1 00:00:39,994 --> 00:00:42,663 -Looks like you got a leak. -Could you start fixing it? 2 00:00:42,830 --> 00:00:47,575 The basement is getting awfully flooded. And I think the cat's down there. 3 00:00:48,252 --> 00:00:52,463 Yeah, I probably won't be able to get the parts I need for two, three weeks. 4 00:00:52,673 --> 00:00:54,666 And that's if I order them today. 5 00:00:54,883 --> 00:00:58,135 -Which I won't. -Oh, dear. 6 00:01:00,431 --> 00:01:02,139 Emergency call. Gotta go. 7 00:01:02,349 --> 00:01:06,514 -What should we do until you get back? -Put a pan down there. 8 00:01:11,191 --> 00:01:12,520 It didn't work. 9 00:01:15,904 --> 00:01:18,313 Lousy traffic jams. 10 00:01:18,532 --> 00:01:21,450 The traffic report will get me out of this one. 11 00:01:21,827 --> 00:01:23,535 This is Ernie Pie. 12 00:01:23,745 --> 00:01:28,788 We got a little accident that's backing traffic up as far as this reporter can see. 13 00:01:38,051 --> 00:01:39,795 Hi, Dad. 14 00:01:46,643 --> 00:01:50,344 Hey, how come you guys got such great parking places? 15 00:01:50,563 --> 00:01:53,351 -It's a secret. -Shut up. 16 00:02:02,075 --> 00:02:05,326 All right, Econo-Save, you just made the list. 17 00:02:10,208 --> 00:02:12,449 Hey, will you guys help me fix my--? 18 00:02:14,211 --> 00:02:18,127 Hey, how come you guys got better chairs than me? 19 00:02:18,341 --> 00:02:21,010 -It's a secret. -Shut up. 20 00:02:27,057 --> 00:02:28,884 Hey, you guys wanna go bowling tonight? 21 00:02:29,101 --> 00:02:31,722 -No, we're busy. -Yeah, we got things to do. 22 00:02:31,937 --> 00:02:33,682 Like what? 23 00:02:33,897 --> 00:02:36,021 It's a secret. 24 00:02:36,358 --> 00:02:38,351 Shut up. 25 00:02:40,279 --> 00:02:42,652 So Lenny and Carl are never around on Wednesdays. 26 00:02:42,823 --> 00:02:45,576 They don't tell me where they go. It's like a conspiracy. 27 00:02:45,742 --> 00:02:49,824 A conspiracy, eh? You think they're involved in the Kennedy assassination? 28 00:02:50,038 --> 00:02:52,447 I do now. 29 00:02:52,666 --> 00:02:55,287 I'm gonna follow them tonight and see where they go. 30 00:02:55,502 --> 00:02:59,749 Oh, Homer, don't start stalking people again. It's so illegal. 31 00:02:59,923 --> 00:03:03,257 You stalked Charles Kuralt because you thought he dug up your garden. 32 00:03:03,468 --> 00:03:06,967 -Well, something did. -I don't want you stalking anyone. 33 00:03:07,138 --> 00:03:09,629 Oh, okay. Have it your own way, Marge. 34 00:03:09,849 --> 00:03:11,557 I'll be back in a minute. 35 00:03:11,768 --> 00:03:14,852 I'm going outside... 36 00:03:15,063 --> 00:03:17,602 ...to stalk... 37 00:03:17,816 --> 00:03:20,734 ...Lenny and Carl... 38 00:03:37,669 --> 00:03:40,872 All I have to do is follow the yellow-drip road. 39 00:03:47,470 --> 00:03:50,388 -There's our secret meeting place. -Yes. Let's go inside. 40 00:03:50,556 --> 00:03:52,466 Sounds good. 41 00:04:06,864 --> 00:04:10,400 I can see everything and they're none the wiser. 42 00:04:20,502 --> 00:04:23,041 -An intruder! -He will pay the ultimate price. 43 00:04:23,255 --> 00:04:25,794 Yes, the ultimate price. 44 00:04:26,008 --> 00:04:28,760 Get out of here! 45 00:04:31,471 --> 00:04:33,927 I saw weird stuff in that place last night. 46 00:04:34,141 --> 00:04:39,135 Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie. godless, evil stuff. And I want in. 47 00:04:39,354 --> 00:04:41,560 We don't know what you're talking about, Homer. 48 00:04:41,732 --> 00:04:44,306 You can't join the Stonecutters. It's too exclusive. 49 00:04:44,484 --> 00:04:45,979 Oh, well. 50 00:04:46,194 --> 00:04:48,864 That was a real nice secret organization we had once. 51 00:04:49,072 --> 00:04:50,780 Stonecutters, eh? How do I join? 52 00:04:50,991 --> 00:04:52,817 There are two ways to gain membership: 53 00:04:53,034 --> 00:04:55,110 -Be the son of a Stonecutter. -Next. 54 00:04:55,328 --> 00:04:57,203 Or save the life of a Stonecutter. 55 00:04:57,414 --> 00:04:58,825 Hey! 56 00:04:59,499 --> 00:05:03,627 I saved your life. That egg sandwich could've killed you by cholesterol. 57 00:05:03,837 --> 00:05:07,419 Forget it, Homer. While it has been established eggs contain cholesterol... 58 00:05:07,590 --> 00:05:10,378 ...it has not been proven that they raise the level... 59 00:05:10,593 --> 00:05:13,002 ...of serum cholesterol in the human bloodstream. 60 00:05:13,221 --> 00:05:15,261 Those Egg Council creeps got to you too? 61 00:05:15,473 --> 00:05:19,340 Oh, you got it all wrong, Homer. It's not like that. 62 00:05:20,770 --> 00:05:22,561 You'd better run, egg! 63 00:05:22,855 --> 00:05:24,848 Why don't people like me, Marge? 64 00:05:25,066 --> 00:05:27,901 Everyone likes you. You're a wonderful person. 65 00:05:28,110 --> 00:05:31,195 Why don't those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks? 66 00:05:31,405 --> 00:05:33,896 -I'm sure it's nothing personal, Homer. -It is. 67 00:05:34,116 --> 00:05:36,738 It's been happening to me all my life. 68 00:05:39,121 --> 00:05:42,870 Hey, Billy, hey, Joey, come on in. There's plenty of room. 69 00:05:43,083 --> 00:05:45,919 -Sorry. Not you, Homer. -Why not? 70 00:05:48,589 --> 00:05:50,665 But you let in Homer Glumpet. 71 00:05:50,883 --> 00:05:53,885 It says "no Homers." 72 00:05:54,094 --> 00:05:55,553 We're allowed to have one. 73 00:05:57,181 --> 00:05:59,672 I felt so left out. 74 00:05:59,892 --> 00:06:04,436 -Kids can be so cruel. -We can? Thanks, Mom. 75 00:06:04,730 --> 00:06:07,103 Cut it out, Bart! 76 00:06:07,733 --> 00:06:10,058 I'd give anything to get into the Stonecutters. 77 00:06:10,277 --> 00:06:12,483 -What do they do there, Dad? -I'm a member. 78 00:06:12,696 --> 00:06:15,365 What do they do? What don't they do? 79 00:06:15,574 --> 00:06:17,982 Oh, they do so many things, they never stop. 80 00:06:18,201 --> 00:06:22,282 -Oh, the things they do there. My stars. -You don't know what they do, do you? 81 00:06:22,497 --> 00:06:24,490 -Not as such, no. -I'm a Stonecutter. 82 00:06:24,708 --> 00:06:28,374 Remember these self-hypnosis classes we took to help us ignore Grampa? 83 00:06:28,587 --> 00:06:31,706 Do I ever. It's five years later and I still think I'm a chicken. 84 00:06:31,923 --> 00:06:34,130 -I'm a chicken, Marge. -I know, I know. 85 00:06:34,342 --> 00:06:36,217 Maybe we should be listening to him now. 86 00:06:36,428 --> 00:06:38,254 I'm a member! 87 00:06:38,430 --> 00:06:40,137 -What? -What? 88 00:06:40,306 --> 00:06:42,382 You're a member of the Stonecutters, Grampa? 89 00:06:42,600 --> 00:06:44,842 Oh, sure. Let's see. 90 00:06:45,061 --> 00:06:48,181 I'm an Elk, a Mason, a Communist. 91 00:06:48,398 --> 00:06:52,348 I'm the president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance, for some reason. 92 00:06:52,568 --> 00:06:55,688 Here it is. The Stonecutters. 93 00:06:55,905 --> 00:06:57,531 This is it. My ticket in. 94 00:06:57,740 --> 00:07:00,231 They have to let me join if I'm the son of a member. 95 00:07:00,451 --> 00:07:02,860 I'll take this Communist one too. 96 00:07:03,663 --> 00:07:06,700 Coming through. Can't throw me out. My father's a member. 97 00:07:06,916 --> 00:07:09,371 -I'm in, I'm in. -Okay, okay, Homer, you're in. 98 00:07:09,585 --> 00:07:11,246 Just don't point that thing at me. 99 00:07:11,462 --> 00:07:14,546 Thanks, Lenny. When am I gonna be initiated? 100 00:07:14,757 --> 00:07:18,209 -As soon as Number One gets here. -Number One? 101 00:07:18,427 --> 00:07:21,180 What kind of stupid Wiener name is that? 102 00:07:21,388 --> 00:07:25,933 "Hello, my name is Number One." 103 00:07:26,393 --> 00:07:27,936 And so forth. 104 00:07:28,145 --> 00:07:29,604 We call each other by number. 105 00:07:29,772 --> 00:07:32,939 Carl is Number 14, I'm Number 12. Burnsie is Number 29. 106 00:07:33,150 --> 00:07:35,559 -You outrank Mr. Burns here? -Sure. Watch. 107 00:07:35,778 --> 00:07:38,566 Hey, 29, get over here! 108 00:07:41,825 --> 00:07:43,818 Thank you, sir. May I have another? 109 00:07:46,747 --> 00:07:49,784 Patience, Monty. Climb the ladder. 110 00:07:51,793 --> 00:07:54,035 -Is he the leader? -Of this chapter. 111 00:07:54,212 --> 00:07:57,380 There are chapters all over the world. And it has been foretold... 112 00:07:57,549 --> 00:07:59,459 ...that someday a Chosen One will-- 113 00:07:59,676 --> 00:08:02,132 Okay, okay. I didn't ask for your life story. 114 00:08:05,390 --> 00:08:07,881 Let the initiation begin. 115 00:08:08,101 --> 00:08:11,221 All Stonecutters must take the Leap of Faith. 116 00:08:11,438 --> 00:08:16,397 If you survive this five-story plunge, your character will be proven. 117 00:08:17,736 --> 00:08:19,064 Happy landings! 118 00:08:31,541 --> 00:08:35,586 I think I have to do it again. My blindfold came off. 119 00:08:36,379 --> 00:08:39,796 This ritual is called Crossing the Desert. 120 00:08:41,926 --> 00:08:45,793 And this we call the Unblinking Eye. 121 00:08:48,266 --> 00:08:51,018 Hey, have you ever noticed that the Crossing the Desert... 122 00:08:51,227 --> 00:08:52,935 ...is a lot like the Unblinking Eye? 123 00:08:53,104 --> 00:08:55,345 And exactly like the Wreck of the Hesperus. 124 00:08:55,564 --> 00:08:57,309 And now the final ordeal: 125 00:08:57,483 --> 00:09:01,398 The Paddling of the Swollen Ass, with paddles. 126 00:09:05,032 --> 00:09:09,113 And by the sacred parchment, I swear that if I reveal the secrets... 127 00:09:09,328 --> 00:09:11,997 ...of the Stonecutters, may my stomach become bloated... 128 00:09:12,206 --> 00:09:15,705 ...and my head he plucked of all but three hairs. 129 00:09:15,918 --> 00:09:17,745 He should have to take a different oath. 130 00:09:17,961 --> 00:09:19,753 Everyone takes the same oath. 131 00:09:19,963 --> 00:09:22,502 Welcome to the club, Number 908. 132 00:09:22,716 --> 00:09:25,421 You have joined the Sacred Order of the Stonecutters... 133 00:09:25,636 --> 00:09:28,673 ...who since ancient times have split the rocks of ignorance... 134 00:09:28,847 --> 00:09:31,516 ...that obscure the light of knowledge and truth. 135 00:09:31,725 --> 00:09:34,134 Now let's all get drunk and play Ping-Pong. 136 00:09:35,604 --> 00:09:37,728 He's already kind of heavy, you know, and... 137 00:09:41,026 --> 00:09:44,774 Well, to be honest, I never got around to ordering that part for you. 138 00:09:44,988 --> 00:09:47,444 So it's still gonna be a couple of weeks. 139 00:09:47,657 --> 00:09:50,576 -Oh, really? -Yes. 140 00:09:50,785 --> 00:09:53,490 -Really? -Yes. Yes. 141 00:09:53,705 --> 00:09:57,572 But what if I were to shake your hand in this way? 142 00:10:01,671 --> 00:10:03,830 Well, I didn't realize you were a member. 143 00:10:12,056 --> 00:10:13,634 So long, suckers. 144 00:10:26,070 --> 00:10:28,146 -Same old space, huh, Dad? -Yep. 145 00:10:28,322 --> 00:10:33,862 But they gave me these Rollerblades so I can glide to the front door. 146 00:10:37,540 --> 00:10:38,868 Sweet. 147 00:10:41,794 --> 00:10:45,246 -Jealous? -Well, no. We've got the same chair. 148 00:10:45,464 --> 00:10:46,923 You're jealous. 149 00:10:47,508 --> 00:10:50,343 -Your membership pack. -What's this? 150 00:10:50,552 --> 00:10:53,091 You put that on your car so you won't get any tickets. 151 00:10:53,305 --> 00:10:55,714 This keeps paramedics from stealing your wallet. 152 00:10:55,933 --> 00:10:59,634 Oh, and don't bother calling 911 anymore. Here's the real number. 153 00:11:03,732 --> 00:11:07,184 I still don't believe all the Founding Fathers were Stonecutters. 154 00:11:07,402 --> 00:11:10,191 That's because you trust your stupid schoolbooks. 155 00:11:10,405 --> 00:11:12,565 Here's what really happened at the signing... 156 00:11:12,741 --> 00:11:15,066 ...of the Declaration of Independence. 157 00:11:17,287 --> 00:11:19,992 And a nation is born. 158 00:11:20,207 --> 00:11:24,288 Now let us party like 'twere 1799! 159 00:11:26,004 --> 00:11:30,132 Qua”! Qua”! Qua”! 160 00:11:33,261 --> 00:11:36,096 Please, sir. You're destroying my establishment. 161 00:11:36,264 --> 00:11:41,852 We just created the greatest democracy on earth, lowlife commoner! Get out! 162 00:11:42,020 --> 00:11:45,602 Wanna see how Davy Crockett really died at the Alamo? You must be 18. 163 00:11:46,274 --> 00:11:49,228 Homer, a man who called himself "you know who"... 164 00:11:49,402 --> 00:11:52,938 ...just invited you to a secret "wink-wink" at the "you know what." 165 00:11:53,114 --> 00:11:55,439 Sure are popular now that you're a Stonecutter. 166 00:11:55,616 --> 00:12:00,777 Oh, yeah. Beer busts, beer blasts, keggers, stein hoist... 167 00:12:00,955 --> 00:12:02,830 ...AA meetings, beer night. 168 00:12:02,999 --> 00:12:07,958 It's wonderful, Marge. I've never felt so accepted in all my life. 169 00:12:08,129 --> 00:12:10,454 These people look deep within my soul... 170 00:12:10,631 --> 00:12:15,424 ...and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined. 171 00:12:20,015 --> 00:12:23,931 Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? 172 00:12:24,103 --> 00:12:28,184 We do We do 173 00:12:28,399 --> 00:12:32,527 Who leaves Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? 174 00:12:32,695 --> 00:12:36,361 We do We do 175 00:12:36,782 --> 00:12:40,780 Who holds back the electric car? 176 00:12:40,953 --> 00:12:45,164 Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? 177 00:12:45,332 --> 00:12:49,413 We do We do 178 00:12:49,586 --> 00:12:53,584 Who robs cavefish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night? 179 00:12:53,757 --> 00:12:56,841 We do 180 00:12:57,010 --> 00:13:00,795 We do 181 00:13:01,765 --> 00:13:03,841 Thank you. Tonight we are here... 182 00:13:04,017 --> 00:13:07,802 ...to commemorate our glorious society's 1500th anniversary. 183 00:13:08,021 --> 00:13:10,856 And in honor of this momentous occasion... 184 00:13:11,024 --> 00:13:14,523 -...we're having ribs. -Yeah! 185 00:13:16,738 --> 00:13:21,317 I need a bib. If I slop any on my shirt, I could lose the respect of my brethren. 186 00:13:21,493 --> 00:13:23,403 So let us rejoice and enjoy our meal... 187 00:13:23,578 --> 00:13:28,822 ...in the shadow of the hallowed sacred parchment. 188 00:13:31,169 --> 00:13:35,333 -Homer. -Oh, yeah. Thanks, Lenny. 189 00:13:35,757 --> 00:13:38,082 This is just appalling and outrageous. 190 00:13:38,259 --> 00:13:40,465 What? Did I miss something? 191 00:13:42,680 --> 00:13:44,008 Oh, God! 192 00:13:44,181 --> 00:13:46,934 No, Homer, no! This is outrageous! You can't do that! 193 00:13:47,143 --> 00:13:50,097 -No! -You really are stupid. 194 00:13:54,483 --> 00:13:57,521 And the official Stonecutter underwear too. 195 00:14:04,368 --> 00:14:07,239 Please don't kick me out. This society's everything to me. 196 00:14:07,413 --> 00:14:10,283 Please give me another chance. I've learned my lesson! 197 00:14:10,457 --> 00:14:12,866 I've learned my lesson! 198 00:14:13,919 --> 00:14:15,627 That's it! 199 00:14:15,796 --> 00:14:17,955 -How can we punish him further? -Oh, sorry. 200 00:14:18,132 --> 00:14:22,793 Homer Simpson, for your continuing and baffling desecration... 201 00:14:22,970 --> 00:14:25,295 ...of our beloved sacred parchment... 202 00:14:25,472 --> 00:14:29,221 ...you are hereby banished from the Stonecutters forever. 203 00:14:29,393 --> 00:14:33,889 And as a final humiliation, you must walk home naked... 204 00:14:34,064 --> 00:14:38,015 ...dragging behind you the Stone of Shame. 205 00:14:46,952 --> 00:14:48,280 The mark! 206 00:14:49,788 --> 00:14:53,370 Oh, that. It's just a birthmark. And I'll thank you not to stare. 207 00:14:53,583 --> 00:14:56,252 He's the Chosen One. 208 00:14:58,004 --> 00:15:00,377 You are the Chosen One... 209 00:15:00,548 --> 00:15:05,128 ...whom the sacred parchment prophesied would lead us to glory. 210 00:15:05,386 --> 00:15:09,467 Now to the top of Mount Springfield for the coronation. 211 00:15:09,641 --> 00:15:12,844 Remove the Stone of Shame. 212 00:15:13,061 --> 00:15:17,058 Attach the Stone of Triumph! 213 00:15:34,081 --> 00:15:35,789 Mental note: Don't overdo this. 214 00:15:42,631 --> 00:15:43,664 Peekaboo! 215 00:15:48,679 --> 00:15:50,636 I always wondered if there was a God. 216 00:15:50,806 --> 00:15:53,641 And now I know. There is, and it's me. 217 00:15:53,809 --> 00:15:57,676 -You're not a god, Homer. -Remember, Dad, all glory is fleeting. 218 00:15:57,855 --> 00:16:00,773 -So? -Beware the Ides of March. 219 00:16:00,941 --> 00:16:02,602 -No. -I know you're happy now... 220 00:16:02,776 --> 00:16:05,611 -...but it won't last forever. -Everything lasts forever. 221 00:16:05,779 --> 00:16:10,156 Getting what you want all the time will leave you unfulfilled and joyless. 222 00:16:10,325 --> 00:16:11,654 Remove the girl. 223 00:16:11,868 --> 00:16:16,412 You're not with your Stonecutters. There are no lackeys around to carry out your-- 224 00:16:23,922 --> 00:16:25,832 Another strike for the Chosen One! 225 00:16:26,007 --> 00:16:28,000 Hurrah! 226 00:16:34,349 --> 00:16:35,844 That's just an excellent break. 227 00:16:36,017 --> 00:16:38,638 -Oh, most assuredly. -Absolutely. 228 00:16:46,402 --> 00:16:48,277 -I'm out. -No, no, no. Homer... 229 00:16:48,446 --> 00:16:51,566 ...you have a royal sampler. 230 00:16:51,741 --> 00:16:54,825 Oh, I win again, don't I? 231 00:16:55,244 --> 00:16:57,700 -Good one. -Nice hand, Chosen One. 232 00:16:57,872 --> 00:17:00,162 You know, I think you guys are letting me win. 233 00:17:00,333 --> 00:17:03,915 No! No! No! 234 00:17:04,086 --> 00:17:06,542 From now on I want you to be honest with me. 235 00:17:06,714 --> 00:17:08,541 I mean, I'm not perfect, right? 236 00:17:10,968 --> 00:17:14,052 -Yeah. -Well... 237 00:17:18,392 --> 00:17:20,053 Run. 238 00:17:25,274 --> 00:17:28,062 The grand exalted leader requests a moment of your time. 239 00:17:28,652 --> 00:17:30,776 Class dismissed. 240 00:17:34,408 --> 00:17:37,528 Lisa, you were right. My happiness is fading. 241 00:17:37,703 --> 00:17:41,451 You're experiencing spiritual emptiness because your power has isolated you... 242 00:17:41,623 --> 00:17:45,408 -...from other human beings. -What do you mean, isolated? 243 00:17:47,254 --> 00:17:51,418 Well, maybe you could reach out to the community and help other people. 244 00:17:51,925 --> 00:17:54,546 I could help others. 245 00:17:54,719 --> 00:18:00,177 I'll get a bunch of monkeys, dress them up and make them reenact the Civil War. 246 00:18:00,350 --> 00:18:02,011 Dad, that doesn't help people. 247 00:18:02,185 --> 00:18:05,472 Couldn't hurt. Unless the monkeys started hurting people. 248 00:18:05,647 --> 00:18:08,186 Which they almost certainly would. 249 00:18:13,029 --> 00:18:14,524 Brothers. Brothers! 250 00:18:16,574 --> 00:18:20,027 Brothers, I've learned a wonderful lesson. 251 00:18:20,203 --> 00:18:24,865 Helping others makes our own lives better and makes us better people. 252 00:18:25,041 --> 00:18:28,161 So instead of just shooting pool and drinking beer... 253 00:18:28,336 --> 00:18:32,998 ...let us Stonecutters use what we have to help the less fortunate. 254 00:18:36,761 --> 00:18:40,462 He's gone mad with power, like that Albert Schweitzer guy. 255 00:18:51,108 --> 00:18:53,149 Oh, for the love of God! 256 00:18:53,319 --> 00:18:54,517 Somebody get the Jaws of Life! 257 00:18:58,491 --> 00:19:01,610 Higher! Higher! 258 00:19:01,785 --> 00:19:04,324 Oh, I'll give you higher, my filthy little urchin. 259 00:19:09,543 --> 00:19:12,212 You've won this round. 260 00:19:17,259 --> 00:19:20,343 Oh, thank you, Mr. Simpson. 261 00:19:20,512 --> 00:19:22,802 It looks so much better. 262 00:19:22,973 --> 00:19:26,057 A beautiful sky blue. 263 00:19:28,061 --> 00:19:32,972 You were right, Lisa. I've never felt so spiritually fulfilled. 264 00:19:33,150 --> 00:19:35,985 And with my brothers the Stonecutters behind me... 265 00:19:36,153 --> 00:19:40,068 ...this is the beginning of a better world for all of us. 266 00:19:40,282 --> 00:19:42,523 -We gotta kill him! -Take it easy, Moe. 267 00:19:42,701 --> 00:19:46,912 Let's hear from the Stonecutter World Council before we act too rashly. 268 00:19:47,080 --> 00:19:48,492 -Kill him. -Kill him. 269 00:19:48,665 --> 00:19:51,038 -Kill the fool! -Afraid I have to disagree... 270 00:19:51,209 --> 00:19:55,954 ...with Orville, Jack and Mister. Can't we just do something to his voice box? 271 00:19:56,172 --> 00:19:58,082 We might as well face the truth. 272 00:19:58,258 --> 00:20:02,125 As long as we're Stonecutters, he will control our lives. 273 00:20:02,303 --> 00:20:06,680 Maybe. But maybe we don't wanna be Stonecutters no more. 274 00:20:12,313 --> 00:20:15,931 This is much better than the old Stonecutter hall. 275 00:20:16,109 --> 00:20:19,228 Silence. I now call to order the first meeting... 276 00:20:19,403 --> 00:20:22,441 ...of the ancient, mystic society of... 277 00:20:22,615 --> 00:20:23,943 ...No Homers. 278 00:20:26,911 --> 00:20:28,821 Hey, fellas. Can I join? 279 00:20:28,996 --> 00:20:32,199 Sorry. No Homers. 280 00:20:34,043 --> 00:20:35,704 Loyal Stonecutters... 281 00:20:35,878 --> 00:20:39,626 ...let us begin our reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg. 282 00:20:42,259 --> 00:20:45,842 Homer, you can't just keep hanging out with these Colobus monkeys. 283 00:20:46,013 --> 00:20:48,504 Somebody's gonna get parasites. 284 00:20:48,682 --> 00:20:52,135 Oh, Marge, kids, I miss my club. 285 00:20:52,311 --> 00:20:55,099 Oh, Homie. 286 00:20:55,272 --> 00:20:59,400 You know, you are a member of a very exclusive club. 287 00:20:59,568 --> 00:21:03,400 -The Black Panthers? -No, the family Simpson... 288 00:21:03,572 --> 00:21:05,945 ...which has just five members. 289 00:21:06,116 --> 00:21:10,031 And only two of those members have special rings. 290 00:21:10,245 --> 00:21:12,451 -Yeah! -Yeah! 291 00:21:13,248 --> 00:21:15,039 I meant our wedding rings! 292 00:21:16,835 --> 00:21:18,792 You know, Marge, you're right. 293 00:21:18,962 --> 00:21:24,669 The Simpson family is the best possible club I could belong to. 294 00:21:29,764 --> 00:21:32,469 This club better be worth it. 295 00:21:33,101 --> 00:21:35,592 All right, all right, it's Lisa's turn. 296 00:21:46,531 --> 00:21:50,528 Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down? 297 00:21:50,702 --> 00:21:54,783 We do We do 298 00:21:54,956 --> 00:21:59,001 Who keeps Atlantis off the maps? Who keeps the Martians under wraps? 299 00:21:59,168 --> 00:22:03,249 We do We do 300 00:22:03,422 --> 00:22:07,420 Who holds back the electric car? 301 00:22:07,593 --> 00:22:11,674 Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? 302 00:22:11,847 --> 00:22:15,893 We do We do 303 00:22:16,060 --> 00:22:20,057 Who robs cavefish of their sight? Who rigs every Oscar night? 304 00:22:20,231 --> 00:22:23,232 We do 305 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:27,268 We do 306 00:22:28,280 --> 00:22:30,155 Shut up.