1 00:02:24,935 --> 00:02:27,730 Come on, buddy! Letīs go! 2 00:02:31,775 --> 00:02:34,528 Come on! Move it! 3 00:02:36,572 --> 00:02:38,907 New orders! 4 00:02:49,084 --> 00:02:51,462 Thatīs it! Letīs go! 5 00:03:14,151 --> 00:03:16,653 Your move. 6 00:03:18,697 --> 00:03:20,741 You donīt ilke the odds? 7 00:03:31,794 --> 00:03:33,879 Go for it! 8 00:03:54,650 --> 00:03:56,693 Scared ya! 9 00:03:59,446 --> 00:04:01,240 Get outta here! 10 00:04:07,287 --> 00:04:09,748 All rlght! Letīs go! 11 00:04:13,627 --> 00:04:15,713 All rlght! 12 00:04:16,296 --> 00:04:18,424 Gimme some beer here! 13 00:04:19,967 --> 00:04:22,010 Job well done! 14 00:04:34,231 --> 00:04:38,193 Weīre gonna be rich! Can you deal with it? 15 00:04:50,873 --> 00:04:52,541 Hit the siren. 16 00:04:52,624 --> 00:04:54,126 We got cops! 17 00:04:56,336 --> 00:04:58,005 Shit! 18 00:05:03,969 --> 00:05:05,888 Heh-heh-heh! 19 00:05:08,891 --> 00:05:10,225 Brake! 20 00:05:37,086 --> 00:05:39,004 Happy retirement, burty! 21 00:05:40,005 --> 00:05:43,050 I thought youīd forgotten the old boy! 22 00:05:43,133 --> 00:05:46,804 - What, no presents? - Actually, we dld get you something. 23 00:05:46,887 --> 00:05:50,808 Aw, you shouldnīt... yeah, I guess you should have. 24 00:05:50,891 --> 00:05:52,267 Ohh, shucks! 25 00:05:52,351 --> 00:05:55,354 The guy we got īem off hardly struggled at all. 26 00:05:55,437 --> 00:05:56,855 Just my size, too! 27 00:05:56,939 --> 00:06:00,984 - Theyīre fresh from the morgue! - Let me glve you a kiss, pal! 28 00:06:06,865 --> 00:06:08,909 Boys and girls! 29 00:06:09,993 --> 00:06:14,707 Contrary to popular belief, weīre not here to subsidise the donut house. 30 00:06:14,790 --> 00:06:17,042 Letīs go back to work, shall we? 31 00:06:18,502 --> 00:06:20,796 Hard-nosed old bastard. 32 00:06:20,963 --> 00:06:24,007 Thanks, guys! Thanks! I thlnk. 33 00:06:38,272 --> 00:06:42,443 Yes! Yes! 909! Offlcers in pursult! Come on! Come on! 34 00:06:45,154 --> 00:06:50,492 - I shouldnīt have eaten that doughnut! - Itīs your retlrement, burt. Llve a ilttle! 35 00:06:50,576 --> 00:06:53,537 No dletary flbre in a doughnut, at all! 36 00:06:53,662 --> 00:06:56,415 Two vests? You worrled about chaflng? 37 00:06:56,498 --> 00:07:00,377 Damn rlght, two vests! You know what they got now? 38 00:07:00,461 --> 00:07:04,131 Magneslum-tlpped bullets. Armour-plerclng bullets. 39 00:07:04,214 --> 00:07:08,927 Except they donīt... just penetrate. They penetrate... and explode. 40 00:07:09,011 --> 00:07:12,473 - If it happens, it happens. - Not thls week, pal. 41 00:07:13,390 --> 00:07:15,100 Chlp? 42 00:07:15,184 --> 00:07:17,227 Remember phll deegan? 43 00:07:20,397 --> 00:07:22,900 - Who? - Homlclde, over in roxbury. 44 00:07:22,983 --> 00:07:28,072 Short tlme, same as you. Flve days left on the force. Flgures heīll stay outta the way. 45 00:07:28,155 --> 00:07:32,576 Furnace in hls house explodes. Knocks hlm into hls nelghbourīs garage. 46 00:07:32,659 --> 00:07:38,082 - They had to peel hlm off a car! - I donīt have a garage, pal. 47 00:07:41,335 --> 00:07:45,631 - But you donīt know about hot tubs! - Thatīs why līm golng in wlth lewls. 48 00:07:45,714 --> 00:07:47,758 Lewls? That guy in there? 49 00:07:47,841 --> 00:07:51,804 - Looks ilke he robs grocery stores. - Not any more. 50 00:07:51,887 --> 00:07:53,389 Not any more? 51 00:07:53,472 --> 00:07:56,266 I canīt belleve youīre conslderlng thls! 52 00:07:56,350 --> 00:07:59,436 Dld you see the women in there? So... buoyant! 53 00:07:59,520 --> 00:08:03,190 But itīs your ilfe savlngs. You gotta plan thls klnda thlng. 54 00:08:03,273 --> 00:08:05,150 Not agaln! 55 00:08:05,234 --> 00:08:10,656 Just ilsten for once. Some slmple rules of flnance can make a very blg dlfference. 56 00:08:15,411 --> 00:08:18,372 - You got $11,400, rlght? - Rlght. 57 00:08:18,455 --> 00:08:20,499 Put that in slx-month cdīs... 58 00:08:20,582 --> 00:08:24,670 - rlght. - Compoundlng at 91/4 per cent annually... 59 00:08:24,753 --> 00:08:26,964 ...only itīs more ilke 14% shlelded. 60 00:08:27,047 --> 00:08:28,716 (ernie snores) 61 00:08:28,799 --> 00:08:33,345 Now you amortlse that over 32 years, you got about... $500,000. 62 00:08:33,429 --> 00:08:38,434 I know, burt, but whatīll i do wlth a half a mllllon bucks when līm 92 years old? 63 00:08:38,517 --> 00:08:42,396 - How about you retlre? - No. Līm golng into hot tubs wlth lewls. 64 00:08:42,479 --> 00:08:47,776 - You just never ilsten to me, do you? - You never talk to me. You lecture me. 65 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:49,820 I donīt lecture you. 66 00:08:49,903 --> 00:08:53,157 How many tlmes dld i tell you not to smoke in the car! 67 00:08:53,240 --> 00:08:56,076 There you go agaln. Youīre lecturlng me! 68 00:08:57,619 --> 00:09:01,498 Why do they glve us these thlngs that never look ilke the real guy? 69 00:09:01,582 --> 00:09:03,208 Sometlmes they do. 70 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:05,085 Never. 71 00:09:05,169 --> 00:09:08,756 Dark halr. Broad nose. Always the same face. 72 00:09:08,839 --> 00:09:10,424 But it works! 73 00:09:10,507 --> 00:09:15,429 Name me one tlme when somebody nalled a suspect from a composlte. 74 00:09:17,181 --> 00:09:21,435 Now that guy over there. He looks about as much ilke the sketch as... 75 00:09:26,857 --> 00:09:27,691 shlt! 76 00:09:27,941 --> 00:09:28,901 Shlt! 77 00:09:33,030 --> 00:09:34,823 (truck horn) 78 00:09:35,824 --> 00:09:40,412 - Offlcers need asslst at 1300 chestnut. - Come on, burt! Heīs gettlng away! 79 00:09:40,496 --> 00:09:41,955 What about backup? 80 00:09:49,463 --> 00:09:51,006 Halt! Pollce! 81 00:09:52,758 --> 00:09:54,635 Thls is not a good idea! 82 00:09:56,178 --> 00:09:57,679 All rlght, asshole! 83 00:09:57,763 --> 00:10:00,766 What about our backup, ernle! 84 00:10:00,849 --> 00:10:03,227 Thls guy kllled two cops! 85 00:10:05,646 --> 00:10:08,107 Watch your shoes, burt! 86 00:10:08,941 --> 00:10:11,026 (tyres screech) 87 00:10:11,110 --> 00:10:13,112 (horns blare) 88 00:10:23,372 --> 00:10:26,417 (beggar) can you spare some change? 89 00:10:34,633 --> 00:10:36,677 - (door slams) - Shh! 90 00:10:38,345 --> 00:10:40,639 (baby crying) 91 00:10:40,723 --> 00:10:44,184 - I bet he ilves here. - Thanks, sherlock! 92 00:10:51,233 --> 00:10:53,485 - Walt, ernle! The backup! - What? 93 00:10:53,569 --> 00:10:55,362 The backup! 94 00:10:55,446 --> 00:10:59,825 Just walt a whlle. Thereīll be lots more of us, and just one of hlm. 95 00:10:59,908 --> 00:11:03,662 - Wlll you shut up and just follow me! - (exasperated sigh) 96 00:11:08,751 --> 00:11:11,754 Canīt you show a ilttle patlence for once? 97 00:11:11,837 --> 00:11:13,881 (dog barking) 98 00:11:14,757 --> 00:11:19,178 Any other tlme, līm up for thls. I love thls klnda stuff. You know that. 99 00:11:28,187 --> 00:11:30,230 (baby crying) 100 00:11:35,110 --> 00:11:36,195 Look! 101 00:11:44,078 --> 00:11:45,412 Ready? 102 00:11:45,496 --> 00:11:50,250 I am trylng to make a polnt here! Youīre not glvlng me a falr shake! 103 00:11:50,334 --> 00:11:53,212 Līll take low. You take hlgh. 104 00:11:53,837 --> 00:11:55,923 I hate you for thls, man! 105 00:11:56,006 --> 00:11:57,758 Ready, tlger? 106 00:11:57,841 --> 00:12:00,636 - (siren) - Theyīre here! 107 00:12:00,719 --> 00:12:03,055 - (gunshot) - Shlt! 108 00:12:03,138 --> 00:12:05,182 Ernle, what are you dolng! 109 00:12:05,265 --> 00:12:07,726 Nobody shoots at me and gets away wlth it! 110 00:12:08,477 --> 00:12:09,478 Ow! 111 00:12:09,561 --> 00:12:11,230 Heīs outslde! 112 00:12:24,451 --> 00:12:25,703 Shlt! 113 00:12:25,994 --> 00:12:27,538 Ow! 114 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:31,709 - You ok, burt? - I donīt belleve thls! 115 00:12:34,628 --> 00:12:36,296 (sirens) 116 00:12:38,632 --> 00:12:40,676 Up the flre escape! 117 00:12:42,594 --> 00:12:45,681 - Here he goes! Come on! - Damn it! 118 00:12:51,145 --> 00:12:52,813 Good cholce! 119 00:13:03,574 --> 00:13:05,659 Ernle! Ernle! 120 00:13:20,424 --> 00:13:22,760 Ernle! No! 121 00:13:23,761 --> 00:13:27,264 - Youīre not jumplng off thls bulldlng! - Let go of my throat! 122 00:13:27,347 --> 00:13:30,642 Līm not gonna do it, ernle! Līve walted 30 years for thls! 123 00:13:30,726 --> 00:13:33,896 Līm not throwlng myself off a 25-storey bulldlng! 124 00:13:33,979 --> 00:13:36,273 Ltīs ok, we can walk down one floor! 125 00:13:38,025 --> 00:13:41,070 You may not care about the future, but i do! 126 00:13:44,448 --> 00:13:46,867 Līve got myself a ilttle plan here! 127 00:13:47,826 --> 00:13:51,580 Līm not breaklng my neck for any lowllfe scum! 128 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:58,128 Does anyone know why... 129 00:13:58,212 --> 00:14:02,674 ...simpson and dllls refused to chase a dangerous felon yesterday? 130 00:14:04,468 --> 00:14:10,224 Can anyone tell me why they declded to slt down on a roof... 131 00:14:10,307 --> 00:14:16,688 ...whlle the rest of the preclnct chased hlm through the streets of downtown seattle? 132 00:14:18,232 --> 00:14:23,237 Could it be because detectlve slmpson only has slx more days... 133 00:14:23,320 --> 00:14:25,447 ...to serve on the force? - Elght. 134 00:14:26,490 --> 00:14:28,117 Oh, līm sorry, burt! 135 00:14:28,200 --> 00:14:32,413 Youīre in for the long haul, arenīt ya! Golng for that gold watch! 136 00:14:32,496 --> 00:14:34,790 We chased the guy up to the roof. 137 00:14:34,873 --> 00:14:38,961 Where you managed, slngle-handedly, to subdue your partner... 138 00:14:39,044 --> 00:14:41,672 ...untll backup unlts could arrlve. 139 00:14:41,755 --> 00:14:45,092 Līm sure weīll all sleep a lot better knowlng that! 140 00:14:49,888 --> 00:14:52,850 Nlce job, fella. 141 00:14:54,977 --> 00:15:01,191 Detectlve slmpson dld manage to, uh... retrleve a vltal plece of evldence. 142 00:15:02,401 --> 00:15:06,363 - (officer whispers) yeah! Wlth hls head! - Thls... 143 00:15:06,447 --> 00:15:12,369 ...is part of a shlpment of experlmental weapons that was hljacked last tuesday. 144 00:15:12,453 --> 00:15:15,664 The feds belleve it was a gang... 145 00:15:15,748 --> 00:15:20,085 ...last known to be operatlng out of chlcago, run by thls guy: Carl stark. 146 00:15:24,173 --> 00:15:30,012 And any short-tlme goof-off that doesnīt bust hls ass to brlng thls guy in... 147 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:35,851 ...wlll be as popular around thls preclnct as a reggae band at a ku klux klan rally. 148 00:15:41,940 --> 00:15:43,984 Is that clear, burty? 149 00:15:46,987 --> 00:15:48,572 Yeah. 150 00:15:48,655 --> 00:15:52,826 (woman) you think that because i wear a uniform i stop having feelings? 151 00:15:52,910 --> 00:15:57,873 - (man) donīt do this to us! - (woman) līm not doing anything! Ltīs you! 152 00:15:57,956 --> 00:16:02,378 - you just donīt understand! - What are you saying? 153 00:16:03,003 --> 00:16:05,047 That i donīt love you? 154 00:16:05,881 --> 00:16:07,925 That i donīt need you? 155 00:16:08,008 --> 00:16:13,222 Līm saying that līm not just a cop, david. Līm a woman, too. 156 00:16:14,098 --> 00:16:16,683 I thought thls was gonna happen. 157 00:16:17,518 --> 00:16:22,272 - Donīt worry about it, burt! - 30 years in the department! 158 00:16:22,356 --> 00:16:26,068 - Twlnkle? - And he attacks my whole career... 159 00:16:26,151 --> 00:16:30,280 ...cos i exerclse a ilttle judgment elght days before i retlre. 160 00:16:30,364 --> 00:16:32,700 Nobodyīs calllng you a coward! 161 00:16:32,783 --> 00:16:37,204 - Hey, chlckenshlt! Nlce collar, boys! - Screw you, dan! 162 00:16:37,287 --> 00:16:40,958 If you guys wanna smooch, you donīt have to go up to the roof. 163 00:16:41,041 --> 00:16:43,627 - I sald screw you! - Just humour hlm, ernle. 164 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:47,089 Līm glad you let hlm go. Itīll look great when i get hlm. 165 00:16:47,172 --> 00:16:49,717 Dan, i dldnīt know youīd cut a record. 166 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:52,052 Dan mlller on the asshole label! 167 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:55,139 Thatīs funny, dllls. Thatīs very funny. 168 00:16:55,431 --> 00:16:58,225 I thlnk your buddy forgot thls. 169 00:16:58,976 --> 00:17:01,437 Donīt hurt yourself, old-tlmer. 170 00:17:03,897 --> 00:17:08,902 You got elght days left on the force, and now you wanna buy ilfe insurance? 171 00:17:09,445 --> 00:17:13,198 Gettlng shot is not the only way to buy the farm, pal. 172 00:17:14,033 --> 00:17:19,121 More men suffer masslve coronarles in thelr flftles than any other tlme. 173 00:17:19,204 --> 00:17:22,499 - Isnīt that somethlng! - Līm not klddlng. 174 00:17:22,583 --> 00:17:26,754 Llver dysfunctlon. Renal dlsorder. Degeneratlve nerve stuff. 175 00:17:26,837 --> 00:17:31,592 - All that stuff happens in your flftles. - Burt, stop worrylng about your insldes. 176 00:17:31,675 --> 00:17:35,387 Līm not worrled about my insldes. Līm worrled about dougle. 177 00:17:35,471 --> 00:17:38,348 If it happens to me, how does he go to college? 178 00:17:38,474 --> 00:17:40,350 How old is he? 179 00:17:40,434 --> 00:17:42,352 Ten... 180 00:17:42,436 --> 00:17:44,313 ...and a half. 181 00:17:44,396 --> 00:17:46,857 Shouldnīt you be plannlng ahead? 182 00:17:46,940 --> 00:17:50,027 (receptionist) Have a seat, please, mr splvak. 183 00:17:59,036 --> 00:18:01,330 You guys here for the drug test? 184 00:18:02,581 --> 00:18:06,001 - I wlsh! - Llfe insurance. 185 00:18:06,085 --> 00:18:11,340 Līm a ilttle nervous. My company sprang thls on me at the last mlnute. 186 00:18:14,885 --> 00:18:21,475 Do you thlnk, if i smoked a jolnt two days ago, it mlght show up on thls thlng? 187 00:18:23,018 --> 00:18:26,230 - Well, burt, what do you thlnk? - Deflnltely. 188 00:18:27,856 --> 00:18:29,900 How do you know? 189 00:18:33,070 --> 00:18:37,700 (clears throat) of course, i really dldnīt smoke a jolnt two days ago! 190 00:18:38,492 --> 00:18:42,871 Ok... mr slmpson, mr splvak, you can come in now. 191 00:18:42,955 --> 00:18:44,998 Jeez! About tlme! 192 00:18:47,751 --> 00:18:51,296 Thanks, mr slmpson. You can get dressed now. 193 00:19:24,747 --> 00:19:28,417 - Goodbye, mr slmpson! Have a nlce day! - Thanks a lot. 194 00:19:28,917 --> 00:19:30,919 (school bell ringing) 195 00:19:31,003 --> 00:19:33,047 (children shouting) 196 00:19:37,051 --> 00:19:38,510 (car horn) 197 00:19:46,018 --> 00:19:48,062 - Hey, boy! - Hi! 198 00:19:48,145 --> 00:19:51,065 - How ya dolng? - Līm ok. 199 00:19:51,523 --> 00:19:53,567 Here you go, my man. 200 00:19:53,650 --> 00:19:56,236 Wow! What dld you get me! 201 00:19:56,320 --> 00:19:58,197 A surprlse. 202 00:20:04,703 --> 00:20:06,330 Huh? 203 00:20:08,248 --> 00:20:13,462 - What is it? - A beer steln, wlth the harvard crest on it. 204 00:20:13,545 --> 00:20:16,757 But, dad, i donīt drlnk beer. 205 00:20:16,840 --> 00:20:22,221 Itīs just a souvenlr. You just put it up on the shelf. Look at it... 206 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:24,431 oh. 207 00:20:24,515 --> 00:20:26,725 - Howīs your mom? - Sheīs ok. 208 00:20:26,809 --> 00:20:29,228 - Dld you tell her i was comlng? - Yeah. 209 00:20:29,311 --> 00:20:34,191 Burt, heīs a 10-year-old boy, and youīre not gonna glve hlm an ulcer! 210 00:20:34,274 --> 00:20:38,070 - One ilttle present. - Oh! The pennants, the sweat shlrts... 211 00:20:38,153 --> 00:20:41,615 if that kld doesnīt get into harvard, heīll klll hlmself. 212 00:20:41,699 --> 00:20:43,742 Heīll get in. 213 00:20:43,826 --> 00:20:47,871 Burt, you canīt map out somebodyīs ilfe 20 years in advance. 214 00:20:47,955 --> 00:20:50,958 Nothlng wrong wlth gettlng a head start. 215 00:20:51,041 --> 00:20:54,920 - Youīre gonna glve hlm your twltch. - What twltch? 216 00:20:56,046 --> 00:20:57,715 That twltch. 217 00:20:59,466 --> 00:21:01,510 Burt! 218 00:21:03,971 --> 00:21:08,934 You know what he asked the other nlght? He asked if thereīd be pe at harvard. 219 00:21:09,017 --> 00:21:12,855 - What dld you tell hlm? - I sald not to worry about harvard yet. 220 00:21:12,938 --> 00:21:14,314 Oh, honey, jesus! 221 00:21:14,398 --> 00:21:18,986 - Burt, you canīt ilve hls ilfe for hlm. - Whatīs that supposed to mean? 222 00:21:19,069 --> 00:21:23,741 - Some thlngs are out of your control. - Oh, yeah, here we go! 223 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:27,286 - Thatīs what it means! - Why not say what you really mean? 224 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:31,206 - That līm uptlght and controlllng. - Thatīs not what i sald. 225 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:35,085 Look, i planned my whole ilfe so that kld could go to college. 226 00:21:35,169 --> 00:21:38,047 Can he please flnlsh grammar school flrst? 227 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:41,133 Līm only dolng it because i love hlm. 228 00:21:41,216 --> 00:21:45,804 I know you do, burt. But thatīs not lovlng hlm. 229 00:22:11,372 --> 00:22:14,458 (lovers moaning and groaning next door) 230 00:22:15,042 --> 00:22:17,086 (thumping) 231 00:22:19,797 --> 00:22:21,840 Anlmals! 232 00:22:23,133 --> 00:22:25,177 (woman next door laughs) 233 00:22:35,062 --> 00:22:38,065 (machlne) you have one message. 234 00:22:38,148 --> 00:22:40,192 What do you say, boys? 235 00:22:40,275 --> 00:22:44,238 Mr simpson, this is becky colton from the gas company. 236 00:22:44,321 --> 00:22:50,119 This courtesy call is to inform you that your gas will be turned off today at 5pm. 237 00:22:50,202 --> 00:22:53,789 Thank you for using seattle gas and electric. 238 00:22:53,872 --> 00:22:56,959 (machlne) that was your last message. 239 00:22:57,042 --> 00:22:59,044 (lovers groaning) 240 00:22:59,128 --> 00:23:00,337 (whiplash) 241 00:23:00,421 --> 00:23:03,757 (groaning intensifies) 242 00:23:05,342 --> 00:23:07,469 Bless you, cowboy! 243 00:23:07,553 --> 00:23:10,222 - (whiplash) - Ow! 244 00:23:34,788 --> 00:23:37,458 - Frlgglnī yahoos! - Yeah... 245 00:23:38,333 --> 00:23:41,754 - letīs do some buslness. - No, stay here. 246 00:23:43,672 --> 00:23:45,716 Mr scalese? 247 00:23:45,799 --> 00:23:48,010 Letīs see the merchandlse. 248 00:23:55,017 --> 00:23:57,436 Oh, man! Look at thls shlt! 249 00:24:02,816 --> 00:24:07,988 The barrett. Model 82-a1, 50-callbre. Startron scope. 250 00:24:08,530 --> 00:24:12,076 11-round capaclty, staggered-box magazlne. 251 00:24:19,500 --> 00:24:23,420 - Heavy. What about the shells? - Llke i told you... 252 00:24:23,504 --> 00:24:27,549 ...50-callbre, magneslum-tlpped. The prlce is not negotlable. 253 00:24:29,426 --> 00:24:31,512 Everythlngīs negotlable. 254 00:24:31,595 --> 00:24:33,639 A scratch! 255 00:24:34,431 --> 00:24:36,850 No bulletīs worth 20 bucks a pop. 256 00:24:36,934 --> 00:24:39,395 You ever been shot at wlth one of these? 257 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:50,864 Jesus! 258 00:24:52,991 --> 00:24:54,785 That was stupld! 259 00:24:54,868 --> 00:24:56,286 Ohh! 260 00:24:58,080 --> 00:24:59,665 Ohh! 261 00:24:59,748 --> 00:25:02,459 Heīs my wlfeīs cousln. 262 00:25:03,419 --> 00:25:06,422 So you wanna do some buslness or what? 263 00:25:06,505 --> 00:25:08,549 Vlto, get up! 264 00:25:08,632 --> 00:25:09,842 Heh-heh-heh-heh! 265 00:25:09,925 --> 00:25:13,595 See the inflammatlon around the cell wall? 266 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:17,725 - Dlscoloratlon. Canīt be anythlng else. - Really? 267 00:25:17,808 --> 00:25:22,813 No questlon. Look how the spores invade the cell ilnlng rlght there. 268 00:25:22,896 --> 00:25:28,736 - I may have seen three of these in my ilfe. - Poor guy. He was gonna retlre. 269 00:25:28,819 --> 00:25:30,863 Itīs a shame. 270 00:25:31,905 --> 00:25:34,283 You eat yet? 271 00:25:34,950 --> 00:25:36,577 ...36... 272 00:25:36,952 --> 00:25:38,579 ...37... 273 00:25:39,163 --> 00:25:40,622 ...38... 274 00:25:41,123 --> 00:25:43,834 - (phone rings) ...39... 275 00:25:43,917 --> 00:25:44,960 ...40... 276 00:25:45,044 --> 00:25:47,129 hello? 277 00:25:47,212 --> 00:25:49,214 Hey, doc. How ya dolnī? 278 00:25:49,298 --> 00:25:51,341 When, now? 279 00:25:51,842 --> 00:25:54,428 I donīt understand. I mean... 280 00:25:55,262 --> 00:25:57,723 where? At your offlce? 281 00:25:58,057 --> 00:26:00,851 Well, yeah... i can get there about two. 282 00:26:02,227 --> 00:26:04,855 Ok. Yeah, līll see you then. Ok. 283 00:26:08,192 --> 00:26:10,903 41... 42... 284 00:26:12,071 --> 00:26:14,114 (ticking) 285 00:26:24,124 --> 00:26:26,168 (knock at door) 286 00:26:28,712 --> 00:26:31,006 Burt, thls is dr goldman. 287 00:26:31,090 --> 00:26:34,760 - Heīs a haematologlst. - Hi. How are you? 288 00:26:34,843 --> 00:26:41,558 I asked hlm to come because... it appears you have... a rather rare blood dlsorder. 289 00:26:41,642 --> 00:26:44,478 Dlsorder? You mean ilke, uh... 290 00:26:44,561 --> 00:26:46,605 ilke a, uh... a dlsorder? 291 00:26:46,688 --> 00:26:53,404 Līll let dr goldman explaln. Heīs an expert, and can make it a lot clearer than i can. 292 00:26:53,487 --> 00:26:57,241 I thought you were gonna explaln it to hlm? 293 00:26:57,324 --> 00:27:01,745 - Well... you know the dlsease. - Yeah. 294 00:27:01,829 --> 00:27:06,208 - But heīs your patlent. - Whatīs golng on? 295 00:27:06,291 --> 00:27:11,296 Burt, you have a dlsease known as... autotoxla haematosa. 296 00:27:11,380 --> 00:27:14,383 The common name is wexlerīs curtaln. 297 00:27:14,466 --> 00:27:17,469 Itīs a progresslve blood dlsorder. 298 00:27:17,553 --> 00:27:22,975 The lymphatlc system attacks the red blood cells, mlstaklng them for a vlrus. 299 00:27:23,058 --> 00:27:26,145 - Itīs very rare. - Yeah? 300 00:27:26,228 --> 00:27:30,482 As the dlsease progresses, the ilnlng of the cells weakens... 301 00:27:30,566 --> 00:27:36,613 ...and can no longer oxygenate the body. Thls, of course, includes the braln. 302 00:27:36,697 --> 00:27:38,741 Well... 303 00:27:38,824 --> 00:27:42,036 - of course. - As the deprlvatlon becomes... 304 00:27:42,119 --> 00:27:44,163 ...more pronounced... 305 00:27:44,246 --> 00:27:48,000 ...the tlssue itself beglns to deterlorate... 306 00:27:48,083 --> 00:27:52,129 ...llterally suffocatlng from the lack of oxygen. 307 00:27:52,212 --> 00:27:57,259 The entlre process takes about... two and a half weeks. 308 00:27:57,342 --> 00:27:59,720 I donīt understand. 309 00:28:00,304 --> 00:28:01,847 Well... 310 00:28:03,348 --> 00:28:05,642 weīre afrald itīs... termlnal. 311 00:28:07,728 --> 00:28:09,271 Termlnal? 312 00:28:09,354 --> 00:28:14,526 I often donīt tell patlents, because thereīs nothlng they can do. But in your case... 313 00:28:14,610 --> 00:28:19,323 ...the progresslon is so rapld, i thought you mlght need a chance... 314 00:28:19,406 --> 00:28:21,742 ...to get your affalrs in order. 315 00:28:25,287 --> 00:28:28,332 What youīre saylng is līm dylng. 316 00:28:30,918 --> 00:28:32,961 Līm really dylng. 317 00:28:33,045 --> 00:28:34,713 Līm afrald so. 318 00:28:36,423 --> 00:28:40,677 The later stages are marked by a neurologlcal breakdown. 319 00:28:40,761 --> 00:28:46,308 - Thereīs some medlcatlon, but... - what about chemotherapy? 320 00:28:46,392 --> 00:28:49,770 Unfortunately, burt... thls is not cancer. 321 00:28:49,853 --> 00:28:51,897 Oh. 322 00:28:53,482 --> 00:28:56,694 Your body has actually... turned on itself. 323 00:28:57,820 --> 00:29:00,823 I hate to have to tell you thls, burt. 324 00:29:00,906 --> 00:29:05,077 Itīs always hard for a doctor to know whether he should be candld... 325 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:07,830 ...wlth someone in your posltlon. 326 00:29:08,288 --> 00:29:14,628 I just felt that telllng you was the rlght thlng to do under the clrcumstances. 327 00:29:14,712 --> 00:29:16,755 Yeah, thatīs, uh... 328 00:29:17,715 --> 00:29:20,175 you dld the rlght thlng. 329 00:29:20,259 --> 00:29:22,928 If thereīs anythlng else we can do... 330 00:29:23,011 --> 00:29:25,305 ...please, let us know. 331 00:29:26,223 --> 00:29:31,687 In the meantlme, take two of these as soon as the dlzzlness starts. 332 00:30:05,387 --> 00:30:07,890 (barking) 333 00:30:12,728 --> 00:30:14,772 (growling) 334 00:31:40,774 --> 00:31:42,651 Mom, i donīt belleve it! 335 00:31:42,735 --> 00:31:47,364 They accepted me! I have been offered a place at harvard! 336 00:31:49,908 --> 00:31:51,535 Mom? 337 00:31:51,618 --> 00:31:55,664 - I donīt know how to tell you thls, honey. - What is it, mom? 338 00:31:55,748 --> 00:32:02,629 Ten years ago, when your father dled, the insurance company only left us $22,000. 339 00:32:02,713 --> 00:32:08,969 Weīve been ilvlng off of that money for the last ten years. Thereīs no money left. 340 00:32:09,053 --> 00:32:12,389 You wonīt be able to go to harvard. 341 00:32:12,473 --> 00:32:14,850 Thereīs always community college. 342 00:32:14,933 --> 00:32:16,685 Oh! 343 00:32:27,863 --> 00:32:28,864 Hi. 344 00:32:29,573 --> 00:32:30,574 Hi. 345 00:32:30,991 --> 00:32:31,992 Hi. 346 00:32:32,493 --> 00:32:33,494 Hi. 347 00:32:34,787 --> 00:32:39,083 - Whatīs wrong? - Nothlng. Youīre... youīre gonna be flne. 348 00:32:39,166 --> 00:32:40,417 I am? 349 00:32:40,501 --> 00:32:42,294 Absolutely. 350 00:32:42,378 --> 00:32:43,295 Oh. 351 00:32:43,379 --> 00:32:46,924 - Well, wanna come in? - Yeah. 352 00:32:51,929 --> 00:32:54,014 Burt, whatīs golng on? 353 00:32:54,098 --> 00:32:58,435 - I just... donīt want you to worry. - What would i worry about? 354 00:32:58,519 --> 00:33:03,107 - The future. - you always worry about the future. 355 00:33:03,190 --> 00:33:06,193 Remember when dougle made thls for us? 356 00:33:06,276 --> 00:33:09,279 - Dougle dldnīt make that for us. - He dldnīt? 357 00:33:09,363 --> 00:33:11,699 Uh-uh. 358 00:33:15,160 --> 00:33:18,080 - Burt, whatīs golng on? - Nothlng. 359 00:33:18,163 --> 00:33:21,625 Nothlng. Youīre gonna... youīre gonna be flne. 360 00:33:21,709 --> 00:33:24,128 - Youīre gonna be ok. - What? 361 00:33:24,211 --> 00:33:26,672 Dougleīs gonna be flne. 362 00:33:26,755 --> 00:33:31,927 - Would you ilke to slt down? - No, i donīt have tlme. I mean... 363 00:33:32,010 --> 00:33:35,431 honey, i just want you to know that... 364 00:33:35,514 --> 00:33:40,811 ...līve taken care of everythlng. I know you know that, but līve stlll taken care of it. 365 00:33:40,894 --> 00:33:43,772 Itīs just as taken care of as it always was. 366 00:33:43,939 --> 00:33:45,399 Burt... 367 00:33:45,482 --> 00:33:50,320 - līve gotta go now. I mean... - burt, talk to me. What is the matter? 368 00:33:51,030 --> 00:33:52,781 Nothlng. 369 00:33:53,615 --> 00:33:54,700 Burt... 370 00:33:54,783 --> 00:33:56,827 everythlngīs flne. 371 00:33:56,910 --> 00:33:58,829 I can handle it. 372 00:33:58,912 --> 00:34:01,081 (door slams) 373 00:34:14,595 --> 00:34:16,013 Hey! 374 00:34:23,062 --> 00:34:26,857 Sure! The pollcyīs in effect as long as youīre on the force. 375 00:34:26,940 --> 00:34:32,780 - How much is it worth? - At thls polnt, $350,000. 376 00:34:32,863 --> 00:34:36,700 350... ok... well, thank you very much. 377 00:34:36,784 --> 00:34:40,204 - The only thlng is... - what? 378 00:34:40,287 --> 00:34:43,165 - Itīs ilne-of-duty coverage. - I donīt understand. 379 00:34:43,248 --> 00:34:45,793 It means youīve gotta get... you know... 380 00:34:46,627 --> 00:34:47,628 kllled? 381 00:34:47,711 --> 00:34:53,175 They only pay out for ilne of duty. You canīt collect on anythlng else. 382 00:34:53,258 --> 00:34:56,136 Oh... ok. Well, thanks. 383 00:34:58,931 --> 00:35:01,308 - I want double duty. - What? 384 00:35:01,392 --> 00:35:04,603 - I want double duty. - Is thls a joke? 385 00:35:04,687 --> 00:35:08,816 - I owe it to the department. - Is it what i sald in the squad room? 386 00:35:08,899 --> 00:35:11,902 Youīre two cars short in the flats. Līll take one. 387 00:35:11,985 --> 00:35:14,363 - Are you all rlght? - What? 388 00:35:14,446 --> 00:35:16,824 - You seem a ilttle tense. - Tense? 389 00:35:16,907 --> 00:35:22,496 Look, i know how hard thls last week is. Līve seen a lot of guys go through thls. 390 00:35:22,579 --> 00:35:25,165 - Why donīt i put you on a desk? - No, damn it! 391 00:35:26,667 --> 00:35:30,629 I want double duty. Now youīve gotta glve it to me. 392 00:35:31,338 --> 00:35:33,257 Flne, burt, youīve got it. 393 00:35:33,340 --> 00:35:35,384 Good! 394 00:35:36,385 --> 00:35:37,886 Good. 395 00:35:42,182 --> 00:35:43,434 Thanks. 396 00:36:21,346 --> 00:36:25,059 - Double duty in the flats?! - Weīre stlll cops, ernle. 397 00:36:25,142 --> 00:36:29,480 Itīs ilke west belrut down there and weīre slgned up for 14 hours! 398 00:36:29,563 --> 00:36:33,025 If youīre trylng to prove somethlng about yesterday... 399 00:36:33,108 --> 00:36:35,903 itīs not about yesterday. Itīs about tomorrow. 400 00:36:38,322 --> 00:36:40,699 Itīs probably that male menopause. 401 00:36:40,783 --> 00:36:44,244 Why not just lose your halr and date unsultable women? 402 00:36:44,328 --> 00:36:46,789 - Is the radlo worklng? - What? 403 00:36:46,872 --> 00:36:49,708 - The radlo - is it worklng? - Why wouldnīt it be? 404 00:36:49,792 --> 00:36:53,337 Toughest nelghbourhood, and we havenīt had a call yet. 405 00:36:53,420 --> 00:36:56,632 - Burt, what is the matter! - Nothlngīs the matter. 406 00:36:56,715 --> 00:36:59,218 - Whereīs your vest? - Not wearlng it. 407 00:36:59,301 --> 00:37:02,096 - Youīre not wearlng your vest? - No! 408 00:37:02,179 --> 00:37:04,181 Issue a press release about it! 409 00:37:04,264 --> 00:37:09,687 (radlo) domestic violence in progress. 1235 chanteclaire. Proceed code three. 410 00:37:09,770 --> 00:37:11,814 Thatīs more ilke it. 411 00:37:11,897 --> 00:37:13,941 (siren) 412 00:37:24,493 --> 00:37:26,537 Burt, whatīs got into you? 413 00:37:31,583 --> 00:37:33,460 Open up! Pollce offlcers! 414 00:37:37,923 --> 00:37:40,342 Pollce offlcers! Open up! 415 00:37:40,426 --> 00:37:42,511 - (old woman) who? - Pollce. 416 00:37:42,594 --> 00:37:45,597 - (old man) whoīs denlse? - Pollce! 417 00:37:49,059 --> 00:37:51,812 I donīt belleve thls! 418 00:37:51,895 --> 00:37:56,233 - She trled to klll me. - What? 419 00:37:56,316 --> 00:37:59,111 - Just calm down, maīam. - (shouts) what? 420 00:37:59,194 --> 00:38:01,947 - Unbellevable! - Slr, tell me what happened. 421 00:38:02,031 --> 00:38:06,118 She hlt me wlth an iron. Look! 422 00:38:06,201 --> 00:38:08,245 He says you hlt hlm wlth an iron. 423 00:38:08,328 --> 00:38:11,832 - Whoīs myron? - I donīt belleve thls! 424 00:38:11,915 --> 00:38:14,877 An iron. he says you hlt hlm wlth an iron. 425 00:38:14,960 --> 00:38:18,464 I dld! Heīs a skunk! 426 00:38:18,547 --> 00:38:21,175 Why is he a skunk? 427 00:38:21,258 --> 00:38:24,053 Because he sald he was leavlng. 428 00:38:24,136 --> 00:38:27,097 She sald that you sald you were leavlng. 429 00:38:27,181 --> 00:38:28,974 No. 430 00:38:29,058 --> 00:38:31,727 I sald i was eating! 431 00:38:31,810 --> 00:38:33,437 (old woman laughs) 432 00:38:38,067 --> 00:38:42,780 Open the book! Look at thls and you can be saved, even as i was saved! 433 00:38:42,863 --> 00:38:45,616 I was just ilke anybody else here! 434 00:38:45,699 --> 00:38:51,580 You say it doesnīt apply to you, but it does apply to you, because thls is your ilfe... 435 00:38:51,663 --> 00:38:55,751 ...thls is your truth! He took me down as low as a man can go... 436 00:38:55,834 --> 00:39:00,047 i got you some yoghurts. Peach or... blueberry? 437 00:39:02,758 --> 00:39:04,802 Burt? 438 00:39:04,885 --> 00:39:07,513 Do you belleve in ilfe after death? 439 00:39:07,596 --> 00:39:10,891 Look, if peach or blueberry is too tough a questlon... 440 00:39:13,018 --> 00:39:15,646 do you, uh... belleve in heaven? 441 00:39:15,729 --> 00:39:17,773 - Heaven? - Mm-hm. 442 00:39:19,024 --> 00:39:21,819 Gee, i... donīt know, burt. 443 00:39:21,902 --> 00:39:27,074 That was somethlng my dad talked about after hls flrst heart attack. 444 00:39:27,157 --> 00:39:30,536 You know those storles about people who almost dled? 445 00:39:30,619 --> 00:39:35,541 They talk about thls tunnel of whlte ilght, whlch they klnda float into, and... 446 00:39:35,624 --> 00:39:40,254 ...thereīs a garden wlth all the people theyīve ever known waltlng for them? 447 00:39:40,337 --> 00:39:41,338 Yeah. 448 00:39:41,422 --> 00:39:47,344 My dad was out for two mlnutes. When they got hlm back, he talked about it. 449 00:39:47,428 --> 00:39:49,430 What dld he see? 450 00:39:51,598 --> 00:39:53,600 - Nothlng. - Nothlng? 451 00:39:53,684 --> 00:39:58,147 No tunnel, no floatlng. No whlte ilght. Just hlm. 452 00:39:58,230 --> 00:40:01,859 Lylng there on the bed one mlnute, and the next... 453 00:40:02,359 --> 00:40:04,403 squat! 454 00:40:04,611 --> 00:40:06,321 Glmme one of those. 455 00:40:07,322 --> 00:40:10,034 (radlo) bravo unit. Silver pontiac. 456 00:40:10,117 --> 00:40:15,247 Need assist, southbound, on east seattle parkway. Respond code three. 457 00:40:15,372 --> 00:40:17,124 - Thatīs it! - Whatīs it? 458 00:40:17,207 --> 00:40:18,292 Thls is it! 459 00:40:18,375 --> 00:40:22,504 Burt, weīre nowhere near the east seattle parkway! 460 00:40:27,301 --> 00:40:30,471 - Get out of the car! - What are you talklng about? 461 00:40:30,554 --> 00:40:33,140 - The rear tyre - itīs low. - It doesnīt feel low. 462 00:40:33,223 --> 00:40:37,978 - Itīs low! Get out! - Burt! Oh, god! 463 00:40:44,985 --> 00:40:47,279 Burt! Your yoghurt! 464 00:40:48,489 --> 00:40:50,532 I sald... save hlm! 465 00:40:51,200 --> 00:40:53,744 (sirens) 466 00:41:18,644 --> 00:41:20,813 - How fast is that? - I donīt know. 467 00:41:20,896 --> 00:41:22,940 - How fast are we golng? - 90! 468 00:41:23,023 --> 00:41:24,692 Is he trylng to klll hlmself? 469 00:41:27,945 --> 00:41:30,322 (tyres screech) 470 00:41:31,073 --> 00:41:35,327 Thls is for you, dougle! Youīre golng to college, ilttle guy! 471 00:41:40,290 --> 00:41:42,710 Come on! Blow īem away! 472 00:41:42,793 --> 00:41:44,586 No problem! 473 00:41:51,927 --> 00:41:54,972 Machlne guns! All rlght! 474 00:41:55,055 --> 00:41:56,056 Go! Go! 475 00:41:57,057 --> 00:41:59,351 Look out! 476 00:42:12,448 --> 00:42:14,450 - Get thls thlng movlng! - Līm wlde open! 477 00:42:17,870 --> 00:42:19,288 Lose them! 478 00:42:49,735 --> 00:42:51,528 Get thls guy off my ass! 479 00:43:00,079 --> 00:43:02,206 Rlght here! 480 00:43:07,169 --> 00:43:09,004 Jesus! 481 00:43:24,436 --> 00:43:25,604 Goddamn it! 482 00:43:28,232 --> 00:43:29,942 Goodbye, carolyn! 483 00:43:41,203 --> 00:43:42,705 Aw! 484 00:44:04,018 --> 00:44:05,728 Holy shlt! 485 00:44:09,815 --> 00:44:11,316 Blow thls guy away! 486 00:44:13,318 --> 00:44:14,570 Come on! Shoot! 487 00:44:34,548 --> 00:44:37,509 How do you ilke that, you ugly son of a bltch! 488 00:44:40,888 --> 00:44:42,473 Thls guyīs crazy! 489 00:44:47,728 --> 00:44:49,063 Slow down! 490 00:44:49,146 --> 00:44:51,106 Watch it! Watch it! 491 00:44:53,275 --> 00:44:54,526 Jeez! 492 00:45:02,785 --> 00:45:05,537 - You son of a bltch! - Get away from thls guy! 493 00:45:05,621 --> 00:45:07,414 Come on! 494 00:45:13,379 --> 00:45:15,130 You wanna play rough? 495 00:45:19,218 --> 00:45:20,886 Look out! 496 00:45:20,969 --> 00:45:22,721 - Aaaghh! - Aaaghh! 497 00:45:26,809 --> 00:45:28,477 Whereīd he go? 498 00:45:30,354 --> 00:45:32,731 Now your ass is mlne! 499 00:45:34,608 --> 00:45:35,984 Jeez! 500 00:45:41,448 --> 00:45:42,783 Whoa! 501 00:45:57,673 --> 00:45:58,841 Move! 502 00:45:58,924 --> 00:46:00,801 Waaaagggghh! 503 00:46:19,737 --> 00:46:21,947 Man, thls guy is plsslnī me off! 504 00:46:22,031 --> 00:46:23,490 Son of a bltch! 505 00:46:58,817 --> 00:47:00,361 Look out! 506 00:47:08,327 --> 00:47:11,330 Now or never, burt, old buddy! 507 00:47:20,714 --> 00:47:21,924 Aaagghh! 508 00:47:40,818 --> 00:47:43,028 Get off my face! 509 00:47:43,987 --> 00:47:46,990 Canīt you idlots do anythlng rlght?! 510 00:47:48,951 --> 00:47:55,791 For rlsklng your ilfe for thls department, for bravery beyond the call of duty... 511 00:47:55,874 --> 00:48:02,297 ...the seattle pollce departmentīs proud to present you wlth thls medal of valour... 512 00:48:02,381 --> 00:48:05,718 ...along wlth the accompanylng cltatlons. 513 00:48:06,468 --> 00:48:09,888 Weīre just glad youīre stlll around to get it. 514 00:48:26,905 --> 00:48:29,992 I didnīt steal those letters, david. 515 00:48:30,534 --> 00:48:32,244 I wrote them. 516 00:48:32,327 --> 00:48:35,914 - Youīre not pregnant? - No, līm not pregnant. 517 00:48:35,998 --> 00:48:38,625 Līm your twin sister - joan. 518 00:48:38,709 --> 00:48:41,587 - She died in the orphanage. - No! 519 00:48:41,670 --> 00:48:43,922 - I donīt get it. - Shh! 520 00:48:44,006 --> 00:48:46,592 I managed to escape, but i lost my memory! 521 00:48:46,675 --> 00:48:50,304 - Līm your partner, burt. I wanna know. - Nothlngīs the matter. 522 00:48:50,387 --> 00:48:53,932 You klck me out of the car and drlve off a bulldlng! 523 00:48:54,016 --> 00:48:55,392 An impulse. 524 00:48:55,476 --> 00:48:58,354 - I canīt take any more. - Put the gun down! 525 00:48:58,437 --> 00:49:00,064 (gunshot) 526 00:49:03,400 --> 00:49:04,818 Burty! 527 00:49:04,902 --> 00:49:08,238 - What do you want? - Just congratulatlng your partner. 528 00:49:08,322 --> 00:49:11,575 You squashed lutz, jonas b, and hls brother mlchael. 529 00:49:11,658 --> 00:49:13,869 Two rlght-hand men to carl stark. 530 00:49:14,620 --> 00:49:16,663 Gun smuggler supreme... 531 00:49:16,747 --> 00:49:21,418 ...and klller in cold blood of any cops that cross hls path. 532 00:49:22,586 --> 00:49:27,299 Itīs blg tlme! You bagged two stars! I wonīt tell you how to ilve your ilfe... 533 00:49:27,383 --> 00:49:30,886 ...but līd get a bullet-proof house if i were you. 534 00:49:35,516 --> 00:49:37,810 Easy come, easy go, huh? 535 00:49:43,691 --> 00:49:46,777 - Can i help you? - Oh, um... 536 00:49:47,194 --> 00:49:51,824 yeah. I, uh... līd ilke to buy a... 537 00:49:53,033 --> 00:49:55,285 - a houslng? - Excuse me? 538 00:49:55,369 --> 00:50:00,791 - We call them houslngs. - Oh. Well... yeah. 539 00:50:01,333 --> 00:50:03,377 What prlce range? 540 00:50:03,460 --> 00:50:07,756 Well, i... i really donīt know. Is there a blg dlfference? 541 00:50:07,840 --> 00:50:12,010 Oh, sure. Līve got everythlng from 1,800 to 60,000. 542 00:50:12,094 --> 00:50:15,180 60,000 dollars? 543 00:50:15,264 --> 00:50:17,891 Ltīs tltanlum alloy. (knocks) 544 00:50:19,601 --> 00:50:23,105 Ltīs all a questlon of durablllty. 545 00:50:23,480 --> 00:50:28,736 Most people thlnk they just put you in the ground, and the next thlng youīre dust. 546 00:50:28,819 --> 00:50:32,364 But thereīs lots of intermedlate stages. 547 00:50:32,448 --> 00:50:37,369 You want somethlng thatīs really gonna hold up when the body starts to rot. 548 00:50:40,414 --> 00:50:45,502 - Was it a loved one? - Well, uh... i guess. Yeah. 549 00:50:45,586 --> 00:50:49,256 - A frlend? - Sort of. Yeah. 550 00:50:49,339 --> 00:50:53,802 Some thlnk itīs sllly to match the houslng wlth the indlvldual. 551 00:50:53,886 --> 00:50:57,890 But letīs face it - theyīre in there for an awfully long tlme. 552 00:50:57,973 --> 00:51:02,811 Yeah. Well, uh... i donīt know. I donīt know what to say. 553 00:51:02,895 --> 00:51:07,483 - He was, uh... he was... reasonable. - Reasonable? 554 00:51:07,566 --> 00:51:11,570 Yeah, he was. And he was young. 555 00:51:11,653 --> 00:51:14,698 - 50. just turned 50. - Thatīs very sad. 556 00:51:14,782 --> 00:51:17,534 Yeah, it is sad. 557 00:51:17,618 --> 00:51:21,872 - Dld i tell you he was a cop? - No. 558 00:51:21,955 --> 00:51:24,917 30 years on the force, and... 559 00:51:25,000 --> 00:51:27,628 ...flve days from hls penslon, and now... 560 00:51:27,711 --> 00:51:30,381 it isnīt falr sometlmes, hm? 561 00:51:33,008 --> 00:51:37,346 He once wanted thls convertlble. Llttle red mustang. 562 00:51:37,429 --> 00:51:43,268 He declded he wanted to save. He wanted to... put somethlng away for the future. 563 00:51:43,352 --> 00:51:44,895 Sure! 564 00:51:46,105 --> 00:51:48,607 Well... is that so wrong? 565 00:51:49,483 --> 00:51:54,113 So wrong to wanna put somethlng away? Somethlng to... rely on? 566 00:51:54,196 --> 00:51:55,280 No! 567 00:51:55,364 --> 00:52:00,536 Not that you can rely on anythlng these days. Nothlng makes any sense. 568 00:52:01,495 --> 00:52:05,332 Does it make any sense to dle at 50? Is that senslble? 569 00:52:05,416 --> 00:52:09,294 I donīt know. I guess you just gotta ilve for today. 570 00:52:10,462 --> 00:52:12,756 Llve for today. 571 00:52:12,840 --> 00:52:16,427 Yeah. You know... let the future take care of itself. 572 00:52:16,510 --> 00:52:19,096 Let the future take... 573 00:52:20,764 --> 00:52:24,101 ilve for today and let the future take care of itself. 574 00:52:24,184 --> 00:52:27,146 How about somethlng in a nlce cedar? 575 00:52:32,776 --> 00:52:34,653 Burt! 576 00:52:34,737 --> 00:52:38,407 Llsten, uh... līm sorry. 577 00:52:38,490 --> 00:52:40,659 About what? 578 00:52:40,743 --> 00:52:43,328 Everythlng. 579 00:52:45,497 --> 00:52:47,666 Thatīs a lot! 580 00:52:47,750 --> 00:52:50,544 Līm sorry about the other day. 581 00:52:50,961 --> 00:52:53,756 - Līm sorry about the past flve years. - Huh! 582 00:52:53,839 --> 00:52:57,092 - Līm sorry about thls toaster. - Toaster? 583 00:52:57,176 --> 00:53:01,263 Yeah, thls toaster. Remember? You wanted the one wlth the top brown. 584 00:53:01,347 --> 00:53:03,974 I made you buy thls wlth the better warranty. 585 00:53:04,058 --> 00:53:06,518 I was wrong. 586 00:53:06,602 --> 00:53:08,520 Līm sorry. 587 00:53:08,604 --> 00:53:11,607 I accept your apology. 588 00:53:11,690 --> 00:53:15,069 Sorry about those plastlc sllp covers, too. 589 00:53:16,487 --> 00:53:18,322 I, uh... 590 00:53:18,447 --> 00:53:22,034 līm really sorry i made you cllp these damn coupons. 591 00:53:24,078 --> 00:53:27,331 - Burt, what is the matter? - Nothlng. Nothlng. 592 00:53:27,414 --> 00:53:30,542 Everythlng, uh... everythlngīs flne. 593 00:53:30,626 --> 00:53:32,836 I can tell. 594 00:53:32,920 --> 00:53:37,132 It is, really. Everythlngīs wonderful. I, uh... 595 00:53:37,257 --> 00:53:39,301 i love you. 596 00:53:43,889 --> 00:53:45,933 Jesus, burt! 597 00:53:46,016 --> 00:53:47,851 I do. 598 00:53:48,686 --> 00:53:51,397 Not in the way i ever loved you before. 599 00:53:52,439 --> 00:53:55,859 I love you. i mean you. i donīt love us. 600 00:53:55,943 --> 00:53:59,321 - Not the house, the tax returns... - stop it, burt! 601 00:53:59,405 --> 00:54:04,868 - I love the way you snort when you laugh. - (snorts) you hate the way i snort! 602 00:54:04,952 --> 00:54:07,037 Exactly! Thatīs the polnt. 603 00:54:09,623 --> 00:54:15,129 Look... i need you to know thls, carolyn. 604 00:54:15,212 --> 00:54:17,715 I have to have you know thls, rlght now. 605 00:54:17,798 --> 00:54:21,593 - You sald not to snort when we went out. - I hate myself for it. 606 00:54:21,677 --> 00:54:23,971 Is thls a mldllfe crlsls? 607 00:54:25,055 --> 00:54:27,766 Yes. Sort of. 608 00:54:27,850 --> 00:54:30,352 Want some hawallan punch? 609 00:54:32,438 --> 00:54:37,776 Do you remember at your slsterīs house? You came into the bathroom wlth me... 610 00:54:37,860 --> 00:54:38,861 burt... 611 00:54:38,944 --> 00:54:43,032 the party was golng on outslde and you were a ilttle drunk... 612 00:54:43,115 --> 00:54:45,951 - thatīs enough. - I wanted to, too! 613 00:54:46,035 --> 00:54:49,079 - No, you dldnīt. - Yes, i dld! 614 00:54:49,163 --> 00:54:55,085 I just thought, wlth all those people... i thought theyīd hear, and... i got chlcken. 615 00:54:59,798 --> 00:55:02,468 Burt, i thlnk youīd better go. 616 00:55:05,220 --> 00:55:06,764 No. 617 00:55:07,723 --> 00:55:10,392 No, līm not gonna leave. 618 00:55:15,022 --> 00:55:20,402 Do you remember when you used to slng to dougle when he was a baby? 619 00:55:24,406 --> 00:55:27,368 I used to stand out in the hall... 620 00:55:27,451 --> 00:55:29,995 ...and just watch you. 621 00:55:32,122 --> 00:55:35,292 And sometlmes i would... i would start crylng. 622 00:55:37,544 --> 00:55:43,884 And when dougle was belng born, i made the nurse let me stand in the doorway... 623 00:55:43,967 --> 00:55:48,305 ...so i could hear that you were all rlght. 624 00:55:52,142 --> 00:55:56,188 And... when you were taklng those drawlng classes... 625 00:55:56,271 --> 00:56:00,401 ...and youīd come home and throw away some of your plctures? 626 00:56:00,693 --> 00:56:05,322 I plcked those plctures out of the garbage... and i put īem in a drawer. 627 00:56:09,660 --> 00:56:12,621 Thatīs the way līve always felt about you. 628 00:56:18,419 --> 00:56:21,296 I just havenīt been able to... say it. 629 00:56:29,471 --> 00:56:31,724 Jesus, burt! 630 00:56:51,368 --> 00:56:55,080 Ltīs been a long tlme slnce i felt ilke that. 631 00:56:56,874 --> 00:56:58,917 Me, too. 632 00:57:03,881 --> 00:57:06,341 You mean you havenīt? 633 00:57:06,800 --> 00:57:09,762 No. Not really. 634 00:57:11,805 --> 00:57:13,849 Have you? 635 00:57:14,391 --> 00:57:16,268 No. 636 00:57:22,441 --> 00:57:24,902 Not really. 637 00:57:39,958 --> 00:57:42,795 Ever notlce how perfect a tullp is? 638 00:57:45,589 --> 00:57:46,590 What? 639 00:57:46,673 --> 00:57:50,177 The petals. They open up ilke... 640 00:57:51,637 --> 00:57:53,681 ...tlny ilttle bells. 641 00:57:53,764 --> 00:57:56,850 Burt, please tell me what the hell is golng on. 642 00:57:59,144 --> 00:58:02,147 I just thlnk itīs wonderful, thatīs all. 643 00:58:02,898 --> 00:58:05,150 Itīs an incredlble thlng. 644 00:58:06,402 --> 00:58:09,071 My partner is turnlng into oscar wllde! 645 00:58:11,240 --> 00:58:17,162 (radlo) one-eleven in progress. 1800 marshall avenue. Proceed code three. 646 00:58:19,081 --> 00:58:22,042 All rlght, men, into your posltlons! 647 00:58:26,922 --> 00:58:28,966 - Get back there! - Yes, slr! 648 00:58:36,598 --> 00:58:39,643 - Glad you guys could make it. - Whatīs golng on? 649 00:58:39,727 --> 00:58:43,897 Freaklnī loony tuneīs got hlmself wlred to some dynamlte. 650 00:58:43,981 --> 00:58:47,067 Wants to talk to the presldent or hls ex-wlfe. 651 00:58:47,151 --> 00:58:49,236 - Ex-wlfe? - Yeah. 652 00:58:49,319 --> 00:58:53,615 Every tlme we get close he says love is dead in the world. 653 00:58:58,162 --> 00:59:00,205 Līm ready, captaln. 654 00:59:03,625 --> 00:59:05,669 Shut up, dllls! 655 00:59:09,381 --> 00:59:11,675 All rlght, people! Letīs get ready! 656 00:59:12,593 --> 00:59:15,304 Into posltlons, men! Thatīs rlght. 657 00:59:23,812 --> 00:59:25,856 Whereīs burt? 658 00:59:25,939 --> 00:59:28,359 Excuse me. 659 00:59:32,112 --> 00:59:34,656 - Oh, no! - What the hell? 660 00:59:37,785 --> 00:59:39,161 Hey, slmpson! 661 00:59:40,996 --> 00:59:42,748 Slmpson! Thls is my... 662 00:59:43,123 --> 00:59:46,627 slmpson! Slmpson! Thls is my bust, slmpson! 663 00:59:46,710 --> 00:59:49,797 Slmpson! You ilsten to me! 664 00:59:50,339 --> 00:59:51,757 Slmpson! 665 01:00:14,113 --> 01:00:15,114 Hi. 666 01:00:23,038 --> 01:00:24,540 My nameīs burt. 667 01:00:28,419 --> 01:00:31,130 Love is dead in the world. 668 01:00:32,840 --> 01:00:34,883 I know what you mean. 669 01:00:34,967 --> 01:00:37,219 You do? 670 01:00:37,302 --> 01:00:39,346 Yeah. 671 01:00:42,433 --> 01:00:44,184 Llke... 672 01:00:44,268 --> 01:00:48,022 ilke it just got... lost or somethlng. 673 01:00:50,733 --> 01:00:53,652 Llke it just froze along the way. 674 01:00:57,281 --> 01:00:59,199 I, uh... 675 01:01:00,409 --> 01:01:02,453 i heard about your wlfe. 676 01:01:03,912 --> 01:01:05,247 Yolanda? 677 01:01:05,456 --> 01:01:07,499 Yolanda. 678 01:01:08,917 --> 01:01:12,129 I know... how much paln you must be in. 679 01:01:13,255 --> 01:01:16,342 So youīre gonna blow yourself up? 680 01:01:16,425 --> 01:01:19,720 Because you thlnk she doesnīt love you any more? 681 01:01:23,015 --> 01:01:26,393 I thlnk... maybe she stlll loves you. 682 01:01:26,477 --> 01:01:28,854 You do? 683 01:01:28,937 --> 01:01:30,981 Yes, i do. 684 01:01:33,776 --> 01:01:37,905 When, um... when was the last tlme you told her you love her? 685 01:01:39,448 --> 01:01:41,617 A long tlme ago, huh? 686 01:01:41,867 --> 01:01:45,704 Just slowly stopped talklng to each other. 687 01:01:45,788 --> 01:01:51,168 And you canīt even remember why you fell in love in the flrst place, rlght? 688 01:01:55,130 --> 01:02:00,761 Well, obvlously, you can remember that now or you wouldnīt be dolng thls. 689 01:02:03,555 --> 01:02:05,849 Oh... 690 01:02:05,933 --> 01:02:09,103 ...go ahead and blow yourself up if you want. 691 01:02:09,186 --> 01:02:12,022 Youīre sure gonna be mlsslng a lot. 692 01:02:12,731 --> 01:02:14,775 Do you have any klds? 693 01:02:16,902 --> 01:02:18,987 Mlckey and mlkey. 694 01:02:19,071 --> 01:02:21,073 How old are they? 695 01:02:21,156 --> 01:02:23,992 31/4 and 5. 696 01:02:24,076 --> 01:02:28,247 If youīre gone, whoīs gonna see they graduate hlgh school? 697 01:02:28,330 --> 01:02:32,793 How you gonna flnd out whether they found a nlce glrl? 698 01:02:32,876 --> 01:02:34,962 Huh? 699 01:02:35,045 --> 01:02:39,800 - Whether mlkeyīs stutter cleared up? - Mlkey doesnīt stutter! 700 01:02:39,883 --> 01:02:43,303 No, but letīs just say that he dld. 701 01:02:43,387 --> 01:02:47,099 Thereīs so much... thereīs so many... 702 01:02:47,182 --> 01:02:52,062 ...so many ilttle thlngs that we donīt even notlce untll theyīre gone. 703 01:02:52,146 --> 01:02:53,981 Can mlckey rlde a blke? 704 01:02:56,316 --> 01:02:59,778 Donīt you wanna teach hlm? Or see hlm get hls braces? 705 01:02:59,862 --> 01:03:03,949 - Or touch the top of that door jamb? - How dld you know about the door jamb? 706 01:03:04,033 --> 01:03:06,076 Pal, come on! 707 01:03:07,327 --> 01:03:09,788 You may thlnk you know hlm, but... 708 01:03:09,872 --> 01:03:13,375 ...i bet you donīt even know who hls teacher is. 709 01:03:13,459 --> 01:03:16,545 Or the names of the monsters in hls room. 710 01:03:18,422 --> 01:03:21,508 Or why he burled hls shoes that tlme... 711 01:03:21,592 --> 01:03:25,637 ...or why he made you call hlm peter for a whole month. 712 01:03:29,475 --> 01:03:34,063 You know, you just take thlngs ilke that for granted. 713 01:03:34,146 --> 01:03:39,360 Then one day thereīs a stranger standlng in the door, saylng: 714 01:03:39,443 --> 01:03:42,529 Can i borrow the car keys, dad? 715 01:03:45,157 --> 01:03:48,077 You donīt know how it got that way. 716 01:03:49,161 --> 01:03:52,456 You donīt even know what youīre dolng there. 717 01:03:52,539 --> 01:03:54,458 God! 718 01:03:56,168 --> 01:03:58,212 Ltīs gone then. 719 01:04:00,672 --> 01:04:04,677 Once itīs gone, you canīt get it back... 720 01:04:05,761 --> 01:04:07,930 ...no matter how hard you try. 721 01:04:18,691 --> 01:04:21,360 No one should klll hlmself. 722 01:04:22,861 --> 01:04:25,364 Donīt you do that. 723 01:04:34,081 --> 01:04:36,792 Oh, līve been so stupld! 724 01:04:45,884 --> 01:04:47,928 (applause) 725 01:04:48,012 --> 01:04:50,055 (cheering) 726 01:05:00,566 --> 01:05:02,609 - Thank you. - Ok, pal. 727 01:05:02,693 --> 01:05:04,862 All rlght, come wlth us. 728 01:05:06,280 --> 01:05:10,784 Hell of a job, burt! Completely insane, man, but a hell of a job! 729 01:05:10,868 --> 01:05:12,703 Flrst rate! 730 01:05:12,786 --> 01:05:15,539 - Here, we can get a shot. - All rlght, folks... 731 01:05:15,622 --> 01:05:18,709 thereīs one thlng, burt. Whereīs the bomb? 732 01:05:18,792 --> 01:05:21,420 - The bomb? - Yeah. 733 01:05:27,301 --> 01:05:32,556 And in recognltlon of an act of outstandlng herolsm... 734 01:05:32,639 --> 01:05:37,478 ...the seattle pollce department awards you the sllver cross. 735 01:05:37,561 --> 01:05:39,271 (applause) 736 01:05:55,704 --> 01:05:58,707 - Burt, you dldnīt even make a speech! - Līm in a hurry. 737 01:05:58,791 --> 01:06:00,793 Why? Where are you golng? 738 01:06:00,876 --> 01:06:03,796 - Havenīt got tlme, ernle. - Where are you golng! 739 01:06:03,879 --> 01:06:07,841 - Youīre not golng anywhere, slmpson. - Jesus, mlller, not now! 740 01:06:07,925 --> 01:06:12,930 - Who do you thlnk you are? - Heīs my partner, shlt-for-bralns! 741 01:06:13,013 --> 01:06:14,807 Līm sorry i took your bust. 742 01:06:14,890 --> 01:06:18,268 If i could, līd put it on your record. It doesnīt matter to me. 743 01:06:18,352 --> 01:06:22,898 - Thatīs not good enough. - It has to be, cos līm in a blg hurry. 744 01:06:22,981 --> 01:06:26,026 I donīt glve a shlt. Weīre havlng it out rlght now. 745 01:06:26,110 --> 01:06:29,363 Mlller, look, līm not gonna swlng at ya. 746 01:06:29,446 --> 01:06:34,368 Because youīre a wuss, slmpson. Just ilke i always thought you were. 747 01:06:34,451 --> 01:06:37,121 Yeah, well, maybe youīre rlght. 748 01:06:37,204 --> 01:06:39,331 On the other hand... 749 01:06:41,834 --> 01:06:43,877 ...you could be wrong. 750 01:06:44,962 --> 01:06:47,673 I love you, burt slmpson. 751 01:06:48,215 --> 01:06:51,135 (car horn) 752 01:06:52,177 --> 01:06:53,178 Dougle! 753 01:06:53,387 --> 01:06:55,055 Dougle! 754 01:06:58,642 --> 01:07:00,352 Hey, boy! 755 01:07:00,436 --> 01:07:03,355 - How ya dolng? - Līm ok. Līm flne. 756 01:07:03,439 --> 01:07:07,192 - Who were ya talklng to? Glmme a hug. - Just my buddles. 757 01:07:07,276 --> 01:07:09,570 I gotcha, rlght where i want ya! 758 01:07:10,154 --> 01:07:13,365 - Dad, i canīt breathe! - I gotcha now! 759 01:07:13,449 --> 01:07:15,743 - (car horn) - You glve up? 760 01:07:15,826 --> 01:07:17,494 Uncle! Uncle! 761 01:07:17,703 --> 01:07:19,747 (car horns) 762 01:07:19,872 --> 01:07:23,917 - Are you really sure? - Never been so sure in my ilfe! 763 01:07:24,710 --> 01:07:26,003 Jesus! 764 01:07:26,086 --> 01:07:30,716 - Youīre all set, mr slmpson. - Ok, great! Thank you very much. 765 01:07:30,799 --> 01:07:32,843 You all set, mr slmpson? 766 01:07:32,926 --> 01:07:35,471 - You bet! - All rlght! 767 01:07:35,554 --> 01:07:39,475 (~ īīroll with ltīī by steve winwood on car radio) 768 01:07:43,771 --> 01:07:45,439 You ilke it? 769 01:07:45,522 --> 01:07:46,523 Hey! 770 01:07:48,275 --> 01:07:50,319 I love it! 771 01:07:54,531 --> 01:07:57,284 Dad, walt a mlnute! Thls is a really good song! 772 01:07:58,285 --> 01:08:00,996 - Thls? You ilke thls? - Yeah! 773 01:08:01,080 --> 01:08:05,793 (sings along) ~ you can make it... roll wlth it, baby 774 01:08:08,921 --> 01:08:12,424 ~ when thls world turns its back on you 775 01:08:12,966 --> 01:08:16,470 ~ hang in, and you just re-thlnk it through 776 01:08:16,553 --> 01:08:19,098 ~ you just roll wlth it, baby 777 01:08:19,556 --> 01:08:23,018 ~ hey, you just roll wlth it, baby 778 01:08:23,102 --> 01:08:27,106 ~ come on and just roll wlth it, baby 779 01:08:27,189 --> 01:08:31,402 ~ hang on and just roll wlth it, baby! 780 01:08:52,506 --> 01:08:54,883 Howīd you know about thls place? 781 01:08:54,967 --> 01:08:59,304 We came here wlth mlss graham. Weīre dolng a project on the ralnforest. 782 01:08:59,388 --> 01:09:01,432 - Are ya? - Yeah. 783 01:09:02,683 --> 01:09:05,686 - Wow! Look at thls guy! - My god! 784 01:09:05,769 --> 01:09:09,565 - I ilke hlm. Heīs a blrd-eatlng splder. - Blrd-eatlng? 785 01:09:09,648 --> 01:09:12,317 - Except he doesnīt really eat blrds. - No? 786 01:09:12,401 --> 01:09:16,363 He eats mlce and bugs. But he can klll blrds if he has to. 787 01:09:16,447 --> 01:09:20,617 You know, if they get too close to hls hole where he ilves. 788 01:09:22,953 --> 01:09:25,622 Because itīs so hot, they ilve in holes. 789 01:09:25,706 --> 01:09:29,835 Itīs cooler underground, and safer whlle theyīre sleeplng. 790 01:09:29,918 --> 01:09:32,671 - You know a lot about bugs, huh? - Yeah. 791 01:09:32,755 --> 01:09:34,548 I dldnīt know that. 792 01:09:34,631 --> 01:09:39,595 But baseballīs stlll my favourlte. Then dlnosaurs, and then bugs. 793 01:09:39,678 --> 01:09:41,889 Hey, dad, you gotta see thls! 794 01:09:45,100 --> 01:09:47,144 Isnīt he cool? 795 01:09:47,227 --> 01:09:49,271 Oh, yeah! 796 01:09:49,646 --> 01:09:51,398 Wow! 797 01:09:51,482 --> 01:09:53,525 Scary! Huh? 798 01:09:53,650 --> 01:09:55,694 Yeah. 799 01:10:22,721 --> 01:10:24,973 Blrd-eatlng splder. 800 01:10:28,435 --> 01:10:31,105 They ilve in holes. 801 01:10:33,023 --> 01:10:35,067 Rlght? 802 01:10:37,277 --> 01:10:40,948 Dad? Can we do it agaln next week? 803 01:10:43,450 --> 01:10:46,328 - Weīll see. - Ok. 804 01:10:59,091 --> 01:11:04,430 Remember when we flrst moved in, burt? How we planned thls porch would be? 805 01:11:05,139 --> 01:11:07,433 Whlte-washed decks and... 806 01:11:07,516 --> 01:11:12,771 ...that old summer chalr that ernleīs slster gave us hanglng over there. 807 01:11:12,855 --> 01:11:18,444 - Whatever happened to that chalr? - Itīs stlll in the garage, i thlnk. 808 01:11:21,071 --> 01:11:23,657 Oh, burt, i feel so lucky! 809 01:11:26,410 --> 01:11:29,455 I really thought it was all over for us. 810 01:11:30,706 --> 01:11:32,958 Līd even glven up hoplng. 811 01:11:33,834 --> 01:11:35,794 But... 812 01:11:36,545 --> 01:11:40,674 ...somehow you made it all happen for us agaln, burt. 813 01:11:41,759 --> 01:11:43,844 No, i dldnīt, honey. 814 01:11:43,927 --> 01:11:46,180 Yes... you dld. 815 01:11:48,724 --> 01:11:53,354 And suddenly i feel ilke... we have a future agaln. 816 01:11:54,605 --> 01:11:57,274 Oh... i love you, burt slmpson. 817 01:12:03,238 --> 01:12:05,282 I love you, too. 818 01:12:25,719 --> 01:12:27,763 Burt? 819 01:12:52,413 --> 01:12:54,456 Oh, burt... 820 01:12:56,291 --> 01:13:00,170 the guy says to hlm, īīwell, what are tornadoes for? īī 821 01:13:00,254 --> 01:13:02,715 and the prlest says: 822 01:13:02,798 --> 01:13:06,760 īīwell, theyīre godīs answer to traller parks! īī 823 01:13:06,844 --> 01:13:08,387 what! 824 01:13:10,139 --> 01:13:12,182 Never mlnd! 825 01:13:15,060 --> 01:13:17,896 - I guess you heard about tucker? - No. 826 01:13:17,980 --> 01:13:20,441 Got blown away thls afternoon. 827 01:13:20,524 --> 01:13:23,861 He pulls thls guy over for maklng an illegal rlght... 828 01:13:23,944 --> 01:13:26,989 ...and blam! He takes two rounds in the chest! 829 01:13:27,072 --> 01:13:29,533 - They id the guy? - Yeah. Carl stark. 830 01:13:29,616 --> 01:13:34,163 Boss of those guys you put in hospltal. Man, that guy is an evil son of a bltch. 831 01:13:35,497 --> 01:13:37,541 Stark. 832 01:13:38,292 --> 01:13:41,879 Shlt, līm gettlng hungry. Wanna get somethlng to eat? 833 01:13:48,635 --> 01:13:50,137 What? 834 01:13:50,220 --> 01:13:55,017 - When dld i last buy you dlnner? - A couple of weeks ago? 835 01:13:55,100 --> 01:13:57,644 No, you got the plzzas on monday. 836 01:13:58,812 --> 01:14:00,522 Exactly! 837 01:14:04,860 --> 01:14:06,904 (~ chopin nocturne) 838 01:14:15,621 --> 01:14:17,956 Are you outta your mlnd? 839 01:14:18,040 --> 01:14:21,126 - That jacket is you, pal! - Thanks. 840 01:14:21,210 --> 01:14:23,671 I just wanna buy you a ilttle dlnner. 841 01:14:23,754 --> 01:14:29,426 Dlnnerīs a plzza, burt, or a cheeseburger. Not lobster thermldor. 842 01:14:29,510 --> 01:14:33,639 Ernle, you were best man at my weddlng. Youīre godfather to my son. 843 01:14:33,722 --> 01:14:36,141 Weīve been partners for ten years. 844 01:14:36,225 --> 01:14:41,230 Canīt i just once spend more than three lousy dollars buylng you dlnner? 845 01:14:41,313 --> 01:14:44,441 Nothlngīs worth nlnety bucks a plate! 846 01:14:44,525 --> 01:14:47,569 - you are, pal. - More wlne, slr? 847 01:14:47,653 --> 01:14:51,115 Yeah. Let me have a bottle of your best champagne. 848 01:14:51,198 --> 01:14:52,783 Burt! 849 01:14:52,866 --> 01:14:57,871 Ernle, i have just found out somethlng thatīs so important... 850 01:14:57,955 --> 01:15:01,625 ...i canīt belleve it took me thls long to flnd out. 851 01:15:01,709 --> 01:15:06,338 You canīt spend your whole ilfe plannlng whatīll make you happy tomorrow... 852 01:15:06,422 --> 01:15:09,633 ...or youīll never be happy today. You gotta do it now. 853 01:15:11,510 --> 01:15:14,138 And that includes your hot tubs. 854 01:15:14,221 --> 01:15:18,058 I was wrong about lewls. Itīs a good deal. Great idea! 855 01:15:18,142 --> 01:15:19,143 Thank you. 856 01:15:19,226 --> 01:15:22,271 You gotta go for it, ernle. You gotta enjoy it. 857 01:15:28,235 --> 01:15:31,280 Oh, i almost forgot. These are for you. 858 01:15:33,824 --> 01:15:35,868 What are these? 859 01:15:35,951 --> 01:15:39,538 - The keys to my mustang. - You bought a mustang? 860 01:15:39,621 --> 01:15:43,751 Llttle red convertlble. I want you to have it. 861 01:15:46,045 --> 01:15:50,799 Thatīs it, buddy. Youīre seelng a doctor. Youīre outta your fucklnī mlnd! 862 01:15:52,926 --> 01:15:56,055 (whispers) slt down, slt down, slt down! 863 01:16:03,354 --> 01:16:06,065 Ernle, have you ever drlven a convertlble? 864 01:16:06,148 --> 01:16:09,109 Do you know how it feels when the topīs down? 865 01:16:09,193 --> 01:16:12,404 The sunīs out, the wlndīs golng through your halr? 866 01:16:12,488 --> 01:16:15,449 Do you know how alive it makes you feel? 867 01:16:16,075 --> 01:16:18,577 I want you to have that feellng. 868 01:16:19,203 --> 01:16:21,288 I want you to feel allve. 869 01:16:24,583 --> 01:16:27,503 Thereīs another thlng. Come here. 870 01:16:30,047 --> 01:16:31,590 I love ya, pal. 871 01:16:35,886 --> 01:16:37,388 Oh, god! 872 01:16:38,180 --> 01:16:42,267 So, flnally, he takes me out for a $400 meal... 873 01:16:42,685 --> 01:16:47,815 ...klsses me, and glves me these. The keys to hls new convertlble. 874 01:16:47,898 --> 01:16:50,025 What the hellīs wrong wlth hlm? 875 01:16:50,109 --> 01:16:53,737 - And today is hls last day on the force? - Mm-hm. 876 01:16:53,821 --> 01:16:57,116 I really donīt thlnk you need to worry very much. 877 01:16:57,199 --> 01:16:59,284 He sald he loved me! 878 01:16:59,368 --> 01:17:04,998 Many offlcers on the polnt of retlrement experlence contradlctory feellngs. 879 01:17:05,082 --> 01:17:07,751 Some relate to immlnent loss of power. 880 01:17:07,835 --> 01:17:13,048 Others to a fear of maklng it alone outslde the close camaraderle of the force. 881 01:17:13,132 --> 01:17:17,594 No, you donīt understand. Burtīs not ilke thls. Not at all. 882 01:17:17,678 --> 01:17:22,516 Thls is ilke drlvlng around wlth a completely dlfferent guy. 883 01:17:22,599 --> 01:17:27,646 I suppose itīs posslble heīs sufferlng from some form of manlc depresslon. 884 01:17:29,148 --> 01:17:31,191 Well, how can we flnd out? 885 01:17:31,275 --> 01:17:35,446 Ltīs actually a chemlcal imbalance. It would show up on a blood test. 886 01:17:43,245 --> 01:17:45,456 - Good mornlng. - Good mornlng. 887 01:17:45,664 --> 01:17:47,249 - Mornlng. - Mornlng. 888 01:17:47,332 --> 01:17:51,086 - How about a ilttle break? - Gee, thanks a lot! 889 01:17:51,754 --> 01:17:53,380 Yeah... 890 01:18:02,264 --> 01:18:04,099 oh! 891 01:18:04,183 --> 01:18:06,185 Hello, boys! 892 01:18:06,268 --> 01:18:09,563 - Jesus, itīs hlm! - Get the hell outta here. 893 01:18:09,646 --> 01:18:14,318 Aw! Now does that mean youīre not gonna tell me where stark is? 894 01:18:17,446 --> 01:18:20,324 Well... look, līll tell you what. 895 01:18:20,407 --> 01:18:25,329 Līm gonna leave you my number... rlght here. 896 01:18:25,829 --> 01:18:28,832 If you change your mlnd, you just glve me a... 897 01:18:28,916 --> 01:18:30,876 ...a call. Can you read that? 898 01:18:33,128 --> 01:18:36,840 You canīt see from there, can you? Oh, walt a mlnute. 899 01:18:38,425 --> 01:18:40,010 Argh! 900 01:18:40,094 --> 01:18:42,346 Is that better? 901 01:18:42,429 --> 01:18:44,473 - Jesus! - Huh? 902 01:18:44,556 --> 01:18:46,600 - Youīd ilke to read it, too? - Ow! 903 01:18:46,684 --> 01:18:47,935 Guard! 904 01:18:48,018 --> 01:18:51,188 - Can you read thls? - Yeah. I can read that. 905 01:18:51,271 --> 01:18:53,899 - Excellent! - Ow! 906 01:18:55,818 --> 01:18:58,362 - Go ahead. - What? 907 01:18:58,445 --> 01:19:01,115 - Whatīs my number? - Screw you! 908 01:19:03,826 --> 01:19:07,162 You werenīt really serlous about calllng me, were you? 909 01:19:08,330 --> 01:19:10,165 Līll tell you where stark is! 910 01:19:11,750 --> 01:19:13,502 Good boy. 911 01:19:26,098 --> 01:19:29,893 - Can you tell me where dr drexler is? - Drexler? 912 01:19:29,977 --> 01:19:33,063 - Yes. Itīs very important. - One moment. 913 01:19:33,981 --> 01:19:36,859 Dr drexlerīs on the second floor. Room 207. 914 01:19:37,234 --> 01:19:39,278 207. thanks. 915 01:19:43,490 --> 01:19:47,119 Out of the questlon! All records are strlctly confldentlal. 916 01:19:47,202 --> 01:19:50,539 - I have to see them. - Not wlthout authorlsatlon. 917 01:19:50,622 --> 01:19:54,668 - You donīt understand. Līm a cop. - So? Show me a warrant. 918 01:19:54,752 --> 01:19:56,754 Screw thls! 919 01:19:56,837 --> 01:20:00,674 - Put those back! Thls is outrageous! - Heīs my partner! 920 01:20:00,758 --> 01:20:02,593 Well, your partner is dylng! 921 01:20:02,676 --> 01:20:06,388 - What? - I sald... heīs dylng. 922 01:20:23,572 --> 01:20:25,657 Autotoxla... haema... 923 01:20:25,741 --> 01:20:30,621 ...tosa. Wexlerīs curtaln. Thatīs why i dldnīt report the marljuana trace. 924 01:20:30,704 --> 01:20:33,582 - Marljuana? - Thatīs what i sald. 925 01:20:34,500 --> 01:20:38,629 You must have notlced somethlng wrong when he began to go bllnd. 926 01:20:38,712 --> 01:20:40,798 Biind? 927 01:20:57,147 --> 01:20:58,816 (crash!) 928 01:21:01,485 --> 01:21:04,613 - Where the hell is slmpson, dllls? - I donīt know, slr. 929 01:21:04,697 --> 01:21:10,911 Two guys in tractlon clalm he beat on īem tlll they told hlm where stark was. 930 01:21:10,994 --> 01:21:13,664 - Couldīve blown the whole thlng. - Shlt! 931 01:21:19,128 --> 01:21:22,131 Hey, ed. The captaln wants to see you. 932 01:21:22,214 --> 01:21:24,466 Go on! Get golng! 933 01:21:31,890 --> 01:21:34,143 Where the hell is my partner! 934 01:21:34,226 --> 01:21:35,185 Ow! 935 01:21:42,526 --> 01:21:45,195 25... 6... 936 01:21:47,489 --> 01:21:49,825 - used twentles. - Itīs great. 937 01:21:49,908 --> 01:21:52,161 We gotta do thls more often. 938 01:21:52,870 --> 01:21:56,665 I deducted for the damages on the doors. 939 01:22:03,005 --> 01:22:03,881 No! 940 01:22:06,091 --> 01:22:08,469 - Pollce! Freeze! - Itīs the heat! 941 01:22:08,552 --> 01:22:10,137 Letīs get outta here! 942 01:22:12,514 --> 01:22:15,476 - Vlto! Letīs go! - He wrecked the llncoln! 943 01:22:15,559 --> 01:22:17,186 Pollce! Freeze! 944 01:22:27,404 --> 01:22:28,364 Shlt! 945 01:22:44,088 --> 01:22:45,089 Come on! 946 01:22:47,883 --> 01:22:49,927 (panting) llke i sald... 947 01:22:50,010 --> 01:22:51,595 pollce! 948 01:22:51,679 --> 01:22:53,347 Freeze! 949 01:22:55,224 --> 01:22:57,059 Go ahead. 950 01:22:59,144 --> 01:23:01,188 Make my day. 951 01:23:01,271 --> 01:23:04,942 What do you thlnk i am? Stupld? 952 01:23:05,025 --> 01:23:06,985 (elevator bell) 953 01:23:09,029 --> 01:23:11,281 Thls is rldlculous. 954 01:23:38,225 --> 01:23:40,144 Stark! 955 01:23:40,853 --> 01:23:43,397 Thank god! I thought līd lost ya. 956 01:23:46,025 --> 01:23:48,986 You are one crazy son of a bltch! 957 01:23:49,528 --> 01:23:51,572 I ilke that! 958 01:23:51,655 --> 01:23:56,160 - But youīll stlll blow me away, wonīt ya? - Līll klll ya. 959 01:24:16,764 --> 01:24:19,433 Walt up! 960 01:24:30,527 --> 01:24:33,530 Walt a mlnute! You dldnīt get me! 961 01:24:36,158 --> 01:24:37,785 Shlt! 962 01:24:43,040 --> 01:24:45,709 What klnd of a cop klller are you! 963 01:24:46,877 --> 01:24:49,004 Can you belleve thls guy! 964 01:25:06,438 --> 01:25:08,440 Yes! 965 01:25:11,026 --> 01:25:13,070 Come back! 966 01:25:21,453 --> 01:25:23,831 Oh, no! 967 01:25:24,665 --> 01:25:26,458 (explosion) 968 01:25:33,090 --> 01:25:35,968 You mlssed me agaln, you idlot! 969 01:25:41,598 --> 01:25:42,808 Ohh! 970 01:26:07,499 --> 01:26:09,668 Where the hell are you? 971 01:26:12,880 --> 01:26:15,382 Thls is really plsslng me off! 972 01:26:24,725 --> 01:26:26,769 Hey, stupld! 973 01:26:41,408 --> 01:26:43,452 Hey, watch out, man! 974 01:26:43,535 --> 01:26:48,207 Līm gonna say thls once, so ilsten up. Elther you come up here and klll me... 975 01:26:48,290 --> 01:26:52,628 ...or līm gonna cllmb down there and pull us both off. You got it? 976 01:26:56,674 --> 01:26:58,926 Ok, pal! Thatīs it! 977 01:27:18,529 --> 01:27:20,989 Aaagh! 978 01:27:24,034 --> 01:27:25,411 Aw! 979 01:27:28,706 --> 01:27:31,500 Now youīve really plssed me off! 980 01:27:31,583 --> 01:27:34,003 Good. Plssed off is good. 981 01:28:04,533 --> 01:28:07,244 - Burt! - Ernle?! 982 01:28:09,204 --> 01:28:12,708 Burt! Burt! Llsten carefully! 983 01:28:12,791 --> 01:28:14,835 Youīre not slck! 984 01:28:14,918 --> 01:28:16,420 What?! 985 01:28:16,503 --> 01:28:19,173 - He sald youīre not slck. - Shut up! 986 01:28:19,256 --> 01:28:20,257 What?! 987 01:28:20,341 --> 01:28:24,261 Dr drexler made a mlstake! Youīre not gonna dle! 988 01:28:24,345 --> 01:28:26,555 Līm not gonna dle?! 989 01:28:26,638 --> 01:28:28,390 Līm not gonna dle! 990 01:28:49,244 --> 01:28:51,664 I am gonna dle. I am gonna dle! 991 01:28:51,747 --> 01:28:53,707 Damn rlght, sucker! 992 01:29:01,090 --> 01:29:04,718 Ernle! Do somethlng! Ow! 993 01:29:04,802 --> 01:29:06,929 Do somethlng! Come on! 994 01:29:07,012 --> 01:29:10,849 - Shoot the son of a bltch! - Sayonara, sucker! 995 01:29:20,818 --> 01:29:22,444 Help me! 996 01:29:23,404 --> 01:29:25,447 You gotta be klddlng! 997 01:29:25,531 --> 01:29:26,657 Hang on, burt! 998 01:29:40,879 --> 01:29:43,924 (stark screams) 999 01:29:52,933 --> 01:29:54,977 Burt! You ok? 1000 01:29:55,060 --> 01:29:57,604 Līm not gonna dle! 1001 01:29:57,688 --> 01:29:59,273 Donīt look down! 1002 01:29:59,356 --> 01:30:01,400 Just donīt look down. 1003 01:30:02,526 --> 01:30:05,112 Just donīt look down. 1004 01:30:05,195 --> 01:30:09,074 Donīt worry! Hang on, buddy! Backupīs on the way! 1005 01:30:13,579 --> 01:30:16,373 Donīt... look down! 1006 01:30:31,472 --> 01:30:33,098 Aagghh! 1007 01:30:34,350 --> 01:30:37,394 Dearly beloved, we who gather here... 1008 01:30:37,478 --> 01:30:42,066 ...come from many dlfferent stages in our journey through ilfe... 1009 01:30:42,149 --> 01:30:46,695 ...wlth dlfferent ways of looklng at ilfe and death. 1010 01:30:47,654 --> 01:30:53,077 We gather here to mourn a man. A frlend to those who knew and loved hlm. 1011 01:30:55,079 --> 01:30:57,956 A man who served thls clty well. 1012 01:30:59,792 --> 01:31:02,878 A man who wore hls unlform wlth prlde. 1013 01:31:03,837 --> 01:31:08,759 - Couldnīt he hurry it up a ilttle? - Hey... show a ilttle respect. 1014 01:31:08,842 --> 01:31:14,014 (priest) at some polnt our ilves were touched by hlm whom we mourn here. 1015 01:31:14,890 --> 01:31:17,184 And our ilves... 1016 01:31:17,267 --> 01:31:19,311 ...touched hlm. 1017 01:31:19,603 --> 01:31:24,858 Hls sudden departure from among us has cut across all our ilves. 1018 01:31:25,567 --> 01:31:27,361 Dad? 1019 01:31:28,028 --> 01:31:30,489 Who was thls guy? 1020 01:31:30,864 --> 01:31:33,325 He drove buses. 1021 01:31:33,659 --> 01:31:36,453 And also... gave me back my ilfe. 1022 01:31:36,537 --> 01:31:39,748 (priest) a tlme for every matter under heaven. 1023 01:31:47,506 --> 01:31:50,050 - Carolyn. - Captaln. 1024 01:31:50,926 --> 01:31:54,847 - Well... you made it. - Just about, anyway. 1025 01:31:54,930 --> 01:31:59,351 - i was hanglng out the chopper. - Shut up, dllls! 1026 01:32:00,352 --> 01:32:03,230 The preclnct wonīt be the same wlthout you. 1027 01:32:03,313 --> 01:32:06,108 - Well... - oh, i almost forgot. 1028 01:32:06,191 --> 01:32:12,114 The hellcopter pllot sent that over. Thought you mlght ilke to see it. 1029 01:32:13,282 --> 01:32:16,493 - Not my best angle! - Look, your flyīs open! 1030 01:32:16,577 --> 01:32:20,039 Here, you can keep thls. Līll slgn it for you later. 1031 01:32:20,122 --> 01:32:23,792 Thanks, captaln, for comlng out here. I appreclate it. 1032 01:32:24,710 --> 01:32:27,004 Thanks a lot, slr. 1033 01:32:30,132 --> 01:32:32,676 - Here we go, honey. - Ready? 1034 01:32:33,719 --> 01:32:38,057 - You got the keys, ernle? - Damn rlght i got the keys. Itīs my car! 1035 01:32:38,140 --> 01:32:40,517 - What? - He gave it to me. 1036 01:32:40,601 --> 01:32:43,812 - You gave it to hlm? - When i thought i was dylng. 1037 01:32:43,896 --> 01:32:46,982 (ernie) well, thatīs not my fault, pal. 1038 01:32:47,900 --> 01:32:52,279 - So, can i borrow the car? - Ok, but itīs ten cents a mlle. 1039 01:32:52,363 --> 01:32:55,574 - Flgures. - Great! Back seat and itīs my car! 1040 01:32:57,493 --> 01:33:00,120 - Keys! Keys! - You ok, honey? 1041 01:33:00,204 --> 01:33:02,331 Ow! Plece of cake. 1042 01:33:03,749 --> 01:33:06,210 So, where do you wanna go? 1043 01:33:06,293 --> 01:33:07,920 (sirens) 1044 01:33:09,505 --> 01:33:10,923 - Burt! - Burt! 1045 01:33:11,006 --> 01:33:12,007 Daddy! 1046 01:33:26,897 --> 01:33:28,732 (sirens continue) 1047 01:33:31,151 --> 01:33:34,029 So, where do you wanna go? 1048 01:33:34,822 --> 01:33:37,199 (dougie) i wanna go to the park. 1049 01:33:37,282 --> 01:33:41,912 - (ernie) i wanna go to a bar. - (carolyn) līd klnda ilke to go home. 1050 01:33:50,462 --> 01:33:53,465 ~ when life is too much 1051 01:33:53,716 --> 01:33:55,968 ~ roll with it, baby 1052 01:33:58,721 --> 01:34:02,224 ~ donīt stop and lose your touch 1053 01:34:02,307 --> 01:34:04,351 ~ oh, no, baby 1054 01:34:06,437 --> 01:34:10,232 ~ hard times knocking on your door 1055 01:34:10,691 --> 01:34:14,194 ~ līll tell them you ainīt there no more 1056 01:34:16,113 --> 01:34:17,740 ~ get on through it 1057 01:34:18,198 --> 01:34:20,784 ~ roll with it, baby 1058 01:34:24,079 --> 01:34:27,541 ~ luckīll come and then slip away 1059 01:34:28,167 --> 01:34:31,462 ~ youīve gotta move, bring it back to stay 1060 01:34:31,545 --> 01:34:34,256 ~ youīve gotta roll with it, baby 1061 01:34:34,340 --> 01:34:38,344 ~ come on and just roll with it, baby 1062 01:34:38,677 --> 01:34:42,473 ~ you and me, roll with it, baby 1063 01:34:42,556 --> 01:34:46,518 ~ hang on and just roll with it, baby 1064 01:34:46,727 --> 01:34:47,728 ~ hey! 1065 01:34:47,936 --> 01:34:51,023 ~ the way that you love 1066 01:34:51,357 --> 01:34:53,609 ~ is good as money 1067 01:34:56,153 --> 01:34:59,239 ~ i swear by stars above 1068 01:34:59,490 --> 01:35:01,742 ~ sweet as honey 1069 01:35:03,786 --> 01:35:07,456 ~ people think youīre down and out 1070 01:35:08,040 --> 01:35:11,543 ~ you show them what itīs all about 1071 01:35:13,504 --> 01:35:15,464 ~ you can make it 1072 01:35:15,839 --> 01:35:18,092 ~ roll with it, baby 1073 01:35:21,428 --> 01:35:24,765 ~ when this world turns its back on you 1074 01:35:25,599 --> 01:35:28,435 ~ hang in and do that sweet thing you do 1075 01:35:28,519 --> 01:35:31,563 ~ you just roll with it, baby 1076 01:35:31,647 --> 01:35:35,609 ~ yeah, you just roll with it, baby 1077 01:35:35,776 --> 01:35:39,697 ~ come on and just roll with it, baby 1078 01:35:39,947 --> 01:35:43,784 ~ you and me, just roll with it, baby 1079 01:36:02,052 --> 01:36:04,221 ~ roll with it, baby 1080 01:36:04,513 --> 01:36:08,308 ~ yeah, you just roll with it, baby 1081 01:36:08,642 --> 01:36:12,438 ~ you and me, just roll with it, baby 1082 01:36:12,896 --> 01:36:16,483 ~ hang on and just roll with it, baby 1083 01:36:16,775 --> 01:36:18,861 ~ hey! Come on! 1084 01:36:21,196 --> 01:36:23,490 ~ roll with me, baby 1085 01:36:25,451 --> 01:36:27,494 ~ hang on, baby 1086 01:36:29,455 --> 01:36:32,708 ~ roll with me, baby 1087 01:36:33,125 --> 01:36:34,960 ~ roll 1088 01:36:36,086 --> 01:36:37,504 ~ hey! 1089 01:36:37,838 --> 01:36:39,882 ~ come on and roll 1090 01:36:46,722 --> 01:36:48,766 subtltles by vlslontext