1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 字幕來源:R3-DVD 轉制校訂:Mtime@你的傲慢我的偏見 2 00:00:42,640 --> 00:00:46,240 主演:雪兒 3 00:00:47,584 --> 00:00:51,179 主演:鮑勃·霍金斯 4 00:00:52,189 --> 00:00:55,818 主演:薇諾娜·瑞德 5 00:00:58,162 --> 00:01:03,156 片名:風 情 媽 咪 俏 女 兒 6 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:05,800 根據帕提·丹恩所著同名小說改編而成 7 00:02:07,197 --> 00:02:11,065 編劇:瓊恩·羅伯特 8 00:02:12,503 --> 00:02:17,800 製片:羅倫·洛伊德 華利斯·尼西塔 派崔克·派歐莫 9 00:02:19,176 --> 00:02:22,907 導演:理察·班傑明 10 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:25,900 My sister kate learned to swim when most babies... 當別的小孩還在咬磨牙圈時 11 00:02:25,900 --> 00:02:28,900 were still gnawing the sides of their playpens. 我妹妹凱蒂就已經學會游泳了 12 00:02:29,338 --> 00:02:31,568 I adore her. Everybody does. 我仰慕她 大家都如此 13 00:02:31,800 --> 00:02:32,600 The day she was born, 她出生那天 14 00:02:32,600 --> 00:02:34,240 I wanted to name her after Saint Gobnet, 我想將她取名為聖·伽伯內特 15 00:02:34,240 --> 00:02:35,800 the virgin beekeeper, 一位貞潔的養蜂聖人 16 00:02:36,012 --> 00:02:39,470 But mother, Mrs. Flax, thought I was a little peculiar. 但媽媽 弗拉斯太太 認為我很怪 17 00:02:39,615 --> 00:02:40,639 I don't agree. 我不同意 18 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:49,080 一九六三年 19 00:03:11,214 --> 00:03:14,547 Mrs. Flax doesn't believe in ritual or tradition. 弗拉斯太太不相信宗教儀式及傳統 20 00:03:21,424 --> 00:03:22,288 No. 不好 21 00:03:31,701 --> 00:03:32,633 Maybe. 也許 22 00:03:38,641 --> 00:03:39,608 I think so. 我想可以 23 00:03:42,300 --> 00:03:44,360 But I'd wanted to repent since the first time... 而我自從在一次拼字比賽中 24 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:46,480 I saw a girl with ashes on her forehead... 初次看見一個女孩在前額抹灰 25 00:03:46,480 --> 00:03:48,540 cross herself and chant Hail Marys... 在胸前劃十字 念著聖母瑪利亞時 26 00:03:48,540 --> 00:03:50,017 before a spelling bee. 便一心只想懺悔 27 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:53,200 Charlotte, We're Jewish. 夏洛特 我們是猶太人 28 00:04:03,780 --> 00:04:04,860 What is this? 這是什麼 29 00:04:05,001 --> 00:04:07,663 Cheese ball pick-me-ups accompanied by miniature franks, 起司球串 加上小法蘭克香腸 30 00:04:07,804 --> 00:04:11,535 and, for dessert... marshmallow kabobs. 至於甜點 藥葵軟糖串 31 00:04:13,943 --> 00:04:16,180 A word about Mrs. Flax and food. 如果要用一個詞語形容弗拉斯太太和食物 32 00:04:16,200 --> 00:04:18,540 The word is hors d'oeuvres. 這個詞語就是開胃小菜 33 00:04:19,182 --> 00:04:20,979 "Fun Finger Foods" is her main source book, "趣味簡餐"是她的拿手菜 34 00:04:21,117 --> 00:04:23,085 and that's all the woman cooks. 也是那個女人唯一會做的 35 00:04:23,219 --> 00:04:26,347 "Anything more," she says, "is too big a commitment." 她說 "超過這些便是要求過度" 36 00:04:33,729 --> 00:04:36,129 It's Fred. Okay, how do I look? 是弗列德 好了 我看起來怎麼樣 37 00:04:36,200 --> 00:04:38,200 Like a woman about to go forth and sin. 像準備犯罪的女人 38 00:04:38,360 --> 00:04:40,780 Oh, good, exactly the look I was hoping for. 很好 正是我期望的樣子 39 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:44,900 - Good night. - Don't wait up. - 再見 - 不用等我 40 00:04:47,340 --> 00:04:49,700 Mrs. Flax is dating her boss. 弗拉斯太太正在和她的老闆約會 41 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:09,480 That means we'll be moving soon. 那表示我們快搬家了 42 00:05:09,832 --> 00:05:13,029 Wait. Wait a minute. Wait. 慢著 慢著 等一下 43 00:05:16,939 --> 00:05:20,898 Did you just tell me that not only am I not going on this trip, 你是說我不僅不能參加這趟旅行 44 00:05:21,043 --> 00:05:23,273 but that you're taking another woman? 而且你還要帶另一個女人去嗎 45 00:05:23,779 --> 00:05:26,213 Honey, she's not just "another woman." 親愛的 她不只是"另一個女人" 46 00:05:26,349 --> 00:05:27,873 She's my wife. 她是我太太 47 00:05:28,818 --> 00:05:30,786 We've moved 18 times. 我們搬過十八次家 48 00:05:32,054 --> 00:05:34,079 It gets easy to read the signs. 所以很容易看出跡象 49 00:05:48,480 --> 00:05:50,480 『波士頓』 50 00:05:51,780 --> 00:05:53,240 『您正在駛離奧克拉荷馬』 51 00:05:53,360 --> 00:05:56,480 I feel I've wasted half my life in cars. 我覺得我的一半時間都浪費在車上 52 00:05:56,540 --> 00:05:58,180 I try to be charitable: 我試著寬大為懷 53 00:05:58,240 --> 00:06:00,800 taking care of Kate and not killing mother, 專心照顧凱蒂 而不去殺了媽媽 54 00:06:01,280 --> 00:06:02,300 But, I ask you, 但我請問你 55 00:06:02,400 --> 00:06:03,800 who ever heard the word of god... 誰聽說過神要求人們 56 00:06:03,800 --> 00:06:06,480 going 70 miles an hour on the interstate? 以七十英里的時速開車呢 57 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:08,240 『歡迎光臨麻薩諸塞州』 58 00:06:16,465 --> 00:06:18,597 President Kennedy arrived at Hyannis Port this afternoon, 肯尼迪總統今天下午抵達海尼斯港 59 00:06:18,734 --> 00:06:20,702 leaving the rigors of Washington behind. 將酷熱的華盛頓拋在腦後 60 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:22,600 On hand to greet him as the Presidential helicopter 當總統的直升機落地時 61 00:06:22,600 --> 00:06:24,600 touched down were his daughter-- 首先迎上去的是他的小女兒 62 00:06:29,578 --> 00:06:32,240 I don't think he wanted those gifts they gave him. 我不認為他想要他們送的禮物 63 00:06:32,381 --> 00:06:34,645 Frankenstein and birds? 科學怪人和鳥兒 64 00:06:36,185 --> 00:06:37,480 No, sweetheart. 不 甜心 65 00:06:37,540 --> 00:06:39,540 The three wise men brought the baby Jesus... 三位智者送給耶穌聖嬰的是 66 00:06:39,540 --> 00:06:41,000 Frankincense and Myrrh. 乳香和沒藥 67 00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:42,360 Oh. 噢 68 00:06:44,060 --> 00:06:45,391 It's not that I don't know about these things. Charlotte 我並非不知道這種事 夏洛特 69 00:06:45,561 --> 00:06:47,256 Just I choose to believe something else. 我只是選擇相信別的 70 00:06:47,430 --> 00:06:49,193 I got an idea. How about some fudge? 我有個主意 來點軟糖怎麼樣 71 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:50,600 Yeah. 好 72 00:06:50,700 --> 00:06:52,400 Charlotte, you want to go make some fudge? 夏洛特 你想做點軟糖嗎 73 00:06:52,535 --> 00:06:54,332 I can't do anything... 我什麼事都不能做 74 00:06:54,470 --> 00:06:57,132 until I have everything the way it was. 除非我使一切都恢復原樣 75 00:06:57,907 --> 00:06:59,480 Charlotte, the whole point of moving... 夏洛特 搬家的重點 76 00:06:59,480 --> 00:07:01,480 is so that everything can be different. 就是一切都能改變 77 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:04,000 I don't like waking up and not knowing where I am. 我不喜歡醒來時不知身在何處 78 00:07:04,500 --> 00:07:06,640 Well, then I'll make you a little sign for over your bed that says: 那我就在你的床頭掛個問候標籤 79 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:07,640 "Good morning, Charlotte." "早安 夏洛特" 80 00:07:07,640 --> 00:07:08,720 "You are now in East Port." "你現在身處東港" 81 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:09,960 "Have a lovely day." "祝你今天愉快" 82 00:07:10,553 --> 00:07:11,640 Oklahoma was great. 奧克拉荷馬很棒 83 00:07:11,780 --> 00:07:12,880 I liked living there. 我喜歡住在那裏 84 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:15,480 I know. And you'll love living here when you get used to it. 我知道 等你習慣後你也會喜歡這裏的 85 00:07:15,580 --> 00:07:17,640 Yeah, and when you get used to it, we'll move... 對 等你習慣後 我們便會搬家 86 00:07:17,640 --> 00:07:18,860 and everything will change again. 一切就又要改變 87 00:07:18,960 --> 00:07:21,180 Life is change, Charlotte. Death is... 生命就是改變 夏洛特 88 00:07:21,360 --> 00:07:23,360 dwelling on the past... 死亡則是沉溺於過去 89 00:07:23,480 --> 00:07:25,860 or staying in one place too long. 或是在一個地方待太久 90 00:07:28,471 --> 00:07:31,480 Charlotte, remind me to get you a decent pair of shoes. 夏洛特 提醒我幫你買雙像樣的鞋 91 00:07:31,540 --> 00:07:33,565 - I don't want any. - Don't be ridiculous, Charlotte. - 我不要 - 別傻了 夏洛特 92 00:07:33,709 --> 00:07:35,643 Every woman wants new shoes. 每個女人都想要新鞋 93 00:07:35,778 --> 00:07:37,186 But those are from him. 但那雙是他買的 94 00:07:37,646 --> 00:07:39,360 "Him"? Oh, him. "他" 噢 他呀 95 00:07:39,982 --> 00:07:41,982 Charlotte says he'll visit one day. 夏洛特說有一天他會來看我們 96 00:07:42,018 --> 00:07:43,640 How will he know we're here? 他怎麼知道我們在這裏 97 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:44,880 Charlotte, you know what? 夏洛特 98 00:07:44,880 --> 00:07:46,800 The only thing you can rely on about your father... 你父親唯一可信的一點是 99 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:49,180 is that he can't be relied on. 是他不可信 100 00:07:50,426 --> 00:07:52,394 Right there. Hold on, hold on. 好了 拿著 拿著 101 00:07:52,528 --> 00:07:55,224 I only have one memory of my father. 我對我父親只有一個印象 102 00:07:55,360 --> 00:07:58,240 At least, I think it was my father. 至少 我認為那是我父親 103 00:08:09,311 --> 00:08:12,100 Honey, it's an Eclipse. Put these on. 親愛的 是日蝕 戴上它 104 00:08:26,420 --> 00:08:27,800 One day he'll come back. 有一天他會回來的 105 00:08:27,897 --> 00:08:29,960 I just hope he can find us. 只希望他找得到我們 106 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:35,480 Dear God, please don't let us be leaving right away. 親愛的神 請別讓我們立刻離開 107 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:37,780 Please let me stop lying all the time. 請別讓我總是說謊 108 00:08:38,360 --> 00:08:40,720 Please don't let me fall crazy in love so much... 請別讓我瘋狂地墜入愛河 109 00:08:40,800 --> 00:08:43,240 and please let someone fall crazy in love back. 請讓某個人瘋狂地愛上我 110 00:08:43,740 --> 00:08:45,780 And please send me a sign. 還有 請給我一個訊號吧 111 00:08:46,715 --> 00:08:47,682 Amen. 阿門 112 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:01,360 - Hello there. - Hello. - 你們好 - 你好 113 00:09:10,180 --> 00:09:12,240 - Hey! - Come on. - 嘿 - 快點 114 00:09:12,480 --> 00:09:14,640 "Chief maintenance man for apartment house or hotel." "公寓或旅館維護組長" 115 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:17,000 Let's move it, huh? 開快點 行嗎 116 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:20,186 "Experienced mechanic." "Sheet metal worker." "有經驗的修車工" "金屬薄板工人" 117 00:09:22,240 --> 00:09:23,640 Somehow-- Charlotte, 不知為什麼 夏洛特 118 00:09:23,640 --> 00:09:25,596 you drive like old people make love. 你開車像老人做愛一樣慢 119 00:09:25,720 --> 00:09:28,640 Mom, I'm only 15. I get nervous. 媽 我只有十五歲 我會緊張 120 00:09:28,640 --> 00:09:29,640 Move it over! 開快點 121 00:09:29,758 --> 00:09:31,600 Driving happens to be one of the two... 開車是女人所能擁有的 122 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:33,860 most important skills a woman can have. 兩個重要技巧之一 123 00:09:33,950 --> 00:09:35,827 You should be tickled pink that I taught you early. 你該為我這麼早就教你感到興奮 124 00:09:35,900 --> 00:09:36,800 Let's go! 開快點 125 00:09:36,800 --> 00:09:38,480 Wait a minute. All right, this sounds good. 等等 這個聽起來不錯 126 00:09:38,600 --> 00:09:40,200 "Bright, personable young secretary..." "小律師事務所" 127 00:09:40,200 --> 00:09:43,940 "with cheerful disposition required by small law firm." "誠徵聰明貌美性情好的女秘書" 128 00:09:45,260 --> 00:09:46,540 Why are you signaling? 你為什麼打方向燈 129 00:09:46,640 --> 00:09:48,370 The turn is two miles down the road. 轉彎處還有兩英里遠 130 00:09:48,960 --> 00:09:49,967 All right, just pull over. 好吧 靠邊停車 131 00:09:50,500 --> 00:09:51,500 Step on it! 閃一邊去 132 00:09:51,960 --> 00:09:53,960 - Blow it out your ear! - Kate-- - 你們滾開 - 凱蒂 133 00:10:16,860 --> 00:10:18,480 Hi. 嗨 134 00:10:19,041 --> 00:10:22,204 I just wondered if you got moved in all right. 我只想知道 你們是否己經安頓好了 135 00:10:22,344 --> 00:10:24,107 Yeah, we got moved in fine. 是的 我們都安頓好了 136 00:10:25,948 --> 00:10:28,746 My name's Joe Peretti. I work up the hill. 我叫喬·普列提 我在山上工作 137 00:10:29,518 --> 00:10:33,921 So if you need anything done, Ma'am-- 如果你需要幫忙 夫人 138 00:10:34,056 --> 00:10:35,546 "Ma'am"? "夫人" 139 00:10:37,760 --> 00:10:40,786 Well, what exactly is up the hill, Mr. Peretti? 山上到底是什麼 普列提先生 140 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:42,500 The convent. 是修道院 141 00:10:43,165 --> 00:10:45,156 Protectors of the blessed souls. 信徒的保護者 142 00:10:45,640 --> 00:10:47,100 This is a sign. Thank you, God. 這就是訊號 謝謝你 神 143 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:48,780 This is a real sign. 這是真正的訊號 144 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,360 Our nearest neighbors are nuns? 我們的近鄰是修女嗎 145 00:10:52,675 --> 00:10:55,371 I suppose you think this is divine providence? 我想你一定認為這裏是天堂 146 00:10:56,645 --> 00:10:59,100 You know what? There is one small thing, Joe. 你知道嗎 的確有一件小事 喬 147 00:10:59,240 --> 00:11:01,900 - Here. That porch swing up there? - Yeah? - 拿著 那個走廊鞦韆 - 怎麼啦 148 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:03,900 I just can't seem to reach it. 我就是修不好它 149 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:06,919 Okay. I'll take a look. 好的 我看看 150 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:21,197 So, Joe, how old did you say you were? 喬 你剛剛說你多少歲 151 00:11:25,540 --> 00:11:27,150 Twenty-six and cute as a button. 二十六歲 又如此可愛 152 00:11:27,240 --> 00:11:28,980 Too bad you're set on being a nun. 可惜你決心要當修女 153 00:11:32,240 --> 00:11:33,100 You know, Charlotte, 夏洛特 154 00:11:33,180 --> 00:11:35,180 I think you might be old enough for a boyfriend now. 我想你老得可以交男友了 155 00:11:36,185 --> 00:11:38,380 If I'm old enough, maybe you're too old. 如果我很老 也許你已經太老了 156 00:11:39,500 --> 00:11:40,480 Don't be ridiculous. 別傻了 157 00:11:40,550 --> 00:11:42,700 A real woman is never too old. 真正的女人永遠不會太老 158 00:12:12,200 --> 00:12:15,950 let's go! Let's go! 大家努力點 加油 159 00:13:08,360 --> 00:13:09,360 Please, God, 求求你 神啊 160 00:13:09,450 --> 00:13:12,400 don't let me fall in love and want to do disgusting things. 別讓我戀愛 並想做噁心的事 161 00:13:20,400 --> 00:13:22,830 Dear God, I love the way he throws. 親愛的神啊 我喜歡他丟的方式 162 00:13:38,004 --> 00:13:40,005 Come on. 拜託 163 00:13:44,213 --> 00:13:46,044 Mrs. Flax... 弗拉斯太太 164 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:48,250 I'm taking my fiancee out to lunch. 我要帶我未婚妻出去吃午版 165 00:13:48,350 --> 00:13:50,200 I expect you to be here when I return. 希望我回來時你在這裏 166 00:13:50,684 --> 00:13:52,785 Hi, sweetie. 嗨 甜心 167 00:13:53,360 --> 00:13:55,600 How are those depositions coming? 那些證詞打得怎麼樣了 168 00:13:55,650 --> 00:13:57,780 They'll be ready. 快好了 169 00:14:01,397 --> 00:14:02,400 Assholes. 混球 170 00:14:15,511 --> 00:14:17,050 Do you like your new boss, Mom? 媽 你喜歡你的新老闆嗎 171 00:14:17,240 --> 00:14:18,640 No, sweetheart, I don't. 不 甜心 我不喜歡 172 00:14:19,110 --> 00:14:19,900 You make out the list? 你列好購物清單了嗎 173 00:14:20,015 --> 00:14:21,200 Yeah. Kate needs a new swimsuit. 是的 凱蒂需要新泳裝 174 00:14:21,300 --> 00:14:23,100 I need notebooks, pens and underwear. 我需要筆記本 筆和內衣 175 00:14:23,480 --> 00:14:25,050 All right, I only have a half an hour for lunch, 好的 我只有半小時午餐時間 176 00:14:25,150 --> 00:14:26,250 so after we pick out the shoes, 所以買完鞋 177 00:14:26,450 --> 00:14:29,050 - Then I'll give you money and you can buy the rest. - Okay. - 我給你錢去買其餘東西 - 好的 178 00:14:29,150 --> 00:14:30,450 - I want red ones. - All right. - 我要紅色的 - 好的 179 00:14:30,550 --> 00:14:32,000 - Bright red ones. - All right. - 鮮紅色的 - 好的 180 00:14:32,127 --> 00:14:33,685 - With a red strap. - Yes, Katie. - 還要紅鞋帶 - 好 凱蒂 181 00:14:34,263 --> 00:14:37,426 - I don't need anything. - Charlotte, don't aggravate me. - 我不需要新鞋 - 夏洛特 別跟我爭論 182 00:14:37,800 --> 00:14:40,086 You're starting a new school on monday and those boots aren't. 你週一開始上學 不能穿那雙靴子 183 00:14:40,150 --> 00:14:42,200 - What's wrong with them? - Everything! - 它們有什麼不對 - 什麼都不對 184 00:14:48,410 --> 00:14:51,038 - Because I'm the best mother in the world. - Yes. - 因為我是全世界最好的母親 - 對 185 00:14:51,200 --> 00:14:52,300 I'll be right with you. 我馬上來招呼你們 186 00:14:53,360 --> 00:14:54,950 Hail Mary, full of grace. 聖母瑪利亞 無比恩典 187 00:14:58,420 --> 00:15:00,480 - Katydid. - Let me try them on. - 凱蒂 - 讓我試穿一下 188 00:15:06,395 --> 00:15:08,056 You must be Mrs. Flax. 你一定是弗拉斯太太 189 00:15:08,530 --> 00:15:09,640 Joseph told us... 喬瑟夫跟我們說 190 00:15:09,640 --> 00:15:12,240 that a nice Jewish family were our new neighbors. 我們的新鄰居是一個友善的猶太家庭 191 00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:14,640 Welcome to East Port. 歡迎來到東港 192 00:15:15,571 --> 00:15:17,869 Oh, God, please let Mrs. Flax control herself. 神啊 請讓弗拉斯太太自製 193 00:15:18,440 --> 00:15:21,480 - Look, Mom. - You're still a perfect seven, Reverend Mother. - 看 媽 - 七號依然合腳 院長 194 00:15:21,640 --> 00:15:24,480 You know, most women's feet get bigger. 你知道 多數女人的腳會變大 195 00:15:24,600 --> 00:15:25,800 Only if they marry. 只有結過婚的才會 196 00:15:26,780 --> 00:15:28,900 - Oh, no. - Your feet swell. - 糟了 - 因為腳會腫脹 197 00:15:29,400 --> 00:15:31,480 When you get pregnant, your feet swell. 當你懷孕時 腳會腫脹 198 00:15:31,587 --> 00:15:33,360 How could she? How could she? 她怎麼能這麼做 199 00:15:34,050 --> 00:15:35,850 I know mine got swollen when I was pregnant. 我懷孕時 腳都腫脹了 200 00:15:37,150 --> 00:15:39,580 Mother, how could you say that? 媽 你怎麼能說那種話 201 00:15:39,580 --> 00:15:41,580 She's a holy vessel. 她是個聖徒 202 00:15:43,550 --> 00:15:45,360 What a lovely red shoe. 多漂亮的紅鞋啊 203 00:15:45,540 --> 00:15:46,640 Thank you. 謝謝 204 00:15:48,303 --> 00:15:50,203 So where are you ladies from? 各位女士從哪裏來的 205 00:15:50,339 --> 00:15:52,864 I used to live in South Dakota myself. 我以前住在南達科塔 206 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:55,240 Can you imagine... 你們能想像嗎 207 00:15:56,000 --> 00:15:58,550 trying to keep Kosher in South Dakota? 想在南達科塔經營猶太食品店 208 00:15:58,780 --> 00:16:00,900 I can't imagine trying to keep Kosher anywhere. 我可以想像在任何地方經營猶太食品店 209 00:16:01,200 --> 00:16:02,240 Yeah. 是啊 210 00:16:04,987 --> 00:16:07,080 Will that be all, Reverend Mother? 還要別的東西嗎 院長 211 00:16:07,650 --> 00:16:08,850 Only one new addition? 只要添一雙新鞋 212 00:16:09,691 --> 00:16:12,700 Every year, fewer and fewer of us now. 年復一年 我們的人數越來越少 213 00:16:13,780 --> 00:16:16,120 Nice to meet you, Mrs. Flax. 很高興見到你 弗拉斯太太 214 00:16:16,231 --> 00:16:18,961 I hope you enjoy living in East Port. 希望你在東港住得愉快 215 00:16:20,150 --> 00:16:21,200 Yes, dear? 什麼事 親愛的 216 00:16:21,700 --> 00:16:23,830 I desperately wanted to ask what color her bra was... 我很想問她的胸罩是什座顏色 217 00:16:23,930 --> 00:16:25,830 and if she had pure thoughts every second of the day, 還有她的思想是否永遠純淨 218 00:16:25,900 --> 00:16:26,950 but-- 但是 219 00:16:28,877 --> 00:16:30,902 Well, good-bye. 好了 再見 220 00:16:54,167 --> 00:16:56,268 Oh! 噢 221 00:16:57,139 --> 00:16:59,550 She's got a pair that she likes. What about you? 她找到她喜歡的鞋子了 你呢 222 00:17:00,720 --> 00:17:02,300 I don't need any shoes. Thank you. 我不需要新鞋 謝謝 223 00:17:08,450 --> 00:17:09,480 Nice boots. 好靴子 224 00:17:15,150 --> 00:17:17,800 Maybe I'll see you at the Parent & Teachers' Night. 也許在家長教師聯誼會能見到你 225 00:17:17,950 --> 00:17:18,985 Maybe you will. 也許會的 226 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:24,600 Oh... Good. Yeah. I'd like that. 好 很好 我非常期待 227 00:17:33,780 --> 00:17:34,780 Yeah. 太好了 228 00:17:36,600 --> 00:17:37,700 Come on, Miss Katydid, 快點 凱蒂小姐 229 00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:39,480 we're gonna be late for registration. 我們會趕不上註冊的 230 00:17:44,780 --> 00:17:47,480 - Bye, Sergeant. - Bye, Fish Head. - 再見 士官 - 再見 小魚 231 00:17:54,930 --> 00:17:57,990 Well, look who's driving the school bus. 瞧啊 看看是誰在開校車 232 00:18:04,170 --> 00:18:06,660 Why, Miss Charlotte, I do believe you're blushing. 夏洛特小姐 我相信你的臉紅了 233 00:18:29,240 --> 00:18:32,329 Come on. Don't make such a deal about it. 拜託 別那麼大驚小怪 234 00:18:32,576 --> 00:18:34,480 Just put it in your mouth and smoke it. 只要放在嘴裏抽就是了 235 00:18:34,636 --> 00:18:36,831 - I can't. Mary, I'll throw up all over. - So... - 不行 瑪麗 我會吐出來 - 那又怎樣 236 00:18:38,300 --> 00:18:40,978 How was your date with Scott Jones, Mary? 和史考特·瓊斯的約會如何 瑪麗 237 00:18:41,100 --> 00:18:42,200 He's an animal. 他是頭野獸 238 00:18:43,100 --> 00:18:44,480 Does that mean you had a good time? 就是說你們很開心啦 239 00:18:44,500 --> 00:18:47,210 We had oral sex by the old railroad trestle. 我們在舊鐵路支架旁口交 240 00:18:47,340 --> 00:18:49,340 I love it when they groan, 我喜歡他呻吟的樣子 241 00:18:49,720 --> 00:18:50,860 don't you? 你們不喜歡嗎 242 00:18:50,986 --> 00:18:53,181 Mary, you're gonna get into a heap of trouble. 瑪麗 你會給自己惹來許多麻煩 243 00:18:53,300 --> 00:18:55,640 I know. I can't wait. 我知道 我等不及了 244 00:18:57,360 --> 00:18:58,480 Girls. 姑娘們 245 00:19:00,180 --> 00:19:01,900 The bell rang five minutes ago. 鈴聲五分鐘前就響了 246 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:03,340 Sorry, Mrs. Crain. 抱歉 克倫太太 247 00:19:03,900 --> 00:19:05,600 If she tells my mother, I'm dead. 如果她告訴我媽 我就完了 248 00:19:30,092 --> 00:19:32,492 - Noree? - Here. - 諾利 - 到 249 00:19:36,800 --> 00:19:38,500 Class, we have a new student today. 同學們 今天我們有個新學生 250 00:19:38,600 --> 00:19:39,800 Charlotte Flax. 夏洛特·弗拉斯 251 00:19:40,360 --> 00:19:42,768 I'm sure you'll all do your best to make her feel welcome. 相信大家會盡力讓她覺得受歡迎 252 00:19:43,240 --> 00:19:44,780 Charlotte. 夏洛特 253 00:19:44,900 --> 00:19:47,700 Charlotte, right down there. 夏洛特 坐那邊 254 00:19:47,850 --> 00:19:50,240 Charlotte Flax, Right? 夏洛特·弗拉斯 對吧 255 00:19:50,360 --> 00:19:52,240 F-l-a-x. Here. 弗 拉 斯 256 00:19:54,780 --> 00:19:56,100 - Uh, Kent? - Here. - 肯特 - 到 257 00:20:01,100 --> 00:20:02,360 Bye. 再見 258 00:20:08,240 --> 00:20:10,780 Talk to me, Joe. Please talk to me. 跟我說話 喬 請跟我說話 259 00:20:12,600 --> 00:20:14,134 So how do you like the house? 你還喜歡那棟房子吧 260 00:20:16,240 --> 00:20:17,480 Sorry? 抱歉 261 00:20:22,480 --> 00:20:23,540 How do you like the house? 你喜歡那棟房子嗎 262 00:20:24,780 --> 00:20:26,006 I hate the house. 我討厭那棟房子 263 00:20:26,800 --> 00:20:28,082 I was born there. 我是在那裏出生的 264 00:20:28,300 --> 00:20:29,600 I love that house. 我愛那棟房子 265 00:20:29,700 --> 00:20:30,720 You were? 真的嗎 266 00:20:31,180 --> 00:20:32,360 Under the kitchen table. 在廚房的桌子下 267 00:20:33,555 --> 00:20:36,780 God strike me down. That's almost as good as a manger. 神啊 幾乎和馬廄一樣好 268 00:20:37,240 --> 00:20:39,240 Give me strength not to sit on his lap. 賜給我不坐在他膝上的力量吧 269 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:42,600 Um... 呃 270 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:46,180 So was that you who carved "Red Sox" on the door? 那麼在門上刻"紅襪"的就是你吧 271 00:20:47,780 --> 00:20:49,180 That used to be my room. 那以前是我的房間 272 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:51,240 I'm in his room. 我住的是他的房間 273 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:53,240 When my mother died, 當我母親去世時 274 00:20:53,300 --> 00:20:55,240 I sat on my bed for two days holding her sweater. 我抱著她的毛衣 在床上坐了兩天 275 00:20:55,480 --> 00:20:57,800 I didn't care about anything anymore, 再也不關心別的事了 276 00:20:57,900 --> 00:20:59,574 not even the Red Sox. 連紅襪隊都不在乎 277 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:01,909 I'm gonna burn in hell for sure. 我一定會下地獄 278 00:21:02,083 --> 00:21:04,186 He's talking about his poor dead mother, 他在談他可憐的先母 279 00:21:04,240 --> 00:21:06,800 and I can't stop wishing his hands were unbuttoning my dress. 我卻希望他的手解開我的洋裝 280 00:21:12,360 --> 00:21:13,360 Okay. 到了 281 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:17,999 That will be Carrie. She sells cosmetics. 那是凱莉的車 她賣美容品 282 00:21:18,133 --> 00:21:20,800 Oh... She's gonna love my Mom. 噢 她會喜歡我媽的 283 00:21:27,142 --> 00:21:28,109 Okay. 好了 284 00:21:30,912 --> 00:21:33,437 I was gonna ask, I was wondering, 我想請問 我一直在想 285 00:21:33,582 --> 00:21:36,050 what do people do here on the weekends? 這裏的人週末都做些什麼 286 00:21:39,020 --> 00:21:41,181 Sunday's my day off. 週日我放假 287 00:21:41,356 --> 00:21:42,345 Sometimes I go fishing. 有時我去釣魚 288 00:21:43,959 --> 00:21:47,725 Really? I love to fish. 真的嗎 我喜歡釣魚 289 00:21:47,863 --> 00:21:51,550 Well, sometimes I just sit by the water and think. 有時我只是坐在水邊沉思 290 00:21:54,402 --> 00:21:55,801 That sounds great too. 聽起來也很棒 291 00:21:57,860 --> 00:22:00,480 Well, Maybe you and your sister-- 也許你和你妹妹 292 00:22:00,600 --> 00:22:01,800 Oh, well, um... 呃 293 00:22:02,240 --> 00:22:04,240 Kate's actually scared of the water, 事實上凱蒂很怕水 294 00:22:04,240 --> 00:22:04,860 Oh. 噢 295 00:22:04,860 --> 00:22:07,380 But, um... I'd love to. 不過 我很樂意去 296 00:22:11,900 --> 00:22:14,000 Well, I drive right by here on my way to the cliffs, 我去懸崖時會開車經過這裏 297 00:22:14,180 --> 00:22:15,900 so-- 因此 298 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:18,000 What time? 幾點 299 00:22:18,400 --> 00:22:19,400 Seven. 七點 300 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:21,180 Okay, that sounds great. 好 聽起來很棒 301 00:22:22,430 --> 00:22:24,660 Okay, I'll wait for you. 好 我會等你 302 00:22:24,799 --> 00:22:26,266 - Okay, bye. - Okay, bye. - 好了 再見 - 好的 再見 303 00:22:36,240 --> 00:22:38,400 Know your colors and know your fabrics. 瞭解你的特色與膚質 304 00:22:38,500 --> 00:22:40,180 That's what I tell all my little girls. 我跟我所有的小姑娘都這麼說 305 00:22:41,180 --> 00:22:43,650 Honey, I would kill to have your hair. 親愛的 我真想擁有你的頭髮 306 00:22:43,780 --> 00:22:45,860 Swimming's fine for your figure, 游泳對你的身材有益 307 00:22:45,860 --> 00:22:47,650 but it can damage your hair. 但卻會損壞你的髮質 308 00:22:47,700 --> 00:22:49,700 Got anything for Sharks and Jellyfish? 有什麼東西能讓鯊魚和水母用嗎 309 00:22:49,824 --> 00:22:51,815 - What, dear? - She means body grease. - 什麼 親愛的 - 她是指潤膚油 310 00:22:51,960 --> 00:22:53,960 Miss Kate's going to swim the English Channel one day. 凱蒂小姐將來要游過英倫海峽 311 00:22:55,730 --> 00:22:58,927 Oh. Well, I'm not sure I have exactly what you're looking for, 親愛的 我不確定有你要的東西 312 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:01,400 but try this. 但是試試這個 313 00:23:02,900 --> 00:23:04,000 It was meant for crow's feet, 那原本是消除魚尾紋用的 314 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:05,800 but never really caught on. 但一直流行不起來 315 00:23:07,175 --> 00:23:09,700 You are finished. 你已經完成了 316 00:23:11,112 --> 00:23:12,704 Now, why don't you try the other side? 你為什麼不試試另一邊 317 00:23:15,750 --> 00:23:19,117 Tell me about that Caretaker, the one at the convent. 跟我說說那個修道院管理員的事 318 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:22,500 You mean Joey? Is he handsome or is he handsome? 你是指喬伊 他可真是英俊 319 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:25,300 In high school, he was quite the golden boy. 他高中時真是個金童 320 00:23:25,400 --> 00:23:27,600 No one could touch him on a football field. 在橄欖球場 沒有人能碰到他 321 00:23:27,700 --> 00:23:31,300 Then in the middle of his senior year, he lost it. 但在三年級時 他完全變了樣 322 00:23:31,400 --> 00:23:33,200 He couldn't run to save his life. 他連逃跑求生都不會 323 00:23:33,900 --> 00:23:38,300 His girlfriend had just left town kind of sudden. 他的女朋友突然搬離此鎮 324 00:23:39,307 --> 00:23:41,002 My theory? 我的看法嗎 325 00:23:41,142 --> 00:23:44,236 I believe there's a little Joey junior walking around somewhere. 我相信有個喬伊二世住在某處 326 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:46,500 If I wasn't married to a real son of a gun, 可惜當時我己經嫁給了一個混蛋 327 00:23:46,500 --> 00:23:48,300 I'd go after him myself. 否則我一定會去追他 328 00:23:49,184 --> 00:23:50,776 Joey, Joey, Joey. 喬伊 喬伊 喬伊 329 00:23:50,919 --> 00:23:53,786 Entering the convent for the sin of getting a girl pregnant. 因為讓一個女孩懷孕而進了修道院 330 00:23:53,922 --> 00:23:57,085 A penitent man. Makes me love you even more. 一個懺悔者 這使我更加愛你了 331 00:23:57,240 --> 00:24:01,992 Oh, honey... You have very special eyes. 親愛的 你有雙很特別的眼睛 332 00:24:02,731 --> 00:24:05,000 Only you and Liz Taylor can get away with those eyebrows. 只有你和伊麗莎白·泰勒擁有如此美麗的眼睛 333 00:24:05,100 --> 00:24:06,100 Come. 過來 334 00:24:06,134 --> 00:24:07,999 Let's put some color on you. 我們為你再增添一些光彩 335 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:12,780 This one's planning on being a nun. 這個打算要當修女 336 00:24:22,300 --> 00:24:23,500 Difficult age. 難纏的年紀 337 00:24:23,600 --> 00:24:25,800 All Charlotte's ages are difficult. 夏洛特在所有年齡段都很難纏 338 00:24:30,600 --> 00:24:32,400 You never came to Parent & Teacher Night before. 你從沒參加過家長會 339 00:24:32,480 --> 00:24:34,240 I don't see what's so special about this one. 我不懂這個有什麼特別的 340 00:24:34,400 --> 00:24:36,100 Charlotte, you read the invitation. 夏洛特 你看過邀猜函了 341 00:24:36,300 --> 00:24:38,500 "Community begins in the classroom." "社區生活從教室開始" 342 00:24:38,600 --> 00:24:39,780 I am your mother. 我是你們的母親 343 00:24:39,800 --> 00:24:42,927 It is my job to watch over your education. 關心你們的教育是我的職責 344 00:24:43,938 --> 00:24:45,667 There's so little of it left. 說得真漂亮 345 00:24:45,900 --> 00:24:47,200 What took you so long? 為什麼這麼久才想到 346 00:24:47,200 --> 00:24:48,750 Ooh, we're gonna play my favorite game. 我們又要玩我最愛的遊戲了 347 00:24:48,800 --> 00:24:50,800 Who's the worst mother in the world? 誰是全世界最糟的母親 348 00:24:51,360 --> 00:24:53,360 Don't tell me. Let me guess. Who could it be? 別告拆我 讓我猜 會是誰呢 349 00:24:53,360 --> 00:24:54,800 Could it be me? 會是嗎 350 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:01,200 All right, you know what? I'll make you a deal. 好吧 我們來談個條件 351 00:25:01,300 --> 00:25:04,485 You stop being a little bitch for let's say an hour or two, 你只要乖順個一兩個小時 352 00:25:04,600 --> 00:25:07,240 and I won't knock the religion of your choice for a week. 我就一周不攻擊你選擇的宗教 353 00:25:08,100 --> 00:25:09,100 Deal. 成交 354 00:25:11,900 --> 00:25:13,527 - Who's that? - That's Mr. Crain. - 那是誰 - 克倫先生 355 00:25:13,668 --> 00:25:15,480 He's my history teacher, and he's very nice. 他是我的歷史老師 而且人很好 356 00:25:15,770 --> 00:25:19,500 - He is an asshole. - You haven't spoken to him yet. - 他是個混球 - 你還沒跟他說過話呢 357 00:25:19,780 --> 00:25:22,100 Charlotte, I don't need to speak to him. 夏洛特 我不用和他說話 358 00:25:22,500 --> 00:25:24,240 He's driving an Edsel, for Chrissake. 他開的是艾索車 拜託 359 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:26,800 Okay. 好了 360 00:25:32,800 --> 00:25:34,000 We don't have a prayer against... 如果你不讓他參加 361 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:36,500 Stockton's little league if you don't release him-- 我們就無法打敗史塔克頓少棒隊 362 00:25:36,600 --> 00:25:39,521 Some agendas here and there's some refreshments in, um-- 這兒有議程表 點心在 363 00:25:42,697 --> 00:25:44,130 Uh... Mrs. Flax, hi. 弗拉斯太太 364 00:25:44,265 --> 00:25:46,000 I'm glad you came tonight. 很高興你今晚能來 365 00:25:46,100 --> 00:25:48,600 You have two weeks. I'm asking for one day. 你有兩周 我只要一天 366 00:25:48,700 --> 00:25:49,900 - I'll think about it. - Thanks, Coach. - 我會考慮的 - 謝謝 教練 367 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:51,340 - Hi, Mr. Landsky. - Hi. - 嗨 蘭斯基先生 - 嗨 368 00:25:51,340 --> 00:25:52,400 How are you? Is your mom here? 你們好 媽媽來了嗎 369 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:54,235 Yeah. Right over there. 來了 在那邊 370 00:25:55,650 --> 00:25:56,850 I've been meaning to get in touch-- 我一直想和你聯絡 371 00:25:56,850 --> 00:25:57,850 Hi. 嗨 372 00:26:01,200 --> 00:26:02,200 How are you? 你好嗎 373 00:26:02,360 --> 00:26:03,860 Good. Even better now. 很好 現在更好了 374 00:26:04,500 --> 00:26:06,000 - Excuse me. - Sorry. - 抱歉 - 對不起 375 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:07,100 Any of these yours? 有你的孩子嗎 376 00:26:07,360 --> 00:26:09,780 Oh, no, mine are grown and long gone. 沒有 我的已經長大 早就走了 377 00:26:10,458 --> 00:26:12,926 - Lou, how you doin'? - Hi. Fine. - 路 你好 - 嗨 很好 378 00:26:13,000 --> 00:26:15,996 And where's Mrs. Landsky tonight? 今晚蘭斯基太太在哪裏 379 00:26:16,900 --> 00:26:18,360 She's long gone too. 她也早就走了 380 00:26:18,600 --> 00:26:20,528 Oh, so you're a widower man? 這麼說你是個鰥夫 381 00:26:21,300 --> 00:26:23,400 Oh, no. She's just gone. 不 她只是走了 382 00:26:23,569 --> 00:26:24,780 Oh. 噢 383 00:26:25,340 --> 00:26:26,480 Would you like some punch? 你想喝點雞尾酒嗎 384 00:26:26,708 --> 00:26:28,300 - Sure. - This way. - 當然 - 這邊走 385 00:26:28,860 --> 00:26:31,360 She just up and left one day... 有一天她就那樣走了 386 00:26:31,479 --> 00:26:33,344 right in the middle of vacuuming. 就在打掃地板的時候 387 00:26:33,481 --> 00:26:35,176 She didn't even switch the damn thing off. 連吸塵器都沒有關掉 388 00:26:45,793 --> 00:26:47,420 Is there a Mr. Flax? 有位弗拉斯先生嗎 389 00:26:47,562 --> 00:26:50,800 No. He, too, made a rather sudden and unexpected departure. 沒有 他也突然意外的離家了 390 00:26:51,000 --> 00:26:52,460 Not in the middle of vacuuming? 不是在打掃地板時吧 391 00:26:52,500 --> 00:26:54,400 No, I was in the middle of labor with Charlotte. 不 我正在生夏洛特時 392 00:26:54,400 --> 00:26:57,234 - Yeah? - Yeah, and to add insult to injury, - 是嗎 - 是的 為了讓侮辱成為傷害 393 00:26:57,900 --> 00:27:00,100 the son of a bitch stole my car to leave in. 那個狗娘養的偷走了我的車 394 00:27:00,200 --> 00:27:01,360 - Yeah? - Yeah, - 真的嗎 - 真的 395 00:27:01,480 --> 00:27:02,360 it was a great car: 那是部很棒的車 396 00:27:02,360 --> 00:27:04,850 Red Buick convertible, white sidewall tires. 紅色別克敞篷車 白色輪胎 397 00:27:04,900 --> 00:27:06,780 When I think about it, it still pisses me off. 現在想起來我仍然很生氣 398 00:27:07,200 --> 00:27:09,480 It's kind of obvious it really means a lot to you. 顯然它對你的意義重大 399 00:27:09,780 --> 00:27:11,600 I remember the first time I got behind the wheel of that car. 我記得當我得到那部車時 400 00:27:11,800 --> 00:27:14,100 I thought, "Rachel, this is heaven." 我想 "蕾秋 這有如天堂" 401 00:27:14,200 --> 00:27:15,300 Cars mean freedom. 汽車代表自由 402 00:27:15,300 --> 00:27:16,600 If you hate a place, 如果你厭倦了一個地方 403 00:27:16,600 --> 00:27:19,600 you can get in your car, Poof, you're gone. 你可以上車 發動引擎 然後離開 404 00:27:21,196 --> 00:27:23,255 So your first love was a Buick? 所以你的初戀是部別克車 405 00:27:23,431 --> 00:27:25,422 Yeah, before I met my husband. 對 在我遇見我丈夫之前是的 406 00:27:25,600 --> 00:27:27,860 Big mistake. One of many. 大錯特錯 許多錯誤之一 407 00:27:28,600 --> 00:27:31,100 Are we talking cars or men? 我們是在談論汽車還是男人 408 00:27:31,200 --> 00:27:33,800 I don't know. I've been taken for a ride by both of them. 我不知道 二者都欺騙過我 409 00:27:39,814 --> 00:27:41,975 - Mrs. Flax. - Yes, Mr. Landsky. - 弗拉斯太太 - 蘭斯基先生 410 00:27:42,100 --> 00:27:44,300 I, uh-- 我 411 00:27:44,400 --> 00:27:46,600 I try not to get involved with women... 我試著不在棒球世界盃快開始時 412 00:27:46,600 --> 00:27:48,511 when the World Series is about to start, 和女人有任何牽扯 413 00:27:48,600 --> 00:27:50,351 but, 不過 414 00:27:50,480 --> 00:27:52,800 for you, I'd make an exception. 對你 我要做個例外 415 00:27:53,795 --> 00:27:56,240 - Should I take that as a compliment? - Oh, yes. - 我該把你說的話當做讚美嗎 - 是的 416 00:27:56,600 --> 00:28:00,360 I would really like to know you a whole lot better. 我真的很希望能更多的瞭解你 417 00:28:00,780 --> 00:28:01,860 So call me Lou. 因此 叫我路吧 418 00:28:03,471 --> 00:28:05,371 So, Lou, call me. 那麼 路 來找我吧 419 00:28:08,360 --> 00:28:10,480 How about Sunday? I'm free all day. 週日怎麼樣 我整天都有空 420 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:12,100 How about breakfast? 來吃早餐怎麼樣 421 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:15,000 Great. 太好了 422 00:28:16,017 --> 00:28:17,678 I'll bring bagels. 我會帶硬麵包去 423 00:28:18,300 --> 00:28:20,300 - I'll be there. - So will I. - 我會在那裏 - 我也是 424 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:25,000 You see that woman there? 看見那個女人了嗎 425 00:28:25,300 --> 00:28:27,000 - Yes. - That's my Mom. - 看見了 - 那是我媽 426 00:28:27,780 --> 00:28:30,360 When I grow up, I want to be just like yours. 等我長大後 我要和你媽一模一樣 427 00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:37,360 Mary... You already are. 瑪麗 你已經是了 428 00:28:44,720 --> 00:28:46,576 I'll make real sandwiches; 我會做真正的三明治 429 00:28:46,676 --> 00:28:48,700 Big ones a man can sink his teeth into... 大到一個人可以大嚼 430 00:28:48,750 --> 00:28:50,800 and use both hands to hold. 而且要用兩隻手才能拿住 431 00:28:53,500 --> 00:28:54,500 He's late. 他遲到了 432 00:28:54,600 --> 00:28:57,000 Oh, god, please don't let him forget. 神啊 請別讓他忘記 433 00:28:57,000 --> 00:28:58,200 Be patient, Charlotte. 耐心點 夏洛特 434 00:28:58,300 --> 00:28:59,780 Patient as Saint Bridget, 耐心得像聖布莉吉 435 00:28:59,780 --> 00:29:02,020 lady-in-waiting to Queen Blanche of Namur. 侍候拿模的布蘭姬女王的女士般 436 00:29:02,163 --> 00:29:03,500 It's after 7:00, Charlotte. 已經超過七點了 夏洛特 437 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:04,860 He's late. 他遲到了 438 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:08,200 I will not start the day with an argument. 我不想以爭論開始度過這一天 439 00:29:08,250 --> 00:29:11,340 I will tally up my evil thoughts for the week and ignore her. 我要沉溺於邪惡思想中 忽視她 440 00:29:11,600 --> 00:29:14,400 When a man's late, it's time to clear the decks. 當男人遲到 便該準備戰鬥 441 00:29:37,265 --> 00:29:39,426 - No! - What? - 不 - 什麼 442 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:47,000 Forget it. Never mind. 算了 沒關係 443 00:29:57,500 --> 00:29:59,500 Don't do anything I wouldn't do. 別做任何我不會做的事 444 00:30:02,800 --> 00:30:04,800 Or don't do anything I would. 也別做我會做的事 445 00:30:24,011 --> 00:30:26,445 Rachel Flax. 蕾秋·弗拉斯 446 00:30:40,800 --> 00:30:43,360 I want to scream out the window like a maniac, 我想像個瘋子一樣向窗外大叫 447 00:30:43,860 --> 00:30:46,000 "I'm running away with the Caretaker man!" "我正在和管理員私奔" 448 00:30:46,780 --> 00:30:47,860 My speedometer's broken. 我的時速表壞了 449 00:30:47,860 --> 00:30:49,640 I'm trying not to drive too fast. 我盡量別開那麼快 450 00:30:50,200 --> 00:30:51,000 After my Mom, 坐過我媽的車後 451 00:30:51,100 --> 00:30:52,780 nothing seems fast. 怎樣都不算太快 452 00:30:54,500 --> 00:30:56,300 Now my lips are touching his. 現在我的嘴唇碰到他的了 453 00:30:57,512 --> 00:30:59,002 She seems like a nice person. 她似乎是個好人 454 00:31:00,014 --> 00:31:04,280 Oh, yeah... She is... and a wonderful Mom. 是啊 沒錯 而且是個奇妙的母親 455 00:31:15,000 --> 00:31:16,480 Oh, God! 我的天吶 456 00:31:18,232 --> 00:31:20,780 My whole life I never saw anybody treat a bagel this way. 我這輩子從沒見過有人如此處理硬麵包 457 00:31:21,100 --> 00:31:22,100 Where were you raised? 你是在哪裏長大的 458 00:31:22,300 --> 00:31:23,340 Well, believe it or not, 信不信由你 459 00:31:23,400 --> 00:31:25,780 my parents owned a Kosher bakery. 我父母開了家猶太麵包店 460 00:31:26,300 --> 00:31:27,800 Yeah, they made me crazy, of course. 當然了 他們令我抓狂 461 00:31:28,500 --> 00:31:30,100 And the night I ran away from home, 在我逃家那個晚上 462 00:31:30,200 --> 00:31:31,850 I stood in the kitchen, 還站在廚房裏 463 00:31:31,950 --> 00:31:34,800 Cigarette in one hand, ham sandwich in another. 一手拿著煙 一手拿著火腿三明治 464 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:36,500 Why were you running away? 你為什麼要逃家 465 00:31:36,800 --> 00:31:38,780 I had my High School Diploma, 我拿到了高中文憑 466 00:31:38,800 --> 00:31:40,480 my first paycheck, why would I stay? 又首次領到薪水 何必留下呢 467 00:31:40,900 --> 00:31:41,900 Hi. Bye. 嗨 再見 468 00:31:41,900 --> 00:31:42,600 Wait a minute. 等一下 469 00:31:42,600 --> 00:31:43,640 Katie-- 凱蒂 470 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:45,300 Bye, Mom. 再見 媽 471 00:31:45,780 --> 00:31:46,780 Bye, honey. 再見 寶貝 472 00:31:46,860 --> 00:31:47,986 Bye. Mr. Landsky. 再見 蘭斯基先生 473 00:31:48,100 --> 00:31:48,925 Bye. 再見 474 00:31:54,000 --> 00:31:55,360 Where did you meet your husband? 你在哪裏遇見你丈夫的 475 00:31:55,460 --> 00:31:58,480 In a writing class. He liked my poems. 在寫作課 他喜歡我的詩 476 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:03,340 So we moved into a one-room apartment. 於是我們搬進一個單間公寓 477 00:32:03,640 --> 00:32:05,600 It was a dump, but if you stood on a chair... 很破舊 但如果你站在椅子上 478 00:32:05,600 --> 00:32:07,360 you could see Lake Michigan. 可以看見密西根湖 479 00:32:08,100 --> 00:32:10,100 Must have been tough times when he left, 他離開後日子一定不好過 480 00:32:10,200 --> 00:32:11,300 raising the kid on your own. 你要獨自撫養孩子 481 00:32:11,300 --> 00:32:12,600 I coped. 我克服了 482 00:32:18,100 --> 00:32:19,100 Um... 呃 483 00:32:19,360 --> 00:32:20,640 Who was Kate's father? 凱蒂的父親是誰 484 00:32:21,529 --> 00:32:22,950 - Are you always this nosy? - This nosy? - 你總是這麼多管閒事嗎 - 多管閒事 485 00:32:23,050 --> 00:32:25,500 No. Small-town boy. 小鎮男孩 486 00:32:25,600 --> 00:32:27,600 I like to know other people's business. 我喜歡知道別人的事 487 00:32:27,700 --> 00:32:28,700 Do you mind? 你介意嗎 488 00:32:28,780 --> 00:32:30,480 No. When I mind, you'll know I mind. 不會 當我介意時你會知道的 489 00:32:30,700 --> 00:32:32,000 It's kind of obvious. 挺明顯的 490 00:32:32,500 --> 00:32:34,000 So who was he? 那麼他是誰 491 00:32:34,640 --> 00:32:37,000 Well, actually, I never caught his name. 事實上 我不記得他的名字 492 00:32:37,180 --> 00:32:38,974 He came to Saint Louis for a Swim Meet. 他到聖路易參加游泳比賽 493 00:32:39,113 --> 00:32:41,100 And if he won, he was headed for the Olympics. 如果他贏了便能參加奧運 494 00:32:41,360 --> 00:32:42,640 You were on the same team? 你和他同一隊嗎 495 00:32:43,100 --> 00:32:45,000 No, I was the maid in his hotel. 不 我是他住的飯店的女僕 496 00:32:46,300 --> 00:32:47,500 And one night, 有天晚上 497 00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:50,100 I delivered more than his towels. 我送去的不只是毛巾 498 00:32:55,200 --> 00:32:56,900 You're a hell of a woman, Rachel. 你真是個不得了的女人 蕾秋 499 00:32:57,000 --> 00:32:57,900 I know. 我知道 500 00:32:59,200 --> 00:33:01,200 Gosh, it's been a memorable breakfast. 這真是個值得紀念的早餐 501 00:33:01,800 --> 00:33:03,000 I'm glad you liked it. 很高興你喜歡 502 00:33:03,300 --> 00:33:05,800 I didn't say I liked it. I'm never going to forget it. 我沒有說我喜歡 但我永遠難忘 503 00:33:07,800 --> 00:33:11,180 - Oh, I'm sorry. No offense. - No. None taken. - 抱歉 無意冒犯 - 不用掛懷 504 00:33:12,360 --> 00:33:13,360 Uh... 呃 505 00:33:13,948 --> 00:33:14,880 Okay. Uh... 好吧 506 00:33:16,317 --> 00:33:17,306 You, uh-- 你 507 00:33:18,986 --> 00:33:20,283 What you want to do? 你想做什麼 508 00:33:20,400 --> 00:33:22,000 We got all day. 我們有一整天 509 00:33:22,900 --> 00:33:24,360 You want to go out someplace? 你想到哪裏去嗎 510 00:33:36,960 --> 00:33:38,800 Do you want to go out someplace? 你想到哪裏去嗎 511 00:33:41,540 --> 00:33:43,100 Not really. No. 不太想 不要 512 00:33:45,500 --> 00:33:46,860 Do you want to go out someplace? 你想到哪裏去嗎 513 00:33:46,960 --> 00:33:49,307 No, I'm fine. 不想 我很好 514 00:33:53,720 --> 00:33:56,720 So, Joe, tell me about the nuns in the convent. 喬 跟我說說修道院修女的事 515 00:33:56,800 --> 00:33:58,576 Do they wear underwear in the shower? 她們淋浴時穿內衣嗎 516 00:33:58,640 --> 00:34:00,480 I don't believe I said that. 我不敢相信我會說那種話 517 00:34:00,640 --> 00:34:02,360 You know, I always I'm too embarrassed... 我每次上完體育課 518 00:34:02,360 --> 00:34:04,240 to take a shower after gym. 都不好意思淋浴 519 00:34:04,320 --> 00:34:06,800 Mary O'brien she dances around naked, 瑪麗·歐布萊恩總是裸著身體走動 520 00:34:06,900 --> 00:34:09,540 screaming about her boyfriend's quivering loins. 尖叫著她男友顫動的腰 521 00:34:09,700 --> 00:34:12,178 Shut up, Charlotte. Shut up. 閉嘴 夏洛特 閉嘴 522 00:34:13,780 --> 00:34:15,100 The boat's down there. 船在下面 523 00:34:18,145 --> 00:34:19,077 Please, god, 求求你 神啊 524 00:34:19,200 --> 00:34:20,480 let him throw me on the ground... 讓他將我推在地上 525 00:34:20,480 --> 00:34:22,000 and make another Joey junior. 製造另一個喬伊二世 526 00:34:28,200 --> 00:34:30,500 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. - 你沒事吧 - 我很好 謝謝 527 00:34:40,720 --> 00:34:43,480 I do want to be good and virtuous, 我真的很想遵守規矩 保持美德 528 00:34:43,540 --> 00:34:45,400 but it isn't easy. 但是並不容易 529 00:34:45,500 --> 00:34:46,640 Come on. 走吧 530 00:35:07,600 --> 00:35:11,000 Do you want to bait your own hook or do you want me to do it? 你要自己為魚鉤上餌還是讓我幫你 531 00:35:11,600 --> 00:35:15,300 Mary, Mother of God... He still wants to fish? 聖母瑪利亞 他仍然想著釣魚嗎 532 00:35:21,360 --> 00:35:22,000 What's funny? 什麼事那麼好笑 533 00:35:22,480 --> 00:35:24,100 You're a sexy guy. 你很性感 534 00:35:24,900 --> 00:35:26,780 You have to look surprised when you say that? 你一定要表現的如此訝異嗎 535 00:35:27,014 --> 00:35:28,300 - I am surprised. - Oh. - 我是很訝異 - 噢 536 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:32,400 Sometimes age has its compensations. 有時年齡有補償作用 537 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:34,800 I wouldn't go that far. 我可不會說得那麼過分 538 00:35:36,100 --> 00:35:37,900 It's been a while since I've felt this good. 我已經有一陣子不曾如此好過了 539 00:35:37,900 --> 00:35:38,900 Don't spoil it. 別破壞它 540 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:42,200 - How long? - Too long. - 多久 - 太久了 541 00:35:42,897 --> 00:35:44,364 You haven't been with any other women? 你沒有和別的女人在一起嗎 542 00:35:44,498 --> 00:35:46,400 - No. - You're lying. - 沒有 - 你在說謊 543 00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:49,500 - I am? - Trust me. I know about these things. - 是嗎 - 相信我 我瞭解這種事 544 00:35:50,271 --> 00:35:52,500 - Okay. - Okay, what? - 好吧 - 什麼好吧 545 00:35:52,900 --> 00:35:55,200 - I'm lying. - I don't care. - 我在說謊 - 我不在乎 546 00:35:55,900 --> 00:35:56,900 That's a shame. 那真可惜 547 00:35:57,500 --> 00:35:58,700 Lying's my main thing. 因為說謊是我的拿手本事 548 00:35:58,700 --> 00:35:59,800 I'll miss it. 我會失去它 549 00:36:01,000 --> 00:36:02,600 Look, in my experience-- 聽著 依我的經驗 550 00:36:02,683 --> 00:36:04,800 - Which, we've established, is considerable. - Yes. - 我們共同建立的經驗很可觀 - 對 551 00:36:04,860 --> 00:36:07,200 - Men lie about everything. - But women don't. - 男人事事說謊 - 女人就不會 552 00:36:07,576 --> 00:36:09,816 I don't know about "women," but I don't. 我不知道"其他女人"是否說謊 但我不會 553 00:36:11,780 --> 00:36:13,600 - But from me you expect it. - Absolutely. - 你預感我會說謊 - 絕對如此 554 00:36:15,480 --> 00:36:18,500 When you expect the worse from people, 當你預感他人會做出不好的事時 555 00:36:18,600 --> 00:36:20,600 they usually deliver. 他們通常便會如此 556 00:36:20,650 --> 00:36:22,480 Are you always this aggressive after sex? 你在性愛後總是如此富有攻擊性嗎 557 00:36:22,600 --> 00:36:23,900 You call this aggressive? 你稱這樣是富有攻擊性 558 00:36:27,720 --> 00:36:30,480 Oh, Yeah. Hey, this is fun. 沒錯 真是好玩 559 00:36:31,400 --> 00:36:32,800 Can we do it again next Friday? 我們下週五能再來一次嗎 560 00:36:33,547 --> 00:36:34,780 You don't waste time, do you? 你從不浪費時間 對吧 561 00:36:35,360 --> 00:36:37,780 Life's too short. I'm sorry I got so old before I noticed. 人生苦短 在我注意到前就老了 562 00:36:38,200 --> 00:36:40,800 - I'm never growing old. - Hmm? - 我永遠不會老 - 是嗎 563 00:36:41,500 --> 00:36:43,500 But time catches up. What can you do? 但時光無情 你能怎麼辦 564 00:36:43,800 --> 00:36:44,950 Keep moving. 繼續前進 565 00:37:00,500 --> 00:37:01,600 I had a really good time. 我真的玩得很開心 566 00:37:01,673 --> 00:37:04,108 Yeah, me too. 我也是 567 00:37:05,800 --> 00:37:07,900 Kiss me, Joe. Please, kiss me. 吻我 喬 請你吻我 568 00:37:11,400 --> 00:37:13,600 - Well, good night. - Good night. - 好了 晚安 - 晚安 569 00:37:17,640 --> 00:37:19,100 - Bye. - Bye. - 再見 - 再見 570 00:37:54,728 --> 00:37:55,900 How was your date? 你的約會還好嗎 571 00:37:57,231 --> 00:37:59,900 Uh... Fine. We had a good time. 很好 我們玩得很開心 572 00:38:00,568 --> 00:38:01,780 Great. So did we. 很好 我們也是 573 00:38:02,770 --> 00:38:04,480 I hate when she does that. 我討厭她做那件事 574 00:38:05,172 --> 00:38:07,300 She's trying to break the world record. 她想要打破世界記錄 575 00:38:07,360 --> 00:38:08,360 I can't look. 我看不下去了 576 00:38:08,360 --> 00:38:10,600 If she's not up in ten seconds, call an ambulance. 如果她在十秒鐘內還不出來 就叫救護車 577 00:38:11,700 --> 00:38:13,100 So, when are you gonna see him again? 你什麼時候再和他見面 578 00:38:13,540 --> 00:38:14,780 I don't know. 我不知道 579 00:38:15,800 --> 00:38:17,900 Well, If I were you, Charlotte, I'd go easy. 如果我是你就會放鬆點 夏洛特 580 00:38:18,480 --> 00:38:20,550 I mean I know you're planning a celibate life, 我知道你計劃過獨身生活 581 00:38:20,550 --> 00:38:21,950 but with half my chromosomes, 但有了我的一半染色體 582 00:38:21,950 --> 00:38:23,240 I think that might be tough. 我想可能會很難 583 00:38:25,360 --> 00:38:27,180 Yuck, five seconds off. 可惡 還差五秒 584 00:38:46,600 --> 00:38:48,960 I must stop having impure thoughts about Joe. 我得停止對喬抱有不純潔的念頭 585 00:38:49,400 --> 00:38:51,400 I don't take the bus to school anymore. 我不再搭巴士去上學了 586 00:38:51,500 --> 00:38:52,960 That doesn't seem to help. 但那似乎沒有用 587 00:38:53,600 --> 00:38:55,480 Maybe if I can figure out why I love him, 也許如果我想清楚為什麼會愛他 588 00:38:55,480 --> 00:38:57,100 the sick feeling will go away. 那種難過的感覺就會消失 589 00:38:57,391 --> 00:38:58,449 I love him. 我愛他 590 00:38:58,592 --> 00:39:00,651 He has the most beautiful skin in captivity. 他裹藏住最美麗的皮膚 591 00:39:00,794 --> 00:39:03,200 I love him because he wears moccasins in the Winter, 我愛他 因為他冬天穿平底鞋 592 00:39:03,200 --> 00:39:06,392 even though his feet must feel like blocks of ice. 雖然他的腳一定凍得像冰塊 593 00:39:16,300 --> 00:39:19,600 - Trick or treat! - Trick or treat! - 不給糖就作怪 - 不給糖就作怪 594 00:39:19,800 --> 00:39:20,800 Okay, I'm coming! 好了 我來了 595 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:22,400 - Anything for Halloween? - Yes. - 有過萬聖節的好東西嗎 - 有 596 00:39:22,400 --> 00:39:24,200 I've got wonderful prizes for you! 我準備了奇妙的禮品 597 00:39:25,200 --> 00:39:26,300 Toothpaste? 牙膏 598 00:39:26,500 --> 00:39:27,500 - Toothpaste! - All right. - 牙膏 - 好了 599 00:39:29,500 --> 00:39:31,650 All right, it's magic toothpaste. 好了 那是神奇牙膏 600 00:39:31,750 --> 00:39:33,500 - Mom-- - It's magic toothpaste. - 媽 - 那是神奇牙膏 601 00:39:33,558 --> 00:39:35,200 Bye. Hey, hey, wait, wait! 再見 等等 602 00:39:35,300 --> 00:39:37,480 Miss Kate, in the house. 凱蒂小姐 進屋去 603 00:39:38,240 --> 00:39:39,180 Come on, Mom. 別這樣 媽 604 00:39:39,200 --> 00:39:41,000 Put your goldfish lips in the house. 把你的金魚嘴留在屋裏 605 00:39:41,100 --> 00:39:42,200 Bye. 再見 606 00:39:43,600 --> 00:39:46,480 - Okay. - Come on, let's do it. - 好了 - 加油 上場吧 607 00:39:46,670 --> 00:39:49,670 Let's go, girls. Come on. Be Winner. 姑娘們 加油 做優勝者 608 00:39:50,075 --> 00:39:52,876 - They're big. - I know, I know. - 他們好健壯 - 我知道 609 00:39:55,800 --> 00:39:58,360 Okay. All right, team! Yeah! 好了 啦啦隊 鼓掌 610 00:40:02,300 --> 00:40:03,800 Come on. Good. 加油 很好 611 00:40:04,058 --> 00:40:06,549 Let's go, girls. Keep good. 加油 姑娘們 努力游 612 00:40:06,600 --> 00:40:08,360 Swimmers' meet! Quiet, please! 游泳比賽 請安靜 613 00:40:10,100 --> 00:40:11,300 Swimmers, on the block. 選手就位 614 00:40:13,800 --> 00:40:14,800 Take your marks. 預備 615 00:40:22,100 --> 00:40:23,200 A regular Esther Williams. 她是個中號的伊瑟·威廉斯 616 00:40:23,300 --> 00:40:24,911 - What do I have? - Mrs. Flax? - 那我有什麼 - 弗拉斯太太 617 00:40:25,360 --> 00:40:27,200 Mrs. Flax? Coach Parker. 弗拉斯太太 我是帕克教練 618 00:40:27,300 --> 00:40:29,480 So nice to meet you. Hi, Lou. 真高興見到你 嗨 路 619 00:40:29,600 --> 00:40:32,200 I don't have to tell you how proud we are of Kate. 我真不知如何形容 我們對凱蒂有多驕傲 620 00:40:32,286 --> 00:40:34,516 You know, I think she has Olympic potential. 我認為她有實力參加奧運 621 00:40:34,655 --> 00:40:36,900 - But I guess that doesn't surprise you. - Not at all. - 但我想你是不會訝異的 - 一點都不 622 00:40:37,100 --> 00:40:39,022 - Does she get it from you? - Not at all. - 她是遺傳自你嗎 - 一點都不 623 00:40:39,159 --> 00:40:41,400 - Nice job, dear. - Thanks, coach. - 做得好 親愛的 - 謝謝 教練 624 00:40:43,000 --> 00:40:44,200 Hi, Mrs. Crain. 嗨 克倫太太 625 00:40:44,800 --> 00:40:46,560 - Bye, coach. - Bye, dear. - 再見 教練 - 再見 親愛的 626 00:40:49,550 --> 00:40:50,550 Lou, I don't know what to say. 路 我不知道該怎麼說 627 00:40:50,550 --> 00:40:51,800 They're terrible. 真是糟透了 628 00:40:52,000 --> 00:40:54,900 Hey, I said painting was my passion. 嘿 我說繪畫是我的摯愛 629 00:40:54,900 --> 00:40:56,640 I didn't say I was good, you know. 但沒說我畫得很好 630 00:40:56,900 --> 00:40:58,860 Hey, girls, you got back me up here. 姑娘們 你們得支持我 631 00:40:59,640 --> 00:41:02,360 Did either of you ever once hear me say to your mother... 你們有誰聽到我對你們的媽媽說過 632 00:41:02,360 --> 00:41:03,413 that I had talent? 我很有才華嗎 633 00:41:03,500 --> 00:41:04,500 - No. - No. - 沒有 - 沒有 634 00:41:04,550 --> 00:41:06,550 I rest my case. Okay? 疑案解決了 好嗎 635 00:41:08,188 --> 00:41:11,480 Now, will you stop being a pain-in-the-ass critic... 現在 你能停止當畫評家 636 00:41:11,550 --> 00:41:12,900 and pose for me? 為我擺姿勢嗎 637 00:41:12,900 --> 00:41:14,780 Yes, but if you make me look like that, you're a dead man. 可以 但如果你把我畫得像那個樣子 你就死定了 638 00:41:14,780 --> 00:41:16,600 - Trust me. - Right. - 相信我 - 那就好 639 00:41:16,800 --> 00:41:18,700 Girls, follow me. 姑娘們 跟我來 640 00:41:19,266 --> 00:41:20,700 Already I feel inspired. 我已經覺得有靈感了 641 00:41:23,600 --> 00:41:26,240 I'll show you where you're sleeping. Ladies? 我帶你們去睡覺的地方 女士們 走吧 642 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:35,500 Okay? 好嗎 643 00:41:35,500 --> 00:41:36,500 - Yeah. - Yeah. - 好 - 好 644 00:41:36,650 --> 00:41:38,180 Forgive me if I don't linger, girls, 請原諒我不能久留 645 00:41:38,285 --> 00:41:40,360 But when the muse calls, the artist has to jump. 當繆斯女神召喚時 藝術家得立刻行動 646 00:41:41,000 --> 00:41:42,000 - Good night. - Good night. - 晚安 - 晚安 647 00:41:43,100 --> 00:41:45,100 - He's nutso. - Ha. - 他瘋了 - 是啊 648 00:42:00,600 --> 00:42:03,000 I did Sophie from memory. 我憑記憶畫蘇菲亞 649 00:42:03,100 --> 00:42:05,360 I've never worked with a live one before. 以前從沒畫過活生生的人 650 00:42:05,477 --> 00:42:07,411 Huh? 怎麼樣 651 00:42:07,640 --> 00:42:08,800 Now this is fun. 這真有趣 652 00:42:09,800 --> 00:42:11,200 Don't you think this is fun? 你不認為很有趣嗎 653 00:42:14,688 --> 00:42:16,780 Oh, Cleo, baby... 克麗歐 寶貝 654 00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:20,026 That is not very regal. 那樣做不太有皇家氣派 655 00:43:09,100 --> 00:43:11,400 Sometimes I feel like you're the child... 有時我覺得你才是孩子 656 00:43:11,400 --> 00:43:12,780 and I'm the grown-up. 而我是成人 657 00:43:15,415 --> 00:43:18,009 I can't ever imagine being inside you. 我無法想像呆在你體內的樣子 658 00:43:21,221 --> 00:43:23,700 I can't imagine being anywhere you'd let me hang around... 我無法想像你會讓我呆在那裏 659 00:43:23,700 --> 00:43:25,700 for nine straight months. 呆上九個月 660 00:43:49,100 --> 00:43:50,878 What's wrong with this picture? 這個廚房怎麼啦 661 00:43:51,000 --> 00:43:52,451 Compliments of Mrs. Landsky. 拜蘭斯基太太所踢 662 00:43:52,586 --> 00:43:55,300 It seems she's frozen Lou's meals for the next decade. 她害得路十年來都得吃冷凍食品 663 00:43:55,786 --> 00:43:56,700 Good morning. 早安 664 00:43:56,830 --> 00:43:58,780 - Good morning. - Good morning. - 早安 - 早安 665 00:43:59,190 --> 00:44:00,340 What a good morning. 多棒的早晨 666 00:44:00,360 --> 00:44:03,293 - This is for you. - Thank you. - 這是給你的 - 謝謝 667 00:44:03,360 --> 00:44:04,830 How did you sleep, Charlotte? 睡得好嗎 夏洛特 668 00:44:04,930 --> 00:44:05,780 Did you weather the storm? 被暴風雨嚇到了嗎 669 00:44:05,860 --> 00:44:07,360 Yeah. Fine, thanks. 是啊 還好 謝謝 670 00:44:13,240 --> 00:44:15,780 This is how you normally eat breakfast together? 你們通常就這樣吃早餐嗎 671 00:44:17,100 --> 00:44:17,640 Yeah. 是啊 672 00:44:17,640 --> 00:44:18,640 - Mm-hmm. - Mm-hmm. - 嗯 - 嗯 673 00:44:18,800 --> 00:44:20,480 Oh. 噢 674 00:44:31,500 --> 00:44:34,800 The time is Autumn, 1621. 時間是一六二一年秋天 675 00:44:35,100 --> 00:44:38,125 The place is Plymouth Plantation: 地點是普利茅茲農業耕地 676 00:44:38,298 --> 00:44:41,100 An English colony in Massachusetts. 一個位於麻薩諸塞的英國殖民地 677 00:44:41,568 --> 00:44:46,100 This is a harvest feast; a thanksgiving. 這是個收穫季 感恩的日子 678 00:44:46,974 --> 00:44:48,200 To share the harvest, 為了分享他們的豐收成果 679 00:44:48,300 --> 00:44:51,680 the Englishmen have invited their friends, the Indians, 英國人邀猜他們的朋友與鄰居 印地安人 680 00:44:51,778 --> 00:44:53,643 Oh, God. 天吶 681 00:44:53,780 --> 00:44:56,650 For games and contests of skill. 參加遊戲和技藝比賽 682 00:44:56,800 --> 00:44:58,000 Oh, dear God. 上帝啊 683 00:45:00,654 --> 00:45:03,953 - What is it? Marsha? - What happened? - 怎麼了 瑪莎 - 出什麼事了 684 00:45:04,180 --> 00:45:06,860 - The President's been shot! - What? - 總統遇刺了 - 什麼 685 00:45:07,960 --> 00:45:09,960 The President's been shot! 總統遇刺了 686 00:45:10,597 --> 00:45:13,998 - I can't believe that! - Benny, turn that off! - 我無法相信 - 本尼 把它關掉 687 00:45:16,000 --> 00:45:18,000 Listen. Listen. 仔細聽 688 00:45:18,860 --> 00:45:22,100 Governor Connally was shot in the upper left chest. 康鈉利州長的左胸上方被擊中 689 00:45:22,200 --> 00:45:23,860 The first unconfirmed reports say... 而尚未證實的最初報告是 690 00:45:23,960 --> 00:45:26,241 The President was hit in the head. 總統的頭部被擊中 691 00:45:26,380 --> 00:45:28,109 That's an unconfirmed report 據尚未證實的報告 692 00:45:28,240 --> 00:45:29,700 that the President was hit in the head. 總統的頭部被擊中 693 00:45:30,200 --> 00:45:31,900 The President's wife, Jackie Kennedy, was not hurt. 總統夫人傑奎琳·肯尼迪沒有受傷 694 00:45:32,000 --> 00:45:35,580 She walked into the hospital at her husband's stretcher side. 她跟著丈夫一起進入醫院 695 00:45:35,722 --> 00:45:37,800 A Dallas newsman, Mel Couch, 達拉斯記者梅爾·考奇 696 00:45:37,900 --> 00:45:40,300 said he was riding behind the President in the parade. 遊行時坐在距總統不遠的車上 697 00:45:40,400 --> 00:45:42,000 He said, after the shots were fired, 他說在槍聲響起後 698 00:45:42,050 --> 00:45:43,780 he happened to look up at the fifth or sixth floor... 他抬頭看德州票據保管大樓的 699 00:45:43,860 --> 00:45:45,860 of the Texas book depository. 第五或第六層樓 700 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:48,200 he said he saw the rifle being pulled back in. 他說他看見來福槍被抽回去 701 00:45:48,900 --> 00:45:50,180 I want my father. 我想我父親 702 00:45:50,270 --> 00:45:51,100 Please, god, 求求你 神啊 703 00:45:51,200 --> 00:45:52,480 I want to speak to my father. 我要和我父親說話 704 00:45:55,600 --> 00:45:57,600 Tell us exactly what you saw, sir. 請告拆我們你看見了什麼 先生 705 00:45:58,360 --> 00:46:01,376 He was coming down the street... 他正從街那頭過來 706 00:46:01,515 --> 00:46:04,075 and my five-year-old boy and myself... 我那五歲大的兒子和我 707 00:46:04,217 --> 00:46:06,480 were by ourselves on the grass there on Palmer street. 正站在帕瑪街的草地上 708 00:46:06,586 --> 00:46:09,180 I waved and the man-- the man-- 我揮手 那個人 那個人 709 00:46:09,956 --> 00:46:12,480 It's all right, sir. You waved at him. 沒關係 先生 繼續說 710 00:46:13,800 --> 00:46:16,027 As he was waving back, the shot rang out... 在他揮手時 槍聲響起 711 00:46:16,163 --> 00:46:17,562 and he slumped down in his seat... 他猛然跌在座位上 712 00:46:17,698 --> 00:46:22,431 and his wife reached up toward him as he was slumping down... 他太太在他跌下時伸手扶他 713 00:46:22,569 --> 00:46:25,299 and the second shot went off and it just knocked him down. 接著第二槍響起 將他擊倒 714 00:46:25,400 --> 00:46:26,850 - Two shots? - Two shots. - 有兩槍嗎 - 兩槍 715 00:46:26,940 --> 00:46:27,940 Did you see the man, who did it? 你看見下手的人了嗎 716 00:46:28,041 --> 00:46:30,180 No, sir, I did not see the man. I... 沒有 我沒有看見 我 717 00:46:30,480 --> 00:46:34,947 I'm sorry I can't help you more, 我很抱歉我無法幫更多的忙 718 00:46:35,115 --> 00:46:36,878 but I-I won't forget it. 但是我不會忘記 719 00:46:37,000 --> 00:46:37,850 Excuse me, Jack. 抱歉 傑克 720 00:46:37,950 --> 00:46:40,480 Here is a flash from the associated press, Dateline Dallas. 這是達拉斯媒體的快報 721 00:46:40,580 --> 00:46:42,800 Two priests who were with President Kennedy... 他們找到陪著總統的兩位神父 722 00:46:42,900 --> 00:46:45,360 say he is dead of bullet wounds. 說他已經因傷死亡 723 00:46:45,959 --> 00:46:47,860 There is no further confirmation, 此事尚未進一步求證 724 00:46:47,960 --> 00:46:51,691 but this is what we have on a flash basis from the associated press. 但這是我們得到的最新情報 725 00:46:52,799 --> 00:46:54,926 The pair of men have just administered... 我們見到了為肯尼迪總統 726 00:46:55,068 --> 00:46:57,900 the last rites of the catholic church to President Kennedy. 施行最後儀式的兩名天主教神父 727 00:46:58,300 --> 00:47:01,500 President Kennedy has been assassinated. 肯尼迪總統被暗殺 728 00:47:01,600 --> 00:47:05,300 It's official now. The President is dead. 官方證實 總統已經死亡 729 00:47:05,612 --> 00:47:08,513 Women here in shock; some have fainted. 這裏的婦女受到驚嚇 有些人暈倒了 730 00:47:08,648 --> 00:47:11,480 Two secret service men standing by the emergency room, 兩名便衣特工站在急救室外 731 00:47:11,860 --> 00:47:14,679 tears streaming down their face. 眼淚流下雙頰 732 00:47:14,821 --> 00:47:18,360 There's only one word to describe the picture here, 只有一個詞語能形容這裏的景象 733 00:47:18,480 --> 00:47:20,900 and that's grief, and much of it. 那就是悲傷 無盡的悲傷 734 00:47:21,640 --> 00:47:23,480 As of just a few moments ago, 剛剛得到證實 735 00:47:23,640 --> 00:47:27,200 the President of the United States is dead. 美國總統已經死亡 736 00:47:30,771 --> 00:47:33,300 It feels like there isn't a single adult left... 感覺好像整個星球上 737 00:47:33,400 --> 00:47:35,300 on the entire planet. 連一個大人都不剩 738 00:47:40,914 --> 00:47:43,439 Oh, God, what were you doing? 神啊 你在做什麼 739 00:47:43,617 --> 00:47:45,480 How could you let this happen? 你怎麼能讓這種事發生 740 00:47:51,358 --> 00:47:52,860 I miss my father. 我想念我父親 741 00:47:53,827 --> 00:47:56,180 I wonder if he's watching television. 不知道他是否看到電視了 742 00:47:56,800 --> 00:47:58,500 Maybe he's in the jungles of Brazil... 也許他正在巴西雨林裏 743 00:47:58,600 --> 00:48:00,180 and doesn't even know what's happened. 甚至不知道發生了什麼事 744 00:48:38,705 --> 00:48:42,000 The old man who did this job before me-- 在我之前做這份工作的老人 745 00:48:43,360 --> 00:48:44,900 He had Indian ways. 他有印地安人的風格 746 00:48:47,300 --> 00:48:49,300 He could stand so quiet, 他能站立得非常安靜 747 00:48:50,250 --> 00:48:53,100 his heels together, like a little dancer. 雙踝合併 就像舞者 748 00:48:57,757 --> 00:48:59,600 The world's gone crazy. 這個世界瘋了 749 00:48:59,657 --> 00:49:03,594 I know. I know. 我知道 我知道 750 00:49:04,700 --> 00:49:05,860 I know. 我知道 751 00:49:56,500 --> 00:49:58,450 Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. 我們在天堂的父 無比神聖 752 00:49:58,550 --> 00:49:59,360 Thy kingdom come, 你的王國來臨 753 00:49:59,360 --> 00:50:01,050 thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 他們將如在天堂一樣降臨人間 754 00:50:01,154 --> 00:50:02,100 Give us this day our daily bread... 賜予我們每日的食物 755 00:50:02,100 --> 00:50:03,680 and forgive us our trespasses, 並原諒我們的罪孽 756 00:50:03,780 --> 00:50:04,960 as we forgive those who trespass against us. 一如我們原諒他人的罪孽 757 00:50:05,058 --> 00:50:06,620 And lead us not into temptation, 別讓我們被誘惑引入歧途 758 00:50:06,720 --> 00:50:08,240 but deliver us from evil. Amen. 讓我們遠離邪惡 阿門 759 00:50:08,929 --> 00:50:10,863 In 1990, 到一九九零年 760 00:50:10,997 --> 00:50:14,489 the Age of Space will be entering its second phase, 太空時代將進入第二階段 761 00:50:14,668 --> 00:50:17,796 and our hopes in it to preserve the peace, 我們希望那能用來維持和平 762 00:50:18,238 --> 00:50:21,230 to make sure that in this great new sea, 以確定在這片遼闊的新海域中 763 00:50:21,408 --> 00:50:22,932 as on earth, 如同在地球上 764 00:50:23,109 --> 00:50:25,805 The United States is second to none. 美國依然領袖群倫 765 00:50:32,485 --> 00:50:34,510 Everyone's crying about the President. 大家都在為總統哭泣 766 00:50:34,654 --> 00:50:36,781 I've turned into a fallen woman overnight, 我卻在一夜之間變成墮落的女人 767 00:50:36,880 --> 00:50:37,880 and no one can tell. 而且沒人知道 768 00:50:37,924 --> 00:50:39,949 I've been as bad as I can be. 我壞得無以復加 769 00:50:40,093 --> 00:50:41,890 I should be burned at the stake. 我該燒死在木椿上 770 00:50:48,234 --> 00:50:50,300 Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, 祝福我 天父啊 因為我有罪 771 00:50:50,437 --> 00:50:52,300 and in a holy place. 而且是在神聖之地犯的 772 00:50:52,439 --> 00:50:53,201 I kissed him. 我吻了他 773 00:50:54,140 --> 00:50:55,400 I will starve myself... 我要挨餓 774 00:50:55,500 --> 00:50:58,500 until I purge every sinful thought about Joe Peretti from my soul. 直到我的靈魂淨化對喬·普列提的罪惡念頭為止 775 00:51:09,400 --> 00:51:12,016 the sins of the saints never go unpunished. 聖人的罪孽從未不經懲罰便得到寬恕 776 00:51:12,100 --> 00:51:14,400 Joan of Arc got burned at the stake. 聖女貞德在木椿上被燒死 777 00:51:14,500 --> 00:51:16,560 Okay, so what are you going to do to me, Lord? 好吧 那你要如何懲罰我 天主 778 00:51:17,097 --> 00:51:19,600 Flagellation? Mutilation? 鞭打 截肢 779 00:51:20,266 --> 00:51:22,530 I bumped into Mr. Crain on the way, 我在路上遇到克倫先生 780 00:51:22,636 --> 00:51:23,900 leaving Sammy's house. 他正要離開山米家 781 00:51:24,200 --> 00:51:25,300 - That old witch woman? - Yeah. - 那個女巫的家嗎 - 是的 782 00:51:25,500 --> 00:51:26,550 Charlotte, dinner. 夏洛特 吃晚飯 783 00:51:26,706 --> 00:51:28,360 Well, you think about it, get back to me. 你考慮一下再告訴我 784 00:51:28,842 --> 00:51:30,180 He's wanted a baby real bad. 他非常想要個孩子 785 00:51:31,845 --> 00:51:33,860 I guess he's trying one of her love potions. 我想他在嘗試用她的配方 786 00:51:34,180 --> 00:51:35,640 Wish I had trouble conceiving. 但願我也有受孕的困擾 787 00:51:36,000 --> 00:51:38,915 I can get pregnant if i hang my clothes next to a man's suit. 我把外套掛在男人的西裝旁都會懷孕 788 00:51:39,100 --> 00:51:41,583 Oh, Lord, no. Anything but that. 主啊 不 除了那件事什麼都可以 789 00:51:52,032 --> 00:51:54,640 No more fasting. You're driving me crazy. 不准再節食 你快讓我瘋了 790 00:51:54,900 --> 00:51:57,266 I'm pregnant. Lord, how could you do this to me? 我懷孕了 主啊 你怎麼能如此對我 791 00:51:57,771 --> 00:51:59,780 - How could you be so strict? - Are you okay? - 你怎麼能如此苛刻 - 你沒事吧 792 00:52:01,341 --> 00:52:03,969 All right, eat and get some rest, 好吧 吃完休息一下 793 00:52:04,144 --> 00:52:06,150 and we'll just talk about this tomorrow. 我們明天再談此事 794 00:52:11,000 --> 00:52:12,850 Mary didn't even kiss Joseph... 瑪麗甚至從沒吻過約瑟 795 00:52:12,850 --> 00:52:14,100 and look what happened to her. 看她碰上了什麼事 796 00:52:14,800 --> 00:52:16,600 Oh, Lord, what have I done? 主啊 我做了什麼事 797 00:52:29,836 --> 00:52:31,160 Can I talk to you? 我能和你談談嗎 798 00:52:31,168 --> 00:52:32,480 Sure. 當然 799 00:52:39,200 --> 00:52:40,200 Well? 什麼事 800 00:52:50,500 --> 00:52:51,500 Hello? 哈囉 801 00:52:52,500 --> 00:52:53,780 Is anybody there? 有人在嗎 802 00:52:54,661 --> 00:52:56,900 Just give me a second. I'm trying, Mom. 給我一秒鐘 我正在努力 媽 803 00:52:57,197 --> 00:52:59,360 - What? - I want to tell you. - 什麼事 - 我想告訴你 804 00:52:59,480 --> 00:53:00,300 What? 什麼事 805 00:53:00,400 --> 00:53:02,850 I may be pregnant with the next Jewish-Italian Messiah. 我也許懷著猶太意大利籍救世主 806 00:53:02,950 --> 00:53:04,480 - What? - Nothing. - 什麼事 - 沒什麼 807 00:53:06,606 --> 00:53:08,480 Charlotte, what in the hell is the matter with you? 夏洛特 你到底是怎麼回事 808 00:53:08,942 --> 00:53:11,960 What is happening in your brain when you just sit there, 你坐在這裏 既不動也不說話 809 00:53:12,100 --> 00:53:13,700 not moving, not speaking? 你到底在想什麼 810 00:53:13,860 --> 00:53:14,860 What? 是什麼 811 00:53:17,100 --> 00:53:18,500 What? What? 到底是什麼 812 00:53:22,300 --> 00:53:24,360 Dad, you're the only person who can help, 爸 你是唯一幫得上忙的人 813 00:53:24,360 --> 00:53:25,800 and you're never here. 但是你卻從不在我身邊 814 00:53:26,200 --> 00:53:27,300 Where are you? 你在哪裏 815 00:53:52,900 --> 00:53:53,960 Joe doesn't know where she is. 喬不知道她在哪裏 816 00:53:54,050 --> 00:53:55,360 We better get back. 我們最好快回去 817 00:53:55,780 --> 00:53:57,150 So, she's angry, that's okay. 她在生氣 那沒關係 818 00:53:57,250 --> 00:53:58,550 Blowing off steam-- that's okay. 借此發洩 那也沒關係 819 00:53:58,650 --> 00:54:00,550 But taking my car-- that's not okay. 但開走我的車 那就有關係 820 00:54:00,600 --> 00:54:02,300 That's going way too far. 那實在是太過份了 821 00:54:02,800 --> 00:54:05,300 Did she ever talk to you about anything bothering her? 她和你談過困擾她的事嗎 822 00:54:05,400 --> 00:54:06,480 Lou, I'm her mother. 路 我是她媽 823 00:54:06,566 --> 00:54:07,700 If something bothers her, 如果她有困擾的事 824 00:54:07,700 --> 00:54:10,000 I'm the last person she's gonna talk to. 最不可能傾訴的對象就是我 825 00:54:11,000 --> 00:54:12,100 She's a teenager, for Christ's sake. 拜託 她是個青少年 826 00:54:12,100 --> 00:54:13,900 I'm amazed she talks at all. 我懷疑她根本不會說出來 827 00:54:14,808 --> 00:54:16,469 Where in the hell can she be? 她到底會在哪裏 828 00:54:16,640 --> 00:54:19,700 ♪ 前進 基督教戰士 ♪ ♪ Onward Christian soldiers ♪ 829 00:54:20,360 --> 00:54:23,879 I want to lead a violent and exciting life! 我要過暴力刺激的生活 830 00:54:33,800 --> 00:54:35,800 『歡迎光臨康涅迪克』 831 00:55:30,900 --> 00:55:32,900 Excuse me, sir. I was out for a spin, 抱歉 先生 我出來兜風 832 00:55:33,000 --> 00:55:34,600 and I seem to be having engine trouble. 似乎碰到了引擎上的問題 833 00:55:35,400 --> 00:55:37,400 - Who is it? - It's all right. It's just a young girl. - 是誰啊 - 沒事 只是個年輕姑娘 834 00:55:39,000 --> 00:55:41,200 I'm a shepherd who has lost my flock. 我是個失去羊群的牧羊人 835 00:55:42,100 --> 00:55:44,100 Your folks know where you are? 你父母知道你在哪裏嗎 836 00:55:44,100 --> 00:55:46,000 Oh, yeah, they know exactly where I am. 是的 他們知道我在哪裏 837 00:55:45,899 --> 00:55:48,500 Especially my dad. He's that kind of guy. 尤其是我爸 他就是那種人 838 00:55:50,400 --> 00:55:52,860 Charlotte, you're talking like a crazy person. 夏洛特 你說話的樣子像個瘋子 839 00:55:54,340 --> 00:55:55,800 Lou, I'm glad that you're here, 路 我很高興你能過來 840 00:55:55,900 --> 00:55:57,480 but I don't need you to stay. 但我真的不需要你留下來 841 00:55:57,860 --> 00:55:59,240 I'll always be here for you. 我會永遠在此支持你 842 00:56:00,100 --> 00:56:02,000 Okay, I won't always be here for you. 好吧 我不會永遠在此支持你 843 00:56:02,100 --> 00:56:03,100 Just sometimes, 只是有時候 844 00:56:03,600 --> 00:56:05,800 if I feel like it or I happen to be in the neighborhood. 我想這麼做或正好在附近時 845 00:56:05,850 --> 00:56:06,850 Is that better? 好點了嗎 846 00:56:06,950 --> 00:56:08,750 I know she's doing this to turn my hair white. 她這麼做是故意讓我的頭髮變白 847 00:56:08,855 --> 00:56:11,180 She's doing this because she has a problem, 她這麼做是因為她有困擾 848 00:56:11,280 --> 00:56:13,280 and she's probably too frightened to talk to you. 而她也許害怕跟你談心 849 00:56:13,280 --> 00:56:14,800 Why would she be frightened? 她為什麼要害怕 850 00:56:14,900 --> 00:56:17,960 Rachel, you can be a little abrasive! 蕾秋 你可能會有點攻擊性 851 00:56:18,060 --> 00:56:20,646 Shit, even I'm scared to talk to you sometimes. 該死 有時我都害怕和你談話 852 00:56:20,900 --> 00:56:23,640 She's a kid! Lighten up! Don't ride her too hard! 她是個孩子 輕鬆點 別太嚴厲 853 00:56:23,720 --> 00:56:25,800 I don't need a lecture on parenting from you! 我不需要你來教我如何管教孩子 854 00:56:26,100 --> 00:56:28,100 Okay, that's it. When she comes, I'm leaving. 好 就這樣 她回來後我就離開 855 00:56:28,200 --> 00:56:30,240 And you wonder why she runs away from problems? 那你還奇怪她為什麼逃避問題 856 00:56:30,340 --> 00:56:31,600 Will you listen to yourself? 聽聽你自己的話 857 00:56:31,678 --> 00:56:32,960 - Are we having a fight? - Yeah! - 我們要吵架嗎 - 對 858 00:56:33,046 --> 00:56:34,800 - Why? - It relieves the tension! - 為什麼 - 可以疏解壓力 859 00:56:34,881 --> 00:56:35,600 Yeah? 是嗎 860 00:56:36,346 --> 00:56:38,481 Well-- 呃 861 00:56:38,500 --> 00:56:40,500 The Discotheques, which are nightclubs, 迪斯科舞廳是種夜總會 862 00:56:40,600 --> 00:56:42,400 have been very well-known... 非常出名 863 00:56:42,400 --> 00:56:44,900 and popular now for years in Europe and South America. 已經在歐洲與南美流行數年 864 00:56:44,930 --> 00:56:47,324 Paris, for example, has about 100 of them. 光是巴黎便有近百家 865 00:56:47,460 --> 00:56:49,000 You're look at the frug, 你現在看到的是扭擺舞 866 00:56:49,100 --> 00:56:51,780 a combination twist, Patty-Cake and Hitchhike. 是拍手舞與搭便車手勢的混合體 867 00:56:52,100 --> 00:56:52,780 That's Killer Joe, 那是殺手喬 868 00:56:52,899 --> 00:56:54,380 society's favorite dancing teacher. 最受歡迎的舞蹈教師 869 00:56:54,480 --> 00:56:58,666 Killer Joe is also available, he told us, as a party stimulator. 殺手喬自稱他還是個派對鼓勵者 870 00:57:08,982 --> 00:57:10,847 - You like pancakes? - Yeah. - 喜歡煎餅嗎 - 喜歡 871 00:57:12,240 --> 00:57:13,360 - Here you are. - Thank you. - 給你 - 謝謝 872 00:57:15,400 --> 00:57:16,960 A real, live father... 一個真正的 活生生的父親 873 00:57:17,060 --> 00:57:19,780 living in the same house as his wife and kids. 和他的妻子兒女住在同一所房子裏 874 00:57:20,293 --> 00:57:22,180 They're perfect. This is like television. 他們真完美 就像電視上演的 875 00:57:23,160 --> 00:57:23,960 Thanks. 謝謝 876 00:57:25,100 --> 00:57:26,360 Maybe they'll adopt me. 也許他們會收養我 877 00:57:29,000 --> 00:57:30,100 Do you like bacon? 喜歡培根嗎 878 00:57:30,200 --> 00:57:32,200 Oh, yeah. 喜歡 879 00:57:33,400 --> 00:57:34,500 - How about sausage? - Mmm. - 還有香腸 - 嗯 880 00:57:38,144 --> 00:57:41,780 - Toast? - I love toast. - 烤土司 - 我喜歡烤土司 881 00:57:41,800 --> 00:57:42,700 Thanks. 謝謝 882 00:57:43,200 --> 00:57:45,000 - What's your name? - Sal. - 你叫什麼名字 - 莎兒 883 00:57:45,500 --> 00:57:47,850 How could you lie to them? They're being so nice to you. 你怎麼能騙他們 他們對你那麼好 884 00:57:48,900 --> 00:57:50,000 Sal what, dear? 莎兒什麼 親愛的 885 00:57:50,800 --> 00:57:52,400 Val. Sal Val. 華爾 莎兒·華爾 886 00:57:53,480 --> 00:57:54,480 Uh-oh. 啊噢 887 00:57:54,580 --> 00:57:56,500 My parents, they love rhymes. 我父母喜歡押韻 888 00:57:56,600 --> 00:57:58,800 We stay up late every night trying to think of new ones. 我們每晚熬夜 企圖想出新的 889 00:57:59,000 --> 00:58:01,500 Me, Mom, Dad, Sis and my big brother... 我 媽 爸 姐和我大哥 890 00:58:02,050 --> 00:58:03,150 Al. 艾爾 891 00:58:16,860 --> 00:58:17,900 Hello? 喂 892 00:58:18,500 --> 00:58:19,507 Yeah. 是 893 00:58:21,150 --> 00:58:23,780 She's all right. She's in New Haven. 她沒事 她在鈕海芬 894 00:58:25,100 --> 00:58:27,100 Could you give me that address again, please? 你能再說一次地址嗎 895 00:58:28,300 --> 00:58:29,990 When I was little, we lived in Brazil... 小時候我們住在巴西 896 00:58:30,090 --> 00:58:31,860 and we owned this big diamond mine. 我們有一個很大的鑽石礦廠 897 00:58:31,960 --> 00:58:34,480 My father would dance with me all the time. 我父親經常和我跳舞 898 00:58:34,567 --> 00:58:36,800 We would just dance and dance and dance... 我們就在叢林中央 899 00:58:36,800 --> 00:58:38,734 right in the middle of the jungle. 不停地跳舞 900 00:58:39,000 --> 00:58:40,000 Me and my sister-- 我和我姐姐 901 00:58:40,000 --> 00:58:42,960 she has these beautiful, long red curls, and she likes to... 她有一頭漂亮的紅色長卷髮 902 00:58:42,960 --> 00:58:45,800 - wear this jewelled crown thing on her head. - Excuse me. - 她喜歡在頭上戴著珠寶 - 抱歉 903 00:58:46,512 --> 00:58:49,640 We would make this pear wine. 我們常做一種梨子酒 904 00:58:49,780 --> 00:58:53,000 We would take the bottles and hang them from branches... 我們會裝瓶 然後吊在樹枝上 905 00:58:53,100 --> 00:58:55,781 and write on them with diamond dust. 我們會用鑽石粉末在上面寫字 906 00:58:55,900 --> 00:58:56,800 Charlotte? 夏洛特 907 00:59:10,400 --> 00:59:11,000 Bye. 再見 908 00:59:11,100 --> 00:59:12,900 - Bye, dear. - Bye. - 再見 親愛的 - 再見 909 00:59:13,000 --> 00:59:14,300 Bye, Val. 再見 華爾 910 00:59:14,800 --> 00:59:16,900 - Bye. - Bye. - 再見 - 再見 911 00:59:16,950 --> 00:59:18,000 Bye, dear. 再見 親愛的 912 01:00:09,480 --> 01:00:12,200 Do you have the slightest idea what you've just put me through? 你知道我有多擔心嗎 913 01:00:14,167 --> 01:00:16,180 I thought you were kidnapped. 我以為你被綁架了 914 01:00:16,266 --> 01:00:18,200 I thought you were dead. 以為你死了 915 01:00:18,360 --> 01:00:20,360 I thought you were laying by the road someplace, 我以為你被扔在馬路邊 916 01:00:20,360 --> 01:00:21,640 chopped into a million pieces. 屍體被剁成了碎片 917 01:00:21,700 --> 01:00:22,360 Go to your room! 回你房間去 918 01:00:22,460 --> 01:00:23,340 I can't talk to you right now. 現在我無法和你說話 919 01:00:23,440 --> 01:00:26,180 If I talk to you right now, I'll kill you. 如果我現在跟你說話 一定會殺了你 920 01:00:36,222 --> 01:00:37,300 Okay. 好了 921 01:00:39,825 --> 01:00:41,400 I've had a little scotch. 我喝了一點威士忌 922 01:00:41,458 --> 01:00:43,360 I'm real calm. 我很平靜 923 01:00:44,860 --> 01:00:46,822 So, tell me, Charlotte... 因此 告訴我 夏洛特 924 01:00:47,600 --> 01:00:48,600 What's going on? 怎麼回事 925 01:00:49,702 --> 01:00:51,120 You don't get it, Mom. 你不懂 媽 926 01:00:51,135 --> 01:00:53,000 I think I'm pregnant. 我想我懷孕了 927 01:00:53,072 --> 01:00:54,480 It may be the Lord's child. 也許是主的孩子 928 01:00:54,780 --> 01:00:56,040 Are you trying to make me crazy? 你想讓我發瘋嗎 929 01:00:56,140 --> 01:00:57,360 You wouldn't understand. 你不會瞭解的 930 01:00:57,843 --> 01:01:00,680 You don't believe in religion. You don't believe in anything. 你又不相信宗教 你什麼都不相信 931 01:01:00,780 --> 01:01:02,100 Why were you running? 你為什麼逃避 932 01:01:02,600 --> 01:01:04,240 Running away doesn't solve anything. 逃避無法解決問題 933 01:01:05,400 --> 01:01:07,400 I'm a grown-up. I don't run away. 我是成人 我不逃避 934 01:01:07,500 --> 01:01:08,600 I move on. 我向前進 935 01:01:08,800 --> 01:01:10,300 Look, if something is bothering you, 聽著 如果你有任何困擾 936 01:01:10,300 --> 01:01:12,050 tell me what it is. Maybe I can help you. 告訴我是什麼事 也許我能幫忙 937 01:01:12,050 --> 01:01:13,650 How bad can it be? 情況能有多糟 938 01:01:16,200 --> 01:01:19,900 Look, I'm really tired. I just want to go to sleep, okay? 我真的累了 我只想睡覺 好嗎 939 01:01:28,000 --> 01:01:29,480 Let me tell you something, Charlotte. 讓我告訴你一件事 夏洛特 940 01:01:29,960 --> 01:01:32,360 Sometimes being the mother really stinks. 有時做母親真的很辛苦 941 01:01:32,480 --> 01:01:34,576 I don't always know what I'm doing. 我並不是隨時都能確定自己在做什麼 942 01:01:34,700 --> 01:01:38,400 It's not like you and your sister came with a book of instructions. 你和你妹妹出生時沒帶著說明書 943 01:01:38,576 --> 01:01:40,900 If I can help you, tell me. 如果我能幫忙 告訴我 944 01:01:42,300 --> 01:01:43,400 I'll give it my best shot, 我會盡最大的能力 945 01:01:43,400 --> 01:01:47,100 but that's all I can do. 但那是我唯一能做的事 946 01:02:01,407 --> 01:02:02,480 Where's Charlotte? 夏洛特呢 947 01:02:02,576 --> 01:02:04,800 She's in her room, somewhere in mars. 在她房裏 在火星上某處 948 01:02:05,400 --> 01:02:07,300 - What did she tell you? - Nothing. - 她跟你說了些什麼 - 什麼也沒說 949 01:02:08,648 --> 01:02:09,808 Maybe her school counselor-- 也許她學校的指導老師 950 01:02:09,949 --> 01:02:12,042 What? Mrs. Crain? Are you kidding me? 什麼 克倫太太嗎 你在開玩笑 951 01:02:12,184 --> 01:02:14,240 That woman couldn't find her ass with both hands. 那個女人用兩隻手都找不到屁股 952 01:02:15,154 --> 01:02:17,480 Has she ever done anything this strange before? 她以前做過奇怪的事嗎 953 01:02:17,800 --> 01:02:20,900 She did get sent home from school one time before... 有一次她的確被學校送回家 954 01:02:21,000 --> 01:02:23,427 for licking chalk off a blackboard. 因為她舔黑板上的粉筆字 955 01:02:23,562 --> 01:02:25,480 God, her tongue was yellow for a week. 天吶 她的舌頭黃了一周 956 01:02:26,000 --> 01:02:27,240 What did she do that for? 她為什麼那樣做 957 01:02:27,333 --> 01:02:29,180 I don't know. She read in some book... 不知道 她在一本書上看過 958 01:02:29,180 --> 01:02:31,600 that some saint had a vision after licking a wall. 某個聖人在舔過牆壁後有了幻覺 959 01:02:33,900 --> 01:02:35,900 - Mm-hmm. - The teacher sent home a note that said... - 噢 - 老師送夏洛特回家時附著紙條 960 01:02:35,900 --> 01:02:38,800 she thought charlotte had psychological problems. 說她認為夏洛特有心理問題 961 01:02:39,240 --> 01:02:41,000 - What did you do? - We moved. - 你怎麼處理的 - 我們搬家 962 01:02:41,500 --> 01:02:42,500 Oh. 噢 963 01:02:57,500 --> 01:02:59,100 - Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 964 01:03:02,100 --> 01:03:04,800 I heard you ran away. You okay? 聽說你離家出走了 沒事吧 965 01:03:05,240 --> 01:03:06,240 Yeah. 沒事 966 01:03:08,480 --> 01:03:09,800 You want to talk about it? 你想談談嗎 967 01:03:11,780 --> 01:03:13,860 It's kind of complicated. 有點複雜 968 01:03:15,781 --> 01:03:16,713 Okay. 好吧 969 01:03:17,983 --> 01:03:19,100 I was worried. 我很擔心 970 01:03:26,592 --> 01:03:29,200 Joe, tell me about your girlfriend. 喬 跟我說說你女朋友的事 971 01:03:30,529 --> 01:03:31,553 My girlfriend? 我女朋友 972 01:03:33,866 --> 01:03:35,180 There's nothing to tell. 沒什麼好說的 973 01:03:36,669 --> 01:03:37,780 Did you love her? 你愛她嗎 974 01:03:38,904 --> 01:03:40,780 Yes, I did. 是的 我愛 975 01:03:41,700 --> 01:03:42,900 But her family moved away, 但她們全家都搬走了 976 01:03:43,000 --> 01:03:45,510 and I never got a chance to see her again. 從此我就沒有機會再見到她 977 01:03:47,600 --> 01:03:50,100 People in town talk as if something happened between us, 鎮上的人說我們之間好像發生了什麼事 978 01:03:50,282 --> 01:03:52,780 but it didn't. 但是 並非如此 979 01:03:57,823 --> 01:04:00,000 Joe, do you like babies? 喬 你喜歡孩子嗎 980 01:04:00,360 --> 01:04:01,480 "Babies"? "孩子" 981 01:04:02,180 --> 01:04:04,480 Sure. I love babies. 當然 我愛孩子 982 01:04:05,000 --> 01:04:07,500 Someday I hope to have a whole bunch of them. 希望將來我有一大堆孩子 983 01:04:20,180 --> 01:04:22,180 Joan Ark? 瓊安·亞克 (與聖女貞德諧音) 984 01:04:30,200 --> 01:04:31,650 Hello. I'm Dr. Reynolds. 你好 我是雷諾大夫 985 01:04:31,780 --> 01:04:33,458 How do you do? You konw, Actually, I just-- - 你好 你知道 事實上 我 986 01:04:33,576 --> 01:04:34,360 First time here? 第一次來嗎 987 01:04:34,527 --> 01:04:36,860 - Yeah, I just had a question. - How's school? - 對 我只是有個問題 - 學校好嗎 988 01:04:37,430 --> 01:04:40,240 It's great. I wish we had it on weekends. 很好 真希望週末都能上課 989 01:04:43,000 --> 01:04:44,230 How old are you, Joan? 你幾歲了 瓊安 990 01:04:44,336 --> 01:04:46,360 What? Uh... 18. 什麼 呃 十八歲 991 01:04:47,706 --> 01:04:49,000 Is everything okay? 一切都正常吧 992 01:04:49,200 --> 01:04:50,950 Is there anything inside me? 我的肚子裏有什麼東西嗎 993 01:04:53,100 --> 01:04:55,480 Just get dressed and come into my office. 穿上衣服到我的辦公室來 994 01:04:56,046 --> 01:04:58,381 Well, uh-- 呃 995 01:05:02,360 --> 01:05:06,360 『女性生育手冊』 996 01:05:10,629 --> 01:05:11,561 Joan, 瓊安 997 01:05:12,331 --> 01:05:15,240 has your mother ever talked to you about sex? 你母親跟你談過性嗎 998 01:05:15,534 --> 01:05:17,100 Please, God, I want to die. 神啊 我不想活了 999 01:05:18,860 --> 01:05:20,780 Yeah, all the time. 有啊 經常談 1000 01:05:21,400 --> 01:05:23,900 So you know how babies are conceived? 因此你知道嬰兒是怎麼來的啦 1001 01:05:26,679 --> 01:05:27,646 Oh, yeah. 是的 1002 01:05:28,681 --> 01:05:31,180 We talk about everything. She's a wonderful mother. 我們無所不談 她是個好媽媽 1003 01:05:33,100 --> 01:05:35,500 Then why did you think you were pregnant? 那你怎麼會以為你懷孕了呢 1004 01:05:35,600 --> 01:05:36,860 You're still a virgin. 你還是個處女 1005 01:05:39,825 --> 01:05:42,240 I want to die now, right now. 我現在就不想活了 1006 01:05:47,720 --> 01:05:50,860 Okay, so it's crazy to think one kiss could get you pregnant, 好吧 以為接吻就會懷孕是很瘋狂 1007 01:05:51,000 --> 01:05:52,200 But how would I know? 但我怎麼知道 1008 01:05:52,600 --> 01:05:53,900 What about the Virgin Mary? 那處女瑪麗又怎麼說 1009 01:05:54,000 --> 01:05:55,480 And look at St. Perpetua. 再看看聖波派翠亞 1010 01:05:55,600 --> 01:05:58,360 She got transformed into a man and then fought with the devil... 她變成男人 和魔鬼作戰 1011 01:05:58,360 --> 01:06:01,100 and walked on his head. Weird things happen. 並且倒立著用頭走路 怪事發生過 1012 01:06:03,400 --> 01:06:04,000 Hi. 嗨 1013 01:06:04,100 --> 01:06:05,240 - Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 1014 01:06:06,360 --> 01:06:07,360 How are you? 你好嗎 1015 01:06:07,720 --> 01:06:09,240 Can you do me a favor? 能幫我一個忙嗎 1016 01:06:09,488 --> 01:06:12,013 I need to go to Boston on this jerk errand for my boss. 我得幫我的混球老闆跑趟波士頓 1017 01:06:12,157 --> 01:06:13,900 Could you give the girls dinner? 你能幫姑娘們料理晚餐嗎 1018 01:06:14,480 --> 01:06:17,260 Yes! I got a great pot roast in the freezer... 能 我的冰箱裏有一鍋烤牛肉 1019 01:06:17,360 --> 01:06:19,200 that Sophia left. Sound good? 是蘇菲亞留下來的 怎麼樣 1020 01:06:19,360 --> 01:06:20,500 Anything that's hot... 對我而言 任何溫熱 1021 01:06:20,550 --> 01:06:22,660 and not shaped like a star sounds good to me. 而且不是星型的東西都很好 1022 01:06:22,768 --> 01:06:24,470 Very funny. You know what? 非常好笑 知道嗎 1023 01:06:24,570 --> 01:06:26,480 Your mouth is starting to sound like your sister's, 你的嘴越來越像你姐姐 1024 01:06:26,480 --> 01:06:28,180 and I'm not pleased. 這一點我不太高興 1025 01:06:28,541 --> 01:06:31,169 The Crain's are having a party for New Year. 克倫家要舉行新年舞會 1026 01:06:31,310 --> 01:06:32,834 - Did you get an invitation? - Mm-hmm. - 你收到邀請函了嗎 - 嗯哼 1027 01:06:32,960 --> 01:06:35,242 I'm going. Will you be there? 我要去 你會去嗎 1028 01:06:35,360 --> 01:06:37,200 Lou, it's a goddamn costume party. 路 那是個化裝舞會 1029 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:38,100 What do you think? 你說呢 1030 01:06:38,180 --> 01:06:39,100 Go. 去吧 1031 01:06:39,300 --> 01:06:40,480 As what? 扮成什麼 1032 01:06:40,800 --> 01:06:42,000 A goldfish. 金魚 1033 01:06:43,000 --> 01:06:44,100 You're a big help. 你可真會幫忙 1034 01:06:48,060 --> 01:06:49,180 Charlotte? 夏洛特 1035 01:06:50,596 --> 01:06:52,860 As always, it was a pleasure. 與往常一樣 和你聊天真愉快 1036 01:07:43,148 --> 01:07:45,800 - Where is everybody? - In here! - 大家都去哪裏啦 - 在裏面 1037 01:07:46,352 --> 01:07:48,480 Where's here? What is here? 裏面是哪裏 這是什麼 1038 01:07:50,689 --> 01:07:52,240 Hey, you guys, what's going on in here? 嘿 大夥兒好 這裏是怎麼回事 1039 01:07:53,000 --> 01:07:54,500 My young friend, Esther Williams, 我的年輕朋友 伊瑟·威廉斯 1040 01:07:54,600 --> 01:07:57,500 wanted to know what it would feel like to sleep at the bottom of the ocean. 想知道睡在海底是什麼感覺 1041 01:07:57,630 --> 01:07:59,360 Her wish being my command, 她的願望就是我的使命 1042 01:07:59,460 --> 01:08:00,380 presto! 變 1043 01:08:00,480 --> 01:08:01,780 Wall-to-wall ocean. 一整片海洋 1044 01:08:02,234 --> 01:08:04,360 You're certifiable. You know that, don't you? 你可真有本事 你知道吧 1045 01:08:04,800 --> 01:08:05,800 If that's true, 如果是那樣 1046 01:08:05,800 --> 01:08:07,680 I'm hanging around with the right family. 那也是因為我跟合適的家庭混在一起 1047 01:08:07,780 --> 01:08:08,780 - Let's show her. - Yeah. - 我們給她看看 - 好 1048 01:08:11,100 --> 01:08:12,480 You want to do it? - Yeah. - 你要開動嗎 - 是的 1049 01:08:15,047 --> 01:08:17,240 Oh, my gosh. 我的天吶 1050 01:08:18,217 --> 01:08:19,800 Oh, that is so neat. 噢 真是精緻 1051 01:08:19,900 --> 01:08:21,400 It's beautiful. 太美了 1052 01:08:22,821 --> 01:08:24,618 how's that? Sitting on the bottom of the ocean. 怎麼樣 坐在海底的感覺很棒吧 1053 01:08:24,757 --> 01:08:26,380 - Flying fish and everything. - Yeah. - 有飛魚和一切 - 對 1054 01:08:26,480 --> 01:08:29,254 - Wow. - It's good. - 哇哦 - 真漂亮 1055 01:08:31,530 --> 01:08:32,827 - Dinner! - Dinner! - 晚餐 - 晚餐 1056 01:08:33,240 --> 01:08:35,060 Let's eat. I'm so hungry. 我們去吃飯 我好餓 1057 01:08:53,900 --> 01:08:55,480 You did all of that in one evening... 你晚上做完那些事 1058 01:08:55,480 --> 01:08:56,650 and managed to cook dinner? 還能抽空做晚餐嗎 1059 01:08:56,750 --> 01:08:58,600 Charlotte we have to thank for the dinner. 晚餐得感謝夏洛特 1060 01:08:59,900 --> 01:09:02,360 A feast to put Sophia to shame. 一頓會使蘇菲亞羞愧的盛宴 1061 01:09:02,400 --> 01:09:03,860 Where did you learn how to do this? 你在哪裏學會做這些事的 1062 01:09:03,960 --> 01:09:05,360 Home Economics. 家政課 1063 01:09:06,540 --> 01:09:08,680 If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, 如果用食物能抓住男人的心 1064 01:09:08,780 --> 01:09:10,800 I guess there's hope for you yet, Charlotte. 看來你很有希望 夏洛特 1065 01:09:11,100 --> 01:09:12,860 Personally, I've never found that to be true. 當然啦 我一向不認為那是事實 1066 01:09:13,200 --> 01:09:15,000 - Mom. - Yeah? - 媽 - 什麼事 1067 01:09:15,400 --> 01:09:18,180 - What do men care about? - Astroturf. - 男人在乎什麼 - 人工草皮 1068 01:09:18,500 --> 01:09:19,600 According to Lou, 根據路的說法 1069 01:09:19,700 --> 01:09:20,780 it's going to ruin baseball, 它會毀了棒球 1070 01:09:20,780 --> 01:09:23,180 not to mention the whole civilized world we know it. 更別提我們的文明世界了 1071 01:09:23,360 --> 01:09:24,640 So if you ever want to have a boyfriend, 因此 如果你要交個男朋友 1072 01:09:24,780 --> 01:09:26,360 I suggest you start caring about it too. 我建議你也開始關心它 1073 01:09:27,653 --> 01:09:29,080 - Mom? - Yeah? - 媽 - 什麼事 1074 01:09:29,180 --> 01:09:30,200 Why don't you marry Lou... 你為什麼不嫁給路呢 1075 01:09:30,300 --> 01:09:31,380 so he can be our Dad? 他可以當我們的爸爸 1076 01:09:31,480 --> 01:09:32,700 We already have one, Katie. 我們已經有一個了 凱蒂 1077 01:09:32,750 --> 01:09:33,890 Well, I've never seen him, 可是我從沒見過他 1078 01:09:33,990 --> 01:09:35,960 and he wouldn't make me an ocean. 而且他不會幫我做海洋 1079 01:09:36,161 --> 01:09:37,360 - Can we sleep over? - No. - 我們可以在這裏過夜嗎 - 不行 1080 01:09:37,500 --> 01:09:38,563 - Please? - No! - 拜託 - 不行 1081 01:09:38,660 --> 01:09:40,440 - Please? - All right, I'll think about it. - 拜託 - 好吧 我考慮一下 1082 01:09:47,200 --> 01:09:48,540 Actually, you're supposed to have two forks. 應該要有兩把叉子 1083 01:09:48,640 --> 01:09:49,860 Why do you need two? 為什麼要用兩把叉子 1084 01:09:49,960 --> 01:09:52,960 You know what we did if we used the wrong fork or spoon when I was a kid? 知道我小時候用錯刀叉會怎樣嗎 1085 01:09:53,060 --> 01:09:53,660 What? 怎樣 1086 01:09:53,700 --> 01:09:55,907 We had to go stick them in the ground, 我們得到後院把它們插在土裏 1087 01:09:56,000 --> 01:09:58,016 even if the ground was frozen solid. 即使泥土凍硬了都一樣 1088 01:09:58,150 --> 01:10:00,480 We used to call it the hardware garden. 我們稱它為五金花園 1089 01:10:00,580 --> 01:10:02,320 - Can you believe that? - That's nothing. - 你能相信嗎 - 那不算什麼 1090 01:10:02,421 --> 01:10:03,800 A kid in school had an uncle who died... 學校裏有個孩子的叔叔死了 1091 01:10:03,900 --> 01:10:06,100 and got burnt up and sprinkled in a garden. 火化後灑在花園裏 1092 01:10:06,200 --> 01:10:07,200 That's nothing. 那不算什麼 1093 01:10:07,326 --> 01:10:09,480 St. Margaret of Antioch, she lived as a shepherdess... 安提亞克的聖瑪格麗特過著牧羊生活 1094 01:10:09,480 --> 01:10:11,780 and she got eaten by this dragon, and it burst. 她被龍吃掉了 結果龍的肚子破裂了 1095 01:10:11,960 --> 01:10:13,640 When I die, I want to be sprinkled in the ocean. 我死後 骨灰要灑在海裏 1096 01:10:13,700 --> 01:10:15,640 I don't care if a whale eats me. 我不在乎鯨魚是否會吃掉我 1097 01:10:15,734 --> 01:10:17,600 I can live inside a whale like Jonah, 我可以像約拿一樣 住在鯨魚肚子裏 1098 01:10:17,703 --> 01:10:19,000 - with the Angel Guard. - Girls-- - 因為有天使護衛 - 姑娘們 1099 01:10:19,138 --> 01:10:21,600 What if you got a whale doesn't had a living room inside... 萬一那只鯨魚的肚子裏沒有起居室呢 1100 01:10:21,700 --> 01:10:23,780 and you end up in someone's tuna fish sandwich? 而你變成咸魚三明治怎麼辦 1101 01:10:23,842 --> 01:10:25,002 Who are these people? 這些人是誰 1102 01:10:25,144 --> 01:10:27,240 Once a man came to dinner and took his shirt off at the table... 有一次 一個人在餐桌上脫下襯衫 1103 01:10:27,360 --> 01:10:29,140 like we were running a nudist colony. 就跟赤身裸體差不多 1104 01:10:29,240 --> 01:10:29,907 Oh, I remember him. 我記得 1105 01:10:30,048 --> 01:10:32,200 He was the one who kept yanking quarters out of your ears. 他一直從你的耳朵裏拿出銅板 1106 01:10:32,300 --> 01:10:33,700 Why did he take his shirt off? 他為什麼要脫掉襯衫 1107 01:10:34,100 --> 01:10:36,900 I think he didn't want to spill his dinner on it or something. 我想他是不希望吃飯時把襯衫弄髒 1108 01:10:37,180 --> 01:10:38,360 Can pass over Cranberry Sauce? 能遞紅莓醬給我嗎 1109 01:10:38,480 --> 01:10:40,900 - Who wants some chicken? - What's happening here? - 誰要雞肉 - 這是怎麼回事 1110 01:10:41,860 --> 01:10:45,540 What usually happens when families sit down to a civilized meal together. 當家人坐下來文明進餐時會怎樣 1111 01:10:45,640 --> 01:10:46,640 They talk. 他們交談 1112 01:10:46,720 --> 01:10:47,900 - Cranberry Sauce? - Yes, please. - 紅莓醬 - 好的 謝謝 1113 01:10:48,000 --> 01:10:49,000 Who wants some chicken? 誰要雞肉 1114 01:10:49,100 --> 01:10:50,780 - I do. - I'd love some! - 我要 - 我很想要 1115 01:10:59,778 --> 01:11:00,642 Wait. 等等 1116 01:11:01,213 --> 01:11:03,443 I never said you could do this. 我從沒說過你能做這件事 1117 01:11:03,582 --> 01:11:06,050 - Do what? - Let Kate get so attached. - 什麼事 - 讓凱蒂那麼依賴你 1118 01:11:07,352 --> 01:11:08,800 That's so terrible? 那樣做有那麼糟嗎 1119 01:11:08,921 --> 01:11:10,200 Yeah, this is not your family. 是的 這不是你的家庭 1120 01:11:11,623 --> 01:11:13,800 If you want to get closer to me, dial direct, 如果你想和我更親近 直接找我 1121 01:11:13,860 --> 01:11:16,000 But don't do it through my kids. 但別利用我的孩子 1122 01:11:25,804 --> 01:11:27,600 Never in my life have I wanted to hit a woman... 我這輩子從未像現在這樣 1123 01:11:27,600 --> 01:11:30,180 the way I want to hit you right now. 如此想要揍一個女人 1124 01:11:39,051 --> 01:11:40,575 When you are wrong... 當你犯錯時 1125 01:11:40,719 --> 01:11:43,586 you are so wrong, it's scary. 實在是錯得離譜 那很可怕 1126 01:11:55,834 --> 01:11:56,801 Your whole life, 你這輩子 1127 01:11:56,969 --> 01:11:58,400 you never did something for no reason... 從沒做過不問原因 1128 01:11:58,400 --> 01:12:00,360 except to make somebody happy? 只想讓某個人快樂的事嗎 1129 01:12:00,606 --> 01:12:02,000 What is it you want from me? 你到底要我怎樣 1130 01:12:02,107 --> 01:12:03,900 A little trust would be nice! 一點信任就很不錯了 1131 01:12:04,543 --> 01:12:07,800 And if you care about us, would it kill you to show it? 如果你在乎我們 為什麼不表現出來 1132 01:12:08,447 --> 01:12:09,846 What do you mean, "us"? 你說"我們"是什麼意思 1133 01:12:10,549 --> 01:12:13,279 Since when did you and my children become "us"? 你什麼時候和我的孩子變成"我們"了 1134 01:12:13,819 --> 01:12:15,719 You're just you, Lou. Okay? 你只是你 路 好嗎 1135 01:12:15,854 --> 01:12:17,900 Me and the girls-- that's us. 我和孩子們 那才是我們 1136 01:12:22,794 --> 01:12:24,800 I was talking about you and me. 我指的是你和我 1137 01:12:40,979 --> 01:12:43,480 Mom, if you don't come out soon, it's gonna be new year's day! 媽 你再不出來 就要新年了 1138 01:12:43,782 --> 01:12:44,900 You're gonna miss the party. 你會錯過派對的 1139 01:12:44,983 --> 01:12:47,360 All right. I'm almost ready. Here's a little something. 好了 我快好了 看看這是什麼 1140 01:12:47,753 --> 01:12:49,800 - Ooh, an arm. - This year, Mom! - 一隻手臂 - 快過年了 媽 1141 01:12:49,800 --> 01:12:51,600 - Come on. - All right, all right. Here's a little more. - 快點 - 好了 再來一點 1142 01:12:51,800 --> 01:12:52,800 All right. Are you ready? 準備好了嗎 1143 01:12:52,800 --> 01:12:53,780 - Come on! - Come on, Mom! - 快出來 - 快出來 媽 1144 01:12:54,180 --> 01:12:56,900 All right. One, two, three! Here I am! 好了 一 二 三 我來了 1145 01:12:57,780 --> 01:13:00,240 - You're a Mermaid! - No, I'm a Lumberjack. - 你是美人魚 - 不 我是伐木工 1146 01:13:00,360 --> 01:13:01,900 - I'm a Car Salesman. - Your beautiful tail! - 我是汽車推銷員 - 多美的尾巴 1147 01:13:02,000 --> 01:13:04,127 Thank you. what you think? 謝謝 你們覺得怎樣 1148 01:13:04,269 --> 01:13:06,200 If I would have had this costume when you guys were little, 如果在你們小時候我要打扮成這樣 1149 01:13:06,200 --> 01:13:09,180 I would have done my ironing and all your diapers in it. 只要用別針和尿布就行了 1150 01:13:14,012 --> 01:13:16,446 - Oh, my God! Wait a minute! - Is this the Mermaid bus? - 我的天吶 等等 - 這是美人魚巴士嗎 1151 01:13:18,000 --> 01:13:20,000 All right, I can tell by my Mermaid watch... 好了 我可以由我的美人魚手錶 1152 01:13:20,000 --> 01:13:21,780 it's time to get into my Mermaid car... 看出我該駕駛美人魚車 1153 01:13:21,780 --> 01:13:23,082 and hit the Mermaid road! 開上美人魚路了 1154 01:13:23,221 --> 01:13:24,800 And get the Mermaid out of here. 並將這個美人魚拉出去 1155 01:13:24,900 --> 01:13:25,850 All right. You get my Mermaid coat... 好了 你去拿我的美人魚外套 1156 01:13:25,950 --> 01:13:27,800 and you get my Mermaid keys. 你去拿我的美人魚鑰匙 1157 01:13:28,160 --> 01:13:28,900 Oh, my God. 我的天吶 1158 01:13:30,860 --> 01:13:32,960 Oh, I was hoping I would be fresh for the party. 只希望我在宴會時能一新耳目 1159 01:13:34,600 --> 01:13:35,700 - Bye, Mom. - Bye, Mom. - 再見 媽 - 再見 媽 1160 01:13:36,360 --> 01:13:38,600 - Have fun. Bye! - Good-bye! - 好好玩 再見 - 再見 1161 01:13:38,700 --> 01:13:40,100 - Have a good time! - I will! - 玩得開心點 - 我會的 1162 01:13:40,200 --> 01:13:41,240 Bye, Miss Mermaid! 再見 美人魚小姐 1163 01:13:41,340 --> 01:13:43,700 Good-bye, Miss junior Mermaids! I will! 再見 美人魚二世 我會的 1164 01:13:56,780 --> 01:13:58,780 - Hi, Mary. How are you? - Hi, George. - 嗨 瑪麗 你好 - 嗨 喬治 1165 01:14:03,000 --> 01:14:03,780 Thank you. 謝謝 1166 01:14:03,780 --> 01:14:06,240 Where's that handsome Hunk of a husband of yours, huh? 你那個英俊的匈奴丈夫呢 1167 01:14:06,932 --> 01:14:08,360 Out front, talking baseball. 在前面聊棒球 1168 01:14:09,668 --> 01:14:11,050 He just bet 20 bucks... 他用二十美元賭他們舉不出 1169 01:14:11,050 --> 01:14:13,180 they couldn't name three players that batted over .400. 打擊率四成以上的三名球員 1170 01:14:14,373 --> 01:14:17,001 Hey! Buzz! I'll be right back. 巴茲 我馬上回來 1171 01:14:18,043 --> 01:14:20,680 Ty Cobb, Joe Jackson, Nap Lajoie! 泰·卡伯 喬·傑克森 鈉普拉·喬伊 1172 01:14:20,780 --> 01:14:22,000 You owe me 20 bucks! 你欠我二十塊 1173 01:14:23,448 --> 01:14:26,008 The last day ever of this year. 最後一天 今年最後的一天 1174 01:14:27,452 --> 01:14:29,000 You want to make some resolutions? 你要做個決定嗎 1175 01:14:29,921 --> 01:14:32,048 What are resolutions? 什麼是決定 1176 01:14:32,591 --> 01:14:34,300 They're sort of like wishes. 有點像是願望 1177 01:14:34,993 --> 01:14:36,620 I wish I could swim forever. 我希望我能永遠遊泳 1178 01:14:39,865 --> 01:14:41,860 I wish I had known Anne Frank. 我希望我能認識安妮·法蘭克 1179 01:14:43,001 --> 01:14:45,960 And that I didn't lust after Joe so much. 以及別那麼渴望喬 1180 01:14:51,977 --> 01:14:54,300 Oh, put that right here. Boy, can we use that. 放在這裏 馬上就會用到 1181 01:14:54,746 --> 01:14:57,000 Why don't you stick around and have a drink? It's almost midnight. 我要你留下來喝一杯 快午夜了 1182 01:14:58,300 --> 01:14:59,000 Oh. Sorry. 抱歉 1183 01:15:01,286 --> 01:15:03,049 - Hi, handsome. - Hi, Carrie. - 嗨 帥哥 - 嗨 凱莉 1184 01:15:03,221 --> 01:15:04,745 Nice Caretaker's costume. 很棒的管理員服裝 1185 01:15:05,100 --> 01:15:06,000 Hi, Joe. 嗨 喬 1186 01:15:06,200 --> 01:15:07,850 - Hi, Mrs. Flax. You look nice. - Thanks. - 嗨 弗拉斯太太 很漂亮 - 謝謝 1187 01:15:07,959 --> 01:15:08,960 - Mrs. Flax. - Yeah? - 弗拉斯太太 - 什麼事 1188 01:15:09,061 --> 01:15:11,552 - I think it's time you and I had a little dance. - Okay. - 我想你該和我跳支舞了 - 好的 1189 01:15:15,900 --> 01:15:17,480 Little Bo Peep. 小躲貓貓 1190 01:15:17,601 --> 01:15:19,540 - Honey, can you help us with these? - Yes. - 親愛的 能幫忙嗎 - 可以 1191 01:15:23,208 --> 01:15:24,860 - All right, now spin me. - Yeah, okay. - 好了 現在帶我旋轉 - 好的 1192 01:15:25,800 --> 01:15:27,500 - Watch my tail. - Yeah. I'm sorry. - 小心我的尾巴 - 好的 對不起 1193 01:15:28,046 --> 01:15:30,742 I'm on pins and needles. Did you win the $20? 我的服裝很簡陋 你贏得二十美元了嗎 1194 01:15:31,500 --> 01:15:34,300 What do you think? I'm planning a pilgrimage. 當然了 我正計劃做朝聖之旅 1195 01:15:34,400 --> 01:15:36,050 - Lourdes? - No, Cooperstown. - 洛德嗎 - 不是 康伯斯鎮 1196 01:15:36,755 --> 01:15:38,222 - Ask me why. - No. - 問我為什麼 - 不要 1197 01:15:38,356 --> 01:15:40,480 - I'm gonna tell you anyway. - Yeah, I thought you would. - 反正我還是會告訴你 - 我想也是 1198 01:15:40,590 --> 01:15:41,600 Yeah. 沒錯 1199 01:15:43,095 --> 01:15:44,550 The baseball hall of fame. 是棒球名人館 1200 01:15:46,331 --> 01:15:47,960 Before I bite the dust, 在我化為塵土前 1201 01:15:48,066 --> 01:15:50,300 there's three things that I want from life: 我要完成三件事 1202 01:15:50,400 --> 01:15:51,800 To touch Lou Gehrig's glove, 摸到路·蓋瑞格的手套 1203 01:15:53,780 --> 01:15:55,240 To be in Florida for Spring Training... 到佛羅里達看春季訓練 1204 01:15:56,360 --> 01:15:58,180 and to take you with me on both trips. 兩趟旅程都帶你去 1205 01:15:58,677 --> 01:16:00,474 Two out of three, that's not bad. 三個完成兩個 還不錯 1206 01:16:01,146 --> 01:16:03,080 All right, ask me in a couple of months. 好吧 過幾個月再邀我 1207 01:16:03,181 --> 01:16:04,540 - You mean if you're still here. - Exactly. - 你是說 如果你還在這裏的話 - 正是 1208 01:16:04,540 --> 01:16:05,976 Two minutes, everybody! 還有兩分鐘 各位 1209 01:16:06,218 --> 01:16:07,480 Get some champagne! 去拿香檳吧 1210 01:16:08,019 --> 01:16:09,145 Turn up the TV! 打開電視 1211 01:16:09,240 --> 01:16:10,240 Turn up the TV! 打開電視 1212 01:16:13,590 --> 01:16:15,640 Streamers? Does everybody have a streamer? 綵帶 誰想要綵帶 1213 01:16:17,896 --> 01:16:19,480 What are we gonna do, Rachel? 我們之間怎麼辦 蕾秋 1214 01:16:19,698 --> 01:16:21,830 - About what, Lou? - This relationship. - 關於什麼事 路 - 這份感情 1215 01:16:21,933 --> 01:16:24,800 - What's the matter with this relationship? - It's stuck. - 這份感情怎麼了 - 它卡住了 1216 01:16:25,103 --> 01:16:26,860 It has to move or it has to end. 它必須前進或結束 1217 01:16:26,960 --> 01:16:28,480 It can't just stay the same. 不能維持現狀 1218 01:16:29,241 --> 01:16:31,800 You know, Lou, ultimatums don't sit really well with me. 路 最後通牒對我不起作用 1219 01:16:32,480 --> 01:16:35,480 - Noisemakers? - Thank you, Carrie. - 笛子 - 謝謝 凱莉 1220 01:16:35,480 --> 01:16:37,346 - Lou? - No, thank you. - 路 你呢 - 不 謝謝 1221 01:16:38,216 --> 01:16:40,550 What would you say if I asked you to marry me? 如果我向你求婚 你會怎麼說 1222 01:16:40,952 --> 01:16:42,480 First, I'd remind you that you're still married, 首先 我要提醒你 你仍是有婦之夫 1223 01:16:42,580 --> 01:16:45,954 and then I'd probably write... from New Mexico. 其次 我也許會搬到新墨西哥 1224 01:16:47,726 --> 01:16:48,860 Live with me. 和我一起生活 1225 01:16:49,494 --> 01:16:50,153 No. 不行 1226 01:16:51,860 --> 01:16:54,360 Ten, Nine, Eight, 十 九 八 1227 01:16:54,860 --> 01:16:56,057 Seven, Six, 七 六 1228 01:16:56,780 --> 01:16:58,480 Five, Four, 五 四 1229 01:16:58,568 --> 01:17:01,370 Three, Two, One! 三 二 一 1230 01:17:01,437 --> 01:17:05,741 Happy New Year 1964! 新年快樂 一九六四年 1231 01:17:26,000 --> 01:17:26,830 So far, 到目前為止 1232 01:17:26,932 --> 01:17:28,800 1964's a big drag. 一九六四年還蠻沉悶的 1233 01:17:30,068 --> 01:17:31,540 Are you coming home with me? 你要跟我回家嗎 1234 01:17:35,207 --> 01:17:36,572 Another night. 改天吧 1235 01:17:38,780 --> 01:17:39,540 Happy New Year. 新年快樂 1236 01:17:48,818 --> 01:17:52,387 Happy New Year, everybody, 新年快樂 朋友們 1237 01:17:52,455 --> 01:17:56,124 A Very Happy New Year. 祝您新年快樂 1238 01:18:03,301 --> 01:18:04,780 - Hey, Joe! - Yeah? - 嘿 喬 - 怎麼啦 1239 01:18:04,801 --> 01:18:07,369 I think my car's dead. 我想我的車發不動了 1240 01:18:07,472 --> 01:18:08,200 You think so? 是嗎 1241 01:18:12,544 --> 01:18:14,842 - Can you help me? - Yeah, sure. - 你能幫我嗎 - 當然可以 1242 01:18:15,860 --> 01:18:16,900 Good. 太好了 1243 01:18:36,835 --> 01:18:39,303 Thanks for the ride, Joe. 謝謝你讓我搭便車 喬 1244 01:18:39,437 --> 01:18:41,564 Sure. You bet. 不用客氣 1245 01:18:45,780 --> 01:18:47,676 Oh. 噢 1246 01:18:54,252 --> 01:18:54,960 Sorry. 抱歉 1247 01:18:56,800 --> 01:18:58,780 - Could you help me? - Yeah. - 你能幫我嗎 - 可以 1248 01:18:59,300 --> 01:19:00,900 I have trouble with this tail. 我這條尾巴一直在惹麻煩 1249 01:19:04,095 --> 01:19:05,200 Happy New Year, Joe. 新年快樂 喬 1250 01:19:15,507 --> 01:19:16,780 You kissed him? 你吻了他 1251 01:19:17,942 --> 01:19:20,180 You kissed him? How could you do that? 你吻了他 你怎麼能那樣做 1252 01:19:20,845 --> 01:19:23,000 How could you let her kiss you? 你怎麼能讓她吻你 1253 01:19:23,081 --> 01:19:24,000 Charlotte, for God's sake, 夏洛特 拜託 1254 01:19:24,000 --> 01:19:26,000 it was just a little New Year's Eve kiss. 這只是個除夕之吻 1255 01:19:26,100 --> 01:19:28,240 - You don't believe in New Year's. - I know. - 你又不相信新年 - 我知道 1256 01:19:29,800 --> 01:19:31,988 Hey, what are you guys fighting about? 嘿 你們在吵什麼 1257 01:19:32,023 --> 01:19:33,780 - Nothing. - Everything. - 沒吵什麼 - 什麼都吵 1258 01:19:34,180 --> 01:19:36,860 Come on. Get back in the house before you freeze your little butt off. 好了 在你凍僵前快回屋裏去吧 1259 01:19:37,529 --> 01:19:39,650 What's the matter with Charlotte? Is she gonna run away again? 夏洛特怎麼了 她又要離家出走嗎 1260 01:19:39,700 --> 01:19:41,361 God willing. No, just kidding. 但願如此 不 開玩笑的 1261 01:19:41,860 --> 01:19:44,240 - Did you have a nice time? - I had a lovely time, thank you. - 你玩得開心嗎 - 很愉快 謝謝 1262 01:19:44,703 --> 01:19:46,800 Are you gonna stay out there all night, Miss Poopy Face? 你要整晚待在外面嗎 傻瓜 1263 01:19:48,606 --> 01:19:50,403 Why did you let her? 你為什麼讓她吻你 1264 01:19:50,542 --> 01:19:53,100 She kisses everybody. Don't you know that? 她無人不吻 你不知道嗎 1265 01:19:53,178 --> 01:19:55,476 It doesn't mean you're special or anything. 那並不表示你特別或怎樣 1266 01:19:55,613 --> 01:19:58,500 It doesn't mean she likes you or anything like that. 並不表示她喜歡你 1267 01:19:59,860 --> 01:20:01,780 She doesn't like anybody! 她誰都不喜歡 1268 01:20:33,885 --> 01:20:36,945 Okay, Mom. You want to drive Lou away, 好吧 媽 你要趕走路 1269 01:20:37,122 --> 01:20:37,986 that's your business. 那是你的事 1270 01:20:38,923 --> 01:20:41,790 You want Joe... that's war. 你要喬 那就是戰爭 1271 01:21:04,249 --> 01:21:06,300 Care to dance, Mrs. Flax? 想跳舞嗎 弗拉斯太太 1272 01:21:06,751 --> 01:21:08,912 Mrs. Polka Flax. 波卡·弗拉斯太太 1273 01:21:12,424 --> 01:21:14,756 She's gonna kill you if you put those on. 你穿那些衣服 她會宰了你 1274 01:21:14,926 --> 01:21:16,484 Go back to your rocks, Kate. 回去玩你的石頭 凱蒂 1275 01:21:17,128 --> 01:21:17,890 Okay. 好吧 1276 01:21:27,405 --> 01:21:30,240 Act your age, not your shoe size. 舉止要符合年齡 而不是鞋子尺寸 1277 01:21:31,000 --> 01:21:32,000 Who's this? 這是誰 1278 01:21:32,480 --> 01:21:34,500 "Know your colors, know your fabrics." "瞭解你的特色與膚質" 1279 01:21:34,579 --> 01:21:36,600 "That's what I tell all my little girls." "我跟我所有的小姑娘都這麼說" 1280 01:21:42,687 --> 01:21:44,234 Katie, shall I tell you a secret? 凱蒂 我能告訴你一個秘密嗎 1281 01:21:44,322 --> 01:21:45,100 Yeah. 說吧 1282 01:21:46,200 --> 01:21:48,200 I'm in love with Joe Peretti. 我愛上喬·普列提了 1283 01:21:48,426 --> 01:21:50,000 - Do you kiss each other? - Yes. - 你們接吻了嗎 - 是的 1284 01:21:50,094 --> 01:21:52,200 - On the lips? - Yes. - 嘴對嘴嗎 - 是的 1285 01:21:52,360 --> 01:21:54,500 Like Superman and Lois Lane? 像超人和露易絲·琳恩一樣嗎 1286 01:21:54,631 --> 01:21:56,732 Well-- 這個嘛 1287 01:21:56,935 --> 01:21:58,300 What's it like? 那是什麼樣子的 1288 01:21:58,900 --> 01:22:00,800 Sometimes when you kiss a person, 有時 當你親吻一個人時 1289 01:22:00,800 --> 01:22:02,360 it's like nothing happens. 好像什麼事都沒有發生 1290 01:22:02,360 --> 01:22:03,365 It's like you're kissing your hand... 好像你在親吻你的手 1291 01:22:03,365 --> 01:22:05,600 or you're kissing yourself in the mirror, 或是親吻鏡子中的自己 1292 01:22:06,000 --> 01:22:08,138 But when it's someone you love-- 但親吻你所愛的人時 1293 01:22:08,279 --> 01:22:10,000 I know. There's chemicals. 我知道 有化學物質 1294 01:22:10,240 --> 01:22:12,480 - You mean chemistry, Fish Head. - Oh. - 你是說化學作用吧 小魚 - 噢 1295 01:22:13,084 --> 01:22:14,300 Okay. How do I look? 好了 我看起來怎麼樣 1296 01:22:14,352 --> 01:22:16,480 Like someone drew all over you. 好像有人打翻了調色盤 1297 01:22:18,100 --> 01:22:19,000 Let's Celebrate. 我們來慶祝 1298 01:22:19,100 --> 01:22:19,900 Cool. 太好了 1299 01:22:30,401 --> 01:22:31,993 What are you doing? 你在做什麼 1300 01:22:32,170 --> 01:22:35,162 Sucking out the pimentos. They give me hernias. 吸出紅色柿子椒 它們害我脫腸 1301 01:22:35,807 --> 01:22:37,360 You mean, hives, Fish Head. 你是指蕁麻疹吧 小魚 1302 01:22:38,443 --> 01:22:40,240 Hit me, sergeant. 我也要 士官 1303 01:22:40,979 --> 01:22:43,050 Okay, but you can only have one, 好吧 但你只能喝一杯 1304 01:22:43,147 --> 01:22:45,100 and you have to sip it. Okay? 而且你得小口喝 好嗎 1305 01:23:00,231 --> 01:23:01,860 Tell me about when I was born. 跟我說說我出生時的事 1306 01:23:03,167 --> 01:23:05,550 - Aren't you sick of hearing this story? - No. - 這個故事你聽不煩嗎 - 不會 1307 01:23:07,238 --> 01:23:08,262 Okay. 好吧 1308 01:23:09,340 --> 01:23:13,208 You were born in a hospital in Minneapolis... 你在一個寒冷冬日裏 1309 01:23:13,344 --> 01:23:15,312 on a cold Winter's day. 出生於明尼亞波裏的一家醫院裏 1310 01:23:15,847 --> 01:23:18,042 And when Mrs. Flax brought you home, 當弗拉斯太太帶你回家時 1311 01:23:18,182 --> 01:23:20,082 I pretended you were mine. 我假裝你是我的孩子 1312 01:23:20,752 --> 01:23:21,900 Where was Pop? 爸在哪裏 1313 01:23:23,888 --> 01:23:25,082 I don't know. 我不知道 1314 01:23:34,766 --> 01:23:36,640 Come on, I'll show you the convent. 走吧 我帶你參觀修道院 1315 01:23:49,147 --> 01:23:50,300 Finish the story. 講完故事 1316 01:23:50,782 --> 01:23:52,200 Come on. I'll show you the tower. 走吧 我帶你去看鍾塔 1317 01:23:52,317 --> 01:23:53,360 You've never seen it. 你從沒見過 1318 01:24:27,251 --> 01:24:30,709 - Look, there it is. Isn't it neat? - Neat. - 看 在那裏 很棒吧 - 很棒 1319 01:24:31,255 --> 01:24:32,984 I want to go up. I'm gonna go up. 我要上去 1320 01:24:33,124 --> 01:24:36,000 - Not me. I'll fall off. - No, you won't. - 我不要 我會跌下來 - 不會的 1321 01:24:38,329 --> 01:24:40,524 How you gonna get up there in those shoes? 你穿那雙鞋怎麼上去呢 1322 01:24:40,665 --> 01:24:41,863 I'll manage. 我會想辦法 1323 01:24:43,167 --> 01:24:44,500 I'm gonna go collect rocks. 我要去收集石塊 1324 01:24:45,036 --> 01:24:47,780 Okay. I'll be right back, so don't go anywhere. 好 我馬上回來 別跑遠了 1325 01:24:48,000 --> 01:24:49,000 - Okay. - Okay, bye. - 好 - 好 再見 1326 01:26:44,689 --> 01:26:47,055 Oh, god, this is real. 神啊 這是真的 1327 01:26:47,592 --> 01:26:48,957 This is really real. 這真的是真的 1328 01:27:40,444 --> 01:27:41,035 Joseph! Come quick! 喬瑟夫 快點 1329 01:27:41,179 --> 01:27:42,373 Get her inside. 帶她進去 1330 01:27:48,553 --> 01:27:49,360 Katie! 凱蒂 1331 01:27:52,323 --> 01:27:54,900 Look, Joseph, get an ambulance. 喬瑟夫 去叫救護車 1332 01:27:56,492 --> 01:28:00,361 Oh, Katie! Katie! Oh, Katie! 凱蒂 噢 凱蒂 1333 01:28:00,429 --> 01:28:03,197 Katie. Katie. 凱蒂 凱蒂 1334 01:28:03,265 --> 01:28:06,935 Katie, please don't die. Please don't die. 凱蒂 求你別死 1335 01:28:35,800 --> 01:28:37,329 Joe, take Charlotte home, 喬 帶夏洛特回家 1336 01:28:37,535 --> 01:28:39,332 we'll call when there's news. 有消息我們會打電話 1337 01:28:39,470 --> 01:28:40,180 Tell Lou. 通知路 1338 01:31:01,479 --> 01:31:03,947 Katydid-- 凱蒂兒 1339 01:31:06,581 --> 01:31:10,518 You were born in a hospital in Minneapolis... 你在一個寒冷的冬日 1340 01:31:10,585 --> 01:31:13,021 on a cold Winter day. 出生於明尼亞波裏的一家醫院裏 1341 01:31:13,124 --> 01:31:15,217 I brought you home... 我帶你回家 1342 01:31:15,393 --> 01:31:18,900 and Charlotte pretended that you were hers. 夏洛特假裝你是她的孩子 1343 01:31:19,296 --> 01:31:22,000 She even tried to make you call her Mom. 她甚至想方設法讓你叫她媽 1344 01:31:24,860 --> 01:31:29,537 and we-- we-- 我們 1345 01:31:29,604 --> 01:31:31,200 We tickled your ears, 我們撓你的耳朵 1346 01:31:31,308 --> 01:31:33,600 and we watched you sleep... 我們看著你睡覺 1347 01:31:34,412 --> 01:31:37,576 and... the only thing that-- 我們之間 1348 01:31:39,480 --> 01:31:42,944 The only thing that we ever agreed on... 唯一一致的觀點是 1349 01:31:43,087 --> 01:31:44,800 was that you were... 你是個 1350 01:31:44,987 --> 01:31:47,999 a wonderful child. 奇妙的孩子 1351 01:32:29,333 --> 01:32:32,302 Charlotte? Charlotte? 夏洛特 1352 01:32:35,539 --> 01:32:36,972 She's gonna be all right. 她不會有事的 1353 01:32:37,675 --> 01:32:40,872 They're keeping her in one more night for observation. 醫生要她多待一夜留作觀察 1354 01:32:43,747 --> 01:32:46,180 Your mother's on her way home to pick up some clothes. 你媽正要回家拿些衣服 1355 01:33:03,968 --> 01:33:04,830 She's okay. 她沒事 1356 01:33:09,807 --> 01:33:10,900 She's okay. 她沒事了 1357 01:33:31,228 --> 01:33:32,540 You look different. 你看起來不一樣 1358 01:33:35,432 --> 01:33:36,550 You look beautiful. 你看起來很漂亮 1359 01:33:46,877 --> 01:33:48,936 - Take care. - You too. - 保重 - 你也是 1360 01:33:49,980 --> 01:33:52,380 - Okay. Bye. - Bye. - 好的 再見 - 再見 1361 01:34:58,182 --> 01:35:00,182 If you're smart, you'll just stay away from me. 如果你夠聰明 就離我遠一點 1362 01:35:16,200 --> 01:35:16,723 I mean it. 我是說真的 1363 01:35:28,779 --> 01:35:30,800 You want to take the book? 你要幫她帶本書去嗎 1364 01:35:31,415 --> 01:35:33,406 What the hell were you thinking about? 你到底在想些什麼 1365 01:35:33,584 --> 01:35:34,650 She could have died! 她也許會死 1366 01:35:34,718 --> 01:35:37,653 Your sister, who you were supposed to be watching, could have died! 你應該照顧的妹妹差點死掉 1367 01:35:37,788 --> 01:35:39,200 What was she doing up there? 她到底在那上面做什麼 1368 01:35:39,250 --> 01:35:40,180 What the hell were you doing-- 你又在那裏做什麼 1369 01:35:40,224 --> 01:35:41,860 I know what you were doing up there. 我知道你在上面做什麼 1370 01:35:42,050 --> 01:35:45,050 The whole goddamn town knows what you were doing up there. 整個小鎮都知道你在上面做什麼 1371 01:35:46,428 --> 01:35:48,529 Mom. Mom-- 媽 媽 1372 01:35:48,597 --> 01:35:50,224 I'm warning you, I'm angry! 我警告你 我很生氣 1373 01:35:50,334 --> 01:35:52,300 I'm crazy angry! 我氣得快發瘋了 1374 01:35:55,172 --> 01:35:58,539 Don't walk away from me, Mom! You're not gonna walk away from me! 別不理我 媽 你不能不理我 1375 01:35:58,676 --> 01:36:02,050 I am not invisible! Talk to me! 我不是隱形人 跟我說話 1376 01:36:02,143 --> 01:36:04,678 Now! 現在 1377 01:36:04,782 --> 01:36:06,480 Yes, I made a mistake! 對 我犯了錯 1378 01:36:06,517 --> 01:36:08,860 Yes, I am really, really sorry! 對 我真的真的很抱歉 1379 01:36:08,919 --> 01:36:12,377 It was a big mistake! I know that! 這是個大錯 我知道 1380 01:36:12,556 --> 01:36:14,640 You make mistakes! You're always screwing up, 但你也犯錯 你總是把事情搞砸 1381 01:36:14,640 --> 01:36:15,980 and we're always paying for it! 而我們全都得付出代價 1382 01:36:16,026 --> 01:36:19,100 Every time you get dumped! Every time you dump on somebody! 每次你被拋棄 每次你要拋棄別人時 1383 01:36:19,180 --> 01:36:20,300 And it's just-- 那實在 1384 01:36:20,700 --> 01:36:23,000 it's not fair, Mom! It is not fair! 那不公平 媽 那不公平 1385 01:36:26,704 --> 01:36:27,500 God! 天吶 1386 01:36:39,216 --> 01:36:41,860 I am sick and tired of being judged by you. 我已經厭倦了被你批判 1387 01:36:41,960 --> 01:36:42,640 You're a kid! 你是個孩子 1388 01:36:42,653 --> 01:36:43,800 Okay. When you become an adult, 好 當你成年時 1389 01:36:43,800 --> 01:36:45,400 you can live your life any way you want to! 可以照你的意思過日子 1390 01:36:45,400 --> 01:36:46,200 But until then, 但在那之前 1391 01:36:46,200 --> 01:36:48,180 we're gonna live my life my way! 我們要照我的方式生活 1392 01:36:52,296 --> 01:36:53,300 Start packing. 收拾行李 1393 01:36:54,798 --> 01:36:57,000 - No! - I said pack! - 不 - 我說了 收拾行李 1394 01:36:57,234 --> 01:36:58,140 This move is on you! 這次搬家是為了你 1395 01:36:58,235 --> 01:37:00,360 If loverboy doesn't like it, that's too goddamn bad! 如果你的男友不喜歡 那我很遣憾 1396 01:37:00,360 --> 01:37:02,860 This is not about him! This is about me, okay? 此事與他無關 是我 好嗎 1397 01:37:02,973 --> 01:37:04,800 That's over! He is gone! He has left! 結束了 他走了 他離開了 1398 01:37:04,850 --> 01:37:07,300 - Surprise, surprise! - No, it's not like that! - 真令人吃驚 - 不 不是那樣 1399 01:37:07,400 --> 01:37:10,860 Maybe your life works for you, but it doesn't work for me, 也許你的生活適合你 但我不行 1400 01:37:10,960 --> 01:37:12,320 - and I want to stay! - And do what? - 我要留下來 - 做什麼 1401 01:37:12,360 --> 01:37:13,650 Finish High School! 念完高中 1402 01:37:13,751 --> 01:37:16,000 Great start. What's your major? Town tramp? 真不錯 主修什麼 小鎮賤人嗎 1403 01:37:16,080 --> 01:37:18,180 No, Mom, the town already has one. 不 媽 鎮上已經有一個了 1404 01:37:53,724 --> 01:37:54,520 You know... 知道嗎 1405 01:37:55,859 --> 01:37:58,960 You're just one year younger than I was when I had you. 你現在只比我懷你時小一歲 1406 01:37:59,594 --> 01:38:01,360 If you hate my life so much, 既然你如此討厭我的生活 1407 01:38:01,432 --> 01:38:04,900 why are you doing your damnedest to make the same mistakes? 為什麼又要盡最大努力犯同樣的錯呢 1408 01:38:13,477 --> 01:38:15,780 How do you feel about this guy? 你對這個傢伙有什麼感覺 1409 01:38:17,881 --> 01:38:19,700 I thought I loved him. 我想我愛他 1410 01:38:19,860 --> 01:38:21,180 That sounds familiar. 聽起來很熟悉 1411 01:38:24,021 --> 01:38:26,860 And I thought you were gonna take him away. 我以為你要搶走他 1412 01:38:40,003 --> 01:38:41,400 Did you love my father? 你愛我爸爸嗎 1413 01:38:41,469 --> 01:38:44,638 Yeah, I did. 是的 我愛 1414 01:38:49,180 --> 01:38:51,179 What was he like? 他是什麼樣子 1415 01:38:54,360 --> 01:38:57,812 Oh, he was charming and... 他很迷人 1416 01:38:57,955 --> 01:38:59,750 He made me feel really special... 他讓我覺得很特別 1417 01:38:59,857 --> 01:39:01,480 for about a minute and a half. 大約為時一分半鍾 1418 01:39:02,526 --> 01:39:03,960 And then he was gone. 然後他就走了 1419 01:39:07,464 --> 01:39:08,960 What did he look like? 他長什麼樣子 1420 01:39:09,066 --> 01:39:10,800 He looked like you, only taller. 很像你 只是高一點 1421 01:39:12,903 --> 01:39:14,400 I don't have any pictures. 我沒有他的照片 1422 01:39:14,505 --> 01:39:16,400 We took pictures at the wedding, 我們結婚時拍過照 1423 01:39:16,480 --> 01:39:18,180 and they didn't come out. 卻沒洗出來 1424 01:39:19,109 --> 01:39:21,800 I guess I should have known then. 我想那時我就該知道了 1425 01:39:22,613 --> 01:39:24,450 He's never coming back, is he? 他不會再回來了 對吧 1426 01:39:24,500 --> 01:39:25,360 No. 不會 1427 01:39:29,820 --> 01:39:31,380 Has he ever even seen me? 他看過我嗎 1428 01:39:31,488 --> 01:39:33,860 Yeah, he did once. You were about four. 看過 有一次 你大概四歲 1429 01:39:36,894 --> 01:39:38,420 He wanted us back? 他要我們回去嗎 1430 01:39:38,500 --> 01:39:39,640 No, he met some other woman, 不 他遇見了別的女人 1431 01:39:39,700 --> 01:39:41,860 and he wanted to get married. 他想要結婚 1432 01:39:47,638 --> 01:39:49,800 How do you feel about Joe leaving? 你對喬的離去有什麼感覺 1433 01:39:55,979 --> 01:39:56,900 It's fine. 還好 1434 01:40:01,218 --> 01:40:05,300 I guess it's a little too late for our Birds-and-Bees Talk, isn't it? 我想現在說這些女人家的話已經太遲了 對吧 1435 01:40:09,660 --> 01:40:11,480 Mom... 媽 1436 01:40:14,360 --> 01:40:16,980 Can we please stay? 我們能留下來嗎 1437 01:40:18,702 --> 01:40:19,970 I don't know, Charlotte. 我不知道 夏洛特 1438 01:40:20,070 --> 01:40:22,600 There's gonna be so much talk. This is such a small town. 人們會說許多閒話 這裏又是個小鎮 1439 01:40:23,307 --> 01:40:25,000 You know, there's always talk. 你知道一向都會有閒話 1440 01:40:25,075 --> 01:40:27,200 It's just usually it's about you. 只是通常與你有關 1441 01:40:28,860 --> 01:40:29,960 Sorry. 對不起 1442 01:40:37,285 --> 01:40:40,860 Just for a year. Just give it a year. 只要一年 先試著過一年 1443 01:40:42,791 --> 01:40:44,792 Okay? 好嗎 1444 01:40:48,031 --> 01:40:49,396 I don't know. 我不知道 1445 01:40:59,443 --> 01:41:02,480 Mrs. Flax promised she'd try and stay put. 弗拉斯太太保證她會試著留下來 1446 01:41:03,814 --> 01:41:05,860 I knew that would be a hard one for her to keep. 我知道要她遵守這個承諾很難 1447 01:41:19,529 --> 01:41:22,240 But three months later, she and Lou were still sparring. 但三個月後 她和路仍爭論不停 1448 01:41:25,335 --> 01:41:27,100 He took us to the baseball hall of fame; 他帶我們去了棒球名人館 1449 01:41:27,170 --> 01:41:28,603 his idea of heaven. 他心目中的天堂 1450 01:41:28,739 --> 01:41:30,480 - Mom was kind of bored, - Come here. - 媽覺得蠻無聊的 - 過來 1451 01:41:30,907 --> 01:41:32,860 But we thought she hid it quite well. 不過我們覺得她表現得不錯 1452 01:41:35,178 --> 01:41:38,400 This-- this is Lou Gehrig's glove. 這個是路·蓋瑞格的手套 1453 01:41:38,815 --> 01:41:40,749 You see that? 看見了嗎 1454 01:41:40,884 --> 01:41:42,875 Okay, you touched it. All right, guys. 好了 你摸過了 好了 各位 1455 01:41:43,654 --> 01:41:45,178 - What's for lunch? - I don't know. - 午餐吃什麼 - 不知道 1456 01:41:45,178 --> 01:41:45,960 Hey... Come on. 別這樣 1457 01:41:55,565 --> 01:41:57,123 If they squeeze your toes, 如果鞋子有些擠腳 1458 01:41:57,267 --> 01:42:00,180 chew them for a couple hours. It softens them up real nice. 嚼幾個小時 效果很好 1459 01:42:00,604 --> 01:42:03,540 You don't believe me? Eskimos do it all the time. 你不信嗎 愛斯基摩人都這麼做 1460 01:42:03,774 --> 01:42:05,503 Their wives do it, yeah. 他們的妻子要做 1461 01:42:05,642 --> 01:42:07,780 Would you do that for your old man, chew his shoes? 你會為了你爸爸嚼他的鞋子嗎 1462 01:42:07,860 --> 01:42:09,135 - I don't think so. Bye-bye. - Bye. - 我想不會 再見 - 再見 1463 01:42:12,482 --> 01:42:13,860 Hey, give me a break. 饒了我吧 1464 01:42:14,418 --> 01:42:15,700 I'm a nice old man. 我是個老好人 1465 01:42:15,800 --> 01:42:17,240 I'd watch it if I were you, Lou. 如果我是你就會小心點 路 1466 01:42:17,754 --> 01:42:19,251 I might decide to move to a real city. 我也許會搬到一個真正的城市去 1467 01:42:20,157 --> 01:42:22,100 I hate all these trees and weather. 我討厭這裏的樹木和鬼天氣 1468 01:42:23,480 --> 01:42:24,691 Ta-ta. 嗒嗒 1469 01:42:25,128 --> 01:42:28,000 She won't admit it, but they get along real well. 她不肯承認 但他們相處得很好 1470 01:42:29,366 --> 01:42:30,180 Yeah... 是啊 1471 01:42:31,468 --> 01:42:34,640 Trees and weather can really get to a person. 樹木和鬼天氣真的能激怒人 1472 01:42:50,618 --> 01:42:53,053 Let me take these for you. 我來幫你拿 1473 01:42:53,190 --> 01:42:55,360 I got quite a reputation for a while. 我的名聲響亮了一陣子 1474 01:42:55,926 --> 01:42:58,300 Even Mary O'brien was impressed. 連瑪麗·歐布萊恩都印象深刻 1475 01:42:58,640 --> 01:42:59,576 It's not easy, 那並不容易 1476 01:42:59,629 --> 01:43:02,655 but I'm trying to keep romance on the back burner. 但我試著將羅曼史拋在腦後 1477 01:43:12,042 --> 01:43:14,500 Joe moved to California and opened up a Nursery. 喬搬到加州 開了家托兒所 1478 01:43:15,011 --> 01:43:15,860 We still write. 我們仍然通信 1479 01:43:15,979 --> 01:43:19,813 He sends me funny postcards with palm trees on them. 他會寄些上面有棕櫚樹的好笑明信片 1480 01:43:32,629 --> 01:43:34,576 Greek Myths are my new passion. 希臘神話是我的新摯愛 1481 01:43:39,434 --> 01:43:40,768 Hi. 嗨 1482 01:43:44,808 --> 01:43:46,480 Charlotte, we're not Greek. 夏洛特 我們不是希臘人 1483 01:43:50,280 --> 01:43:51,900 Kate's back in Olympic Form, 凱蒂又回到奧運之路上 1484 01:43:52,983 --> 01:43:54,200 But, since the accident, 但自從發生意外後 1485 01:43:54,284 --> 01:43:55,900 sometimes her hearing gets fuzzy. 有時她的聽力會不太清楚 1486 01:43:58,955 --> 01:44:01,860 I think I heard Mom say she'd be making a main course tonight. 我好像聽媽說 她今晚要做主菜 1487 01:44:08,480 --> 01:44:09,862 - Nah. - Nah. - 不 - 不 1488 01:46:30,738 --> 01:46:32,839 Hey, what are you doing with that thing in here? 嘿 你把那東西拿進來幹嘛 1489 01:46:32,907 --> 01:46:35,008 - Indoor Swimming? - No way. - 室內游泳 - 沒門兒 1490 01:46:35,075 --> 01:46:37,343 - Take it out of here. - Mom. - 把它拿出去 - 媽