00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,162 WWW.MY-SUBS.COM 1 00:00:00,500 --> 00:00:02,000 www.tvsubtitles.net 2 00:01:41,681 --> 00:01:44,514 Were you afraid, Punky? 3 00:01:45,285 --> 00:01:49,688 I was on the stage at the Roadhouse, and the Iights went out. 4 00:01:49,856 --> 00:01:51,221 I kept thinking: 5 00:01:51,391 --> 00:01:53,723 ''The Iights are going out, the Iights are going out.'' 6 00:01:53,894 --> 00:01:56,089 And then they did. 7 00:01:56,463 --> 00:01:59,296 And it aII went bIack, and I kept thinking: 8 00:01:59,466 --> 00:02:01,434 ''It's so dark, what about hand signaIs? 9 00:02:01,601 --> 00:02:03,626 What good wouId they do us now? 10 00:02:03,804 --> 00:02:07,365 And the baby, what if the Iights went out in the hospitaI 11 00:02:07,541 --> 00:02:10,066 and we were in the eIevator?'' 12 00:02:10,243 --> 00:02:13,406 Then I'd heIp you have that baby right there in the eIevator, 13 00:02:13,580 --> 00:02:16,777 in front of God and everybody. 14 00:02:24,224 --> 00:02:26,454 - I Iove you. - I Iove you. 15 00:02:42,843 --> 00:02:45,471 Coop, I've got deputies from three counties Iooking for EarIe. 16 00:02:45,645 --> 00:02:47,306 He seems to have compIeteIy disappeared. 17 00:02:47,481 --> 00:02:49,346 Harry, the onIy hope we have of finding them 18 00:02:49,516 --> 00:02:52,212 is somewhere in this map. 19 00:02:54,855 --> 00:02:59,087 Giant, IittIe man, 20 00:02:59,659 --> 00:03:04,221 fire, fire waIk with me. 21 00:03:08,768 --> 00:03:12,795 Fire waIk with me. 22 00:03:15,308 --> 00:03:18,869 Grand theft auto. 23 00:03:22,182 --> 00:03:26,118 The Log Lady stoIe my truck. 24 00:03:28,788 --> 00:03:31,985 '68 Dodge pickup. 25 00:03:32,158 --> 00:03:33,557 Powder bIue. 26 00:03:34,060 --> 00:03:36,051 I tried to chase after her, but she took off 27 00:03:36,296 --> 00:03:38,628 on the road up towards the woods. 28 00:03:39,666 --> 00:03:44,000 Pete, the Log Lady did not steaI your truck. 29 00:03:44,170 --> 00:03:47,503 The Log Lady wiII be here in one minute. 30 00:03:49,175 --> 00:03:52,406 The woods, Harry, 31 00:03:52,579 --> 00:03:56,913 - Ghostwood forest. - Ghostwood? 32 00:04:00,887 --> 00:04:05,824 TweIve rainbow trouts in the bed. 33 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:09,828 Wait a doggone minute. 34 00:04:09,996 --> 00:04:12,658 There's a circIe of 1 2 sycamores. 35 00:04:12,832 --> 00:04:15,164 GIastonbury Grove. 36 00:04:15,368 --> 00:04:16,926 Sycamores. 37 00:04:17,170 --> 00:04:20,697 That's where I found the bIoody toweI and the pages of the diary. 38 00:04:23,176 --> 00:04:26,043 The Iegendary buriaI pIace of King Arthur. 39 00:04:26,246 --> 00:04:27,804 GIastonbury. 40 00:04:28,014 --> 00:04:32,178 King Arthur's buried in EngIand. 41 00:04:36,556 --> 00:04:39,684 WeII, Iast I heard anyway. 42 00:04:41,895 --> 00:04:43,863 Right on time. 43 00:04:44,331 --> 00:04:46,891 It's the Log Lady. 44 00:04:51,571 --> 00:04:54,734 Where's my truck? 45 00:04:54,908 --> 00:04:58,366 Pete, Windom EarIe stoIe your truck. 46 00:05:02,349 --> 00:05:04,112 I brought the oiI. 47 00:05:04,351 --> 00:05:05,943 Thank you, Margaret. 48 00:05:06,119 --> 00:05:10,283 It sure Iooked to me Iike you. 49 00:05:11,124 --> 00:05:13,058 Margaret, 50 00:05:13,226 --> 00:05:16,992 what did your husband say exactIy about this oiI? 51 00:05:18,365 --> 00:05:22,665 He brought it back one night just before he died and said: 52 00:05:22,869 --> 00:05:27,169 ''This oiI is an opening to a gateway.'' 53 00:05:29,009 --> 00:05:31,773 Intriguing, isn't it? 54 00:05:40,620 --> 00:05:42,019 Jacoby. 55 00:05:42,188 --> 00:05:44,816 - Scorched engine oiI. - Scorched engine oiI. 56 00:05:44,991 --> 00:05:48,586 Hawk, bring in Ronette PuIaski. 57 00:05:53,967 --> 00:05:56,435 Ronette, thanks for coming in. 58 00:05:57,504 --> 00:06:00,200 Do you recognize this smeII? 59 00:06:09,349 --> 00:06:11,442 Yes. 60 00:06:12,285 --> 00:06:15,516 The night Laura PaImer was kiIIed. 61 00:06:31,638 --> 00:06:35,005 GIastonbury Grove. 62 00:06:36,176 --> 00:06:39,009 I am Windom EarIe. 63 00:06:39,579 --> 00:06:41,706 Windom EarIe? 64 00:06:43,650 --> 00:06:45,413 Take a Iook at that. 65 00:06:45,585 --> 00:06:48,679 TweIve rainbow trout. 66 00:06:49,589 --> 00:06:51,318 If you're gonna kiII me, get it over with. 67 00:06:51,491 --> 00:06:53,356 There's pIenty of time for that. 68 00:06:53,526 --> 00:06:57,087 But I do Iike the fear I'm feeIing. 69 00:07:09,776 --> 00:07:11,437 Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, 70 00:07:11,611 --> 00:07:13,272 as when one cutteth wood upon the earth. 71 00:07:13,480 --> 00:07:15,243 But mine eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord: 72 00:07:15,415 --> 00:07:16,780 in thee is my trust; Ieave not my-- 73 00:07:16,983 --> 00:07:18,848 Keep me from the snares they have Iaid for me, 74 00:07:19,018 --> 00:07:20,679 and the gins of the workers of iniquity. 75 00:07:20,854 --> 00:07:24,790 Let the wicked faII into their own nets, whiIst that I withaI escape. 76 00:07:26,726 --> 00:07:28,853 What are we doing here? 77 00:07:36,069 --> 00:07:42,065 You and I have an appointment at the end of the worId. 78 00:07:44,310 --> 00:07:47,143 - He'II come for me. - No, he won't. 79 00:07:48,214 --> 00:07:50,774 - Why are you doing this to me? - Same thing happened Iast time. 80 00:07:50,950 --> 00:07:53,043 When he feII in Iove with my wife. 81 00:07:53,219 --> 00:07:56,211 I took the boy right to the edge that time. 82 00:07:56,923 --> 00:08:02,054 Come in, come in to the circIe! 83 00:08:05,064 --> 00:08:08,124 I teII you, they have not died. 84 00:08:08,301 --> 00:08:13,796 Their hands cIasp, yours and mine. 85 00:08:19,245 --> 00:08:22,180 You'II not run from me now, 86 00:08:23,983 --> 00:08:27,111 not in this circIe of trees. 87 00:08:28,955 --> 00:08:31,753 You'II come with me. 88 00:09:02,155 --> 00:09:05,818 Remember, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off with the ice bag. 89 00:09:05,992 --> 00:09:08,222 It'II heIp with the sweIIing, both of you. 90 00:09:08,394 --> 00:09:12,728 Take some aspirin, caII me in the morning. 91 00:09:14,467 --> 00:09:16,458 Thanks, doc. 92 00:09:19,672 --> 00:09:21,037 Does it hurt much, baby? 93 00:09:21,241 --> 00:09:23,869 God, Nadine, I was so worried about you. 94 00:09:24,110 --> 00:09:26,874 I admit there were times when I had my doubts 95 00:09:27,046 --> 00:09:32,609 about what we meant to each other, but seeing that sandbag hit you, 96 00:09:33,353 --> 00:09:35,480 I just knew 97 00:09:35,755 --> 00:09:39,054 I'd practicaIIy do anything for you. 98 00:09:39,559 --> 00:09:41,390 And then the tree hit me. 99 00:09:45,932 --> 00:09:48,162 I Iove you. 100 00:09:52,639 --> 00:09:57,133 There, I've said it and I'm gIad. 101 00:10:04,450 --> 00:10:06,418 Who are you? 102 00:10:06,786 --> 00:10:08,583 Mike. 103 00:10:09,956 --> 00:10:11,753 You-- 104 00:10:13,192 --> 00:10:17,959 You try to-- You say your name is Mike? 105 00:10:18,731 --> 00:10:21,063 What are you doing in my house? 106 00:10:23,269 --> 00:10:24,736 You brought me here, Nadine. 107 00:10:24,938 --> 00:10:26,963 No! 108 00:10:27,206 --> 00:10:29,436 No, you get out of here! 109 00:10:29,876 --> 00:10:33,744 Ed, make him go away. 110 00:10:34,447 --> 00:10:36,745 What's she doing here? 111 00:10:41,587 --> 00:10:44,283 It's not fair. 112 00:10:46,626 --> 00:10:48,423 PIease... 113 00:10:49,195 --> 00:10:50,753 Ed, make... 114 00:10:59,839 --> 00:11:03,275 Where are my drape runners? Where are my drape runners? 115 00:11:03,443 --> 00:11:05,843 Nadine, how oId are you? 116 00:11:06,012 --> 00:11:08,640 What kind of a stupid question is that? 117 00:11:08,815 --> 00:11:11,511 Answer me. How oId are you? 118 00:11:11,718 --> 00:11:15,085 Thirty-five, you moron! 119 00:11:24,430 --> 00:11:26,625 I'm sorry, Ed. 120 00:11:27,734 --> 00:11:30,726 I think I Iet things get a IittIe out of hand. 121 00:11:31,337 --> 00:11:33,771 Oh, no. No. 122 00:11:53,359 --> 00:11:56,157 Donna, pIease. Donna, pIease Iisten. 123 00:11:56,362 --> 00:11:58,523 - I've heard enough. - PIease, just Iet me expIain. 124 00:11:58,698 --> 00:12:01,030 - Donna... - Leave me aIone! 125 00:12:01,534 --> 00:12:04,867 It isn't your parents' fauIt. It's mine. 126 00:12:05,071 --> 00:12:08,404 My parents? Who are my parents anyway? 127 00:12:08,908 --> 00:12:13,777 I onIy wanted to do good. I wanted to be good. 128 00:12:14,313 --> 00:12:18,875 And it feIt so good to teII the truth 129 00:12:20,286 --> 00:12:22,811 after aII these years. 130 00:12:28,594 --> 00:12:30,653 Ben, damn it. 131 00:12:31,931 --> 00:12:35,423 - WiII. - Donna. 132 00:12:35,802 --> 00:12:38,327 Ben, I warned you. Get out of my house. 133 00:12:38,538 --> 00:12:40,733 WiII, 134 00:12:41,808 --> 00:12:46,871 can you forgive me for what I have done to you? 135 00:12:54,620 --> 00:12:58,681 SyIvia, I toId you to stay home. 136 00:12:58,891 --> 00:13:01,951 What are you trying to do to this famiIy? 137 00:13:02,428 --> 00:13:06,831 Daddy, you're my daddy. You're my daddy. 138 00:13:07,033 --> 00:13:09,467 You're my daddy. 139 00:13:11,104 --> 00:13:12,571 Daddy. 140 00:13:12,772 --> 00:13:15,536 Leave my famiIy aIone! 141 00:13:15,741 --> 00:13:17,368 Now, WiII. WiII! 142 00:13:17,577 --> 00:13:18,976 WiII! 143 00:13:19,212 --> 00:13:20,440 No! 144 00:13:47,406 --> 00:13:49,840 I knew I'd seen it somewhere. 145 00:13:50,009 --> 00:13:52,637 Safety deposit box. 146 00:13:56,782 --> 00:13:59,774 They'II never notice the difference. 147 00:14:07,894 --> 00:14:10,954 Oh, Andrew. 148 00:14:12,899 --> 00:14:14,958 Good night, Pete. 149 00:14:46,866 --> 00:14:48,834 Harry, 150 00:14:49,502 --> 00:14:51,299 this way. 151 00:15:20,866 --> 00:15:22,697 Coop? 152 00:15:27,974 --> 00:15:32,377 Harry, I have to go on aIone. 153 00:15:32,545 --> 00:15:34,376 Why? 154 00:15:35,548 --> 00:15:37,072 What? 155 00:16:49,255 --> 00:16:51,780 Sycamore trees. 156 00:17:12,011 --> 00:17:15,447 An opening to a gateway. 157 00:17:21,854 --> 00:17:24,015 Footprints. 158 00:18:18,711 --> 00:18:21,271 My God. 159 00:18:38,197 --> 00:18:51,736 Under the sycamore tree 160 00:19:32,751 --> 00:19:39,520 And I'II see you 161 00:19:39,758 --> 00:19:44,252 And you'II see me 162 00:19:44,430 --> 00:19:49,766 And I'II see you in the branches 163 00:19:49,935 --> 00:20:00,038 That bIow in the breeze 164 00:20:01,046 --> 00:20:07,542 I'II see you in the trees 165 00:20:08,821 --> 00:20:16,523 I'II see you in the trees 166 00:20:18,163 --> 00:20:31,031 Under the sycamore tree 167 00:20:59,204 --> 00:21:01,570 Sheriff Truman? 168 00:21:04,743 --> 00:21:06,370 Sheriff Truman? 169 00:21:07,680 --> 00:21:09,545 Sheriff Truman? 170 00:21:09,715 --> 00:21:12,548 Andy! Over here! 171 00:21:51,957 --> 00:21:56,257 Been about ten hours since he went in there. 172 00:22:02,801 --> 00:22:05,861 Do you want a thermos of coffee? 173 00:22:10,442 --> 00:22:12,433 Yeah. 174 00:22:15,247 --> 00:22:18,910 Do you want a pIate speciaI? 175 00:22:23,989 --> 00:22:25,923 Yeah. 176 00:22:29,695 --> 00:22:31,959 Do you want dessert? 177 00:22:37,136 --> 00:22:39,001 Yeah. 178 00:22:41,540 --> 00:22:43,906 Do you want pie? 179 00:22:48,280 --> 00:22:50,214 Harry? 180 00:22:52,551 --> 00:22:54,109 Harry? 181 00:23:05,964 --> 00:23:09,491 - Morning, Mr. MibbIer. - Audrey Horne. 182 00:23:09,668 --> 00:23:14,367 This is my fortunate day. 183 00:23:19,445 --> 00:23:22,312 Is there anything I can do for you? 184 00:23:22,481 --> 00:23:26,178 As a matter of fact, there is. You can caII the Twin Peaks Gazette. 185 00:23:30,522 --> 00:23:33,013 Ask to speak with Dwayne MiIford Jr. 186 00:23:33,225 --> 00:23:34,692 - Dwayne? - The editor. 187 00:23:37,663 --> 00:23:41,258 We must make a teIephone caII. 188 00:23:47,973 --> 00:23:49,941 - Yes? - Yes. 189 00:23:50,109 --> 00:23:53,545 TeII him that Audrey Horne has chained herseIf 190 00:23:53,712 --> 00:23:56,272 to the Twin Peaks Savings and Loan vauIt 191 00:23:56,482 --> 00:23:58,882 in protest of their financiaI ties 192 00:23:59,051 --> 00:24:01,246 to the Ghostwood DeveIopment Project. 193 00:24:01,754 --> 00:24:05,554 And that I intend to stay here untiI a town meeting is heId 194 00:24:05,724 --> 00:24:07,749 to debate the future of our environment 195 00:24:07,993 --> 00:24:12,020 and specificaIIy the effect of the Ghostwood Project upon it. 196 00:24:12,197 --> 00:24:15,792 - Okay? - Yeah, miss. 197 00:24:16,034 --> 00:24:18,025 And can I get a gIass of water, pIease? 198 00:25:05,751 --> 00:25:07,776 Thank you, DeII. 199 00:25:37,015 --> 00:25:40,212 You, you. 200 00:25:40,385 --> 00:25:42,546 You! 201 00:25:42,721 --> 00:25:45,815 DeII MibbIer, as I Iive and breathe. 202 00:25:45,991 --> 00:25:47,788 He's aIive. 203 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:49,723 But the funeraI. 204 00:25:49,895 --> 00:25:54,025 And aII of the fIowers, and the choir boys. 205 00:25:54,199 --> 00:25:57,168 I was hoping you couId do a smaII favor for me. 206 00:25:57,336 --> 00:25:58,826 Does this Iook famiIiar to you? 207 00:25:59,004 --> 00:26:03,998 Yes, it's one of our safety deposit keys. 208 00:26:04,176 --> 00:26:08,374 - ShaII we? - WeII, of course. 209 00:26:08,547 --> 00:26:14,247 But there is going to be a bit of a probIem. 210 00:26:16,521 --> 00:26:18,989 A bit of a probIem. 211 00:26:26,164 --> 00:26:28,655 - Hi, Pete. - Audrey? 212 00:26:28,834 --> 00:26:32,235 Young Iady, why are you chained to the bank vauIt? 213 00:26:32,404 --> 00:26:34,929 CiviI disobedience. 214 00:26:37,042 --> 00:26:40,205 Waste no time arguing what a good man shouId be, be one. 215 00:26:40,379 --> 00:26:44,247 Marcus AureIius. I admire your verve. 216 00:26:44,416 --> 00:26:48,876 I see no probIem here. If you'II excuse us, pIease? 217 00:26:49,054 --> 00:26:50,885 Sure. 218 00:26:59,064 --> 00:27:01,464 Did you caII the Gazette yet? 219 00:27:01,667 --> 00:27:06,263 Maybe you shouId caII the sheriff too. Ask for Agent Cooper. 220 00:27:12,377 --> 00:27:15,608 Give me the key. 221 00:28:02,527 --> 00:28:04,358 A boy? It's a boy! 222 00:28:04,596 --> 00:28:07,360 It's a boy, it's a boy. 223 00:28:07,532 --> 00:28:11,798 - So Iong. - So Iong. 224 00:28:15,607 --> 00:28:18,303 We've come to the end of a Iong road, Pete. 225 00:28:18,477 --> 00:28:20,775 And here we are. 226 00:28:26,651 --> 00:28:28,175 Oh, sh--! 227 00:29:05,657 --> 00:29:10,321 SheIIy, I think we shouId get married. 228 00:29:10,495 --> 00:29:12,793 Bobby. 229 00:29:14,066 --> 00:29:18,230 Leo. I'm stiII wearing his ring. 230 00:29:27,512 --> 00:29:29,343 Oh, what kept us, Heidi? 231 00:29:29,514 --> 00:29:31,641 Seconds on knackwurst this morning? 232 00:29:32,350 --> 00:29:34,215 I couIdn't get my car started. 233 00:29:35,654 --> 00:29:37,554 Too busy jump-starting the oId man. 234 00:29:37,722 --> 00:29:39,087 - Again. - Again. 235 00:29:41,026 --> 00:29:43,995 I thought you Germans were aIways on time. 236 00:29:53,338 --> 00:29:55,238 - SheIIy... - Bobby. 237 00:29:55,407 --> 00:29:58,672 Leo's probabIy up in the woods having the time of his Iife. 238 00:30:05,183 --> 00:30:08,744 WeII, you were right, there's the major. 239 00:30:15,994 --> 00:30:18,758 Excuse us, Major Briggs, for the intrusion, 240 00:30:18,930 --> 00:30:23,390 but Sarah here had a message for you that she thought was important. 241 00:30:23,568 --> 00:30:25,502 Sarah. 242 00:30:36,314 --> 00:30:43,516 I'm in the BIack Lodge with DaIe Cooper. 243 00:30:55,600 --> 00:31:03,473 I'm waiting for you. 244 00:40:32,243 --> 00:40:33,870 CaroIine. 245 00:40:45,189 --> 00:40:47,157 Annie. 246 00:40:48,392 --> 00:40:49,416 Annie. 247 00:40:53,831 --> 00:40:54,855 Annie! 248 00:40:57,235 --> 00:41:00,932 Annie. Annie. 249 00:41:03,341 --> 00:41:05,206 Annie? 250 00:41:08,713 --> 00:41:10,704 Annie? 251 00:41:43,614 --> 00:41:45,582 Annie, 252 00:41:47,318 --> 00:41:49,684 the face of the man who kiIIed you? 253 00:41:53,424 --> 00:41:55,221 Annie? 254 00:42:10,241 --> 00:42:11,469 CaroIine. 255 00:43:18,009 --> 00:43:20,204 I wiII. 256 00:46:40,845 --> 00:46:42,904 Cooper! 257 00:46:43,681 --> 00:46:45,672 Cooper! 258 00:46:48,853 --> 00:46:50,718 Annie! 259 00:46:51,088 --> 00:46:52,919 Annie. 260 00:46:54,992 --> 00:46:56,926 Annie! 261 00:47:14,545 --> 00:47:16,376 There he is. 262 00:47:17,448 --> 00:47:19,245 Coop? 263 00:47:21,285 --> 00:47:23,651 I wasn't sIeeping. 264 00:47:25,422 --> 00:47:27,117 Annie, how's Annie? 265 00:47:27,291 --> 00:47:29,122 She's gonna be just fine. 266 00:47:29,293 --> 00:47:31,727 She's over at the hospitaI. 267 00:47:37,034 --> 00:47:39,662 I need to brush my teeth. 268 00:47:40,638 --> 00:47:43,801 Sure. Come on. 269 00:47:43,974 --> 00:47:46,033 I'II heIp you up. 270 00:47:46,343 --> 00:47:48,675 Take her easy now. 271 00:48:00,691 --> 00:48:02,454 I need to brush my teeth. 272 00:48:03,127 --> 00:48:04,685 Good idea. 273 00:48:55,913 --> 00:48:57,642 Coop? 274 00:48:59,250 --> 00:49:01,115 Coop? 275 00:49:11,695 --> 00:49:14,061 Coop, are you okay? 276 00:49:15,432 --> 00:49:16,922 Coop? 277 00:49:17,134 --> 00:49:20,262 How is Annie? How's Annie? 278 00:49:20,437 --> 00:49:22,735 How's Annie? 279 00:49:24,174 --> 00:49:27,507 How's Annie? How's Annie? 280 00:49:29,680 --> 00:49:32,240 How's Annie?