1 00:02:37,689 --> 00:02:40,726 I used to think a wedding was a simple affair. 2 00:02:40,859 --> 00:02:43,963 Boy and girl meet. They fall in love. He buys a ring. 3 00:02:44,097 --> 00:02:46,699 She buys a dress. They say, "I do." 4 00:02:49,270 --> 00:02:52,607 I was wrong. That's getting married. 5 00:02:52,741 --> 00:02:56,879 A wedding is an entirely different proposition. 6 00:02:56,979 --> 00:03:00,150 I know. I've just been through one. 7 00:03:00,284 --> 00:03:02,719 Not my own, my daughter's-- 8 00:03:02,820 --> 00:03:06,124 Annie Banks-MacKenzie. 9 00:03:06,257 --> 00:03:09,562 That's her married name-- MacKenzie. 10 00:03:11,565 --> 00:03:14,134 I'll be honest with you. 11 00:03:14,267 --> 00:03:18,306 When I bought this house 17 years ago, it cost less than this blessed event... 12 00:03:18,439 --> 00:03:22,111 in which Annie Banks became Annie Banks-MacKenzie. 13 00:03:22,211 --> 00:03:24,747 I'm told that one day I'll look back on all this... 14 00:03:24,848 --> 00:03:28,451 with great affection and nostalgia. 15 00:03:28,586 --> 00:03:31,755 I hope so. 16 00:03:31,856 --> 00:03:34,159 You fathers will understand. 17 00:03:34,292 --> 00:03:37,230 You have a little girl... 18 00:03:37,363 --> 00:03:40,199 an adorable little girl who looks up to you... 19 00:03:40,334 --> 00:03:44,071 and adores you in a way you could never have imagined. 20 00:03:44,205 --> 00:03:49,544 I remember how her little hand used to fit inside mine... 21 00:03:49,677 --> 00:03:53,349 how she used to lover to sit on my lap and lean her head against my chest. 22 00:03:53,482 --> 00:03:56,487 She said I was her hero. 23 00:03:56,621 --> 00:03:58,623 Then the day comes when she wants to get her ears pierced... 24 00:03:58,723 --> 00:04:01,894 and wants you to drop her off a block before the movie theater. 25 00:04:02,027 --> 00:04:05,197 Next thing you know, she's wearing eye shadow and high heels. 26 00:04:05,330 --> 00:04:08,902 From that moment on you're in a constant state of panic. 27 00:04:09,035 --> 00:04:11,739 You worry about her going out with the wrong kind of guys... 28 00:04:11,872 --> 00:04:14,543 the kind of guys who only want one thing. 29 00:04:14,676 --> 00:04:16,611 And you know exactly what that one thing is... 30 00:04:16,745 --> 00:04:19,080 because it's the same thing you wanted when you were their age. 31 00:04:20,883 --> 00:04:22,852 Then she gets a little older... 32 00:04:22,985 --> 00:04:25,924 and you quit worrying about her meeting the wrong guy... 33 00:04:26,057 --> 00:04:28,893 and you worry about her meeting the right guy. 34 00:04:29,027 --> 00:04:32,932 And that's the biggest fear of all because... 35 00:04:34,233 --> 00:04:37,004 then you lose her. 36 00:04:37,104 --> 00:04:40,575 And before you know it, you're sitting all alone in a big, empty house... 37 00:04:40,708 --> 00:04:45,747 wearing rice on your tux, wondering what happened to your life. 38 00:04:45,881 --> 00:04:49,552 It was just six months ago that it happened here. 39 00:04:49,652 --> 00:04:53,791 Just six months ago that the storm broke. 40 00:04:56,460 --> 00:04:58,430 Annie had been studying for her masters in architecture... 41 00:04:58,564 --> 00:05:00,566 for the past semester in Rome. 42 00:05:00,666 --> 00:05:03,137 I remember I was at work, walking through the factory. 43 00:05:03,270 --> 00:05:07,241 I own a company called Sidekicks. We manufacture athletic shoes. 44 00:05:07,341 --> 00:05:10,145 Anyway, I remember how preoccupied I was that day. 45 00:05:10,278 --> 00:05:12,748 - I'm sorry, Mr Banks. - My fault, Grace. 46 00:05:12,882 --> 00:05:17,320 Annie had never been that far away from home, and she was due back any minute. 47 00:05:17,454 --> 00:05:19,990 I couldn't wait to see the kid. 48 00:05:22,827 --> 00:05:26,131 George, she landed. 49 00:05:26,265 --> 00:05:28,801 My daughter has been studying abroad, been flying for 11 hours. 50 00:05:28,968 --> 00:05:31,604 I'm not wild about her being in the air. You have kids, Juan. 51 00:05:31,704 --> 00:05:34,475 You understand. It's-It's better when they're on the ground. 52 00:05:38,547 --> 00:05:40,682 I've always been a concerned parent. 53 00:05:40,849 --> 00:05:44,188 I'm big on car seats, seat belts, bedtimes, curfews... 54 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:47,357 calling when you get somewhere, never running with a sharp object. 55 00:05:47,492 --> 00:05:49,694 - Hi, George. - What can I say? I'm a father. 56 00:05:49,828 --> 00:05:53,097 - Worrying comes with the territory. - Is Nina picking her up at the airport? 57 00:05:53,198 --> 00:05:54,300 - Yeah. - And you're gonna meet them? 58 00:05:54,466 --> 00:05:56,135 Yeah. Yeah, I'm going home right now. 59 00:05:56,268 --> 00:05:58,138 I, uh-- My keys are-- 60 00:05:58,305 --> 00:05:59,306 - Here. - Oh, yeah. Sorry. 61 00:05:59,472 --> 00:06:01,409 - And sign this. - Okay. 62 00:06:04,879 --> 00:06:07,182 - Hat. - Okay, thanks. Now-- Oh! 63 00:06:09,986 --> 00:06:11,321 - Okay. Bye. - Bring her by. 64 00:06:12,856 --> 00:06:16,293 I left work early because I had a little something to pick up for Annie's homecoming. 65 00:06:18,897 --> 00:06:23,436 We live in a small town in Southern California called San Marino. 66 00:06:23,569 --> 00:06:25,972 I love this town, and not just because it's the kind of place... 67 00:06:26,072 --> 00:06:28,141 where people still smile at each other... 68 00:06:28,308 --> 00:06:31,779 - Bye. - but because it hasn't changed much in the past 25 years. 69 00:06:31,913 --> 00:06:35,985 And since I'm not a guy who's big on change, this town fits me like a glove. 70 00:06:40,724 --> 00:06:43,094 I got Annie's ten-speed all cleaned up and polished. 71 00:06:43,261 --> 00:06:46,265 New seats, new tyres. I couldn't wait to show it to her. 72 00:06:50,370 --> 00:06:53,039 This is our house. 24 Maple Drive. 73 00:06:53,206 --> 00:06:55,642 Annie was just in grammar school when we bought it. 74 00:06:55,808 --> 00:06:59,713 A few years later, we got a surprise package-- our son Matt. 75 00:06:59,880 --> 00:07:02,551 I love this house. I love that I taught my kids... 76 00:07:02,717 --> 00:07:04,620 to ride their bikes in the driveway. 77 00:07:04,787 --> 00:07:07,456 I love that I slept with them in tents in the backyard. 78 00:07:07,623 --> 00:07:11,261 I love that we carved our initials in the tree out front. 79 00:07:11,428 --> 00:07:13,597 This house is warm in the winter, cool in the summer... 80 00:07:13,765 --> 00:07:16,101 and looks spectacular with Christmas lights. 81 00:07:16,268 --> 00:07:20,006 It's a great house, and I never want to move. 82 00:07:20,207 --> 00:07:22,275 But the think I think I like best about this house... 83 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:25,078 are the voices I hear when I walk through the door. 84 00:07:25,212 --> 00:07:27,583 - Hey. Hi. You got out early. - Hi. 85 00:07:27,683 --> 00:07:29,985 - Where is she? - Oh, she's, uh, unpacking. 86 00:07:30,118 --> 00:07:34,858 She looks-- She looks so fabulous, just fabulous. Different. 87 00:07:34,991 --> 00:07:37,795 - Anyway, she can't wait to see you. - Different. 88 00:07:37,928 --> 00:07:40,231 - Ciao, Papa. - Hey. 89 00:07:40,331 --> 00:07:42,334 Annie brought me this candy bar all the way from Rome. 90 00:07:42,467 --> 00:07:44,603 Let's not get it on our American furniture. 91 00:07:44,703 --> 00:07:47,306 Matty. The high tops. 92 00:07:48,875 --> 00:07:53,114 - Hey, grazie. - Hey, you're welcome. 93 00:07:53,248 --> 00:07:57,419 - What do you mean, different? - Oh. 94 00:08:03,693 --> 00:08:07,164 - Annie. - Hi, Dad. 95 00:08:07,832 --> 00:08:11,136 Hey, hey, hey! 96 00:08:11,270 --> 00:08:14,841 - God, I missed you. - You look all lit up inside. 97 00:08:14,974 --> 00:08:17,877 Oh, I feel all lit up inside. 98 00:08:18,011 --> 00:08:20,814 - Maybe we should go to Rome for a few months, honey. - Oh, you two would love it. 99 00:08:20,915 --> 00:08:23,651 It's the most romantic place on Earth. 100 00:08:23,751 --> 00:08:27,290 - You smell pretty good too. - Oh, you like it? It was a present. 101 00:08:27,389 --> 00:08:30,327 Doesn't she look incredible? I almost didn't recognize her. 102 00:08:30,460 --> 00:08:34,499 Come on. Dinner's on the stove. Honey, you wanna come? 103 00:08:34,632 --> 00:08:37,702 Oh, Mom, I had this pasta in Florence. I forget what it's called. 104 00:08:43,209 --> 00:08:44,878 All right. Now that we're all back under one roof... 105 00:08:45,011 --> 00:08:47,648 we have some very important items to discuss. 106 00:08:47,748 --> 00:08:51,118 First on the list: Who wants to go to the Laker game on Thursday? 107 00:08:51,252 --> 00:08:53,922 - Oh. - Me. Definitely yes. 108 00:08:54,056 --> 00:08:55,424 Okay, and with your busy schedule too. 109 00:08:55,558 --> 00:08:57,694 Honey, I can't. I have inventory to do that night. 110 00:08:57,794 --> 00:09:01,097 - Aw. - Uh, Thursday, sure. Absolutely. 111 00:09:01,231 --> 00:09:04,501 - Okay. - Matty, could you use your fork? 112 00:09:04,602 --> 00:09:07,807 Number two: Paul Simon is coming to the Forum... 113 00:09:07,940 --> 00:09:09,876 and I think I can get us great seats. 114 00:09:09,976 --> 00:09:15,350 - Um, yeah, sure. - All right. Paul Simon's an "um, yeah, sure..." 115 00:09:15,450 --> 00:09:17,785 which I believe translates to a yes? 116 00:09:17,919 --> 00:09:20,521 - All right. I'll call that guy. - Um, honey? 117 00:09:20,622 --> 00:09:22,625 Could you please get that bottle of wine in the fridge for me? 118 00:09:22,758 --> 00:09:25,896 - Sure. - Dad, wait. Um, I don't know. 119 00:09:25,996 --> 00:09:29,834 - You don't want to see Paul Simon? - No, I-I do. It's just, um-- 120 00:09:29,967 --> 00:09:31,235 - Well, what is it? - Well-- 121 00:09:31,369 --> 00:09:33,705 - Honey, is something going on? - Yes. 122 00:09:33,805 --> 00:09:38,110 Yeah, it is, Mom. Uh-- God, this is a hard thing to tell parents. 123 00:09:38,243 --> 00:09:41,282 Especially when they're my parents. Oh, God. 124 00:09:41,414 --> 00:09:43,150 Honey, just say it. What's the big deal? 125 00:09:43,284 --> 00:09:45,653 - Yeah. - Okay. 126 00:09:48,491 --> 00:09:52,762 I met somebody in Rome. Um, he's an American. 127 00:09:52,895 --> 00:09:57,034 Uh, he's from L.A., actually, and, um, his name's Bryan MacKenzie. 128 00:09:57,167 --> 00:10:01,172 And he's this completely wonderful... 129 00:10:01,306 --> 00:10:05,144 wonderful, amazing man, and-- 130 00:10:05,277 --> 00:10:08,048 Well, we, we started seeing each other... 131 00:10:08,181 --> 00:10:11,451 a lot, and, um... 132 00:10:11,585 --> 00:10:13,521 we fell in love. 133 00:10:13,654 --> 00:10:16,491 It actually happened. And, uh... 134 00:10:16,625 --> 00:10:22,032 we've decided to get married which means that I'm engaged! 135 00:10:22,165 --> 00:10:25,169 I'm engaged! I'm getting married! 136 00:10:27,338 --> 00:10:31,176 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 137 00:10:31,309 --> 00:10:33,479 Well, my, my. 138 00:10:33,613 --> 00:10:37,551 Oh, so-- Oh, my. And that's your engagement ring, huh? 139 00:10:37,684 --> 00:10:41,256 Yes, yes! We got it at a flea market outside of Rome. 140 00:10:41,389 --> 00:10:45,527 The guy we bought it from said it was at least 100 years old. 141 00:10:45,661 --> 00:10:49,900 - Wow. - So, Dad. Stop it. Say something. 142 00:10:52,636 --> 00:10:54,205 I-I'm sorry. What did you say? 143 00:10:54,338 --> 00:10:57,242 Dad, I met a man in Rome, and he's wonderful... 144 00:10:57,376 --> 00:11:00,712 and brilliant, and we're getting married. 145 00:11:02,816 --> 00:11:05,419 - Mom, what's he doing? - George. 146 00:11:06,653 --> 00:11:09,024 George, what is it? 147 00:11:11,459 --> 00:11:15,131 Well. This is-- This-- 148 00:11:15,264 --> 00:11:17,568 This is ridiculous. 149 00:11:17,701 --> 00:11:20,304 - What? - You're-- You're-- You're too young to get married. 150 00:11:20,438 --> 00:11:23,575 Too young? Dad, I'm 22. If I'm not mistaken... 151 00:11:23,708 --> 00:11:26,378 that's, that's a year older than Mom was when you guys got married. 152 00:11:26,478 --> 00:11:29,748 - That is absolutely not true. - Oh, no, you-- Ha! 153 00:11:29,882 --> 00:11:31,718 You're absolutely wrong. 154 00:11:31,851 --> 00:11:34,622 - You were this age when I married you? - No! I was younger. 155 00:11:34,755 --> 00:11:38,126 I was this age when she was born. 156 00:11:38,260 --> 00:11:40,629 That-- That-- That doesn't matter. Times have changed. 157 00:11:40,762 --> 00:11:45,468 You mother was mature, and, uh, 22 isn't what it used to-- 158 00:11:45,602 --> 00:11:49,340 Matty, would you turn on the air conditioner? It's hot in here. 159 00:11:49,473 --> 00:11:51,642 I thought-- I thought you didn't believe in marriage. 160 00:11:51,776 --> 00:11:54,347 I thought that it meant that a woman lost her identity. 161 00:11:54,480 --> 00:11:56,983 I-I thought you wanted to get a job before you settled down... 162 00:11:57,116 --> 00:11:59,318 so you could earn money and be your own person. 163 00:11:59,452 --> 00:12:01,121 All right. Hold on. 164 00:12:01,255 --> 00:12:04,659 I didn't think I believed in marriage until I met Bryan. 165 00:12:04,792 --> 00:12:06,828 And Bryan's not like any other guy I've ever known. 166 00:12:06,961 --> 00:12:08,897 I want to be married to him. 167 00:12:08,998 --> 00:12:11,668 And I'm not gonna lose my identity with him... 168 00:12:11,801 --> 00:12:15,373 because he's not some overpowering, macho guy. 169 00:12:15,506 --> 00:12:19,645 I mean, he's like you, Dad, except he's brilliant. 170 00:12:19,778 --> 00:12:23,116 He happens to love the fact that I want to be an architect. 171 00:12:23,216 --> 00:12:26,386 He wants me to design a house for us to live in. 172 00:12:26,519 --> 00:12:29,490 He said he'd move anywhere I got a job. 173 00:12:29,623 --> 00:12:31,559 Give me a little credit, George. 174 00:12:31,693 --> 00:12:34,629 I'm not gonna marry some ape who wants me to wear... 175 00:12:34,729 --> 00:12:36,999 go-go boots and an apron. 176 00:12:37,133 --> 00:12:40,871 I'm telling you you'll love him. He's a genius. 177 00:12:41,004 --> 00:12:42,973 And sweet. 178 00:12:43,106 --> 00:12:48,146 And I-- I love him more than anything in the world. 179 00:12:48,279 --> 00:12:50,983 - What does Bryan do? - Who's Bryan? 180 00:12:53,720 --> 00:12:59,026 - I forgot his name! - He's an independent communications consultant. 181 00:12:59,160 --> 00:13:01,430 - Independent? - Yes. 182 00:13:01,562 --> 00:13:06,135 Yeah. That's code for "unemployed." This is perfect. You meet an unemployed... 183 00:13:06,302 --> 00:13:09,706 amazingly brilliant non-ape that I'm going to have to support. 184 00:13:09,839 --> 00:13:12,544 I suppose I'm going to have to hire him and fire some hard-working guy... 185 00:13:12,676 --> 00:13:15,146 with three kids because my son-in-law-- 186 00:13:15,246 --> 00:13:18,751 the, the independent communications consultant-- 187 00:13:18,918 --> 00:13:20,987 can't get a job anywhere else. 188 00:13:21,087 --> 00:13:24,591 No wonder he'll move anywhere you get a job. 189 00:13:24,758 --> 00:13:27,695 You're not getting married, and that's it, and that's final. 190 00:13:27,795 --> 00:13:31,332 And I don't like you calling me George. I mean, when did this start? 191 00:13:31,432 --> 00:13:33,469 Daddy, what is wrong with you? 192 00:13:40,478 --> 00:13:42,613 What? You're telling me you're happy about this ? 193 00:13:42,747 --> 00:13:44,783 George, please, will you stop acting like a lunatic father... 194 00:13:44,916 --> 00:13:47,387 and go out and talk to her before she runs out that door... 195 00:13:47,553 --> 00:13:49,656 marries this kid and we never see her again? 196 00:13:53,827 --> 00:13:55,797 All right. 197 00:13:57,265 --> 00:14:00,503 "Kid." How do you know he's a kid? He could be 45 years old. 198 00:14:17,490 --> 00:14:19,426 An independent communications consultant... 199 00:14:19,592 --> 00:14:23,631 does not mean he's an unemployable non-ape. 200 00:14:23,798 --> 00:14:27,302 Bryan happens to be a computer genius. 201 00:14:27,469 --> 00:14:30,406 Companies send him all over the world hooking up these complex systems. 202 00:14:30,540 --> 00:14:33,510 Major banks and corporations send him to, to Tokyo... 203 00:14:33,644 --> 00:14:35,279 and Brazil and Geneva. 204 00:14:35,412 --> 00:14:37,115 I mean, he's-- He's a genius. 205 00:14:37,248 --> 00:14:41,320 You mentioned that. How old is this genius? 206 00:14:41,454 --> 00:14:44,791 Twenty-six, not forty-five. 207 00:14:44,891 --> 00:14:47,861 You guys still think I can't hear you when you're one room away. 208 00:14:51,967 --> 00:14:54,803 If you love him so much, I know I'll love him too. 209 00:15:00,810 --> 00:15:03,881 - Bryan? - Mackenzie. 210 00:15:04,015 --> 00:15:06,385 Bryan MacKenzie. 211 00:15:06,518 --> 00:15:08,720 - Yeah. - I can't wait to meet him. 212 00:15:08,854 --> 00:15:12,058 Good, 'cause he'll be here in an hour to meet you. 213 00:15:14,161 --> 00:15:16,697 I suppose you're not in the mood for a little one-on-one? 214 00:15:16,830 --> 00:15:20,368 - Daddy, I'm wearing heels. - Come to the right place. 215 00:15:26,542 --> 00:15:30,714 I've got sunshine 216 00:15:30,847 --> 00:15:33,052 On a cloudy day 217 00:15:36,188 --> 00:15:40,126 When it's cold outside 218 00:15:40,260 --> 00:15:42,863 I've got the month of May 219 00:15:44,865 --> 00:15:47,803 -He's got it behind the back. The crowd is going wild. The crowd is going wild. -I guess 220 00:15:47,936 --> 00:15:50,272 - It's-- It's-- - You say 221 00:15:50,405 --> 00:15:54,812 What can make me feel this way 222 00:15:54,945 --> 00:15:58,215 My girl, my girl my girl 223 00:15:58,349 --> 00:16:01,619 - Talking about my girl - Hey! 224 00:16:01,753 --> 00:16:07,626 My girl, ooh-ooh 225 00:16:16,805 --> 00:16:19,174 Hey, hey, hey 226 00:16:21,478 --> 00:16:23,914 - Hey, hey, hey - Yes. 227 00:16:26,651 --> 00:16:27,986 - Dad! - Yes! 228 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:30,822 Oh, traveling! 229 00:16:30,956 --> 00:16:34,927 I don't need no money 230 00:16:35,028 --> 00:16:38,499 Fortune or fame 231 00:16:40,035 --> 00:16:44,506 I got all the riches, baby 232 00:16:44,639 --> 00:16:47,176 - This is it. Eight up. - One man can claim. 233 00:16:47,310 --> 00:16:48,577 - Go. - Ready? 234 00:16:49,646 --> 00:16:52,316 Well, I guess 235 00:16:52,449 --> 00:16:54,652 - You'll say - Hold on. - No! 236 00:16:54,786 --> 00:16:59,425 - What can make me feel this way - Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. No, no, no, no. No! 237 00:16:59,525 --> 00:17:02,895 My girl, my girl my girl 238 00:17:03,028 --> 00:17:05,800 - Talking about my girl - Yes! 239 00:17:05,900 --> 00:17:09,237 My girl Talking about my girl 240 00:17:09,371 --> 00:17:12,174 - I've got sunshine on a cloudy day - All right. 241 00:17:12,307 --> 00:17:15,011 With my girl 242 00:17:15,144 --> 00:17:16,847 I've even got the month of May 243 00:17:16,981 --> 00:17:18,481 You're not really getting married, are you? 244 00:17:18,614 --> 00:17:20,985 Dad, stop! 245 00:17:32,733 --> 00:17:35,570 - So can you see him? What does he look like? - He just drove up. 246 00:17:36,571 --> 00:17:39,540 And? 247 00:17:39,674 --> 00:17:42,278 He drove too fast. 248 00:17:54,559 --> 00:17:58,965 Well, wait. So, George, you want to meet him? 249 00:17:59,098 --> 00:18:01,902 Do I want to meet him? 250 00:18:09,044 --> 00:18:12,616 - Oh, hello. Hi. - Hello, I'm Brian MacKenzie. 251 00:18:12,748 --> 00:18:15,252 Good. I'm Nina Banks. 252 00:18:15,385 --> 00:18:17,555 Yes. Yes, I recognize you from your picture. 253 00:18:17,689 --> 00:18:19,591 - Yes, come in, please. - The one Annie had with her in Rome. 254 00:18:19,725 --> 00:18:24,763 - Yes. Oh, good. Come in. - Okay. Hello, Mr Banks. 255 00:18:24,897 --> 00:18:28,034 It was the first time I ever hated the sound of my own name. 256 00:18:28,134 --> 00:18:31,173 - Hi. - I've heard so much about you. 257 00:18:31,305 --> 00:18:33,475 It's great to finally meet you, sir. 258 00:18:33,608 --> 00:18:37,180 "Sir." Two words now crossed my mind: 259 00:18:37,313 --> 00:18:39,182 "brown" and "nose." 260 00:18:39,315 --> 00:18:43,120 Annie talks about you so much, I feel like I already know you. 261 00:18:43,253 --> 00:18:46,156 - Bryan. - Oh, Annie. 262 00:18:55,936 --> 00:18:59,007 - So this is him. - Oh, he's just-- Uh, just. 263 00:18:59,140 --> 00:19:02,310 A little nervous. Just like one of those situations you read about... 264 00:19:02,443 --> 00:19:05,280 you know, meeting the in-laws. 265 00:19:05,381 --> 00:19:09,152 But you two seem great. I'm sure I have nothing to be nervous about. 266 00:19:09,285 --> 00:19:11,622 But, uh, still, I-- 267 00:19:11,756 --> 00:19:14,125 Let's, let's, uh, uh, go into the, uh, uh, the, uh-- 268 00:19:14,225 --> 00:19:16,528 The-- uh-- Great. 269 00:19:16,661 --> 00:19:18,931 - I think he's adorable. - I don't like him. 270 00:19:19,032 --> 00:19:22,503 - Oh, George, for God-- - He's wearing Nikes. 271 00:19:25,806 --> 00:19:28,410 - Mom, where's Matty? - Oh, he fell asleep watching TV. 272 00:19:28,543 --> 00:19:32,181 - Oh, well, you'll meet him tomorrow. - Okay. 273 00:19:32,314 --> 00:19:34,250 - Sit down. - So. 274 00:19:34,383 --> 00:19:37,688 Um, how did you two, uh, meet? 275 00:19:37,822 --> 00:19:42,427 Oh. We were the only two people at this revival house in Rome... 276 00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:45,530 for a midnight showing of Bringing Up Baby. 277 00:19:45,664 --> 00:19:48,268 - We kept hearing each other laugh. - And at all the same places. 278 00:19:48,401 --> 00:19:50,970 Yeah. When it was over, I picked him up. 279 00:19:51,137 --> 00:19:53,006 Oh, no, no, no. I went over to you to ask directions... 280 00:19:53,139 --> 00:19:56,444 and then one thing led to another and-- 281 00:19:56,577 --> 00:19:58,714 And that was it. For the next three months... 282 00:19:58,847 --> 00:20:00,816 we never left each other's sight. 283 00:20:00,982 --> 00:20:04,887 We went to all these museums, all these great concerts, the opera. 284 00:20:05,054 --> 00:20:08,459 We traveled to the country. Remember that place we stayed in Tuscany? 285 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:11,429 Oh, with the, uh-- 286 00:20:11,563 --> 00:20:14,467 - Uh, suffice it to say, it was not a four-star hotel. - No. 287 00:20:14,600 --> 00:20:16,569 You have a very brave daughter. 288 00:20:18,872 --> 00:20:21,843 Bryan, um, what is it exactly that you do? 289 00:20:21,943 --> 00:20:24,579 Annie was saying something about computers. 290 00:20:24,712 --> 00:20:27,950 Uh, yes, uh, I'm an independent communications consultant. 291 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:29,885 Yeah, yeah, that part I heard. 292 00:20:30,018 --> 00:20:32,288 Sounds fake, right? Like it's not a real job? 293 00:20:32,455 --> 00:20:34,859 - No, we wouldn't say that. No. - That's what my dad said... 294 00:20:34,959 --> 00:20:36,595 when he first heard what I was doing. 295 00:20:36,762 --> 00:20:40,032 But, um, what it is, uh, in this case: 296 00:20:40,132 --> 00:20:42,034 Uh, Pacific International Bank sent me to Rome to hook up... 297 00:20:42,134 --> 00:20:44,505 the X-Dot connection to their European subsidiary. 298 00:20:44,670 --> 00:20:49,476 Um-- Uh, all European computers, uh, communicate on the Dot 25 network. 299 00:20:49,643 --> 00:20:51,846 And, uh, since Pacific International is an L.A.-based firm... 300 00:20:52,046 --> 00:20:56,252 they wanted to interface with standard European protocol, so I set 'em up. 301 00:20:58,422 --> 00:21:02,460 And, uh, why are you, uh, independent? What was that? 302 00:21:02,627 --> 00:21:05,763 Because no one can afford to keep him on staff. 303 00:21:05,931 --> 00:21:10,070 Well, I guess that's true, basically, but, uh-- 304 00:21:10,170 --> 00:21:14,407 You know, driving down here, I tried to put myself in your place. 305 00:21:14,541 --> 00:21:16,777 Your daughter comes home after spending four months in Rome... 306 00:21:16,944 --> 00:21:19,346 a-and I'm sure you couldn't wait to see her, and she shocks you... 307 00:21:19,513 --> 00:21:21,850 with the news that she's getting married. 308 00:21:22,017 --> 00:21:24,020 And to somebody you've never met before. 309 00:21:24,187 --> 00:21:26,656 I'm sure that must've been pretty... 310 00:21:26,823 --> 00:21:29,860 um, heavy... 311 00:21:30,027 --> 00:21:33,030 to use a word from your generation. 312 00:21:33,197 --> 00:21:35,968 I just wanna say that I'm an upstanding citizen. 313 00:21:36,135 --> 00:21:38,037 I've-I've never been engaged before. 314 00:21:38,170 --> 00:21:41,908 I've, uh, never really been in love before. 315 00:21:42,042 --> 00:21:46,481 And, uh, I think Annie's the greatest person I've ever met. 316 00:21:46,581 --> 00:21:49,151 And I can't wait to marry her and... 317 00:21:49,284 --> 00:21:52,755 one day have children and grandchildren. 318 00:21:55,692 --> 00:21:59,997 And I'm gonna do my best to be supportive of her dreams. And she's a very gifted architect. 319 00:22:00,131 --> 00:22:03,335 Um-- I'm just thrilled that I met her. 320 00:22:06,739 --> 00:22:08,709 I love your daughter. 321 00:22:08,842 --> 00:22:13,747 And the feelings that I have for her are never gonna change. 322 00:22:13,881 --> 00:22:17,186 And I'm here to stay. 323 00:22:17,318 --> 00:22:19,855 - Oh, honey. - Mom. 324 00:22:24,027 --> 00:22:25,962 I'm so happy for you. 325 00:22:26,096 --> 00:22:28,233 That's okay, Mr Banks, We don't have to hug. 326 00:22:28,366 --> 00:22:30,769 - Well, uh, maybe later. - I know. 327 00:22:30,903 --> 00:22:35,375 Well, that was just, um-- That was just the best thing I've ever heard anybody say. 328 00:22:37,077 --> 00:22:39,380 - Oh. Good. - Well, I meant it. 329 00:22:39,512 --> 00:22:41,883 Listen, I want to take Bryan out for a drive, show him around San Marino. 330 00:22:41,983 --> 00:22:44,386 - Okay, honey. Good. - Annie, it's a little nippy out. 331 00:22:44,519 --> 00:22:46,789 - You might want to put on a sweater. - Oh, Dad, it's okay. I'm kinda warm. 332 00:22:46,922 --> 00:22:48,524 Still, there's a chill in the air, and you've been on a plane. 333 00:22:48,624 --> 00:22:50,927 - Dad, I'm fine. - Annie, it is kinda cold out. 334 00:22:51,060 --> 00:22:52,062 - It is? - Yeah. 335 00:22:52,196 --> 00:22:55,800 - All right, thanks. I'll get my jacket. - All right. 336 00:22:55,934 --> 00:22:59,972 Right then, I realized my day had passed. 337 00:23:00,106 --> 00:23:03,543 She'll always love me, of course, but not in the same way. 338 00:23:03,643 --> 00:23:06,680 I was no longer the man in my little girl's life. 339 00:23:06,813 --> 00:23:09,383 I was like an old shoe, the kind we manufacture... 340 00:23:09,484 --> 00:23:13,655 and get all excited about and then after a few years discontinue. 341 00:23:13,789 --> 00:23:18,128 That was me now: Mr Discontinued. 342 00:23:18,261 --> 00:23:20,998 Mom? Don't wait up, okay? We might stop for a cappuccino. 343 00:23:21,132 --> 00:23:23,435 Oh, okay, fine. Well, good night, Bryan. 344 00:23:23,568 --> 00:23:25,771 Good night. Um, good night, Mr Banks. 345 00:23:25,871 --> 00:23:28,140 Oh, you can call him George, or Dad. 346 00:23:28,273 --> 00:23:30,878 - George will be fine. - Okay. Uh-- 347 00:23:31,011 --> 00:23:33,480 I'll say it next time I see you. 348 00:23:33,614 --> 00:23:37,519 Drive carefully, and don't forget to fasten your condom. 349 00:23:37,652 --> 00:23:39,421 - Dad! - Seat belt! 350 00:23:39,521 --> 00:23:42,358 I meant-- I meant seat belt. 351 00:23:42,490 --> 00:23:46,897 Um, I'm putting your father to bed. This has been a very big night for him. 352 00:23:47,030 --> 00:23:48,800 - Bye. - Okay. - Well, good night. 353 00:23:48,900 --> 00:23:50,300 - Have fun. - Bye. - Good night. 354 00:23:50,435 --> 00:23:53,138 - Bye. - Bye-bye. Have fun. - Bye. 355 00:23:55,841 --> 00:23:58,445 This is a great kid. 356 00:23:58,545 --> 00:24:01,181 - It'll never last. - Wanna bet? 357 00:24:01,314 --> 00:24:03,684 Nina, Annie's much too spirited for this kid. 358 00:24:03,818 --> 00:24:07,322 He's totally wrong for her. I give it two months, tops. One month. 359 00:24:07,456 --> 00:24:10,359 This is the right guy for Annie, George. I'm telling you, I feel it in my bones. 360 00:24:10,493 --> 00:24:12,628 - I mean, we're two lucky parents. We are. - Lucky? Oh! 361 00:24:12,728 --> 00:24:15,732 What about his laugh? It was such a giveaway. It was so phoney with his-- 362 00:24:16,900 --> 00:24:19,003 - I thought it was totally sincere. - Oh, please. 363 00:24:19,104 --> 00:24:21,907 What about that little rehearsed speech he gave? It was right out of a book. 364 00:24:22,041 --> 00:24:24,043 How To Grease Your Future Mother-In-Law. 365 00:24:24,176 --> 00:24:27,647 You're off here, George, really. I thought it was completely from his heart. 366 00:24:27,747 --> 00:24:29,951 - Why do you think I cried? - Good question. 367 00:24:30,084 --> 00:24:32,553 I don't know why either of you cried. I'm losing my voice. 368 00:24:32,687 --> 00:24:35,824 - Are my glands swollen or something? - Let me see. No. No, honey, no. 369 00:24:35,924 --> 00:24:37,761 And what about the way he kept touching her? 370 00:24:37,894 --> 00:24:40,263 - What do you mean? - What do you mean what do I mean? 371 00:24:40,396 --> 00:24:42,565 - He could-- He couldn't keep his hands off her. - Oh, yes. Kind of like... 372 00:24:42,699 --> 00:24:46,237 when we were engaged, except that wasn't all you couldn't keep off me. 373 00:24:46,370 --> 00:24:49,441 That was different. And we certainly never acted that way in your parents' house. 374 00:24:49,574 --> 00:24:53,112 Ah! You want me to name all the rooms we did it in at my parents' house? 375 00:24:53,246 --> 00:24:55,916 That was different. We were like two imbeciles. 376 00:24:56,049 --> 00:24:58,752 - This is our child we're talking about. - Our child? Oh, George. 377 00:24:58,887 --> 00:25:02,892 You know, I still think you see Annie as a seven-year-old in pigtails. 378 00:25:02,992 --> 00:25:04,726 Well, you know, that just shows how much you know about me... 379 00:25:04,860 --> 00:25:07,297 because that is not at all how I see her. 380 00:25:07,431 --> 00:25:10,133 Right, a seven-year-old with pigtails. 381 00:25:10,267 --> 00:25:13,237 I mean, here's the thing: We have no idea who this Bryan really is. 382 00:25:13,337 --> 00:25:16,174 - Oh. Uh-huh. - I mean, if that's his real name. I mean, who knows? 383 00:25:16,307 --> 00:25:19,812 You know, maybe he already has a wife. You read about these cases every day-- 384 00:25:19,945 --> 00:25:23,783 you know, men who have wives and families stashed all across the country. 385 00:25:23,917 --> 00:25:26,954 I mean, he could be a professional con artist who meets innocents abroad... 386 00:25:27,087 --> 00:25:31,827 and gives them this song and dance about being an independent whatever that was. 387 00:25:31,960 --> 00:25:35,031 And then skips out after bilking them for all they're worth. 388 00:25:35,164 --> 00:25:37,934 - Wh-What are you doing? - I'm getting ready for bed. 389 00:25:38,035 --> 00:25:40,939 You know, then I suppose you're not interested that I believe I remember seeing someone... 390 00:25:41,038 --> 00:25:43,608 who looked like Bryan's twin on America's Most Wanted. 391 00:25:43,741 --> 00:25:46,979 You're right. I'm not. 392 00:25:47,113 --> 00:25:49,381 George. 393 00:25:49,515 --> 00:25:51,485 George, I-I thought he was great. 394 00:25:51,618 --> 00:25:53,988 I liked him a lot. And I'm really ha-- Ann-- 395 00:25:54,122 --> 00:25:57,759 George, will you please stop making that face? I'm very happy for Annie. 396 00:25:57,860 --> 00:26:00,395 I'm excited for her. This is a big deal. 397 00:26:00,529 --> 00:26:04,200 I think that we should at least hug. 398 00:26:04,334 --> 00:26:06,970 This is great news. 399 00:26:07,070 --> 00:26:09,039 Oh, a wedding. 400 00:26:11,476 --> 00:26:14,613 Father of the bride. Can you believe it? 401 00:26:24,659 --> 00:26:27,029 Forty-eight hours later, the wedding was still on... 402 00:26:27,163 --> 00:26:30,499 and we were on our way to Bel-Air to meet Bryan's folks. 403 00:26:30,599 --> 00:26:33,003 I don't know why we have to have brunch with total strangers. 404 00:26:33,136 --> 00:26:37,341 Because their son is marrying our daughter and it's not an unusual custom meeting the in-laws. 405 00:26:37,441 --> 00:26:40,879 You know, that's another thing. I hate that expression: in-laws. 406 00:26:41,013 --> 00:26:44,450 What does it mean anyway? We're legally bound to these people? 407 00:26:44,583 --> 00:26:48,689 I don't wanna be "in-lawed," especially to people who live in Bel-Air. 408 00:26:48,823 --> 00:26:52,461 I mean, what kind of people have brunch and live in Bel-Air? 409 00:26:52,594 --> 00:26:54,997 Rich people. 410 00:26:55,163 --> 00:26:59,368 They probably live in the one shack in the middle of all these mansions. 411 00:26:59,469 --> 00:27:02,407 - Nice mood, George. - What? I'm in a good mood. 412 00:27:07,011 --> 00:27:10,048 Okay, I think this is it. Yeah. 413 00:27:12,853 --> 00:27:15,922 - Nice shack, babe. - Worse. It's the biggest house on the street. 414 00:27:16,057 --> 00:27:19,627 Now we're related to pretentious snobs. Just what we need. 415 00:27:43,490 --> 00:27:45,994 You look very handsome, George, way too young to be in-lawed. 416 00:27:46,161 --> 00:27:49,932 Well, it really shouldn't matter how I look. We're not here to win their approval. 417 00:27:51,934 --> 00:27:53,703 Just because you changed your outfit five times. 418 00:27:53,837 --> 00:27:55,705 Oh, and you didn't try on nine different shirts? 419 00:27:55,906 --> 00:27:57,175 - Two. - Two. 420 00:27:57,341 --> 00:27:59,076 Two long-sleeve, two short-sleeve. 421 00:27:59,177 --> 00:28:02,680 - Hi! - George, Nina, welcome. 422 00:28:02,847 --> 00:28:04,249 - Hi, nice to meet you. - I'm John. 423 00:28:04,349 --> 00:28:07,620 - How do you do? - Hi, I'm Joanna. 424 00:28:07,720 --> 00:28:09,123 - Welcome. Come in, please. - Welcome to our house. Come on in. 425 00:28:09,255 --> 00:28:12,159 - Come in. - Thank you so much. Well. 426 00:28:12,326 --> 00:28:16,097 All I could think about was the size of this place. 427 00:28:16,264 --> 00:28:18,701 We could've parked our whole house in the foyer. 428 00:28:18,868 --> 00:28:22,539 Ah, what a nerve-racking thing, meeting your future in-laws. 429 00:28:22,706 --> 00:28:24,842 - Yeah. - What a relief. You two look perfectly normal. 430 00:28:25,008 --> 00:28:28,646 Oh, well, I am. 431 00:28:28,813 --> 00:28:31,649 I have to tell you, we got so nervous about today... 432 00:28:31,749 --> 00:28:35,421 about meeting the two of you, I-I must've tried on three different outfits. 433 00:28:35,588 --> 00:28:38,526 - Oh. - I changed my shirt four times. 434 00:28:38,693 --> 00:28:43,331 - Can you imagine anyone being that jerky? - Oh, I know. 435 00:28:43,431 --> 00:28:45,367 So, come on in. I thought we'd have lunch in here. 436 00:28:45,501 --> 00:28:48,004 - Oh, what a great room. - Marta. - Thank you, Marta. 437 00:28:48,137 --> 00:28:52,776 Marta, estos son nuestros in-laws, George and Nina Banks. 438 00:28:52,910 --> 00:28:54,879 - Hello. - How do you do? Hi. 439 00:28:55,012 --> 00:28:58,683 Oh, and here's the rest of our family. 440 00:28:58,783 --> 00:29:02,722 Oh, don't worry. They look like killers, but they're actually quite friendly. 441 00:29:02,855 --> 00:29:05,759 As long as you're relaxed, why, they're relaxed. 442 00:29:05,893 --> 00:29:08,795 Hi, puppy, puppy, puppy. Why, you're-- 443 00:29:08,929 --> 00:29:12,067 All right, fellas, that's enough. Go on. Release! Good boys. 444 00:29:12,200 --> 00:29:14,103 - Well, why don't we all sit down. - Please. 445 00:29:14,236 --> 00:29:16,372 - Oh, thank you. - All right. Here we go. 446 00:29:16,505 --> 00:29:19,743 - George. Honey. - Thank you, sweetheart. 447 00:29:19,876 --> 00:29:22,580 I don't know if the kids told you, but we were over in Europe on business... 448 00:29:22,713 --> 00:29:25,049 and we stopped in Rome to see Bryan. 449 00:29:25,184 --> 00:29:28,620 So we got to spend a few days with Annie. Oh, boy! 450 00:29:28,754 --> 00:29:31,958 - We just fell in love with her immediately. - Isn't she great? 451 00:29:32,091 --> 00:29:34,261 Yes. We just couldn't be happier about this. 452 00:29:34,395 --> 00:29:37,132 How did you, uh, take the news, George? 453 00:29:37,265 --> 00:29:39,234 Me? 454 00:29:39,367 --> 00:29:43,439 Uh, truthfully, uh, I was a little surprised. 455 00:29:43,573 --> 00:29:46,676 - I was shocked. - So was I. 456 00:29:46,810 --> 00:29:49,379 After all, they'd only known each other a few months. 457 00:29:49,479 --> 00:29:52,083 Exactly. And Annie's just finishing up school. 458 00:29:52,217 --> 00:29:54,385 Absolutely. Oh, believe me, I tossed and turned over this one... 459 00:29:54,485 --> 00:29:57,456 but the bottom line is they're in love. 460 00:29:57,590 --> 00:30:00,327 They're over 21, and whether they're rushing into this or not... 461 00:30:00,460 --> 00:30:02,697 may be not for us to say. 462 00:30:02,830 --> 00:30:06,502 Right. "Not for us to say." We're only their parents. 463 00:30:06,635 --> 00:30:09,705 I was about to say these very words out loud when he hit me with-- 464 00:30:09,838 --> 00:30:12,709 Yeah, sooner or later, you just have to let your kids go... 465 00:30:12,842 --> 00:30:14,812 and hope you brought 'em up right. 466 00:30:17,982 --> 00:30:21,653 George. Nina. Darling. 467 00:30:21,786 --> 00:30:23,889 This guy was making a little too much sense for me. 468 00:30:24,023 --> 00:30:27,961 Suddenly my shirt collar felt like it was starting to strangle me. 469 00:30:28,061 --> 00:30:30,197 To George and Nina... 470 00:30:30,330 --> 00:30:32,734 and a future of wonderful memories. 471 00:30:32,867 --> 00:30:35,069 First, the wedding of our children... 472 00:30:35,203 --> 00:30:38,374 and the happiness we'll share watching their lives. 473 00:30:38,507 --> 00:30:42,045 Then sharing the joy of our grandchildren together. 474 00:30:43,280 --> 00:30:47,084 Birthday parties, graduation-- 475 00:30:53,626 --> 00:30:57,565 Now I knew where they got the expression "like father, like son." 476 00:30:57,698 --> 00:31:01,101 - I also knew I needed some air. - Can you tell me where the restroom is? 477 00:31:01,236 --> 00:31:04,940 Oh, actually, the one down here is a mess. We're remodeling. 478 00:31:05,074 --> 00:31:09,079 Uh, why don't you try the one at the top of the stairs? It's the seventh door on the left. 479 00:31:09,213 --> 00:31:10,948 - Second? - Seventh. 480 00:31:11,081 --> 00:31:14,352 - Seventh. - Seventh. 481 00:32:36,687 --> 00:32:40,225 I'm leaving. I'm relaxed, and I'm leaving. 482 00:33:02,786 --> 00:33:04,388 Relent. 483 00:33:04,522 --> 00:33:06,858 Re-- Recoil. 484 00:33:06,992 --> 00:33:08,561 Reverse. 485 00:33:11,664 --> 00:33:15,102 - Well, I hope George hasn't gotten lost up there. - Oh, no, he's gonna be fine. 486 00:33:15,235 --> 00:33:17,905 Okay. 487 00:33:18,038 --> 00:33:21,876 Well, um-- Such a lovely sculpture. 488 00:33:22,010 --> 00:33:24,813 Oh. Doesn't it have a wonderful sense of motion? 489 00:33:24,914 --> 00:33:28,518 We got it in Denmark. All the-- Quite a lot of my family's from Copenhagen. 490 00:33:28,652 --> 00:33:32,423 - Is that right? - Oh, yeah. Doesn't it have a wonderful sense of balance? 491 00:33:32,557 --> 00:33:34,660 - Oh, it's amazing. - I was going to put it in the garden. 492 00:33:40,033 --> 00:33:42,869 Well, actually, uh, uh, Bryan spent quite a few summers in Denmark. 493 00:33:43,002 --> 00:33:46,374 Uh, he now speaks better Danish than, than Joanna. 494 00:33:48,076 --> 00:33:49,912 N-- Is that a fact? 495 00:34:01,626 --> 00:34:03,762 And we're planning a trip back this summer. 496 00:34:03,896 --> 00:34:05,864 I think this is a very beautiful spread here. 497 00:34:05,965 --> 00:34:09,135 - Oh, thank you. - Well, shall-- should we wait for George? 498 00:34:36,102 --> 00:34:39,439 - Maybe I should, uh, check on George. - No. 499 00:34:57,028 --> 00:35:01,566 - Release! - Oh, man. 500 00:35:05,338 --> 00:35:09,376 Wow. No kidding? Really? It went great? 501 00:35:09,543 --> 00:35:13,315 Uh, better than great. I mean, it, just, just couldn't have gone better. 502 00:35:13,481 --> 00:35:15,483 God, I'm so relieved. 503 00:35:15,650 --> 00:35:18,855 I mean, who knows what can happen at these things, you know? 504 00:35:19,021 --> 00:35:21,759 - This is great. - Now I feel like the wedding's officially on. 505 00:35:21,893 --> 00:35:23,828 Um, Dad, that looks so good. This looks great. 506 00:35:23,995 --> 00:35:27,866 Um, Bryan's mom called with the names of her immediate family. 507 00:35:33,574 --> 00:35:36,410 - Is this a joke? - Not only is it not a joke... 508 00:35:36,577 --> 00:35:38,779 but eight of them are from Copenhagen and well... 509 00:35:38,980 --> 00:35:41,617 it's the bride's family's responsibility to-- 510 00:35:41,783 --> 00:35:44,454 Do you have any idea what a round-trip ticket from Denmark costs? 511 00:35:44,621 --> 00:35:46,689 Try eight round-trip tickets. 512 00:35:46,856 --> 00:35:48,758 Well, actually, it's nine. 513 00:35:48,891 --> 00:35:51,329 You see, Joanna's, uh, cousin Gitte... 514 00:35:51,429 --> 00:35:56,434 is apparently a rather large woman so she needs two seats. 515 00:35:56,568 --> 00:35:59,439 She can lop over into the aisle for all I care 'cause there's no way I'm pay-- 516 00:35:59,573 --> 00:36:00,907 Hi, everyone. Sorry I'm late. 517 00:36:01,041 --> 00:36:02,877 - Hi. - That's okay. - How're you doing? Hi. 518 00:36:03,011 --> 00:36:04,879 - Hello. - Hey, dude. - Hi. 519 00:36:05,013 --> 00:36:07,882 - Oh. Here you are. - Oh. Well, thank you. 520 00:36:09,451 --> 00:36:12,956 - It's "you're welcome" in Danish. - Ah, thanks. 521 00:36:13,089 --> 00:36:17,128 This looks great. I hear you're a whiz at the barbecue, Dad. 522 00:36:20,264 --> 00:36:24,971 Well. So have you two given any thought to what kind of wedding you want? 523 00:36:25,104 --> 00:36:28,475 - Well, we've talked about it. - Yes, and what do you think? 524 00:36:28,609 --> 00:36:30,244 Big? Small? Or-- 525 00:36:30,377 --> 00:36:32,681 Well, it can't be too big. We don't have that many friends. 526 00:36:32,814 --> 00:36:35,150 So we're talking in the small vicinity, then? 527 00:36:35,283 --> 00:36:37,920 Well, no, she didn't say "small." She said not too big. 528 00:36:38,054 --> 00:36:40,623 Yeah, but nothing fancy or overblown, right? 529 00:36:40,756 --> 00:36:42,459 - Right. - Right. 530 00:36:42,593 --> 00:36:45,495 So kind of the "less is more" theory, huh, Annie? 531 00:36:45,629 --> 00:36:49,601 - Basically. - The reason I'm asking all these questions is I have a great idea... 532 00:36:49,702 --> 00:36:54,774 where we can have this lovely, not small but not too big wedding. 533 00:36:54,874 --> 00:36:57,545 You do? Where? 534 00:36:57,678 --> 00:37:00,982 At our favorite restaurant, the place we've been eating at for 15 years. 535 00:37:01,115 --> 00:37:05,722 The best. The Steak Pit. 536 00:37:05,855 --> 00:37:09,560 - Dad, get serious. - I don't think you want the word "pit"... 537 00:37:09,693 --> 00:37:12,296 on a wedding invitation, George. 538 00:37:12,429 --> 00:37:15,266 Really, Dad, a rib joint with sawdust on the floor... 539 00:37:15,367 --> 00:37:17,869 isn't exactly what I had in mind for my wedding. 540 00:37:18,003 --> 00:37:19,639 - No offence. - Well, excuse me. 541 00:37:19,739 --> 00:37:21,807 What did you have in mind, the Beverly Hills Hotel? 542 00:37:21,907 --> 00:37:25,112 No. Actually, what I'd like is to have... 543 00:37:25,212 --> 00:37:27,548 my wedding in a church and have the reception here. 544 00:37:27,682 --> 00:37:29,350 - Oh. - That's what I was hoping for. 545 00:37:29,484 --> 00:37:31,453 Here? 546 00:37:38,929 --> 00:37:42,199 Don't I have the greatest Dad in the world? 547 00:37:42,333 --> 00:37:44,670 - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. 548 00:37:44,770 --> 00:37:48,373 - Can we have some burgers? - Okay, here's the bride burger and your groom burger. 549 00:37:48,508 --> 00:37:51,511 And, uh, enjoy 'em. Now, go on over there and see the jugglers. 550 00:37:51,644 --> 00:37:54,248 My dream wedding, a barbecue wedding. 551 00:38:02,191 --> 00:38:04,361 - This is a better idea than the Steak Pit. - Yeah. 552 00:38:04,494 --> 00:38:08,066 We'll get some, uh, picnic tables and, uh, crepe paper and balloons. 553 00:38:08,199 --> 00:38:12,771 You know, invite all our best pals. I'll make my famous guacamole. 554 00:38:12,905 --> 00:38:16,409 A wedding at home. This is a great idea. 555 00:38:19,546 --> 00:38:23,584 Great idea. Picnic tables, crepe paper, balloons, you at the barbecue. 556 00:38:23,719 --> 00:38:26,121 - Oh, George. - What don't you like about that? 557 00:38:26,254 --> 00:38:29,626 Why have you been acting so crazy since the moment Annie told you she was getting married? 558 00:38:29,759 --> 00:38:32,528 You know, I haven't been acting crazy. I've simply acted... 559 00:38:32,629 --> 00:38:35,299 Like any normal, red-blooded American dad. 560 00:38:35,432 --> 00:38:39,471 Normal? Uh-huh. Okay. Falling in the MacKenzie's pool. 561 00:38:39,604 --> 00:38:41,941 Suggesting the Steak Pit as a wedding reception. 562 00:38:42,074 --> 00:38:45,612 Oh, watching America's Most Wanted every night, looking for Bryan's face. 563 00:38:45,746 --> 00:38:49,651 And now this picnic scenario. George, a wedding is a big deal! 564 00:38:49,784 --> 00:38:52,754 Everybody seems to understand this but you. And as a matter of fact-- 565 00:38:52,854 --> 00:38:56,960 N-Now don't go nuts when I tell you this, but when Bryan's mom... 566 00:38:57,093 --> 00:39:00,030 called with her list, she suggested that they might just wanna... 567 00:39:00,163 --> 00:39:02,265 pitch in and help with the cost of the wedding. 568 00:39:02,399 --> 00:39:06,037 You know, hey, we may not have a house the size of Rhode Island, but we're not poverty-stricken. 569 00:39:06,170 --> 00:39:09,174 We can certainly afford to give our daughter a proper wedding. 570 00:39:09,308 --> 00:39:12,577 Proper. Not you in a chef's hat, right, George? 571 00:39:12,679 --> 00:39:15,416 - Who said anything about a chef's hat? When did this come up? - Yes, but I know you. 572 00:39:15,516 --> 00:39:18,118 I'm close. Oh, look. 573 00:39:18,218 --> 00:39:20,588 I just really saw this whole thing differently. 574 00:39:20,689 --> 00:39:23,359 Like, I wanted to call a wedding coordinator to make the whole thing... 575 00:39:23,492 --> 00:39:26,496 really, really beautiful, and you want to call Gabe at the Steak Pit. 576 00:39:26,630 --> 00:39:29,967 Wait a minute. Wedding coordinator? What's a wedding coordinator? 577 00:39:30,067 --> 00:39:33,705 - A person who coordinates weddings. - What's to coordinate? 578 00:39:33,838 --> 00:39:37,977 Well, there's the invitations and the flowers, the food, the band, the photographer. 579 00:39:38,078 --> 00:39:42,049 George, why are you giving me that look again? A lot of people hire wedding coordinators. 580 00:39:42,182 --> 00:39:46,887 Nina, you and I run successful businesses. We can certainly pull together one smallish wedding. 581 00:39:47,021 --> 00:39:49,024 - Yeah, okay. - We don't need some fancy wedding coordinator. 582 00:39:49,157 --> 00:39:52,729 Okay, George, then let's just forget it, okay? Because, you know, I just really can't take this. 583 00:39:52,862 --> 00:39:55,365 - I'm not used to all this arguing, so just, uh-- - Fine. I don't want to argue. 584 00:39:55,498 --> 00:39:59,003 Just-- Do me a favor, okay, George? Just go on upstairs and I'll... 585 00:39:59,103 --> 00:40:01,740 - finish up down here. - Fine. Fine. I'll go upstairs. 586 00:40:01,873 --> 00:40:04,876 However, I would like to remind you what happened to what's-his-name down the street. 587 00:40:05,010 --> 00:40:07,681 His daughter got married and the thing practically broke him. Remember? 588 00:40:07,814 --> 00:40:09,950 - I remember. - You and I could end up... 589 00:40:10,083 --> 00:40:13,086 shuffling along the sidewalk in our bathrobes. 590 00:40:15,423 --> 00:40:18,894 - That was a joke. - Hilarious. 591 00:40:19,028 --> 00:40:23,199 Oh, all right. I'll go. I'll meet the wedding coordinator. 592 00:40:23,299 --> 00:40:26,037 You know I don't want to, but I'll go... 593 00:40:26,137 --> 00:40:28,839 if you still want me to go, all right? 594 00:40:28,939 --> 00:40:32,377 - Okay? - Okay. 595 00:40:33,780 --> 00:40:36,282 Now, let me do the talking, girls, okay? 596 00:40:36,416 --> 00:40:38,384 Well, I negotiate better than you. 597 00:40:38,484 --> 00:40:40,254 - Now what's this guy's name? - Franck. 598 00:40:40,387 --> 00:40:42,156 - Frank. - Franck. 599 00:40:42,289 --> 00:40:43,692 - Franck? - Franck. 600 00:40:43,792 --> 00:40:47,863 - Franck. Franck. Franck. - Oh, this is it. 601 00:40:47,963 --> 00:40:50,299 Okay, here we go. 602 00:40:50,433 --> 00:40:53,804 - Ah, Mom. - No. No. This is just-- 603 00:40:53,937 --> 00:40:56,107 - Oh, my, Annie. - This is amazing. 604 00:40:56,239 --> 00:40:58,076 - Look. Look at this trim. - What? 605 00:40:58,176 --> 00:40:59,944 - Oh! - Isn't this beautiful? Pearls. 606 00:41:00,078 --> 00:41:02,615 - Oh! - Oh, gee. 607 00:41:02,782 --> 00:41:05,251 -Oh, wow. I love how they did this, Mom. -Annie. 608 00:41:05,418 --> 00:41:06,887 - Yeah? - Do you like this place setting? 609 00:41:06,987 --> 00:41:09,123 - Oh, it's beautiful. - That china also comes... 610 00:41:09,290 --> 00:41:11,592 in a wonderful Sara Lee yellow. 611 00:41:11,726 --> 00:41:15,197 - Hi. You must be Franck? - I wish. 612 00:41:15,330 --> 00:41:18,468 I'm Franck's assistant, Howard Weinstein. 613 00:41:18,601 --> 00:41:20,904 -Well, I'm Nina Banks and this is Annie. -Hello. 614 00:41:21,071 --> 00:41:23,173 - Hi. Hi. - Oh. - The bride, and, uh... 615 00:41:23,340 --> 00:41:25,910 - George, my husband. - How do you do? 616 00:41:26,077 --> 00:41:30,216 May I offer anyone any refreshments: Pellegrino, espresso, champagne? 617 00:41:30,349 --> 00:41:33,854 - Oh. Um, no. No. - No. 618 00:41:34,021 --> 00:41:39,461 I'll alert the boss that you're here. Look around. Have fun. 619 00:41:39,561 --> 00:41:41,697 Oh. Oh. This is so great. 620 00:41:43,933 --> 00:41:45,300 - Annie. - Yeah? 621 00:41:45,468 --> 00:41:49,306 - Oh! Wouldn't this be perfect for you? - Oh, it's gorgeous! 622 00:41:49,407 --> 00:41:52,677 Look how it goes with the crystal. Oh, perfect. 623 00:41:52,843 --> 00:41:57,049 Moster and Missus Banks and de luffly bride. Hello. 624 00:41:59,018 --> 00:42:00,319 Hello. 625 00:42:01,655 --> 00:42:03,424 I am Franck. A pleasure to mat you. 626 00:42:03,557 --> 00:42:05,126 Howard's has affer you sumding to drink, I hop. 627 00:42:05,260 --> 00:42:08,029 - Oh, yes. - Yes. - Oh, the bride, the bride. 628 00:42:08,196 --> 00:42:12,234 Right away, I realized this was a mistake of gargantuan proportions. 629 00:42:12,401 --> 00:42:16,540 This guy was going to coordinate our wedding? How? With subtitles? 630 00:42:16,674 --> 00:42:18,710 Nu! 631 00:42:18,876 --> 00:42:22,080 Okay, please come wit me and we'll talk all about yer big day! 632 00:42:22,246 --> 00:42:26,285 -Okay. -The big day for de bride. Papala, coom. 633 00:42:28,288 --> 00:42:31,158 Oh, see down on my own design. 634 00:42:31,292 --> 00:42:33,461 I design that. Very nice, I think. 635 00:42:33,627 --> 00:42:36,732 Now, so, you have not made up your list yet... 636 00:42:36,898 --> 00:42:40,737 but you know that you want de wedding at hom on Jawn-wary six, rit? 637 00:42:40,903 --> 00:42:43,607 - Uh-huh. Yeah. - Excuse me? 638 00:42:43,773 --> 00:42:47,011 Yes, we would. We would like a wedding at home on January the sixth. 639 00:42:47,178 --> 00:42:50,383 Mmm, I luff the weddings at the homs. 640 00:42:50,549 --> 00:42:53,652 They're vary personable, very varm 'n' cuzy, vary fabulous. 641 00:42:53,853 --> 00:42:58,292 Oh, so, Jawn-wary six gif us seven munths. 642 00:42:58,426 --> 00:43:02,131 Uh-oh! Hello! That's five munths! 643 00:43:02,263 --> 00:43:04,466 Five munths not much! 644 00:43:04,600 --> 00:43:08,071 But that don't bother me so much because it's a little bit tight... 645 00:43:08,204 --> 00:43:11,107 but we can do it and it will be spak-takuler! 646 00:43:11,241 --> 00:43:13,844 I saw you wurry a second. Don't wurry about dat. 647 00:43:13,978 --> 00:43:16,448 So now, les see. 648 00:43:16,581 --> 00:43:20,786 This is what I sugjoost. I sugjoost that we select a keck furst. 649 00:43:20,919 --> 00:43:23,257 - Okay. - You know, cuz de keck... 650 00:43:23,390 --> 00:43:26,994 vary often determun vhat kind of wedding that you end up having. 651 00:43:27,127 --> 00:43:29,464 So les just choose de keck, okay? 652 00:43:29,597 --> 00:43:32,233 Okay. 653 00:43:32,333 --> 00:43:35,671 - Choose-- Choose-- Choose the what ? - The cake, Dad. 654 00:43:35,805 --> 00:43:40,077 Thank you, der assistant. Dis ees fun! 655 00:43:40,177 --> 00:43:44,115 So dis ees a vary popular keck... 656 00:43:44,248 --> 00:43:47,553 with the many of the foshinable woddings, you know. 657 00:43:47,686 --> 00:43:50,957 And this, I jus don't do any more. 658 00:43:51,091 --> 00:43:53,561 And this is fabulliz. 659 00:43:53,694 --> 00:43:56,665 Oh! Oh! That is incredible! 660 00:43:56,798 --> 00:43:59,101 Annie, that's just like the one we saw in the magazine. 661 00:43:59,201 --> 00:44:01,037 Do you like it, Dad? 662 00:44:01,170 --> 00:44:05,908 Well, what is that? Is that-- Is that dollars? $1,200? 663 00:44:06,042 --> 00:44:09,146 Vel, Moster Bonks, dis ees a vary raisonable price... 664 00:44:09,279 --> 00:44:11,049 for a keck of dis magnootud. 665 00:44:11,182 --> 00:44:13,918 A cake, Franck, is made of flour and water. 666 00:44:14,052 --> 00:44:16,989 - My first car didn't cost $1,200 - George. 667 00:44:17,123 --> 00:44:22,864 Well, welcome to the '90s, Moster Bonks. 668 00:44:22,997 --> 00:44:26,201 Not only did I not understand a syllable this guy was saying... 669 00:44:26,335 --> 00:44:28,370 now I had the feeling he was putting me down. 670 00:44:28,504 --> 00:44:31,740 Excuse me, um, Franck. 671 00:44:31,875 --> 00:44:33,878 - Could we please have a second? - Oh, of course! 672 00:44:34,011 --> 00:44:38,383 Take two seconds. Howard, letz return calls. Could we-- 673 00:44:40,852 --> 00:44:44,190 All right, George, what's the problem? Do you want to leave? 674 00:44:44,323 --> 00:44:46,526 - Do you? - No. I like him. 675 00:44:46,626 --> 00:44:50,597 I think he's going to make this a beautiful wedding. 676 00:44:50,731 --> 00:44:52,600 Don't look at me. You guys decide. 677 00:44:52,734 --> 00:44:57,072 Give the man a chance, George, please. Annie, do you like this cake? 678 00:44:57,205 --> 00:45:00,644 It is incredible, Dad. 679 00:45:00,776 --> 00:45:02,646 - Well, all right. But, look, let's just-- - I know. 680 00:45:02,779 --> 00:45:04,915 We-- We're going to, George. We're gonna hold things down. 681 00:45:05,048 --> 00:45:08,087 - We just-- We won't go nuts. - No. No. - Thank you. 682 00:45:08,219 --> 00:45:10,189 - Franck! - Coming! 683 00:45:13,893 --> 00:45:17,264 - We'll take the cake. - Oh, good, good. 684 00:45:17,398 --> 00:45:19,934 Don't worry, Moster Bonks. I'm gonna bring de crew over to the house. 685 00:45:20,067 --> 00:45:23,105 We gif everything that we haf in the once-over department... 686 00:45:23,238 --> 00:45:25,541 and then in the end you be vary, vary happy, trust me. 687 00:45:25,641 --> 00:45:29,780 - You just smile away. Now, interesting idea. - Yes. 688 00:45:29,913 --> 00:45:33,651 Wit regard to thame and kolor of de wedding, dis is how I see it: 689 00:45:33,785 --> 00:45:36,422 I think we go vary elegant, inside de tent, you know-- 690 00:45:36,555 --> 00:45:39,558 With one swift move, I'd been cut out of the deal. 691 00:45:39,658 --> 00:45:41,660 Annie, Nina and Franck were in charge now. 692 00:45:41,794 --> 00:45:43,263 ...and bootiful china-- 693 00:45:43,397 --> 00:45:46,834 Now, spo! And crystal to drop over dead for! 694 00:45:46,968 --> 00:45:49,971 Old Dad was history. 695 00:45:50,172 --> 00:45:53,041 - ...new machine to work now. - A few days later, I was at work... 696 00:45:53,175 --> 00:45:55,278 relieved for once not to be talking about the wedding. 697 00:45:55,412 --> 00:45:58,482 - I wore those 750-trainers over the weekend. - They still stiff? 698 00:45:58,616 --> 00:46:02,454 - I think they need a soft-- - Just back from the Orient, ladies, and I got a new shipment. 699 00:46:02,587 --> 00:46:06,526 Beautiful merchandise. Gucci, Cartier, Louis Vuitton. 700 00:46:06,659 --> 00:46:08,428 - I never heard of Louis Vuitton. - I don't know. 701 00:46:08,528 --> 00:46:11,765 He's big, darling, believe me, or they wouldn't be knocking 'em off. 702 00:46:11,865 --> 00:46:13,467 Don't worry, Mr Banks, they're on a break. 703 00:46:13,601 --> 00:46:15,603 - That's okay. - George, Franck's office, line two. 704 00:46:15,703 --> 00:46:19,240 Uh, maybe I could see those mockups by Friday, then, Dave? Thanks. 705 00:46:19,374 --> 00:46:21,511 This was the call I'd been dreading since the moment I heard... 706 00:46:21,645 --> 00:46:24,147 the words, "wedding coordinator." 707 00:46:24,247 --> 00:46:27,485 - Hello. - Mr Banks, this is Howard Weinstein... 708 00:46:27,618 --> 00:46:29,521 Franck's executive assistant. 709 00:46:29,654 --> 00:46:32,491 I have-- estimate for you. 710 00:46:32,624 --> 00:46:35,528 - I can barely hear you! - I'm in my car... 711 00:46:35,662 --> 00:46:38,098 going through ...water Canyon. 712 00:46:38,231 --> 00:46:40,267 - Call you back? - No, no, no! I-I want the estimate. 713 00:46:40,401 --> 00:46:42,369 How much? What's the damage? 714 00:46:42,503 --> 00:46:46,909 For everything from the flowers to the honeymoon limo-- 715 00:46:47,043 --> 00:46:49,045 Okay, everything. How much? 716 00:46:49,178 --> 00:46:52,215 --dred --ifty head. 717 00:46:52,348 --> 00:46:55,886 You're breaking up. It sounded like you said 150 a head. 718 00:46:56,019 --> 00:46:57,956 No! No! 719 00:46:58,089 --> 00:47:03,195 - Good. I was about to kill myself. - It's 250 a head. 720 00:47:09,137 --> 00:47:11,773 - Get me Nina at work. - She just called. 721 00:47:11,906 --> 00:47:15,711 - I need the final head count. - She just gave it to me. 722 00:47:15,844 --> 00:47:19,048 What is it? One-fifty? 723 00:47:19,149 --> 00:47:21,118 572. 724 00:47:25,222 --> 00:47:29,127 $250 a head means for the four of us to attend this wedding in our own home... 725 00:47:29,261 --> 00:47:31,297 will cost $1,000. 726 00:47:31,431 --> 00:47:33,099 Therefore, we are not getting up from this table... 727 00:47:33,232 --> 00:47:35,636 until we cut this list down to the bare minimum. 728 00:47:35,769 --> 00:47:38,606 Now, invite as many people as you want to the church, pack 'em in... 729 00:47:38,740 --> 00:47:41,276 build a grandstand if you want, but we are not having... 730 00:47:41,409 --> 00:47:44,980 more than 150 people in this house on the day of the wedding. 731 00:47:45,114 --> 00:47:50,254 -All right. Now let's start eliminating. -Okay, Jim Pepper and wife. 732 00:47:50,354 --> 00:47:54,827 - Oh, great. Start with one of my guys. - Fine. We'll start with one of mine. I'll cut Steve and Stephanie Turrill. 733 00:47:54,959 --> 00:47:57,129 - They're very good clients of mine. They're-- - Say no more. They're history. 734 00:47:57,262 --> 00:48:00,100 - All right. Jim Pepper and wife. - I've known the guy for 20 years. 735 00:48:00,200 --> 00:48:02,103 You haven't seen him in 15, George. 736 00:48:02,203 --> 00:48:04,105 All right. I'll say I lost his address. 737 00:48:04,205 --> 00:48:08,376 Now here's somebody-- your cousin Betsy, the poet/waitress/picture framer. 738 00:48:08,510 --> 00:48:12,281 We can't cut family. They know about the wedding. 739 00:48:12,381 --> 00:48:16,988 I only invited one person: Cameron. Mom said I could have a friend there. 740 00:48:17,121 --> 00:48:19,657 For 250 bucks, you can see Cameron after the wedding. 741 00:48:19,791 --> 00:48:23,295 All right. Very good. Five down. We're rolling. 742 00:48:23,395 --> 00:48:26,165 All right. What about Harry Kirby? We haven't seen him in ages. 743 00:48:26,298 --> 00:48:30,036 - I don't know. - Didn't Harry Kirby die last year? 744 00:48:30,203 --> 00:48:32,038 Yes! Good! 745 00:48:34,008 --> 00:48:36,845 Oh, uh, sorry. 746 00:48:36,979 --> 00:48:39,581 - Who's Franck Eggelhoffer? - What? 747 00:48:39,715 --> 00:48:42,686 He's coordinating the wedding, and then we're not going to invite him? 748 00:48:42,820 --> 00:48:45,723 Exactly! Do you think I'm gonna pay a guy 15%%%... 749 00:48:45,856 --> 00:48:50,396 plus an hourly, plus an additional $500 to feed him and that assistant of his? 750 00:48:50,562 --> 00:48:55,134 - Have you lost your mind? - Can I put Cameron back on the list if he promises not to eat? 751 00:48:55,268 --> 00:48:58,872 You know, that's not a bad idea. Who else can we ask not to eat? 752 00:48:59,006 --> 00:49:00,975 My parents, your mother. 753 00:49:01,075 --> 00:49:05,814 Why don't we just charge people? That way we can make money on the wedding. 754 00:49:05,915 --> 00:49:07,884 Annie. A-- 755 00:49:12,390 --> 00:49:15,159 I was kidding. 756 00:50:00,983 --> 00:50:04,120 "How to give a beautiful wedding on a small budget. 757 00:50:06,924 --> 00:50:09,527 "Bake your own wedding cake. 758 00:50:09,660 --> 00:50:14,467 "Find a good tailor and copy a designer dress. 759 00:50:14,600 --> 00:50:17,270 Have a friend take the pictures." 760 00:50:26,448 --> 00:50:32,155 From that moment on, I decided to shut my mouth and go with the flow. 761 00:50:34,491 --> 00:50:37,962 My first move was to get the old tuxedo out of mothballs. 762 00:51:20,548 --> 00:51:24,553 Hey! Looking good, my man. 763 00:51:24,686 --> 00:51:26,788 Get down! Hey! 764 00:51:26,923 --> 00:51:31,929 What's new, pussycat Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh 765 00:51:32,062 --> 00:51:36,101 What's new, pussycat Whoa, whoa, whoa 766 00:51:36,234 --> 00:51:38,603 - Whoa, whoa - George! 767 00:51:38,738 --> 00:51:40,940 - Hey - Annie, he's up here. 768 00:51:41,073 --> 00:51:45,979 Pussycat, pussycat I love you 769 00:51:46,113 --> 00:51:48,382 'Deed I do 770 00:51:48,516 --> 00:51:50,753 Yes, I do 771 00:51:50,886 --> 00:51:54,357 Hey, what do you think? Bought it in '75 and it still fits. 772 00:51:56,125 --> 00:52:00,431 - Like a glove. - Yes. It's just, it's a real way to go. 773 00:52:00,565 --> 00:52:02,601 Um, maybe-- 774 00:52:04,303 --> 00:52:07,806 Maybe you could get a new tux. Uh, we're all wearing new clothes, and-- 775 00:52:07,940 --> 00:52:11,010 What? Don't you think I look cute? I mean, there will be a lot of single gals there. 776 00:52:13,547 --> 00:52:15,816 - I'll get it. - Oh, oh. 777 00:52:15,951 --> 00:52:19,254 Oh, by the way. Good news. The church is free. 778 00:52:19,387 --> 00:52:24,294 - Oh, finally something is free. - I meant available. 779 00:52:24,428 --> 00:52:26,296 Oh, I like that. It's very good. 780 00:52:26,497 --> 00:52:28,266 Adorable. 781 00:52:28,399 --> 00:52:33,238 Oh, they've done the shutters. It's like kind of an I Remember Mama touch. 782 00:52:33,338 --> 00:52:36,775 Oh, it's very nice. We change it all though. Let's go. 783 00:52:36,876 --> 00:52:42,183 Franck and his crew had arrived to finalize all the details of the wedding. 784 00:52:42,316 --> 00:52:45,454 First was an audition for a band singer. 785 00:52:45,587 --> 00:52:49,959 Volare Oh, oh 786 00:52:50,059 --> 00:52:53,330 Cantare Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa 787 00:52:54,665 --> 00:52:57,002 No wonder Annie's happy heart sings 788 00:52:57,135 --> 00:52:59,971 Bryan's love has given her wings Hey! 789 00:53:00,071 --> 00:53:01,974 Like birds of a feather A rainbow together-- 790 00:53:02,074 --> 00:53:05,512 Just as I was about to say, "Don't call us, we'll call you," I heard... 791 00:53:05,646 --> 00:53:09,450 Howard, we'll huf to move out all de furniture to huf any sort of room to-- 792 00:53:09,551 --> 00:53:12,821 Oh. Dis is a nice statement. 793 00:53:12,922 --> 00:53:16,192 It's lots of fun. Mrs Bonks, one kvestion-- 794 00:53:16,325 --> 00:53:19,362 Howard, uh, Franck was saying something about moving out the furniture. 795 00:53:19,496 --> 00:53:22,733 We have to move it all out if we're going to fit more than 200 bodies in here. 796 00:53:22,867 --> 00:53:26,505 - But what if someone wants to sit down? - We bring in chairs. 797 00:53:26,638 --> 00:53:30,376 Well, if you're bringing in chairs, then why are you moving the furniture out? 798 00:53:30,510 --> 00:53:34,013 Mr Bonks, I do dis for a loving, you know? Trust me. 799 00:53:34,113 --> 00:53:36,217 A movink van must tek everything out. 800 00:53:36,350 --> 00:53:38,653 It's an extra expense. Oh, sure. Yah, yah. 801 00:53:38,753 --> 00:53:40,722 Bot we need it. Annie! 802 00:53:40,856 --> 00:53:43,792 Mrs Bonks. Come this way, please. So, vhat do you think of the zinger? 803 00:53:43,925 --> 00:53:46,063 - We do have other choizes. - I'd like to see 'em. 804 00:53:46,196 --> 00:53:49,366 Good. That'll be no problem. 805 00:53:49,499 --> 00:53:53,438 My caterer, everyone, and my best friend in the whole world, Hanck Kucinetzki. 806 00:53:54,772 --> 00:53:55,908 Hi. 807 00:53:56,041 --> 00:53:58,043 - Hi. - Hi. 808 00:53:58,143 --> 00:54:01,715 If I cud have a mewmunt of yer time to discuss de monyo. 809 00:54:01,815 --> 00:54:04,685 - "De monyo." "De monyo." Remind me? The menu! Yes. - No, the menu. 810 00:54:04,785 --> 00:54:08,690 Onfortulley, Hanck doesn't spake Anglish, so I will translit. 811 00:54:08,790 --> 00:54:11,360 Franck, that'll-- that'll be a big help. 812 00:54:27,180 --> 00:54:30,017 Dis is vhat Hanck sugjoost. Fer the men kers, he vants to serf voll. 813 00:54:30,150 --> 00:54:33,321 Oh, really? I have a problem with that. 814 00:54:33,454 --> 00:54:36,024 - With what? - With veal. I keep reading... 815 00:54:36,157 --> 00:54:38,928 there's a lot of inhumane treatment in the way they treat the calves. 816 00:54:39,028 --> 00:54:41,965 I read that too. You're very chic. No voll. 817 00:54:45,002 --> 00:54:46,971 So that leafs seafoot, which is also chic. 818 00:54:47,104 --> 00:54:48,974 Or fowl, which is not chic but chip. 819 00:54:49,107 --> 00:54:54,914 Cheap. Finally a word I understood. My first and last piece of good news. 820 00:54:55,014 --> 00:54:56,750 - Mrs Banks? - Yes? 821 00:54:56,850 --> 00:55:00,522 One last thing. 822 00:55:00,655 --> 00:55:03,925 - What is he doing? - We need more amps to light the house and the tent. 823 00:55:04,025 --> 00:55:07,864 - It's cheaper than bringing in a new line. - In terms of the florals out front... 824 00:55:07,997 --> 00:55:10,767 we're gonna color coordinate with the swans, right? 825 00:55:10,868 --> 00:55:12,703 - Swans? - I think it'd be wonderful. - Perfect. 826 00:55:12,836 --> 00:55:14,939 - We're having swans? - Franck thought it would be great... 827 00:55:15,039 --> 00:55:17,809 to have swans waddling around the tulip border, you know, as the guests enter. 828 00:55:17,942 --> 00:55:21,347 - It would be really sweet. - Nina, we don't have a tulip border. - You will. 829 00:55:23,482 --> 00:55:24,951 How much is-- 830 00:55:25,051 --> 00:55:27,420 Mr Bonks, ve huff problus. 831 00:55:27,621 --> 00:55:29,725 Hanck does not vant no vay to prepare chuckun. 832 00:55:29,858 --> 00:55:34,197 - He doesn't what? - Franck, does the tent connect through here? 833 00:55:34,329 --> 00:55:37,333 I've been meaning to fix that. You have to push, then pull. 834 00:55:39,570 --> 00:55:42,540 Oh. 835 00:55:42,673 --> 00:55:45,510 Oh, now les not panic about anything. Les see. 836 00:55:45,644 --> 00:55:48,814 Oh. Oh, that-- Eww. That's only a sem. We cun fix that. 837 00:55:48,981 --> 00:55:51,251 Now, Mr Bonks, please, about the seafoot. 838 00:55:51,385 --> 00:55:53,754 Hanck vants to know if it's hokay or not hokay. 839 00:55:53,921 --> 00:55:59,595 No, Franck. Tell Hanck it's not okay. 840 00:55:59,762 --> 00:56:03,366 If I have to move out all the furniture and add amps... 841 00:56:03,466 --> 00:56:08,605 and repaint the walls and get a new tux and pay for swans... 842 00:56:08,738 --> 00:56:12,243 then I'd like the "chipper" chicken. 843 00:56:12,376 --> 00:56:17,317 - Is that clear? - I understood the "chipper" part. Yeah. 844 00:56:29,699 --> 00:56:33,036 Hokay. Dat's it. Hanck says he will think about dis. 845 00:56:33,136 --> 00:56:35,172 Now, we do not vant to louse him. 846 00:56:35,339 --> 00:56:40,178 He is a ganius, and ve need his mand. Hokay? So. 847 00:56:40,346 --> 00:56:44,317 I'll see vhat I can do. Hanck? Hanck! 848 00:56:46,186 --> 00:56:48,356 I'm fine. 849 00:56:49,522 --> 00:56:52,193 Anyway, where were we? Oh. 850 00:56:52,326 --> 00:56:54,263 - Yes. - I see you're starting to lose it. 851 00:56:54,429 --> 00:56:56,632 But I have one more question. Very minor. I'll say it quickly. 852 00:56:56,798 --> 00:56:59,903 Parking attendants. Four is comfortable. Three is acceptable. Anything less... 853 00:57:00,069 --> 00:57:02,640 - absolutely terrifies me. - Two. 854 00:57:02,806 --> 00:57:05,476 - Two. - George-- - Two. 855 00:57:05,609 --> 00:57:08,346 Hanck says if you vant the fowl, he vasn't interested. He passes. 856 00:57:08,480 --> 00:57:12,118 He-- He passes? Is he gonna do our cake? 857 00:57:12,251 --> 00:57:13,854 Hey, Dad. How's it going? 858 00:57:13,987 --> 00:57:16,623 Hi. I came to get my sneakers. I left them in Annie's room last night. 859 00:57:16,723 --> 00:57:21,162 I was beginning to feel like I was having an out-of-body experience. 860 00:57:21,296 --> 00:57:23,465 I had to get out of the house and fast. 861 00:57:28,405 --> 00:57:30,507 Nina said as long as I was escaping, would I mind... 862 00:57:30,640 --> 00:57:33,311 escaping to the market and picking up something for dinner? 863 00:57:33,411 --> 00:57:36,714 Sure. That was all I needed. A busy supermarket. 864 00:57:36,847 --> 00:57:40,319 I needed to drive, mellow out, get my mind off the wedding. 865 00:57:42,422 --> 00:57:45,125 But mellowing out was not in the cards. 866 00:57:45,225 --> 00:57:47,962 Here we go. Here we go. Yeah. 867 00:57:51,499 --> 00:57:55,771 - Excuse me, sir. What are you doing? - I'll tell you what I'm doing. 868 00:57:55,905 --> 00:58:00,210 I want to buy eight hot dogs and eight hot dog buns to go with them. 869 00:58:00,344 --> 00:58:04,583 But no one sells eight hot dog buns. They only sell twelve hot dog buns. 870 00:58:04,717 --> 00:58:07,186 So I end up paying for four buns I don't need. 871 00:58:07,319 --> 00:58:10,256 So I am removing the superfluous buns. 872 00:58:10,390 --> 00:58:13,627 I-I'm sorry, sir, but you're gonna have to pay for all twelve buns. 873 00:58:13,760 --> 00:58:17,099 - They're not marked individually. - Yeah. 874 00:58:17,232 --> 00:58:21,637 And you wanna know why? Because some big shot over at the wiener company... 875 00:58:21,770 --> 00:58:25,241 got together with some big shot over at the bun company... 876 00:58:25,375 --> 00:58:27,411 and decided to rip off the American public. 877 00:58:27,544 --> 00:58:31,283 Because they think the American public is a bunch of trusting nitwits... 878 00:58:31,416 --> 00:58:34,720 - who'll pay for things they don't need rather than make a stink. - Get me security. 879 00:58:34,820 --> 00:58:37,456 Well, they're not ripping off this nitwit anymore... 880 00:58:37,590 --> 00:58:40,193 because I'm not paying for one more thing I don't need. 881 00:58:40,294 --> 00:58:43,363 George Banks is saying no! 882 00:58:43,463 --> 00:58:45,099 Who's George Banks? 883 00:58:47,736 --> 00:58:50,040 Me! 884 00:58:50,140 --> 00:58:52,943 Uh, why don't we just calm down now, sir? 885 00:58:53,076 --> 00:58:56,314 I'll tell you why "we" don't calm down. Because you're not excited. 886 00:58:56,447 --> 00:59:00,052 It takes two people for a "we" to calm down, doesn't it? 887 00:59:00,152 --> 00:59:04,591 Uh, that I don't know, sir. I'm just the assistant manager of a supermarket. 888 00:59:04,691 --> 00:59:09,697 But I'll tell you this. If you don't pipe down and pay for those buns... 889 00:59:09,830 --> 00:59:14,336 - I'm gonna call the police. - Oh, right! 890 00:59:14,469 --> 00:59:16,472 Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Right. 891 00:59:16,605 --> 00:59:18,074 - That's right. - Hey. 892 00:59:18,174 --> 00:59:20,077 - Right. - Hey! Hey, come here! 893 00:59:20,177 --> 00:59:21,612 - Uh-uh! Uh-uh! - Come here! 894 00:59:21,712 --> 00:59:23,681 Uh-uh! Uh-uh! 895 00:59:31,523 --> 00:59:36,263 That was the low point. Flipping out over four hot dog buns. 896 00:59:36,363 --> 00:59:38,634 I couldn't figure out why I'd gotten so nuts... 897 00:59:38,734 --> 00:59:40,869 why the wedding had me so unglued. 898 00:59:41,003 --> 00:59:44,274 Banks, your wife is here. 899 00:59:47,610 --> 00:59:53,084 - Aren't you going to let me out? - She wants to talk to you first. 900 00:59:53,218 --> 00:59:56,289 - She wants to talk to me first? - Thank you. 901 01:00:00,327 --> 01:00:03,830 Hello, George. 902 01:00:03,932 --> 01:00:06,234 Why do you look happy to see me in here, Nina? 903 01:00:06,367 --> 01:00:10,372 Happy? No, no, no. I'm not happy, George. 904 01:00:10,506 --> 01:00:12,474 You think I was happy to tell everyone that I had to come... 905 01:00:12,574 --> 01:00:15,211 down to the city jail and bail you out for stealing hot dog buns? 906 01:00:15,345 --> 01:00:18,015 - I wasn't stealing them-- - Ah! 907 01:00:18,115 --> 01:00:21,052 - I was having a little-- - Ah! 908 01:00:21,185 --> 01:00:23,121 I'm going to have to ask you not to talk or I'll have to call... 909 01:00:23,254 --> 01:00:25,892 Officer What's-his-name over there. 910 01:00:27,894 --> 01:00:30,697 You've been more than I can handle, George. 911 01:00:30,797 --> 01:00:33,368 Annie's wedding is not a conspiracy against you. 912 01:00:33,501 --> 01:00:37,373 It's just a wedding. People have them every day in every country in the world. 913 01:00:37,506 --> 01:00:41,411 I know it's going to be expensive, but we don't go to Europe. 914 01:00:41,545 --> 01:00:44,114 We don't own fancy cars. I don't own expensive jewelry. 915 01:00:44,247 --> 01:00:47,118 So we can afford to have a big wedding. 916 01:00:47,251 --> 01:00:48,954 Nina. 917 01:00:49,088 --> 01:00:51,357 I'll get you out of here on one condition, Banks. 918 01:00:51,457 --> 01:00:55,695 That you agree to the following. Now, repeat after me. 919 01:00:55,795 --> 01:00:59,000 I, George Stanley Banks... 920 01:01:01,969 --> 01:01:03,772 I, George Stanley Banks... 921 01:01:03,905 --> 01:01:08,443 promise to pull it together and act my age. Promise. 922 01:01:08,578 --> 01:01:10,614 promise to pull it together and act my age. 923 01:01:10,748 --> 01:01:15,953 I will stop hyper ventilating, rolling my eyes, unbuttoning my top collar button. 924 01:01:16,086 --> 01:01:20,760 - I don't unbutton my top collar-- - Oh yeah. No. You mean this bit, with-- 925 01:01:20,860 --> 01:01:23,195 - Stop hyper ventilating... - Hyper ventilating. 926 01:01:23,329 --> 01:01:25,165 - rolling my eyes, and, uh... - Unbuttoning. 927 01:01:25,299 --> 01:01:27,334 unbuttoning my top collar button. 928 01:01:27,467 --> 01:01:30,104 I will stop making faces in general, and I will definitely stop... 929 01:01:30,204 --> 01:01:32,841 telling everybody I meet how much this wedding is costing. 930 01:01:32,975 --> 01:01:37,147 I don't tell everyone how much it costs! 931 01:01:37,280 --> 01:01:40,451 - He told you, right? - 250 a head. 932 01:01:40,584 --> 01:01:43,889 Oh, well, thanks! 933 01:01:48,127 --> 01:01:51,497 I will try to remember my daughter's feelings. 934 01:01:51,632 --> 01:01:57,672 And how with every roll of my eyes, I am taking away a piece of her happiness. 935 01:01:57,806 --> 01:02:01,142 I love you, Nina. 936 01:02:01,242 --> 01:02:03,779 Just repeat the last part for me, George. 937 01:02:03,879 --> 01:02:05,682 I will try to remember my daughter's feelings... 938 01:02:05,816 --> 01:02:09,152 - That's right. - and how with every roll of my eyes... 939 01:02:09,253 --> 01:02:12,924 I am taking away a piece of her happiness. 940 01:02:13,057 --> 01:02:17,263 I love you too. Let's go home, okay? 941 01:02:20,467 --> 01:02:22,836 - No! - Hey, I'm gonna hold ya here! 942 01:02:23,004 --> 01:02:25,207 - Yes! Sweet! - Come on, Matty. Let's go. 943 01:02:25,374 --> 01:02:27,843 Plan "B," Matty. Plan "B." 944 01:02:27,943 --> 01:02:30,512 Here we go! Hey! 945 01:02:30,679 --> 01:02:32,816 Okay, I got ya! I got ya! 946 01:02:32,916 --> 01:02:35,052 - Midget slam! - All right! 947 01:02:35,219 --> 01:02:38,055 Annie! Bryan! Look, you got a present. 948 01:02:38,188 --> 01:02:40,025 Our first present! I can't believe it. 949 01:02:40,125 --> 01:02:41,926 Oh, our second one should be here any minute. 950 01:02:42,060 --> 01:02:44,697 - Oh, wow. How do you know? - Oh, my parents are bringing it over. 951 01:02:44,830 --> 01:02:45,998 - Oh! - Oh! 952 01:02:46,098 --> 01:02:48,769 Oh, this is, uh, when we give the presents. Uh, great. Uh, good. 953 01:02:48,902 --> 01:02:50,938 - I'll be right back. - Where's he going? 954 01:02:51,105 --> 01:02:53,408 - Maybe he got a present for you. - You know about this? 955 01:02:53,574 --> 01:02:55,543 Uh, I haven't got a clue. 956 01:03:07,792 --> 01:03:11,296 - Look at this! - This is for us? Thank you so much! 957 01:03:14,167 --> 01:03:16,470 Yikes. A whole car. 958 01:03:16,637 --> 01:03:19,139 My dad's gotta see this! 959 01:03:24,647 --> 01:03:27,751 Dad! Dad? 960 01:03:29,418 --> 01:03:31,956 Dad, did you see what the MacKenzies got us? 961 01:03:32,123 --> 01:03:34,625 It's unbelievable. And you thought you'd never have a new car. 962 01:03:34,792 --> 01:03:37,730 I know! What's that? 963 01:03:37,896 --> 01:03:42,535 It's nothing. It's just a gift I was thinking of giving you guys. 964 01:03:42,736 --> 01:03:46,374 You know, it's something you said you didn't have but you wanted. 965 01:03:46,540 --> 01:03:48,976 Can I see it? 966 01:03:49,144 --> 01:03:51,613 Yeah, you know, it's-- 967 01:03:51,780 --> 01:03:56,619 It's not the big, big gift, of course. 968 01:04:03,128 --> 01:04:05,131 It's a cappuccino maker! 969 01:04:05,297 --> 01:04:07,700 Supposed to be a good one. That's what they said at the store. 970 01:04:07,867 --> 01:04:11,872 It's, uh, top of the line. Makes great foam. 971 01:04:18,246 --> 01:04:20,649 I couldn't love anything more. 972 01:04:23,253 --> 01:04:26,390 Going to the chapel and we're 973 01:04:26,524 --> 01:04:30,696 - My feelings exactly. - Gonna get married 974 01:04:30,829 --> 01:04:34,600 Going to the chapel and we're 975 01:04:34,734 --> 01:04:38,739 - Gonna get married - Wow! 976 01:04:38,872 --> 01:04:42,410 Gee, I really love you and we're 977 01:04:42,544 --> 01:04:45,815 Gonna get married 978 01:04:45,915 --> 01:04:51,153 Going to the chapel of love 979 01:04:54,157 --> 01:04:56,427 Spring is here 980 01:04:56,561 --> 01:05:00,232 The sky is blue 981 01:05:00,366 --> 01:05:04,471 Whoa, birds all sing 982 01:05:04,604 --> 01:05:09,175 - As if they knew - No. 983 01:05:09,275 --> 01:05:13,080 Today's the day 984 01:05:13,214 --> 01:05:15,418 We'll say I do 985 01:05:15,551 --> 01:05:20,423 And we'll never be lonely any more 986 01:05:20,556 --> 01:05:23,361 All right, Mr Banks. Here you go. 987 01:05:23,460 --> 01:05:26,932 - A 40-long. It's gorgeous even on the hanger. - Because we're going to the chapel 988 01:05:27,066 --> 01:05:31,103 - Now this is an actual Giorgio Armani, the real McCoy. - And we're gonna get married 989 01:05:31,237 --> 01:05:34,607 - Don't ask how I got it, but here it is. - Going to the chapel 990 01:05:34,740 --> 01:05:39,814 And we're gonna get married 991 01:05:39,947 --> 01:05:43,686 Gee, I really love you and we're 992 01:05:43,819 --> 01:05:47,057 Gonna get married 993 01:05:47,157 --> 01:05:53,130 Going to the chapel of love 994 01:05:55,434 --> 01:05:57,636 Bells will ring 995 01:05:57,769 --> 01:06:03,310 The sun will shine, whoa 996 01:06:03,444 --> 01:06:05,779 I'll be his 997 01:06:05,879 --> 01:06:07,682 - Nina, we have great friends, you know that? - And he'll be mine 998 01:06:07,816 --> 01:06:11,454 I mean, these are not your run-of-the-mill salad bowls. Theses are primo gifts. 999 01:06:11,553 --> 01:06:14,524 - We'll love until - As a matter of fact, I am so happy we have decided to serve... 1000 01:06:14,658 --> 01:06:19,196 - The end of time, and we'll never - the very chic but exponsive seafoot at our very foshionable wotting. 1001 01:06:19,329 --> 01:06:21,699 - Be lonely anymore - Ah! The beautiful bride! Good news! 1002 01:06:21,834 --> 01:06:25,805 You have received another lovely, too-good-to-be-true silver tea set. 1003 01:06:25,905 --> 01:06:29,142 - What's the matter? - Send it back. 1004 01:06:29,275 --> 01:06:33,114 - Come on. What do you mean? - Daddy, I'm not kidding! 1005 01:06:33,214 --> 01:06:35,182 Send them all back. The wedding's off! 1006 01:06:46,363 --> 01:06:49,667 Anne? Annie? 1007 01:07:00,380 --> 01:07:03,484 I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm not gonna marry Bryan. 1008 01:07:03,584 --> 01:07:07,222 Okay, okay. Whatever you want is okay with us. 1009 01:07:07,356 --> 01:07:11,361 I feel so awful, after everything you guys have done. 1010 01:07:11,494 --> 01:07:14,098 And now I have to undo it all. 1011 01:07:15,966 --> 01:07:19,604 Don't worry about it. These things get canceled all the time. 1012 01:07:19,738 --> 01:07:21,708 Your mother and I can take care of everything. 1013 01:07:21,808 --> 01:07:23,776 Okay. 1014 01:07:30,117 --> 01:07:32,220 What happened? 1015 01:07:35,791 --> 01:07:39,596 - Another girl? - No. 1016 01:07:42,300 --> 01:07:45,937 - Now look at your shirt. - Don't worry. 1017 01:07:46,071 --> 01:07:49,375 No, it wasn't anything like that. 1018 01:07:49,475 --> 01:07:53,981 It started out as nothing really. He gave me a present. 1019 01:07:54,115 --> 01:07:57,618 It's our eight-month anniversary today, and he-- 1020 01:07:57,753 --> 01:08:01,758 He gave me-- Just look. 1021 01:08:06,396 --> 01:08:09,968 He said it was for me, for our apartment. 1022 01:08:10,100 --> 01:08:12,337 Just look. 1023 01:08:20,614 --> 01:08:22,783 It's a blender. 1024 01:08:22,883 --> 01:08:25,753 Yeah. Exactly. 1025 01:08:27,189 --> 01:08:32,828 I mean, I didn't want to act thrown or anything, but inside I was. 1026 01:08:32,962 --> 01:08:35,633 I mean, I thought something for the apartment. Maybe-- 1027 01:08:35,766 --> 01:08:39,837 Maybe a new clock or a cool phone or a great art book or something. 1028 01:08:39,970 --> 01:08:43,142 But a blender? I mean, what is this? 1958? 1029 01:08:43,242 --> 01:08:45,978 Give the little wife a blender? 1030 01:08:46,079 --> 01:08:50,819 I mean, it scared me, you know. In terms of his expectations. 1031 01:08:50,918 --> 01:08:53,855 Oh, I started to freak out, and he asked me what was wrong. 1032 01:08:53,988 --> 01:08:56,357 And I asked him what a gift like this was supposed to be telling me. 1033 01:08:56,492 --> 01:08:58,861 And he said, "Nothing," and I didn't believe him. 1034 01:08:58,994 --> 01:09:03,366 And we got into this big fight. And he said I was overreacting. 1035 01:09:03,500 --> 01:09:08,005 And I said, "Why would I overreact? Nobody in my family overreacts." 1036 01:09:08,106 --> 01:09:11,577 And then he came up with this totally absurd story... 1037 01:09:11,710 --> 01:09:14,681 this completely outrageous lie, and I'm looking at him... 1038 01:09:14,814 --> 01:09:17,283 and I'm thinking, "This man's a liar!" 1039 01:09:17,417 --> 01:09:20,388 - What did he lie about? - Oh... 1040 01:09:20,521 --> 01:09:22,958 actually it was something about you. 1041 01:09:23,091 --> 01:09:25,962 Me? 1042 01:09:26,095 --> 01:09:29,767 He said the day that you and Mom went to go visit his folks-- 1043 01:09:29,900 --> 01:09:32,936 It-- This is just-- This is so ridiculous. 1044 01:09:33,070 --> 01:09:36,741 He said that you were snooping around his-- his dad's desk. 1045 01:09:36,875 --> 01:09:39,578 And that you somehow found his dad's bankbook-- 1046 01:09:39,712 --> 01:09:42,315 Oh, no, no. First he said you broke some mirror in their bathroom. 1047 01:09:42,449 --> 01:09:45,787 And then you found his dad's bankbook and you somehow threw it in their pool! 1048 01:09:45,920 --> 01:09:49,691 I mean, it's too ridiculous! The man lies! 1049 01:09:49,792 --> 01:09:51,994 Come in! 1050 01:09:53,862 --> 01:09:55,799 Annie, Bryan's downstairs. 1051 01:09:55,965 --> 01:09:59,136 - I don't want to see him. - He looks awful. 1052 01:09:59,303 --> 01:10:01,605 Good. 1053 01:10:01,772 --> 01:10:04,142 Excuse me. 1054 01:10:04,309 --> 01:10:06,711 I thought maybe I should help smooth things over. 1055 01:10:06,878 --> 01:10:08,981 So I took Bryan out for a drink. 1056 01:10:09,115 --> 01:10:13,120 Thought we could have a talk, man-to-man. 1057 01:10:13,253 --> 01:10:16,156 But as I sat there and listened to his side of the story... 1058 01:10:16,323 --> 01:10:19,261 I realized this was a golden opportunity. 1059 01:10:19,428 --> 01:10:23,966 If I ever wanted to get rid of Bryan MacKenzie, this was my chance. 1060 01:10:24,801 --> 01:10:27,637 You know those banana shakes she likes to make, right? 1061 01:10:27,771 --> 01:10:30,843 Well, that's why I thought she'd like a blender. 1062 01:10:31,008 --> 01:10:34,680 I guess I can see her point. I mean, a blender does suggest a certain... 1063 01:10:34,847 --> 01:10:38,451 1950s reference to sexual politics, but... 1064 01:10:38,618 --> 01:10:43,157 I swear, it never entered my consciousness at the time. 1065 01:10:43,324 --> 01:10:46,962 - I believe you. - You do? 1066 01:10:48,998 --> 01:10:51,334 Would you tell Annie that for me, Dad? 1067 01:10:51,501 --> 01:10:54,571 This was where I was gonna lower the boom. 1068 01:10:54,772 --> 01:10:58,643 But instead, I looked into his weepy eyes and found my self saying-- 1069 01:10:58,810 --> 01:11:03,249 - Sure, I'll tell her. - Oh, good! 1070 01:11:03,415 --> 01:11:06,953 'Cause I know whatever you say she'll believe. 1071 01:11:07,120 --> 01:11:09,055 Not only was I not getting rid of the kid... 1072 01:11:09,222 --> 01:11:12,193 I now found myself talking him into staying. 1073 01:11:12,360 --> 01:11:15,864 You know, Bryan, Annie's a very passionate person. 1074 01:11:16,031 --> 01:11:19,869 And passionate people tend to overreact at time. 1075 01:11:20,003 --> 01:11:24,608 Annie comes from a long line of major over reactors. 1076 01:11:24,742 --> 01:11:28,013 Me. I can definitely lose it. 1077 01:11:28,146 --> 01:11:30,682 My mother. A nut. 1078 01:11:30,816 --> 01:11:34,253 My grandfather. Stories about him were legendary. 1079 01:11:36,156 --> 01:11:39,260 The good news, however, is that this overreacting... 1080 01:11:39,394 --> 01:11:42,464 tends to get proportionately less by generation. 1081 01:11:42,597 --> 01:11:46,168 So, your kids could be normal. 1082 01:11:49,573 --> 01:11:52,310 As if that wasn't enough, I went on. 1083 01:11:52,442 --> 01:11:56,414 But on the upside, with this passion... 1084 01:11:56,547 --> 01:11:59,419 comes great spirit and individuality... 1085 01:11:59,552 --> 01:12:03,756 which is probably one of the reasons you love Annie. 1086 01:12:03,890 --> 01:12:06,561 That's what I love most about her. 1087 01:12:06,661 --> 01:12:09,598 That's when it hit me like a Mack truck. 1088 01:12:09,731 --> 01:12:14,670 Annie was just like me, and Bryan was just like Nina. 1089 01:12:14,804 --> 01:12:17,141 They were a perfect match. 1090 01:12:23,214 --> 01:12:25,417 Dad, I can't believe you took him out. What did he say? 1091 01:12:25,518 --> 01:12:28,054 I mean, you don't have to tell me. What? 1092 01:12:28,155 --> 01:12:30,924 Honey, I just spent an hour with Bryan, and... 1093 01:12:31,057 --> 01:12:33,160 believe me when I tell you that... 1094 01:12:33,293 --> 01:12:36,632 this gift says nothing about how he feels about you. 1095 01:12:36,765 --> 01:12:40,436 It's just a-- just a thing to put in the kitchen. 1096 01:12:40,537 --> 01:12:43,641 He thought you might want to blend something one day, and that's all. 1097 01:12:43,774 --> 01:12:47,344 - And you believe that? - Completely. 1098 01:12:47,478 --> 01:12:52,317 He's-- He's downstairs now. His heart is breaking. Please go see him. 1099 01:12:55,855 --> 01:12:57,958 And also, that story he told you... 1100 01:12:58,091 --> 01:13:00,661 about me and the bankbook and the swimming pool? 1101 01:13:00,794 --> 01:13:02,863 Yeah? 1102 01:13:08,537 --> 01:13:11,808 - What? - It's-- It's true. 1103 01:13:17,483 --> 01:13:20,419 - Oh, Bryan. - Oh, Annie. 1104 01:13:20,552 --> 01:13:23,389 Oh. 1105 01:13:23,523 --> 01:13:25,592 I am so sorry about the blender. 1106 01:13:25,725 --> 01:13:28,362 And I see your point. It w-- It w-- It was incredibly insensitive of me. 1107 01:13:28,496 --> 01:13:30,765 Oh, no, it's okay. I want it. 1108 01:13:30,899 --> 01:13:36,572 Oh, it's my first anniversary present. I'm-- I'm so sorry about calling you a worm. 1109 01:13:36,706 --> 01:13:40,009 - My dad told me. - That's-- When I thought I was never gonna see you again, I mean-- 1110 01:13:40,143 --> 01:13:42,680 - If it wasn't for your father-- - I know. I know. 1111 01:13:42,780 --> 01:13:44,883 - I love you. - You too. 1112 01:13:48,721 --> 01:13:51,757 Everything fine now? 1113 01:13:59,700 --> 01:14:02,938 Good. I'll just, uh, uh-- 1114 01:14:19,525 --> 01:14:22,362 - Annie! - Hi, Bryan. What's up? 1115 01:14:22,462 --> 01:14:25,065 - Well, we made it to January. - Is that for us? 1116 01:14:25,199 --> 01:14:28,636 - It was the day before the big day. - Sure. I'll be out in a sec. 1117 01:14:28,770 --> 01:14:31,374 The Farmer's Almanac predicted this week was going to be the coldest... 1118 01:14:31,475 --> 01:14:34,110 L.A. had seen in over half a century. 1119 01:14:34,244 --> 01:14:37,315 But we were so busy, none of us had time to notice. 1120 01:14:41,954 --> 01:14:44,089 Franck! Franck. Franck, Franck, Franck. 1121 01:14:45,792 --> 01:14:48,695 Sure, yes. We'll do the whole-- You like it? 1122 01:14:48,828 --> 01:14:50,797 Looks good, yeah. 1123 01:14:50,931 --> 01:14:52,333 Right, together. 1124 01:14:53,468 --> 01:14:56,505 Left, together. Right, together. 1125 01:14:56,638 --> 01:14:59,876 Left, together. Right, together. 1126 01:15:00,009 --> 01:15:02,478 Left-- 1127 01:15:04,983 --> 01:15:07,952 Right, together. Left, together. 1128 01:15:08,052 --> 01:15:10,288 Hey, Matty. You're up pretty late, aren't ya? 1129 01:15:10,421 --> 01:15:13,159 Yeah, I know. I'm just practicing. 1130 01:15:13,292 --> 01:15:15,595 I wish I didn't have to walk Mom down the aisle. 1131 01:15:15,695 --> 01:15:18,031 Don't worry. You'll be great. 1132 01:15:18,165 --> 01:15:21,502 Is it right, together, left or left, together, right? 1133 01:15:21,636 --> 01:15:24,273 Well, let's try it. Let's see, we go... 1134 01:15:24,373 --> 01:15:28,745 right, together, left, together. 1135 01:15:28,878 --> 01:15:33,150 Right, together, left, together. 1136 01:15:33,284 --> 01:15:35,152 Good. 1137 01:15:35,286 --> 01:15:39,224 Matty, I'm sorry if I've been preoccupied lately with this wedding. 1138 01:15:39,357 --> 01:15:41,895 - It's okay. - Yeah, but I have, haven't I? 1139 01:15:42,029 --> 01:15:43,897 It's all right. I understand. 1140 01:15:44,031 --> 01:15:46,834 - Yeah, but-- - Yeah, you have. 1141 01:15:46,934 --> 01:15:49,370 But I haven't felt ignored or anything. 1142 01:15:49,504 --> 01:15:52,708 Don't worry, Dad. No permanent damage done. 1143 01:15:52,842 --> 01:15:56,012 - Oh, good. - It's really cute and cozy. 1144 01:15:56,112 --> 01:15:58,348 And in a great neighborhood. You'll see it. 1145 01:15:58,481 --> 01:16:00,585 I am really excited. 1146 01:16:00,717 --> 01:16:04,722 I've got all this packing to do, and this room looks so different. 1147 01:16:06,258 --> 01:16:08,594 It's gonna be weird, isn't it? 1148 01:16:08,727 --> 01:16:10,663 Just you, me and Mom here now. 1149 01:16:15,337 --> 01:16:18,139 Yeah. Come on. 1150 01:16:18,273 --> 01:16:20,809 G'night, pal. Sleep tight. 1151 01:16:20,943 --> 01:16:25,082 - Good luck tomorrow, Dad. - Yeah, you too. 1152 01:16:25,215 --> 01:16:27,251 - Annie? - Yeah? 1153 01:16:27,384 --> 01:16:30,687 - G'night. - G'night, Matty. I love you. 1154 01:16:30,788 --> 01:16:33,158 I love you too. 1155 01:16:43,871 --> 01:16:48,810 Today I met the boy I'm gonna marry 1156 01:16:48,944 --> 01:16:53,917 He's all I've wanted all my life and even more 1157 01:16:54,017 --> 01:16:58,423 He smiled at me and gee, the music started playing 1158 01:16:58,590 --> 01:17:02,962 "Here Comes The Bride" when he walked through the door 1159 01:17:04,330 --> 01:17:09,303 Today I met the boy I'm gonna marry 1160 01:17:09,436 --> 01:17:14,643 The boy whose life and dream and love I want to share 1161 01:17:14,776 --> 01:17:19,315 For on my hand a band of gold appeared before me 1162 01:17:19,448 --> 01:17:23,286 The band of gold I always dreamed I'd wear 1163 01:17:25,323 --> 01:17:30,529 When we kissed I felt the sweet sensation 1164 01:17:30,696 --> 01:17:35,603 This time it wasn't just my imagination 1165 01:17:35,703 --> 01:17:40,508 Today I met the boy I'm gonna marry 1166 01:17:40,674 --> 01:17:45,681 He's just what I've been waiting for Oh, yes 1167 01:17:45,848 --> 01:17:50,387 With every kiss, oh "This is it," my heart keeps saying 1168 01:17:50,554 --> 01:17:52,991 Today I met 1169 01:17:53,157 --> 01:17:57,897 The boy I'm going to marry 1170 01:18:50,462 --> 01:18:53,232 - Did I wake you? - No, no. I was up. 1171 01:18:53,332 --> 01:18:55,400 So, what are you doing? 1172 01:18:55,500 --> 01:18:57,705 I couldn't sleep. 1173 01:19:04,279 --> 01:19:09,318 I just kept thinking about how this was my last night in my bed, in my house. 1174 01:19:10,653 --> 01:19:13,891 Kind of like my last night as a kid. 1175 01:19:13,991 --> 01:19:15,960 I mean, I've lived here since I was five. 1176 01:19:16,094 --> 01:19:20,466 And I feel like I'm supposed to turn in my key tomorrow. 1177 01:19:20,599 --> 01:19:22,635 It was so strange, packing up my room. 1178 01:19:22,768 --> 01:19:26,773 You know how you've always trained me never to throw anything away. 1179 01:19:26,907 --> 01:19:30,511 So, like, I have all these ratty stuffed animals... 1180 01:19:30,645 --> 01:19:34,116 and yearbooks, my old retainer... 1181 01:19:34,249 --> 01:19:38,254 all my old magic tricks. 1182 01:19:38,354 --> 01:19:41,325 I've actually packed it all. 1183 01:19:42,560 --> 01:19:46,398 I just didn't want to let it go. 1184 01:19:46,531 --> 01:19:50,136 I mean, I know I can't stay. 1185 01:19:52,138 --> 01:19:54,841 But it's like I don't want to leave. 1186 01:19:56,276 --> 01:20:00,583 Well, that's the thing about life, is, uh... 1187 01:20:00,716 --> 01:20:02,851 the surprises. 1188 01:20:02,985 --> 01:20:07,824 The little things that sneak up on you and grab hold of you. 1189 01:20:09,659 --> 01:20:13,898 - It still happens to me. - Thanks. 1190 01:20:18,771 --> 01:20:21,708 - What is this? - I don't believe it. 1191 01:20:21,842 --> 01:20:26,915 - Oh, my God! Talk about surprises. - It hasn't snowed in L.A. since I was nine. 1192 01:20:27,048 --> 01:20:29,184 Mom's gonna die. 1193 01:20:35,224 --> 01:20:38,096 What? What is that face? 1194 01:20:38,229 --> 01:20:41,467 No. Nothing. I was-- I was just thinking. 1195 01:20:41,600 --> 01:20:45,538 Oh, this is gonna end up costing you more money. 1196 01:20:45,639 --> 01:20:48,275 No. 1197 01:20:48,408 --> 01:20:51,712 How I know I'll remember this moment for the rest of my life. 1198 01:21:07,666 --> 01:21:09,634 Whee! 1199 01:21:13,272 --> 01:21:16,108 When you live in a city that hasn't seen snow in 36 years... 1200 01:21:16,242 --> 01:21:18,947 it's bound to cause a few problems. 1201 01:21:20,648 --> 01:21:23,952 First, we panicked and brought in extra heaters. 1202 01:21:24,085 --> 01:21:27,456 But they were melting the ice sculptures, so they had to go. 1203 01:21:27,590 --> 01:21:28,792 - Right. - Yeah? 1204 01:21:28,925 --> 01:21:31,795 - All right. Back in the truck. - Yeah. 1205 01:21:31,928 --> 01:21:36,234 The florist had to thaw out our newly planted tulips with a hair dryer. 1206 01:21:39,237 --> 01:21:42,175 Franck and Howard shoveled our path themselves at no extra charge. 1207 01:21:42,308 --> 01:21:44,245 - Franck? - Just keep shoveling! Don't stop! 1208 01:21:44,345 --> 01:21:47,314 'Cause they're gonna be here, you know. 1209 01:21:47,448 --> 01:21:50,885 And the swans spent the morning in a lukewarm bath. 1210 01:21:53,121 --> 01:21:56,260 Other than that, we were almost running on schedule. 1211 01:21:57,426 --> 01:22:02,000 - Nina, it's after 3:00! - All I can say is thank God snow is white. 1212 01:22:02,133 --> 01:22:04,269 - It works. You know what I mean? - It works. 1213 01:22:04,369 --> 01:22:05,804 Franck, do you have that needle and thread? 1214 01:22:05,904 --> 01:22:07,606 Here you go, George. We fix you right up. 1215 01:22:07,706 --> 01:22:10,910 - Howard, you better go to the church! - On my way. 1216 01:22:11,044 --> 01:22:13,079 Uh-oh. I bring the wrong kolor thread. 1217 01:22:13,213 --> 01:22:15,716 I assumed you'd be wearing a black tuxedo. 1218 01:22:15,850 --> 01:22:18,619 - It is a black tuxedo. - I don't think so, babe. 1219 01:22:18,719 --> 01:22:22,291 This tux if nuffy blue. No doubt about dat. Let me-- 1220 01:22:22,391 --> 01:22:25,496 What are you talking about? Armani doesn't make a blue tuxedo. 1221 01:22:25,629 --> 01:22:27,998 Armani don't also make polyaster. 1222 01:22:30,401 --> 01:22:33,571 Franck, where are the cars? We're supposed to be there by now. 1223 01:22:33,705 --> 01:22:37,310 Where are dos cares? 1224 01:22:37,410 --> 01:22:42,516 All right. Relax, honey. Everything's going to be just fine. 1225 01:22:42,649 --> 01:22:46,521 At least we know they can't start without us. 1226 01:22:46,654 --> 01:22:51,361 I knew I'd never be able to remember what Nina wore that day. 1227 01:22:51,494 --> 01:22:54,331 But I also knew I'd never forget the way she looked. 1228 01:23:00,104 --> 01:23:03,108 Nina. 1229 01:23:03,241 --> 01:23:04,877 Thank you, George. 1230 01:23:04,978 --> 01:23:07,380 You shouldn't look this beautiful. It's not fair to the bride. 1231 01:23:10,251 --> 01:23:12,420 - Cars is here! - Huh? 1232 01:23:12,554 --> 01:23:14,990 Matthew, frond and cendre! 1233 01:23:17,593 --> 01:23:20,130 - Aw! - Aw! 1234 01:23:21,999 --> 01:23:24,736 Just kidding. 1235 01:23:24,836 --> 01:23:28,574 - Oh, no. - What did you do to your hair, honey? 1236 01:23:28,707 --> 01:23:30,409 I gelled it. You don't like it? 1237 01:23:30,542 --> 01:23:32,845 N-- Oh, no, no. I think it-- it looks-- yeah-- cool. 1238 01:23:32,978 --> 01:23:34,981 - Very debonair, my boy. - Thank you. 1239 01:23:35,115 --> 01:23:37,584 - Okay, we'll go in the first car, and you and Annie follow. - Right. 1240 01:23:37,718 --> 01:23:40,721 - George. - Oh, I follow! I-- Anne! 1241 01:23:45,995 --> 01:23:48,965 Annie? 1242 01:23:49,098 --> 01:23:51,301 I'm ready. Come on in. 1243 01:24:00,780 --> 01:24:05,153 - You look beautiful. - Thanks. 1244 01:24:05,286 --> 01:24:08,856 Okay. Let's get this show on the road. 1245 01:24:27,981 --> 01:24:31,485 - We're here! - Oh! Oh, just look! 1246 01:24:31,652 --> 01:24:35,156 - Hi. Oh, Mom. - Line up, everyone. 1247 01:24:35,256 --> 01:24:37,726 - Mother of the bride. - Oh, George! 1248 01:24:37,892 --> 01:24:41,063 Coming through! Here we come. Coming through. 1249 01:24:41,197 --> 01:24:43,699 - Left, together, right, together. - Got it, Dad. 1250 01:24:43,866 --> 01:24:46,337 - Let me see that. - See? 1251 01:24:46,504 --> 01:24:49,874 Let's do this. Okay? I love you. 1252 01:24:50,041 --> 01:24:53,212 - I love you too. - Mother of the bride. Mother of the bride. We've gotta go. 1253 01:24:53,345 --> 01:24:55,648 - George. - Let's go, everybody. Line up. 1254 01:24:55,814 --> 01:24:58,351 It's time. It's time. Mother of the bride. 1255 01:24:58,518 --> 01:25:01,088 Come on, mother of the bride. Here we go. I'm opening the doors. 1256 01:25:01,255 --> 01:25:04,526 Natasha, haven't you peeked enough? Here we go. Come on. Let's go. 1257 01:25:05,761 --> 01:25:08,531 Shh. Okay. 1258 01:25:14,938 --> 01:25:20,445 And left, right. Very nice. Smile now. 1259 01:25:36,632 --> 01:25:39,235 Right and left. 1260 01:25:39,336 --> 01:25:44,108 Right and very nice and left. 1261 01:25:44,241 --> 01:25:47,446 Right. Keep smiling. 1262 01:25:52,720 --> 01:25:56,624 And left. Hey. 1263 01:26:09,172 --> 01:26:13,811 This was the moment I'd been dreading for the past six months. 1264 01:26:13,945 --> 01:26:17,783 Well, actually, for the past 22 years. 1265 01:26:29,631 --> 01:26:33,036 - Hold on, Dad. - Annie overwhelmed me. 1266 01:26:33,169 --> 01:26:37,341 She was as calm and cool as I'd ever seen her. Very un-Banks-like. 1267 01:26:41,880 --> 01:26:44,150 Okay. 1268 01:27:07,878 --> 01:27:11,283 Here you go. 1269 01:27:40,787 --> 01:27:44,290 Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together... 1270 01:27:44,425 --> 01:27:47,762 in the presence of family, friends and loved ones... 1271 01:27:47,895 --> 01:27:49,964 for the purpose of uniting in matrimony-- 1272 01:27:50,097 --> 01:27:52,567 All I could think of was the part I had to play. 1273 01:27:52,668 --> 01:27:57,373 Then suddenly I went blank. I had one line, and I couldn't remember it. 1274 01:27:57,473 --> 01:27:59,776 When the reverend said, "Who presents this woman?"... 1275 01:27:59,909 --> 01:28:03,814 was I supposed to say, "That's me," or was it, "I do"? 1276 01:28:03,948 --> 01:28:06,419 - ...Forever hold your peace-- - I couldn't think. I felt every eye... 1277 01:28:06,519 --> 01:28:09,956 in the place boring into the back of my neck, waiting for me to screw up. 1278 01:28:10,090 --> 01:28:12,292 - When suddenly, it was upon me. - And so I now ask... 1279 01:28:12,426 --> 01:28:16,164 who presents this woman in holy matrimony? 1280 01:28:16,297 --> 01:28:19,601 I do. 1281 01:28:21,170 --> 01:28:24,974 Annie and Bryan, you have come here today to join your hands-- 1282 01:28:25,108 --> 01:28:27,878 - "Who presents this woman?" - Always remember... 1283 01:28:28,012 --> 01:28:30,648 - This woman. - this vow of marriage is most solemn... 1284 01:28:30,781 --> 01:28:34,186 - But she's not a woman. She's just a kid. - should not be entered into lightly. 1285 01:28:34,319 --> 01:28:40,360 - And she's leaving us. - With a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. 1286 01:28:40,493 --> 01:28:43,498 I realized at that moment that I was never going to come home again... 1287 01:28:43,631 --> 01:28:46,167 and see Annie at the top of the stairs. 1288 01:28:46,301 --> 01:28:48,436 Never going to see her again at our breakfast table... 1289 01:28:48,536 --> 01:28:51,340 in her nightgown and socks. 1290 01:28:51,474 --> 01:28:54,478 I suddenly realized what was happening. 1291 01:28:54,578 --> 01:28:58,349 Annie was all grown up and leaving us. 1292 01:28:58,483 --> 01:29:01,754 And something inside began to hurt. 1293 01:29:05,525 --> 01:29:08,829 I, Bryan MacKenzie... 1294 01:29:08,929 --> 01:29:10,865 I, Bryan MacKenzie... 1295 01:29:10,998 --> 01:29:14,870 - take thee, Annie Banks... - take thee, Annie Banks... 1296 01:29:15,003 --> 01:29:18,173 - to be my wedded wife. - to be my wedded wife. 1297 01:29:18,306 --> 01:29:21,077 To love and to comfort from this day forward. 1298 01:29:21,210 --> 01:29:24,249 To love and to comfort from this day forward. 1299 01:29:24,382 --> 01:29:29,220 - I, Annie Banks... - I, Annie Banks... 1300 01:29:29,354 --> 01:29:32,191 take thee, Bryan MacKenzie... 1301 01:29:32,324 --> 01:29:36,229 - take thee, Bryan MacKenzie... - to be my lawful wedded husband. 1302 01:29:36,363 --> 01:29:38,633 to be my lawful wedded husband. 1303 01:29:38,766 --> 01:29:41,169 To love and to comfort from this day forward. 1304 01:29:41,269 --> 01:29:44,273 To love and to comfort from this day forward. 1305 01:29:44,406 --> 01:29:47,176 The ring, please. 1306 01:29:54,652 --> 01:29:59,959 With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed. 1307 01:30:00,093 --> 01:30:05,833 With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed. 1308 01:30:09,738 --> 01:30:12,141 Here, sweetie. 1309 01:30:17,280 --> 01:30:20,283 With this ring as a token of my love and affection... 1310 01:30:20,417 --> 01:30:22,587 I thee wed. 1311 01:30:22,720 --> 01:30:26,725 With this ring as a token of my love and affection, I thee wed. 1312 01:30:29,963 --> 01:30:35,102 By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. 1313 01:30:35,202 --> 01:30:37,839 You may kiss the bride. 1314 01:31:15,519 --> 01:31:17,989 Well, she did it. 1315 01:31:18,090 --> 01:31:21,928 And now, as my son said, it was time to party. 1316 01:31:25,364 --> 01:31:28,268 - Hi, how are you? Good to see you. Don't you look great? - Congratulations. 1317 01:31:28,402 --> 01:31:31,906 The house was busting at the seams. Everywhere I looked, there were faces. 1318 01:31:32,073 --> 01:31:34,909 Most of which, I might add, I had never seen before. 1319 01:31:35,076 --> 01:31:38,848 - George, I'd like you to meet the Danish relatives. These are the Prowses. - Hello! 1320 01:31:38,948 --> 01:31:43,086 I met Bryan's Danish relatives, who thanked me profusely for flying them over. 1321 01:31:49,261 --> 01:31:52,665 - Hi. How are you? - Everyone was telling me what a great party it was. 1322 01:31:52,831 --> 01:31:55,503 How beautiful the house looked. They loved the flowers... 1323 01:31:55,669 --> 01:31:57,772 the hors d'oeuvres, the swans. 1324 01:31:57,938 --> 01:32:00,876 We even seemed to be getting away with only two parking attendants. 1325 01:32:01,042 --> 01:32:04,279 Everything was running smoothly, except for one small detail. 1326 01:32:04,446 --> 01:32:06,416 - Annie's very favorite uncle. This is Ben Banks. - I still hadn't kissed the bride. 1327 01:32:06,582 --> 01:32:08,919 - Congratulations. - Where's Annie? - Annie. She's having her picture taken. 1328 01:32:09,086 --> 01:32:10,254 - Hi, Ben. - How are you, George? 1329 01:32:10,421 --> 01:32:12,957 Yes. Ben's been back in Connecticut. 1330 01:32:13,124 --> 01:32:17,096 Okay, kids. Look at each other. Very nice. Now, turn towards me, please. 1331 01:32:19,932 --> 01:32:22,169 I'm sorry, sir. All traffic has to go through the front door. 1332 01:32:22,335 --> 01:32:25,106 Doris! It's so good to see you! How are you? 1333 01:32:25,273 --> 01:32:27,975 - Oh, could I have one of those? - Sorry. Just sold my last one. 1334 01:32:28,142 --> 01:32:30,879 Hey, a button. It's navy. This must be yours. 1335 01:32:33,183 --> 01:32:36,787 We're moving into the tent now. Dinner is served. 1336 01:32:36,921 --> 01:32:39,256 This way to the tent, please. 1337 01:32:41,425 --> 01:32:45,597 - Uh, let's-- I think we have to go back in-- - Ann-- Annie! 1338 01:32:45,730 --> 01:32:47,667 As well, I-- 1339 01:32:51,605 --> 01:32:56,377 It was unbelievable. I had never seen a line form so fast. 1340 01:32:56,511 --> 01:33:00,149 It was as if they knew what the food was costing me. 1341 01:33:02,819 --> 01:33:05,055 Finally, I made it into the tent. 1342 01:33:11,396 --> 01:33:13,633 I was ready to relax and taste the food I'd been hearing about... 1343 01:33:13,767 --> 01:33:15,502 for the past five months, when-- 1344 01:33:15,635 --> 01:33:19,874 Dad! Dad! There's some cops out front, and they want to talk to you! 1345 01:33:20,007 --> 01:33:22,810 - Cops? - I've heard. We'll handle dis togather. 1346 01:33:22,943 --> 01:33:24,880 I got George. Ve're on our vay. 1347 01:33:25,013 --> 01:33:27,183 Come on, George. Pick it up. Pick it up. 1348 01:33:29,986 --> 01:33:31,822 One-Adam-seventy, roger. Standby. 1349 01:33:31,955 --> 01:33:34,425 Let me handle this, George. Give me your wallet. 1350 01:33:34,558 --> 01:33:36,428 Stop! 1351 01:33:36,561 --> 01:33:40,498 - Adam-30, disregard. - What is this? 1352 01:33:40,598 --> 01:33:44,805 - See, Cameron? I told ya. - Wow! 1353 01:33:44,905 --> 01:33:47,408 Just try to smile. That's all. 1354 01:33:47,542 --> 01:33:49,744 - This your house? - Me? 1355 01:33:49,877 --> 01:33:53,582 Yeah, you. In the blue tux. 1356 01:33:53,715 --> 01:33:58,756 - Yes. Yes, it is. - Do you have a permit for parking 200 cars in this street? 1357 01:33:58,888 --> 01:34:04,296 Vell, the-- the problem is, Officer, dat we are supposed to haf four parking attendants. 1358 01:34:04,429 --> 01:34:06,898 - Uh, but two got de flu. - Well, you better get... 1359 01:34:07,032 --> 01:34:10,001 all these cars off this street before the fire marshall gets here. 1360 01:34:10,103 --> 01:34:12,239 Fine, fine. Any sugjoostions what we do with them? 1361 01:34:12,372 --> 01:34:15,409 I don't care what you do with them. Just have them off this street within the next 30 minutes. 1362 01:34:15,542 --> 01:34:18,947 Vill do, sir. Ve'll take care of it. You're not to worry, okay? 1363 01:34:19,080 --> 01:34:21,851 - Franck? Where are you? The cake-- - Uh, uh, George. They need me inside. 1364 01:34:21,951 --> 01:34:24,621 Uh, the big moment. The keck is being wheeled out! 1365 01:34:24,753 --> 01:34:28,625 - I-- I-- I'll handle this. - I'm on my vay! 1366 01:34:28,758 --> 01:34:31,429 Where're we gonna get a couple extra drivers? 1367 01:34:51,888 --> 01:34:54,358 Yes! 1368 01:34:59,597 --> 01:35:01,534 Whoa! 1369 01:35:07,140 --> 01:35:09,276 By the way, great wedding, Mr Banks. 1370 01:35:09,376 --> 01:35:12,146 And don't worry! I didn't eat anything! 1371 01:35:12,280 --> 01:35:17,152 That makes two of us. 1372 01:35:20,290 --> 01:35:23,327 - Where is he? - I don't know. 1373 01:36:06,714 --> 01:36:12,155 I know. 1374 01:36:49,433 --> 01:36:51,102 Well, I had to admit... 1375 01:36:51,236 --> 01:36:54,139 the wedding appeared to be a complete success. 1376 01:36:54,272 --> 01:36:57,310 Now, all I needed to make me happy was a dance with the bride. 1377 01:36:57,443 --> 01:37:01,014 - It's time. - Ladies and gentlemen... 1378 01:37:01,148 --> 01:37:05,854 in just a few moments, Mrs Annie Banks-MacKenzie will be tossing her bouquet in the foyer. 1379 01:37:05,987 --> 01:37:08,290 - And then she's off to Hawaii. - Let's go in there. Oh, sorry. 1380 01:37:08,424 --> 01:37:11,627 - Excuse me. Thank you. - This I was not going to miss. 1381 01:37:11,760 --> 01:37:14,298 - Coming through. - The mob was headed through the living room... 1382 01:37:14,432 --> 01:37:17,835 - so I decided to take a shortcut. - Sorry. 1383 01:37:17,969 --> 01:37:19,804 - Excuse me. Thank you. - Great wedding, George! 1384 01:37:19,937 --> 01:37:22,308 - Had a lovely time. - Thanks. Excuse me. - Great party, George. 1385 01:37:22,442 --> 01:37:24,711 Hurry up! 1386 01:37:29,150 --> 01:37:31,051 Whoa! Ay-yi-yi-yi! 1387 01:37:32,654 --> 01:37:34,856 Whoo! 1388 01:37:46,738 --> 01:37:49,140 - Where's my dad? - I-- I-- I don't know. 1389 01:37:49,274 --> 01:37:54,047 - I haven't seen him. - Watch it. Behind you. 1390 01:37:54,181 --> 01:37:56,216 Excuse me. 1391 01:37:58,986 --> 01:38:02,391 - Should I throw it? - Yeah! Yes! 1392 01:38:06,629 --> 01:38:08,364 He missed it. 1393 01:38:11,836 --> 01:38:14,105 - Bye-bye! - Let us through. Let us-- 1394 01:38:19,212 --> 01:38:22,048 Bye! 1395 01:38:22,181 --> 01:38:24,218 Goodbye, Charlie! 1396 01:38:24,351 --> 01:38:26,320 Bye, Bryan! 1397 01:38:28,423 --> 01:38:29,891 - Bye! - Bye! - Thanks. 1398 01:38:30,024 --> 01:38:32,762 - Bye! - Have fun! 1399 01:38:36,800 --> 01:38:40,404 She was gone. My Annie was gone... 1400 01:38:40,538 --> 01:38:43,775 and I was too late to say goodbye. 1401 01:39:04,067 --> 01:39:05,435 When the last guest was gone... 1402 01:39:05,569 --> 01:39:08,473 and the last glass of champagne had been drunk... 1403 01:39:08,640 --> 01:39:10,942 we surveyed the damage. 1404 01:39:20,988 --> 01:39:23,892 It's funny how empty a house can suddenly get, isn't it? 1405 01:39:24,026 --> 01:39:28,797 Yeah. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her, George. 1406 01:39:28,964 --> 01:39:32,036 Oh, that's all right. 1407 01:39:32,203 --> 01:39:35,207 But, you know, I think she's going to be really happy. 1408 01:39:35,373 --> 01:39:39,178 Oh, yeah. Sure. 1409 01:39:50,592 --> 01:39:53,395 - Hello? - Dad! 1410 01:39:53,529 --> 01:39:56,332 Hi! Where are you? 1411 01:39:56,465 --> 01:39:58,334 At the airport. Our plane's about to take off... 1412 01:39:58,467 --> 01:40:00,938 but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. 1413 01:40:01,038 --> 01:40:04,075 Thank Mom for everything, okay? 1414 01:40:04,208 --> 01:40:06,678 And Dad... 1415 01:40:06,812 --> 01:40:08,815 I love you. 1416 01:40:08,948 --> 01:40:12,218 I love you very much. 1417 01:40:12,353 --> 01:40:14,321 I love you too, sweetheart. 1418 01:40:14,421 --> 01:40:18,627 Thanks for calling. And have a great honeymoon. 1419 01:40:18,727 --> 01:40:23,032 Thanks. I will. Bye. 1420 01:40:32,043 --> 01:40:35,848 That was Annie.