1 00:00:04,037 --> 00:00:07,006 (SINGING) The Simpsons 2 00:00:07,107 --> 00:00:08,074 (CROW CAWlNG) 3 00:00:11,544 --> 00:00:12,602 (MUFFLED SCREAM) 4 00:00:18,051 --> 00:00:19,848 (SCHOOL BELL RlNGlNG) 5 00:00:22,022 --> 00:00:22,989 (BARNEY BELCHES) 6 00:00:24,457 --> 00:00:25,481 (HORN BELLOWlNG) 7 00:00:25,592 --> 00:00:26,559 (LENNY SHRlEKS) 8 00:00:38,605 --> 00:00:40,630 (PLAYlNG DlFFERENT TUNE) 9 00:00:46,813 --> 00:00:47,780 (TlRES SCREECHlNG) 10 00:00:59,759 --> 00:01:00,726 (HONKlNG) 11 00:01:00,827 --> 00:01:01,816 (EXCLAlMlNG) 12 00:01:01,928 --> 00:01:03,054 (TlRES SCREECHlNG) 13 00:01:05,298 --> 00:01:06,526 D'oh! 14 00:01:06,633 --> 00:01:08,032 (BRAKES SCREECHlNG) 15 00:01:11,838 --> 00:01:12,805 Aha! 16 00:01:23,883 --> 00:01:24,907 (MARGE GASPS) 17 00:02:06,626 --> 00:02:10,153 Today we induct the newest honoree to the Springfield Wall ofFame, 18 00:02:10,263 --> 00:02:13,460 who will take his place along such Iuminaries as Duffman, 19 00:02:13,566 --> 00:02:17,627 Poochie and the man who invented the yield sign, Paul Yield. 20 00:02:17,971 --> 00:02:22,032 Now please welcome the newest inductee into the Springfield Wall of Fame, 21 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:23,370 Iocal businessman, 22 00:02:23,476 --> 00:02:28,277 frequent flyer silver cardholder, and Iegendary 20% tipper, 23 00:02:28,381 --> 00:02:29,473 (ALL GASP) 24 00:02:29,582 --> 00:02:32,312 Springfield's own Vance Connor! 25 00:02:32,418 --> 00:02:34,045 (ALL CHEERlNG) 26 00:02:34,154 --> 00:02:36,918 -Hi, hi. -MAN: You're better than us! 27 00:02:39,993 --> 00:02:43,622 -Homer, that guy's your age? -No, he's ten days younger. 28 00:02:43,730 --> 00:02:46,028 So you're saying he'll look like you in ten days? 29 00:02:46,132 --> 00:02:47,463 If he's lucky. 30 00:02:47,567 --> 00:02:51,697 The guy owns a few local businesses and everyone treats him like he's God! 31 00:02:51,804 --> 00:02:54,830 Well, God doesn't need his own special day. 32 00:02:54,941 --> 00:02:56,101 What about Sunday? 33 00:02:56,209 --> 00:03:00,270 Sunday's the Lord's day, boy. Not God's. Completely different guy. 34 00:03:00,380 --> 00:03:05,079 Your father's just jealous because Vance was our class president in high school. 35 00:03:05,185 --> 00:03:06,550 If I had won class president, 36 00:03:06,653 --> 00:03:09,213 I'd be the one getting thrown up in the air right now. 37 00:03:09,322 --> 00:03:11,722 Dad, you ran for class president? 38 00:03:11,824 --> 00:03:14,725 Yep. Back in high school, right before I met your mother. 39 00:03:14,827 --> 00:03:17,819 A simpler time when the only thing we worried about 40 00:03:17,931 --> 00:03:20,525 was total nuclear annihilation. 41 00:03:20,633 --> 00:03:21,600 (ROCK THE BOA TPLAYlNG) 42 00:03:21,701 --> 00:03:23,066 -(SINGING) Rock the boat -(SINGING) Don't rock the boat, baby 43 00:03:23,169 --> 00:03:24,500 -Rock the boat -Don 't tip the boat over 44 00:03:24,604 --> 00:03:26,572 So under my reign as vice president, 45 00:03:26,673 --> 00:03:29,141 we sent three mathletes to the state finals. 46 00:03:29,242 --> 00:03:32,040 AII of the tenth graders ' Iima beans germinated. 47 00:03:32,145 --> 00:03:35,046 -ALL: Y eah! -Yeah, you should be proud. 48 00:03:35,148 --> 00:03:37,616 So if you want to build on that, vote for me, 49 00:03:37,717 --> 00:03:41,653 and you will all advance with Vance! 50 00:03:44,090 --> 00:03:47,059 Now I'm gonna throw it back to a guy who, in my opinion, 51 00:03:47,160 --> 00:03:49,219 is the classiest principal in the business, 52 00:03:49,329 --> 00:03:50,353 (DONDALlNGER COUGHlNG) 53 00:03:50,463 --> 00:03:51,452 Principal Dondalinger! 54 00:03:52,131 --> 00:03:55,191 Ladies, I've seen him up close. And, yes, his eyes are that green. 55 00:03:55,301 --> 00:03:58,065 Our next candidate is Homer Simpson. 56 00:03:58,171 --> 00:04:00,605 PIease hold your applause forever. 57 00:04:00,707 --> 00:04:02,436 (MICROPHONE WHISTLING) 58 00:04:05,044 --> 00:04:07,478 My fellow Wildcats. 59 00:04:07,580 --> 00:04:09,639 My name is Homer Simpson. 60 00:04:09,749 --> 00:04:12,377 (LOUDL Y) There are many reasons why I... 61 00:04:12,952 --> 00:04:14,749 I... I... 62 00:04:15,054 --> 00:04:16,544 You know what? 63 00:04:17,190 --> 00:04:18,248 (CONFUSED M URMURlNG) 64 00:04:18,358 --> 00:04:20,656 I spent all night working on that speech. 65 00:04:20,760 --> 00:04:23,786 But now I realize the best thing to do is speak from my heart. 66 00:04:23,896 --> 00:04:25,659 -WOMAN: His heart! -So... 67 00:04:27,533 --> 00:04:30,400 I feel that... Fellow Wildcats... 68 00:04:31,337 --> 00:04:33,498 (STAMMERlNG lN FEAR) 69 00:04:33,906 --> 00:04:37,364 Webster defines... In the words of Ted Nugent... 70 00:04:37,477 --> 00:04:40,776 You... School spirit... Next card... The future... 71 00:04:40,880 --> 00:04:42,438 (ALL LAUGHlNG) 72 00:04:42,548 --> 00:04:45,711 I've never heard a speech so bad. Ten days detention! 73 00:04:45,818 --> 00:04:46,785 No fair! 74 00:04:46,886 --> 00:04:49,684 Anyone who votes for Vance gets a half day tomorrow. 75 00:04:50,256 --> 00:04:51,655 Half day, eh? 76 00:04:52,859 --> 00:04:53,826 (GROANS) 77 00:04:53,926 --> 00:04:56,656 Don't feel bad, Homie. I married you! 78 00:04:56,763 --> 00:04:58,594 And you're a million times better than... 79 00:04:58,698 --> 00:05:01,064 (GASPS) Here comes Vance! 80 00:05:01,634 --> 00:05:03,192 -Hey, Vance! -Thanks for coming out. 81 00:05:03,303 --> 00:05:05,999 -Hey, Gail. I love your bangs. -Hi. 82 00:05:07,273 --> 00:05:10,538 There they are. My favorite mixed-race couple. 83 00:05:10,643 --> 00:05:14,044 Guys that popular and confident are never truly happy. 84 00:05:14,147 --> 00:05:16,843 -He looks happy. -Tears of a clown. 85 00:05:16,949 --> 00:05:19,440 He's not crying. And he's not known for clowning. 86 00:05:19,552 --> 00:05:24,080 Exception that proves the rule. If losers like me know one thing, 87 00:05:24,190 --> 00:05:27,648 it's that deep down, winners like him are miserable. 88 00:05:27,760 --> 00:05:31,787 Watch, I'll prove it. Angry nut coming through! 89 00:05:31,898 --> 00:05:33,593 Clear a path, boys. 90 00:05:34,100 --> 00:05:36,068 (HOMER MURMURlNG ANGRlLY) 91 00:05:36,169 --> 00:05:38,763 -Hey, Vance. -Hey, Homer Simpson. How you been? 92 00:05:38,871 --> 00:05:43,672 Great. Thanks. Listen, settle a bet. Behind that smile, you're dying, right? 93 00:05:43,776 --> 00:05:46,836 Behind this smile is a bigger smile trying to get out. 94 00:05:46,946 --> 00:05:50,404 Oh! Oh! Here it comes! Oh, yeah! 95 00:05:50,683 --> 00:05:53,618 Please! You gotta have some secret agony! 96 00:05:53,753 --> 00:05:55,482 I bet those fancy shoes hurt your feet. 97 00:05:55,588 --> 00:05:57,579 No. Actually they're like two leather clouds. 98 00:05:57,690 --> 00:05:58,657 Oh! 99 00:05:58,758 --> 00:06:00,953 Got them from a buddy of mine with a store in Shelbyville. 100 00:06:01,060 --> 00:06:03,858 -You want his number? -No. Yes. 101 00:06:06,632 --> 00:06:09,624 Hey, Homer. You want to try my new Vance Connorpolitan? 102 00:06:09,736 --> 00:06:13,900 Like Vance, it is smooth, cool, and oh so sophisticated. 103 00:06:14,006 --> 00:06:16,031 I'll just stick with my beer. 104 00:06:16,142 --> 00:06:18,667 Homer, why are you so down on Vance Connor? 105 00:06:18,778 --> 00:06:21,042 -He gave me one of his kidneys. -Yeah, me, too. 106 00:06:21,147 --> 00:06:25,015 Because when Vance beat me in that election, he ruined my life. 107 00:06:26,486 --> 00:06:28,920 Why did you just exchange that look of guilt? 108 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:32,457 (SlGHS) Lenny, I think it's time for us to come clean. 109 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:34,253 (SOFTLY) About how we give each other haircuts? 110 00:06:34,360 --> 00:06:39,195 No. We'll take that secret to our graves. I'm talking about... You know. 111 00:06:39,298 --> 00:06:41,061 (CLEARS THROAT) Right. Listen, Homer. 112 00:06:41,167 --> 00:06:43,601 Something weird happened back in high school. 113 00:06:45,104 --> 00:06:47,538 Teenage Carl and I were walking down the hallway when... 114 00:06:47,640 --> 00:06:51,474 You two. I want you to take this box and bury it in the woods. 115 00:06:51,577 --> 00:06:55,343 The true results of this election must never be known. 116 00:06:57,583 --> 00:06:59,642 I tell you what. We'll do it under one condition. 117 00:06:59,752 --> 00:07:01,845 Our parents want us to go to college. 118 00:07:01,954 --> 00:07:05,913 But with a bad enough recommendation from you, we can stay here and party. 119 00:07:06,025 --> 00:07:07,788 Okay. But screw this up 120 00:07:07,894 --> 00:07:10,522 and it's Carnegie Mellon University for the both of you! 121 00:07:10,630 --> 00:07:11,597 (BOTH GASP) 122 00:07:14,400 --> 00:07:18,530 So there's a chance I actually won. I gotta dig up that ballot box! 123 00:07:18,638 --> 00:07:21,801 -Just let it go, Homer. -Al Gore? 124 00:07:21,908 --> 00:07:26,538 Homer, I had a presidential election stolen from me. But I moved on. 125 00:07:26,646 --> 00:07:30,912 And I think you could say everything worked out all right. 126 00:07:31,017 --> 00:07:33,508 Isn't that right, Alfred? 127 00:07:33,619 --> 00:07:35,678 (lN HlGH VOlCE) "lt sure is, Albert." 128 00:07:39,892 --> 00:07:41,086 (HOMER MUTTERlNG) 129 00:07:41,194 --> 00:07:46,427 Ballots stolen. Real winner unknown. What is the truth? I gotta know! 130 00:07:49,502 --> 00:07:52,869 -Lenny, wake up! -Finally you return my shovel! 131 00:07:52,972 --> 00:07:54,735 That's not why I'm here. Get dressed! 132 00:07:54,841 --> 00:07:59,505 -California casual or business attire? -California casual. 133 00:07:59,645 --> 00:08:00,612 (LENNY GULPS) 134 00:08:00,746 --> 00:08:02,839 (HOMER AND LENNY GRUNTlNG) 135 00:08:04,217 --> 00:08:05,912 -There it is! -The ballot box? 136 00:08:06,018 --> 00:08:09,613 No. This is the box that tells us where the ballot box is. 137 00:08:11,057 --> 00:08:13,525 (LENNY READlNG) 138 00:08:15,995 --> 00:08:18,225 What will this box reveal? 139 00:08:18,331 --> 00:08:20,390 And what will I use this box for afterwards? 140 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:24,197 Mismatched nuts and bolts? Recipes? I may never know. 141 00:08:24,604 --> 00:08:26,037 LlSA: Vance Connor. HOMER: D'oh! 142 00:08:26,138 --> 00:08:27,366 LlSA: Homer Simpson. HOMER: Woo-hoo! 143 00:08:27,473 --> 00:08:28,872 -Vance Connor. -D'oh! 144 00:08:28,975 --> 00:08:30,306 -Homer Simpson. -Woo-hoo! 145 00:08:30,409 --> 00:08:31,535 -Vance Connor. -D'oh! 146 00:08:31,644 --> 00:08:32,975 -Homer Simpson. -Woo-hoo! 147 00:08:33,079 --> 00:08:35,980 -Please stop doing that. -"D'oh," or "woo-hoo"? 148 00:08:36,082 --> 00:08:41,486 Both. Homer Simpson, Vance Connor, Fonzie, Homer Simpson. 149 00:08:41,721 --> 00:08:43,450 And the winner is 150 00:08:43,556 --> 00:08:45,615 (GASPS) Homer Simpson. 151 00:08:45,725 --> 00:08:48,023 Yes! I'm senior class president! 152 00:08:48,127 --> 00:08:51,528 I get a parking spot if the assistant principal isn't using it! 153 00:08:51,631 --> 00:08:52,859 (HOMER LAUGHlNG) 154 00:08:53,232 --> 00:08:57,760 Wait a second. If I'd been class president like I was supposed to, 155 00:08:57,870 --> 00:09:01,271 I'd be the one with the big mansion, and the color TVs, and the hot wife! 156 00:09:01,374 --> 00:09:04,138 -Hey! -Marge, I still would be married to you, 157 00:09:04,243 --> 00:09:06,336 but you would just be hotter. 158 00:09:06,445 --> 00:09:07,412 Ohhh! 159 00:09:07,513 --> 00:09:09,481 Dad, just 'cause you won a high school election 160 00:09:09,582 --> 00:09:11,675 doesn't mean your whole life would've been better. 161 00:09:11,784 --> 00:09:13,479 That's exactly what it means! 162 00:09:13,586 --> 00:09:16,453 And Dondalinger took that life away from me! 163 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:19,855 And the taking of a life is murder! And the punishment for murder is... 164 00:09:19,959 --> 00:09:22,393 Well, it varies from state to state and by race, 165 00:09:22,495 --> 00:09:24,588 but I'm gonna find Dondalinger 166 00:09:24,697 --> 00:09:27,427 and tell him I know what he did last summer, 167 00:09:27,533 --> 00:09:30,366 22 years ago in the winter! 168 00:09:42,348 --> 00:09:43,542 (DONDALlNGER CHUCKLES) 169 00:09:43,649 --> 00:09:45,480 That's the thing about you assistant principals. 170 00:09:45,585 --> 00:09:47,712 You can drive the ball but you can't putt. 171 00:09:47,820 --> 00:09:49,014 (ALL LAUGHlNG) 172 00:09:49,121 --> 00:09:50,816 Wait a minute. You're not in our foursome. 173 00:09:50,923 --> 00:09:53,790 No other foursome would have me. My legs gross people out. 174 00:09:53,893 --> 00:09:55,554 HOMER: Dondalinger! 175 00:09:58,397 --> 00:09:59,364 Uh-oh. 176 00:09:59,465 --> 00:10:02,434 Looks like one of my former students on a quest for truth. 177 00:10:04,103 --> 00:10:06,663 Dondalinger, I should've been class president! 178 00:10:06,772 --> 00:10:08,933 But you stole the election from me! 179 00:10:09,041 --> 00:10:13,273 I can explain. But are you sure we should talk in front of your son? 180 00:10:13,379 --> 00:10:16,314 Yes! I want him to know that if your life doesn't turn out the way you want, 181 00:10:16,415 --> 00:10:17,712 there's someone else to blame! 182 00:10:17,817 --> 00:10:20,251 (CHUCKLlNG) I already knew that, Dad. I'm gonna blame you. 183 00:10:20,353 --> 00:10:21,513 I respect your choice. 184 00:10:21,621 --> 00:10:24,181 Now drive back to the clubhouse and order me a Tom Collins. 185 00:10:24,290 --> 00:10:25,723 With a virgin Tom Collins for me? 186 00:10:25,825 --> 00:10:27,486 (SCOFFS) Virgin. What are you? A girl? 187 00:10:34,567 --> 00:10:35,625 (BART LAUGHS) 188 00:10:35,735 --> 00:10:38,101 Now, Dondalinger, I want some answers. 189 00:10:38,204 --> 00:10:41,264 Very well. It's a fact, I didn't like you, Simpson. Still don't. 190 00:10:41,374 --> 00:10:43,069 You lie. You love me. 191 00:10:43,175 --> 00:10:46,770 Whatever complex emotions I feel, they're not why I did what I did. 192 00:10:46,879 --> 00:10:48,676 There was another reason. 193 00:10:48,914 --> 00:10:49,938 (JIVE TALKIN'PLAYlNG) 194 00:10:50,049 --> 00:10:51,607 Jive talkin' 195 00:10:51,717 --> 00:10:54,151 You're telling me Iies 196 00:10:54,253 --> 00:10:55,413 Jive talkin' 197 00:10:55,521 --> 00:10:58,115 (CHUCKLES) Homer Simpson, what a loser! 198 00:10:58,224 --> 00:11:01,682 Hey, what if we got everyone to vote for him as a joke and he won? 199 00:11:01,794 --> 00:11:04,228 Then we could laugh at him all the way through high school 200 00:11:04,330 --> 00:11:05,627 and at every reunion! 201 00:11:05,731 --> 00:11:07,665 -Go, sports! -Go, sports! 202 00:11:07,767 --> 00:11:09,394 (BOTH GRUNTlNG) 203 00:11:11,437 --> 00:11:12,631 Hmm. 204 00:11:14,173 --> 00:11:18,405 So you see, I disposed of the ballot box to spare your feelings. 205 00:11:19,178 --> 00:11:21,942 You denied me my dream! So I'm angry! 206 00:11:22,048 --> 00:11:24,573 But you did it out of kindness, so I'm grateful. 207 00:11:24,684 --> 00:11:27,744 I'm filled with respect and contempt for you. 208 00:11:27,853 --> 00:11:30,219 I... Why you... 209 00:11:30,489 --> 00:11:31,456 Oh. 210 00:11:31,557 --> 00:11:32,524 (HOMER GRUNTS ANGRlLY) 211 00:11:32,625 --> 00:11:34,991 You are so... I hate you! 212 00:11:35,428 --> 00:11:37,919 As principal, I did a lot of things I'm not proud of. 213 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:41,158 I would steal school chalk from my own chalkboard. 214 00:11:41,267 --> 00:11:43,428 But I'm not sorry I rigged that election. 215 00:11:43,536 --> 00:11:46,164 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna sit under that tree 216 00:11:46,272 --> 00:11:48,672 and think of all the women I could've talked to but didn't. 217 00:11:50,176 --> 00:11:51,143 Hmm. 218 00:11:51,243 --> 00:11:53,336 The brown-haired girl gave me a look. 219 00:11:53,446 --> 00:11:56,040 The red head in the park was reading a book. 220 00:11:56,148 --> 00:12:01,814 The girl at the airport upgraded my car. Tonight, I wonder just where you are. 221 00:12:05,591 --> 00:12:07,422 Homie, you're barely eating. 222 00:12:07,526 --> 00:12:10,393 Yeah. I can actually see your hands. They're not just a blur. 223 00:12:10,496 --> 00:12:12,225 I don't feel much like eating. 224 00:12:12,331 --> 00:12:15,596 I'll never know what would've happened if I had been class president. 225 00:12:16,135 --> 00:12:18,831 LUlGl: (lN lTALlAN ACCENT) You could know if you dared. 226 00:12:18,938 --> 00:12:20,098 Huh? Who said that? 227 00:12:20,206 --> 00:12:23,733 In the kitchen is a man from the old country who works for me. 228 00:12:23,843 --> 00:12:25,401 He stirs the sauce. 229 00:12:25,511 --> 00:12:29,413 They say if he stirs the sauce just right, 230 00:12:29,515 --> 00:12:33,178 he can also see what might have been! 231 00:12:34,019 --> 00:12:36,886 As a rational skeptic, I find that hard to believe. 232 00:12:36,989 --> 00:12:39,981 Also as a vegetarian, I hope there's not meat in that sauce. 233 00:12:40,092 --> 00:12:43,493 -Any other orders, Mussolini? -No. That's it. 234 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:47,157 (lN lTALlAN ACCENT) Watch the sauce. You see what I see? 235 00:12:47,266 --> 00:12:49,496 -I see a hair. -You see too much! 236 00:12:49,602 --> 00:12:52,571 Now watch the sauce of bubbling red. 237 00:12:52,671 --> 00:12:55,765 -And see the life you could've led. -Okay. 238 00:12:56,342 --> 00:12:58,105 (COOK GRUNTlNG) 239 00:12:59,211 --> 00:13:01,611 COOK: Yes, I like to stir. 240 00:13:03,582 --> 00:13:06,244 Your new senior class president is, 241 00:13:06,619 --> 00:13:07,608 (BOY LAUGHS) 242 00:13:07,720 --> 00:13:09,449 (SlGHS) Homer Simpson. 243 00:13:09,555 --> 00:13:10,886 (ALL LAUGHlNG) 244 00:13:10,990 --> 00:13:14,687 -Our president's a real loser! -Yeah. A loser like us! 245 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:18,355 He proves you don't have to be popular to have everyone like you. 246 00:13:18,464 --> 00:13:22,423 -(CHANTlNG) Homer! Homer! Homer! -BOTH: (CHANTlNG) Homer! Homer! 247 00:13:22,535 --> 00:13:26,494 ALL: Homer! Homer! Homer! Homer... 248 00:13:26,605 --> 00:13:28,004 (ECHOING) 249 00:13:29,742 --> 00:13:31,232 I would've been a winner! 250 00:13:31,343 --> 00:13:33,743 Instead of some idiot spending his Saturday nights 251 00:13:33,846 --> 00:13:35,939 staring into a bowl of sauce! 252 00:13:36,048 --> 00:13:38,676 Why did fate do this to me? 253 00:13:38,884 --> 00:13:41,216 Ask the garlic bread. 254 00:13:42,888 --> 00:13:44,321 Why? Why? 255 00:13:44,423 --> 00:13:48,257 Hey, everyone! The stupid fat man's talking to garlic bread! 256 00:13:48,360 --> 00:13:50,021 (COOK LAUGHlNG) 257 00:13:53,866 --> 00:13:55,857 Come on, stir! I must see more! 258 00:13:55,968 --> 00:13:58,801 Homie, please. Nothing good will come of this. 259 00:13:58,904 --> 00:14:02,067 Marge, unlike CPR, this is something I must know! 260 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:07,237 Very well. Now we must once more stare madly into the sauce. 261 00:14:14,720 --> 00:14:18,281 Mr. President, we need a class song, a class motto, and a class mascot! 262 00:14:18,390 --> 00:14:21,052 Color My World, "Disco Sucks," and Butthead the goat. 263 00:14:21,160 --> 00:14:24,755 Mr. President, do you approve of the bailout of the French Club? 264 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:26,195 They're too big to fail. 265 00:14:26,298 --> 00:14:28,596 Homer, do you have a date for the prom yet? 266 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:32,569 Sorry. The only girl I could ever want is right over there. 267 00:14:33,706 --> 00:14:35,173 Debbie Pinson. 268 00:14:38,310 --> 00:14:40,744 Hey, Debbie. Want to go to prom with me? 269 00:14:40,846 --> 00:14:44,009 Well, I'm engaged to the quarterback, but yes! 270 00:14:46,785 --> 00:14:48,116 Forget it, Marge. 271 00:14:48,220 --> 00:14:51,849 A girl like you could never land a Homer Simpson. 272 00:14:51,991 --> 00:14:52,958 LlSA: Aha! 273 00:14:53,058 --> 00:14:55,083 So Dad's life would actually have been worse 274 00:14:55,194 --> 00:14:58,960 because he wouldn't have gotten together with Mom, his one true love. 275 00:14:59,064 --> 00:15:01,794 Just keep watching the sauce, girlie. 276 00:15:03,435 --> 00:15:06,063 (BAND PLAYlNG SOFT lNSTRUMENTAL MUSlC) 277 00:15:06,772 --> 00:15:07,761 (HOMER SlGHS) 278 00:15:07,873 --> 00:15:13,709 I got the biggest lapels, the ruffliest shirt, and the most beautiful girl. 279 00:15:13,812 --> 00:15:15,404 Thank you, Homer. 280 00:15:16,015 --> 00:15:18,609 Debbie, I forgot I have an English paper due on Monday. 281 00:15:18,717 --> 00:15:20,844 Would you read To Kill a Mockingbirdfor me? 282 00:15:20,953 --> 00:15:22,614 And if you could write down how Boo Radley 283 00:15:22,721 --> 00:15:25,884 fits into the southern gothic tradition, that would be great. 284 00:15:25,991 --> 00:15:29,222 Nobody's ever asked me to use my head brain before. 285 00:15:30,496 --> 00:15:32,054 (ALL CLAPPlNG) 286 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:37,063 Homer Simpson, class president. 287 00:15:37,169 --> 00:15:39,069 MARGE: Oh, my God! He's talking to me! 288 00:15:39,171 --> 00:15:41,230 A lot of great things have happened to me lately. 289 00:15:41,340 --> 00:15:44,104 (CHUCKLES) But they're nothing compared to meeting you. 290 00:15:44,209 --> 00:15:48,202 -May I have this dance? -Only if it lasts forever. 291 00:15:50,582 --> 00:15:54,678 Homer Simpson! I was gonna let you get to fifth base! 292 00:15:54,787 --> 00:15:57,551 It would've been something you told your grandchildren about! 293 00:15:57,656 --> 00:16:01,057 Sorry, Debbie. I hope you can find happiness without me. 294 00:16:01,460 --> 00:16:03,018 (HOMER HUMMlNG) 295 00:16:04,129 --> 00:16:06,791 Who wants a cheerleader on the rebound? 296 00:16:07,866 --> 00:16:09,527 I do! Right. 297 00:16:12,271 --> 00:16:15,240 I can hardly believe this is real. 298 00:16:15,341 --> 00:16:20,711 Marge, the way I feel about you is as real and lasting as my hairline. 299 00:16:22,815 --> 00:16:26,546 (EXCLAlMS) Who's that side of beef munching on our sister? 300 00:16:26,652 --> 00:16:31,112 I don't know. But in this reality I am not gay. Hubba hubba! 301 00:16:32,558 --> 00:16:33,957 HOMER: Sweet dreams. 302 00:16:36,862 --> 00:16:41,162 Young man, you have the noble bearing of the Barbarian leader Vercingetorix. 303 00:16:41,266 --> 00:16:43,166 Thank you, mysterious weirdo. 304 00:16:43,268 --> 00:16:47,796 Tell me, what student government office do you hold? Secretary? Treasurer? 305 00:16:47,906 --> 00:16:50,238 Dare I say secretary-treasurer? 306 00:16:50,342 --> 00:16:51,639 I'm class president. 307 00:16:52,044 --> 00:16:56,413 Hot dog! Say, how would you like to work for me? 308 00:16:56,515 --> 00:17:00,349 -Sir, we could start him off in Sector 7G. -7G? 309 00:17:00,452 --> 00:17:03,444 Let the Lennys and the Carls of the world waste their wretched lives 310 00:17:03,555 --> 00:17:05,648 in that testicle-shriveling torture chamber. 311 00:17:05,758 --> 00:17:09,717 Son, you'll be working in sector 6F! 312 00:17:11,063 --> 00:17:12,052 LlSA: Aha! 313 00:17:12,164 --> 00:17:14,064 So Dad's life would've been the same! 314 00:17:14,166 --> 00:17:16,361 He would've married Mom and worked for Mr. Burns. 315 00:17:16,468 --> 00:17:17,799 It would've been a push. 316 00:17:17,903 --> 00:17:21,168 -Can you keep her quiet? -Not even when she's snorkeling. 317 00:17:21,273 --> 00:17:23,867 I was describing beautiful fish, Bart! 318 00:17:23,976 --> 00:17:24,943 (COOK SlGHS) 319 00:17:33,018 --> 00:17:34,349 (WHlSTLlNG) 320 00:17:35,921 --> 00:17:37,479 How you doing, Dad? 321 00:17:37,589 --> 00:17:40,057 I can't complain. And I never do. 322 00:17:40,159 --> 00:17:42,389 Thanks for letting me live in your guesthouse. 323 00:17:48,367 --> 00:17:49,664 Honey, I'm home! 324 00:17:52,271 --> 00:17:53,238 Where are the kids? 325 00:17:53,338 --> 00:17:56,102 You used protection. We never had any. 326 00:17:57,476 --> 00:18:02,504 Well, that's what's missing. Our lives would be horrible without the kids. 327 00:18:03,115 --> 00:18:06,516 Yes. That must be it. This is the best of all possible worlds! 328 00:18:06,618 --> 00:18:07,880 Blah-blah-blah. 329 00:18:07,986 --> 00:18:09,715 I want to live in the sauce! 330 00:18:11,390 --> 00:18:14,985 If you could live in the sauce, don't you think I would live in the sauce? 331 00:18:15,094 --> 00:18:16,061 (COOK SPEAKlNG lTALlAN) 332 00:18:18,130 --> 00:18:19,620 (SlGHS) 333 00:18:19,731 --> 00:18:23,098 -How long has he been there? -I don't know. But he's algae-fying. 334 00:18:24,970 --> 00:18:27,962 -Homie, please come inside? -Okay. 335 00:18:28,740 --> 00:18:29,729 (HOMER SlGHS) 336 00:18:29,842 --> 00:18:33,278 -Dad, we need to have a talk. -I get it. 337 00:18:33,378 --> 00:18:37,280 You're all gonna try to convince me that my life is great just like it is, right? 338 00:18:37,382 --> 00:18:40,749 Are you kidding? We couldn't even convince you that Bruce Wayne is Batman! 339 00:18:40,853 --> 00:18:43,151 Come on! That millionaire playboy? 340 00:18:43,255 --> 00:18:45,416 He's too busy socializing at cocktail parties 341 00:18:45,524 --> 00:18:47,719 and managing the affairs of the Wayne Foundation! 342 00:18:47,826 --> 00:18:49,794 Don't open this one again. 343 00:18:49,895 --> 00:18:52,056 (WHlSPERlNG) Why does he think Alfred's friends with Batman? 344 00:18:52,164 --> 00:18:53,495 Just stop! 345 00:18:53,599 --> 00:18:56,397 Dad, we think the sauce had it all wrong. 346 00:18:57,002 --> 00:18:59,698 Look who thinks he's smarter than sauce. 347 00:19:00,772 --> 00:19:04,799 Sweetheart, I think you'd feel better after we take a little walk. 348 00:19:06,145 --> 00:19:07,840 HOMER: Why would you bring me here? 349 00:19:07,946 --> 00:19:10,141 It's like bringing Richard Nixon to the Watergate, 350 00:19:10,249 --> 00:19:12,376 or Kevin Costner to Waterworld. 351 00:19:12,484 --> 00:19:14,008 Really? 352 00:19:15,521 --> 00:19:17,989 (GASPS) My own plaque! 353 00:19:18,090 --> 00:19:21,582 And one for Vice President Butthead! Cool! 354 00:19:21,693 --> 00:19:24,457 Is that why you brought me here, spirits? 355 00:19:24,563 --> 00:19:26,793 Yep. In the future, people will look at this 356 00:19:26,899 --> 00:19:30,665 and they'll say, "Whoever he was, he must've mattered." 357 00:19:30,769 --> 00:19:32,760 I guess that would be nice. 358 00:19:32,871 --> 00:19:36,034 Pardon me. Can my son have his picture taken with you? 359 00:19:36,141 --> 00:19:37,802 Really? Sure. 360 00:19:40,445 --> 00:19:44,108 Dad, do you think I could be elected class president? 361 00:19:44,216 --> 00:19:46,776 Well, we can't all be Homer Simpson, son. 362 00:19:47,719 --> 00:19:49,152 Thanks, guys. 363 00:19:49,721 --> 00:19:52,349 Hey, was there another plaque here before? 364 00:19:52,457 --> 00:19:54,425 Plaques come, plaques go. 365 00:19:58,630 --> 00:20:00,325 Now let's get something to eat! 366 00:20:00,432 --> 00:20:03,094 -How about ltalian? -God, no! 367 00:20:03,202 --> 00:20:04,726 I hear there's a Korean barbecue place 368 00:20:04,836 --> 00:20:06,895 where the beef spells out the date of your death. 369 00:20:07,005 --> 00:20:08,336 Whoo! That sounds like fun! 370 00:21:01,860 --> 00:21:02,827 ENGLlSH - US - SDH