45:23,080 --> 00:45:25,082 With a Demerol chaser. 562 00:45:27,916 --> 00:45:32,462 Oh, Eddie. Eddie, I'm so brokke. 563 00:45:33,797 --> 00:45:38,968 I don't know what I'm going to do. 564 00:45:40,176 --> 00:45:42,053 Don't worry, Bela. 565 00:45:43,930 --> 00:45:46,307 I won't let you down. 566 00:45:49,267 --> 00:45:51,644 Mr Feldman?. Ed Wood. 567 00:45:51,769 --> 00:45:54,730 Yeah, listen, I haven't been able to get through, so I just showed up. 568 00:45:54,856 --> 00:45:56,816 Yeah! Right out front. 569 00:45:56,941 --> 00:45:59,318 So, we gonna be working together?. 570 00:46:00,860 --> 00:46:04,405 Really?. Worst film you ever saw. 571 00:46:04,530 --> 00:46:07,741 Well, my next one will be better. 572 00:46:07,866 --> 00:46:10,743 Hello. Hello. 573 00:46:10,869 --> 00:46:14,413 I'm no good. 574 00:46:14,539 --> 00:46:17,415 Oh, Ed, it was just one man's opinion. 575 00:46:17,540 --> 00:46:21,085 Bela needs a job. I can't even get a film going. 576 00:46:21,210 --> 00:46:23,921 Of course I can't. I made the worst movie of all time. 577 00:46:24,046 --> 00:46:25,923 Oh, that's ridiculous. 578 00:46:27,215 --> 00:46:30,051 All I wanna do is tell stories. 579 00:46:30,176 --> 00:46:32,928 The things that I find interesting. 580 00:46:33,054 --> 00:46:36,264 Well, maybe you're not studio kind of material. 581 00:46:36,389 --> 00:46:39,267 Maybe you just need to raise the money yourself. 582 00:46:42,227 --> 00:46:44,688 The movie is called Bride OfiThe Atom. 583 00:46:44,813 --> 00:46:47,774 It will star Bela Lugosi. 584 00:46:47,899 --> 00:46:50,568 There are quarter shares available at $15,000 each. 585 00:46:50,818 --> 00:46:53,611 Yes, that's right. The Bela Lugosi. 586 00:46:54,738 --> 00:46:56,948 He's still alive. 587 00:46:57,073 --> 00:47:00,742 Huh?. Is he available Friday night?. 588 00:47:00,867 --> 00:47:03,453 Well, gee, I suppose so. Why?. 589 00:47:03,578 --> 00:47:07,457 "Greetings, I am the Count. " 590 00:47:07,582 --> 00:47:10,667 "Greetings, I am Slick Slomopavitz, Seeker of Adventure. 591 00:47:10,792 --> 00:47:14,587 "Audience laughs, applauds. 'Say, that's a kooky place to sleep. "' 592 00:47:14,713 --> 00:47:18,799 - "It is my home. " - "'Oh, tract housing, huh?' Laugh. 593 00:47:18,924 --> 00:47:21,677 You need a new real estate agent. " 594 00:47:21,802 --> 00:47:23,678 "I beg to differ. 595 00:47:23,803 --> 00:47:27,306 This casket incap- incarpertate-" 596 00:47:27,431 --> 00:47:29,307 No, Bela, that's "incorporates. " 597 00:47:29,433 --> 00:47:32,310 Look, why don't you just say, "This casket has-" 598 00:47:32,436 --> 00:47:35,604 How do they expect a Hungarian to pronounce this dialogue?. 599 00:47:35,730 --> 00:47:38,607 This- This live television is madness! 600 00:47:38,732 --> 00:47:41,026 Furthermore, I predict... 601 00:47:41,151 --> 00:47:44,445 by April 19, 1970... 602 00:47:44,570 --> 00:47:48,448 I predict... men will have colonized Mars. 603 00:47:48,573 --> 00:47:50,700 Millions of people will live there. 604 00:47:50,825 --> 00:47:54,953 Wow! Ain't that somethin'?. 605 00:47:57,915 --> 00:48:01,334 And now we take you to a castle in Transylvania. 606 00:48:01,459 --> 00:48:06,379 Watch out. The landlord's a real pain in the neckk. 607 00:48:24,019 --> 00:48:27,396 Greetings! I am the Count! 608 00:48:27,522 --> 00:48:32,276 Greetings, pal! I'm Slick Slomopavitz, Seeker of Adventure! 609 00:48:32,401 --> 00:48:34,736 Hey, what a kooky place to sleep. 610 00:48:34,861 --> 00:48:37,238 Kind of reminds me of my house. What a dump! 611 00:48:37,363 --> 00:48:40,199 Some places got a Murphy bed; this place got a Murphy shower. 612 00:48:40,324 --> 00:48:42,868 I still don't know where to hang the towels. 613 00:48:42,993 --> 00:48:44,870 I beg to differ. 614 00:48:44,995 --> 00:48:50,207 Beg to differ?. A bloodsucker, right?. I'm talkin' about my towels. 615 00:48:54,502 --> 00:48:57,880 Greetings! I... am the Count. 616 00:49:03,176 --> 00:49:05,553 Damn! 617 00:49:11,350 --> 00:49:14,894 A bum is what he is. I told you we should've got Karloff! 618 00:49:18,564 --> 00:49:21,900 - Ah, don't worry about it, Bela. You're better than all this. - I never said I could ad-lib. 619 00:49:22,025 --> 00:49:25,736 - Forget it! We'll make our own movie and you'll be a big star again. - Aha! 620 00:49:25,861 --> 00:49:30,239 Mr Lugosi, it is an unparalleled privilege to meet you, sir. 621 00:49:30,365 --> 00:49:33,784 Allow me to introduce myself. I am Criswell. 622 00:49:33,909 --> 00:49:35,786 It's a pleasure. 623 00:49:35,911 --> 00:49:39,956 Ahh, cheer up. Don't lose heart over what happened tonight. 624 00:49:40,081 --> 00:49:44,543 I predict... your next project will be an outstanding success! 625 00:49:44,668 --> 00:49:46,879 Wow! 626 00:49:47,003 --> 00:49:49,088 And who may you be?. 627 00:49:49,214 --> 00:49:52,258 - Edward D. Wood, Jr. - Ahh! 628 00:49:52,382 --> 00:49:55,802 - The director of Glen Or Glenda? - How'd you know?. 629 00:49:55,927 --> 00:49:59,264 I am Criswell. I know all. 630 00:50:04,935 --> 00:50:12,607 And bingo! Thank you, thank you, thankyou. 631 00:50:12,732 --> 00:50:16,611 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Bring me two more Beefeater martinis. 632 00:50:16,736 --> 00:50:18,613 Ed, uh, another whisky. 633 00:50:18,738 --> 00:50:20,614 Dagmar, a rum and coke?. 634 00:50:20,739 --> 00:50:22,783 Moustapha and King are Chablis. 635 00:50:22,908 --> 00:50:25,910 Bela, would you like a wine?. 636 00:50:26,035 --> 00:50:29,163 No. I never drink... wine. 637 00:50:34,417 --> 00:50:38,796 Say, Cris, how'd you know we'd be living on Mars by 1970?. 638 00:50:38,921 --> 00:50:41,799 - I guessed. - Really?. 639 00:50:41,923 --> 00:50:43,800 I made it up. 640 00:50:43,925 --> 00:50:45,801 It's horse shit. 641 00:50:47,095 --> 00:50:49,971 Eddie, there's no such thing as a psychic. 642 00:50:50,096 --> 00:50:53,975 People believe my folderol because I wear a black tuxedo. 643 00:50:54,100 --> 00:50:57,019 - It's that easy?. - Eddie, we're in show biz. 644 00:50:57,144 --> 00:51:00,605 It's all about razzle-dazzle, appearances. 645 00:51:00,730 --> 00:51:04,400 Ifyou look good and you talk well, people will swallow anything. 646 00:51:12,907 --> 00:51:17,036 We are going to have the most terrifying monster ever seen on film. 647 00:51:17,161 --> 00:51:21,456 A ghastly creature created from an atomic mutation! 648 00:51:21,581 --> 00:51:23,457 I don't like scary movies. 649 00:51:23,582 --> 00:51:25,459 I like the ones with love stories. 650 00:51:25,584 --> 00:51:28,462 That's just what this movie is: a heartbreaking romance. 651 00:51:28,587 --> 00:51:30,462 You're quite a specimen. 652 00:51:30,588 --> 00:51:33,340 - And you're going to be in the picture?. - Yeah. I play Lobo. 653 00:51:33,465 --> 00:51:38,011 I predict Bride OfiTheAtom will be the biggest moneymaker of all time. 654 00:51:38,136 --> 00:51:42,014 And this is lovely starlet Dolores Fuller, who will playJanet Lawton. 655 00:51:42,139 --> 00:51:45,476 My pleasure, ma'am. Now, how much will this picture cost?. 656 00:51:45,600 --> 00:51:48,895 Well, in a normal studio it'd be about a million bucks... 657 00:51:49,020 --> 00:51:51,897 with all their wasteful overhead and fancy offices. 658 00:51:52,022 --> 00:51:55,734 But we're more efficient, so we could bring it in at about 70 grand. 659 00:51:55,859 --> 00:51:58,528 Oh. Well, I shall certainly consider it. 660 00:51:58,611 --> 00:52:01,905 - Well, goodbye. - Good night, Ed. Keep in touch. 661 00:52:02,031 --> 00:52:03,907 Goodbye. 662 00:52:06,742 --> 00:52:08,619 Well, Eddie, how'd we do?. 663 00:52:08,744 --> 00:52:11,496 We didn't make a nickel. 664 00:52:11,622 --> 00:52:14,499 I cannot believe I'm in Hollywood. 665 00:52:14,624 --> 00:52:18,544 - You kknow, Daddy didn't want me to move out here. - Uh-huh. 666 00:52:18,669 --> 00:52:21,963 Ma'am, your bill comes to $2.20. 667 00:52:22,088 --> 00:52:24,966 Oh. Uh, okkay. I hope you don't mind... 668 00:52:25,091 --> 00:52:28,218 but all I have is a fiifty; Ijust came firom my bankker's. 669 00:52:28,343 --> 00:52:30,220 - That's all right. - Thankkyou. 670 00:52:37,393 --> 00:52:39,769 Excuse me. You just moved here?. 671 00:52:39,895 --> 00:52:42,981 Y es. Hollywood is, oh, so exciting. 672 00:52:43,105 --> 00:52:44,982 Isn't it?. 673 00:52:45,107 --> 00:52:47,692 Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm Loretta King. 674 00:52:47,818 --> 00:52:49,945 Edward D. Wood,Jr. 675 00:52:50,070 --> 00:52:53,448 - Hi. Wouldyou likke some water? - No! 676 00:52:53,573 --> 00:52:55,991 No water. No liquids. 677 00:52:56,117 --> 00:52:58,201 I'm terribly allergic to them. 678 00:53:00,203 --> 00:53:03,039 You know, I work in Hollywood. I'm a producer. 679 00:53:03,164 --> 00:53:05,041 Really?. Wow! 680 00:53:05,165 --> 00:53:07,834 I would love to be involved in that. 681 00:53:07,917 --> 00:53:10,795 Is that right?. Well, maybe I can help you out. 682 00:53:10,920 --> 00:53:14,172 Have you ever thought about investing in a motion picture?. 683 00:53:14,298 --> 00:53:18,384 Perhaps a small amount of money. How much do your motion pictures cost?. 684 00:53:18,509 --> 00:53:22,262 Well, my new one, I think, would be about $60,000. 685 00:53:22,388 --> 00:53:26,349 That's all?. That seems very reasonable for an entire picture. 686 00:53:29,519 --> 00:53:32,396 Would you- Would you like to, uh... 687 00:53:32,521 --> 00:53:35,899 - have a look at the- at the photoplay?. - Oh, sure. 688 00:53:38,067 --> 00:53:39,944 Oh, my. 689 00:53:40,069 --> 00:53:42,487 This is very interesting. 690 00:53:42,612 --> 00:53:47,783 Say, do you think it would be possible for me to maybe play one of these parts?. 691 00:53:47,908 --> 00:53:50,786 Oh, you want to be an actress too. Well, of course. 692 00:53:50,911 --> 00:53:54,789 There's a couple of parts I can think of right now that you might be perfect for. 693 00:53:54,914 --> 00:53:59,585 There's, uh, the secretary in the newspaper office, the file clerk, um- 694 00:53:59,710 --> 00:54:02,295 Hmm. Those sound kind of small. 695 00:54:03,504 --> 00:54:06,256 Here's one that looks good- Janet Lawton. 696 00:54:07,884 --> 00:54:10,760 I'd sure likke to play her. 697 00:54:10,885 --> 00:54:12,887 -Janet Lawton. - Yes. 698 00:54:13,013 --> 00:54:15,889 Janet Lawton is clearly the part to play. 699 00:54:18,476 --> 00:54:21,061 Can't you just see me in the part?. 700 00:54:26,940 --> 00:54:28,817 Yes! 701 00:54:28,942 --> 00:54:30,819 You'd be perfect. 702 00:54:33,154 --> 00:54:35,030 You bastard! 703 00:54:35,156 --> 00:54:39,284 You two-timing, dress-wearing son of a bitch! 704 00:54:39,409 --> 00:54:42,287 Honey, it was the only way I could get the movie made! 705 00:54:42,412 --> 00:54:44,288 Who do you think's been paying the rent?. 706 00:54:44,413 --> 00:54:48,291 Who's been helping you type your scripts and do all your grunt work?. 707 00:54:48,417 --> 00:54:52,294 - I am sorry! What did you want me to say?. - You were supposed to say... 708 00:54:52,419 --> 00:54:56,548 "No. I wrote that part for my girlfriend Dolores!" 709 00:54:57,757 --> 00:55:01,260 Snowball, there are plenty of other parts. 710 00:55:01,385 --> 00:55:03,804 Like what?. 711 00:55:05,471 --> 00:55:08,140 - The secretary, the file clerk. - Aaaaah! 712 00:55:08,224 --> 00:55:11,101 You... asshole! 713 00:55:14,354 --> 00:55:17,815 This is gonna be Bela's laboratory, so it should be real impressive... 714 00:55:17,940 --> 00:55:20,318 just like one of those "Mad Scientist" movies. 715 00:55:20,443 --> 00:55:23,528 I want test tubes, beakers and one of those electrical things that buzzes. 716 00:55:23,654 --> 00:55:26,531 - You mean a Tesla coil?. - Fine. Whatever. Hop to it! 717 00:55:26,655 --> 00:55:28,532 Right! Right. 718 00:55:30,283 --> 00:55:32,160 - Eddie?. - Yes? 719 00:55:32,285 --> 00:55:36,039 - Which dress do you like better?. - Hmm. I don't know. 720 00:55:36,164 --> 00:55:40,542 Say, Bill, which dress works better foryou, the red one or the green one?. 721 00:55:40,668 --> 00:55:43,628 - Which one is the red one?. - What do you mean?. 722 00:55:43,753 --> 00:55:47,131 I mean, I can't see the difference; I'm colour blind. 723 00:55:47,256 --> 00:55:49,383 But I kinda like the dark grey one. 724 00:55:51,676 --> 00:55:56,055 At Universal, we used to shoot one ortwo scenes a day. 725 00:55:56,180 --> 00:55:59,141 But Eddie can knock off twenty, thirty. 726 00:55:59,266 --> 00:56:01,977 - He's incredible! - And... action! 727 00:56:06,272 --> 00:56:09,649 Okay, you're Dr Eric Vornoff... 728 00:56:09,775 --> 00:56:11,651 and you're upset. 729 00:56:11,776 --> 00:56:15,946 You've worked very hard on this experiment and you don't want to see it fail. 730 00:56:16,072 --> 00:56:17,948 N-No, you're not that upset. 731 00:56:18,072 --> 00:56:21,451 You wanna keep moving. You wanna go through that door. 732 00:56:25,287 --> 00:56:27,164 And... cut! Beautiful. 733 00:56:27,289 --> 00:56:29,958 Print it. Let's move immediately to scene 52. 734 00:56:30,083 --> 00:56:31,960 - Tor, you in place?. - Yeah. 735 00:56:32,085 --> 00:56:34,378 - Great. Roll camera! - Rolling. Slate. 736 00:56:34,503 --> 00:56:37,381 Cue rainstorm. 737 00:56:37,505 --> 00:56:39,382 And... action, Tor. 738 00:56:42,551 --> 00:56:45,637 Okay. You're Lobo. 739 00:56:45,762 --> 00:56:47,639 You're upset. 740 00:56:47,764 --> 00:56:51,642 You've worked very hard helping DrVornoffwith this experiment. 741 00:56:51,767 --> 00:56:54,644 You don't wanna see it fail. 742 00:56:54,770 --> 00:56:56,646 No, no. You're not that upset. 743 00:56:56,771 --> 00:56:59,690 You wanna keep moving. You've got to get through that door. 744 00:57:05,820 --> 00:57:07,696 And cut! Perfect! 745 00:57:07,822 --> 00:57:11,199 - Print it. Let's move on. - Don't you wanna do another take, Ed?. 746 00:57:11,325 --> 00:57:14,202 Looks like big baldy had a little trouble gettin' through the door. 747 00:57:14,327 --> 00:57:16,204 No, it's fine. It's real. 748 00:57:16,329 --> 00:57:20,499 You know, in actuality, Lobo would have to struggle with that problem every day. 749 00:57:20,624 --> 00:57:24,502 All right, people, let's get ready. Actors! I must have my actors! 750 00:57:24,627 --> 00:57:29,006 There you are. Loretta, Tor, I wanna explain this scene; it's a little complicated, but- 751 00:57:29,131 --> 00:57:32,008 Bela, you'll be sitting there. Okay?. 752 00:57:32,134 --> 00:57:35,010 I'm not getting near that goddam thing. 753 00:57:35,136 --> 00:57:38,513 - One of them burned me on The Return OfiChandu. - All right. 754 00:57:38,638 --> 00:57:41,182 - Then you'll be sitting there. - Good. 755 00:57:41,307 --> 00:57:43,601 Great. All right, gang, here's the scene. 756 00:57:43,727 --> 00:57:47,104 Loretta, you're in a trance; you glide in and get on the operating table. 757 00:57:47,229 --> 00:57:50,607 Now, Tor, you're supposed to tie her down, but you have an angora fetish... 758 00:57:50,732 --> 00:57:54,110 and when you rub that swatch of angora, it makes you refuse. 759 00:57:54,235 --> 00:57:58,113 So then Bela has to discipline you. All right?. Great! Let's do it! 760 00:57:59,489 --> 00:58:01,366 Action! 761 00:58:06,911 --> 00:58:09,289 Strap her to the table. 762 00:58:11,916 --> 00:58:14,293 Do as I command you! 763 00:58:16,169 --> 00:58:19,547 - I'll teach you to disobey me! - Aaaargh! 764 00:58:19,672 --> 00:58:21,549 - You will obey! - Uhhhh! 765 00:58:21,674 --> 00:58:24,218 - Strap herin! - Uhhhh! 766 00:58:24,343 --> 00:58:27,303 Strap her in! I command you! 767 00:58:27,428 --> 00:58:30,306 - Wood! Your cheque bounced. - I'll get you the money later. 768 00:58:30,431 --> 00:58:33,100 - No, I need it now. - I'll teach you to disobey me! 769 00:58:33,225 --> 00:58:35,101 Cut! 770 00:58:35,226 --> 00:58:38,687 I am terribly sorry to bother you while you're shooting... 771 00:58:38,813 --> 00:58:41,690 but the guy that owns the stage needs his money. 772 00:58:41,815 --> 00:58:45,193 Well, then, you should pay him, shouldn't you?. 773 00:58:45,318 --> 00:58:47,695 Yes. Exactly. 774 00:58:53,367 --> 00:58:55,243 I kind of need it now. 775 00:58:58,370 --> 00:59:01,873 W-What are you looking at me like that for?. 776 00:59:01,998 --> 00:59:05,167 I already gave you my three hundred. 777 00:59:05,292 --> 00:59:07,169 Right. 778 00:59:07,294 --> 00:59:09,963 And now I need the other sixty thousand. 779 00:59:10,088 --> 00:59:12,757 What other sixty thousand?. 780 00:59:14,676 --> 00:59:18,637 The other sixty thousand you said you'd give to me. 781 00:59:18,762 --> 00:59:20,973 You misunderstood, Eddie. 782 00:59:21,097 --> 00:59:24,601 I gave you everything I have in the world- three hundred dollars. 783 00:59:41,364 --> 00:59:44,283 Well, here we go again. 784 00:59:44,408 --> 00:59:46,785 Let me tell ya, ya can't lose. 785 00:59:46,910 --> 00:59:50,080 It's scary. And ifyou don't like that, it's romantic. 786 00:59:50,205 --> 00:59:53,081 Bela Lugosi will portray Dr Eric Vornoff. 787 00:59:59,087 --> 01:00:02,881 And lovely, lovely, lovely ingenue Loretta King... 788 01:00:03,006 --> 01:00:05,550 is reporter Janet Lawton. 789 01:00:05,675 --> 01:00:08,553 - I don't know. Lugosi looks pretty old. - Huh?. 790 01:00:10,179 --> 01:00:12,181 Which role does Vampira play? 791 01:00:12,306 --> 01:00:14,975 Vampira?. Why do you ask?. 792 01:00:15,058 --> 01:00:17,352 She's standing right over there. 793 01:00:20,146 --> 01:00:22,606 Well, she plays- 794 01:00:24,941 --> 01:00:26,985 Excuse me one minute. 795 01:00:28,402 --> 01:00:30,571 Pardon me. Miss Vampira?. 796 01:00:30,696 --> 01:00:33,574 -Yes?. - You don't know me, but I'm Ed Wood. 797 01:00:33,698 --> 01:00:37,076 I'm a film producer and I'm currently in production on a science fiction piece... 798 01:00:37,201 --> 01:00:39,411 with Bela Lugosi and Swedish wrestler Tor Johnson. 799 01:00:39,537 --> 01:00:42,622 I don't understand. Do you want my autograph?. 800 01:00:42,747 --> 01:00:44,791 No. 801 01:00:44,916 --> 01:00:47,793 No, I- I think my film is perfect foryou. 802 01:00:47,918 --> 01:00:51,796 Want me to show it on my TV programme. I have nothing to do with that. 803 01:00:51,922 --> 01:00:54,799 - You should call the station manager at Channel 7. - No, no. No, no, no, no. 804 01:00:54,924 --> 01:00:58,969 I don't want you to show the movie, I want you to be in it. Let me explain. 805 01:00:59,094 --> 01:01:01,888 We started shooting, but after three days we got shut down. 806 01:01:02,013 --> 01:01:05,099 Now we're having a backers party to raise some more money. 807 01:01:05,224 --> 01:01:08,226 So I thought perhaps you'd like to come over just to say "howdy" to some of the backers. 808 01:01:08,351 --> 01:01:11,146 Look, I'm with some friends and we're about to eat. 809 01:01:11,271 --> 01:01:13,147 Please! It would just take one second. 810 01:01:13,273 --> 01:01:17,025 Come over and meet the backkers. There is a really nice dentist firom Ox. nard. 811 01:01:17,150 --> 01:01:20,028 Look, buddy, I've got real offers from real studios. 812 01:01:20,153 --> 01:01:24,490 I don't need to blow some dentist for a part. Forget it. 813 01:01:24,615 --> 01:01:26,741 Miss Vampira! 814 01:01:26,866 --> 01:01:29,328 - Please. - Ohh! Let's go. 815 01:01:30,870 --> 01:01:34,331 I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Let's get out of here. 816 01:01:34,457 --> 01:01:36,541 Yeah, I thinkk you're right. 817 01:01:36,666 --> 01:01:41,045 Thankyou, folks, for comin' tonight, but we better go. 818 01:01:41,170 --> 01:01:44,548 And then Dr Vornoff falls into the pit... 819 01:01:44,673 --> 01:01:47,925 and his own octopus attacks and eats him. 820 01:01:48,050 --> 01:01:50,928 - The end. - Whew! 821 01:01:51,053 --> 01:01:53,639 - Well, that's quite a story. - Yes. 822 01:01:54,848 --> 01:01:57,517 So, uh, you made the movie... 823 01:01:57,642 --> 01:02:00,103 and now you wanna make it again?. 824 01:02:00,228 --> 01:02:02,021 No. 825 01:02:02,145 --> 01:02:06,024 We shot ten minutes of the movie, and now we're looking for completion funds. 826 01:02:06,149 --> 01:02:08,151 Oh, son, you're too vague. 827 01:02:08,275 --> 01:02:11,153 Billy Bob! 828 01:02:12,404 --> 01:02:15,240 You're cuttin' 'em too lean. 829 01:02:15,364 --> 01:02:17,533 Mr McCoy. 830 01:02:18,992 --> 01:02:21,828 How can I make you happy?. 831 01:02:21,953 --> 01:02:24,706 Okkay. 832 01:02:24,831 --> 01:02:26,708 Two things. 833 01:02:26,833 --> 01:02:32,045 Number one: I want the movie to end with a big explosion. 834 01:02:33,963 --> 01:02:35,923 Sky full of smoke. 835 01:02:37,633 --> 01:02:39,509 Yes. 836 01:02:39,634 --> 01:02:42,679 But it ends with Dr Vornoff falling into the pit. 837 01:02:42,803 --> 01:02:45,139 Not any more. 838 01:02:45,264 --> 01:02:47,432 Numbertwo: 839 01:02:47,558 --> 01:02:49,726 I got a son. 840 01:02:49,851 --> 01:02:54,396 He's a little slow, but a good boy. 841 01:02:54,521 --> 01:02:58,525 And somethin' tells me he'd make a helluva leadin' man. 842 01:03:03,195 --> 01:03:05,072 Sounds perfect. 843 01:03:05,280 --> 01:03:07,074 This is unbelievable. 844 01:03:07,199 --> 01:03:10,076 I woulda bet a million bucks that Ed wouldn't finish this picture. 845 01:03:10,201 --> 01:03:13,078 Yeah, well, it ain't finished yet, kid; anything can happen. 846 01:03:14,204 --> 01:03:16,081 Stay out of scratching distance. 847 01:03:16,206 --> 01:03:20,084 - Poodle, you made it. I wasn't sure you got my message. - Well, of course I made it. 848 01:03:20,209 --> 01:03:23,087 - Today's the file clerk's big scene. - That's right. 849 01:03:23,212 --> 01:03:26,090 I see the usual gang of misfits and dope addicts are here. 850 01:03:26,214 --> 01:03:28,924 - Janet, I wantyou- - Say, who's the lug?. 851 01:03:29,050 --> 01:03:34,095 Str- I want you staying away from the old Willows place. 852 01:03:34,220 --> 01:03:37,098 Why, that's Tony McCoy. He will be portraying Lieutenant Dick Craig. 853 01:03:37,223 --> 01:03:39,100 Really. 854 01:03:39,225 --> 01:03:43,103 - How much money did he put up?. - None. But his dad gave me fifty grand. 855 01:03:43,228 --> 01:03:45,605 Hmm. Wood Productions, the mark of quality. 856 01:03:45,730 --> 01:03:49,025 Listen, the movie's getting made; that's all that matters. 857 01:03:50,150 --> 01:03:52,027 - Hello, Harry. - Oh, hi, Dolores. 858 01:03:52,152 --> 01:03:54,529 Oh! You're Dolores. 859 01:03:54,654 --> 01:03:56,990 I've heard so much about you. 860 01:03:57,114 --> 01:03:59,992 I'm Loretta King. Oh, here, take the chair. 861 01:04:00,117 --> 01:04:01,952 Oh, don't be silly. Let Harry finish. 862 01:04:02,077 --> 01:04:04,245 You still need some more work. 863 01:04:04,370 --> 01:04:06,247 No. I'm finished. 864 01:04:06,372 --> 01:04:09,750 - All I needed was a touch-up. - Hmm. That mole still shows. 865 01:04:09,875 --> 01:04:12,919 Uh, ladies! You both look fine. 866 01:04:14,086 --> 01:04:16,964 Why don't we talk about the scene?. 867 01:04:17,089 --> 01:04:19,175 Okay,Janet Lawton has just discovered... 868 01:04:19,299 --> 01:04:21,677 that Dr Vornoff bought the old Willows estate... 869 01:04:21,802 --> 01:04:24,678 so now she wants to prove that all the monster stories are true. 870 01:04:24,804 --> 01:04:26,889 Well, Eddie, what's my motivation?. 871 01:04:27,014 --> 01:04:30,892 You're the file clerk. You're running into the next room and bump into Janet. 872 01:04:31,017 --> 01:04:35,897 What is our relationship?. Are we good friends, or is she just a casual acquaintance?. 873 01:04:36,021 --> 01:04:39,483 Dolores, I have five days to complete this picture. 874 01:04:39,607 --> 01:04:41,484 Don't get goofy on me. 875 01:04:43,736 --> 01:04:45,613 Action! 876 01:04:48,115 --> 01:04:50,825 - Hi,Janet. - Oh, hi, Marge. 877 01:04:50,951 --> 01:04:53,827 - Janet, still on the monster hunt?. - What do you think?. 878 01:04:53,952 --> 01:04:57,330 I think the boss has been looking foryou all day. 879 01:04:57,455 --> 01:05:00,333 Something about the police wanting those monster stories 86'd. 880 01:05:00,458 --> 01:05:03,502 - You've got the whole town in a panic. - I can't hear you. 881 01:05:03,627 --> 01:05:07,505 - I said, you've got the who- - I know what you said, but I can't hear you. 882 01:05:08,632 --> 01:05:11,008 I get it. See ya later. 883 01:05:12,760 --> 01:05:15,887 And... cut! That was perfect. 884 01:05:16,012 --> 01:05:18,723 Of course it was. 885 01:05:18,848 --> 01:05:21,642 Bra-vo! Bravo! 886 01:05:21,767 --> 01:05:24,645 - Magnifiico. - Cris, you made it. Thanks a lot. 887 01:05:24,769 --> 01:05:27,647 Naturally. Always happy to help with a little larceny. 888 01:05:27,772 --> 01:05:30,149 All right, everybody, that's it for today. 889 01:05:30,274 --> 01:05:33,526 The prop crew has a little errand to run. Paul. Connie. 890 01:05:46,787 --> 01:05:49,665 Darn. I thought they kept this open. 891 01:05:49,790 --> 01:05:51,792 Lobo will fiix.. 892 01:05:56,962 --> 01:05:59,631 Good boy. 893 01:05:59,715 --> 01:06:02,800 - Wow! - This place gives me the creeps. 894 01:06:02,925 --> 01:06:07,054 - Let's get the hell outta here. - Not so fast. Not 'til we get it down. 895 01:06:07,179 --> 01:06:09,723 There it is. Paul, go unhookk it. 896 01:06:09,847 --> 01:06:11,724 Ri ght. 897 01:06:13,851 --> 01:06:15,728 Fantastic. 898 01:06:15,853 --> 01:06:18,188 It's beautifiul. 899 01:06:18,313 --> 01:06:20,857 - You sure this is gonna work?. - Yes. 900 01:06:20,982 --> 01:06:23,902 You sure?. 901 01:06:24,026 --> 01:06:25,819 Yes, hurty. Do it. 902 01:06:35,953 --> 01:06:38,496 My God! 903 01:06:40,623 --> 01:06:42,500 We killed him. 904 01:06:46,545 --> 01:06:48,421 Tor?. 905 01:06:51,215 --> 01:06:53,092 Better than wrestling. 906 01:06:53,216 --> 01:06:55,093 Lights! 907 01:06:55,218 --> 01:06:58,596 "Now,Janet, I wantyou stayin'away... 908 01:06:58,721 --> 01:07:01,306 "firom that old Willows place. I want- 909 01:07:01,432 --> 01:07:03,808 "Now, Janet, I w- 910 01:07:03,933 --> 01:07:05,935 - Great. - "I want you- 911 01:07:06,061 --> 01:07:07,937 - Connie! - I want you staying away-" 912 01:07:08,063 --> 01:07:11,440 - The octopus has to live in the lake. - This is kind of a stream. 913 01:07:11,565 --> 01:07:13,483 No! It has to be underwater. 914 01:07:13,608 --> 01:07:15,986 Let me look at this. Okay. 915 01:07:17,612 --> 01:07:19,988 Go set up by the lake. 916 01:07:20,114 --> 01:07:23,200 Eddie. I'm so tired. 917 01:07:23,324 --> 01:07:26,202 I don't know if I can handle a night shoot. 918 01:07:26,327 --> 01:07:29,246 Nonsense. You look great. 919 01:07:30,539 --> 01:07:32,415 All right, look. 920 01:07:32,541 --> 01:07:36,002 Why don't you have a nice nap and we'll shoot around you a little while. 921 01:07:36,127 --> 01:07:38,629 - Thanks, buddy. - You're welcome. 922 01:07:38,754 --> 01:07:40,631 All right, you kids. 923 01:07:56,435 --> 01:07:59,813 Hey, this is looking fantastic! 924 01:07:59,938 --> 01:08:01,815 Paul, where's the octopus motor?. 925 01:08:03,691 --> 01:08:06,985 - What octopus motor?. - To make his legs move. 926 01:08:09,112 --> 01:08:12,573 Don't blame me! You didn't say anything about a motor when I was on the ceiling! 927 01:08:16,076 --> 01:08:17,953 What's he talking- 928 01:08:22,873 --> 01:08:25,417 Paul lost the octopus motor. 929 01:08:26,877 --> 01:08:29,337 All right, let's shoot this fucker. 930 01:08:29,462 --> 01:08:31,672 Great. 931 01:08:31,797 --> 01:08:33,924 Where do I go?. 932 01:08:34,049 --> 01:08:37,177 - You'll be fighting with the octopus. - Out there?. 933 01:08:37,302 --> 01:08:40,346 - Yes. - What happened to the stream?. 934 01:08:40,471 --> 01:08:43,348 Well, this is gonna look a lot better. 935 01:08:43,474 --> 01:08:46,851 We have to match it to the stock footage of the octopus underwater. 936 01:08:48,061 --> 01:08:50,187 Aw, for Christ's sake. 937 01:08:51,980 --> 01:08:53,857 Ehh. 938 01:08:53,982 --> 01:08:57,694 - Goddam, it's cold! - It'll warm up once you're in it. 939 01:08:57,819 --> 01:08:59,612 Fuckyou! You come out here! 940 01:08:59,736 --> 01:09:02,864 Hey! Throw me that whiskky! 941 01:09:11,872 --> 01:09:14,749 Ahh. How do you turn this on?. 942 01:09:16,167 --> 01:09:20,045 Well... somebody misplaced the octopus motor... 943 01:09:20,170 --> 01:09:23,547 so when you get in there and fight with him, shake his legs around. 944 01:09:23,673 --> 01:09:26,134 Looks like he's killin' ya. Okay. 945 01:09:28,260 --> 01:09:30,554 You know I turned down Frankkenstein? 946 01:09:30,678 --> 01:09:34,682 - What?. - After I did Dracula... 947 01:09:34,807 --> 01:09:38,643 the studio offered me Frankkenstein, but I turned it down. 948 01:09:39,769 --> 01:09:42,647 Part wasn't sex. y enough. 949 01:09:42,772 --> 01:09:46,233 T oo degrading for a big star like me. 950 01:09:47,609 --> 01:09:51,404 Bela... I have 25 scenes to shoot tonight. 951 01:09:52,572 --> 01:09:55,448 Oh. Sorry. Don't let me slow you down. 952 01:09:55,574 --> 01:09:58,951 Okay. All right. 953 01:09:59,077 --> 01:10:00,953 All right. 954 01:10:02,872 --> 01:10:05,415 All right, let's put it on film! 955 01:10:05,540 --> 01:10:07,834 - Camera! - We're rolling! 956 01:10:07,959 --> 01:10:09,919 - Sound! - Ed, we don't have sound. 957 01:10:10,044 --> 01:10:11,921 Oh. 958 01:10:12,046 --> 01:10:13,923 And... action! 959 01:10:37,734 --> 01:10:39,609 And... cut! 960 01:10:42,404 --> 01:10:44,280 That was perfect! 961 01:10:44,531 --> 01:10:46,740 Come on! Come on, troops! 962 01:10:46,824 --> 01:10:49,701 Have a nice cup o' joe, you'll feel much better. 963 01:10:49,827 --> 01:10:51,703 All right. All right, Harry. 964 01:10:51,829 --> 01:10:54,705 Mr Wood?. I only got one hour of sleep last night. 965 01:10:54,830 --> 01:10:59,167 Yeah, well, I got no sleep, and I feel great. Go get' em, kid, go get 'em. 966 01:10:59,292 --> 01:11:01,587 - I'm gettin' too old for this. - Great work, Bill. 967 01:11:01,711 --> 01:11:03,796 Go ahead. Go get 'em. 968 01:11:03,921 --> 01:11:05,798 Be careful. Don't hurt him. 969 01:11:07,090 --> 01:11:08,800 Don't scratch the tentacles. 970 01:11:11,261 --> 01:11:13,220 Bela... 971 01:11:13,345 --> 01:11:16,223 I wanna thankyou again for last night. 972 01:11:16,348 --> 01:11:19,226 That's fine, Eddie. All in the line of duty. 973 01:11:19,351 --> 01:11:24,313 No, no, I want you to know how much I appreciate all you've done for me. 974 01:11:24,438 --> 01:11:28,900 A great man like yourself shouldn't have to be wandering through the muck at 4.:00 a. m. 975 01:11:29,026 --> 01:11:32,820 Well, there are not a lot of fellas I'd do it for. 976 01:11:32,945 --> 01:11:36,865 Say, I wrote something special forya. 977 01:11:36,991 --> 01:11:41,202 I got to thinkin' about all the sacrifices you've made and I- 978 01:11:41,327 --> 01:11:43,704 Well, I wrote you a- 979 01:11:44,830 --> 01:11:46,707 a new final speech. 980 01:11:49,125 --> 01:11:52,003 Well, this is quite a scene, Eddie. 981 01:11:52,127 --> 01:11:55,547 I know it's a lot to give you at the last minute, Bela, but- 982 01:11:55,672 --> 01:11:57,757 These lines... 983 01:11:57,882 --> 01:12:00,259 I'll have no problem remembering. 984 01:12:02,302 --> 01:12:04,179 Great. 985 01:12:05,513 --> 01:12:08,182 All right, kids, let's knock 'em dead. 986 01:12:09,308 --> 01:12:12,894 My dear Professor Strowski... 987 01:12:13,020 --> 01:12:17,898 twenty years ago I was banned from my homeland. 988 01:12:18,023 --> 01:12:21,026 I was classed as a madman, a charlatan. 989 01:12:22,277 --> 01:12:25,154 Outlawed in the world ofiscience... 990 01:12:25,280 --> 01:12:28,782 which previously honoured me as a genius. 991 01:12:30,200 --> 01:12:32,076 Now here... 992 01:12:32,202 --> 01:12:36,122 in this forsaken jungle hell... 993 01:12:36,247 --> 01:12:39,124 I have proven that I am all right! 994 01:12:39,249 --> 01:12:41,126 Yes! 995 01:12:41,251 --> 01:12:44,296 The authorities have learned how correct your findings were. 996 01:12:44,420 --> 01:12:47,381 So I am here... 997 01:12:47,506 --> 01:12:49,383 to bringyou home. 998 01:12:55,054 --> 01:12:56,930 Home?. 999 01:12:58,556 --> 01:13:00,725 I have no home. 1000 01:13:02,017 --> 01:13:03,894 Hunted. 1001 01:13:04,019 --> 01:13:06,563 Despised. 1002 01:13:06,688 --> 01:13:09,066 Living like an animal. 1003 01:13:09,190 --> 01:13:12,569 The jungle is my home. 1004 01:13:12,693 --> 01:13:15,737 But I shall show the world... 1005 01:13:15,863 --> 01:13:18,906 that I can be its master! 1006 01:13:19,032 --> 01:13:23,327 I shall perfect my own race of people... 1007 01:13:23,452 --> 01:13:25,829 a race of atomic supermen... 1008 01:13:25,954 --> 01:13:28,748 that will conquer the world! 1009 01:13:36,921 --> 01:13:38,798 Cut. 1010 01:13:40,132 --> 01:13:42,009 That's a wrap. 1011 01:13:49,390 --> 01:13:52,726 Glen Or Glenda? Now, that was a hell of a picture. 1012 01:13:52,851 --> 01:13:55,729 Yeah, but this new one is gonna be a million times better. 1013 01:13:55,854 --> 01:13:58,356 Is that possible?. 1014 01:14:03,276 --> 01:14:05,153 Mr Bunny, what's wrong?. 1015 01:14:05,278 --> 01:14:08,156 I heard you were becoming a lady. 1016 01:14:08,906 --> 01:14:10,783 Oh, that. 1017 01:14:12,284 --> 01:14:14,160 Mexico... 1018 01:14:14,285 --> 01:14:16,620 was... 1019 01:14:16,746 --> 01:14:19,623 a nightmare. 1020 01:14:19,748 --> 01:14:23,710 We got into a car accident; he was killed. 1021 01:14:24,836 --> 01:14:26,712 Our luggage... 1022 01:14:26,838 --> 01:14:29,131 was stolen. 1023 01:14:29,256 --> 01:14:32,008 The surgeon turned out to be... 1024 01:14:32,134 --> 01:14:34,010 a quack. 1025 01:14:34,134 --> 01:14:37,012 If it hadn't been for these men... 1026 01:14:39,639 --> 01:14:41,516 I don't know... 1027 01:14:41,641 --> 01:14:43,851 how I would've... 1028 01:14:43,976 --> 01:14:45,853 survived. 1029 01:15:07,120 --> 01:15:08,997 Oh, wow! 1030 01:16:12,507 --> 01:16:15,217 You people are insane! 1031 01:16:15,343 --> 01:16:17,219 You're wasting your lives making shit! 1032 01:16:17,344 --> 01:16:20,388 Nobody cares! These movies are terrible! 1033 01:16:28,020 --> 01:16:29,897 Dolores! 1034 01:16:34,233 --> 01:16:37,235 Ed, it's over. I need a normal life. 1035 01:16:39,154 --> 01:16:42,406 - Did you really mean those things you sa- - I'm tired of living like this. 1036 01:16:42,531 --> 01:16:46,410 - But, Poodle- - I just stuck it out so you could finish your movie... 1037 01:16:46,535 --> 01:16:49,120 and now that's it's done, so am I. 1038 01:17:00,630 --> 01:17:04,007 Ooh, that was so scaty, it gave me goose bumps. 1039 01:17:06,134 --> 01:17:10,054 No, dummy, I didn't say "goose," I said "goose bumps. " 1040 01:17:10,179 --> 01:17:14,058 Well, be sure to join me next week for The Mummy's Curse. 1041 01:17:14,182 --> 01:17:16,851 Until then, pleasant nightmares. 1042 01:17:29,112 --> 01:17:32,989 - Okkay, fiolkks, we're ofifithe air. - That was a good show. 1043 01:17:33,114 --> 01:17:35,658 God, this show needs better jokes. 1044 01:17:35,783 --> 01:17:37,827 - You got a phone call. - Who is it?. 1045 01:17:37,952 --> 01:17:40,537 I don't know. 1046 01:17:40,663 --> 01:17:44,499 - Hello. - Vampira?. Ed Wood here. 1047 01:17:44,624 --> 01:17:46,500 - Who?. - Ed Wood. 1048 01:17:46,626 --> 01:17:49,711 -Remember, I met you at the Brown Derby?. -Oh, yeah, you. 1049 01:17:49,836 --> 01:17:53,339 Listen, I was wondering ifyou'd like to go out sometime, grab some dinner maybe. 1050 01:17:53,464 --> 01:17:57,343 - You mean a date?. I thought you were a fag. - No, I'm just a transvestite. 1051 01:17:57,468 --> 01:17:59,511 So, how's about Friday night?. 1052 01:17:59,636 --> 01:18:02,305 Look, you seem like a nice guy, but you're just not my type. 1053 01:18:02,430 --> 01:18:06,016 But keep in touch. Let me know when your movie opens. 1054 01:18:13,439 --> 01:18:15,440 Hello?. 1055 01:18:15,566 --> 01:18:18,443 Eddie, help me. 1056 01:18:18,569 --> 01:18:20,445 Bela?. 1057 01:18:35,540 --> 01:18:38,418 Bela. 1058 01:18:40,795 --> 01:18:42,671 Bela! 1059 01:18:46,633 --> 01:18:48,509 What do you want?. 1060 01:18:50,136 --> 01:18:52,512 You called me. Remember?. 1061 01:18:55,557 --> 01:18:57,434 What areyou doing, Bela? 1062 01:18:57,559 --> 01:18:59,434 I'm going to kill myself. 1063 01:18:59,560 --> 01:19:02,354 My gosh, what happened?. 1064 01:19:05,648 --> 01:19:07,900 Eddie. 1065 01:19:10,026 --> 01:19:13,530 I got a letter from the government. 1066 01:19:13,654 --> 01:19:15,865 They're cancelling my... 1067 01:19:15,990 --> 01:19:18,367 unemployment. 1068 01:19:18,492 --> 01:19:21,036 It's all I've got. 1069 01:19:21,161 --> 01:19:24,539 Without it, I can't pay the rent. 1070 01:19:24,664 --> 01:19:26,708 Don't you have any savings?. 1071 01:19:26,832 --> 01:19:30,752 Eddie, I'm obsolete. 1072 01:19:31,878 --> 01:19:35,214 I have nothing to live for. 1073 01:19:35,339 --> 01:19:38,217 Tonight, I shall die. 1074 01:19:43,429 --> 01:19:45,306 Eddie! 1075 01:19:45,430 --> 01:19:48,308 You should come with me. 1076 01:19:48,433 --> 01:19:51,811 - I don't think that's such a good idea. - It's a wonderful idea. 1077 01:19:51,936 --> 01:19:54,521 It'll be wonderful! We'll be at peace! 1078 01:19:54,647 --> 01:19:58,149 In the afterlife, you don't have to worry about finding work. 1079 01:19:58,275 --> 01:20:00,651 Bela... 1080 01:20:00,777 --> 01:20:02,653 I'm on your side. 1081 01:20:04,363 --> 01:20:06,240 Gimme the gun. 1082 01:20:07,699 --> 01:20:10,076 Ifyou give me the gun... 1083 01:20:10,201 --> 01:20:12,077 I'll make you a drink. 1084 01:20:13,454 --> 01:20:15,914 What are you drinking, Bela?. 1085 01:20:16,039 --> 01:20:17,958 Formaldehyde. 1086 01:20:18,083 --> 01:20:20,251 Straight up, or on the rocks?. 1087 01:20:35,138 --> 01:20:37,014 Eddie. 1088 01:20:37,140 --> 01:20:39,016 I'm sorry. 1089 01:20:40,851 --> 01:20:42,728 I'm so sorry. 1090 01:20:42,853 --> 01:20:45,146 Don't worry, Bela. 1091 01:20:45,272 --> 01:20:49,441 - I'm sorry, Eddie. - Everything will be okay. 1092 01:20:57,740 --> 01:21:00,617 Oh, my goodness, you gave me the willies! 1093 01:21:00,742 --> 01:21:02,660 You look like that Dracula guy. 1094 01:21:03,828 --> 01:21:06,789 My name is Bela Lugosi... 1095 01:21:06,914 --> 01:21:09,333 and I wish to commit myself. 1096 01:21:09,457 --> 01:21:12,002 For what reason?. 1097 01:21:13,628 --> 01:21:17,131 I have been a drug addict for twenty years. 1098 01:21:17,256 --> 01:21:19,133 I need help. 1099 01:22:05,796 --> 01:22:08,172 Is that angora?. 1100 01:22:08,298 --> 01:22:10,674 Um, yes. 1101 01:22:12,801 --> 01:22:16,179 Don't you think angora has a tactile sensuality... 1102 01:22:16,304 --> 01:22:18,514 lacking in all other clothing?. 1103 01:22:18,639 --> 01:22:20,516 Yeah, I suppose. 1104 01:22:20,641 --> 01:22:22,852 It is awfully expensive. 1105 01:22:22,976 --> 01:22:26,104 Well, it's made from specially-bred rabbits... 1106 01:22:26,229 --> 01:22:28,106 that live in the Himalayas. 1107 01:22:28,230 --> 01:22:32,025 Say, what are you, an angora wholesaler?. 1108 01:22:32,150 --> 01:22:34,194 No. 1109 01:22:34,319 --> 01:22:36,195 No. 1110 01:22:39,323 --> 01:22:41,200 I'm in pictures. 1111 01:22:43,701 --> 01:22:47,037 I'm a director, writer, actor and producer. 1112 01:22:47,163 --> 01:22:50,040 Aw, come on. Nobody does all that. 1113 01:22:50,165 --> 01:22:52,042 Oh, yes, they do. Two people. 1114 01:22:52,166 --> 01:22:54,168 Orson Welles and me. 1115 01:22:54,293 --> 01:22:56,170 Wow. 1116 01:22:56,295 --> 01:22:59,673 - Whatcha makin'?. - Booties. For my father. 1117 01:22:59,798 --> 01:23:02,258 - Gets cold in the hospital. - Mmm. 1118 01:23:02,384 --> 01:23:05,970 - Has he been here long?. - This is my thirteenth pair. 1119 01:23:07,387 --> 01:23:09,431 Excuse me. 1120 01:23:11,682 --> 01:23:13,559 Excuse me, Doctor. 1121 01:23:13,684 --> 01:23:16,061 I'm with Mr Lugosi. How is he?. 1122 01:23:16,186 --> 01:23:19,564 Well, there's a lot of junk in his system for such an old man. 1123 01:23:19,689 --> 01:23:21,566 Apparently he was addicted to morphine. 1124 01:23:21,691 --> 01:23:24,901 He tried to kick that and he got readdicted to methadone. 1125 01:23:25,027 --> 01:23:27,904 - Is he gonna be okay?. - We'll do our best. 1126 01:23:32,533 --> 01:23:36,578 - Hi, Lillian. - Oh, hi, Ed. He's got a lot ofvisitors today. 1127 01:23:36,703 --> 01:23:38,580 - He does?. - Mm-hmm. 1128 01:23:38,705 --> 01:23:40,582 Smile. That's it! 1129 01:23:40,707 --> 01:23:42,582 - Hey! Hey! - One more picture, sir? 1130 01:23:42,708 --> 01:23:45,585 - Do the doctors sayyou're gonna get outta here? - Freakks! 1131 01:23:45,711 --> 01:23:47,837 Get outta here! Get outta here! 1132 01:23:47,962 --> 01:23:50,840 What is wrong with you people?. Come on, trash barrel! 1133 01:23:50,965 --> 01:23:52,841 Hey! 1134 01:23:52,967 --> 01:23:54,843 Bela, what happened?. 1135 01:23:54,968 --> 01:23:57,470 Eddie, why did you chase them?. 1136 01:23:57,595 --> 01:24:01,807 After all these years, the press is finally interested again in Bela Lugosi. 1137 01:24:01,932 --> 01:24:03,933 Bela... 1138 01:24:04,059 --> 01:24:07,645 those people are parasites; they just wanna exploit you. 1139 01:24:07,770 --> 01:24:10,648 Fine. Let them. 1140 01:24:10,773 --> 01:24:13,650 There is no such thing as bad press, Eddie. 1141 01:24:13,775 --> 01:24:18,362 Man firom New Yorkk even said he's putting me on the firont page. 1142 01:24:19,780 --> 01:24:24,492 First celebrity ever to check into rehab. 1143 01:24:25,744 --> 01:24:28,620 When I get out of here... 1144 01:24:28,745 --> 01:24:30,622 I will be healthy... 1145 01:24:30,747 --> 01:24:32,791 strong... 1146 01:24:32,915 --> 01:24:35,834 primed for my comeback- 1147 01:24:47,427 --> 01:24:49,304 Hello again. 1148 01:24:49,429 --> 01:24:51,639 - Hi. - You look beat. 1149 01:24:51,764 --> 01:24:54,642 No, I-I'm fine. How's your father?. 1150 01:24:54,767 --> 01:24:58,019 Better. Thank you for asking. And your friend?. 1151 01:25:00,272 --> 01:25:02,189 Not good. 1152 01:25:04,024 --> 01:25:07,903 Well, I made him some booties to cheer him up. 1153 01:25:09,863 --> 01:25:12,739 They're black, to match his cape. 1154 01:25:16,618 --> 01:25:19,496 Say, have you always lived in Los Angeles?. 1155 01:25:19,621 --> 01:25:22,081 No, I'm from back east. Poughkeepsie. 1156 01:25:22,206 --> 01:25:26,167 You know- all-American small town; everybody knows everybody; 1157 01:25:26,292 --> 01:25:29,170 my dad worked for the post office; I was a Boy Scout. 1158 01:25:29,295 --> 01:25:32,173 - Did you find it boring?. - No, not at all. 1159 01:25:32,297 --> 01:25:34,675 I had my comic books and pulp magazines. 1160 01:25:34,800 --> 01:25:37,677 - Used to listen to radio dramas constantly. - I love those shows. 1161 01:25:37,802 --> 01:25:39,678 - The Shadow, InnerSanctum. - Yes. 1162 01:25:39,804 --> 01:25:42,681 - And the Mercury Theater with Orson Welles. - Mmm. 1163 01:25:42,806 --> 01:25:45,683 Boy, you know, every Saturday afternoon me and my dad... 1164 01:25:45,808 --> 01:25:48,686 marched down the street in our uniform to the little movie theatre. 1165 01:25:48,811 --> 01:25:50,854 Oh, the spook house! 1166 01:26:20,671 --> 01:26:23,256 Aah! 1167 01:26:23,381 --> 01:26:25,216 Aaaarrr! 1168 01:26:26,675 --> 01:26:29,553 You're not gonna believe the first picture I ever saw. 1169 01:26:29,678 --> 01:26:31,596 It was your friend's- Dracula. 1170 01:26:31,721 --> 01:26:35,599 - That's incredible; that's the first picture I ever saw. - That is incredible. 1171 01:26:35,725 --> 01:26:39,560 - You know, I had to sleep with the lights on for a week. - I had to for a month. 1172 01:26:39,686 --> 01:26:42,229 But I never missed a Lugosi picture after that one. 1173 01:26:43,773 --> 01:26:47,151 A few years ago I actually saw him do Dracula live. 1174 01:26:47,276 --> 01:26:49,652 It was much scarier in person. 1175 01:26:49,778 --> 01:26:53,906 - Oh. We're stuckk. 1176 01:27:01,662 --> 01:27:04,331 Kathy... 1177 01:27:04,414 --> 01:27:08,793 I'm about to tell you something that I never told any girl on a first date. 1178 01:27:10,795 --> 01:27:13,672 But I think it's important that you know... 1179 01:27:20,302 --> 01:27:22,262 I like to wear women's clothes. 1180 01:27:25,056 --> 01:27:28,183 - Huh?. - I like to wear women's clothes. 1181 01:27:29,518 --> 01:27:32,396 Panties, brassieres, sweaters, pumps. 1182 01:27:33,563 --> 01:27:35,941 It's just something I do. 1183 01:27:36,065 --> 01:27:39,943 Yes, I can't believe I'm telling you this, but I really like you... 1184 01:27:40,069 --> 01:27:43,697 and I don't want it getting in the way down the road. 1185 01:27:43,822 --> 01:27:47,866 Does this mean... you don't like sex with girls?. 1186 01:27:47,992 --> 01:27:50,661 No, I love sex with girls. 1187 01:27:57,041 --> 01:27:58,918 Okay. 1188 01:28:00,711 --> 01:28:02,670 Okay?. 1189 01:28:04,130 --> 01:28:06,215 Okay. 1190 01:28:17,140 --> 01:28:21,519 You see, we thought that Mr Lugosi was insured through his union. 1191 01:28:21,644 --> 01:28:25,814 - Isn't he?. - No, they say his eligibility ran out years ago. 1192 01:28:29,317 --> 01:28:31,193 Look, Doctor... 1193 01:28:31,319 --> 01:28:33,695 he doesn't have any money. 1194 01:28:33,821 --> 01:28:37,198 But I'll give you everything I've got; a few hundred dollars. 1195 01:28:37,323 --> 01:28:41,994 That won't even begin to cover it. He's gonna have to leave. 1196 01:28:46,122 --> 01:28:49,292 Bela?. Bela, wake up. 1197 01:28:51,169 --> 01:28:55,964 I've got some great news. The doctor says you're all better; you can go home now. 1198 01:28:57,799 --> 01:29:00,009 Really?. 1199 01:29:00,133 --> 01:29:02,052 I don't feel so great. 1200 01:29:02,177 --> 01:29:05,847 No?. Well, you look just peachy. 1201 01:29:05,972 --> 01:29:08,725 And, uh, the tests came backk fiine. 1202 01:29:08,850 --> 01:29:11,726 Come on, let's get up. 1203 01:29:12,853 --> 01:29:15,021 Here we go. 1204 01:29:15,146 --> 01:29:18,316 Atta boy. Good. 1205 01:29:25,655 --> 01:29:27,656 Eddie... 1206 01:29:27,781 --> 01:29:30,868 I want to make another picture. 1207 01:29:30,993 --> 01:29:33,870 When are we going to make another picture?. 1208 01:29:33,995 --> 01:29:37,372 Oh... soon, Bela. Very soon. 1209 01:29:45,379 --> 01:29:48,131 This is so exciting. 1210 01:29:48,257 --> 01:29:50,217 Another production. 1211 01:29:50,342 --> 01:29:52,260 Isn't it?. 1212 01:29:52,385 --> 01:29:56,388 So, Eddie, shouldn't we have a sound crew?. 1213 01:29:56,514 --> 01:29:59,891 Uh, no, no, because this is just second unit stuff. 1214 01:30:00,016 --> 01:30:03,060 We're gonna do the main footage later. All right?. 1215 01:30:03,185 --> 01:30:04,937 So, what's this scene about?. 1216 01:30:06,188 --> 01:30:08,189 Um... 1217 01:30:08,314 --> 01:30:10,608 You're a very important and respected man. 1218 01:30:10,734 --> 01:30:13,403 And you're leaving your house; you're in a hurry. 1219 01:30:13,527 --> 01:30:16,404 You're on your way to a big social brouhaha. Okay?. 1220 01:30:16,530 --> 01:30:20,408 Eddie. What if I'm not in so big a hurry?. 1221 01:30:20,533 --> 01:30:23,410 What if I take a moment to slow down; 1222 01:30:23,535 --> 01:30:25,954 to savour the beauty of life; 1223 01:30:26,079 --> 01:30:29,957 to, to smell a budding flower?. 1224 01:30:30,083 --> 01:30:32,959 That's great. That is great. 1225 01:30:33,084 --> 01:30:35,212 Let's do a take. Okay?. 1226 01:30:38,339 --> 01:30:40,132 Ed, I'm really busy. 1227 01:30:40,257 --> 01:30:43,593 - What do you want now?. - I was calling to see ifyou'd like to attend... 1228 01:30:43,718 --> 01:30:46,138 the world premiere of my new movie, Bride OfiThe Monster. 1229 01:30:46,262 --> 01:30:49,640 - Didn't you just make one called Bride OfiThe Atom? - Yes, it's the same film. 1230 01:30:49,765 --> 01:30:52,142 But the distributor wanted a punchier title. 1231 01:30:52,268 --> 01:30:56,229 Come on, it's gonna be a big event; Bela, Tor and Cris are coming. You'll have fun! 1232 01:30:58,022 --> 01:31:00,107 Uhh! I can't see. 1233 01:31:00,232 --> 01:31:02,400 These contact lenses are hurting. 1234 01:31:02,525 --> 01:31:04,778 My eyes are killin' me. 1235 01:31:04,902 --> 01:31:06,779 Don't worry. We're almost there. 1236 01:31:12,576 --> 01:31:15,703 Hi. 1237 01:31:15,828 --> 01:31:19,748 Right in there. Thank God you're here. They're tearing up the place. 1238 01:31:21,249 --> 01:31:23,293 Come on, come on. 1239 01:31:23,417 --> 01:31:25,294 Come on, this way. 1240 01:31:27,588 --> 01:31:29,465 Come on! 1241 01:31:29,589 --> 01:31:31,466 Come on! 1242 01:31:31,591 --> 01:31:35,469 I've never been to a movie premiere before! 1243 01:31:45,686 --> 01:31:47,896 Well, go knock 'em dead. 1244 01:32:00,281 --> 01:32:02,783 Oooh! 1245 01:32:02,908 --> 01:32:04,910 At the stroke of midnight... 1246 01:32:05,035 --> 01:32:07,496 the witching hour... 1247 01:32:07,620 --> 01:32:10,206 the ghouls arise... 1248 01:32:10,331 --> 01:32:12,207 firom the dead! 1249 01:32:20,631 --> 01:32:23,509 - Hey, Vampira, how 'bout a little love! - Fuck off! 1250 01:32:23,633 --> 01:32:26,845 One of them stole my wallet! 1251 01:32:32,266 --> 01:32:34,643 - I can't see! - Get off me! Let's go! 1252 01:32:34,768 --> 01:32:38,229 I gotta save 'em! 1253 01:32:38,354 --> 01:32:41,857 Get your heads down! Come on, let's go! We're getting the heck outta here! 1254 01:32:41,982 --> 01:32:44,359 Can't see! 1255 01:32:44,484 --> 01:32:47,362 I can't see any more! 1256 01:32:52,365 --> 01:32:55,243 Hey, come on! Let's split! 1257 01:33:03,374 --> 01:33:06,084 Taxi! 1258 01:33:06,210 --> 01:33:09,380 - Stop! - Get in! Come on! Go on, get in! 1259 01:33:19,221 --> 01:33:21,556 Now, that was a premiere. 1260 01:33:30,355 --> 01:33:32,231 Eddie... 1261 01:33:32,357 --> 01:33:34,900 last night was quite a romp. 1262 01:33:35,025 --> 01:33:37,902 Did you see that kid grab Vampira's boobies?. 1263 01:33:38,027 --> 01:33:41,405 I envied him. Hell, I envied you too. 1264 01:33:41,530 --> 01:33:46,243 A girlfriend who would jump in front of a car like that. 1265 01:33:46,368 --> 01:33:48,911 Yes, she is quite something. 1266 01:33:49,037 --> 01:33:51,163 None of my wives would have. 1267 01:33:54,791 --> 01:33:58,419 Eddie, I want to thankyou. 1268 01:33:59,712 --> 01:34:02,381 These last few days have been... 1269 01:34:02,506 --> 01:34:04,382 a good time. 1270 01:34:06,009 --> 01:34:07,886 You know, I just- 1271 01:34:08,010 --> 01:34:11,096 - I just wish you coulda seen the movie. - Ahh. 1272 01:34:11,222 --> 01:34:13,098 No problem. 1273 01:34:13,224 --> 01:34:15,433 I know it by heart. 1274 01:34:21,981 --> 01:34:24,857 Home. 1275 01:34:24,982 --> 01:34:28,610 I have no home. 1276 01:34:28,736 --> 01:34:30,738 Hunted. 1277 01:34:30,863 --> 01:34:33,281 Despised. 1278 01:34:33,406 --> 01:34:35,783 Living like an animal. 1279 01:34:35,908 --> 01:34:39,119 The jungle is my home. 1280 01:34:39,244 --> 01:34:41,121 But I shall show the world... 1281 01:34:41,246 --> 01:34:44,498 that I can be its master! 1282 01:34:44,624 --> 01:34:48,377 I shall perfect my own race of people... 1283 01:34:48,502 --> 01:34:50,962 a race of atomic supermen... 1284 01:34:51,088 --> 01:34:53,464 that will conquer the world! 1285 01:34:57,176 --> 01:35:00,553 Uh, Mr Lugosi, could I have your autograph, please?. 1286 01:35:00,679 --> 01:35:03,013 - Certainly. - Why, that was- That was incredible. 1287 01:35:03,139 --> 01:35:07,350 - I mean, you're just as great as you ever were. - Better. 1288 01:35:07,475 --> 01:35:10,562 I am 74, but I don't know it. 1289 01:35:10,687 --> 01:35:12,563 When the brain is young... 1290 01:35:12,688 --> 01:35:16,149 the spirit is still... vigorous... 1291 01:35:16,274 --> 01:35:19,152 like- like a young man. 1292 01:35:21,904 --> 01:35:23,322 "And left the planet Mars... 1293 01:35:23,530 --> 01:35:25,407 never to return again. " 1294 01:35:25,532 --> 01:35:27,409 The end. 1295 01:35:27,534 --> 01:35:29,911 Mmm. 1296 01:35:32,954 --> 01:35:34,831 Wood Productions. 1297 01:36:31,628 --> 01:36:35,005 Hey, who's crazy idea was it to bury him in the cape?. 1298 01:36:35,131 --> 01:36:38,550 I heard it was in the will; it was how he wanted to be remembered. 1299 01:37:14,204 --> 01:37:16,081 Could you run it again?. 1300 01:37:29,049 --> 01:37:30,926 Mr Wood. 1301 01:37:31,051 --> 01:37:34,929 - Huh? - Uh, Mr Wood, this is Mr Reynolds, your landlord. 1302 01:37:35,054 --> 01:37:37,307 Could you please open up?. 1303 01:37:37,432 --> 01:37:39,308 One minute. 1304 01:37:41,102 --> 01:37:46,438 - Yes?. - Uh, Mr Wood, you have bounced your third and final rent cheque. 1305 01:37:47,606 --> 01:37:49,483 I'm terribly sorry. 1306 01:37:49,608 --> 01:37:51,985 My-My stockbroker must've transferred the wrong account. 1307 01:37:52,110 --> 01:37:55,488 Come on in. I'll write you another cheque. 1308 01:37:58,365 --> 01:38:01,243 Ahh. I see you're in the picture business. 1309 01:38:01,368 --> 01:38:05,413 -Yes. -I'm interested in the picture business. 1310 01:38:05,538 --> 01:38:09,916 My associates and I, we wish to produce a series of uplifting religious films... 1311 01:38:10,042 --> 01:38:12,168 about the apostles. 1312 01:38:12,293 --> 01:38:15,338 But unfortunately, we don't have enough money. 1313 01:38:15,463 --> 01:38:17,340 Well, raising money's tough. 1314 01:38:17,464 --> 01:38:20,341 No, our church has enough money for one film. 1315 01:38:20,467 --> 01:38:23,344 We just don't have enough for all twelve. 1316 01:38:25,263 --> 01:38:27,639 Well, you know what you do?. 1317 01:38:27,764 --> 01:38:30,642 You produce a film in a commercially-proven genre... 1318 01:38:30,766 --> 01:38:34,145 and then after it's a hit, you take the profits from that and make the 12 apostles movies. 1319 01:38:34,269 --> 01:38:36,938 - Would that work?. - Absolutely. 1320 01:38:37,022 --> 01:38:38,898 Let me show you something. 1321 01:38:40,733 --> 01:38:42,610 You see this script?. 1322 01:38:42,735 --> 01:38:45,112 Grave Robbers From OuterSpace. 1323 01:38:45,237 --> 01:38:47,613 Money in the bank. 1324 01:38:47,739 --> 01:38:49,615 Grave robbers from what?. 1325 01:38:49,741 --> 01:38:53,536 From outer space. It's science fiction. Very big with the kids. 1326 01:38:53,660 --> 01:38:57,538 Ifyou make this picture, you'll have enough money to finance a hundred religious films... 1327 01:38:57,664 --> 01:38:59,999 and pay my back rent with the profits. 1328 01:39:00,124 --> 01:39:04,377 I don't know. This is, um, all a lot to absorb. 1329 01:39:04,502 --> 01:39:06,379 It's a guaranteed blockbuster. 1330 01:39:06,504 --> 01:39:08,381 Mmm. 1331 01:39:08,506 --> 01:39:11,800 I understand this science fiction is very popular, but, um... 1332 01:39:11,925 --> 01:39:15,011 don't the big hits always have big stars?. 1333 01:39:15,136 --> 01:39:19,015 -Well, we have a big star- Bela Lugosi. -Bela Lugosi- 1334 01:39:19,140 --> 01:39:21,017 Oh, I thought he passed on. 1335 01:39:22,517 --> 01:39:25,228 Yes. Yes, he did. 1336 01:39:25,353 --> 01:39:27,063 But... 1337 01:39:29,815 --> 01:39:33,985 -I've got the last footage he ever shot. -Doesn't look like very much. 1338 01:39:36,863 --> 01:39:40,740 Mr Reynolds, this is the acorn that will grow a great oak. 1339 01:39:40,866 --> 01:39:43,743 I'll just get a double to finish his scenes... 1340 01:39:43,868 --> 01:39:46,995 and we'll release it as Bela Lugosi's final film. 1341 01:39:47,204 --> 01:39:49,539 Bunny?. We're makin' another movie. 1342 01:39:49,664 --> 01:39:53,543 Yes, I got the Baptist Church of Beverly Hills to put up the cash. 1343 01:39:53,668 --> 01:39:56,545 Ed, I got the Lugosi doubles outside. 1344 01:39:56,670 --> 01:39:58,547 Bunny, I gotta go. 1345 01:40:03,676 --> 01:40:05,552 He's too short. 1346 01:40:06,678 --> 01:40:08,555 He's too tall. 1347 01:40:09,681 --> 01:40:11,433 He's just not going to work. 1348 01:40:11,557 --> 01:40:15,769 Well, Ed, I was thinkin' like when Bela played Fu Manchu. 1349 01:40:15,895 --> 01:40:18,271 - Paul, that was Karloff. - Oh. 1350 01:40:18,397 --> 01:40:20,273 - You're gonna have to try harder. - Okay. 1351 01:40:20,397 --> 01:40:23,275 - Try to be a cut above. Go get 'em. - Okay. Right. 1352 01:40:23,400 --> 01:40:27,404 Keep Sunday open; the producers want us to get baptised. Okay. 1353 01:40:32,199 --> 01:40:36,161 You know, hon, when you rewrite a script, it just gets better and better. 1354 01:40:37,537 --> 01:40:41,207 This is the ultimate Ed Wood movie. No compromises. 1355 01:40:42,541 --> 01:40:44,417 Oh, my. 1356 01:40:44,543 --> 01:40:46,753 - Eddie, lookk at this. - Hmm? 1357 01:40:46,878 --> 01:40:49,088 What?. 1358 01:40:49,213 --> 01:40:51,090 Poor girl's out of a job. 1359 01:40:55,218 --> 01:40:59,596 I brought the script. You'll be portraying the ghoul's wife. 1360 01:40:59,722 --> 01:41:02,391 - The ghoul's wife?. - Yes. 1361 01:41:02,516 --> 01:41:04,392 You should feel lucky. 1362 01:41:04,518 --> 01:41:07,979 Eddie's the only fella in town who doesn't pass judgement on people. 1363 01:41:08,104 --> 01:41:11,815 That's right. If I did, I wouldn't have any friends. 1364 01:41:11,940 --> 01:41:15,818 Look, would it be possible to make the ghoul's wife a little less prominent... 1365 01:41:15,944 --> 01:41:18,904 - so people wouldn't really notice me in the movie?. - You don't want to be noticed?. 1366 01:41:19,029 --> 01:41:23,241 Yeah. How about this?. What if I don't have any lines?. I'll play the part mute. 1367 01:41:23,366 --> 01:41:25,909 - Mute?. - Hey, it's Dr Tom. 1368 01:41:26,035 --> 01:41:28,620 - Dr Tom! Hiya! - Who's Dr Tom?. 1369 01:41:28,745 --> 01:41:31,790 - He's my chiropractor. - Hey, Kathy. How are you?. 1370 01:41:31,915 --> 01:41:34,792 - Fine, thanks. - Well, look at you. 1371 01:41:34,917 --> 01:41:36,794 You're looking in alignment today. 1372 01:41:36,919 --> 01:41:40,004 Well, actually, my neck is a little funny. 1373 01:41:40,129 --> 01:41:42,715 Now, here, let me fix that. 1374 01:41:49,012 --> 01:41:50,888 Ooh! 1375 01:41:54,558 --> 01:41:56,310 My gosh! 1376 01:41:57,936 --> 01:41:59,812 Don't move. 1377 01:42:03,399 --> 01:42:05,692 It's uncanny. 1378 01:42:06,943 --> 01:42:10,154 Look at his head! It's uncanny! 1379 01:42:13,491 --> 01:42:15,909 Lift up your voice 1380 01:42:16,034 --> 01:42:18,703 And let us sing 1381 01:42:18,828 --> 01:42:23,498 Alleluia, alleluia 1382 01:42:23,623 --> 01:42:26,752 He look nothin' like Bela. 1383 01:42:26,876 --> 01:42:28,919 He's kinda got his ears. 1384 01:42:29,045 --> 01:42:31,380 Oh, look. Coveryour face with this. 1385 01:42:33,298 --> 01:42:35,175 Oh. Now I can see it. 1386 01:42:35,300 --> 01:42:38,177 I want to suck your blood. 1387 01:42:38,303 --> 01:42:42,431 I want to suck your blood! 1388 01:42:42,556 --> 01:42:45,558 Let's hearyou call Boris Karloff a cocksucker. 1389 01:42:45,683 --> 01:42:47,560 Shh! 1390 01:42:47,685 --> 01:42:50,563 We want these Baptists to like us. Please. 1391 01:42:50,688 --> 01:42:53,690 Alleluia 1392 01:42:53,815 --> 01:42:56,108 Brothers and sisters... 1393 01:42:56,233 --> 01:43:00,154 we reach now in the service a joyous point... 1394 01:43:00,279 --> 01:43:04,323 because we are going to bear witness to the baptism of our new members. 1395 01:43:04,449 --> 01:43:07,326 Why couldn't we do this in the church?. 1396 01:43:07,451 --> 01:43:10,203 Because Brother Tor couldn't fit in the sacred tub. 1397 01:43:10,328 --> 01:43:12,747 Welcome to the fold, brother. 1398 01:43:14,290 --> 01:43:18,669 - Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour?. - Yes! 1399 01:43:18,794 --> 01:43:22,171 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. 1400 01:43:22,297 --> 01:43:24,423 Amen. 1401 01:43:27,801 --> 01:43:30,678 Welcome to the fold, brother. Welcome. 1402 01:43:33,014 --> 01:43:35,015 Praise the Lord, brother. 1403 01:43:39,060 --> 01:43:41,938 Do you reject Satan and all his evils?. 1404 01:43:42,062 --> 01:43:43,939 Sure. 1405 01:43:44,064 --> 01:43:47,442 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. 1406 01:43:53,947 --> 01:43:56,616 Praise the Lord, firiends! 1407 01:43:56,700 --> 01:43:59,577 - Do you repent fior allyour sins? - I do. 1408 01:43:59,703 --> 01:44:03,080 How do you do it?. How do you get all your friends to get baptised... 1409 01:44:03,205 --> 01:44:06,082 - just so you can make a monster movie?. - It's not a monster movie. 1410 01:44:06,207 --> 01:44:08,584 - It's a supernatural thriller. - Come toJesus, brother! 1411 01:44:24,848 --> 01:44:27,224 I can't believe this. 1412 01:44:42,362 --> 01:44:45,239 - Ed, what am I gonna do here?. - What do you mean?. 1413 01:44:45,364 --> 01:44:50,119 - He has no hair. - Gee, I never noticed that. Put a wig on him! 1414 01:44:50,243 --> 01:44:53,622 Before we start shooting, Mr Wood, we have a few questions. 1415 01:44:53,746 --> 01:44:57,416 Yes. The script contains numerous references to grave robbing. 1416 01:44:57,541 --> 01:45:01,794 Now, we find the concept of digging up consecrated ground to be highly offensive. 1417 01:45:01,919 --> 01:45:06,298 - It is blasphemy. - What are you talking about?. It's the premise of the movie. 1418 01:45:06,423 --> 01:45:09,801 - It's the title of the movie, for Christ's sakes! - Mr Wood! 1419 01:45:09,926 --> 01:45:11,803 Yes, about that title. 1420 01:45:11,928 --> 01:45:14,304 It strikes us as very inflammatory. 1421 01:45:14,430 --> 01:45:17,807 Why don't we change it to Plan 9 From OuterSpace? 1422 01:45:17,933 --> 01:45:20,643 Ha! That's ridiculous. 1423 01:45:23,270 --> 01:45:25,689 All right. And, action! 1424 01:45:28,817 --> 01:45:31,486 Medical examiner been around yet?. 1425 01:45:31,611 --> 01:45:34,988 Just left. The morgue wagon oughta be along most any time. 1426 01:45:35,114 --> 01:45:38,491 - You get their statement?. - Yeah, but they're pretty scared. 1427 01:45:38,616 --> 01:45:40,993 Fine mess like this will frighten anyone. 1428 01:45:41,118 --> 01:45:42,995 You have one ofithe boys, uh... 1429 01:45:43,120 --> 01:45:46,373 takke the guy and the girl backk to town; you takke charge. 1430 01:45:46,498 --> 01:45:49,375 What'd you give him all the lines for?. He's unintelligible. 1431 01:45:49,500 --> 01:45:52,670 Lugosi's dead and Vampira won't talk; I had to give somebody the dialogue! 1432 01:45:52,795 --> 01:45:54,671 That is no answer! 1433 01:45:55,922 --> 01:45:57,799 What about glitter?. 1434 01:45:57,924 --> 01:46:01,719 When I was a headliner in Paris, audiences always liked it when I sparkled. 1435 01:46:01,843 --> 01:46:03,720 No! 1436 01:46:03,845 --> 01:46:05,722 - Cat's eyes! - No! 1437 01:46:05,847 --> 01:46:08,015 - Well, I'm going to need some antennae. - No! 1438 01:46:08,140 --> 01:46:11,393 You're the ruler of the galaxy! Show a little taste! 1439 01:46:16,397 --> 01:46:18,608 See? No talking. Isn't he good? 1440 01:46:18,732 --> 01:46:21,568 - Cue Dr Tom. - N-Now? 1441 01:46:21,693 --> 01:46:23,695 Yes, now. Lurk him. 1442 01:46:30,075 --> 01:46:32,535 Be sure and keep your face covered. 1443 01:46:40,709 --> 01:46:43,753 Isn't it wonderful?. Bela lives. 1444 01:46:43,878 --> 01:46:46,422 Doesn't it strike you as a bit morbid?. 1445 01:46:46,547 --> 01:46:48,423 No. He would've loved it. 1446 01:46:48,549 --> 01:46:50,591 Bela's returned from the grave. 1447 01:46:50,717 --> 01:46:53,135 Just like Dracula. Cue Vampira. 1448 01:47:06,063 --> 01:47:08,815 Cut! 1449 01:47:08,940 --> 01:47:11,900 Let's go down and fiind out whose grave it is. 1450 01:47:12,026 --> 01:47:15,154 Oh, why do I always get hooked up with these spook details?. 1451 01:47:15,278 --> 01:47:17,238 Monsters, graves, bodies! 1452 01:47:17,363 --> 01:47:19,240 Cue flying saucer. 1453 01:47:24,119 --> 01:47:26,204 And cut! Print. We're moving on. 1454 01:47:27,788 --> 01:47:30,041 - That was perfect. - Perfect?. Mr Wood... 1455 01:47:30,166 --> 01:47:33,418 do you know anything about the art of film production?. 1456 01:47:33,544 --> 01:47:35,420 Well, I like to think so. 1457 01:47:35,546 --> 01:47:37,672 That cardboard headstone tipped over. 1458 01:47:37,797 --> 01:47:40,257 This graveyard is obviously phoney. 1459 01:47:41,634 --> 01:47:43,593 Nobody will ever notice that. 1460 01:47:43,718 --> 01:47:46,512 Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture. 1461 01:47:46,637 --> 01:47:48,347 - The big picture? - Yes. 1462 01:47:48,472 --> 01:47:52,184 How about when the policemen arrived in daylight, but now it's suddenly night?. 1463 01:47:52,309 --> 01:47:55,102 What do you know?. Haven't you heard of suspension of disbelief?. 1464 01:47:55,228 --> 01:47:57,146 Reverend, I'm here. 1465 01:47:57,271 --> 01:48:00,065 - Oh. - Who is he?. 1466 01:48:00,191 --> 01:48:02,484 This is our choir director. 1467 01:48:02,609 --> 01:48:05,069 He's gonna play the young hero. 1468 01:48:08,155 --> 01:48:11,157 Are you people insane?. I'm the director! 1469 01:48:11,282 --> 01:48:13,159 I make the casting decisions around here! 1470 01:48:14,327 --> 01:48:16,204 I thought this was a group effort. 1471 01:48:16,328 --> 01:48:18,246 No! 1472 01:48:20,290 --> 01:48:21,833 No?. 1473 01:48:21,958 --> 01:48:24,002 They're driving me crazy! 1474 01:48:25,586 --> 01:48:29,797 These Baptists are... stupid, stupid, stupid! 1475 01:48:32,175 --> 01:48:35,553 Okay. I gotta calm down. 1476 01:48:35,678 --> 01:48:37,595 Gotta calm down. 1477 01:48:39,973 --> 01:48:41,974 Gotta calm down. 1478 01:48:42,099 --> 01:48:44,018 Take a deep breath. 1479 01:48:44,143 --> 01:48:46,019 Relax. 1480 01:48:51,649 --> 01:48:54,026 All right, everybody. Let's get set up for scene 112. 1481 01:48:54,151 --> 01:48:57,153 Move the crypt stage left, and let's get Tor's make-up effect ready. 1482 01:48:57,278 --> 01:48:59,780 Mr Wood! 1483 01:48:59,905 --> 01:49:03,367 - What do you think you're doing?. - I'm directing. 1484 01:49:03,492 --> 01:49:05,535 Not like that you're not! 1485 01:49:05,661 --> 01:49:07,912 Remove that get-up immediately! 1486 01:49:08,037 --> 01:49:09,956 You shame our Lord. 1487 01:49:14,376 --> 01:49:17,170 That's it! I can't take it! 1488 01:49:24,926 --> 01:49:27,470 Take me to the nearest bar, and make it snappy! 1489 01:49:37,853 --> 01:49:39,813 Imperial Whisky. 1490 01:49:59,120 --> 01:50:01,915 Oh, my gosh. 1491 01:50:02,040 --> 01:50:03,916 Orson Welles. 1492 01:50:16,051 --> 01:50:18,428 - Excuse me, sir?. - Yes?. 1493 01:50:18,553 --> 01:50:22,765 Um- Well, I'm a young filmmaker and a real big fan. 1494 01:50:22,890 --> 01:50:24,975 I- I just wanted to meet you. 1495 01:50:26,393 --> 01:50:28,561 My pleasure. I'm Orson Welles. 1496 01:50:28,687 --> 01:50:31,230 I'm, uh, Edward D. Wood,Jr. 1497 01:50:34,066 --> 01:50:36,276 What you working on?. 1498 01:50:36,401 --> 01:50:39,987 Well, the financing just fell through for the third time on Don Quix. ote. 1499 01:50:40,113 --> 01:50:42,031 You know, I can't believe it. 1500 01:50:42,156 --> 01:50:44,282 That sounds just exactly like my problems. 1501 01:50:44,408 --> 01:50:48,452 It's the damn money men. They never know who's a windbag and who's got the goods. 1502 01:50:48,577 --> 01:50:50,454 Then they all think they're directors. 1503 01:50:50,579 --> 01:50:54,124 Ain't that the truth?. Do you know that I've even had producers re-cut my movies?. 1504 01:50:54,249 --> 01:50:57,835 - I hate when that happens. - And they're always ttying to cast their buddies. 1505 01:50:57,961 --> 01:50:59,796 It doesn't even matter if they're right for the part. 1506 01:50:59,921 --> 01:51:03,590 Tell me about it. I'm supposed to do a thriller at Universal... 1507 01:51:03,715 --> 01:51:06,384 but they want Charlton Heston to play a Mexican. 1508 01:51:08,761 --> 01:51:12,639 Ah, Mr Welles. Is it all worth it?. 1509 01:51:12,764 --> 01:51:15,141 It is when it works. 1510 01:51:15,266 --> 01:51:18,560 You know, the one film of mine where I had total control, Kane?. 1511 01:51:18,685 --> 01:51:20,854 The studio hated it... 1512 01:51:20,980 --> 01:51:23,690 but they didn't get to touch a firame. 1513 01:51:23,815 --> 01:51:27,484 - Ed. - Yes?. 1514 01:51:27,609 --> 01:51:30,028 Visions are worth fiighting fior. 1515 01:51:30,153 --> 01:51:33,031 Why spendyour lifie making someone else's dreams? 1516 01:51:39,453 --> 01:51:42,789 Thank you... Orson. 1517 01:51:46,751 --> 01:51:48,126 - Mr Reynolds. - Yes. 1518 01:51:48,252 --> 01:51:50,795 We are gonna finish this picture just the way I want it... 1519 01:51:50,920 --> 01:51:52,797 because you cannot compromise an artist's vision. 1520 01:51:52,922 --> 01:51:55,132 - But it's our money. - And you're gonna make a bundle... 1521 01:51:55,257 --> 01:51:58,177 but only ifyou shut up and let me do things my way. 1522 01:51:58,302 --> 01:52:03,097 All right, gang. Actors in positions. Let's finish this picture. 1523 01:52:13,147 --> 01:52:15,273 Action. 1524 01:52:24,197 --> 01:52:27,700 Wanna give him a hand?. Keep rolling. 1525 01:52:45,339 --> 01:52:47,216 Now that's an alien. 1526 01:52:48,342 --> 01:52:49,885 Action. 1527 01:52:57,016 --> 01:52:59,685 - What plan will you follow now?. - Plan 9. 1528 01:52:59,768 --> 01:53:02,479 Plan 9?. Ah, yes. 1529 01:53:02,604 --> 01:53:06,440 Plan 9 deals with the resurrection of the dead. 1530 01:53:06,565 --> 01:53:10,318 Long-distance electrodes shot into the pineal and pituitary glands... 1531 01:53:10,444 --> 01:53:12,195 of the recent dead. 1532 01:53:12,320 --> 01:53:15,865 You know, maybe you guys were right. "Plan 9" is a good title. 1533 01:53:15,990 --> 01:53:18,367 I want that lightning, I want those two explosions... 1534 01:53:18,492 --> 01:53:20,743 - and I've got to have more shots of the military! - Right. 1535 01:53:43,679 --> 01:53:45,222 And cut. 1536 01:53:45,348 --> 01:53:48,266 All right, friends. Prepare for scene 32. 1537 01:53:48,391 --> 01:53:50,351 - M-Mr. Wood?. - Yeah?. 1538 01:53:50,477 --> 01:53:54,605 - Where's the cockpit set?. - You're standing in it. Places! 1539 01:54:12,411 --> 01:54:14,788 But what ifwe develop this solenite bomb?. 1540 01:54:14,913 --> 01:54:16,873 Then we'd be a stronger nation too. 1541 01:54:16,998 --> 01:54:19,166 "Stronger. " You see?. 1542 01:54:19,291 --> 01:54:22,127 You see?. Your stupid minds. 1543 01:54:22,252 --> 01:54:24,129 Stupid. Stupid! 1544 01:54:24,254 --> 01:54:26,172 - That's all I'm gonna take outta you! - Oh! 1545 01:54:30,134 --> 01:54:31,510 Cut! 1546 01:54:31,635 --> 01:54:33,595 Action. 1547 01:54:40,059 --> 01:54:42,227 Greetings, my friend. 1548 01:54:42,352 --> 01:54:44,229 We are all interested in the future... 1549 01:54:44,354 --> 01:54:49,232 for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. 1550 01:54:49,358 --> 01:54:51,276 And remember, my friend: 1551 01:54:51,401 --> 01:54:55,529 Future events such as these will effect you in the future. 1552 01:55:13,336 --> 01:55:15,463 And... cut! 1553 01:55:16,671 --> 01:55:18,548 That's a wrap. 1554 01:55:35,354 --> 01:55:37,272 Oh! 1555 01:55:43,277 --> 01:55:45,153 I can't get it up. It's stuck. 1556 01:55:45,278 --> 01:55:48,198 Eddie, you're gonna be late for your own premiere. 1557 01:55:48,323 --> 01:55:50,199 All right, forget it. 1558 01:55:54,870 --> 01:55:56,746 Ladies and gentlemen. 1559 01:55:56,871 --> 01:55:59,540 You are about to see an extraordinary motion picture. 1560 01:55:59,666 --> 01:56:03,877 But befiore it begins, I thinkk we should all give a hand to the man... 1561 01:56:04,002 --> 01:56:07,380 without whom we wouldn't be here tonight. 1562 01:56:07,505 --> 01:56:09,382 Eddie, take a bow! 1563 01:56:47,913 --> 01:56:50,289 Thank you. 1564 01:56:50,415 --> 01:56:53,585 I just wanna say that this film... 1565 01:56:54,710 --> 01:56:56,586 is for Bela. 1566 01:57:46,544 --> 01:57:48,463 The griefiofihis wifie's death... 1567 01:57:48,588 --> 01:57:51,465 became greater and greater agony. 1568 01:57:53,258 --> 01:57:56,969 The home they had so long shared together... 1569 01:57:57,095 --> 01:57:59,262 became a tomb- 1570 01:57:59,388 --> 01:58:02,599 a sweet memoty ofiherjoyous living. 1571 01:58:04,351 --> 01:58:07,227 The skky to which he had once lookked... 1572 01:58:07,352 --> 01:58:10,481 was now only a covering fior her dead body. 1573 01:58:18,654 --> 01:58:22,615 The ever-beautifiul filowers she had planted... 1574 01:58:22,740 --> 01:58:24,617 with her own hands... 1575 01:58:24,742 --> 01:58:28,996 became nothing more than the lost roses ofiher cheekks. 1576 01:58:32,498 --> 01:58:34,626 Confiused by his great loss... 1577 01:58:34,750 --> 01:58:37,169 the old man left that home... 1578 01:58:37,293 --> 01:58:39,629 never to return again. 1579 01:58:55,016 --> 01:58:57,018 This is the one. 1580 01:58:57,143 --> 01:59:00,021 This is the one I'll be remembered for. 1581 01:59:04,650 --> 01:59:07,527 Aw, gee, honey, I'm so happy for ya! 1582 01:59:07,652 --> 01:59:09,779 Say, let's get married. 1583 01:59:09,904 --> 01:59:12,573 - Huh?. - Right now. Let's go to Vegas. 1584 01:59:12,657 --> 01:59:15,366 But, Eddie, it's pouring, and the car top is stuck. 1585 01:59:15,492 --> 01:59:17,368 Phooey! It's only a five-hour drive... 1586 01:59:17,493 --> 01:59:20,079 and it'll probably stop by the time we get to the desert. 1587 01:59:20,204 --> 01:59:23,207 Heck, it'll probably stop by the time we get around the corner. Let's go. 1588 01:59:25,500 --> 01:59:27,877 Oh!