1 00:00:01,308 --> 00:00:03,580 (insects chirping) 2 00:00:03,580 --> 00:00:06,163 (loon wailing) 3 00:00:07,060 --> 00:00:09,810 (dramatic music) 4 00:00:13,269 --> 00:00:16,019 (peaceful music) 5 00:01:34,919 --> 00:01:37,669 (cheerful music) 6 00:01:47,973 --> 00:01:52,130 - Only providence knows why I take these things on, Marilla. 7 00:01:52,130 --> 00:01:54,917 Mind you, things would be in a sorry state if I didn't. 8 00:01:56,023 --> 00:01:59,470 I do find pleasure in the Avonlea sewing circle. 9 00:01:59,470 --> 00:02:02,380 Idle hands are not my cup of tea. 10 00:02:02,380 --> 00:02:04,107 - Nor is an idle tongue. 11 00:02:09,663 --> 00:02:11,810 - I only hope we can finish filling a box 12 00:02:11,810 --> 00:02:13,380 for the rummage sale. 13 00:02:13,380 --> 00:02:15,080 That Reverend Leonard has been worrying me 14 00:02:15,080 --> 00:02:16,520 about it for days. 15 00:02:16,520 --> 00:02:19,010 He should stick to preaching and leave the real work 16 00:02:19,010 --> 00:02:21,200 to those of us who know how to do it, that's what. 17 00:02:21,200 --> 00:02:23,140 - Rachel, I can't believe that sewing 18 00:02:23,140 --> 00:02:26,600 creates the kind of appetite that warrants five pies. 19 00:02:26,600 --> 00:02:28,990 - I have seen several ladies of the sewing circle 20 00:02:28,990 --> 00:02:31,363 polish off half a pie at one sitting. 21 00:02:32,200 --> 00:02:34,390 Janet King in particular. 22 00:02:34,390 --> 00:02:36,670 He daughter Felicity's going to be just like her, too. 23 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:38,740 She's a pretty thing now, but dimples 24 00:02:38,740 --> 00:02:40,753 turn to fat over the years, that's what. 25 00:02:43,690 --> 00:02:46,810 Besides, the pies aren't all for the sewing circle. 26 00:02:46,810 --> 00:02:49,760 I've invited Alexander Abraham to tea tomorrow, 27 00:02:49,760 --> 00:02:51,620 so two of them are for him. 28 00:02:51,620 --> 00:02:53,500 I didn't think you'd mind, Marilla. 29 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:56,600 A little male company would make a change around here. 30 00:02:56,600 --> 00:02:59,230 He asked me to his place first, but it's my experience, 31 00:02:59,230 --> 00:03:01,720 Marilla, that a woman is always in a stronger position 32 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:04,220 when she's the one doing the asking. 33 00:03:04,220 --> 00:03:06,543 Of course, these are things beyond your understanding, 34 00:03:06,543 --> 00:03:07,376 Marilla. 35 00:03:09,527 --> 00:03:14,527 - I lived with a man for 50-odd years, Rachel. 36 00:03:15,660 --> 00:03:17,400 - Well, dealing with a brother is in no way 37 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:19,490 the same as dealing with a man. 38 00:03:19,490 --> 00:03:22,160 And of course, husbands are quite another matter again. 39 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:23,693 Poor Thomas, bless his soul. 40 00:03:25,036 --> 00:03:27,551 (sighs) 41 00:03:27,551 --> 00:03:32,230 Marilla, if I may be so bold as to speak my mind, 42 00:03:32,230 --> 00:03:35,830 I've always wondered why you never got married, 43 00:03:35,830 --> 00:03:39,123 after you quarreled and broke it up with John Blythe. 44 00:03:39,123 --> 00:03:40,530 - I certainly hope that hasn't caused you 45 00:03:40,530 --> 00:03:42,390 any sleepless nights, Rachel. 46 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:43,490 - You weren't a bad looking girl, 47 00:03:43,490 --> 00:03:45,190 and you had a passable personality. 48 00:03:45,190 --> 00:03:47,123 Why is it you never got a proposal? 49 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:52,330 - If I may b e permitted to speak my mind, 50 00:03:52,330 --> 00:03:54,770 why are you suddenly so concerned? 51 00:03:54,770 --> 00:03:57,010 - Well, there's no reason to get huffy, Marilla, I'm sure. 52 00:03:57,010 --> 00:03:59,330 But you've missed out, that's what. 53 00:03:59,330 --> 00:04:02,510 - It has never worried me for a minute that I never married. 54 00:04:02,510 --> 00:04:04,043 - Well maybe so, but it must have worried you 55 00:04:04,043 --> 00:04:06,313 that you never had the opportunity to be. 56 00:04:07,290 --> 00:04:09,110 I might be getting mellow in my old age, 57 00:04:09,110 --> 00:04:11,230 but there's something comforting 58 00:04:11,230 --> 00:04:13,380 about having the attentions of a gentleman. 59 00:04:15,100 --> 00:04:16,680 Just between you and me, Marilla, 60 00:04:16,680 --> 00:04:17,840 I don't think it would take much 61 00:04:17,840 --> 00:04:20,023 to get Alexander Abraham to come courting. 62 00:04:22,200 --> 00:04:23,630 - And what would you do if he did? 63 00:04:23,630 --> 00:04:26,530 - Turn him down flat, that's what. 64 00:04:26,530 --> 00:04:28,810 Green Gables is my home now. 65 00:04:28,810 --> 00:04:31,178 I'm forever beholden to you for that. 66 00:04:31,178 --> 00:04:33,080 And you needn't worry, Marilla. 67 00:04:33,080 --> 00:04:36,560 I'll be here until the day they carry me out. 68 00:04:36,560 --> 00:04:39,846 - Well, Rachel, that certainly sets my mind at ease. 69 00:04:39,846 --> 00:04:42,596 (cheerful music) 70 00:04:44,027 --> 00:04:46,594 - Sara, hurry yourself, dear! 71 00:04:46,594 --> 00:04:48,261 - [Sara] I'm coming. 72 00:04:52,357 --> 00:04:54,450 - Hetty, you're not ready. 73 00:04:54,450 --> 00:04:55,533 - I'm not going. 74 00:04:56,380 --> 00:04:58,610 - But you always come to sewing circle. 75 00:04:58,610 --> 00:05:00,810 - Well, not when Rachel Lynde is holding it. 76 00:05:01,788 --> 00:05:04,480 - Oh, Hetty, you're being awfully pig-headed 77 00:05:04,480 --> 00:05:06,960 about something Rachel did to you in grade seven. 78 00:05:06,960 --> 00:05:09,720 - It wouldn't matter if it were yesterday. 79 00:05:09,720 --> 00:05:12,160 Rachel Lynde had no business stealing the heart 80 00:05:12,160 --> 00:05:15,880 of Romney Penhallow, and I'm not about to let her forget it. 81 00:05:15,880 --> 00:05:19,130 Anyway, I'd rather collect for the rummage sale next week 82 00:05:19,130 --> 00:05:22,823 than listen to the sewing circle's endless prattle. 83 00:05:23,900 --> 00:05:25,360 I know the minute my back is turned 84 00:05:25,360 --> 00:05:27,970 they fasten onto me with their chatter. 85 00:05:27,970 --> 00:05:29,203 Now, Sara. 86 00:05:30,538 --> 00:05:34,440 Mind your manners, don't fidget, 87 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,270 and speak only when spoken to. 88 00:05:38,270 --> 00:05:39,830 - Yes, Aunt Hetty. 89 00:05:39,830 --> 00:05:42,380 But wouldn't it be better if I stayed and helped you? 90 00:05:42,380 --> 00:05:45,490 - Helping me won't improve your sewing abilities. 91 00:05:45,490 --> 00:05:46,420 - But I can't sew. 92 00:05:46,420 --> 00:05:49,420 I won't be able to contribute anything. 93 00:05:49,420 --> 00:05:50,970 - Well, watch Felicity. 94 00:05:50,970 --> 00:05:54,470 If you ask her nicely she'll help you, I'm sure. 95 00:05:54,470 --> 00:05:56,470 - That would be a fate worse than death. 96 00:05:57,520 --> 00:05:59,380 - Hetty, I do wish you'd come with us. 97 00:05:59,380 --> 00:06:01,670 I hate making excuses for you. 98 00:06:01,670 --> 00:06:03,490 - Oh, you don't have to. 99 00:06:03,490 --> 00:06:06,813 Rachel will know why I'm not there, and rightly so. 100 00:06:07,840 --> 00:06:08,673 - Very well. 101 00:06:11,030 --> 00:06:13,780 (cheerful music) 102 00:06:16,600 --> 00:06:18,960 - [Rachel] I knew there'd be trouble when Tyrone Bell 103 00:06:18,960 --> 00:06:20,443 sold his place to a Yankee. 104 00:06:21,370 --> 00:06:23,210 I don't know what Avonlea is coming to 105 00:06:23,210 --> 00:06:26,766 with all these strange people rushing into it. 106 00:06:26,766 --> 00:06:28,610 It soon won't be safe to sleep in our beds. 107 00:06:28,610 --> 00:06:31,540 - I couldn't agree more about all these strangers. 108 00:06:31,540 --> 00:06:34,320 - What other strangers are coming here, Mrs. Potts? 109 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:35,700 - Haven't you heard? 110 00:06:35,700 --> 00:06:38,320 There's a family of Donalds, for one thing. 111 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:42,330 They belong down east, and nobody knows anything about them. 112 00:06:42,330 --> 00:06:44,730 - [Rachel] And that shiftless Timothy Cotton family 113 00:06:44,730 --> 00:06:46,580 are coming up from White Sands, 114 00:06:46,580 --> 00:06:49,240 and they'll simply be a burden on the public. 115 00:06:49,240 --> 00:06:50,680 He's the one who's consumptive. 116 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:52,510 - [Mrs. Potts] When he isn't stealing. 117 00:06:52,510 --> 00:06:54,260 - [Mrs. Lawson] I heard Paul Irving is coming 118 00:06:54,260 --> 00:06:56,560 from the states to live with his grandmother. 119 00:06:56,560 --> 00:06:58,200 You remember his father, Rachel. 120 00:06:58,200 --> 00:06:59,550 Stephen Irving? 121 00:06:59,550 --> 00:07:02,330 - [Rachel] Oh, isn't he the one that jilted Lavender Lewis 122 00:07:02,330 --> 00:07:03,163 over at Grafton? 123 00:07:03,163 --> 00:07:05,620 - [Mrs. Lawson] I don't think he jilted her. 124 00:07:05,620 --> 00:07:07,610 There was a quarrel. 125 00:07:07,610 --> 00:07:09,710 I suppose there was blame on both sides. 126 00:07:09,710 --> 00:07:11,500 - [Rachel] Well, anyway, he never married her, 127 00:07:11,500 --> 00:07:14,310 and she's been as queer as possible ever since. 128 00:07:14,310 --> 00:07:15,380 - Have you heard? 129 00:07:15,380 --> 00:07:17,650 Amy Peters is back from the West. 130 00:07:17,650 --> 00:07:19,320 Came last week. 131 00:07:19,320 --> 00:07:22,870 And she is going to marry a Winnipeg millionaire. 132 00:07:22,870 --> 00:07:24,780 You can be sure her mother lost no time 133 00:07:24,780 --> 00:07:26,870 in telling it far and wide. 134 00:07:26,870 --> 00:07:28,660 - Well, Amy's a nice enough girl, 135 00:07:28,660 --> 00:07:30,890 but she's not in the millionaire class. 136 00:07:30,890 --> 00:07:33,950 - My Sally saw her the other day, didn't you Sally? 137 00:07:33,950 --> 00:07:36,680 - Her beau simply showered her in jewelry. 138 00:07:36,680 --> 00:07:40,190 Her engagement ring is a huge diamond cluster. 139 00:07:40,190 --> 00:07:43,399 - Probably looks like a plaster on Amy's fat paw. 140 00:07:43,399 --> 00:07:46,650 (women laughing) 141 00:07:46,650 --> 00:07:49,620 - Speaking of beaus, Rachel, what's all this I hear 142 00:07:49,620 --> 00:07:51,453 about you and Alexander Abraham? 143 00:07:52,960 --> 00:07:54,040 - There's nothing to hear. 144 00:07:54,040 --> 00:07:55,430 We're friends. 145 00:07:55,430 --> 00:07:57,250 Nothing more than that. 146 00:07:57,250 --> 00:08:01,093 I shall always be faithful to my late husband's memory. 147 00:08:03,520 --> 00:08:05,460 - Well, Marilla, if you ask me, 148 00:08:05,460 --> 00:08:07,733 there's more between them than a friendship. 149 00:08:08,970 --> 00:08:10,760 - What do you mean, Mrs. Potts? 150 00:08:10,760 --> 00:08:14,010 - I suppose you'd miss her company if it came to anything. 151 00:08:14,010 --> 00:08:16,490 Mind you, at your age, I'm sure you're used 152 00:08:16,490 --> 00:08:18,172 to being on your own. 153 00:08:18,172 --> 00:08:21,930 - If people could stitch as easily as they could talk, 154 00:08:21,930 --> 00:08:25,773 the sewing circle would be a very productive group indeed. 155 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:29,470 - Even my imagination would have to stretch 156 00:08:29,470 --> 00:08:33,000 to think of Mrs. Lynde and Mr. Abraham as beaus. 157 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:34,620 - Now Sara, mind what Hetty said, 158 00:08:34,620 --> 00:08:36,950 you're here to sew not talk. 159 00:08:36,950 --> 00:08:40,170 And a hem stitch is not supposed to look like that. 160 00:08:40,170 --> 00:08:43,140 - I'll bet you had a lot of beaus, didn't you, Aunt Olivia? 161 00:08:43,140 --> 00:08:46,630 - Oh, my, not really, just one. 162 00:08:46,630 --> 00:08:50,670 - Oh yes, Edwin Clarke, wasn't it Olivia? 163 00:08:50,670 --> 00:08:52,870 Hetty sent him packing. 164 00:08:52,870 --> 00:08:56,020 Evidently a Clarke wasn't good enough for a King. 165 00:08:56,020 --> 00:08:59,997 Hetty always did set herself above everybody else. 166 00:08:59,997 --> 00:09:01,890 - That's just one of her faults. 167 00:09:01,890 --> 00:09:04,420 No wonder she lost Romney Penhallow. 168 00:09:04,420 --> 00:09:06,900 - Janet, you were the one with all the beaus. 169 00:09:06,900 --> 00:09:08,100 - Oh. 170 00:09:08,100 --> 00:09:11,240 Now, I might've had a few. 171 00:09:11,240 --> 00:09:12,240 - A few? 172 00:09:12,240 --> 00:09:13,780 Janet King, you threw yourself 173 00:09:13,780 --> 00:09:16,150 at every available male for miles. 174 00:09:16,150 --> 00:09:17,770 It's a good thing Alec King caught you, 175 00:09:17,770 --> 00:09:20,680 or you might have needed up with one of the Sloane boys. 176 00:09:20,680 --> 00:09:21,810 - Really, Mother? 177 00:09:21,810 --> 00:09:23,333 You never told us about them. 178 00:09:24,477 --> 00:09:26,853 - Mrs. Lynde is exaggerating a great deal. 179 00:09:27,690 --> 00:09:30,333 I had one or two before your father, that's all. 180 00:09:31,458 --> 00:09:34,160 - Did you ever have a beau, Miss Cuthbert? 181 00:09:34,160 --> 00:09:35,550 - [Olivia] Sara, really. 182 00:09:35,550 --> 00:09:37,520 - Sara Stanley. 183 00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:39,820 Marilla's led a real sensible life. 184 00:09:39,820 --> 00:09:42,160 She never had time nor temperament for beaus. 185 00:09:42,160 --> 00:09:43,320 Did you Marilla? 186 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:44,960 - I had one once. 187 00:09:44,960 --> 00:09:46,930 - Oh, well we all know about John Blythe, Marilla, 188 00:09:46,930 --> 00:09:49,290 but of course, nothing much came of that. 189 00:09:49,290 --> 00:09:51,470 And as I was just saying this morning-- 190 00:09:51,470 --> 00:09:53,770 - I'm not talking about John Blythe. 191 00:09:53,770 --> 00:09:55,750 - Well who are you talking about, Marilla? 192 00:09:55,750 --> 00:09:57,120 - Yes, who was it? 193 00:09:57,120 --> 00:09:58,663 - Won't you tell us about him? 194 00:10:00,270 --> 00:10:03,170 - Oh yes, Marilla, tell us, we're all interested. 195 00:10:03,170 --> 00:10:07,960 - It's news to us that you ever had a romantic attachment. 196 00:10:07,960 --> 00:10:09,800 - Nobody here knew anything about him. 197 00:10:09,800 --> 00:10:13,670 I met him when I went to visit my Aunt Tilly 198 00:10:13,670 --> 00:10:16,670 in Blakely, New Brunswick. 199 00:10:16,670 --> 00:10:18,170 - Well when would that be, now? 200 00:10:18,170 --> 00:10:20,260 - It was a long time ago. 201 00:10:20,260 --> 00:10:23,330 - Oh, that's a likely story, Marilla. 202 00:10:23,330 --> 00:10:25,530 Can't you be a little more specific? 203 00:10:25,530 --> 00:10:28,820 - I can't remember the last time you were away from Avonlea. 204 00:10:28,820 --> 00:10:30,133 How old were you? 205 00:10:30,133 --> 00:10:32,180 - I was 28. 206 00:10:32,180 --> 00:10:34,540 - Well, I remember you going on that trip, 207 00:10:34,540 --> 00:10:38,150 but you certainly never said anything about having a beau. 208 00:10:38,150 --> 00:10:39,570 - What was his name, Miss Cuthbert? 209 00:10:39,570 --> 00:10:40,580 - Duncan. 210 00:10:40,580 --> 00:10:41,413 - Duncan who? 211 00:10:45,940 --> 00:10:46,773 - McTavish. 212 00:10:47,620 --> 00:10:49,330 Duncan McTavish. 213 00:10:49,330 --> 00:10:50,870 - Oh really? 214 00:10:50,870 --> 00:10:53,480 - That's the first I've heard of it. 215 00:10:53,480 --> 00:10:54,430 - What was he like? 216 00:10:55,279 --> 00:11:00,279 - He was from a good family, honest, hard-working, upright. 217 00:11:00,400 --> 00:11:01,653 - But was he handsome? 218 00:11:02,953 --> 00:11:06,220 - Bet he was tall and dark, with a straight nose 219 00:11:06,220 --> 00:11:10,940 and a strong chin, just like a hero out of a book. 220 00:11:10,940 --> 00:11:13,990 Oh, I'm sure he told you that your skin was like cream 221 00:11:13,990 --> 00:11:16,730 and your eyes were the color of cornflowers. 222 00:11:16,730 --> 00:11:20,230 - No, Sara Stanley, he said no such thing. 223 00:11:20,230 --> 00:11:22,100 - Well, why didn't you marry him? 224 00:11:22,100 --> 00:11:24,440 - Yes, Marilla, tell us why you didn't. 225 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:28,850 - It was impossible, there were differences. 226 00:11:28,850 --> 00:11:30,520 - What do you mean? 227 00:11:30,520 --> 00:11:32,330 - He was a Methodist. 228 00:11:32,330 --> 00:11:33,820 - A Methodist? 229 00:11:33,820 --> 00:11:35,860 Well, no wonder you never mentioned him. 230 00:11:35,860 --> 00:11:38,010 You can move heaven and Earth, but providence knows 231 00:11:38,010 --> 00:11:40,780 you can't bring a Methodist and Presbyterian together. 232 00:11:40,780 --> 00:11:44,030 - I tried to explain that to him, but he wouldn't accept it 233 00:11:44,030 --> 00:11:48,423 as a reason, and we quarreled, so I left Blakely, 234 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:52,010 I explained to him that I had an obligation 235 00:11:52,010 --> 00:11:55,670 to my aged parents and it wasn't fair to leave 236 00:11:55,670 --> 00:11:58,420 my brother Matthew alone with them. 237 00:11:58,420 --> 00:12:01,990 - Oh, Miss Cuthbert, how utterly devastating. 238 00:12:01,990 --> 00:12:03,660 Whatever happened to him? 239 00:12:03,660 --> 00:12:07,620 - He went out west, and I haven't heard 240 00:12:07,620 --> 00:12:09,970 anything from him since. 241 00:12:09,970 --> 00:12:12,380 I don't even know if he's alive or dead. 242 00:12:12,380 --> 00:12:16,400 - Well, of all the things there ever were or will be. 243 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:18,180 It's a mystery to me how you managed 244 00:12:18,180 --> 00:12:20,580 to keep this to yourself all these years, Marilla. 245 00:12:20,580 --> 00:12:22,803 - Now, isn't that just like you. 246 00:12:26,060 --> 00:12:30,440 - Well, it didn't seem to be important. 247 00:12:30,440 --> 00:12:31,410 - Not important? 248 00:12:31,410 --> 00:12:33,820 A suitor from your past? 249 00:12:33,820 --> 00:12:34,653 - Sara. 250 00:12:35,560 --> 00:12:39,393 - Well, this is something new in my experience. 251 00:12:40,306 --> 00:12:43,910 Tea's ready, ladies, I've made my famous apple pies, 252 00:12:43,910 --> 00:12:45,423 come and help yourself. 253 00:12:45,423 --> 00:12:47,923 (regal music) 254 00:12:49,580 --> 00:12:52,970 - Oh, take a bigger piece than that, Janet King. 255 00:12:52,970 --> 00:12:54,653 It'll save you coming back for more. 256 00:13:14,039 --> 00:13:15,960 - To my mind the only man other than John Blythe 257 00:13:15,960 --> 00:13:19,219 who ever said boo to Marilla Cuthbert was George Mabrick. 258 00:13:19,219 --> 00:13:20,052 - Really? 259 00:13:20,052 --> 00:13:22,170 - Mind you, he ended up with Flora King. 260 00:13:22,170 --> 00:13:23,210 - You don't say. 261 00:13:23,210 --> 00:13:24,850 - She was cross-eyed and red-headed, 262 00:13:24,850 --> 00:13:27,530 so it shows how dubious his taste was. 263 00:13:27,530 --> 00:13:29,210 - Well, it's all before my time. 264 00:13:29,210 --> 00:13:31,850 - Before mine too, my dear, but it's common knowledge. 265 00:13:31,850 --> 00:13:32,733 Good day to you. 266 00:13:33,800 --> 00:13:35,323 - Good day to you, Mrs. Potts. 267 00:13:37,880 --> 00:13:40,810 - What's all this about Marilla Cuthbert? 268 00:13:40,810 --> 00:13:43,110 - Well, I'm not one to wag my tongue, 269 00:13:43,110 --> 00:13:45,540 but I must admit I've been taken by surprise. 270 00:13:45,540 --> 00:13:48,280 The sewing circle was anything but dull today, Mrs. Biggins. 271 00:13:48,280 --> 00:13:49,820 - You don't say. 272 00:13:49,820 --> 00:13:52,490 You mean that holier-than-thou Marilla Cuthbert 273 00:13:52,490 --> 00:13:54,180 has kept this to herself all these years? 274 00:13:54,180 --> 00:13:56,020 - I couldn't believe it myself. 275 00:13:56,020 --> 00:13:58,670 But Mrs. Lawson is not one to tell tales, 276 00:13:58,670 --> 00:14:02,810 and besides, she was there, she heard it with her own ears. 277 00:14:02,810 --> 00:14:06,859 I think she said Marilla jilted him at the altar. 278 00:14:06,859 --> 00:14:09,767 - That Rachel Lynde, I could've boxed her ears. 279 00:14:09,767 --> 00:14:11,960 Imagine saying those things about me 280 00:14:11,960 --> 00:14:14,470 in front of all those people, including my own daughter. 281 00:14:14,470 --> 00:14:16,200 I was mortified! 282 00:14:16,200 --> 00:14:18,507 - Sounds to me like I'm a lucky man, 283 00:14:18,507 --> 00:14:22,230 to have lured you away from all those admirers. 284 00:14:22,230 --> 00:14:25,260 - Don't you believe a word of that idle gossip, Alec King. 285 00:14:25,260 --> 00:14:27,800 - I must admit, I find the fact that you had a few beaus 286 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:30,750 before me more believable than Marilla Cuthbert's confession 287 00:14:30,750 --> 00:14:31,830 of having a past. 288 00:14:31,830 --> 00:14:33,919 - How did you know that? 289 00:14:33,919 --> 00:14:35,419 - Heard it in town. 290 00:14:35,419 --> 00:14:38,670 You know how people talk, buzzing like bees in a hive. 291 00:14:38,670 --> 00:14:39,980 - I don't know what to think that score, 292 00:14:39,980 --> 00:14:42,530 it certainly did come out of the blue. 293 00:14:42,530 --> 00:14:43,893 It's strange, though. 294 00:14:44,740 --> 00:14:46,307 I hope it's true. 295 00:14:46,307 --> 00:14:47,299 - Hmm? 296 00:14:47,299 --> 00:14:51,453 - Well, everyone needs a little romance in their lives. 297 00:14:53,599 --> 00:14:56,349 (cheerful music) 298 00:14:57,930 --> 00:14:59,170 - Sara Stanley, you should be concentrating 299 00:14:59,170 --> 00:15:00,743 on your hem stitch. 300 00:15:02,990 --> 00:15:05,770 - Wouldn't it be romantic if Duncan McTavish returned 301 00:15:05,770 --> 00:15:08,180 and swept Marilla Cuthbert off her feet, 302 00:15:08,180 --> 00:15:11,830 after so many years of pining for a lost love? 303 00:15:11,830 --> 00:15:13,120 - Well that's unlikely to happen, 304 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:15,220 and anyway, he'd still be a Methodist. 305 00:15:15,220 --> 00:15:19,847 - Just think, Miss Cuthbert's life changed irrevocally. 306 00:15:19,847 --> 00:15:21,167 - Irrevocably. 307 00:15:21,167 --> 00:15:22,710 - Irrevocably. 308 00:15:22,710 --> 00:15:24,800 Just because she was born a Presbyterian 309 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:26,690 and he was born a Methodist. 310 00:15:26,690 --> 00:15:30,210 Sometimes I think religion's more trouble than it's worth. 311 00:15:30,210 --> 00:15:32,780 - Sara Stanley, you can't mean that. 312 00:15:32,780 --> 00:15:34,070 - I do mean it. 313 00:15:34,070 --> 00:15:35,640 Tell me, what is the difference between 314 00:15:35,640 --> 00:15:37,500 a Presbyterian and a Methodist? 315 00:15:37,500 --> 00:15:39,490 - There's a great deal of difference. 316 00:15:39,490 --> 00:15:40,750 Everyone knows that. 317 00:15:40,750 --> 00:15:42,640 - Methodists say Amen a whole lot more 318 00:15:42,640 --> 00:15:44,113 than Presbyterians do. 319 00:15:45,047 --> 00:15:46,480 I've heard them, they do! 320 00:15:46,480 --> 00:15:49,700 - That's still not reason enough not to marry one of them. 321 00:15:49,700 --> 00:15:51,070 You'll never marry either, Sara, 322 00:15:51,070 --> 00:15:52,580 if you can't sew a straight line. 323 00:15:52,580 --> 00:15:54,050 No man will have you. 324 00:15:54,050 --> 00:15:56,670 - Any man that would only marry me for my sewing 325 00:15:56,670 --> 00:15:59,250 is not worth anything anyway, Felicity King. 326 00:15:59,250 --> 00:16:00,427 You can have him. 327 00:16:02,015 --> 00:16:03,640 - What are you doing, Sara? 328 00:16:03,640 --> 00:16:05,530 You still don't know how to do a hem stitch. 329 00:16:05,530 --> 00:16:06,630 Here, let me show you. 330 00:16:07,520 --> 00:16:09,160 What is this thing, anyway? 331 00:16:09,160 --> 00:16:10,490 - It's a hankerchief. 332 00:16:10,490 --> 00:16:13,470 - Something like this will never sell at a rummage sale. 333 00:16:13,470 --> 00:16:15,661 It looks as if it's already been used. 334 00:16:15,661 --> 00:16:17,650 Your hem's not even straight. 335 00:16:17,650 --> 00:16:18,683 - Give it back. 336 00:16:20,701 --> 00:16:24,989 (somber music) (insects chirping) 337 00:16:24,989 --> 00:16:27,489 (owl hooting) 338 00:16:30,870 --> 00:16:32,870 (sighs) 339 00:16:36,840 --> 00:16:39,590 - I must say, Marilla, that was a pretty astonishing 340 00:16:39,590 --> 00:16:42,010 revelation you made this afternoon. 341 00:16:42,010 --> 00:16:44,263 Especially considering our talk this morning. 342 00:16:47,550 --> 00:16:49,650 If I didn't know you for the sensible person you are, 343 00:16:49,650 --> 00:16:52,180 I'd say there was fancy in there somewheres. 344 00:16:54,885 --> 00:16:56,980 - You know Rachel, everyone in Avonlea 345 00:16:56,980 --> 00:17:00,660 thinks they know every little bit about everyone else. 346 00:17:00,660 --> 00:17:03,520 But I'm sure there are things even about you 347 00:17:03,520 --> 00:17:05,863 that no one knows. 348 00:17:07,094 --> 00:17:10,130 If there is anything in your situation 349 00:17:10,130 --> 00:17:14,680 with Alexander Abraham that you wish to keep to yourself, 350 00:17:14,680 --> 00:17:16,847 I would feel bound to honor that, 351 00:17:16,847 --> 00:17:20,963 and I would hope that you would do the same for me. 352 00:17:22,630 --> 00:17:25,683 - You can be sure that I have nothing to hide, Marilla. 353 00:17:31,720 --> 00:17:32,770 - Good night, Rachel. 354 00:17:35,955 --> 00:17:38,705 (cheerful music) 355 00:17:41,039 --> 00:17:43,587 - Just when you think you know someone. 356 00:17:43,587 --> 00:17:46,363 You're never safe from surprises till you're dead. 357 00:17:47,687 --> 00:17:50,270 (somber music) 358 00:18:05,353 --> 00:18:07,827 (cheerful music) 359 00:18:07,827 --> 00:18:08,660 - Sara. 360 00:18:12,149 --> 00:18:13,720 I have to help Aunt Janet set up the tea table 361 00:18:13,720 --> 00:18:16,280 for the rummage sale, Sara, so I'll be leaving now. 362 00:18:16,280 --> 00:18:18,461 You come along with Olivia. 363 00:18:18,461 --> 00:18:23,141 Oh, didn't you learn anything at that sewing circle, child? 364 00:18:23,141 --> 00:18:27,029 No, look, this is the way you do the cross stitch. 365 00:18:27,029 --> 00:18:30,041 There, and there, 366 00:18:30,041 --> 00:18:32,200 you'll have to rip out all of those stitches 367 00:18:32,200 --> 00:18:34,737 along that edge and start again. 368 00:18:34,737 --> 00:18:35,570 (sighs) 369 00:18:35,570 --> 00:18:39,120 All right, see you there, don't be late now. 370 00:18:39,120 --> 00:18:40,263 And fix your hat. 371 00:18:41,550 --> 00:18:44,923 Olivia, Sara will be coming along with you. 372 00:18:47,090 --> 00:18:50,849 - Sara, I'll just fix my hat and pick up a few more things, 373 00:18:50,849 --> 00:18:52,349 and then we'll go. 374 00:19:04,535 --> 00:19:05,952 All right, ready. 375 00:19:07,137 --> 00:19:07,970 Sara? 376 00:19:11,120 --> 00:19:14,053 That's funny, I thought she was coming with me. 377 00:19:14,053 --> 00:19:16,553 (regal music) 378 00:19:17,425 --> 00:19:19,342 - Aunt Olivia, wait up. 379 00:19:20,640 --> 00:19:23,337 Look what I brought, some cinnamon buns 380 00:19:23,337 --> 00:19:25,137 to sell at the rummage sale. 381 00:19:25,137 --> 00:19:26,560 And I made them myself. 382 00:19:26,560 --> 00:19:28,077 - With my help. 383 00:19:28,077 --> 00:19:29,227 - Don't they look nice. 384 00:19:30,620 --> 00:19:33,060 - Do you think I can get a penny a piece for them? 385 00:19:33,060 --> 00:19:34,500 - Oh, I'm sure you will. 386 00:19:34,500 --> 00:19:36,110 - I'm going to charge 10 cents a piece 387 00:19:36,110 --> 00:19:37,700 for my serving napkins. 388 00:19:37,700 --> 00:19:39,805 - Well, you could try. 389 00:19:39,805 --> 00:19:40,990 Have you seen Sara? 390 00:19:40,990 --> 00:19:42,580 She was supposed to help me this morning 391 00:19:42,580 --> 00:19:44,210 and she disappeared right after breakfast, 392 00:19:44,210 --> 00:19:46,220 and I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since. 393 00:19:46,220 --> 00:19:48,070 - Well I haven't seen her, and if her handiwork 394 00:19:48,070 --> 00:19:49,890 hasn't improved any since I last saw it, 395 00:19:49,890 --> 00:19:52,870 she's probably too embarrassed to show her face. 396 00:19:52,870 --> 00:19:54,660 - Felicity, 397 00:19:54,660 --> 00:19:56,463 try to be more charitable. 398 00:19:58,626 --> 00:20:01,126 (dog barking) 399 00:20:04,714 --> 00:20:07,297 (somber music) 400 00:20:17,610 --> 00:20:19,510 - [Duncan] Thank you for the space outside your store, 401 00:20:19,510 --> 00:20:20,630 Mr. Lawson. 402 00:20:20,630 --> 00:20:22,500 - Well, good luck to you. 403 00:20:22,500 --> 00:20:25,780 But my customers seem to prefer the old-fashioned remedies, 404 00:20:25,780 --> 00:20:29,040 mustard plasters, they swear by them, Duncan McTavish. 405 00:20:29,040 --> 00:20:31,570 - Porous plasters are revolutionary. 406 00:20:31,570 --> 00:20:33,760 Believe me, I know all about easterners 407 00:20:33,760 --> 00:20:35,380 and their ways, Mr. Lawson. 408 00:20:35,380 --> 00:20:37,480 My family's roots are in the East. 409 00:20:37,480 --> 00:20:39,010 - You don't say, whereabouts? 410 00:20:39,010 --> 00:20:40,414 - New Brunswick. 411 00:20:40,414 --> 00:20:43,620 But I must admit, the West has won me over. 412 00:20:43,620 --> 00:20:45,986 - Well, it requires a certain breed to go out west. 413 00:20:45,986 --> 00:20:50,473 - Well, being a bachelor makes it easier, Mr. Lawson. 414 00:20:51,450 --> 00:20:54,150 But a good businessman like yourself would do well, 415 00:20:54,150 --> 00:20:55,563 family or no family. 416 00:20:57,261 --> 00:21:00,917 - Oh, sorry, Sara, I didn't see you there. 417 00:21:04,300 --> 00:21:07,019 (chuckles) 418 00:21:07,019 --> 00:21:09,769 (cheerful music) 419 00:21:18,150 --> 00:21:19,897 (boys shouting) 420 00:21:19,897 --> 00:21:21,620 - One of my sister-in-laws grew up 421 00:21:21,620 --> 00:21:24,650 in Blakely, New Brunswick, and she says the only McTavish 422 00:21:24,650 --> 00:21:28,820 she remembers was an old maiden lady with no family. 423 00:21:28,820 --> 00:21:32,240 - I'm sure her memory must not go back that far, Mrs. Potts. 424 00:21:32,240 --> 00:21:35,410 - Yes, I suppose, and she's close to my age. 425 00:21:35,410 --> 00:21:37,150 Memory's a funny thing, though. 426 00:21:37,150 --> 00:21:40,360 What starts as fantasy can turn to fact over the years, 427 00:21:40,360 --> 00:21:41,193 don't you agree? 428 00:21:47,688 --> 00:21:49,620 - Wouldn't you know that she'd be presiding 429 00:21:49,620 --> 00:21:51,190 over the tea table. 430 00:21:51,190 --> 00:21:53,100 I wouldn't sit down to tea with Hetty King 431 00:21:53,100 --> 00:21:54,750 if it was the last cup on Earth. 432 00:21:54,750 --> 00:21:56,580 - Oh Rachel, don't you think it's about time 433 00:21:56,580 --> 00:21:58,040 to bury that old hatchet? 434 00:21:58,040 --> 00:21:59,318 - Ha. 435 00:21:59,318 --> 00:22:00,630 When I bury that hatchet, 436 00:22:00,630 --> 00:22:02,663 I'll be under the ground next to it. 437 00:22:06,035 --> 00:22:08,535 (regal music) 438 00:22:10,490 --> 00:22:13,490 (people chattering) 439 00:22:20,400 --> 00:22:21,323 - Miss Cuthbert! 440 00:22:22,658 --> 00:22:23,653 Miss Cuthbert! 441 00:22:25,042 --> 00:22:26,060 - For pity's sake, child, what is it? 442 00:22:26,060 --> 00:22:28,270 - Miss Cuthbert, he's here! 443 00:22:28,270 --> 00:22:29,103 - Pardon me? 444 00:22:29,103 --> 00:22:31,130 - He's here in Avonlea! 445 00:22:31,130 --> 00:22:31,963 - Who? 446 00:22:31,963 --> 00:22:32,850 - He is! 447 00:22:32,850 --> 00:22:35,670 - Who is he? - Who is he? 448 00:22:35,670 --> 00:22:36,570 - Duncan McTavish! 449 00:22:37,790 --> 00:22:39,123 He's in Avonlea! 450 00:22:40,260 --> 00:22:41,640 - He's here? 451 00:22:41,640 --> 00:22:44,077 - Did she say Duncan McTavish? 452 00:22:44,077 --> 00:22:45,877 - He's in Avonlea? 453 00:22:45,877 --> 00:22:47,330 (cheerful music) 454 00:22:47,330 --> 00:22:49,410 - How do you know it's him? 455 00:22:49,410 --> 00:22:51,600 - His name is right on his sign. 456 00:22:51,600 --> 00:22:53,120 - What sign? 457 00:22:53,120 --> 00:22:55,600 - He has a stand in front of the general store, 458 00:22:55,600 --> 00:22:57,520 and his first name is Duncan. 459 00:22:57,520 --> 00:22:58,640 - Where's he from? 460 00:22:58,640 --> 00:23:01,403 - New Brunswick, and he's living out west now. 461 00:23:01,403 --> 00:23:02,973 - What does he look like? 462 00:23:02,973 --> 00:23:05,636 - He's oh-so-handsome, and he told Mr. Lawson 463 00:23:05,636 --> 00:23:07,440 that he was a bachelor. 464 00:23:07,440 --> 00:23:10,293 So you see, he has never forgotten you, Marilla. 465 00:23:11,240 --> 00:23:12,578 - It's impossible. 466 00:23:12,578 --> 00:23:15,820 It couldn't be the same Duncan McTavish. 467 00:23:15,820 --> 00:23:17,360 - Well how do you know it isn't? 468 00:23:17,360 --> 00:23:20,130 - Take my word for it, Rachel, it can't be. 469 00:23:20,130 --> 00:23:22,210 - But it could be. 470 00:23:22,210 --> 00:23:24,313 - But you have to meet with him, just to make sure. 471 00:23:24,313 --> 00:23:27,213 - If it were me I'd simply die of curiosity. 472 00:23:29,460 --> 00:23:30,920 - You do want to see him, don't you? 473 00:23:30,920 --> 00:23:32,640 - Well, Marilla? 474 00:23:32,640 --> 00:23:35,711 - Even if it was the same Duncan McTavish, 475 00:23:35,711 --> 00:23:38,430 I don't see why I should meet with him. 476 00:23:38,430 --> 00:23:40,930 That chapter of my life is closed 477 00:23:40,930 --> 00:23:42,940 and I don't intend to open it again. 478 00:23:42,940 --> 00:23:45,278 - Oh, fiddlesticks, Marilla. 479 00:23:45,278 --> 00:23:46,730 There wouldn't be any harm in it. 480 00:23:46,730 --> 00:23:49,530 - I've always believed in letting bygones be bygones. 481 00:23:49,530 --> 00:23:52,130 Now, let's not say another word about it. 482 00:23:52,130 --> 00:23:53,860 - Seems to me, Marilla, you're making 483 00:23:53,860 --> 00:23:55,470 a mountain out of a molehill. 484 00:23:55,470 --> 00:23:57,660 It would be the most natural thing in the world 485 00:23:57,660 --> 00:24:00,270 for you to stop by and give him your regards, 486 00:24:00,270 --> 00:24:01,970 even if he is a Methodist. 487 00:24:01,970 --> 00:24:04,480 - Rachel, what I choose to do in this situation 488 00:24:04,480 --> 00:24:07,540 is my business, not yours or anyone's in Avonlea, 489 00:24:07,540 --> 00:24:10,350 and I would thank you to keep your snooping, 490 00:24:10,350 --> 00:24:12,393 interfering nose out of it. 491 00:24:13,475 --> 00:24:15,080 - Marilla, are you hiding something? 492 00:24:15,080 --> 00:24:17,580 - Nothing but my temper, Rachel. 493 00:24:17,580 --> 00:24:19,290 - It's my belief that there's more to this 494 00:24:19,290 --> 00:24:20,890 than you're telling us. 495 00:24:20,890 --> 00:24:23,130 Makes me wonder if you aren't leading us all 496 00:24:23,130 --> 00:24:24,815 up the garden path. 497 00:24:24,815 --> 00:24:26,853 - I beg your pardon. 498 00:24:30,030 --> 00:24:32,910 - Well, you needn't be so indignant, Marilla. 499 00:24:32,910 --> 00:24:34,910 The less fuss the better, in my opinion. 500 00:24:34,910 --> 00:24:37,400 We all make mistakes, just put it behind you. 501 00:24:37,400 --> 00:24:41,300 - Rachel, if you are insinuating what I think you are, 502 00:24:41,300 --> 00:24:44,100 your so-called friendship means less to me 503 00:24:44,100 --> 00:24:46,873 than a jar of your red currant preserves. 504 00:24:49,138 --> 00:24:50,826 (scoffs) 505 00:24:50,826 --> 00:24:53,170 - Well, I see I have to be very careful 506 00:24:53,170 --> 00:24:55,163 when I speak around you, Marilla! 507 00:24:59,950 --> 00:25:02,900 - Marilla Cuthbert won't look paler than that in her grave. 508 00:25:05,160 --> 00:25:07,530 - It must be such a shock to her. 509 00:25:07,530 --> 00:25:09,253 - In more ways than one. 510 00:25:10,490 --> 00:25:12,636 - I thought she would be happy. 511 00:25:12,636 --> 00:25:15,136 (regal music) 512 00:25:19,537 --> 00:25:23,040 - Folks, you will be amazed at the power of this treatment. 513 00:25:23,040 --> 00:25:25,810 It cures croup, bronchitis, and many other 514 00:25:25,810 --> 00:25:27,820 congestive symptoms overnight. 515 00:25:27,820 --> 00:25:30,760 It comes highly recommended by respected doctors 516 00:25:30,760 --> 00:25:31,593 across Canada. 517 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:37,330 I have here a collection of their statements 518 00:25:37,330 --> 00:25:38,433 for anyone interested. 519 00:25:41,840 --> 00:25:44,596 I have already received favorable comments 520 00:25:44,596 --> 00:25:48,320 from people who have bought my product since I've been here. 521 00:25:48,320 --> 00:25:50,330 - Doesn't that beat all? 522 00:25:50,330 --> 00:25:52,990 I haven't seen crowds like that since Melville Sloane 523 00:25:52,990 --> 00:25:55,580 held cock fights on Friday nights. 524 00:25:55,580 --> 00:25:58,836 Mind you, they're not buying. 525 00:25:58,836 --> 00:26:01,960 - I don't think it's Duncan McTavish's Porous Plasters 526 00:26:01,960 --> 00:26:03,973 that's attracting these people, Edward. 527 00:26:04,950 --> 00:26:08,652 - Mrs. Ira Biggins, would you please step up here 528 00:26:08,652 --> 00:26:12,530 and tell the folks about the wonderful result you had 529 00:26:12,530 --> 00:26:14,850 from McTavish's Porous Plasters? 530 00:26:14,850 --> 00:26:18,660 - My, are all the gentlemen from Blakely, New Brunswick 531 00:26:18,660 --> 00:26:20,630 as strong as you, Mr. McTavish? 532 00:26:20,630 --> 00:26:21,660 - I beg your pardon? 533 00:26:21,660 --> 00:26:23,683 - Well that is where you're from, isn't it? 534 00:26:25,530 --> 00:26:27,910 - It's my opinion that Marilla is guilty of a falsehood, 535 00:26:27,910 --> 00:26:30,072 and that's the plain ugly truth. 536 00:26:30,072 --> 00:26:30,920 - Fiddlesticks. 537 00:26:30,920 --> 00:26:33,319 There isn't a more honest soul in Avonlea 538 00:26:33,319 --> 00:26:34,152 than Marilla Cuthbert. 539 00:26:34,152 --> 00:26:37,210 - Well, naturally she can't come face to face with him. 540 00:26:37,210 --> 00:26:38,963 It's plain as plain can be 541 00:26:38,963 --> 00:26:42,080 that he's never laid eyes on her in his life. 542 00:26:49,930 --> 00:26:51,490 - Step right up, folks. 543 00:26:51,490 --> 00:26:52,890 Help me pay my rent tonight. 544 00:26:55,020 --> 00:26:58,020 (people chattering) 545 00:26:59,162 --> 00:27:00,063 (Mr. Lawson sighs) 546 00:27:00,063 --> 00:27:02,343 - Well, I don't know what to think. 547 00:27:02,343 --> 00:27:04,750 But I'd certainly like to be a fly on the wall 548 00:27:04,750 --> 00:27:05,583 at Green Gables. 549 00:27:34,454 --> 00:27:35,287 - Ah. 550 00:27:41,960 --> 00:27:44,170 Rachel, you have to eat. 551 00:27:44,170 --> 00:27:45,793 Stop skulking in the hall. 552 00:27:46,720 --> 00:27:48,840 - If you'd rather I took supper in my room, Marilla, 553 00:27:48,840 --> 00:27:51,900 just say so, I'd prefer that to silence. 554 00:27:51,900 --> 00:27:53,810 - Do what you like, Rachel. 555 00:27:53,810 --> 00:27:56,950 - Well, if you ask me, Marilla, you're not yourself, 556 00:27:56,950 --> 00:27:58,730 hiding away in this house. 557 00:27:58,730 --> 00:28:00,510 Even the Reverend Leonard noticed your absence 558 00:28:00,510 --> 00:28:02,160 from church on Sunday, and he wouldn't notice 559 00:28:02,160 --> 00:28:04,510 a fly on the end of his nose. 560 00:28:04,510 --> 00:28:06,440 I don't know why you bother to cook. 561 00:28:06,440 --> 00:28:08,370 You barely touch your food. 562 00:28:08,370 --> 00:28:10,285 Now, I'm not one to meddle-- 563 00:28:10,285 --> 00:28:11,118 (Marilla laughs) 564 00:28:11,118 --> 00:28:15,011 - Rachel, not one to meddle, you must be dreaming. 565 00:28:15,011 --> 00:28:18,390 - I don't call speaking the truth meddling. 566 00:28:18,390 --> 00:28:20,370 This supposed gentleman friend of yours 567 00:28:20,370 --> 00:28:22,450 is right here in Avonlea. 568 00:28:22,450 --> 00:28:24,890 You can't stay away from him entirely. 569 00:28:24,890 --> 00:28:27,070 Unless, of course, as everyone says, 570 00:28:27,070 --> 00:28:29,380 you didn't know him in the first place. 571 00:28:29,380 --> 00:28:32,410 - Rachel, I took you in when Thomas died because 572 00:28:32,410 --> 00:28:35,510 you didn't want to go out west and live with your children. 573 00:28:35,510 --> 00:28:38,613 Talk about taking a viper to your bosom! 574 00:28:41,710 --> 00:28:43,750 - You're stubborn, Marilla. 575 00:28:43,750 --> 00:28:45,973 Stubborn and proud, that's what! 576 00:28:53,878 --> 00:28:54,711 (sighs) 577 00:28:54,711 --> 00:28:56,743 - But if Miss Cuthbert doesn't talk to Mr. McTavish, 578 00:28:56,743 --> 00:28:59,673 then there's no chance that their quarrel will be made up. 579 00:29:00,944 --> 00:29:03,090 I wish there was something I could do. 580 00:29:03,090 --> 00:29:05,170 - Sara, affairs of the heart need time 581 00:29:05,170 --> 00:29:06,673 to unfold on their own. 582 00:29:07,550 --> 00:29:09,740 Interference never helps. 583 00:29:09,740 --> 00:29:14,330 - People in that situation are never in their right minds. 584 00:29:14,330 --> 00:29:18,210 - My mind was completely clear about Edwin Clarke. 585 00:29:18,210 --> 00:29:20,650 You should never have interfered between him and me, 586 00:29:20,650 --> 00:29:22,160 you drove him away. 587 00:29:22,160 --> 00:29:24,570 - Aha, so you were willing to go traipsing 588 00:29:24,570 --> 00:29:27,680 all over the world with that shiftless dreamer. 589 00:29:27,680 --> 00:29:30,370 Believe me, Sara, if I hadn't intervened, 590 00:29:30,370 --> 00:29:33,380 she'd probably be next to your mother in the churchyard, 591 00:29:33,380 --> 00:29:34,610 six feet under. 592 00:29:34,610 --> 00:29:37,513 - Hetty, don't fill the child's head with nonsense. 593 00:29:38,750 --> 00:29:42,240 Sara, some things have to be left to providence. 594 00:29:42,240 --> 00:29:43,960 - There are times when providence 595 00:29:43,960 --> 00:29:46,857 needs a little human intervention. 596 00:29:46,857 --> 00:29:49,440 (somber music) 597 00:30:11,956 --> 00:30:13,289 Thank you, Sara. 598 00:30:14,430 --> 00:30:16,053 All right, off to bed now. 599 00:30:18,209 --> 00:30:19,042 - Aunt Hetty. 600 00:30:19,042 --> 00:30:19,875 - Yes. 601 00:30:20,760 --> 00:30:22,330 - You know when you said those things 602 00:30:22,330 --> 00:30:24,149 about human intervention? 603 00:30:24,149 --> 00:30:24,982 - Yes. 604 00:30:26,063 --> 00:30:28,849 - Well, if you had a friend, 605 00:30:28,849 --> 00:30:33,237 not really a friend, but someone who you had met, 606 00:30:33,237 --> 00:30:35,320 and you thought that they might be 607 00:30:36,270 --> 00:30:38,673 slightly frightened about a situation, 608 00:30:40,750 --> 00:30:43,606 and you knew that there was something that you could do 609 00:30:43,606 --> 00:30:48,060 to not really help them, but to cause something to happen 610 00:30:49,541 --> 00:30:53,933 that the lady, that the friend wouldn't do themselves. 611 00:30:55,300 --> 00:30:57,680 Do you think it's best to do what the heart says, 612 00:30:57,680 --> 00:31:00,380 or let divine providence help out instead? 613 00:31:00,380 --> 00:31:02,330 - Oh Sara, providence isn't just there 614 00:31:02,330 --> 00:31:04,433 to help us out of any little difficulty. 615 00:31:05,290 --> 00:31:07,963 Providence helps those who help themselves. 616 00:31:09,340 --> 00:31:11,223 Does that answer your question? 617 00:31:12,530 --> 00:31:13,980 - Yes, Aunt Hetty, thank you. 618 00:31:14,940 --> 00:31:16,663 I know exactly what to do now. 619 00:31:17,650 --> 00:31:20,760 - You must always come to me with your problems, Sara. 620 00:31:20,760 --> 00:31:21,593 - I will. 621 00:31:22,640 --> 00:31:23,483 Thank you. 622 00:31:24,610 --> 00:31:25,443 Good night. 623 00:31:30,077 --> 00:31:30,910 - Hmm. 624 00:31:32,868 --> 00:31:35,451 (somber music) 625 00:31:37,321 --> 00:31:39,988 (rooster crows) 626 00:31:41,101 --> 00:31:43,851 (birds chirping) 627 00:31:56,339 --> 00:31:59,006 (rooster crows) 628 00:32:06,122 --> 00:32:08,622 (dog barking) 629 00:32:09,819 --> 00:32:12,736 (Duncan whistling) 630 00:32:14,955 --> 00:32:17,705 (Duncan singing) 631 00:32:30,209 --> 00:32:31,303 - [Sara] Excuse me, Mr. McTavish? 632 00:32:31,303 --> 00:32:34,842 - My goodness, child, you gave me a scare. 633 00:32:34,842 --> 00:32:37,980 Now what can I do for you so early this morning? 634 00:32:37,980 --> 00:32:41,950 - Mr. McTavish, my name is Sara Stanley 635 00:32:41,950 --> 00:32:43,430 and I've come to talk to you about 636 00:32:43,430 --> 00:32:45,980 a most important matter of the heart. 637 00:32:45,980 --> 00:32:49,710 It concerns a lady by the name of Marilla Cuthbert. 638 00:32:49,710 --> 00:32:51,190 - Marilla Cuthbert? 639 00:32:51,190 --> 00:32:53,060 - You can't have completely blocked her name 640 00:32:53,060 --> 00:32:54,070 out of your memory. 641 00:32:54,070 --> 00:32:57,327 - What on heaven's Earth are you talking about, young lady? 642 00:32:57,327 --> 00:33:00,690 - Please go and see her before you leave Avonlea. 643 00:33:00,690 --> 00:33:01,787 I beg you. 644 00:33:01,787 --> 00:33:05,134 - And I beg you to tell me what this is all about. 645 00:33:05,134 --> 00:33:07,690 - But Miss Cuthbert told me all about you. 646 00:33:07,690 --> 00:33:09,290 You were her beau. 647 00:33:09,290 --> 00:33:12,540 You met in Blakely, New Brunswick, many years ago. 648 00:33:12,540 --> 00:33:13,630 Don't you remember? 649 00:33:13,630 --> 00:33:15,750 - Young lady, I am sure I don't know 650 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:17,310 what you're talking about. 651 00:33:17,310 --> 00:33:20,470 - Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing. 652 00:33:20,470 --> 00:33:22,570 Do you mean to say you're not from Blakely? 653 00:33:22,570 --> 00:33:24,839 - [Duncan] No, St. John. 654 00:33:24,839 --> 00:33:26,243 - Well, isn't that interesting? 655 00:33:26,243 --> 00:33:27,959 That's not what Marilla Cuthbert said. 656 00:33:27,959 --> 00:33:29,850 - Who is this Marilla Cuthbert? 657 00:33:29,850 --> 00:33:32,530 I would like somebody to tell me what's going on! 658 00:33:32,530 --> 00:33:35,420 - I'm not one to spread idle gossip, Mr. McTavish, 659 00:33:35,420 --> 00:33:37,592 but I'm surprised the story hasn't already 660 00:33:37,592 --> 00:33:39,920 reached your ears, the whole town's been talking about it 661 00:33:39,920 --> 00:33:41,320 since the day you arrived. 662 00:33:41,320 --> 00:33:44,800 - I have no idea what they would have to talk about. 663 00:33:44,800 --> 00:33:46,623 I don't know a soul in this town. 664 00:33:47,580 --> 00:33:49,530 But I do know that I am not going to allow 665 00:33:49,530 --> 00:33:52,500 my name to be slandered once again. 666 00:33:52,500 --> 00:33:55,760 The old gossips in the last one-horse town I was in 667 00:33:55,760 --> 00:33:58,600 had me in cahoots with the minister's wife! 668 00:33:58,600 --> 00:34:01,150 Once that untruth spread, my stand was empty. 669 00:34:01,150 --> 00:34:02,440 No business. 670 00:34:02,440 --> 00:34:05,140 What is wrong with you people? 671 00:34:05,140 --> 00:34:08,410 Is there so little going on in your own little lives 672 00:34:08,410 --> 00:34:10,420 that you have to fall on a stranger 673 00:34:10,420 --> 00:34:12,033 and assassinate his character? 674 00:34:13,020 --> 00:34:15,493 Now where does this Marilla Cuthbert live? 675 00:34:17,740 --> 00:34:19,290 - Come back here. 676 00:34:19,290 --> 00:34:20,290 Where does she live? 677 00:34:21,665 --> 00:34:24,261 - I'll be glad to tell you where Marilla Cuthbert lives. 678 00:34:24,261 --> 00:34:25,212 (sighs) 679 00:34:25,212 --> 00:34:26,580 - [Duncan] Good. 680 00:34:26,580 --> 00:34:29,163 (serene music) 681 00:34:50,628 --> 00:34:53,378 (birds chirping) 682 00:34:56,551 --> 00:34:59,468 (frantic knocking) 683 00:35:03,177 --> 00:35:05,377 - For mercy's sake, child, what do you want? 684 00:35:06,427 --> 00:35:09,160 - Oh, Miss Cuthbert, I'm sorry to disturb you, 685 00:35:09,160 --> 00:35:10,750 but I must speak to you. 686 00:35:10,750 --> 00:35:12,220 I've just done the most awful thing. 687 00:35:12,220 --> 00:35:14,652 I didn't mean it to be, but it-- 688 00:35:14,652 --> 00:35:15,485 (sighs) 689 00:35:15,485 --> 00:35:16,490 - Calm yourself down. 690 00:35:17,657 --> 00:35:19,757 Now, you tell me what you did. 691 00:35:20,742 --> 00:35:22,803 - I thought I was helping. 692 00:35:23,650 --> 00:35:28,383 I went to Duncan McTavish and I told him your story, 693 00:35:30,257 --> 00:35:31,090 and, and, 694 00:35:33,282 --> 00:35:34,182 oh, Miss Cuthbert. 695 00:35:35,161 --> 00:35:37,161 (sighs) 696 00:35:38,130 --> 00:35:41,313 - If there's one thing we can be sure of in this life, 697 00:35:42,840 --> 00:35:46,560 it's that if you do wrong, you'll be punished 698 00:35:46,560 --> 00:35:49,503 some way, somehow, some time. 699 00:35:55,141 --> 00:35:56,330 What did he say? 700 00:35:56,330 --> 00:35:59,630 - Miss Cuthbert, I don't think he remembers you. 701 00:35:59,630 --> 00:36:01,920 And he acted as if he'd never heard of you before 702 00:36:01,920 --> 00:36:03,563 in his entire life. 703 00:36:05,292 --> 00:36:09,240 What I think is worse is what Mrs. Potts is going to say. 704 00:36:09,240 --> 00:36:10,493 - Mrs. Potts was there? 705 00:36:12,458 --> 00:36:13,291 Oh, Lord. 706 00:36:18,293 --> 00:36:23,293 Sara, I am more of an old foolish woman than you know. 707 00:36:25,651 --> 00:36:28,740 - Marilla, there's a gentleman here to see you. 708 00:36:28,740 --> 00:36:30,310 - What sort of gentleman? 709 00:36:30,310 --> 00:36:33,060 - It's none but Duncan McTavish, that's what, 710 00:36:33,060 --> 00:36:34,413 and he's mad as a hornet! 711 00:36:35,500 --> 00:36:37,200 - Tell him I'll be there directly. 712 00:36:45,570 --> 00:36:48,360 - Oh Miss Cuthbert, I'm so sorry. 713 00:36:48,360 --> 00:36:49,823 It's all my fault. 714 00:36:52,464 --> 00:36:53,723 - Little girls. 715 00:37:09,580 --> 00:37:11,110 - [Duncan] Miss Cuthbert? 716 00:37:11,110 --> 00:37:12,480 - Yes? 717 00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:14,073 - Need I introduce myself? 718 00:37:20,020 --> 00:37:23,200 - Would you mind if we stepped into the garden? 719 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:26,273 It's less stuffy there. 720 00:37:26,273 --> 00:37:27,703 - I suppose so, yes. 721 00:37:37,444 --> 00:37:39,944 (bird cawing) 722 00:37:42,780 --> 00:37:44,330 - Now look here, Miss Cuthbert. 723 00:37:45,250 --> 00:37:48,670 Apparently some tale is circulating all over Avonlea, 724 00:37:48,670 --> 00:37:52,143 unbeknownst to me, and I am to get at the bottom of it. 725 00:37:53,710 --> 00:37:57,480 I would like to know what on God's Earth gave you the right 726 00:37:57,480 --> 00:38:00,533 to tell people that we were involved in some way? 727 00:38:01,810 --> 00:38:03,960 You know what this has done to my business? 728 00:38:04,880 --> 00:38:07,420 I wondered at the large crowds and no sales. 729 00:38:07,420 --> 00:38:10,190 Now I see I'm just the object of curiosity 730 00:38:10,190 --> 00:38:12,590 of some tongue-waggling old... 731 00:38:15,443 --> 00:38:18,026 (somber music) 732 00:38:20,010 --> 00:38:21,060 I feel quite foolish. 733 00:38:22,940 --> 00:38:24,300 Just by looking at you I can tell 734 00:38:24,300 --> 00:38:27,073 you're not the type of person to make up stories. 735 00:38:29,100 --> 00:38:32,000 This is not the first time I've been the victim of gossip. 736 00:38:34,840 --> 00:38:36,310 Excuse me. 737 00:38:36,310 --> 00:38:37,560 I'm sorry I bothered you. 738 00:38:39,287 --> 00:38:40,204 I'll leave. 739 00:38:43,830 --> 00:38:44,663 - No, please. 740 00:38:46,740 --> 00:38:49,290 I don't want you leaving without knowing the truth. 741 00:38:54,980 --> 00:38:58,260 - Well, doesn't that just beat all? 742 00:38:58,260 --> 00:39:00,513 Trust a Methodist to change his mind. 743 00:39:01,500 --> 00:39:03,000 - I have a confession to make. 744 00:39:05,330 --> 00:39:09,060 I did tell those stories, but at the time I wasn't aware 745 00:39:09,060 --> 00:39:13,060 that a Duncan McTavish existed. 746 00:39:13,060 --> 00:39:14,880 - I don't understand. 747 00:39:14,880 --> 00:39:18,110 - You see, in a small place like Avonlea, 748 00:39:18,110 --> 00:39:21,463 it's very difficult to have anything of your own. 749 00:39:22,740 --> 00:39:26,500 Everyone knows all about everyone else, 750 00:39:26,500 --> 00:39:31,500 so therefore, everyone knows that Marilla Cuthbert 751 00:39:33,940 --> 00:39:38,080 has never been the object anyone's affection. 752 00:39:38,080 --> 00:39:40,140 - Please, you don't have to tell me this. 753 00:39:40,140 --> 00:39:42,660 - Yes, I want you to understand. 754 00:39:43,910 --> 00:39:46,230 I have no idea what possessed me. 755 00:39:46,230 --> 00:39:47,500 Pride, I suppose, but, 756 00:39:51,600 --> 00:39:53,493 I did make you up. 757 00:39:54,350 --> 00:39:59,350 I created a beau for the ladies of the sewing circle. 758 00:40:05,010 --> 00:40:08,300 My favorite name has always been Duncan, 759 00:40:08,300 --> 00:40:10,679 and what should my eyes light upon 760 00:40:10,679 --> 00:40:14,373 but an advertisement for McTavish's Porous Plasters. 761 00:40:16,260 --> 00:40:18,390 It wasn't right for me to tell such a tale, 762 00:40:18,390 --> 00:40:21,180 but how would anyone suppose that there was 763 00:40:21,180 --> 00:40:22,873 a real Duncan McTavish? 764 00:40:24,580 --> 00:40:26,843 I've never heard of such a coincidence. 765 00:40:32,627 --> 00:40:35,460 (Duncan laughing) 766 00:40:37,887 --> 00:40:40,554 (both laughing) 767 00:40:49,830 --> 00:40:52,863 - Well, I'm not a Methodist, so our way is clear. 768 00:40:53,977 --> 00:40:57,687 It's time we made up that old quarrel, don't you think? 769 00:40:57,687 --> 00:41:01,420 - Well Mr. McTavish, I'm grateful for your understanding. 770 00:41:01,420 --> 00:41:05,260 - In fact, I have just thought of a wonderful way 771 00:41:05,260 --> 00:41:08,473 to still the tongues of all those sewing circle buzzards. 772 00:41:09,715 --> 00:41:12,298 (serene music) 773 00:41:18,360 --> 00:41:20,750 - Well, Mr. McTavish, I'm superstitions enough 774 00:41:20,750 --> 00:41:24,470 to believe that two wrongs don't make a right. 775 00:41:25,946 --> 00:41:26,779 But, 776 00:41:29,473 --> 00:41:32,110 I don't see what harm it could do. 777 00:41:32,110 --> 00:41:33,173 - I'm glad you agree. 778 00:41:35,026 --> 00:41:35,926 Till Sunday, then. 779 00:42:11,900 --> 00:42:13,430 - Oh Marilla. 780 00:42:13,430 --> 00:42:15,380 How can you ever forgive me? 781 00:42:15,380 --> 00:42:17,210 I doubted your word. 782 00:42:17,210 --> 00:42:18,220 I admit that. 783 00:42:18,220 --> 00:42:21,640 I thought I knew everything about you there was to know. 784 00:42:21,640 --> 00:42:23,330 And I was wrong. 785 00:42:23,330 --> 00:42:26,990 But I'm not one that can't own up to making a mistake. 786 00:42:26,990 --> 00:42:29,523 You should throw me out of the house this minute. 787 00:42:30,760 --> 00:42:32,750 Duncan McTavish was your beau. 788 00:42:32,750 --> 00:42:35,210 I realize that now. 789 00:42:35,210 --> 00:42:36,660 - He was nothing of the sort. 790 00:42:38,390 --> 00:42:40,523 I met him today for the very first time. 791 00:42:41,580 --> 00:42:45,483 And Sara, now you understand why you must never lie. 792 00:42:46,500 --> 00:42:48,200 Because you will always regret it. 793 00:42:50,690 --> 00:42:54,063 Rachel, my dear good friend. 794 00:42:56,750 --> 00:42:57,583 I'm sorry. 795 00:43:04,538 --> 00:43:06,970 (mischievous music) 796 00:43:06,970 --> 00:43:09,127 - My lips are sealed, Mrs. Lynde. 797 00:43:17,324 --> 00:43:20,324 (people chattering) 798 00:43:22,300 --> 00:43:23,163 - Rachel. 799 00:43:24,710 --> 00:43:27,773 I suppose you heard of my meeting with Duncan McTavish, 800 00:43:28,720 --> 00:43:31,340 and it wasn't about Porous Plasters. 801 00:43:31,340 --> 00:43:32,850 - I heard, Mrs. Potts. 802 00:43:32,850 --> 00:43:37,083 - I never gave credence to Marilla's story and I never will. 803 00:43:39,280 --> 00:43:41,710 - Mrs. Potts, it's gossips like you 804 00:43:41,710 --> 00:43:43,650 that give women a bad name. 805 00:43:43,650 --> 00:43:46,293 Why don't you open your eyes and close your mouth? 806 00:43:57,980 --> 00:43:58,813 - Whoa! 807 00:44:18,020 --> 00:44:19,220 Allow me, Miss Cuthbert. 808 00:44:20,400 --> 00:44:21,700 - Thank you, Mr. McTavish. 809 00:44:35,993 --> 00:44:38,190 - Fine day, isn't it? 810 00:44:38,190 --> 00:44:39,513 - One to remember. 811 00:44:40,360 --> 00:44:42,097 (chuckles) 812 00:44:42,097 --> 00:44:44,764 (clicks tongue) 813 00:44:57,970 --> 00:45:00,820 - Well, you're never too old to tell a lie, Sara, 814 00:45:00,820 --> 00:45:02,550 or keep a secret. 815 00:45:02,550 --> 00:45:04,570 - There, you see, I knew it all the time. 816 00:45:04,570 --> 00:45:07,643 Marilla Cuthbert's the soul of honesty. 817 00:45:08,578 --> 00:45:11,033 - Oh, and it's so romantic, I could just die. 818 00:45:12,561 --> 00:45:14,400 - What was that all about? 819 00:45:14,400 --> 00:45:15,490 - Oh, nothing. 820 00:45:15,490 --> 00:45:17,917 Just that it's so nice that Duncan McTavish 821 00:45:17,917 --> 00:45:20,110 and Marilla Cuthbert got together. 822 00:45:20,110 --> 00:45:23,560 See, isn't it wonderful? 823 00:45:23,560 --> 00:45:26,140 - I don't know why you look so smug, Sara Stanley. 824 00:45:26,140 --> 00:45:28,530 It's not as if you were responsible. 825 00:45:28,530 --> 00:45:31,310 They were bound to get together, no matter what. 826 00:45:31,310 --> 00:45:32,600 - Maybe. 827 00:45:32,600 --> 00:45:33,988 Maybe not. 828 00:45:33,988 --> 00:45:35,600 - I heard that they had a secret meeting 829 00:45:35,600 --> 00:45:37,880 and Mr. McTavish proposed. 830 00:45:37,880 --> 00:45:39,680 - Well, people say that Marilla turned him down 831 00:45:39,680 --> 00:45:42,590 because her love for Green Gables is much stronger. 832 00:45:42,590 --> 00:45:45,355 - Sara, isn't that just the most romantic thing 833 00:45:45,355 --> 00:45:46,460 you ever heard? 834 00:45:46,460 --> 00:45:48,720 - Don't believe everything you see, girls, 835 00:45:48,720 --> 00:45:50,540 and only half of what you hear. 836 00:45:52,399 --> 00:45:54,982 (serene music) 837 00:46:54,398 --> 00:46:55,652 (insects chirping) 838 00:46:55,652 --> 00:46:58,754 (loon wailing) 839 00:46:58,754 --> 00:47:01,504 (dramatic music)