1 00:00:08,693 --> 00:00:10,278 Oh, don't you look nice. 2 00:00:10,445 --> 00:00:14,449 Yeah, Frasier wanted me dressed up for this mystery lunch of his. 3 00:00:14,616 --> 00:00:16,908 He hasn't told you what the occasion is either? 4 00:00:16,992 --> 00:00:19,285 No, but I'm sure it's something very important. 5 00:00:19,369 --> 00:00:23,665 I'm sure he wants to unveil his new antique Elizabethan egg timer. 6 00:00:23,832 --> 00:00:25,167 [BOTH CHUCKLING] 7 00:00:25,334 --> 00:00:28,878 Yeah, or debut his pre-Columbian spoon rest. 8 00:00:29,545 --> 00:00:30,754 -Hello, all. -MARTIN: Hey. 9 00:00:30,838 --> 00:00:33,215 Well, Dad, I see you're ready to roll. 10 00:00:33,382 --> 00:00:36,093 Can you tell us what kind of restaurant you're taking us to? 11 00:00:36,177 --> 00:00:37,303 Patience, Dad. 12 00:00:37,470 --> 00:00:41,514 Roz will be here in a few minutes, then we'll be off and all will be revealed. 13 00:00:41,723 --> 00:00:43,391 So how did it go with the doctor? 14 00:00:43,558 --> 00:00:46,269 Judging by that smile, I'm guessing your cholesterol's down. 15 00:00:46,353 --> 00:00:49,938 Well, after several weeks of watching my diet and taking my medication 16 00:00:50,147 --> 00:00:53,567 and race-walking every Tuesday, it hasn't budged. 17 00:00:53,776 --> 00:00:57,576 The good news is that I've developed bursitis to help take my mind off of it. 18 00:00:58,489 --> 00:01:01,157 The doctor says it's all just a matter of aging. 19 00:01:01,324 --> 00:01:03,724 Well, no reason to let it ruin our festive lunch. 20 00:01:03,868 --> 00:01:06,036 You don't forget that trip to the doctor. 21 00:01:06,120 --> 00:01:07,288 FRASIER: Oh, no. 22 00:01:07,372 --> 00:01:09,164 He says, "There's nothing I can do for you. 23 00:01:09,248 --> 00:01:11,625 You're just getting old, sport." 24 00:01:11,833 --> 00:01:14,586 In my case it was "slugger," but that was the gist. 25 00:01:14,795 --> 00:01:17,422 You know what I realized, when people reach our stage of life… 26 00:01:17,506 --> 00:01:20,341 Dad, please, with all due respect, when it comes to life's journeys, 27 00:01:20,425 --> 00:01:21,975 you and I do not share a stage. 28 00:01:23,636 --> 00:01:25,680 We're not even in the same theater. 29 00:01:26,263 --> 00:01:28,348 You're taking this all very cheerfully, Dr. Crane. 30 00:01:28,432 --> 00:01:29,684 [DOORBELL RINGS] 31 00:01:29,850 --> 00:01:32,810 Well, why shouldn't I? In many ways, my life couldn't be better. 32 00:01:32,894 --> 00:01:35,188 I mean, by and large I'm in good health. 33 00:01:35,397 --> 00:01:39,776 There is a promising new relationship on the horizon with the lovely Rachel. 34 00:01:39,984 --> 00:01:41,528 My career is thriving… 35 00:01:41,695 --> 00:01:43,946 -Did you say thriving or diving? -What? 36 00:01:44,571 --> 00:01:47,621 -Look at these ratings. -Roz, that's nothing to worry about. 37 00:01:47,783 --> 00:01:49,826 For God's sakes. They're just leveling off. 38 00:01:49,910 --> 00:01:52,078 That's what tends to happen when you hit bottom. 39 00:01:52,162 --> 00:01:54,414 Look, there's no cause for alarm here, Roz. 40 00:01:54,580 --> 00:01:57,291 The important thing is we go on doing a quality show. 41 00:01:57,458 --> 00:01:59,585 -How about some quality lunch? -Splendid idea. 42 00:01:59,669 --> 00:02:01,920 Off we go then. Oh, Niles will be joining us there. 43 00:02:02,004 --> 00:02:03,172 [CELL PHONE RINGING] 44 00:02:03,339 --> 00:02:05,174 Oh, excuse me. 45 00:02:05,340 --> 00:02:06,675 Hello? 46 00:02:06,842 --> 00:02:09,845 Ah, Rachel, yes. Uh… 47 00:02:10,262 --> 00:02:12,431 Momentito. 48 00:02:13,098 --> 00:02:14,850 So is Donny going to be joining us? 49 00:02:15,016 --> 00:02:17,017 No, he's got wedding business this afternoon. 50 00:02:17,101 --> 00:02:19,729 -He's composing our vows. -Oh, isn't that romantic? 51 00:02:19,937 --> 00:02:22,837 He's not exactly Wordsworth strolling through a shady glen. 52 00:02:22,940 --> 00:02:25,525 When I left, he was lying on the couch in his underwear 53 00:02:25,609 --> 00:02:28,959 with a tin of Vienna sausages and a rhyming dictionary on his chest. 54 00:02:30,572 --> 00:02:32,948 Well, remember that new relationship on the horizon? 55 00:02:33,032 --> 00:02:35,076 -ROZ: Yeah? -It got married in Vegas last night. 56 00:02:35,160 --> 00:02:36,870 MARTIN: Ohh. 57 00:02:38,579 --> 00:02:40,747 Great, you don't have a date for Daphne's wedding. 58 00:02:40,831 --> 00:02:43,041 I'll find a date. Don't worry, Roz. Lunch awaits. 59 00:02:43,125 --> 00:02:45,126 -Hey, great. -ROZ: Why don't we go together? 60 00:02:45,210 --> 00:02:48,088 No, Roz, I assure you, my dance card will be punched. 61 00:02:48,297 --> 00:02:49,672 By who? 62 00:02:49,881 --> 00:02:53,426 Oh, I don't know right now. It's just that I will be Crane plus one. 63 00:02:53,634 --> 00:02:56,553 Just in case you don't get a date, what time would you pick me up? 64 00:02:56,637 --> 00:02:58,305 -I'm getting a date. -ROZ: Just in case. 65 00:02:58,389 --> 00:03:00,807 -I'm getting a date. -What time are you picking her up? 66 00:03:00,891 --> 00:03:02,892 -Three o'clock. -Well, can you make it 3:30? 67 00:03:02,976 --> 00:03:04,811 I'm getting a date. 68 00:03:09,983 --> 00:03:11,483 DAPHNE: So, what's the big occasion? 69 00:03:11,567 --> 00:03:14,486 Wait for it. Let the moment build. Besides, Niles hasn't arrived yet. 70 00:03:14,570 --> 00:03:15,862 I'd be surprised if he came. 71 00:03:15,946 --> 00:03:18,073 -He's terrified of this place. -Still? 72 00:03:18,282 --> 00:03:21,327 -My God, it's been 30 years. -What happened? 73 00:03:21,534 --> 00:03:23,869 Esther and I brought the boys here when they were kids, 74 00:03:23,953 --> 00:03:26,403 Niles was running, bumped into the dessert trolley 75 00:03:26,498 --> 00:03:30,418 and Stefano got hot and yelled at him, and Niles got terrified, and he, well… 76 00:03:30,627 --> 00:03:32,128 -He vomited. -Right. 77 00:03:33,504 --> 00:03:34,963 All over Stefano's shoes. 78 00:03:35,130 --> 00:03:38,530 He ran out, hid behind the car and he hasn't been back in here since. 79 00:03:38,675 --> 00:03:39,843 Poor little weenie. 80 00:03:41,136 --> 00:03:43,805 Hey, Dr. Crane. 81 00:03:43,971 --> 00:03:47,141 Oh, good to see you, Stefano. How are you? 82 00:03:47,308 --> 00:03:49,560 -Allow me to introduce Daphne Moon. -STEFANO: Yes. 83 00:03:49,644 --> 00:03:51,944 -My father, Martin. -Yes, hello, how are you? 84 00:03:52,063 --> 00:03:54,689 -And this is… -Hey, we all know Roz. 85 00:03:55,899 --> 00:03:57,651 All right, what today? 86 00:03:57,818 --> 00:04:00,218 We've got some special dishes for you, Dr. Crane. 87 00:04:00,362 --> 00:04:03,031 -Porcini, fresh from Napoli. -Oh, well… 88 00:04:03,198 --> 00:04:04,491 And for me? 89 00:04:04,699 --> 00:04:07,409 Giorgio, fresh from Sicily. 90 00:04:07,618 --> 00:04:09,078 Can I get him to go? 91 00:04:09,286 --> 00:04:10,371 You bet. 92 00:04:10,579 --> 00:04:13,457 Okay, now, I'm gonna be waiting on you myself today, okay? 93 00:04:13,666 --> 00:04:16,793 -Just give me a minute. I come back. -FRASIER: Grazie. 94 00:04:17,001 --> 00:04:18,336 [CELL PHONE RINGING] 95 00:04:18,503 --> 00:04:20,672 Oh, excuse me. Mm-hm. 96 00:04:22,423 --> 00:04:24,133 Hello? 97 00:04:24,425 --> 00:04:25,844 Yes, hello, Niles. 98 00:04:26,718 --> 00:04:27,761 Oh, really? 99 00:04:28,554 --> 00:04:29,847 Oh, what a shame. 100 00:04:30,055 --> 00:04:31,806 -Told you. -FRASIER: That's all right. 101 00:04:31,890 --> 00:04:34,809 If your patient is having a crisis, you'd better address it. 102 00:04:34,893 --> 00:04:39,772 Before it turns into a crippling, immature, lifelong problem. 103 00:04:41,023 --> 00:04:42,923 You're not really mad at him, are you? 104 00:04:43,067 --> 00:04:44,652 Well, of course I'm mad at him. 105 00:04:44,819 --> 00:04:47,154 I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind at dinner tonight. 106 00:04:47,238 --> 00:04:50,740 Tonight? Oh, I was hoping you could come to Alice's birthday party. 107 00:04:50,949 --> 00:04:53,785 My balloon-animal guy canceled, and I could really use your help. 108 00:04:53,869 --> 00:04:57,469 I'm sorry. Niles made the reservations a month ago. It's at Quelquechose. 109 00:04:58,331 --> 00:04:59,373 Fine. 110 00:04:59,582 --> 00:05:02,732 If Niles isn't coming, you can tell us what the big surprise is. 111 00:05:03,794 --> 00:05:05,337 Oh, all right, I'll spill. 112 00:05:05,754 --> 00:05:07,006 For over 60 years, 113 00:05:07,172 --> 00:05:10,717 Stefano's has immortalized Seattle's famous faces on its walls, 114 00:05:10,884 --> 00:05:12,343 as you can see. 115 00:05:12,552 --> 00:05:15,722 With one notable exception. 116 00:05:17,432 --> 00:05:19,934 It's me. Stefano's unveiling the portrait today. 117 00:05:20,143 --> 00:05:21,560 DAPHNE: Oh, wonderful. 118 00:05:21,768 --> 00:05:25,605 That's what I'll do for Alice's party. I'll get a cartoonist to draw the kids. 119 00:05:25,689 --> 00:05:26,939 That's an excellent idea. 120 00:05:27,024 --> 00:05:29,674 Let's not forget why we're here. Anybody have a toast? 121 00:05:29,776 --> 00:05:31,820 Okay, Dr. Crane, here it is. 122 00:05:31,986 --> 00:05:33,036 FRASIER: My portrait? 123 00:05:33,195 --> 00:05:34,947 No, it's today's specials. 124 00:05:35,114 --> 00:05:38,910 Of course, it's your portrait. Would you like to say a few words? Come on. 125 00:05:39,076 --> 00:05:40,912 Well, if you insist. 126 00:05:41,120 --> 00:05:43,663 [FRASIER, STEFANO CHUCKLING] 127 00:05:46,708 --> 00:05:51,338 Before we unveil this picture, permit me to paint one of my own. 128 00:05:51,546 --> 00:05:54,048 A picture of a young Frasier Crane. 129 00:05:54,256 --> 00:05:58,552 Wide-eyed, gazing at the walls of Stefano's and wondering, 130 00:05:58,761 --> 00:06:00,596 "Who's that?" 131 00:06:00,763 --> 00:06:05,391 Well, little did I suspect that one day my picture would be on the wall. 132 00:06:05,600 --> 00:06:08,478 And perhaps now other children will come in, 133 00:06:08,686 --> 00:06:12,440 gaze at it, and wonder, "Who's that?" 134 00:06:12,649 --> 00:06:15,567 I'm betting that's gonna happen a lot. 135 00:06:16,526 --> 00:06:18,862 So thank you, Stefano, for this honor. 136 00:06:19,029 --> 00:06:21,365 Thank you for suggesting it. 137 00:06:22,950 --> 00:06:25,786 And now, may I present, 138 00:06:25,994 --> 00:06:31,499 Il dot tore. Dr. Frasier Crane. 139 00:06:40,256 --> 00:06:43,006 Fras, will you let it go? It's a perfectly nice picture. 140 00:06:43,134 --> 00:06:44,594 Oh? 141 00:06:44,761 --> 00:06:50,057 So nothing about it jumped out at you as, oh, I don't know, encephalitic? 142 00:06:50,265 --> 00:06:53,268 So they gave you a big forehead. Who cares? It makes you look smart. 143 00:06:53,352 --> 00:06:55,202 Makes me look like I discovered fire. 144 00:06:56,563 --> 00:07:00,274 Here, Frasier, I was leaving you a note apologizing for that flimsy excuse. 145 00:07:00,441 --> 00:07:04,654 I'm sorry. The thought of going back there got my stomach doing flip-flops. 146 00:07:07,115 --> 00:07:10,701 Oh, by the way, Daphne, the doorman gave me this for you. 147 00:07:10,909 --> 00:07:12,160 No, it's for Donny. 148 00:07:12,369 --> 00:07:14,955 Uh, no, it's for Mrs. Donny Douglas. 149 00:07:15,163 --> 00:07:18,083 Funny. That's the first time I've seen my name like that. 150 00:07:18,291 --> 00:07:20,918 Well, get used to it. That's you in a couple of weeks. 151 00:07:21,002 --> 00:07:23,295 So how was lunch? What was the big surprise? 152 00:07:23,504 --> 00:07:26,632 -Don't ask. The less said, the better. -They put his picture on the wall. 153 00:07:26,716 --> 00:07:29,135 He thinks his forehead looks a touch too big. 154 00:07:29,301 --> 00:07:30,886 A touch? 155 00:07:31,387 --> 00:07:34,681 I look like a fugitive from Easter Island. 156 00:07:37,767 --> 00:07:40,437 Frasier, you always think you look bad in pictures. 157 00:07:40,645 --> 00:07:42,562 This is not some photo I can throw away. 158 00:07:42,646 --> 00:07:44,946 This is a picture of me in a famous restaurant. 159 00:07:45,107 --> 00:07:47,651 God, I've dreamed my entire life of being on that wall. 160 00:07:47,735 --> 00:07:50,695 Now you are. Are you really so vain that that's not honor enough? 161 00:07:50,779 --> 00:07:53,906 Vanity has nothing to do with it. It's about misrepresentation. 162 00:07:54,073 --> 00:07:57,994 You know, if I were you, I would be careful about bandying the word vain, 163 00:07:58,161 --> 00:08:00,496 Mr. 250-dollar Haircut. 164 00:08:01,789 --> 00:08:04,167 I have problem follicles. 165 00:08:08,336 --> 00:08:11,548 Frasier, it's a caricature. They exaggerate stuff. 166 00:08:11,757 --> 00:08:14,760 Now, if it were me, they would've drawn maybe a big cane. 167 00:08:14,968 --> 00:08:19,764 If it were Niles, they'd draw a barber cutting the hair off a giant sucker. 168 00:08:24,060 --> 00:08:26,686 I know you're sensitive about your big forehead 169 00:08:26,895 --> 00:08:28,730 but we all have stuff like that. 170 00:08:28,938 --> 00:08:31,941 With me it's my eyes. I've always fancied sparkling blue ones 171 00:08:32,108 --> 00:08:33,902 instead of dull old brown. 172 00:08:34,110 --> 00:08:35,403 Your eyes? 173 00:08:35,612 --> 00:08:36,904 Your eyes are not dull. 174 00:08:37,613 --> 00:08:39,782 Thank you, Dr. Crane, that's very nice. 175 00:08:39,990 --> 00:08:43,702 Well, they're… They're warm and… And, uh… 176 00:08:45,120 --> 00:08:47,039 Full of life. 177 00:08:47,414 --> 00:08:50,166 You have beautiful eyes too. 178 00:08:53,127 --> 00:08:54,754 Oh, goodness. 179 00:08:54,962 --> 00:08:57,924 I can't be lollygagging around here. I have to… 180 00:08:58,132 --> 00:09:00,383 To get Dr. Crane his oat bran. 181 00:09:00,592 --> 00:09:02,135 Oat bran? Now? 182 00:09:02,344 --> 00:09:03,803 You'll need it for the morning. 183 00:09:03,887 --> 00:09:06,639 You've got to have something to sop up all that nasty cholesterol 184 00:09:06,723 --> 00:09:07,598 gumming up your heart. 185 00:09:07,682 --> 00:09:11,268 If not, I'm liable to come home and find you face down on the floor 186 00:09:11,435 --> 00:09:13,185 with the dog gnawing off your foot. 187 00:09:13,270 --> 00:09:16,565 And I'm not making that up either. That happened. Cheerio. 188 00:09:18,818 --> 00:09:21,945 I wish she moved that fast when I'm out of beer. 189 00:09:22,529 --> 00:09:26,199 Well, I should be off too. Are we still on for dinner at Quelquechose? 190 00:09:26,366 --> 00:09:27,491 FRASIER: Yes, of course. 191 00:09:27,575 --> 00:09:28,951 NILES: You might wanna call and confirm. 192 00:09:29,035 --> 00:09:30,485 Yes, I'll make a mental note. 193 00:09:30,620 --> 00:09:33,163 Be careful you don't lose it inside that giant puppet head. 194 00:09:33,247 --> 00:09:34,998 FRASIER: Goodbye, Niles. 195 00:09:37,376 --> 00:09:38,961 Giant puppet head, indeed. 196 00:09:39,128 --> 00:09:42,628 Let it go. What are you gonna do? Go down there and make him change it? 197 00:09:42,755 --> 00:09:45,007 Just accept it for the honor it is. 198 00:09:45,216 --> 00:09:47,116 That's all. You know, I don't get you. 199 00:09:47,218 --> 00:09:49,618 Doctor gives you bad news, you take it in stride. 200 00:09:49,720 --> 00:09:52,098 -But one bad picture… -Yes, thank you, Dad. 201 00:09:52,265 --> 00:09:55,892 Hello? Yes, I'm calling about a reservation tonight. 202 00:09:56,143 --> 00:09:58,436 For two. Crane. 203 00:09:58,603 --> 00:10:02,858 Well, what can I say but I just love your food, Stefano. 204 00:10:05,860 --> 00:10:08,154 I'm in the mood for Italian. 205 00:10:13,033 --> 00:10:14,535 Will you come along, Niles? 206 00:10:14,743 --> 00:10:17,161 NILES: I'd really rather not. I'm feeling queasy standing here. 207 00:10:17,245 --> 00:10:19,745 You can hardly see the picture from there. Come on. 208 00:10:19,831 --> 00:10:21,832 All right, let's just be quick about this. 209 00:10:21,916 --> 00:10:24,585 -Hello. Do you have a reservation? -Uh, yes, for Crane. 210 00:10:24,669 --> 00:10:26,086 One moment. 211 00:10:26,253 --> 00:10:27,296 You tricked me. 212 00:10:27,504 --> 00:10:29,589 We'll just be here long enough to talk to Stefano, 213 00:10:29,673 --> 00:10:33,301 convince him to change it, so it doesn't mock me for the rest of the my life. 214 00:10:33,385 --> 00:10:36,179 He has a violent temper, he's already made me humiliate myself. 215 00:10:36,263 --> 00:10:40,063 I can't believe you're letting a minor childhood trauma like this plague you. 216 00:10:40,266 --> 00:10:43,102 You know, this may be the root of your fear of authority figures. 217 00:10:43,186 --> 00:10:46,189 Listen, a nice relaxing dinner here may go a long way 218 00:10:46,355 --> 00:10:48,022 toward helping you resolve this problem. 219 00:10:48,106 --> 00:10:52,611 -Dottore, how nice to see you. -Ha-ha-ha. Stefano, good to see you. 220 00:10:52,819 --> 00:10:54,654 Who is this gentleman? He looks familiar. 221 00:10:54,738 --> 00:10:56,573 Oh, this is my brother Niles. 222 00:10:56,781 --> 00:10:59,450 Oh, of course. You have the family forehead. Come on. 223 00:11:01,076 --> 00:11:04,580 Follow me. Hey, Antonio, slow down. 224 00:11:04,788 --> 00:11:06,040 [YELLING IN ITALIAN] 225 00:11:06,207 --> 00:11:08,167 What's the matter with you? 226 00:11:08,459 --> 00:11:11,002 Come on. Come on, sit down. We have a nice table. 227 00:11:11,169 --> 00:11:12,212 Oh, thank you. 228 00:11:12,378 --> 00:11:16,090 Right under your picture. Okay, tonight, no menu. 229 00:11:16,299 --> 00:11:19,844 I'm gonna take care of everything. Except the bill, of course. 230 00:11:25,390 --> 00:11:28,435 Well, there it is. 231 00:11:28,644 --> 00:11:31,270 Frasier Cranium. 232 00:11:35,233 --> 00:11:39,111 Well, it does have a certain under-nuanced, over-contoured, 233 00:11:39,320 --> 00:11:41,572 Macy's Parade kind of quality but… 234 00:11:42,822 --> 00:11:45,658 Even so, you cannot ask him to change it. The man will explode. 235 00:11:45,742 --> 00:11:48,078 Not if I do it with the utmost tact. 236 00:11:48,286 --> 00:11:53,082 -Okay, here we are. Antipasto. -FRASIER, NILES: Oh! 237 00:11:53,249 --> 00:11:54,499 That's wonderful, Stefano. 238 00:11:54,583 --> 00:11:57,252 You certainly do have a way of making people feel comfortable. 239 00:11:57,336 --> 00:12:01,632 I suspect that it would actually physically pain you 240 00:12:01,799 --> 00:12:05,176 to think that someone wasn't totally pleased. 241 00:12:05,718 --> 00:12:06,969 -What's wrong? -NILES: Mm-mm. 242 00:12:07,053 --> 00:12:12,100 Well, actually, well, there is a tiny, tiny little problem. 243 00:12:12,308 --> 00:12:15,352 It's really about my picture, you see. 244 00:12:15,519 --> 00:12:21,650 There is a small faction that thinks the forehead is too large. 245 00:12:21,858 --> 00:12:25,528 -What, this one? -No, I love it. 246 00:12:28,698 --> 00:12:34,370 As do I. It's just that, well, I feel I might be more recognizable 247 00:12:34,537 --> 00:12:37,455 if the forehead were a tad smaller. 248 00:12:37,664 --> 00:12:40,664 -You don't like it? Not good enough? -Not that. Yes, it is. 249 00:12:40,792 --> 00:12:43,128 -You want me to have it changed? -Could you? 250 00:12:47,089 --> 00:12:48,674 How long is this going to take? 251 00:12:48,841 --> 00:12:52,594 Well, Niles, I was fortunate enough that the artist is actually here tonight. 252 00:12:52,678 --> 00:12:55,178 I'm not gonna rush him. Better finish your lasagna. 253 00:12:55,264 --> 00:12:57,891 -You don't want to offend Stefano. -Offend him? 254 00:12:58,099 --> 00:13:01,269 So far tonight, I have had the prosciutto di Parma, 255 00:13:01,436 --> 00:13:03,688 the pesto Genovese, and the Venetian sea bass. 256 00:13:03,855 --> 00:13:08,151 One more bite will conclude our tour of Italy with my impression of Pompeii. 257 00:13:09,609 --> 00:13:12,571 Hey, hey, look who it is. 258 00:13:12,779 --> 00:13:15,073 They'll let anyone in this joint. 259 00:13:15,282 --> 00:13:16,450 Hello, Kenny. 260 00:13:16,616 --> 00:13:19,202 So, what are you celebrating? Not your ratings, huh? 261 00:13:19,411 --> 00:13:20,661 I'm kidding. 262 00:13:20,870 --> 00:13:22,330 -You gotta kid. -Yes. 263 00:13:22,496 --> 00:13:24,874 If you don't laugh, you cry, right? 264 00:13:25,499 --> 00:13:28,210 So did I hear a rumor you're going up on the wall of fame? 265 00:13:28,294 --> 00:13:30,962 Oh, yes, they're putting the finishing touches on right on. 266 00:13:31,046 --> 00:13:32,422 Isn't that something? 267 00:13:32,630 --> 00:13:34,430 Hey, hey, you better save some room. 268 00:13:34,591 --> 00:13:37,218 Stefano goes crazy if you pass on his dessert. 269 00:13:37,427 --> 00:13:40,327 My mother found that out the hard way on her 80th birthday. 270 00:13:40,513 --> 00:13:42,348 He went off on her. 271 00:13:43,140 --> 00:13:46,727 Called her a skoonja-boon ja or something. 272 00:13:46,894 --> 00:13:49,313 The kids had it memorized for a while. 273 00:13:49,521 --> 00:13:51,190 Well, enjoy. 274 00:13:51,357 --> 00:13:54,150 Okay, Dr. Crane. Hot off the easel. 275 00:13:54,359 --> 00:13:56,194 Is this one more to your liking? 276 00:13:56,402 --> 00:13:58,488 -Oh, my. -It's better? 277 00:13:58,696 --> 00:14:00,531 Well, it's like looking in a mirror. 278 00:14:00,698 --> 00:14:02,648 STEFANO: Hey, that's what I wanna hear. 279 00:14:03,533 --> 00:14:08,080 You know, this is the first time that anybody has ever asked for a change. 280 00:14:08,288 --> 00:14:11,583 Oh, beautiful. You make me so happy. 281 00:14:11,750 --> 00:14:13,418 I'm gonna see how the steaks are coming. 282 00:14:13,502 --> 00:14:14,752 FRASIER: Thank you. 283 00:14:16,337 --> 00:14:18,130 Frasier, I hate to burst your bubble 284 00:14:18,214 --> 00:14:21,425 but that picture looks absolutely nothing like you. 285 00:14:21,717 --> 00:14:27,764 Well, well, I was wondering when Mr. Envy would pull up a chair. 286 00:14:29,391 --> 00:14:33,311 Kenny, Kenny, if I may, could I direct your attention to this caricature? 287 00:14:33,478 --> 00:14:36,688 -Wow, look at that. I am impressed. -I thought you might be. 288 00:14:36,897 --> 00:14:38,774 James Garner eats here? 289 00:14:39,900 --> 00:14:40,943 James Garner? 290 00:14:41,110 --> 00:14:42,694 Well, I guess I can go sit down now. 291 00:14:42,778 --> 00:14:44,878 My father-in-law just picked up the check. 292 00:14:46,781 --> 00:14:47,831 I don't believe this. 293 00:14:47,990 --> 00:14:50,117 I've waited my entire life to have my picture up. 294 00:14:50,201 --> 00:14:52,161 Now that it is, it's unrecognizable. 295 00:14:52,370 --> 00:14:53,413 Well, not for long. 296 00:14:53,579 --> 00:14:56,206 No, Frasier, you are not going to ask him to change it again. 297 00:14:56,290 --> 00:14:58,958 If this means so much to you, my girlfriend's a plastic surgeon. 298 00:14:59,042 --> 00:15:02,442 She can have you looking like this picture in six procedures or less. 299 00:15:02,796 --> 00:15:05,382 All right, here we are, boys, here we are. 300 00:15:05,549 --> 00:15:07,676 [STEFANO SPEAKING IN ITALIAN] 301 00:15:07,843 --> 00:15:09,343 -NILES: Ohh… -FRASIER: Whoa. 302 00:15:09,510 --> 00:15:10,761 NILES: Thank you. Grazie. 303 00:15:10,928 --> 00:15:14,682 You know, there's been something that's been bugging me all night. 304 00:15:14,890 --> 00:15:17,977 -Hey, shove over, will you? -Oh, uh, yes. 305 00:15:18,978 --> 00:15:21,678 I know you from someplace, and I can't figure out where 306 00:15:21,771 --> 00:15:23,940 and it's driving me pazzo. 307 00:15:24,441 --> 00:15:28,361 So we gotta figure this out together, okay? You and me, all right? 308 00:15:28,528 --> 00:15:30,987 You know, while you two are strolling down memory lane, 309 00:15:31,071 --> 00:15:32,864 I have a quick errand I have to run. 310 00:15:32,948 --> 00:15:36,493 -I tell you, save some dessert for me. -NILES: Frasier, Frasier. 311 00:15:39,830 --> 00:15:41,205 Oh, Roz. 312 00:15:41,372 --> 00:15:44,416 -Frasier. I knew you'd show up. -Yes, well, of course I did. 313 00:15:44,500 --> 00:15:46,794 You knew how much it would mean to me and Alice. 314 00:15:46,878 --> 00:15:48,478 Oh, gosh, am I that transparent? 315 00:15:48,588 --> 00:15:50,881 Come on in. Come on. Everybody, this is Frasier. 316 00:15:50,965 --> 00:15:52,174 Hello, hello, hi. 317 00:15:52,340 --> 00:15:56,595 Can I get you something? Jell-O, Lunchables, a Pokémon punch? 318 00:15:56,761 --> 00:15:58,805 -You have any coffee made? -No. 319 00:15:58,972 --> 00:16:00,348 FRASIER: That's perfect. 320 00:16:00,557 --> 00:16:04,518 I mean, while you're making coffee, it'll give me quality time with Alice. 321 00:16:04,685 --> 00:16:06,687 [FRASIER CHUCKLING] 322 00:16:11,901 --> 00:16:14,360 -Hey, no cuts. -No, I need a picture right away. 323 00:16:14,569 --> 00:16:16,237 -I'll tell. -You know who this is? 324 00:16:16,321 --> 00:16:17,446 This is the birthday girl. 325 00:16:17,530 --> 00:16:19,824 If she wants a picture right away, she's gonna get one. 326 00:16:19,908 --> 00:16:21,367 Now, why don't you run along? 327 00:16:23,661 --> 00:16:26,061 All right, I think you're finished. There we are. 328 00:16:27,164 --> 00:16:28,582 But I don't have any eyes. 329 00:16:28,749 --> 00:16:30,500 Yes, well, neither did Little Orphan Annie 330 00:16:30,584 --> 00:16:32,836 and she's got her own Broadway show. Go on. 331 00:16:33,504 --> 00:16:35,654 Okay, fine. I'm looking for something manly, 332 00:16:35,755 --> 00:16:38,090 go easy on the forehead, and leave the kid out. 333 00:16:48,850 --> 00:16:50,268 Oh, Niles. 334 00:16:50,727 --> 00:16:52,312 Where the hell have you been? 335 00:16:52,479 --> 00:16:55,314 Stefano's been trying to place me for the last 40 minutes. 336 00:16:55,398 --> 00:16:58,567 Was I ever in Panama? Did I sell him his first Lincoln? 337 00:16:58,734 --> 00:17:01,445 Do I have a box at the dog track? 338 00:17:02,154 --> 00:17:04,448 Why don't you say yes and let that be the end of it? 339 00:17:04,532 --> 00:17:06,617 Well, that's a good idea. 340 00:17:08,160 --> 00:17:11,079 -What's that? -I went by Alice's birthday party. 341 00:17:11,246 --> 00:17:13,622 I had the artist there draw me some new sketches. 342 00:17:13,706 --> 00:17:14,832 Here, what do you think? 343 00:17:14,916 --> 00:17:16,000 [NILES GASPS] 344 00:17:16,167 --> 00:17:18,669 -I think you're insane. -No, Niles, it's not so crazy. 345 00:17:18,753 --> 00:17:19,803 Really, just imagine. 346 00:17:19,962 --> 00:17:25,634 Suppose that picture there should accidentally drop to the floor and tear? 347 00:17:25,801 --> 00:17:27,677 You see, I could come back here tomorrow, 348 00:17:27,761 --> 00:17:30,554 tell Stefano that I didn't want to put his artist to any trouble 349 00:17:30,638 --> 00:17:32,347 and I had a new caricature done myself. 350 00:17:32,431 --> 00:17:34,516 You see, I'm actually partial to this one here. 351 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:38,688 But there is one in here of me playing soccer which is very good. 352 00:17:38,854 --> 00:17:40,523 Frasier, we'll put these away 353 00:17:40,690 --> 00:17:43,441 and we'll pay the bill and we'll find a bed to strap you into. 354 00:17:43,525 --> 00:17:45,985 No, no, no, this can work. It really can. I promise you. 355 00:17:46,069 --> 00:17:47,869 -It's not gonna work. -It can work. 356 00:17:48,029 --> 00:17:50,365 What is this? The pictures? 357 00:17:50,532 --> 00:17:53,082 It's nothing. It's no business of yours. Off you go. 358 00:17:53,617 --> 00:17:56,662 Stefano? Stefano. 359 00:17:56,870 --> 00:17:59,081 Mama, what is it? What? 360 00:17:59,248 --> 00:18:00,548 [MAMA SPEAKING IN ITALIAN] 361 00:18:00,666 --> 00:18:01,866 Dr. Crane, what is this? 362 00:18:02,875 --> 00:18:04,377 Oh, all right. 363 00:18:04,544 --> 00:18:06,754 I may as well just tell you the truth. 364 00:18:06,963 --> 00:18:10,049 The fact is I don't really care for this picture either. 365 00:18:10,216 --> 00:18:13,510 It's just that I'm afraid your artist has lost his touch. 366 00:18:13,677 --> 00:18:15,637 To be honest, I think he's robbing you blind. 367 00:18:15,721 --> 00:18:18,221 I mean, my God, how much is this hack charging you? 368 00:18:18,390 --> 00:18:20,142 [MAMA CRYING] 369 00:18:22,769 --> 00:18:25,104 Mama's the hack, isn't she? 370 00:18:25,313 --> 00:18:27,106 That's right. 371 00:18:27,315 --> 00:18:29,317 -Son of a gun, get out of here. -But… 372 00:18:29,483 --> 00:18:30,735 And don't ever come back. 373 00:18:30,943 --> 00:18:33,070 [YELLING IN ITALIAN] 374 00:18:35,031 --> 00:18:38,700 You, hold on one second. Now I remember you. 375 00:18:38,908 --> 00:18:40,243 Ohh. 376 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:42,537 Bridgeport, Connecticut. 377 00:18:42,704 --> 00:18:45,624 -Yes, yes, yes. -Right? 378 00:18:45,832 --> 00:18:48,083 My car got stuck in the rain and you saved my ass. 379 00:18:48,167 --> 00:18:50,544 Yes, well, it was nothing. Glad you remember. 380 00:18:50,711 --> 00:18:53,297 Let me show you how we thank you where I come from. 381 00:18:54,381 --> 00:18:56,133 NILES: Oh. 382 00:18:59,927 --> 00:19:01,429 Well, suffice it to say that 383 00:19:01,596 --> 00:19:04,181 the entire Crane family is now banned from Stefano's. 384 00:19:04,265 --> 00:19:05,808 Just because of that dumb picture? 385 00:19:05,892 --> 00:19:09,186 No, no, actually, there was a little incident involving Niles too. 386 00:19:10,520 --> 00:19:14,316 He was doing just fine until Stefano took him in some sort of a bear hug 387 00:19:14,483 --> 00:19:16,818 and shook him a little too vigorously. 388 00:19:18,153 --> 00:19:19,278 On the shoes again? 389 00:19:19,487 --> 00:19:23,574 No, this time there was a conveniently placed lobster tank. 390 00:19:23,783 --> 00:19:25,618 Poor Niles. 391 00:19:25,826 --> 00:19:28,120 It wasn't any picnic for the lobsters either. 392 00:19:29,788 --> 00:19:31,706 What the hell is wrong with me, Dad? You know, 393 00:19:31,790 --> 00:19:35,293 I became so obsessed with that damn picture I completely lost my head. 394 00:19:35,502 --> 00:19:38,672 Well, I think I know what's really going on here. 395 00:19:38,880 --> 00:19:41,507 -Really? Well, enlighten us. -Yeah. 396 00:19:41,715 --> 00:19:45,115 Well, I think there's some stuff in your life that you can't control. 397 00:19:45,302 --> 00:19:48,346 You doctor tells you you're getting old. Your ratings are low. 398 00:19:48,430 --> 00:19:50,641 You're not happy with your love life. 399 00:19:50,808 --> 00:19:53,058 And so I think you obsessed about this picture 400 00:19:53,142 --> 00:19:56,742 because you figured it was something in your life that you could control. 401 00:20:04,569 --> 00:20:06,655 Well, Dad, you do raise a point. 402 00:20:08,323 --> 00:20:10,023 Oh, what the hell, you're dead on. 403 00:20:10,117 --> 00:20:11,951 Where'd you learn so much about psychology? 404 00:20:12,035 --> 00:20:15,162 Oh, I listen to radio. 405 00:20:15,705 --> 00:20:18,374 It's so obvious, isn't it? When a person is confronted 406 00:20:18,541 --> 00:20:21,585 with some deeply troubling issue that they're not ready to face yet, 407 00:20:21,669 --> 00:20:24,503 they usually avoid the problem by obsessing about something else. 408 00:20:24,587 --> 00:20:26,037 Something completely trivial. 409 00:20:26,673 --> 00:20:28,508 -Got it. -Got what? 410 00:20:28,717 --> 00:20:30,009 Dr. Crane's oat bran. 411 00:20:30,176 --> 00:20:32,262 God, you left for that eight hours ago. 412 00:20:32,470 --> 00:20:35,597 Well, it wasn't easy. They were out of it at the regular market. 413 00:20:35,681 --> 00:20:38,131 So I went to another one, but they were out of it. 414 00:20:38,267 --> 00:20:42,145 So I looked into it, and it turns out they don't sell it in Washington anymore. 415 00:20:42,229 --> 00:20:43,329 Well, for some reason, 416 00:20:43,480 --> 00:20:46,441 I just couldn't let it go, so I went for a little drive. 417 00:20:46,649 --> 00:20:49,234 It wouldn't kill you to do something like that once in a while. 418 00:20:49,318 --> 00:20:52,572 Get off that big round duff of yours. 419 00:20:52,780 --> 00:20:56,284 Anyway, hop, skip and a jump later, here it is. 420 00:20:56,451 --> 00:20:58,618 Fresh from Portland. 421 00:20:59,369 --> 00:21:01,663 Well, off to bed. Good night. 422 00:21:03,123 --> 00:21:04,374 What the hell was that? 423 00:21:04,541 --> 00:21:07,251 I don't know. What did she mean about that big, round duff comment? 424 00:21:07,335 --> 00:21:08,419 Oh, Dad. 425 00:21:08,627 --> 00:21:11,964 You know, the sands of time don't exactly flow up the hourglass. 426 00:21:13,424 --> 00:21:15,968 I mean, it's not easy for a guy our age. 427 00:21:16,177 --> 00:21:18,720 Dad, for the last time, we are not the same age. 428 00:21:18,928 --> 00:21:20,763 I mean, I've seen your hips start to spread. 429 00:21:20,847 --> 00:21:23,697 Oh, for Pete's sake, my hips have nothing to do with this. 430 00:21:29,646 --> 00:21:31,690 [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE]