1 00:00:38,832 --> 00:00:40,291 "Wet cement." 2 00:00:40,501 --> 00:00:43,871 Is there any sweeter sign? Well, maybe "high voltage." 3 00:00:48,554 --> 00:00:52,388 Hello, son. You want to try this flying motorcycle I just invented? 4 00:00:52,560 --> 00:00:54,720 -No time. -Okay. 5 00:00:56,983 --> 00:00:59,902 This is for the ages. 6 00:01:01,614 --> 00:01:04,653 Like Stonehenge, this site will forever be a mystery. 7 00:01:06,329 --> 00:01:07,658 Who was Bart? 8 00:01:07,831 --> 00:01:10,751 And how did he manage to write his name in solid cement? 9 00:01:10,961 --> 00:01:14,628 He must've been smarter than his sister Lisa, about whom we know nothing. 10 00:01:14,799 --> 00:01:17,553 Say, let's bring him back to life by using technology. 11 00:01:18,722 --> 00:01:20,051 Ay caramba! 12 00:01:27,192 --> 00:01:31,275 -What's normal to him amazes us. -He will be our new god. 13 00:01:38,082 --> 00:01:41,203 Good, somebody's shadow. I'll just turn and brag about my work. 14 00:01:42,547 --> 00:01:45,633 Bart, you've graffito-tagged public property. 15 00:01:45,843 --> 00:01:47,552 It was an accident. 16 00:01:48,096 --> 00:01:50,719 I can't believe you vandalized your own hometown, Bart. 17 00:01:50,892 --> 00:01:53,931 -What would Jebediah Springfield say? -He'd be cool with it. 18 00:01:54,147 --> 00:01:57,102 Homer, will you please help me make a big deal of this? 19 00:01:57,318 --> 00:02:01,317 What for? Nobody cared when Bogart defaced that sidewalk in Hollywood. 20 00:02:01,532 --> 00:02:04,238 Well, I'm just shocked by this whole family. 21 00:02:04,411 --> 00:02:06,987 Whatever happened to good old-fashioned town pride? 22 00:02:07,207 --> 00:02:09,616 It's been going down since the lake caught fire. 23 00:02:09,835 --> 00:02:14,251 Now, just a darn minute. This town is a part of who you are. 24 00:02:14,425 --> 00:02:17,511 This is a Springfield Isotopes cap. 25 00:02:17,680 --> 00:02:20,719 When you wear it, you're wearing Springfield. 26 00:02:20,935 --> 00:02:24,554 When you eat a fish from our river, you're eating Springfield. 27 00:02:24,732 --> 00:02:29,728 When you make lemonade from our trees, you're drinking Springfield. 28 00:02:29,947 --> 00:02:32,986 Mom, when you give that lecture, you're boring Springfield. 29 00:02:33,202 --> 00:02:36,074 You have roots in this town, and you ought to show respect. 30 00:02:36,290 --> 00:02:37,749 This town is a part of us all. 31 00:02:37,917 --> 00:02:40,409 A part of us all. A part of us all. 32 00:02:40,629 --> 00:02:43,251 Sorry to repeat myself, but it'll help you remember. 33 00:02:44,885 --> 00:02:46,843 This town is a pan of us all. 34 00:02:47,055 --> 00:02:49,464 A part of us all. A part of us all. 35 00:02:49,642 --> 00:02:51,553 Wow, that does work. 36 00:02:55,024 --> 00:02:58,063 -Hey, gonna win some this season? -Gonna try. 37 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:09,246 When it comes to catching trout, nothing beats the German light infantry. 38 00:03:09,420 --> 00:03:10,749 Beautiful, aren't they? 39 00:03:10,922 --> 00:03:14,257 Yep. I'm gonna Huck them at cars. 40 00:03:19,350 --> 00:03:21,427 Hey, Milhouse. How's the lemonade business? 41 00:03:21,604 --> 00:03:24,357 It's clearly booming, Bart. 42 00:03:25,776 --> 00:03:28,565 I don't even want any. I just bought a pity glass. 43 00:03:28,739 --> 00:03:32,442 We've squozen our whole supply. To the lemon tree! 44 00:03:43,092 --> 00:03:45,882 Thar she grows. 45 00:03:48,850 --> 00:03:52,600 You know, Milhouse, I've been thinking. This town ain't so bad. 46 00:03:52,773 --> 00:03:56,226 Good friends, lots of lemons, numerous angel sightings. 47 00:03:56,444 --> 00:04:00,313 When you get right down to it, Springfield's a pretty cool place to live. 48 00:04:00,492 --> 00:04:02,485 Springfield sucks. 49 00:04:04,205 --> 00:04:06,448 Hey, stop talking bad about my town, man. 50 00:04:06,625 --> 00:04:09,248 -Why don't you make me. -I don't make trash, I burn it. 51 00:04:09,463 --> 00:04:12,798 -Then I guess you're a garbage man. -I know you are, but what am I? 52 00:04:13,009 --> 00:04:15,585 -A garbage man. -Oh, I know you are, but what am I? 53 00:04:15,805 --> 00:04:18,381 -A garbage man. -I know you are, but what am I? 54 00:04:18,601 --> 00:04:20,808 -A garbage man. -Takes one to know one. 55 00:04:22,064 --> 00:04:23,809 -Checkmate. -Hey, kid. 56 00:04:23,983 --> 00:04:26,144 Stop wearing your backpack over one shoulder. 57 00:04:26,320 --> 00:04:30,189 -We invented that. Copycat. -You copied us. 58 00:04:30,409 --> 00:04:33,779 Step over this line and say that. I'll kick your butt... 59 00:04:33,956 --> 00:04:35,285 ...at Nintendo. 60 00:04:36,209 --> 00:04:38,619 I just put a rock in your crummy town. 61 00:04:38,838 --> 00:04:42,007 That's a crud rock. It belongs in Crudtown. 62 00:04:45,889 --> 00:04:51,266 Look at the weak little baby. You're stupid, you stupid, weak baby. 63 00:04:51,439 --> 00:04:54,809 -Come on, let's get out of here. -Hey, they're taking our lemons. 64 00:04:54,985 --> 00:04:56,861 We can't spare a single one. 65 00:05:01,369 --> 00:05:04,490 You just got citric acid in my eye. 66 00:05:04,666 --> 00:05:07,537 You'll pay for that, Springfield. 67 00:05:09,715 --> 00:05:11,957 Some things never change. 68 00:05:12,176 --> 00:05:14,384 Hey, everybody, an old man's talking. 69 00:05:16,808 --> 00:05:18,766 Grampa's the name. 70 00:05:18,978 --> 00:05:23,559 Did you know this tree dates back to frontier times? 71 00:05:26,196 --> 00:05:27,525 Shut up! 72 00:05:27,740 --> 00:05:32,368 It all began when Jebediah Springfield first came to these lands... 73 00:05:32,538 --> 00:05:36,918 ...with his partner, Shelbyville Manhattan. 74 00:05:41,968 --> 00:05:43,926 People, our search is over. 75 00:05:44,138 --> 00:05:47,639 On this site, we shall build a new town, where we can worship freely... 76 00:05:47,810 --> 00:05:52,107 ...govern justly and grow vast fields of hemp for making rope and blankets. 77 00:05:52,275 --> 00:05:55,527 -Yes, and marry our cousins. -I was-- 78 00:05:55,696 --> 00:05:59,446 What are you talking about, Shelbyville? Why would we marry our cousins? 79 00:05:59,618 --> 00:06:01,197 Because they're so attractive. 80 00:06:01,371 --> 00:06:03,780 I thought that was the whole point of this journey. 81 00:06:03,958 --> 00:06:05,620 -Absolutely not. -I tell you... 82 00:06:05,794 --> 00:06:09,461 ...I won't live in a town that robs men of the right to marry their cousins. 83 00:06:09,674 --> 00:06:12,048 Well, then we'll form our own town. 84 00:06:12,219 --> 00:06:16,088 Who will come and live a life devoted to chastity, abstinence... 85 00:06:16,267 --> 00:06:19,103 ...and a flavorless mush I call rootmarm? 86 00:06:28,701 --> 00:06:32,535 The town of Springfield was born on that day. 87 00:06:32,748 --> 00:06:37,994 And to mark that sweet moment, our people planted this lemon tree... 88 00:06:38,215 --> 00:06:41,633 ...lemons being the sweetest fruit available at the time. 89 00:06:45,892 --> 00:06:49,227 Those Shelbyville kids think they're hot. You know what? They're not. 90 00:06:49,397 --> 00:06:52,685 -I really agree with you on this one, Bart. -Class, please. 91 00:06:52,902 --> 00:06:54,611 If you don't learn Roman numerals... 92 00:06:54,780 --> 00:06:57,154 ...you'll never know when movies were copyrighted. 93 00:06:57,367 --> 00:07:00,203 Come quick. Something's happened. No time to explain. 94 00:07:00,413 --> 00:07:02,537 No, children. No. 95 00:07:02,749 --> 00:07:06,499 Your education is important. Roman numerals, et cetera. 96 00:07:06,671 --> 00:07:09,046 Whatever. I tried. 97 00:07:12,179 --> 00:07:15,300 Are you sure it wouldn't be faster to just tell us what happened? 98 00:07:15,475 --> 00:07:19,642 No. I said there's no time to explain, and I stick by that. 99 00:07:21,693 --> 00:07:23,438 The lemon tree's gone. 100 00:07:24,113 --> 00:07:26,605 And the tracks appear to lead into Shelbyville. 101 00:07:26,825 --> 00:07:29,365 Oh, look, a clue. A candy-bar wrapper. 102 00:07:29,537 --> 00:07:32,658 Oh, they're always eating candy in Shelbyville. 103 00:07:32,833 --> 00:07:36,334 -They love the sweet taste. -We gotta get that tree back. 104 00:07:36,547 --> 00:07:40,499 You mean going to Shelbyville? We'll never make it out alive. 105 00:07:40,678 --> 00:07:45,140 That lemon tree's part of our town and, as kids, the backbone of our economy. 106 00:07:45,351 --> 00:07:48,805 We'll get it back or choke their rivers with our dead. 107 00:07:52,069 --> 00:07:53,398 Where are you going, Bart? 108 00:07:53,613 --> 00:07:56,948 Mom, you won't believe this, but something you said got through to me. 109 00:07:58,328 --> 00:08:02,707 And now, I am going to teach some kids a lesson. 110 00:08:02,917 --> 00:08:06,252 -I choose to take that literally. -Death to Shelbyville! 111 00:08:06,422 --> 00:08:10,470 Yes, Bart's a tutor now. Tute on, son. 112 00:08:10,637 --> 00:08:11,966 Tute on. 113 00:08:15,936 --> 00:08:19,224 Hey, Milhouse, get your invasion supplies, and let's go. 114 00:08:24,823 --> 00:08:26,366 Get him. Come on. 115 00:08:29,497 --> 00:08:32,167 -Where did he go? -Over here, my friends. 116 00:08:32,334 --> 00:08:35,669 Or is it over here? 117 00:08:38,676 --> 00:08:40,219 Yeah. 118 00:08:41,931 --> 00:08:45,100 Here's how it goes. I'm the leader. Milhouse is my loyal sidekick. 119 00:08:45,269 --> 00:08:47,476 Nelson's the tough guy. Martin's the smart guy. 120 00:08:47,647 --> 00:08:49,973 Todd's the religious guy who ends up going crazy. 121 00:08:50,193 --> 00:08:51,356 And now... 122 00:08:51,528 --> 00:08:55,575 ...the time has come to cross this line into mystery and danger. 123 00:08:55,784 --> 00:08:59,368 To step out of childhood and become men. 124 00:09:12,140 --> 00:09:14,301 If you get lost, remember... 125 00:09:14,519 --> 00:09:18,648 ...you can always find east by staring directly at the sun. 126 00:09:18,858 --> 00:09:21,528 Here's a tip. Put a pinch of sage in your boots... 127 00:09:21,695 --> 00:09:25,482 ...and all day long, a spicy scent is your reward. 128 00:09:26,744 --> 00:09:28,536 Oh, my gosh. Look. 129 00:09:28,705 --> 00:09:31,245 The fire hydrants here are yellow. 130 00:09:31,459 --> 00:09:33,833 This place is starting to freak me out. 131 00:09:34,046 --> 00:09:37,417 Danger coming. Behind us. 132 00:09:38,928 --> 00:09:42,298 What is it, buy? Is there something behind that wall we should beat up? 133 00:09:42,475 --> 00:09:46,641 No time to check it out now. We've got lemonade to sell. 134 00:09:48,483 --> 00:09:49,979 Radical. 135 00:09:50,862 --> 00:09:52,404 They're getting rich off us. 136 00:09:52,614 --> 00:09:54,774 And that kid with the backpack said "radical." 137 00:09:54,951 --> 00:09:58,488 I say "radical." That's my thing that I say. 138 00:09:58,706 --> 00:10:01,745 I feel like I'm gonna explode here. 139 00:10:04,172 --> 00:10:07,175 It's lunchtime. Do you know where your brother's tutoring? 140 00:10:07,802 --> 00:10:11,802 Tutoring? The only thing Bart's teaching is guerrilla combat in Shelbyville. 141 00:10:12,016 --> 00:10:14,509 -You have a number we can reach him? -No, Mom. 142 00:10:14,687 --> 00:10:17,559 Bart and some kids ran off to wage war on Shelbyville. 143 00:10:19,235 --> 00:10:20,897 Homer, come quick. 144 00:10:21,071 --> 00:10:24,074 Bart's quit his tutoring job and joined a violence gang. 145 00:10:26,412 --> 00:10:28,655 The trail has become indistinct. 146 00:10:28,832 --> 00:10:31,953 I suggest we split up to cover more ground. 147 00:10:32,128 --> 00:10:34,834 Good idea. Milhouse, you and me will be Omega Team. 148 00:10:35,007 --> 00:10:37,499 Todd, you and Data are Team Strike Force. 149 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:42,224 -Nelson, that leaves you and Martin. -Team Discovery Channel. 150 00:10:43,185 --> 00:10:46,224 Your wussiness better come in handy. 151 00:10:49,778 --> 00:10:51,689 -What's going on? -I want some answers. 152 00:10:51,906 --> 00:10:54,992 Okay, folks, look. I called the police captain in Shelbyville. 153 00:10:55,161 --> 00:10:56,704 He says he hasn't seen our kids. 154 00:10:56,871 --> 00:10:59,364 But if they show up in the morgue, he's gonna fax us. 155 00:10:59,584 --> 00:11:04,082 -Oh, man, I hate those Shelbyville jerks. -Honey, I was born in Shelbyville. 156 00:11:04,257 --> 00:11:06,132 And it tears me up inside. 157 00:11:06,343 --> 00:11:09,631 This is my fault. I tried to teach Bart about town pride. 158 00:11:09,806 --> 00:11:12,927 But the power of my words filled him with a sort of madness. 159 00:11:13,103 --> 00:11:18,230 Marge, you can't blame all of Bart's problems on your one little speech. 160 00:11:18,402 --> 00:11:20,028 If anything turned him had... 161 00:11:20,196 --> 00:11:23,566 ...it's that time you let him wear a bathing suit instead of underwear. 162 00:11:23,743 --> 00:11:28,490 -And let's not forget your little speech. -Isn't there anything we can do? 163 00:11:28,666 --> 00:11:31,289 Yes, there is. Come on, everybody. 164 00:11:31,462 --> 00:11:35,165 Let's go into Shelbyville and get those kids back ourselves. 165 00:11:35,342 --> 00:11:37,088 I got an RV we can use. 166 00:11:37,304 --> 00:11:39,049 -Flanders' . -Yeah! 167 00:11:39,223 --> 00:11:42,558 -Yeah, let's do it. -Okay, but just go a little bit easy on it. 168 00:11:42,728 --> 00:11:44,888 Pile in, everybody. No time to wipe your feet. 169 00:11:45,065 --> 00:11:46,097 Come on. 170 00:11:49,487 --> 00:11:51,648 Okay, piglet, start squealing. 171 00:11:51,824 --> 00:11:54,150 Where'd you get the lemons for this lemonade? 172 00:11:54,328 --> 00:11:56,286 This is Country Time Lemonade Mix. 173 00:11:56,456 --> 00:11:59,625 There's never been anything close to a lemon in it. I swear. 174 00:11:59,794 --> 00:12:02,500 Hey. Nobody hassles my little brother. 175 00:12:02,673 --> 00:12:06,625 Hey. And no one manhandles the bosom chum of Nelson Muntz. 176 00:12:06,804 --> 00:12:10,056 Spring forth, burly protector, and save me. 177 00:12:14,189 --> 00:12:15,518 Jeez. 178 00:12:15,691 --> 00:12:18,944 I never hang out with him, normally. 179 00:12:20,364 --> 00:12:23,949 Hark to the tale of Nelson And the boy he loved so dear 180 00:12:24,662 --> 00:12:28,163 They remained the best of friends For years and years and years 181 00:12:28,376 --> 00:12:31,130 -What are they saying? -I'm not sure. 182 00:12:31,296 --> 00:12:34,300 -I thought you said you could read lips. -I assumed I could. 183 00:12:34,509 --> 00:12:35,922 It's no use, Milhouse. 184 00:12:36,095 --> 00:12:39,098 If we're gonna find that lemon tree, I've got to go undercover. 185 00:12:39,266 --> 00:12:42,767 -What I need is a new face. -You leave that to the baron and me. 186 00:12:46,777 --> 00:12:49,151 Hello there, fellow Shelbyvillians. 187 00:12:49,364 --> 00:12:50,693 Wait a minute. 188 00:12:50,866 --> 00:12:54,284 If you're from Shelbyville, how come we've never seen you at school? 189 00:12:54,454 --> 00:12:57,991 -I don't go to school. -Okay, what's two plus two? 190 00:12:58,209 --> 00:13:00,037 -Five. -Story checks out. 191 00:13:00,254 --> 00:13:03,542 We just got word there's Springfield kids in town. 192 00:13:05,219 --> 00:13:06,548 Curse those handsome devils. 193 00:13:06,721 --> 00:13:10,259 We're going up to the bluffs to paint "Springfield sucks" in huge letters. 194 00:13:10,435 --> 00:13:14,269 That way, whenever they look into Shelbyville, they'll realize that they suck. 195 00:13:14,441 --> 00:13:18,060 -Radical. -Quit copying me. 196 00:13:18,279 --> 00:13:22,659 You know, I wish there was a Springfield kid here right now. 197 00:13:22,828 --> 00:13:25,237 I'd fill his mouth with stinkbugs. 198 00:13:25,456 --> 00:13:27,035 No, not in my mouth... 199 00:13:27,209 --> 00:13:30,378 ...is what the kid would say. To the bluffs. 200 00:13:33,301 --> 00:13:35,876 Well, a friendly Springfield hello there, neighbors. 201 00:13:36,055 --> 00:13:39,555 You know, we think some kids of ours may be missing in your town. 202 00:13:39,768 --> 00:13:41,097 Missing children? 203 00:13:41,270 --> 00:13:43,893 Sounds like Springfield's got a discipline problem. 204 00:13:44,108 --> 00:13:47,526 Maybe that's why we beat them at football nearly half the time, huh? 205 00:13:49,824 --> 00:13:53,574 Quit stalling, kid. Write "Springfield sucks" in giant letters. 206 00:14:02,592 --> 00:14:05,084 His can control is excellent. 207 00:14:05,263 --> 00:14:09,559 Yes. And that wig makes him look a lot like one of the Beatles. 208 00:14:11,605 --> 00:14:16,518 That's right, the stranger who walks amongst you is me, Bart Simpson. 209 00:14:17,738 --> 00:14:19,566 You know, Bart Simpson. 210 00:14:20,993 --> 00:14:24,363 -From Springfield? -He's from Springfield. Get him! 211 00:14:37,057 --> 00:14:39,811 I'll use these spray cans as jetpacks and fly to safety. 212 00:14:40,020 --> 00:14:42,145 So long, losers. 213 00:14:46,738 --> 00:14:48,815 You're dead. 214 00:14:48,991 --> 00:14:51,068 Hey, look. Someone's attractive cousin. 215 00:14:51,244 --> 00:14:53,950 -Where? Where? -I don't see anybody. 216 00:14:59,381 --> 00:15:01,588 So he thinks he can out-skateboard me, huh? 217 00:15:01,801 --> 00:15:04,637 Launch me, boys. 218 00:15:28,672 --> 00:15:32,459 Slow down, you sidewalk-surfing cube-gleamers. 219 00:15:39,479 --> 00:15:41,141 "Wet cement." 220 00:15:46,823 --> 00:15:49,315 I could sure use that flying motorcycle now. 221 00:15:49,493 --> 00:15:51,700 You had your chance. 222 00:16:02,845 --> 00:16:05,053 Safe at last. 223 00:16:11,232 --> 00:16:14,271 "Caution: Exit through door seven only. 224 00:16:14,445 --> 00:16:18,113 All other rooms contain man-eating tigers." 225 00:16:20,370 --> 00:16:23,954 Roman numerals. They never even tried to teach us that in school. 226 00:16:25,669 --> 00:16:28,245 Milhouse, what's seven in Roman numerals? 227 00:16:28,465 --> 00:16:32,631 I'll tell you, but you really should and each transmission with the word "over." 228 00:16:32,804 --> 00:16:34,715 -Over. Correction: 229 00:16:34,890 --> 00:16:37,929 The only thing that's over is that transmission. 230 00:16:38,145 --> 00:16:40,721 Is this the untimely end of Milhouse? 231 00:16:41,608 --> 00:16:45,608 -But Milhouse is my name. -But I thought I was the only one. 232 00:16:45,781 --> 00:16:48,024 A pain I know all too well. 233 00:16:48,243 --> 00:16:53,287 So this is what it feels like when doves cry. 234 00:16:53,500 --> 00:16:55,874 Milhouse. Milhouse. Now what do I do? 235 00:16:57,297 --> 00:16:58,875 Wait. I got it. 236 00:16:59,091 --> 00:17:00,587 I got it. 237 00:17:00,760 --> 00:17:03,087 I don't got it. Okay, think, Bart. 238 00:17:03,306 --> 00:17:05,928 Where have you seen Roman numerals before? 239 00:17:06,101 --> 00:17:08,772 I know. Rocky V. That was the fifth one. 240 00:17:08,980 --> 00:17:14,939 So Rocky V plus Rocky II equals Rock VII: Adrian's Revenge! 241 00:17:16,908 --> 00:17:18,784 Come back here. 242 00:17:21,331 --> 00:17:24,666 It's no use. I'm never gonna find that tree. 243 00:17:24,836 --> 00:17:30,046 This whole raid was as useless as that yellow, lemon-shaped rock over there. 244 00:17:30,219 --> 00:17:31,548 Wait a minute. 245 00:17:31,721 --> 00:17:33,881 There's a lemon behind that rock. 246 00:17:35,309 --> 00:17:36,887 The tree! 247 00:17:47,869 --> 00:17:49,910 A car impound lot. 248 00:17:50,122 --> 00:17:52,993 The impenetrable fortress of suburbia. 249 00:17:53,168 --> 00:17:56,622 -We'll never get the tree back now. -Keep your voices down, boys. 250 00:17:56,798 --> 00:18:00,928 -We didn't get this far to get found out. -Found them! You kids are in big trouble. 251 00:18:01,096 --> 00:18:04,300 -Running away from home like this. -But they stole our lemon tree. 252 00:18:04,517 --> 00:18:07,009 I don't care what excuse you've got. 253 00:18:07,187 --> 00:18:09,893 Nothing's gonna stop me in the middle of this speech. 254 00:18:10,067 --> 00:18:11,812 You're gonna-- Lemon tree? 255 00:18:13,279 --> 00:18:16,864 That tree's been in Springfield since the time of our forefathers. 256 00:18:17,035 --> 00:18:20,489 Give it back, or we'll bust in there and take it. 257 00:18:20,707 --> 00:18:22,452 Bust in here and take it? 258 00:18:22,626 --> 00:18:26,839 -You must stupider than you look. -Stupider like a fox! 259 00:18:34,017 --> 00:18:35,394 I'm okay. 260 00:18:39,567 --> 00:18:42,486 Don't you get it, Springfield? It's over. You lose. 261 00:18:42,654 --> 00:18:47,033 Now, if you'll excuse me, all this talk has made me hungry. 262 00:18:54,379 --> 00:18:57,215 This is the darkest day in the history of Springfield. 263 00:18:57,383 --> 00:18:59,923 If anybody wants me, I'll be in the shower. 264 00:19:00,137 --> 00:19:03,342 There's got to be a way to get that tree back. 265 00:19:03,517 --> 00:19:05,843 Hey, look. A hospital. 266 00:19:06,062 --> 00:19:07,522 Pull in there. 267 00:19:09,359 --> 00:19:11,601 Oh, great. Now I'm upside down. 268 00:19:15,576 --> 00:19:19,362 Oh, dear, some thoughtless human being has parked in a hospital zone. 269 00:19:36,772 --> 00:19:41,568 No one in history has ever done anything this clever. 270 00:19:44,825 --> 00:19:46,617 I'll get the gate. 271 00:19:50,417 --> 00:19:53,288 That's okay, son. I'll take care of him. 272 00:19:56,175 --> 00:19:59,379 Faster, son! He's got a taste for meat now. 273 00:20:07,441 --> 00:20:10,360 Get out here, son. There's a-doings a-transpiring. 274 00:20:10,570 --> 00:20:13,406 Let's shut the gate and seal them in. 275 00:20:13,616 --> 00:20:15,693 Gun it, Flanders. 276 00:20:15,953 --> 00:20:19,490 It won't start. Something's draining the battery. 277 00:20:20,376 --> 00:20:21,753 Sorry. 278 00:20:27,093 --> 00:20:28,839 We made it. 279 00:20:30,139 --> 00:20:31,931 Eat my shorts, Shelbyville. 280 00:20:32,142 --> 00:20:34,219 -Eat my shorts. -Eat my shorts. 281 00:20:34,395 --> 00:20:36,556 Yes, eat all of our shirts. 282 00:20:36,774 --> 00:20:39,064 Oh, you lousy Springfielders, you-- 283 00:20:39,236 --> 00:20:41,526 Shake harder, boy. 284 00:20:43,241 --> 00:20:45,318 We did it! 285 00:20:46,454 --> 00:20:48,745 -Yeah. -Yeah. 286 00:20:52,838 --> 00:20:58,001 And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of Springfield. 287 00:20:58,221 --> 00:21:01,425 They had brought the sacred tree back to its native soil. 288 00:21:01,600 --> 00:21:04,520 And though Flanders was stuck with the impound fee... 289 00:21:04,688 --> 00:21:07,691 ...he could easily afford it. 290 00:21:07,901 --> 00:21:11,853 -More lemonade, Bart? -Absolutely. 291 00:21:12,407 --> 00:21:13,570 Say when. 292 00:21:14,953 --> 00:21:17,575 There are over 14 parts of the lemon that are... 293 00:21:17,748 --> 00:21:22,045 And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of Shelbyville. 294 00:21:22,255 --> 00:21:25,174 They had banished the awful lemon tree forever... 295 00:21:25,342 --> 00:21:27,218 ...because it was haunted. 296 00:21:27,429 --> 00:21:29,055 Now, let's all celebrate... 297 00:21:29,223 --> 00:21:32,973 ...with a cool glass of turnip juice.