1 00:00:03,121 --> 00:00:04,918 In the criminal justice system, 2 00:00:04,918 --> 00:00:08,858 the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: 3 00:00:08,858 --> 00:00:10,757 The police who investigate crime, 4 00:00:10,757 --> 00:00:13,592 and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. 5 00:00:13,592 --> 00:00:15,291 These are their stories. 6 00:00:18,169 --> 00:00:20,535 How many times, Manuel? I don't wanna go. 7 00:00:20,535 --> 00:00:22,868 It's no longer an issue. 8 00:00:22,868 --> 00:00:25,339 My mother will take care of Felice. 9 00:00:25,339 --> 00:00:29,402 Please, Manuel. It's hot. It's uncomfortable. L... I don't speak the language. 10 00:00:29,402 --> 00:00:31,072 You loved it the first time. 11 00:00:31,072 --> 00:00:32,979 You thought it was romantic. 12 00:00:33,317 --> 00:00:36,808 I like chocolate-chocolate chip, but not every night. 13 00:00:38,188 --> 00:00:40,122 Happy birthday, Mom. 14 00:00:40,857 --> 00:00:42,484 Happy birthday. 15 00:00:51,067 --> 00:00:53,933 I don't get it. I did voice, dance, movement, 16 00:00:53,933 --> 00:00:56,470 two callbacks for Guys and Dolls. I still can't get a part. 17 00:00:56,470 --> 00:00:58,233 Well, maybe you don't have any talent. 18 00:00:58,233 --> 00:01:00,570 Hey, hey, hey, that's my crème brûlée. 19 00:01:00,570 --> 00:01:02,906 I don't have any talent? Who are you? Tom Cruise? 20 00:01:11,720 --> 00:01:14,051 Help! Mommy! No! 21 00:01:14,051 --> 00:01:17,818 Daddy! No! Help! 22 00:01:17,818 --> 00:01:19,655 Help! 23 00:01:20,695 --> 00:01:23,755 Mommy! No! Mommy! Daddy! 24 00:01:23,755 --> 00:01:27,824 He came out of the bathroom in a... in a raincoat. 25 00:01:27,824 --> 00:01:31,599 Dark. Blue, maybe. Or, uh, 26 00:01:31,599 --> 00:01:36,108 or... or black. It could've been green. 27 00:01:36,543 --> 00:01:37,908 What'd he look like? 28 00:01:37,908 --> 00:01:39,605 I didn't see his face. 29 00:01:39,605 --> 00:01:41,510 Okay, don't go home. 30 00:01:44,017 --> 00:01:47,680 I told you, I... I couldn't see anything. I was reading the menu. 31 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:50,086 We didn't see anything either. 32 00:01:50,690 --> 00:01:53,625 We? What about you, Mrs. Lawson? 33 00:01:53,625 --> 00:01:56,786 He said we. It... it happened very fast. 34 00:02:03,202 --> 00:02:04,601 He came in the back door. 35 00:02:04,601 --> 00:02:06,035 I mean, he came from the kitchen. 36 00:02:06,035 --> 00:02:09,233 No, he descended from heaven on a silver chariot. 37 00:02:09,508 --> 00:02:11,772 Room full of people, guy comes in, he fires. 38 00:02:11,772 --> 00:02:13,607 Is he sending a message? 39 00:02:13,607 --> 00:02:15,509 I did it to them. I can do it to you. 40 00:02:15,509 --> 00:02:17,377 Close your eyes, keep your mouth shut. 41 00:02:22,921 --> 00:02:24,752 Natalie Ortega, 27. 42 00:02:24,752 --> 00:02:26,950 She expired before her library card. 43 00:02:27,158 --> 00:02:28,921 Manuel Ortega, 28. 44 00:02:28,921 --> 00:02:30,857 He's circling the drain as we speak. 45 00:02:30,857 --> 00:02:32,328 You think he's gonna make it? 46 00:02:32,328 --> 00:02:34,331 He's breathing through his chest. 47 00:02:40,304 --> 00:02:42,602 Mother, father, daughter makes three. 48 00:02:43,540 --> 00:02:44,973 Table's set for four. 49 00:02:44,973 --> 00:02:46,304 They were expecting company. 50 00:02:46,304 --> 00:02:48,640 Somebody had the good fortune to miss dinner. 51 00:04:13,126 --> 00:04:16,856 Five slugs. Mr. Ortega just took a mortgage on his nine lives. 52 00:04:16,856 --> 00:04:18,963 Is he gonna be able to make his payments? 53 00:04:18,963 --> 00:04:22,363 The hospital says if he lasts the week he'll have something to say. 54 00:04:22,363 --> 00:04:25,130 Come on, fellas. An automatic weapon, rich Colombians. 55 00:04:25,130 --> 00:04:26,761 Do we need a crystal ball? 56 00:04:26,761 --> 00:04:29,170 Manuel Ortega has no drug conviction record. 57 00:04:29,170 --> 00:04:30,936 In fact, he has no record. Period. 58 00:04:30,936 --> 00:04:32,408 The wife? 59 00:04:32,408 --> 00:04:34,570 Nada. Don't expect anything from ballistics. 60 00:04:34,570 --> 00:04:37,671 Soft-nosed slugs, .223s, they turned to mush on impact. 61 00:04:38,816 --> 00:04:41,751 You gotta be someone to deserve this kind of firepower. 62 00:04:41,751 --> 00:04:45,118 I have never seen Manuel Ortega or the wife on page six. 63 00:04:45,118 --> 00:04:47,487 The Ortega family. Anybody left? 64 00:04:47,487 --> 00:04:50,026 Uniform just took the kid to Grandma's. 65 00:04:51,762 --> 00:04:53,457 We moved from Bogota. 66 00:04:55,166 --> 00:04:56,962 It was too dangerous. 67 00:04:59,302 --> 00:05:01,202 You know what people say about us. 68 00:05:01,471 --> 00:05:03,371 It's an unfortunate prejudice. 69 00:05:03,371 --> 00:05:04,907 If you're suggesting 70 00:05:05,508 --> 00:05:08,841 that my son was involved in something illegal... 71 00:05:08,841 --> 00:05:11,675 It wasrt exactly hit-and-run, Mrs. Ortega. 72 00:05:12,582 --> 00:05:16,143 Drug smugglers don't have MBAs 73 00:05:16,143 --> 00:05:18,652 from the Tuck School, Detective. 74 00:05:20,189 --> 00:05:21,884 And their wives 75 00:05:22,992 --> 00:05:24,926 are not in the Junior League. 76 00:05:24,926 --> 00:05:27,187 It was a mistake. 77 00:05:28,197 --> 00:05:30,290 At your daughter-in-law's birthday party, 78 00:05:30,290 --> 00:05:32,334 was there a fourth guest expected? 79 00:05:33,502 --> 00:05:35,060 How would I know? 80 00:05:35,337 --> 00:05:38,737 Felice, honey, were your parents expecting someone? 81 00:05:41,709 --> 00:05:42,733 No. 82 00:05:43,244 --> 00:05:45,576 Your son have a job, Mrs. Ortega? 83 00:05:45,576 --> 00:05:47,840 He worked the travel business. 84 00:05:49,384 --> 00:05:51,477 Ramon Buenoventura. 85 00:05:55,023 --> 00:05:56,547 It's a tragedy. 86 00:05:58,358 --> 00:06:00,485 At least the girl wasrt... 87 00:06:03,497 --> 00:06:06,193 Manuel was a good worker, he was a good friend. 88 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:08,127 Fifth Avenue apartment. 89 00:06:08,127 --> 00:06:09,929 He must've sold a lot of tickets. 90 00:06:11,872 --> 00:06:15,205 For six years, I was running widows down to Miami Beach for Christmas. 91 00:06:15,205 --> 00:06:18,038 Now we have 76 employees. 92 00:06:18,038 --> 00:06:21,307 Manuel, he thought big. I made big. 93 00:06:21,747 --> 00:06:24,875 He didn't sell vacations, he booked expeditions. 94 00:06:24,875 --> 00:06:27,111 We are interested in the business expeditions 95 00:06:27,111 --> 00:06:29,347 from Bogota to New York. 96 00:06:31,357 --> 00:06:35,384 I loved Colombia and so did Manuel. 97 00:06:36,162 --> 00:06:39,187 We watched our country die for 20 years, 98 00:06:39,187 --> 00:06:41,425 destroyed by drug trade. 99 00:06:42,300 --> 00:06:45,030 A lot of profit came out of that destruction, my friend. 100 00:06:45,030 --> 00:06:47,797 What happened in Colombia embarrassed Manuel. 101 00:06:48,440 --> 00:06:51,773 He said that, if he... if he thought it would make a difference, 102 00:06:51,773 --> 00:06:54,573 he would go back there and run for office. 103 00:06:56,748 --> 00:06:58,146 But it wouldn't. 104 00:06:59,316 --> 00:07:01,147 Our country is over. 105 00:07:02,653 --> 00:07:05,679 How many saints are blown away by an automatic weapon? 106 00:07:05,679 --> 00:07:08,748 He's a disappointed patriot. This was a political hit. 107 00:07:09,059 --> 00:07:10,549 Travel agency, huh? 108 00:07:10,549 --> 00:07:12,720 How do they move their drugs? Telepathy? 109 00:07:12,720 --> 00:07:14,525 Did you notice how Manuel's mother 110 00:07:14,525 --> 00:07:16,293 was clutching that little girl? 111 00:07:16,293 --> 00:07:17,491 Like she was protecting her. 112 00:07:17,491 --> 00:07:18,727 From us. 113 00:07:18,968 --> 00:07:21,766 Do you think we need a warrant for Manuel's apartment? 114 00:07:21,766 --> 00:07:23,430 He's not a suspect. He's a victim. 115 00:07:23,430 --> 00:07:26,407 We search his apartment, we're doing him a favor, right? 116 00:07:26,609 --> 00:07:27,735 I like your thinking. 117 00:07:29,779 --> 00:07:32,942 So Manuel not only takes care of Mom, he takes care of himself. 118 00:07:33,649 --> 00:07:35,378 Brand new Porsche. 119 00:07:37,220 --> 00:07:39,312 Oh, yeah. I had one of those. 120 00:07:39,312 --> 00:07:41,048 In a previous life. 121 00:07:41,823 --> 00:07:44,018 Neighbor's. Took it for a joyride. 122 00:07:44,018 --> 00:07:46,424 If the old man had been five minutes later, 123 00:07:46,424 --> 00:07:48,360 I would've had a juvenile record. 124 00:07:49,231 --> 00:07:51,825 Mmm. Checking account weekly deposits. 125 00:07:51,825 --> 00:07:54,198 Very nice, $9,500 and change. 126 00:07:54,636 --> 00:07:57,400 She gave to the Mount Holyoke alumni fund. 127 00:07:57,400 --> 00:07:59,403 He's a member of the City Club. 128 00:07:59,403 --> 00:08:00,974 Fine upstanding citizens. 129 00:08:00,974 --> 00:08:02,133 Yeah. 130 00:08:03,144 --> 00:08:04,509 Well! 131 00:08:04,509 --> 00:08:08,014 Travel agency customers, names, phone numbers. 132 00:08:09,016 --> 00:08:12,315 And all with the international country code 57. 133 00:08:12,586 --> 00:08:14,383 Round trips every couple of weeks. 134 00:08:14,383 --> 00:08:15,133 57. 135 00:08:15,823 --> 00:08:18,655 A small South American country with a northern coastline. 136 00:08:18,655 --> 00:08:22,661 Yeah. How many times do you visit your relatives, big daddy? 137 00:08:27,600 --> 00:08:28,931 Looks like a toy. 138 00:08:31,171 --> 00:08:33,503 They don't have one of those in my sandbox. 139 00:08:35,942 --> 00:08:38,842 Indictments? Okay. Thanks. 140 00:08:40,279 --> 00:08:42,543 Manuel's customers, all 22 of them 141 00:08:42,543 --> 00:08:44,707 on the Fed's Christmas list. All dealers. 142 00:08:44,707 --> 00:08:46,842 Merry Christmas, you're under arrest. 143 00:08:46,842 --> 00:08:50,320 Unlicensed. 38 derringer. Barrel's too short for rifling. 144 00:08:50,320 --> 00:08:52,914 I could trace a telephone pole easier. 145 00:08:52,914 --> 00:08:55,255 Doesrt a. 38 raise a flag with you? 146 00:08:55,255 --> 00:08:57,225 My flag hasn't been raised in weeks. 147 00:08:57,225 --> 00:08:58,853 Well, this'll hoist your colors. 148 00:08:58,853 --> 00:09:02,195 Three months ago, a hit. A.38, close range. 149 00:09:02,195 --> 00:09:04,700 Major dealer, Felix Arias. 150 00:09:05,136 --> 00:09:07,900 Mr. Arias was returning from Colombia. 151 00:09:08,206 --> 00:09:11,471 Two shots in the back an hour after he left JFK. 152 00:09:11,471 --> 00:09:13,703 Personal weapon, same caliber. 153 00:09:13,703 --> 00:09:15,973 Maybe our boy in the hospital hit Mr. Arias. 154 00:09:15,973 --> 00:09:18,914 You couldn't prove it in court but it's not a common gun. 155 00:09:19,783 --> 00:09:22,115 A.38? Come on. Manuel's not the only guy 156 00:09:22,115 --> 00:09:23,880 in this town to carry protection. 157 00:09:23,880 --> 00:09:27,549 It's not a stretch, Donny. Arias gets blown away just after he lands. 158 00:09:27,549 --> 00:09:29,956 Who knew he was coming? His travel agent. 159 00:09:29,956 --> 00:09:33,723 The can'tel doesn't like family members to settle disputes in public. 160 00:09:34,130 --> 00:09:36,724 Manuel hits Arias, they send a signal: 161 00:09:36,724 --> 00:09:39,427 "Don't anybody do it again." 162 00:09:39,427 --> 00:09:43,299 Hold your horses. Something here sounds familiar. 163 00:09:43,299 --> 00:09:45,499 Yeah, drug dealers shoot people. 164 00:09:45,499 --> 00:09:49,032 No. There was a DEA circular. 165 00:09:49,032 --> 00:09:53,047 Uh, here. Issued about six weeks ago. 166 00:09:53,849 --> 00:09:57,546 A source in Colombia says A can'tel hit man is on his way to New York. 167 00:09:57,546 --> 00:09:59,087 They don't know the target. 168 00:09:59,554 --> 00:10:02,648 "Javier Laureano Gaitan, aged 24." 169 00:10:03,191 --> 00:10:05,716 He looks like a young Elvis. He shot 50 people? 170 00:10:05,716 --> 00:10:07,693 He doesn't look old enough to tie his shoes. 171 00:10:07,693 --> 00:10:09,389 You want to call the Feds? 172 00:10:10,298 --> 00:10:13,358 For advice only. It's a homicide. It's ours. 173 00:10:13,568 --> 00:10:14,865 Excuse me. 174 00:10:14,865 --> 00:10:18,666 If our boy in the hospital hits Arias 175 00:10:18,666 --> 00:10:23,039 and Elvis came from Bogota for revenge, aren't we missing something? 176 00:10:23,039 --> 00:10:24,838 Manuel is still in the hospital. 177 00:10:24,838 --> 00:10:26,743 And Elvis still has a job to do. 178 00:10:27,014 --> 00:10:30,415 If Manuel goes belly up, Elvis is on the next plane home. 179 00:10:30,651 --> 00:10:33,677 Manuel dies, you prop him up, put a piano in front of him. 180 00:10:33,677 --> 00:10:36,484 Nobody knows about this. I want two uniforms on his door. 181 00:10:36,484 --> 00:10:39,989 We still got to turn up Elvis before Manuel leaves the hospital. 182 00:10:39,989 --> 00:10:43,028 Okay, Manuel hits a major dealer. 183 00:10:43,028 --> 00:10:44,628 There's no word on the street? 184 00:10:44,628 --> 00:10:46,231 His mother hears nothing? 185 00:10:46,832 --> 00:10:49,460 My mother's 73, she knows what I spend for a suit. 186 00:10:49,460 --> 00:10:51,833 Phil, your mother works in the clothing business. 187 00:10:51,833 --> 00:10:53,735 Manuel's mom has no record. 188 00:10:53,735 --> 00:10:57,104 Are you telling me that she doesn't know what he does for a living? 189 00:10:57,104 --> 00:11:00,006 How does she pay for that big Fifth Avenue apartment? 190 00:11:01,246 --> 00:11:03,111 My son is very generous. 191 00:11:03,111 --> 00:11:04,546 He must've been printing money. 192 00:11:04,546 --> 00:11:06,277 His apartment, your apartment... 193 00:11:06,277 --> 00:11:08,342 I bet you've a beach house in East Hampton. 194 00:11:08,342 --> 00:11:10,047 Sag Harbor. 195 00:11:10,047 --> 00:11:13,750 My son is inspired by his work and he's very successful. 196 00:11:13,750 --> 00:11:16,793 Is he inspired enough to get rid of a dealer named Felix Arias? 197 00:11:18,096 --> 00:11:20,928 Suppose we ask your granddaughter to look at some pictures. 198 00:11:20,928 --> 00:11:23,124 Maybe she sees the man who shot your son. 199 00:11:23,124 --> 00:11:25,360 Not without my permission. 200 00:11:25,736 --> 00:11:28,068 Did you ever hear of a material witness order? 201 00:11:28,272 --> 00:11:31,639 If you take Felice, they'll think she knows something she does not. 202 00:11:32,476 --> 00:11:34,068 I have a sudden urge to see a judge. 203 00:11:34,068 --> 00:11:35,338 All right. 204 00:11:35,612 --> 00:11:36,636 All right. 205 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:42,413 Felix Arias was quite taken by Natalie. 206 00:11:43,219 --> 00:11:45,449 His attentions were not welcome. 207 00:11:45,449 --> 00:11:47,421 She would not submit. 208 00:11:48,157 --> 00:11:50,785 He said they could own him but not his wife. 209 00:11:52,395 --> 00:11:55,489 I told him, "Don't shoot anybody." 210 00:11:55,489 --> 00:11:58,534 The birthday party, who was the fourth for dinner? 211 00:11:59,168 --> 00:12:02,102 Manuel's boss from the travel agency. 212 00:12:03,238 --> 00:12:06,071 I don't like being reminded how old I am, 213 00:12:06,071 --> 00:12:08,405 so I don't go to birthday parties. 214 00:12:08,405 --> 00:12:09,774 So we heard. 215 00:12:09,774 --> 00:12:12,336 Listen, I am a respectable businessman. 216 00:12:12,336 --> 00:12:14,176 I belong to the Chamber of Commerce 217 00:12:14,176 --> 00:12:16,410 and to the Better Business Bureau. 218 00:12:17,319 --> 00:12:21,482 All right, maybe Manuel invited me and I simply forgot. 219 00:12:21,482 --> 00:12:24,888 How's your memory today? You wanna dredge up the combination to this? 220 00:12:24,888 --> 00:12:26,324 See, that's why we left Colombia. 221 00:12:26,324 --> 00:12:29,363 Because of these kinds of police tactics. 222 00:12:29,363 --> 00:12:32,058 You want some police tactics? I'm gonna count to three. 223 00:12:32,058 --> 00:12:35,296 Before I'm finished, you'll open that safe, or I'll open it for you. 224 00:12:35,296 --> 00:12:37,132 One, two, three. 225 00:12:39,373 --> 00:12:43,138 Ramon Buenoventura, you're under arrest for accessory to murder. 226 00:12:43,138 --> 00:12:45,109 You have the right to remain silent. 227 00:12:48,415 --> 00:12:50,975 Colombian passports found in your client's safe. 228 00:12:52,652 --> 00:12:54,347 U.S. Visa stamp. 229 00:12:56,556 --> 00:12:58,114 He doesn't look like a consulate. 230 00:12:58,114 --> 00:13:00,853 Come on, it's a dinky federal rap. 231 00:13:01,094 --> 00:13:03,220 Put your client in a dinky federal cell. 232 00:13:03,220 --> 00:13:05,558 Could I have the one with the tennis courts? 233 00:13:05,764 --> 00:13:09,097 The Feds say the passports belong to Colombian hit squads. 234 00:13:09,601 --> 00:13:12,900 One name is an alias used last year by guess who? 235 00:13:13,672 --> 00:13:15,230 Javier Gaitan. 236 00:13:16,575 --> 00:13:19,874 Your client is Murder Incorporated's travel agent. 237 00:13:20,345 --> 00:13:23,177 You bought a ticket for the guy who shot your pal Manuel. 238 00:13:23,177 --> 00:13:25,772 We are talking about conspiracy, murder two. 239 00:13:25,772 --> 00:13:27,215 He didn't kill anybody. 240 00:13:27,215 --> 00:13:29,776 Tell your client the law, Counselor. 241 00:13:29,776 --> 00:13:31,378 What is he talking about? 242 00:13:31,378 --> 00:13:34,016 We don't need all the conspirators to put one away. 243 00:13:34,016 --> 00:13:36,185 The DA says the Feds'll go along with us. 244 00:13:36,185 --> 00:13:39,388 He gives us Gaitan, he gets accessory, man one. 245 00:13:48,905 --> 00:13:51,874 Look, I booked the flights and that's all. 246 00:13:55,078 --> 00:13:56,739 Under what name? 247 00:13:58,448 --> 00:13:59,745 Esteban. 248 00:14:00,383 --> 00:14:03,374 Paolo. But I really didn't know who he was. 249 00:14:03,619 --> 00:14:04,984 Where's Gaitan? 250 00:14:08,190 --> 00:14:09,179 Look, 251 00:14:09,992 --> 00:14:12,256 I really liked Manuel. 252 00:14:13,395 --> 00:14:16,091 But you just don't shoot their jefes. 253 00:14:17,233 --> 00:14:20,896 You want to die, you shoot yourself in the head. 254 00:14:22,104 --> 00:14:25,664 Your Colombian clients, what hotel do you book them into? 255 00:14:28,476 --> 00:14:31,070 The Europa on Park Avenue. 256 00:14:32,480 --> 00:14:35,244 For Elvis, why not the best? 257 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:43,021 If we had moved a little faster, we'd have had him. 258 00:14:43,021 --> 00:14:45,785 Did you expect him to order room service and wait for us? 259 00:14:45,785 --> 00:14:48,623 When he hears that Manuel stops breathing, he'll get out. 260 00:14:48,623 --> 00:14:50,663 If Manuel's mother had cared about 261 00:14:50,663 --> 00:14:52,426 who hit her son, we might have something. 262 00:14:52,426 --> 00:14:55,468 The only prints in the hotel room were the maid's. 263 00:14:56,603 --> 00:14:58,503 Two local calls from the room. 264 00:14:58,503 --> 00:15:00,573 Sloppy, Elvis, sloppy. 265 00:15:00,573 --> 00:15:02,403 Desperate. He botches a hit, 266 00:15:02,403 --> 00:15:04,534 he knows there's a welcoming committee at home. 267 00:15:04,534 --> 00:15:06,043 Thank you very much. 268 00:15:06,812 --> 00:15:10,714 Okay, he called Alvaro Graphics, 18th street and then six hours later, 269 00:15:10,714 --> 00:15:13,649 Sandra Alvaro, 2120 Broadway. 270 00:15:13,649 --> 00:15:14,743 Let's go. 271 00:15:15,388 --> 00:15:17,515 Gaitan, Gaitan? 272 00:15:17,515 --> 00:15:19,285 I had a temporary super. 273 00:15:19,285 --> 00:15:20,985 Maybe he fixed my washing machine. 274 00:15:20,985 --> 00:15:24,028 You're gonna be doing laundry upstate with this act, Sandra. 275 00:15:24,028 --> 00:15:26,563 Mr. Gaitan called you Wednesday afternoon. 276 00:15:27,365 --> 00:15:30,766 I have the same number as a scalper in Teaneck. 277 00:15:30,766 --> 00:15:34,362 You forget to dial 201, and you get my office. 278 00:15:34,362 --> 00:15:36,339 He called you Wednesday night at home. 279 00:15:38,243 --> 00:15:39,437 What do you think? 280 00:15:39,437 --> 00:15:42,707 A warrant for her apartment, we'll find Gaitars dirty underwear. 281 00:15:47,017 --> 00:15:49,042 He never told me what he did. 282 00:15:49,042 --> 00:15:51,245 I wouldn't have let him in if I knew. 283 00:15:51,245 --> 00:15:53,846 I think she just said she saw Mr. Gaitan. 284 00:15:53,846 --> 00:15:56,256 That's how it sounds to me. Thank you very much. 285 00:15:56,256 --> 00:15:59,227 Sandra Alvaro, you are under arrest for harboring a fugitive. 286 00:15:59,227 --> 00:16:00,923 You have the right to remain silent. 287 00:16:01,465 --> 00:16:02,864 You didn't know. 288 00:16:02,864 --> 00:16:05,492 Did you think he was in town for the hardware convention? 289 00:16:05,492 --> 00:16:09,595 10, 12 years ago, in Bogota, I knew him as a boy. 290 00:16:09,595 --> 00:16:12,300 Our parents played tennis together. 291 00:16:12,609 --> 00:16:14,668 I just gave him a place to sleep. 292 00:16:14,668 --> 00:16:17,804 Come on, he had an expensive bed at the Europa Hotel. 293 00:16:23,585 --> 00:16:26,577 Sandra, harboring a fugitive, 294 00:16:26,577 --> 00:16:31,388 accessory to murder, that's a long time away from your nice co-op. 295 00:16:32,294 --> 00:16:35,923 But you help us, we'll get you a very protected cell. 296 00:16:35,923 --> 00:16:38,967 And we'll tell the DA that you cooperated. 297 00:16:39,401 --> 00:16:41,198 I don't know where he went. 298 00:16:41,198 --> 00:16:43,135 But is he coming back? 299 00:16:48,909 --> 00:16:53,608 He always calls first, a few minutes before he comes. 300 00:16:53,981 --> 00:16:58,441 He said to be home this afternoon around 4:30. 301 00:16:59,787 --> 00:17:03,154 Gaitan calls, two minutes later he's at her place. Every time. 302 00:17:03,154 --> 00:17:06,384 I don't think he rented a cellular phone at the airport. 303 00:17:07,093 --> 00:17:08,424 Pay phones. 304 00:17:08,424 --> 00:17:10,087 We can't take this guy on the street. 305 00:17:10,087 --> 00:17:12,791 Broadway, that time of the afternoon? He decides to run, 306 00:17:12,791 --> 00:17:15,596 we're gonna have bodies from 75th street to the Bowery. 307 00:17:15,596 --> 00:17:17,136 Mike, call the phone company. 308 00:17:17,136 --> 00:17:20,036 Have Alvaro's phone routed to Rikers so she can answer. 309 00:17:20,036 --> 00:17:24,132 I want six SWAT teams. Four inside the courtyard, two across the street. 310 00:17:25,778 --> 00:17:27,006 Cragen. 311 00:17:28,347 --> 00:17:29,371 When? 312 00:17:29,982 --> 00:17:31,643 Well, what the... 313 00:17:32,885 --> 00:17:35,251 No, it's all right, Joey. Thank you. 314 00:17:37,823 --> 00:17:40,656 Manuel Ortega died 10 minutes ago. 315 00:17:40,859 --> 00:17:43,054 Two reporters have the story already. 316 00:17:43,054 --> 00:17:45,186 If we don't get him before the 6:00 news... 317 00:17:45,186 --> 00:17:47,094 It's adios, Elvis. 318 00:17:51,569 --> 00:17:53,764 Bad manners. He's late. 319 00:17:53,764 --> 00:17:55,998 Or he has a good nose and he changed his mind. 320 00:17:55,998 --> 00:17:57,336 What's he got out there? 321 00:17:57,336 --> 00:17:59,968 A.38, a. 22 and a chest covered with Kevlar. 322 00:18:02,113 --> 00:18:04,672 Yeah. Logan. Okay. Thanks. 323 00:18:04,672 --> 00:18:06,613 Sandra just took the call. 324 00:18:06,613 --> 00:18:08,947 And he's coming down from 78th. 325 00:18:08,947 --> 00:18:11,612 He's checking the street. He's watching his back. 326 00:18:11,612 --> 00:18:13,255 He's at the arch. 327 00:18:15,058 --> 00:18:17,253 He's entering the courtyard now. 328 00:18:17,461 --> 00:18:19,019 He's coming toward the fountain. 329 00:18:19,019 --> 00:18:20,754 So far, so good. 330 00:18:22,399 --> 00:18:25,299 Wait a minute. He's talking to the doorman. 331 00:18:26,769 --> 00:18:28,259 He's looking around. 332 00:18:28,259 --> 00:18:29,928 We should've left the real doorman. 333 00:18:29,928 --> 00:18:31,870 He'd have wet his pants. 334 00:18:35,177 --> 00:18:36,303 Elvis is coming in. 335 00:18:36,303 --> 00:18:37,403 Yes! 336 00:18:40,449 --> 00:18:42,883 All right, hold on. Let him get inside. 337 00:18:49,023 --> 00:18:50,513 Here he comes. One, 338 00:18:51,359 --> 00:18:52,383 two, 339 00:18:53,595 --> 00:18:54,619 three. 340 00:18:55,296 --> 00:18:56,627 Now. 341 00:19:00,335 --> 00:19:02,895 Freeze! Don't move! 342 00:19:11,245 --> 00:19:12,906 My name is Paolo Esteban. 343 00:19:12,906 --> 00:19:14,572 I am a citizen of Colombia. 344 00:19:14,572 --> 00:19:16,342 I would like to call a lawyer. 345 00:19:16,342 --> 00:19:17,974 Good. Let's go. 346 00:19:22,556 --> 00:19:24,649 What do you mean you can't indict? 347 00:19:24,858 --> 00:19:27,621 To start with, no witnesses, no murder weapon. 348 00:19:27,621 --> 00:19:29,251 Hold him on concealment. 349 00:19:29,251 --> 00:19:31,319 He had a straight razor when we picked him up. 350 00:19:31,319 --> 00:19:33,627 Next time you buy razor blades, we'll indict you. 351 00:19:33,627 --> 00:19:35,690 But you have the DEA circular. 352 00:19:35,690 --> 00:19:37,302 He claims it's not him. 353 00:19:37,302 --> 00:19:38,997 Are we on this tightrope alone? 354 00:19:38,997 --> 00:19:40,663 Did you want us not to pick him up? 355 00:19:40,663 --> 00:19:42,604 I want enough evidence to indict him. 356 00:19:42,604 --> 00:19:45,643 So you can hold him for what? 120 hours? 357 00:19:45,643 --> 00:19:48,804 And apparently his name is on a warrant in Paris, 358 00:19:48,804 --> 00:19:50,948 and a warrant in another jurisdiction 359 00:19:50,948 --> 00:19:53,075 means that we can hold him for 30 days. 360 00:19:53,318 --> 00:19:55,445 Can you have the murder weapon in that time? 361 00:19:55,445 --> 00:19:59,047 A month? We'll nail him for the Kennedy assassination. 362 00:19:59,047 --> 00:20:00,590 Let's hope you can. 363 00:20:00,590 --> 00:20:02,889 Gaitan is challenging the 30 days. 364 00:20:02,889 --> 00:20:04,553 Hearing's tomorrow. 365 00:20:05,896 --> 00:20:09,662 Your Honor, a hearing in prison, it's an affront to my client. 366 00:20:09,662 --> 00:20:13,260 Your client goes in and out of Colombian jails through a revolving door. 367 00:20:13,260 --> 00:20:16,204 Gentlemen, please, can we not have a fistfight? 368 00:20:16,707 --> 00:20:18,072 Mr. Stone? 369 00:20:18,809 --> 00:20:21,573 Ms. Alvaro, do you recognize this man? 370 00:20:25,883 --> 00:20:29,340 Paolo Esteban, I knew him in Bogota. 371 00:20:35,458 --> 00:20:40,327 Ms. Alvaro, you identified this man as Javier Laureano Gaitan. 372 00:20:40,530 --> 00:20:42,259 The police threatened me. 373 00:20:42,259 --> 00:20:44,595 Police coercion. This is heinous. 374 00:20:44,595 --> 00:20:46,531 Judge, the DEA circular... 375 00:20:46,531 --> 00:20:49,196 The DEA circular has a hazy photograph. 376 00:20:49,196 --> 00:20:51,602 He has a passport, Judge. 377 00:20:52,774 --> 00:20:54,674 Mr. Gaitan has a record in Colombia? 378 00:20:54,674 --> 00:20:56,710 What about fingerprints? 379 00:20:56,710 --> 00:21:00,544 The Colombian government are trying to locate them, Your Honor. 380 00:21:02,150 --> 00:21:04,744 Frankly, I'm tempted to believe the DEA. 381 00:21:04,744 --> 00:21:07,549 However, the French warrant, Mr. Stone? 382 00:21:08,489 --> 00:21:11,322 Mr. Manetti has a document from the French embassy. 383 00:21:11,322 --> 00:21:13,290 It's under challenge. 384 00:21:13,290 --> 00:21:16,386 If it's not enforceable here, you can't have the 30 days. 385 00:21:16,386 --> 00:21:17,988 I'd love to let you hold him. 386 00:21:17,988 --> 00:21:20,897 But he has the same rights as any defendant. 387 00:21:21,502 --> 00:21:23,629 Pursuant to CPL 180-80 388 00:21:23,629 --> 00:21:25,933 The People have four days to file an indictment 389 00:21:25,933 --> 00:21:27,598 or you let him go. 390 00:21:30,310 --> 00:21:33,108 Four days? Why don't we throw darts at my computer? 391 00:21:33,108 --> 00:21:34,305 We need a murder weapon. 392 00:21:34,305 --> 00:21:37,645 Soft slugs, they mash like potatoes. You try making a match. 393 00:21:37,645 --> 00:21:41,016 Look at this. The CSU sketch of the restaurant. 394 00:21:41,016 --> 00:21:43,419 Check the position of the shells. 395 00:21:43,419 --> 00:21:46,015 What? He should've cleaned up? 396 00:21:46,015 --> 00:21:48,286 CSU assumed he moved left to right, 397 00:21:48,286 --> 00:21:50,555 the shells ejected right, he's out the back door. 398 00:21:50,555 --> 00:21:53,359 What if he comes in the other way, goes out the front door? 399 00:21:53,359 --> 00:21:56,196 Are you learning the mambo or is this leading somewhere? 400 00:21:56,196 --> 00:21:58,930 No. What he is interested in is the DEA circular, 401 00:21:58,930 --> 00:22:01,302 which tells us that Gaitan fires left-handed. 402 00:22:01,302 --> 00:22:04,501 Exactly. If he fires left, he doesn't want a gun that ejects right. 403 00:22:04,501 --> 00:22:05,942 He might get hit by the shells. 404 00:22:05,942 --> 00:22:07,875 So if it ejects left... 405 00:22:07,875 --> 00:22:10,312 A.223 automatic. Who makes it? 406 00:22:14,319 --> 00:22:17,755 "Steyr Aug Commando, .223, Austrian. 407 00:22:17,755 --> 00:22:20,154 "High velocity, virtually no recoil. 408 00:22:20,154 --> 00:22:22,590 Adjustable ejector. Left or right." 409 00:22:22,794 --> 00:22:26,059 Nobody waltzes through Customs with a machine gun like that. 410 00:22:26,059 --> 00:22:28,120 Think global, shop local. 411 00:22:28,120 --> 00:22:31,429 We're looking for a hot-gun dealer who sold a Steyr Aug. 412 00:22:32,369 --> 00:22:34,064 Courtesy Firearms Division. 413 00:22:34,064 --> 00:22:35,933 Every guy who sells artillery. 414 00:22:35,933 --> 00:22:38,497 Four of them stocked Steyr Augs, one time or another. 415 00:22:38,497 --> 00:22:40,099 Call them. 416 00:22:40,099 --> 00:22:42,168 So which con is our new best friend? 417 00:22:42,779 --> 00:22:46,840 Uh, a guy in Dannemora named Tommy Bruno. 418 00:22:46,840 --> 00:22:48,440 Oh, I know that guy. 419 00:22:48,440 --> 00:22:50,451 I rousted him two or three years ago. 420 00:22:50,451 --> 00:22:53,079 The only thing I remember is he's got a bad hairpiece. 421 00:22:53,422 --> 00:22:55,390 I wouldn't know him if he sat in my lap. 422 00:22:55,390 --> 00:22:58,120 Well, you two guys are his old customers. 423 00:22:58,120 --> 00:23:00,854 He's in five to 15, nobody can check. 424 00:23:01,063 --> 00:23:03,395 Not a supplier in town he hasn't dealt with. 425 00:23:03,395 --> 00:23:06,866 Homework. Special Investigations. Tommy's entire life. 426 00:23:06,866 --> 00:23:09,095 Learn it before you start calling. 427 00:23:10,438 --> 00:23:13,100 I'm a friend of Tommy's. Do I sound like a cop? 428 00:23:14,242 --> 00:23:15,368 I need a good automatic. 429 00:23:15,368 --> 00:23:16,410 Yeah. 430 00:23:16,410 --> 00:23:17,604 Yeah, I saw him last month 431 00:23:17,604 --> 00:23:19,112 A Sig Sauer, a Steyr Aug. 432 00:23:19,112 --> 00:23:21,114 Before he went into the hole. 433 00:23:21,750 --> 00:23:23,012 Okay, is George there? 434 00:23:23,012 --> 00:23:24,448 What do you got? 435 00:23:24,686 --> 00:23:25,846 Yeah. 436 00:23:25,846 --> 00:23:27,717 A semi? Oh. 437 00:23:28,622 --> 00:23:30,283 Nah, no thanks. 438 00:23:30,283 --> 00:23:31,585 I'll wait. 439 00:23:31,585 --> 00:23:34,628 But, hey, listen, I'll give Tommy your best. 440 00:23:34,995 --> 00:23:35,984 Uh-huh. 441 00:23:38,599 --> 00:23:40,692 10 years ago, they wouldn't even breathe 442 00:23:40,692 --> 00:23:42,167 on an open line. 443 00:23:42,167 --> 00:23:43,931 Dumber. Greedier. 444 00:23:45,239 --> 00:23:47,434 George, how you doing? 445 00:23:47,741 --> 00:23:49,674 Yeah, it's too bad about Tommy, huh? 446 00:23:50,977 --> 00:23:52,410 A Steyr Aug? 447 00:23:53,980 --> 00:23:55,413 Yeah, you don't see them around a lot. 448 00:23:55,948 --> 00:23:57,381 How much? 449 00:23:58,785 --> 00:24:00,412 That's pretty steep, but okay. 450 00:24:02,155 --> 00:24:04,020 Tommy's new wife? Alice? 451 00:24:04,020 --> 00:24:06,022 No, I was tight with Sonia. 452 00:24:07,960 --> 00:24:11,019 Fat? That was number one, Enid. 453 00:24:13,165 --> 00:24:14,427 Cash is no problem. 454 00:24:15,667 --> 00:24:17,658 I like the Theodore on 81st Street. 455 00:24:18,704 --> 00:24:19,762 That's great. 456 00:24:20,939 --> 00:24:23,169 I'll see you there. Yeah. Goodbye. 457 00:24:24,676 --> 00:24:26,871 This guy sold two Steyr Augs this month. 458 00:24:27,145 --> 00:24:30,204 Let's make sure we got somebody good behind the desk clerk. 459 00:24:37,855 --> 00:24:39,982 What are you going for? A shine or a glare? 460 00:24:39,982 --> 00:24:41,786 If he can't see his face in them, 461 00:24:41,786 --> 00:24:43,554 he's gonna think something's wrong. 462 00:24:44,528 --> 00:24:45,995 He's on his way up. 463 00:24:58,541 --> 00:25:03,410 Gagliardi? Lobrano. George Lobrano. 464 00:25:09,918 --> 00:25:12,045 Tommy always used this place. 465 00:25:12,254 --> 00:25:14,347 Tommy liked the Bingham, 38th Street. 466 00:25:15,357 --> 00:25:19,316 You know Tommy. Yeah, the Bingham, nice place, very nice, yeah. 467 00:25:19,316 --> 00:25:21,225 You got the money, all the money? 468 00:25:21,563 --> 00:25:23,428 Let me see it, I gotta see it first. 469 00:25:23,428 --> 00:25:25,660 Put it out here. Let me see. Let me see. 470 00:25:27,736 --> 00:25:29,168 $4,000, it better be here. 471 00:25:29,168 --> 00:25:30,770 I don't like being jerked around. 472 00:25:30,770 --> 00:25:33,102 You're a dollar short, I'm gonna get very upset. 473 00:25:33,102 --> 00:25:34,198 You told me $3,500. 474 00:25:34,198 --> 00:25:36,470 I meant $4,000, that's what I meant. 475 00:25:36,470 --> 00:25:39,240 Maybe I said $3,500, I meant $4,000. 476 00:25:41,282 --> 00:25:44,046 Gorgeous weapon, cherry, numbers burned. 477 00:25:44,046 --> 00:25:46,985 It's a giveaway, you ought to be paying $4,000. 478 00:25:48,089 --> 00:25:50,420 This is very fine, brand-new. 479 00:25:57,430 --> 00:25:58,727 What's the matter? 480 00:25:59,032 --> 00:26:01,193 It's not okay? You should like it. 481 00:26:01,193 --> 00:26:03,395 You don't like it, you ought to be paying more. 482 00:26:03,395 --> 00:26:06,496 You got the extra $500, come up with it now. It's a good buy. 483 00:26:06,496 --> 00:26:07,665 It's fine. It's fine. 484 00:26:07,665 --> 00:26:09,174 You want to be Mr. Ten Percent? 485 00:26:09,174 --> 00:26:10,868 Here's your ten percent. 486 00:26:21,053 --> 00:26:22,577 Get him off! Get him off! 487 00:26:22,577 --> 00:26:26,318 Officer down! 524 East 81st! 488 00:26:26,318 --> 00:26:28,121 Get a bus. Now! 489 00:26:28,121 --> 00:26:30,286 Phil? 490 00:26:30,995 --> 00:26:33,589 30 years, I had a charmed life. 491 00:26:34,065 --> 00:26:35,430 I never even fired. 492 00:26:37,001 --> 00:26:38,832 I can't breathe. I can't breathe. 493 00:26:38,832 --> 00:26:40,370 Easy. Easy. 494 00:26:46,845 --> 00:26:48,938 There's a slug near his spine. 495 00:26:54,117 --> 00:26:55,812 They don't know. 496 00:26:56,153 --> 00:26:58,383 You can't see through walls, Mike. 497 00:26:58,989 --> 00:27:00,718 This guy was on the astral plane, 498 00:27:00,718 --> 00:27:02,782 he would've popped Phil if he blinked funny. 499 00:27:10,867 --> 00:27:14,030 We still have the same problem. Lobrano. 500 00:27:17,406 --> 00:27:18,839 The answer's no. 501 00:27:19,842 --> 00:27:22,174 I'm not saying we'll plead him, Mike, 502 00:27:22,478 --> 00:27:24,469 but if he can identify Gaitan... 503 00:27:24,469 --> 00:27:26,606 If the son of a bitch had shot Stone, 504 00:27:26,606 --> 00:27:28,707 would you even think of pleading? 505 00:27:28,707 --> 00:27:31,717 My partner might spend the rest of his life on wheels! 506 00:27:35,290 --> 00:27:37,315 You want Lobrano? Too bad. 507 00:27:37,726 --> 00:27:39,591 You send Elvis back to Colombia. 508 00:27:39,591 --> 00:27:41,151 Hey, Mike. 509 00:27:42,130 --> 00:27:43,392 Why don't you head home? 510 00:27:43,392 --> 00:27:44,793 I'll wait for Elaine. 511 00:27:45,033 --> 00:27:47,194 You go home and get some sleep. All right? 512 00:27:56,777 --> 00:27:58,335 Man shot a cop. 513 00:28:00,114 --> 00:28:02,309 The press is gonna love us cutting a deal. 514 00:28:03,918 --> 00:28:05,249 How old is Cerreta? 515 00:28:05,249 --> 00:28:06,751 He must be close to 50. 516 00:28:07,221 --> 00:28:11,589 50. That age, major surgery, you don't recover so quick. 517 00:28:12,525 --> 00:28:13,890 I'd like his wife to get a note 518 00:28:13,890 --> 00:28:16,121 from this office. Flowers to the hospital. 519 00:28:16,121 --> 00:28:17,355 I'll take care of it. 520 00:28:17,355 --> 00:28:20,365 So we don't plead the gun dealer, maybe we don't need him. 521 00:28:21,234 --> 00:28:23,065 Especially if we don't go to trial. 522 00:28:26,139 --> 00:28:29,870 20 people in that restaurant, No ID. 523 00:28:31,376 --> 00:28:35,210 We say he's Gaitan, they say Esteban. Without fingerprints, 524 00:28:35,747 --> 00:28:38,113 they can say he's Peter Pan. 525 00:28:38,784 --> 00:28:40,945 State Department buys dictators over breakfast. 526 00:28:40,945 --> 00:28:42,953 They can't get prints from the Colombian? 527 00:28:43,322 --> 00:28:46,291 Billions of dollars, the can'tel is an underground nation. 528 00:28:46,892 --> 00:28:49,224 They kill judges down there for sport. 529 00:28:49,628 --> 00:28:51,561 Adam, is there an agenda here? 530 00:28:51,996 --> 00:28:54,294 The U.S. Attorney's office did call. 531 00:28:55,266 --> 00:28:59,259 They say that Gaitan can make federal cases into the next century. 532 00:28:59,737 --> 00:29:02,604 He'll get six months, testify in three cases, and go home. 533 00:29:02,604 --> 00:29:05,904 Adam, that is nuts. We convict, the Feds get leverage, 534 00:29:05,904 --> 00:29:08,969 and I think facing 25 years, he'd sell out anybody. 535 00:29:09,513 --> 00:29:12,845 The Feds would like us to talk to Gaitan. You'll do it. 536 00:29:14,184 --> 00:29:16,880 What my client is saying is he might consider a deal, 537 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:18,818 but he's not interested in doing time. 538 00:29:18,818 --> 00:29:22,346 Are you worried our jails are more secure than Colombia's, Mr. Gaitan? 539 00:29:22,346 --> 00:29:24,959 Hello, Ben, Planet Earth calling. 540 00:29:24,959 --> 00:29:28,020 He names drug dealers, who can guarantee his safety? You? 541 00:29:28,020 --> 00:29:29,429 The prison system? 542 00:29:29,429 --> 00:29:31,364 Man one, three to nine. 543 00:29:31,364 --> 00:29:33,262 No time. That's the deal. 544 00:29:33,469 --> 00:29:34,993 Then we go to trial. 545 00:29:39,441 --> 00:29:40,840 You can't be serious. 546 00:29:40,840 --> 00:29:42,843 Maybe we should turn him over to the Feds. 547 00:29:42,843 --> 00:29:44,538 Since when did you get so cautious? 548 00:29:44,538 --> 00:29:46,477 A jury needs connections, Paul. 549 00:29:46,477 --> 00:29:48,446 The gun, revenge, plane tickets. 550 00:29:48,446 --> 00:29:51,213 I'd be listening to the meaning of reasonable doubt. 551 00:29:51,487 --> 00:29:53,249 We don't have any choice. 552 00:29:53,249 --> 00:29:54,845 We have to use the gun dealer. 553 00:29:55,289 --> 00:29:57,382 His own lawyer said he never saw Gaitan. 554 00:29:57,382 --> 00:30:00,484 Lobrano said, "I left the gun in the car, 555 00:30:00,484 --> 00:30:03,155 picked up the cash." What's that testimony won'th? 556 00:30:03,155 --> 00:30:04,698 It is not a firm ID. 557 00:30:04,698 --> 00:30:06,322 You gonna plead him down for that? 558 00:30:06,322 --> 00:30:07,900 It's better than nothing. 559 00:30:08,870 --> 00:30:12,327 Before we do this, I have to talk to Cerreta. 560 00:30:15,375 --> 00:30:17,468 We're not here to talk you into anything, Phil. 561 00:30:19,179 --> 00:30:21,204 Just came by to see me, huh? 562 00:30:26,920 --> 00:30:29,047 How good is Lobrano's testimony? 563 00:30:29,289 --> 00:30:30,483 It won't nail him. 564 00:30:30,483 --> 00:30:31,581 Could help. 565 00:30:31,892 --> 00:30:33,859 And Elvis could walk either way. 566 00:30:38,631 --> 00:30:40,394 You don't have to do this, Phil. 567 00:30:41,600 --> 00:30:45,036 They drop attempted murder, all he gets is assault with a deadly. 568 00:30:50,643 --> 00:30:51,632 Mike. 569 00:30:54,479 --> 00:30:58,813 I can walk, I can talk, I can... 570 00:31:00,151 --> 00:31:01,709 All the important things. 571 00:31:07,826 --> 00:31:10,386 This guy Lobrano's gonna do time anyway. 572 00:31:14,064 --> 00:31:15,326 Make the deal. 573 00:31:20,337 --> 00:31:23,238 He asked for a Steyr Aug, said he fired left-handed. 574 00:31:23,238 --> 00:31:25,002 When you sell illicit firearms, 575 00:31:25,002 --> 00:31:28,408 do you normally risk dealing with people you've never seen before? 576 00:31:28,812 --> 00:31:31,110 This Gaitan, he has a reputation. 577 00:31:31,348 --> 00:31:34,407 They say he's done maybe 50, 60 people. 578 00:31:35,017 --> 00:31:37,008 Do you want to object, Mr. Manetti? 579 00:31:37,008 --> 00:31:38,485 No objection, Your Honor. 580 00:31:38,485 --> 00:31:42,183 He's talking about someone named Gaitan, not my client. 581 00:31:44,494 --> 00:31:46,155 Mr. Lobrano, 582 00:31:48,598 --> 00:31:50,862 we have heard testimony that Manuel Ortega 583 00:31:50,862 --> 00:31:53,127 was killed with a. 223 automatic. 584 00:31:53,127 --> 00:31:55,465 What caliber is the Steyr Aug? 585 00:31:55,465 --> 00:31:56,936 That's a. 223. 586 00:31:57,839 --> 00:32:00,603 And how many guns have you sold in your lifetime? 587 00:32:01,743 --> 00:32:04,268 I would guess 200 or 300. 588 00:32:04,613 --> 00:32:06,342 How many of those were Steyr Augs? 589 00:32:07,482 --> 00:32:09,643 15, 20 at the most. 590 00:32:09,643 --> 00:32:11,479 Thank you, no further questions. 591 00:32:13,054 --> 00:32:16,716 I begged my son not to kill this man Felix Arias. 592 00:32:17,558 --> 00:32:19,355 We both knew what would happen. 593 00:32:19,627 --> 00:32:21,117 How did you know, Mrs. Ortega? 594 00:32:21,117 --> 00:32:23,663 Objection. This is all speculation. 595 00:32:23,898 --> 00:32:27,163 She's telling us about her own experience, Counselor. Overruled. 596 00:32:27,468 --> 00:32:28,662 Mrs. Ortega? 597 00:32:29,403 --> 00:32:31,268 I've known these people my whole life. 598 00:32:31,839 --> 00:32:33,738 I've seen them kill. 599 00:32:33,738 --> 00:32:37,708 Have you ever heard of a man named Javier Laureano Gaitan? 600 00:32:47,654 --> 00:32:50,487 I've... I've heard of him. 601 00:32:50,990 --> 00:32:53,322 Have you ever heard him called anything else? 602 00:32:54,860 --> 00:32:56,054 They call him, 603 00:32:57,429 --> 00:32:59,226 they say El Diablo. 604 00:33:00,766 --> 00:33:02,495 The Prince of Darkness. 605 00:33:02,834 --> 00:33:05,598 Felix Arias, the man your son killed, 606 00:33:06,838 --> 00:33:08,499 did he ever mention Gaitan? 607 00:33:08,774 --> 00:33:12,733 He told Manuel that if he caused any trouble 608 00:33:13,512 --> 00:33:14,944 that the Prince would come. 609 00:33:16,347 --> 00:33:18,508 But your son shot Arias. 610 00:33:19,217 --> 00:33:20,445 Manuel was young. 611 00:33:22,119 --> 00:33:23,677 He was foolish. 612 00:33:24,789 --> 00:33:25,881 Your witness. 613 00:33:27,258 --> 00:33:28,520 Mrs. Ortega, 614 00:33:28,520 --> 00:33:31,628 you testified that your son knowingly consorted 615 00:33:31,628 --> 00:33:33,994 with members of the Colombian can'tel. 616 00:33:34,598 --> 00:33:36,031 Look at the defendant. 617 00:33:36,866 --> 00:33:38,356 Do you recognize him? 618 00:33:41,137 --> 00:33:42,900 I've never seen him before. 619 00:33:43,907 --> 00:33:46,933 But if he was this Prince of Darkness, as you call him, 620 00:33:47,143 --> 00:33:49,134 shouldn't you be able to identify him? 621 00:33:51,982 --> 00:33:53,643 No one has seen Gaitan. 622 00:33:54,150 --> 00:33:58,279 Mrs. Ortega, can you testify that this man, 623 00:33:58,621 --> 00:34:00,589 the defendant, killed your son? 624 00:34:07,896 --> 00:34:08,920 No. 625 00:34:12,201 --> 00:34:14,634 19 character witnesses from Colombia. 626 00:34:14,634 --> 00:34:16,670 Next they'll have a doctor testifying that 627 00:34:16,670 --> 00:34:18,831 his hand muscles are too weak to fire a gun. 628 00:34:19,841 --> 00:34:21,570 The character witnesses, I promise you, 629 00:34:21,570 --> 00:34:24,203 upstanding, elegant, speaking perfect English. 630 00:34:25,313 --> 00:34:26,803 He paid half a million dollars 631 00:34:26,803 --> 00:34:28,280 to get out of Colombian jails. 632 00:34:28,280 --> 00:34:30,044 What's 19 witnesses cost? 633 00:34:30,044 --> 00:34:31,277 You wanna disallow it? 634 00:34:31,277 --> 00:34:34,082 Judge Callahars clerk says we'll need the cancelled checks. 635 00:34:34,082 --> 00:34:35,348 What about the girlfriend? 636 00:34:35,555 --> 00:34:38,353 Her attorney says she'll cooperate when it rains mud in July. 637 00:34:38,353 --> 00:34:41,326 Mr. Gaitan throws mud. Let's throw cement. 638 00:34:41,928 --> 00:34:44,954 The harboring charge is crap. 639 00:34:44,954 --> 00:34:47,125 She admitted it to a detective. 640 00:34:47,125 --> 00:34:48,758 Plus the "no bail" thing. 641 00:34:48,758 --> 00:34:52,134 Did the Supreme Court do away with civil rights while I was sleeping? 642 00:34:52,134 --> 00:34:53,638 She is a flight risk, Sally. 643 00:34:53,638 --> 00:34:56,197 She testifies, five minutes later, 644 00:34:56,197 --> 00:34:58,243 she might as well throw herself under a subway car. 645 00:34:58,243 --> 00:34:59,835 The woman wants to survive. 646 00:34:59,835 --> 00:35:02,142 Fine. We're dropping all charges, she can go home. 647 00:35:02,142 --> 00:35:03,238 Guard? 648 00:35:03,916 --> 00:35:06,749 He's in a hurry. Press conference. 649 00:35:06,749 --> 00:35:08,548 We're announcing a new prosecution witness 650 00:35:08,548 --> 00:35:10,350 expected to solidify our case. 651 00:35:10,623 --> 00:35:12,386 What's your friend, Gaitan, gonna think 652 00:35:12,386 --> 00:35:13,948 when you get out of jail? 653 00:35:14,493 --> 00:35:16,084 This is not you, Ben. 654 00:35:16,084 --> 00:35:17,854 This is definitely me, Sally. 655 00:35:17,854 --> 00:35:20,989 When a cop gets shot building a case, I want a conviction. 656 00:35:21,633 --> 00:35:24,864 Please don't do this to me. 657 00:35:31,676 --> 00:35:33,940 I didn't know what he did. 658 00:35:35,280 --> 00:35:36,712 Not till this time. 659 00:35:37,581 --> 00:35:39,742 We can have a stenographer in five minutes. 660 00:35:39,742 --> 00:35:41,648 We'll depose her here. 661 00:35:47,791 --> 00:35:49,520 You would've held a press conference? 662 00:35:49,520 --> 00:35:51,423 Glad I didn't have to decide. 663 00:35:54,565 --> 00:35:56,429 Sally Goldman just called. 664 00:35:56,699 --> 00:35:59,395 Please, don't tell me Miss Alvaro died in her cell. 665 00:35:59,395 --> 00:36:01,061 No, but her confidence did. 666 00:36:01,061 --> 00:36:02,502 She made two calls this afternoon. 667 00:36:02,502 --> 00:36:04,096 Friends, I don't know who yet. 668 00:36:04,574 --> 00:36:06,667 Says she'll deny everything on the stand. 669 00:36:06,667 --> 00:36:08,936 Says we forced her to lie in the deposition. 670 00:36:12,115 --> 00:36:14,948 If that's an accusation, I suggest you make it elsewhere. 671 00:36:14,948 --> 00:36:17,541 I'd be happier, if I didn't have to make it anywhere. 672 00:36:17,541 --> 00:36:21,020 When I cut corners, Ben, I use a scalpel and not a saw. 673 00:36:21,323 --> 00:36:23,814 And if you so much as hint that I suborned perjury, 674 00:36:23,814 --> 00:36:25,883 we'll be at the Disciplinary Committee, all right, 675 00:36:25,883 --> 00:36:27,826 but you'll be facing the charges. 676 00:36:27,826 --> 00:36:29,625 I'll see you in court. 677 00:36:37,405 --> 00:36:39,032 You know what they say about his clients. 678 00:36:39,032 --> 00:36:41,164 Innocent until proven broke. 679 00:36:42,143 --> 00:36:44,111 Maybe the woman did get cold feet. 680 00:36:44,111 --> 00:36:46,179 And maybe someone put them in an ice bucket. 681 00:36:46,179 --> 00:36:48,578 Sally Goldman says Alvaro's calls to her friends, 682 00:36:48,578 --> 00:36:50,082 no question, Gaitan got to her. 683 00:36:50,082 --> 00:36:51,982 Goldman says? That's not proof. 684 00:36:52,787 --> 00:36:55,381 Well, it's too bad we didn't drop charges against her. 685 00:36:55,381 --> 00:36:58,481 She leaves town, unavailable, we could use her deposition. 686 00:36:59,092 --> 00:37:02,425 Now, if we happen to let her out and she left town... 687 00:37:03,029 --> 00:37:06,157 No. But does she have to be out of town to be unavailable? 688 00:37:10,703 --> 00:37:11,829 What do you wanna do? 689 00:37:11,829 --> 00:37:15,636 Have Alvaro declared unavailable as a witness because she was threatened. 690 00:37:15,636 --> 00:37:18,141 Rikers is a 45 minute ride. That isn't available? 691 00:37:18,141 --> 00:37:21,646 And I want her sworn statements recorded as her testimony in the case. 692 00:37:21,646 --> 00:37:23,340 Ben, we have a rule. 693 00:37:23,340 --> 00:37:26,213 It goes back to English common law. Maybe you've heard of it? 694 00:37:26,213 --> 00:37:29,049 The defendant has a right to confront the accuser. 695 00:37:29,049 --> 00:37:31,612 Your Honor, last summer, People v. Geraci. 696 00:37:31,612 --> 00:37:33,317 The witness was intimidated. 697 00:37:33,317 --> 00:37:35,223 The Court allowed grand jury testimony 698 00:37:35,223 --> 00:37:37,090 into the record as trial testimony 699 00:37:37,090 --> 00:37:39,652 even though the witness was physically available. 700 00:37:39,652 --> 00:37:41,960 I don't care what that court did. It's wrong. 701 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:44,501 You can't have a witness that I can't cross-examine. 702 00:37:44,501 --> 00:37:47,231 Chris, save your theatrics for the courtroom. Sit down. 703 00:37:48,039 --> 00:37:50,735 In Geraci, Ben, they had a taped phone call. 704 00:37:50,735 --> 00:37:54,333 The witness said, "I will lie on the stand. " Ms. Alvaro didn't say that. 705 00:37:54,333 --> 00:37:57,437 Her counsel was convinced that she was intimidated. 706 00:38:00,684 --> 00:38:03,209 Chris, this gives us a parallel with Geraci. 707 00:38:03,209 --> 00:38:06,378 Judge, you can't even consider this. Of course I can. 708 00:38:06,378 --> 00:38:08,253 That's why they give me the black robe. 709 00:38:08,253 --> 00:38:09,792 The witness was threatened. 710 00:38:09,792 --> 00:38:12,260 The defendant waives his right to cross-examination. 711 00:38:12,260 --> 00:38:14,194 Fine, read her statement into the record 712 00:38:14,194 --> 00:38:16,061 and let her testify in rebuttal. 713 00:38:16,061 --> 00:38:17,621 In rebuttal against herself? 714 00:38:17,621 --> 00:38:19,290 This is a trial, not a circus. 715 00:38:19,290 --> 00:38:22,598 This Court orders Ms. Alvaro's sworn statement read into the record. 716 00:38:22,598 --> 00:38:24,662 I will instruct the jury she's unavailable. 717 00:38:25,040 --> 00:38:28,066 You don't like it, Chris, we have a remedy. It's called an appeal. 718 00:38:28,277 --> 00:38:30,438 Maryann, study the deposition. 719 00:38:31,480 --> 00:38:32,970 You're Sandra Alvaro. 720 00:38:34,717 --> 00:38:36,548 "District Attorney Stone: 721 00:38:36,548 --> 00:38:39,553 "'Did he tell you why he needed to stay at your apartment? ' 722 00:38:39,553 --> 00:38:40,713 "Alvaro: 723 00:38:40,713 --> 00:38:43,484 'He said he shot two people. He said he had to ride. "' 724 00:38:43,958 --> 00:38:46,256 Excuse me, not ride, it reads "hide." 725 00:38:46,256 --> 00:38:47,894 "'He said he had to hide. ' 726 00:38:48,162 --> 00:38:51,825 "District Attorney Stone: 'Did he tell you where he was calling from? ' 727 00:38:52,100 --> 00:38:54,830 "Alvaro: 'He said the Europa Hotel. 728 00:38:54,830 --> 00:38:57,403 "'He was using the name Paolo Esteban. ' 729 00:38:57,671 --> 00:38:59,263 "District Attorney Stone: 730 00:38:59,506 --> 00:39:01,371 "'Why did you first deny knowing that 731 00:39:01,371 --> 00:39:03,602 "Mr. Esteban was Mr. Gaitan? ' 732 00:39:03,602 --> 00:39:05,838 "Alvaro: 'I was scared. 733 00:39:06,079 --> 00:39:09,310 'Javier kills people. I'm afraid he'll kill me. "' 734 00:39:09,683 --> 00:39:10,911 That's all, Your Honor. 735 00:39:10,911 --> 00:39:12,246 Thank you, Miss Thompson. 736 00:39:16,023 --> 00:39:18,820 I instruct the jury to treat this like any other testimony, 737 00:39:18,820 --> 00:39:21,792 giving it no more or no less weight than any other witness. 738 00:39:26,265 --> 00:39:28,028 In The People v. Javier Laureano Gaitan, 739 00:39:28,028 --> 00:39:30,034 also known as Paolo Esteban, 740 00:39:30,034 --> 00:39:31,831 as to the first count of the indictment, 741 00:39:31,831 --> 00:39:33,599 in the matter of Manuel Ortega, 742 00:39:33,599 --> 00:39:36,836 on the charge of murder in the second degree, how does the jury find? 743 00:39:36,836 --> 00:39:38,466 We find the defendant guilty. 744 00:39:39,277 --> 00:39:41,336 As to the second count of the indictment, 745 00:39:41,336 --> 00:39:42,903 in the matter of Natalie Ortega, 746 00:39:42,903 --> 00:39:44,846 on the charge of murder in the second degree, 747 00:39:44,846 --> 00:39:46,543 how does the jury find? 748 00:39:46,543 --> 00:39:48,209 We find the defendant guilty. 749 00:39:49,187 --> 00:39:51,212 Sentencing hearing to be scheduled, 750 00:39:51,990 --> 00:39:54,686 but I'd say to the defendant, on the record so far, 751 00:39:55,560 --> 00:39:57,721 you're going to prison for a long time, 752 00:39:58,163 --> 00:40:00,892 and when you get there you can be Esteban or Gaitan 753 00:40:00,892 --> 00:40:03,763 or for all I care you can call yourself Nelson Rockefeller. 754 00:40:03,763 --> 00:40:05,563 Court is adjourned. 755 00:40:06,704 --> 00:40:08,501 If he wants to talk about drug dealers, 756 00:40:08,501 --> 00:40:10,301 he can have parole in 25 years. 757 00:40:10,301 --> 00:40:13,036 He talks about dealers, the can'tel will get him in Attica. 758 00:40:33,396 --> 00:40:35,591 Tell me you're not glad to see Gaitan dead. 759 00:40:35,591 --> 00:40:37,222 Frank, I'm an officer of the court. 760 00:40:37,222 --> 00:40:39,062 Even if I were, I couldn't say so. 761 00:40:39,501 --> 00:40:42,026 I read in the paper they would let him go. 762 00:40:42,704 --> 00:40:45,172 He buys his way out in Colombia 763 00:40:45,172 --> 00:40:47,571 and he buys his way out here. 764 00:40:47,809 --> 00:40:49,538 He brings a gun to the courthouse. 765 00:40:49,538 --> 00:40:51,407 That's premeditation. That's murder two. 766 00:40:51,407 --> 00:40:53,880 He was in grief over his son. 767 00:40:54,383 --> 00:40:57,784 Will a jury be weeping over the scum you painted as a monster? 768 00:40:58,153 --> 00:41:00,985 I don't think the publicity windmill's blowing in your direction. 769 00:41:00,985 --> 00:41:03,717 His son was killed two years ago. If that qualifies 770 00:41:03,717 --> 00:41:06,726 as extreme emotional disturbance, we just made new law. 771 00:41:07,895 --> 00:41:10,955 Save the cost of a trial, we'll take man one. 772 00:41:11,732 --> 00:41:14,200 Christobal's son, 19. 773 00:41:14,200 --> 00:41:17,737 Police report says Gaitan put three bullets in the back of his head. 774 00:41:18,239 --> 00:41:19,830 Maybe Frank Hoover has a point. 775 00:41:19,830 --> 00:41:20,873 Terrific. 776 00:41:20,873 --> 00:41:22,874 You don't like the system. Go get a gun. 777 00:41:22,874 --> 00:41:24,840 We can paint the courthouse steps red. 778 00:41:24,840 --> 00:41:26,742 A lot of people would rather give him 779 00:41:26,742 --> 00:41:28,337 a medal than a sentence. 780 00:41:28,337 --> 00:41:32,078 Frank Hoover has a case for extreme emotional disturbance. 781 00:41:32,078 --> 00:41:34,586 I'm not hard-hearted, but I don't get this one. 782 00:41:34,854 --> 00:41:36,651 It's premeditated. It's wrong. 783 00:41:37,524 --> 00:41:39,320 I'm not up on my Catholic theology, 784 00:41:39,320 --> 00:41:42,588 but is self-righteousness a mortal or a venial sin? 785 00:41:42,588 --> 00:41:44,356 You kill the man who killed your son, 786 00:41:44,356 --> 00:41:47,058 to a jury it doesn't matter how premeditated it was. 787 00:41:48,467 --> 00:41:50,128 Let him do 4 to 12. 788 00:41:50,436 --> 00:41:53,428 Okay. Just as long as you take the press conference. 789 00:41:57,109 --> 00:42:00,077 With the court's permission, the defendant wishes to plead guilty to 790 00:42:00,077 --> 00:42:02,442 to the charge of manslaughter in the first degree. 791 00:42:02,442 --> 00:42:03,605 Mr. Robinette? 792 00:42:03,605 --> 00:42:06,149 The People agree, with a sentence of 4 to 12 years 793 00:42:06,149 --> 00:42:07,343 as a condition of the plea. 794 00:42:07,343 --> 00:42:08,851 Mr. Christobal. 795 00:42:08,851 --> 00:42:11,616 Do you understand that you are pleading guilty to manslaughter 796 00:42:11,616 --> 00:42:13,987 in the death of Javier Gaitan? 797 00:42:14,525 --> 00:42:17,221 Yes, I understand. 798 00:42:17,795 --> 00:42:20,354 Tell the Court the circumstances of the crime. 799 00:42:22,399 --> 00:42:24,333 I have a picture from the newspaper 800 00:42:25,836 --> 00:42:29,135 when my son died on the street. 801 00:42:30,040 --> 00:42:33,476 Sometimes at night, I talk to him. 802 00:42:35,011 --> 00:42:38,606 I hope he can hear me from heaven. 803 00:42:38,606 --> 00:42:40,546 Mr. Christobal, please, 804 00:42:40,983 --> 00:42:42,974 I meant for you to tell the Court, 805 00:42:42,974 --> 00:42:44,781 how you carried out the crime. 806 00:42:46,622 --> 00:42:48,249 I have a gun. 807 00:42:49,658 --> 00:42:53,094 I loaded it before I went to the court. 808 00:42:55,431 --> 00:42:57,899 I didn't know if I could shoot him, 809 00:43:00,035 --> 00:43:01,661 but I wanted to. 810 00:43:06,207 --> 00:43:07,606 What I did, 811 00:43:10,178 --> 00:43:11,645 it's wrong. 812 00:43:14,182 --> 00:43:16,150 The plea agreement is so entered. 813 00:43:16,150 --> 00:43:19,744 Your Honor, we ask the Court to release Mr. Christobal 814 00:43:19,744 --> 00:43:21,845 two days before the final sentencing, 815 00:43:21,845 --> 00:43:24,891 so he may say goodbye to his family and put his affairs in order. 816 00:43:25,359 --> 00:43:26,519 Mr. Robinette? 817 00:43:26,519 --> 00:43:29,084 Mr. Christobal confessed to a homicide, Your Honor. 818 00:43:29,084 --> 00:43:30,958 And a terrible crime it is. 819 00:43:31,465 --> 00:43:34,593 But you know what they say, Mr. Robinette. Do unto others... 820 00:43:35,435 --> 00:43:38,529 I'm going to lower the bail to $100,000. 821 00:43:38,529 --> 00:43:41,198 Can your client come up with the bond, Mr. Hoover? 822 00:43:41,941 --> 00:43:43,169 Yes, Your Honor. 823 00:43:43,169 --> 00:43:45,038 He can have his two days. 824 00:43:45,645 --> 00:43:47,237 He shoots someone in cold blood 825 00:43:47,237 --> 00:43:49,508 and the court acts as if he's doing us a favor. 826 00:43:49,508 --> 00:43:51,846 It's two days. Let him sign everything over to his wife 827 00:43:51,846 --> 00:43:53,818 and kiss her goodbye. 828 00:43:54,387 --> 00:43:55,979 We have a problem. 829 00:43:56,756 --> 00:43:59,782 The gun dealer, Lobrano, I had a call from his lawyer. 830 00:43:59,992 --> 00:44:02,983 Lobrano says Christobal's grieving daddy routine was an act. 831 00:44:02,983 --> 00:44:05,995 He works for the same organization that employed Mr. Gaitan. 832 00:44:07,599 --> 00:44:10,124 The hit on Gaitan was to shut him up. 833 00:44:11,169 --> 00:44:12,761 Kim, Cragen, please. 834 00:44:13,939 --> 00:44:16,271 Don, Ben Stone, cover all the airports. 835 00:44:16,271 --> 00:44:17,535 Any flight to Colombia. 836 00:44:17,535 --> 00:44:19,008 Hell, anywhere in South America. 837 00:44:19,845 --> 00:44:21,311 This isn't a freebie. 838 00:44:21,311 --> 00:44:24,106 Until we turn up Christobal, we've nothing to offer. 839 00:44:24,106 --> 00:44:26,411 Hypothetically, when do you find him... 840 00:44:26,411 --> 00:44:28,415 If the testimony is useful? 841 00:44:28,415 --> 00:44:30,282 We can discuss parole recommendation. 842 00:44:34,592 --> 00:44:37,584 L... I didn't know until I saw him on TV. 843 00:44:38,395 --> 00:44:41,454 I sold Christobal a couple of pieces. 844 00:44:43,199 --> 00:44:45,463 He works for them, just like Gaitan. 845 00:44:45,835 --> 00:44:47,200 Gaitan killed his son. 846 00:44:48,037 --> 00:44:49,470 Rumors. 847 00:44:50,440 --> 00:44:52,670 The kid was getting chummy with the Feds, 848 00:44:52,670 --> 00:44:55,073 it might've been Gaitan, it might not. 849 00:44:56,746 --> 00:44:59,977 Christobal's wife cleared out their bank accounts before the hearing. 850 00:44:59,977 --> 00:45:02,414 They're on a plane 40 minutes after the plea was entered. 851 00:45:02,414 --> 00:45:04,748 The can'tel had to get rid of Gaitan. 852 00:45:05,420 --> 00:45:07,388 They were worried that he'd make a deal. 853 00:45:07,990 --> 00:45:10,288 You sometimes feel that we're running in place? 854 00:45:13,795 --> 00:45:14,853 Yes. 855 00:45:20,302 --> 00:45:21,291 Mmm-hmm. 856 00:45:26,707 --> 00:45:27,696 Mmm. 857 00:45:31,679 --> 00:45:32,976 Not an accident? 858 00:45:38,219 --> 00:45:39,243 Thanks. 859 00:45:47,027 --> 00:45:49,518 The gun dealer was in the yard at Rikers. 860 00:45:50,096 --> 00:45:51,586 Had his throat cut. 861 00:45:53,266 --> 00:45:57,293 Buenoventura was strangled in the kitchen at Dannemora. 862 00:45:59,940 --> 00:46:03,966 And Manuel Ortega's mother fell out of a window. 863 00:46:04,476 --> 00:46:05,943 What about the little girl? 864 00:46:07,146 --> 00:46:09,410 She was picked up at school by her uncle. 865 00:46:12,084 --> 00:46:13,608 She doesn't have an uncle.