1 00:00:09,635 --> 00:00:12,512 Oh, look, Roz, Roz, my brochures are here. 2 00:00:12,513 --> 00:00:15,598 Oh, God, what an exciting vacation. 3 00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:18,476 - Wow, the Golden Door Spa? - Yeah. 4 00:00:18,477 --> 00:00:21,103 Look at those accommodations. That is nice. 5 00:00:21,104 --> 00:00:24,106 Yes, I plan to leave Dad and Eddie to fend for themselves when I go up 6 00:00:24,107 --> 00:00:27,318 and spend an obscene amount of money being pampered like a spoiled child. 7 00:00:27,319 --> 00:00:31,030 I know it's self-indulgent. What else are vacations for? 8 00:00:31,031 --> 00:00:33,032 What are you doing for your week off? 9 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:35,117 Oh, I'm taking my mom to Ireland 10 00:00:35,118 --> 00:00:37,704 to stay in the sod house where her mother was born. 11 00:00:40,916 --> 00:00:44,503 Why don't you just write the words "bad son" on my forehead? 12 00:00:45,671 --> 00:00:49,048 There is nothing wrong with pampering yourself on your vacation. 13 00:00:49,049 --> 00:00:52,135 After all, you do work three hours a day. 14 00:00:55,597 --> 00:00:57,849 I'm sorry. That one even surprised me. 15 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:02,895 It's just that when I think of the relationship I have with my dad, 16 00:01:02,896 --> 00:01:06,524 I can't help but envy the relationship you have with your mother. 17 00:01:06,525 --> 00:01:10,861 Well, it didn't just happen. We work at it. We spend time together. 18 00:01:10,862 --> 00:01:12,738 Do you forget that my father lives with me? 19 00:01:12,739 --> 00:01:14,866 How much more time together could we spend? 20 00:01:15,576 --> 00:01:17,243 Day to day living is different. 21 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:19,579 There is nothing better than taking a trip together. 22 00:01:19,580 --> 00:01:21,956 You get to have a little fun. You get to relax. 23 00:01:21,957 --> 00:01:24,542 You get to see a whole different side of the other person. 24 00:01:24,543 --> 00:01:28,171 You know, in his entire life, my dad has never been to Europe. 25 00:01:29,464 --> 00:01:32,967 It would be a way of connecting with him if I were the one to give him that. 26 00:01:32,968 --> 00:01:36,263 So, what would you charge me to take him to Ireland with you? 27 00:01:47,482 --> 00:01:49,483 I should have known this would happen. 28 00:01:49,484 --> 00:01:52,613 I always throw out my back when I try to lift Maris' luggage. 29 00:01:53,697 --> 00:01:55,615 Why didn't you hire a skycap? 30 00:01:55,616 --> 00:01:57,617 Oh, we did for most of it. 31 00:01:57,618 --> 00:01:59,869 But Maris won't trust strangers with her makeup case 32 00:01:59,870 --> 00:02:02,455 ever since a ham-handed porter dropped it 33 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:05,626 and broke three vials of rare Swiss lamb placenta. 34 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,128 On the upside, 35 00:02:09,129 --> 00:02:12,341 the calfskin lining of her case was never more soft and supple. 36 00:02:15,218 --> 00:02:17,471 - Where did Mrs. Crane go, anyway? - Oh. 37 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:25,561 She's making her annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 38 00:02:25,562 --> 00:02:28,105 I thought she was going to Dallas to visit her sister. 39 00:02:28,106 --> 00:02:32,486 That is her holy land. It's the site of the first Neiman Marcus. 40 00:02:36,365 --> 00:02:39,409 - Oh, Dr. Crane. - Oh, call me Niles. 41 00:02:47,042 --> 00:02:48,292 Thank you, Daphne. 42 00:02:48,293 --> 00:02:51,712 Dad, I have an idea, and I hope you're as excited about it as I am. 43 00:02:51,713 --> 00:02:54,216 I want to take you on vacation. 44 00:02:55,592 --> 00:02:56,468 Why? 45 00:02:58,136 --> 00:02:59,970 An adventure might do us some good. 46 00:02:59,971 --> 00:03:01,514 Give us a chance to have some fun, 47 00:03:01,515 --> 00:03:04,475 maybe get reacquainted, even do a little bonding. 48 00:03:04,476 --> 00:03:05,810 What did you have in mind? 49 00:03:05,811 --> 00:03:09,980 This is not about where I want to go. This is about where you want to go. 50 00:03:09,981 --> 00:03:13,860 Dad, I give you the world. 51 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:19,533 The Galapagos islands, huh? 52 00:03:22,452 --> 00:03:24,620 "Where iguanas, sea lions, 53 00:03:24,621 --> 00:03:28,040 and giant tortoises live in eternal harmony." 54 00:03:28,041 --> 00:03:29,960 Is it important they get along? 55 00:03:31,586 --> 00:03:33,421 Oh, no, I suppose not. 56 00:03:33,422 --> 00:03:38,926 Oh! How about this? India and Nepal. "Trek the foothills of the Himalayas." 57 00:03:38,927 --> 00:03:41,887 - You're forgetting about my old pal here. - No problem. 58 00:03:41,888 --> 00:03:45,267 Frasier can hire a really tough Sherpa to carry you on his back. 59 00:03:46,435 --> 00:03:47,644 They don't mind. 60 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:52,606 We obviously haven't struck the right chord yet. But we will. We will. 61 00:03:52,607 --> 00:03:54,775 Dad, why don't you suggest something? 62 00:03:54,776 --> 00:03:56,736 You really wanna go on a trip with me? 63 00:03:56,737 --> 00:03:59,405 Yes, I do. I'll go anywhere you want to, anywhere. 64 00:03:59,406 --> 00:04:00,907 Okay. 65 00:04:01,533 --> 00:04:04,535 Well, maybe I'm not as sophisticated as you, 66 00:04:04,536 --> 00:04:06,370 but I think I should see America first. 67 00:04:06,371 --> 00:04:09,248 Great! We're Americans. We should see America. 68 00:04:09,249 --> 00:04:12,294 - And I wanna see it in a Winnebago. - A Winnebago! 69 00:04:13,044 --> 00:04:16,255 - Hot damn, that has a real ring to it! - Yeah. 70 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:19,300 It's something your mother and I dreamed about doing when I retired. 71 00:04:19,301 --> 00:04:22,470 Well, then, that is exactly the trip we're going to take. 72 00:04:22,471 --> 00:04:24,597 - You really mean it? - Absolutely. 73 00:04:24,598 --> 00:04:28,809 - This calls for a celebration. - Yeah, let's pop open a couple of beers. 74 00:04:28,810 --> 00:04:31,688 I think I've got a bag of pork rinds in here too. 75 00:04:32,230 --> 00:04:36,067 Ah, the final touch. I almost feel like I'm in a trailer park already. 76 00:04:43,784 --> 00:04:45,285 Oh, Winnebago boy. 77 00:04:47,913 --> 00:04:51,248 Hang a lot of beach chairs on the back and give it a cute name 78 00:04:51,249 --> 00:04:52,626 like The Whooping Cranes. 79 00:04:55,253 --> 00:04:58,506 Oh, Niles, when I agreed to see America with Dad, 80 00:04:58,507 --> 00:05:00,549 I thought we'd be in five-star resorts. 81 00:05:00,550 --> 00:05:03,344 When I said together, I meant adjoining suites! 82 00:05:03,345 --> 00:05:05,638 - Just tell him it's a bad idea. - Oh, I can't do that. 83 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:07,598 He's counting on this trip. It was his dream. 84 00:05:07,599 --> 00:05:11,186 - He was going on this trip with Mom. - Yes, but she lucked out and died. 85 00:05:16,900 --> 00:05:18,484 Niles, listen, listen, 86 00:05:18,485 --> 00:05:21,571 if Dad and I get into a Winnebago together, one of us will come out alive. 87 00:05:22,656 --> 00:05:25,616 - You've got to come with us. - Frasier, you're my brother. 88 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:27,910 That entitles you to my bone marrow and my kidney, 89 00:05:27,911 --> 00:05:29,621 but this is an imposition. 90 00:05:31,456 --> 00:05:33,499 - You've gotta come with us. - Why? 91 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:36,252 Well, Frasier and I don't have anything to talk about. 92 00:05:36,253 --> 00:05:40,005 I always feel more comfortable if there's somebody else around or the TV's blaring. 93 00:05:40,006 --> 00:05:41,340 Then, why did you suggest it? 94 00:05:41,341 --> 00:05:43,425 It sounded like a good idea when it came out. 95 00:05:43,426 --> 00:05:45,594 But the more I think about it... 96 00:05:45,595 --> 00:05:47,972 Can you really see me and Frasier together all day, 97 00:05:47,973 --> 00:05:52,393 then, crawling into our bunks at night, lying head-to-head in the dark, bonding? 98 00:05:54,437 --> 00:05:56,356 I'll pay you. I've got pension money. 99 00:05:57,190 --> 00:05:59,608 I remember a car trip we took when I was 9. 100 00:05:59,609 --> 00:06:02,278 We drove from Seattle to Spokane. 101 00:06:02,279 --> 00:06:04,071 The only thing he said to me was: 102 00:06:04,072 --> 00:06:06,825 "I think we've got a problem with your brother, Frasier." 103 00:06:15,041 --> 00:06:18,043 Those were awful, those family driving vacations. 104 00:06:18,044 --> 00:06:21,463 Dad insisting on covering as many miles as possible in a day. 105 00:06:21,464 --> 00:06:23,884 The two of us, tiny hostages in the back seat, 106 00:06:25,594 --> 00:06:27,761 clutching our car-sickness bags, 107 00:06:27,762 --> 00:06:30,931 straining to see something out the window as the landscape whizzed by. 108 00:06:30,932 --> 00:06:33,894 I was 13 before I realized cows aren't blurry. 109 00:06:37,689 --> 00:06:39,899 Why don't you tell him you don't wanna go? 110 00:06:39,900 --> 00:06:43,402 Oh, you heard how he wants to go. I don't wanna disappoint him. 111 00:06:43,403 --> 00:06:44,988 I don't want to disappoint him. 112 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:48,783 I'm sorry, Frasier. I'm not a Winnebago person. 113 00:06:49,534 --> 00:06:51,493 Whenever I see one on the highway, 114 00:06:51,494 --> 00:06:54,580 I look into the driver's eyes hoping to see something that would explain 115 00:06:54,581 --> 00:06:58,083 why in God's name he would ever want to do something like this. 116 00:06:58,084 --> 00:07:02,255 All I see is a death stare under the brim of a hat made out of Miller Lite cans. 117 00:07:04,257 --> 00:07:09,136 - This is my final word. I'm not going. - Hey, great news. Daphne's coming too. 118 00:07:09,137 --> 00:07:10,263 And so am I. 119 00:07:18,647 --> 00:07:21,231 It's everything I'd hoped it would be, only better. 120 00:07:21,232 --> 00:07:23,609 It's like sitting in your own living room watching TV. 121 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:25,904 Except it isn't TV. It's America. 122 00:07:26,696 --> 00:07:31,743 Yes, Dad, it's the ultimate in reality programming, actual reality. 123 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:36,330 We've got a turnoff coming up in about five miles. Start slowing down. 124 00:07:36,331 --> 00:07:37,289 Right-o, Dad. 125 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:39,584 How's it feel behind that wheel, Dr. Crane? 126 00:07:40,335 --> 00:07:41,294 Manly. 127 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:45,173 This is mine, and it's big. 128 00:07:48,176 --> 00:07:51,513 Oh, my God. It's like being sealed upright in a Formica coffin. 129 00:07:53,682 --> 00:07:55,557 Remember the old days, Niles? 130 00:07:55,558 --> 00:07:58,520 When they were kids, all I had in the back seat was a mayonnaise jar. 131 00:08:00,397 --> 00:08:05,026 It took quite a bit of skill to use it successfully at 70 miles an hour. 132 00:08:06,444 --> 00:08:08,613 Never really been fond of mayonnaise since. 133 00:08:09,364 --> 00:08:10,490 Or speed bumps. 134 00:08:11,241 --> 00:08:14,785 Okay, turnoff's coming up now. We're about four miles away. Get ready. 135 00:08:14,786 --> 00:08:17,496 It's coming up. All right, you're okay on the right. 136 00:08:17,497 --> 00:08:21,375 - Never too early to move over. - You know, Dad, I was wondering. 137 00:08:21,376 --> 00:08:26,922 What inspired you to choose that uniquely American, man-made wonder, Mount Rushmore? 138 00:08:26,923 --> 00:08:29,425 It's obvious. We've got a week off. 139 00:08:29,426 --> 00:08:32,428 That's as far as we can go in three and a half days and make it back. 140 00:08:32,429 --> 00:08:36,390 We get there, get out, walk around the Valley of the Presidents, drive back. 141 00:08:36,391 --> 00:08:39,769 Boom. Another fine landmark under our belts. 142 00:08:40,562 --> 00:08:43,355 You've certainly got this trip well-planned, Mr. Crane. 143 00:08:43,356 --> 00:08:44,815 Whenever I take a holiday, 144 00:08:44,816 --> 00:08:48,945 I just grab a fresh pair of knickers and see where the wind takes me. 145 00:08:51,156 --> 00:08:53,241 Niles, Niles. 146 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:10,174 You know what, what Daphne's saying is what we should really be doing. 147 00:09:10,175 --> 00:09:11,467 What are you talking about? 148 00:09:11,468 --> 00:09:16,138 Well, now, why should we be so beholden to maps and schedules? We should roam. 149 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:19,725 America has always been enchanted with the romance of the open highway. 150 00:09:19,726 --> 00:09:24,521 Jack Kerouac went "on the road." Buzz and Todd got their kicks on Route 66. 151 00:09:24,522 --> 00:09:26,732 The adventure is in the journey. 152 00:09:26,733 --> 00:09:28,233 We should just ramble. 153 00:09:28,234 --> 00:09:29,818 Doggone it, I'm inspired. 154 00:09:29,819 --> 00:09:31,446 I'm gonna put on a baseball cap. 155 00:09:32,489 --> 00:09:34,615 Frasier, watch it. You're gonna miss the turnoff. 156 00:09:34,616 --> 00:09:36,158 - So? - We'll get lost. 157 00:09:36,159 --> 00:09:38,327 Lost from where? We're in a house on wheels. 158 00:09:38,328 --> 00:09:39,995 Wherever we go, we're home. 159 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:42,748 It's coming up! It's coming up! All right, turn here! 160 00:09:42,749 --> 00:09:45,668 - This is it! Turn! Turn here! - Dad! 161 00:09:46,169 --> 00:09:47,545 We missed it! 162 00:09:50,381 --> 00:09:53,468 - Dad, we didn't miss anything. - Oh, my God! 163 00:09:57,764 --> 00:10:02,059 We are now on the road less traveled. From now on, there is a new order. 164 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:04,645 We dance to the rhythm of the road. 165 00:10:04,646 --> 00:10:06,730 All right, don't worry about anything. Now. I-- 166 00:10:06,731 --> 00:10:09,441 There's gotta be an access road leading back onto that turnoff. 167 00:10:09,442 --> 00:10:11,193 Oh, where is it? 168 00:10:11,194 --> 00:10:13,988 Where is it? Oh, it's always in the crack! 169 00:10:18,451 --> 00:10:19,994 So is life, Dad. 170 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:27,292 I've gotta say, I was anxious, 171 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:29,379 but I'm starting to like this free spirit stuff. 172 00:10:30,421 --> 00:10:32,840 Dad, Dad, look. There's an historical marker up ahead. 173 00:10:32,841 --> 00:10:36,635 - Let's stop. Let's go see it, huh? - Just driving wherever you feel like it. 174 00:10:36,636 --> 00:10:40,890 It's educational, Dad. There. There. There. 175 00:10:42,308 --> 00:10:43,976 - What did it say? - I have no idea. 176 00:10:43,977 --> 00:10:46,187 The only word I saw was "legendary." 177 00:10:48,106 --> 00:10:51,608 Oh, look, a roadside stand, fresh fruit, homemade apple cider. 178 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:54,737 - Dad, Dad, Dad. - Dad, Dad, Dad. 179 00:10:55,697 --> 00:10:56,573 Oh! 180 00:10:57,448 --> 00:11:00,535 Oh, Dad, you seem to be missing the freewheeling concept. 181 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:05,289 We're supposed to go where the wind blows us, for God's sake. 182 00:11:05,290 --> 00:11:08,459 It's blowing. We're going. Why are you moaning? 183 00:11:09,252 --> 00:11:12,254 What is this obsession you have with covering a certain distance? 184 00:11:12,255 --> 00:11:15,215 It's the way I relax. Hey, watch it! 185 00:11:15,216 --> 00:11:16,801 I've got my kids in the car! 186 00:11:17,635 --> 00:11:18,553 Whoa! 187 00:11:22,891 --> 00:11:25,976 What you call relaxing seems like a man with an obsession to me. 188 00:11:25,977 --> 00:11:27,395 Don't you think so, Niles? 189 00:11:27,979 --> 00:11:29,314 Niles, what are you doing? 190 00:11:30,023 --> 00:11:32,941 Taking a vacation video, something we can look at years from now, 191 00:11:32,942 --> 00:11:35,402 - over and over and over again. - Just give me that. 192 00:11:35,403 --> 00:11:40,032 Okay, you guys wanna stop so bad, we'll stop. See that sign over there? 193 00:11:40,033 --> 00:11:42,201 "Have your picture taken with a live grizzly bear. 194 00:11:42,202 --> 00:11:44,244 Marvella's Souvenirs and Gifts. One mile." 195 00:11:44,245 --> 00:11:46,788 I always wanted to have my picture taken with a bear. 196 00:11:46,789 --> 00:11:49,125 Well, some dreams cannot be denied. 197 00:11:49,667 --> 00:11:52,377 Okay, Dad, you're good here. You're good on my side, Dad. 198 00:11:52,378 --> 00:11:54,880 Ease her right over. It's never too early to change lanes. 199 00:11:54,881 --> 00:11:57,008 Oh, my God, it must be genetic. 200 00:12:07,393 --> 00:12:10,939 Get your dog away from my bear. I just had him cleaned. 201 00:12:11,522 --> 00:12:12,523 He's stuffed. 202 00:12:13,191 --> 00:12:15,692 You know your sign said a live bear. 203 00:12:15,693 --> 00:12:17,612 It's an old sign. 204 00:12:19,364 --> 00:12:21,615 Look at that view. It's like we're really there. 205 00:12:21,616 --> 00:12:23,283 Yes, if we were actually there, Dad, 206 00:12:23,284 --> 00:12:26,161 we'd be whizzing by it at 50 miles an hour. 207 00:12:26,162 --> 00:12:28,705 Oh, Frasier, look, the gourmet food department. 208 00:12:28,706 --> 00:12:31,291 Oh, homemade deer jerky. 209 00:12:31,292 --> 00:12:33,085 - "No sampling." - No problem. 210 00:12:33,086 --> 00:12:33,920 Okay. 211 00:12:34,504 --> 00:12:37,381 Excuse me, would you take our picture please? 212 00:12:37,382 --> 00:12:41,218 Niles, Frasier, come on up here. Okay, everybody, all right. 213 00:12:41,219 --> 00:12:43,887 Here we go. Everybody ready? Now, what should we do? 214 00:12:43,888 --> 00:12:45,431 How about this? 215 00:12:46,015 --> 00:12:49,142 That's great. I like that. Okay, everybody! Eddie. 216 00:12:49,143 --> 00:12:51,853 Before I take it, you know it's $10 Canadian. 217 00:12:51,854 --> 00:12:53,897 For a treasured memory like this, what's money? 218 00:12:53,898 --> 00:12:55,607 Okay, one. 219 00:12:55,608 --> 00:12:57,234 Why would she want Canadian dollars? 220 00:12:57,235 --> 00:12:58,819 - Two. - Because we're in Canada. 221 00:12:58,820 --> 00:13:00,280 Three. 222 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:04,491 We're in Canada? 223 00:13:04,492 --> 00:13:07,452 Yeah. We crossed the border a while ago. You were taking a nap. 224 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:12,040 But I can't be in Canada. I'm not allowed to leave the United States. 225 00:13:12,041 --> 00:13:12,958 Why? 226 00:13:12,959 --> 00:13:16,086 Because I don't have my green card yet! 227 00:13:16,087 --> 00:13:18,964 Oh, this is just perfect! 228 00:13:18,965 --> 00:13:21,008 Three months till my final interview. 229 00:13:21,009 --> 00:13:25,554 The one thing they told me not to do was leave the country, and what do you do? 230 00:13:25,555 --> 00:13:29,933 Wait until the first time I fall asleep and drag me across the bleeding border! 231 00:13:29,934 --> 00:13:31,560 They're never gonna let me back in! 232 00:13:31,561 --> 00:13:33,979 They have to take you back. It's not your fault. 233 00:13:33,980 --> 00:13:37,357 This wouldn't have happened if you weren't hell-bent on getting so many miles! 234 00:13:37,358 --> 00:13:39,109 You had to go where the wind blows! 235 00:13:48,286 --> 00:13:52,622 Never mind whose fault it is. I'm stuck here. What am I gonna do? 236 00:13:52,623 --> 00:13:56,084 We'll explain to the authorities. I'm sure mishaps like this happen all the time. 237 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:58,587 Oh, get real, Niles. They've got their rules. 238 00:13:58,588 --> 00:14:01,923 - Oh, then, what's your solution, Dad? - Just sneak her back across the border. 239 00:14:01,924 --> 00:14:03,550 That's called smuggling. 240 00:14:03,551 --> 00:14:05,969 Oh, thanks, Niles. 241 00:14:05,970 --> 00:14:09,599 I knew it was something bad guys did. I just didn't know the technical term. 242 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:11,516 Dad, I can't believe that you, 243 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:14,061 a former policeman, are suggesting that we commit a felony. 244 00:14:14,062 --> 00:14:16,313 Oh, I've crossed this border plenty. 245 00:14:16,314 --> 00:14:19,775 Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the guards peek in and wave you through. 246 00:14:19,776 --> 00:14:20,776 It's no big deal. 247 00:14:20,777 --> 00:14:23,528 - Come on, let's get out of here. - What if they pull us over? 248 00:14:23,529 --> 00:14:26,865 Well, then, Daphne's just gotta convince them that she's an American. 249 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:27,991 Bloody right. 250 00:14:27,992 --> 00:14:32,329 Beats having my bum bounced back across the pond. Let's give it a bash. 251 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:34,791 Oh, yes. This is foolproof. 252 00:14:39,504 --> 00:14:42,381 I'm about to defraud the United States Immigration Department. 253 00:14:42,382 --> 00:14:44,591 Not just me, my father and my older brother, 254 00:14:44,592 --> 00:14:46,426 people who are supposed to be role models. 255 00:14:46,427 --> 00:14:48,763 It's not my fault. I'm the product of a bad environment. 256 00:14:49,931 --> 00:14:52,891 Now, listen, on the off-chance the guard asks you a question, 257 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:55,394 can you say anything in an American accent? 258 00:14:55,395 --> 00:14:57,188 - Sure. - Okay, what? 259 00:14:57,563 --> 00:14:58,980 You just heard it. 260 00:14:58,981 --> 00:15:00,733 - What? - Sure. 261 00:15:02,610 --> 00:15:04,861 That's it. That's all I can say. 262 00:15:04,862 --> 00:15:06,530 Oh, I need a cup of tea. 263 00:15:06,531 --> 00:15:07,823 Tea? 264 00:15:07,824 --> 00:15:12,036 Why not just wave a crumpet in the air and start singing "God Save the Queen"? 265 00:15:14,080 --> 00:15:16,832 Don't you snap at her, Frasier. You're a psychiatrist. 266 00:15:16,833 --> 00:15:18,750 You should be in control of your emotions. 267 00:15:18,751 --> 00:15:21,336 Oh, my God. There's the border. I can see the line of cars! 268 00:15:21,337 --> 00:15:25,006 All right! All right! All right, now, everybody calm down. We're gonna be fine. 269 00:15:25,007 --> 00:15:27,802 Just remember, they're gonna be looking for suspicious behavior. 270 00:15:28,678 --> 00:15:30,638 Niles, that qualifies. 271 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:34,057 All right, now, if the guard pokes his head in here, 272 00:15:34,058 --> 00:15:35,851 what did we say he's gonna see? 273 00:15:35,852 --> 00:15:38,855 Four carefree Americans. 274 00:15:39,730 --> 00:15:43,067 - I've never been so nervous. - I don't think there's any need to be. 275 00:15:44,152 --> 00:15:46,903 They're waving everybody through. They're not asking questions. 276 00:15:46,904 --> 00:15:50,282 - Please. Please. Please. - They're waving us through. 277 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:51,701 They're waving us through. 278 00:15:52,452 --> 00:15:53,870 They're pulling us over. 279 00:15:55,663 --> 00:15:57,290 They're pulling us over. 280 00:16:01,711 --> 00:16:03,879 - Here comes the guard. - I can't do this. 281 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:07,382 Now this is gonna be fine. Don't worry. Just remember to keep your answers short. 282 00:16:07,383 --> 00:16:09,760 People who have something to hide always talk too much. 283 00:16:11,053 --> 00:16:11,970 Hi, folks. 284 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:12,888 - Hi. - Hi there. 285 00:16:12,889 --> 00:16:14,347 - Good time in Canada? - Great. 286 00:16:14,348 --> 00:16:15,390 Oh, Canada, wow. 287 00:16:15,391 --> 00:16:17,351 What was the purpose of your trip to Canada? 288 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:20,813 Fun. 289 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:30,447 I see. And where were you born, sir? 290 00:16:30,448 --> 00:16:31,781 Uh, Seattle, Washington. 291 00:16:31,782 --> 00:16:35,410 Oh, you want to know what country. America, of course. 292 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:39,581 I'm quite an American. I vote all the time and always for the law-and-order guy. 293 00:16:39,582 --> 00:16:41,667 - That's all right. - I don't need any more detail. 294 00:16:42,251 --> 00:16:43,586 And you, miss. 295 00:16:45,213 --> 00:16:46,755 Did you enjoy Canada? 296 00:16:46,756 --> 00:16:48,090 Sure. 297 00:16:50,343 --> 00:16:53,596 - And the weather? - Sure. Sure. 298 00:16:56,432 --> 00:16:58,558 - Is this your vehicle sir? - No. 299 00:16:58,559 --> 00:17:00,435 Yes, yes. Well, I rented it. 300 00:17:00,436 --> 00:17:04,439 Yes, it's American-made. I always look for that union label. 301 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:06,691 - I need your license and registration. - Oh, right. 302 00:17:06,692 --> 00:17:09,986 It's right here in the little side pocket. Here is the registration. 303 00:17:09,987 --> 00:17:13,407 Let me get my license out for you. Yeah, here we are. 304 00:17:15,910 --> 00:17:16,744 Stay right here. 305 00:17:19,080 --> 00:17:22,250 Well, I certainly can depend on my gang, can't I? 306 00:17:27,046 --> 00:17:28,755 That's it. I'm going to be arrested. 307 00:17:28,756 --> 00:17:30,882 We're all getting arrested. 308 00:17:30,883 --> 00:17:33,594 Yes, but I have delicate features. Prison will be hell for me. 309 00:17:36,097 --> 00:17:37,640 Cool it, Niles. 310 00:17:38,766 --> 00:17:40,475 It's too late to turn back. 311 00:17:40,476 --> 00:17:43,520 - I say we make a run for it. - Oh, oh, great idea. 312 00:17:43,521 --> 00:17:46,107 A high-speed chase in an eight-ton motor home. 313 00:17:47,149 --> 00:17:50,151 It will make an amusing anecdote for the border guard newsletter. 314 00:17:50,152 --> 00:17:51,903 Will everybody just shut up? 315 00:17:51,904 --> 00:17:55,198 Now, you keep babbling like this, they're gonna catch us for sure. 316 00:17:55,199 --> 00:17:56,367 He's coming back. 317 00:17:58,119 --> 00:18:00,371 Well, these check out. 318 00:18:04,584 --> 00:18:07,420 Miss, you've been very quiet. ls there something I should know here? 319 00:18:10,089 --> 00:18:11,632 You seem awfully nervous. 320 00:18:13,342 --> 00:18:14,927 May I have your name? 321 00:18:19,390 --> 00:18:24,019 All right. All right. I guess I should have known better than to try this. 322 00:18:24,020 --> 00:18:25,854 - Dad, don't. - It was just a mistake. 323 00:18:25,855 --> 00:18:28,691 You men wanna just back off? What is it you want to say, sir? 324 00:18:29,483 --> 00:18:31,777 We were trying to put one over on you. 325 00:18:32,737 --> 00:18:33,613 Eddie. 326 00:18:35,990 --> 00:18:38,701 We don't have a rabies certificate for the dog. 327 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:41,494 I knew something was going on here. 328 00:18:41,495 --> 00:18:43,913 Yeah, well, you see, we weren't planning on coming here, 329 00:18:43,914 --> 00:18:46,166 and we got to the border, we just forgot about it. 330 00:18:46,167 --> 00:18:48,251 Yes, and I didn't even know that you needed one. 331 00:18:48,252 --> 00:18:51,296 Yes, but ignorance of the law is no defense, 332 00:18:51,297 --> 00:18:53,549 so take the little dog away, and we'll be off. 333 00:18:58,429 --> 00:19:00,055 Look, this is my fault. 334 00:19:00,056 --> 00:19:03,516 But if you're worried we picked the dog up here in Canada, well, we didn't. 335 00:19:03,517 --> 00:19:05,644 I mean, I've got a picture I can show you. 336 00:19:05,645 --> 00:19:09,106 Here's a picture of him taken at the Seattle Space Needle. 337 00:19:10,608 --> 00:19:13,527 - I see you've got a badge there. - Oh, yeah. 338 00:19:15,821 --> 00:19:17,739 - You a policeman? - Retired. 339 00:19:17,740 --> 00:19:19,866 Thirty years on the Seattle Police Force. 340 00:19:19,867 --> 00:19:21,910 Me, of all people, should know better, huh? 341 00:19:21,911 --> 00:19:23,787 - Absolutely. - Definitely. 342 00:19:23,788 --> 00:19:24,955 Sure. 343 00:19:30,544 --> 00:19:32,462 Next time, remember the rabies certificate. 344 00:19:32,463 --> 00:19:34,464 - Have a safe trip home. - Thanks, officer. 345 00:19:34,465 --> 00:19:35,299 Thank you. 346 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:38,594 Yeah! 347 00:19:39,470 --> 00:19:40,846 Drive! 348 00:19:48,145 --> 00:19:50,606 They would have returned you eventually. 349 00:19:54,860 --> 00:19:57,404 - So Dad, how long till we get home? - Oh, about two hours. 350 00:19:57,405 --> 00:19:59,323 This highway goes right into Seattle. 351 00:20:00,157 --> 00:20:01,658 Why don't you lean back? Take a nap. 352 00:20:01,659 --> 00:20:03,077 No, I'm okay. 353 00:20:04,036 --> 00:20:08,958 - I thought maybe we'd chat a little bit. - Oh, yeah. Great. 354 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:21,553 You know, Frasier, I just can't help it. 355 00:20:21,554 --> 00:20:24,640 When we're alone together, I just don't know what the hell to say. 356 00:20:25,433 --> 00:20:28,560 I'm sure you figured out that's why I asked Daphne to come along. 357 00:20:28,561 --> 00:20:31,980 Well, I had my suspicions, but I'd hoped that wasn't the case wi-- 358 00:20:31,981 --> 00:20:35,233 Oh, knock it off. That's why you asked Niles to come along too. 359 00:20:35,234 --> 00:20:38,112 Well, that's why I asked him, but that's not why he came. 360 00:20:40,614 --> 00:20:42,116 You know, funny thing. 361 00:20:42,825 --> 00:20:44,994 We didn't have such a bad time, did we? 362 00:20:48,205 --> 00:20:50,875 "I see you've got a badge there." "Oh, yeah." 363 00:20:54,211 --> 00:20:55,713 - Pretty slick, huh? - Yeah. 364 00:21:03,471 --> 00:21:06,765 You know, Dad, there's no reason to cut our trip short. 365 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:09,435 According to this map, we're not that far from Yellowstone. 366 00:21:10,019 --> 00:21:13,646 - Oh, I always wanted to see Old Faithful. - Me too. 367 00:21:13,647 --> 00:21:15,190 If you want a real adventure, 368 00:21:15,191 --> 00:21:18,194 we could drop these two sleeping beauties off home first. 369 00:21:19,236 --> 00:21:22,323 - You mean it? Just the two of us alone? - Yeah. 370 00:21:22,948 --> 00:21:26,075 - Just you and me, father and son? - Yeah. 371 00:21:26,076 --> 00:21:29,370 Yeah, you and me camping out in Yellowstone all alone. 372 00:21:29,371 --> 00:21:30,998 All by ourselves. 373 00:21:39,757 --> 00:21:45,011 Well, you know, it'd be a shame if Daphne didn't get to see those Indian Paint Pots. 374 00:21:45,012 --> 00:21:46,262 Yes. Of course. 375 00:21:46,263 --> 00:21:48,891 - They are a real miracle of nature. - Yeah. 376 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:52,644 Wouldn't be fair to leave Niles in that old house all by himself. 377 00:21:52,645 --> 00:21:56,482 - With Maris out of town, that'd be cruel. - Yeah, absolutely. 378 00:21:56,982 --> 00:21:59,067 How long will it take us to get to Yellowstone? 379 00:21:59,068 --> 00:22:01,194 If we drive all night, we'll be there tomorrow. 380 00:22:01,195 --> 00:22:04,072 Oh. It'll be a nice surprise for them in the morning. 381 00:22:04,073 --> 00:22:06,491 Yeah. I've got a better surprise than that. 382 00:22:06,492 --> 00:22:08,494 Let's tell Daphne we're in Mexico. 383 00:22:17,461 --> 00:22:22,007 ♪ Hey, baby, I hear the blues a-callin' Tossed salads and scrambled eggs ♪ 384 00:22:23,050 --> 00:22:24,467 ♪ Mercy ♪ 385 00:22:24,468 --> 00:22:26,678 ♪ And maybe I seem a bit confused ♪ 386 00:22:26,679 --> 00:22:29,472 ♪ Well, maybe, but I got you pegged ♪ 387 00:22:29,473 --> 00:22:31,599 ♪ Ha, ha, ha, ha ♪ 388 00:22:31,600 --> 00:22:33,309 ♪ But I don't know what to do ♪ 389 00:22:33,310 --> 00:22:36,355 ♪ With those tossed salads And scrambled eggs ♪ 390 00:22:37,690 --> 00:22:39,942 ♪ They're callin' again ♪ 391 00:22:40,442 --> 00:22:42,319 ♪ Good night, Seattle, we love you!