1 00:00:04,951 --> 00:00:06,828 What are you looking at? 2 00:00:06,995 --> 00:00:11,082 A poster for that WWI movie I'm in. Check it out. 3 00:00:11,291 --> 00:00:13,710 Wow! It looks really violent! 4 00:00:13,918 --> 00:00:16,254 I know. I'm coming soon to a theater near you. 5 00:00:16,421 --> 00:00:19,174 I'm in THX. I'm unsuitable for children! 6 00:00:20,884 --> 00:00:24,762 - I cannot wait to see this. - It's generating Oscar buzz. 7 00:00:24,971 --> 00:00:28,308 - I started that! - I thought I did! 8 00:00:28,516 --> 00:00:30,602 I just talked to my agent... 9 00:00:30,852 --> 00:00:33,188 ...and the premiere is next week and you're all invited! 10 00:00:33,396 --> 00:00:34,772 [ALL GASP] 11 00:00:34,981 --> 00:00:36,983 - Will we take a limo? - Sure! 12 00:00:37,442 --> 00:00:39,652 I love taking limos when nobody died. 13 00:00:41,362 --> 00:00:43,531 Well, I won't be able to come. 14 00:00:43,740 --> 00:00:47,494 For those who haven't checked their calendars, today's my due date. 15 00:00:48,703 --> 00:00:53,583 I want to thank you guys for how great you've been during this. 16 00:00:53,750 --> 00:00:58,046 I couldn't have done it without you. I loved these last 9 months. 17 00:00:58,213 --> 00:01:00,548 I'm looking forward to the next part... 18 00:01:00,965 --> 00:01:03,468 ...but I am really gonna miss being pregnant. 19 00:01:08,890 --> 00:01:11,684 That's right. Still no baby. 20 00:01:12,560 --> 00:01:14,437 Come on, people, make some room. 21 00:01:14,604 --> 00:01:19,025 Uh, sweetie, maybe you'd be more comfortable here. 22 00:01:20,193 --> 00:01:21,778 You. 23 00:01:24,531 --> 00:01:27,408 Like you haven't done enough. 24 00:01:28,576 --> 00:01:32,914 I know you're miserable. I wish there was something I could do. 25 00:01:33,081 --> 00:01:35,208 I wish I were a sea horse. 26 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:43,049 Because with sea horses, it's the male. They carry the babies. 27 00:01:45,802 --> 00:01:49,556 And then also, um, I'd be far away in the sea. 28 00:02:02,151 --> 00:02:03,778 God. 29 00:02:04,404 --> 00:02:09,659 I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life. 30 00:02:09,909 --> 00:02:12,287 I know. I remember toward the end-- 31 00:02:12,453 --> 00:02:16,416 That's a great story. Tell it while you're getting me some iced tea. 32 00:02:18,334 --> 00:02:20,128 Oh... 33 00:02:20,295 --> 00:02:24,465 Oh, God, get out! Get out, get out, get out! 34 00:02:26,467 --> 00:02:28,636 Let's. 35 00:03:09,344 --> 00:03:10,386 [RACHEL GROANS] 36 00:03:10,553 --> 00:03:13,473 Hey, did you have the baby yet? 37 00:03:15,850 --> 00:03:18,478 Do you want me to sit on you? Because I'll do it. 38 00:03:20,021 --> 00:03:23,650 - What are you doing here? - They sent me home from work. 39 00:03:23,858 --> 00:03:27,362 They said, "Start your maternity leave now. Just rest." 40 00:03:27,528 --> 00:03:29,530 You know what? Screw them! 41 00:03:29,697 --> 00:03:32,533 If they don't want me there, I'll hang out with you guys. 42 00:03:34,535 --> 00:03:36,913 Or you could do volunteer work. 43 00:03:37,997 --> 00:03:39,248 [PHONE RINGS] 44 00:03:39,457 --> 00:03:42,168 - Hello? - Joey, it's Estelle. 45 00:03:42,377 --> 00:03:47,465 I was able to get you and one guest tickets to your premiere. 46 00:03:47,674 --> 00:03:52,470 - You told me I could have six tickets. - I sold four on eBay. 47 00:03:54,597 --> 00:03:57,392 You'll be sitting next to HotGuy372. 48 00:03:59,060 --> 00:04:02,355 So that's it? I only get to bring one guest? 49 00:04:02,563 --> 00:04:05,733 Yeah. What time do you want to pick me up? 50 00:04:05,900 --> 00:04:06,943 [PHONE CLICKS] 51 00:04:07,110 --> 00:04:08,778 Hello? 52 00:04:09,612 --> 00:04:13,074 You hear that? I only get one extra ticket. 53 00:04:13,241 --> 00:04:15,910 So somehow I have to pick between you three and Ross. 54 00:04:19,247 --> 00:04:22,792 - What about me? - You said you didn't want to go. 55 00:04:23,084 --> 00:04:25,920 I would still like to be acknowledged. 56 00:04:26,212 --> 00:04:29,841 - Because I'm pregnant, I'm invisible? - Definitely not invisible. 57 00:04:33,261 --> 00:04:37,014 Ross didn't care enough to be here, so he's out. 58 00:04:37,265 --> 00:04:41,060 - You snooze, you lose. - He's not snoozing. He's teaching. 59 00:04:41,269 --> 00:04:42,895 Well, then somebody's snoozing. 60 00:04:43,730 --> 00:04:49,068 And, Joey, not that this should, uh, affect you at all, but, um, if you pick me... 61 00:04:49,277 --> 00:04:53,448 ...I was planning on wearing a sequin dress out down to here. 62 00:04:56,033 --> 00:04:58,703 - I haven't seen this dress. - Star in a movie. 63 00:05:00,580 --> 00:05:05,460 Pick whoever you want. Listen to your heart. What does it tell you? 64 00:05:05,626 --> 00:05:07,670 Phoebe.Phoebe.Phoebe. 65 00:05:10,131 --> 00:05:11,924 Well, uh... 66 00:05:14,552 --> 00:05:16,095 I think I want to take Chandler. 67 00:05:17,180 --> 00:05:19,015 Phoebe,Phoebe,Phoebe. 68 00:05:19,182 --> 00:05:21,768 [MIMICS FLATLINING NOISE] 69 00:05:22,602 --> 00:05:26,606 - You want to take me? - Yeah, I wish I could take everybody. 70 00:05:26,814 --> 00:05:29,817 But Chandler's always supported my career. 71 00:05:29,984 --> 00:05:33,488 He's paid for acting classes, headshots and stuff. 72 00:05:33,654 --> 00:05:35,531 This will be my way of paying you back. 73 00:05:36,616 --> 00:05:39,160 So you're never actually going to pay me back? 74 00:05:42,205 --> 00:05:46,501 Just because he paid for your headshots, you're gonna take him? 75 00:05:46,667 --> 00:05:51,839 I don't think you're comprehending just how slutty this dress is. 76 00:05:52,673 --> 00:05:57,303 It's not just the stuff he paid for. It's everything, you know? 77 00:05:57,512 --> 00:06:01,599 He read lines with me. He went with me on auditions. 78 00:06:01,849 --> 00:06:05,102 Then he consoled me after I didn't get parts. 79 00:06:05,311 --> 00:06:08,856 You always believed in me, man, even when I didn't. 80 00:06:09,106 --> 00:06:12,235 I always knew you were gonna make it. I'm so proud of you. 81 00:06:13,402 --> 00:06:17,240 Thanks, that means a lot to me. 82 00:06:19,742 --> 00:06:22,370 Mon, maybe one of these guys wants to wear your dress. 83 00:06:24,247 --> 00:06:29,418 - I'm gonna go shave. Ahem. - Yeah, well, I'm gonna go, uh, spit. 84 00:06:33,381 --> 00:06:35,925 Ugh, I have to pee. 85 00:06:36,092 --> 00:06:41,430 If I don't come out, it's because I've choked to death on the potpourri stink. 86 00:06:43,057 --> 00:06:46,602 You hold her nose, I'll blow in her mouth and the kid'll just-- 87 00:06:46,769 --> 00:06:47,812 [POPPING NOISE] 88 00:06:47,979 --> 00:06:49,272 --Out of her. 89 00:06:50,898 --> 00:06:54,110 She's a week late. She's got to have it today. 90 00:06:54,277 --> 00:06:57,822 I don't know. I think it's still gonna be a while. 91 00:06:57,989 --> 00:07:00,199 Hmm. Care to make it interesting? 92 00:07:01,701 --> 00:07:05,121 - I bet you she'll have it tomorrow. - You're on. 93 00:07:05,329 --> 00:07:08,916 - Okay, how much? - One hundred thousand dollars. 94 00:07:10,251 --> 00:07:13,713 - How about 50 bucks? - I'll call Zurich and move some money. 95 00:07:15,423 --> 00:07:17,842 RACHEL: All right, whose turn is it to help me get up? 96 00:07:19,260 --> 00:07:22,096 Ahem, no one's here. 97 00:07:24,640 --> 00:07:25,808 Oh, damn it. 98 00:07:31,230 --> 00:07:32,690 [CHEERING] 99 00:07:39,947 --> 00:07:45,161 This is exciting. So glamorous! People taking our picture. How do I look? 100 00:07:45,620 --> 00:07:48,289 - A little tall. - What? 101 00:07:48,539 --> 00:07:51,083 Would you crouch down a bit so that I look taller? 102 00:07:53,961 --> 00:07:56,297 There you go. 103 00:07:57,924 --> 00:08:00,676 It's just so glamorous. 104 00:08:04,055 --> 00:08:05,806 Oh, hey, Mon? Rach is here. 105 00:08:05,973 --> 00:08:06,974 [RACHEL GROANS] 106 00:08:07,183 --> 00:08:08,601 And you're still pregnant. 107 00:08:08,768 --> 00:08:10,144 [RACHEL GROANS] 108 00:08:10,311 --> 00:08:13,356 I'm sorry. I know how uncomfortable you are. 109 00:08:13,564 --> 00:08:15,566 - You know what? You look great. - Aw. 110 00:08:15,816 --> 00:08:17,234 Yeah, like 50 bucks. 111 00:08:20,196 --> 00:08:26,077 I have to go pee. Apparently this baby thinks my bladder is a squeeze toy. 112 00:08:27,912 --> 00:08:31,499 Damn it. Here's your 50 bucks. 113 00:08:31,874 --> 00:08:36,921 That's interesting that you lost. Now, I forget, do you like to lose? 114 00:08:37,088 --> 00:08:39,340 All right, stop it. 115 00:08:39,548 --> 00:08:41,509 - Double or nothing she has it tomorrow. - Fine. 116 00:08:41,676 --> 00:08:42,718 Okay. 117 00:08:42,927 --> 00:08:47,014 Until then, General Grant, why don't you set up camp right there? 118 00:08:49,850 --> 00:08:53,521 - Rachel here? We have an appointment. - In the bathroom. 119 00:08:53,688 --> 00:08:56,941 - Rach, we gotta go. RACHEL: In a minute! 120 00:08:59,068 --> 00:09:02,905 People ask why we're not together. I just don't know what to tell them. 121 00:09:04,699 --> 00:09:06,784 RACHEL: All right, all right, let's go. 122 00:09:06,951 --> 00:09:08,577 ROSS: Uh, do you want to go change first? 123 00:09:08,828 --> 00:09:11,747 The doctor's keeping the office open late for us, but if you hurry... 124 00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:17,712 - No, I'm fine. - You don't think that's inappropriate? 125 00:09:18,254 --> 00:09:21,507 - What? - Good God, man. Don't anger it. 126 00:09:25,219 --> 00:09:31,058 Ross, it is 100 degrees outside. For the first time in weeks, I am-- 127 00:09:31,225 --> 00:09:34,895 Fine. Whatever you want. You're the mommy. 128 00:09:35,062 --> 00:09:37,064 Uh-uh, pal! Don't call me "Mommy." 129 00:09:37,356 --> 00:09:39,233 It's bad enough you call your own mother that. 130 00:09:41,777 --> 00:09:44,155 I'm actually with her on this one. 131 00:09:50,119 --> 00:09:51,412 [BOMBS EXPLODING ON SCREEN] 132 00:09:51,579 --> 00:09:54,248 JOEY [ON SCREEN]: I thought I knew who the enemy was-- 133 00:09:54,415 --> 00:09:57,585 Okay, this is it. This is my big fight scene coming up. 134 00:09:59,420 --> 00:10:03,174 JOEY [ON SCREEN]: I'm fighting for every man in the 82nd Ground Division. 135 00:10:07,011 --> 00:10:09,388 [FINGERS TAPPING] 136 00:10:11,599 --> 00:10:12,767 - Ross? - Yeah? 137 00:10:12,933 --> 00:10:15,186 - Can I ask you something? - Uh-huh. 138 00:10:15,436 --> 00:10:19,440 - When Carol was pregnant with Ben... - Mm-hm? 139 00:10:19,940 --> 00:10:21,692 ...were you this irritating? 140 00:10:25,613 --> 00:10:26,614 - Wow. - Excuse me? 141 00:10:26,781 --> 00:10:28,365 Uh, nothing. You're just, uh... 142 00:10:28,532 --> 00:10:33,788 You've been a little short with me lately. I'm not trying to irritate you. 143 00:10:33,954 --> 00:10:36,791 Well, then, you must have a natural talent for it. 144 00:10:38,209 --> 00:10:42,671 The doctor will be in soon. Why don't we not speak until then? 145 00:10:42,922 --> 00:10:44,215 Okay. 146 00:10:48,636 --> 00:10:50,596 Seriously. Breathe louder, Ross. That's great. 147 00:10:55,309 --> 00:10:58,395 We should ask the doctor if she even knows... 148 00:10:58,562 --> 00:11:03,067 ...how to deliver a baby that's half human, half pure evil! 149 00:11:06,487 --> 00:11:08,322 - Hi, Dr. Long. How are you? - Hello. 150 00:11:08,531 --> 00:11:09,573 You're nice to her. 151 00:11:09,824 --> 00:11:11,117 She has the drugs. 152 00:11:13,702 --> 00:11:16,038 - We'll do a quick check. - Okay. 153 00:11:16,247 --> 00:11:18,374 - Eight days late, huh? RACHEL: Yeah. 154 00:11:18,541 --> 00:11:20,042 You must be getting uncomfortable. 155 00:11:20,209 --> 00:11:22,837 Yeah, just a tad. 156 00:11:23,712 --> 00:11:28,717 You're 80 percent effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while. 157 00:11:28,968 --> 00:11:34,056 - There are ways to help things along. - Do them! 158 00:11:35,015 --> 00:11:38,853 Actually, they're things you can do. Home remedies. 159 00:11:39,019 --> 00:11:42,857 In my experience, I've found some are very effective. 160 00:11:43,023 --> 00:11:48,070 - Well, we are ready to try anything. - There's an herbal tea you can drink. 161 00:11:48,237 --> 00:11:49,280 Okay. 162 00:11:49,488 --> 00:11:52,533 You can take some castor oil. There's spicy foods. 163 00:11:52,741 --> 00:11:54,535 We will do all of those. 164 00:11:54,785 --> 00:11:57,121 - Taking a long walk. - Good. Done. 165 00:11:57,371 --> 00:12:01,000 And there's the one that's proved most effective: sex. 166 00:12:07,047 --> 00:12:09,008 You've got to be kidding me. 167 00:12:24,315 --> 00:12:27,526 Good job, Joe! Well done! Top-notch! 168 00:12:28,194 --> 00:12:31,447 - You liked it'? You really liked it? - Oh, yeah! 169 00:12:31,655 --> 00:12:36,160 - Well, which part exactly? - The whole thing! Here we go! 170 00:12:36,368 --> 00:12:38,746 No, no, no. Give me some specifics. 171 00:12:38,954 --> 00:12:43,000 I loved the specifics. The specifics were the best part. 172 00:12:43,209 --> 00:12:48,255 Hey, what about the scene with the kangaroo? Did you like that part? 173 00:12:49,298 --> 00:12:54,929 I was surprised to see a kangaroo in a World War I epic. 174 00:12:55,930 --> 00:12:56,931 You fell asleep! 175 00:12:58,432 --> 00:13:03,145 There was no kangaroo! They didn't take any of my suggestions! 176 00:13:05,940 --> 00:13:10,694 - Thanks for coming. See you later. - Don't go. I'm so sorry. 177 00:13:10,945 --> 00:13:13,989 Look, this guy fell asleep! He fell asleep too! Be mad at him! 178 00:13:16,367 --> 00:13:18,244 Or call an ambulance! 179 00:13:21,664 --> 00:13:22,957 _H6Y- _H6Y- 180 00:13:23,123 --> 00:13:27,044 What did the doctor say? Any news on when the baby will come? 181 00:13:27,211 --> 00:13:30,673 No. She gave us ideas on how to induce labor. 182 00:13:30,839 --> 00:13:32,258 We tried them all. 183 00:13:32,424 --> 00:13:38,222 We went for a walk, uh, we tried tea, castor oil, spicy food. Nothing worked. 184 00:13:38,472 --> 00:13:40,808 There is one thing we didn't try. 185 00:13:40,975 --> 00:13:45,104 But someone thinks that that will open up a can of worms. 186 00:13:45,312 --> 00:13:49,149 If it's gonna help bring the baby here, today... 187 00:13:49,316 --> 00:13:50,442 ...I think you should do it. 188 00:13:53,320 --> 00:13:55,030 - It's sex. - Do it! 189 00:13:57,157 --> 00:14:00,828 - Monica. - It's been a really long time for you. 190 00:14:01,036 --> 00:14:04,832 I mean, women have needs. Do it. Get yours. 191 00:14:07,167 --> 00:14:09,545 Oh, I don't know about that. 192 00:14:10,879 --> 00:14:17,219 I think if the two of you had sex, the repercussions would be catastrophic. 193 00:14:18,178 --> 00:14:20,431 All right, let's be practical. 194 00:14:20,639 --> 00:14:24,935 If Ross isn't willing, he's not the only guy you can have sex with. 195 00:14:26,937 --> 00:14:29,064 You could borrow Chandler. Chandler is good. 196 00:14:31,442 --> 00:14:33,610 Monica, what is the matter with you? 197 00:14:34,611 --> 00:14:38,115 - I just want the baby to be born today. - Why today? 198 00:14:39,158 --> 00:14:41,035 Okay, fine. 199 00:14:41,493 --> 00:14:46,290 I bet Phoebe that you're gonna have the baby, and I don't want to lose. 200 00:14:46,749 --> 00:14:52,129 What? While she's been going through this hell, you've been making money? 201 00:14:52,338 --> 00:14:55,257 You're betting on your friend staying in this misery? 202 00:14:59,136 --> 00:15:02,681 - I'll take that bet. - What? 203 00:15:02,848 --> 00:15:06,352 I'm miserable. I may as well make some money out of it. 204 00:15:07,102 --> 00:15:08,771 Can I get some of that action? 205 00:15:09,688 --> 00:15:12,024 I'm betting against all of you? 206 00:15:12,232 --> 00:15:15,194 I really feel like tomorrow it's gonna happen. 207 00:15:15,402 --> 00:15:17,154 Okay. 208 00:15:22,159 --> 00:15:23,202 [DOOR OPENS] 209 00:15:23,410 --> 00:15:26,622 Hey, Sleeping Beauty. 210 00:15:26,789 --> 00:15:31,001 Where have you been? I want to talk to you. I still feel bad. 211 00:15:31,251 --> 00:15:34,838 Oh, no. Were you upset? Did you lose sleep? 212 00:15:35,631 --> 00:15:36,965 I'm so sorry. 213 00:15:37,174 --> 00:15:41,011 The reason I came over is to settle things between us. 214 00:15:41,178 --> 00:15:45,349 I wanted to pay you back with the premiere, but you missed it. 215 00:15:45,599 --> 00:15:47,851 - So how much do I owe you? - What? 216 00:15:48,102 --> 00:15:51,688 - I don't want to owe you anything. - You don't owe me. 217 00:15:51,939 --> 00:15:54,483 - I don't want your-- - Ah, ah, ah. We're doing this! 218 00:15:54,691 --> 00:15:57,528 You got me my first headshots. How much? 219 00:15:57,903 --> 00:16:02,199 - I don't know, uh, $500. - Okay, $500. What else? 220 00:16:02,408 --> 00:16:07,204 Then there was the second set. The infamous "booger" headshots. 221 00:16:08,288 --> 00:16:12,543 Okay, so that's another 500. That's 500 and 500. That's... 222 00:16:16,880 --> 00:16:19,925 - You want a calculator? - Please. 223 00:16:21,176 --> 00:16:22,886 Here. 224 00:16:25,347 --> 00:16:27,224 Oh. 225 00:16:27,391 --> 00:16:28,809 All right, what else? 226 00:16:29,017 --> 00:16:33,939 Well, uh, there's acting classes, stage-combat classes, tap classes-- 227 00:16:34,148 --> 00:16:37,067 Which we're still keeping under our hats. 228 00:16:37,276 --> 00:16:41,738 That dialect coach who helped you with a Southern accent. 229 00:16:41,905 --> 00:16:45,409 Which, after 20 hours of lessons, still came out Jamaican. 230 00:16:47,286 --> 00:16:48,704 What the hell are you talking about? 231 00:16:48,871 --> 00:16:51,832 [IN JAMAICAN ACCENT] The South will rise again, man. 232 00:16:55,544 --> 00:16:58,255 - Yes, money well-spent. - Yeah. 233 00:16:58,464 --> 00:17:00,632 Okay, what else? Rent. 234 00:17:00,883 --> 00:17:05,554 Uh, two, three years of rent, utilities, food... 235 00:17:05,804 --> 00:17:10,309 Okay, so I'm writing you a check for... 236 00:17:11,310 --> 00:17:17,357 So you fell asleep during my movie. Big deal, right? 237 00:17:17,608 --> 00:17:18,817 How do you clear this thing? 238 00:17:24,907 --> 00:17:26,950 Finish your enchilada. 239 00:17:27,117 --> 00:17:31,121 Ross, we've tried all the spicy food. It's not working. 240 00:17:31,288 --> 00:17:34,625 Okay, here, have one of these peppers. 241 00:17:35,709 --> 00:17:42,049 Oh, God. So hot. Oh, my God. 242 00:17:42,633 --> 00:17:46,929 By the way, you don't want to touch the pepper and then touch your eye. 243 00:17:49,681 --> 00:17:53,268 - I am feeling nothing. - Oh... 244 00:17:56,271 --> 00:17:59,399 Speaking of hot, watching you do that... 245 00:17:59,566 --> 00:18:01,610 ...really makes me want to have sex with you. 246 00:18:03,695 --> 00:18:07,241 - Stop it. - Come on! Why are we wasting time? 247 00:18:07,407 --> 00:18:11,954 We know it's gonna work. It's doctor-recommended. 248 00:18:12,120 --> 00:18:18,001 I'm sorry. But we have to have some boundaries. My God, I'm dying. 249 00:18:18,168 --> 00:18:21,171 We've done it before. We'll do it again. 250 00:18:21,338 --> 00:18:24,091 It'll be a nice way to bookend the pregnancy. 251 00:18:24,758 --> 00:18:28,262 I'm not gonna make love to you so you'll go into labor. 252 00:18:28,470 --> 00:18:30,931 Make love'? What are you, a girl? 253 00:18:33,725 --> 00:18:37,020 Always a great way to get into a man's pants. 254 00:18:37,229 --> 00:18:41,817 You'll be performing a service. Think of me as a ketchup bottle. 255 00:18:41,984 --> 00:18:45,696 Sometimes, you have to bang on the end of it to get it to come out. 256 00:18:48,699 --> 00:18:50,993 I love when you talk dirty to me. 257 00:18:52,619 --> 00:18:56,248 Oh, I know it. You're right. That's not sexy. 258 00:18:56,456 --> 00:18:59,543 Oh, oh. Whoops. 259 00:18:59,710 --> 00:19:01,795 Oh, I seem to have dropped my fork. 260 00:19:03,422 --> 00:19:05,882 Let me just bend over and get it. 261 00:19:13,348 --> 00:19:14,891 Oh, God! 262 00:19:17,894 --> 00:19:21,398 Okay, enough. This is not going to happen. 263 00:19:21,648 --> 00:19:24,234 Come on, Ross. I'm miserable here. 264 00:19:24,443 --> 00:19:26,403 Come on, you started this, now you finish it! 265 00:19:28,864 --> 00:19:31,783 Come on, wuss. Make love to me. 266 00:19:33,452 --> 00:19:36,622 - You know what? - What? 267 00:19:36,913 --> 00:19:38,915 Forget it. 268 00:19:39,833 --> 00:19:43,128 What now, Ross, you're not gonna talk? 269 00:19:43,295 --> 00:19:47,049 How on earth will you ever annoy me? 270 00:19:47,299 --> 00:19:48,925 Oh, wait a minute, I know. 271 00:19:49,092 --> 00:19:50,385 [BREATHING HEAVILY] 272 00:19:53,597 --> 00:19:57,809 I You'd think the jalapeño would clear up your sinuses, but no! 273 00:19:58,060 --> 00:20:00,646 That's not enough-- What are you doing? 274 00:20:00,812 --> 00:20:02,397 I'm getting that baby out of you! 275 00:20:10,489 --> 00:20:12,324 - Oh, God! - I know. 276 00:20:12,574 --> 00:20:14,701 Oh, no, no, no. 277 00:20:15,452 --> 00:20:17,037 I think my water just broke. 278 00:20:18,914 --> 00:20:21,667 I am good! 279 00:20:23,001 --> 00:20:27,130 Okay, I got the pillow. Uh, I got the bag. 280 00:20:27,297 --> 00:20:30,509 - You got the keys? - I got the keys. Okay. 281 00:20:30,926 --> 00:20:32,552 [BOTH LAUGHING] 282 00:20:32,719 --> 00:20:34,888 - Hey. - Yeah? 283 00:20:35,222 --> 00:20:36,973 We're having a baby. 284 00:20:50,362 --> 00:20:55,325 I didn't, uh, have time to read this part of the books, but do we have time--? 285 00:20:55,534 --> 00:20:58,412 - Not so much. - Okay, let's go. 286 00:21:03,417 --> 00:21:04,668 - Two hundred. - Thank you. 287 00:21:04,835 --> 00:21:08,797 That's it. I don't care when the baby comes. No more betting. 288 00:21:09,005 --> 00:21:10,215 Okay. 289 00:21:10,382 --> 00:21:11,591 [PHONE RINGS] 290 00:21:12,092 --> 00:21:13,760 Hello? 291 00:21:15,011 --> 00:21:19,725 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. 292 00:21:21,268 --> 00:21:23,395 I guess we could bet one more time. 293 00:21:24,813 --> 00:21:27,649 - Is Rachel having the baby? - How did you know that? 294 00:21:29,609 --> 00:21:32,779 - Joey! Chandler! It's time! - They're at the coffee house. 295 00:21:32,988 --> 00:21:34,406 You know everything! 296 00:21:35,741 --> 00:21:39,119 Wait. I bet you the baby is over 7 pounds. 297 00:21:40,287 --> 00:21:44,040 I bet you it has hair! I bet you it's a girl. 298 00:21:44,249 --> 00:21:47,961 - We know it's a girl. - I'll give you really good odds. 299 00:21:51,923 --> 00:21:53,925 [English - US - SDH]