1 00:00:56,754 --> 00:01:01,554 1955년 11월 12일 토요일 밤 10시 3분 2 00:01:15,173 --> 00:01:17,971 Whoa-a-a! 3 00:01:23,247 --> 00:01:24,578 박사님 4 00:01:24,579 --> 00:01:25,647 Doc-- 5 00:02:25,676 --> 00:02:28,611 - Doc. Doc! Doc. - What? 6 00:02:26,077 --> 00:02:27,840 - 박사님! - 뭐야? 7 00:02:28,679 --> 00:02:30,670 - Doc! Doc! - What? 8 00:02:30,748 --> 00:02:33,297 Okay. Relax. Doc, it's me. It's me! It's Marty. 9 00:02:33,298 --> 00:02:34,418 진정하세요, 저에요 저 마티에요 10 00:02:34,419 --> 00:02:36,819 No. It can't be. Just sent you back to the future. 11 00:02:34,619 --> 00:02:36,887 말도 안돼, 방금 널 미래로 보냈단 말이야 12 00:02:36,888 --> 00:02:40,153 Yeah. For all I know you did send me back to the future, but I'm back. 13 00:02:37,255 --> 00:02:40,223 절 미래로 보내셨지만 제가 다시 돌아 왔어요 14 00:02:40,224 --> 00:02:42,784 I'm back from the future. 15 00:02:40,425 --> 00:02:42,359 미래에서 돌아왔다고요 16 00:02:45,630 --> 00:02:46,909 환장하겠네! 17 00:02:46,910 --> 00:02:48,154 Great Scott! 18 00:02:53,104 --> 00:02:57,904 백 투 더 퓨쳐 3 (1990년 作) 19 00:05:03,401 --> 00:05:07,929 - Hey, Kids. What time is it? - Howdy Doody time! 20 00:05:03,668 --> 00:05:05,295 어린이 여러분 지금이 무슨 시간이죠? 21 00:05:05,369 --> 00:05:07,963 하우디 두디 시간이요! 22 00:05:08,005 --> 00:05:09,973 Great Scott! 23 00:05:09,974 --> 00:05:11,975 - 하우디 두디 시간이에요 - 환장하겠네! 24 00:05:11,976 --> 00:05:14,843 It's Howdy Doody time 25 00:05:14,912 --> 00:05:17,506 Bob Smith and Howdy too 26 00:05:17,582 --> 00:05:20,750 Say Howdy Doo to you 27 00:05:20,751 --> 00:05:22,810 하우디 두디 시간? 28 00:05:20,885 --> 00:05:23,752 - "Howdy Doody Time"? - Let's give a rousing cheer 29 00:05:27,291 --> 00:05:30,005 Date: Sunday, November 13, 1955, 7:01 a.m. 30 00:05:30,006 --> 00:05:32,162 현재 1955년 11월 13일 토요일 아침 7시 1분 31 00:05:32,230 --> 00:05:33,663 어젯밤 시간여행 실험은 32 00:05:32,363 --> 00:05:35,799 Last night's time-travel experiment was apparently a complete success. 33 00:05:33,731 --> 00:05:35,665 완벽한 성공이었다 34 00:05:35,733 --> 00:05:38,361 번개가 시계탑을 정확히 밤 10시 4분에 쳤고 35 00:05:35,866 --> 00:05:38,460 Lightning struck the clock tower at precisely 10:04 p. m... 36 00:05:38,461 --> 00:05:40,495 필요한 1.21 지가 와트의 전력을 타임머신에 37 00:05:38,536 --> 00:05:41,505 sending the necessary 1.21 gigawatts into the time vehicle... 38 00:05:41,506 --> 00:05:43,665 보냈으며 섬광과 함께 타임머신은 사라지고 39 00:05:41,572 --> 00:05:46,168 which vanished in a brilliant flash of light leaving a pair of fire trails behind. 40 00:05:43,741 --> 00:05:46,107 불붙은 바퀴자국만을 남겼다 41 00:05:46,177 --> 00:05:48,270 나는 고로 마티와 타임머신을 42 00:05:46,244 --> 00:05:48,872 I, therefore, assume that Marty and the time vehicle were transported... 43 00:05:48,873 --> 00:05:52,248 1985년으로 보냈다고 생각을 한다 44 00:05:48,946 --> 00:05:52,279 forward through time into the year 1985. 45 00:05:52,316 --> 00:05:56,252 그 이후로는 무슨 일이 있었는지 기억이 안나 46 00:05:52,350 --> 00:05:56,319 After that-- After that, I can't recall what happened. 47 00:05:56,320 --> 00:05:59,312 사실 집에 어떻게 왔는지 조차도 기억나지 않아 48 00:05:56,487 --> 00:05:59,081 In fact, I don't even remember how I got home. 49 00:05:59,156 --> 00:06:02,887 Perhaps the gigawatt discharge coupled with the temporal displacement field... 50 00:05:59,390 --> 00:06:01,187 아마도 지가 와트가 시간 공간과 51 00:06:01,259 --> 00:06:02,959 마찰을 일으키는 순간에 52 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:06,191 generated by the time vehicle caused a disruption of my own brain waves, 53 00:06:04,528 --> 00:06:06,263 내 뇌파에도 영향을 끼쳐서 54 00:06:06,264 --> 00:06:09,563 resulting in a condition of momentary amnesia. 55 00:06:06,530 --> 00:06:09,465 순간적인 기억상실증을 초래했을 수도 있어 56 00:06:09,533 --> 00:06:12,798 타임머신이 미래로 사라진 이후의 순간이 57 00:06:09,634 --> 00:06:13,900 Indeed, I now recall that moments after the time vehicle disappeared into the future... 58 00:06:12,870 --> 00:06:13,970 기억나... 59 00:06:13,971 --> 00:06:17,134 I saw a vision of Marty say he had come back from the future. 60 00:06:17,135 --> 00:06:19,142 마티의 모습이 보이곤 미래에서 다시 왔다고 했어 61 00:06:17,208 --> 00:06:19,142 Hey, Doc? 62 00:06:19,210 --> 00:06:21,474 의심할 바도 없이 그건 남겨진 잔상일 뿐이야 63 00:06:19,210 --> 00:06:21,566 Undoubtedly, this was some sort of residual image. 64 00:06:27,418 --> 00:06:29,316 Doc, calm down, okay? Just calm down! 65 00:06:29,317 --> 00:06:30,986 진정하세요 저 마티에요 66 00:06:30,154 --> 00:06:32,588 - It's me! It's Marty! - No! It can't be you! 67 00:06:32,589 --> 00:06:33,649 말도 안돼! 널 미래로 보냈단 말이야! 68 00:06:32,657 --> 00:06:34,887 - I sent you back to the future! - That's right, Doc. 69 00:06:33,724 --> 00:06:34,958 맞아요, 하지만 다시 돌아 왔어요 70 00:06:34,959 --> 00:06:36,927 That's right. But I came back again. I came back from the future. 71 00:06:35,726 --> 00:06:36,993 미래에서 다시 왔다고요 기억 안 나세요? 72 00:06:36,994 --> 00:06:39,326 Don't you remember last night? You fainted. I brought you home! 73 00:06:37,728 --> 00:06:39,161 기절하셔서 제가 모시고 왔어요 74 00:06:39,230 --> 00:06:41,824 이건 말도 안돼! 넌 여기 있으면 안돼! 75 00:06:39,397 --> 00:06:41,922 This can't be happening! You can't be here! 76 00:06:41,923 --> 00:06:45,335 이건 이해가 안돼! 난 절대 안 믿을 거야! 77 00:06:41,999 --> 00:06:45,435 It doesn't make sense foryou to be here! I refuse to even believe that you are here. 78 00:06:45,436 --> 00:06:47,337 저 여기 있고 말 돼요! 79 00:06:45,503 --> 00:06:47,437 Doc, I am here, and it does make sense. 80 00:06:47,438 --> 00:06:51,341 1955년도로 1985년대의 박사님하고 다시 왔어요 81 00:06:47,505 --> 00:06:50,406 Look, I came back to 1955 again with you, the you from 1985, 82 00:06:50,474 --> 00:06:52,908 'cause we had to get a book from Biff. 83 00:06:51,409 --> 00:06:52,976 비프한테 책을 빼앗기 위해서요! 84 00:06:52,977 --> 00:06:55,707 So, once I got the book back, you-- that is, the you from 1985-- 85 00:06:53,077 --> 00:06:55,779 책을 받곤 1985년도의 박사님은 드로리언 안에 있었는데 86 00:06:55,780 --> 00:06:59,910 were in the De Lorean and it got struck by lightning, and we got sent back to 1885! 87 00:06:56,747 --> 00:06:59,841 번개에 맞아서 1885년도로 보내졌다고요! 88 00:06:59,984 --> 00:07:03,010 1885? 89 00:07:03,087 --> 00:07:06,614 It's a very interesting story, future boy, 90 00:07:03,521 --> 00:07:06,547 아주 흥미로운 이야기구나, 미래 소년아! 91 00:07:06,624 --> 00:07:09,115 하지만 말도 안 되는 게 한가지 있어 92 00:07:06,691 --> 00:07:09,125 but there's just one little thing that doesn't make sense. 93 00:07:09,193 --> 00:07:11,718 미래의 내가 지금 과거에 있다면 94 00:07:09,193 --> 00:07:11,753 If the me of the future is now in the past, 95 00:07:11,796 --> 00:07:14,196 네가 그걸 어떻게 알아? 96 00:07:11,829 --> 00:07:13,660 how could you possibly know about it? 97 00:07:13,731 --> 00:07:14,965 You sent me a letter. 98 00:07:14,966 --> 00:07:16,699 - 편지를 보내셨어요 - 마티에게 99 00:07:15,733 --> 00:07:17,667 "DearMarty: Ifmy calculations are correct, 100 00:07:17,668 --> 00:07:19,531 만약 내 계산이 정확하다면 넌 이 편지를 드로리언이 101 00:07:17,735 --> 00:07:22,069 "you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the De Lorean struck by lightning. 102 00:07:19,603 --> 00:07:22,138 번개를 맞은 직후 받아보게 될 거다 103 00:07:22,139 --> 00:07:25,040 "First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. 104 00:07:22,373 --> 00:07:25,108 우선 난 살아있고 무사하단다 105 00:07:25,109 --> 00:07:29,409 "I've been living happily these past eight months in the year 1885. 106 00:07:25,343 --> 00:07:29,302 1885년도에서 지난 8개월 간 행복하게 살고 있단다 107 00:07:29,380 --> 00:07:30,870 드로리언을 친 번개가 108 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:32,005 "The lightning bolt that hit the De Lorean caused a gigawatt overload... 109 00:07:32,006 --> 00:07:33,917 지가 와트 방전을 시키며 시간 계기판과 유동 콘덴서를 110 00:07:32,083 --> 00:07:35,484 "which scrambled the time circuits, activated the flux capacitor... 111 00:07:35,485 --> 00:07:37,067 엉망으로 만들어서 날 1885년으로 보냈단다 112 00:07:37,068 --> 00:07:38,579 "and sent me back to 1885. 113 00:07:38,656 --> 00:07:40,521 과부하가 시간 계기판을 부쉈고 114 00:07:38,656 --> 00:07:42,387 "The overload shorted out the time circuits and destroyed the flying circuits. 115 00:07:40,591 --> 00:07:42,459 비행 장치를 완전히 파괴 시켰단다 116 00:07:42,460 --> 00:07:46,658 Unfortunately, the car will never fly again." It actually flew? 117 00:07:42,560 --> 00:07:45,290 불행히도 타임머신은 이제 날 수가 없다 118 00:07:45,363 --> 00:07:46,730 - 하늘을 날았어? - 네 119 00:07:46,731 --> 00:07:49,825 Yeah. Well, you had a hover conversion done in the early 21 st century. 120 00:07:49,826 --> 00:07:50,898 - 부양 장치를 달았어요 - 대단하군 121 00:07:50,899 --> 00:07:52,061 Incredible! 122 00:07:52,103 --> 00:07:55,004 겉으론 대장간을 운영 하면서 123 00:07:52,136 --> 00:07:55,799 "I set myself up as a blacksmith as a front while I attempted... 124 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:58,508 시간 계기판을 고치려고 노력 중이란다 125 00:07:55,873 --> 00:07:58,569 "to repair the damage to the time circuits. 126 00:07:58,576 --> 00:08:02,012 불행히도 불가능 하다는 것이 증명 됐단다 127 00:07:58,642 --> 00:08:01,873 "Unfortunately, this proved impossible because suitable replacement parts... 128 00:08:01,946 --> 00:08:03,742 "will not be invented until 1947. 129 00:08:03,743 --> 00:08:05,344 필요한 부속이 1947년에나 발명이 될거란다 130 00:08:05,416 --> 00:08:06,900 하지만 나름대로 말굽 달고 마차 고치는 일에 131 00:08:06,901 --> 00:08:10,511 However, I've gotten quite adept at shoeing horses and fixing wagons." 132 00:08:08,386 --> 00:08:10,547 많이 적응이 됐단다 133 00:08:10,588 --> 00:08:11,621 1885! 134 00:08:11,622 --> 00:08:13,890 1885년! 놀랍군! 135 00:08:13,891 --> 00:08:17,987 Amazing! I actually end up as a blacksmith in the Old West. 136 00:08:14,558 --> 00:08:18,016 내가 서부의 대장장이가 됐어 137 00:08:18,062 --> 00:08:20,360 Pretty heavy, huh? 138 00:08:18,095 --> 00:08:19,619 꽤 무겁죠 139 00:08:19,697 --> 00:08:22,461 드로리언을 동봉한 지도에 있는대로 140 00:08:20,431 --> 00:08:22,456 "I have buried the De Lorean in the abandoned Delgado Mine, 141 00:08:22,533 --> 00:08:23,580 부트 힐 공동묘지 근방에 있는 142 00:08:23,581 --> 00:08:26,970 "adjacent to the old Boot Hill Cemetery as shown on the enclosed map. 143 00:08:24,702 --> 00:08:27,036 델가도 폐광에 묻어 놓았다 144 00:08:27,037 --> 00:08:29,335 "Hopefully, it should remain undisturbed and preserved... 145 00:08:27,405 --> 00:08:29,406 1955년에 네가 다시 찾기 전까지 146 00:08:29,407 --> 00:08:31,504 "until you uncover it in 1955. 147 00:08:31,505 --> 00:08:33,543 그대로 있기를 바랄 뿐이다 148 00:08:33,544 --> 00:08:37,480 "Inside, you will find repair instructions. 149 00:08:33,711 --> 00:08:37,477 안에는 수리 설명서가 동봉돼 있을거란다 150 00:08:37,548 --> 00:08:40,483 내 1955년의 부속으로... 바로 나잖아 151 00:08:37,548 --> 00:08:40,449 My 1955 counterpart--" That's me-- 152 00:08:40,518 --> 00:08:45,318 "should have no problem repairing it so thatyou can drive it back to the future. 153 00:08:40,551 --> 00:08:42,951 수리하는데 별 어려움이 없을테고 154 00:08:43,020 --> 00:08:45,181 네가 미래로 다시 돌아갈 수 있을것이다 155 00:08:45,256 --> 00:08:49,158 1985년으로 돌아가면 타임머신을 파괴하거라 156 00:08:45,423 --> 00:08:49,416 Once you have returned to 1985, destroy the time machine." 157 00:08:49,417 --> 00:08:54,027 - 파괴 해? - 얘기가 길어요 158 00:08:49,493 --> 00:08:54,097 - Destroy it? - Yeah, well, it's a long story, Doc. 159 00:08:54,098 --> 00:08:58,898 절대 날 데리러 오지 말거라 160 00:08:54,198 --> 00:08:58,998 "Do not-- I repeat-- Do not attempt to come back here to get me. 161 00:08:59,303 --> 00:09:03,797 "I am perfectly happy living in the fresh air and wide-open spaces, 162 00:08:59,370 --> 00:09:02,100 맑은 공기와 넓은 공간에서 사는게 163 00:09:02,173 --> 00:09:03,873 난 너무도 행복하단다 164 00:09:03,874 --> 00:09:08,174 "and I fear that unnecessary time travel only risks further disruption... 165 00:09:04,008 --> 00:09:06,442 불필요한 시간 여행은 166 00:09:06,510 --> 00:09:08,244 공간 연속체 개념을 망가트릴 뿐이야 167 00:09:08,245 --> 00:09:10,338 "of the space-time continuum. 168 00:09:10,347 --> 00:09:13,874 날 대신해 아인슈타인을 잘 보살펴 다오 169 00:09:10,414 --> 00:09:13,872 And please take care of Einstein for me." 170 00:09:15,386 --> 00:09:17,718 - Einstein? - He'syour dog, Doc. 171 00:09:15,419 --> 00:09:16,613 아인슈타인? 172 00:09:16,687 --> 00:09:21,021 박사님 개에요, 1985년에 개를 그렇게 이름 짓죠 173 00:09:17,788 --> 00:09:21,019 Einstein. It's what you call your dog in 1985. 174 00:09:23,894 --> 00:09:25,953 잘 보살펴 주리라고 믿는다 175 00:09:23,928 --> 00:09:25,953 "I know you will give him a good home. 176 00:09:26,030 --> 00:09:29,966 하루 두 번씩 산책 시키고 개밥 통조림만 좋아 한단다 177 00:09:26,030 --> 00:09:30,091 "Remember to walk him twice a day and that he only likes canned dog food. 178 00:09:30,092 --> 00:09:33,162 이는 내 소원이니 제발 이렇게 해다오 179 00:09:30,167 --> 00:09:33,364 "These are my wishes. Please respect them and follow them. 180 00:09:33,365 --> 00:09:37,640 이제 마티, 작별의 시간이구나 잘 지내거라 181 00:09:33,437 --> 00:09:37,707 "And so, I now say farewell and wish you Godspeed. 182 00:09:37,708 --> 00:09:40,472 넌 정말 내게 좋은 친구였고 183 00:09:37,808 --> 00:09:40,299 "You've been a good, kind and loyal friend to me, 184 00:09:40,377 --> 00:09:43,244 "and you made a real difference in my life. 185 00:09:40,544 --> 00:09:43,206 내 인생에 정말 큰 변화를 주었단다 186 00:09:43,280 --> 00:09:45,578 우리 만남을 늘 소중하게 간직하고 187 00:09:43,314 --> 00:09:47,842 "I will always treasure our relationship and think on you with fond memories, 188 00:09:45,649 --> 00:09:47,640 너에 대한 좋은 기억들과 189 00:09:47,718 --> 00:09:49,616 네 따뜻한 마음씨를 늘 기억하마 190 00:09:49,617 --> 00:09:52,582 "warm feelings and a special place in my heart. 191 00:09:52,583 --> 00:09:56,424 네 시간 여행의 친구 에메트 브라운 박사 192 00:09:52,656 --> 00:09:55,352 "Your friend in time, Doc. 193 00:09:55,426 --> 00:09:58,360 Emmett L. Brown, September 1, 1885." 194 00:09:58,361 --> 00:09:59,520 1885년 9월 1일 195 00:10:01,232 --> 00:10:03,166 내가 이렇게 감동적인 편지를 쓸줄이야 196 00:10:01,298 --> 00:10:04,995 - I never knew I could write anything so touching. - I know. It's beautiful. 197 00:10:03,234 --> 00:10:04,997 알아요, 멋지죠 198 00:10:08,072 --> 00:10:12,168 - Oh, it's all right, Copernicus. Everything's gonna be fine. - I'm sorry, Doc. 199 00:10:08,105 --> 00:10:11,165 괜찮아, 코페르니쿠스 겁먹을 필요 없단다 200 00:10:11,242 --> 00:10:14,006 죄송해요, 박사님 저 때문에 서부에 갇히셨어요 201 00:10:12,243 --> 00:10:15,770 It's all my fault you're stuck back there. I never should have let Biff get to me. 202 00:10:14,078 --> 00:10:15,841 비프한테 흥분하지 말았어야 했어요 203 00:10:15,846 --> 00:10:18,280 Well, there are plenty worse places to be than the Old West. 204 00:10:15,913 --> 00:10:18,348 서부보다 더 안 좋은 곳에 떨어질 수도 있었어 205 00:10:18,349 --> 00:10:20,613 I could've ended up in the Dark Ages. 206 00:10:18,949 --> 00:10:20,507 원시시대에 떨어질 수 도 있었잖아 207 00:10:20,584 --> 00:10:24,020 그랬다면 날 저녁반찬으로 잡아 먹었겠지 208 00:10:20,684 --> 00:10:24,176 They probably would have burned me at the stake as a heretic or something. 209 00:10:24,177 --> 00:10:26,682 일단 지도를 보자꾸나 이 지도에 따르면... 210 00:10:24,255 --> 00:10:26,917 Let's look at the map. All right, according to this, 211 00:10:26,918 --> 00:10:30,659 타임머신은 동굴 안쪽에 숨겨져 있어 212 00:10:26,991 --> 00:10:30,427 the time vehicle's sealed off in a side tunnel. 213 00:10:30,494 --> 00:10:32,428 We may have to blast. 214 00:10:30,728 --> 00:10:32,423 굴을 폭파해야 겠구나 215 00:10:45,042 --> 00:10:46,555 Whoa. 216 00:10:46,556 --> 00:10:49,706 저 폭파로 죽었다가 살아나신 것 같네요 217 00:10:47,611 --> 00:10:49,738 I thinkyou woke up the dead with that blast. 218 00:10:49,780 --> 00:10:52,544 이 카메라를 받아! 모두 기록을 남기고 싶다! 219 00:10:49,813 --> 00:10:52,577 Take this camera. I want to document everything! 220 00:10:54,885 --> 00:10:58,719 This reminds me of the time I attempted to reach the center of the earth. 221 00:10:54,952 --> 00:10:56,886 예전에 내가... 222 00:10:56,954 --> 00:10:58,717 지구 중심부를 가려고 하던 때가 생각 나는구나 223 00:10:58,789 --> 00:11:01,451 내가 젤 좋아하던 줄스 번의 소설을 읽은 후였지 224 00:10:58,789 --> 00:11:01,417 I'd been reading my favorite author, Jules Verne. 225 00:11:01,492 --> 00:11:04,859 I spent weeks preparing that expedition. I didn't even get this far. 226 00:11:01,525 --> 00:11:03,322 몇 주나 탐험 준비를 했지만 227 00:11:03,394 --> 00:11:04,928 이만큼도 가지 못했어 228 00:11:04,929 --> 00:11:07,727 'Course, I was only 12 at the time. 229 00:11:05,229 --> 00:11:07,697 물론 당시 난 12살이었단다 230 00:11:07,765 --> 00:11:09,312 줄스 번의 소설이 231 00:11:09,313 --> 00:11:13,600 You know, in his writings, Jules Verne had a profound effect on my life. 232 00:11:10,901 --> 00:11:13,495 내 인생에 많은 영향을 끼쳤지 233 00:11:13,571 --> 00:11:17,507 내가 11살 때 해저 2만리를 처음으로 읽었단다 234 00:11:13,671 --> 00:11:17,573 It was when I was 11 that I first read Twenty-Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea. 235 00:11:17,575 --> 00:11:22,375 그때 내 인생을 과학에 바치겠다고 깨달았지 236 00:11:17,641 --> 00:11:22,441 It was then that I realized that I must devote my life to science. 237 00:11:22,513 --> 00:11:25,607 Doc, check it out. Look at this. 238 00:11:22,580 --> 00:11:25,140 박사님, 이걸 보세요 239 00:11:28,619 --> 00:11:30,348 내 이름 약자다! 240 00:11:28,786 --> 00:11:32,688 My initials! Just like in Journey to the Center ofthe Earth. 241 00:11:30,421 --> 00:11:32,685 지구 핵으로의 여행과 똑같아 242 00:11:32,756 --> 00:11:36,939 - 이건 타임머신이 이 벽 뒤에 있다는 얘기야 - That means the time machine must be right through this wall. 243 00:11:57,081 --> 00:12:01,881 It's been buried there for 70years, two months and 13 days. 244 00:11:58,115 --> 00:12:00,640 여기 70년하고도 2개월 13일 동안 245 00:12:00,718 --> 00:12:02,379 묻혀 있었어 246 00:12:02,453 --> 00:12:03,886 정말 놀라워 247 00:12:02,453 --> 00:12:04,535 - Astounding! - "As you can see, 248 00:12:04,536 --> 00:12:05,755 너가 보다시피 번개가 시간 계기판의 249 00:12:05,756 --> 00:12:09,626 "the lightning bolt shorted-out the time circuit control microchip. 250 00:12:06,390 --> 00:12:09,325 마이크로 칩을 망가트렸단다 251 00:12:11,228 --> 00:12:13,162 함께 동봉한 설... 252 00:12:11,228 --> 00:12:13,811 - The attached sch-- schem--" - Schematic. 253 00:12:13,812 --> 00:12:14,822 설계도 254 00:12:14,823 --> 00:12:18,094 "schematic diagram will allow you to build a replacement unit... 255 00:12:14,898 --> 00:12:18,167 설계도면이 1955년의 장비로 충분히 256 00:12:18,168 --> 00:12:20,102 "with 1955 components, 257 00:12:18,569 --> 00:12:20,161 작동할만한 상태로 258 00:12:20,170 --> 00:12:23,105 thus restoring the time machine to perfect working order." 259 00:12:20,237 --> 00:12:23,001 고치는데 도움을 줄 거다 260 00:12:23,073 --> 00:12:27,339 이렇게 작은 부속이 큰 문제를 일으켰다니 믿어지지 않아 261 00:12:23,173 --> 00:12:27,337 Unbelievable that this little piece of junk could be such a big problem. 262 00:12:29,913 --> 00:12:33,144 No wonder this circuit failed. It says, "Made in Japan." 263 00:12:30,080 --> 00:12:33,106 일본에서 만들었으니 당연히 고물이지 264 00:12:34,752 --> 00:12:36,219 무슨 말씀이세요? 265 00:12:34,885 --> 00:12:38,321 What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan. 266 00:12:36,286 --> 00:12:38,311 일본 제품들은 모두 최고급이에요 267 00:12:39,390 --> 00:12:41,858 Unbelievable! 268 00:12:40,290 --> 00:12:41,814 믿어지지 않는군 269 00:12:47,698 --> 00:12:52,498 You know, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a cowboy. 270 00:12:47,731 --> 00:12:51,895 내가 어렸을 때 늘 카우보이가 되고 싶었단다 271 00:12:53,137 --> 00:12:55,970 And now, knowing I'm going to spend my future in the past, 272 00:12:53,270 --> 00:12:56,034 내가 내 삶을 과거에서 보낼 거란 걸 알고 나니 273 00:12:56,040 --> 00:13:00,033 sounds like a wonderful way to spend my retirement years. 274 00:12:56,106 --> 00:13:00,008 내 은퇴생활 계획으로 괜찮게 들리네 275 00:13:00,077 --> 00:13:02,807 지금 떠올랐는데 내가 1885년에서 살면 276 00:13:00,110 --> 00:13:01,975 Just occurred to me, Marty. 277 00:13:02,046 --> 00:13:04,981 Since I end up in 1885, perhaps I'm now in the history books. 278 00:13:02,880 --> 00:13:05,048 어쩌면 난 역사책에 남을지도 몰라 279 00:13:05,049 --> 00:13:07,176 I wonder-- 280 00:13:05,282 --> 00:13:07,147 궁금해 281 00:13:07,217 --> 00:13:11,176 옛날 신문 기록에서 날 찾아 볼 수 있을까? 282 00:13:07,251 --> 00:13:11,244 Could I go to the library and look myself up in the old newspaper archives? 283 00:13:11,255 --> 00:13:13,485 글쎄요, 박사님이 늘 제게 자신의 운명에 대해 284 00:13:11,321 --> 00:13:15,485 You're always saying it's not too good to know too much about your own destiny. 285 00:13:13,557 --> 00:13:15,558 너무 많이 아는 건 좋지 않다고 하셨잖아요 286 00:13:15,559 --> 00:13:19,154 You're right, Marty. I know too much already. 287 00:13:15,826 --> 00:13:19,228 네 말이 맞아 이미 난 너무 많이 알고 있어 288 00:13:19,229 --> 00:13:24,029 Better that I not attempt to uncover the circumstances of my own future. 289 00:13:19,396 --> 00:13:20,829 내 자신의 미래에 대해 290 00:13:20,898 --> 00:13:23,992 더 이상 알려고 들지 않는게 좋겠어 291 00:13:24,535 --> 00:13:27,698 Copernicus! Come on, boy! 292 00:13:24,902 --> 00:13:26,233 코페르니쿠스! 293 00:13:26,303 --> 00:13:27,736 가자! 294 00:13:27,771 --> 00:13:31,639 I'll get him, Doc. Copernicus! 295 00:13:27,805 --> 00:13:29,329 제가 데려 올게요 296 00:13:31,709 --> 00:13:33,870 Copernicus, come on. Let's go home, boy. 297 00:13:31,742 --> 00:13:33,505 코페르니쿠스! 집에 가자! 298 00:13:33,944 --> 00:13:35,211 What's wrong? 299 00:13:35,212 --> 00:13:36,645 왜 그러니? 300 00:13:37,614 --> 00:13:40,242 What's wrong, Copernicus? Come on. 301 00:13:37,915 --> 00:13:40,316 1885년 9월 7일 에메트 브라운 여기 잠들다 302 00:13:40,317 --> 00:13:42,376 Come on. Let's go home. Come on. 303 00:13:42,453 --> 00:13:45,479 Come on. 304 00:13:47,257 --> 00:13:49,474 Doc! Doc! Come here! 305 00:13:49,475 --> 00:13:50,552 박사님, 여기 와 보세요! 306 00:13:50,594 --> 00:13:52,789 Quick! 307 00:13:50,627 --> 00:13:52,060 빨리요! 308 00:13:52,863 --> 00:13:57,163 What's wrong, Marty? You look like you've seen a ghost. 309 00:13:53,297 --> 00:13:54,730 왜 그래? 310 00:13:54,798 --> 00:13:57,062 무슨 귀신이라도 본 표정이구나 311 00:13:57,134 --> 00:13:58,151 비슷해요 312 00:13:58,152 --> 00:13:59,702 You're not far off, Doc. 313 00:14:02,873 --> 00:14:04,090 Oh, great Scott! 314 00:14:04,091 --> 00:14:05,091 환장하겠네! 315 00:14:05,092 --> 00:14:06,809 Check this out. 316 00:14:05,375 --> 00:14:06,808 이걸 보세요 317 00:14:06,877 --> 00:14:10,176 1885년 9월 7일 사망 318 00:14:06,877 --> 00:14:10,246 "Died September 7, 1885." That's one week afteryou wrote the letter! 319 00:14:10,247 --> 00:14:11,771 편지를 쓰고 일주일 후잖아! 320 00:14:11,849 --> 00:14:15,512 - 클라라가 영원한 연인을 추모하며 - "Erected in eternal memory by his beloved Clara." 321 00:14:15,586 --> 00:14:17,417 클라라는 누구야? 322 00:14:15,586 --> 00:14:18,680 - Who the hell is Clara? - Marty, please, don't stand there! 323 00:14:18,681 --> 00:14:19,851 - 거기 서있지 마! - 네, 죄송해요 324 00:14:19,852 --> 00:14:20,917 Oh! Right. Sorry. 325 00:14:20,991 --> 00:14:24,119 I got to get another picture. 326 00:14:21,024 --> 00:14:22,992 사진 한장 더 찍어야 겠어 327 00:14:24,061 --> 00:14:26,825 뷰포드 탄넨의 총에 80달러 때문에 328 00:14:24,194 --> 00:14:28,494 "Shot in the back by Buford Tannen over a matter of 80 dollars'? 329 00:14:26,897 --> 00:14:28,489 사망이라고? 330 00:14:28,565 --> 00:14:31,227 - 무슨 미래가 이따위냐? - What kind of a future do you call that? 331 00:14:31,301 --> 00:14:33,468 "Buford Tannen was a notorious gunman... 332 00:14:33,469 --> 00:14:34,668 뷰포드 탄넨은 악명높은 총잡이 악당으로 333 00:14:34,705 --> 00:14:39,505 "whose short temper and a tendency to drool earned him the nickname of'Mad Dog. ' 334 00:14:34,738 --> 00:14:37,502 급한 성격과 멍청함 때문에 335 00:14:37,574 --> 00:14:39,633 총포상 미친개라는 별명을 얻었다 336 00:14:39,676 --> 00:14:42,941 "He was quick on the tri gger and bragged that he'd killed 12 men, 337 00:14:39,710 --> 00:14:43,012 툭하면 총싸움을 했고 12명을 죽였다고 자랑하였는데 338 00:14:43,013 --> 00:14:45,038 not including Indians or Chinamen." 339 00:14:43,247 --> 00:14:45,114 이는 인디언과 중국인은 포함하지 않은 숫자다 340 00:14:45,115 --> 00:14:47,913 - Does it mention me? Am I one of the 12? - Just a minute. 341 00:14:45,249 --> 00:14:47,342 내가 그 12명 중 하나라고 나와있니? 342 00:14:47,417 --> 00:14:49,681 잠시만요, 이 기록은 확증 될 수 없는데 343 00:14:47,985 --> 00:14:51,614 "This claim cannot be substantiated, since records were not kept... 344 00:14:49,753 --> 00:14:51,653 이는 탄넨이 신문사 편집장을 345 00:14:51,688 --> 00:14:53,883 "after Tannen shot a newspaper editor who printed... 346 00:14:51,722 --> 00:14:53,519 1884년에 자신에게 맘에 들지 않는 347 00:14:53,590 --> 00:14:56,024 기사를 썼다고 죽였기 때문이다 348 00:14:53,957 --> 00:14:56,187 an unfavorable story about him in 1884." 349 00:14:56,188 --> 00:14:58,561 - 그러니 아무것도 못 찾지 - 봐 350 00:14:56,260 --> 00:14:58,558 - That's why we can't find anything. - Look! 351 00:15:00,097 --> 00:15:02,964 윌리엄 맥플라이 가족이야 네 친척이니? 352 00:15:00,097 --> 00:15:02,497 "William McFly and family." Your relatives? 353 00:15:02,566 --> 00:15:05,899 My great-grandfather's name was William. 354 00:15:03,033 --> 00:15:05,797 증조 할아버지 성함이 윌리엄이세요 355 00:15:05,869 --> 00:15:07,967 여기요 잘 생기셨네요 356 00:15:07,968 --> 00:15:10,039 That's him. Good-looking guy. 357 00:15:10,040 --> 00:15:12,065 하지만 브라운은 없네 힐 밸리의 역사 358 00:15:10,140 --> 00:15:13,075 - McFlys, but no Browns. - Maybe it was a mistake, Doc. 359 00:15:13,076 --> 00:15:14,804 실수겠죠, 그건 박사님 무덤이 아닐지도 몰라요 360 00:15:13,143 --> 00:15:17,136 Maybe that grave wasn't yours. There could've been another Emmett Brown back in 1885. 361 00:15:14,878 --> 00:15:17,213 1885년에 다른 에메트 브라운이 있었겠죠 362 00:15:17,214 --> 00:15:19,182 - No. - Did you have any relatives here back then? 363 00:15:17,381 --> 00:15:19,248 당시에 친척 없으세요? 364 00:15:19,249 --> 00:15:21,649 The Browns didn't come to Hill Valley until 1908. 365 00:15:19,383 --> 00:15:21,476 브라운 가는 1908년 전엔 힐 밸리로 오지도 않았어 366 00:15:21,552 --> 00:15:23,349 그때 성은 본 브란스였어 367 00:15:21,718 --> 00:15:25,119 Then, they were the Von Brauns. My father changed our name during the first World War. 368 00:15:23,420 --> 00:15:25,188 아버지께서 1차 대전 때 우리 성을 바꾸셨어 369 00:15:25,189 --> 00:15:27,123 Doc, look. 370 00:15:25,689 --> 00:15:27,122 보세요 371 00:15:27,191 --> 00:15:29,392 Ohh, great Scott! It's me! 372 00:15:29,393 --> 00:15:32,419 환장하겠네! 나잖아! 373 00:15:32,496 --> 00:15:35,329 그럼 모두 사실이야 새 시계 374 00:15:32,496 --> 00:15:35,192 Then it is true. All of it. 375 00:15:35,265 --> 00:15:38,723 It is me who goes back there and gets shot. 376 00:15:35,399 --> 00:15:38,801 과거로 가서 총에 맞는게 나란 말이네 377 00:15:38,802 --> 00:15:41,430 It's not going to happen, Doc. 378 00:15:38,902 --> 00:15:41,336 그런 일 없을 거예요 379 00:15:41,405 --> 00:15:44,499 시간 계기판과 타이어를 갈고 나면... 380 00:15:41,505 --> 00:15:44,440 After you fix the time circuits and put new tires on the De Lorean, 381 00:15:44,508 --> 00:15:49,207 I'm goin' back to 1885, and I'm bringing you home. 382 00:15:44,575 --> 00:15:48,067 제가 1885년으로 돌아가서 박사님을 모셔 올게요 383 00:15:59,623 --> 00:16:01,557 The clothes fit? 384 00:15:59,690 --> 00:16:01,521 옷이 맞니? 385 00:16:01,592 --> 00:16:05,119 부츠만 빼고 다 맞아요 좀 꽉 껴요 386 00:16:01,625 --> 00:16:05,152 Yeah. Everything except the boots, Doc. They're kind oftight. 387 00:16:05,195 --> 00:16:07,629 이거 오리지널 맞아요? 388 00:16:05,229 --> 00:16:07,663 You sure this stuffis authentic? 389 00:16:07,698 --> 00:16:11,134 물론이지 서부 영화도 안봤냐? 390 00:16:07,731 --> 00:16:11,132 Of course! Haven't you ever seen a Western? 391 00:16:11,201 --> 00:16:12,583 카우보이 옷 가게 봤죠 392 00:16:12,584 --> 00:16:17,037 Yeah, I have, Doc, and Clint Eastwood never wore anything like this. 393 00:16:14,037 --> 00:16:17,029 클린트 이스트우드는 이런 옷 안 입었어요 394 00:16:17,875 --> 00:16:19,809 Clint who? 395 00:16:18,208 --> 00:16:19,800 클린트 누구? 396 00:16:19,877 --> 00:16:21,811 - 아직은 모르실 거예요 - That's right. You haven't heard of him yet. 397 00:16:21,879 --> 00:16:23,813 부츠도 신어야 해 398 00:16:21,879 --> 00:16:23,847 Marty, you have to wear the boots. 399 00:16:23,881 --> 00:16:26,645 1885년도에 그런 미래적 운동화를 신으면 안돼 400 00:16:23,914 --> 00:16:26,414 You can't wear those futuristic things back in 1885! 401 00:16:26,450 --> 00:16:28,645 You shouldn't even be wearing them here in 1955! 402 00:16:26,717 --> 00:16:28,651 여기 1955년도에서도 그런 신발은 없어 403 00:16:28,719 --> 00:16:31,654 가자마자 부츠로 바꿔 신을게요, 약속 할게요 404 00:16:28,719 --> 00:16:30,778 As soon as I get there I'll put them on. 405 00:16:30,854 --> 00:16:32,788 Okay. I think we're about ready! 406 00:16:32,789 --> 00:16:34,156 이제 준비 끝난 것 같다 차에 기름은 넣다 407 00:16:32,856 --> 00:16:35,689 I put gas in the tank. Your future clothes are packed. 408 00:16:34,224 --> 00:16:35,758 네 미래 옷들은 쌌고 409 00:16:35,759 --> 00:16:39,718 Just in case, fresh batteries foryour walkie-talkie. 410 00:16:35,893 --> 00:16:39,795 만약을 대비해 무전기에 새 건전지 넣었다 411 00:16:39,796 --> 00:16:41,821 Oh, what about that floating device? 412 00:16:40,030 --> 00:16:41,827 그 떠다니는 건 어디 있니? 413 00:16:41,899 --> 00:16:43,031 - 비행보드요 - 그래 414 00:16:43,032 --> 00:16:44,493 - Hoverboard. - Oh, right. 415 00:16:46,703 --> 00:16:49,831 You know, Doc, it's gonna be a hell of a long walk back to Hill Valley. 416 00:16:46,737 --> 00:16:49,906 여기서 힐 밸리까지 걷기엔 먼 거리에요 417 00:16:49,907 --> 00:16:54,310 Still the safest plan. We can't risk sending you back into a populated area... 418 00:16:50,107 --> 00:16:51,665 가장 안전한 계획이야 419 00:16:51,742 --> 00:16:54,336 널 거주지역이나 모르는 지역으로... 420 00:16:54,378 --> 00:16:56,573 or to a spot that's geographically unknown. 421 00:16:54,411 --> 00:16:56,646 보내는 위험은 피해야 해 422 00:16:56,647 --> 00:17:00,174 You don't want to crash into some tree that once existed in the past. 423 00:16:56,747 --> 00:17:00,012 과거에 있던 나무에 차로 박고 싶진 않잖아 424 00:17:00,083 --> 00:17:02,608 여긴 완전히 뻥 뚫린 평야이고 425 00:17:00,250 --> 00:17:02,616 This is all on completely open country, 426 00:17:02,686 --> 00:17:05,450 그러니까 도착하면 달릴 충분한 공간이 있지 427 00:17:02,686 --> 00:17:05,416 so you'll have plenty of runoff space when you arrive. 428 00:17:05,489 --> 00:17:08,219 Remember, where you are going there are no roads. 429 00:17:05,522 --> 00:17:08,291 네가 가는 곳은 길이 없다는 걸 염두에 둬 430 00:17:08,292 --> 00:17:12,285 There's a cave over there which will be a perfect place to hide the time vehicle. 431 00:17:08,525 --> 00:17:10,789 저쪽에 작은 동굴이 있는데 타임머신을 숨기기엔 432 00:17:10,861 --> 00:17:12,361 완벽한 공간일거야 433 00:17:12,362 --> 00:17:16,264 Well, the new time circuit control tubes are warmed up. 434 00:17:13,030 --> 00:17:16,227 새 시간 계기판도 가열 됐고 435 00:17:18,869 --> 00:17:20,837 Time circuits on. 436 00:17:19,369 --> 00:17:20,903 준비 끝났어 437 00:17:20,904 --> 00:17:23,338 I wrote the letter on September 1, so we'll send you back the very next day-- 438 00:17:21,038 --> 00:17:23,406 9월 1일에 편지를 썼으니 다음 날로 널 보내줄게 439 00:17:23,407 --> 00:17:27,776 September 2. That's a Wednesday. September 2, 1885, 8:00 a.m. 440 00:17:24,041 --> 00:17:27,807 월, 일, 년, 목적지 1885년 9월 2일 오전 8시 441 00:17:27,844 --> 00:17:30,369 I get shot on Monday the 7th, so you'll have five days to locate me. 442 00:17:27,878 --> 00:17:30,312 9월 7일 월요일에 총 맞으니 날 찾기까지 시간은 5일 있어 443 00:17:30,380 --> 00:17:32,211 내 편지에 의하면 난 대장장이 이니까 444 00:17:30,447 --> 00:17:33,905 According to my letter, I'm a blacksmith, so I probably have a shop somewhere. 445 00:17:32,282 --> 00:17:33,943 어딘가에서 대장간을 하고 있을거야 446 00:17:33,984 --> 00:17:37,613 All you have to do is drive the time vehicle directly toward that screen, 447 00:17:34,017 --> 00:17:36,315 넌 타임머신을 저 화면으로 448 00:17:36,386 --> 00:17:37,687 시속 88마일로 운전해서 가면 돼 449 00:17:37,688 --> 00:17:39,622 accelerating to 88 miles per hour! 450 00:17:39,690 --> 00:17:41,749 Wait a minute, Doc. 451 00:17:39,856 --> 00:17:41,653 잠깐만요 452 00:17:41,725 --> 00:17:43,158 만약 저 화면으로 차를 몰고 가면 453 00:17:41,825 --> 00:17:44,851 If I drive straight toward the screen, I'm gonna crash into those Indians. 454 00:17:43,226 --> 00:17:44,818 인디언들하고 부딪히잖아요 455 00:17:44,895 --> 00:17:48,331 4차원의 공간을 생각해야지 456 00:17:44,928 --> 00:17:48,022 Marty, you're not thinking fourth-dimensionally. 457 00:17:48,098 --> 00:17:52,865 You'll instantly be transported to 1885 and those Indians won't even be there. 458 00:17:48,398 --> 00:17:50,491 넌 바로 1885년으로 이동 될테고 459 00:17:50,567 --> 00:17:52,865 저 인디언은 그때는 없어 460 00:17:53,937 --> 00:17:55,666 알았어요 461 00:17:55,667 --> 00:17:57,632 - Right. - Well-- 462 00:17:57,708 --> 00:17:58,942 우리 둘의 운명에 행운을 빈다 463 00:17:58,943 --> 00:18:01,701 Good luck for both of our sakes. See you in the future. 464 00:18:00,243 --> 00:18:01,710 미래에서 보자 465 00:18:02,779 --> 00:18:04,943 - 과거겠죠 - 그 말이지 - You mean the past. - Exactly! 466 00:18:11,088 --> 00:18:13,716 Happy trails, Marty! 467 00:18:11,722 --> 00:18:13,713 잘 찾아 가거라, 마티! 468 00:18:13,790 --> 00:18:15,724 안전운행 하세요 출구 469 00:18:18,362 --> 00:18:20,853 Ready, Marty? 470 00:18:19,096 --> 00:18:20,859 준비됐니? 471 00:18:20,931 --> 00:18:22,899 - 준비 됐어요! - Ready! 472 00:18:22,966 --> 00:18:24,548 - 준비! - 물론이죠 473 00:18:24,549 --> 00:18:26,902 - Set! - Hi-Ho, Silver. 474 00:18:37,414 --> 00:18:40,850 Vaya con Dios! 475 00:19:02,906 --> 00:19:04,088 Indians! 476 00:19:04,089 --> 00:19:05,167 인디언이다! 477 00:19:44,081 --> 00:19:45,173 동굴이야! 478 00:19:45,174 --> 00:19:46,174 The cave! 479 00:20:20,117 --> 00:20:21,433 Charge! 480 00:20:21,434 --> 00:20:23,181 쫓아라! 481 00:20:24,254 --> 00:20:25,921 Shit! The cavalry! 482 00:20:25,922 --> 00:20:27,913 젠장! 기병대잖아! 483 00:21:18,141 --> 00:21:20,166 젠장, 연료라인이 망가졌네 484 00:21:18,208 --> 00:21:20,267 Damn. I ripped a fuel line. 485 00:21:36,426 --> 00:21:39,020 Aah! Aah! 486 00:22:05,055 --> 00:22:09,321 매기! 물 좀 가져와 봐! 누가 다쳤어! 487 00:22:05,155 --> 00:22:09,319 Maggie! Fetch some water. We got a hurt man here. 488 00:22:15,665 --> 00:22:16,865 Mom? Mom, is that you? 489 00:22:16,866 --> 00:22:18,299 엄마 490 00:22:18,368 --> 00:22:19,935 - 엄마에요? - 그대로 있어요 491 00:22:19,936 --> 00:22:24,635 There, there, now. You've been asleep for nearly six hours now. 492 00:22:21,071 --> 00:22:23,198 거의 6시간이나 잠들어 있었어요 493 00:22:24,574 --> 00:22:25,858 악몽을 꿨어요 494 00:22:25,859 --> 00:22:27,404 I had this horrible nightmare. 495 00:22:27,477 --> 00:22:30,879 I dreamed I was-- I dreamed I was in a Western. 496 00:22:30,880 --> 00:22:33,405 제가 서부에 있는 꿈을 꿨어요 497 00:22:33,416 --> 00:22:35,515 I was being chased by all these Indians... 498 00:22:35,516 --> 00:22:37,620 인디언들과 곰한테 쫓기는 499 00:22:37,621 --> 00:22:39,184 and a bear. 500 00:22:39,185 --> 00:22:40,189 꿈을 꿨어요 501 00:22:40,190 --> 00:22:43,523 Well, you're safe and sound here now at the McFly farm. 502 00:22:40,257 --> 00:22:43,522 맥플라이 농장에 있으니 이제 안전해요 503 00:22:43,593 --> 00:22:48,053 McFly farm? Aaghhh! 504 00:22:43,893 --> 00:22:46,225 맥플라이 농장? 505 00:22:48,131 --> 00:22:52,795 Well, you're my-- You're my-- my-- 506 00:22:48,965 --> 00:22:50,398 당신은 내... 507 00:22:54,571 --> 00:22:57,131 - Who are you? - The name's McFly. 508 00:22:57,132 --> 00:22:58,370 - 누구시죠? - 전 매기 맥플라이죠 509 00:22:58,371 --> 00:23:02,008 - Maggie McFly. - McFly? Maggie? 510 00:23:02,078 --> 00:23:05,138 - 맥플라이 여사라고 불러요 - That's Mrs. McFly, and don't you be forgettin' the missus. 511 00:23:05,215 --> 00:23:06,807 당신 이름은 뭐죠? 512 00:23:05,215 --> 00:23:08,309 - And what mightyourname be, sir? - Well, it's Mc-- 513 00:23:06,883 --> 00:23:08,316 전 맥... 514 00:23:11,955 --> 00:23:13,254 Eastwood? 515 00:23:13,255 --> 00:23:14,323 이스트우드에요 516 00:23:14,324 --> 00:23:16,287 Uh, Clint-- Clint Eastwood. 517 00:23:16,288 --> 00:23:17,783 클린트 이스트우드요 518 00:23:17,861 --> 00:23:19,829 머리를 부딪혔어요 519 00:23:17,861 --> 00:23:19,886 Well, you hit your head, Mr. Eastwood. 520 00:23:19,896 --> 00:23:23,332 시머스가 다행히 일찍 발견해 심각하지 않아요 521 00:23:19,963 --> 00:23:23,626 Not too serious. But lucky foryou Seamus found you when he did. 522 00:23:23,700 --> 00:23:25,601 Seamus? 523 00:23:25,602 --> 00:23:27,035 내 남편이죠 524 00:23:27,036 --> 00:23:28,603 Me husband. 525 00:23:28,605 --> 00:23:30,089 윌리엄을 볼 동안 잠시 실례해요 526 00:23:30,090 --> 00:23:33,132 You'll be excusin' me, Mr. Eastwood, while I tend to William. 527 00:23:33,209 --> 00:23:36,144 - William. - Oh, that's okay, Will. 528 00:23:34,244 --> 00:23:35,677 괜찮다 529 00:23:36,212 --> 00:23:39,704 That's okay. 530 00:23:43,987 --> 00:23:46,012 - 윌리엄인가요? - 네 531 00:23:44,220 --> 00:23:46,088 - That's William? - Aye. 532 00:23:46,089 --> 00:23:49,752 윌리엄은 우리 집안에서는 미국에서 처음 태어난 아이죠 533 00:23:46,222 --> 00:23:49,749 William Sean McFly, the first of our family to be born in America. 534 00:23:49,826 --> 00:23:50,992 괜찮단다, 아가 535 00:23:50,993 --> 00:23:55,731 Oh, that's okay, Will. This here's Mr. Clint Eastwood here visitin'. 536 00:23:52,228 --> 00:23:55,527 우릴 방문하신 클린트 이스트우드 씨란다 537 00:23:55,598 --> 00:23:57,896 댁을 좋아 하네요 538 00:23:55,799 --> 00:23:57,892 Sure'n he likes you, Mr. Eastwood. 539 00:23:57,967 --> 00:23:59,901 Maggie! 540 00:24:01,604 --> 00:24:03,629 - Hi. - I've got supper. 541 00:24:02,238 --> 00:24:03,671 저녁거리 잡아왔어 542 00:24:03,707 --> 00:24:06,175 I'm not one to pry into a man's personal affairs, 543 00:24:03,740 --> 00:24:06,140 남자의 사생활을 캐묻는 건 아니지만 544 00:24:06,209 --> 00:24:10,805 어쩌다가 말도 없이 부츠나 모자도 쓰지않고 545 00:24:06,242 --> 00:24:10,770 but... exactly how was it that you came to be way out here... 546 00:24:10,847 --> 00:24:13,065 without a horse or boots or a hat? 547 00:24:13,066 --> 00:24:15,214 여기까지 오게 된거요? 548 00:24:15,285 --> 00:24:16,866 제 차... 아니 말이 고장이 났고 549 00:24:16,867 --> 00:24:20,415 Well, my ca-- horse broke down, and-and a bear ate my boots, 550 00:24:18,488 --> 00:24:20,489 곰이 부츠를 먹어 버렸고 551 00:24:20,490 --> 00:24:22,651 and, I guess, I just forgot my hat. 552 00:24:20,657 --> 00:24:22,648 모자는 잊고 나왔어요 553 00:24:22,726 --> 00:24:25,490 모자 같은 것을 어떻게 잊고 다닐 수 있죠? 554 00:24:22,726 --> 00:24:25,024 How could you forget a thing like your hat? 555 00:24:25,095 --> 00:24:27,109 - Would you like some water? - Uh, yeah. 556 00:24:27,110 --> 00:24:28,656 - 물 드려요? - 네 557 00:24:38,241 --> 00:24:41,768 I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr. Eastwood. 558 00:24:38,274 --> 00:24:41,766 이렇게 합시다 이스트우드 씨 559 00:24:41,845 --> 00:24:43,710 내가 당신 대장장이 친구 찾는 걸 도와주겠소 560 00:24:41,845 --> 00:24:44,712 I'll help you find your blacksmith friend. 561 00:24:44,781 --> 00:24:48,217 You can stay the night in the barn. 562 00:24:44,914 --> 00:24:46,882 오늘 밤은 헛간에서 머물고 563 00:24:48,284 --> 00:24:51,310 And tomorrow, I'll take you as far as the railroad tracks. 564 00:24:48,318 --> 00:24:51,253 내일 철로가 있는 곳까지 데려다 주겠소 565 00:24:51,321 --> 00:24:53,846 철로를 따라가면 마을로 들어갈 거요 566 00:24:51,388 --> 00:24:53,856 You can follow 'em straight on into town. 567 00:24:56,826 --> 00:24:58,521 모자도 하나 주겠소 568 00:24:58,522 --> 00:25:00,284 I'll even give you a hat. 569 00:25:01,531 --> 00:25:03,226 그럼 좋죠, 고마워요 570 00:25:03,227 --> 00:25:04,898 That's great. Thanks. 571 00:25:06,236 --> 00:25:07,983 Ah, that's quite a William. 572 00:25:07,984 --> 00:25:09,228 내 아들 윌리엄이오 573 00:25:09,339 --> 00:25:11,508 That's quite a William. 574 00:25:11,509 --> 00:25:12,707 그래, 윌리야 575 00:25:12,708 --> 00:25:15,606 Sweet Will. Ohh-- 576 00:25:15,678 --> 00:25:18,340 Yes. 577 00:25:16,212 --> 00:25:18,077 그래 578 00:25:18,148 --> 00:25:20,810 헛간도 꽤 편할 거요 579 00:25:18,415 --> 00:25:20,849 I thinkyou'll find the barn comfortable. 580 00:25:20,884 --> 00:25:23,478 돼지들한테 불평은 못 들어 봤소 581 00:25:20,917 --> 00:25:23,784 Never had any complaints about it from the pigs. 582 00:25:23,853 --> 00:25:26,054 - Mmm. - Seamus! 583 00:25:26,055 --> 00:25:27,716 잠깐 얘기 좀 해요 584 00:25:27,717 --> 00:25:29,387 - A word with you. - Aye. 585 00:25:27,791 --> 00:25:29,224 응 586 00:25:31,861 --> 00:25:33,920 Will you hold him for a minute? 587 00:25:31,895 --> 00:25:33,829 잠깐 안고 있어 주겠소? 588 00:25:37,934 --> 00:25:40,334 저 사람을 들이는 게 집에 악재를 589 00:25:38,334 --> 00:25:42,532 Are you sure you're not after bringin' a curse on this house, taking him in like that? 590 00:25:40,403 --> 00:25:42,496 들이는 게 아닐까요? 591 00:25:42,572 --> 00:25:44,164 좀 이상한 사람이잖아요 592 00:25:42,605 --> 00:25:47,235 - He's such a strange young man. - Aye, but I've just got a feelin' about him... 593 00:25:44,240 --> 00:25:47,232 응, 하지만 그냥 느낌이 괜찮은 친구야 594 00:25:47,310 --> 00:25:49,870 돌봐주는 게 올바른 일이야 595 00:25:47,310 --> 00:25:50,905 that lookin' after him's the right thing to do-- that it's important. 596 00:25:49,946 --> 00:25:50,979 그게 중요해 597 00:25:50,980 --> 00:25:52,914 Hey, buddy. 598 00:25:51,581 --> 00:25:52,981 얘, 아가 599 00:25:52,982 --> 00:25:55,542 Look how the baby takes to him. 600 00:25:53,116 --> 00:25:55,516 우리 아기를 봐 601 00:25:55,585 --> 00:25:59,021 윌리는 낮선 사람한텐 절대 가지 않아 602 00:25:55,618 --> 00:25:59,054 Little Will never takes to strangers. 603 00:25:59,088 --> 00:26:02,285 저 친구가 마치 우리랑 인연이 있는 느낌이야 604 00:25:59,122 --> 00:26:03,354 - It's almost as if... he's connected to us. - Hey, Will. 605 00:26:03,426 --> 00:26:05,025 내 증조 할아버지군요 606 00:26:05,026 --> 00:26:06,862 So, you're my great-grandfather. 607 00:26:06,863 --> 00:26:08,480 미국에서 태어난 첫번째 맥플라이가... 608 00:26:08,481 --> 00:26:10,559 The first McFly born in America. 609 00:26:12,669 --> 00:26:14,703 And you peed on me. 610 00:26:14,704 --> 00:26:17,195 나한테 오줌 싸네 611 00:26:20,510 --> 00:26:22,774 Aaghh-- 612 00:26:41,564 --> 00:26:43,828 힐 밸리 613 00:26:57,981 --> 00:27:00,916 정직한 조 스테틀러 좋은 말 사고 팔고 교환 614 00:27:05,688 --> 00:27:07,489 목욕탕, 이발소 비누 좀 줘 615 00:27:07,490 --> 00:27:10,755 - Give me some soap, Wang. - Uh, here you go. 616 00:27:09,192 --> 00:27:10,750 여기 있습니다 617 00:27:13,263 --> 00:27:15,197 정육점 618 00:27:18,434 --> 00:27:21,460 Easy, boy. 619 00:27:21,538 --> 00:27:24,473 힐 밸리 페스티발 댄스, 음식, 게임 620 00:27:24,541 --> 00:27:28,807 9월 5일 토요일 밤 시계탑 건설 위한 수익 621 00:27:28,878 --> 00:27:31,642 장의사 철물점 622 00:28:05,882 --> 00:28:10,046 보안관 사무실 사형집행위해 해이스빌로 출장 623 00:28:12,755 --> 00:28:16,020 Hyah! 624 00:28:56,966 --> 00:29:00,284 - 방금 누가 들어왔나 한번 봐 - Take a look and see what just breezed in the door. 625 00:29:02,705 --> 00:29:05,230 Why, I didn't know the circus was in town. 626 00:29:02,739 --> 00:29:05,264 서커스 단이 온 줄은 몰랐네 627 00:29:05,308 --> 00:29:08,869 Must've got that shirt off'n a dead Chinee. 628 00:29:05,341 --> 00:29:08,868 죽은 중국인한테 옷을 뺏어 입었나 보지 629 00:29:28,665 --> 00:29:30,599 What'll it be, stranger? 630 00:29:28,731 --> 00:29:30,596 뭘 줄까? 631 00:29:30,667 --> 00:29:33,201 Uh, I'll have a-- 632 00:29:33,202 --> 00:29:35,604 얼음물 주세요 633 00:29:35,605 --> 00:29:36,905 - Ice water? - Ice water? 634 00:29:36,906 --> 00:29:38,396 얼음물? 635 00:29:38,608 --> 00:29:40,542 Water? 636 00:29:39,542 --> 00:29:40,600 물? 637 00:29:40,610 --> 00:29:44,137 You want water, you better go dunkyour head in the horse trough out there. 638 00:29:44,138 --> 00:29:45,307 물을 마시고 싶으면 말 물통에서 마셔 639 00:29:45,308 --> 00:29:47,294 In here... we pour whiskey. 640 00:29:47,295 --> 00:29:48,817 여기선 위스키를 팔지 641 00:29:58,961 --> 00:30:01,828 - 실례합니다 - 뭘? 642 00:29:59,295 --> 00:30:01,422 - Excuse me. - For what? 643 00:30:01,497 --> 00:30:03,431 I'm tryin' to find the blacksmith. 644 00:30:01,898 --> 00:30:03,422 대장간을 찾고 있어요 645 00:30:05,234 --> 00:30:07,794 Hey, McFly! 646 00:30:08,905 --> 00:30:11,669 여기 오지 말라고 했잖... 647 00:30:09,072 --> 00:30:11,666 Thought I done told you neverto come in-- 648 00:30:13,242 --> 00:30:15,210 시무스 맥플라이가 아니잖아 649 00:30:13,276 --> 00:30:15,210 Hey, you ain't Seamus McFly. 650 00:30:16,913 --> 00:30:20,314 좀 닮긴 했군, 특히 그런 촌스런 모자를 쓰니까 말이야 651 00:30:17,013 --> 00:30:20,312 You look like him, though, especially with that dog-ugly hat. 652 00:30:23,419 --> 00:30:27,219 You kin to that hay barber? What's your name, dude? 653 00:30:23,586 --> 00:30:25,281 그 자식 친척이냐? 654 00:30:25,354 --> 00:30:27,254 이름이 뭐야? 655 00:30:27,290 --> 00:30:28,820 Uh, Mart-- 656 00:30:28,821 --> 00:30:30,392 마... 이스트우드! 657 00:30:30,393 --> 00:30:32,361 Eastwood. 658 00:30:32,428 --> 00:30:34,623 Clint Eastwood. 659 00:30:32,929 --> 00:30:34,624 클린트 이스트우드요 660 00:30:34,697 --> 00:30:37,396 What kind of stupid name is that? 661 00:30:37,397 --> 00:30:38,433 무슨 이름이 그따위냐? 662 00:30:38,434 --> 00:30:40,994 - I'd say he's the runt of the litter. - Hey, now. 663 00:30:38,835 --> 00:30:40,996 시궁창 쥐새끼 같은 놈이야 664 00:30:41,070 --> 00:30:43,698 이 얼굴 하얀거 보여? 665 00:30:41,070 --> 00:30:43,903 Boys, would you take a look-see at these pearly whites! 666 00:30:43,904 --> 00:30:46,173 이빨도 이렇게 똑바로 인건 처음 봐 667 00:30:43,973 --> 00:30:46,168 Hell, I ain't seen teeth that straight that weren't store-bought. 668 00:30:46,242 --> 00:30:49,575 저 모카신도 한번 봐 저게 무슨 짐승 가죽이래? 669 00:30:46,242 --> 00:30:49,541 Take a gander at them moccasins. What kind of skins is them? 670 00:30:49,612 --> 00:30:52,274 What's that writin'mean? "Neekay, " what is that? 671 00:30:52,275 --> 00:30:54,207 - 저건 또 뭐라고 쓴거야? - 니케? 인디언 말인가? 672 00:30:52,348 --> 00:30:55,909 Some sort of Injun talk or somethin'? 673 00:30:55,985 --> 00:30:57,085 Bartender, 674 00:30:57,086 --> 00:30:58,186 바텐더! 사기꾼 대장장이를 찾고 있어! 675 00:30:58,187 --> 00:31:01,679 I'm lookin' for that no-good, cheatin' blacksmith. You seen him? 676 00:31:01,680 --> 00:31:03,288 - 봤어? - 아뇨, 탄넨 씨, 못 봤어요 677 00:31:03,289 --> 00:31:05,660 No, sir, Mr. Tannen. I have not. 678 00:31:05,728 --> 00:31:07,729 Tannen? You're Mad Dog Tannen. 679 00:31:07,730 --> 00:31:09,322 미친개 탄넨이네 680 00:31:15,171 --> 00:31:19,005 Mad Dog? I hate that name. 681 00:31:15,371 --> 00:31:16,804 미친개? 682 00:31:16,873 --> 00:31:19,000 난 그 별명 싫어 683 00:31:19,075 --> 00:31:20,804 싫다고, 알아? 684 00:31:20,805 --> 00:31:22,533 I hate it! You hear? 685 00:31:22,612 --> 00:31:23,892 아무도 날 미친개라고 부르지 못해! 686 00:31:23,893 --> 00:31:25,240 Nobody calls me "Mad Dog"! 687 00:31:25,248 --> 00:31:29,548 특히 바보 같은 얼간이는 더 그렇게 부르면 안되지 688 00:31:25,314 --> 00:31:29,546 Especially not some duded-up, egg-suckin' gutter trash! 689 00:31:30,686 --> 00:31:31,720 Dance! 690 00:31:31,721 --> 00:31:33,021 춤을 추라고, 춤을! 691 00:31:33,022 --> 00:31:35,183 - Aaghh! - Come on! 692 00:31:36,292 --> 00:31:39,887 잘 좀 해봐, 이 얼간아! 더 잘 춰봐! 693 00:31:36,292 --> 00:31:38,089 Come on, runt! 694 00:31:38,161 --> 00:31:41,528 You can dance better than that! 695 00:31:49,405 --> 00:31:50,804 젠장 696 00:31:50,805 --> 00:31:51,873 Shit! 697 00:31:51,941 --> 00:31:53,875 Whoo! 698 00:32:01,250 --> 00:32:03,684 Ooh. 699 00:32:12,128 --> 00:32:14,221 You better run, squirrel. 700 00:32:12,428 --> 00:32:14,296 - 빨리 도망가 - 잡아! 701 00:32:14,297 --> 00:32:15,958 Aaah! Get 'im! 702 00:32:24,473 --> 00:32:25,473 살롱 703 00:32:27,243 --> 00:32:29,327 - Whoa! - Whoa, ho, ho, ho. 704 00:32:29,328 --> 00:32:30,568 와! 705 00:32:44,827 --> 00:32:46,795 Ohh! Ohh! 706 00:32:49,198 --> 00:32:51,166 Aaghhh! 707 00:33:09,051 --> 00:33:11,042 Aaaah! 708 00:33:19,028 --> 00:33:22,555 We got ourselves a new courthouse. 709 00:33:22,556 --> 00:33:24,226 새 법정을 세웠다! 교수형 집행을 하겠다! 710 00:33:22,632 --> 00:33:25,396 High time we had a hangin'! 711 00:33:25,468 --> 00:33:28,835 Oh-- Oh, God. Oh, God. 712 00:33:28,905 --> 00:33:31,305 Go on, Buford! Hang 'im up! 713 00:33:43,986 --> 00:33:45,002 저 흔들거리는 꼴 좀 봐 714 00:33:45,003 --> 00:33:49,489 Look at him swing! 715 00:33:49,558 --> 00:33:52,857 Yeah! Haven't had a hangin' in a long time. 716 00:33:50,259 --> 00:33:52,853 오랫동안 교수형을 못했었잖아! 717 00:33:55,998 --> 00:33:59,399 It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at 500 yards, Tannen! 718 00:33:56,032 --> 00:33:59,433 450미터 밖의 개벼룩도 맞추는 총이야 719 00:33:59,468 --> 00:34:01,436 And it's pointed straight at your head! 720 00:33:59,502 --> 00:34:01,436 지금 네 머리를 겨누고 있어! 721 00:34:11,747 --> 00:34:14,807 - 너 나한테 돈을 빚졌어! - 어째서? 722 00:34:11,747 --> 00:34:13,908 You owe me money, blacksmith. 723 00:34:13,983 --> 00:34:16,417 - How do ya figure? - My horse threw a shoe. 724 00:34:16,418 --> 00:34:19,480 너가 박아준 말굽이 빠졌고 네 책임이야! 725 00:34:16,485 --> 00:34:19,420 Seein' as you was the one that done the shoeing, that makes you responsible. 726 00:34:19,488 --> 00:34:23,822 Since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even. 727 00:34:19,555 --> 00:34:23,821 어차피 너도 돈 안 냈으니 피장파장이야! 728 00:34:23,893 --> 00:34:27,795 - 틀렸어! 말굽 빠질 때 타고 있다 말에서 떨어졌어! - Wrong! See, I was on my horse when it threw the shoe and I got throwed off! 729 00:34:27,863 --> 00:34:30,297 덕분에 아주 좋은 켄터키 레드아이 위스키가 730 00:34:27,863 --> 00:34:32,197 And that caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle offine Kentucky red-eye. 731 00:34:30,366 --> 00:34:32,267 깨져 버렸어! 732 00:34:32,268 --> 00:34:34,293 So, the way I figure it, blacksmith, 733 00:34:32,401 --> 00:34:34,335 그러니까... 734 00:34:34,370 --> 00:34:38,704 you owe me five dollars for the whiskey and $75 for the horse. 735 00:34:34,403 --> 00:34:36,337 위스키 값으로 5달러랑 736 00:34:36,405 --> 00:34:38,737 말 값으로 75달러를 나한테 빚진거야 737 00:34:38,774 --> 00:34:41,868 - That's the $80. - Look! 738 00:34:38,808 --> 00:34:40,503 80달러잖아 739 00:34:40,576 --> 00:34:41,943 말굽이 빠졌으면 말을 다시 데려오면 수리해 주마! 740 00:34:41,944 --> 00:34:45,175 If your horse threw a shoe, bring him back and I'll reshoe him! 741 00:34:45,247 --> 00:34:46,874 그 말 쏴버렸어! 742 00:34:45,247 --> 00:34:49,149 - I done shot that horse! - Well, that's your problem, Tannen! 743 00:34:46,949 --> 00:34:49,144 그건 네 문제야! 744 00:34:49,218 --> 00:34:50,703 아니, 네 문제야! 745 00:34:50,704 --> 00:34:52,244 Wrong! That's yours. 746 00:34:52,254 --> 00:34:56,054 이제부터 등뒤 조심해라! 747 00:34:52,321 --> 00:34:56,052 So, from now on, you better be lookin' behind you when you walk. 748 00:34:56,125 --> 00:34:59,875 - 너 언젠가 뒤에서 총맞아 죽을 거야! - 'Cause one day you're gonna get a bullet in your back. 749 00:34:59,962 --> 00:35:01,862 Hyah! 750 00:35:08,004 --> 00:35:09,562 박사님! 751 00:35:09,563 --> 00:35:11,633 - Doc! - Marty! 752 00:35:11,634 --> 00:35:14,940 마티! 절대 날 데리러 오지 말고 1985년으로 바로 가라고 753 00:35:11,707 --> 00:35:16,090 I gave you explicit instructions not to come here, but to go directly back to 1985. 754 00:35:16,091 --> 00:35:17,138 확실히 말했잖아 755 00:35:17,213 --> 00:35:19,943 알지만 와야만 했어요 756 00:35:17,246 --> 00:35:19,942 I know, Doc, but I had to come. 757 00:35:20,016 --> 00:35:21,948 But it's good to see you, Marty. 758 00:35:21,949 --> 00:35:23,184 하지만 보니 좋구나 759 00:35:27,356 --> 00:35:29,381 You're going to have to do something about those clothes. 760 00:35:27,390 --> 00:35:29,324 그 옷부터 갈아 입어야 겠다 761 00:35:29,392 --> 00:35:32,156 그렇게 입고 다니면 바로 총맞지 762 00:35:29,458 --> 00:35:32,427 You walk around town dressed like that, you're liable to get shot. 763 00:35:32,428 --> 00:35:33,661 목매달려 죽죠 764 00:35:32,495 --> 00:35:36,090 - Or hanged. - What idiot dressed you in that outfit? 765 00:35:33,729 --> 00:35:36,164 어떤 바보가 그런 옷을 너한테 입혔냐? 766 00:35:36,165 --> 00:35:39,134 You did. 767 00:35:36,399 --> 00:35:37,832 박사님이요 768 00:35:39,201 --> 00:35:40,668 여기 에메트 브라운 잠들다 769 00:35:40,736 --> 00:35:42,070 뷰포드 총에 80달러 때문에 770 00:35:42,071 --> 00:35:45,600 "Shot in the back by Buford Tannen over a matter of $80"? 771 00:35:43,272 --> 00:35:45,502 사망... 772 00:35:45,574 --> 00:35:46,671 9월 7일? 773 00:35:46,672 --> 00:35:47,742 September 7? 774 00:35:47,743 --> 00:35:48,857 이번 월요일이잖아! 775 00:35:48,858 --> 00:35:49,970 That's this Monday! 776 00:35:49,971 --> 00:35:52,506 돈을 줬어야 하는건데 777 00:35:50,046 --> 00:35:52,514 Now, I wish I'd paid him off. 778 00:35:52,581 --> 00:35:56,677 근데 연인 클라라가 누구냐? 난 그런 여자 몰라 779 00:35:52,581 --> 00:35:56,483 And who's this "beloved Clara"? I don't know anyone named Clara. 780 00:35:56,552 --> 00:35:59,282 I don't know, Doc. 781 00:35:56,752 --> 00:35:58,185 저도 모르죠 782 00:35:59,355 --> 00:36:01,915 I thought maybe she was a girlfriend of yours. 783 00:35:59,588 --> 00:36:01,852 박사님 애인인 줄 알았죠 784 00:36:01,924 --> 00:36:05,121 여기 1885년에서 내가 785 00:36:01,991 --> 00:36:03,925 Marty! 786 00:36:03,993 --> 00:36:07,019 My involvement in such a social relationship here in 1885, 787 00:36:05,194 --> 00:36:07,095 사회적 교류를 가지면 788 00:36:07,096 --> 00:36:11,192 could result in a disruption of the space-time continuum. 789 00:36:07,363 --> 00:36:11,060 시간 공간 개념에 지장을 초래해 790 00:36:11,133 --> 00:36:12,315 과학자로써... 791 00:36:12,316 --> 00:36:15,003 As a scientist, I can never take that risk. 792 00:36:15,004 --> 00:36:16,462 난 그런 위험은 택할 수 없어 793 00:36:16,539 --> 00:36:19,474 우리가 겪은 모든 일들 이후엔 더 안되지 794 00:36:16,639 --> 00:36:19,437 Certainly not after what we've already been through. 795 00:36:19,508 --> 00:36:22,170 Emmett! Ho, Emmett! 796 00:36:22,211 --> 00:36:23,525 휴버트! 여기 시장이야 797 00:36:23,526 --> 00:36:24,872 Hubert! It's the mayor! 798 00:36:24,880 --> 00:36:25,926 실례해요 799 00:36:25,927 --> 00:36:27,177 Excuse me, Emmett. 800 00:36:27,216 --> 00:36:30,151 지난 주에 학교 선생이 새로 오면 역으로 801 00:36:27,249 --> 00:36:29,183 You remember last week at the town meeting... 802 00:36:29,251 --> 00:36:32,482 when you volunteered to meet the new schoolteacher at the station when she came in? 803 00:36:30,219 --> 00:36:32,312 데리러 가준다고 지원했었죠? 804 00:36:32,388 --> 00:36:33,821 네, 물론이죠 805 00:36:32,555 --> 00:36:36,082 - Oh, yes, quite so. - We've just gotten word. She's comin' in tomorrow. 806 00:36:33,889 --> 00:36:36,119 내일 온다고 전갈이 왔어요 807 00:36:36,158 --> 00:36:40,958 - Here are the details foryou. Thanks for allyour help. - Anytime, Hubert! 808 00:36:36,192 --> 00:36:38,126 자세한 사항은 여기 있어요 809 00:36:38,194 --> 00:36:40,355 - 도와줘서 고마워요 - 언제든지요 810 00:36:41,697 --> 00:36:44,512 Oh, her name's Miss Clayton. Clara Clayton. 811 00:36:44,513 --> 00:36:45,825 새 선생 이름은 클라라 클레이튼 이오 812 00:36:53,843 --> 00:36:56,744 Well, Doc, 813 00:36:56,745 --> 00:36:58,426 이제 클라라가 누군지 알겠군요 814 00:36:58,427 --> 00:37:00,140 now we know who Clara is. 815 00:37:00,141 --> 00:37:01,249 마티, 이건 불가능해 816 00:37:01,250 --> 00:37:02,582 Marty. It's impossible. 817 00:37:02,583 --> 00:37:05,115 내가 첫눈에 사랑에 빠진 다는 것은 818 00:37:02,651 --> 00:37:06,485 The idea that I could fall in love at first sight is romantic nonsense. 819 00:37:05,187 --> 00:37:06,554 말도 안 되는 얘기야 820 00:37:06,555 --> 00:37:08,887 There's no scientific rationale for that. 821 00:37:06,856 --> 00:37:08,957 과학적인 사고로는 불가능 한 일이야 822 00:37:08,958 --> 00:37:11,392 Aw, come on, Doc. It's not science. 823 00:37:09,692 --> 00:37:11,284 사랑은 과학이 아니에요 824 00:37:11,360 --> 00:37:13,828 자기 짝을 만나면 번개처럼 순간적으로 빠져 버려요 825 00:37:11,460 --> 00:37:13,928 You meet the right girl, it just hits you. It's like lightning. 826 00:37:13,929 --> 00:37:15,591 그런 말 하지 마라 827 00:37:13,996 --> 00:37:18,126 - Please, don't say that! - That's the way it was for me and Jennifer. 828 00:37:15,664 --> 00:37:18,132 저랑 제니퍼는 그랬어요 829 00:37:18,200 --> 00:37:21,192 서로한테 한시도 눈을 뗄 수가 없었어요 830 00:37:18,200 --> 00:37:20,361 We couldn't keep our eyes off each other. 831 00:37:20,436 --> 00:37:23,337 God, Jennifer! Damn! I hope she's all right. 832 00:37:21,270 --> 00:37:23,204 제니퍼... 무사했으면 좋겠네요 833 00:37:23,272 --> 00:37:25,797 벤치에 놓고 왔다는게 믿어지지 않아요 834 00:37:23,405 --> 00:37:25,857 I can't believe we just left her there on the porch. 835 00:37:25,875 --> 00:37:27,843 걱정 마라 무사할 거야 836 00:37:25,908 --> 00:37:28,035 Don't worry, Marty. She'll be fine. 837 00:37:28,036 --> 00:37:29,844 너가 1955년도에서 연감을 태웠을 때 838 00:37:28,110 --> 00:37:31,910 When you burned the almanac in 1955, the normal time line was restored. 839 00:37:29,912 --> 00:37:31,846 정상적인 시간으로 되돌려졌어 840 00:37:31,914 --> 00:37:33,472 우리가 1985년으로 돌아가서 841 00:37:31,981 --> 00:37:35,382 Once we're back in 1985, you just have to go over to her house and wake her up. 842 00:37:33,549 --> 00:37:35,450 제니퍼네 집에 가 깨우기만 하면 돼 843 00:37:35,451 --> 00:37:38,119 Oh, Marty. Turn that valve over there. 844 00:37:38,120 --> 00:37:40,138 거기 밸브 좀 오른쪽으로 돌려라 845 00:37:40,139 --> 00:37:44,521 All the way to the right! Pull it all the way around! Okay, that's good! 846 00:37:41,056 --> 00:37:44,492 그래, 끝까지 돌려 돌려! 847 00:37:58,574 --> 00:37:59,887 - 냉차 마실래? - 됐어요 848 00:37:59,888 --> 00:38:02,007 - Iced tea? - No, thanks. 849 00:38:02,077 --> 00:38:03,095 It's a refrigerator. 850 00:38:03,096 --> 00:38:04,096 냉장고네 851 00:38:04,097 --> 00:38:08,015 Well, I guess Miss Clayton will have to find other transportation. 852 00:38:04,180 --> 00:38:07,775 클레이튼 양이 알아서 여기까지 와야 겠구나 853 00:38:07,850 --> 00:38:09,613 그 여자를 만나지만 않으면 854 00:38:08,083 --> 00:38:11,246 I never meet the woman, there's no possibility of a romantic infatuation, right? 855 00:38:09,685 --> 00:38:11,118 사랑에 빠질 일도 없지 856 00:38:11,187 --> 00:38:13,155 - 박사님 맘이죠 - 좋았어 857 00:38:11,320 --> 00:38:13,254 - You're the doc, Doc. - All right! 858 00:38:13,255 --> 00:38:15,782 드로리언으로 가서 미래로 돌아가자 859 00:38:13,322 --> 00:38:15,882 We'll get the De Lorean and get ourselves back to the future. 860 00:38:15,883 --> 00:38:18,452 도착했을 때 기름통에 구멍이 났는데 861 00:38:15,958 --> 00:38:18,518 Oh, listen, Doc, I tore a hole in the gas tank when I was landin', 862 00:38:18,527 --> 00:38:21,121 땜질을 하고 기름을 넣어야 해요 863 00:38:18,594 --> 00:38:21,256 so we're going to have to patch it up and get some gas. 864 00:38:21,257 --> 00:38:23,631 기름이 없어? 865 00:38:21,330 --> 00:38:23,423 You mean, we're out of gas? 866 00:38:23,499 --> 00:38:26,468 Yeah. It's no big deal. We got Mr. Fusion, right? 867 00:38:23,699 --> 00:38:26,463 네, 별 문제 아니잖아요 융해기 있잖아요? 868 00:38:26,535 --> 00:38:30,096 융해기는 시간 계기판과 유동 콘덴서에만 적용돼 869 00:38:26,535 --> 00:38:30,335 Mr. Fusion powers the time circuits and the flux capacitor, 870 00:38:30,336 --> 00:38:33,198 내부 엔진은 일반 휘발유로 가는 거야 871 00:38:30,406 --> 00:38:35,139 but the internal combustion engine runs on ordinary gasoline-- it always has. 872 00:38:33,275 --> 00:38:35,140 늘 그랬어 873 00:38:35,211 --> 00:38:39,841 - 앞으로 100년 안에는 주유소란 건 없어 - There's not going to be a gas station around here until sometime in the next century. 874 00:38:39,915 --> 00:38:41,542 휘발유가 없으면... 875 00:38:41,543 --> 00:38:45,581 Without gasoline, we can't get the De Lorean up to 88 miles per hour. 876 00:38:41,617 --> 00:38:45,644 드로리언을 시속 88마일로 달리게 할 수 없어 877 00:38:47,056 --> 00:38:48,990 So, what do we do? 878 00:38:47,389 --> 00:38:48,981 어떻게 하죠? 879 00:38:49,058 --> 00:38:52,186 Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! 880 00:38:55,664 --> 00:38:57,598 Hyah! Hyah! 881 00:38:57,666 --> 00:38:59,234 - Hyah! Hyah! - Twenty-four! 882 00:38:59,235 --> 00:39:00,969 24마일 이에요! 883 00:39:00,970 --> 00:39:02,904 It's no use, Marty! 884 00:39:01,103 --> 00:39:02,934 소용없어! 885 00:39:02,972 --> 00:39:07,636 Even the fastest horse in the world won't run more than 35, 40 miles per hour. 886 00:39:03,005 --> 00:39:07,601 가장 빠른 말도 시속 40마일 밖에 못 달려! 887 00:39:07,710 --> 00:39:10,235 Hyah! 888 00:39:10,312 --> 00:39:12,246 Hyah! 889 00:39:17,430 --> 00:39:21,127 Bartendersays that's the strongest stuff they got. 890 00:39:18,230 --> 00:39:21,028 바텐더 말로는 이게 가장 독한 술이래요 891 00:39:21,099 --> 00:39:22,532 시동 걸어봐 892 00:39:22,533 --> 00:39:25,160 Try it, Marty. 893 00:39:33,912 --> 00:39:35,130 더 밟아 봐! 894 00:39:35,131 --> 00:39:36,746 Give it more gas! 895 00:39:45,257 --> 00:39:46,690 젠장! 896 00:39:46,691 --> 00:39:48,092 Damn! 897 00:39:48,093 --> 00:39:50,857 연료 분사 기관까지 박살이 났어 898 00:39:48,194 --> 00:39:50,928 It blew the fuel injection manifold. 899 00:39:50,929 --> 00:39:53,022 독하긴 독하군 900 00:39:51,264 --> 00:39:53,097 Strong stuff, all right. 901 00:39:53,098 --> 00:39:54,564 이걸 다시 만들려면 1달은 걸릴거야 902 00:39:54,565 --> 00:39:56,429 It'll take me a month to rebuild it. 903 00:39:56,430 --> 00:39:57,697 한달이요? 904 00:39:57,698 --> 00:40:01,770 - A month? Doc, you're gonna get shot on Monday! - I know! I know! I know! 905 00:39:57,769 --> 00:40:01,535 - 월요일 날 총 맞어요! - 나도 알아! 906 00:40:01,606 --> 00:40:03,288 만약... 잠깐! 907 00:40:03,289 --> 00:40:04,808 I wish-- Wait. 908 00:40:04,809 --> 00:40:07,710 바로 그거야! 언덕 아래로 굴리면 돼! 909 00:40:05,045 --> 00:40:07,980 I've got it! We can simply roll it down a steep hill. 910 00:40:07,981 --> 00:40:10,213 아니! 그런 평평한 길은 찾을 수가 없어 911 00:40:08,048 --> 00:40:10,380 No. We'll never find a smooth-enough surface. 912 00:40:10,381 --> 00:40:11,834 만약... 그래! 얼음이야! 913 00:40:11,835 --> 00:40:13,385 Unless-- Of course! Ice. 914 00:40:13,386 --> 00:40:15,378 겨울에 호수가 얼 때까지 기다리는 거야! 915 00:40:13,453 --> 00:40:15,614 We'll wait until winter, when the lake freezes over. 916 00:40:15,615 --> 00:40:17,387 겨울이요? 무슨 말씀이세요? 917 00:40:15,689 --> 00:40:18,920 Winter? Doc, what are you talkin' about? Monday, it's three days away! 918 00:40:17,455 --> 00:40:18,888 월요일까지 3일 남았어요! 919 00:40:18,957 --> 00:40:23,053 알았어, 이성적으로 생각을 하자 920 00:40:18,992 --> 00:40:23,258 All right. All right. Let's think this thing through logically. 921 00:40:23,259 --> 00:40:24,276 스스로의 힘으론 절대 못달리고 922 00:40:24,277 --> 00:40:27,266 We know it won't run under its own power. We can't pull it. 923 00:40:25,297 --> 00:40:27,060 끌어 당길 수도 없고 924 00:40:27,132 --> 00:40:30,397 하지만 시속 88마일로... 925 00:40:27,334 --> 00:40:30,269 But, ifwe can figure out a way... 926 00:40:30,337 --> 00:40:33,829 to push it up to 88 miles an hour, huh? 927 00:40:30,468 --> 00:40:34,234 밀 방법만 찾는다면... 928 00:40:41,247 --> 00:40:43,280 That's it! 929 00:40:43,281 --> 00:40:44,714 저거야! 930 00:40:44,783 --> 00:40:46,410 얼마나 빨리 달려요? 931 00:40:44,918 --> 00:40:46,483 How fast can she go? 932 00:40:46,484 --> 00:40:49,419 난 55마일 까진 달려봤소 933 00:40:46,920 --> 00:40:49,486 Why, I've had her up to 55, myself. 934 00:40:49,487 --> 00:40:50,804 프랭크 파고는 베르디 교차로에서 935 00:40:50,805 --> 00:40:55,226 I heard Fearless Frank Fargo got one of these near 70 out past Verde Junction. 936 00:40:51,823 --> 00:40:55,088 70마일 까지 달렸다는 얘기는 들었소 937 00:40:55,160 --> 00:40:57,754 90마일도 가능 할까요? 938 00:40:55,295 --> 00:40:57,820 You think it's possible to get it up to 90? 939 00:40:57,829 --> 00:41:01,697 90마일? 터무니 없군! 그렇게까지 급한 사람이 누구요? 940 00:40:57,897 --> 00:41:01,560 Ha! 90? Tarnation, son, who'd ever need to be in such a hurry? 941 00:41:01,634 --> 00:41:04,569 Just a little bet he and I have, that's all. 942 00:41:01,766 --> 00:41:04,200 우리끼리 내기를 해서 그래요 943 00:41:04,269 --> 00:41:06,863 이론적으로 가능한 수치인가요? 944 00:41:04,637 --> 00:41:07,105 Theoretically speaking, could it be done? 945 00:41:07,106 --> 00:41:10,601 그렇겠죠, 만약 아래로 경사가 진 곧은 길에 946 00:41:07,173 --> 00:41:10,973 Well, I suppose if you had a straight stretch of track with a level grade... 947 00:41:10,974 --> 00:41:13,200 누가 막지만 않고 948 00:41:11,044 --> 00:41:15,242 and you weren't haulin' no cars behind you, and if you could get the fire hot enough-- 949 00:41:13,278 --> 00:41:15,212 충분한 열만 공급하면요 950 00:41:15,280 --> 00:41:19,216 지옥 불보다 더 뜨거운 열을 말하는 거요 951 00:41:15,315 --> 00:41:19,479 And I'm talkin' about hotter than the blazes of hell and damnation itself-- 952 00:41:19,480 --> 00:41:21,548 만약 그렇다면 그렇게 빨리 달릴 수 있을거요 953 00:41:19,552 --> 00:41:21,577 Then, yes. It might be possible to get her up that fast. 954 00:41:21,620 --> 00:41:23,713 다음 열차가 언제 옵니까? 955 00:41:21,654 --> 00:41:25,385 - When's the next train come through here? - Monday mornin' at 8:00. 956 00:41:23,788 --> 00:41:25,278 월요일 아침 8시요 957 00:41:25,357 --> 00:41:29,384 여기! 이 부분에서 클레이튼 협곡으로 선로가 빠지지 958 00:41:25,458 --> 00:41:29,554 Here! This spur runs off the main line three miles out to Clayton Ravine. 959 00:41:29,555 --> 00:41:33,397 1985년에는 생겨 있을 철길이야 960 00:41:29,629 --> 00:41:33,588 It's a long stretch of level track that will still exist in 1985! 961 00:41:33,589 --> 00:41:37,060 바로 여기서 드로리언을 기관차로 미는 거야 962 00:41:33,666 --> 00:41:36,692 This is where we'll push the De Lorean with a locomotive. 963 00:41:36,770 --> 00:41:40,706 Funny. This map calls Clayton Ravine "Shonash Ravine." 964 00:41:37,135 --> 00:41:40,571 재미있는 게 이 지도엔 쇼나쉬 협곡이라고 나와 965 00:41:40,639 --> 00:41:44,075 아마도 인디언 이름인가 봐, 완벽해 966 00:41:40,774 --> 00:41:43,174 That must be the old Indian name for it. 967 00:41:43,243 --> 00:41:46,770 It's perfect! A nice long run that goes clear across the bridge over the ravine. 968 00:41:44,142 --> 00:41:46,736 긴 철로가 협곡을 가로 지르는 다리를 건너 969 00:41:46,811 --> 00:41:49,245 힐데일 주택가 근처로 간다는 거지 970 00:41:46,846 --> 00:41:49,610 You know, over near that Hilldale Housing Development? 971 00:41:49,611 --> 00:41:54,013 네, 하지만 이 지도에 따르면 다리가 없어요 972 00:41:49,682 --> 00:41:54,142 Right, Doc. But according to this map, there is no bridge. 973 00:41:54,552 --> 00:41:56,303 그 아이디어는 없던 걸로 하죠 974 00:41:56,304 --> 00:41:58,088 Well, Doc, we can scratch that idea. 975 00:41:58,089 --> 00:42:00,583 일년 반 동안 이 다리가 완성되길 기다릴 수 없어요 976 00:41:58,158 --> 00:42:00,683 We can't wait around a year and a half for this thing to get finished. 977 00:42:00,684 --> 00:42:04,186 완벽해! 4차원적을 생각 해야 해 978 00:42:00,760 --> 00:42:04,389 Marty, it's perfect! You're just not thinking fourth-dimensionally. 979 00:42:04,390 --> 00:42:06,025 네, 전 4차원엔 문제 있어요 980 00:42:04,464 --> 00:42:07,399 - Right, right. I have a real problem with that. - Don't you see? 981 00:42:07,400 --> 00:42:09,533 보이지 않니? 다리는 1985년엔 있을 거야 982 00:42:07,467 --> 00:42:11,904 The bridge will exist in 1985. It's safe and still in use. 983 00:42:09,601 --> 00:42:11,694 쇼나쉬 협곡 다리 안전한 계획이야 984 00:42:11,770 --> 00:42:14,705 드로리언을 시속 88마일까지 협곡의 끝 전에만 985 00:42:11,971 --> 00:42:14,872 Therefore, as long as we get the De Lorean up to 88 miles an hour... 986 00:42:14,873 --> 00:42:16,536 끌어 올리면 987 00:42:14,941 --> 00:42:17,375 before we hit the edge of the ravine, 988 00:42:17,376 --> 00:42:19,042 우린 순간적으로 다리가 완성된 989 00:42:17,444 --> 00:42:21,505 we'll instantaneously arrive at a point in time where the bridge is completed. 990 00:42:19,110 --> 00:42:21,203 그 시점으로 가있을 거야 991 00:42:21,279 --> 00:42:26,079 밑에 철로도 깔려 있고 무사히 협곡을 건너는 거지 992 00:42:21,581 --> 00:42:26,381 We'll have track under us and coast safely across the ravine. 993 00:42:26,785 --> 00:42:28,218 기관차는요? 994 00:42:26,953 --> 00:42:30,354 - What about the locomotive? - There'll be a spectacular wreck. 995 00:42:28,286 --> 00:42:30,220 멋지게 부숴지겠지 996 00:42:30,288 --> 00:42:31,402 아무도 볼 수 없다는 게 정말 아쉽구나 997 00:42:31,403 --> 00:42:34,120 Too bad no one will be around to see it. 998 00:42:34,121 --> 00:42:35,577 - 도와줘요! - 환장하겠네! 999 00:42:35,578 --> 00:42:37,129 - Help me! Help! - Great Scott! 1000 00:42:38,898 --> 00:42:40,998 - Hyah! - Hyah! 1001 00:42:40,999 --> 00:42:42,466 철로 끊기는 곳 1002 00:42:45,705 --> 00:42:48,572 Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! 1003 00:43:17,103 --> 00:43:19,636 Here! Here! 1004 00:43:19,637 --> 00:43:21,002 서둘러요! 1005 00:43:19,772 --> 00:43:21,171 Hey! 1006 00:43:23,174 --> 00:43:24,198 뛰어요! 1007 00:43:24,199 --> 00:43:25,300 Jump! 1008 00:43:34,386 --> 00:43:35,785 워워! 1009 00:43:35,786 --> 00:43:37,217 - Whoa! - Whoa! 1010 00:43:37,290 --> 00:43:41,522 Oh, thankyou, sir. You saved my... 1011 00:43:38,123 --> 00:43:40,216 고맙습니다 1012 00:43:40,291 --> 00:43:42,316 제 목숨을 살려... 1013 00:43:43,962 --> 00:43:45,224 주셨군요 1014 00:43:45,225 --> 00:43:46,523 Iife. 1015 00:43:48,601 --> 00:43:51,627 Emmett Brown, at your service, Miss-- 1016 00:43:49,501 --> 00:43:51,492 에메트 브라운이라고 합니다 1017 00:43:51,704 --> 00:43:55,305 Um-- Um-- 1018 00:43:55,306 --> 00:43:56,739 클레이튼 이에요 1019 00:43:55,608 --> 00:43:57,576 Clayton. 1020 00:43:57,644 --> 00:43:59,805 Clara Clayton. 1021 00:43:58,143 --> 00:43:59,667 클라라 클레이튼이요 1022 00:43:59,879 --> 00:44:02,109 Clara. 1023 00:44:04,851 --> 00:44:07,684 What a beautiful name. 1024 00:44:05,750 --> 00:44:07,513 아름다운 이름이군요 1025 00:44:24,436 --> 00:44:25,994 안에까지 들어다 드릴까요? 1026 00:44:24,771 --> 00:44:27,171 May I help you inside with these? 1027 00:44:27,240 --> 00:44:29,572 Oh, no. That won't be necessary. 1028 00:44:27,439 --> 00:44:29,641 그럴 필요까진 없어요 제가 알아서 할게요 1029 00:44:29,642 --> 00:44:32,668 I can take care of it. You've done more than enough already. 1030 00:44:32,669 --> 00:44:34,942 - 충분히 많이 도와 주셨어요 - 별것도 아닌데요 1031 00:44:32,745 --> 00:44:36,237 - But it's really no trouble. - She says it's fine. 1032 00:44:36,238 --> 00:44:37,345 괜찮다잖아요 이제 가야죠 1033 00:44:37,346 --> 00:44:41,049 We got to get goin'. Ma'am, good luck with your schoolteachin'. 1034 00:44:37,415 --> 00:44:40,384 학교일과 모든 게 잘 되길 빕니다 1035 00:44:41,120 --> 00:44:45,920 Clara, I'll straighten everything out with Mr. Statler for the buckboard rental. 1036 00:44:43,121 --> 00:44:45,885 빌린 마차와 모든건 제가 해결해 드리죠 1037 00:44:45,957 --> 00:44:49,620 걱정 마세요 제 책임이라 느껴지네요 1038 00:44:46,159 --> 00:44:49,754 Don't you worry about that. I feel somewhat responsible for what happened. 1039 00:44:49,829 --> 00:44:52,880 Well, that would be very gentlemanly of you, Mr. Brown-- 1040 00:44:52,881 --> 00:44:53,996 굉장히 신사답게 친절하시군요, 브라운 씨 1041 00:44:54,332 --> 00:44:55,663 에멧! 1042 00:44:55,664 --> 00:44:56,692 Uh, Emmett. 1043 00:44:58,136 --> 00:45:02,163 뱀이 말들을 놀라게 한게 너무 기쁠 정도에요 1044 00:44:58,404 --> 00:45:02,363 You know, I'm almost glad that snake spooked those horses. 1045 00:45:02,364 --> 00:45:05,004 안 그랬다면 우린 만나지도 못했잖아요 1046 00:45:02,442 --> 00:45:04,967 Otherwise, we might never have met. 1047 00:45:05,044 --> 00:45:06,978 Suppose it was destiny. 1048 00:45:05,076 --> 00:45:06,805 운명이었나 봐요 1049 00:45:09,616 --> 00:45:12,676 Well, thankyou for everything. 1050 00:45:10,482 --> 00:45:12,541 전부 고마워요 1051 00:45:12,617 --> 00:45:13,652 천만에요 1052 00:45:13,653 --> 00:45:15,949 You're quite welcome. 1053 00:45:17,088 --> 00:45:20,182 - 또 만날 수 있겠죠? - 물론입니다 1054 00:45:17,156 --> 00:45:19,750 I will see you again, won't I? 1055 00:45:19,826 --> 00:45:22,590 Of course. You'll see lots of me. I have a shop in town. 1056 00:45:20,258 --> 00:45:22,522 절 자주 보실 거예요 마을에 가계를 가지고 있죠 1057 00:45:22,594 --> 00:45:25,688 전 동네 과학자... 대장장이입니다 1058 00:45:22,662 --> 00:45:25,825 I'm the local scientist-- uh-uh-- b-blacksmith. 1059 00:45:25,826 --> 00:45:27,395 어떤 과학이요? 1060 00:45:27,396 --> 00:45:31,029 Science? What sort of science? Astronomy? Chemistry? 1061 00:45:28,967 --> 00:45:30,901 천문학? 화학? 1062 00:45:30,969 --> 00:45:32,402 사실 전 모든 과학을 공부합니다 1063 00:45:32,403 --> 00:45:35,871 - Actually, I'm a student of all sciences. - Hey, Doc. 1064 00:45:33,771 --> 00:45:35,941 박사님, 이제 가야 해요 1065 00:45:35,942 --> 00:45:38,240 - We got to get goin'. - Oh, yes. Well-- 1066 00:45:38,241 --> 00:45:40,039 그래, 이만 실례하겠습니다 클라라 양 1067 00:45:40,040 --> 00:45:42,111 Excuse us, Clara. We have to get going. 1068 00:45:40,111 --> 00:45:42,204 이제 가봐야 해요 1069 00:45:46,084 --> 00:45:47,102 그럼 이만 1070 00:45:47,103 --> 00:45:49,086 Tootle-oo! 1071 00:45:55,793 --> 00:45:57,886 저 여자를 자주 보다니 무슨 말씀이세요? 1072 00:45:55,862 --> 00:45:58,092 What do you mean, you're going to be seeing lots of her? 1073 00:45:58,093 --> 00:46:01,193 지나가다 볼지도 모른다는 얘기지 1074 00:45:58,164 --> 00:46:01,297 Well, I might see her again, just in passing. 1075 00:46:01,298 --> 00:46:04,724 박사님을 보는 눈빛 보셨어요? 1076 00:46:01,401 --> 00:46:03,460 Come on, Doc. Did you see the way she was looking at you? 1077 00:46:03,536 --> 00:46:06,855 She did have quite a scare, right? 1078 00:46:06,856 --> 00:46:08,171 꽤 무서웠을 거야, 안 그래? 1079 00:46:08,239 --> 00:46:11,675 클레이튼 협곡에 떨어져 죽을 뻔했잖아 1080 00:46:08,541 --> 00:46:12,307 After all, Miss Clayton almost ended up at the bottom of Clayton Ravine. 1081 00:46:12,378 --> 00:46:15,404 - Clayton Ravine? - Holy shit! Hey, Doc! 1082 00:46:15,405 --> 00:46:18,174 젠장! 클레이튼 협곡은 저 여자 때문에 지어진 거야 1083 00:46:15,481 --> 00:46:18,109 Clayton Ravine was named after a teacher. 1084 00:46:18,184 --> 00:46:20,618 They say she fell in there a hundred years ago. 1085 00:46:18,249 --> 00:46:20,513 100년 전에 저 여자가 떨어져 죽었다고 했어 1086 00:46:20,687 --> 00:46:22,635 A hundred years ago? That's this year! 1087 00:46:22,636 --> 00:46:24,354 - 그게 올해잖아! - 애들도 다 아는 얘기에요 1088 00:46:23,423 --> 00:46:25,357 Every kid in school knows that story... 1089 00:46:25,358 --> 00:46:27,516 모두 저기 떨어뜨리고 싶은 선생님이 있으니 알죠 1090 00:46:25,425 --> 00:46:28,360 'cause we all have teachers we'd like to see fall into the ravine. 1091 00:46:27,592 --> 00:46:28,727 환장하겠네! 1092 00:46:28,728 --> 00:46:30,362 Great Scott! 1093 00:46:30,428 --> 00:46:31,811 저 여자는 그 마차와 함께 떨어졌어야만 했어 1094 00:46:31,812 --> 00:46:34,730 Then, she was supposed to go over in that wagon. 1095 00:46:34,766 --> 00:46:36,684 내가 역사를 이미 심각하게 바꿔 놓았어 1096 00:46:36,685 --> 00:46:39,067 And now, I may have seriously altered history. 1097 00:46:39,068 --> 00:46:41,901 그래봐야 얼마나 바뀌겠어요? 1098 00:46:39,138 --> 00:46:42,301 Look, Doc, what's the worst that can happen, huh? 1099 00:46:42,302 --> 00:46:44,441 협곡 이름이 클레이튼 협곡이 아닌 것 뿐이죠 1100 00:46:42,375 --> 00:46:44,707 So, they don't name the ravine after her. 1101 00:46:44,708 --> 00:46:46,875 드로리언 준비해서 빨리 여길 떠나자고요 1102 00:46:44,777 --> 00:46:47,143 Let's just get the De Lorean ready and get the hell out of here. 1103 00:46:47,144 --> 00:46:51,507 그 지긋한 타임머신을 발명하는게 아니었어 1104 00:46:47,213 --> 00:46:51,582 I wish I'd never invented that infernal time machine. 1105 00:46:51,583 --> 00:46:54,711 재앙만을 가져다 주었어 1106 00:46:51,851 --> 00:46:54,911 It's caused nothing but disaster. 1107 00:46:57,055 --> 00:46:59,421 9월 5일 토요일 박사님, 마티에요 1108 00:46:57,190 --> 00:47:00,024 Doc. Doc. This is Marty. Do you read me, over. 1109 00:47:00,025 --> 00:47:01,054 - 제 말 들리세요 - 들려 1110 00:47:01,055 --> 00:47:04,062 - Check, Marty. - Great, Doc. These things still work. 1111 00:47:04,063 --> 00:47:05,461 - 아직까지 이건 작동 하네요 - 좋아 1112 00:47:04,130 --> 00:47:08,157 All right, Marty. Once more, let's go over the entire plan and layout. 1113 00:47:05,530 --> 00:47:08,233 한번 더 전체 계획과 구조를 다시 확인 하자 1114 00:47:08,234 --> 00:47:11,135 I apologize for the crudity of this model. 1115 00:47:09,000 --> 00:47:11,203 카슨 지선 모델이 엉망이라 미안하... 1116 00:47:11,204 --> 00:47:13,434 Yeah, I know, Doc. It's not to scale. 1117 00:47:11,402 --> 00:47:13,505 네, 축척이 안 맞는다고요 괜찮아요 1118 00:47:13,506 --> 00:47:15,497 - It's okay, Doc. - All right. 1119 00:47:15,498 --> 00:47:16,636 좋아, 내일 밤 즉 일요일에 1120 00:47:16,637 --> 00:47:21,013 Tomorrow night-- Sunday-- we'll load the De Lorean onto the tracks here on the spur, 1121 00:47:17,775 --> 00:47:20,869 드로리언을 철로가 갈리는 폐광된 은광산 옆의 1122 00:47:20,945 --> 00:47:23,140 시작점, 은광 이 지선에 가져다 놓는 거야 1123 00:47:21,080 --> 00:47:23,275 right by the old abandoned silver mine. 1124 00:47:23,276 --> 00:47:26,012 전철기는 주 철로에서 철로가 갈리는 클레이튼... 1125 00:47:23,349 --> 00:47:26,045 The switch track is where the spur runs off the main line... 1126 00:47:26,084 --> 00:47:29,781 아니 쇼나쉬 협곡에서 3마일 떨어진 지점에 있어 1127 00:47:26,119 --> 00:47:29,853 three miles out to Clayton-- Shonash Ravine. 1128 00:47:29,854 --> 00:47:32,516 열차는 역을 월요일 아침 8시에 떠나 1129 00:47:29,956 --> 00:47:32,686 The train leaves the station at 8:00 Monday morning. 1130 00:47:32,687 --> 00:47:35,058 여기서 기차를 멈추고 승객 칸들을 떼고 1131 00:47:32,759 --> 00:47:35,091 We'll stop it here, uncouple the cars from the tender, 1132 00:47:35,126 --> 00:47:36,957 철로를 바꾸고 기관차를 강탈... 1133 00:47:35,161 --> 00:47:37,095 throw the switch track and then we'll hijack-- 1134 00:47:37,096 --> 00:47:40,987 빌려서 타임머신을 미는데 이용하는 거야 1135 00:47:37,163 --> 00:47:41,122 borrow the locomotive and use it to push the time machine. 1136 00:47:41,123 --> 00:47:42,692 내 계산에 의하면 1137 00:47:41,200 --> 00:47:44,328 According to my calculations, we'll reach 88 miles per hour... 1138 00:47:42,767 --> 00:47:44,402 협곡이 끝나는 시점 전에 1139 00:47:44,403 --> 00:47:46,496 just before we hit the edge of the ravine. 1140 00:47:45,403 --> 00:47:46,721 시속 88마일로 달리게 될 것이고 1141 00:47:46,722 --> 00:47:50,099 At which point, we'll be instantaneously transported back to 1985... 1142 00:47:46,938 --> 00:47:50,032 순간적으로 1985년으로 시간이동하며 1143 00:47:50,108 --> 00:47:52,702 무사히 완성된 다리를 건너는 거야 1144 00:47:50,176 --> 00:47:52,838 and coast safely across the completed bridge. 1145 00:47:52,839 --> 00:47:56,076 이건 무슨 뜻이죠? 돌아올 수 없는 시점이라뇨? 1146 00:47:52,912 --> 00:47:56,146 What does this mean, "point of no return"? 1147 00:47:56,147 --> 00:47:57,580 실패 제어 시점이야 1148 00:47:56,282 --> 00:47:59,046 That's our fail-safe point. Up until there, we still have enough time... 1149 00:47:57,649 --> 00:47:59,117 이 전에는 기관차가 협곡으로 꼬꾸라지기 전에 1150 00:47:59,118 --> 00:48:01,746 to stop the locomotive before it plunges into the ravine. 1151 00:47:59,784 --> 00:48:01,479 세울 수 있는 시점이지 1152 00:48:01,552 --> 00:48:04,146 이 풍차있는 곳을 지나면 미래냐 폭발이냐 둘 중 하나야 1153 00:48:01,821 --> 00:48:04,466 But once we pass this windmill, it's the future or bust. 1154 00:48:06,993 --> 00:48:10,053 Here you go, Marty. Connect that to the positive terminal. 1155 00:48:07,058 --> 00:48:10,323 해보자, 그걸 양극 단자에 연결해 1156 00:48:11,531 --> 00:48:14,432 - All right. You all set? - Yeah, yeah. Go! 1157 00:48:11,729 --> 00:48:14,323 - 준비 됐니? - 네, 하세요! 1158 00:48:14,399 --> 00:48:15,917 열차가 역을 떠나! 1159 00:48:15,918 --> 00:48:17,560 Train pullin'out ofthe station! 1160 00:48:17,561 --> 00:48:19,529 전철기 있는 곳으로 온다! 1161 00:48:17,637 --> 00:48:19,684 Coming up to the switch track! 1162 00:48:19,685 --> 00:48:21,002 전철기에서 멈추지! 1163 00:48:21,003 --> 00:48:22,330 Stop at the switch track! 1164 00:48:22,331 --> 00:48:23,456 선로를 바꾸고! 1165 00:48:23,457 --> 00:48:24,574 Throw switch! 1166 00:48:24,575 --> 00:48:25,927 드로리언을 미는 거야! 1167 00:48:25,928 --> 00:48:27,312 Pull up to the De Lorean! 1168 00:48:27,313 --> 00:48:29,012 드로리언을... 1169 00:48:29,013 --> 00:48:31,578 Pushing the De Lorean up to 88 miles per hour! 1170 00:48:29,080 --> 00:48:31,446 시속 88마일로 미는 거야! 1171 00:48:37,722 --> 00:48:39,314 더 간단할 순 없어 1172 00:48:39,315 --> 00:48:40,825 It couldn't be simpler. 1173 00:48:40,893 --> 00:48:42,861 Hello? 1174 00:48:45,665 --> 00:48:49,533 - Emmett? - It's Clara! 1175 00:48:46,097 --> 00:48:47,189 계세요? 1176 00:48:48,266 --> 00:48:49,601 클라라야 1177 00:48:49,602 --> 00:48:52,503 Quick! Cover the De Lorean. 1178 00:48:49,934 --> 00:48:51,868 서둘러, 차를 가려! 1179 00:48:59,145 --> 00:49:01,636 - Hello. - Why, hello. 1180 00:49:01,714 --> 00:49:04,478 This is quite a surprise. 1181 00:49:01,746 --> 00:49:04,044 깜짝 놀랐습니다 1182 00:49:04,550 --> 00:49:07,781 Well, I hope I'm not disturbing anything. 1183 00:49:05,383 --> 00:49:07,476 제가 방해하는 건 아니었으면 좋겠네요 1184 00:49:07,552 --> 00:49:11,318 장난감 열차로 놀고 있었어요 1185 00:49:07,854 --> 00:49:11,517 Oh, no, no. We were just doing a little model railroading. 1186 00:49:11,591 --> 00:49:14,224 Oh. 1187 00:49:14,225 --> 00:49:17,160 마차에서 제 짐들이 떨어 졌을 때 1188 00:49:14,493 --> 00:49:19,293 Emmett, when my bags were thrown from the wagon, my telescope was damaged, 1189 00:49:17,228 --> 00:49:19,162 제 망원경이 고장이 났어요 1190 00:49:19,230 --> 00:49:22,859 과학에 관심이 있다고 말씀 하시길래 1191 00:49:19,398 --> 00:49:22,933 and since you mentioned an interest in science, 1192 00:49:22,934 --> 00:49:26,131 혹시 고쳐주실 수 있지 않을까 싶어서 가져 왔어요 1193 00:49:23,169 --> 00:49:26,434 I thought you might be able to repair it for me. 1194 00:49:26,435 --> 00:49:29,662 물론 돈은 낼게요 1195 00:49:26,505 --> 00:49:29,989 - I-I would pay you, of course. - Oh, no, no, no. 1196 00:49:29,990 --> 00:49:32,676 제가 돈을 받지는 못할 것 같습니다 1197 00:49:30,309 --> 00:49:34,678 I wouldn't think of charging you for this. Let's have a look at it. 1198 00:49:32,744 --> 00:49:34,575 어디 보죠 1199 00:49:34,645 --> 00:49:37,170 제 생각엔 렌즈가 약간 빠진 것 같아요 1200 00:49:34,747 --> 00:49:37,409 I think a lens may be out of alignment... 1201 00:49:37,410 --> 00:49:42,210 이쪽으로 돌리면 뿌옇게 보여요 1202 00:49:37,483 --> 00:49:41,214 because, if you-- if you move it this way, 1203 00:49:41,287 --> 00:49:42,753 the image turns fuzzy, see? 1204 00:49:42,754 --> 00:49:44,187 보이세요? 1205 00:49:44,255 --> 00:49:46,439 하지만 이쪽으로 돌리면... 1206 00:49:46,440 --> 00:49:50,262 But, if you turn it... the other way, then-- 1207 00:49:48,593 --> 00:49:50,026 그러면... 1208 00:49:50,094 --> 00:49:51,857 모든게... 1209 00:49:51,858 --> 00:49:53,025 Everything becomes... 1210 00:49:54,899 --> 00:49:56,332 선명해지죠 1211 00:49:55,134 --> 00:49:57,068 clear. 1212 00:50:01,339 --> 00:50:04,433 바로 고쳐서 오늘 밤 안에 드리겠습니다 1213 00:50:01,607 --> 00:50:04,576 I could repair it right away and have it foryou tonight. 1214 00:50:04,577 --> 00:50:06,875 오늘 밤은 마을 페스티발 이에요 1215 00:50:04,644 --> 00:50:06,578 Oh, tonight's the town festival. 1216 00:50:06,646 --> 00:50:09,376 I wouldn't dream of having you work on my telescope... 1217 00:50:06,944 --> 00:50:09,447 이런 중요한 날에 제 망원경을 고치시라고 1218 00:50:09,448 --> 00:50:11,575 during such an important occasion. 1219 00:50:09,614 --> 00:50:11,479 요구할 수는 없죠 1220 00:50:11,549 --> 00:50:15,883 물론 오실 계획이죠? 1221 00:50:11,651 --> 00:50:15,952 - You-You are planning on attending, aren't you? - Oh-- 1222 00:50:15,953 --> 00:50:19,650 - 사실 저희는... - 물론 가야죠 1223 00:50:16,188 --> 00:50:19,749 - Well, actually, Ma'am-- - Yes-yes. Of course. The festival. 1224 00:50:19,750 --> 00:50:24,550 그럼 저녁에 페스티발에서 뵙죠 1225 00:50:19,825 --> 00:50:22,521 Well, in that case, 1226 00:50:22,595 --> 00:50:25,860 I'll see you this evening at the festival, Emmett. 1227 00:50:25,932 --> 00:50:28,059 - Mr. Eastwood. - Ma'am. 1228 00:50:25,963 --> 00:50:27,897 - 잘 있어요 - 안녕히 가세요 1229 00:50:31,003 --> 00:50:33,938 Thankyou for taking care of my telescope. 1230 00:50:31,135 --> 00:50:33,433 제 망원경을 봐주셔서 고마워요 1231 00:50:33,504 --> 00:50:34,722 천만에요 1232 00:50:34,723 --> 00:50:35,940 You're quite welcome. 1233 00:50:41,113 --> 00:50:43,172 It's a nice telescope. 1234 00:50:41,279 --> 00:50:43,042 멋진 망원경이네요 1235 00:50:43,648 --> 00:50:44,666 신사 숙녀 여러분 1236 00:50:44,667 --> 00:50:48,049 Ladies and gentlemen, as mayor of Hill Valley, 1237 00:50:45,616 --> 00:50:47,743 힐 밸리의 시장으로써 1238 00:50:47,819 --> 00:50:49,853 이 시계를 힐 밸리 주민 여러분께 1239 00:50:49,854 --> 00:50:53,786 it gives me great pleasure to dedicate this clock to the people of Hill County. 1240 00:50:51,656 --> 00:50:53,858 선사할 수 있어서 큰 영광입니다! 1241 00:50:53,859 --> 00:50:56,277 May it stand for all time! 1242 00:50:56,278 --> 00:50:58,125 평생 우뚝 솟아있길 바랍니다 1243 00:50:58,196 --> 00:50:59,447 준비되면 말해줘요 1244 00:50:59,448 --> 00:51:00,857 Tell me when, gentlemen. 1245 00:51:00,858 --> 00:51:03,149 셋! 둘! 하나! 1246 00:51:03,150 --> 00:51:05,370 Three, two, one-- 1247 00:51:05,436 --> 00:51:06,869 지금이에요! 1248 00:51:06,870 --> 00:51:08,839 Now! 1249 00:51:12,276 --> 00:51:13,511 페스티발을 시작합시다! 1250 00:51:13,512 --> 00:51:15,246 Let the festivities begin! 1251 00:51:22,453 --> 00:51:25,889 어찌 됐건 우리가 이걸 직접 보게 됐잖니 1252 00:51:22,588 --> 00:51:26,046 In a way, it's fitting that you and I are here to witness this. 1253 00:51:26,047 --> 00:51:27,891 카메라를 안 가져와 아쉽네요 1254 00:51:26,125 --> 00:51:28,320 It's too bad I didn't bring my camera. 1255 00:51:33,431 --> 00:51:34,766 사진관 준비 됐나요? 1256 00:51:34,767 --> 00:51:36,701 Ready, gentlemen? 1257 00:51:36,769 --> 00:51:40,330 The only problem is, we'll never be able to show it to anybody. 1258 00:51:37,835 --> 00:51:40,405 문제는 이걸 아무에게도 보여주지 못한다는 거야 1259 00:51:40,406 --> 00:51:42,840 Smile, Doc. 1260 00:51:41,239 --> 00:51:42,672 웃으세요, 박사님 1261 00:51:45,077 --> 00:51:48,046 Yee-haw! 1262 00:52:07,265 --> 00:52:08,445 멋진 음악이야! 1263 00:52:08,446 --> 00:52:09,732 What great music. 1264 00:52:09,733 --> 00:52:12,535 네, 경쾌해서 춤을 춰도 괜찮겠어요 1265 00:52:09,935 --> 00:52:12,631 Yeah. It's got a beat, and you can dance to it. 1266 00:52:12,632 --> 00:52:15,504 여기 오셔서 이 신제품으로 자신의 용기를 실험해 보세요 1267 00:52:12,705 --> 00:52:15,196 Step right up, gentlemen, and test your mettle with the latest products... 1268 00:52:15,274 --> 00:52:18,368 from Colonel Samuel CoIt's Patent Firearms... 1269 00:52:15,573 --> 00:52:18,443 코네티컷 주 하트포드에 있는 콜트 무기 회사에서 1270 00:52:18,444 --> 00:52:21,607 Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut. 1271 00:52:19,644 --> 00:52:21,475 특허를 낸 신제품입니다 1272 00:52:21,545 --> 00:52:24,480 예를 들어 이 모델을 보여드리겠습니다 1273 00:52:21,680 --> 00:52:24,547 Now, take this model, for example. 1274 00:52:24,548 --> 00:52:27,881 새롭고 더욱 향상된 콜트 피스메이커가 1275 00:52:24,683 --> 00:52:27,951 The new, improved and refined Colt Peacemaker, 1276 00:52:27,952 --> 00:52:32,752 오늘 밤 여러분께 단돈 12달러에 드립니다 1277 00:52:28,320 --> 00:52:31,881 selling to you tonight for the low, low price... 1278 00:52:31,957 --> 00:52:34,391 of $ 12. 1279 00:52:49,440 --> 00:52:50,458 - 안녕하세요 - 안녕하세요 1280 00:52:50,459 --> 00:52:52,705 - Good evening. - Evening. 1281 00:52:52,778 --> 00:52:56,839 - You look very nice. - Thank you. 1282 00:52:52,810 --> 00:52:55,244 예뻐 보이시네요 1283 00:52:55,313 --> 00:52:56,746 고마워요 1284 00:53:05,356 --> 00:53:06,457 우리... 1285 00:53:06,458 --> 00:53:09,092 Would you like-- Uh-- 1286 00:53:09,093 --> 00:53:11,926 - 함께... - 그래요 1287 00:53:09,295 --> 00:53:12,264 - Would you care to-to, uh-- - I'd love to. 1288 00:53:29,814 --> 00:53:32,146 젊은이! 한번 해보지 않겠나? 1289 00:53:29,949 --> 00:53:32,383 Young man, you want to give it a try? 1290 00:53:32,384 --> 00:53:33,649 사양할게요 1291 00:53:32,451 --> 00:53:34,382 Uh, no, no. No, thanks. Hey, Doc-- 1292 00:53:34,383 --> 00:53:35,652 박사님, 이거... 1293 00:53:43,160 --> 00:53:44,178 젊은이! 1294 00:53:44,179 --> 00:53:45,526 Son? Sonny boy? 1295 00:53:45,527 --> 00:53:46,895 - 이봐! - 박사님이 춤을? 1296 00:53:46,896 --> 00:53:47,932 The Doc can dance? 1297 00:53:50,336 --> 00:53:53,169 Son? Son. 1298 00:53:53,239 --> 00:53:56,605 Son! H-Hey. I just told you that even a baby can handle this weapon. 1299 00:53:56,606 --> 00:53:58,833 이 총은 아기들도 쉽게 다룰 수 있어 1300 00:53:58,909 --> 00:54:02,572 - 쏴보는 걸 겁낼 필요 없다고 - 겁나는 거 없어요 1301 00:53:58,978 --> 00:54:01,719 Surely you're not afraid to try something a baby could do! 1302 00:54:01,780 --> 00:54:04,248 - Hey, I'm not afraid of nothin'. - Oh, come on, then. 1303 00:54:04,249 --> 00:54:06,241 그럼 남자답게 와서 한번 쏴봐 1304 00:54:04,316 --> 00:54:06,375 Let's just step up here like a man. 1305 00:54:06,376 --> 00:54:10,344 천천히 당겨서 장전을 하고 1306 00:54:06,452 --> 00:54:09,114 Now, then, what you do is you just... 1307 00:54:09,188 --> 00:54:12,783 ease that hammer back there and squeeze off a round. 1308 00:54:10,421 --> 00:54:12,685 살짝 방아쇠를 당기면 돼 1309 00:54:12,858 --> 00:54:15,805 No, no, no, no. Right on out there and be real smooth. 1310 00:54:15,806 --> 00:54:17,056 아주 부드럽게 다뤄 1311 00:54:17,128 --> 00:54:18,246 그렇게 하는 거야 1312 00:54:18,247 --> 00:54:19,556 That's the way you do it. 1313 00:54:19,632 --> 00:54:22,760 Oh, God. 1314 00:54:22,767 --> 00:54:26,635 - 다시 해봐도 돼요? - 그래, 해봐 1315 00:54:22,835 --> 00:54:26,771 - Listen. Can I try that again? - Yeah. Go on. 1316 00:54:38,217 --> 00:54:42,415 Just tell me one thing. Where'd you learn to shoot like that? 1317 00:54:38,616 --> 00:54:42,382 그런 사격술은 어디서 배웠어? 1318 00:54:42,453 --> 00:54:43,886 오락실이요 1319 00:54:43,887 --> 00:54:45,082 7-Eleven. 1320 00:54:48,793 --> 00:54:51,921 뷰포드, 대장장이가 파티에 있는게 확실해? 1321 00:54:48,961 --> 00:54:52,192 Buford, you sure that blacksmith's going to be at this here shindig? 1322 00:54:52,193 --> 00:54:55,056 당연히 여기 있어 오늘 밤 모두 나왔잖아 1323 00:54:52,264 --> 00:54:55,461 Sure he's here. Everybody's here tonight. 1324 00:54:57,301 --> 00:54:59,235 만약 페스티발에 가려면 1325 00:54:57,536 --> 00:54:59,527 You gentlemen will have to checkyour firearms... 1326 00:54:59,528 --> 00:55:03,034 여기서 무기를 맡기고 가야 합니다 1327 00:54:59,605 --> 00:55:02,938 if you want to join in on the festivities. 1328 00:55:03,008 --> 00:55:05,238 Who's going to make us, Tenderfoot? You? 1329 00:55:03,107 --> 00:55:05,200 감히 누가 날 무장해제 시켜? 너가? 1330 00:55:05,276 --> 00:55:06,709 내가 그런다! 1331 00:55:05,311 --> 00:55:07,245 I am. 1332 00:55:08,712 --> 00:55:11,840 스트릭랜드 보안관 돌아오신 줄 몰랐어요 1333 00:55:08,847 --> 00:55:12,044 Marshal Strickland. I didn't know you was back in town. 1334 00:55:12,045 --> 00:55:15,943 글은 못 읽어도 이건 무슨 뜻인지 알겠지 1335 00:55:12,117 --> 00:55:16,053 If you can't read the sign, Tannen, I presume you can read this. 1336 00:55:16,054 --> 00:55:19,148 남자가 치사하게 뒤에서 총을 들이대다니... 1337 00:55:16,121 --> 00:55:19,284 Pretty tough hombre when you're pointing a scatter gun at a man's back. 1338 00:55:19,285 --> 00:55:22,021 너만큼 치사 하려고! 가능한 모든 수단은 쓸거야 1339 00:55:19,358 --> 00:55:24,158 Just like you, Tannen, I take every advantage I can get. You going to checkyour iron? 1340 00:55:22,093 --> 00:55:24,027 무기를 맡길거야 아니야? 1341 00:55:24,095 --> 00:55:25,897 무기를 맡기세요 그냥 농담이었어요 1342 00:55:25,898 --> 00:55:28,196 I was just joking with your deputy. 1343 00:55:28,197 --> 00:55:30,090 물론 무기를 여기 두고 가야죠 1344 00:55:28,267 --> 00:55:30,201 Of course I'm gonna check my iron. 1345 00:55:30,202 --> 00:55:32,897 - 우리 전부 그러려고 했지? - 그럼 1346 00:55:30,269 --> 00:55:33,033 - We all were. Weren't we, boys? - Yeah. Right! 1347 00:55:34,073 --> 00:55:36,166 Tannen. 1348 00:55:36,242 --> 00:55:37,921 Your knife too. 1349 00:55:37,922 --> 00:55:39,042 칼도 줘요 1350 00:55:45,683 --> 00:55:47,207 인상 펴세요 1351 00:55:45,784 --> 00:55:49,242 Smile, Marshal. After all, this is a party. 1352 00:55:47,284 --> 00:55:49,115 파티잖아요 1353 00:55:49,186 --> 00:55:50,516 내가 인상을 펴게 될 파티는 1354 00:55:50,517 --> 00:55:54,554 Only party I'll be smilin' at is the one that sees you at the end of a rope. 1355 00:55:51,789 --> 00:55:54,417 널 교수형 시킨 후에 하는 파티에서야 1356 00:55:57,094 --> 00:55:58,527 즐거운 시간 보내세요! 1357 00:55:57,229 --> 00:55:59,197 Have fun! 1358 00:56:02,399 --> 00:56:04,833 저런 놈들은 이렇게 다루는거야 절대 틈을 보이지 말고 1359 00:56:02,534 --> 00:56:04,468 That's how you handle them, son. 1360 00:56:04,536 --> 00:56:07,471 Never give 'em an inch, and maintain discipline at all times. 1361 00:56:04,902 --> 00:56:07,166 늘 질서를 바로 잡아야 한다 1362 00:56:07,238 --> 00:56:08,856 규율! 이 단어를 잊지 마라 1363 00:56:08,857 --> 00:56:10,667 Remember that word-- "discipline." 1364 00:56:10,668 --> 00:56:12,539 그럴게요, 아빠 1365 00:56:10,743 --> 00:56:12,677 I will, Pa. 1366 00:56:12,745 --> 00:56:14,770 Swing that woman with a one-armedswing 1367 00:56:14,847 --> 00:56:17,577 Woman to the side do the same old thing 1368 00:56:17,650 --> 00:56:19,584 Thank you very much. 1369 00:56:19,652 --> 00:56:21,734 Why, Mr. Eastwood. Nice to see you. 1370 00:56:21,735 --> 00:56:23,178 이스트우드 씨 만나서 반가워요 1371 00:56:23,254 --> 00:56:27,691 괜찮은 옷이랑 모자를 썼군요 1372 00:56:23,455 --> 00:56:27,824 I see you got yourself some respectable clothes, lad, and a fine hat. 1373 00:56:27,825 --> 00:56:31,194 몇몇사람이 지난번 옷을 맘에 들어하지 않아서요 1374 00:56:27,893 --> 00:56:31,351 Yeah, well, a couple of people didn't like the way the other one looked on me. 1375 00:56:31,352 --> 00:56:32,991 옷이 잘 어울리네요 1376 00:56:31,430 --> 00:56:34,627 - Sure'n that one suits you. It's very becomin'. - Oh, thanks. 1377 00:56:33,063 --> 00:56:34,496 - 아주 잘 어울려요 - 고마워요 1378 00:56:34,565 --> 00:56:36,055 프리스비 파이 1379 00:56:36,133 --> 00:56:37,634 프리스비라... 짱인데요 1380 00:56:37,635 --> 00:56:39,169 Hey. Frisbee. Far out. 1381 00:56:41,472 --> 00:56:44,839 - 저게 무슨 말이지? - 쟁반을 짱이라니? 1382 00:56:41,607 --> 00:56:44,974 - What was the meanin' of that? - It was right in front of him. 1383 00:56:45,044 --> 00:56:47,137 Now swing that partner halfway 'round 1384 00:56:47,212 --> 00:56:49,680 Sashay back to the middle of the set 1385 00:56:49,748 --> 00:56:52,410 All the way up to the head of the set 1386 00:56:52,484 --> 00:56:54,850 Now bow to the partner You're through 1387 00:56:59,390 --> 00:57:00,982 - 내거야! - 이젠 아니야 1388 00:57:00,983 --> 00:57:02,651 Hey, that's mine! Gimme that. 1389 00:57:02,652 --> 00:57:03,891 - 돌려줘 - 저기 있다 1390 00:57:03,892 --> 00:57:05,060 There he is, Buford! 1391 00:57:05,130 --> 00:57:07,064 - Where? - There. 1392 00:57:05,396 --> 00:57:06,920 - 어디? - 저기 1393 00:57:06,997 --> 00:57:09,488 여자랑 춤추고 있어 1394 00:57:07,132 --> 00:57:09,157 Dancin' with that piece ofcalico. 1395 00:57:09,234 --> 00:57:11,225 What areyou going to do, boss? 1396 00:57:09,567 --> 00:57:11,091 어쩔 거야, 두목? 1397 00:57:13,737 --> 00:57:17,104 이 총구를 놈한테 바싹 붙이고 쏘면 1398 00:57:13,839 --> 00:57:18,639 I figure if I bury this muzzle deep enough in his back, nobody will hear the shot. 1399 00:57:17,174 --> 00:57:18,835 아무도 총소릴 못 들어 1400 00:57:18,909 --> 00:57:21,343 조심해, 총알 한방밖에 없잖아 1401 00:57:19,111 --> 00:57:21,545 You ain't got but one bullet with that. 1402 00:57:21,546 --> 00:57:22,628 한방이면 충분해 1403 00:57:22,629 --> 00:57:23,774 I only need one. 1404 00:57:33,459 --> 00:57:35,890 I told you to watch your back, Smithy. 1405 00:57:35,891 --> 00:57:37,195 등뒤를 조심하라고 경고했지 1406 00:57:37,196 --> 00:57:39,391 Tannen. But you're early. 1407 00:57:37,628 --> 00:57:39,186 일찍 왔잖아 1408 00:57:39,263 --> 00:57:41,697 데린저라는 총으로 작지만 아주 효과적이지 1409 00:57:39,465 --> 00:57:41,899 It's a Derringer, Smithy. Small but effective. 1410 00:57:41,900 --> 00:57:44,359 지난번에 썼을 때 그 자식이 죽기까지 2일 걸리더군 1411 00:57:41,967 --> 00:57:44,527 Last time I used it, the fella took two whole days to die. 1412 00:57:44,528 --> 00:57:47,370 과다출혈로 죽었어 정말 고통스러운 죽음이지 1413 00:57:44,603 --> 00:57:47,504 - Bled to death inside. It was real, real painful. 1414 00:57:47,505 --> 00:57:50,874 다시 말해 넌 월요일 저녁쯤에 죽는다는 말이지 1415 00:57:47,573 --> 00:57:51,100 That means you'll be dead by about supper time Monday. 1416 00:57:51,101 --> 00:57:53,967 실례해요, 누구신지 모르지만 지금 우리 춤추는 중이에요 1417 00:57:51,176 --> 00:57:54,111 Excuse me. I don't know who you thinkyou are, but we're dancing. 1418 00:57:54,112 --> 00:57:56,808 여기 누군지 봐 1419 00:57:54,179 --> 00:57:56,879 Well, looky what we have here. 1420 00:57:56,880 --> 00:57:59,371 여자한테 날 소개 안 할거야? 나도 춤추는 거 좋아해 1421 00:57:57,015 --> 00:57:59,483 Ain't you going to introduce me to the lady? I'd like a dance. 1422 00:57:59,484 --> 00:58:03,147 절대 그렇겐 못해 그냥 날 쏴 죽여! 1423 00:57:59,551 --> 00:58:03,112 I wouldn't give you the pleasure. You'll just have to shoot. 1424 00:58:03,188 --> 00:58:05,748 - All right. - No, no. Emmett, I'll dance with him. 1425 00:58:03,220 --> 00:58:05,620 - 그러지 - 같이 춤 출게요 1426 00:58:05,689 --> 00:58:07,486 애들아! 내가 이 아가씨랑 1427 00:58:05,824 --> 00:58:10,022 Boys, keep the blacksmith company while I get acquainted with the filly! 1428 00:58:07,558 --> 00:58:10,094 친해질 동안 대장장이를 잘 잡고 있어 1429 00:58:10,095 --> 00:58:11,894 Yeow! Ha, ha! 1430 00:58:11,895 --> 00:58:13,076 끝내주네! 1431 00:58:13,077 --> 00:58:14,132 Yeah! Uhhh! 1432 00:58:15,766 --> 00:58:18,701 상대가 총을 들고 있으면 난 춤을 잘 못춰요 1433 00:58:15,901 --> 00:58:18,870 I don't dance very well when my partner has a gun in his hand. 1434 00:58:18,871 --> 00:58:21,499 그럼 이제 배워 1435 00:58:18,937 --> 00:58:21,701 Oh, you'll learn. You'll learn. 1436 00:58:21,774 --> 00:58:24,971 You know, Smithy, maybe I'lljust take my $80 worth out ofher! 1437 00:58:22,673 --> 00:58:24,834 이 여자랑 80달러 어치만큼 놀아주지! 1438 00:58:24,908 --> 00:58:26,671 그 여자한테 손대지 마! 1439 00:58:25,043 --> 00:58:26,806 Leave her alone! 1440 00:58:26,879 --> 00:58:29,912 Whoo! 1441 00:58:29,913 --> 00:58:33,610 너랑 80달러만큼 할 만한 게 있을 거야 1442 00:58:30,082 --> 00:58:33,779 Yeah. I bet there's somethin' you can do that's worth $80. 1443 00:58:33,852 --> 00:58:36,184 I believe you've underestimated me, mister. 1444 00:58:36,185 --> 00:58:37,345 절 너무 과소평가 하신 것 같네요 1445 00:58:37,421 --> 00:58:38,945 그래? 1446 00:58:38,946 --> 00:58:40,284 Oh, have I, now? 1447 00:58:40,359 --> 00:58:42,554 Ohh! Ohh! 1448 00:58:44,897 --> 00:58:47,764 Stop it! 1449 00:58:45,429 --> 00:58:47,556 그만해! 1450 00:58:47,631 --> 00:58:50,725 이 망할 자식아! 1451 00:58:47,833 --> 00:58:50,800 - Damn you, Tannen! - No. I damn you. 1452 00:58:50,801 --> 00:58:52,462 망할 자식은 너야! 1453 00:58:53,470 --> 00:58:54,869 널 지옥으로 보내주지! 1454 00:58:54,870 --> 00:58:56,233 I damn you to hell! 1455 00:59:02,147 --> 00:59:04,081 You. 1456 00:59:02,646 --> 00:59:03,943 너! 1457 00:59:04,014 --> 00:59:05,538 괴롭히지 마, 이 또라이야! 1458 00:59:05,539 --> 00:59:06,709 Hey, lighten up, jerk! 1459 00:59:09,555 --> 00:59:11,785 Mighty strong words, runt. 1460 00:59:09,620 --> 00:59:11,645 욕하지 마, 이 자식아! 1461 00:59:11,722 --> 00:59:14,816 파이접시 말고 다른걸로 대결할 용기가 있나보지? 1462 00:59:11,857 --> 00:59:14,951 You man enough to back 'em up with more than just a pie plate? 1463 00:59:18,030 --> 00:59:20,464 Look, just leave my friends alone. 1464 00:59:18,095 --> 00:59:20,325 내 친구들을 괴롭히지 마 1465 00:59:20,532 --> 00:59:23,467 Oh, what's wrong, dude? You yellow? 1466 00:59:20,898 --> 00:59:23,366 쫄았냐? 이 겁쟁아? 1467 00:59:30,409 --> 00:59:32,105 That's what I thought. 1468 00:59:32,106 --> 00:59:33,889 그럴 줄 알았어 겁쟁이자식! 1469 00:59:33,890 --> 00:59:34,945 A yellow-belly. 1470 00:59:40,252 --> 00:59:41,866 Nobody calls me yellow. 1471 00:59:41,867 --> 00:59:44,520 - 난 겁쟁이 아니야 - 그럼 승부를 내자고! 1472 00:59:44,521 --> 00:59:45,684 Then let's finish it... 1473 00:59:45,685 --> 00:59:48,147 - 여기서! - 지금은 안돼 1474 00:59:45,757 --> 00:59:47,691 right now. 1475 00:59:47,759 --> 00:59:50,193 Uh, not now, Buford. Marshal's got our guns. 1476 00:59:48,225 --> 00:59:50,056 보안관이 총을 뺏었잖아 1477 00:59:50,127 --> 00:59:52,220 그럼 내일 승부를 내자! 1478 00:59:50,262 --> 00:59:52,457 Like I said, we'll finish this tomorrow. 1479 00:59:52,458 --> 00:59:54,821 내일 파인시티 은행을 털기로 했잖아 1480 00:59:52,531 --> 00:59:54,965 Tomorrow we're robbing the Pine City stage. 1481 00:59:54,966 --> 00:59:57,458 월요일은 어때? 우리 월요일에 뭐하냐? 1482 00:59:55,033 --> 00:59:57,593 What about Monday? We doin' anything Monday? 1483 00:59:57,594 --> 01:00:00,230 아니, 월요일은 괜찮아 월요일 날 죽여버려 1484 00:59:57,669 --> 00:59:59,603 Uh, no. Monday'd be fine. 1485 00:59:59,671 --> 01:00:02,538 - You can kill him on Monday. - I'll be back on Monday. 1486 01:00:02,539 --> 01:00:04,001 월요일에 돌아 올 테니 그때 승부를 내자 1487 01:00:02,608 --> 01:00:04,308 We'll settle this then, 1488 01:00:04,309 --> 01:00:06,907 저기 길거리에서... 1489 01:00:04,610 --> 01:00:06,976 right there out in the street, 1490 01:00:06,977 --> 01:00:10,003 팔레스 살롱 앞에서 말이야 1491 01:00:07,112 --> 01:00:10,047 in front of the Palace Saloon. 1492 01:00:10,080 --> 01:00:12,173 그래, 좋아, 언제 할까? 1493 01:00:10,115 --> 01:00:12,049 Yeah, right. When? 1494 01:00:12,117 --> 01:00:14,278 - High noon? - Noon? 1495 01:00:12,249 --> 01:00:14,149 - 정오에 할까? - 정오? 1496 01:00:14,218 --> 01:00:18,382 난 아침식사 전에 사람을 죽이지, 7시에 하자! 1497 01:00:14,353 --> 01:00:16,514 I do my killin' before breakfast. 1498 01:00:16,588 --> 01:00:18,522 7:00. 1499 01:00:20,726 --> 01:00:21,792 8:00. 1500 01:00:21,793 --> 01:00:25,520 8시에 해! 난 아침 먹고 사람을 죽여 1501 01:00:22,728 --> 01:00:25,219 I do my killing after breakfast. 1502 01:00:25,297 --> 01:00:27,231 Marty! 1503 01:00:31,435 --> 01:00:32,868 좋아, 둘이 떨어져 1504 01:00:31,570 --> 01:00:34,505 All right, break it up. What's all this about? 1505 01:00:34,506 --> 01:00:36,770 뭐 하는 짓이야? 또 말썽 부리는 거냐, 탄넨? 1506 01:00:34,573 --> 01:00:36,666 You causin' trouble here, Tannen? 1507 01:00:36,742 --> 01:00:38,710 No trouble, Marshal. 1508 01:00:36,840 --> 01:00:38,569 말썽이 아닙니다, 보안관 1509 01:00:38,642 --> 01:00:41,907 나랑 이스트우드간의 사적인 문제에요 1510 01:00:38,777 --> 01:00:42,042 Just a little personal matter between me and Eastwood. 1511 01:00:42,043 --> 01:00:43,913 법이랑 상관 없어요 1512 01:00:42,114 --> 01:00:45,845 - This don't concern the law. - Tonight everything concerns the law. 1513 01:00:43,981 --> 01:00:45,710 오늘 밤엔 모든게 법과 상관있어 1514 01:00:45,783 --> 01:00:50,379 이제 그만해, 싸움하면 감옥에서 15일 수감이야 1515 01:00:45,918 --> 01:00:47,852 Now break it up! 1516 01:00:47,920 --> 01:00:50,855 Any brawlin', it's 15 days in the county jail. 1517 01:00:50,856 --> 01:00:54,720 여러분! 파티를 즐깁시다 신나게들 노세요! 1518 01:00:50,923 --> 01:00:54,359 All right, folks, this is a party! Let's have some fun! 1519 01:00:59,530 --> 01:01:00,912 월요일 아침 8시야 이 자식아! 1520 01:01:00,913 --> 01:01:02,031 8:00 Monday, runt. 1521 01:01:02,100 --> 01:01:04,034 If you ain't here, 1522 01:01:04,035 --> 01:01:06,669 안 나타나면 끝까지 찾아내서 사망을 해주지! 1523 01:01:04,102 --> 01:01:07,196 I'll hunt you and shoot you down like a duck. 1524 01:01:07,272 --> 01:01:10,207 That's "dog," Buford. Shoot him down like a dog. 1525 01:01:07,738 --> 01:01:11,071 사냥이야! 사냥해준다고 협박해야지 1526 01:01:11,141 --> 01:01:13,336 애들아, 가자! 1527 01:01:11,276 --> 01:01:13,210 Let's go, boys! 1528 01:01:13,278 --> 01:01:16,475 Let these sissies have their party! 1529 01:01:13,410 --> 01:01:15,708 파티는 겁쟁이들이나 하고 놀라고 해! 1530 01:01:16,548 --> 01:01:19,483 What are you doing, saying you're gonna meet Tannen? 1531 01:01:17,414 --> 01:01:19,439 탄넨과 결투라니 무슨 짓을 하는 거야? 1532 01:01:19,516 --> 01:01:24,010 걱정 마세요 월요일엔 우린 여기 떠나잖아요 1533 01:01:19,551 --> 01:01:21,485 Hey, Doc, don't worry about it. 1534 01:01:21,553 --> 01:01:24,488 Monday morning, 8:00 a.m. We're gonna be gone, right? 1535 01:01:24,489 --> 01:01:27,523 이론상으론 그렇지만 열차가 늦게 오면? 1536 01:01:24,556 --> 01:01:26,990 Theoretically, yes. But what if the train's late? 1537 01:01:27,059 --> 01:01:28,993 - Late? - We'll discuss this later. 1538 01:01:27,591 --> 01:01:29,060 - 나중에 얘기하자 - 지금 얘기해요 1539 01:01:29,061 --> 01:01:32,497 - No, we'll discuss it now. - Thankyou foryour gallantry, Mr. Eastwood. 1540 01:01:29,626 --> 01:01:32,527 - 용감하게 구해줘서 고마워요 - 뭘요 1541 01:01:32,564 --> 01:01:35,499 Had you not interceded, Emmett might have been shot. 1542 01:01:32,596 --> 01:01:34,826 중간에 막지 않았다면 에메트 씨는 총맞았을 거예요 1543 01:01:34,898 --> 01:01:37,867 마티... 클린트, 난 클라라 양을 집까지 모셔다 드리마 1544 01:01:35,567 --> 01:01:38,502 Marty-- Uh, Clint, I'm gonna take Clara home. 1545 01:01:38,503 --> 01:01:40,369 - 네, 안녕히 가세요 - 정말 멋졌어요 1546 01:01:38,570 --> 01:01:41,004 - Good night, Doc, Clara. - You sure set him straight, Mr. Eastwood. 1547 01:01:41,005 --> 01:01:43,531 저런 자식한테 누가 결국 맞섰다는 게 너무 기뻐요 1548 01:01:41,073 --> 01:01:44,008 I'm glad somebody finally got the gumption to stand up to that son of a bitch. 1549 01:01:44,009 --> 01:01:46,701 좋은 기사거리를 줬어요 술 한잔 사드리고 싶어요 1550 01:01:44,076 --> 01:01:47,512 You're all right in my book, Mr. Eastwood. I'd like to buy you a drink. 1551 01:01:47,513 --> 01:01:50,076 아무것도 사실 필요 없어요 별것도 아닌데요... 1552 01:01:47,579 --> 01:01:50,514 You don't have to buy me anything. It was no big deal. 1553 01:01:50,515 --> 01:01:54,379 이 콜트 피스메이커 신제품과 벨트를 무료로 갖게나 1554 01:01:50,582 --> 01:01:53,517 I'd like you to have this brand-new Colt Peacemaker and gun belt. 1555 01:01:53,585 --> 01:01:55,519 Free of charge. 1556 01:01:55,587 --> 01:01:57,521 Free? 1557 01:01:55,786 --> 01:01:57,219 무료요? 1558 01:01:57,287 --> 01:02:00,484 뷰포드를 쏴 죽인 총이 콜트 피스메이커라고 1559 01:01:57,589 --> 01:02:00,615 I want everybody to know that the gun that shot Buford Tannen... 1560 01:02:00,616 --> 01:02:02,582 사방에 알리고 싶어 1561 01:02:00,692 --> 01:02:02,626 was a Colt Peacemaker. 1562 01:02:02,659 --> 01:02:05,150 걱정 마세요 고마워요 1563 01:02:02,694 --> 01:02:05,128 H-Hey, no problem. Thanks a lot. 1564 01:02:05,197 --> 01:02:09,463 Of course you understand that if you lose, I'm takin' it back. 1565 01:02:05,229 --> 01:02:09,325 물론 자네가 진다면 총은 다시 가져가겠네 1566 01:02:12,469 --> 01:02:13,902 정말 고맙군요! 1567 01:02:12,537 --> 01:02:14,471 Thanks again. 1568 01:02:17,042 --> 01:02:19,135 You had him, Mr. Eastwood. 1569 01:02:17,307 --> 01:02:19,002 놈한테 한방 먹였잖소 1570 01:02:19,076 --> 01:02:21,977 그냥 물러섰어도 아무도 뭐라고 안 했을 거요 1571 01:02:19,211 --> 01:02:23,113 You could've just walked away, and nobody would've thought the less of you for it. 1572 01:02:23,114 --> 01:02:26,539 신경 쓸 필요도 없는 그냥 조롱이었잖소 1573 01:02:23,181 --> 01:02:26,616 All it would've been was words, hot air from a buffoon. 1574 01:02:26,617 --> 01:02:28,551 대신 놈한테 화를 냈고 1575 01:02:26,685 --> 01:02:28,784 Instead you let him rile you, 1576 01:02:28,785 --> 01:02:32,680 놈의 방식에 말려 들었잖소 1577 01:02:29,021 --> 01:02:32,616 rile you into playing his game, his way, by his rules. 1578 01:02:32,691 --> 01:02:35,319 Seamus, relax. I know what I'm doin'. 1579 01:02:32,756 --> 01:02:35,088 시머스, 진정해요 내 일은 내가 알아서 해요 1580 01:02:35,158 --> 01:02:37,092 - 불쌍한 마틴이 생각 나네요 - 그래 1581 01:02:35,394 --> 01:02:37,328 - He reminds me of poor Martin. - Aye. 1582 01:02:37,329 --> 01:02:38,593 - 누구요? - 내 동생이오 1583 01:02:37,396 --> 01:02:38,996 - Who? - Me brother. 1584 01:02:38,997 --> 01:02:41,688 잠깐요, 마틴 맥플라이라는 동생이 있어요? 1585 01:02:39,398 --> 01:02:42,333 Wait a minute. You have a brother named Martin McFly? 1586 01:02:42,334 --> 01:02:43,824 있었죠 1587 01:02:42,365 --> 01:02:44,133 Had a brother. 1588 01:02:44,134 --> 01:02:46,898 마틴은 쉽게 싸움에 말려들곤 했죠 1589 01:02:44,367 --> 01:02:47,302 Martin used to let men provoke him into fightin'. 1590 01:02:47,303 --> 01:02:49,962 만약 결투를 거절하면 사람들이 겁쟁이라 생각한다 믿었죠 1591 01:02:47,370 --> 01:02:50,305 He was concerned that people would think him a coward if he refused. 1592 01:02:50,306 --> 01:02:52,201 그래서 결국 버지니아 시티의 어느 살롱에서 1593 01:02:50,373 --> 01:02:53,308 That's how he got a bowie knife shoved through his belly... 1594 01:02:53,309 --> 01:02:55,211 배에 칼을 맞고 죽었죠 1595 01:02:53,376 --> 01:02:55,310 in a saloon in Virginia City. 1596 01:02:55,311 --> 01:02:59,272 미래를 생각하지 못한 불쌍한 마틴이죠 1597 01:02:55,378 --> 01:02:58,814 Never considered the future, poor Martin, God rest his soul. 1598 01:03:00,616 --> 01:03:04,052 Sure'n I hope you're considerin' the future, Mr. Eastwood. 1599 01:03:00,717 --> 01:03:04,414 당신은 자신의 미래를 생각하길 바래요 1600 01:03:07,723 --> 01:03:10,487 I think about it all the time. 1601 01:03:07,858 --> 01:03:10,383 미래는 늘 생각하죠 1602 01:03:10,559 --> 01:03:13,494 And that crater in the middle northwest, 1603 01:03:13,495 --> 01:03:15,488 저 분화구는 파열하며 스스로 생긴 거고... 1604 01:03:13,562 --> 01:03:16,497 the one that's out there all by itself like a star burst, 1605 01:03:16,498 --> 01:03:18,160 - 음... - 저건 코페르니쿠스라고 불리죠 1606 01:03:16,565 --> 01:03:18,499 that one's called Copernicus. 1607 01:03:18,567 --> 01:03:19,952 Listen to me. 1608 01:03:19,953 --> 01:03:22,998 나 좀 봐, 무슨 학교 선생님처럼 말하고 있네 1609 01:03:20,569 --> 01:03:22,503 I feel like I'm teaching school. 1610 01:03:22,571 --> 01:03:25,506 No, no, no, please, continue the lesson. 1611 01:03:23,073 --> 01:03:25,507 계속 수업을 해줘요 1612 01:03:25,574 --> 01:03:28,509 I never found lunar geography so fascinating. 1613 01:03:25,576 --> 01:03:28,576 달의 지형이 이렇게 멋진건 미쳐 몰랐어요 1614 01:03:28,577 --> 01:03:30,511 You're quite knowledgeable. 1615 01:03:28,745 --> 01:03:30,578 굉장히 지식이 해박하군요 1616 01:03:30,579 --> 01:03:33,013 When I was 11, I had diphtheria. 1617 01:03:30,914 --> 01:03:32,677 제가 11살 때 디프테리아를 앓았죠 1618 01:03:32,749 --> 01:03:34,683 3개월 동안 격리되어 있었어요 1619 01:03:33,082 --> 01:03:35,516 I was quarantined for three months. 1620 01:03:35,517 --> 01:03:38,346 그때 아버지께서 망원경을 사서 침대 옆에 가져다 주셨고 1621 01:03:35,584 --> 01:03:39,020 My father brought this telescope and put it next to my bed... 1622 01:03:39,021 --> 01:03:41,255 창문 밖으로 모든 걸 볼 수 있었죠 1623 01:03:39,088 --> 01:03:41,352 so I could see everything out the window. 1624 01:03:41,424 --> 01:03:45,360 Emmett, do you think we'll ever be able to travel to the moon... 1625 01:03:42,259 --> 01:03:45,427 언젠간 사람이 달로 여행을 할까요? 1626 01:03:45,428 --> 01:03:48,829 the way we travel across the country on trains? 1627 01:03:45,596 --> 01:03:48,724 기차를 타고 대륙을 횡단하듯이 말이에요... 1628 01:03:48,799 --> 01:03:52,030 물론이죠, 기차는 아니고 84년간은 이뤄지지 않지만요 1629 01:03:48,898 --> 01:03:52,163 Definitely, although not for another 84 years, and not on trains. 1630 01:03:52,164 --> 01:03:56,129 우주선을 로켓에 달고 1631 01:03:52,234 --> 01:03:54,168 We'll have space vehicles-- 1632 01:03:54,236 --> 01:03:56,170 capsules sent aloft on rockets, 1633 01:03:56,206 --> 01:04:00,472 엄청난 폭발력을 이용해서... 1634 01:03:56,238 --> 01:03:58,172 devices that create giant explosions, 1635 01:03:58,240 --> 01:04:00,174 explosions so powerful that they-- 1636 01:04:00,242 --> 01:04:03,177 That they break the pull of the Earth's gravity... 1637 01:04:00,544 --> 01:04:02,637 지구의 중력을 벗어나며 1638 01:04:02,713 --> 01:04:06,046 우주로 나가게 되는거죠 1639 01:04:03,245 --> 01:04:06,180 and send the projectile through outer space. 1640 01:04:07,450 --> 01:04:09,975 Emmett! I read that book too. 1641 01:04:08,385 --> 01:04:09,875 저도 그 책 읽었어요! 1642 01:04:09,953 --> 01:04:13,480 줄스 번의 달 세계 일주 책에서 나온 대사죠 1643 01:04:10,052 --> 01:04:13,488 You're quoting Jules Verne, From the Earth to the Moon. 1644 01:04:13,556 --> 01:04:14,774 You've read Jules Verne? 1645 01:04:14,775 --> 01:04:15,889 줄스 번의 책을 읽었소? 1646 01:04:15,959 --> 01:04:17,271 너무 좋아하죠 1647 01:04:17,272 --> 01:04:18,583 I adore Jules Verne. 1648 01:04:18,584 --> 01:04:20,154 나도 그래요 1649 01:04:18,661 --> 01:04:20,229 So do I. 1650 01:04:20,230 --> 01:04:23,165 해저 2만리는 제가 제일 좋아하는 책이죠 1651 01:04:20,663 --> 01:04:23,598 Twenty-Thousand Leagues Underthe Sea, my absolute favorite. 1652 01:04:23,599 --> 01:04:25,258 제가 어릴 때 그 책을 처음 읽고는 1653 01:04:23,666 --> 01:04:28,103 The first time I read that, when I was a little boy, I wanted to meet Captain Nemo! 1654 01:04:25,335 --> 01:04:27,565 네모 선장을 너무 만나보고 싶었어요 1655 01:04:27,638 --> 01:04:31,005 장난치지 마요, 어떻게 어릴 때 읽어요 1656 01:04:28,170 --> 01:04:31,105 Emmett, you couldn't have read that when you were a little boy. 1657 01:04:31,106 --> 01:04:33,634 10년 전에 처음 출간 됐어요 1658 01:04:31,173 --> 01:04:33,733 It was only first published ten years ago. 1659 01:04:33,734 --> 01:04:38,340 내 말은 어린 시절로 돌아간 느낌이었다고요 1660 01:04:33,809 --> 01:04:36,437 O-Oh, yes, well, uh, I meant... 1661 01:04:36,512 --> 01:04:38,776 it made me feel like a boy. 1662 01:04:39,915 --> 01:04:42,543 I never met a woman... 1663 01:04:42,544 --> 01:04:44,717 줄스 번을 좋아하는 여자는 처음 봤어요 1664 01:04:42,618 --> 01:04:44,848 who liked Jules Verne before. 1665 01:04:46,555 --> 01:04:50,218 I never, ever met a man like you before. 1666 01:04:46,657 --> 01:04:50,093 당신 같은 남자를 저도 만나보지 못했어요 1667 01:05:42,178 --> 01:05:44,112 Doc? 1668 01:05:48,017 --> 01:05:49,951 Doc? 1669 01:05:52,354 --> 01:05:54,788 Hope you know what you're doin'. 1670 01:05:52,456 --> 01:05:54,788 무슨 일을 벌이시는지 알았으면 좋겠네요 1671 01:06:07,903 --> 01:06:08,938 You talkin' to me? 1672 01:06:08,939 --> 01:06:10,097 나한테 말하는 거냐? 1673 01:06:12,508 --> 01:06:14,772 You talkin' to me, Tannen? 1674 01:06:18,447 --> 01:06:20,381 Well, I'm the only one here. 1675 01:06:18,715 --> 01:06:20,307 여기 나밖에 없잖아 1676 01:06:21,517 --> 01:06:23,212 Go ahead. 1677 01:06:23,213 --> 01:06:25,112 덤벼! 오늘 끝내주겠군 1678 01:06:23,285 --> 01:06:25,219 Make my day. 1679 01:06:31,595 --> 01:06:34,496 - 안녕하세요 - 네 1680 01:06:31,660 --> 01:06:34,424 - Say, good morning, Mr. Eastwood. - Morning. 1681 01:06:34,496 --> 01:06:36,430 Have a cigar, Mr. Eastwood. 1682 01:06:36,431 --> 01:06:38,694 시가 하나 펴요 뭐 도와 드릴거 없나요? 1683 01:06:36,498 --> 01:06:38,932 Anything I can do foryou today, Mr. Eastwood? 1684 01:06:38,933 --> 01:06:42,000 - 괜찮아요 - 내일 행운을 빌게요 1685 01:06:39,001 --> 01:06:40,935 No, it's fine. I-- 1686 01:06:41,003 --> 01:06:44,097 Good luck tomorrow, Mr. Eastwood! We'll be prayin' forya! 1687 01:06:42,072 --> 01:06:44,172 - 당신을 위해 기도할게요 - 고마워요 1688 01:06:44,173 --> 01:06:46,107 Thanks. 1689 01:06:46,143 --> 01:06:50,943 안녕하세요, 내일을 위해 양복하나 하실래요? 1690 01:06:46,175 --> 01:06:48,109 Good morning, Mr. Eastwood. 1691 01:06:48,177 --> 01:06:51,203 Interest you in a new suit for tomorrow? 1692 01:06:51,280 --> 01:06:53,196 Uh, I'm-I'm fine. Thanks. 1693 01:06:53,197 --> 01:06:54,611 괜찮아요 1694 01:07:03,959 --> 01:07:05,893 Doc! 1695 01:07:06,962 --> 01:07:08,896 - What are you doin'? - Oh, nothing. 1696 01:07:07,030 --> 01:07:08,963 - 뭐 하세요? - 아무것도 안한다 1697 01:07:08,964 --> 01:07:10,898 I'm just out enjoying the morning air. 1698 01:07:09,032 --> 01:07:10,965 상쾌한 아침공기를 즐기고 있었지 1699 01:07:10,966 --> 01:07:13,901 It's really lovely here in the morning. Don't you think? 1700 01:07:11,601 --> 01:07:13,968 여기 아침은 정말 상쾌하지 안 그러니? 1701 01:07:13,969 --> 01:07:15,903 Yeah, it's lovely, Doc. 1702 01:07:15,904 --> 01:07:18,300 상쾌하죠, 드로리언을 가져가 떠날 채비를 해야죠 1703 01:07:15,971 --> 01:07:18,906 We gotta load the De Lorean up and get ready to roll-- 1704 01:07:18,907 --> 01:07:20,969 저걸 봐요, 묘비에요 1705 01:07:18,974 --> 01:07:21,408 Hey, look at that. The tombstone. 1706 01:07:22,645 --> 01:07:26,911 Marty, let me see that photograph again. 1707 01:07:22,712 --> 01:07:24,976 그 사진 한번 다시 보자 1708 01:07:26,982 --> 01:07:29,712 My name. It's vanished! 1709 01:07:27,551 --> 01:07:29,610 내 이름이 사라졌어 1710 01:07:29,686 --> 01:07:31,483 잘 됐네요, 박사님 1711 01:07:29,785 --> 01:07:31,554 Hey, that's great, Doc! 1712 01:07:31,555 --> 01:07:33,648 모르겠어요? 내일 우린 미래로 돌아갈 것이고 1713 01:07:31,654 --> 01:07:35,090 We're going back to the future tomorrow, so everything's being erased. 1714 01:07:33,723 --> 01:07:35,156 모든 것이 지워질 거예요 1715 01:07:35,157 --> 01:07:37,091 But only my name is erased! 1716 01:07:35,225 --> 01:07:36,988 하지만 내 이름만 지워졌어 1717 01:07:37,060 --> 01:07:38,823 비석과 날짜는 아직도 그대로 남아있어 1718 01:07:37,159 --> 01:07:40,595 The tombstone itself and the dates still remain. That doesn't make sense. 1719 01:07:38,895 --> 01:07:40,662 말이 안돼 1720 01:07:40,663 --> 01:07:43,598 We know that this photograph represents what will happen... 1721 01:07:40,931 --> 01:07:43,331 이 사진은 내일 일어날 일들과 관련된 1722 01:07:43,400 --> 01:07:46,836 오늘의 일들과의 상관관계를 보여주잖아 1723 01:07:43,666 --> 01:07:46,601 if the events of today continue to run their course into tomorrow. 1724 01:07:46,669 --> 01:07:48,603 - Right. So-- - Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood. 1725 01:07:46,903 --> 01:07:48,670 - 그런데요? - 실례해요, 이스트우드 씨 1726 01:07:48,671 --> 01:07:51,105 I just need to take your measurement. 1727 01:07:49,239 --> 01:07:51,002 치수만 재면 되요 1728 01:07:51,074 --> 01:07:54,009 이봐요, 난 양복 안 산다고 했잖아요 1729 01:07:51,173 --> 01:07:53,607 Oh, look, pal, I don't wanna buy a suit. 1730 01:07:53,676 --> 01:07:55,174 No, this is for your coffin. 1731 01:07:55,175 --> 01:07:56,775 - 당신 관을 짤 겁니다 - 내 관이요? 1732 01:07:56,776 --> 01:08:00,042 - My coffin? - Well, the odds are running two-to-one against you. 1733 01:07:57,280 --> 01:08:00,010 확률이 2대 1로 댁한테 불리해요 1734 01:08:00,083 --> 01:08:02,108 미리 준비를 해둬야죠 1735 01:08:00,115 --> 01:08:01,980 Might as well be prepared. 1736 01:08:02,051 --> 01:08:05,817 So, it may not be my name that's supposed to end up on this tombstone. 1737 01:08:02,185 --> 01:08:04,119 그럼 비석에 새겨지는 이름이 1738 01:08:04,187 --> 01:08:05,887 내 이름이 아니겠군 1739 01:08:05,888 --> 01:08:07,822 It may be yours. 1740 01:08:07,823 --> 01:08:08,923 - 네 이름이겠어 - 환장하겠네 1741 01:08:08,924 --> 01:08:11,154 - Great Scott! - I know. This is heavy. 1742 01:08:09,626 --> 01:08:11,059 무거운 일인 거 안다 1743 01:08:11,127 --> 01:08:13,095 그 총은 왜 차고 있니? 1744 01:08:11,226 --> 01:08:13,160 Why are you wearing that gun? 1745 01:08:13,163 --> 01:08:15,290 내일 탄넨하고 결투를 벌일 생각은 아니겠지? 1746 01:08:13,228 --> 01:08:15,662 You're not considering going up against Tannen tomorrow? 1747 01:08:15,663 --> 01:08:18,232 내일 아침에 박사님 하고 미래로 돌아갈 거예요 1748 01:08:15,731 --> 01:08:18,666 Tomorrow morning I'm going back to the future with you, 1749 01:08:18,667 --> 01:08:21,429 만약 탄넨이 말썽 부리러 찾아 오면 준비는 하고 있어야죠 1750 01:08:18,734 --> 01:08:21,669 but if Buford Tannen comes lookin' for trouble, I'm gonna be ready for him. 1751 01:08:21,670 --> 01:08:24,098 어제 그 자식이 절 뭐라고 불렀는지 들었잖아요 1752 01:08:21,737 --> 01:08:24,672 You heard what that son of a bitch called me last night. 1753 01:08:24,673 --> 01:08:26,699 사람들이 널 겁쟁이라 부른다고 매번 싸울 순 없어 1754 01:08:24,740 --> 01:08:27,675 You can't go losing your judgment every time someone calls you a name. 1755 01:08:27,676 --> 01:08:29,711 그 때문에 미래에 너가 사고가 난거야 1756 01:08:27,743 --> 01:08:31,110 That's exactly what causes you to get into that accident in the future. 1757 01:08:31,180 --> 01:08:32,381 What? 1758 01:08:32,382 --> 01:08:34,382 뭐라고요? 내 미래가 어떤데요? 1759 01:08:34,383 --> 01:08:36,317 What about my future? 1760 01:08:36,385 --> 01:08:39,821 I can't tell you. It might make things worse. 1761 01:08:36,486 --> 01:08:39,717 말 못해 더 엉망으로 만들 거야 1762 01:08:39,789 --> 01:08:41,586 잠깐만요 1763 01:08:39,888 --> 01:08:41,657 Wait a minute, Doc. 1764 01:08:41,658 --> 01:08:43,592 내 미래에 뭐가 잘못 됐는데요? 1765 01:08:41,824 --> 01:08:43,689 What is wrong with my future? 1766 01:08:43,690 --> 01:08:46,754 누구나 살아가면서 상황에 올바른 1767 01:08:43,759 --> 01:08:46,193 Marty, we all have to make decisions... 1768 01:08:46,261 --> 01:08:48,695 that affect the course of our lives. 1769 01:08:46,830 --> 01:08:48,763 판단을 내려야만 한단다 1770 01:08:48,764 --> 01:08:51,699 You've gotta do what you've gotta do, 1771 01:08:49,299 --> 01:08:51,766 네겐 네가 해야만 하는 일이 있고 1772 01:08:51,767 --> 01:08:54,258 and I've gotta do what I've gotta do. 1773 01:08:52,335 --> 01:08:54,132 내겐 내가 해야만 하는 일이 있단다 1774 01:09:05,514 --> 01:09:07,448 - Marty. - Yeah? 1775 01:09:06,182 --> 01:09:07,515 네? 1776 01:09:07,516 --> 01:09:09,450 - I've made a decision. - Uh-huh? 1777 01:09:07,684 --> 01:09:09,515 - 결정을 내렸다 - 네 1778 01:09:09,518 --> 01:09:11,952 I'm not going with you tomorrow. 1779 01:09:09,586 --> 01:09:11,850 내일 너랑 미래로 돌아가지 않을거다 1780 01:09:11,922 --> 01:09:12,939 여기 있을 거야 1781 01:09:12,940 --> 01:09:13,955 I'm staying here. 1782 01:09:16,692 --> 01:09:19,456 What are you talking about, Doc? 1783 01:09:16,960 --> 01:09:19,527 무슨 말씀이세요? 1784 01:09:19,528 --> 01:09:22,793 There's no point in denying it. I'm in love with Clara. 1785 01:09:19,729 --> 01:09:21,697 부인할 수가 없어 1786 01:09:21,765 --> 01:09:23,561 - 클라라와 사랑에 빠졌다 - 맙소사 1787 01:09:23,562 --> 01:09:25,448 Oh, man. Doc, we don't belong here. 1788 01:09:25,449 --> 01:09:26,634 우린 여기 사람이 아니에요 1789 01:09:26,635 --> 01:09:28,569 Neither one of us. 1790 01:09:26,836 --> 01:09:28,565 둘 다 아니라고요 1791 01:09:28,637 --> 01:09:31,572 You know, it could still be you that gets shot tomorrow. 1792 01:09:28,638 --> 01:09:31,402 내일 총맞는 게 박사님일 수 있어요 1793 01:09:31,474 --> 01:09:34,170 이 비석이 아직도 박사님의 미래일수도 있어요 1794 01:09:31,640 --> 01:09:34,575 This tombstone could still be in your future. 1795 01:09:34,576 --> 01:09:37,543 미래는 미리 적힌게 아니야 1796 01:09:34,643 --> 01:09:37,578 Marty, the future isn't written. 1797 01:09:37,614 --> 01:09:39,673 바뀔 수 있어 너도 알잖니 1798 01:09:37,646 --> 01:09:40,080 It can be changed. You know that. 1799 01:09:41,318 --> 01:09:45,186 누구나 원하는 대로 자신의 미래를 가꾸는 거야 1800 01:09:42,151 --> 01:09:45,245 Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be. 1801 01:09:45,255 --> 01:09:49,555 이 작은 사진 때문에 내 인생을 결정할 수 없어 1802 01:09:45,320 --> 01:09:49,484 I can't let this one little photograph determine my entire destiny. 1803 01:09:49,558 --> 01:09:53,324 I have to lead my life according to what I believe is right, 1804 01:09:49,626 --> 01:09:53,394 내가 옳다고 믿고 가슴 깊은데서 느끼는 대로 1805 01:09:53,395 --> 01:09:54,513 in my heart. 1806 01:09:54,514 --> 01:09:55,665 내 인생을 살아야 해 1807 01:09:57,100 --> 01:09:58,734 박사님은 과학자에요 1808 01:09:58,735 --> 01:10:00,596 Doc, you're a scientist. 1809 01:10:01,937 --> 01:10:03,871 So you tell me-- 1810 01:10:01,938 --> 01:10:03,599 말해봐요! 1811 01:10:03,673 --> 01:10:05,405 이성적으로 어떤게 올바른 거죠? 1812 01:10:05,406 --> 01:10:07,375 What's the right thing to do, up here? 1813 01:10:19,855 --> 01:10:21,789 You're right, Marty. 1814 01:10:20,357 --> 01:10:21,790 네 말이 맞구나 1815 01:10:44,114 --> 01:10:45,911 와! 잘 되네요 1816 01:10:44,213 --> 01:10:45,981 Wow, that worked great. 1817 01:10:45,982 --> 01:10:48,450 최소한 작별인사는 하고 와야지 1818 01:10:46,215 --> 01:10:49,150 I've at least got to tell her good-bye. 1819 01:10:49,218 --> 01:10:51,311 Oh, come on, Doc. 1820 01:10:49,719 --> 01:10:51,152 왜 그러세요 1821 01:10:51,386 --> 01:10:54,321 Think about it. What are you gonna say to her? 1822 01:10:52,322 --> 01:10:54,256 뭐라고 하실 건데요? 1823 01:10:54,324 --> 01:10:58,055 미래로 돌아가오 이러게요? 이해 못할 거예요 1824 01:10:54,389 --> 01:10:56,823 "I gotta go back to the future"? 1825 01:10:56,892 --> 01:10:58,826 She's not gonna understand that. 1826 01:10:58,827 --> 01:11:00,995 제가 박사님과 함께 했지만 저도 이해 못해요 1827 01:10:58,894 --> 01:11:01,761 Hell, I'm in it with you, and I don't even understand it. 1828 01:11:04,166 --> 01:11:06,068 Doc, listen. 1829 01:11:06,069 --> 01:11:07,502 박사님... 1830 01:11:08,504 --> 01:11:10,072 Maybe we could-- 1831 01:11:10,073 --> 01:11:12,837 클라라를 함께 데려가요 1832 01:11:10,506 --> 01:11:13,942 I don't know, maybe we could just take Clara with us. 1833 01:11:14,009 --> 01:11:15,310 To the future? 1834 01:11:15,311 --> 01:11:16,611 미래로? 1835 01:11:20,182 --> 01:11:21,432 You reminded me, Marty. 1836 01:11:21,433 --> 01:11:22,517 네가 말했듯 난 과학자야 1837 01:11:22,518 --> 01:11:25,954 I'm a scientist, so I must be scientific about this. 1838 01:11:23,253 --> 01:11:25,744 과학적이어야만 해 1839 01:11:25,822 --> 01:11:29,189 호기심 때문에 시간 개념을 엉망으로 했다 말했잖니 1840 01:11:26,021 --> 01:11:29,286 I cautioned you about disrupting the continuum foryour own personal benefit. 1841 01:11:29,287 --> 01:11:31,523 고로 더 이상의 피해는 막아야 해 1842 01:11:29,358 --> 01:11:31,292 Therefore, I must do no less. 1843 01:11:31,360 --> 01:11:33,294 We shall proceed as planned, 1844 01:11:33,295 --> 01:11:34,757 계획대로 해야만 하고 1985년으로 돌아가자 마자 1845 01:11:34,758 --> 01:11:38,299 and as soon as we return to 1985, we'll destroy this infernal machine. 1846 01:11:34,831 --> 01:11:37,197 이 망할 기계를 부숴야만 해 1847 01:11:38,367 --> 01:11:41,302 Traveling through time has become much too painful. 1848 01:11:38,501 --> 01:11:41,436 시간 여행은 너무 고통스런 일이 돼버렸어 1849 01:12:11,968 --> 01:12:14,027 클라라! 에메트에요 1850 01:12:12,067 --> 01:12:14,001 It's Emmett, Clara. 1851 01:12:16,605 --> 01:12:18,240 Oh! Emmett, I-- 1852 01:12:18,241 --> 01:12:19,240 안 들어오세요? 1853 01:12:19,241 --> 01:12:21,143 Won't you come in? 1854 01:12:21,144 --> 01:12:22,758 아니, 여기가 날 것 같군요 전... 1855 01:12:22,759 --> 01:12:24,371 No, I'd better not. I-- 1856 01:12:24,446 --> 01:12:26,348 What's wrong? 1857 01:12:26,349 --> 01:12:27,782 왜 그래요? 1858 01:12:29,051 --> 01:12:30,985 I've come to say good-bye. 1859 01:12:29,252 --> 01:12:30,844 작별인사를 하러 왔어요 1860 01:12:32,588 --> 01:12:35,216 Good-bye? Well, where are you going? 1861 01:12:32,655 --> 01:12:35,123 작별인사요? 어디 가세요? 1862 01:12:35,191 --> 01:12:37,955 멀리 떠납니다 1863 01:12:35,290 --> 01:12:37,554 I'm going away, 1864 01:12:37,626 --> 01:12:40,561 and, well, I'm afraid I'll never see you again. 1865 01:12:38,027 --> 01:12:40,461 두 번 다시 못 볼 것 같군요 1866 01:12:41,630 --> 01:12:43,564 Emmett. 1867 01:12:43,632 --> 01:12:45,566 Clara, 1868 01:12:45,634 --> 01:12:49,570 I want you to know that I care about you deeply, 1869 01:12:46,069 --> 01:12:49,334 정말 진심으로 좋아 했다고 말하고 싶었어요 1870 01:12:49,405 --> 01:12:50,489 하지만 전 여기 사람이 아니고 1871 01:12:50,490 --> 01:12:55,076 but I realize I don't belong here and I have to go back where I came from. 1872 01:12:51,407 --> 01:12:55,002 제가 온 곳으로 돌아가야 하는 것을 깨달았죠 1873 01:12:55,078 --> 01:12:56,459 그게 어디에요? 1874 01:12:56,460 --> 01:12:57,737 And where might that be? 1875 01:12:57,813 --> 01:12:59,747 I can't tell you. 1876 01:12:57,847 --> 01:12:59,781 말 못해요 1877 01:13:01,683 --> 01:13:05,710 Well, then whereveryou're going, take me with you. 1878 01:13:01,784 --> 01:13:05,584 그럼 어딜 가든 절 데려가 주세요 1879 01:13:06,922 --> 01:13:07,923 I can't, Clara. 1880 01:13:07,924 --> 01:13:08,923 안돼요 1881 01:13:08,924 --> 01:13:11,859 I wish it didn't have to be this way, 1882 01:13:09,259 --> 01:13:10,692 이런 결과를 바란 건 아니었는데 1883 01:13:10,760 --> 01:13:11,926 절대 당신을 잊지 못할 것이고 1884 01:13:11,927 --> 01:13:15,727 but just believe me when I tell you that I'll never forget you... 1885 01:13:15,728 --> 01:13:16,928 진심으로 사랑해요 1886 01:13:15,797 --> 01:13:17,731 and that I love you. 1887 01:13:18,868 --> 01:13:21,166 무슨 말을 하시는 지 이해가 안가네요 1888 01:13:18,934 --> 01:13:21,869 I don't understand what you're trying to say. 1889 01:13:21,870 --> 01:13:25,196 이해할 방법이 없을 겁니다 1890 01:13:21,937 --> 01:13:25,304 Clara, I don't think there's any way that you can understand it. 1891 01:13:25,305 --> 01:13:28,210 알아야만 해요 1892 01:13:25,374 --> 01:13:28,277 Please, Emmett, please. I have to know. 1893 01:13:28,278 --> 01:13:31,406 절 진심으로 사랑한다면 사실을 말해줘요 1894 01:13:28,377 --> 01:13:31,540 If you sincerely do love me, then tell me the truth. 1895 01:13:33,282 --> 01:13:34,480 All right, then. 1896 01:13:34,481 --> 01:13:35,549 그렇다면 알았어요 1897 01:13:35,550 --> 01:13:37,484 I'm from the future. 1898 01:13:35,952 --> 01:13:37,385 전 미래에서 왔어요 1899 01:13:39,322 --> 01:13:42,348 제가 발명한 타임머신을 타고 여기 왔고 1900 01:13:39,388 --> 01:13:42,482 I came here in a time machine that I invented, 1901 01:13:42,483 --> 01:13:46,953 내일 제가 온 1985년으로 다시 돌아가야 해요 1902 01:13:42,557 --> 01:13:46,823 and tomorrow I have to go back to the year 1985. 1903 01:13:52,635 --> 01:13:54,102 네, 에멧 1904 01:13:54,103 --> 01:13:55,295 Yes, Emmett. 1905 01:13:55,370 --> 01:13:57,304 I do understand. 1906 01:13:55,405 --> 01:13:57,270 이해가 되네요 1907 01:13:59,441 --> 01:14:04,241 I understand that, because you know I'm partial to the writings ofJules Verne, 1908 01:13:59,742 --> 01:14:02,210 이해가 갈 것 같아요 1909 01:14:02,278 --> 01:14:04,644 내가 줄스 번의 소설에 심취해 있다고 1910 01:14:04,714 --> 01:14:08,206 그걸로 거짓말을 꾸며 날 여태 이용해 왔군요! 1911 01:14:04,813 --> 01:14:08,305 you concocted those mendacities in order to take advantage of me! 1912 01:14:08,383 --> 01:14:10,552 Oh, I've heard some whoppers in my day, 1913 01:14:10,553 --> 01:14:11,583 살아오면서 허풍들은 들어 봤지만 1914 01:14:11,386 --> 01:14:14,321 but the fact that you'd expect me to entertain a notion like that... 1915 01:14:11,654 --> 01:14:14,179 당신이 내가 그 아이디어를 즐기리라 믿었다는 게 1916 01:14:14,257 --> 01:14:15,757 정말 불쾌하고 모욕적이에요! 1917 01:14:15,758 --> 01:14:17,324 is so insulting and degrading-- 1918 01:14:18,461 --> 01:14:20,793 그냥 당신을 사랑하지 않소 더 만나고 싶지 않소 1919 01:14:18,493 --> 01:14:20,427 All you had to say is, 1920 01:14:20,495 --> 01:14:23,430 I don't love you, and I don't want to see you anymore. 1921 01:14:20,863 --> 01:14:22,797 이렇게만 말해도 충분했어요 1922 01:14:22,865 --> 01:14:25,390 최소한 그게 더 절 존중해 주는 거니까요 1923 01:14:23,498 --> 01:14:25,489 That at least would've been respectful! 1924 01:14:25,490 --> 01:14:26,951 하지만 그건 사실이 아니오 1925 01:14:26,952 --> 01:14:28,468 But that's not the truth. 1926 01:15:02,771 --> 01:15:05,501 Come on. Right over here. 1927 01:15:06,641 --> 01:15:09,007 Good to see you too. Sit down. 1928 01:15:10,145 --> 01:15:12,827 Emmett. What can I get you, the usual? 1929 01:15:12,828 --> 01:15:13,832 평소에 마시던 거 줘요? 1930 01:15:13,833 --> 01:15:17,581 No, Chester, I'm gonna need something a lot stronger than that tonight. 1931 01:15:13,916 --> 01:15:17,647 아니, 오늘 밤엔 조금 더 독한 게 필요해요 1932 01:15:17,652 --> 01:15:19,347 Sarsaparilla. 1933 01:15:17,720 --> 01:15:19,278 탄산음료 줄게요 1934 01:15:19,355 --> 01:15:21,220 위스키 줘요 1935 01:15:19,421 --> 01:15:21,938 - Whiskey, Chester. - Whiskey? 1936 01:15:21,939 --> 01:15:23,953 위스키요? 확실해요? 1937 01:15:22,657 --> 01:15:26,423 Emmett, are you sure? You know what happened to you on the fourth ofJuly. 1938 01:15:24,027 --> 01:15:26,427 독립기념일에 어떻게 됐었는지 기억하잖아요 1939 01:15:26,495 --> 01:15:28,929 Whiskey. 1940 01:15:26,496 --> 01:15:27,929 위스키 줘요 1941 01:15:28,997 --> 01:15:32,091 Okay. I ain't your papa. 1942 01:15:29,032 --> 01:15:30,966 네, 알아서 모시죠 1943 01:15:32,167 --> 01:15:35,603 I just don't wanna see you do the wrong thing. 1944 01:15:35,604 --> 01:15:36,701 그냥 잘못된 걸 보고싶지 않아서 그래요 1945 01:15:36,772 --> 01:15:39,206 And you can leave the bottle. 1946 01:15:36,773 --> 01:15:38,707 병도 그냥 둬요 1947 01:15:40,675 --> 01:15:43,166 It's a woman. Right? 1948 01:15:40,843 --> 01:15:42,674 여자 문제군요? 1949 01:15:43,245 --> 01:15:44,246 I knew it. 1950 01:15:44,247 --> 01:15:47,273 그럴줄 알았어요, 전국을 다니며 그런 표정은 1951 01:15:45,247 --> 01:15:49,616 I have seen that look on a man's face a thousand times all across the country. 1952 01:15:47,350 --> 01:15:49,079 숱하게 봐왔죠 1953 01:15:49,152 --> 01:15:52,053 그저 잊는게 최상책이오 1954 01:15:49,684 --> 01:15:52,619 All I can tell you, friend, is you'll get over her. 1955 01:15:52,620 --> 01:15:54,537 클라라는 백만명에 하나뿐인 여자요 1956 01:15:54,538 --> 01:15:56,384 Nope. Clara was one in a million. 1957 01:15:56,458 --> 01:15:58,722 One in a billion. 1958 01:15:56,459 --> 01:15:57,892 수억 명 중 하나 1959 01:15:58,761 --> 01:16:00,854 오로지 한명뿐인 특별한 여자요 1960 01:15:58,794 --> 01:16:00,785 One in a googolplex. 1961 01:16:00,862 --> 01:16:04,127 The woman of my dreams, and I lost her for all time. 1962 01:16:00,930 --> 01:16:04,198 내가 꿈꿔오던 여자인데 이젠 떠나보냈소 1963 01:16:04,199 --> 01:16:06,997 Well, I can assure you, sir, 1964 01:16:06,998 --> 01:16:08,099 확신하는데 널린게 여자랍니다 1965 01:16:08,100 --> 01:16:09,263 there are otherwomen. 1966 01:16:09,264 --> 01:16:11,765 전국을 누비며 철조망을 팔면서 1967 01:16:09,337 --> 01:16:13,899 If peddling this barbed wire all across the country has taught me one thing, 1968 01:16:11,841 --> 01:16:13,974 확실하게 배운 것 한가지는 1969 01:16:13,975 --> 01:16:16,910 it's that you never know what the future might bring. 1970 01:16:14,410 --> 01:16:16,977 미래가 어떨지는 아무도 모른다는 거죠 1971 01:16:16,978 --> 01:16:18,063 Oh, the future. 1972 01:16:18,064 --> 01:16:20,361 난 미래에 대해 말해줄 수 있소 1973 01:16:20,362 --> 01:16:22,882 Oh, I can tell you about the future. 1974 01:16:27,656 --> 01:16:29,590 Oww. 1975 01:16:29,658 --> 01:16:31,592 Ow. 1976 01:16:31,660 --> 01:16:33,028 Oh, man, did I sleep. 1977 01:16:33,029 --> 01:16:34,122 깜박 잠들었네 1978 01:16:36,665 --> 01:16:37,766 What time is it, Doc? 1979 01:16:37,767 --> 01:16:38,867 몇 시에요, 박사님? 1980 01:16:40,669 --> 01:16:42,603 Oh, no. 1981 01:16:42,671 --> 01:16:44,605 Doc! 1982 01:16:54,650 --> 01:16:56,083 일어나! 1983 01:16:54,749 --> 01:16:56,683 Wake up! 1984 01:16:56,751 --> 01:16:58,286 Get up! 1985 01:16:58,287 --> 01:16:59,650 일어나라니까! 가자! 1986 01:16:59,651 --> 01:17:01,115 Let's go! 1987 01:17:01,189 --> 01:17:03,453 I got me a runt to kill. 1988 01:17:01,491 --> 01:17:03,425 그 자식 죽여야 해 1989 01:17:03,493 --> 01:17:06,792 너무 일러요 뭘 그리 서둘러요? 1990 01:17:03,525 --> 01:17:06,926 It's still early, boss. What's your hurry? 1991 01:17:06,995 --> 01:17:08,929 I'm hungry. 1992 01:17:07,363 --> 01:17:08,830 배고파 1993 01:17:08,898 --> 01:17:11,633 미래엔 말이 더 이상 필요 없소 1994 01:17:11,634 --> 01:17:14,060 And in the future, we don't need horses. 1995 01:17:14,135 --> 01:17:17,969 We have motorized carriages called automobiles. 1996 01:17:14,337 --> 01:17:17,829 자동차라 불리는 모터로 움직이는 마차가 있을거요 1997 01:17:19,075 --> 01:17:22,272 전부 그게 자동 뭐라는 게 있다면 1998 01:17:20,041 --> 01:17:22,942 If everybody's got one of these auto-whatsits, 1999 01:17:22,943 --> 01:17:24,813 사람들이 걷거나 뛰지도 않소? 2000 01:17:23,011 --> 01:17:24,945 does anybody walk or run anymore? 2001 01:17:24,946 --> 01:17:26,079 물론 뛰지만... 2002 01:17:26,080 --> 01:17:27,174 Of course we run, 2003 01:17:27,216 --> 01:17:29,411 재미 삼아서 뛰죠 2004 01:17:27,249 --> 01:17:29,484 but for recreation, for fun. 2005 01:17:29,485 --> 01:17:33,182 재미로 뛰어? 무슨 재미가 그렇대? 2006 01:17:29,584 --> 01:17:33,315 Run for fun? What the hell kind of fun is that? 2007 01:17:36,238 --> 01:17:40,174 먹이제공과 임대 마구간 2008 01:17:42,878 --> 01:17:43,966 마차들 2009 01:17:43,967 --> 01:17:46,013 Doc? Doc? 2010 01:17:46,014 --> 01:17:47,447 경마차들 2011 01:17:52,554 --> 01:17:53,574 얼마나 마셨어? 2012 01:17:53,575 --> 01:17:54,730 How much has he had? 2013 01:17:54,731 --> 01:17:57,789 안마셨어, 저게 첫잔인데 아직 입도 안댔어 2014 01:17:54,798 --> 01:17:58,029 None. That's the first one. He hasn't touched it yet. 2015 01:17:58,030 --> 01:17:59,294 들고 있는게 좋은가봐 2016 01:17:59,295 --> 01:18:01,468 He just likes to hold it. 2017 01:18:03,707 --> 01:18:05,641 Doc! Doc! 2018 01:18:05,700 --> 01:18:07,634 뭐 하세요? 2019 01:18:05,709 --> 01:18:07,142 What are you doin'? 2020 01:18:07,210 --> 01:18:10,646 I've lost her, Marty. There's nothing left for me here. 2021 01:18:07,702 --> 01:18:10,713 클라라랑 헤어졌어 이제 여기 남은게 없어 2022 01:18:10,714 --> 01:18:13,774 - All right, that's why you gotta come back with me. - Where? 2023 01:18:10,939 --> 01:18:12,406 그럼 저랑 같이 돌아가요 2024 01:18:12,474 --> 01:18:13,849 - 어디로? - 미래로 돌아가야죠! 2025 01:18:13,850 --> 01:18:15,579 Back to the future! 2026 01:18:19,114 --> 01:18:22,606 - 맞아! 어서 가자! - 다행이군 2027 01:18:19,356 --> 01:18:22,621 - Right. Let's get going. - Great. 2028 01:18:22,684 --> 01:18:25,983 여러분, 미안하지만 내 친구와 전 기차시간 때문에 떠나야 해요 2029 01:18:22,692 --> 01:18:26,219 Gentlemen, excuse me, but my friend and I have to catch a train. 2030 01:18:26,220 --> 01:18:27,715 당신을 위해 건배! 2031 01:18:26,296 --> 01:18:27,729 Here's to ya, blacksmith! 2032 01:18:27,789 --> 01:18:29,028 - 그리고 미래도! - 당연하지 2033 01:18:29,029 --> 01:18:30,494 - And to the future. - Amen! 2034 01:18:30,567 --> 01:18:32,467 - Amen! - Emmett, no! 2035 01:18:40,644 --> 01:18:42,942 Doc! Doc! Doc! 2036 01:18:44,347 --> 01:18:47,316 Come on, Doc, wake up! Wake up, Doc! 2037 01:18:44,439 --> 01:18:46,373 일어나요! 2038 01:18:47,384 --> 01:18:48,847 How many did he have? 2039 01:18:48,848 --> 01:18:49,996 - 얼마나 마셨어요? - 한잔 마셨어 2040 01:18:49,997 --> 01:18:53,015 - Just the one. - Just the one? Come on, Doc! 2041 01:18:50,679 --> 01:18:52,772 달랑 한잔이요? 2042 01:18:52,847 --> 01:18:55,179 술을 전혀 마시지 못하는 사람이 있잖아 2043 01:18:53,089 --> 01:18:55,523 There's a fella that can't hold his liquor. 2044 01:18:55,524 --> 01:18:58,185 - 진한 커피 좀 줘요! - 조이, 커피 가져와! 2045 01:18:55,592 --> 01:18:58,220 - Get me some coffee, black. - Joey! Coffee! 2046 01:19:00,730 --> 01:19:02,664 Hey-yah! 2047 01:19:08,129 --> 01:19:09,183 도와드릴까요? 2048 01:19:09,184 --> 01:19:10,185 Ma'am? 2049 01:19:10,186 --> 01:19:12,260 8시 열차가 어디까지 가죠? 2050 01:19:10,373 --> 01:19:12,307 How far does the 8:00 train go? 2051 01:19:12,334 --> 01:19:14,598 샌프란시스코가 종착역입니다 2052 01:19:12,375 --> 01:19:14,809 San Francisco's the end of the line. 2053 01:19:16,237 --> 01:19:18,171 편도티켓 한장 주세요 2054 01:19:16,279 --> 01:19:18,213 I'll take a one-way ticket. 2055 01:19:19,641 --> 01:19:21,802 빨리 술을 깨게 하고 싶다면 2056 01:19:19,883 --> 01:19:23,819 You want to sober him up, you're gonna have to use something stronger. 2057 01:19:21,876 --> 01:19:23,810 커피보단 훨씬 더 강한게 필요해 2058 01:19:23,878 --> 01:19:25,812 - 뭐가 있을까요? - Yeah? What do you suggest? 2059 01:19:26,890 --> 01:19:30,348 Joey! Let's make some wake-up juice. 2060 01:19:28,183 --> 01:19:30,117 기상주스를 만들어 주지 2061 01:19:30,185 --> 01:19:31,273 박사님, 마셔요 2062 01:19:31,274 --> 01:19:32,361 Come on, Doc, swallow. 2063 01:19:37,726 --> 01:19:39,717 10분 정도 지나면 2064 01:19:37,767 --> 01:19:39,701 In about ten minutes, 2065 01:19:39,769 --> 01:19:43,068 he's gonna be as sober as a priest on Sunday. 2066 01:19:39,794 --> 01:19:42,820 일요일 날 목사님처럼 말끔하게 될거야 2067 01:19:43,139 --> 01:19:44,519 Ten minutes? 2068 01:19:44,520 --> 01:19:47,366 왜 이렇게 아슬아슬하게 일을 해야 하죠? 2069 01:19:45,141 --> 01:19:48,076 Why do we have to cut these things so damn close? 2070 01:19:48,077 --> 01:19:50,427 여기 이 빨래집게를 코에 꽂아 2071 01:19:48,144 --> 01:19:50,669 Here. Stick this clothespin on his nose. 2072 01:19:52,082 --> 01:19:54,516 And when he opens up his mouth, 2073 01:19:52,207 --> 01:19:54,334 입을 열면... 2074 01:19:54,409 --> 01:19:57,640 목구멍 속으로 다 부어버려 2075 01:19:54,584 --> 01:19:57,711 go ahead and pour it on down his gullet. 2076 01:19:57,712 --> 01:19:59,145 뒤로 물러서 2077 01:19:57,888 --> 01:19:59,822 Oh, and stand back. 2078 01:20:07,597 --> 01:20:09,531 Aaaaaah! 2079 01:20:18,133 --> 01:20:21,660 - 아직도 정신 못차려요! - 그건 그저 반응이었어 2080 01:20:18,241 --> 01:20:21,176 - He's still out! - Oh, that? That was just a reflex action. 2081 01:20:21,244 --> 01:20:24,736 It's gonna take a few more minutes for the stuff to really clear up his head. 2082 01:20:21,736 --> 01:20:24,671 머리가 맑아지려면 아직 몇 분은 더 있어야 해 2083 01:20:24,739 --> 01:20:26,172 미치겠군 2084 01:20:24,814 --> 01:20:26,406 Perfect. 2085 01:20:47,437 --> 01:20:49,871 Come on, Doc. Wake up, buddy. 2086 01:20:47,495 --> 01:20:49,360 제발, 박사님 일어나요! 2087 01:20:49,940 --> 01:20:52,374 Wake up, Doc. Come on. Come on. 2088 01:20:52,442 --> 01:20:55,377 Seamus! Wouldn't expect to see you here this morning. 2089 01:20:52,567 --> 01:20:55,263 시머스? 아침부터 만나리라곤 상상도 못했어 2090 01:20:55,336 --> 01:20:59,932 네, 내 속에 뭔가가 저한테 여길 가야만 한다고... 2091 01:20:55,445 --> 01:20:59,882 Aye, but somethin' inside me told me I should be here, 2092 01:20:59,950 --> 01:21:03,317 as if my future had somethin' to do with it. 2093 01:21:00,008 --> 01:21:02,738 마치 제 미래와 연관이 있는 기분이었어요 2094 01:21:03,386 --> 01:21:05,245 Come on. 2095 01:21:05,246 --> 01:21:07,612 이제 곧 깨어 날거야 일어나요! 2096 01:21:05,388 --> 01:21:07,720 He'll come around in a minute. 2097 01:21:07,791 --> 01:21:11,659 Come on, Doc. Let's go, Doc. Let's wake up now. 2098 01:21:08,817 --> 01:21:11,251 서둘러요, 박사님! 빨리 일어나서 가요! 2099 01:21:18,401 --> 01:21:20,048 Are you in there, Eastwood? 2100 01:21:20,049 --> 01:21:21,490 안에 있냐, 이스트우드? 2101 01:21:22,597 --> 01:21:24,669 아침 8시고 결투를 할 시간이야 2102 01:21:24,670 --> 01:21:26,775 It's 8:00, and I'm callin' you out. 2103 01:21:30,880 --> 01:21:32,814 It's not 8:00 yet! 2104 01:21:30,972 --> 01:21:32,564 아직 8시 아니야! 2105 01:21:32,640 --> 01:21:33,944 내 시계론 8시야! 2106 01:21:33,945 --> 01:21:35,248 It is by my watch! 2107 01:21:35,249 --> 01:21:39,445 이번에 완전히 결판을 내자! 2108 01:21:35,318 --> 01:21:38,253 Let's settle this once and for all, runt. 2109 01:21:39,514 --> 01:21:41,243 그럴 용기도 없냐? 2110 01:21:39,622 --> 01:21:41,886 Or ain't you got the gumption? 2111 01:21:51,434 --> 01:21:53,368 Listen. 2112 01:21:51,459 --> 01:21:52,892 잘 들어 2113 01:21:55,096 --> 01:21:57,496 오늘은 결투를 할 기분이 아니야 2114 01:21:55,105 --> 01:21:58,040 I'm not really feeling up to this today, 2115 01:21:59,467 --> 01:22:01,230 내가 기권할게 2116 01:21:59,609 --> 01:22:01,474 so I'm gonna have to forfeit. 2117 01:22:01,544 --> 01:22:04,877 Forfeit. Forfeit? Wh-- 2118 01:22:01,736 --> 01:22:03,897 기... 기권? 2119 01:22:04,706 --> 01:22:06,867 그게 무슨 뜻이야? 2120 01:22:04,948 --> 01:22:06,882 What's that mean? 2121 01:22:06,941 --> 01:22:09,774 두목이 싸우지 않고 이겼다는 말이에요 2122 01:22:06,950 --> 01:22:09,885 Um, it means that you win without a fight. 2123 01:22:09,886 --> 01:22:11,812 총도 쏘지 않고? 그건 말도 안되지 2124 01:22:09,953 --> 01:22:12,046 Without shootin'? He can't do tha-- 2125 01:22:12,047 --> 01:22:13,472 그렇겐 안돼! 2126 01:22:12,122 --> 01:22:13,547 You can't do that! 2127 01:22:13,548 --> 01:22:14,699 내 생각이 어떤지 알아? 2128 01:22:14,700 --> 01:22:15,849 You know what I think? 2129 01:22:15,850 --> 01:22:19,050 넌 용기도 없는 겁쟁이일 뿐이야 2130 01:22:15,925 --> 01:22:19,292 I thinkyou ain't nothin' but a gutless, yellow turd, 2131 01:22:19,293 --> 01:22:21,452 10을 셀 동안 시간을 줄 테니 2132 01:22:19,362 --> 01:22:21,956 and I'm givin'you to the count often... 2133 01:22:21,957 --> 01:22:24,458 나와서 내 생각이 틀리다고 증명해봐! 2134 01:22:22,032 --> 01:22:24,627 to come out here andprove I'm wrong! 2135 01:22:24,628 --> 01:22:25,648 하나! 2136 01:22:25,649 --> 01:22:26,735 - One! - Doc. 2137 01:22:26,736 --> 01:22:28,756 제발 정신차려요! 2138 01:22:26,803 --> 01:22:29,363 - Come on, sober up, buddy. Let's go. - Two! 2139 01:22:29,364 --> 01:22:31,128 - 둘! - 어서 나가봐 2140 01:22:29,439 --> 01:22:31,373 You better get out there, son. 2141 01:22:31,374 --> 01:22:34,327 너한테 금화 20달러를 걸었으니 날 망하게 하지 마 2142 01:22:31,441 --> 01:22:34,569 I got 20 dollars gold bet on you, so don't let me down. 2143 01:22:34,570 --> 01:22:37,667 - 셋! - 금화 30달러를 너가 지는데 2144 01:22:34,644 --> 01:22:37,909 - Three! - I got 30 dollars gold bet agin ya, 2145 01:22:37,910 --> 01:22:39,673 걸었으니 가서 싸워 2146 01:22:37,981 --> 01:22:39,740 so don't let me down! 2147 01:22:39,741 --> 01:22:42,835 - 넷! - 가서 맞부딪혀 2148 01:22:39,983 --> 01:22:42,910 - Four! - You better face up to it, son. 2149 01:22:42,911 --> 01:22:45,471 만약 나가지 않으면... 2150 01:22:43,153 --> 01:22:45,546 'Cause if you don't go out there-- 2151 01:22:45,547 --> 01:22:46,931 - 뭐요? - 다섯! 2152 01:22:46,932 --> 01:22:48,148 - What? - Five! 2153 01:22:48,149 --> 01:22:50,083 만약 내가 나가지 않으면요? 2154 01:22:48,291 --> 01:22:50,316 What if I don't go out there? 2155 01:22:50,317 --> 01:22:51,489 - 넌 겁쟁이야 - 여섯! 2156 01:22:51,490 --> 01:22:52,827 - You're a coward. - Six! 2157 01:22:52,828 --> 01:22:55,623 평생 겁쟁이 소리를 들으며 살아야 할거야! 2158 01:22:52,896 --> 01:22:55,865 And you'll be branded a coward for the rest of your days. 2159 01:22:55,866 --> 01:22:57,749 어딜가도 모든 사람들이 2160 01:22:57,750 --> 01:23:00,198 Everybody everywhere will say Clint Eastwood... 2161 01:22:57,826 --> 01:22:59,953 클린트 이스트우드는 2162 01:23:00,028 --> 01:23:03,486 서부 최고의 겁쟁이라고 부를거야! 2163 01:23:00,270 --> 01:23:03,728 is the biggest yellow-belly in the West. 2164 01:23:07,844 --> 01:23:09,368 Seven! 2165 01:23:09,369 --> 01:23:10,766 - 일곱! - 총 여기 있어! 2166 01:23:09,446 --> 01:23:11,038 Here! 2167 01:23:14,951 --> 01:23:16,885 Eight! 2168 01:23:15,176 --> 01:23:16,609 여덟! 2169 01:23:24,552 --> 01:23:25,703 총은 이미 있어요 2170 01:23:25,704 --> 01:23:26,887 I already got a gun. 2171 01:23:28,298 --> 01:23:30,232 Nine! 2172 01:23:28,523 --> 01:23:29,956 아홉! 2173 01:23:34,662 --> 01:23:35,788 열! 2174 01:23:35,789 --> 01:23:37,071 Ten! 2175 01:23:40,768 --> 01:23:41,856 내 말 안 들려? 2176 01:23:41,857 --> 01:23:42,944 Did you hear me, runt? 2177 01:23:42,945 --> 01:23:46,866 열까지 셌다! 이 야비한 겁쟁이 자식아! 2178 01:23:43,012 --> 01:23:47,108 I said, that's ten, you gutless, yellow pie-slinger! 2179 01:23:50,553 --> 01:23:52,487 He's an asshole! 2180 01:23:50,645 --> 01:23:52,237 쟤 나쁜 놈이잖아요! 2181 01:23:52,313 --> 01:23:54,747 탄넨이 뭐라고 하던 난 신경 안 써요! 2182 01:23:52,555 --> 01:23:54,815 I don't care what Tannen says! 2183 01:23:54,816 --> 01:23:56,875 다른 사람들이 뭐라고 해도 그것도 신경 안 써요! 2184 01:23:55,058 --> 01:23:57,993 And I don't care what anybody else says either! 2185 01:23:58,061 --> 01:23:59,119 Doc! 2186 01:23:59,120 --> 01:24:00,371 박사님, 괜찮으세요? 2187 01:24:00,372 --> 01:24:02,930 - Doc, you okay? - I think so-- Whoa! 2188 01:24:00,755 --> 01:24:02,689 그런것 같다 2189 01:24:02,757 --> 01:24:04,190 머리아파 죽겠다 2190 01:24:02,999 --> 01:24:06,230 - What a headache. - Listen, you got a back door to this place? 2191 01:24:04,259 --> 01:24:06,301 여기 뒷문 있어요? 2192 01:24:06,302 --> 01:24:08,566 - Yeah. It's in the back. - Let's go, Doc. 2193 01:24:06,394 --> 01:24:08,328 - 응, 저 뒤쪽에 있어 - 어서 가요! 2194 01:24:08,396 --> 01:24:11,923 나올거야 아님 내가 쫓아 들어가야 하냐? 2195 01:24:08,638 --> 01:24:12,165 Are you comin' out here, or do I have to come in there afteryou? 2196 01:24:13,743 --> 01:24:16,075 The thing I really miss here is Tylenol. 2197 01:24:13,868 --> 01:24:15,836 두통약이 정말 그립군 2198 01:24:15,904 --> 01:24:16,958 종합 상점 2199 01:24:16,959 --> 01:24:18,011 Hey! 2200 01:24:23,678 --> 01:24:25,305 손들고 나와, 대장장이야! 2201 01:24:23,920 --> 01:24:25,581 Reach, blacksmith! 2202 01:24:42,297 --> 01:24:44,959 네, 어제 밤에 그 불쌍한 친구는 2203 01:24:42,405 --> 01:24:45,187 Yes, sir, that poorfella last night... 2204 01:24:45,188 --> 01:24:48,935 실연을 당했는데 참 힘들어 하더군요 2205 01:24:45,408 --> 01:24:48,844 had the worst case of broken heart I have ever seen. 2206 01:24:48,912 --> 01:24:52,348 When he said he didn't know how he could live the rest of his life... 2207 01:24:49,003 --> 01:24:52,166 그 사람 때문에 여자가 상처받고 살 것을 2208 01:24:52,240 --> 01:24:56,472 알고 어떻게 살지 모르겠다고 하는데 2209 01:24:52,415 --> 01:24:55,350 knowing how much hurt he'd caused that little girl, 2210 01:24:55,418 --> 01:24:57,477 well, I really felt for him. 2211 01:24:57,478 --> 01:24:59,203 정말 가슴이 뭉클하더라니까요 2212 01:24:57,554 --> 01:24:59,488 I did. Right here. 2213 01:25:03,785 --> 01:25:05,480 잘 들어, 이스트우드! 2214 01:25:04,027 --> 01:25:05,552 Listen up, Eastwood! 2215 01:25:05,553 --> 01:25:09,250 오늘 누군가를 죽이려고 했고 그게 너이길 바랬어! 2216 01:25:05,795 --> 01:25:08,730 I aim to shoot somebody today, and I'd prefer it'd be you, 2217 01:25:08,798 --> 01:25:11,232 but if you're just too damn yellow, 2218 01:25:09,324 --> 01:25:11,300 하지만 너가 그렇게 겁쟁이처럼 군다면 2219 01:25:11,301 --> 01:25:14,236 I guess it'll just have to be your blacksmith friend. 2220 01:25:12,060 --> 01:25:14,303 네 대장장이 친구를 대신 죽일 거야 2221 01:25:14,304 --> 01:25:17,171 Forget about me, Marty, and save yourself! 2222 01:25:14,462 --> 01:25:16,896 난 신경쓰지 말고 너나 살아서 돌아가! 2223 01:25:21,945 --> 01:25:24,140 You got one minute to decide. 2224 01:25:21,970 --> 01:25:23,904 결정할 시간 1분 주겠다 2225 01:25:23,972 --> 01:25:26,338 들려, 이 자식아? 1분이야! 2226 01:25:24,214 --> 01:25:26,148 You hearme, runt? One minute! 2227 01:25:29,577 --> 01:25:32,671 여자 때문에 그렇게 마음 아파하는 남잔 처음 봤어요 2228 01:25:29,819 --> 01:25:32,754 I've never seen a man so broken up over a woman. 2229 01:25:32,755 --> 01:25:35,409 여자이름이 뭐라고 했더라? 카라? 사라? 2230 01:25:32,822 --> 01:25:35,620 What'd he say her name was? Cara? Sara? 2231 01:25:35,621 --> 01:25:36,769 클라라요 2232 01:25:36,770 --> 01:25:37,986 - Clara. - Clara! 2233 01:25:40,321 --> 01:25:41,754 - 실례해요 - 네 2234 01:25:41,755 --> 01:25:42,830 - Excuse me, - Ma'am? 2235 01:25:42,899 --> 01:25:46,528 but was this man tall, with great big, brown, puppy-dog eyes... 2236 01:25:43,291 --> 01:25:46,283 그 남자 키 크고 강아지처럼 큰 눈을 가지고 있고 2237 01:25:46,361 --> 01:25:48,295 긴 회색머리를 가지고 있었나요? 2238 01:25:46,603 --> 01:25:48,537 and long, silvery, flowing hair? 2239 01:25:48,538 --> 01:25:49,548 아시는군요 2240 01:25:49,549 --> 01:25:50,732 You know him. 2241 01:25:53,109 --> 01:25:54,736 Emmett! 2242 01:25:53,368 --> 01:25:54,494 그이야! 2243 01:26:09,250 --> 01:26:10,272 시간 끝났어! 2244 01:26:10,273 --> 01:26:11,293 Time's up, runt. 2245 01:26:17,158 --> 01:26:20,059 저승사자 만날 준비나 해 대장장이 자식아! 2246 01:26:17,433 --> 01:26:19,867 Prepare to meet your maker, blacksmith. 2247 01:26:19,936 --> 01:26:21,870 I'm right here, Tannen! 2248 01:26:20,128 --> 01:26:22,062 나 여기 있다, 탄넨! 2249 01:26:58,708 --> 01:27:01,074 Draw. 2250 01:26:59,634 --> 01:27:00,794 뽑아! 2251 01:27:03,579 --> 01:27:05,513 No! 2252 01:27:04,338 --> 01:27:05,338 싫어! 2253 01:27:20,697 --> 01:27:23,666 I thought we could settle this like men. 2254 01:27:20,721 --> 01:27:23,417 남자답게 대화로 해결할 수 있다고 생각했어 2255 01:27:24,459 --> 01:27:26,518 잘못 생각했어 2256 01:27:24,701 --> 01:27:26,635 You thought wrong, dude. 2257 01:27:48,558 --> 01:27:51,322 Uh, thank you. 2258 01:27:48,883 --> 01:27:51,044 고마워요 2259 01:28:08,378 --> 01:28:11,313 Aaaaaaah! 2260 01:28:16,719 --> 01:28:18,516 Aaaaaah! 2261 01:28:52,688 --> 01:28:54,315 Ha! 2262 01:28:54,390 --> 01:28:56,221 That was good. 2263 01:28:54,482 --> 01:28:55,972 멋지네 2264 01:28:56,050 --> 01:28:57,483 거름 2265 01:28:58,719 --> 01:29:00,710 내가 무슨 생각 하는 지 알아? 2266 01:28:58,961 --> 01:29:00,895 - You know what I think? - No. 2267 01:29:00,896 --> 01:29:02,722 - 뷰포드가 감옥에 갈 것 같아 - 그래 2268 01:29:00,963 --> 01:29:03,898 - I think Buford's goin' to jail. - Right! 2269 01:29:03,966 --> 01:29:05,866 Ohh! 2270 01:29:08,738 --> 01:29:10,763 Get him out of that shit. 2271 01:29:08,829 --> 01:29:10,839 거름통에서 꺼내 2272 01:29:10,840 --> 01:29:12,774 Get 'em! 2273 01:29:10,998 --> 01:29:12,522 저 놈들 잡아라! 2274 01:29:16,604 --> 01:29:18,159 뷰포드 탄넨 파인시티 은행 강도로 2275 01:29:18,160 --> 01:29:21,443 Buford Tannen, you're under arrest for robbing the Pine City stage. 2276 01:29:19,607 --> 01:29:21,199 널 체포한다 2277 01:29:21,275 --> 01:29:23,209 할 말 있나? 2278 01:29:21,517 --> 01:29:23,451 You got anything to say? 2279 01:29:28,424 --> 01:29:29,669 I hate manure. 2280 01:29:29,670 --> 01:29:31,104 - 난 거름이 싫어 - 봐요! 2281 01:29:31,105 --> 01:29:32,751 Look! 2282 01:29:35,122 --> 01:29:36,555 됐어! 2283 01:29:36,556 --> 01:29:37,958 Yes! 2284 01:29:37,992 --> 01:29:40,290 - 기차야! - 따라잡을 수 있을까요? 2285 01:29:38,034 --> 01:29:39,968 - The train! - Can we make it? 2286 01:29:40,036 --> 01:29:42,561 We'll have to cut 'em off at Coyote Pass. 2287 01:29:40,361 --> 01:29:42,295 코요테 고개로 해서 지름길로 가야 해 2288 01:29:44,899 --> 01:29:46,890 이봐요, 이스트우드 씨! 2289 01:29:44,907 --> 01:29:47,053 Hey! Hey, mister! Mr. Eastwood! 2290 01:29:47,054 --> 01:29:50,131 - 총 여기 있어요 - 고맙다, 꼬마야 2291 01:29:47,210 --> 01:29:49,474 Here's your gun, mister. 2292 01:29:49,545 --> 01:29:51,445 Thanks, kid. 2293 01:29:55,718 --> 01:29:58,078 Seamus. 2294 01:29:58,079 --> 01:30:00,274 한번도 사용 안 한 12달러짜리에요 2295 01:29:58,321 --> 01:30:00,516 It's worth 12 dollars. Never been used. 2296 01:30:01,749 --> 01:30:03,683 새 모자와 교환을 합시다 2297 01:30:01,824 --> 01:30:04,952 - Maybe I'll trade it for a new hat. - Right! 2298 01:30:04,953 --> 01:30:06,083 그러죠! 아기 잘 보살펴요 2299 01:30:06,084 --> 01:30:07,495 Take care of that baby! 2300 01:30:07,496 --> 01:30:08,574 그럴거요! 2301 01:30:08,575 --> 01:30:09,827 I will! 2302 01:30:15,238 --> 01:30:17,172 Emmett! 2303 01:30:18,841 --> 01:30:21,776 Emmett! 2304 01:30:21,844 --> 01:30:23,778 Emmett! 2305 01:30:26,883 --> 01:30:29,317 "Time machine." 2306 01:30:27,341 --> 01:30:28,933 타임머신이네... 2307 01:30:32,013 --> 01:30:33,446 타임머신 2308 01:30:47,837 --> 01:30:49,964 Hyah! Hyah! 2309 01:31:07,048 --> 01:31:08,982 센트럴 퍼시픽 호 2310 01:31:12,920 --> 01:31:13,909 힘내! 2311 01:31:13,910 --> 01:31:16,359 - Come on, Marty! - Hyah! Hah! 2312 01:31:16,432 --> 01:31:17,908 - Jump! - No, Doc! 2313 01:31:17,909 --> 01:31:19,380 - 가자! - 손을 줘! 2314 01:31:19,381 --> 01:31:20,762 Come on! Give me your hand! 2315 01:31:27,243 --> 01:31:29,006 Ohh! Aah! 2316 01:31:46,696 --> 01:31:48,288 Yaaah! 2317 01:31:50,700 --> 01:31:53,100 Whoa! 2318 01:31:54,170 --> 01:31:55,995 Come on, Marty! 2319 01:31:55,996 --> 01:31:57,429 어서 와! 2320 01:31:57,773 --> 01:31:59,536 Whoa-ohh! 2321 01:31:59,609 --> 01:32:02,035 Aah! Aah! Aah! 2322 01:32:02,036 --> 01:32:03,594 어서 가자! 2323 01:32:02,278 --> 01:32:03,870 Come on, let's go! 2324 01:32:11,412 --> 01:32:12,449 마스크 써 2325 01:32:12,450 --> 01:32:13,588 Masks on. 2326 01:32:27,970 --> 01:32:29,197 Reach! 2327 01:32:29,198 --> 01:32:30,400 - 비켜! - 강도인가요? 2328 01:32:30,401 --> 01:32:32,674 Is this a holdup? 2329 01:32:32,742 --> 01:32:34,168 It's a science experiment. 2330 01:32:34,169 --> 01:32:35,365 과학적 실험이오 2331 01:32:35,378 --> 01:32:38,643 Stop the train just before you hit the switch track up ahead. 2332 01:32:35,436 --> 01:32:38,405 앞의 전철기 전에서 열차를 세워 2333 01:32:53,829 --> 01:32:56,142 - Doc! - Uncouple the cars from the tender! 2334 01:32:56,143 --> 01:32:57,351 기관차에서 객차를 떼! 2335 01:33:23,726 --> 01:33:26,957 I've wanted to do that all my life! 2336 01:33:24,118 --> 01:33:26,052 평생 이걸 해보고 싶었어 2337 01:33:59,929 --> 01:34:02,796 - What are these things? - My own version of Presto logs. 2338 01:34:00,120 --> 01:34:02,864 - 이것들은 다 뭐에요? - 내가 만든 초강력 땔감이야 2339 01:34:02,865 --> 01:34:04,799 Compressed wood with anthracite dust... 2340 01:34:03,324 --> 01:34:04,866 화학적으로 가공한 무연탄 가루와 2341 01:34:04,867 --> 01:34:06,801 chemically treated to burn hotter and longer. 2342 01:34:05,059 --> 01:34:07,045 나무를 섞어 압축해 고열로 오래 타게 만든 거야 2343 01:34:07,046 --> 01:34:09,804 I use 'em in my forge so I don't have to stoke it. 2344 01:34:07,294 --> 01:34:09,558 불을 계속 지피기 싫어 대장간에서 쓰던 거야 2345 01:34:09,630 --> 01:34:11,689 아궁이에 이 셋을 넣으면 연속적으로 불이 붙어서 2346 01:34:09,872 --> 01:34:13,205 These three in the furnace will ignite sequentially, make the fire burn hotter, 2347 01:34:11,765 --> 01:34:13,274 더 뜨겁게 타고 보일러에 더 강한 압력을 만들어서 2348 01:34:13,275 --> 01:34:16,210 kick up the boiler pressure and make the train go faster. 2349 01:34:14,001 --> 01:34:15,935 기차가 더 빠르게 가게 해주지 2350 01:34:23,519 --> 01:34:25,453 Hyah! Hyah! 2351 01:34:27,848 --> 01:34:29,016 준비 됐어요! 2352 01:34:29,017 --> 01:34:30,217 Ready to roll! 2353 01:35:01,157 --> 01:35:03,648 Emmett! 2354 01:35:07,121 --> 01:35:11,921 - 시간 계기판 켰니? - 켰어요 2355 01:35:07,229 --> 01:35:09,925 Marty, are the time circuits on? 2356 01:35:09,999 --> 01:35:11,991 Check, Doc! 2357 01:35:11,992 --> 01:35:13,393 목적지 시간 집어 넣어 2358 01:35:13,394 --> 01:35:14,862 Input the destination time-- 2359 01:35:14,863 --> 01:35:16,831 1985년 10월 27일 오전 11시야 2360 01:35:16,832 --> 01:35:18,798 October 27, 1985, 11 a.m. 2361 01:35:18,799 --> 01:35:19,950 마지막으로 떠난 시간 했어요 2362 01:35:19,951 --> 01:35:21,018 Check! 2363 01:35:21,019 --> 01:35:24,063 지금 시속 25마일로 가고 있어요! 2364 01:35:21,177 --> 01:35:24,112 Okay, we're cruising at a steady 25 miles an hour, Doc! 2365 01:35:24,138 --> 01:35:26,129 이제 초강력 땔감을 넣을게! 2366 01:35:24,180 --> 01:35:26,410 I'm throwing in the Presto logs! 2367 01:35:35,357 --> 01:35:39,316 Marty, the new gauge on the dashboard will tell us the boiler temperature. 2368 01:35:36,116 --> 01:35:39,244 계기판의 새 계측기가 보일러 온도를 알려 줄거야 2369 01:35:39,320 --> 01:35:42,756 언제 각 땔감이 탈지 색으로 구분해 놓았어 2370 01:35:39,395 --> 01:35:44,195 It's color-coded to indicate when each log will fire-- green, yellow and red. 2371 01:35:42,823 --> 01:35:44,347 초록과 노랑과 빨강으로! 2372 01:35:44,425 --> 01:35:46,689 갑작스런 가속으로 인해 각 땔감의 2373 01:35:44,667 --> 01:35:48,933 Each detonation will be accompanied by a sudden burst of acceleration. 2374 01:35:46,760 --> 01:35:48,694 폭발이 있을거야 2375 01:35:49,004 --> 01:35:50,763 Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! 2376 01:35:50,764 --> 01:35:53,028 바늘이 2천 선에 도달하기 전에 2377 01:35:51,006 --> 01:35:55,443 Hopefully we'll hit 88 miles per hour before the needle gets much past 2,000. 2378 01:35:53,100 --> 01:35:55,510 시속 88마일이 나왔으면 좋겠구나 2379 01:35:55,511 --> 01:35:58,776 Why? Wh-What happens after it hits 2,000? 2380 01:35:55,669 --> 01:35:58,536 왜요? 2천에 다다르면 어떤 일이 생겨요? 2381 01:35:58,606 --> 01:36:02,440 - 보일러 전체가 폭발해! - 끝내주네요! 2382 01:35:58,848 --> 01:36:00,645 The whole boiler explodes. 2383 01:36:00,716 --> 01:36:02,684 Perfect. 2384 01:36:17,524 --> 01:36:20,254 볼트 - 온도 - 시속 35마일에 도달했어요! 2385 01:36:18,634 --> 01:36:20,448 Hey, Doc, we just hit 35! 2386 01:36:20,449 --> 01:36:22,795 지금 그리로 갈게! 2387 01:36:20,603 --> 01:36:22,764 Okay, Marty, I'm coming aboard! 2388 01:36:33,282 --> 01:36:36,342 Emmett! Emmett! 2389 01:36:38,712 --> 01:36:39,732 속력아 나라! 2390 01:36:39,733 --> 01:36:40,751 Come on, come on. 2391 01:36:49,657 --> 01:36:53,058 화로 온도 잘 잡아요! 노란 장작이 터져요! 2392 01:36:49,899 --> 01:36:53,335 You better hold on to somethin', Doc! The yellow log's about to blow! 2393 01:36:55,304 --> 01:36:57,238 - Aah! - Ohh! 2394 01:36:58,232 --> 01:36:59,324 세상에! 2395 01:36:59,325 --> 01:37:00,502 Golly! 2396 01:37:03,037 --> 01:37:04,664 40마일이 막 넘었어요! 2397 01:37:03,279 --> 01:37:04,906 We just passed 40, Doc! 2398 01:37:26,802 --> 01:37:28,736 Emmett! 2399 01:37:29,772 --> 01:37:31,706 Emmett! 2400 01:37:37,713 --> 01:37:39,237 Emmett! 2401 01:37:40,908 --> 01:37:42,593 방금 45마일을 지났어요! 힘내요! 2402 01:37:42,594 --> 01:37:44,278 We just passed 45, Doc! Go for it! 2403 01:37:54,555 --> 01:37:55,453 50마일! 2404 01:37:55,454 --> 01:37:56,662 Fifty. 2405 01:38:06,508 --> 01:38:08,976 - Emmett! - Clara! 2406 01:38:09,044 --> 01:38:10,421 I love you! 2407 01:38:10,422 --> 01:38:11,934 사랑해요! 2408 01:38:13,248 --> 01:38:15,512 Doc! Doc, what's happening? 2409 01:38:15,513 --> 01:38:17,805 - 무슨 일이에요? - 클라라야! 기차에 타고 있어! 2410 01:38:15,584 --> 01:38:18,911 It's Clara! She's on the train! 2411 01:38:18,912 --> 01:38:20,017 클라라? 미치겠군 2412 01:38:20,018 --> 01:38:21,122 Clara? Perfect. 2413 01:38:21,123 --> 01:38:24,884 운전실에 있어! 가서 데려와야 해! 2414 01:38:21,190 --> 01:38:24,951 She's in the cab! I'm gonna go back for her! 2415 01:38:24,952 --> 01:38:26,070 풍차에요! 2416 01:38:26,071 --> 01:38:27,359 The windmill! Doc! 2417 01:38:27,360 --> 01:38:30,247 50마일이 넘었어요! 어쩔수 없어요! 2418 01:38:27,429 --> 01:38:30,489 The windmill! We're going past 50! You'll never make it! 2419 01:38:31,959 --> 01:38:33,144 그럼 우리랑 함께 데리고 갈거야! 2420 01:38:33,145 --> 01:38:36,638 Then we'll have to take her backwith us! Keep calling out the speed! 2421 01:38:34,161 --> 01:38:36,652 속도를 계속 알려줘! 2422 01:38:36,705 --> 01:38:38,214 Clara! Climb out here to me! 2423 01:38:38,215 --> 01:38:39,460 클라라, 나 있는 곳까지 서서히 와요! 2424 01:38:39,533 --> 01:38:41,398 할 수 있을지 모르겠어요! 2425 01:38:39,775 --> 01:38:41,467 I don't know if I can! 2426 01:38:41,468 --> 01:38:43,060 할 수 있어요! 2427 01:38:43,061 --> 01:38:45,510 You can do it! Just don't look down! 2428 01:38:43,137 --> 01:38:45,264 아래만 보지 마요! 2429 01:38:48,776 --> 01:38:50,004 바로 그거에요! 2430 01:38:50,005 --> 01:38:51,282 That's it! 2431 01:39:03,624 --> 01:39:04,843 시속 60마일이에요! 2432 01:39:04,844 --> 01:39:06,061 Sixty miles an hour, Doc! 2433 01:39:08,962 --> 01:39:11,051 잘하고 있어요! 천천히 조심해서 와요! 2434 01:39:11,052 --> 01:39:13,163 You're doing fine! Nice and steady! 2435 01:39:15,235 --> 01:39:16,522 힘내요! 2436 01:39:16,523 --> 01:39:20,039 Come on! Just a little further! 2437 01:39:17,638 --> 01:39:19,799 조금만 더 와요! 2438 01:39:19,873 --> 01:39:21,966 못하겠어요! 무서워요! 2439 01:39:20,115 --> 01:39:22,208 I can't, Emmett! I'm scared! 2440 01:39:23,744 --> 01:39:28,306 - 70마일! - 계속 와요, 클라라! 2441 01:39:23,986 --> 01:39:25,647 Seventy! 2442 01:39:25,721 --> 01:39:28,554 Keep coming, Clara! 2443 01:39:29,483 --> 01:39:31,117 힘내요! 잘하고 있어요! 2444 01:39:31,118 --> 01:39:32,751 Come on! You're doing fine! 2445 01:39:33,962 --> 01:39:35,588 Come on! 2446 01:39:35,589 --> 01:39:36,893 천천히 조심해서 와요! 2447 01:39:36,894 --> 01:39:38,024 Nice and easy! 2448 01:39:38,025 --> 01:39:41,517 밑에 보지 마요! 잘하고 있어요! 2449 01:39:38,267 --> 01:39:41,759 Don't look down! That's it! You're doing fine! 2450 01:39:44,306 --> 01:39:46,551 Doc, the red log's about to blow! 2451 01:39:46,552 --> 01:39:47,761 빨간 장작이 터지려고 해요! 위험 2452 01:39:54,149 --> 01:39:56,083 Aaah! 2453 01:39:56,151 --> 01:39:57,948 Clara! 2454 01:39:58,020 --> 01:39:59,612 Ohh! 2455 01:39:59,688 --> 01:40:02,020 Emmett! Aah! 2456 01:40:11,625 --> 01:40:12,956 내가 잡을게요! 2457 01:40:12,957 --> 01:40:15,132 - I'm trying to reach you! - Clara, hold on! 2458 01:40:13,026 --> 01:40:15,203 - 꽉 잡아요! - 못하겠어요! 2459 01:40:15,204 --> 01:40:17,104 I can't-- Aaah! 2460 01:40:24,012 --> 01:40:25,443 Ohh! 2461 01:40:25,444 --> 01:40:27,007 비행보드 비행보드를 보낼게요! 2462 01:40:27,008 --> 01:40:29,245 Doc, I'm gonna slip you the hoverboard! 2463 01:40:35,782 --> 01:40:37,215 조심해! 2464 01:40:37,216 --> 01:40:38,390 Marty! Watch out! 2465 01:40:38,986 --> 01:40:40,783 철로 400미터 앞에서 끊김 2466 01:40:39,328 --> 01:40:40,989 Aaah! 2467 01:40:45,492 --> 01:40:46,529 도와줘요! 2468 01:40:46,530 --> 01:40:47,599 Emmett! Help! 2469 01:40:49,963 --> 01:40:51,453 잘 잡고 있어요! 2470 01:40:51,454 --> 01:40:53,333 Hold on, Clara! Whoa! Aah! 2471 01:40:55,144 --> 01:40:56,235 Doc! Ready, Doc? 2472 01:40:56,236 --> 01:40:57,678 준비 됐어요, 박사님? 잡아요! 2473 01:40:57,679 --> 01:40:59,806 Catch it! 2474 01:40:59,882 --> 01:41:01,975 - Ohh! - Yes! Yes! 2475 01:41:00,274 --> 01:41:01,741 됐어! 2476 01:41:05,946 --> 01:41:07,641 철로 끝 2477 01:41:12,694 --> 01:41:13,786 - Emmett! - Hold on! 2478 01:41:13,787 --> 01:41:15,152 꽉 잡아요! 2479 01:41:16,398 --> 01:41:18,025 Aaah! 2480 01:41:18,759 --> 01:41:19,830 됐다! 2481 01:41:19,831 --> 01:41:20,935 Yes! 2482 01:42:27,427 --> 01:42:29,361 이스트우드 협곡 2483 01:42:31,631 --> 01:42:33,565 철길 건널목 2484 01:42:38,305 --> 01:42:41,365 힐 밸리에서 새 주택단지 힐데일, 곧 완공 됩니다 2485 01:43:06,967 --> 01:43:08,628 젠장! 2486 01:43:07,209 --> 01:43:09,575 Holy shit. 2487 01:44:00,095 --> 01:44:01,125 Well, Doc, 2488 01:44:01,126 --> 01:44:03,212 박사님... 2489 01:44:03,290 --> 01:44:04,295 박살 났네요 2490 01:44:04,296 --> 01:44:05,299 it's destroyed. 2491 01:44:07,102 --> 01:44:08,115 Just like you wanted. 2492 01:44:08,116 --> 01:44:09,185 원하시던대로요... 2493 01:44:11,331 --> 01:44:13,265 라이온 단지 2494 01:44:28,156 --> 01:44:30,624 - Hey, butt-head, get away-- - Watch it, Biff! 2495 01:44:28,248 --> 01:44:30,375 - 이 또라이야, 꺼져... - 말 조심해요! 2496 01:44:30,450 --> 01:44:33,749 넌 줄 몰랐지 겁주려던 거 아니야 2497 01:44:30,692 --> 01:44:34,128 I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't recognize you in those clothes. 2498 01:44:34,129 --> 01:44:37,347 - 뭐 하는 거예요? - 두 번째 왁스칠 하고 있었지 2499 01:44:34,196 --> 01:44:37,658 - What the hell are you doin'? - Uh, just puttin' on the second coat now. 2500 01:44:39,101 --> 01:44:42,036 - You goin' cowboy, huh? - Come on, guys! 2501 01:44:39,126 --> 01:44:40,559 카우보이 놀이하니? 2502 01:44:40,627 --> 01:44:42,103 서둘러요 식사시간 늦겠어요 2503 01:44:42,104 --> 01:44:44,038 We're gonna be late for brunch! 2504 01:44:44,106 --> 01:44:47,542 Come on, Dad. They're not gonna hold the reservations all day. 2505 01:44:44,598 --> 01:44:46,930 아빠, 하루종일 예약손님을 기다려주지 않아요 2506 01:44:47,000 --> 01:44:50,401 내 다른 안경을 못 찾겠어 여보, 내 안경 봤어? 2507 01:44:47,609 --> 01:44:50,544 I can't find my other glasses. Have you seen my glasses? 2508 01:44:50,545 --> 01:44:52,438 스웨이드 조끼안에 있어요 2509 01:44:50,612 --> 01:44:52,546 They're in your suede jacket, honey. 2510 01:44:52,547 --> 01:44:55,031 마티? 뭐 잘못됐니? 호수에 간 줄 알았는데 2511 01:44:52,614 --> 01:44:55,048 Marty, what's wrong? We thought you went to the lake. 2512 01:44:55,108 --> 01:44:56,598 호수에 그렇게 입고 갔어? 2513 01:44:55,117 --> 01:44:57,051 You wore that to the lake? 2514 01:44:57,052 --> 01:44:58,371 모두 정상으로 돌아와서 다행이에요 2515 01:44:57,119 --> 01:44:59,553 Thank God. You guys are all back to normal. 2516 01:44:59,554 --> 01:45:00,572 너가 무슨 클린트 이스트우드냐? 2517 01:45:00,573 --> 01:45:02,488 Who you supposed to be, Clint Eastwood? 2518 01:45:02,489 --> 01:45:04,276 그래 제니퍼 데리러 가야 해 2519 01:45:02,557 --> 01:45:04,991 Right. I gotta go get Jennifer. 2520 01:45:08,130 --> 01:45:10,064 I really like that hat, Marty. 2521 01:45:10,065 --> 01:45:11,821 - 모자 멋지구나 - 고마워요 2522 01:45:10,132 --> 01:45:12,066 Thanks, Biff. 2523 01:45:26,039 --> 01:45:27,631 제니퍼 2524 01:45:26,047 --> 01:45:27,981 Jennifer. 2525 01:45:29,718 --> 01:45:31,652 Jen. 2526 01:45:35,056 --> 01:45:37,547 Jennifer. 2527 01:45:39,394 --> 01:45:41,328 Mmm. 2528 01:45:42,397 --> 01:45:44,228 Mmm. 2529 01:45:58,747 --> 01:46:00,738 Marty. 2530 01:46:02,017 --> 01:46:03,951 Marty! 2531 01:46:05,045 --> 01:46:06,979 악몽을 꿨어 2532 01:46:05,187 --> 01:46:07,246 I had the worst nightmare. 2533 01:46:13,195 --> 01:46:15,241 Marty, that dream I had is so real. 2534 01:46:15,242 --> 01:46:16,978 너무 진짜 같은 꿈이었어 2535 01:46:17,032 --> 01:46:18,342 It's about the future, 2536 01:46:18,343 --> 01:46:19,651 미래에 관한 꿈이었는데... 2537 01:46:19,701 --> 01:46:21,760 about us. 2538 01:46:19,726 --> 01:46:21,523 우리 얘기야 2539 01:46:21,595 --> 01:46:23,825 네가 해고를 당했었어 2540 01:46:21,837 --> 01:46:23,771 And you got fired. 2541 01:46:23,839 --> 01:46:26,501 What do you mean, I got fired? 2542 01:46:23,897 --> 01:46:26,263 잠깐! 무슨 말이야? 내가 해고를 당해? 2543 01:46:26,333 --> 01:46:27,501 힐데일... 2544 01:46:27,502 --> 01:46:28,668 Hilldale. 2545 01:46:29,569 --> 01:46:31,594 우리가 여기서 살잖아 2546 01:46:29,811 --> 01:46:31,836 Hilldale. This is where we live. 2547 01:46:33,081 --> 01:46:35,015 I-I mean, this is, uh-- 2548 01:46:35,016 --> 01:46:36,108 내 말은 우리가 여기서 살게 될 거라고 2549 01:46:35,083 --> 01:46:37,176 this is where we're gonna live... 2550 01:46:37,244 --> 01:46:38,677 언젠가는 2551 01:46:37,252 --> 01:46:38,947 someday. 2552 01:46:41,790 --> 01:46:43,616 Marty, it was a dream, wasn't it? 2553 01:46:43,617 --> 01:46:45,112 그거 꿈 아니었어? 2554 01:46:48,029 --> 01:46:49,788 Hey! 2555 01:46:49,789 --> 01:46:51,292 맥플라이 차잖아! 2556 01:46:51,293 --> 01:46:52,625 The big "M." 2557 01:46:52,626 --> 01:46:55,925 - 잘 지내냐, 맥플라이? - 안녕, 니들스 2558 01:46:52,868 --> 01:46:54,859 How's it hangin', McFly? 2559 01:46:54,936 --> 01:46:57,315 - Hey, Needles. - Nice set of wheels. 2560 01:46:57,316 --> 01:46:58,396 차 짱인데! 2561 01:46:58,465 --> 01:47:00,330 얼마나 잘 달리는지 해보자고 2562 01:46:58,707 --> 01:47:00,987 Let's see what she can do. Next green light. 2563 01:47:00,988 --> 01:47:02,459 - 신호 바뀌면 경주야 - 사양할래 2564 01:47:02,460 --> 01:47:03,702 No, thanks. 2565 01:47:03,778 --> 01:47:05,274 What's the matter? Chicken? 2566 01:47:05,275 --> 01:47:06,337 왜 그래? 겁쟁이냐? 2567 01:47:06,681 --> 01:47:09,707 It's a chicken McFly! Whoo! 2568 01:47:09,784 --> 01:47:11,546 - Yeah! - Marty, don't. 2569 01:47:11,547 --> 01:47:13,945 - 마티, 하지 마 - 꽉 잡아 2570 01:47:12,120 --> 01:47:14,179 Grab ahold of something. 2571 01:47:14,256 --> 01:47:16,986 Come on! Get on it! 2572 01:47:14,981 --> 01:47:16,710 - 덤벼! - 밟아! 2573 01:47:18,151 --> 01:47:19,516 좋았어! 가자! 2574 01:47:19,517 --> 01:47:22,955 Yeah! Go! Go, go, go! 2575 01:47:40,415 --> 01:47:42,007 Ohh! 2576 01:47:42,083 --> 01:47:44,574 Did you do that on purpose? 2577 01:47:42,842 --> 01:47:44,332 일부러 그런 거야? 2578 01:47:44,411 --> 01:47:46,879 응, 내가 저런 멍청이들하고 경주할 정도로 바보같아? 2579 01:47:44,653 --> 01:47:47,250 Yeah. You think I'm stupid enough to race that asshole? 2580 01:47:53,053 --> 01:47:55,222 세상에! 저 롤스로이스랑 사고날 뻔했잖아 2581 01:47:55,223 --> 01:47:57,391 Jeez. I would've hit that Rolls-Royce. 2582 01:48:02,195 --> 01:48:04,720 넌 해고야! 2583 01:48:05,965 --> 01:48:07,694 지워졌어 2584 01:48:06,074 --> 01:48:07,939 It erased. 2585 01:48:21,681 --> 01:48:23,615 맞아 거의 남은게 없어 2586 01:48:21,690 --> 01:48:23,885 You're right. There's not much left. 2587 01:48:26,094 --> 01:48:28,392 Doc's never comin' back. 2588 01:48:26,219 --> 01:48:28,153 박사님은 절대 돌아오시지 못 할거야 2589 01:48:42,544 --> 01:48:44,637 I'm sure gonna miss him, Jen. 2590 01:48:42,769 --> 01:48:44,703 보고 싶을 거야 2591 01:48:56,458 --> 01:48:58,392 What the hell? 2592 01:48:56,583 --> 01:48:58,107 뭐지? 2593 01:49:15,844 --> 01:49:18,506 - Doc? - Marty! 2594 01:49:18,580 --> 01:49:20,741 Doc! Doc! 2595 01:49:20,815 --> 01:49:23,750 Marty! It runs on steam! 2596 01:49:21,541 --> 01:49:23,475 이제 증기로 달려! 2597 01:49:28,748 --> 01:49:32,149 내 가족을 소개하마 클라라는 알테고 2598 01:49:28,757 --> 01:49:30,850 Meet the family. 2599 01:49:30,925 --> 01:49:32,903 - Clara you know. - Hi, Marty! 2600 01:49:32,904 --> 01:49:34,686 - 안녕, 마티 군! - 안녕하세요 2601 01:49:34,687 --> 01:49:35,721 Ma'am! 2602 01:49:35,722 --> 01:49:36,974 우리 아이들이란다 2603 01:49:36,975 --> 01:49:38,158 These are our boys. 2604 01:49:38,159 --> 01:49:42,519 줄스와 번이야 2605 01:49:38,233 --> 01:49:40,098 Jules... 2606 01:49:41,636 --> 01:49:44,469 and Verne. 2607 01:49:45,565 --> 01:49:48,932 얘들아, 저긴 마티와 제니퍼란다 2608 01:49:45,607 --> 01:49:48,701 Boys, this is Marty andJennifer. 2609 01:49:50,578 --> 01:49:53,706 Doc, I thought I'd never see you again! 2610 01:49:51,438 --> 01:49:53,463 박사님, 두 번 다시 못 뵐 거라 생각 했어요 2611 01:49:53,540 --> 01:49:55,804 좋은 과학자를 잃을 수는 없잖니! 2612 01:49:53,782 --> 01:49:56,216 You can't keep a good scientist down. 2613 01:49:56,217 --> 01:49:57,809 아인슈타인을 데리러 와야만 했고 2614 01:49:56,284 --> 01:49:59,048 After all, I had to come back for Einstein, 2615 01:49:59,049 --> 01:50:01,335 네가 내 걱정을 하지 않길 바랬단다 2616 01:49:59,120 --> 01:50:01,611 and I didn't want you to be worried about me. 2617 01:50:01,690 --> 01:50:03,148 Oh. 2618 01:50:03,149 --> 01:50:05,947 작은 선물을 하나 가져왔다 2619 01:50:03,692 --> 01:50:06,183 I brought you a little souvenir. 2620 01:50:17,730 --> 01:50:20,699 시간여행의 동반자 마티에게 1885년 9월 5일 2621 01:50:22,477 --> 01:50:23,887 It's great, Doc. 2622 01:50:23,888 --> 01:50:24,932 멋져요, 박사님 2623 01:50:25,004 --> 01:50:26,008 고마워요 2624 01:50:26,009 --> 01:50:27,137 Thanks. 2625 01:50:27,215 --> 01:50:29,649 Dr. Brown? 2626 01:50:27,974 --> 01:50:29,407 브라운 박사님... 2627 01:50:29,476 --> 01:50:31,774 이 메모를 미래에서 가져 왔는데 2628 01:50:29,718 --> 01:50:32,653 I brought this note back from the future, 2629 01:50:32,654 --> 01:50:34,245 지금은 지워 졌어요 2630 01:50:32,721 --> 01:50:34,313 and now it's erased. 2631 01:50:34,314 --> 01:50:35,852 물론 지워지지! 2632 01:50:35,853 --> 01:50:37,389 Of course it's erased! 2633 01:50:37,459 --> 01:50:39,859 But what does that mean? 2634 01:50:38,251 --> 01:50:39,616 이게 무슨 의미죠? 2635 01:50:39,686 --> 01:50:43,486 네 미래가 아직은 쓰여지지 않았다는 말이야 2636 01:50:39,928 --> 01:50:43,455 It means your future hasn't been written yet. 2637 01:50:43,531 --> 01:50:45,465 No one's has. 2638 01:50:43,556 --> 01:50:45,285 아무도 정해진 미래는 없어 2639 01:50:45,358 --> 01:50:47,849 자신의 미래는 스스로가 만들어 나가는 거야 2640 01:50:45,533 --> 01:50:47,967 Your future is whateveryou make it, 2641 01:50:47,968 --> 01:50:49,631 그러니 둘 다 좋은 미래를 만들어 나가거라 2642 01:50:49,632 --> 01:50:51,494 so make it a good one, both of you. 2643 01:50:53,274 --> 01:50:55,208 We will, Doc. 2644 01:50:53,533 --> 01:50:54,966 그럴게요! 2645 01:50:55,034 --> 01:50:56,467 물러서! 2646 01:50:56,468 --> 01:50:59,269 Stand back! All right, boys, buckle up! 2647 01:50:56,536 --> 01:50:59,027 좋아, 얘들아 안전벨트 매라! 2648 01:51:03,785 --> 01:51:05,544 Hey, Doc! 2649 01:51:05,545 --> 01:51:09,208 이제 어디로 가세요? 미래로 가나요? 2650 01:51:05,787 --> 01:51:09,281 Where you going now? Back to the future? 2651 01:51:09,282 --> 01:51:11,104 아니, 이미 다녀 왔다 2652 01:51:11,105 --> 01:51:13,358 Nope. Already been there. 2653 01:51:43,249 --> 01:51:45,183 끝 2654 01:52:00,108 --> 01:52:02,474 I got shot through space 2655 01:52:02,544 --> 01:52:04,569 Landed long ago 2656 01:52:04,646 --> 01:52:08,514 I thought I knew the place so well 2657 01:52:08,583 --> 01:52:10,175 It wasn't the same 2658 01:52:10,251 --> 01:52:12,446 Now it goes to show 2659 01:52:12,520 --> 01:52:15,819 Sometimes you never can tell 2660 01:52:15,890 --> 01:52:17,949 I'm lookin ' high and low 2661 01:52:18,026 --> 01:52:20,187 Don 't know where to go 2662 01:52:20,261 --> 01:52:23,594 I've got to double back my friend 2663 01:52:23,665 --> 01:52:25,758 The only way to find 2664 01:52:25,834 --> 01:52:28,064 What I left behind 2665 01:52:28,136 --> 01:52:31,037 Got to double back again 2666 01:52:31,105 --> 01:52:33,767 Double back again 2667 01:52:39,080 --> 01:52:41,310 You know I'm movin ' on 2668 01:52:41,382 --> 01:52:43,646 In this fine machine 2669 01:52:43,718 --> 01:52:47,381 Rollin ' on through the night 2670 01:52:47,455 --> 01:52:49,082 Seein ' things 2671 01:52:49,157 --> 01:52:50,920 Like I've never seen 2672 01:52:50,992 --> 01:52:54,758 And it's takin ' me out ofsight 2673 01:52:54,829 --> 01:52:56,797 L ookin ' high and low 2674 01:52:56,865 --> 01:52:58,958 Don 't know where to go 2675 01:52:59,033 --> 01:53:02,298 I've got to double back my friend 2676 01:53:02,370 --> 01:53:04,531 The only way to find 2677 01:53:04,606 --> 01:53:06,631 What I left behind 2678 01:53:06,708 --> 01:53:09,905 I've got to double back again 2679 01:53:09,978 --> 01:53:12,105 Double back again 2680 01:53:33,201 --> 01:53:35,362 It's got me up and down 2681 01:53:35,436 --> 01:53:37,961 I been lost and found 2682 01:53:38,039 --> 01:53:41,031 Down in a deep, dark hole 2683 01:53:41,109 --> 01:53:43,043 It's like my luck has changed 2684 01:53:43,111 --> 01:53:45,272 I been rearranged 2685 01:53:45,346 --> 01:53:49,043 And I'm comin ' out on a roll 2686 01:53:49,117 --> 01:53:51,051 L ookin ' high and low 2687 01:53:51,119 --> 01:53:53,178 Don 't know where to go 2688 01:53:53,254 --> 01:53:56,519 I've got to double back my friend 2689 01:53:56,591 --> 01:53:58,786 The only way to find 2690 01:53:58,860 --> 01:54:00,987 What I left behind 2691 01:54:01,062 --> 01:54:04,156 I've got to double back again 2692 01:54:04,232 --> 01:54:07,326 Double back again